// Copyright (C) 1999-2017 // Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA, USA // For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in "copyright" %pure-parser %parse-param {Base* fr} %lex-param {frFlexLexer* ll} %parse-param {frFlexLexer* ll} %{ #define YYDEBUG 1 #include #include #include #include "base.h" #include "frame3d.h" #include "fitsimage.h" #include "marker.h" #undef yyFlexLexer #define yyFlexLexer frFlexLexer #include extern int frlex(void*, frFlexLexer*); extern void frerror(Base*, frFlexLexer*, const char*); static Coord::CoordSystem currentCoord = Coord::IMAGE; static Coord::SkyFrame currentSky = Coord::FK5; static unsigned short defaultProps = Marker::SELECT | Marker::HIGHLITE | Marker::EDIT | Marker::MOVE | Marker::ROTATE | Marker::DELETE | Marker::INCLUDE | Marker::SOURCE; static unsigned short currentProps; static char currentColor[16]; static int currentWidth; static int currentDash[2]; static char currentFont[32]; static char currentText[80]; static List taglist; static List cblist; static unsigned short propQMask; static unsigned short propQValue; static void setProps(unsigned short* props, unsigned short prop, int value); %} %union { #define FRBUFSIZE 4096 char chr; char str[FRBUFSIZE]; void* ptr; int integer; double real; double vector[3]; int dash[2]; } %type numeric %type yesno %type angle %type optangle %type sexagesimal %type hms %type dms %type coord %type coordSystem %type wcsSystem %type internalSystem %type skyFrame %type skyFormat %type skyDist %type markerProperty %type markerCallBack %type markerFormat %type markerLayer %type markerDash %type pscolorspace %type scaleType %type minmaxMode %type contourClipMode %type contourClipScope %type shmType %type contourMethod %type layerType %type gridType %type fileNameType %type smoothFunction %type pointShape %type pointSize %type endian %type renderMethod %type renderBackground %type analysisMethod %type analysisParam %type cutMethod %token REAL %token INT %token STRING %token POINTER %token ANGDEGREE %token ANGRADIAN %token SEXSTR %token HMSSTR %token DMSSTR %token ABOUT_ %token AIP_ %token ALLOC_ %token ALLOCGZ_ %token ALIGN_ %token ALL_ %token ALT_ %token AMPLIFIER_ %token ANALYSIS_ %token ANGLE_ %token ANNULUS_ %token APPEND_ %token ARCMIN_ %token ARCSEC_ %token ARRAY_ %token ARROW_ %token ASINH_ %token AST_ %token AUTO_ %token AUX_ %token AVERAGE_ %token AXES_ %token AZIMUTH_ %token B1950_ %token BACK_ %token BACKGROUND_ %token BASE_ %token BBOX_ %token BEGIN_ %token BG_ %token BIG_ %token BIGENDIAN_ %token BIN_ %token BITPIX_ %token BLOCK_ %token BORDER_ %token BOX_ %token BOXANNULUS_ %token BOXCAR_ %token BOXCIRCLE_ %token BPANDA_ %token BUFFER_ %token BW_ %token CALLBACK_ %token CANVAS_ %token CATALOG_ %token CELESTRIAL_ %token CENTER_ %token CENTROID_ %token CHANNEL_ %token CIRCLE_ %token CIAO_ %token CLEAR_ %token CLIP_ %token COLOR_ %token COLORBAR_ %token COLORMAP_ %token COLORSCALE_ %token COLORSPACE_ %token COLS_ %token COLUMN_ %token COMMAND_ %token COMPASS_ %token COMPOSITE_ %token COMPRESS_ %token CONTOUR_ %token CONTRAST_ %token COORDINATES_ %token COPY_ %token COUNT_ %token CPANDA_ %token CREATE_ %token CROP_ %token CROSS_ %token CROSSHAIR_ %token CUBE_ %token CURSOR_ %token CUT_ %token CMYK_ %token DASH_ %token DASHLIST_ %token DATA_ %token DATAMIN_ %token DATASEC_ %token DEBUG_ %token DEGREES_ %token DEFAULT_ %token DELETE_ %token DEPTH_ %token DETECTOR_ %token DIAMOND_ %token DIM_ %token DS9_ %token EDIT_ %token ECLIPTIC_ %token ELEVATION_ %token ELLIPTIC_ %token ELLIPSE_ %token ELLIPSEANNULUS_ %token END_ %token ENVI_ %token EPANDA_ %token EPSILON_ %token EQUATORIAL_ %token ERASE_ %token EXT_ %token FACTOR_ %token FALSE_ %token FILE_ %token FILL_ %token FILTER_ %token FIT_ %token FITS_ %token FITSY_ %token FIXED_ %token FK4_ %token FK4_NO_E_ %token FK5_ %token FONT_ %token FORMAT_ %token FRONT_ %token FULL_ %token FUNCTION_ %token GALACTIC_ %token GAUSSIAN_ %token GET_ %token GLOBAL_ %token GRAPHICS_ %token GRAY_ %token GRID_ %token GZ_ %token HANDLE_ %token HAS_ %token HEAD_ %token HEADER_ %token HEIGHT_ %token HELIOECLIPTIC_ %token HIDE_ %token HIGHLITE_ %token HISTEQU_ %token HISTOGRAM_ %token HORIZONTAL_ %token ICRS_ %token ID_ %token IIS_ %token IMAGE_ %token INCLUDE_ %token INCR_ %token INFO_ %token ITERATION_ %token IRAF_ %token IRAFMIN_ %token J2000_ %token KEY_ %token KEYWORD_ %token LABEL_ %token LENGTH_ %token LEVEL_ %token LITTLE_ %token LITTLEENDIAN_ %token LINE_ %token LINEAR_ %token LIST_ %token LOAD_ %token LOCAL_ %token LOG_ %token MACOSX_ %token MAGNIFIER_ %token MATCH_ %token MAP_ %token MARK_ %token MARKER_ %token MASK_ %token MESSAGE_ %token METHOD_ %token MINMAX_ %token MINOR_ %token MIP_ %token MMAP_ %token MMAPINCR_ %token MOSAIC_ %token MODE_ %token MOTION_ %token MOVE_ %token NAME_ %token NAN_ %token NATIVE_ %token NAXES_ %token NEW_ %token NEXT_ %token NO_ %token NONE_ %token NOW_ %token NRRD_ %token NUMBER_ %token OBJECT_ %token OFF_ %token ON_ %token ONLY_ %token OPTION_ %token ORIENT_ %token PAN_ %token PANNER_ %token PARSER_ %token PASTE_ %token PERF_ %token PHOTO_ %token PHYSICAL_ %token PIXEL_ %token PLOT2D_ %token PLOT3D_ %token POINT_ %token POINTER_ %token POLYGON_ %token POSTSCRIPT_ %token POW_ %token PRECISION_ %token PRINT_ %token PRESERVE_ %token PROJECTION_ %token PROPERTY_ %token PUBLICATION_ %token PROS_ %token QUERY_ %token RADIAL_ %token RADIUS_ %token REGION_ %token REPLACE_ %token RESAMPLE_ %token RESET_ %token RESOLUTION_ %token RGB_ %token ROOT_ %token ROTATE_ %token RULER_ %token SAMPLE_ %token SAOIMAGE_ %token SAOTNG_ %token SAVE_ %token SCALE_ %token SCAN_ %token SCIENTIFIC_ %token SCOPE_ %token SEGMENT_ %token SELECT_ %token SET_ %token SEXAGESIMAL_ %token SHAPE_ %token SHARED_ %token SHIFT_ %token SHMID_ %token SHOW_ %token SIGMA_ %token SINH_ %token SIZE_ %token SLICE_ %token SMMAP_ %token SMOOTH_ %token SOCKET_ %token SOCKETGZ_ %token SOURCE_ %token SQRT_ %token SQUARED_ %token SSHARED_ %token STATS_ %token STATUS_ %token SUPERGALACTIC_ %token SUM_ %token SYSTEM_ %token TABLE_ %token TAG_ %token TEMPLATE_ %token TEXT_ %token THREADS_ %token THREED_ %token THRESHOLD_ %token THICK_ %token TRANSPARENCY_ %token TO_ %token TOGGLE_ %token TOPHAT_ %token TRUE_ %token TYPE_ %token UNDO_ %token UNHIGHLITE_ %token UNLOAD_ %token UNSELECT_ %token UPDATE_ %token USER_ %token VALUE_ %token VAR_ %token VIEW_ %token VECTOR_ %token VERSION_ %token VERTEX_ %token VERTICAL_ %token WARP_ %token WCS_ %token WCSA_ %token WCSB_ %token WCSC_ %token WCSD_ %token WCSE_ %token WCSF_ %token WCSG_ %token WCSH_ %token WCSI_ %token WCSJ_ %token WCSK_ %token WCSL_ %token WCSM_ %token WCSN_ %token WCSO_ %token WCSP_ %token WCSQ_ %token WCSR_ %token WCSS_ %token WCST_ %token WCSU_ %token WCSV_ %token WCSW_ %token WCSX_ %token WCSY_ %token WCSZ_ %token WCS0_ %token WFPC2_ %token WIDTH_ %token WIN32_ %token XML_ %token XY_ %token YES_ %token ZMAX_ %token ZSCALE_ %token ZOOM_ %% command : DEBUG_ debug | ANALYSIS_ analysis | BIN_ bin | BG_ COLOR_ STRING {fr->bgColorCmd($3);} | BLOCK_ block | CENTER_ {fr->centerCmd();} | CLEAR_ {fr->clearCmd();} | CLIP_ clip | COLORBAR_ TAG_ STRING {fr->colorbarTagCmd($3);} | COLORMAP_ colormap | COLORSCALE_ colorscale | CONTOUR_ contour | CROP_ crop | CROSSHAIR_ crosshair | CUBE_ cube | DATASEC_ yesno {fr->DATASECCmd($2);} | FITSY_ fitsy | GET_ get | GRID_ grid | HAS_ has | HIDE_ {fr->hideCmd();} | HIGHLITE_ yesno {fr->highliteCmd($2);} | IIS_ iis | IRAF_ ALIGN_ INT {fr->irafAlignCmd($3);} | LOAD_ load | MACOSX_ macosx | MAGNIFIER_ magnifier | MATCH_ match | MARKER_ markerLayer marker | MASK_ mask | NAN_ COLOR_ STRING {fr->nanColorCmd($3);} | ORIENT_ orient | PAN_ pan | PANNER_ panner | QUERY_ CURSOR_ {fr->queryCursorCmd();} | PRECISION_ INT INT INT INT INT INT {fr->precCmd($2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7);} | POSTSCRIPT_ postscript | RESET_ {fr->resetCmd();} | REGION_ markerLayer region | RGB_ rgb | ROTATE_ rotate | SAVE_ save | SHOW_ {fr->showCmd();} | SMOOTH_ smooth | THREADS_ INT {fr->threadsCmd($2);} | THREED_ threed | UNLOAD_ {fr->unloadFitsCmd();} | UPDATE_ update | VERSION_ {fr->msg("Frame 1.0");} | WARP_ warp | WCS_ wcs | WIN32_ win32 | ZOOM_ zoom ; numeric : REAL {$$=$1;} | INT {$$=$1;} ; debug : ON_ {yydebug=1;} | OFF_ {yydebug=0;} | AST_ yesno {DebugAST=$2;} | MOSAIC_ yesno {DebugMosaic=$2;} | PARSER_ yesno {yydebug=$2;} | PERF_ yesno {DebugPerf=$2;} | WCS_ yesno {DebugWCS=$2;} | BIN_ yesno {DebugBin=$2;} | BLOCK_ yesno {DebugBlock=$2;} | COMPRESS_ yesno {DebugCompress=$2;} | CROP_ yesno {DebugCrop=$2;} | GZ_ yesno {DebugGZ=$2;} | RGB_ yesno {DebugRGB=$2;} ; yesno : INT {$$=($1 ? 1 : 0);} | YES_ {$$=1;} | 'Y' {$$=1;} | ON_ {$$=1;} | TRUE_ {$$=1;} | NO_ {$$=0;} | 'N' {$$=0;} | OFF_ {$$=0;} | FALSE_ {$$=0;} ; fileNameType : /* empty */ {$$ = Base::ROOTBASE;} | ROOT_ BASE_ {$$ = Base::ROOTBASE;} | FULL_ BASE_ {$$ = Base::FULLBASE;} | ROOT_ {$$ = Base::ROOT;} | FULL_ {$$ = Base::FULL;} ; optangle : /* empty */ {$$ = 0;} | angle {$$ = $1;} ; angle : numeric {$$ = zeroTWOPI(degToRad($1));} /* assume degree */ | ANGDEGREE {$$ = zeroTWOPI(degToRad($1));} | ANGRADIAN {$$=$1;} ; sexagesimal: SEXSTR {$$ = parseSEXStr($1);} ; hms : HMSSTR {$$ = parseHMSStr($1);} ; dms : DMSSTR {$$ = parseDMSStr($1);} ; coord : sexagesimal sexagesimal { Vector r; if (currentSky == Coord::GALACTIC || currentSky == Coord::ECLIPTIC) r = Vector($1,$2); else r = Vector($1*360./24.,$2); $$[0] = r[0]; $$[1] = r[1]; $$[2] = r[2]; } | hms dms { Vector r = Vector($1,$2); $$[0] = r[0]; $$[1] = r[1]; $$[2] = r[2]; } | dms dms { Vector r = Vector($1,$2); $$[0] = r[0]; $$[1] = r[1]; $$[2] = r[2]; } | numeric numeric { $$[0] = $1; $$[1] = $2; $$[2] = 1; } ; coordSystem :IMAGE_ {$$ = currentCoord = Coord::IMAGE;} | PHYSICAL_ {$$ = currentCoord = Coord::PHYSICAL;} | DETECTOR_ {$$ = currentCoord = Coord::DETECTOR;} | AMPLIFIER_ {$$ = currentCoord = Coord::AMPLIFIER;} | wcsSystem {$$ = (Coord::CoordSystem)$1;} ; wcsSystem : WCS_ {$$ = currentCoord = Coord::WCS;} | WCSA_ {$$ = currentCoord = Coord::WCSA;} | WCSB_ {$$ = currentCoord = Coord::WCSB;} | WCSC_ {$$ = currentCoord = Coord::WCSC;} | WCSD_ {$$ = currentCoord = Coord::WCSD;} | WCSE_ {$$ = currentCoord = Coord::WCSE;} | WCSF_ {$$ = currentCoord = Coord::WCSF;} | WCSG_ {$$ = currentCoord = Coord::WCSG;} | WCSH_ {$$ = currentCoord = Coord::WCSH;} | WCSI_ {$$ = currentCoord = Coord::WCSI;} | WCSJ_ {$$ = currentCoord = Coord::WCSJ;} | WCSK_ {$$ = currentCoord = Coord::WCSK;} | WCSL_ {$$ = currentCoord = Coord::WCSL;} | WCSM_ {$$ = currentCoord = Coord::WCSM;} | WCSN_ {$$ = currentCoord = Coord::WCSN;} | WCSO_ {$$ = currentCoord = Coord::WCSO;} | WCSP_ {$$ = currentCoord = Coord::WCSP;} | WCSQ_ {$$ = currentCoord = Coord::WCSQ;} | WCSR_ {$$ = currentCoord = Coord::WCSR;} | WCSS_ {$$ = currentCoord = Coord::WCSS;} | WCST_ {$$ = currentCoord = Coord::WCST;} | WCSU_ {$$ = currentCoord = Coord::WCSU;} | WCSV_ {$$ = currentCoord = Coord::WCSV;} | WCSW_ {$$ = currentCoord = Coord::WCSW;} | WCSX_ {$$ = currentCoord = Coord::WCSX;} | WCSY_ {$$ = currentCoord = Coord::WCSY;} | WCSZ_ {$$ = currentCoord = Coord::WCSZ;} | WCS0_ {$$ = currentCoord = Coord::WCS0;} ; internalSystem : CANVAS_ {$$ = Coord::CANVAS;} | PANNER_ {$$ = Coord::PANNER;} ; scaleType: LINEAR_ {$$ = FrScale::LINEARSCALE;} | LOG_ {$$ = FrScale::LOGSCALE;} | POW_ {$$ = FrScale::POWSCALE;} | SQRT_ {$$ = FrScale::SQRTSCALE;} | SQUARED_ {$$ = FrScale::SQUAREDSCALE;} | ASINH_ {$$ = FrScale::ASINHSCALE;} | SINH_ {$$ = FrScale::SINHSCALE;} | HISTEQU_ {$$ = FrScale::HISTEQUSCALE;} ; minmaxMode : AUTO_ {$$=FrScale::SCAN;} | SCAN_ {$$=FrScale::SCAN;} | SAMPLE_ {$$=FrScale::SAMPLE;} | DATAMIN_ {$$=FrScale::DATAMIN;} | IRAFMIN_ {$$=FrScale::IRAFMIN;} ; skyFrame : /* empty */ {$$ = currentSky = Coord::FK5;} | FK4_ {$$ = currentSky = Coord::FK4;} | FK4_NO_E_ {$$ = currentSky = Coord::FK4_NO_E;} | B1950_ {$$ = currentSky = Coord::FK4;} | FK5_ {$$ = currentSky = Coord::FK5;} | J2000_ {$$ = currentSky = Coord::FK5;} | ICRS_ {$$ = currentSky = Coord::ICRS;} | GALACTIC_ {$$ = currentSky = Coord::GALACTIC;} | SUPERGALACTIC_ {$$ = currentSky = Coord::SUPERGALACTIC;} | ECLIPTIC_ {$$ = currentSky = Coord::ECLIPTIC;} | HELIOECLIPTIC_ {$$ = currentSky = Coord::HELIOECLIPTIC;} ; skyFormat : /* empty */ {$$=Coord::DEGREES;} | DEGREES_ {$$=Coord::DEGREES;} | SEXAGESIMAL_ {$$=Coord::SEXAGESIMAL;} ; skyDist : /* empty */ {$$=Coord::DEGREE;} | DEGREES_ {$$=Coord::DEGREE;} | ARCMIN_ {$$=Coord::ARCMIN;} | ARCSEC_ {$$=Coord::ARCSEC;} ; shmType : /* empty */ {$$ = Base::SHMID;} | SHMID_ {$$ = Base::SHMID;} | KEY_ {$$ = Base::KEY;} ; incrLoad: /*backward compatibility*/ {} | ALL_ {} | INCR_ {} ; layerType : /* empty */ {$$ = Base::IMG;} | IMAGE_ {$$ = Base::IMG;} | MASK_ {$$ = Base::MASK;} ; pointShape: /* empty */ {$$ = Point::CIRCLE;} | CIRCLE_ {$$ = Point::CIRCLE;} | BOX_ {$$ = Point::BOX;} | DIAMOND_ {$$ = Point::DIAMOND;} | CROSS_ {$$ = Point::CROSS;} | 'X' {$$ = Point::EX;} | ARROW_ {$$ = Point::ARROW;} | BOXCIRCLE_ {$$ = Point::BOXCIRCLE;} ; pointSize: /* empty */ {$$ = POINTSIZE;} | INT {$$ = $1;} ; analysisMethod: CPANDA_ {$$ = Marker::PANDA;} | HISTOGRAM_ {$$ = Marker::HISTOGRAM;} | PLOT2D_ {$$ = Marker::PLOT2D;} | PLOT3D_ {$$ = Marker::PLOT3D;} | RADIAL_ {$$ = Marker::RADIAL;} | STATS_ {$$ = Marker::STATS;} ; analysisParam : /* emtpy */ {$$ = Marker::AVERAGE;} | AVERAGE_ {$$ = Marker::AVERAGE;} | SUM_ {$$ = Marker::SUM;} ; endian : /* empty */ {$$ = FitsFile::NATIVE;} | NATIVE_ {$$ = FitsFile::NATIVE;} | BIG_ {$$ = FitsFile::BIG;} | BIGENDIAN_ {$$ = FitsFile::BIG;} | LITTLE_ {$$ = FitsFile::LITTLE;} | LITTLEENDIAN_ {$$ = FitsFile::LITTLE;} ; threed : VIEW_ threedView | BORDER_ threedBorder | COMPASS_ threedCompass | HIGHLITE_ threedHighlite | METHOD_ renderMethod {fr->set3dRenderMethodCmd($2);} | BACKGROUND_ renderBackground {fr->set3dRenderBackgroundCmd($2);} | SCALE_ numeric {fr->set3dScaleCmd($2);} | PRESERVE_ {fr->set3dPreserveCmd();} | THRESHOLD_ numeric {/* needed for compatibility with old version of backup */} ; threedBorder : yesno {fr->set3dBorderCmd($1);} | COLOR_ STRING {fr->set3dBorderColorCmd($2);} ; threedCompass : yesno {fr->set3dCompassCmd($1);} | COLOR_ STRING {fr->set3dCompassColorCmd($2);} ; threedHighlite : yesno {fr->set3dHighliteCmd($1);} | COLOR_ STRING {fr->set3dHighliteColorCmd($2);} ; threedView : numeric numeric {fr->set3dViewCmd($1,$2);} | POINT_ numeric numeric numeric numeric numeric {fr->set3dViewPointCmd(Vector3d($2,$3,$4),Vector($5,$6));} ; analysis : RESET_ {fr->analysisMarkersResetCmd();} | SHAPE_ analysisShape ; analysisShape : CIRCLE_ numeric numeric {fr->analysisMarkersSelectCmd("circle", fr->mapToRef(Vector($2,$3), Coord::CANVAS));} | ELLIPSE_ numeric numeric {fr->analysisMarkersSelectCmd("ellipse", fr->mapToRef(Vector($2,$3), Coord::CANVAS));} | BOX_ numeric numeric {fr->analysisMarkersSelectCmd("box", fr->mapToRef(Vector($2,$3), Coord::CANVAS));} | POLYGON_ numeric numeric {fr->analysisMarkersSelectCmd("polygon", fr->mapToRef(Vector($2,$3), Coord::CANVAS));} | POINT_ numeric numeric {fr->analysisMarkersSelectCmd("point", fr->mapToRef(Vector($2,$3), Coord::CANVAS));} | VECTOR_ numeric numeric {fr->analysisMarkersSelectCmd("vector", fr->mapToRef(Vector($2,$3), Coord::CANVAS));} | ANNULUS_ numeric numeric {fr->analysisMarkersSelectCmd("annulus", fr->mapToRef(Vector($2,$3), Coord::CANVAS));} | ELLIPSEANNULUS_ numeric numeric {fr->analysisMarkersSelectCmd("ellipseannulus", fr->mapToRef(Vector($2,$3), Coord::CANVAS));} | BOXANNULUS_ numeric numeric {fr->analysisMarkersSelectCmd("boxannulus", fr->mapToRef(Vector($2,$3), Coord::CANVAS));} ; bin : ABOUT_ binAbout | COLS_ STRING STRING STRING {fr->binColsCmd($2,$3,$4);} | DEPTH_ INT {fr->binDepthCmd($2);} | FACTOR_ binFactor | FUNCTION_ binFunction | BUFFER_ SIZE_ INT {fr->binBufferSizeCmd($3);} | TO_ binTo | FILTER_ STRING {fr->binFilterCmd($2);} ; binAbout : CENTER_ {fr->binAboutCmd();} | numeric numeric {fr->binAboutCmd(Vector($1,$2));} ; binFactor : numeric {fr->binFactorCmd(Vector($1,$1));} | numeric numeric {fr->binFactorCmd(Vector($1,$2));} | numeric ABOUT_ numeric numeric {fr->binFactorAboutCmd(Vector($1,$1), Vector($3,$4));} | numeric numeric ABOUT_ numeric numeric {fr->binFactorAboutCmd(Vector($1,$2), Vector($4,$5));} | TO_ numeric {fr->binFactorToCmd(Vector($2,$2));} | TO_ numeric numeric {fr->binFactorToCmd(Vector($2,$3));} | TO_ numeric ABOUT_ numeric numeric {fr->binFactorToAboutCmd(Vector($2,$2), Vector($4,$5));} | TO_ numeric numeric ABOUT_ numeric numeric {fr->binFactorToAboutCmd(Vector($2,$3), Vector($5,$6));} ; binFunction : AVERAGE_ {fr->binFunctionCmd(FitsHist::AVERAGE);} | SUM_ {fr->binFunctionCmd(FitsHist::SUM);} ; binTo : FIT_ {fr->binToFitCmd();} | numeric numeric ABOUT_ CENTER_ STRING STRING STRING {fr->binCmd(Vector($1,$2), $5, $6, $7);} | numeric numeric INT numeric numeric ABOUT_ CENTER_ STRING STRING STRING STRING {fr->binCmd(Vector($1,$2), $3, Vector($4,$5), $8, $9, $10, $11);} | numeric numeric ABOUT_ numeric numeric STRING STRING STRING {fr->binCmd(Vector($1,$2), Vector($4,$5), $6, $7, $8);} | numeric numeric INT numeric numeric ABOUT_ numeric numeric STRING STRING STRING STRING {fr->binCmd(Vector($1,$2), $3, Vector($4,$5), Vector($7,$8), $9, $10, $11, $12);} ; block : numeric {fr->blockCmd(Vector($1,$1));} | numeric numeric {fr->blockCmd(Vector($1,$2));} | TO_ blockTo ; blockTo : FIT_ {fr->blockToFitCmd();} | numeric {fr->blockToCmd(Vector($1,$1));} | numeric numeric {fr->blockToCmd(Vector($1,$2));} ; clip : SCOPE_ clipScope | MODE_ clipMode | MINMAX_ clipMinMax | USER_ numeric numeric {fr->clipUserCmd($2,$3);} | ZSCALE_ clipZScale | PRESERVE_ yesno { // backward compatibility with backup } ; clipScope: GLOBAL_ {fr->clipScopeCmd(FrScale::GLOBAL);} | LOCAL_ {fr->clipScopeCmd(FrScale::LOCAL);} ; clipMode: numeric {fr->clipModeCmd($1);} | MINMAX_ {fr->clipModeCmd(FrScale::MINMAX);} | ZSCALE_ {fr->clipModeCmd(FrScale::ZSCALE);} | ZMAX_ {fr->clipModeCmd(FrScale::ZMAX);} | USER_ {fr->clipModeCmd(FrScale::USERCLIP);} ; clipMinMax : INT minmaxMode {fr->clipMinMaxCmd((FrScale::MinMaxMode)$2,$1);} | MODE_ minmaxMode {fr->clipMinMaxModeCmd((FrScale::MinMaxMode)$2);} | SAMPLE_ INT {fr->clipMinMaxSampleCmd($2);} ; clipZScale: numeric INT INT {fr->clipZScaleCmd($1,$2,$3);} | CONTRAST_ numeric { // backward compatibility with backup fr->clipZScaleContrastCmd($2); } | SAMPLE_ INT { // backward compatibility with backup fr->clipZScaleSampleCmd($2); } | LINE_ INT { // backward compatibility with backup fr->clipZScaleLineCmd($2); } ; colormap : INT numeric numeric INT POINTER INT {fr->colormapCmd($1, $2, $3, $4, (unsigned char*)$5, $6);} | RGB_ numeric numeric numeric numeric numeric numeric INT POINTER INT {fr->colormapCmd($2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,(unsigned char*)$9,$10);} | BEGIN_ {fr->colormapBeginCmd();} | MOTION_ colormapMotion | END_ {fr->colormapEndCmd();} ; colormapMotion: INT numeric numeric INT POINTER INT {fr->colormapMotionCmd($1, $2, $3, $4, (unsigned char*)$5, $6);} | RGB_ numeric numeric numeric numeric numeric numeric INT POINTER INT {fr->colormapMotionCmd($2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,(unsigned char*)$9,$10);} colorscale : scaleType {fr->colorScaleCmd((FrScale::ColorScaleType)$1);} | LOG_ numeric {fr->colorScaleLogCmd($2);} ; contour : CREATE_ contourCreate | DELETE_ contourDelete | LOAD_ contourLoad | PASTE_ contourPaste | SAVE_ contourSave ; contourCreate : STRING INT INT contourMethod INT INT scaleType numeric contourClipMode contourClipScope numeric numeric STRING {fr->contourCreateCmd($1,$2,$3,(FVContour::Method)$4,$5,$6,(FrScale::ColorScaleType)$7,$8,(FrScale::ClipMode)$9,100,(FrScale::ClipScope)$10,$11,$12,$13);} | STRING INT INT contourMethod INT INT scaleType numeric numeric contourClipScope numeric numeric STRING {fr->contourCreateCmd($1,$2,$3,(FVContour::Method)$4,$5,$6,(FrScale::ColorScaleType)$7,$8,FrScale::AUTOCUT,$9,(FrScale::ClipScope)$10,$11,$12,$13);} | STRING INT INT contourMethod INT INT scaleType numeric contourClipMode numeric numeric STRING { // backward compatibility with backup fr->contourCreateCmd($1,$2,$3,(FVContour::Method)$4,$5,$6,(FrScale::ColorScaleType)$7,$8,(FrScale::ClipMode)$9,100,FrScale::LOCAL,$10,$11,$12); } | STRING INT INT contourMethod INT INT scaleType numeric numeric numeric numeric STRING { // backward compatibility with backup fr->contourCreateCmd($1,$2,$3,(FVContour::Method)$4,$5,$6,(FrScale::ColorScaleType)$7,$8,FrScale::AUTOCUT,$9,FrScale::LOCAL,$10,$11,$12); } | POLYGON_ {fr->contourCreatePolygonCmd();} ; contourDelete : /*empty */ {fr->contourDeleteCmd();} | AUX_ {fr->contourDeleteAuxCmd();} ; contourLoad : STRING {fr->contourLoadCmd($1);} | STRING STRING INT yesno {fr->contourLoadCmd($1,$2,$3,$4);} | STRING INT yesno STRING coordSystem skyFrame { // backward compatibility with backup fr->contourLoadCmd($4,(Coord::CoordSystem)$5,(Coord::SkyFrame)$6,$1,$2,$3); } ; contourClipMode: MINMAX_ {$$ = FrScale::MINMAX;} | ZSCALE_ {$$ = FrScale::ZSCALE;} | ZMAX_ {$$ = FrScale::ZMAX;} | USER_ {$$ = FrScale::USERCLIP;} ; contourClipScope: GLOBAL_ {$$ = FrScale::GLOBAL;} | LOCAL_ {$$ = FrScale::LOCAL;} ; contourMethod : SMOOTH_ {$$ = FVContour::SMOOTH;} | BLOCK_ {$$ = FVContour::BLOCK;} ; contourPaste : STRING {fr->contourPasteCmd($1);} | STRING STRING INT yesno {fr->contourPasteCmd($1,$2,$3,$4);} ; contourSave : STRING coordSystem skyFrame {fr->contourSaveCmd($1, (Coord::CoordSystem)$2, (Coord::SkyFrame)$3);} | AUX_ STRING coordSystem skyFrame {fr->contourSaveAuxCmd($2,(Coord::CoordSystem)$3,(Coord::SkyFrame)$4);} ; crop : /* empty */ {fr->cropCmd();} | numeric numeric numeric numeric coordSystem skyFrame {fr->cropCmd(Vector($1,$2), Vector($3,$4), (Coord::CoordSystem)$5, (Coord::SkyFrame)$6);} | CENTER_ coord coordSystem skyFrame numeric numeric coordSystem skyDist {fr->cropCenterCmd(Vector($2), (Coord::CoordSystem)$3, (Coord::SkyFrame)$4, Vector($5,$6), (Coord::CoordSystem)$7, (Coord::DistFormat)$8);} | THREED_ crop3d | BEGIN_ numeric numeric {fr->cropBeginCmd(Vector($2,$3));} | MOTION_ numeric numeric {fr->cropMotionCmd(Vector($2,$3));} | END_ numeric numeric {fr->cropEndCmd(Vector($2,$3));} ; crop3d : /* empty */ {fr->crop3dCmd();} | numeric numeric coordSystem {fr->crop3dCmd($1, $2, (Coord::CoordSystem)$3);} | BEGIN_ numeric numeric INT {fr->crop3dBeginCmd(Vector($2,$3),$4);} | MOTION_ numeric numeric INT {fr->crop3dMotionCmd(Vector($2,$3),$4);} | END_ numeric numeric INT {fr->crop3dEndCmd(Vector($2,$3),$4);} ; crosshair: internalSystem numeric numeric {fr->crosshairCmd(Vector($2,$3), (Coord::InternalSystem)$1);} | coordSystem skyFrame coord {fr->crosshairCmd(Vector($3), (Coord::CoordSystem)$1, (Coord::SkyFrame)$2);} | yesno {fr->crosshairCmd($1);} | WARP_ numeric numeric {fr->crosshairWarpCmd(Vector($2,$3));} | BEGIN_ MOTION_ internalSystem numeric numeric {fr->crosshairCmd(Vector($4,$5), (Coord::InternalSystem)$3);} | MOTION_ internalSystem numeric numeric {fr->crosshairCmd(Vector($3,$4), (Coord::InternalSystem)$2);} | BEGIN_ MOTION_ coordSystem coord {fr->crosshairCmd(Vector($4), (Coord::CoordSystem)$3);} | MOTION_ coordSystem coord {fr->crosshairCmd(Vector($3), (Coord::CoordSystem)$2);} ; cube : AXES_ INT {fr->axesOrderCmd($2);} ; cutMethod : /* emtpy */ {$$ = Base::AVERAGE;} | AVERAGE_ {$$ = Base::AVERAGE;} | SUM_ {$$ = Base::SUM;} ; fitsy : HAS_ EXT_ STRING {fr->fitsyHasExtCmd($3);} ; get : BG_ COLOR_ {fr->getBgColorCmd();} | BIN_ getBin | BLOCK_ getBlock | CLIP_ getClip | COLORMAP_ getColorMap | COLORBAR_ getColorbar | COLORSCALE_ getColorScale | CONTOUR_ getContour | COORDINATES_ getCoord | CROP_ getCrop | CROSSHAIR_ getCrosshair | CURSOR_ getCursor | CUBE_ getCube | DATA_ getData | DATASEC_ {fr->getDATASECCmd();} | FITS_ getFits | GRID_ getGrid | HISTOGRAM_ STRING STRING INT {fr->getHistogramCmd($2,$3,$4);} | HORIZONTAL_ CUT_ STRING STRING numeric numeric internalSystem INT cutMethod {fr->getHorzCutCmd($3,$4,Vector($5,$6),(Coord::InternalSystem)$7,$8,(Base::CutMethod)$9);} | IIS_ getiis | INFO_ getInfo | IRAF_ ALIGN_ {fr->getIRAFAlignCmd();} | MINMAX_ {fr->getMinMaxCmd();} | MARKER_ markerLayer markerGet | MASK_ getMask | NAN_ COLOR_ {fr->getNANColorCmd();} | ORIENT_ {fr->getOrientCmd();} | PAN_ getPan | PIXEL_ TABLE_ internalSystem numeric numeric INT INT STRING {fr->getPixelTableCmd(Vector($4,$5), (Coord::InternalSystem)$3, $6, $7, $8);} | RGB_ getRGB | ROTATE_ {fr->getRotateCmd();} | SMOOTH_ getSmooth | THREADS_ {fr->getThreadsCmd();} | THREED_ getThreed | TYPE_ {fr->getTypeCmd();} | VALUE_ internalSystem numeric numeric {fr->getValueCmd(Vector($3,$4),(Coord::InternalSystem)$2);} | VERTICAL_ CUT_ STRING STRING numeric numeric internalSystem INT cutMethod {fr->getVertCutCmd($3,$4,Vector($5,$6),(Coord::InternalSystem)$7,$8,(Base::CutMethod)$9);} | WCS_ getWCS | ZOOM_ {fr->getZoomCmd();} ; getBin : DEPTH_ {fr->getBinDepthCmd();} | FACTOR_ {fr->getBinFactorCmd();} | FUNCTION_ {fr->getBinFunctionCmd();} | BUFFER_ SIZE_ {fr->getBinBufferSizeCmd();} | CURSOR_ {fr->getBinCursorCmd();} | FILTER_ {fr->getBinFilterCmd();} | COLS_ getBinCols | LIST_ {fr->getBinListCmd();} ; getBinCols : /* empty */ {fr->getBinColsCmd();} | MINMAX_ STRING {fr->getBinColsMinMaxCmd($2);} | DIM_ STRING {fr->getBinColsDimCmd($2);} ; getBlock : FACTOR_ {fr->getBlockCmd();} ; getClip : {fr->getClipCmd();} | contourClipMode contourClipScope {fr->getClipCmd((FrScale::ClipMode)$1, (FrScale::ClipScope)$2);} | numeric contourClipScope {fr->getClipCmd($1, (FrScale::ClipScope)$2);} | SCOPE_ {fr->getClipScopeCmd();} | MODE_ {fr->getClipModeCmd();} | MINMAX_ getClipMinMax | USER_ LEVEL_ {fr->getClipUserCmd();} | ZSCALE_ getClipZScale | PRESERVE_ { // backward compatibility with backup fr->getClipPreserveCmd(); } ; getClipMinMax : MODE_ {fr->getClipMinMaxModeCmd();} | SAMPLE_ {fr->getClipMinMaxSampleCmd();} ; getClipZScale: CONTRAST_ {fr->getClipZScaleContrastCmd();} | SAMPLE_ {fr->getClipZScaleSampleCmd();} | LINE_ {fr->getClipZScaleLineCmd();} ; getColorbar: /* empty */ {fr->getColorbarCmd();} | TAG_ {fr->getColorbarTagCmd();} ; getColorMap : LEVEL_ getColorMapLevel ; getColorMapLevel: INT {fr->getColorMapLevelCmd($1);} | INT internalSystem numeric numeric {fr->getColorMapLevelCmd($1,Vector($3,$4),(Coord::InternalSystem)$2);} | INT numeric numeric scaleType numeric {fr->getColorMapLevelCmd($1,$2,$3,(FrScale::ColorScaleType)$4,$5);} ; getColorScale : /* empty */ {fr->getColorScaleCmd();} | LEVEL_ getColorScaleLevel | LOG_ {fr->getColorScaleLogCmd();} ; getColorScaleLevel: INT numeric numeric scaleType numeric {fr->getColorScaleLevelCmd($1,$2,$3,(FrScale::ColorScaleType)$4,$5);} ; getContour: coordSystem skyFrame {fr->getContourCmd((Coord::CoordSystem)$1,(Coord::SkyFrame)$2);} | CLIP_ getContourClip | COLOR_ {fr->getContourColorNameCmd();} | DASH_ {fr->getContourDashCmd();} | LEVEL_ {fr->getContourLevelCmd();} | NUMBER_ LEVEL_ {fr->getContourNumLevelCmd();} | METHOD_ {fr->getContourMethodCmd();} | COLORSCALE_ getContourColorScale | SMOOTH_ {fr->getContourSmoothCmd();} | WIDTH_ {fr->getContourLineWidthCmd();} ; getContourClip : /* empty */ {fr->getContourClipCmd();} | MODE_ {fr->getContourClipModeCmd();} | SCOPE_ {fr->getContourClipScopeCmd();} ; getContourColorScale : /* empty */ {fr->getContourScaleCmd();} | LOG_ {fr->getContourScaleLogCmd();} ; getCoord : numeric numeric coordSystem skyFrame skyFormat {fr->getCoordCmd(Vector($1,$2), (Coord::CoordSystem)$3, (Coord::SkyFrame)$4, (Coord::SkyFormat)$5);} | internalSystem numeric numeric coordSystem skyFrame skyFormat { // backward compatibility fr->getCoordCmd(Vector($2,$3), (Coord::CoordSystem)$4, (Coord::SkyFrame)$5, (Coord::SkyFormat)$6); } | numeric coordSystem coordSystem INT {fr->getCoord3axisCmd($1, (Coord::CoordSystem)$2, (Coord::CoordSystem)$3, $4);} ; getCrop : coordSystem skyFrame skyFormat {fr->getCropCmd((Coord::CoordSystem)$1, (Coord::SkyFrame)$2, (Coord::SkyFormat)$3);} | CENTER_ coordSystem skyFrame skyFormat coordSystem skyDist {fr->getCropCenterCmd((Coord::CoordSystem)$2, (Coord::SkyFrame)$3, (Coord::SkyFormat)$4, (Coord::CoordSystem)$5, (Coord::DistFormat)$6);} | THREED_ coordSystem {fr->getCrop3dCmd((Coord::CoordSystem)$2);} ; getCrosshair: internalSystem {fr->getCrosshairCmd((Coord::InternalSystem)$1);} | coordSystem skyFrame skyFormat {fr->getCrosshairCmd((Coord::CoordSystem)$1, (Coord::SkyFrame)$2, (Coord::SkyFormat)$3);} | STATUS_ {fr->getCrosshairStatusCmd();} ; getCube : AXES_ {fr->getAxesOrderCmd();} ; getCursor : internalSystem {fr->getCursorCmd((Coord::InternalSystem)$1);} | coordSystem skyFrame skyFormat {fr->getCursorCmd((Coord::CoordSystem)$1, (Coord::SkyFrame)$2, (Coord::SkyFormat)$3);} ; getData : coordSystem skyFrame coord numeric numeric STRING {fr->getDataValuesCmd(1, Vector($3), (Coord::CoordSystem)$1, (Coord::SkyFrame)$2, Vector($4,$5), $6);} | INT coordSystem skyFrame coord numeric numeric STRING {fr->getDataValuesCmd($1, Vector($4), (Coord::CoordSystem)$2, (Coord::SkyFrame)$3, Vector($5,$6), $7);} | internalSystem numeric numeric INT INT {fr->getDataValuesCmd(Vector($2,$3),(Coord::InternalSystem)$1, Vector($4,$5));} ; getInfo : STRING {fr->getInfoCmd($1);} | CLIP_ {fr->getInfoClipCmd();} | internalSystem numeric numeric STRING {fr->getInfoCmd(Vector($2,$3), (Coord::InternalSystem)$1, $4);} ; getiis : POINTER INT INT INT INT {fr->iisGetCmd((char*)$1,$2,$3,$4,$5);} | CURSOR_ {fr->iisGetCursorCmd();} | FILE_ NAME_ getIISFileName ; getIISFileName : /* empty */ {fr->iisGetFileNameCmd();} | INT {fr->iisGetFileNameCmd($1);} | numeric numeric {fr->iisGetFileNameCmd(Vector($1,$2));} ; getFits : NAXES_ /* empty */ {fr->getFitsNAxesCmd();} | CENTER_ coordSystem skyFrame skyFormat {fr->getFitsCenterCmd((Coord::CoordSystem)$2,(Coord::SkyFrame)$3,(Coord::SkyFormat)$4);} | COUNT_ {fr->getFitsCountCmd();} | DEPTH_ getFitsDepth | BITPIX_ {fr->getBitpixCmd();} | EXT_ getFitsExt | FILE_ NAME_ getFitsFileName | HEADER_ getFitsHeader | HEIGHT_ {fr->getFitsHeightCmd();} | OBJECT_ NAME_ {fr->getFitsObjectNameCmd();} | SIZE_ {fr->getFitsSizeCmd();} | SIZE_ coordSystem skyFrame skyDist {fr->getFitsSizeCmd((Coord::CoordSystem)$2,(Coord::SkyFrame)$3,(Coord::DistFormat)$4);} | SLICE_ getFitsSlice | WIDTH_ {fr->getFitsWidthCmd();} ; getFitsExt : INT {fr->getFitsExtCmd($1);} | internalSystem numeric numeric {fr->getFitsExtCmd(Vector($2,$3),(Coord::InternalSystem)$1);} getFitsHeader : INT {fr->getFitsHeaderCmd($1);} | KEYWORD_ STRING {fr->getFitsHeaderKeywordCmd(1,$2);} | INT KEYWORD_ STRING {fr->getFitsHeaderKeywordCmd($1,$3);} | WCS_ INT {fr->getFitsHeaderWCSCmd($2);} ; getFitsDepth : /* empty */ {fr->getFitsDepthCmd(2);} | INT {fr->getFitsDepthCmd($1);} ; getFitsFileName: fileNameType {fr->getFitsFileNameCmd((Base::FileNameType)$1);} | fileNameType internalSystem numeric numeric {fr->getFitsFileNameCmd(Vector($3,$4), (Coord::InternalSystem)$2, (Base::FileNameType)$1);} | fileNameType INT {fr->getFitsFileNameCmd($2, (Base::FileNameType)$1);} ; getFitsSlice : /* empty */ {fr->getFitsSliceCmd(2);} | INT {fr->getFitsSliceCmd($1);} | coordSystem {fr->getFitsSliceCmd(2, (Coord::CoordSystem)$1);} | INT coordSystem {fr->getFitsSliceCmd($1, (Coord::CoordSystem)$2);} ; getGrid : /* empty */ {fr->getGridCmd();} | OPTION_ {fr->getGridOptionCmd();} | VAR_ {fr->getGridVarsCmd();} ; getMask : COLOR_ {fr->getMaskColorCmd();} | MARK_ {fr->getMaskMarkCmd();} | TRANSPARENCY_{fr->getMaskTransparencyCmd();} ; getPan : PRESERVE_ {fr->getPanPreserveCmd();} ; getRGB : CHANNEL_ {fr->getRGBChannelCmd();} | SYSTEM_ {fr->getRGBSystemCmd();} | VIEW_ {fr->getRGBViewCmd();} ; getSmooth : FUNCTION_ {fr->getSmoothFunctionCmd();} | RADIUS_ {fr->getSmoothRadiusCmd();} | RADIUS_ MINOR_ {fr->getSmoothRadiusMinorCmd();} | SIGMA_ {fr->getSmoothSigmaCmd();} | SIGMA_ MINOR_ {fr->getSmoothSigmaMinorCmd();} | ANGLE_ {fr->getSmoothAngleCmd();} ; getThreed : VIEW_ getThreedView | BORDER_ getThreedBorder | COMPASS_ getThreedCompass | HIGHLITE_ getThreedHighlite | METHOD_ {fr->get3dRenderMethodCmd();} | BACKGROUND_ {fr->get3dRenderBackgroundCmd();} | SCALE_ {fr->get3dScaleCmd();} ; getThreedBorder : {fr->get3dBorderCmd();} | COLOR_ {fr->get3dBorderColorCmd();} ; getThreedCompass : {fr->get3dCompassCmd();} | COLOR_ {fr->get3dCompassColorCmd();} ; getThreedHighlite : {fr->get3dHighliteCmd();} | COLOR_ {fr->get3dHighliteColorCmd();} ; getThreedView : {fr->get3dViewCmd();} | POINT_ {fr->get3dViewPointCmd();} ; getWCS : /* empty */ {fr->getWCSCmd();} | ALIGN_ getWCSAlign | NAME_ wcsSystem {fr->getWCSNameCmd((Coord::CoordSystem)$2);} ; getWCSAlign : /* empty */ {fr->getWCSAlignCmd();} | POINTER_ {fr->getWCSAlignPointerCmd();} ; grid : CREATE_ gridCreate | DELETE_ {fr->gridDeleteCmd();} ; gridCreate: coordSystem skyFrame skyFormat gridType STRING STRING {fr->gridCmd((Coord::CoordSystem)$1, (Coord::SkyFrame)$2, (Coord::SkyFormat)$3, (Grid2d::GridType)$4, $5, $6);} | coordSystem skyFrame skyFormat gridType STRING { // backward compatibility with backup fr->gridCmd((Coord::CoordSystem)$1, (Coord::SkyFrame)$2, (Coord::SkyFormat)$3, (Grid2d::GridType)$4, $5, ""); } ; gridType : ANALYSIS_ {$$=Grid2d::ANALYSIS;} | PUBLICATION_ {$$=Grid2d::PUBLICATION;} ; has : AMPLIFIER_ {fr->hasAmplifierCmd();} | BIN_ hasBin | CONTOUR_ hasContour | CROP_ {fr->hasCropCmd();} | DATAMIN_ {fr->hasDATAMINCmd();} | DATASEC_ {fr->hasDATASECCmd();} | DETECTOR_ {fr->hasDetectorCmd();} | FITS_ hasFits | GRID_ {fr->hasGridCmd();} | IIS_ {fr->hasIISCmd();} | IRAFMIN_ {fr->hasIRAFMINCmd();} | MARKER_ hasMarker | PHYSICAL_ {fr->hasPhysicalCmd();} | SMOOTH_ {fr->hasSmoothCmd();} | SYSTEM_ coordSystem {fr->hasSystemCmd((Coord::CoordSystem)$2);} | WCS_ hasWCS ; hasBin : COLUMN_ STRING {fr->hasBinColCmd($2);} ; hasContour : /* empty */ {fr->hasContourCmd();} | AUX_ {fr->hasContourAuxCmd();} ; hasFits : /* empty */ {fr->hasFitsCmd();} | BIN_ {fr->hasFitsBinCmd();} | CUBE_ {fr->hasFitsCubeCmd();} | MOSAIC_ {fr->hasFitsMosaicCmd();} ; hasMarker : HIGHLITE_ {fr->hasMarkerHighlitedCmd();} | SELECT_ {fr->hasMarkerSelectedCmd();} | PASTE_ {fr->hasMarkerPasteCmd();} | UNDO_ {fr->hasMarkerUndoCmd();} ; hasWCS : coordSystem {fr->hasWCSCmd((Coord::CoordSystem)$1);} | EQUATORIAL_ coordSystem {fr->hasWCSEquCmd((Coord::CoordSystem)$2);} | CELESTRIAL_ coordSystem {fr->hasWCSCelCmd((Coord::CoordSystem)$2);} | ALT_ {fr->hasWCSAltCmd();} | THREED_ coordSystem {fr->hasWCS3DCmd((Coord::CoordSystem)$2);} ; iis : NEW_ INT INT {fr->iisCmd($2,$3);} | ERASE_ {fr->iisEraseCmd();} | MESSAGE_ STRING {fr->iisMessageCmd($2);} | CURSOR_ iiscursor | SET_ FILE_ NAME_ iisSetFileName | SET_ POINTER INT INT INT INT {fr->iisSetCmd((const char*)$2,$3,$4,$5,$6);} | UPDATE_ {fr->iisUpdateCmd();} | WCS_ numeric numeric numeric numeric numeric numeric numeric numeric INT {fr->iisWCSCmd(Matrix($2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7),Vector($8,$9),$10);} ; iisSetFileName : STRING {fr->iisSetFileNameCmd($1);} | STRING INT {fr->iisSetFileNameCmd($1,$2);} ; iiscursor: INT INT CANVAS_ {fr->iisSetCursorCmd(Vector($1,$2),Coord::CANVAS);} | INT INT coordSystem {fr->iisSetCursorCmd(Vector($1,$2),(Coord::CoordSystem)$3);} | MODE_ yesno {fr->iisCursorModeCmd($2);} ; load : ARRAY_ loadArr | ENVI_ loadENVI | FITS_ loadFits | INCR_ loadIncr | NRRD_ loadNRRD | PHOTO_ loadPhoto ; loadArr : STRING ALLOC_ STRING layerType {fr->loadArrAllocCmd($3, $1, (Base::LayerType)$4);} | STRING ALLOCGZ_ STRING layerType {fr->loadArrAllocGZCmd($3, $1, (Base::LayerType)$4);} | STRING CHANNEL_ STRING layerType {fr->loadArrChannelCmd($3, $1, (Base::LayerType)$4);} | STRING MMAP_ layerType {fr->loadArrMMapCmd($1, (Base::LayerType)$3);} | STRING MMAPINCR_ layerType {fr->loadArrMMapIncrCmd($1, (Base::LayerType)$3);} | STRING SHARED_ shmType INT layerType {fr->loadArrShareCmd((Base::ShmType)$3, $4, $1, (Base::LayerType)$5);} | STRING SOCKET_ INT layerType {fr->loadArrSocketCmd($3, $1, (Base::LayerType)$4);} | STRING SOCKETGZ_ INT layerType {fr->loadArrSocketGZCmd($3, $1, (Base::LayerType)$4);} | STRING VAR_ STRING layerType {fr->loadArrVarCmd($3, $1, (Base::LayerType)$4);} | RGB_ CUBE_ loadArrayRGBCube ; loadArrayRGBCube : STRING ALLOC_ STRING {fr->loadArrayRGBCubeAllocCmd($3, $1);} | STRING ALLOCGZ_ STRING {fr->loadArrayRGBCubeAllocGZCmd($3, $1);} | STRING CHANNEL_ STRING {fr->loadArrayRGBCubeChannelCmd($3, $1);} | STRING MMAP_ {fr->loadArrayRGBCubeMMapCmd($1);} | STRING MMAPINCR_ {fr->loadArrayRGBCubeMMapIncrCmd($1);} | STRING SHARED_ shmType INT {fr->loadArrayRGBCubeShareCmd((Base::ShmType)$3, $4, $1);} | STRING SOCKET_ INT {fr->loadArrayRGBCubeSocketCmd($3, $1);} | STRING SOCKETGZ_ INT {fr->loadArrayRGBCubeSocketGZCmd($3, $1);} | STRING VAR_ STRING {fr->loadArrayRGBCubeVarCmd($3, $1);} ; loadENVI : STRING STRING SMMAP_ {fr->loadENVISMMapCmd($1,$2);} ; loadFits: STRING ALLOC_ STRING layerType {fr->loadFitsAllocCmd($3, $1, (Base::LayerType)$4);} | STRING ALLOCGZ_ STRING layerType {fr->loadFitsAllocGZCmd($3, $1, (Base::LayerType)$4);} | STRING CHANNEL_ STRING layerType {fr->loadFitsChannelCmd($3, $1, (Base::LayerType)$4);} | STRING MMAP_ incrLoad layerType {fr->loadFitsMMapCmd($1, (Base::LayerType)$4);} | STRING STRING SMMAP_ incrLoad layerType {fr->loadFitsSMMapCmd($1, $2, (Base::LayerType)$5);} | STRING MMAPINCR_ incrLoad layerType {fr->loadFitsMMapIncrCmd($1, (Base::LayerType)$4);} | STRING SHARED_ shmType INT incrLoad layerType {fr->loadFitsShareCmd((Base::ShmType)$3, $4, $1, (Base::LayerType)$6);} | STRING SSHARED_ shmType INT INT incrLoad layerType {fr->loadFitsSShareCmd((Base::ShmType)$3, $4, $5, $1, (Base::LayerType)$7);} | STRING SOCKET_ INT layerType {fr->loadFitsSocketCmd($3, $1, (Base::LayerType)$4);} | STRING SOCKETGZ_ INT layerType {fr->loadFitsSocketGZCmd($3, $1, (Base::LayerType)$4);} | STRING VAR_ STRING incrLoad layerType {fr->loadFitsVarCmd($3, $1, (Base::LayerType)$5);} | SLICE_ loadFitsSlice | EXT_ CUBE_ loadFitsExtCube | RGB_ IMAGE_ loadFitsRGBImage | RGB_ CUBE_ loadFitsRGBCube | MOSAIC_ loadFitsMosaic ; loadFitsSlice:STRING ALLOC_ STRING {fr->loadSliceAllocCmd($3, $1);} | STRING ALLOCGZ_ STRING {fr->loadSliceAllocGZCmd($3, $1);} | STRING CHANNEL_ STRING {fr->loadSliceChannelCmd($3, $1);} | STRING MMAP_ incrLoad {fr->loadSliceMMapCmd($1);} | STRING STRING SMMAP_ incrLoad {fr->loadSliceSMMapCmd($1, $2);} | STRING MMAPINCR_ incrLoad {fr->loadSliceMMapIncrCmd($1);} | STRING SHARED_ shmType INT incrLoad {fr->loadSliceShareCmd((Base::ShmType)$3, $4, $1);} | STRING SSHARED_ shmType INT INT incrLoad {fr->loadSliceSShareCmd((Base::ShmType)$3, $4, $5, $1);} | STRING SOCKET_ INT {fr->loadSliceSocketCmd($3, $1);} | STRING SOCKETGZ_ INT {fr->loadSliceSocketGZCmd($3, $1);} | STRING VAR_ STRING incrLoad {fr->loadSliceVarCmd($3, $1);} ; loadFitsExtCube: STRING ALLOC_ STRING {fr->loadExtCubeAllocCmd($3, $1);} | STRING ALLOCGZ_ STRING {fr->loadExtCubeAllocGZCmd($3, $1);} | STRING CHANNEL_ STRING {fr->loadExtCubeChannelCmd($3, $1);} | STRING MMAP_ incrLoad {fr->loadExtCubeMMapCmd($1);} | STRING MMAPINCR_ incrLoad {fr->loadExtCubeMMapIncrCmd($1);} | STRING SHARED_ shmType INT incrLoad {fr->loadExtCubeShareCmd((Base::ShmType)$3, $4, $1);} | STRING SOCKET_ INT {fr->loadExtCubeSocketCmd($3, $1);} | STRING SOCKETGZ_ INT {fr->loadExtCubeSocketGZCmd($3, $1);} | STRING VAR_ STRING incrLoad {fr->loadExtCubeVarCmd($3, $1);} ; loadFitsMosaic : IMAGE_ IRAF_ loadFitsMosaicImageIRAF | IRAF_ loadFitsMosaicIRAF | IMAGE_ loadFitsMosaicImageWCS | loadFitsMosaicWCS | IMAGE_ WFPC2_ loadFitsMosaicImageWFPC2 ; loadFitsMosaicImageIRAF : STRING ALLOC_ STRING layerType {fr->loadMosaicImageAllocCmd(Base::IRAF, Coord::WCS, $3, $1, (Base::LayerType)$4);} | STRING ALLOCGZ_ STRING layerType {fr->loadMosaicImageAllocGZCmd(Base::IRAF, Coord::WCS, $3, $1,(Base::LayerType)$4);} | STRING CHANNEL_ STRING layerType {fr->loadMosaicImageChannelCmd(Base::IRAF, Coord::WCS, $3, $1,(Base::LayerType)$4);} | STRING MMAP_ incrLoad layerType {fr->loadMosaicImageMMapCmd(Base::IRAF, Coord::WCS, $1, (Base::LayerType)$4);} | STRING MMAPINCR_ incrLoad layerType {fr->loadMosaicImageMMapIncrCmd(Base::IRAF, Coord::WCS, $1, (Base::LayerType)$4);} | STRING SHARED_ shmType INT incrLoad layerType {fr->loadMosaicImageShareCmd(Base::IRAF, Coord::WCS, (Base::ShmType)$3, $4, $1, (Base::LayerType)$6);} | STRING SOCKET_ INT layerType {fr->loadMosaicImageSocketCmd(Base::IRAF, Coord::WCS, $3, $1, (Base::LayerType)$4);} | STRING SOCKETGZ_ INT layerType {fr->loadMosaicImageSocketGZCmd(Base::IRAF, Coord::WCS, $3, $1, (Base::LayerType)$4);} | STRING VAR_ STRING incrLoad layerType {fr->loadMosaicImageVarCmd(Base::IRAF, Coord::WCS, $3, $1, (Base::LayerType)$5);} ; loadFitsMosaicIRAF : STRING ALLOC_ STRING layerType {fr->loadMosaicAllocCmd(Base::IRAF, Coord::WCS, $3, $1, (Base::LayerType)$4);} | STRING ALLOCGZ_ STRING layerType {fr->loadMosaicAllocGZCmd(Base::IRAF, Coord::WCS, $3, $1, (Base::LayerType)$4);} | STRING CHANNEL_ STRING layerType {fr->loadMosaicChannelCmd(Base::IRAF, Coord::WCS, $3, $1, (Base::LayerType)$4);} | STRING MMAP_ incrLoad layerType {fr->loadMosaicMMapCmd(Base::IRAF, Coord::WCS, $1, (Base::LayerType)$4);} | STRING STRING SMMAP_ incrLoad layerType {fr->loadMosaicSMMapCmd(Base::IRAF, Coord::WCS, $1, $2, (Base::LayerType)$5);} | STRING MMAPINCR_ incrLoad layerType {fr->loadMosaicMMapIncrCmd(Base::IRAF, Coord::WCS, $1, (Base::LayerType)$4);} | STRING SHARED_ shmType INT incrLoad layerType {fr->loadMosaicShareCmd(Base::IRAF, Coord::WCS, (Base::ShmType)$3, $4, $1, (Base::LayerType)$6);} | STRING SSHARED_ shmType INT INT incrLoad layerType {fr->loadMosaicSShareCmd(Base::IRAF, Coord::WCS, (Base::ShmType)$3, $4, $5, $1, (Base::LayerType)$7);} | STRING SOCKET_ INT layerType {fr->loadMosaicSocketCmd(Base::IRAF, Coord::WCS, $3, $1, (Base::LayerType)$4);} | STRING SOCKETGZ_ INT layerType {fr->loadMosaicSocketGZCmd(Base::IRAF, Coord::WCS, $3, $1, (Base::LayerType)$4);} | STRING VAR_ STRING incrLoad layerType {fr->loadMosaicVarCmd(Base::IRAF, Coord::WCS, $3, $1, (Base::LayerType)$5);} ; loadFitsMosaicImageWCS : wcsSystem STRING ALLOC_ STRING layerType {fr->loadMosaicImageAllocCmd(Base::WCSMOSAIC, (Coord::CoordSystem)$1, $4, $2, (Base::LayerType)$5);} | wcsSystem STRING ALLOCGZ_ STRING layerType {fr->loadMosaicImageAllocGZCmd(Base::WCSMOSAIC, (Coord::CoordSystem)$1, $4, $2, (Base::LayerType)$5);} | wcsSystem STRING CHANNEL_ STRING layerType {fr->loadMosaicImageChannelCmd(Base::WCSMOSAIC, (Coord::CoordSystem)$1, $4, $2, (Base::LayerType)$5);} | wcsSystem STRING MMAP_ incrLoad layerType {fr->loadMosaicImageMMapCmd(Base::WCSMOSAIC, (Coord::CoordSystem)$1, $2, (Base::LayerType)$5);} | wcsSystem STRING MMAPINCR_ incrLoad layerType {fr->loadMosaicImageMMapIncrCmd(Base::WCSMOSAIC, (Coord::CoordSystem)$1, $2, (Base::LayerType)$5);} | wcsSystem STRING SHARED_ shmType INT incrLoad layerType {fr->loadMosaicImageShareCmd(Base::WCSMOSAIC, (Coord::CoordSystem)$1, (Base::ShmType)$4, $5, $2, (Base::LayerType)$7);} | wcsSystem STRING SOCKET_ INT layerType {fr->loadMosaicImageSocketCmd(Base::WCSMOSAIC, (Coord::CoordSystem)$1, $4, $2, (Base::LayerType)$5);} | wcsSystem STRING SOCKETGZ_ INT layerType {fr->loadMosaicImageSocketGZCmd(Base::WCSMOSAIC, (Coord::CoordSystem)$1, $4, $2, (Base::LayerType)$5);} | wcsSystem STRING VAR_ STRING incrLoad layerType {fr->loadMosaicImageVarCmd(Base::WCSMOSAIC, (Coord::CoordSystem)$1, $4, $2, (Base::LayerType)$6);} ; loadFitsMosaicWCS : wcsSystem STRING ALLOC_ STRING layerType {fr->loadMosaicAllocCmd((Base::WCSMOSAIC), (Coord::CoordSystem)$1, $4, $2, (Base::LayerType)$5);} | wcsSystem STRING ALLOCGZ_ STRING layerType {fr->loadMosaicAllocGZCmd((Base::WCSMOSAIC), (Coord::CoordSystem)$1, $4, $2, (Base::LayerType)$5);} | wcsSystem STRING CHANNEL_ STRING layerType {fr->loadMosaicChannelCmd((Base::WCSMOSAIC), (Coord::CoordSystem)$1, $4, $2, (Base::LayerType)$5);} | wcsSystem STRING MMAP_ incrLoad layerType {fr->loadMosaicMMapCmd((Base::WCSMOSAIC), (Coord::CoordSystem)$1, $2, (Base::LayerType)$5);} | wcsSystem STRING STRING SMMAP_ incrLoad layerType {fr->loadMosaicSMMapCmd((Base::WCSMOSAIC), (Coord::CoordSystem)$1, $2, $3, (Base::LayerType)$6);} | wcsSystem STRING MMAPINCR_ incrLoad layerType {fr->loadMosaicMMapIncrCmd((Base::WCSMOSAIC), (Coord::CoordSystem)$1, $2, (Base::LayerType)$5);} | wcsSystem STRING SHARED_ shmType INT incrLoad layerType {fr->loadMosaicShareCmd((Base::WCSMOSAIC), (Coord::CoordSystem)$1, (Base::ShmType)$4, $5, $2, (Base::LayerType)$7);} | wcsSystem STRING SSHARED_ shmType INT INT incrLoad layerType {fr->loadMosaicSShareCmd((Base::WCSMOSAIC), (Coord::CoordSystem)$1, (Base::ShmType)$4, $5, $6, $2, (Base::LayerType)$8);} | wcsSystem STRING SOCKET_ INT layerType {fr->loadMosaicSocketCmd((Base::WCSMOSAIC), (Coord::CoordSystem)$1, $4, $2, (Base::LayerType)$5);} | wcsSystem STRING SOCKETGZ_ INT layerType {fr->loadMosaicSocketGZCmd((Base::WCSMOSAIC), (Coord::CoordSystem)$1, $4, $2, (Base::LayerType)$5);} | wcsSystem STRING VAR_ STRING incrLoad layerType {fr->loadMosaicVarCmd((Base::WCSMOSAIC), (Coord::CoordSystem)$1, $4, $2, (Base::LayerType)$6);} ; loadFitsMosaicImageWFPC2 : STRING ALLOC_ STRING {fr->loadMosaicImageWFPC2AllocCmd($3, $1);} | STRING ALLOCGZ_ STRING {fr->loadMosaicImageWFPC2AllocGZCmd($3, $1);} | STRING CHANNEL_ STRING {fr->loadMosaicImageWFPC2ChannelCmd($3, $1);} | STRING MMAP_ incrLoad {fr->loadMosaicImageWFPC2MMapCmd($1);} | STRING MMAPINCR_ incrLoad {fr->loadMosaicImageWFPC2MMapIncrCmd($1);} | STRING SHARED_ shmType INT incrLoad {fr->loadMosaicImageWFPC2ShareCmd((Base::ShmType)$3, $4, $1);} | STRING SOCKET_ INT {fr->loadMosaicImageWFPC2SocketCmd($3, $1);} | STRING SOCKETGZ_ INT {fr->loadMosaicImageWFPC2SocketGZCmd($3, $1);} | STRING VAR_ STRING incrLoad {fr->loadMosaicImageWFPC2VarCmd($3, $1);} ; loadFitsRGBCube: STRING ALLOC_ STRING {fr->loadRGBCubeAllocCmd($3, $1);} | STRING ALLOCGZ_ STRING {fr->loadRGBCubeAllocGZCmd($3, $1);} | STRING CHANNEL_ STRING {fr->loadRGBCubeChannelCmd($3, $1);} | STRING MMAP_ incrLoad {fr->loadRGBCubeMMapCmd($1);} | STRING STRING SMMAP_ incrLoad {fr->loadRGBCubeSMMapCmd($1, $2);} | STRING MMAPINCR_ incrLoad {fr->loadRGBCubeMMapIncrCmd($1);} | STRING SHARED_ shmType INT incrLoad {fr->loadRGBCubeShareCmd((Base::ShmType)$3, $4, $1);} | STRING SSHARED_ shmType INT INT incrLoad {fr->loadRGBCubeSShareCmd((Base::ShmType)$3, $4, $5, $1);} | STRING SOCKET_ INT {fr->loadRGBCubeSocketCmd($3, $1);} | STRING SOCKETGZ_ INT {fr->loadRGBCubeSocketGZCmd($3, $1);} | STRING VAR_ STRING incrLoad {fr->loadRGBCubeVarCmd($3, $1);} ; loadFitsRGBImage: STRING ALLOC_ STRING {fr->loadRGBImageAllocCmd($3, $1);} | STRING ALLOCGZ_ STRING {fr->loadRGBImageAllocGZCmd($3, $1);} | STRING CHANNEL_ STRING {fr->loadRGBImageChannelCmd($3, $1);} | STRING MMAP_ incrLoad {fr->loadRGBImageMMapCmd($1);} | STRING MMAPINCR_ incrLoad {fr->loadRGBImageMMapIncrCmd($1);} | STRING SHARED_ shmType INT incrLoad {fr->loadRGBImageShareCmd((Base::ShmType)$3, $4, $1);} | STRING SOCKET_ INT {fr->loadRGBImageSocketCmd($3, $1);} | STRING SOCKETGZ_ INT {fr->loadRGBImageSocketGZCmd($3, $1);} | STRING VAR_ STRING incrLoad {fr->loadRGBImageVarCmd($3, $1);} ; loadNRRD : STRING ALLOC_ STRING layerType {fr->loadNRRDAllocCmd($3, $1, (Base::LayerType)$4);} | STRING CHANNEL_ STRING layerType {fr->loadNRRDChannelCmd($3, $1, (Base::LayerType)$4);} | STRING MMAP_ layerType {fr->loadNRRDMMapCmd($1, (Base::LayerType)$3);} | STRING SHARED_ shmType INT layerType {fr->loadNRRDShareCmd((Base::ShmType)$3, $4, $1, (Base::LayerType)$5);} | STRING SOCKET_ INT layerType {fr->loadNRRDSocketCmd($3, $1, (Base::LayerType)$4);} | STRING VAR_ STRING layerType {fr->loadNRRDVarCmd($3, $1, (Base::LayerType)$4);} ; loadPhoto: /* empty */ STRING STRING {fr->loadPhotoCmd($1,$2);} | SLICE_ STRING STRING {fr->loadSlicePhotoCmd($2,$3);} ; loadIncr: DATA_ INT INT INT INT INT {fr->loadIncrDataCmd($2,$3,$4,$5,$6);} | MINMAX_ INT INT INT INT INT {fr->loadIncrMinMaxCmd($2,$3,$4,$5,$6);} | END_ {fr->loadIncrEndCmd();} ; macosx : PRINT_ { #ifdef MAC_OSX_TK fr->macosxPrintCmd(); #endif } ; magnifier: yesno {fr->magnifierCmd($1);} | GRAPHICS_ yesno {fr->magnifierGraphicsCmd($2);} | CURSOR_ yesno {fr->magnifierCursorCmd($2);} | COLOR_ STRING {fr->magnifierColorCmd($2);} | STRING INT INT {fr->magnifierCmd($1, $2, $3);} | UPDATE_ numeric numeric {fr->updateMagnifierCmd(Vector($2, $3));} | ZOOM_ numeric {fr->magnifierZoomCmd($2);} ; match : STRING STRING wcsSystem skyFrame STRING STRING wcsSystem skyFrame numeric wcsSystem skyDist STRING { fr->matchCmd($1,$2,(Coord::CoordSystem)$3,(Coord::SkyFrame)$4, $5,$6,(Coord::CoordSystem)$7,(Coord::SkyFrame)$8, $9,(Coord::CoordSystem)$10,(Coord::DistFormat)$11, $12); } marker : CENTROID_ markerCentroid | COLOR_ STRING {fr->markerColorCmd($2);} | COPY_ {fr->markerCopyCmd();} | COMMAND_ markerFormat STRING {fr->markerCommandCmd((Base::MarkerFormat)$2,$3);} | COMMAND_ markerFormat VAR_ STRING {fr->markerCommandVarCmd((Base::MarkerFormat)$2,$4);} | COMPOSITE_ DELETE_ {fr->markerCompositeDeleteCmd();} | CREATE_ {maperr =0;} markerCreate | CUT_ {fr->markerCutCmd();} | DELETE_ {fr->markerDeleteCmd();} | DELETE_ ALL_ {fr->markerDeleteAllCmd();} | EDIT_ markerEdit | EPSILON_ INT {fr->markerEpsilonCmd($2);} | FONT_ STRING {fr->markerFontCmd($2);} | HIGHLITE_ ALL_ {fr->markerHighliteAllCmd();} | HIGHLITE_ ONLY_ numeric numeric {fr->markerHighliteOnlyCmd(Vector($3,$4));} | HIGHLITE_ TOGGLE_ numeric numeric {fr->markerHighliteToggleCmd(Vector($3,$4));} | INT ANALYSIS_ analysisMethod yesno {fr->markerAnalysisCmd($1, (Marker::AnalysisTask)$3, $4);} | INT ANGLE_ angle {fr->markerAngleCmd($1,$3);} | INT ANGLE_ angle internalSystem {fr->markerAngleCmd($1,$3);} | INT ANGLE_ angle coordSystem skyFrame {fr->markerAngleCmd($1,$3,(Coord::CoordSystem)$4, (Coord::SkyFrame)$5);} | INT ANNULUS_ RADIUS_ numeric numeric INT internalSystem {fr->markerAnnulusRadiusCmd($1, $4, $5, $6, (Coord::InternalSystem)$7);} | INT ANNULUS_ RADIUS_ numeric numeric INT coordSystem skyDist {fr->markerAnnulusRadiusCmd($1, $4, $5, $6, (Coord::CoordSystem)$7, (Coord::DistFormat)$8);} | INT ANNULUS_ RADIUS_ STRING coordSystem skyDist {fr->markerAnnulusRadiusCmd($1, $4,(Coord::CoordSystem)$5,(Coord::DistFormat)$6);} | INT BOX_ FILL_ yesno {fr->markerBoxFillCmd($1,$4);} | INT BOXANNULUS_ RADIUS_ numeric numeric numeric INT internalSystem {fr->markerBoxAnnulusRadiusCmd($1, Vector($4, $5), Vector($6, $6*$5/$4), $7, (Coord::InternalSystem)$8);} | INT BOXANNULUS_ RADIUS_ numeric numeric numeric INT coordSystem skyDist {fr->markerBoxAnnulusRadiusCmd($1, Vector($4, $5), Vector($6, $6*$5/$4), $7, (Coord::CoordSystem)$8, (Coord::DistFormat)$9);} | INT BOXANNULUS_ RADIUS_ STRING coordSystem skyDist {fr->markerBoxAnnulusRadiusCmd($1,$4,(Coord::CoordSystem)$5,(Coord::DistFormat)$6);} | INT BOX_ RADIUS_ numeric numeric internalSystem {fr->markerBoxRadiusCmd($1, Vector($4,$5), (Coord::InternalSystem)$6);} | INT BOX_ RADIUS_ numeric numeric coordSystem skyDist {fr->markerBoxRadiusCmd($1, Vector($4,$5), (Coord::CoordSystem)$6, (Coord::DistFormat)$7);} | INT BPANDA_ EDIT_ angle angle INT numeric numeric numeric INT {fr->markerBpandaEditCmd($1, $4, $5, $6, Vector($7,$8), Vector($9,$9*$8/$7), $10);} | INT BPANDA_ EDIT_ angle angle INT numeric numeric numeric INT internalSystem {fr->markerBpandaEditCmd($1, $4, $5, $6, Vector($7,$8), Vector($9,$9*$8/$7), $10);} | INT BPANDA_ EDIT_ angle angle INT numeric numeric numeric INT coordSystem skyFrame {fr->markerBpandaEditCmd($1, $4, $5, $6, Vector($7,$8), Vector($9,$9*$8/$7), $10, (Coord::CoordSystem)$11, (Coord::SkyFrame)$12);} | INT BPANDA_ EDIT_ STRING STRING coordSystem skyFrame coordSystem skyDist {fr->markerBpandaEditCmd($1, $4, $5, (Coord::CoordSystem)$6, (Coord::SkyFrame)$7, (Coord::CoordSystem)$8, (Coord::DistFormat)$9);} | INT CALLBACK_ markerCallBack STRING STRING {fr->markerCallBackCmd($1,(CallBack::Type)$3,$4,$5);} | INT CIRCLE_ FILL_ yesno {fr->markerCircleFillCmd($1,$4);} | INT CIRCLE_ RADIUS_ numeric internalSystem {fr->markerCircleRadiusCmd($1, $4, (Coord::InternalSystem)$5);} | INT CIRCLE_ RADIUS_ numeric coordSystem skyDist {fr->markerCircleRadiusCmd($1, $4, (Coord::CoordSystem)$5, (Coord::DistFormat)$6);} | INT COLOR_ STRING {fr->markerColorCmd($1,$3);} | INT COMPASS_ ARROW_ yesno yesno {fr->markerCompassArrowCmd($1,$4,$5);} | INT COMPASS_ LABEL_ STRING STRING {fr->markerCompassLabelCmd($1,$4,$5);} | INT COMPASS_ RADIUS_ numeric internalSystem {fr->markerCompassRadiusCmd($1,$4,(Coord::InternalSystem)$5);} | INT COMPASS_ RADIUS_ numeric coordSystem skyDist {fr->markerCompassRadiusCmd($1,$4,(Coord::CoordSystem)$5,(Coord::DistFormat)$6);} | INT COMPASS_ SYSTEM_ coordSystem skyFrame {fr->markerCompassSystemCmd($1, (Coord::CoordSystem)$4, (Coord::SkyFrame)$5);} | INT COMPOSITE_ GLOBAL_ yesno {fr->markerCompositeCmd($1,$4);} | INT CPANDA_ EDIT_ angle angle INT numeric numeric INT {fr->markerCpandaEditCmd($1, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9);} | INT CPANDA_ EDIT_ angle angle INT numeric numeric INT internalSystem {fr->markerCpandaEditCmd($1, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9);} | INT CPANDA_ EDIT_ angle angle INT numeric numeric INT coordSystem skyFrame {fr->markerCpandaEditCmd($1, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, (Coord::CoordSystem)$10, (Coord::SkyFrame)$11);} | INT CPANDA_ EDIT_ STRING STRING coordSystem skyFrame coordSystem skyDist {fr->markerCpandaEditCmd($1, $4, $5, (Coord::CoordSystem)$6, (Coord::SkyFrame)$7, (Coord::CoordSystem)$8, (Coord::DistFormat)$9);} | INT CREATE_ ANNULUS_ RADIUS_ numeric numeric {fr->markerAnnulusCreateRadiusCmd($1,Vector($5,$6));} | INT CREATE_ BOXANNULUS_ RADIUS_ numeric numeric {fr->markerBoxAnnulusCreateRadiusCmd($1,Vector($5,$6));} | INT CREATE_ BPANDA_ ANGLE_ numeric numeric {fr->markerBpandaCreateAnglesCmd($1,Vector($5,$6));} | INT CREATE_ BPANDA_ RADIUS_ numeric numeric {fr->markerBpandaCreateRadiusCmd($1,Vector($5,$6));} | INT CREATE_ ELLIPSEANNULUS_ RADIUS_ numeric numeric {fr->markerEllipseAnnulusCreateRadiusCmd($1,Vector($5,$6));} | INT CREATE_ EPANDA_ ANGLE_ numeric numeric {fr->markerEpandaCreateAnglesCmd($1,Vector($5,$6));} | INT CREATE_ EPANDA_ RADIUS_ numeric numeric {fr->markerEpandaCreateRadiusCmd($1,Vector($5,$6));} | INT CREATE_ CPANDA_ ANGLE_ numeric numeric {fr->markerCpandaCreateAnglesCmd($1,Vector($5,$6));} | INT CREATE_ CPANDA_ RADIUS_ numeric numeric {fr->markerCpandaCreateRadiusCmd($1,Vector($5,$6));} | INT CREATE_ POLYGON_ VERTEX_ INT numeric numeric {fr->markerPolygonCreateVertexCmd($1,$5,Vector($6,$7));} | INT CREATE_ SEGMENT_ VERTEX_ INT numeric numeric {fr->markerSegmentCreateVertexCmd($1,$5,Vector($6,$7));} | INT DELETE_ {fr->markerDeleteCmd($1);} | INT DELETE_ ANNULUS_ INT {fr->markerAnnulusDeleteRadiusCmd($1,$4);} | INT DELETE_ BOXANNULUS_ INT {fr->markerBoxAnnulusDeleteRadiusCmd($1,$4);} | INT DELETE_ BPANDA_ INT {fr->markerBpandaDeleteCmd($1,$4);} | INT DELETE_ ELLIPSEANNULUS_ INT {fr->markerEllipseAnnulusDeleteRadiusCmd($1,$4);} | INT DELETE_ CALLBACK_ markerCallBack STRING {fr->markerDeleteCallBackCmd($1,(CallBack::Type)$4,$5);} | INT DELETE_ EPANDA_ INT {fr->markerEpandaDeleteCmd($1,$4);} | INT DELETE_ CPANDA_ INT {fr->markerCpandaDeleteCmd($1,$4);} | INT DELETE_ POLYGON_ VERTEX_ INT {fr->markerPolygonDeleteVertexCmd($1,$5);} | INT DELETE_ SEGMENT_ VERTEX_ INT {fr->markerSegmentDeleteVertexCmd($1,$5);} | INT DELETE_ TAG_ {fr->markerDeleteTagCmd($1);} | INT DELETE_ TAG_ STRING {fr->markerDeleteTagCmd($1,$4);} | INT DELETE_ TAG_ INT {fr->markerDeleteTagCmd($1,$4);} | INT EDIT_ BEGIN_ INT {fr->markerEditBeginCmd($1,$4);} | INT ELLIPSE_ FILL_ yesno {fr->markerEllipseFillCmd($1,$4);} | INT ELLIPSE_ RADIUS_ numeric numeric internalSystem {fr->markerEllipseRadiusCmd($1, Vector($4, $5), (Coord::InternalSystem)$6);} | INT ELLIPSE_ RADIUS_ numeric numeric coordSystem skyDist {fr->markerEllipseRadiusCmd($1, Vector($4, $5), (Coord::CoordSystem)$6, (Coord::DistFormat)$7);} | INT ELLIPSEANNULUS_ RADIUS_ numeric numeric numeric INT internalSystem {fr->markerEllipseAnnulusRadiusCmd($1, Vector($4,$5), Vector($6,$6*$5/$4), $7, (Coord::InternalSystem)$8);} | INT ELLIPSEANNULUS_ RADIUS_ numeric numeric numeric INT coordSystem skyDist {fr->markerEllipseAnnulusRadiusCmd($1, Vector($4,$5), Vector($6,$6*$5/$4), $7, (Coord::CoordSystem)$8, (Coord::DistFormat)$9);} | INT ELLIPSEANNULUS_ RADIUS_ STRING coordSystem skyDist {fr->markerEllipseAnnulusRadiusCmd($1, $4, (Coord::CoordSystem)$5, (Coord::DistFormat)$6);} | INT EPANDA_ EDIT_ angle angle INT numeric numeric numeric INT {fr->markerEpandaEditCmd($1, $4, $5, $6, Vector($7,$8), Vector($9,$9*$8/$7), $10);} | INT EPANDA_ EDIT_ angle angle INT numeric numeric numeric INT internalSystem {fr->markerEpandaEditCmd($1, $4, $5, $6, Vector($7,$8), Vector($9,$9*$8/$7), $10);} | INT EPANDA_ EDIT_ angle angle INT numeric numeric numeric INT coordSystem skyFrame {fr->markerEpandaEditCmd($1, $4, $5, $6, Vector($7,$8), Vector($9,$9*$8/$7), $10, (Coord::CoordSystem)$11, (Coord::SkyFrame)$12);} | INT EPANDA_ EDIT_ STRING STRING coordSystem skyFrame coordSystem skyDist {fr->markerEpandaEditCmd($1, $4, $5, (Coord::CoordSystem)$6, (Coord::SkyFrame)$7, (Coord::CoordSystem)$8, (Coord::DistFormat)$9);} | INT FONT_ STRING {fr->markerFontCmd($1,$3);} | INT HIGHLITE_ {fr->markerHighliteCmd($1);} | INT HIGHLITE_ ONLY_{fr->markerHighliteOnlyCmd($1);} | INT LINE_ ARROW_ yesno yesno {fr->markerLineArrowCmd($1,$4,$5);} | INT LINE_ POINT_ internalSystem coord coord {fr->markerLineCmd($1, Vector($5), Vector($6), (Coord::InternalSystem)$4);} | INT LINE_ POINT_ coordSystem skyFrame coord coord {fr->markerLineCmd($1, Vector($6), Vector($7), (Coord::CoordSystem)$4, (Coord::SkyFrame)$5);} | INT MOVE_ numeric numeric {fr->markerMoveCmd($1, Vector($3,$4));} | INT MOVE_ FRONT_ {fr->markerFrontCmd($1);} | INT MOVE_ BACK_ {fr->markerBackCmd($1);} | INT MOVE_ TO_ internalSystem numeric numeric {fr->markerMoveToCmd($1, Vector($5,$6), (Coord::InternalSystem)$4);} | INT MOVE_ TO_ coordSystem skyFrame coord {fr->markerMoveToCmd($1,Vector($6),(Coord::CoordSystem)$4,(Coord::SkyFrame)$5);} | INT POLYGON_ RESET_ numeric numeric internalSystem {fr->markerPolygonResetCmd($1, Vector($4,$5),(Coord::InternalSystem)$6);} | INT POLYGON_ RESET_ numeric numeric coordSystem skyDist {fr->markerPolygonResetCmd($1, Vector($4,$5), (Coord::CoordSystem)$6, (Coord::DistFormat)$7);} | INT SEGMENT_ RESET_ numeric numeric internalSystem {fr->markerSegmentResetCmd($1, Vector($4,$5),(Coord::InternalSystem)$6);} | INT SEGMENT_ RESET_ numeric numeric coordSystem skyDist {fr->markerSegmentResetCmd($1, Vector($4,$5), (Coord::CoordSystem)$6, (Coord::DistFormat)$7);} | INT POINT_ SHAPE_ pointShape {fr->markerPointShapeCmd($1,(Point::PointShape)$4);} | INT POINT_ SIZE_ INT {fr->markerPointSizeCmd($1,$4);} | INT POLYGON_ FILL_ yesno {fr->markerPolygonFillCmd($1,$4);} | INT PROJECTION_ internalSystem coord coord numeric {fr->markerProjectionCmd($1, Vector($4), Vector($5), (Coord::InternalSystem)$3, $6);} | INT PROJECTION_ coordSystem skyFrame coord coord numeric coordSystem skyDist {fr->markerProjectionCmd($1, Vector($5), Vector($6), (Coord::CoordSystem)$3, (Coord::SkyFrame)$4, $7, (Coord::CoordSystem)$8, (Coord::DistFormat)$9);} | INT PROPERTY_ markerProperty yesno {fr->markerPropertyCmd($1,$3,$4);} | INT ROTATE_ BEGIN_ {fr->markerRotateBeginCmd($1);} | INT RULER_ FORMAT_ STRING {fr->markerRulerDistSpecCmd($1, $4);} | INT RULER_ POINT_ internalSystem coord coord {fr->markerRulerPointCmd($1, Vector($5), Vector($6), (Coord::InternalSystem)$4);} | INT RULER_ POINT_ coordSystem skyFrame coord coord {fr->markerRulerPointCmd($1, Vector($6), Vector($7), (Coord::CoordSystem)$4, (Coord::SkyFrame)$5);} | INT RULER_ SYSTEM_ coordSystem skyFrame coordSystem skyDist {fr->markerRulerSystemCmd($1, (Coord::CoordSystem)$4, (Coord::SkyFrame)$5, (Coord::CoordSystem)$6, (Coord::DistFormat)$7);} | INT SELECT_ {fr->markerSelectCmd($1);} | INT SELECT_ ONLY_ {fr->markerSelectOnlyCmd($1);} | INT TAG_ STRING {fr->markerTagCmd($1,$3);} | INT TEXT_ STRING {fr->markerTextCmd($1,$3);} | INT TEXT_ ROTATE_ yesno {fr->markerTextRotateCmd($1,$4);} | INT UNHIGHLITE_ {fr->markerUnhighliteCmd($1);} | INT UNSELECT_ {fr->markerUnselectCmd($1);} | INT VECTOR_ ARROW_ yesno {fr->markerVectorArrowCmd($1,$4);} | INT VECTOR_ POINT_ internalSystem coord numeric angle {fr->markerVectorCmd($1, Vector($5), (Coord::InternalSystem)$4, $6, $7);} | INT VECTOR_ POINT_ coordSystem skyFrame coord coordSystem skyDist numeric angle {fr->markerVectorCmd($1, Vector($6), (Coord::CoordSystem)$4, (Coord::SkyFrame)$5, $9, (Coord::CoordSystem)$7, (Coord::DistFormat)$8, $10);} | INT WIDTH_ INT {fr->markerLineWidthCmd($1,$3);} | KEY_ {fr->markerKeyCmd();} | KEY_ numeric numeric {fr->markerKeyCmd(Vector($2,$3));} | LIST_ markerList | LOAD_ markerLoad | MOVE_ markerMoveSelected | PRESERVE_ yesno {fr->markerPreserveCmd($2);} | PROPERTY_ markerProperty yesno {fr->markerPropertyCmd($2,$3);} | PROPERTY_ markerProperty yesno numeric numeric {fr->markerPropertyCmd($2,$3,Vector($4,$5));} | ROTATE_ BEGIN_ numeric numeric {fr->markerRotateBeginCmd(Vector($3,$4));} | ROTATE_ MOTION_ numeric numeric INT {fr->markerRotateMotionCmd(Vector($3,$4),$5);} | ROTATE_ END_ {fr->markerRotateEndCmd();} | SAVE_ STRING markerFormat coordSystem skyFrame skyFormat yesno {fr->markerSaveCmd($2, (Base::MarkerFormat)$3, (Coord::CoordSystem)$4, (Coord::SkyFrame)$5, (Coord::SkyFormat)$6, $7);} | SAVE_ TEMPLATE_ STRING {fr->markerSaveTemplateCmd($3);} | SELECT_ markerSelect | SHOW_ markerShow | STRING COLOR_ STRING {fr->markerColorCmd($1,$3);} | STRING COPY_ {fr->markerCopyCmd($1);} | STRING DELETE_ {fr->markerDeleteCmd($1);} | STRING CUT_ {fr->markerCutCmd($1);} | STRING FONT_ STRING {fr->markerFontCmd($1,$3);} | STRING HIGHLITE_ {fr->markerHighliteCmd($1);} | STRING HIGHLITE_ ONLY_ {fr->markerHighliteOnlyCmd($1);} | STRING MOVE_ numeric numeric {fr->markerMoveCmd($1,Vector($3,$4));} | STRING MOVE_ FRONT_ {fr->markerFrontCmd($1);} | STRING MOVE_ BACK_ {fr->markerBackCmd($1);} | STRING MOVE_ TO_ internalSystem coord {fr->markerMoveToCmd($1,Vector($5),(Coord::InternalSystem)$4);} | STRING MOVE_ TO_ coordSystem skyFrame coord {fr->markerMoveToCmd($1,Vector($6),(Coord::CoordSystem)$4,(Coord::SkyFrame)$5);} | STRING PROPERTY_ markerProperty yesno {fr->markerPropertyCmd($1,$3,$4);} | STRING SELECT_ {fr->markerSelectCmd($1);} | STRING SELECT_ ONLY_ {fr->markerSelectOnlyCmd($1);} | STRING UNHIGHLITE_ {fr->markerUnhighliteCmd($1);} | STRING UNSELECT_ {fr->markerUnselectCmd($1);} | TAG_ EDIT_ STRING STRING {fr->markerTagEditCmd($3,$4);} | TAG_ DELETE_ STRING {fr->markerTagDeleteCmd($3);} | TAG_ DELETE_ ALL_ {fr->markerTagDeleteAllCmd();} | TAG_ STRING {fr->markerTagCmd($2);} | TAG_ UPDATE_ STRING {fr->markerTagUpdateCmd($3);} | PASTE_ {fr->markerPasteCmd();} | PASTE_ coordSystem {fr->markerPasteCmd((Coord::CoordSystem)$2);} | UNDO_ {fr->markerUndoCmd();} | UNHIGHLITE_ ALL_ {fr->markerUnhighliteAllCmd();} | UNSELECT_ ALL_ {fr->markerUnselectAllCmd();} | WIDTH_ INT {fr->markerLineWidthCmd($2);} ; markerCallBack : SELECT_ {$$ = CallBack::SELECTCB;} | UNSELECT_ {$$ = CallBack::UNSELECTCB;} | HIGHLITE_ {$$ = CallBack::HIGHLITECB;} | UNHIGHLITE_ {$$ = CallBack::UNHIGHLITECB;} | BEGIN_ MOVE_ {$$ = CallBack::MOVEBEGINCB;} | MOVE_ {$$ = CallBack::MOVECB;} | END_ MOVE_ {$$ = CallBack::MOVEENDCB;} | BEGIN_ EDIT_ {$$ = CallBack::EDITBEGINCB;} | EDIT_ {$$ = CallBack::EDITCB;} | END_ EDIT_ {$$ = CallBack::EDITENDCB;} | BEGIN_ ROTATE_ {$$ = CallBack::ROTATEBEGINCB;} | ROTATE_ {$$ = CallBack::ROTATECB;} | END_ ROTATE_ {$$ = CallBack::ROTATEENDCB;} | DELETE_ {$$ = CallBack::DELETECB;} | TEXT_ {$$ = CallBack::TEXTCB;} | COLOR_ {$$ = CallBack::COLORCB;} | WIDTH_ {$$ = CallBack::LINEWIDTHCB;} | PROPERTY_ {$$ = CallBack::PROPERTYCB;} | FONT_ {$$ = CallBack::FONTCB;} | KEY_ {$$ = CallBack::KEYCB;} | UPDATE_ {$$ = CallBack::UPDATECB;} ; markerCentroid : /* empty */ {fr->markerCentroidCmd();} | INT {fr->markerCentroidCmd($1);} | AUTO_ yesno {fr->markerCentroidAutoCmd($2);} | RADIUS_ numeric {fr->markerCentroidRadiusCmd($2);} | ITERATION_ INT {fr->markerCentroidIterationCmd($2);} | OPTION_ INT numeric { fr->markerCentroidIterationCmd($2); fr->markerCentroidRadiusCmd($3); } ; markerCreate : CIRCLE_ numeric numeric numeric markerProperties {fr->createCircleCmd(fr->mapToRef(Vector($2,$3),Coord::CANVAS), $4, 0, currentColor,currentDash,currentWidth,currentFont, currentText,currentProps,NULL,taglist,cblist);} | ELLIPSE_ numeric numeric numeric numeric optangle markerProperties {fr->createEllipseCmd(fr->mapToRef(Vector($2,$3),Coord::CANVAS), Vector($4,$5), $6, 0, currentColor,currentDash,currentWidth,currentFont, currentText,currentProps,NULL,taglist,cblist);} | BOX_ numeric numeric numeric numeric optangle markerProperties {fr->createBoxCmd(fr->mapToRef(Vector($2,$3),Coord::CANVAS), Vector($4,$5), $6, 0, currentColor,currentDash,currentWidth,currentFont, currentText,currentProps,NULL,taglist,cblist);} | POLYGON_ numeric numeric numeric numeric markerProperties {fr->createPolygonCmd(fr->mapToRef(Vector($2,$3),Coord::CANVAS), Vector($4,$5), 0, currentColor,currentDash,currentWidth,currentFont, currentText,currentProps,NULL,taglist,cblist);} | SEGMENT_ numeric numeric numeric numeric markerProperties {fr->createSegmentCmd(fr->mapToRef(Vector($2,$3),Coord::CANVAS), Vector($4,$5), currentColor,currentDash,currentWidth,currentFont, currentText,currentProps,NULL,taglist,cblist);} | LINE_ numeric numeric numeric numeric markerProperties {fr->createLineCmd(fr->mapToRef(Vector($2,$3),Coord::CANVAS), fr->mapToRef(Vector($4,$5),Coord::CANVAS), 0, 0, currentColor,currentDash,currentWidth,currentFont, currentText,currentProps,NULL,taglist,cblist);} | VECTOR_ numeric numeric numeric numeric markerProperties {fr->createVectCmd(fr->mapToRef(Vector($2,$3),Coord::CANVAS), fr->mapToRef(Vector($4,$5),Coord::CANVAS), 1, currentColor,currentDash,currentWidth,currentFont, currentText,currentProps,NULL,taglist,cblist);} | TEXT_ numeric numeric optangle markerProperties {fr->createTextCmd(fr->mapToRef(Vector($2,$3),Coord::CANVAS), $4, 1, currentColor,currentDash,currentWidth,currentFont, currentText,currentProps,NULL,taglist,cblist);} | CIRCLE_ POINT_ numeric numeric pointSize markerProperties {fr->createPointCmd(fr->mapToRef(Vector($3,$4),Coord::CANVAS), Point::CIRCLE, $5, currentColor,currentDash,currentWidth,currentFont, currentText,currentProps,NULL,taglist,cblist);} | BOX_ POINT_ numeric numeric pointSize markerProperties {fr->createPointCmd(fr->mapToRef(Vector($3,$4),Coord::CANVAS), Point::BOX, $5, currentColor,currentDash,currentWidth,currentFont, currentText,currentProps,NULL,taglist,cblist);} | DIAMOND_ POINT_ numeric numeric pointSize markerProperties {fr->createPointCmd(fr->mapToRef(Vector($3,$4),Coord::CANVAS), Point::DIAMOND, $5, currentColor,currentDash,currentWidth,currentFont, currentText,currentProps,NULL,taglist,cblist);} | CROSS_ POINT_ numeric numeric pointSize markerProperties {fr->createPointCmd(fr->mapToRef(Vector($3,$4),Coord::CANVAS), Point::CROSS, $5, currentColor,currentDash,currentWidth,currentFont, currentText,currentProps,NULL,taglist,cblist);} | 'X' POINT_ numeric numeric pointSize markerProperties {fr->createPointCmd(fr->mapToRef(Vector($3,$4),Coord::CANVAS), Point::EX, $5, currentColor,currentDash,currentWidth,currentFont, currentText,currentProps,NULL,taglist,cblist);} | ARROW_ POINT_ numeric numeric pointSize markerProperties {fr->createPointCmd(fr->mapToRef(Vector($3,$4),Coord::CANVAS), Point::ARROW, $5, currentColor,currentDash,currentWidth,currentFont, currentText,currentProps,NULL,taglist,cblist);} | BOXCIRCLE_ POINT_ numeric numeric pointSize markerProperties {fr->createPointCmd(fr->mapToRef(Vector($3,$4),Coord::CANVAS), Point::BOXCIRCLE, $5, currentColor,currentDash,currentWidth,currentFont, currentText,currentProps,NULL,taglist,cblist);} | RULER_ numeric numeric numeric numeric coordSystem skyFrame coordSystem skyDist STRING markerProperties {fr->createRulerCmd(fr->mapToRef(Vector($2,$3),Coord::CANVAS), fr->mapToRef(Vector($4,$5),Coord::CANVAS), (Coord::CoordSystem)$6, (Coord::SkyFrame)$7, (Coord::CoordSystem)$8, (Coord::DistFormat)$9, $10, currentColor,currentDash,currentWidth,currentFont, currentText,currentProps,NULL,taglist,cblist);} | COMPASS_ numeric numeric numeric coordSystem skyFrame markerProperties {fr->createCompassCmd(fr->mapToRef(Vector($2,$3),Coord::CANVAS), $4, "N", "E", 1, 1, (Coord::CoordSystem)$5, (Coord::SkyFrame)$6, currentColor,currentDash,currentWidth,currentFont, currentText,currentProps,NULL,taglist,cblist);} | PROJECTION_ numeric numeric numeric numeric numeric markerProperties {fr->createProjectionCmd(fr->mapToRef(Vector($2,$3),Coord::CANVAS), fr->mapToRef(Vector($4,$5),Coord::CANVAS), $6, currentColor,currentDash,currentWidth,currentFont, currentText,currentProps,NULL,taglist,cblist);} | ANNULUS_ numeric numeric numeric numeric INT markerProperties {fr->createAnnulusCmd(fr->mapToRef(Vector($2,$3),Coord::CANVAS), $4,$5,$6, currentColor,currentDash,currentWidth,currentFont, currentText,currentProps,NULL,taglist,cblist);} | ELLIPSEANNULUS_ numeric numeric numeric numeric numeric INT optangle markerProperties {fr->createEllipseAnnulusCmd(fr->mapToRef(Vector($2,$3),Coord::CANVAS), Vector($4,$5), Vector($6,$6*$4/$5),$7, $8, currentColor,currentDash,currentWidth,currentFont, currentText,currentProps,NULL,taglist,cblist);} | BOXANNULUS_ numeric numeric numeric numeric numeric INT optangle markerProperties {fr->createBoxAnnulusCmd(fr->mapToRef(Vector($2,$3),Coord::CANVAS), Vector($4,$5),Vector($6,$6*$4/$5),$7, $8, currentColor,currentDash,currentWidth,currentFont, currentText,currentProps,NULL,taglist,cblist);} | CPANDA_ numeric numeric angle angle INT numeric numeric INT markerProperties {fr->createCpandaCmd(fr->mapToRef(Vector($2,$3),Coord::CANVAS), $4,$5,$6, $7,$8,$9, currentColor,currentDash,currentWidth,currentFont, currentText,currentProps,NULL,taglist,cblist);} | EPANDA_ numeric numeric angle angle INT numeric numeric numeric INT optangle markerProperties {fr->createEpandaCmd(fr->mapToRef(Vector($2,$3),Coord::CANVAS), $4,$5,$6, Vector($7,$8), Vector($9,$9*$7/$8),$10, $11, currentColor,currentDash,currentWidth,currentFont, currentText,currentProps,NULL,taglist,cblist);} | BPANDA_ numeric numeric angle angle INT numeric numeric numeric INT optangle markerProperties {fr->createBpandaCmd(fr->mapToRef(Vector($2,$3),Coord::CANVAS), $4,$5,$6, Vector($7,$8), Vector($9,$9*$7/$8),$10, $11, currentColor,currentDash,currentWidth,currentFont, currentText,currentProps,NULL,taglist,cblist);} | COMPOSITE_ markerProperties {fr->createCompositeCmd( currentColor,currentDash,currentWidth,currentFont, currentText,currentProps,NULL,taglist,cblist);} | TEMPLATE_ markerCreateTemplate ; markerCreateTemplate : STRING numeric numeric {fr->createTemplateCmd(fr->mapToRef(Vector($2,$3),Coord::CANVAS), $1);} | VAR_ STRING numeric numeric {fr->createTemplateVarCmd(fr->mapToRef(Vector($3,$4),Coord::CANVAS), $2);} | numeric numeric VAR_ STRING { // backward compatibility fr->createTemplateVarCmd(fr->mapToRef(Vector($1,$2),Coord::CANVAS), $4); } | STRING coordSystem skyFrame coord {fr->createTemplateCmd(Vector($4),(Coord::CoordSystem)$2,(Coord::SkyFrame)$3, $1);} ; markerDash : INT INT {$$[0] = $1; $$[1] = $2;} ; markerEdit : BEGIN_ numeric numeric INT {fr->markerEditBeginCmd(Vector($2,$3),$4);} | MOTION_ numeric numeric INT {fr->markerEditMotionCmd(Vector($2,$3),$4);} | END_ {fr->markerEditEndCmd();} ; markerFormat : DS9_ {$$ = Base::DS9;} | XML_ {$$ = Base::XML;} | CIAO_ {$$ = Base::CIAO;} | SAOTNG_ {$$ = Base::SAOTNG;} | SAOIMAGE_ {$$ = Base::SAOIMAGE;} | PROS_ {$$ = Base::PROS;} | XY_ {$$ = Base::RAWXY;} ; markerGet : CENTROID_ markerGetCentroid | COLOR_ {fr->getMarkerColorCmd();} | FONT_ {fr->getMarkerFontCmd();} | EPSILON_ {fr->getMarkerEpsilonCmd();} | HANDLE_ numeric numeric {fr->getMarkerHandleCmd(Vector($2,$3));} | ID_ numeric numeric {fr->getMarkerIdCmd(Vector($2,$3));} | HIDE_ ANALYSIS_ CPANDA_ coordSystem {fr->getMarkerAnalysisPandaCmd((Coord::CoordSystem)$4);} | HIDE_ ANALYSIS_ HISTOGRAM_ STRING STRING INT {fr->getMarkerAnalysisHistogramCmd($4,$5,$6);} | HIDE_ ANALYSIS_ PLOT2D_ STRING STRING STRING STRING coordSystem skyFrame analysisParam {fr->getMarkerAnalysisPlot2dCmd($4,$5,$6,$7,(Coord::CoordSystem)$8, (Coord::SkyFrame)$9, (Marker::AnalysisMethod)$10);} | HIDE_ ANALYSIS_ PLOT3D_ STRING STRING coordSystem analysisParam {fr->getMarkerAnalysisPlot3dCmd($4,$5,(Coord::CoordSystem)$6,(Marker::AnalysisMethod)$7);} | HIDE_ ANALYSIS_ RADIAL_ STRING STRING STRING coordSystem {fr->getMarkerAnalysisRadialCmd($4,$5,$6,(Coord::CoordSystem)$7);} | HIDE_ ANALYSIS_ STATS_ coordSystem skyFrame {fr->getMarkerAnalysisStatsCmd((Coord::CoordSystem)$4, (Coord::SkyFrame)$5);} | INT ANALYSIS_ CPANDA_ coordSystem {fr->getMarkerAnalysisPandaCmd($1,(Coord::CoordSystem)$4);} | INT ANALYSIS_ HISTOGRAM_ STRING STRING INT {fr->getMarkerAnalysisHistogramCmd($1,$4,$5,$6);} | INT ANALYSIS_ PLOT2D_ STRING STRING STRING STRING coordSystem skyFrame analysisParam {fr->getMarkerAnalysisPlot2dCmd($1,$4,$5,$6,$7,(Coord::CoordSystem)$8, (Coord::SkyFrame)$9, (Marker::AnalysisMethod)$10);} | INT ANALYSIS_ PLOT3D_ STRING STRING coordSystem analysisParam {fr->getMarkerAnalysisPlot3dCmd($1,$4,$5,(Coord::CoordSystem)$6,(Marker::AnalysisMethod)$7);} | INT ANALYSIS_ RADIAL_ STRING STRING STRING coordSystem {fr->getMarkerAnalysisRadialCmd($1,$4,$5,$6,(Coord::CoordSystem)$7);} | INT ANALYSIS_ STATS_ coordSystem skyFrame {fr->getMarkerAnalysisStatsCmd($1,(Coord::CoordSystem)$4, (Coord::SkyFrame)$5);} | ID_ ALL_ {fr->getMarkerIdAllCmd();} | INT ANGLE_ {fr->getMarkerAngleCmd($1);} | INT ANGLE_ internalSystem {fr->getMarkerAngleCmd($1);} | INT ANGLE_ coordSystem skyFrame {fr->getMarkerAngleCmd($1,(Coord::CoordSystem)$3, (Coord::SkyFrame)$4);} | INT ANNULUS_ RADIUS_ coordSystem skyDist {fr->getMarkerAnnulusRadiusCmd($1, (Coord::CoordSystem)$4, (Coord::DistFormat)$5);} | INT BOX_ FILL_ {fr->getMarkerBoxFillCmd($1);} | INT BOXANNULUS_ RADIUS_ coordSystem skyDist {fr->getMarkerBoxAnnulusRadiusCmd($1,(Coord::CoordSystem)$4,(Coord::DistFormat)$5);} | INT BOX_ RADIUS_ coordSystem skyDist {fr->getMarkerBoxRadiusCmd($1,(Coord::CoordSystem)$4, (Coord::DistFormat)$5);} | INT BPANDA_ ANGLE_ {fr->getMarkerBpandaAnglesCmd($1);} | INT BPANDA_ ANGLE_ internalSystem {fr->getMarkerBpandaAnglesCmd($1);} | INT BPANDA_ ANGLE_ coordSystem skyFrame {fr->getMarkerBpandaAnglesCmd($1, (Coord::CoordSystem)$4, (Coord::SkyFrame)$5);} | INT BPANDA_ RADIUS_ coordSystem skyDist {fr->getMarkerBpandaRadiusCmd($1, (Coord::CoordSystem)$4, (Coord::DistFormat)$5);} | INT CENTER_ coordSystem skyFrame skyFormat {fr->getMarkerCenterCmd($1, (Coord::CoordSystem)$3, (Coord::SkyFrame)$4, (Coord::SkyFormat)$5);} | INT CIRCLE_ FILL_ {fr->getMarkerCircleFillCmd($1);} | INT CIRCLE_ RADIUS_ coordSystem skyDist {fr->getMarkerCircleRadiusCmd($1, (Coord::CoordSystem)$4, (Coord::DistFormat)$5);} | INT COLOR_ {fr->getMarkerColorCmd($1);} | INT COMPASS_ ARROW_ {fr->getMarkerCompassArrowCmd($1);} | INT COMPASS_ LABEL_ {fr->getMarkerCompassLabelCmd($1);} | INT COMPASS_ RADIUS_ coordSystem skyDist {fr->getMarkerCompassRadiusCmd($1, (Coord::CoordSystem)$4, (Coord::DistFormat)$5);} | INT COMPASS_ SYSTEM_ {fr->getMarkerCompassSystemCmd($1);} | INT COMPOSITE_ GLOBAL_ {fr->getMarkerCompositeCmd($1);} | INT CPANDA_ ANGLE_ {fr->getMarkerCpandaAnglesCmd($1);} | INT CPANDA_ ANGLE_ internalSystem {fr->getMarkerCpandaAnglesCmd($1);} | INT CPANDA_ ANGLE_ coordSystem skyFrame {fr->getMarkerCpandaAnglesCmd($1, (Coord::CoordSystem)$4, (Coord::SkyFrame)$5);} | INT CPANDA_ RADIUS_ coordSystem skyDist {fr->getMarkerCpandaRadiusCmd($1, (Coord::CoordSystem)$4, (Coord::DistFormat)$5);} | INT ELLIPSE_ FILL_ {fr->getMarkerEllipseFillCmd($1);} | INT ELLIPSE_ RADIUS_ coordSystem skyDist {fr->getMarkerEllipseRadiusCmd($1, (Coord::CoordSystem)$4, (Coord::DistFormat)$5);} | INT ELLIPSEANNULUS_ RADIUS_ coordSystem skyDist {fr->getMarkerEllipseAnnulusRadiusCmd($1, (Coord::CoordSystem)$4, (Coord::DistFormat)$5);} | INT EPANDA_ ANGLE_ {fr->getMarkerEpandaAnglesCmd($1);} | INT EPANDA_ ANGLE_ internalSystem {fr->getMarkerEpandaAnglesCmd($1);} | INT EPANDA_ ANGLE_ coordSystem skyFrame {fr->getMarkerEpandaAnglesCmd($1, (Coord::CoordSystem)$4, (Coord::SkyFrame)$5);} | INT EPANDA_ RADIUS_ coordSystem skyDist {fr->getMarkerEpandaRadiusCmd($1, (Coord::CoordSystem)$4, (Coord::DistFormat)$5);} | INT FONT_ {fr->getMarkerFontCmd($1);} | INT HIGHLITE_ {fr->getMarkerHighlitedCmd($1);} | INT LINE_ ARROW_ {fr->getMarkerLineArrowCmd($1);} | INT LINE_ LENGTH_ coordSystem skyDist {fr->getMarkerLineLengthCmd($1, (Coord::CoordSystem)$4, (Coord::DistFormat)$5);} | INT LINE_ POINT_ coordSystem skyFrame skyFormat {fr->getMarkerLineCmd($1, (Coord::CoordSystem)$4, (Coord::SkyFrame)$5, (Coord::SkyFormat)$6);} | INT MAP_ LENGTH_ numeric coordSystem skyDist {fr->getMarkerMapLenFromRefCmd($1, $4, (Coord::CoordSystem)$5,(Coord::DistFormat)$6);} | INT POLYGON_ FILL_ {fr->getMarkerPolygonFillCmd($1);} | INT POINT_ SHAPE_ {fr->getMarkerPointShapeCmd($1);} | INT POINT_ SIZE_ {fr->getMarkerPointSizeCmd($1);} | INT PROJECTION_ POINT_ coordSystem skyFrame skyFormat {fr->getMarkerProjectionPointsCmd($1, (Coord::CoordSystem)$4, (Coord::SkyFrame)$5, (Coord::SkyFormat)$6);} | INT PROJECTION_ LENGTH_ coordSystem skyDist {fr->getMarkerProjectionLengthCmd($1, (Coord::CoordSystem)$4, (Coord::DistFormat)$5);} | INT PROJECTION_ THICK_ coordSystem skyDist {fr->getMarkerProjectionWidthCmd($1,(Coord::CoordSystem)$4,(Coord::DistFormat)$5);} | INT PROPERTY_ {fr->getMarkerPropertyCmd($1);} | INT PROPERTY_ markerProperty {fr->getMarkerPropertyCmd($1,$3);} | INT RULER_ FORMAT_ {fr->getMarkerRulerDistSpecCmd($1);} | INT RULER_ LENGTH_ coordSystem skyDist {fr->getMarkerRulerLengthCmd($1,(Coord::CoordSystem)$4,(Coord::DistFormat)$5);} | INT RULER_ POINT_ coordSystem skyFrame skyFormat {fr->getMarkerRulerPointCmd($1, (Coord::CoordSystem)$4, (Coord::SkyFrame)$5, (Coord::SkyFormat)$6);} | INT RULER_ SYSTEM_ {fr->getMarkerRulerSystemCmd($1);} | INT SELECT_ {fr->getMarkerSelectedCmd($1);} | INT TAG_ {fr->getMarkerTagCmd($1);} | INT TAG_ INT {fr->getMarkerTagCmd($1,$3);} | INT TEXT_ {fr->getMarkerTextCmd($1);} | INT TEXT_ ROTATE_ {fr->getMarkerTextRotateCmd($1);} | INT TYPE_ {fr->getMarkerTypeCmd($1);} | INT VECTOR_ ARROW_ {fr->getMarkerVectorArrowCmd($1);} | INT VECTOR_ LENGTH_ coordSystem skyDist {fr->getMarkerVectorLengthCmd($1, (Coord::CoordSystem)$4, (Coord::DistFormat)$5);} | INT VECTOR_ POINT_ coordSystem skyFrame skyFormat {fr->getMarkerVectorCmd($1, (Coord::CoordSystem)$4, (Coord::SkyFrame)$5, (Coord::SkyFormat)$6);} | INT WIDTH_ {fr->getMarkerLineWidthCmd($1);} | HIGHLITE_ markerGetHighlite | HIGHLITE_ NUMBER_ {fr->getMarkerHighlitedNumberCmd();} | NUMBER_ {fr->getMarkerNumberCmd();} | POLYGON_ SEGMENT_ numeric numeric {fr->getMarkerPolygonSegmentCmd(Vector($3,$4));} | SEGMENT_ SEGMENT_ numeric numeric {fr->getMarkerSegmentSegmentCmd(Vector($3,$4));} | PRESERVE_ {fr->getMarkerPreserveCmd();} | PROPERTY_ markerProperty {fr->getMarkerPropertyCmd($2);} | SELECT_ markerGetSelect | SELECT_ NUMBER_ {fr->getMarkerSelectedNumberCmd();} | SHOW_ markerGetShow | STRING COLOR_ {fr->getMarkerColorCmd($1);} | STRING FONT_ {fr->getMarkerFontCmd($1);} | STRING ID_ {fr->getMarkerIdCmd($1);} | STRING PROPERTY_ markerProperty {fr->getMarkerPropertyCmd($1,$3);} | STRING TAG_ {fr->getMarkerTagCmd($1);} | STRING TAG_ NUMBER_ {fr->getMarkerTagNumberCmd($1);} | TAG_ ALL_ {fr->getMarkerTagsCmd();} | TAG_ DEFAULT_ NAME_ {fr->getMarkerTagDefaultNameCmd();} | WIDTH_ {fr->getMarkerLineWidthCmd();} ; markerGetCentroid : AUTO_ {fr->getMarkerCentroidAutoCmd();} | RADIUS_ {fr->getMarkerCentroidRadiusCmd();} | ITERATION_ {fr->getMarkerCentroidIterationCmd();} | OPTION_ {fr->getMarkerCentroidOptionCmd();} ; markerGetHighlite : /* empty */ {fr->getMarkerHighlitedCmd();} | numeric numeric {fr->getMarkerHighlitedCmd(Vector($1,$2));} ; markerGetSelect : /* empty */ {fr->getMarkerSelectedCmd();} | numeric numeric {fr->getMarkerSelectedCmd(Vector($1,$2));} ; markerGetShow : /* empty */ {fr->getMarkerShowCmd();} | TEXT_ {fr->getMarkerShowTextCmd();} ; markerInitProp : { strncpy(currentFont, "helvetica 10 normal roman", 32); strncpy(currentColor, "green", 16); currentDash[0] = 8; currentDash[1] = 3; currentWidth = 1; strncpy(currentText, "", 80); currentProps = defaultProps; taglist.deleteAll(); cblist.deleteAll(); } ; markerLayer : /* empty */ {fr->markerLayerCmd(Base::USER);} | POINTER_ { // backward compatibility fr->markerLayerCmd(Base::USER); } | REGION_ {fr->markerLayerCmd(Base::USER);} | USER_ { // backward compatibility fr->markerLayerCmd(Base::USER); } | CATALOG_ {fr->markerLayerCmd(Base::CATALOG);} | ANALYSIS_ {fr->markerLayerCmd(Base::ANALYSIS);} ; markerList : markerFormat coordSystem skyFrame skyFormat yesno markerQuery markerTags {fr->markerListCmd((Base::MarkerFormat)$1, (Coord::CoordSystem)$2, (Coord::SkyFrame)$3, (Coord::SkyFormat)$4, $5, 0, propQMask, propQValue, taglist);} | SELECT_ markerFormat coordSystem skyFrame skyFormat yesno markerQuery markerTags {fr->markerListCmd((Base::MarkerFormat)$2, (Coord::CoordSystem)$3, (Coord::SkyFrame)$4, (Coord::SkyFormat)$5, $6, 1, propQMask, propQValue, taglist);} ; markerLoad : markerFormat STRING {fr->markerLoadCmd((Base::MarkerFormat)$1,$2);} | markerFormat STRING coordSystem skyFrame {fr->markerLoadCmd((Base::MarkerFormat)$1,$2, (Coord::CoordSystem)$3,(Coord::SkyFrame)$4);} | markerFormat INT {fr->markerLoadCmd((Base::MarkerFormat)$1,$2);} | markerFormat INT coordSystem skyFrame {fr->markerLoadCmd((Base::MarkerFormat)$1,$2, (Coord::CoordSystem)$3,(Coord::SkyFrame)$4);} | FITS_ STRING STRING markerDash INT STRING {fr->markerLoadFitsCmd($2, $3, $4, $5, $6);} ; markerMoveSelected : numeric numeric {fr->markerMoveCmd(Vector($1,$2));} | FRONT_ {fr->markerFrontCmd();} | BACK_ {fr->markerBackCmd();} | BEGIN_ numeric numeric {fr->markerMoveBeginCmd(Vector($2,$3));} | MOTION_ numeric numeric {fr->markerMoveMotionCmd(Vector($2,$3));} | END_ {fr->markerMoveEndCmd();} | TO_ internalSystem coord {fr->markerMoveToCmd(Vector($3), (Coord::InternalSystem)$2);} | TO_ coordSystem skyFrame coord {fr->markerMoveToCmd(Vector($4), (Coord::CoordSystem)$2, (Coord::SkyFrame)$3);} ; markerProps : markerProps markerProp | markerProp ; markerProp : markerProperty '=' yesno {setProps(¤tProps,$1,$3);} | COLOR_ '=' STRING {strncpy(currentColor,$3,16);} | DASHLIST_ '=' INT INT {currentDash[0]=$3;currentDash[1]=$4;} | WIDTH_ '=' INT {currentWidth = $3;} | FONT_ '=' STRING {strncpy(currentFont,$3,32);} | TEXT_ '=' STRING {strncpy(currentText,$3,80);} | tag | callback ; markerProperty : NONE_ {$$ = Marker::NONE;} | SELECT_ {$$ = Marker::SELECT;} | HIGHLITE_ {$$ = Marker::HIGHLITE;} | DASH_ {$$ = Marker::DASH;} | FIXED_ {$$ = Marker::FIXED;} | EDIT_ {$$ = Marker::EDIT;} | MOVE_ {$$ = Marker::MOVE;} | ROTATE_ {$$ = Marker::ROTATE;} | DELETE_ {$$ = Marker::DELETE;} | INCLUDE_ {$$ = Marker::INCLUDE;} | SOURCE_ {$$ = Marker::SOURCE;} ; markerProperties : /* empty */ markerInitProp | markerInitProp markerProps ; markerQuery: /* empty */ {propQMask=0;propQValue=0;} | {propQMask=0;propQValue=0;} queries ; markerSelect : ALL_ {fr->markerSelectAllCmd();} | ONLY_ numeric numeric {fr->markerSelectOnlyCmd(Vector($2,$3));} | TOGGLE_ {fr->markerSelectToggleCmd();} | TOGGLE_ numeric numeric {fr->markerSelectToggleCmd(Vector($2,$3));} ; markerShow : yesno {fr->markerShowCmd($1);} | TEXT_ yesno {fr->markerShowTextCmd($2);} ; queries : queries query | query ; query : markerProperty '=' yesno {propQMask |= $1; setProps(&propQValue,$1,$3);} ; markerTags: /* empty */ {taglist.deleteAll();} | {taglist.deleteAll();} tags ; tags : tags tag | tag ; tag : TAG_ '=' STRING {taglist.append(new Tag($3));} ; callback : CALLBACK_ '=' markerCallBack STRING STRING {cblist.append( new CallBack(fr->getInterp(),(CallBack::Type)$3,$4,$5));} ; mask : CLEAR_ {fr->maskClearCmd();} | COLOR_ STRING {fr->maskColorCmd($2);} | MARK_ INT {fr->maskMarkCmd($2);} | TRANSPARENCY_ numeric {fr->maskTransparencyCmd($2);} ; orient : 'X' {fr->orientCmd(Coord::XX);} | 'Y' {fr->orientCmd(Coord::YY);} | XY_ {fr->orientCmd(Coord::XY);} | NONE_ {fr->orientCmd(Coord::NORMAL);} ; pan : numeric numeric numeric numeric {fr->panCmd(Vector($1,$2),Vector($3,$4));} | numeric numeric {fr->panCmd(Vector($1,$2));} | internalSystem numeric numeric { // backward compatibility fr->panCmd(Vector($2,$3)); } | coordSystem skyFrame coord {fr->panCmd(Vector($3), (Coord::CoordSystem)$1, (Coord::SkyFrame)$2);} | TO_ panTo | BBOX_ numeric numeric {fr->panBBoxCmd(Vector($2,$3));} | MOTION_ panMotion | PRESERVE_ yesno {fr->panPreserveCmd($2);} ; panTo : numeric numeric {fr->panToCmd(Vector($1,$2));} | internalSystem numeric numeric { // backward compatibility fr->panToCmd(Vector($2,$3)); } | coordSystem skyFrame coord {fr->panToCmd(Vector($3), (Coord::CoordSystem)$1, (Coord::SkyFrame)$2);} ; panMotion : BEGIN_ numeric numeric {fr->panBeginCmd(Vector($2,$3));} | numeric numeric {fr->panMotionCmd(Vector($1,$2));} | END_ numeric numeric {fr->panEndCmd(Vector($2,$3));} ; panner : yesno {fr->pannerCmd($1);} | WCS_ wcsSystem skyFrame { // backward compatibility fr->pannerCmd((Coord::CoordSystem)$2,(Coord::SkyFrame)$3); } | STRING INT INT {fr->pannerCmd($1, $2, $3);} | UPDATE_ {fr->updatePannerCmd();} ; postscript : COLORSPACE_ pscolorspace {fr->psColorSpaceCmd((Widget::PSColorSpace)$2);} | LEVEL_ INT {fr->psLevelCmd($2);} | RESOLUTION_ INT {fr->psResolutionCmd($2);} | SCALE_ numeric { // backward compatibility with backup } ; pscolorspace : BW_ {$$ = Widget::BW;} | GRAY_ {$$ = Widget::GRAY;} | RGB_ {$$ = Widget::RGB;} | CMYK_ {$$ = Widget::CMYK;} ; region : HIGHLITE_ regionHighlite | SELECT_ regionSelect ; regionHighlite : BEGIN_ numeric numeric {fr->regionHighliteBeginCmd(Vector($2,$3));} | MOTION_ numeric numeric {fr->regionHighliteMotionCmd(Vector($2,$3));} | END_ {fr->regionHighliteEndCmd();} | SHIFT_ END_ {fr->regionHighliteShiftEndCmd();} ; regionSelect : BEGIN_ numeric numeric {fr->regionSelectBeginCmd(Vector($2,$3));} | MOTION_ numeric numeric {fr->regionSelectMotionCmd(Vector($2,$3));} | END_ {fr->regionSelectEndCmd();} | SHIFT_ END_ {fr->regionSelectShiftEndCmd();} ; renderMethod: MIP_ {$$ = Frame3dBase::MIP;} | AIP_ {$$ = Frame3dBase::AIP;} ; renderBackground: NONE_ {$$ = Frame3dBase::NONE;} | AZIMUTH_ {$$ = Frame3dBase::AZIMUTH;} | ELEVATION_ {$$ = Frame3dBase::ELEVATION;} ; rgb : CHANNEL_ STRING {fr->setRGBChannelCmd($2);} | SYSTEM_ coordSystem {fr->setRGBSystemCmd((Coord::CoordSystem)$2);} | VIEW_ INT INT INT {fr->setRGBViewCmd($2,$3,$4);} ; rotate : numeric {fr->rotateCmd(zeroTWOPI(degToRad($1)));} | numeric DEGREES_ {fr->rotateCmd(zeroTWOPI(degToRad($1)));} | MOTION_ rotateMotion | TO_ numeric {fr->rotateToCmd(zeroTWOPI(degToRad($2)));} | TO_ numeric DEGREES_ {fr->rotateToCmd(zeroTWOPI(degToRad($2)));} ; rotateMotion : BEGIN_ {fr->rotateBeginCmd();} | numeric {fr->rotateMotionCmd(zeroTWOPI(degToRad($1)));} | END_ {fr->rotateEndCmd();} ; save : ARRAY_ saveArray | FITS_ saveFits | NRRD_ saveNRRD | ENVI_ saveENVI | PHOTO_ STRING {fr->savePhotoCmd($2);} ; saveArray : FILE_ STRING endian {fr->saveArrayFileCmd($2, (FitsFile::ArchType)$3);} | CHANNEL_ STRING endian {fr->saveArrayChannelCmd($2, (FitsFile::ArchType)$3);} | SOCKET_ INT endian {fr->saveArraySocketCmd($2, (FitsFile::ArchType)$3);} | RGB_ CUBE_ saveArrayRGBCube ; saveArrayRGBCube : FILE_ STRING endian {fr->saveArrayRGBCubeFileCmd($2, (FitsFile::ArchType)$3);} | CHANNEL_ STRING endian {fr->saveArrayRGBCubeChannelCmd($2, (FitsFile::ArchType)$3);} | SOCKET_ INT endian {fr->saveArrayRGBCubeSocketCmd($2, (FitsFile::ArchType)$3);} saveFits: /* empty */ saveFitsImage | IMAGE_ saveFitsImage | TABLE_ saveFitsTable | SLICE_ saveFitsSlice | EXT_ CUBE_ saveFitsExtCube | MOSAIC_ saveFitsMosaic | RGB_ IMAGE_ saveFitsRGBImage | RGB_ CUBE_ saveFitsRGBCube | RESAMPLE_ saveFitsResample ; saveFitsImage : FILE_ STRING {fr->saveFitsFileCmd($2);} | CHANNEL_ STRING {fr->saveFitsChannelCmd($2);} | SOCKET_ INT {fr->saveFitsSocketCmd($2);} ; saveFitsTable : FILE_ STRING {fr->saveFitsTableFileCmd($2);} | CHANNEL_ STRING {fr->saveFitsTableChannelCmd($2);} | SOCKET_ INT {fr->saveFitsTableSocketCmd($2);} ; saveFitsSlice : FILE_ STRING {fr->saveFitsSliceFileCmd($2);} | CHANNEL_ STRING {fr->saveFitsSliceChannelCmd($2);} | SOCKET_ INT {fr->saveFitsSliceSocketCmd($2);} ; saveFitsExtCube : FILE_ STRING {fr->saveFitsExtCubeFileCmd($2);} | CHANNEL_ STRING {fr->saveFitsExtCubeChannelCmd($2);} | SOCKET_ INT {fr->saveFitsExtCubeSocketCmd($2);} ; saveFitsMosaic : IMAGE_ saveFitsMosaicImage | FILE_ STRING INT {fr->saveFitsMosaicFileCmd($2,$3);} | CHANNEL_ STRING INT {fr->saveFitsMosaicChannelCmd($2,$3);} | SOCKET_ INT INT {fr->saveFitsMosaicSocketCmd($2,$3);} ; saveFitsMosaicImage : FILE_ STRING {fr->saveFitsMosaicImageFileCmd($2);} | CHANNEL_ STRING {fr->saveFitsMosaicImageChannelCmd($2);} | SOCKET_ INT {fr->saveFitsMosaicImageSocketCmd($2);} ; saveFitsRGBImage : FILE_ STRING {fr->saveFitsRGBImageFileCmd($2);} | CHANNEL_ STRING {fr->saveFitsRGBImageChannelCmd($2);} | SOCKET_ INT {fr->saveFitsRGBImageSocketCmd($2);} ; saveFitsRGBCube : FILE_ STRING {fr->saveFitsRGBCubeFileCmd($2);} | CHANNEL_ STRING {fr->saveFitsRGBCubeChannelCmd($2);} | SOCKET_ INT {fr->saveFitsRGBCubeSocketCmd($2);} ; saveFitsResample : FILE_ STRING {fr->saveFitsResampleFileCmd($2);} | CHANNEL_ STRING {fr->saveFitsResampleChannelCmd($2);} | SOCKET_ INT {fr->saveFitsResampleSocketCmd($2);} ; saveNRRD : FILE_ STRING endian {fr->saveNRRDFileCmd($2, (FitsFile::ArchType)$3);} | CHANNEL_ STRING endian {fr->saveNRRDChannelCmd($2, (FitsFile::ArchType)$3);} | SOCKET_ INT endian {fr->saveNRRDSocketCmd($2, (FitsFile::ArchType)$3);} ; saveENVI : FILE_ STRING STRING endian {fr->saveENVIFileCmd($2, $3, (FitsFile::ArchType)$4);} ; smooth : smoothFunction INT INT numeric numeric angle {fr->smoothCmd((Context::SmoothFunction)$1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6);} | DELETE_ {fr->smoothDeleteCmd();} ; smoothFunction : BOXCAR_ {$$ = Context::BOXCAR;} | TOPHAT_ {$$ = Context::TOPHAT;} | GAUSSIAN_ {$$ = Context::GAUSSIAN;} | ELLIPTIC_ {$$ = Context::ELLIPTIC;} ; update : /* empty */ {fr->updateFitsCmd(0);} | INT numeric numeric numeric numeric {fr->updateFitsCmd($1,BBox($2,$3,$4,$5),0);} | NOW_ {fr->updateFitsCmd(1);} | NOW_ INT numeric numeric numeric numeric {fr->updateFitsCmd($2,BBox($3,$4,$5,$6),1);} | FITS_ SLICE_ updateFitsSlice ; updateFitsSlice : INT {fr->sliceCmd(2, $1);} | numeric coordSystem {fr->sliceCmd(2, $1, (Coord::CoordSystem)$2);} | INT INT {fr->sliceCmd($1, $2);} | INT numeric coordSystem {fr->sliceCmd($1, $2, (Coord::CoordSystem)$3);} ; warp : numeric numeric {fr->warpCmd(Vector($1,$2));} | TO_ numeric numeric {fr->warpToCmd(Vector($2,$3));} ; wcs : wcsSystem skyFrame skyFormat {fr->wcsCmd((Coord::CoordSystem)$1, (Coord::SkyFrame)$2, (Coord::SkyFormat)$3);} | ALIGN_ wcsAlign | RESET_ INT {fr->wcsResetCmd($2);} | REPLACE_ wcsReplace | APPEND_ wcsAppend ; wcsAppend : INT INT {fr->wcsAppendCmd($1,$2);} | INT STRING {fr->wcsAppendCmd($1,$2);} | TEXT_ INT STRING {fr->wcsAppendTxtCmd($2,$3);} ; wcsReplace : INT INT {fr->wcsReplaceCmd($1,$2);} | INT STRING {fr->wcsReplaceCmd($1,$2);} | TEXT_ INT STRING {fr->wcsReplaceTxtCmd($2,$3);} ; wcsAlign : INT {fr->wcsAlignCmd($1);} | INT wcsSystem skyFrame { // used by backup fr->wcsAlignCmd($1, (Coord::CoordSystem)$2, (Coord::SkyFrame)$3); } | INT POINTER wcsSystem skyFrame {fr->wcsAlignCmd($1, (FitsImage*)$2, (Coord::CoordSystem)$3, (Coord::SkyFrame)$4);} ; win32 : PRINT_ { #ifdef __WIN32 fr->win32PrintCmd(); #endif } ; zoom : numeric numeric {fr->zoomCmd(Vector($1,$2));} | numeric numeric ABOUT_ numeric numeric {fr->zoomAboutCmd(Vector($1,$2),Vector($4,$5));} | numeric numeric ABOUT_ internalSystem numeric numeric { // backward compatibility fr->zoomAboutCmd(Vector($1,$2),Vector($5,$6)); } | numeric numeric ABOUT_ coordSystem skyFrame coord {fr->zoomAboutCmd(Vector($1,$2),Vector($6), (Coord::CoordSystem)$4,(Coord::SkyFrame)$5);} | TO_ zoomTo ; zoomTo : FIT_ {fr->zoomToFitCmd(1);} | FIT_ numeric {fr->zoomToFitCmd($2);} | numeric numeric {fr->zoomToCmd(Vector($1,$2));} | numeric numeric ABOUT_ numeric numeric {fr->zoomToAboutCmd(Vector($1,$2),Vector($4,$5));} | numeric numeric ABOUT_ internalSystem numeric numeric { // backward compatibility fr->zoomToAboutCmd(Vector($1,$2),Vector($5,$6)); } | numeric numeric ABOUT_ coordSystem skyFrame coord {fr->zoomToAboutCmd(Vector($1,$2), Vector($6), (Coord::CoordSystem)$4, (Coord::SkyFrame)$5);} ; %% static void setProps(unsigned short* props, unsigned short prop, int value) { if (value) *props |= prop; else *props &= ~prop; }