/* Copyright (C) 1999-2016 * Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA, USA * For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in "copyright" */ %option noyywrap %option caseless %option never-interactive %option c++ %{ #include #include #include #include "util.h" #include "prosparser.H" extern YYSTYPE* proslval; extern prosFlexLexer* proslexx; %} %x DISCARD D [0-9] E [Ee][+-]?{D}+ /* rules */ %% [\n] { // special case-- #\n BEGIN INITIAL; yyless(0); // put back the terminator strcpy(proslval->str,""); // feed a blank string return STRING; } [^\n]* { // Discard reset of line BEGIN INITIAL; int ll = yyleng <(PROSBUFSIZE-1) ? yyleng:(PROSBUFSIZE-1); strncpy(proslval->str,yytext,ll); proslval->str[ll] = '\0'; return STRING; } annulus {return ANNULUS_;} b1950 {return B1950_;} box {return BOX_;} circle {return CIRCLE_;} debug {return DEBUG_;} ellipse {return ELLIPSE_;} ecliptic {return ECLIPTIC_;} equatorial {return EQUATORIAL_;} galactic {return GALACTIC_;} j2000 {return J2000_;} logical {return LOGICAL_;} n {return N_;} off {return OFF_;} on {return ON_;} physical {return PHYSICAL_;} point {return POINT_;} polygon {return POLYGON_;} rotbox {return ROTBOX_;} version {return VERSION_;} [+-]?{D}+ { // Integer proslval->integer = atoi(yytext); return INT; } [+-]?{D}+"."?({E})? | [+-]?{D}*"."{D}+({E})? { // Real Number proslval->real = atof(yytext); return REAL; } [+-]?{D}+"."?d | [+-]?{D}*"."{D}+d { // degrees yytext[yyleng-1] = '\0'; proslval->real = atof(yytext); return ANGDEGREE; } [+-]?{D}+"."?r | [+-]?{D}*"."{D}+r { // radians yytext[yyleng-1] = '\0'; proslval->real = atof(yytext); return ANGRADIAN; } {D}+"."?' | {D}*"."{D}+' | [+-]?{D}+"."?({E})?' | [+-]?{D}*"."{D}+({E})?' { // minutes of arc yytext[yyleng-1] = '\0'; proslval->real = atof(yytext); return ARCMINUTE; } {D}+"."?\" | {D}*"."{D}+\" | [+-]?{D}+"."?({E})?\" | [+-]?{D}*"."{D}+({E})?\" { // seconds of arc yytext[yyleng-1] = '\0'; proslval->real = atof(yytext); return ARCSECOND; } [+-]?{D}+:{D}+:{D}+"."? | [+-]?{D}+:{D}+:{D}*"."{D}+ { // Sexagesimal int ll = yyleng <(PROSBUFSIZE-1) ? yyleng:(PROSBUFSIZE-1); strncpy(proslval->str,yytext,ll); proslval->str[ll] = '\0'; return SEXSTR; } [+-]?{D}+h{D}+m{D}+"."?s | [+-]?{D}+h{D}+m{D}*"."{D}+s { // HMS int ll = yyleng <(PROSBUFSIZE-1) ? yyleng:(PROSBUFSIZE-1); strncpy(proslval->str,yytext,ll); proslval->str[ll] = '\0'; return HMSSTR; } [+-]?{D}+d{D}+m{D}+"."?s | [+-]?{D}+d{D}+m{D}*"."{D}+s { // DMS int ll = yyleng <(PROSBUFSIZE-1) ? yyleng:(PROSBUFSIZE-1); strncpy(proslval->str,yytext,ll); proslval->str[ll] = '\0'; return DMSSTR; } \"[^\"\n]*\" | \'[^\'\n]*\' { // Quoted String int ll=(yyleng-2)<(PROSBUFSIZE-1)?(yyleng-2):(PROSBUFSIZE-1); strncpy(proslval->str,yytext+1,ll); // skip the " " proslval->str[ll] = '\0'; // Remove the '"' return STRING; } \{[^\}\n]*\} { // Quoted String int ll=(yyleng-2)<(PROSBUFSIZE-1)?(yyleng-2):(PROSBUFSIZE-1); strncpy(proslval->str,yytext+1,ll); // skip the '{' proslval->str[ll] = '\0'; // Remove the '}' return STRING; } [0-9A-Za-z]+ { // General String int ll = yyleng <(PROSBUFSIZE-1) ? yyleng:(PROSBUFSIZE-1); strncpy(proslval->str,yytext,ll); proslval->str[ll] = '\0'; return STRING; } [ \t]+ { // White Spaces } \r\n { // windows line feed return '\n'; } \\n { // fake line feed return '\n'; } \n { // linefeed return '\n'; } <> { // eof return EOF_; } . { // Else, return the char return yytext[0]; } %% void prosDiscard(int doit) { if (proslexx) proslexx->begin(DISCARD, doit); } void prosFlexLexer::begin(int which, int doit) { BEGIN which; if (doit) yyless(0); }