// Copyright (C) 1999-2018 // Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA, USA // For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in "copyright" #include "util.h" #include "ruler.h" #include "fitsimage.h" Ruler::Ruler(const Ruler& a) : BaseLine(a) { p3 = a.p3; coordSystem = a.coordSystem; skyFrame = a.skyFrame; dist = a.dist; distSystem = a.distSystem; distFormat = a.distFormat; strncpy(distSpec, a.distSpec, 32); } Ruler::Ruler(Base* p, const Vector& ptr1, const Vector& ptr2, Coord::CoordSystem sys, Coord::SkyFrame sky, Coord::CoordSystem distsys, Coord::DistFormat distformat, const char* distspec, const char* clr, int* dsh, int wth, const char* fnt, const char* txt, unsigned short prop, const char* cmt, const List& tg, const List& cb) : BaseLine(p, ptr1, ptr2, clr, dsh, wth, fnt, txt, prop, cmt, tg, cb) { coordSystem = sys; skyFrame = sky; dist = 0; distSystem = distsys; distFormat = distformat; strncpy(distSpec, distspec, 32); strcpy(type_,"ruler"); handle = new Vector[2]; numHandle = 2; updateBBox(); } void Ruler::renderX(Drawable drawable, Coord::InternalSystem sys, RenderMode mode) { GC lgc = renderXGC(mode); Vector aa = parent->mapFromRef(p1,sys); Vector bb = parent->mapFromRef(p2,sys); Vector cc = parent->mapFromRef(p3,sys); Vector dd = modifyArrow(p2,p1,sys); Vector ee = modifyArrow(p1,p2,sys); // line XDrawLine(display, drawable, lgc, dd[0], dd[1], ee[0], ee[1]); renderXArrow(drawable, p2, p1, sys, lgc); renderXArrow(drawable, p1, p2, sys, lgc); // axes renderXLineDash(lgc); XDrawLine(display, drawable, lgc, aa[0], aa[1], cc[0], cc[1]); XDrawLine(display, drawable, lgc, bb[0], bb[1], cc[0], cc[1]); // dist ostringstream str; distToStr(str); str << ends; if (tkfont_) { XSetFont(display, lgc, Tk_FontId(tkfont_)); Tk_FontMetrics metrics; Tk_GetFontMetrics(tkfont_, &metrics); char* buf = dupstr(str.str().c_str()); int width = Tk_TextWidth(tkfont_, buf, strlen(buf)); Vector tt = ((bb-aa)/2+aa) * Translate(-width/2.,-metrics.descent); Tk_DrawChars(display, drawable, lgc, tkfont_, buf, strlen(buf), tt[0], tt[1]); if (buf) delete [] buf; } } GC Ruler::renderXGC(RenderMode mode) { // set width, color, dash switch (mode) { case SRC: XSetForeground(display, gc, color); renderXLineNoDash(gc); return gc; case XOR: renderXLineDash(gcxor); return gcxor; } // so compiler will not complain return gc; } void Ruler::renderPS(PSColorSpace mode) { renderPSGC(mode); Vector aa = parent->mapFromRef(p1,Coord::CANVAS); Vector bb = parent->mapFromRef(p2,Coord::CANVAS); Vector cc = parent->mapFromRef(p3,Coord::CANVAS); Vector dd = modifyArrow(p2,p1,Coord::CANVAS); Vector ee = modifyArrow(p1,p2,Coord::CANVAS); // line { ostringstream str; str << "newpath " << parent->TkCanvasPs(dd) << ' ' << "moveto " << parent->TkCanvasPs(ee) << ' ' << "lineto stroke" << endl << ends; Tcl_AppendResult(parent->interp, str.str().c_str(), NULL); renderPSArrow(p2,p1,Coord::CANVAS); renderPSArrow(p1,p2,Coord::CANVAS); } // axes renderPSLineDash(); { ostringstream str; str << "newpath " << parent->TkCanvasPs(aa) << ' ' << "moveto " << parent->TkCanvasPs(cc) << ' ' << "lineto stroke" << endl << "newpath " << parent->TkCanvasPs(bb) << ' ' << "moveto " << parent->TkCanvasPs(cc) << ' ' << "lineto stroke" << endl << ends; Tcl_AppendResult(parent->interp, str.str().c_str(), NULL); } // dist if (psfont_) { ostringstream vstr; ostringstream str; const char* ff = Tk_NameOfFont(psfont_); str << '/' << psFontName(ff) << " findfont " << int(psFontSize(ff)*parent->getDisplayRatio()) << " scalefont setfont" << endl; distToStr(vstr); vstr << ends; char* buf = dupstr(vstr.str().c_str()); Vector tt = parent->TkCanvasPs(((bb-aa)/2 + aa)); str << "gsave" << endl << "newpath " << endl << tt << " moveto" << endl << '(' << psQuote(buf) << ')' << endl << "dup true charpath pathbbox " << endl << "closepath " << endl << "3 -1 roll sub 2.5 div " << endl << "3 1 roll sub 2 div exch " << endl << tt << " moveto rmoveto show " << endl << "grestore" << endl; str << ends; Tcl_AppendResult(parent->interp, str.str().c_str(), NULL); if (buf) delete buf; } } void Ruler::renderPSGC(PSColorSpace mode) { parent->psColor(mode, parent->getXColor(colorName)); renderPSLineNoDash(); } #ifdef MAC_OSX_TK #include void Ruler::renderMACOSX() { /* renderMACOSXGC(); Vector aa = parent->mapFromRef(p1,Coord::CANVAS); Vector bb = parent->mapFromRef(p2,Coord::CANVAS); Vector cc = parent->mapFromRef(p3,Coord::CANVAS); Vector dd = modifyArrow(p2,p1,Coord::CANVAS); Vector ee = modifyArrow(p1,p2,Coord::CANVAS); // line macosxDrawLine(dd,ee); renderMACOSXArrow(p2,p1,Coord::CANVAS); renderMACOSXArrow(p1,p2,Coord::CANVAS); // axes renderMACOSXLineDash(); macosxDrawLine(aa,cc); macosxDrawLine(bb,cc); // dist { ostringstream vstr; distToStr(vstr); vstr << ends; if (psfont_) { Tcl_DString psdstr; Tcl_DStringInit(&psdstr); int psSize = Tk_PostscriptFontName(psfont_, &psdstr); macosxFont(Tcl_DStringValue(&psdstr), psSize); Tcl_DStringFree(&psdstr); Tk_FontMetrics metrics; Tk_GetFontMetrics(psfont_, &metrics); char* buf = dupstr(vstr.str().c_str()); int width = Tk_TextWidth(psfont_, buf, strlen(buf)); Vector tt = ((bb-aa)/2 + aa) * Translate(-width/2., -metrics.descent); macosxDrawText(tt, 0, buf); if (buf) delete buf; } } */ } void Ruler::renderMACOSXGC() { /* macosxColor(parent->getXColor(colorName)); renderMACOSXLineNoDash(); */ } #endif // WIN32 #ifdef __WIN32 #include void Ruler::renderWIN32() { renderWIN32GC(); Vector aa = parent->mapFromRef(p1,Coord::CANVAS); Vector bb = parent->mapFromRef(p2,Coord::CANVAS); Vector cc = parent->mapFromRef(p3,Coord::CANVAS); Vector dd = modifyArrow(p2,p1,Coord::CANVAS); Vector ee = modifyArrow(p1,p2,Coord::CANVAS); // line win32DrawLine(dd,ee); renderWIN32Arrow(p2,p1,Coord::CANVAS); renderWIN32Arrow(p1,p2,Coord::CANVAS); // axes renderWIN32LineDash(); win32DrawLine(aa,cc); win32DrawLine(bb,cc); // dist { ostringstream vstr; distToStr(vstr); vstr << ends; if (tkfont_) { win32Font(tkfont_); Tk_FontMetrics metrics; Tk_GetFontMetrics(tkfont_, &metrics); char* buf = dupstr(vstr.str().c_str()); int width = Tk_TextWidth(tkfont_, buf, strlen(buf)); Vector tt = ((bb-aa)/2 + aa) * Translate(-width/2., -metrics.descent); win32DrawText(tt, 0, buf); if (buf) delete buf; } } } void Ruler::renderWIN32GC() { win32Color(parent->getXColor(colorName)); renderWIN32LineNoDash(); } #endif // Support void Ruler::updateHandles() { center = (p2-p1)/2 + p1; angle = (p2-p1).angle(); // calc p3, dist FitsImage* ptr = parent->findFits(coordSystem,center); Vector a = ptr->mapFromRef(p1,coordSystem,skyFrame); Vector b = ptr->mapFromRef(p2,coordSystem,skyFrame); p3 = ptr->mapToRef(Vector(b[0],a[1]),coordSystem,skyFrame); dist = ptr->mapDistFromRef(p2, p1, distSystem, distFormat); // generate handles in canvas coords handle[0] = parent->mapFromRef(p1,Coord::CANVAS); handle[1] = parent->mapFromRef(p2,Coord::CANVAS); } void Ruler::calcAllBBox() { // P3 bbox.bound(parent->mapFromRef(p3,Coord::CANVAS)); // make room for text if (tkfont_) { Vector v = (p2-p1)/2 + p1; ostringstream str; distToStr(str); str << ends; Tk_FontMetrics metrics; Tk_GetFontMetrics(tkfont_, &metrics); char* buf = dupstr(str.str().c_str()); int width = Tk_TextWidth(tkfont_, buf, strlen(buf)); Vector ll = parent->mapFromRef(v,Coord::CANVAS) * Translate(-width/2.,-metrics.descent); Vector ur = parent->mapFromRef(v,Coord::CANVAS) * Translate(width/2.,metrics.ascent); bbox.bound(ll); bbox.bound(ur); if (buf) delete [] buf; } Marker::calcAllBBox(); } void Ruler::updateCoords(const Matrix& mx) { p3*=mx; BaseLine::updateCoords(mx); } int Ruler::isOn(const Vector& v, const Vector& v1, const Vector& v2) { // v : canvas coords // v1: ref coords // v2: ref coords // do this in canvas coords, not ref coords Vector l1 = parent->mapFromRef(v1,Coord::CANVAS); Vector l2 = parent->mapFromRef(v2,Coord::CANVAS); double a = (l2-l1).angle(); Matrix m = Translate(-l1) * Rotate(a); Vector end = l2*m; Vector vv = v*m; return (vv[0]>0 && vv[0]-parent->markerEpsilon && vv[1]markerEpsilon); } int Ruler::isIn(const Vector& vv) { // test to see if point is on edge, if so, considered inside if (isOn(vv,p1,p2) || isOn(vv,p1,p3) || isOn(vv,p2,p3)) return 1; /* v[0]-- x value of point being tested v[1]-- y value of point being tested This algorithm is from "An Introduction to Ray Tracing", Academic Press, 1989, edited by Andrew Glassner, pg 53 -- a point lies in a polygon if a line is extended from the point to infinite in any direction and the number of intersections with the polygon is odd. This is valid for both concave and convex polygons. Points on a vertex are considered inside. Points on a edge are considered inside. */ // analysis in ref coords Vector v = parent->mapToRef(vv,Coord::CANVAS); int crossings = 0; // number of crossings int sign; // for all edges for (int i=0; i<3; i++) { Vector v1, v2; switch (i) { case 0: v1 = p1-v; v2 = p2-v; sign = ((v1[1])>=0) ? 1 : -1; // init sign break; case 1: v1 = p2-v; v2 = p3-v; break; case 2: v1 = p3-v; v2 = p1-v; break; } int nextSign = (v2[1]>=0) ? 1 : -1; // sign holder for p2 if (sign != nextSign) { if (v1[0]>0 && v2[0]>0) crossings++; else if (v1[0]>0 || v2[0]>0) { if (v1[0]-(v1[1]*(v2[0]-v1[0])/(v2[1]-v1[1])) > 0) crossings++; } sign = nextSign; } } return fmod(float(crossings),float(2)) ? 1 : 0; // if odd, point is inside } void Ruler::setDistSpec(const char* distspec) { strncpy(distSpec, distspec, 32); } void Ruler::setCoordSystem(Coord::CoordSystem sys, Coord::SkyFrame sky, Coord::CoordSystem dsys, Coord::DistFormat dist) { coordSystem = sys; skyFrame = sky; distSystem = dsys; distFormat = dist; updateBBox(); } void Ruler::distToStr(ostringstream& str) { if (*distSpec) { char buf[64]; sprintf(buf, distSpec, dist); str << buf; } else str << dist; switch (distSystem) { case Coord::IMAGE: str << " img"; break; case Coord::PHYSICAL: str << " phy"; break; case Coord::AMPLIFIER: str << " amp"; break; case Coord::DETECTOR: str << " det"; break; default: if (parent->findFits()->hasWCSCel(distSystem)) switch (distFormat) { case Coord::DEGREE: str << " deg"; break; case Coord::ARCMIN: str << '\''; break; case Coord::ARCSEC: str << '"'; break; } else str << " lin"; } } // list void Ruler::list(ostream& str, Coord::CoordSystem sys, Coord::SkyFrame sky, Coord::SkyFormat format, int conj, int strip) { if (!strip) { FitsImage* ptr = parent->findFits(sys,center); listPre(str, sys, sky, ptr, strip, 1); str << type_ << '('; ptr->listFromRef(str,p1,sys,sky,format); str << ','; ptr->listFromRef(str,p2,sys,sky,format); str << ')'; if (conj) str << " ||"; str << " ruler="; coord.listCoordSystem(str, coordSystem, skyFrame, ptr); str << ' '; coord.listDistSystem(str, distSystem, distFormat, ptr); if (*distSpec) str << " format={" << distSpec << "}"; listProperties(str, 0); } } void Ruler::listXML(ostream& str, Coord::CoordSystem sys, Coord::SkyFrame sky, Coord::SkyFormat format) { FitsImage* ptr = parent->findFits(sys,center); Vector vv[2]; vv[0] = p1; vv[1] = p2; ostringstream sysstr; coord.listCoordSystem(sysstr, coordSystem, skyFrame, ptr); sysstr << ends; ostringstream diststr; coord.listDistSystem(diststr, distSystem, distFormat, ptr); diststr << ends; XMLRowInit(); XMLRow(XMLSHAPE,type_); XMLRowPoint(ptr,sys,sky,format,vv,2); XMLRow(XMLPARAM,(char*)(sysstr.str().c_str())); XMLRow(XMLPARAM2,(char*)(diststr.str().c_str())); XMLRow(XMLPARAM3,(char*)distSpec); XMLRowProps(ptr,sys); XMLRowEnd(str); }