// Copyright (C) 1999-2016 // Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA, USA // For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in "copyright" #include #include "segment.h" #include "fitsimage.h" Segment::Segment(Base* p, const Vector& ctr, const Vector& b) : BasePolygon(p,ctr,b) { strcpy(type_, "segment"); reset(b); } Segment::Segment(Base* p, const Vector& ctr, const Vector& b, const char* clr, int* dsh, int wth, const char* fnt, const char* txt, unsigned short prop, const char* cmt, const List& tg, const List& cb) : BasePolygon(p, ctr, b, clr, dsh, wth, fnt, txt, prop, cmt, tg, cb) { strcpy(type_, "segment"); reset(b); } Segment::Segment(Base* p, const List& v, const char* clr, int* dsh, int wth, const char* fnt, const char* txt, unsigned short prop, const char* cmt, const List& tg, const List& cb) : BasePolygon(p, v, clr, dsh, wth, fnt, txt, prop, cmt, tg, cb) { strcpy(type_, "segment"); } void Segment::renderX(Drawable drawable, Coord::InternalSystem sys, RenderMode mode) { GC lgc = renderXGC(mode); vertex.head(); Vector v1; Vector v2 = fwdMap(vertex.current()->vector,sys); vertex.next(); do { v1 = v2; v2 = fwdMap(vertex.current()->vector,sys); XDrawLine(display, drawable, lgc, v1[0], v1[1], v2[0], v2[1]); } while (vertex.next()); } void Segment::renderPS(int mode) { renderPSGC(mode); vertex.head(); int first = 1; ostringstream str; do { Vector v = fwdMap(vertex.current()->vector,Coord::CANVAS); if (first) { str << "newpath " << endl << v.TkCanvasPs(parent->canvas) << " moveto" << endl; first = 0; } else str << v.TkCanvasPs(parent->canvas) << " lineto" << endl; } while (vertex.next()); str << "stroke" << endl << ends; Tcl_AppendResult(parent->interp, str.str().c_str(), NULL); } #ifdef MAC_OSX_TK void Segment::renderMACOSX() { renderMACOSXGC(); vertex.head(); Vector v1; Vector v2 = fwdMap(vertex.current()->vector,Coord::CANVAS); vertex.next(); do { v1 = v2; v2 = fwdMap(vertex.current()->vector,Coord::CANVAS); macosxDrawLine(v1,v2); } while (vertex.next()); } #endif #ifdef __WIN32 void Segment::renderWIN32() { renderWIN32GC(); vertex.head(); Vector v1; Vector v2 = fwdMap(vertex.current()->vector,Coord::CANVAS); vertex.next(); do { v1 = v2; v2 = fwdMap(vertex.current()->vector,Coord::CANVAS); win32DrawLine(v1,v2); } while (vertex.next()); } #endif void Segment::reset(const Vector& b) { angle = 0; vertex.deleteAll(); Vector bb = b; vertex.append(new Vertex(-bb[0],-bb[1])); vertex.append(new Vertex( bb[0], bb[1])); updateBBox(); } int Segment::getSegment(const Vector& v) { // v is in canvas coords Matrix mm = fwdMatrix(); vertex.head(); Vector v1; Vector v2 = vertex.current()->vector * mm; vertex.next(); int ii = 1; do { v1 = v2; v2 = vertex.current()->vector * mm; Vector l1 = parent->mapFromRef(v1,Coord::CANVAS); Vector l2 = parent->mapFromRef(v2,Coord::CANVAS); double a = (l2-l1).angle(); Matrix mx = Translate(-l1) * FlipY() * Rotate(-a); Vector end = l2*mx; Vector vv = v*mx; if (vv[0]>0 && vv[0]-parent->markerEpsilon && vv[1]markerEpsilon) return ii; ii++; } while (vertex.next()); return 0; } // list void Segment::list(ostream& str, Coord::CoordSystem sys, Coord::SkyFrame sky, Coord::SkyFormat format, int conj, int strip) { if (!strip) { FitsImage* ptr = parent->findFits(sys,center); listPre(str, sys, sky, ptr, strip, 1); listBase(ptr, str, sys, sky, format); if (conj) str << " ||"; listProperties(str, 0); } } void Segment::listXML(ostream& str, Coord::CoordSystem sys, Coord::SkyFrame sky, Coord::SkyFormat format) { FitsImage* ptr = parent->findFits(sys,center); Matrix mm = fwdMatrix(); Vector* vv = new Vector[vertex.count()]; XMLRowInit(); XMLRow(XMLSHAPE,type_); vertex.head(); int cnt =0; do vv[cnt++] =vertex.current()->vector*mm; while (vertex.next()); XMLRowPoint(ptr,sys,sky,format,vv,vertex.count()); delete [] vv; XMLRowProps(ptr,sys); XMLRowEnd(str); }