// Copyright (C) 1999-2016 // Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA, USA // For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in "copyright" %pure-parser %parse-param {Magnifier* mg} %lex-param {mgFlexLexer* ll} %parse-param {mgFlexLexer* ll} %{ #define YYDEBUG 1 #include #include "magnifier.h" #undef yyFlexLexer #define yyFlexLexer mgFlexLexer #include extern int mglex(void*, mgFlexLexer*); extern void mgerror(Magnifier*, mgFlexLexer*, const char*); %} %union { float real; int integer; void* ptr; char str[1024]; } %token INT %token POINTER %token BBOX_ %token CLEAR_ %token DEBUG_ %token FALSE_ %token GET_ %token HEIGHT_ %token HIDE_ %token OFF_ %token ON_ %token N_ %token NO_ %token RESET_ %token SHOW_ %token TRUE_ %token UPDATE_ %token VERSION_ %token WIDTH_ %token Y_ %token YES_ %% command : DEBUG_ debug | CLEAR_ {mg->updateCmd(0);} | GET_ get | HIDE_ {mg->hideCmd();} | RESET_ {mg->resetCmd();} | SHOW_ {mg->showCmd();} | UPDATE_ POINTER {mg->updateCmd($2);} | VERSION_ {mg->msg("Magnifier 1.0");} ; debug : ON_ {yydebug=1;} | OFF_ {yydebug=0;} ; get : BBOX_ {mg->getBBoxCmd();} | HEIGHT_ {mg->getHeightCmd();} | WIDTH_ {mg->getWidthCmd();} ; %%