// Copyright (C) 1999-2018 // Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA, USA // For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in "copyright" #include "util.h" #include "gridbase.h" #include "attribute.h" #include "ps.h" EXTERN void TkDrawAngledChars(Display *display, Drawable drawable, GC gc, Tk_Font tkfont, const char *source, int numBytes, double x, double y, double angle); extern "C" { #include "ast.h" #include "grf.h" } GridBase::GridBase(Widget* pp) : parent_(pp) { option_ = NULL; renderMode_ = X11; line_ = new Attribute(parent_); text_ = new Attribute(parent_); gridGC_ = NULL; pixmap_ = 0; mode_ = RGB; } GridBase::GridBase(Widget* pp, const char* op) : parent_(pp) { option_ = dupstr(op); renderMode_ = X11; line_ = new Attribute(parent_); text_ = new Attribute(parent_); gridGC_ = NULL; pixmap_ = 0; mode_ = RGB; } GridBase::~GridBase() { if (option_) delete [] option_; if (line_) delete line_; if (text_) delete text_; } int GridBase::gAttr(int which, double value, double* old, int prim) { Attribute* attr; switch (prim) { case GRF__TEXT: attr = text_; switch (which) { case GRF__STYLE: break; case GRF__WIDTH: break; case GRF__SIZE: if (old) *old = attr->size(); if (value != AST__BAD) attr->setSize(value); break; case GRF__FONT: if (old) *old = attr->font(); if (value != AST__BAD) attr->setFont(value); break; case GRF__COLOUR: if (old) *old = attr->colour(); if (value != AST__BAD) attr->setColour(value); break; } break; case GRF__LINE: attr = line_; switch (which) { case GRF__STYLE: if (old) *old = attr->style(); if (value != AST__BAD) attr->setStyle(value); break; case GRF__WIDTH: if (old) *old = attr->width(); if (value != AST__BAD) attr->setWidth(value); break; case GRF__SIZE: break; case GRF__FONT: break; case GRF__COLOUR: if (old) *old = attr->colour(); if (value != AST__BAD) attr->setColour(value); break; } break; } return 1; } int GridBase::gCap(int cap, int value) { switch (cap) { case GRF__SCALES: return 0; case GRF__MJUST: return 1; case GRF__ESC: return 0; } return 0; } // X11 Render functions int GridBase::x11Line(int n, float* x, float* y) { if (n<2 || !x || !y) return 1; XSetForeground(parent_->getDisplay(), gridGC_, line_->color()); int w = (int)line_->width(); if (w<1) w = 1; switch (line_->style()) { case Attribute::SOLID: XSetLineAttributes(parent_->getDisplay(), gridGC_, w, LineSolid, CapButt, JoinMiter); break; case Attribute::DASH: XSetLineAttributes(parent_->getDisplay(), gridGC_, w, LineOnOffDash, CapButt, JoinMiter); char dlist[] = {8,3}; XSetDashes(parent_->getDisplay(), gridGC_, 0, dlist, 2); break; } for (int i=0; igetDisplay(), pixmap_, gridGC_, (int)s[0],(int)s[1],(int)e[0],(int)e[1]); } return 1; } int GridBase::x11Text(const char* txt, float x, float y, const char* just, Vector up) { XSetFont(parent_->getDisplay(), gridGC_, Tk_FontId(text_->tkfont())); XSetForeground(parent_->getDisplay(), gridGC_, text_->color()); Vector vv = Vector(x,y); double angle = calcTextAngle(just, up); Vector cc = vv * calcTextPos(vv, angle, txt, just, up, text_->tkfont()); TkDrawAngledChars(parent_->getDisplay(), pixmap_, gridGC_, text_->tkfont(), txt, strlen(txt), cc[0], cc[1], radToDeg(angle)); return 1; } // PS Render functions int GridBase::psLine(int n, float* x, float* y) { if (n<2 || !x || !y) return 1; psColor(line_); { ostringstream str; str << line_->width() << " setlinewidth" << endl << ends; Tcl_AppendResult(parent_->getInterp(), str.str().c_str(), NULL); } { ostringstream str; switch (line_->style()) { case Attribute::SOLID: str << "[] 0 setdash" << endl << ends; break; case Attribute::DASH: str << "[8 3] 0 setdash" << endl << ends; break; } Tcl_AppendResult(parent_->getInterp(), str.str().c_str(), NULL); } for (int i=0; iTkCanvasPs(v) << " moveto" << endl << ends; } else str << parent_->TkCanvasPs(v) << " lineto" << endl << ends; Tcl_AppendResult(parent_->getInterp(), str.str().c_str(), NULL); } ostringstream str; str << "stroke" << endl << ends; Tcl_AppendResult(parent_->getInterp(), str.str().c_str(), NULL); return 1; } int GridBase::psText(const char* txt, float x, float y, const char* just, Vector up) { Tcl_DString psdstr; Tcl_DStringInit(&psdstr); Vector vv = Vector(x,y) * matrix_; double angle = calcTextAngle(just, up); Vector cc = vv * calcTextPos(vv, angle, txt, just, up, text_->psfont()); ostringstream str; const char* ff = Tk_NameOfFont(text_->psfont()); str << '/' << psFontName(ff) << " findfont " << int(psFontSize(ff)*parent_->getDisplayRatio()) << " scalefont setfont" << endl; psColor(text_); str << "gsave " << parent_->TkCanvasPs(cc) << " moveto" << endl << radToDeg(angle) << " rotate " << '(' << psQuote(txt) << ')' << " show" << " grestore" << endl << ends; Tcl_AppendResult(parent_->getInterp(), str.str().c_str(), NULL); return 1; } void GridBase::psColor(Attribute* attr) { parent_->psColor(mode_, parent_->getXColor(attr->colorName())); } #ifdef MAC_OSX_TK int GridBase::macosxLine(int n, float* x, float* y) { if (n<2 || !x || !y) return 1; macosxColor(parent_->getXColor(line_->colorName())); macosxWidth(line_->width()); switch (line_->style()) { case Attribute::SOLID: macosxDash(NULL,0); break; case Attribute::DASH: float dlist[] = {8,3}; macosxDash(dlist,2); break; } Vector* v = new Vector[n]; for (int i=0; itkfont(), &psdstr); macosxFont(Tcl_DStringValue(&psdstr),psSize); Tcl_DStringFree(&psdstr); Vector vv = Vector(x,y) * matrix_; double angle = calcTextAngle(just, up); Vector cc = vv * calcTextPos(vv, angle, txt, just, up, text_->tkfont()); macosxColor(parent_->getXColor(text_->colorName())); macosxDrawText(cc, angle, txt); return 1; } #endif #ifdef __WIN32 int GridBase::win32Line(int n, float* x, float* y) { if (n<2 || !x || !y) return 1; win32Color(parent_->getXColor(line_->colorName())); win32Width(line_->width()); switch (line_->style()) { case Attribute::SOLID: win32Dash(NULL,0); break; case Attribute::DASH: float dlist[] = {8,3}; win32Dash(dlist,2); break; } Vector v[n]; for (int i=0; itkfont()); win32Color(parent_->getXColor(text_->colorName())); Vector vv = Vector(x,y) * matrix_; double angle = calcTextAngle(just, up);; Vector cc = vv * calcTextPos(vv, angle, txt, just, up, text_->tkfont()); win32DrawText(cc, angle, txt); return 1; } #endif // Support double GridBase::calcTextAngle(const char* just, Vector up) { double a = up.angle(); // our angle is 90 off from ast's, and the other direction double rr = -(a - M_PI_2); // special case for text rotated exactly 90 if (up[0]==-1 && up[1]==0) rr += M_PI; // normalize if (rr>0) while (rr>M_TWOPI) rr -= M_TWOPI; else while (rr<0) rr += M_TWOPI; return rr; } Matrix GridBase::calcTextPos(const Vector& vv, double angle, const char* txt, const char* just, Vector up, Tk_Font font) { Tk_FontMetrics metrics; Tk_GetFontMetrics(font, &metrics); int width = Tk_TextWidth(font, txt, strlen(txt)); Matrix m1,m2; switch (just[0]) { case 'T': break; case 'C': m1 = Translate(0,metrics.linespace/2); break; case 'B': m1 = Translate(0,metrics.ascent); break; case 'M': m1 = Translate(0,metrics.linespace); break; } switch (just[1]) { case 'L': break; case 'C': m2 = Translate(-width/2.,0); break; case 'R': m2 = Translate(-width,0); break; } Matrix rr = Translate(-vv) * Rotate(-angle) * m1 * m2 * Rotate(angle) * Translate(vv); // special case for text rotated exactly 90 Matrix mm; if (up[0] == -1 && up[1] == 0) { Vector cc = vv*rr; mm = Translate(-cc) * Rotate(-angle) * Translate(-width/2.,metrics.linespace/2.) * FlipY() * Translate(width/2.,-metrics.linespace/2.) * Rotate(angle) * Translate(cc); } return rr*mm; }