/*** File libwcs/hget.c
 *** May 19, 2011
 *** By Jessica Mink, jmink@cfa.harvard.edu
 *** Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
 *** Copyright (C) 1994-2011
 *** Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA, USA

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
    version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    Lesser General Public License for more details.
    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

    Correspondence concerning WCSTools should be addressed as follows:
           Internet email: jmink@cfa.harvard.edu
           Postal address: Jessica Mink
                           Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
                           60 Garden St.
                           Cambridge, MA 02138 USA

 * Module:	hget.c (Get FITS Header parameter values)
 * Purpose:	Extract values for variables from FITS header string
 * Subroutine:	hgeti2 (hstring,keyword,ival) returns short integer
 * Subroutine:	hgeti4c (hstring,keyword,wchar,ival) returns long integer
 * Subroutine:	hgeti4 (hstring,keyword,ival) returns long integer
 * Subroutine:	hgetr4 (hstring,keyword,rval) returns real
 * Subroutine:	hgetra (hstring,keyword,ra) returns double RA in degrees
 * Subroutine:	hgetdec (hstring,keyword,dec) returns double Dec in degrees
 * Subroutine:	hgetr8c (hstring,keyword,wchar,dval) returns double
 * Subroutine:	hgetr8 (hstring,keyword,dval) returns double
 * Subroutine:	hgetl  (hstring,keyword,lval) returns logical int (0=F, 1=T)
 * Subroutine:	hgetsc (hstring,keyword,wchar,lstr,str) returns character string
 * Subroutine:	hgets  (hstring,keyword, lstr, str) returns character string
 * Subroutine:	hgetm  (hstring,keyword, lstr, str) returns multi-keyword string
 * Subroutine:	hgetdate (hstring,keyword,date) returns date as fractional year
 * Subroutine:  hgetndec (hstring, keyword, ndec) returns number of dec. places
 * Subroutine:	hgetc  (hstring,keyword) returns character string
 * Subroutine:	blsearch (hstring,keyword) returns pointer to blank lines
		before keyword
 * Subroutine:	ksearch (hstring,keyword) returns pointer to header string entry
 * Subroutine:	str2ra (in) converts string to right ascension in degrees
 * Subroutine:	str2dec (in) converts string to declination in degrees
 * Subroutine:	strsrch (s1, s2) finds string s2 in null-terminated string s1
 * Subroutine:	strnsrch (s1, s2, ls1) finds string s2 in ls1-byte string s1
 * Subroutine:	hlength (header,lhead) sets length of FITS header for searching
 * Subroutine:  isnum (string) returns 1 if integer, 2 if fp number, else 0
 * Subroutine:  notnum (string) returns 0 if number, else 1
 * Subroutine:  numdec (string) returns number of decimal places in numeric string
 * Subroutine:	strfix (string,blankfill,zerodrop) removes extraneous characters

#include <string.h>		/* NULL, strlen, strstr, strcpy */
#include <stdio.h>
#include "fitshead.h"	/* FITS header extraction subroutines */
#include <stdlib.h>
#ifndef VMS
#include <limits.h>
#define INT_MAX  2147483647 /* Biggest number that can fit in long */
#define SHRT_MAX 32767
#define VLENGTH 81

static int use_saolib=0;

char *hgetc ();

static char val[VLENGTH+1];
static int multiline = 0;

static int lhead0 = 0;	/* Length of header string */

/* Set the length of the header string, if not terminated by NULL */
hlength (header, lhead)
const char *header; /* FITS header */
int	lhead;	/* Maximum length of FITS header */
    char *hend;
    if (lhead > 0)
	lhead0 = lhead;
    else {
	lhead0 = 0;
	hend = ksearch (header,"END");
	lhead0 = hend + 80 - header;
    return (lhead0);

/* Return the length of the header string, computing it if lhead0 not set */
gethlength (header)
char	*header; /* FITS header */
    if (lhead0 > 0)
	return (lhead0);
	return (hlength (header, 0));

/* Extract Integer*4 value for variable from FITS header string */

hgeti4c (hstring,keyword,wchar,ival)

const char *hstring;	/* character string containing FITS header information
			   in the format <keyword>= <value> {/ <comment>} */
const char *keyword;	/* character string containing the name of the keyword
			   the value of which is returned.  hget searches for
			   a line beginning with this string.  if "[n]" is
			   present, the n'th token in the value is returned.
			   (the first 8 characters must be unique) */
const char *wchar;	/* Character of multiple WCS header; =0 if unused */
int	*ival;		/* Keyword value returned */
    char keyword1[16];
    int lkey;

    if (wchar[0] < (char) 64)
	return (hgeti4 (hstring, keyword, ival));
    else {
	strcpy (keyword1, keyword);
	lkey = strlen (keyword);
	keyword1[lkey] = wchar[0];
	keyword1[lkey+1] = (char) 0;
	return (hgeti4 (hstring, keyword1, ival));

/* Extract long value for variable from FITS header string */

hgeti4 (hstring,keyword,ival)

const char *hstring;	/* character string containing FITS header information
		   in the format <keyword>= <value> {/ <comment>} */
const char *keyword;	/* character string containing the name of the keyword
		   the value of which is returned.  hget searches for a
		   line beginning with this string.  if "[n]" is present,
		   the n'th token in the value is returned.
		   (the first 8 characters must be unique) */
int *ival;
    char *value;
    double dval;
    int minint;
    int lval;
    char *dchar;

    /* Get value and comment from header string */
    value = hgetc (hstring,keyword);

    /* Translate value from ASCII to binary */
    if (value != NULL) {
	if (value[0] == '#') value++;
	minint = -INT_MAX - 1;
	lval = strlen (value);
	if (lval > VLENGTH) {
	    strncpy (val, value, VLENGTH);
	    val[VLENGTH] = (char) 0;
	    strcpy (val, value);
	if (isnum (val) == 2) {
	    if ((dchar = strchr (val, 'D')))
		*dchar = 'e';
	    if ((dchar = strchr (val, 'd')))
		*dchar = 'e';
	    if ((dchar = strchr (val, 'E')))
		*dchar = 'e';
	dval = atof (val);
	if (dval+0.001 > INT_MAX)
	    *ival = INT_MAX;
	else if (dval >= 0)
	    *ival = (int) (dval + 0.001);
	else if (dval-0.001 < minint)
	    *ival = minint;
	    *ival = (int) (dval - 0.001);
	return (1);
    else {
	return (0);

/* Extract integer*2 value for variable from fits header string */

hgeti2 (hstring,keyword,ival)

const char *hstring;	/* character string containing FITS header information
		   in the format <keyword>= <value> {/ <comment>} */
const char *keyword;	/* character string containing the name of the keyword
		   the value of which is returned.  hget searches for a
		   line beginning with this string.  if "[n]" is present,
		   the n'th token in the value is returned.
		   (the first 8 characters must be unique) */
short *ival;
    char *value;
    double dval;
    int minshort;
    int lval;
    char *dchar;

    /* Get value and comment from header string */
    value = hgetc (hstring,keyword);

    /* Translate value from ASCII to binary */
    if (value != NULL) {
	if (value[0] == '#') value++;
	lval = strlen (value);
	if (lval > VLENGTH) {
	    strncpy (val, value, VLENGTH);
	    val[VLENGTH] = (char) 0;
	    strcpy (val, value);
	if (isnum (val) == 2) {
	    if ((dchar = strchr (val, 'D')))
		*dchar = 'e';
	    if ((dchar = strchr (val, 'd')))
		*dchar = 'e';
	    if ((dchar = strchr (val, 'E')))
		*dchar = 'e';
	dval = atof (val);
	minshort = -SHRT_MAX - 1;
	if (dval+0.001 > SHRT_MAX)
	    *ival = SHRT_MAX;
	else if (dval >= 0)
	    *ival = (short) (dval + 0.001);
	else if (dval-0.001 < minshort)
	    *ival = minshort;
	    *ival = (short) (dval - 0.001);
	return (1);
    else {
	return (0);

/* Extract real value for variable from FITS header string */

hgetr4 (hstring,keyword,rval)

const char *hstring;	/* character string containing FITS header information
		   in the format <keyword>= <value> {/ <comment>} */
const char *keyword;	/* character string containing the name of the keyword
		   the value of which is returned.  hget searches for a
		   line beginning with this string.  if "[n]" is present,
		   the n'th token in the value is returned.
		   (the first 8 characters must be unique) */
float *rval;
    char *value;
    int lval;
    char *dchar;

    /* Get value and comment from header string */
    value = hgetc (hstring,keyword);

    /* translate value from ASCII to binary */
    if (value != NULL) {
	if (value[0] == '#') value++;
	lval = strlen (value);
	if (lval > VLENGTH) {
	    strncpy (val, value, VLENGTH);
	    val[VLENGTH] = (char) 0;
	    strcpy (val, value);
	if (isnum (val) == 2) {
	    if ((dchar = strchr (val, 'D')))
		*dchar = 'e';
	    if ((dchar = strchr (val, 'd')))
		*dchar = 'e';
	    if ((dchar = strchr (val, 'E')))
		*dchar = 'e';
	*rval = (float) atof (val);
	return (1);
    else {
	return (0);

/* Extract real*8 right ascension in degrees from FITS header string */

hgetra (hstring,keyword,dval)

const char *hstring;	/* character string containing FITS header information
		   in the format <keyword>= <value> {/ <comment>} */
const char *keyword;	/* character string containing the name of the keyword
		   the value of which is returned.  hget searches for a
		   line beginning with this string.  if "[n]" is present,
		   the n'th token in the value is returned.
		   (the first 8 characters must be unique) */
double *dval;	/* Right ascension in degrees (returned) */
    char *value;

    /* Get value from header string */
    value = hgetc (hstring,keyword);

    /* Translate value from ASCII colon-delimited string to binary */
    if (value != NULL) {
	*dval = str2ra (value);
	return (1);
	return (0);

/* Extract real*8 declination in degrees from FITS header string */

hgetdec (hstring,keyword,dval)

const char *hstring;	/* character string containing FITS header information
		   in the format <keyword>= <value> {/ <comment>} */
const char *keyword;	/* character string containing the name of the keyword
		   the value of which is returned.  hget searches for a
		   line beginning with this string.  if "[n]" is present,
		   the n'th token in the value is returned.
		   (the first 8 characters must be unique) */
double *dval;	/* Right ascension in degrees (returned) */
    char *value;

    /* Get value from header string */
    value = hgetc (hstring,keyword);

    /* Translate value from ASCII colon-delimited string to binary */
    if (value != NULL) {
	*dval = str2dec (value);
	return (1);
	return (0);

/* Extract real*8 value for variable from FITS header string */

hgetr8c (hstring,keyword,wchar,dval)

const char *hstring;	/* character string containing FITS header information
			   in the format <keyword>= <value> {/ <comment>} */
const char *keyword;	/* character string containing the name of the keyword
			   the value of which is returned.  hget searches for
			   a line beginning with this string.  if "[n]" is
			   present, the n'th token in the value is returned.
			   (the first 8 characters must be unique) */
const char *wchar;	/* Character of multiple WCS header; =0 if unused */
double	*dval;		/* Keyword value returned */
    char keyword1[16];
    int lkey;

    if (wchar[0] < (char) 64)
	return (hgetr8 (hstring, keyword, dval));
    else {
	strcpy (keyword1, keyword);
	lkey = strlen (keyword);
	keyword1[lkey] = wchar[0];
	keyword1[lkey+1] = (char) 0;
	return (hgetr8 (hstring, keyword1, dval));

/* Extract real*8 value for variable from FITS header string */

hgetr8 (hstring,keyword,dval)

const char *hstring;	/* character string containing FITS header information
		   in the format <keyword>= <value> {/ <comment>} */
const char *keyword;	/* character string containing the name of the keyword
		   the value of which is returned.  hget searches for a
		   line beginning with this string.  if "[n]" is present,
		   the n'th token in the value is returned.
		   (the first 8 characters must be unique) */
double *dval;
    char *value;
    int lval;
    char *dchar;

    /* Get value and comment from header string */
    value = hgetc (hstring,keyword);

    /* Translate value from ASCII to binary */
    if (value != NULL) {
	if (value[0] == '#') value++;
	lval = strlen (value);
	if (lval > VLENGTH) {
	    strncpy (val, value, VLENGTH);
	    val[VLENGTH] = (char) 0;
	    strcpy (val, value);
	if (isnum (val) == 2) {
	    if ((dchar = strchr (val, 'D')))
		*dchar = 'e';
	    if ((dchar = strchr (val, 'd')))
		*dchar = 'e';
	    if ((dchar = strchr (val, 'E')))
		*dchar = 'e';
	*dval = atof (val);
	return (1);
    else {
	return (0);

/* Extract logical value for variable from FITS header string */

hgetl (hstring,keyword,ival)

const char *hstring;	/* character string containing FITS header information
		   in the format <keyword>= <value> {/ <comment>} */
const char *keyword;	/* character string containing the name of the keyword
		   the value of which is returned.  hget searches for a
		   line beginning with this string.  if "[n]" is present,
		   the n'th token in the value is returned.
		   (the first 8 characters must be unique) */
int *ival;
    char *value;
    char newval;
    int lval;

    /* Get value and comment from header string */
    value = hgetc (hstring,keyword);

    /* Translate value from ASCII to binary */
    if (value != NULL) {
	lval = strlen (value);
	if (lval > VLENGTH) {
	    strncpy (val, value, VLENGTH);
	    val[VLENGTH] = (char) 0;
	    strcpy (val, value);
        newval = val[0];
	if (newval == 't' || newval == 'T')
	    *ival = 1;
	    *ival = 0;
	return (1);
    else {
	return (0);

/* Extract real*8 date from FITS header string (dd/mm/yy or dd-mm-yy) */

hgetdate (hstring,keyword,dval)

const char *hstring;	/* character string containing FITS header information
		   in the format <keyword>= <value> {/ <comment>} */
const char *keyword;	/* character string containing the name of the keyword
		   the value of which is returned.  hget searches for a
		   line beginning with this string.  if "[n]" is present,
		   the n'th token in the value is returned.
		   (the first 8 characters must be unique) */
double *dval;
    double yeardays, seconds, fday;
    char *value,*sstr, *dstr, *tstr, *cstr, *nval;
    int year, month, day, yday, i, hours, minutes;
    static int mday[12] = {31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31};

    /* Get value and comment from header string */
    value = hgetc (hstring,keyword);

    /* Translate value from ASCII to binary */
    if (value != NULL) {
	sstr = strchr (value,'/');
	dstr = strchr (value,'-');

	/* Original FITS date format: dd/mm/yy */
	if (sstr > value) {
	    *sstr = '\0';
	    day = (int) atof (value);
	    *sstr = '/';
	    nval = sstr + 1;
	    sstr = strchr (nval,'/');
	    if (sstr == NULL)
		sstr = strchr (nval,'-');
	    if (sstr > value) {
		*sstr = '\0';
		month = (int) atof (nval);
		*sstr = '/';
		nval = sstr + 1;
		year = (int) atof (nval);
		if (day > 31) {
		    yday = year;
		    year = day;
		    day = yday;
		if (year >= 0 && year <= 49)
		    year = year + 2000;
		else if (year < 100)
		    year = year + 1900;
		if ((year % 4) == 0)
		    mday[1] = 29;
		    mday[1] = 28;
		if ((year % 100) == 0 && (year % 400) != 0)
		    mday[1] = 28;
		if (day > mday[month-1])
		    day = mday[month-1];
		else if (day < 1)
		    day = 1;
		if (mday[1] == 28)
		    yeardays = 365.0;
		    yeardays = 366.0;
		yday = day - 1;
		for (i = 0; i < month-1; i++)
		    yday = yday + mday[i];
		*dval = (double) year + ((double)yday / yeardays);
		return (1);
		return (0);

	/* New FITS date format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss[.sss] */
	else if (dstr > value) {
	    *dstr = '\0';
	    year = (int) atof (value);
	    *dstr = '-';
	    nval = dstr + 1;
	    dstr = strchr (nval,'-');
	    month = 1;
	    day = 1;
	    tstr = NULL;
	    if (dstr > value) {
		*dstr = '\0';
		month = (int) atof (nval);
		*dstr = '-';
		nval = dstr + 1;
		tstr = strchr (nval,'T');
		if (tstr > value)
		    *tstr = '\0';
		day = (int) atof (nval);
		if (tstr > value)
		    *tstr = 'T';

	    /* If year is < 32, it is really day of month in old format */
	    if (year < 32) {
		i = year;
		year = day + 1900;
		day = i;

	    if ((year % 4) == 0)
		mday[1] = 29;
		mday[1] = 28;
	    if ((year % 100) == 0 && (year % 400) != 0)
		mday[1] = 28;
	    if (day > mday[month-1])
		day = mday[month-1];
	    else if (day < 1)
		day = 1;
	    if (mday[1] == 28)
		yeardays = 365.0;
		yeardays = 366.0;
	    yday = day - 1;
	    for (i = 0; i < month-1; i++)
		yday = yday + mday[i];
	    *dval = (double) year + ((double)yday / yeardays);

	    /* Extract time, if it is present */
	    if (tstr > value) {
		nval = tstr + 1;
		hours = 0.0;
		minutes = 0.0;
		seconds = 0.0;
		cstr = strchr (nval,':');
		if (cstr > value) {
		    *cstr = '\0';
		    hours = (int) atof (nval);
		    *cstr = ':';
		    nval = cstr + 1;
		    cstr = strchr (nval,':');
		    if (cstr > value) {
			*cstr = '\0';
			minutes = (int) atof (nval);
			*cstr = ':';
			nval = cstr + 1;
			seconds = atof (nval);
		    else {
			minutes = (int) atof (nval);
			seconds = 0.0;
		fday = ((3.6e3 * (double)hours) + (6.e1 * (double)minutes) +
		       seconds) / 8.64e4;
		*dval = *dval + (fday / yeardays);
	    return (1);
	    return (0);
	return (0);

/* Extract IRAF multiple-keyword string value from FITS header string */

hgetm (hstring, keyword, lstr, str)

const char *hstring;	/* character string containing FITS header information
		   in the format <keyword>= <value> {/ <comment>} */
const char *keyword;	/* character string containing the root name of the keyword
		   the value of which is returned.  hget searches for a
		   line beginning with this string.  if "[n]" is present,
		   the n'th token in the value is returned.
		   (the first 8 characters must be unique) */
const int lstr;	/* Size of str in characters */
char *str;	/* String (returned) */
    char *value;
    char *stri;
    char keywordi[16];
    int lval, lstri, ikey;
    char keyform[8];

    stri = str;
    lstri = lstr;

    sprintf (keywordi, "%s_1", keyword);
    if (ksearch (hstring, keywordi))
	strcpy (keyform, "%s_%d");
    else {
	sprintf (keywordi, "%s_01", keyword);
	if (ksearch (hstring, keywordi))
	    strcpy (keyform, "%s_%02d");
	else {
	    sprintf (keywordi, "%s_001", keyword);
	    if (ksearch (hstring, keywordi))
		strcpy (keyform, "%s_%03d");
	    else if (ksearch (hstring, keywordi))
		strcpy (keyform, "%s_%03d");
		return (0);

    /* Loop through sequentially-named keywords */
    multiline = 1;
    for (ikey = 1; ikey < 500; ikey++) {
	sprintf (keywordi, keyform, keyword, ikey);

	/* Get value for this keyword */
	value = hgetc (hstring, keywordi);
	if (value != NULL) {
	    lval = strlen (value);
	    if (lval < lstri)
		strcpy (stri, value);
	    else if (lstri > 1) {
		strncpy (stri, value, lstri-1);
		stri[lstri] = (char) 0;
	    else {
		str[0] = value[0];
	stri = stri + lval;
	lstri = lstri - lval;
    multiline = 0;

    /* Return 1 if any keyword found, else 0 */
    if (ikey > 1)
	return (1);
	return (0);

/* Extract string value for variable from FITS header string */

hgetsc (hstring,keyword,wchar,lstr,str)

const char *hstring;	/* character string containing FITS header information
			   in the format <keyword>= <value> {/ <comment>} */
const char *keyword;	/* character string containing the name of the keyword
			   the value of which is returned.  hget searches for
			   a line beginning with this string.  if "[n]" is
			   present, the n'th token in the value is returned.
			   (the first 8 characters must be unique) */
const char *wchar;	/* Character of multiple WCS header; =0 if unused */
const int lstr;		/* Size of str in characters */
char	*str;		/* String (returned) */
    char keyword1[16];
    int lkey;

    if (wchar[0] < (char) 64)
	return (hgets (hstring, keyword, lstr, str));
    else {
	strcpy (keyword1, keyword);
	lkey = strlen (keyword);
	keyword1[lkey] = wchar[0];
	keyword1[lkey+1] = (char) 0;
	return (hgets (hstring, keyword1, lstr, str));

/* Extract string value for variable from FITS header string */

hgets (hstring, keyword, lstr, str)

const char *hstring;	/* character string containing FITS header information
		   in the format <keyword>= <value> {/ <comment>} */
const char *keyword;	/* character string containing the name of the keyword
		   the value of which is returned.  hget searches for a
		   line beginning with this string.  if "[n]" is present,
		   the n'th token in the value is returned.
		   (the first 8 characters must be unique) */
const int lstr;	/* Size of str in characters */
char *str;	/* String (returned) */
    char *value;
    int lval;

    /* Get value and comment from header string */
    value = hgetc (hstring,keyword);

    if (value != NULL) {
	lval = strlen (value);
	if (lval < lstr)
	    strcpy (str, value);
	else if (lstr > 1)
	    strncpy (str, value, lstr-1);
	    str[0] = value[0];
	return (1);
	return (0);

/* Extract number of decimal places for value in FITS header string */

hgetndec (hstring, keyword, ndec)

const char *hstring;	/* character string containing FITS header information
		   in the format <keyword>= <value> {/ <comment>} */
const char *keyword;	/* character string containing the name of the keyword
		   the value of which is returned.  hget searches for a
		   line beginning with this string.  if "[n]" is present,
		   the n'th token in the value is returned.
		   (the first 8 characters must be unique) */
int *ndec;	/* Number of decimal places in keyword value */
    char *value;
    int i, nchar;

    /* Get value and comment from header string */
    value = hgetc (hstring,keyword);

    /* Find end of string and count backward to decimal point */
    *ndec = 0;
    if (value != NULL) {
	nchar = strlen (value);
	for (i = nchar-1; i >= 0; i--) {
	    if (value[i] == '.')
		return (1);
	    *ndec = *ndec + 1;
	return (1);
	return (0);

/* Extract character value for variable from FITS header string */

char *
hgetc (hstring,keyword0)

const char *hstring;	/* character string containing FITS header information
		   in the format <keyword>= <value> {/ <comment>} */
const char *keyword0;	/* character string containing the name of the keyword
		   the value of which is returned.  hget searches for a
		   line beginning with this string.  if "[n]" is present,
		   the n'th token in the value is returned.
		   (the first 8 characters must be unique) */
    static char cval[80];
    char *value;
    char cwhite[2];
    char squot[2], dquot[2], lbracket[2], rbracket[2], slash[2], comma[2];
    char space;
    char keyword[81]; /* large for ESO hierarchical keywords */
    char line[100];
    char *vpos, *cpar;
    char *q1, *q2, *v1, *v2, *c1, *brack1, *brack2;
    int ipar, i, lkey;

    int iel=1, ip=1, nel, np, ier;
    char *get_fits_head_str();

    if( !use_saolib ){

    squot[0] = (char) 39;
    squot[1] = (char) 0;
    dquot[0] = (char) 34;
    dquot[1] = (char) 0;
    lbracket[0] = (char) 91;
    lbracket[1] = (char) 0;
    comma[0] = (char) 44;
    comma[1] = (char) 0;
    rbracket[0] = (char) 93;
    rbracket[1] = (char) 0;
    slash[0] = (char) 47;
    slash[1] = (char) 0;
    space = (char) 32;

    /* Find length of variable name */
    strncpy (keyword,keyword0, sizeof(keyword)-1);
    brack1 = strsrch (keyword,lbracket);
    if (brack1 == NULL)
	brack1 = strsrch (keyword,comma);
    if (brack1 != NULL) {
	*brack1 = '\0';

    /* Search header string for variable name */
    vpos = ksearch (hstring,keyword);

    /* Exit if not found */
    if (vpos == NULL)
	return (NULL);

    /* Initialize line to nulls */
    for (i = 0; i < 100; i++)
	line[i] = 0;

/* In standard FITS, data lasts until 80th character */

    /* Extract entry for this variable from the header */
    strncpy (line,vpos,80);

    /* Check for quoted value */
    q1 = strsrch (line,squot);
    c1 = strsrch (line,slash);
    if (q1 != NULL) {
	if (c1 != NULL && q1 < c1) {
	    q2 = strsrch (q1+1,squot);
	    if (q2 == NULL) {
		q2 = c1 - 1;
		while (*q2 == space)
	    else if (c1 < q2)
		c1 = strsrch (q2,slash);
	else if (c1 == NULL) {
	    q2 = strsrch (q1+1,squot);
	    if (q2 == NULL) {
		q2 = line + 79;
		while (*q2 == space)
	    q1 = NULL;
    else {
	q1 = strsrch (line,dquot);
	if (q1 != NULL) {
	    if (c1 != NULL && q1 < c1) {
		q2 = strsrch (q1+1,dquot);
		if (q2 == NULL) {
		    q2 = c1 - 1;
		    while (*q2 == space)
		else if (c1 < q2)
		    c1 = strsrch (q2,slash);
	    else if (c1 == NULL) {
		q2 = strsrch (q1+1,dquot);
		if (q2 == NULL) {
		    q2 = line + 79;
		    while (*q2 == space)
		q1 = NULL;
	else {
	    q1 = NULL;
	    q2 = line + 10;

    /* Extract value and remove excess spaces */
    if (q1 != NULL) {
	v1 = q1 + 1;
	v2 = q2;
    else {
	v1 = strsrch (line,"=");
	if (v1 == NULL)
	    v1 = line + 9;
	    v1 = v1 + 1;
	c1 = strsrch (line,"/");
	if (c1 != NULL)
	    v2 = c1;
	    v2 = line + 79;

    /* Ignore leading spaces if not multiline */
    if (!multiline) {
	while (*v1 == ' ' && v1 < v2) {

    /* Drop trailing spaces */
    *v2 = '\0';
    if (!multiline) {
	while ((*v2 == ' ' || *v2 == (char) 13) && v2 > v1) {
	    *v2 = '\0';

    /* Convert -zero to just plain 0 */
    if (!strcmp (v1, "-0"))
    strcpy (cval,v1);
    value = cval;

    /* If keyword has brackets, extract appropriate token from value */
    if (brack1 != NULL) {
	brack2 = strsrch (brack1,rbracket);
	if (brack2 != NULL)
	    *brack2 = '\0';
	if (isnum (brack1)) {
	    ipar = atoi (brack1);
	    cwhite[0] = ' ';
	    cwhite[1] = '\0';
	    if (ipar > 0) {
		for (i = 1; i <= ipar; i++) {
		    cpar = strtok (v1,cwhite);
		    v1 = NULL;
		if (cpar != NULL) {
		    strcpy (cval,cpar);
		    value = cval;
		    value = NULL;

	    /* If token counter is negative, include rest of value */
	    else if (ipar < 0) {
		for (i = 1; i < -ipar; i++) {
		    v1 = strchr (v1, ' ');
		    if (v1 == NULL)
			v1 = v1 + 1;
		if (v1 != NULL) {
		    strcpy (cval, v1);
		    value = cval;
		    value = NULL;
	else {
	    lkey = strlen (brack1);
	    for (i = 0; i < lkey; i++) {
		if (brack1[i] > 64 && brack1[i] < 91)
		    brack1[i] = brack1[i] + 32; 
	    v1 = igetc (cval, brack1);
	    if (v1) {
		strcpy (cval,v1);
		value = cval;
		value = NULL;

    return (value);
    } else {
	return(get_fits_head_str(keyword0, iel, ip, &nel, &np, &ier, hstring));

/* Find beginning of fillable blank line before FITS header keyword line */

char *
blsearch (hstring,keyword)

/* Find entry for keyword keyword in FITS header string hstring.
   (the keyword may have a maximum of eight letters)
   NULL is returned if the keyword is not found */

const char *hstring;	/* character string containing fits-style header
		information in the format <keyword>= <value> {/ <comment>}
		the default is that each entry is 80 characters long;
		however, lines may be of arbitrary length terminated by
		nulls, carriage returns or linefeeds, if packed is true.  */
const char *keyword;	/* character string containing the name of the variable
		to be returned.  ksearch searches for a line beginning
		with this string.  The string may be a character
		literal or a character variable terminated by a null
		or '$'.  it is truncated to 8 characters. */
    const char *headlast;
    char *loc, *headnext, *pval, *lc, *line;
    char *bval;
    int icol, nextchar, lkey, nleft, lhstr;

    pval = 0;

    /* Search header string for variable name */
    if (lhead0)
	lhstr = lhead0;
    else {
	lhstr = 0;
	while (lhstr < 256000 && hstring[lhstr] != 0)
    headlast = hstring + lhstr;
    headnext = (char *) hstring;
    pval = NULL;
    while (headnext < headlast) {
	nleft = headlast - headnext;
	loc = strncsrch (headnext, keyword, nleft);

	/* Exit if keyword is not found */
	if (loc == NULL) {

	icol = (loc - hstring) % 80;
	lkey = strlen (keyword);
	nextchar = (int) *(loc + lkey);

	/* If this is not in the first 8 characters of a line, keep searching */
	if (icol > 7)
	    headnext = loc + 1;

	/* If parameter name in header is longer, keep searching */
	else if (nextchar != 61 && nextchar > 32 && nextchar < 127)
	    headnext = loc + 1;

	/* If preceeding characters in line are not blanks, keep searching */
	else {
	    line = loc - icol;
	    for (lc = line; lc < loc; lc++) {
		if (*lc != ' ')
		    headnext = loc + 1;

	/* Return pointer to start of line if match */
	    if (loc >= headnext) {
		pval = line;

    /* Return NULL to calling program if keyword is not found */
    if (pval == NULL)
	return (pval);

    /* Return NULL if keyword is found at start of FITS header string */
    if (pval == hstring)
	return (NULL);

    /* Find last nonblank in FITS header string line before requested keyword */
    bval = pval - 80;
    while (!strncmp (bval,"        ",8) && bval >= hstring)
	bval = bval - 80;
    bval = bval + 80;

    /* Return pointer to calling program if blank lines found */
    if (bval < pval && bval >= hstring)
	return (bval);
	return (NULL);

/* Find FITS header line containing specified keyword */

/*** waj ***/
extern char* findit(char*,char*);
char* ksearch(const char* hstring, const char* keyword)
  return findit((char*)hstring, (char*)keyword);
char *
ksearchh (hstring,keyword)
/*** waj ***/

/* Find entry for keyword keyword in FITS header string hstring.
   (the keyword may have a maximum of eight letters)
   NULL is returned if the keyword is not found */

const char *hstring;	/* character string containing fits-style header
		information in the format <keyword>= <value> {/ <comment>}
		the default is that each entry is 80 characters long;
		however, lines may be of arbitrary length terminated by
		nulls, carriage returns or linefeeds, if packed is true.  */
const char *keyword;	/* character string containing the name of the variable
		to be returned.  ksearch searches for a line beginning
		with this string.  The string may be a character
		literal or a character variable terminated by a null
		or '$'.  it is truncated to 8 characters. */
    const char *headlast;
    char *loc, *headnext, *pval, *lc, *line;
    int icol, nextchar, lkey, nleft, lhead, lmax;

	int iel=1, ip=1, nel, np, ier;
	char *get_fits_head_str();

	if( !use_saolib ){

    pval = 0;

/* Find current length of header string */
    if (lhead0)
	lmax = lhead0;
	lmax = 256000;
    for (lhead = 0; lhead < lmax; lhead++) {
	if (hstring[lhead] <= (char) 0)

/* Search header string for variable name */
    headlast = hstring + lhead;
    headnext = (char *) hstring;
    pval = NULL;
    while (headnext < headlast) {
	nleft = headlast - headnext;
	loc = strncsrch (headnext, keyword, nleft);

	/* Exit if keyword is not found */
	if (loc == NULL) {

	icol = (loc - hstring) % 80;
	lkey = strlen (keyword);
	nextchar = (int) *(loc + lkey);

	/* If this is not in the first 8 characters of a line, keep searching */
	if (icol > 7)
	    headnext = loc + 1;

	/* If parameter name in header is longer, keep searching */
	else if (nextchar != 61 && nextchar > 32 && nextchar < 127)
	    headnext = loc + 1;

	/* If preceeding characters in line are not blanks, keep searching */
	else {
	    line = loc - icol;
	    for (lc = line; lc < loc; lc++) {
		if (*lc != ' ')
		    headnext = loc + 1;

	/* Return pointer to start of line if match */
	    if (loc >= headnext) {
		pval = line;

/* Return pointer to calling program */
	return (pval);

	else {
	    if (get_fits_head_str(keyword,iel,ip,&nel,&np,&ier,hstring) != NULL)

/* Return the right ascension in degrees from sexagesimal hours or decimal degrees */

str2ra (in)

const char *in;	/* Character string of sexigesimal hours or decimal degrees */

    double ra;	/* Right ascension in degrees (returned) */

    ra = str2dec (in);
    if (strsrch (in,":"))
	ra = ra * 15.0;

    return (ra);

/* Return the declination in degrees from sexagesimal or decimal degrees */

str2dec (in)

const char *in;	/* Character string of sexigesimal or decimal degrees */

    double dec;		/* Declination in degrees (returned) */
    double deg, min, sec, sign;
    char *value, *c1, *c2;
    int lval;
    char *dchar;

    dec = 0.0;

    /* Return 0.0 if string is null */
    if (in == NULL)
	return (dec);

    /* Translate value from ASCII colon-delimited string to binary */
    if (in[0]) {
	value = (char *) in;

	/* Remove leading spaces */
	while (*value == ' ')

	/* Save sign */
	if (*value == '-') {
	    sign = -1.0;
	else if (*value == '+') {
	    sign = 1.0;
	    sign = 1.0;

	/* Turn comma into space */
	if ((c1 = strsrch (value,",")) != NULL)
	    *c1 = ' ';

	/* Remove trailing spaces */
	lval = strlen (value);
	while (value[lval-1] == ' ')
	if ((c1 = strsrch (value,":")) == NULL)
	    c1 = strnsrch (value," ",lval);
	if (c1 != NULL) {
	    *c1 = 0;
	    deg = (double) atoi (value);
	    *c1 = ':';
	    value = c1 + 1;
	    if ((c2 = strsrch (value,":")) == NULL)
		c2 = strsrch (value," ");
	    if (c2 != NULL) {
		*c2 = 0;
		min = (double) atoi (value);
		*c2 = ':';
		value = c2 + 1;
		sec = atof (value);
	    else {
		sec = 0.0;
		if ((c1 = strsrch (value,".")) != NULL)
		    min = atof (value);
		if (strlen (value) > 0)
		    min = (double) atoi (value);
	    dec = sign * (deg + (min / 60.0) + (sec / 3600.0));
	else if (isnum (value) == 2) {
	    if ((dchar = strchr (value, 'D')))
		*dchar = 'e';
	    if ((dchar = strchr (value, 'd')))
		*dchar = 'e';
	    if ((dchar = strchr (value, 'E')))
		*dchar = 'e';
	    dec = sign * atof (value);
	    dec = sign * (double) atoi (value);
    return (dec);

/* Find string s2 within null-terminated string s1 */

char *
strsrch (s1, s2)

const char *s1;	/* String to search */
const char *s2;	/* String to look for */

    int ls1;
    ls1 = strlen (s1);
    return (strnsrch (s1, s2, ls1));

/* Find string s2 within string s1 */

char *
strnsrch (s1, s2, ls1)

const char *s1;	/* String to search */
const char *s2;	/* String to look for */
const int ls1;	/* Length of string being searched */

    char *s,*s1e;
    char cfirst,clast;
    int i,ls2;

    /* Return null string if either pointer is NULL */
    if (s1 == NULL || s2 == NULL)
	return (NULL);

    /* A zero-length pattern is found in any string */
    ls2 = strlen (s2);
    if (ls2 ==0)
	return ((char *) s1);

    /* Only a zero-length string can be found in a zero-length string */
    if (ls1 ==0)
	return (NULL);

    cfirst = (char) s2[0];
    clast = (char) s2[ls2-1];
    s1e = (char *) s1 + (int) ls1 - ls2 + 1;
    s = (char *) s1;
    while (s < s1e) { 

	/* Search for first character in pattern string */
	if (*s == cfirst) {

	    /* If single character search, return */
	    if (ls2 == 1)
		return (s);

	    /* Search for last character in pattern string if first found */
	    if (s[ls2-1] == clast) {

		/* If two-character search, return */
		if (ls2 == 2)
		    return (s);

		/* If 3 or more characters, check for rest of search string */
		i = 1;
		while (i < ls2 && s[i] == s2[i])

		/* If entire string matches, return */
		if (i >= ls2)
		    return (s);
    return (NULL);

/* Find string s2 within null-terminated string s1 (case-free search) */

char *
strcsrch (s1, s2)

const char *s1;	/* String to search */
const char *s2;	/* String to look for */

    int ls1;
    ls1 = strlen ((char *) s1);
    return (strncsrch (s1, s2, ls1));

/* Find string s2 within string s1 (case-free search) */

char *
strncsrch (s1, s2, ls1)

const char *s1;	/* String to search */
const char *s2;	/* String to look for */
const int ls1;	/* Length of string being searched */

    char *s,*s1e, sl, *os2;
    char cfirst,ocfirst;
    char clast = ' ';
    char oclast = ' ';
    int i,ls2;

    /* Return null string if either pointer is NULL */
    if (s1 == NULL || s2 == NULL)
	return (NULL);

    /* A zero-length pattern is found in any string */
    ls2 = strlen (s2);
    if (ls2 ==0)
	return ((char *) s1);

    /* Only a zero-length string can be found in a zero-length string */
    os2 = NULL;
    if (ls1 ==0)
	return (NULL);

    /* For one or two characters, set opposite case first and last letters */
    if (ls2 < 3) {
	cfirst = (char) s2[0];
	if (cfirst > 96 && cfirst < 123)
	    ocfirst = cfirst - 32;
	else if (cfirst > 64 && cfirst < 91)
	    ocfirst = cfirst + 32;
	    ocfirst = cfirst;
	if (ls2 > 1) {
	    clast = s2[1];
	    if (clast > 96 && clast < 123)
		oclast = clast - 32;
	    else if (clast > 64 && clast < 91)
		oclast = clast + 32;
		oclast = clast;

    /* Else duplicate string with opposite case letters for comparison */
    else {
	os2 = (char *) calloc (ls2, 1);
	for (i = 0; i < ls2; i++) {
	    if (s2[i] > 96 && s2[i] < 123)
		os2[i] = s2[i] - 32;
	    else if (s2[i] > 64 && s2[i] < 91)
		os2[i] = s2[i] + 32;
		os2[i] = s2[i];
	cfirst = s2[0];
	ocfirst = os2[0];
	clast = s2[ls2-1];
	oclast = os2[ls2-1];

    /* Loop through input string, character by character */
    s = (char *) s1;
    s1e = s + (int) ls1 - ls2 + 1;
    while (s < s1e) { 

	/* Search for first character in pattern string */
	if (*s == cfirst || *s == ocfirst) {

	    /* If single character search, return */
	    if (ls2 == 1) {
		if (os2 != NULL)
		    free (os2);
		return (s);

	    /* Search for last character in pattern string if first found */
	    sl = s[ls2-1];
	    if (sl == clast || sl == oclast) {

		/* If two-character search, return */
		if (ls2 == 2) {
		    if (os2 != NULL)
			free (os2);
		    return (s);

		/* If 3 or more characters, check for rest of search string */
		i = 1;
		while (i < ls2 && (s[i] == (char) s2[i] || s[i] == os2[i]))

		/* If entire string matches, return */
		if (i >= ls2) {
		    if (os2 != NULL)
			free (os2);
		    return (s);
    if (os2 != NULL)
	free (os2);
    return (NULL);

notnum (string)

const char *string;	/* Character string */
    if (isnum (string))
	return (0);
	return (1);

/* ISNUM-- Return 1 if string is an integer number,
		  2 if floating point,
		  3 if sexigesimal, with or without decimal point
		  else 0

isnum (string)

const char *string;	/* Character string */
    int lstr, i, nd, cl;
    char cstr, cstr1;
    int fpcode;

    /* Return 0 if string is NULL */
    if (string == NULL)
	return (0);

    lstr = strlen (string);
    nd = 0;
    cl = 0;
    fpcode = 1;

    /* Return 0 if string starts with a D or E */
    cstr = string[0];
    if (cstr == 'D' || cstr == 'd' ||
	cstr == 'E' || cstr == 'e') {
	return (0);

    /* Remove trailing spaces */
    while (string[lstr-1] == ' ')

    /* Numeric strings contain 0123456789-+ and d or e for exponents */
    for (i = 0; i < lstr; i++) {
	cstr = string[i];
	if (cstr == '\n')

	/* Ignore leading spaces */
	if (cstr == ' ' && nd == 0)

	if ((cstr < 48 || cstr > 57) &&
	    cstr != '+' && cstr != '-' &&
	    cstr != 'D' && cstr != 'd' &&
	    cstr != 'E' && cstr != 'e' &&
	    cstr != ':' && cstr != '.')
	    return (0);
	else if (cstr == '+' || cstr == '-') {
	    if (string[i+1] == '-' || string[i+1] == '+')
		return (0);
	    else if (i > 0) {
		cstr1 = string[i-1];
		if (cstr1 != 'D' && cstr1 != 'd' &&
		    cstr1 != 'E' && cstr1 != 'e' &&
		    cstr1 != ':' && cstr1 != ' ')
		    return (0);
	else if (cstr >= 47 && cstr <= 57)

	/* Check for colon */
	else if (cstr == 58)
	if (cstr=='.' || cstr=='d' || cstr=='e' || cstr=='d' || cstr=='e')
	    fpcode = 2;
    if (nd > 0) {
	if (cl)
	    fpcode = 3;
	return (fpcode);
	return (0);

/* NUMDEC -- Return number of decimal places in numeric string (-1 if not number) */

numdec (string)

const char *string;	/* Numeric string */
    char *cdot;
    int lstr;

    if (notnum (string) && !strchr (string, ':'))
        return (-1);
    else {
        lstr = strlen (string);
        if ((cdot = strchr (string, '.')) == NULL)
            return (0);
            return (lstr - (cdot - string) - 1);

int set_saolib(hstring)
    void *hstring;
    if( *((int *)hstring) == 142857 )
	use_saolib = 1;
	use_saolib = 0;


/* Remove exponent, leading #, surrounding parentheses,
   and/or trailing zeroes, if reasonable */
strfix (string, fillblank, dropzero)

char	*string;	/* String to modify */
int	fillblank;	/* If nonzero, fill blanks with underscores */
int	dropzero;	/* If nonzero, drop trailing zeroes */
    char *sdot, *s, *strend, *str, ctemp, *slast;
    int ndek, lstr, i;

    /* If number, ignore leading # and remove trailing non-numeric character */
    if (string[0] == '#') {
	strend = string + strlen (string);
	str = string + 1;
	strend = str + strlen (str) - 1;
	ctemp = *strend;
	if (!isnum (strend))
	    *strend = (char) 0;
	if (isnum (str)) {
	    strend = string + strlen (string);
	    for (str = string; str < strend; str++)
		*str = *(str + 1);
	    *strend = ctemp;

    /* Remove parentheses if they enclose the string */
    if (string[0] == '(') {
	lstr = strlen (string);
	if (string[lstr-1] == ')') {
	    string[lstr-1] = (char) 0;
	    strend = string + lstr - 1;
	    for (str = string; str < strend; str++)
		*str = *(str+1);
	    string[lstr-2] = (char) 0;

    /* Remove positive exponent if there are enough digits given */
    if (isnum (string) > 1 && strsrch (string, "E+") != NULL) {
	lstr = strlen (string);
	ndek = (int) (string[lstr-1] - 48);
	ndek = ndek + (10 * ((int) (string[lstr-2] - 48)));
	if (ndek < lstr - 7) {
	    lstr = lstr - 4;
	    string[lstr] = (char) 0;
	    string[lstr+1] = (char) 0;
	    string[lstr+2] = (char) 0;
	    string[lstr+3] = (char) 0;
	    sdot = strchr (string, '.');
	    if (ndek > 0 && sdot != NULL) {
		for (i = 1; i <= ndek; i++) {
		    *sdot = *(sdot+1);
		    *sdot = '.';

    /* Remove trailing zeroes if they are not significant */
    if (dropzero) {
	if (isnum (string) > 1 && strchr (string, '.') != NULL &&
	    strsrch (string, "E-") == NULL &&
	    strsrch (string, "E+") == NULL &&
	    strsrch (string, "e-") == NULL &&
	    strsrch (string, "e+") == NULL) {
	    lstr = strlen (string);
	    s = string + lstr - 1;
	    while (*s == '0' && lstr > 1) {
		if (*(s - 1) != '.') {
		    *s = (char) 0;
		    lstr --;

    /* Remove trailing decimal point */
    lstr = strlen (string);
    s = string + lstr - 1;
    if (*s == '.')
	*s = (char) 0;

    /* Replace embedded blanks with underscores, if requested to */
    if (fillblank) {
	lstr = strlen (string);
	slast = string + lstr;
	for (s = string; s < slast; s++) {
	    if (*s == ' ') *s = '_';



/* Oct 28 1994	New program
 * Mar  1 1995	Search for / after second quote, not first one
 * May  2 1995	Initialize line in HGETC; deal with logicals in HGETL better
 * May  4 1995	Declare STRSRCH in KSEARCH
 * Aug  7 1995  Fix line initialization in HGETC
 * Dec 22 1995	Add HGETRA and HGETDEC to get degrees from xx:xx:xx.xxx string
 * Jan 26 1996	Fix HGETL to not crash when parameter is not present
 * Feb  1 1996	Fix HGETC to deal with quotes correctly
 * Feb  1 1996	Fix HGETDEG to deal with sign correctly
 * Feb  6 1996	Add HGETS to update character strings
 * Feb  8 1996	Fix STRSRCH to find final characters in string
 * Feb 23 1996	Add string to degree conversions
 * Apr 26 1996	Add HGETDATE to get fractional year from date string
 * May 22 1996	Fix documentation; return double from STR2RA and STR2DEC
 * May 28 1996	Fix string translation of RA and Dec when no seconds
 * Jun 10 1996	Remove unused variables after running lint
 * Jun 17 1996	Fix bug which failed to return single character strings
 * Jul  1 1996	Skip sign when reading declination after testing for it
 * Jul 19 1996	Do not divide by 15 if RA header value is already in degrees
 * Aug  5 1996	Add STRNSRCH to search strings which are not null-terminated
 * Aug  6 1996	Make minor changes after lint
 * Aug  8 1996	Fix ksearch bug which finds wrong keywords
 * Aug 13 1996	Fix sign bug in STR2DEC for degrees
 * Aug 26 1996	Drop unused variables ICOL0, NLINE, PREVCHAR from KSEARCH
 * Sep 10 1996	Fix header length setting code
 * Oct 15 1996	Clean up loops and fix ICOL assignment
 * Nov 13 1996	Handle integer degrees correctly in STR2DEC
 * Nov 21 1996	Make changes for Linux thanks to Sidik Isani
 * Dec 12 1996	Add ISNUM to check to see whether strings are numbers
 * Jan 22 1997	Add ifdefs for Eric Mandel (SAOtng)
 * Jan 27 1997	Convert to integer through ATOF so exponents are recognized
 * Jul 25 1997	Implement FITS version of ISO date format
 * Feb 24 1998	Implement code to return IRAF multiple-keyword strings
 * Mar 12 1998	Add subroutine NOTNUM
 * Mar 27 1998	Add changes to match SKYCAT version
 * Apr 30 1998	Add BLSEARCH() to find blank lines before END
 * May 27 1998	Add HGETNDEC() to get number of decimal places in entry
 * Jun  1 1998	Add VMS patch from Harry Payne at StSci
 * Jun 18 1998	Fix code which extracts tokens from string values
 * Jul 21 1998	Drop minus sign for values of -0
 * Sep 29 1998	Treat hyphen-separated date as old format if 2-digit year
 * Oct  7 1998	Clean up search for last blank line
 * Apr  5 1999	Check lengths of strings before copying them
 * May  5 1999	values.h -> POSIX limits.h: MAXINT->INT_MAX, MAXSHORT->SHRT_MAX
 * Jul 15 1999	Add hgetm() options of 1- or 2-digit keyword extensions
 * Oct  6 1999	Add gethlength() to return header length
 * Oct 14 1999	In ksearch(), search only to null not to end of buffer
 * Oct 15 1999	Return 1 from hgetndec() if successful
 * Oct 20 1999	Drop unused variable after lint (val in hgetndec)
 * Dec  3 1999	Fix isnum() to reject strings starting with a d or e
 * Dec 20 1999	Update hgetdate() to get minutes and seconds right
 * Feb 10 2000	Parse RA and Dec with spaces as well as colons as separators
 * Feb 11 2000	Add null at end of multi-line keyword value character string
 * Feb 25 2000	Change max search string length from 57600 to 256000
 * Mar 15 2000	Deal with missing second quotes in string values
 * Mar 17 2000	Return 2 from isnum() if number is floating point (.de)
 * Mar 17 2000	Ignore leading # for numeric values in header
 * Mar 21 2000	Implement -n to get string value starting with nth token
 * Apr  5 2000	Reject +- in isnum()
 * Jun  9 2000	Read keyword values even if no equal sign is present
 * Sep 20 2000	Ignore linefeed at end of number in isnum()
 * Oct 23 2000	Fix handling of embedded + or - in isnum()
 * Jan 19 2000	Return 0 from isnum(), str2ra(), and str2dec() if string is null
 * Mar 30 2001	Fix header length finding algorithm in ksearch()
 * Jul 13 2001	Make val[] static int instead of int; drop unused variables
 * Sep 12 2001	Read yyyy/mm/dd dates as well as dd/mm/yyyy
 * Sep 20 2001	Ignore leading spaces in str2dec()
 * Sep 20 2001	Ignore trailing spaces in isnum()
 * Apr  3 2002	Add hgetr8c(), hgeti4c(), and hgetsc() for multiple WCS handling
 * Apr 26 2002	Fix bug in hgetsc(), hgeti4c(), and hgetr8c() found by Bill Joye
 * Jun 26 2002	Do not drop leading or trailing spaces in multi-line values
 * Aug  6 2002	Add strcsrch() and strncsrch() for case-insensitive searches
 * Aug 30 2002	Fix bug so strcsrch() really is case-insensitive
 * Oct 20 2003	Add numdec() to return number of decimal places in a string
 * Dec  9 2003	Fix numdec() to return 0 if no digits after decimal point
 * Feb 26 2004	Extract value from keyword=value strings within a keyword value
 * Apr  9 2004	Use strncsrch() in ksearch() to find differently-cased keywords
 * Apr 28 2004	Free os2 in strncsrch() only if it is allocated
 * Jul 13 2004	Accept D, d, E, or e as exponent delimiter in floating points
 * Aug 30 2004	Change numdec() to accept sexigesimal numbers (:'s)
 * Jun 27 2005	Drop unused variables
 * Aug 30 2005	Adjust code in hlength()
 * Jun 20 2006	Initialize uninitialized variables in strnsrch()
 * Jun 29 2006	Add new subroutine strfix() to clean strings for other uses
 * Jul 13 2006	Increase maximum number of multiline keywords from 20 to 500
 * Jan  4 2007  Declare header, keyword to be const
 * Jan  4 2007	Change WCS letter from char to char*
 * Feb 28 2007	If header length is not set in hlength, set it to 0
 * May 31 2007	Add return value of 3 to isnum() if string has colon(s)
 * Aug 22 2007	If closing quote not found, make one up
 * Nov 12 2009	In strfix(), if drop enclosing parantheses
 * Apr 19 2011	In str2dec(), change comma to space
 * May 19 2011	In strncsrch() always free allocated memory before returning