## TODO LIST ## ## updated 1 June 1999, jeff at hobbs org ## ## Any information in here may be out of date. For up-to-date info see: ## http://tktable.sourceforge.net/ ## These are recommendations, not all of the same priority, and not all necessarily will be implemented. If you see something you feel is important, email me and say so. Very democratic. * some sort of textbbox command that will return the size of the text in a cell, to allow for perfect cell sizing. * anchor title areas in different parts of the screen * -rowstretchmode fill ignores initial # of rows, or config requests for more. * interpret 0 rows/cols to be FILL * add -colstretchmode fill * scratch stretchmode "fill" in favor of "dynamic" which would monitor the max extent of row/col (difficult) * fix selection routines to properly handle title area movement * support smooth scrolling of rows/cols * add ability to index by tagname * overhaul tag mechanism (include way to query for tags on a cell, add priority) * add internal sort procedures pathName sort -row {the list of rows we want to sort | all} -col {the list of cols we use for sorting} -master row,col -command _command_to_use_ -type {for each column specifies the type of sort: ascii | dictionary | integer | real } -order {for each column specify the order of sort: increasing | decreasing | none } * row/column swap (maybe only in terms of visual remapping) = BBBB U U GGG SSS == B B U U G S ==- B BB U U G GGG SSS == B B U U G G S = BBBB UUU GGGG SSS MINOR: Windows: With "-colstretchmode last", the scrollbar behaves oddly in handling the space for the last cell properly when moving the main part of the scrollbar with the mouse. This seems to be that even though the scrollbar receives the "set 0.6xxx 1", the scrollbar immediately jumps back to what the mouse says, although this isn't a problem in X... Windows: when moving windows in "Show Window While Dragging" mode, the column titles don't refresh properly. Windows: When using bitmaps in cells, they occasionally don't redraw correctly. The work-around is to use -drawmode slow.