#!/bin/sh # The next line is executed by /bin/sh, but not tcl \ exec tclsh8.3 "$0" ${1+"$@"} package require tls set dir [file join [file dirname [info script]] ../tests/certs] set OPTS(-cafile) [file join $dir ca.pem] set OPTS(-cert) [file join $dir client.pem] set OPTS(-key) [file join $dir client.key] set OPTS(-host) lorax set OPTS(-port) 2468 set OPTS(-debug) 1 set OPTS(-count) 8 set OPTS(-parallel) 1 foreach {key val} $argv { if {![info exists OPTS($key)]} { puts stderr "Usage: $argv0 ?options?\ \n\t-debug boolean Debugging on or off ($OPTS(-debug))\ \n\t-cafile file Cert. Auth. File ($OPTS(-cafile))\ \n\t-client file Client Cert ($OPTS(-cert))\ \n\t-ckey file Client Key ($OPTS(-key))\ \n\t-count num No of sync. connections to make per client ($OPTS(-count))\ \n\t-parallel num No of parallel clients to run ($OPTS(-parallel))\ \n\t-host hostname Server hostname ($OPTS(-host))\ \n\t-port num Server port ($OPTS(-port))" exit } set OPTS($key) $val } if {$OPTS(-parallel) > 1} { # If they wanted parallel, we just spawn ourselves several times # with the right args. set cmd [info nameofexecutable] set script [info script] for {set i 0} {$i < $OPTS(-parallel)} {incr i} { eval [list exec $cmd $script] [array get OPTS] [list -parallel 0] & } exit } # Local handler for any background errors. proc bgerror {msg} { puts "BGERROR: $msg" } # debugging helper code proc shortstr {str} { return "[string replace $str 10 end ...] [string length $str]b" } proc dputs {msg} { if {$::OPTS(-debug)} { puts stderr $msg ; flush stderr } } set OPTS(openports) 0 # Define what we want to feed down the pipe set megadata [string repeat [string repeat A 76]\n 1000] proc drain {chan} { global OPTS if {[catch {read $chan} data]} { #dputs "EOF $chan ([shortstr $data])" incr OPTS(openports) -1 catch {close $chan} return } #if {$data != ""} { dputs "got $chan ([shortstr $data])" } if {[string match *CLOSE\n $data]} { dputs "CLOSE $chan" incr OPTS(openports) -1 close $chan return } elseif {[eof $chan]} { # client gone or finished dputs "EOF $chan" incr OPTS(openports) -1 close $chan return } } proc feed {sock} { dputs "feed $sock ([shortstr $::megadata])" puts $sock $::megadata flush $sock puts $sock CLOSE flush $sock fileevent $sock writable {} } proc go {} { global OPTS for {set num $OPTS(-count)} {$num > 0} {incr num -1} { set sock [tls::socket $OPTS(-host) $OPTS(-port)] incr OPTS(openports) fconfigure $sock -blocking 0 -buffersize 4096 fileevent $sock writable [list feed $sock ] fileevent $sock readable [list drain $sock] dputs "created $sock" } while {1} { # Make sure to wait until all our sockets close down. vwait OPTS(openports) if {$OPTS(openports) == 0} { exit 0 } } } tls::init -cafile $OPTS(-cafile) -certfile $OPTS(-cert) -keyfile $OPTS(-key) go