=pod =head1 NAME B =head1 SYNOPSIS xpainfo [-h] [-i nsinet] [-m method] [-n] [-s] [-t sval,lval] [-u users] [paramlist] =head1 OPTIONS -h print help message -i access XPA point on different machine (override XPA_NSINET) -m override XPA_METHOD environment variable -n don't wait for the status message after server completes -s enter server mode -t [s,l] set short and long timeouts (override XPA_[SHORT,LONG]_TIMEOUT) -u [users] XPA points can be from specified users (override XPA_NSUSERS) --version display version and exit =head1 DESCRIPTION Info will be sent to access points matching the template or host:port. A set of qualifying parameters can be appended. B csh> xpainfo IMAGE ds9 image =head1 SEE ALSO See xpa(n) for a list of XPA help pages =cut