/* * Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory */ /* * * port.c -- xpa port management * */ #include <xpap.h> /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * * Private Routines * * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* this is the head of the global list -- too lazy to do anything more */ static PORT porthead=NULL; #ifdef ANSI_FUNC static PORT XPAPortLookup (char *xclass, char *name) #else static PORT XPAPortLookup(xclass, name) char *xclass; char *name; #endif { PORT cur; /* look for exact match */ for(cur=porthead; cur!=NULL; cur=cur->next){ if( !strcmp(xclass, cur->xclass) && !strcmp(name, cur->name) ){ return(cur); } } /* otherwise look for a template match */ for(cur=porthead; cur!=NULL; cur=cur->next){ if( tmatch(xclass, cur->xclass) && tmatch(name, cur->name) ){ return(cur); } } return(NULL); } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Routine: XPAPortParse * * Purpose: parse port list into components * * Returns: 0 on success, -1 on failure * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifdef ANSI_FUNC static int XPAPortParse (char *lbuf, char *xclass, char *name, int *port, int len) #else static int XPAPortParse(lbuf, xclass, name, port, len) char *lbuf; char *xclass; char *name; int *port; int len; #endif { char tbuf[SZ_LINE]; int lp=0; /* init port values */ *port = 0; /* class:name is required */ if( word(lbuf, tbuf, &lp) ){ XPAParseName(tbuf, xclass, name, len); } else{ return(-1); } /* port is required but can be "*" for default port */ if( word(lbuf, tbuf, &lp) ){ if( !strcmp(tbuf, "*") ) *port = XPA_DEFPORT; else *port = atoi(tbuf); } else{ return(-1); } /* made it */ return(0); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * * Public Routines * * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Routine: XPAPortAdd * * Purpose: add one port entry to the xpa port list * * Returns: 0 on success, -1 on failure * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifdef ANSI_FUNC int XPAPortAdd (char *lbuf) #else int XPAPortAdd(lbuf) char *lbuf; #endif { PORT xnew; PORT cur; char xclass[SZ_LINE]; char name[SZ_LINE]; int port; /* allocate port struct */ if( (xnew = (PORT)xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct portrec))) == NULL ) goto error; /* parse info from line buffer */ if( XPAPortParse(lbuf, xclass, name, &port, SZ_LINE) < 0 ) goto error; /* fill in the blanks */ xnew->xclass = xstrdup(xclass); xnew->name = xstrdup(name); xnew->port = port; /* add this port to end of list of port's */ if( porthead == NULL ){ porthead = xnew; } else{ for(cur=porthead; cur->next!=NULL; cur=cur->next) ; cur->next = xnew; } return(0); error: if( xnew ) xfree(xnew); return(-1); } /* *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Routine: XPAPortDel * * Purpose: free up alloc'ed memory in the port record structure * * Results: 0 on success, -1 for failure * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifdef ANSI_FUNC int XPAPortDel (PORT port) #else int XPAPortDel(port) PORT port; #endif { PORT cur; if( port == NULL ) return(-1); /* remove from list of port's */ if( porthead ){ if( porthead == port ){ porthead = porthead->next; } else{ for(cur=porthead; cur!=NULL; cur=cur->next){ if( cur->next == port ){ cur->next = (cur->next)->next; break; } } } } /* free up string space */ if( port->xclass ) xfree(port->xclass); if( port->name ) xfree(port->name); /* free up record struct */ xfree((char *)port); return(0); } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Routine: XPAPortFree * * Purpose: * * Results: 1 on success, 0 for failure * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifdef ANSI_FUNC void XPAPortFree (void) #else void XPAPortFree() #endif { PORT cur; PORT saveport; for(cur=porthead; cur!=NULL; ){ saveport = cur->next; XPAPortDel(cur); cur = saveport; } } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Routine: XPAPortNew * * Purpose: read or re-read the port list * * Results: number of lines in list (including default) * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifdef ANSI_FUNC int XPAPortNew (char *aname, int flag) #else int XPAPortNew(aname, flag) char *aname; int flag; #endif { int got=0; char lbuf[SZ_LINE]; char *s; char *portname=NULL; char *portpath=NULL; char *portstr=NULL; char *portcopy=NULL; FILE *fp; /* if there is an old list, free it */ if( flag == 0 ) XPAPortFree(); /* get port file name */ if( aname && *aname ) portname = aname; else if( (portname=(char *)getenv("XPA_PORTFILE")) == NULL ) portname = XPA_PORTFILE; /* get the default port */ portstr=(char *)getenv("XPA_PORT"); /* add the port assignments from environment first */ if( portstr && *portstr ){ portcopy=(char *)xstrdup(portstr); for(s=(char *)strtok(portcopy,";"); s!=NULL; s=(char *)strtok(NULL,";")){ if( XPAPortAdd(s) == 0 ) got++; } if( portcopy) xfree(portcopy); } /* add the port assignments from file next */ if( (portpath=(char *)Access(portname, "r")) != NULL ){ if( (fp=fopen(portpath, "r")) != NULL ){ while( fgets(lbuf, SZ_LINE, fp) ){ if( *lbuf == '#' ){ continue; } if( XPAPortAdd(lbuf) == 0 ) got++; } fclose(fp); } xfree(portpath); } /* return the news */ return(got); } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Routine: XPAPort * * Purpose: check for pre-defined port for a given class, name and * 1 for com port, 2 for data port * * Results: assigned port or 0 * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifdef ANSI_FUNC int XPAPort (XPA xpa) #else int XPAPort(xpa) XPA xpa; #endif { int p=0; PORT cur; if( xpa == NULL ) return 0; if( (cur = XPAPortLookup(xpa->xclass, xpa->name)) ){ p = cur->port; } return p; }