from ctypes import * x=cdll.LoadLibrary("../") c_byte_p = POINTER(c_byte) ## int XPAPoll(int msec, int maxreq); XPAPoll = x.XPAPoll x.XPAPoll.restype = c_int x.XPAPoll.argtypes = [c_int, c_int] ## typedef struct xparec{ ## /* xpa version */ ## char *version; ## /* status of this xpa */ ## int status; ## /* "g", "s", "i" are server types; "c" for client */ ## char *type; ## /* ## * THE SERVER SIDE ## */ ## struct xparec *next; ## char *xclass; ## char *name; ## char *help; ## ## /* and so on */ ## ## } *XPA; # ctypes wrapper class xparec(Structure): _fields_ = [ ("version", c_char_p), \ ("status", c_int), \ ("type", c_char_p), \ ("next", c_void_p), \ ("xclass", c_char_p), \ ("name", c_char_p), \ ("help", c_char_p) \ ] XPA = POINTER(xparec) ## int XPAFree(XPA xpa); XPAFree = x.XPAFree x.XPAFree.restype = c_void_p x.XPAFree.argtypes = [XPA] ## info callback: ## int info_cb(void *info_data, void *call_data, char *paramlist) INFOCBFUNC = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_char_p, XPA, c_char_p) ### implement like this: #def py_infocb_func(a, b, c): # print "py_cmp_func", a, b # return 0 # #infocb_func = INFOCBFUNC(py_infocb_func) ## XPA XPAInfoNew(char *class, char *name, ## int (*info_callback)(), ## void *info_data, char *info_mode); XPAInfoNew = x.XPAInfoNew x.XPAInfoNew.restype = XPA x.XPAInfoNew.argtypes = [c_char_p, c_char_p, INFOCBFUNC, c_char_p, c_char_p] ## int send_callback(void *send_data, void *call_data, ## char *paramlist, char **buf, int *len) SENDCBFUNC = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_char_p, XPA, c_char_p, POINTER(c_byte_p), POINTER(c_int)) ### implement like this: #def py_sendcb_func(a, data, call_data, param, buf, len): # print "inside send_callback" # return 0 # #sendcb_func = SENDCBFUNC(py_sendcb_func) ## int receive_callback(void *receive_data, void *call_data, ## char *paramlist, char *buf, int len) RCVCBFUNC = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_char_p, XPA, c_char_p, c_byte_p, c_int) ## XPA XPANew(char *class, char *name, char *help, ## int (*send_callback)(), ## void *send_data, char *send_mode, ## int (*rec_callback)(), ## void *rec_data, char *rec_mode); XPANew = x.XPANew x.XPANew.restype = XPA x.XPANew.argtypes = [c_char_p, c_char_p, c_char_p, \ SENDCBFUNC, \ c_char_p, c_char_p, \ RCVCBFUNC, \ c_char_p, c_char_p \ ]