/* * Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory */ #include <time.h> #include <xpap.h> #define XPAMB_CLASS "XPAMB" #define XPAMB_NAME "xpamb" #define XPAMB_MODE NULL #define XPAMB_HELP "xpa message bus:\n" /* message bus structure */ typedef struct mbrec{ struct mbrec *next; char *name; char *info; char *buf; size_t len; time_t t; } *MB, MBRec; /* this is the head of the message bus list -- too lazy to do anything more */ static MB mbhead=NULL; /* global error message buffer */ static char errbuf[SZ_LINE]; static int maxhosts=XPA_MAXHOSTS; static XPA xpa=NULL; /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Routine: XPAReceiveExit * * Purpose: exit program * * Returns: NONE * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifdef ANSI_FUNC static int XPAReceiveExit (void *client_data, void *call_data, char *paramlist, char *buf, size_t len) #else static int XPAReceiveExit(client_data, call_data, paramlist, buf, len) void *client_data; void *call_data; char *paramlist; char *buf; size_t len; #endif { /* freeing the xpa handle will cause the xpa loop to terminate */ XPAFree(xpa); return(0); } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Routine: XPASendExit * * Purpose: exit program * * Returns: NONE * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifdef ANSI_FUNC static int XPASendExit (void *client_data, void *call_data, char *paramlist, char **buf, size_t *len) #else static int XPASendExit(client_data, call_data, paramlist, buf, len) void *client_data; void *call_data; char *paramlist; char **buf; size_t *len; #endif { /* freeing the xpa handle will cause the xpa loop to terminate */ XPAFree(xpa); return(0); } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Routine: MBLookup * * Purpose: lookup anentry by name * * Returns: mb struct on success, NULL on failure * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifdef ANSI_FUNC static MB MBLookup (char *name) #else static MB MBLookup(name) char *name; #endif { MB cur; /*make sure we have something to work with */ if( (name == NULL) || (*name == '\0') ) return(NULL); /* look for exact match */ for(cur=mbhead; cur!=NULL; cur=cur->next){ if( !strcmp(name, cur->name) ){ return(cur); } } return(NULL); } /* *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Routine: MBDel * * Purpose: free up and remove an MB * * Results: 0 on success, -1 for failure * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifdef ANSI_FUNC static int MBDel (MB mb) #else static int MBDel(mb) MB mb; #endif { MB cur; if( mb == NULL ){ snprintf(errbuf, SZ_LINE, "can't delete invalid xpamb entry"); return(-1); } /* remove from list of MB's */ if( mbhead ){ if( mbhead == mb ){ mbhead = mbhead->next; } else{ for(cur=mbhead; cur!=NULL; cur=cur->next){ if( cur->next == mb ){ cur->next = (cur->next)->next; break; } } } } /* free up alloc'ed space */ if( mb->name ) xfree(mb->name); if( mb->info ) xfree(mb->info); if( mb->buf ) xfree(mb->buf); /* free up record struct */ xfree((char *)mb); return(0); } /* *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Routine: MBRemove * * Purpose: free up and remove an MB by name * * Results: 0 on success, -1 for failure * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifdef ANSI_FUNC static int MBRemove (char *name) #else static int MBRemove(name) char *name; #endif { MB mb; if( (mb=MBLookup(name)) != NULL ) return(MBDel(mb)); else{ snprintf(errbuf, SZ_LINE, "can't delete unknown xpamb entry: %s", name); return(-1); } } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Routine: MBAdd * * Purpose: add one MB to the xpa MB list * * Returns: 0 on success, -1 on failure * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifdef ANSI_FUNC static int MBAdd (char *name, char *info, char *buf, size_t len, int replace) #else static int MBAdd(name, info, buf, len, replace) char *name; char *info; char *buf; size_t len; int replace; #endif { MB xnew=NULL; MB cur; /* see if this entry already exists */ if( (cur = MBLookup(name)) != NULL ){ if( !replace ){ snprintf(errbuf, SZ_LINE, "xpamb entry already exists: %s", name); goto error; } else MBDel(cur); } /* allocate MB struct */ if( (xnew = (MB)xcalloc(1, sizeof(MBRec))) == NULL ){ snprintf(errbuf, SZ_LINE, "can't allocate memory for xpamb entry: %s", name); goto error; } /* fill in the blanks */ xnew->name = xstrdup(name); xnew->info = xstrdup(info); if( !(xnew->buf = (char *)xmalloc(len)) ){ snprintf(errbuf, SZ_LINE, "can't allocate memory for xpamb buffer: %s", name); goto error; } memcpy(xnew->buf, buf, len); xnew->len = len; xnew->t = time(NULL); /* add this MB to end of list of MB's */ if( mbhead == NULL ){ mbhead = xnew; } else{ for(cur=mbhead; cur->next!=NULL; cur=cur->next) ; cur->next = xnew; } return(0); error: if( xnew ) xfree(xnew); return(-1); } /* *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Routine: MBInfo * * Purpose: send info string to specified fd * * Results: 0 on success, -1 for failure * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifdef ANSI_FUNC static int MBInfo (int fd, MB mb) #else static int MBInfo(fd, mb) int fd; MB mb; #endif { MB cur; char *tbuf; if( mb != NULL ){ tbuf = (char *)xmalloc(strlen(mb->name) + SZ_LINE); snprintf(tbuf, SZ_LINE, "%s\tsize:\t\t%d\n\tcreated:\t%s", mb->name, (int)mb->len, ctime(&(mb->t))); send(fd, tbuf, strlen(tbuf), 0); xfree(tbuf); if( mb->info && *(mb->info) ){ tbuf = (char *)xmalloc(strlen(mb->info) + SZ_LINE); snprintf(tbuf, SZ_LINE, "\tinfo:\t\t%s\n", mb->info); send(fd, tbuf, strlen(tbuf), 0); xfree(tbuf); } } else{ /* send info for all entries */ for(cur=mbhead; cur!=NULL; cur=cur->next){ MBInfo(fd, cur); } } return(0); } /* *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Routine: MBData * * Purpose: send data to specified fd * * Results: 0 on success, -1 for failure * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifdef ANSI_FUNC static int MBData (int fd, MB mb) #else static int MBData(fd, mb) int fd; MB mb; #endif { if( mb != NULL ){ if( mb->buf && mb->len ){ if( send(fd, mb->buf, mb->len, 0) == mb->len ){ return(0); } else{ snprintf(errbuf, SZ_LINE, "writing data for xpamb entry: %s", mb->name); return(-1); } } else{ return(0); } } return(0); } /* *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Routine: MBSendCB * * Purpose: callback when we need to send data to a client * * Results: 0 on success, -1 for failure * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifdef ANSI_FUNC static int MBSendCB (void *client_data, void *call_data, char *paramlist, char **buf, size_t *len) #else static int MBSendCB(client_data, call_data, paramlist, buf, len) void *client_data; void *call_data; char *paramlist; char **buf; size_t *len; #endif { XPA xpa = (XPA)call_data; MB mb; int i; int got=0; int tp=0; int doinfo=0; int dodata=0; int status=0; int fds[1]; char tbuf[SZ_LINE]; char *errs[XPA_MAXHOSTS]; char *names[XPA_MAXHOSTS]; /* reset error buffer */ *errbuf = '\0'; /* no paramlist means return info on all stored entries */ if( !paramlist || !*paramlist ){ return(MBInfo(xpa_datafd(xpa), NULL)); } /* process switches */ while( word(paramlist, tbuf, &tp) ){ if( *tbuf != '-' ) break; else if( !strcmp(tbuf, "-data") ){ dodata++; } else if( !strcmp(tbuf, "-info") ){ doinfo++; } else{ break; } } if( doinfo || dodata ){ if( !*tbuf ){ snprintf(errbuf, SZ_LINE, "missing xpamb entry name"); status = -1; } if( (mb=MBLookup(tbuf)) != NULL ){ if( doinfo ){ status = MBInfo(xpa_datafd(xpa), mb); } if( dodata ){ status = MBData(xpa_datafd(xpa), mb); } } else{ snprintf(errbuf, SZ_LINE, "unknown xpamb entry: %s", tbuf); status = -1; } } else{ fds[0] = xpa_datafd(xpa); got = XPAGetFd(NULL, tbuf, ¶mlist[tp], NULL, fds, names, errs, -maxhosts); for(i=0; i<got; i++){ if( errs[i] ){ if( !*errbuf ) strcpy(errbuf, errs[i]); status = -1; xfree(errs[i]); } if( names[i] ) xfree(names[i]); } } /* send error message and return status */ if( *errbuf ) XPAError(xpa, errbuf); return(status); } /* *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Routine: MBRecCB * * Purpose: callback when we receive data/command from a client * * Results: 0 on success, -1 for failure * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifdef ANSI_FUNC static int MBRecCB (void *client_data, void *call_data, char *paramlist, char *buf, size_t len) #else static int MBRecCB(client_data, call_data, paramlist, buf, len) void *client_data; void *call_data; char *paramlist; char *buf; size_t len; #endif { XPA xpa = (XPA)call_data; MB mb; int i; int got=0; int tp=0; int rflag=0; int status=0; char tbuf[SZ_LINE]; char xsend[SZ_LINE]; char xadd[SZ_LINE]; char xinfo[SZ_LINE]; char xremove[SZ_LINE]; char xtemplate[SZ_LINE]; char *errs[XPA_MAXHOSTS]; char *names[XPA_MAXHOSTS]; /* init flags */ *xsend = '\0'; *xadd = '\0'; *xinfo = '\0'; *xremove = '\0'; /* reset error buffer */ *errbuf = '\0'; /* process switches */ while( word(paramlist, tbuf, &tp) ){ if( *tbuf != '-' ) break; else if( !strcmp(tbuf, "-data") ){ word(paramlist, xadd, &tp); } else if( !strcmp(tbuf, "-add") ){ word(paramlist, xadd, &tp); } else if( !strcmp(tbuf, "-replace") ){ word(paramlist, xadd, &tp); rflag = 1; } else if( !strcmp(tbuf, "-info") ){ word(paramlist, xinfo, &tp); } else if( !strncmp(tbuf, "-del", 4) ){ word(paramlist, xremove, &tp); } else if( !strcmp(tbuf, "-send") ){ word(paramlist, xsend, &tp); } else break; } /* broadcast data, if we have a target the first non-switch word we found previously is the target */ if( *tbuf ){ strcpy(xtemplate, tbuf); /* the rest of the input string is the paramlist */ paramlist = &(paramlist[tp]); /* send named data, if necessary */ if( *xsend != '\0' ){ if( (mb=MBLookup(xsend)) != NULL ){ got = XPASet(NULL, xtemplate, paramlist, NULL, mb->buf, mb->len, names, errs, maxhosts); } if( (buf != NULL) && (len>0) ){ got = XPASet(NULL, xtemplate, paramlist, NULL, buf, len, names, errs, maxhosts); } } else{ got = XPASet(NULL, xtemplate, paramlist, NULL, buf, len, names, errs, maxhosts); } for(i=0; i<got; i++){ if( errs[i] ){ if( !*errbuf ) strcpy(errbuf, errs[i]); status = -1; xfree(errs[i]); } if( names[i] ) xfree(names[i]); } } /* save named data, if necessary */ if( *xadd !='\0' ){ status = MBAdd(xadd, xinfo, buf, len, rflag); } /* remove named data, if necessary */ if( *xremove !='\0' ){ status = MBRemove(xremove); } /* send error message and return status */ if( *errbuf ) XPAError(xpa, errbuf); return(status); } #ifdef ANSI_FUNC int main (int argc, char **argv) #else int main(argc, argv) int argc; char **argv; #endif { char *s; /* display version and exit, if necessary */ if( (argc == 2) && !strcmp(argv[1], "--version") ){ fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", XPA_VERSION); exit(0); } /* set global value for max hosts */ maxhosts=XPA_MAXHOSTS; if( (s=(char *)getenv("XPA_MAXHOSTS")) != NULL ) maxhosts = atoi(s); /* start up the xpa access point */ if( !(xpa=XPANew(XPAMB_CLASS, XPAMB_NAME, XPAMB_HELP, MBSendCB, NULL, XPAMB_MODE, MBRecCB, NULL, XPAMB_MODE)) ){ fprintf(stderr, "XPA$ERROR: could not create xpamb access point\n"); exit(1); } /* allow for a graceful exit */ XPACmdAdd(XPAGetReserved (), "-exit", "\texit program", XPASendExit, NULL, NULL, XPAReceiveExit, NULL, "fillbuf=false"); /* process events */ XPAMainLoop(); return(0); }