diff options
authorGuido van Rossum <>1998-10-13 17:32:27 (GMT)
committerGuido van Rossum <>1998-10-13 17:32:27 (GMT)
commitca5619cc5bff225950c499a9d529cb9f44c37ebf (patch)
parent7895562f884baa2de4d14d56cfe9ad5e021c767e (diff)
1 files changed, 52 insertions, 40 deletions
diff --git a/Tools/idle/help.txt b/Tools/idle/help.txt
index 6dbf2fa..8732e87 100644
--- a/Tools/idle/help.txt
+++ b/Tools/idle/help.txt
@@ -1,49 +1,61 @@
-Windows and files:
- ^X ^N creates new empty text editor window
- ^X ^C closes all windows
- Alt-F4 or ^X ^0 (that's control-x-control-zero) closes current window
- ^X ^D opens a file from dialog box
- ^X ^S saves to current file
- ^X ^W saves to file from dialog box
- ^X w save a copy to file from dialog box
+File menu:
+ New window -- create a new editing window
+ Open file... -- open an existing file from a dialog box
+ Open module... -- asks for a module name, finds it on sys.path,
+ and opens it; if there's a selection, it's the module name
+ Class browser... -- open a class browser for the current module
+ ---
+ Save -- save the current window to its associated file
+ Save As... -- save to a new file from a dialog box
+ Save Copy As... -- save to a new file without changing window name
+ ---
+ Close -- close current window; asks to save if unsaved
+ Exit -- close all windows; asks to save unsaved windows
+Edit menu:
+ Undo -- Undo last change to current window (max 1000 changes)
+ Redo -- Redo last undone change to current window
+ ---
+ Cut -- Copy selection into system-wide clipboard; then delete selection
+ Copy -- Copy selection into system-wide clipboard
+ Paste -- Insert system-wide clipboard into window
+ ---
+ Find... -- Search (case sensitive, Perl regular expression)
+ Find next -- Repeat last search
+ Fine same -- Search for the string in the selection
+ Go to line -- Ask for a line number and show that line
+ ---
+ Dedent region -- Shift selected lines left 4 spaces
+ Indent region -- Shift selected lines right 4 spaces
+ Comment out region -- Insert ## in front of selected lines
+ Uncomment region -- Remove leading # or ## from selected lines
+Windows menu:
+ Contains the names of all open windows. The Python Shell
+ entry at the top will recreate the shell window if it has
+ been closed.
+Debug menu (in the Python Shell window only):
+ Go to line from traceback -- look around the insert point for a
+ filename and linenumber, open the file, and show the line
+ Open stack viewer -- show the stack traceback of the last exception
+Basic editing and navigation:
+ Backspace deletes to the left; DEL deletes to the right
Arrow keys and Page Up/Down to move around
Home/End go to begin/end of line
Control-Home/End go to begin/end of file
- Some Emacs bindings may also work, e.g. ^A/^E
-Searching: all searches are forward from the cursor without
-wrap-around, case sensitive, Perl-style regular expression matches
- ^S without a selection opens search dialog box
- ^S with a selection searches for selected text
- ^U ^S repeats last search
- Alt-G opens dialog box to go to a specific line
+ Some Emacs bindings may also work, e.g. ^F/^B/^P/^N/^A/^E
- Backspace deletes left of cursor, Delete right of cursor
- Cut and paste use platform's conventions
- ^[ or Alt-[ left-shifts (dedents) the current line or selection
- ^] or Alt-] right-shifts (indents) the current line or selection
- Alt-/ expands last word you type (like Emacs dabbrev)
- ^Z undoes last change; repeat to undo more
- Alt-Z redoes last undone change; repeat to redo more
-Console window:
+Python Shell window:
^C interrupts executing command
- ^D sends end-of-file; closes console if typed at >>> prompt
- If you get a traceback, right-click on any line listing a
- filename and line number and select "Go to line from
- traceback" to open that file and go to the indicated line
+ ^D sends end-of-file; closes window if typed at >>> prompt
Python syntax colors: the coloring is applied in a background thread