diff options
authorFred Drake <>2001-10-05 16:49:31 (GMT)
committerFred Drake <>2001-10-05 16:49:31 (GMT)
commite8f47bb93a473c42218f31213d01afd056a8159e (patch)
parent645a7e08b3569bb79e398ff60668f67304d3289a (diff)
Remove some long-unsupported Mac OS modules.
This closes SF patch #460737.
5 files changed, 0 insertions, 425 deletions
diff --git a/Doc/Makefile.deps b/Doc/Makefile.deps
index 9071813..e58759c 100644
--- a/Doc/Makefile.deps
+++ b/Doc/Makefile.deps
mac/libaepack.tex \
mac/libaetypes.tex \
mac/libctb.tex \
- mac/libmacdnr.tex \
mac/libmacfs.tex \
mac/libmacos.tex \
mac/libmacostools.tex \
- mac/libmactcp.tex \
mac/libmacspeech.tex \
mac/libmacui.tex \
mac/libmacic.tex \
diff --git a/Doc/mac/libmacconsole.tex b/Doc/mac/libmacconsole.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index 6215d89..0000000
--- a/Doc/mac/libmacconsole.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-\section{\module{macconsole} ---
- Think C's console package}
- \platform{Mac}
-\modulesynopsis{Think C's console package.}
-This module is available on the Macintosh, provided Python has been
-built using the Think C compiler. It provides an interface to the
-Think console package, with which basic text windows can be created.
-An object allowing you to set various options when creating windows,
-see below.
-Options for the \code{setmode} method. \constant{C_ECHO} and
-\constant{C_CBREAK} enable character echo, the other two disable it,
-\constant{C_ECHO} and \constant{C_NOECHO} enable line-oriented input
-(erase/kill processing, etc).
-Open a new console window. Return a console window object.
-Return the console window object corresponding with the given file
-object. \var{fp} should be one of \code{sys.stdin}, \code{sys.stdout} or
-\subsection{macconsole options object}
-These options are examined when a window is created:
-\setindexsubitem{(macconsole option)}
-The origin of the window.
-The size of the window.
-The font, fontsize and fontstyle to be used in the window.
-The title of the window.
-If set non-zero, the window will wait for user action before closing.
-\subsection{console window object}
-\setindexsubitem{(console window attribute)}
-The file object corresponding to this console window. If the file is
-buffered, you should call \code{\var{file}.flush()} between
-\code{write()} and \code{read()} calls.
-\setindexsubitem{(console window method)}
-Set the input mode of the console to \constant{C_ECHO}, etc.
-Set the tabsize to \var{n} spaces.
-Clear to end-of-screen.
-Clear to end-of-line.
-Enable inverse-video mode:\ characters with the high bit set are
-displayed in inverse video (this disables the upper half of a
-non-\ASCII{} character set).
-\begin{funcdesc}{gotoxy}{x, y}
-Set the cursor to position \code{(\var{x}, \var{y})}.
-Hide the window, remembering the contents.
-Show the window again.
-Copy everything written to the window to the printer as well.
diff --git a/Doc/mac/libmacdnr.tex b/Doc/mac/libmacdnr.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index efd80d4..0000000
--- a/Doc/mac/libmacdnr.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-\section{\module{macdnr} ---
- Interface to the Macintosh Domain Name Resolver}
- \platform{Mac}
-\modulesynopsis{Interfaces to the Macintosh Domain Name Resolver.}
-This module provides an interface to the Macintosh Domain Name
-Resolver. It is usually used in conjunction with the \refmodule{mactcp}
-module, to map hostnames to IP addresses. It may not be available in
-all Mac Python versions.
-\index{Macintosh Domain Name Resolver}
-\index{Domain Name Resolver, Macintosh}
-The \module{macdnr} module defines the following functions:
-Open the domain name resolver extension. If \var{filename} is given it
-should be the pathname of the extension, otherwise a default is
-used. Normally, this call is not needed since the other calls will
-open the extension automatically.
-Close the resolver extension. Again, not needed for normal use.
-Look up the IP address for \var{hostname}. This call returns a dnr
-result object of the ``address'' variation.
-Do a reverse lookup on the 32-bit integer IP-address
-\var{addr}. Returns a dnr result object of the ``address'' variation.
-Convert the 32-bit integer IP-address \var{addr} to a dotted-decimal
-string. Returns the string.
-Query the nameservers for a \code{HInfo} record for host
-\var{hostname}. These records contain hardware and software
-information about the machine in question (if they are available in
-the first place). Returns a dnr result object of the ``hinfo''
-Query the nameservers for a mail exchanger for \var{domain}. This is
-the hostname of a host willing to accept SMTP\index{SMTP} mail for the
-given domain. Returns a dnr result object of the ``mx'' variety.
-\subsection{DNR Result Objects \label{dnr-result-object}}
-Since the DNR calls all execute asynchronously you do not get the
-results back immediately. Instead, you get a dnr result object. You
-can check this object to see whether the query is complete, and access
-its attributes to obtain the information when it is.
-Alternatively, you can also reference the result attributes directly,
-this will result in an implicit wait for the query to complete.
-The \member{rtnCode} and \member{cname} attributes are always
-available, the others depend on the type of query (address, hinfo or
-% Add args, as in {arg1, arg2 \optional{, arg3}}
-\begin{methoddesc}[dnr result]{wait}{}
-Wait for the query to complete.
-% Add args, as in {arg1, arg2 \optional{, arg3}}
-\begin{methoddesc}[dnr result]{isdone}{}
-Return \code{1} if the query is complete.
-\begin{memberdesc}[dnr result]{rtnCode}
-The error code returned by the query.
-\begin{memberdesc}[dnr result]{cname}
-The canonical name of the host that was queried.
-\begin{memberdesc}[dnr result]{ip0}
-At most four integer IP addresses for this host. Unused entries are
-zero. Valid only for address queries.
-\begin{memberdesc}[dnr result]{cpuType}
-Textual strings giving the machine type an OS name. Valid for ``hinfo''
-\begin{memberdesc}[dnr result]{exchange}
-The name of a mail-exchanger host. Valid for ``mx'' queries.
-\begin{memberdesc}[dnr result]{preference}
-The preference of this mx record. Not too useful, since the Macintosh
-will only return a single mx record. Valid for ``mx'' queries only.
-The simplest way to use the module to convert names to dotted-decimal
-strings, without worrying about idle time, etc:
->>> def gethostname(name):
-... import macdnr
-... dnrr = macdnr.StrToAddr(name)
-... return macdnr.AddrToStr(dnrr.ip0)
diff --git a/Doc/mac/libmactcp.tex b/Doc/mac/libmactcp.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index e0469d5..0000000
--- a/Doc/mac/libmactcp.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
-\section{\module{mactcp} ---
- The MacTCP interfaces}
- \platform{Mac}
-\modulesynopsis{The MacTCP interfaces.}
-This module provides an interface to the Macintosh TCP/IP driver%
-\index{MacTCP} MacTCP. There is an accompanying module,
-\refmodule{macdnr}\refbimodindex{macdnr}, which provides an interface
-to the name-server (allowing you to translate hostnames to IP
-addresses), a module \module{MACTCPconst}\refstmodindex{MACTCPconst}
-which has symbolic names for constants constants used by MacTCP. Since
-the built-in module \module{socket}\refbimodindex{socket} is also
-available on the Macintosh it is usually easier to use sockets instead
-of the Macintosh-specific MacTCP API.
-A complete description of the MacTCP interface can be found in the
-Apple MacTCP API documentation.
-Return the Maximum Transmit Unit (the packet size) of the network
-interface.\index{Maximum Transmit Unit}
-Return the 32-bit integer IP address of the network interface.
-Return the 32-bit integer network mask of the interface.
-Create a TCP Stream object. \var{size} is the size of the receive
-buffer, \code{4096} is suggested by various sources.
-\begin{funcdesc}{UDPCreate}{size, port}
-Create a UDP Stream object. \var{size} is the size of the receive
-buffer (and, hence, the size of the biggest datagram you can receive
-on this port). \var{port} is the UDP port number you want to receive
-datagrams on, a value of zero will make MacTCP select a free port.
-\subsection{TCP Stream Objects}
-\begin{memberdesc}[TCP Stream]{asr}
-\index{asynchronous service routine}
-\index{service routine, asynchronous}
-When set to a value different than \code{None} this should refer to a
-function with two integer parameters:\ an event code and a detail. This
-function will be called upon network-generated events such as urgent
-data arrival. Macintosh documentation calls this the
-\dfn{asynchronous service routine}. In addition, it is called with
-eventcode \code{MACTCP.PassiveOpenDone} when a \method{PassiveOpen()}
-completes. This is a Python addition to the MacTCP semantics.
-It is safe to do further calls from \var{asr}.
-\begin{methoddesc}[TCP Stream]{PassiveOpen}{port}
-Wait for an incoming connection on TCP port \var{port} (zero makes the
-system pick a free port). The call returns immediately, and you should
-use \method{wait()} to wait for completion. You should not issue any method
-calls other than \method{wait()}, \method{isdone()} or
-\method{GetSockName()} before the call completes.
-\begin{methoddesc}[TCP Stream]{wait}{}
-Wait for \method{PassiveOpen()} to complete.
-\begin{methoddesc}[TCP Stream]{isdone}{}
-Return \code{1} if a \method{PassiveOpen()} has completed.
-\begin{methoddesc}[TCP Stream]{GetSockName}{}
-Return the TCP address of this side of a connection as a 2-tuple
-\code{(\var{host}, \var{port})}, both integers.
-\begin{methoddesc}[TCP Stream]{ActiveOpen}{lport, host, rport}
-Open an outgoing connection to TCP address \code{(\var{host},
-\var{rport})}. Use
-local port \var{lport} (zero makes the system pick a free port). This
-call blocks until the connection has been established.
-\begin{methoddesc}[TCP Stream]{Send}{buf, push, urgent}
-Send data \var{buf} over the connection. \var{push} and \var{urgent}
-are flags as specified by the TCP standard.
-\begin{methoddesc}[TCP Stream]{Rcv}{timeout}
-Receive data. The call returns when \var{timeout} seconds have passed
-or when (according to the MacTCP documentation) ``a reasonable amount
-of data has been received''. The return value is a 3-tuple
-\code{(\var{data}, \var{urgent}, \var{mark})}. If urgent data is
-outstanding \code{Rcv} will always return that before looking at any
-normal data. The first call returning urgent data will have the
-\var{urgent} flag set, the last will have the \var{mark} flag set.
-\begin{methoddesc}[TCP Stream]{Close}{}
-Tell MacTCP that no more data will be transmitted on this
-connection. The call returns when all data has been acknowledged by
-the receiving side.
-\begin{methoddesc}[TCP Stream]{Abort}{}
-Forcibly close both sides of a connection, ignoring outstanding data.
-\begin{methoddesc}[TCP Stream]{Status}{}
-Return a TCP status object for this stream giving the current status
-(see below).
-\subsection{TCP Status Objects}
-This object has no methods, only some members holding information on
-the connection. A complete description of all fields in this objects
-can be found in the Apple documentation. The most interesting ones are:
-\begin{memberdesc}[TCP Status]{localHost}
-The integer IP-addresses and port numbers of both endpoints of the
-\begin{memberdesc}[TCP Status]{sendWindow}
-The current window size.
-\begin{memberdesc}[TCP Status]{amtUnackedData}
-The number of bytes sent but not yet acknowledged. \code{sendWindow -
-amtUnackedData} is what you can pass to \method{Send()} without
-\begin{memberdesc}[TCP Status]{amtUnreadData}
-The number of bytes received but not yet read (what you can
-\method{Recv()} without blocking).
-\subsection{UDP Stream Objects}
-Note that, unlike the name suggests, there is nothing stream-like
-about UDP.
-\begin{memberdesc}[UDP Stream]{asr}
-\index{asynchronous service routine}
-\index{service routine, asynchronous}
-The asynchronous service routine to be called on events such as
-datagram arrival without outstanding \code{Read} call. The \var{asr}
-has a single argument, the event code.
-\begin{memberdesc}[UDP Stream]{port}
-A read-only member giving the port number of this UDP Stream.
-\begin{methoddesc}[UDP Stream]{Read}{timeout}
-Read a datagram, waiting at most \var{timeout} seconds (-1 is
-infinite). Return the data.
-\begin{methoddesc}[UDP Stream]{Write}{host, port, buf}
-Send \var{buf} as a datagram to IP-address \var{host}, port
diff --git a/Doc/mac/mac.tex b/Doc/mac/mac.tex
index dab6383..30e39a9 100644
--- a/Doc/mac/mac.tex
+++ b/Doc/mac/mac.tex
@@ -52,13 +52,10 @@ documented here: