diff options
authorVictor Stinner <>2013-05-06 21:11:54 (GMT)
committerVictor Stinner <>2013-05-06 21:11:54 (GMT)
commit8cecc8c2624f31e1af4d24a14d1dde36a771fac9 (patch)
parent9b5d4d8cef6c465292f02105b5e408eb5f7db01d (diff)
Issue #7330: Implement width and precision (ex: "%5.3s") for the format string
of PyUnicode_FromFormat() function, original patch written by Ysj Ray.
4 files changed, 298 insertions, 100 deletions
diff --git a/Doc/c-api/unicode.rst b/Doc/c-api/unicode.rst
index abf353f..2f03f69 100644
--- a/Doc/c-api/unicode.rst
+++ b/Doc/c-api/unicode.rst
@@ -526,12 +526,23 @@ APIs:
The `"%lld"` and `"%llu"` format specifiers are only available
when :const:`HAVE_LONG_LONG` is defined.
+ .. note::
+ The width formatter unit is number of characters rather than bytes.
+ The precision formatter unit is number of bytes for ``"%s"`` and
+ ``"%V"`` (if the ``PyObject*`` argument is NULL), and a number of
+ characters for ``"%A"``, ``"%U"``, ``"%S"``, ``"%R"`` and ``"%V"``
+ (if the ``PyObject*`` argument is not NULL).
.. versionchanged:: 3.2
Support for ``"%lld"`` and ``"%llu"`` added.
.. versionchanged:: 3.3
Support for ``"%li"``, ``"%lli"`` and ``"%zi"`` added.
+ .. versionchanged:: 3.4
+ Support width and precision formatter for ``"%s"``, ``"%A"``, ``"%U"``,
+ ``"%V"``, ``"%S"``, ``"%R"`` added.
.. c:function:: PyObject* PyUnicode_FromFormatV(const char *format, va_list vargs)
diff --git a/Lib/test/ b/Lib/test/
index 32cba06..6a646a0 100644
--- a/Lib/test/
+++ b/Lib/test/
@@ -2007,9 +2007,13 @@ class UnicodeTest(string_tests.CommonTest,
for arg in args)
return _PyUnicode_FromFormat(format, *cargs)
+ def check_format(expected, format, *args):
+ text = PyUnicode_FromFormat(format, *args)
+ self.assertEqual(expected, text)
# ascii format, non-ascii argument
- text = PyUnicode_FromFormat(b'ascii\x7f=%U', 'unicode\xe9')
- self.assertEqual(text, 'ascii\x7f=unicode\xe9')
+ check_format('ascii\x7f=unicode\xe9',
+ b'ascii\x7f=%U', 'unicode\xe9')
# non-ascii format, ascii argument: ensure that PyUnicode_FromFormatV()
# raises an error
@@ -2019,83 +2023,200 @@ class UnicodeTest(string_tests.CommonTest,
PyUnicode_FromFormat, b'unicode\xe9=%s', 'ascii')
# test "%c"
- self.assertEqual(PyUnicode_FromFormat(b'%c', c_int(0xabcd)), '\uabcd')
- self.assertEqual(PyUnicode_FromFormat(b'%c', c_int(0x10ffff)), '\U0010ffff')
+ check_format('\uabcd',
+ b'%c', c_int(0xabcd))
+ check_format('\U0010ffff',
+ b'%c', c_int(0x10ffff))
# test "%"
- self.assertEqual(PyUnicode_FromFormat(b'%'), '%')
- self.assertEqual(PyUnicode_FromFormat(b'%%'), '%')
- self.assertEqual(PyUnicode_FromFormat(b'%%s'), '%s')
- self.assertEqual(PyUnicode_FromFormat(b'[%%]'), '[%]')
- self.assertEqual(PyUnicode_FromFormat(b'%%%s', b'abc'), '%abc')
+ check_format('%',
+ b'%')
+ check_format('%',
+ b'%%')
+ check_format('%s',
+ b'%%s')
+ check_format('[%]',
+ b'[%%]')
+ check_format('%abc',
+ b'%%%s', b'abc')
+ # truncated string
+ check_format('abc',
+ b'%.3s', b'abcdef')
+ check_format('abc[\ufffd',
+ b'%.5s', 'abc[\u20ac]'.encode('utf8'))
+ check_format("'\\u20acABC'",
+ b'%A', '\u20acABC')
+ check_format("'\\u20",
+ b'%.5A', '\u20acABCDEF')
+ check_format("'\u20acABC'",
+ b'%R', '\u20acABC')
+ check_format("'\u20acA",
+ b'%.3R', '\u20acABCDEF')
+ check_format('\u20acAB',
+ b'%.3S', '\u20acABCDEF')
+ check_format('\u20acAB',
+ b'%.3U', '\u20acABCDEF')
+ check_format('\u20acAB',
+ b'%.3V', '\u20acABCDEF', None)
+ check_format('abc[\ufffd',
+ b'%.5V', None, 'abc[\u20ac]'.encode('utf8'))
+ # following tests comes from #7330
+ # test width modifier and precision modifier with %S
+ check_format("repr= abc",
+ b'repr=%5S', 'abc')
+ check_format("repr=ab",
+ b'repr=%.2S', 'abc')
+ check_format("repr= ab",
+ b'repr=%5.2S', 'abc')
+ # test width modifier and precision modifier with %R
+ check_format("repr= 'abc'",
+ b'repr=%8R', 'abc')
+ check_format("repr='ab",
+ b'repr=%.3R', 'abc')
+ check_format("repr= 'ab",
+ b'repr=%5.3R', 'abc')
+ # test width modifier and precision modifier with %A
+ check_format("repr= 'abc'",
+ b'repr=%8A', 'abc')
+ check_format("repr='ab",
+ b'repr=%.3A', 'abc')
+ check_format("repr= 'ab",
+ b'repr=%5.3A', 'abc')
+ # test width modifier and precision modifier with %s
+ check_format("repr= abc",
+ b'repr=%5s', b'abc')
+ check_format("repr=ab",
+ b'repr=%.2s', b'abc')
+ check_format("repr= ab",
+ b'repr=%5.2s', b'abc')
+ # test width modifier and precision modifier with %U
+ check_format("repr= abc",
+ b'repr=%5U', 'abc')
+ check_format("repr=ab",
+ b'repr=%.2U', 'abc')
+ check_format("repr= ab",
+ b'repr=%5.2U', 'abc')
+ # test width modifier and precision modifier with %V
+ check_format("repr= abc",
+ b'repr=%5V', 'abc', b'123')
+ check_format("repr=ab",
+ b'repr=%.2V', 'abc', b'123')
+ check_format("repr= ab",
+ b'repr=%5.2V', 'abc', b'123')
+ check_format("repr= 123",
+ b'repr=%5V', None, b'123')
+ check_format("repr=12",
+ b'repr=%.2V', None, b'123')
+ check_format("repr= 12",
+ b'repr=%5.2V', None, b'123')
# test integer formats (%i, %d, %u)
- self.assertEqual(PyUnicode_FromFormat(b'%03i', c_int(10)), '010')
- self.assertEqual(PyUnicode_FromFormat(b'%0.4i', c_int(10)), '0010')
- self.assertEqual(PyUnicode_FromFormat(b'%i', c_int(-123)), '-123')
- self.assertEqual(PyUnicode_FromFormat(b'%li', c_long(-123)), '-123')
- self.assertEqual(PyUnicode_FromFormat(b'%lli', c_longlong(-123)), '-123')
- self.assertEqual(PyUnicode_FromFormat(b'%zi', c_ssize_t(-123)), '-123')
- self.assertEqual(PyUnicode_FromFormat(b'%d', c_int(-123)), '-123')
- self.assertEqual(PyUnicode_FromFormat(b'%ld', c_long(-123)), '-123')
- self.assertEqual(PyUnicode_FromFormat(b'%lld', c_longlong(-123)), '-123')
- self.assertEqual(PyUnicode_FromFormat(b'%zd', c_ssize_t(-123)), '-123')
- self.assertEqual(PyUnicode_FromFormat(b'%u', c_uint(123)), '123')
- self.assertEqual(PyUnicode_FromFormat(b'%lu', c_ulong(123)), '123')
- self.assertEqual(PyUnicode_FromFormat(b'%llu', c_ulonglong(123)), '123')
- self.assertEqual(PyUnicode_FromFormat(b'%zu', c_size_t(123)), '123')
+ check_format('010',
+ b'%03i', c_int(10))
+ check_format('0010',
+ b'%0.4i', c_int(10))
+ check_format('-123',
+ b'%i', c_int(-123))
+ check_format('-123',
+ b'%li', c_long(-123))
+ check_format('-123',
+ b'%lli', c_longlong(-123))
+ check_format('-123',
+ b'%zi', c_ssize_t(-123))
+ check_format('-123',
+ b'%d', c_int(-123))
+ check_format('-123',
+ b'%ld', c_long(-123))
+ check_format('-123',
+ b'%lld', c_longlong(-123))
+ check_format('-123',
+ b'%zd', c_ssize_t(-123))
+ check_format('123',
+ b'%u', c_uint(123))
+ check_format('123',
+ b'%lu', c_ulong(123))
+ check_format('123',
+ b'%llu', c_ulonglong(123))
+ check_format('123',
+ b'%zu', c_size_t(123))
# test long output
min_longlong = -(2 ** (8 * sizeof(c_longlong) - 1))
max_longlong = -min_longlong - 1
- self.assertEqual(PyUnicode_FromFormat(b'%lld', c_longlong(min_longlong)), str(min_longlong))
- self.assertEqual(PyUnicode_FromFormat(b'%lld', c_longlong(max_longlong)), str(max_longlong))
+ check_format(str(min_longlong),
+ b'%lld', c_longlong(min_longlong))
+ check_format(str(max_longlong),
+ b'%lld', c_longlong(max_longlong))
max_ulonglong = 2 ** (8 * sizeof(c_ulonglong)) - 1
- self.assertEqual(PyUnicode_FromFormat(b'%llu', c_ulonglong(max_ulonglong)), str(max_ulonglong))
+ check_format(str(max_ulonglong),
+ b'%llu', c_ulonglong(max_ulonglong))
PyUnicode_FromFormat(b'%p', c_void_p(-1))
# test padding (width and/or precision)
- self.assertEqual(PyUnicode_FromFormat(b'%010i', c_int(123)), '123'.rjust(10, '0'))
- self.assertEqual(PyUnicode_FromFormat(b'%100i', c_int(123)), '123'.rjust(100))
- self.assertEqual(PyUnicode_FromFormat(b'%.100i', c_int(123)), '123'.rjust(100, '0'))
- self.assertEqual(PyUnicode_FromFormat(b'%100.80i', c_int(123)), '123'.rjust(80, '0').rjust(100))
- self.assertEqual(PyUnicode_FromFormat(b'%010u', c_uint(123)), '123'.rjust(10, '0'))
- self.assertEqual(PyUnicode_FromFormat(b'%100u', c_uint(123)), '123'.rjust(100))
- self.assertEqual(PyUnicode_FromFormat(b'%.100u', c_uint(123)), '123'.rjust(100, '0'))
- self.assertEqual(PyUnicode_FromFormat(b'%100.80u', c_uint(123)), '123'.rjust(80, '0').rjust(100))
- self.assertEqual(PyUnicode_FromFormat(b'%010x', c_int(0x123)), '123'.rjust(10, '0'))
- self.assertEqual(PyUnicode_FromFormat(b'%100x', c_int(0x123)), '123'.rjust(100))
- self.assertEqual(PyUnicode_FromFormat(b'%.100x', c_int(0x123)), '123'.rjust(100, '0'))
- self.assertEqual(PyUnicode_FromFormat(b'%100.80x', c_int(0x123)), '123'.rjust(80, '0').rjust(100))
+ check_format('123'.rjust(10, '0'),
+ b'%010i', c_int(123))
+ check_format('123'.rjust(100),
+ b'%100i', c_int(123))
+ check_format('123'.rjust(100, '0'),
+ b'%.100i', c_int(123))
+ check_format('123'.rjust(80, '0').rjust(100),
+ b'%100.80i', c_int(123))
+ check_format('123'.rjust(10, '0'),
+ b'%010u', c_uint(123))
+ check_format('123'.rjust(100),
+ b'%100u', c_uint(123))
+ check_format('123'.rjust(100, '0'),
+ b'%.100u', c_uint(123))
+ check_format('123'.rjust(80, '0').rjust(100),
+ b'%100.80u', c_uint(123))
+ check_format('123'.rjust(10, '0'),
+ b'%010x', c_int(0x123))
+ check_format('123'.rjust(100),
+ b'%100x', c_int(0x123))
+ check_format('123'.rjust(100, '0'),
+ b'%.100x', c_int(0x123))
+ check_format('123'.rjust(80, '0').rjust(100),
+ b'%100.80x', c_int(0x123))
# test %A
- text = PyUnicode_FromFormat(b'%%A:%A', 'abc\xe9\uabcd\U0010ffff')
- self.assertEqual(text, r"%A:'abc\xe9\uabcd\U0010ffff'")
+ check_format(r"%A:'abc\xe9\uabcd\U0010ffff'",
+ b'%%A:%A', 'abc\xe9\uabcd\U0010ffff')
# test %V
- text = PyUnicode_FromFormat(b'repr=%V', 'abc', b'xyz')
- self.assertEqual(text, 'repr=abc')
+ check_format('repr=abc',
+ b'repr=%V', 'abc', b'xyz')
# Test string decode from parameter of %s using utf-8.
# b'\xe4\xba\xba\xe6\xb0\x91' is utf-8 encoded byte sequence of
# '\u4eba\u6c11'
- text = PyUnicode_FromFormat(b'repr=%V', None, b'\xe4\xba\xba\xe6\xb0\x91')
- self.assertEqual(text, 'repr=\u4eba\u6c11')
+ check_format('repr=\u4eba\u6c11',
+ b'repr=%V', None, b'\xe4\xba\xba\xe6\xb0\x91')
#Test replace error handler.
- text = PyUnicode_FromFormat(b'repr=%V', None, b'abc\xff')
- self.assertEqual(text, 'repr=abc\ufffd')
+ check_format('repr=abc\ufffd',
+ b'repr=%V', None, b'abc\xff')
# not supported: copy the raw format string. these tests are just here
# to check for crashs and should not be considered as specifications
- self.assertEqual(PyUnicode_FromFormat(b'%1%s', b'abc'), '%s')
- self.assertEqual(PyUnicode_FromFormat(b'%1abc'), '%1abc')
- self.assertEqual(PyUnicode_FromFormat(b'%+i', c_int(10)), '%+i')
- self.assertEqual(PyUnicode_FromFormat(b'%.%s', b'abc'), '%.%s')
+ check_format('%s',
+ b'%1%s', b'abc')
+ check_format('%1abc',
+ b'%1abc')
+ check_format('%+i',
+ b'%+i', c_int(10))
+ check_format('%.%s',
+ b'%.%s', b'abc')
# Test PyUnicode_AsWideChar()
def test_aswidechar(self):
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS b/Misc/NEWS
index 6619460..e1233c3 100644
--- a/Misc/NEWS
+++ b/Misc/NEWS
@@ -10,6 +10,9 @@ What's New in Python 3.4.0 Alpha 1?
Core and Builtins
+- Issue #7330: Implement width and precision (ex: "%5.3s") for the format
+ string of PyUnicode_FromFormat() function, original patch written by Ysj Ray.
- Issue #1545463: Global variables caught in reference cycles are now
garbage-collected at shutdown.
diff --git a/Objects/unicodeobject.c b/Objects/unicodeobject.c
index 4c532af..795c18f 100644
--- a/Objects/unicodeobject.c
+++ b/Objects/unicodeobject.c
@@ -2346,6 +2346,67 @@ makefmt(char *fmt, int longflag, int longlongflag, int size_tflag,
plus 1 for the sign. 53/22 is an upper bound for log10(256). */
#define MAX_LONG_LONG_CHARS (2 + (SIZEOF_LONG_LONG*53-1) / 22)
+static int
+unicode_fromformat_write_str(_PyUnicodeWriter *writer, PyObject *str,
+ Py_ssize_t width, Py_ssize_t precision)
+ Py_ssize_t length, fill, arglen;
+ Py_UCS4 maxchar;
+ if (PyUnicode_READY(str) == -1)
+ return -1;
+ length = PyUnicode_GET_LENGTH(str);
+ if ((precision == -1 || precision >= length)
+ && width <= length)
+ return _PyUnicodeWriter_WriteStr(writer, str);
+ if (precision != -1)
+ length = Py_MIN(precision, length);
+ arglen = Py_MAX(length, width);
+ if (PyUnicode_MAX_CHAR_VALUE(str) > writer->maxchar)
+ maxchar = _PyUnicode_FindMaxChar(str, 0, length);
+ else
+ maxchar = writer->maxchar;
+ if (_PyUnicodeWriter_Prepare(writer, arglen, maxchar) == -1)
+ return -1;
+ if (width > length) {
+ fill = width - length;
+ if (PyUnicode_Fill(writer->buffer, writer->pos, fill, ' ') == -1)
+ return -1;
+ writer->pos += fill;
+ }
+ _PyUnicode_FastCopyCharacters(writer->buffer, writer->pos,
+ str, 0, length);
+ writer->pos += length;
+ return 0;
+static int
+unicode_fromformat_write_cstr(_PyUnicodeWriter *writer, const char *str,
+ Py_ssize_t width, Py_ssize_t precision)
+ /* UTF-8 */
+ Py_ssize_t length;
+ PyObject *unicode;
+ int res;
+ length = strlen(str);
+ if (precision != -1)
+ length = Py_MIN(length, precision);
+ unicode = PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8Stateful(str, length, "replace", NULL);
+ if (unicode == NULL)
+ return -1;
+ res = unicode_fromformat_write_str(writer, unicode, width, -1);
+ Py_DECREF(unicode);
+ return res;
static const char*
unicode_fromformat_arg(_PyUnicodeWriter *writer,
const char *f, va_list *vargs)
@@ -2353,12 +2414,12 @@ unicode_fromformat_arg(_PyUnicodeWriter *writer,
const char *p;
Py_ssize_t len;
int zeropad;
- int width;
- int precision;
+ Py_ssize_t width;
+ Py_ssize_t precision;
int longflag;
int longlongflag;
int size_tflag;
- int fill;
+ Py_ssize_t fill;
p = f;
@@ -2369,28 +2430,36 @@ unicode_fromformat_arg(_PyUnicodeWriter *writer,
/* parse the width.precision part, e.g. "%2.5s" => width=2, precision=5 */
- width = 0;
- while (Py_ISDIGIT((unsigned)*f)) {
- if (width > (INT_MAX - ((int)*f - '0')) / 10) {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,
- "width too big");
- return NULL;
- }
- width = (width*10) + (*f - '0');
- f++;
- }
- precision = 0;
- if (*f == '.') {
+ width = -1;
+ if (Py_ISDIGIT((unsigned)*f)) {
+ width = *f - '0';
while (Py_ISDIGIT((unsigned)*f)) {
- if (precision > (INT_MAX - ((int)*f - '0')) / 10) {
+ if (width > (PY_SSIZE_T_MAX - ((int)*f - '0')) / 10) {
- "precision too big");
+ "width too big");
return NULL;
- precision = (precision*10) + (*f - '0');
+ width = (width * 10) + (*f - '0');
+ }
+ precision = -1;
+ if (*f == '.') {
+ f++;
+ if (Py_ISDIGIT((unsigned)*f)) {
+ precision = (*f - '0');
+ f++;
+ while (Py_ISDIGIT((unsigned)*f)) {
+ if (precision > (PY_SSIZE_T_MAX - ((int)*f - '0')) / 10) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,
+ "precision too big");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ precision = (precision * 10) + (*f - '0');
+ f++;
+ }
+ }
if (*f == '%') {
/* "%.3%s" => f points to "3" */
@@ -2449,6 +2518,7 @@ unicode_fromformat_arg(_PyUnicodeWriter *writer,
/* used by sprintf */
char fmt[10]; /* should be enough for "%0lld\0" */
char buffer[MAX_LONG_LONG_CHARS];
+ Py_ssize_t arglen;
if (*f == 'u') {
makefmt(fmt, longflag, longlongflag, size_tflag, *f);
@@ -2494,26 +2564,29 @@ unicode_fromformat_arg(_PyUnicodeWriter *writer,
if (precision < len)
precision = len;
+ arglen = Py_MAX(precision, width);
+ assert(ucs1lib_find_max_char((Py_UCS1*)buffer, (Py_UCS1*)buffer + len) <= 127);
+ if (_PyUnicodeWriter_Prepare(writer, arglen, 127) == -1)
+ return NULL;
if (width > precision) {
Py_UCS4 fillchar;
fill = width - precision;
fillchar = zeropad?'0':' ';
- if (_PyUnicodeWriter_Prepare(writer, fill, fillchar) == -1)
- return NULL;
if (PyUnicode_Fill(writer->buffer, writer->pos, fill, fillchar) == -1)
return NULL;
writer->pos += fill;
if (precision > len) {
fill = precision - len;
- if (_PyUnicodeWriter_Prepare(writer, fill, '0') == -1)
- return NULL;
if (PyUnicode_Fill(writer->buffer, writer->pos, fill, '0') == -1)
return NULL;
writer->pos += fill;
- if (_PyUnicodeWriter_WriteCstr(writer, buffer, len) == -1)
- return NULL;
+ unicode_write_cstr(writer->buffer, writer->pos, buffer, len);
+ writer->pos += len;
@@ -2535,8 +2608,11 @@ unicode_fromformat_arg(_PyUnicodeWriter *writer,
len += 2;
- if (_PyUnicodeWriter_WriteCstr(writer, number, len) == -1)
+ assert(ucs1lib_find_max_char((Py_UCS1*)number, (Py_UCS1*)number + len) <= 127);
+ if (_PyUnicodeWriter_Prepare(writer, len, 127) == -1)
return NULL;
+ unicode_write_cstr(writer->buffer, writer->pos, number, len);
+ writer->pos += len;
@@ -2544,14 +2620,8 @@ unicode_fromformat_arg(_PyUnicodeWriter *writer,
/* UTF-8 */
const char *s = va_arg(*vargs, const char*);
- PyObject *str = PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8Stateful(s, strlen(s), "replace", NULL);
- if (!str)
+ if (unicode_fromformat_write_cstr(writer, s, width, precision) < 0)
return NULL;
- if (_PyUnicodeWriter_WriteStr(writer, str) == -1) {
- Py_DECREF(str);
- return NULL;
- }
- Py_DECREF(str);
@@ -2560,7 +2630,7 @@ unicode_fromformat_arg(_PyUnicodeWriter *writer,
PyObject *obj = va_arg(*vargs, PyObject *);
assert(obj && _PyUnicode_CHECK(obj));
- if (_PyUnicodeWriter_WriteStr(writer, obj) == -1)
+ if (unicode_fromformat_write_str(writer, obj, width, precision) == -1)
return NULL;
@@ -2569,22 +2639,15 @@ unicode_fromformat_arg(_PyUnicodeWriter *writer,
PyObject *obj = va_arg(*vargs, PyObject *);
const char *str = va_arg(*vargs, const char *);
- PyObject *str_obj;
- assert(obj || str);
if (obj) {
- if (_PyUnicodeWriter_WriteStr(writer, obj) == -1)
+ if (unicode_fromformat_write_str(writer, obj, width, precision) == -1)
return NULL;
else {
- str_obj = PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8Stateful(str, strlen(str), "replace", NULL);
- if (!str_obj)
- return NULL;
- if (_PyUnicodeWriter_WriteStr(writer, str_obj) == -1) {
- Py_DECREF(str_obj);
+ assert(str != NULL);
+ if (unicode_fromformat_write_cstr(writer, str, width, precision) < 0)
return NULL;
- }
- Py_DECREF(str_obj);
@@ -2597,7 +2660,7 @@ unicode_fromformat_arg(_PyUnicodeWriter *writer,
str = PyObject_Str(obj);
if (!str)
return NULL;
- if (_PyUnicodeWriter_WriteStr(writer, str) == -1) {
+ if (unicode_fromformat_write_str(writer, str, width, precision) == -1) {
return NULL;
@@ -2613,7 +2676,7 @@ unicode_fromformat_arg(_PyUnicodeWriter *writer,
repr = PyObject_Repr(obj);
if (!repr)
return NULL;
- if (_PyUnicodeWriter_WriteStr(writer, repr) == -1) {
+ if (unicode_fromformat_write_str(writer, repr, width, precision) == -1) {
return NULL;
@@ -2629,7 +2692,7 @@ unicode_fromformat_arg(_PyUnicodeWriter *writer,
ascii = PyObject_ASCII(obj);
if (!ascii)
return NULL;
- if (_PyUnicodeWriter_WriteStr(writer, ascii) == -1) {
+ if (unicode_fromformat_write_str(writer, ascii, width, precision) == -1) {
return NULL;