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authorFred Drake <>1999-06-10 22:37:34 (GMT)
committerFred Drake <>1999-06-10 22:37:34 (GMT)
commit9c5cc14d23d56d571370b7274b19239b00f0c7dc (patch)
parent697c779d98e454f4b65bca55b0f8844e8b847331 (diff)
Some clarifications on operations for mapping types, based on comments
from Gerry Weiner <>.
1 files changed, 36 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/Doc/lib/libstdtypes.tex b/Doc/lib/libstdtypes.tex
index 2985b9e..f24da0c 100644
--- a/Doc/lib/libstdtypes.tex
+++ b/Doc/lib/libstdtypes.tex
@@ -539,23 +539,9 @@ Dictionaries are created by placing a comma-separated list of
\code{\{'jack': 4098, 'sjoerd': 4127\}} or
\code{\{4098: 'jack', 4127: 'sjoerd'\}}.
-The following operations are defined on mappings (where \var{a} is a
-mapping, \var{k} is a key and \var{x} is an arbitrary object):
- \lineiii{len(\var{a})}{the number of items in \var{a}}{}
- \lineiii{\var{a}[\var{k}]}{the item of \var{a} with key \var{k}}{(1)}
- \lineiii{\var{a}[\var{k}] = \var{x}}{set \code{\var{a}[\var{k}]} to \var{x}}{}
- \lineiii{del \var{a}[\var{k}]}{remove \code{\var{a}[\var{k}]} from \var{a}}{(1)}
- \lineiii{\var{a}.clear()}{remove all items from \code{a}}{}
- \lineiii{\var{a}.copy()}{a (shallow) copy of \code{a}}{}
- \lineiii{\var{a}.has_key(\var{k})}{\code{1} if \var{a} has a key \var{k}, else \code{0}}{}
- \lineiii{\var{a}.items()}{a copy of \var{a}'s list of (\var{key}, \var{value}) pairs}{(2)}
- \lineiii{\var{a}.keys()}{a copy of \var{a}'s list of keys}{(2)}
- \lineiii{\var{a}.update(\var{b})}{\code{for k, v in \var{b}.items(): \var{a}[k] = v}}{(3)}
- \lineiii{\var{a}.values()}{a copy of \var{a}'s list of values}{(2)}
- \lineiii{\var{a}.get(\var{k}\optional{, \var{f}})}{the value of \var{a} with key \var{k}}{(4)}
+The following operations are defined on mappings (where \var{a} and
+\var{b} are mappings, \var{k} is a key, and \var{v} and \var{x} are
+arbitrary objects):
\indexiii{operations on}{mapping}{types}
\indexiii{operations on}{dictionary}{type}
@@ -569,18 +555,48 @@ mapping, \var{k} is a key and \var{x} is an arbitrary object):
+ \lineiii{len(\var{a})}{the number of items in \var{a}}{}
+ \lineiii{\var{a}[\var{k}]}{the item of \var{a} with key \var{k}}{(1)}
+ \lineiii{\var{a}[\var{k}] = \var{x}}
+ {set \code{\var{a}[\var{k}]} to \var{x}}
+ {}
+ \lineiii{del \var{a}[\var{k}]}
+ {remove \code{\var{a}[\var{k}]} from \var{a}}
+ {(1)}
+ \lineiii{\var{a}.clear()}{remove all items from \code{a}}{}
+ \lineiii{\var{a}.copy()}{a (shallow) copy of \code{a}}{}
+ \lineiii{\var{a}.has_key(\var{k})}
+ {\code{1} if \var{a} has a key \var{k}, else \code{0}}
+ {}
+ \lineiii{\var{a}.items()}
+ {a copy of \var{a}'s list of (\var{key}, \var{value}) pairs}
+ {(2)}
+ \lineiii{\var{a}.keys()}{a copy of \var{a}'s list of keys}{(2)}
+ \lineiii{\var{a}.update(\var{b})}
+ {\code{for k, v in \var{b}.items(): \var{a}[k] = v}}
+ {(3)}
+ \lineiii{\var{a}.values()}{a copy of \var{a}'s list of values}{(2)}
+ \lineiii{\var{a}.get(\var{k}\optional{, \var{x}})}
+ {\code{\var{a}[\var{k}]} if \code{\var{a}.has_key(\var{k})},
+ else \var{x}}
+ {(4)}
-\item[(1)] Raises an exception if \var{k} is not in the map.
+\item[(1)] Raises a \exception{KeyError} exception if \var{k} is not
+in the map.
\item[(2)] Keys and values are listed in random order.
\item[(3)] \var{b} must be of the same type as \var{a}.
\item[(4)] Never raises an exception if \var{k} is not in the map,
-instead it returns \var{f}. \var{f} is optional, when not provided
-and \var{k} is not in the map, \code{None} is returned.
+instead it returns \var{f}. \var{f} is optional; when \var{f} is not
+provided and \var{k} is not in the map, \code{None} is returned.