diff options
authorGuido van Rossum <>1992-05-18 14:49:07 (GMT)
committerGuido van Rossum <>1992-05-18 14:49:07 (GMT)
commit157e3f8a111f0128505e321cfed65fab4a213f70 (patch)
parentcb4b2959f8f837019e81ebb0cf752655840262aa (diff)
Now uses module 'sndhdr' to recognize most sound header types,
guess raw file parameters, add Rate menu, call SOX to convert file types or sampling rates that sfplay doesn't support.
1 files changed, 119 insertions, 44 deletions
diff --git a/Demo/stdwin/ b/Demo/stdwin/
index fba5d71..61e7560 100755
--- a/Demo/stdwin/
+++ b/Demo/stdwin/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-#! /ufs/guido/bin/sgi/python
+#! /usr/local/python
-# XXX This file is being hacked -- some functionality has been taken out!
+# XXX This only works on SGIs running IRIX 4.0 or higher
# JUKEBOX: browse directories full of sampled sound files.
@@ -9,17 +9,17 @@
# displaying its contents (and so on recursively). Double clicking
# on a file plays it as a sound file (assuming it is one).
-# Playing is asynchronous: the application keeps listening to events
-# while the sample is playing, so you can change the volume (gain)
-# during playing, cancel playing or start a new sample right away.
+# Playing is asynchronous: the application keeps listening for events
+# while the sample is playing, so you can cancel playing or start a
+# new sample right away. Synchronous playing is available through the
+# -s option.
-# The control window displays the current output gain and a primitive
-# "stop button" to cancel the current play request.
+# The control window displays a "stop button" that cancel the current
+# play request.
-# Sound files must currently be in Dik Winter's compressed Mac format.
-# Since decompression is costly, decompressed samples are saved in
-# /usr/tmp/@j* until the application is left. The files are read
-# afresh each time, though.
+# Most sound file formats recognized by SOX or SFPLAY are recognized.
+# Since conversion is costly, converted files are cached in
+# /usr/tmp/@j* until the user quits.
import commands
import getopt
@@ -32,13 +32,11 @@ import sys
import tempfile
from WindowParent import WindowParent
-from HVSplit import VSplit
from Buttons import PushButton
-from Sliders import ComplexSlider
# Pathnames
-DEF_DB = '/usr/local/sounds/aiff' # Default directory of sounds
+DEF_DB = '/usr/local/sounds' # Default directory of sounds
SOX = '/usr/local/sox' # Sound format conversion program
SFPLAY = '/usr/sbin/sfplay' # Sound playing program
@@ -47,7 +45,7 @@ SFPLAY = '/usr/sbin/sfplay' # Sound playing program
class struct(): pass # Class to define featureless structures
-G = struct() # Holds writable global variables
+G = struct() # oHlds writable global variables
# Main program
@@ -67,7 +65,7 @@ def main():
sys.stdout = sys.stderr
print msg
print 'usage: jukebox [-d] [-s] [-t type] [-r rate]'
- print ' -d debugging'
+ print ' -d debugging (-dd event debugging)'
print ' -s synchronous playing'
print ' -t type file type'
print ' -r rate sampling rate'
@@ -75,7 +73,7 @@ def main():
for optname, optarg in optlist:
if optname == '-d':
- G.debug = 1
+ G.debug = G.debug + 1
elif optname == '-r':
G.rate = int(eval(optarg))
elif optname == '-s':
@@ -97,6 +95,10 @@ def main():
+# Entries in Rate menu:
+rates = ['default', \
+ '8000', '11025', '16000', '22050', '32000', '41000', '48000']
def maineventloop():
@@ -108,6 +110,16 @@ def maineventloop():
if G.busy:
+ elif type == WE_MENU:
+ menu, item = detail
+ if menu is G.ratemenu:
+ clearcache()
+ if item == 0:
+ G.rate = 0
+ else:
+ G.rate = eval(rates[item])
+ for i in range(len(rates)):
+ menu.check(i, (i == item))
@@ -119,7 +131,7 @@ def maineventloop():
del w, event
- if G.debug: print type, w, detail
+ if G.debug > 1: print type, w, detail
def checkchild():
if G.busy:
@@ -142,14 +154,24 @@ def waitchild(options):
def opencontrolwindow():
stdwin.setdefscrollbars(0, 0)
cw = WindowParent().create('Jukebox', (0, 0))
- v = VSplit().create(cw)
- stop = PushButton().definetext(v, 'Stop')
+ stop = PushButton().definetext(cw, ' Stop ')
stop.hook = stop_hook
G.stop = stop
+ #
+ G.ratemenu ='Rate')
+ for r in rates:
+ G.ratemenu.additem(r)
+ if G.rate == 0:
+ G.ratemenu.check(0, 1)
+ else:
+ for i in len(range(rates)):
+ if rates[i] == `G.rate`:
+ G.ratemenu.check(i, 1)
+ #
return cw
def stop_hook(self):
@@ -264,31 +286,51 @@ cache = {}
def clearcache():
for x in cache.keys():
- try:
- sts = os.system('rm -f ' + cache[x])
- if sts:
- print cmd
- print 'Exit status', sts
- except:
+ cmd = 'rm -f ' + cache[x]
+ if G.debug: print cmd
+ sts = os.system(cmd)
+ if sts:
print cmd
- print 'Exception?!'
+ print 'Exit status', sts
del cache[x]
-def playfile(name):
+validrates = (8000, 11025, 16000, 22050, 32000, 44100, 48000)
+def playfile(filename):
- if G.mode in ('', 'au', 'aiff'):
- tempname = name
- elif cache.has_key(name):
- tempname = cache[name]
+ import sndhdr
+ tuple = sndhdr.what(filename)
+ raw = 0
+ if tuple:
+ mode, rate = tuple[:2]
+ if rate == 0:
+ rate = G.rate
+ if rate == 0:
+ rate = 8000
+ else:
+ mode = G.mode
+ rate = G.rate
+ if G.debug: print 'mode =', mode, 'rate =', rate
+ if mode in ('au', 'aiff', 'wav', 'aifc', 'ul', 'ub', 'sb') and \
+ rate in validrates:
+ tempname = filename
+ if mode in ('ul', 'ub', 'sb'):
+ raw = 1
+ elif cache.has_key(filename):
+ tempname = cache[filename]
tempname = G.tempprefix + `rand.rand()` + '.aiff'
cmd = SOX
- if G.mode <> '' and G.mode <> 'sox':
- cmd = cmd + ' -t ' + G.mode
- cmd = cmd + ' ' + commands.mkarg(name)
+ if G.debug:
+ cmd = cmd + ' -V'
+ if mode <> '':
+ cmd = cmd + ' -t ' + mode
+ cmd = cmd + ' ' + commands.mkarg(filename)
cmd = cmd + ' -t aiff'
- if G.rate:
- cmd = cmd + ' -r ' + `G.rate`
+ if rate not in validrates:
+ rate = 32000
+ if rate:
+ cmd = cmd + ' -r ' + `rate`
cmd = cmd + ' ' + tempname
if G.debug: print cmd
sts = os.system(cmd)
@@ -297,13 +339,11 @@ def playfile(name):
print 'Exit status', sts
- cache[name] = tempname
- pid = os.fork()
- if pid == 0:
- # Child
- os.exec(SFPLAY, [SFPLAY, '-r', tempname])
- # Parent
+ cache[filename] = tempname
+ if raw:
+ pid = sfplayraw(tempname, tuple)
+ else:
+ pid = sfplay(tempname, [])
if G.synchronous:
sts = os.wait(pid, 0)
@@ -311,4 +351,39 @@ def playfile(name):
+def sfplayraw(filename, tuple):
+ import sndhdr
+ args = ['-i']
+ type, rate, channels, frames, bits = tuple
+ if type == 'ul':
+ args.append('mulaw')
+ elif type == 'ub':
+ args = args + ['integer', '8', 'unsigned']
+ elif type == 'sb':
+ args = args + ['integer', '8', '2scomp']
+ else:
+ print 'sfplayraw: warning: unknown type in', tuple
+ if channels > 1:
+ args = args + ['channels', `channels`]
+ if not rate:
+ rate = G.rate
+ if rate:
+ args = args + ['rate', `rate`]
+ args.append('end')
+ return sfplay(filename, args)
+def sfplay(filename, args):
+ if G.debug:
+ args = ['-p'] + args
+ args = [SFPLAY, '-r'] + args + [filename]
+ if G.debug: print 'sfplay:', args
+ pid = os.fork()
+ if pid == 0:
+ # Child
+ os.exec(SFPLAY, args)
+ else:
+ # Parent
+ return pid