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authorNick Coghlan <>2021-04-29 05:58:44 (GMT)
committerGitHub <>2021-04-29 05:58:44 (GMT)
commit1e7b858575d0ad782939f86aae4a2fa1c29e9f14 (patch)
parente52ab42cedd2a5ef4c3c1a47d0cf96a8f06d051f (diff)
bpo-43892: Make match patterns explicit in the AST (GH-25585)
Co-authored-by: Brandt Bucher <>
-rw-r--r--Misc/NEWS.d/next/Core and Builtins/2021-04-25-08-35-11.bpo-43892.hr5Ke2.rst5
20 files changed, 3431 insertions, 1348 deletions
diff --git a/Doc/library/ast.rst b/Doc/library/ast.rst
index ff3fd99..c7074c4 100644
--- a/Doc/library/ast.rst
+++ b/Doc/library/ast.rst
@@ -1245,23 +1245,28 @@ Control flow
+Pattern matching
.. class:: Match(subject, cases)
A ``match`` statement. ``subject`` holds the subject of the match (the object
that is being matched against the cases) and ``cases`` contains an iterable of
:class:`match_case` nodes with the different cases.
.. class:: match_case(pattern, guard, body)
- A single case pattern in a ``match`` statement. ``pattern`` contains the
- match pattern that will be used to match the subject against. Notice that
- the meaning of the :class:`AST` nodes in this attribute have a different
- meaning than in other places, as they represent patterns to match against.
- The ``guard`` attribute contains an expression that will be evaluated if
- the pattern matches the subject. If the pattern matches and the ``guard`` condition
- is truthy, the body of the case shall be executed. ``body`` contains a list
- of nodes to execute if the guard is truthy.
+ A single case pattern in a ``match`` statement. ``pattern`` contains the
+ match pattern that the subject will be matched against. Note that the
+ :class:`AST` nodes produced for patterns differ from those produced for
+ expressions, even when they share the same syntax.
+ The ``guard`` attribute contains an expression that will be evaluated if
+ the pattern matches the subject.
+ ``body`` contains a list of nodes to execute if the pattern matches and
+ the result of evaluating the guard expression is truthy.
.. doctest::
@@ -1278,10 +1283,9 @@ Control flow
subject=Name(id='x', ctx=Load()),
- pattern=List(
- elts=[
- Name(id='x', ctx=Store())],
- ctx=Load()),
+ pattern=MatchSequence(
+ patterns=[
+ MatchAs(name='x')]),
left=Name(id='x', ctx=Load()),
@@ -1292,10 +1296,244 @@ Control flow
- pattern=Call(
- func=Name(id='tuple', ctx=Load()),
- args=[],
- keywords=[]),
+ pattern=MatchClass(
+ cls=Name(id='tuple', ctx=Load()),
+ patterns=[],
+ kwd_attrs=[],
+ kwd_patterns=[]),
+ body=[
+ Expr(
+ value=Constant(value=Ellipsis))])])],
+ type_ignores=[])
+.. class:: MatchValue(value)
+ A match literal or value pattern that compares by equality. ``value`` is
+ an expression node. Permitted value nodes are restricted as described in
+ the match statement documentation. This pattern succeeds if the match
+ subject is equal to the evaluated value.
+ .. doctest::
+ >>> print(ast.dump(ast.parse("""
+ ... match x:
+ ... case "Relevant":
+ ... ...
+ ... """), indent=4))
+ Module(
+ body=[
+ Match(
+ subject=Name(id='x', ctx=Load()),
+ cases=[
+ match_case(
+ pattern=MatchValue(
+ value=Constant(value='Relevant')),
+ body=[
+ Expr(
+ value=Constant(value=Ellipsis))])])],
+ type_ignores=[])
+.. class:: MatchSingleton(value)
+ A match literal pattern that compares by identity. ``value`` is the
+ singleton to be compared against: ``None``, ``True``, or ``False``. This
+ pattern succeeds if the match subject is the given constant.
+ .. doctest::
+ >>> print(ast.dump(ast.parse("""
+ ... match x:
+ ... case None:
+ ... ...
+ ... """), indent=4))
+ Module(
+ body=[
+ Match(
+ subject=Name(id='x', ctx=Load()),
+ cases=[
+ match_case(
+ pattern=MatchSingleton(value=None),
+ body=[
+ Expr(
+ value=Constant(value=Ellipsis))])])],
+ type_ignores=[])
+.. class:: MatchSequence(patterns)
+ A match sequence pattern. ``patterns`` contains the patterns to be matched
+ against the subject elements if the subject is a sequence. Matches a variable
+ length sequence if one of the subpatterns is a ``MatchStar`` node, otherwise
+ matches a fixed length sequence.
+ .. doctest::
+ >>> print(ast.dump(ast.parse("""
+ ... match x:
+ ... case [1, 2]:
+ ... ...
+ ... """), indent=4))
+ Module(
+ body=[
+ Match(
+ subject=Name(id='x', ctx=Load()),
+ cases=[
+ match_case(
+ pattern=MatchSequence(
+ patterns=[
+ MatchValue(
+ value=Constant(value=1)),
+ MatchValue(
+ value=Constant(value=2))]),
+ body=[
+ Expr(
+ value=Constant(value=Ellipsis))])])],
+ type_ignores=[])
+.. class:: MatchStar(name)
+ Matches the rest of the sequence in a variable length match sequence pattern.
+ If ``name`` is not ``None``, a list containing the remaining sequence
+ elements is bound to that name if the overall sequence pattern is successful.
+ .. doctest::
+ >>> print(ast.dump(ast.parse("""
+ ... match x:
+ ... case [1, 2, *rest]:
+ ... ...
+ ... case [*_]:
+ ... ...
+ ... """), indent=4))
+ Module(
+ body=[
+ Match(
+ subject=Name(id='x', ctx=Load()),
+ cases=[
+ match_case(
+ pattern=MatchSequence(
+ patterns=[
+ MatchValue(
+ value=Constant(value=1)),
+ MatchValue(
+ value=Constant(value=2)),
+ MatchStar(name='rest')]),
+ body=[
+ Expr(
+ value=Constant(value=Ellipsis))]),
+ match_case(
+ pattern=MatchSequence(
+ patterns=[
+ MatchStar()]),
+ body=[
+ Expr(
+ value=Constant(value=Ellipsis))])])],
+ type_ignores=[])
+.. class:: MatchMapping(keys, patterns, rest)
+ A match mapping pattern. ``keys`` is a sequence of expression nodes.
+ ``patterns`` is a corresponding sequence of pattern nodes. ``rest`` is an
+ optional name that can be specified to capture the remaining mapping elements.
+ Permitted key expressions are restricted as described in the match statement
+ documentation.
+ This pattern succeeds if the subject is a mapping, all evaluated key
+ expressions are present in the mapping, and the value corresponding to each
+ key matches the corresponding subpattern. If ``rest`` is not ``None``, a dict
+ containing the remaining mapping elements is bound to that name if the overall
+ mapping pattern is successful.
+ .. doctest::
+ >>> print(ast.dump(ast.parse("""
+ ... match x:
+ ... case {1: _, 2: _}:
+ ... ...
+ ... case {**rest}:
+ ... ...
+ ... """), indent=4))
+ Module(
+ body=[
+ Match(
+ subject=Name(id='x', ctx=Load()),
+ cases=[
+ match_case(
+ pattern=MatchMapping(
+ keys=[
+ Constant(value=1),
+ Constant(value=2)],
+ patterns=[
+ MatchAs(),
+ MatchAs()]),
+ body=[
+ Expr(
+ value=Constant(value=Ellipsis))]),
+ match_case(
+ pattern=MatchMapping(keys=[], patterns=[], rest='rest'),
+ body=[
+ Expr(
+ value=Constant(value=Ellipsis))])])],
+ type_ignores=[])
+.. class:: MatchClass(cls, patterns, kwd_attrs, kwd_patterns)
+ A match class pattern. ``cls`` is an expression giving the nominal class to
+ be matched. ``patterns`` is a sequence of pattern nodes to be matched against
+ the class defined sequence of pattern matching attributes. ``kwd_attrs`` is a
+ sequence of additional attributes to be matched (specified as keyword arguments
+ in the class pattern), ``kwd_patterns`` are the corresponding patterns
+ (specified as keyword values in the class pattern).
+ This pattern succeeds if the subject is an instance of the nominated class,
+ all positional patterns match the corresponding class-defined attributes, and
+ any specified keyword attributes match their corresponding pattern.
+ Note: classes may define a property that returns self in order to match a
+ pattern node against the instance being matched. Several builtin types are
+ also matched that way, as described in the match statement documentation.
+ .. doctest::
+ >>> print(ast.dump(ast.parse("""
+ ... match x:
+ ... case Point2D(0, 0):
+ ... ...
+ ... case Point3D(x=0, y=0, z=0):
+ ... ...
+ ... """), indent=4))
+ Module(
+ body=[
+ Match(
+ subject=Name(id='x', ctx=Load()),
+ cases=[
+ match_case(
+ pattern=MatchClass(
+ cls=Name(id='Point2D', ctx=Load()),
+ patterns=[
+ MatchValue(
+ value=Constant(value=0)),
+ MatchValue(
+ value=Constant(value=0))],
+ kwd_attrs=[],
+ kwd_patterns=[]),
+ body=[
+ Expr(
+ value=Constant(value=Ellipsis))]),
+ match_case(
+ pattern=MatchClass(
+ cls=Name(id='Point3D', ctx=Load()),
+ patterns=[],
+ kwd_attrs=[
+ 'x',
+ 'y',
+ 'z'],
+ kwd_patterns=[
+ MatchValue(
+ value=Constant(value=0)),
+ MatchValue(
+ value=Constant(value=0)),
+ MatchValue(
+ value=Constant(value=0))]),
@@ -1303,10 +1541,14 @@ Control flow
.. class:: MatchAs(pattern, name)
- A match "as-pattern". The as-pattern matches whatever pattern is on its
- left-hand side, but also binds the value to a name. ``pattern`` contains
- the match pattern that will be used to match the subject agsinst. The ``name``
- attribute contains the name that will be binded if the pattern is successful.
+ A match "as-pattern", capture pattern or wildcard pattern. ``pattern``
+ contains the match pattern that the subject will be matched against.
+ If the pattern is ``None``, the node represents a capture pattern (i.e a
+ bare name) and will always succeed.
+ The ``name`` attribute contains the name that will be bound if the pattern
+ is successful. If ``name`` is ``None``, ``pattern`` must also be ``None``
+ and the node represents the wildcard pattern.
.. doctest::
@@ -1314,6 +1556,8 @@ Control flow
... match x:
... case [x] as y:
... ...
+ ... case _:
+ ... ...
... """), indent=4))
@@ -1322,24 +1566,27 @@ Control flow
- pattern=List(
- elts=[
- Name(id='x', ctx=Store())],
- ctx=Load()),
+ pattern=MatchSequence(
+ patterns=[
+ MatchAs(name='x')]),
+ value=Constant(value=Ellipsis))]),
+ match_case(
+ pattern=MatchAs(),
+ body=[
+ Expr(
.. class:: MatchOr(patterns)
- A match "or-pattern". An or-pattern matches each of its subpatterns in turn
- to the subject, until one succeeds. The or-pattern is then deemed to
- succeed. If none of the subpatterns succeed the or-pattern fails. The
- ``patterns`` attribute contains a list of match patterns nodes that will be
- matched against the subject.
+ A match "or-pattern". An or-pattern matches each of its subpatterns in turn
+ to the subject, until one succeeds. The or-pattern is then deemed to
+ succeed. If none of the subpatterns succeed the or-pattern fails. The
+ ``patterns`` attribute contains a list of match pattern nodes that will be
+ matched against the subject.
.. doctest::
@@ -1356,11 +1603,10 @@ Control flow
- List(
- elts=[
- Name(id='x', ctx=Store())],
- ctx=Load()),
- Name(id='y', ctx=Store())]),
+ MatchSequence(
+ patterns=[
+ MatchAs(name='x')]),
+ MatchAs(name='y')]),
diff --git a/Grammar/python.gram b/Grammar/python.gram
index ca9bed3..c8d765b 100644
--- a/Grammar/python.gram
+++ b/Grammar/python.gram
@@ -234,20 +234,20 @@ case_block[match_case_ty]:
_PyAST_match_case(pattern, guard, body, p->arena) }
guard[expr_ty]: 'if' guard=named_expression { guard }
- | values[asdl_expr_seq*]=open_sequence_pattern {
- _PyAST_Tuple(values, Load, EXTRA) }
+ | patterns[asdl_pattern_seq*]=open_sequence_pattern {
+ _PyAST_MatchSequence(patterns, EXTRA) }
| pattern
| as_pattern
| or_pattern
- | pattern=or_pattern 'as' target=capture_pattern {
+ | pattern=or_pattern 'as' target=pattern_capture_target {
_PyAST_MatchAs(pattern, target->, EXTRA) }
- | patterns[asdl_expr_seq*]='|'.closed_pattern+ {
+ | patterns[asdl_pattern_seq*]='|'.closed_pattern+ {
asdl_seq_LEN(patterns) == 1 ? asdl_seq_GET(patterns, 0) : _PyAST_MatchOr(patterns, EXTRA) }
| literal_pattern
| capture_pattern
| wildcard_pattern
@@ -257,27 +257,47 @@ closed_pattern[expr_ty]:
| mapping_pattern
| class_pattern
+# Literal patterns are used for equality and identity constraints
+ | value=signed_number !('+' | '-') { _PyAST_MatchValue(value, EXTRA) }
+ | value=complex_number { _PyAST_MatchValue(value, EXTRA) }
+ | value=strings { _PyAST_MatchValue(value, EXTRA) }
+ | 'None' { _PyAST_MatchSingleton(Py_None, EXTRA) }
+ | 'True' { _PyAST_MatchSingleton(Py_True, EXTRA) }
+ | 'False' { _PyAST_MatchSingleton(Py_False, EXTRA) }
+# Literal expressions are used to restrict permitted mapping pattern keys
| signed_number !('+' | '-')
- | real=signed_number '+' imag=NUMBER { _PyAST_BinOp(real, Add, imag, EXTRA) }
- | real=signed_number '-' imag=NUMBER { _PyAST_BinOp(real, Sub, imag, EXTRA) }
+ | complex_number
| strings
| 'None' { _PyAST_Constant(Py_None, NULL, EXTRA) }
| 'True' { _PyAST_Constant(Py_True, NULL, EXTRA) }
| 'False' { _PyAST_Constant(Py_False, NULL, EXTRA) }
+ | real=signed_number '+' imag=imaginary_number { _PyAST_BinOp(real, Add, imag, EXTRA) }
+ | real=signed_number '-' imag=imaginary_number { _PyAST_BinOp(real, Sub, imag, EXTRA) }
| '-' number=NUMBER { _PyAST_UnaryOp(USub, number, EXTRA) }
+ | imag=NUMBER { _PyPegen_ensure_imaginary(p, imag) }
+ | target=pattern_capture_target { _PyAST_MatchAs(NULL, target->, EXTRA) }
| !"_" name=NAME !('.' | '(' | '=') {
_PyPegen_set_expr_context(p, name, Store) }
- | "_" { _PyAST_Name(CHECK(PyObject*, _PyPegen_new_identifier(p, "_")), Store, EXTRA) }
+ | "_" { _PyAST_MatchAs(NULL, NULL, EXTRA) }
- | attr=attr !('.' | '(' | '=') { attr }
+ | attr=attr !('.' | '(' | '=') { _PyAST_MatchValue(attr, EXTRA) }
| value=name_or_attr '.' attr=NAME {
_PyAST_Attribute(value, attr->, Load, EXTRA) }
@@ -285,50 +305,77 @@ name_or_attr[expr_ty]:
| attr
| '(' pattern=pattern ')' { pattern }
- | '[' values=maybe_sequence_pattern? ']' { _PyAST_List(values, Load, EXTRA) }
- | '(' values=open_sequence_pattern? ')' { _PyAST_Tuple(values, Load, EXTRA) }
+ | '[' patterns=maybe_sequence_pattern? ']' { _PyAST_MatchSequence(patterns, EXTRA) }
+ | '(' patterns=open_sequence_pattern? ')' { _PyAST_MatchSequence(patterns, EXTRA) }
- | value=maybe_star_pattern ',' values=maybe_sequence_pattern? {
- _PyPegen_seq_insert_in_front(p, value, values) }
+ | pattern=maybe_star_pattern ',' patterns=maybe_sequence_pattern? {
+ _PyPegen_seq_insert_in_front(p, pattern, patterns) }
- | values=','.maybe_star_pattern+ ','? { values }
+ | patterns=','.maybe_star_pattern+ ','? { patterns }
| star_pattern
| pattern
- | '*' value=(capture_pattern | wildcard_pattern) {
- _PyAST_Starred(value, Store, EXTRA) }
- | '{' items=items_pattern? '}' {
- _PyAST_Dict(CHECK(asdl_expr_seq*, _PyPegen_get_keys(p, items)), CHECK(asdl_expr_seq*, _PyPegen_get_values(p, items)), EXTRA) }
+ | '*' target=pattern_capture_target {
+ _PyAST_MatchStar(target->, EXTRA) }
+ | '*' wildcard_pattern {
+ _PyAST_MatchStar(NULL, EXTRA) }
+ | '{' '}' {
+ _PyAST_MatchMapping(NULL, NULL, NULL, EXTRA) }
+ | '{' rest=double_star_pattern ','? '}' {
+ _PyAST_MatchMapping(NULL, NULL, rest->, EXTRA) }
+ | '{' items=items_pattern ',' rest=double_star_pattern ','? '}' {
+ _PyAST_MatchMapping(
+ CHECK(asdl_expr_seq*, _PyPegen_get_pattern_keys(p, items)),
+ CHECK(asdl_pattern_seq*, _PyPegen_get_patterns(p, items)),
+ rest->,
+ EXTRA) }
+ | '{' items=items_pattern ','? '}' {
+ _PyAST_MatchMapping(
+ CHECK(asdl_expr_seq*, _PyPegen_get_pattern_keys(p, items)),
+ CHECK(asdl_pattern_seq*, _PyPegen_get_patterns(p, items)),
+ EXTRA) }
- | items=','.key_value_pattern+ ','? { items }
- | key=(literal_pattern | value_pattern) ':' value=pattern {
- _PyPegen_key_value_pair(p, key, value) }
- | double_star_pattern
- | '**' value=capture_pattern { _PyPegen_key_value_pair(p, NULL, value) }
- | func=name_or_attr '(' ')' { _PyAST_Call(func, NULL, NULL, EXTRA) }
- | func=name_or_attr '(' args=positional_patterns ','? ')' {
- _PyAST_Call(func, args, NULL, EXTRA) }
- | func=name_or_attr '(' keywords=keyword_patterns ','? ')' {
- _PyAST_Call(func, NULL, keywords, EXTRA) }
- | func=name_or_attr '(' args=positional_patterns ',' keywords=keyword_patterns ','? ')' {
- _PyAST_Call(func, args, keywords, EXTRA) }
- | args[asdl_expr_seq*]=','.pattern+ { args }
- | keywords[asdl_keyword_seq*]=','.keyword_pattern+ { keywords }
- | arg=NAME '=' value=pattern { _PyAST_keyword(arg->, value, EXTRA) }
+ | items=','.key_value_pattern+ { items }
+ | key=(literal_expr | attr) ':' pattern=pattern {
+ _PyPegen_key_pattern_pair(p, key, pattern) }
+ | '**' target=pattern_capture_target { target }
+ | cls=name_or_attr '(' ')' {
+ _PyAST_MatchClass(cls, NULL, NULL, NULL, EXTRA) }
+ | cls=name_or_attr '(' patterns=positional_patterns ','? ')' {
+ _PyAST_MatchClass(cls, patterns, NULL, NULL, EXTRA) }
+ | cls=name_or_attr '(' keywords=keyword_patterns ','? ')' {
+ _PyAST_MatchClass(
+ cls, NULL,
+ CHECK(asdl_identifier_seq*, _PyPegen_map_names_to_ids(p,
+ CHECK(asdl_expr_seq*, _PyPegen_get_pattern_keys(p, keywords)))),
+ CHECK(asdl_pattern_seq*, _PyPegen_get_patterns(p, keywords)),
+ EXTRA) }
+ | cls=name_or_attr '(' patterns=positional_patterns ',' keywords=keyword_patterns ','? ')' {
+ _PyAST_MatchClass(
+ cls,
+ patterns,
+ CHECK(asdl_identifier_seq*, _PyPegen_map_names_to_ids(p,
+ CHECK(asdl_expr_seq*, _PyPegen_get_pattern_keys(p, keywords)))),
+ CHECK(asdl_pattern_seq*, _PyPegen_get_patterns(p, keywords)),
+ EXTRA) }
+ | args[asdl_pattern_seq*]=','.pattern+ { args }
+ | keywords[asdl_seq*]=','.keyword_pattern+ { keywords }
+ | arg=NAME '=' value=pattern { _PyPegen_key_pattern_pair(p, arg, value) }
| 'return' a=[star_expressions] { _PyAST_Return(a, EXTRA) }
diff --git a/Include/internal/pycore_ast.h b/Include/internal/pycore_ast.h
index 64d68b2..ebb6a90 100644
--- a/Include/internal/pycore_ast.h
+++ b/Include/internal/pycore_ast.h
@@ -47,6 +47,8 @@ typedef struct _withitem *withitem_ty;
typedef struct _match_case *match_case_ty;
+typedef struct _pattern *pattern_ty;
typedef struct _type_ignore *type_ignore_ty;
@@ -132,6 +134,13 @@ asdl_match_case_seq *_Py_asdl_match_case_seq_new(Py_ssize_t size, PyArena
typedef struct {
+ pattern_ty typed_elements[1];
+} asdl_pattern_seq;
+asdl_pattern_seq *_Py_asdl_pattern_seq_new(Py_ssize_t size, PyArena *arena);
+typedef struct {
type_ignore_ty typed_elements[1];
} asdl_type_ignore_seq;
@@ -327,8 +336,7 @@ enum _expr_kind {BoolOp_kind=1, NamedExpr_kind=2, BinOp_kind=3, UnaryOp_kind=4,
YieldFrom_kind=15, Compare_kind=16, Call_kind=17,
FormattedValue_kind=18, JoinedStr_kind=19, Constant_kind=20,
Attribute_kind=21, Subscript_kind=22, Starred_kind=23,
- Name_kind=24, List_kind=25, Tuple_kind=26, Slice_kind=27,
- MatchAs_kind=28, MatchOr_kind=29};
+ Name_kind=24, List_kind=25, Tuple_kind=26, Slice_kind=27};
struct _expr {
enum _expr_kind kind;
union {
@@ -471,15 +479,6 @@ struct _expr {
expr_ty step;
} Slice;
- struct {
- expr_ty pattern;
- identifier name;
- } MatchAs;
- struct {
- asdl_expr_seq *patterns;
- } MatchOr;
} v;
int lineno;
int col_offset;
@@ -555,11 +554,63 @@ struct _withitem {
struct _match_case {
- expr_ty pattern;
+ pattern_ty pattern;
expr_ty guard;
asdl_stmt_seq *body;
+enum _pattern_kind {MatchValue_kind=1, MatchSingleton_kind=2,
+ MatchSequence_kind=3, MatchMapping_kind=4,
+ MatchClass_kind=5, MatchStar_kind=6, MatchAs_kind=7,
+ MatchOr_kind=8};
+struct _pattern {
+ enum _pattern_kind kind;
+ union {
+ struct {
+ expr_ty value;
+ } MatchValue;
+ struct {
+ constant value;
+ } MatchSingleton;
+ struct {
+ asdl_pattern_seq *patterns;
+ } MatchSequence;
+ struct {
+ asdl_expr_seq *keys;
+ asdl_pattern_seq *patterns;
+ identifier rest;
+ } MatchMapping;
+ struct {
+ expr_ty cls;
+ asdl_pattern_seq *patterns;
+ asdl_identifier_seq *kwd_attrs;
+ asdl_pattern_seq *kwd_patterns;
+ } MatchClass;
+ struct {
+ identifier name;
+ } MatchStar;
+ struct {
+ pattern_ty pattern;
+ identifier name;
+ } MatchAs;
+ struct {
+ asdl_pattern_seq *patterns;
+ } MatchOr;
+ } v;
+ int lineno;
+ int col_offset;
+ int end_lineno;
+ int end_col_offset;
enum _type_ignore_kind {TypeIgnore_kind=1};
struct _type_ignore {
enum _type_ignore_kind kind;
@@ -733,11 +784,6 @@ expr_ty _PyAST_Tuple(asdl_expr_seq * elts, expr_context_ty ctx, int lineno, int
expr_ty _PyAST_Slice(expr_ty lower, expr_ty upper, expr_ty step, int lineno,
int col_offset, int end_lineno, int end_col_offset,
PyArena *arena);
-expr_ty _PyAST_MatchAs(expr_ty pattern, identifier name, int lineno, int
- col_offset, int end_lineno, int end_col_offset, PyArena
- *arena);
-expr_ty _PyAST_MatchOr(asdl_expr_seq * patterns, int lineno, int col_offset,
- int end_lineno, int end_col_offset, PyArena *arena);
comprehension_ty _PyAST_comprehension(expr_ty target, expr_ty iter,
asdl_expr_seq * ifs, int is_async,
PyArena *arena);
@@ -760,8 +806,32 @@ alias_ty _PyAST_alias(identifier name, identifier asname, int lineno, int
withitem_ty _PyAST_withitem(expr_ty context_expr, expr_ty optional_vars,
PyArena *arena);
-match_case_ty _PyAST_match_case(expr_ty pattern, expr_ty guard, asdl_stmt_seq *
- body, PyArena *arena);
+match_case_ty _PyAST_match_case(pattern_ty pattern, expr_ty guard,
+ asdl_stmt_seq * body, PyArena *arena);
+pattern_ty _PyAST_MatchValue(expr_ty value, int lineno, int col_offset, int
+ end_lineno, int end_col_offset, PyArena *arena);
+pattern_ty _PyAST_MatchSingleton(constant value, int lineno, int col_offset,
+ int end_lineno, int end_col_offset, PyArena
+ *arena);
+pattern_ty _PyAST_MatchSequence(asdl_pattern_seq * patterns, int lineno, int
+ col_offset, int end_lineno, int end_col_offset,
+ PyArena *arena);
+pattern_ty _PyAST_MatchMapping(asdl_expr_seq * keys, asdl_pattern_seq *
+ patterns, identifier rest, int lineno, int
+ col_offset, int end_lineno, int end_col_offset,
+ PyArena *arena);
+pattern_ty _PyAST_MatchClass(expr_ty cls, asdl_pattern_seq * patterns,
+ asdl_identifier_seq * kwd_attrs, asdl_pattern_seq
+ * kwd_patterns, int lineno, int col_offset, int
+ end_lineno, int end_col_offset, PyArena *arena);
+pattern_ty _PyAST_MatchStar(identifier name, int lineno, int col_offset, int
+ end_lineno, int end_col_offset, PyArena *arena);
+pattern_ty _PyAST_MatchAs(pattern_ty pattern, identifier name, int lineno, int
+ col_offset, int end_lineno, int end_col_offset,
+ PyArena *arena);
+pattern_ty _PyAST_MatchOr(asdl_pattern_seq * patterns, int lineno, int
+ col_offset, int end_lineno, int end_col_offset,
+ PyArena *arena);
type_ignore_ty _PyAST_TypeIgnore(int lineno, string tag, PyArena *arena);
diff --git a/Include/internal/pycore_ast_state.h b/Include/internal/pycore_ast_state.h
index c5ae224..882cd09 100644
--- a/Include/internal/pycore_ast_state.h
+++ b/Include/internal/pycore_ast_state.h
@@ -92,7 +92,13 @@ struct ast_state {
PyObject *MatMult_singleton;
PyObject *MatMult_type;
PyObject *MatchAs_type;
+ PyObject *MatchClass_type;
+ PyObject *MatchMapping_type;
PyObject *MatchOr_type;
+ PyObject *MatchSequence_type;
+ PyObject *MatchSingleton_type;
+ PyObject *MatchStar_type;
+ PyObject *MatchValue_type;
PyObject *Match_type;
PyObject *Mod_singleton;
PyObject *Mod_type;
@@ -159,6 +165,7 @@ struct ast_state {
PyObject *boolop_type;
PyObject *cases;
PyObject *cause;
+ PyObject *cls;
PyObject *cmpop_type;
PyObject *col_offset;
PyObject *comparators;
@@ -194,6 +201,8 @@ struct ast_state {
PyObject *kind;
PyObject *kw_defaults;
PyObject *kwarg;
+ PyObject *kwd_attrs;
+ PyObject *kwd_patterns;
PyObject *kwonlyargs;
PyObject *left;
PyObject *level;
@@ -212,8 +221,10 @@ struct ast_state {
PyObject *optional_vars;
PyObject *orelse;
PyObject *pattern;
+ PyObject *pattern_type;
PyObject *patterns;
PyObject *posonlyargs;
+ PyObject *rest;
PyObject *returns;
PyObject *right;
PyObject *simple;
diff --git a/Include/internal/pycore_symtable.h b/Include/internal/pycore_symtable.h
index 22f5fcb..d6d90f6 100644
--- a/Include/internal/pycore_symtable.h
+++ b/Include/internal/pycore_symtable.h
@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ struct symtable {
the symbol table */
int recursion_depth; /* current recursion depth */
int recursion_limit; /* recursion limit */
- int in_pattern; /* whether we are currently in a pattern */
typedef struct _symtable_entry {
diff --git a/Lib/ b/Lib/
index 703f68a..0c53e5c 100644
--- a/Lib/
+++ b/Lib/
@@ -798,6 +798,9 @@ class _Unparser(NodeVisitor):
+ # Note: as visit() resets the output text, do NOT rely on
+ # NodeVisitor.generic_visit to handle any nodes (as it calls back in to
+ # the subclass visit() method, which resets self._source to an empty list)
def visit(self, node):
"""Outputs a source code string that, if converted back to an ast
(using ast.parse) will generate an AST equivalent to *node*"""
@@ -1587,11 +1590,79 @@ class _Unparser(NodeVisitor):
with self.block():
+ def visit_MatchValue(self, node):
+ self.traverse(node.value)
+ def visit_MatchSingleton(self, node):
+ self._write_constant(node.value)
+ def visit_MatchSequence(self, node):
+ with self.delimit("[", "]"):
+ self.interleave(
+ lambda: self.write(", "), self.traverse, node.patterns
+ )
+ def visit_MatchStar(self, node):
+ name =
+ if name is None:
+ name = "_"
+ self.write(f"*{name}")
+ def visit_MatchMapping(self, node):
+ def write_key_pattern_pair(pair):
+ k, p = pair
+ self.traverse(k)
+ self.write(": ")
+ self.traverse(p)
+ with self.delimit("{", "}"):
+ keys = node.keys
+ self.interleave(
+ lambda: self.write(", "),
+ write_key_pattern_pair,
+ zip(keys, node.patterns, strict=True),
+ )
+ rest =
+ if rest is not None:
+ if keys:
+ self.write(", ")
+ self.write(f"**{rest}")
+ def visit_MatchClass(self, node):
+ self.set_precedence(_Precedence.ATOM, node.cls)
+ self.traverse(node.cls)
+ with self.delimit("(", ")"):
+ patterns = node.patterns
+ self.interleave(
+ lambda: self.write(", "), self.traverse, patterns
+ )
+ attrs = node.kwd_attrs
+ if attrs:
+ def write_attr_pattern(pair):
+ attr, pattern = pair
+ self.write(f"{attr}=")
+ self.traverse(pattern)
+ if patterns:
+ self.write(", ")
+ self.interleave(
+ lambda: self.write(", "),
+ write_attr_pattern,
+ zip(attrs, node.kwd_patterns, strict=True),
+ )
def visit_MatchAs(self, node):
- with self.require_parens(_Precedence.TEST, node):
- self.set_precedence(_Precedence.BOR, node.pattern)
- self.traverse(node.pattern)
- self.write(f" as {}")
+ name =
+ pattern = node.pattern
+ if name is None:
+ self.write("_")
+ elif pattern is None:
+ self.write(
+ else:
+ with self.require_parens(_Precedence.TEST, node):
+ self.set_precedence(_Precedence.BOR, node.pattern)
+ self.traverse(node.pattern)
+ self.write(f" as {}")
def visit_MatchOr(self, node):
with self.require_parens(_Precedence.BOR, node):
diff --git a/Lib/test/ b/Lib/test/
index 40580be..f327552 100644
--- a/Lib/test/
+++ b/Lib/test/
@@ -2857,6 +2857,22 @@ class TestPatma(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertIs(y, None)
self.assertIs(z, None)
+ @no_perf
+ def test_patma_283(self):
+ self.assert_syntax_error("""
+ match ...:
+ case {0+0: _}:
+ pass
+ """)
+ @no_perf
+ def test_patma_284(self):
+ self.assert_syntax_error("""
+ match ...:
+ case {f"": _}:
+ pass
+ """)
class PerfPatma(TestPatma):
diff --git a/Lib/test/ b/Lib/test/
index ce03272..9f67b49 100644
--- a/Lib/test/
+++ b/Lib/test/
@@ -518,7 +518,8 @@ class DirectoryTestCase(ASTTestCase):
lib_dir = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent / ".."
test_directories = (lib_dir, lib_dir / "test")
run_always_files = {"", "", "",
- "", "", ""}
+ "", "", "",
+ ""}
_files_to_test = None
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Core and Builtins/2021-04-25-08-35-11.bpo-43892.hr5Ke2.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Core and Builtins/2021-04-25-08-35-11.bpo-43892.hr5Ke2.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69be1b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Core and Builtins/2021-04-25-08-35-11.bpo-43892.hr5Ke2.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+Match patterns now use new dedicated AST nodes (``MatchValue``,
+``MatchSingleton``, ``MatchSequence``, ``MatchStar``, ``MatchMapping``,
+``MatchClass``) rather than reusing expression AST nodes. ``MatchAs`` and
+``MatchOr`` are now defined as pattern nodes rather than as expression nodes.
+Patch by Nick Coghlan.
diff --git a/Parser/Python.asdl b/Parser/Python.asdl
index e224f5f..85225fc 100644
--- a/Parser/Python.asdl
+++ b/Parser/Python.asdl
@@ -89,10 +89,6 @@ module Python
-- can appear only in Subscript
| Slice(expr? lower, expr? upper, expr? step)
- -- only used in patterns
- | MatchAs(expr pattern, identifier name)
- | MatchOr(expr* patterns)
-- col_offset is the byte offset in the utf8 string the parser uses
attributes (int lineno, int col_offset, int? end_lineno, int? end_col_offset)
@@ -128,7 +124,21 @@ module Python
withitem = (expr context_expr, expr? optional_vars)
- match_case = (expr pattern, expr? guard, stmt* body)
+ match_case = (pattern pattern, expr? guard, stmt* body)
+ pattern = MatchValue(expr value)
+ | MatchSingleton(constant value)
+ | MatchSequence(pattern* patterns)
+ | MatchMapping(expr* keys, pattern* patterns, identifier? rest)
+ | MatchClass(expr cls, pattern* patterns, identifier* kwd_attrs, pattern* kwd_patterns)
+ | MatchStar(identifier? name)
+ -- The optional "rest" MatchMapping parameter handles capturing extra mapping keys
+ | MatchAs(pattern? pattern, identifier? name)
+ | MatchOr(pattern* patterns)
+ attributes (int lineno, int col_offset, int end_lineno, int end_col_offset)
type_ignore = TypeIgnore(int lineno, string tag)
diff --git a/Parser/parser.c b/Parser/parser.c
index e8328ce..5baf82b 100644
--- a/Parser/parser.c
+++ b/Parser/parser.c
@@ -119,373 +119,377 @@ static char *soft_keywords[] = {
#define or_pattern_type 1045
#define closed_pattern_type 1046
#define literal_pattern_type 1047
-#define signed_number_type 1048
-#define capture_pattern_type 1049
-#define wildcard_pattern_type 1050
-#define value_pattern_type 1051
-#define attr_type 1052 // Left-recursive
-#define name_or_attr_type 1053 // Left-recursive
-#define group_pattern_type 1054
-#define sequence_pattern_type 1055
-#define open_sequence_pattern_type 1056
-#define maybe_sequence_pattern_type 1057
-#define maybe_star_pattern_type 1058
-#define star_pattern_type 1059
-#define mapping_pattern_type 1060
-#define items_pattern_type 1061
-#define key_value_pattern_type 1062
-#define double_star_pattern_type 1063
-#define class_pattern_type 1064
-#define positional_patterns_type 1065
-#define keyword_patterns_type 1066
-#define keyword_pattern_type 1067
-#define return_stmt_type 1068
-#define raise_stmt_type 1069
-#define function_def_type 1070
-#define function_def_raw_type 1071
-#define func_type_comment_type 1072
-#define params_type 1073
-#define parameters_type 1074
-#define slash_no_default_type 1075
-#define slash_with_default_type 1076
-#define star_etc_type 1077
-#define kwds_type 1078
-#define param_no_default_type 1079
-#define param_with_default_type 1080
-#define param_maybe_default_type 1081
-#define param_type 1082
-#define annotation_type 1083
-#define default_type 1084
-#define decorators_type 1085
-#define class_def_type 1086
-#define class_def_raw_type 1087
-#define block_type 1088
-#define star_expressions_type 1089
-#define star_expression_type 1090
-#define star_named_expressions_type 1091
-#define star_named_expression_type 1092
-#define named_expression_type 1093
-#define direct_named_expression_type 1094
-#define annotated_rhs_type 1095
-#define expressions_type 1096
-#define expression_type 1097
-#define lambdef_type 1098
-#define lambda_params_type 1099
-#define lambda_parameters_type 1100
-#define lambda_slash_no_default_type 1101
-#define lambda_slash_with_default_type 1102
-#define lambda_star_etc_type 1103
-#define lambda_kwds_type 1104
-#define lambda_param_no_default_type 1105
-#define lambda_param_with_default_type 1106
-#define lambda_param_maybe_default_type 1107
-#define lambda_param_type 1108
-#define disjunction_type 1109
-#define conjunction_type 1110
-#define inversion_type 1111
-#define comparison_type 1112
-#define compare_op_bitwise_or_pair_type 1113
-#define eq_bitwise_or_type 1114
-#define noteq_bitwise_or_type 1115
-#define lte_bitwise_or_type 1116
-#define lt_bitwise_or_type 1117
-#define gte_bitwise_or_type 1118
-#define gt_bitwise_or_type 1119
-#define notin_bitwise_or_type 1120
-#define in_bitwise_or_type 1121
-#define isnot_bitwise_or_type 1122
-#define is_bitwise_or_type 1123
-#define bitwise_or_type 1124 // Left-recursive
-#define bitwise_xor_type 1125 // Left-recursive
-#define bitwise_and_type 1126 // Left-recursive
-#define shift_expr_type 1127 // Left-recursive
-#define sum_type 1128 // Left-recursive
-#define term_type 1129 // Left-recursive
-#define factor_type 1130
-#define power_type 1131
-#define await_primary_type 1132
-#define primary_type 1133 // Left-recursive
-#define slices_type 1134
-#define slice_type 1135
-#define atom_type 1136
-#define strings_type 1137
-#define list_type 1138
-#define listcomp_type 1139
-#define tuple_type 1140
-#define group_type 1141
-#define genexp_type 1142
-#define set_type 1143
-#define setcomp_type 1144
-#define dict_type 1145
-#define dictcomp_type 1146
-#define double_starred_kvpairs_type 1147
-#define double_starred_kvpair_type 1148
-#define kvpair_type 1149
-#define for_if_clauses_type 1150
-#define for_if_clause_type 1151
-#define yield_expr_type 1152
-#define arguments_type 1153
-#define args_type 1154
-#define kwargs_type 1155
-#define starred_expression_type 1156
-#define kwarg_or_starred_type 1157
-#define kwarg_or_double_starred_type 1158
-#define star_targets_type 1159
-#define star_targets_list_seq_type 1160
-#define star_targets_tuple_seq_type 1161
-#define star_target_type 1162
-#define target_with_star_atom_type 1163
-#define star_atom_type 1164
-#define single_target_type 1165
-#define single_subscript_attribute_target_type 1166
-#define del_targets_type 1167
-#define del_target_type 1168
-#define del_t_atom_type 1169
-#define targets_type 1170
-#define target_type 1171
-#define t_primary_type 1172 // Left-recursive
-#define t_lookahead_type 1173
-#define t_atom_type 1174
-#define invalid_arguments_type 1175
-#define invalid_kwarg_type 1176
-#define invalid_expression_type 1177
-#define invalid_named_expression_type 1178
-#define invalid_assignment_type 1179
-#define invalid_ann_assign_target_type 1180
-#define invalid_del_stmt_type 1181
-#define invalid_block_type 1182
-#define invalid_primary_type 1183 // Left-recursive
-#define invalid_comprehension_type 1184
-#define invalid_dict_comprehension_type 1185
-#define invalid_parameters_type 1186
-#define invalid_parameters_helper_type 1187
-#define invalid_lambda_parameters_type 1188
-#define invalid_lambda_parameters_helper_type 1189
-#define invalid_star_etc_type 1190
-#define invalid_lambda_star_etc_type 1191
-#define invalid_double_type_comments_type 1192
-#define invalid_with_item_type 1193
-#define invalid_for_target_type 1194
-#define invalid_group_type 1195
-#define invalid_import_from_targets_type 1196
-#define invalid_with_stmt_type 1197
-#define invalid_with_stmt_indent_type 1198
-#define invalid_try_stmt_type 1199
-#define invalid_except_stmt_type 1200
-#define invalid_finally_stmt_type 1201
-#define invalid_except_stmt_indent_type 1202
-#define invalid_match_stmt_type 1203
-#define invalid_case_block_type 1204
-#define invalid_if_stmt_type 1205
-#define invalid_elif_stmt_type 1206
-#define invalid_else_stmt_type 1207
-#define invalid_while_stmt_type 1208
-#define invalid_for_stmt_type 1209
-#define invalid_def_raw_type 1210
-#define invalid_class_def_raw_type 1211
-#define invalid_double_starred_kvpairs_type 1212
-#define invalid_kvpair_type 1213
-#define _loop0_1_type 1214
-#define _loop0_2_type 1215
-#define _loop0_4_type 1216
-#define _gather_3_type 1217
-#define _loop0_6_type 1218
-#define _gather_5_type 1219
-#define _loop0_8_type 1220
-#define _gather_7_type 1221
-#define _loop0_10_type 1222
-#define _gather_9_type 1223
-#define _loop1_11_type 1224
-#define _loop0_13_type 1225
-#define _gather_12_type 1226
-#define _tmp_14_type 1227
-#define _tmp_15_type 1228
-#define _tmp_16_type 1229
-#define _tmp_17_type 1230
-#define _tmp_18_type 1231
-#define _tmp_19_type 1232
-#define _tmp_20_type 1233
-#define _tmp_21_type 1234
-#define _loop1_22_type 1235
-#define _tmp_23_type 1236
-#define _tmp_24_type 1237
-#define _loop0_26_type 1238
-#define _gather_25_type 1239
-#define _loop0_28_type 1240
-#define _gather_27_type 1241
-#define _tmp_29_type 1242
-#define _tmp_30_type 1243
-#define _loop0_31_type 1244
-#define _loop1_32_type 1245
-#define _loop0_34_type 1246
-#define _gather_33_type 1247
-#define _tmp_35_type 1248
-#define _loop0_37_type 1249
-#define _gather_36_type 1250
-#define _tmp_38_type 1251
-#define _loop0_40_type 1252
-#define _gather_39_type 1253
-#define _loop0_42_type 1254
-#define _gather_41_type 1255
-#define _loop0_44_type 1256
-#define _gather_43_type 1257
-#define _loop0_46_type 1258
-#define _gather_45_type 1259
-#define _tmp_47_type 1260
-#define _loop1_48_type 1261
-#define _tmp_49_type 1262
-#define _loop1_50_type 1263
-#define _loop0_52_type 1264
-#define _gather_51_type 1265
-#define _tmp_53_type 1266
-#define _tmp_54_type 1267
-#define _tmp_55_type 1268
-#define _loop0_57_type 1269
-#define _gather_56_type 1270
-#define _tmp_58_type 1271
-#define _loop0_60_type 1272
-#define _gather_59_type 1273
-#define _tmp_61_type 1274
-#define _loop0_63_type 1275
-#define _gather_62_type 1276
-#define _loop0_65_type 1277
-#define _gather_64_type 1278
-#define _tmp_66_type 1279
-#define _tmp_67_type 1280
-#define _tmp_68_type 1281
-#define _tmp_69_type 1282
-#define _loop0_70_type 1283
-#define _loop0_71_type 1284
-#define _loop0_72_type 1285
-#define _loop1_73_type 1286
-#define _loop0_74_type 1287
-#define _loop1_75_type 1288
-#define _loop1_76_type 1289
-#define _loop1_77_type 1290
-#define _loop0_78_type 1291
-#define _loop1_79_type 1292
-#define _loop0_80_type 1293
-#define _loop1_81_type 1294
-#define _loop0_82_type 1295
-#define _loop1_83_type 1296
-#define _loop1_84_type 1297
-#define _tmp_85_type 1298
-#define _loop1_86_type 1299
-#define _loop0_88_type 1300
-#define _gather_87_type 1301
-#define _loop1_89_type 1302
-#define _loop0_90_type 1303
-#define _loop0_91_type 1304
-#define _loop0_92_type 1305
-#define _loop1_93_type 1306
-#define _loop0_94_type 1307
-#define _loop1_95_type 1308
-#define _loop1_96_type 1309
-#define _loop1_97_type 1310
-#define _loop0_98_type 1311
-#define _loop1_99_type 1312
-#define _loop0_100_type 1313
-#define _loop1_101_type 1314
-#define _loop0_102_type 1315
-#define _loop1_103_type 1316
-#define _loop1_104_type 1317
-#define _loop1_105_type 1318
-#define _loop1_106_type 1319
-#define _tmp_107_type 1320
-#define _loop0_109_type 1321
-#define _gather_108_type 1322
-#define _tmp_110_type 1323
-#define _tmp_111_type 1324
-#define _tmp_112_type 1325
-#define _tmp_113_type 1326
-#define _loop1_114_type 1327
-#define _tmp_115_type 1328
-#define _tmp_116_type 1329
-#define _loop0_118_type 1330
-#define _gather_117_type 1331
-#define _loop1_119_type 1332
-#define _loop0_120_type 1333
-#define _loop0_121_type 1334
-#define _loop0_123_type 1335
-#define _gather_122_type 1336
-#define _tmp_124_type 1337
-#define _loop0_126_type 1338
-#define _gather_125_type 1339
-#define _loop0_128_type 1340
-#define _gather_127_type 1341
-#define _loop0_130_type 1342
-#define _gather_129_type 1343
-#define _loop0_132_type 1344
-#define _gather_131_type 1345
-#define _loop0_133_type 1346
-#define _loop0_135_type 1347
-#define _gather_134_type 1348
-#define _loop1_136_type 1349
-#define _tmp_137_type 1350
-#define _loop0_139_type 1351
-#define _gather_138_type 1352
-#define _loop0_141_type 1353
-#define _gather_140_type 1354
-#define _tmp_142_type 1355
-#define _tmp_143_type 1356
-#define _tmp_144_type 1357
-#define _tmp_145_type 1358
-#define _tmp_146_type 1359
-#define _loop0_147_type 1360
-#define _loop0_148_type 1361
-#define _loop0_149_type 1362
-#define _tmp_150_type 1363
-#define _tmp_151_type 1364
-#define _tmp_152_type 1365
-#define _tmp_153_type 1366
-#define _loop0_154_type 1367
-#define _loop1_155_type 1368
-#define _loop0_156_type 1369
-#define _loop1_157_type 1370
-#define _tmp_158_type 1371
-#define _tmp_159_type 1372
-#define _tmp_160_type 1373
-#define _loop0_162_type 1374
-#define _gather_161_type 1375
-#define _loop0_164_type 1376
-#define _gather_163_type 1377
-#define _loop0_166_type 1378
-#define _gather_165_type 1379
-#define _loop0_168_type 1380
-#define _gather_167_type 1381
-#define _tmp_169_type 1382
-#define _tmp_170_type 1383
-#define _tmp_171_type 1384
-#define _tmp_172_type 1385
-#define _tmp_173_type 1386
-#define _loop0_175_type 1387
-#define _gather_174_type 1388
-#define _tmp_176_type 1389
-#define _tmp_177_type 1390
-#define _tmp_178_type 1391
-#define _tmp_179_type 1392
-#define _tmp_180_type 1393
-#define _tmp_181_type 1394
-#define _tmp_182_type 1395
-#define _tmp_183_type 1396
-#define _tmp_184_type 1397
-#define _tmp_185_type 1398
-#define _tmp_186_type 1399
-#define _tmp_187_type 1400
-#define _tmp_188_type 1401
-#define _tmp_189_type 1402
-#define _tmp_190_type 1403
-#define _tmp_191_type 1404
-#define _tmp_192_type 1405
-#define _tmp_193_type 1406
-#define _tmp_194_type 1407
-#define _tmp_195_type 1408
-#define _tmp_196_type 1409
-#define _tmp_197_type 1410
-#define _tmp_198_type 1411
-#define _tmp_199_type 1412
-#define _tmp_200_type 1413
-#define _tmp_201_type 1414
+#define literal_expr_type 1048
+#define complex_number_type 1049
+#define signed_number_type 1050
+#define imaginary_number_type 1051
+#define capture_pattern_type 1052
+#define pattern_capture_target_type 1053
+#define wildcard_pattern_type 1054
+#define value_pattern_type 1055
+#define attr_type 1056 // Left-recursive
+#define name_or_attr_type 1057 // Left-recursive
+#define group_pattern_type 1058
+#define sequence_pattern_type 1059
+#define open_sequence_pattern_type 1060
+#define maybe_sequence_pattern_type 1061
+#define maybe_star_pattern_type 1062
+#define star_pattern_type 1063
+#define mapping_pattern_type 1064
+#define items_pattern_type 1065
+#define key_value_pattern_type 1066
+#define double_star_pattern_type 1067
+#define class_pattern_type 1068
+#define positional_patterns_type 1069
+#define keyword_patterns_type 1070
+#define keyword_pattern_type 1071
+#define return_stmt_type 1072
+#define raise_stmt_type 1073
+#define function_def_type 1074
+#define function_def_raw_type 1075
+#define func_type_comment_type 1076
+#define params_type 1077
+#define parameters_type 1078
+#define slash_no_default_type 1079
+#define slash_with_default_type 1080
+#define star_etc_type 1081
+#define kwds_type 1082
+#define param_no_default_type 1083
+#define param_with_default_type 1084
+#define param_maybe_default_type 1085
+#define param_type 1086
+#define annotation_type 1087
+#define default_type 1088
+#define decorators_type 1089
+#define class_def_type 1090
+#define class_def_raw_type 1091
+#define block_type 1092
+#define star_expressions_type 1093
+#define star_expression_type 1094
+#define star_named_expressions_type 1095
+#define star_named_expression_type 1096
+#define named_expression_type 1097
+#define direct_named_expression_type 1098
+#define annotated_rhs_type 1099
+#define expressions_type 1100
+#define expression_type 1101
+#define lambdef_type 1102
+#define lambda_params_type 1103
+#define lambda_parameters_type 1104
+#define lambda_slash_no_default_type 1105
+#define lambda_slash_with_default_type 1106
+#define lambda_star_etc_type 1107
+#define lambda_kwds_type 1108
+#define lambda_param_no_default_type 1109
+#define lambda_param_with_default_type 1110
+#define lambda_param_maybe_default_type 1111
+#define lambda_param_type 1112
+#define disjunction_type 1113
+#define conjunction_type 1114
+#define inversion_type 1115
+#define comparison_type 1116
+#define compare_op_bitwise_or_pair_type 1117
+#define eq_bitwise_or_type 1118
+#define noteq_bitwise_or_type 1119
+#define lte_bitwise_or_type 1120
+#define lt_bitwise_or_type 1121
+#define gte_bitwise_or_type 1122
+#define gt_bitwise_or_type 1123
+#define notin_bitwise_or_type 1124
+#define in_bitwise_or_type 1125
+#define isnot_bitwise_or_type 1126
+#define is_bitwise_or_type 1127
+#define bitwise_or_type 1128 // Left-recursive
+#define bitwise_xor_type 1129 // Left-recursive
+#define bitwise_and_type 1130 // Left-recursive
+#define shift_expr_type 1131 // Left-recursive
+#define sum_type 1132 // Left-recursive
+#define term_type 1133 // Left-recursive
+#define factor_type 1134
+#define power_type 1135
+#define await_primary_type 1136
+#define primary_type 1137 // Left-recursive
+#define slices_type 1138
+#define slice_type 1139
+#define atom_type 1140
+#define strings_type 1141
+#define list_type 1142
+#define listcomp_type 1143
+#define tuple_type 1144
+#define group_type 1145
+#define genexp_type 1146
+#define set_type 1147
+#define setcomp_type 1148
+#define dict_type 1149
+#define dictcomp_type 1150
+#define double_starred_kvpairs_type 1151
+#define double_starred_kvpair_type 1152
+#define kvpair_type 1153
+#define for_if_clauses_type 1154
+#define for_if_clause_type 1155
+#define yield_expr_type 1156
+#define arguments_type 1157
+#define args_type 1158
+#define kwargs_type 1159
+#define starred_expression_type 1160
+#define kwarg_or_starred_type 1161
+#define kwarg_or_double_starred_type 1162
+#define star_targets_type 1163
+#define star_targets_list_seq_type 1164
+#define star_targets_tuple_seq_type 1165
+#define star_target_type 1166
+#define target_with_star_atom_type 1167
+#define star_atom_type 1168
+#define single_target_type 1169
+#define single_subscript_attribute_target_type 1170
+#define del_targets_type 1171
+#define del_target_type 1172
+#define del_t_atom_type 1173
+#define targets_type 1174
+#define target_type 1175
+#define t_primary_type 1176 // Left-recursive
+#define t_lookahead_type 1177
+#define t_atom_type 1178
+#define invalid_arguments_type 1179
+#define invalid_kwarg_type 1180
+#define invalid_expression_type 1181
+#define invalid_named_expression_type 1182
+#define invalid_assignment_type 1183
+#define invalid_ann_assign_target_type 1184
+#define invalid_del_stmt_type 1185
+#define invalid_block_type 1186
+#define invalid_primary_type 1187 // Left-recursive
+#define invalid_comprehension_type 1188
+#define invalid_dict_comprehension_type 1189
+#define invalid_parameters_type 1190
+#define invalid_parameters_helper_type 1191
+#define invalid_lambda_parameters_type 1192
+#define invalid_lambda_parameters_helper_type 1193
+#define invalid_star_etc_type 1194
+#define invalid_lambda_star_etc_type 1195
+#define invalid_double_type_comments_type 1196
+#define invalid_with_item_type 1197
+#define invalid_for_target_type 1198
+#define invalid_group_type 1199
+#define invalid_import_from_targets_type 1200
+#define invalid_with_stmt_type 1201
+#define invalid_with_stmt_indent_type 1202
+#define invalid_try_stmt_type 1203
+#define invalid_except_stmt_type 1204
+#define invalid_finally_stmt_type 1205
+#define invalid_except_stmt_indent_type 1206
+#define invalid_match_stmt_type 1207
+#define invalid_case_block_type 1208
+#define invalid_if_stmt_type 1209
+#define invalid_elif_stmt_type 1210
+#define invalid_else_stmt_type 1211
+#define invalid_while_stmt_type 1212
+#define invalid_for_stmt_type 1213
+#define invalid_def_raw_type 1214
+#define invalid_class_def_raw_type 1215
+#define invalid_double_starred_kvpairs_type 1216
+#define invalid_kvpair_type 1217
+#define _loop0_1_type 1218
+#define _loop0_2_type 1219
+#define _loop0_4_type 1220
+#define _gather_3_type 1221
+#define _loop0_6_type 1222
+#define _gather_5_type 1223
+#define _loop0_8_type 1224
+#define _gather_7_type 1225
+#define _loop0_10_type 1226
+#define _gather_9_type 1227
+#define _loop1_11_type 1228
+#define _loop0_13_type 1229
+#define _gather_12_type 1230
+#define _tmp_14_type 1231
+#define _tmp_15_type 1232
+#define _tmp_16_type 1233
+#define _tmp_17_type 1234
+#define _tmp_18_type 1235
+#define _tmp_19_type 1236
+#define _tmp_20_type 1237
+#define _tmp_21_type 1238
+#define _loop1_22_type 1239
+#define _tmp_23_type 1240
+#define _tmp_24_type 1241
+#define _loop0_26_type 1242
+#define _gather_25_type 1243
+#define _loop0_28_type 1244
+#define _gather_27_type 1245
+#define _tmp_29_type 1246
+#define _tmp_30_type 1247
+#define _loop0_31_type 1248
+#define _loop1_32_type 1249
+#define _loop0_34_type 1250
+#define _gather_33_type 1251
+#define _tmp_35_type 1252
+#define _loop0_37_type 1253
+#define _gather_36_type 1254
+#define _tmp_38_type 1255
+#define _loop0_40_type 1256
+#define _gather_39_type 1257
+#define _loop0_42_type 1258
+#define _gather_41_type 1259
+#define _loop0_44_type 1260
+#define _gather_43_type 1261
+#define _loop0_46_type 1262
+#define _gather_45_type 1263
+#define _tmp_47_type 1264
+#define _loop1_48_type 1265
+#define _tmp_49_type 1266
+#define _loop1_50_type 1267
+#define _loop0_52_type 1268
+#define _gather_51_type 1269
+#define _tmp_53_type 1270
+#define _tmp_54_type 1271
+#define _tmp_55_type 1272
+#define _tmp_56_type 1273
+#define _loop0_58_type 1274
+#define _gather_57_type 1275
+#define _loop0_60_type 1276
+#define _gather_59_type 1277
+#define _tmp_61_type 1278
+#define _loop0_63_type 1279
+#define _gather_62_type 1280
+#define _loop0_65_type 1281
+#define _gather_64_type 1282
+#define _tmp_66_type 1283
+#define _tmp_67_type 1284
+#define _tmp_68_type 1285
+#define _tmp_69_type 1286
+#define _loop0_70_type 1287
+#define _loop0_71_type 1288
+#define _loop0_72_type 1289
+#define _loop1_73_type 1290
+#define _loop0_74_type 1291
+#define _loop1_75_type 1292
+#define _loop1_76_type 1293
+#define _loop1_77_type 1294
+#define _loop0_78_type 1295
+#define _loop1_79_type 1296
+#define _loop0_80_type 1297
+#define _loop1_81_type 1298
+#define _loop0_82_type 1299
+#define _loop1_83_type 1300
+#define _loop1_84_type 1301
+#define _tmp_85_type 1302
+#define _loop1_86_type 1303
+#define _loop0_88_type 1304
+#define _gather_87_type 1305
+#define _loop1_89_type 1306
+#define _loop0_90_type 1307
+#define _loop0_91_type 1308
+#define _loop0_92_type 1309
+#define _loop1_93_type 1310
+#define _loop0_94_type 1311
+#define _loop1_95_type 1312
+#define _loop1_96_type 1313
+#define _loop1_97_type 1314
+#define _loop0_98_type 1315
+#define _loop1_99_type 1316
+#define _loop0_100_type 1317
+#define _loop1_101_type 1318
+#define _loop0_102_type 1319
+#define _loop1_103_type 1320
+#define _loop1_104_type 1321
+#define _loop1_105_type 1322
+#define _loop1_106_type 1323
+#define _tmp_107_type 1324
+#define _loop0_109_type 1325
+#define _gather_108_type 1326
+#define _tmp_110_type 1327
+#define _tmp_111_type 1328
+#define _tmp_112_type 1329
+#define _tmp_113_type 1330
+#define _loop1_114_type 1331
+#define _tmp_115_type 1332
+#define _tmp_116_type 1333
+#define _loop0_118_type 1334
+#define _gather_117_type 1335
+#define _loop1_119_type 1336
+#define _loop0_120_type 1337
+#define _loop0_121_type 1338
+#define _loop0_123_type 1339
+#define _gather_122_type 1340
+#define _tmp_124_type 1341
+#define _loop0_126_type 1342
+#define _gather_125_type 1343
+#define _loop0_128_type 1344
+#define _gather_127_type 1345
+#define _loop0_130_type 1346
+#define _gather_129_type 1347
+#define _loop0_132_type 1348
+#define _gather_131_type 1349
+#define _loop0_133_type 1350
+#define _loop0_135_type 1351
+#define _gather_134_type 1352
+#define _loop1_136_type 1353
+#define _tmp_137_type 1354
+#define _loop0_139_type 1355
+#define _gather_138_type 1356
+#define _loop0_141_type 1357
+#define _gather_140_type 1358
+#define _tmp_142_type 1359
+#define _tmp_143_type 1360
+#define _tmp_144_type 1361
+#define _tmp_145_type 1362
+#define _tmp_146_type 1363
+#define _loop0_147_type 1364
+#define _loop0_148_type 1365
+#define _loop0_149_type 1366
+#define _tmp_150_type 1367
+#define _tmp_151_type 1368
+#define _tmp_152_type 1369
+#define _tmp_153_type 1370
+#define _loop0_154_type 1371
+#define _loop1_155_type 1372
+#define _loop0_156_type 1373
+#define _loop1_157_type 1374
+#define _tmp_158_type 1375
+#define _tmp_159_type 1376
+#define _tmp_160_type 1377
+#define _loop0_162_type 1378
+#define _gather_161_type 1379
+#define _loop0_164_type 1380
+#define _gather_163_type 1381
+#define _loop0_166_type 1382
+#define _gather_165_type 1383
+#define _loop0_168_type 1384
+#define _gather_167_type 1385
+#define _tmp_169_type 1386
+#define _tmp_170_type 1387
+#define _tmp_171_type 1388
+#define _tmp_172_type 1389
+#define _tmp_173_type 1390
+#define _loop0_175_type 1391
+#define _gather_174_type 1392
+#define _tmp_176_type 1393
+#define _tmp_177_type 1394
+#define _tmp_178_type 1395
+#define _tmp_179_type 1396
+#define _tmp_180_type 1397
+#define _tmp_181_type 1398
+#define _tmp_182_type 1399
+#define _tmp_183_type 1400
+#define _tmp_184_type 1401
+#define _tmp_185_type 1402
+#define _tmp_186_type 1403
+#define _tmp_187_type 1404
+#define _tmp_188_type 1405
+#define _tmp_189_type 1406
+#define _tmp_190_type 1407
+#define _tmp_191_type 1408
+#define _tmp_192_type 1409
+#define _tmp_193_type 1410
+#define _tmp_194_type 1411
+#define _tmp_195_type 1412
+#define _tmp_196_type 1413
+#define _tmp_197_type 1414
+#define _tmp_198_type 1415
+#define _tmp_199_type 1416
+#define _tmp_200_type 1417
+#define _tmp_201_type 1418
static mod_ty file_rule(Parser *p);
static mod_ty interactive_rule(Parser *p);
@@ -529,32 +533,36 @@ static stmt_ty match_stmt_rule(Parser *p);
static expr_ty subject_expr_rule(Parser *p);
static match_case_ty case_block_rule(Parser *p);
static expr_ty guard_rule(Parser *p);
-static expr_ty patterns_rule(Parser *p);
-static expr_ty pattern_rule(Parser *p);
-static expr_ty as_pattern_rule(Parser *p);
-static expr_ty or_pattern_rule(Parser *p);
-static expr_ty closed_pattern_rule(Parser *p);
-static expr_ty literal_pattern_rule(Parser *p);
+static pattern_ty patterns_rule(Parser *p);
+static pattern_ty pattern_rule(Parser *p);
+static pattern_ty as_pattern_rule(Parser *p);
+static pattern_ty or_pattern_rule(Parser *p);
+static pattern_ty closed_pattern_rule(Parser *p);
+static pattern_ty literal_pattern_rule(Parser *p);
+static expr_ty literal_expr_rule(Parser *p);
+static expr_ty complex_number_rule(Parser *p);
static expr_ty signed_number_rule(Parser *p);
-static expr_ty capture_pattern_rule(Parser *p);
-static expr_ty wildcard_pattern_rule(Parser *p);
-static expr_ty value_pattern_rule(Parser *p);
+static expr_ty imaginary_number_rule(Parser *p);
+static pattern_ty capture_pattern_rule(Parser *p);
+static expr_ty pattern_capture_target_rule(Parser *p);
+static pattern_ty wildcard_pattern_rule(Parser *p);
+static pattern_ty value_pattern_rule(Parser *p);
static expr_ty attr_rule(Parser *p);
static expr_ty name_or_attr_rule(Parser *p);
-static expr_ty group_pattern_rule(Parser *p);
-static expr_ty sequence_pattern_rule(Parser *p);
+static pattern_ty group_pattern_rule(Parser *p);
+static pattern_ty sequence_pattern_rule(Parser *p);
static asdl_seq* open_sequence_pattern_rule(Parser *p);
static asdl_seq* maybe_sequence_pattern_rule(Parser *p);
-static expr_ty maybe_star_pattern_rule(Parser *p);
-static expr_ty star_pattern_rule(Parser *p);
-static expr_ty mapping_pattern_rule(Parser *p);
+static pattern_ty maybe_star_pattern_rule(Parser *p);
+static pattern_ty star_pattern_rule(Parser *p);
+static pattern_ty mapping_pattern_rule(Parser *p);
static asdl_seq* items_pattern_rule(Parser *p);
-static KeyValuePair* key_value_pattern_rule(Parser *p);
-static KeyValuePair* double_star_pattern_rule(Parser *p);
-static expr_ty class_pattern_rule(Parser *p);
-static asdl_expr_seq* positional_patterns_rule(Parser *p);
-static asdl_keyword_seq* keyword_patterns_rule(Parser *p);
-static keyword_ty keyword_pattern_rule(Parser *p);
+static KeyPatternPair* key_value_pattern_rule(Parser *p);
+static expr_ty double_star_pattern_rule(Parser *p);
+static pattern_ty class_pattern_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_pattern_seq* positional_patterns_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq* keyword_patterns_rule(Parser *p);
+static KeyPatternPair* keyword_pattern_rule(Parser *p);
static stmt_ty return_stmt_rule(Parser *p);
static stmt_ty raise_stmt_rule(Parser *p);
static stmt_ty function_def_rule(Parser *p);
@@ -756,9 +764,9 @@ static asdl_seq *_gather_51_rule(Parser *p);
static void *_tmp_53_rule(Parser *p);
static void *_tmp_54_rule(Parser *p);
static void *_tmp_55_rule(Parser *p);
-static asdl_seq *_loop0_57_rule(Parser *p);
-static asdl_seq *_gather_56_rule(Parser *p);
-static void *_tmp_58_rule(Parser *p);
+static void *_tmp_56_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq *_loop0_58_rule(Parser *p);
+static asdl_seq *_gather_57_rule(Parser *p);
static asdl_seq *_loop0_60_rule(Parser *p);
static asdl_seq *_gather_59_rule(Parser *p);
static void *_tmp_61_rule(Parser *p);
@@ -5378,7 +5386,7 @@ case_block_rule(Parser *p)
Token * _literal;
asdl_stmt_seq* body;
void *guard;
- expr_ty pattern;
+ pattern_ty pattern;
if (
(_keyword = _PyPegen_expect_soft_keyword(p, "case")) // soft_keyword='"case"'
@@ -5455,7 +5463,7 @@ guard_rule(Parser *p)
// patterns: open_sequence_pattern | pattern
-static expr_ty
+static pattern_ty
patterns_rule(Parser *p)
@@ -5463,7 +5471,7 @@ patterns_rule(Parser *p)
return NULL;
- expr_ty _res = NULL;
+ pattern_ty _res = NULL;
int _mark = p->mark;
if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
p->error_indicator = 1;
@@ -5480,9 +5488,9 @@ patterns_rule(Parser *p)
return NULL;
D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> patterns[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "open_sequence_pattern"));
- asdl_expr_seq* values;
+ asdl_pattern_seq* patterns;
if (
- (values = (asdl_expr_seq*)open_sequence_pattern_rule(p)) // open_sequence_pattern
+ (patterns = (asdl_pattern_seq*)open_sequence_pattern_rule(p)) // open_sequence_pattern
D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c+ patterns[%d-%d]: %s succeeded!\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "open_sequence_pattern"));
@@ -5495,7 +5503,7 @@ patterns_rule(Parser *p)
UNUSED(_end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
int _end_col_offset = _token->end_col_offset;
UNUSED(_end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
- _res = _PyAST_Tuple ( values , Load , EXTRA );
+ _res = _PyAST_MatchSequence ( patterns , EXTRA );
if (_res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
p->error_indicator = 1;
@@ -5513,7 +5521,7 @@ patterns_rule(Parser *p)
return NULL;
D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> patterns[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "pattern"));
- expr_ty pattern_var;
+ pattern_ty pattern_var;
if (
(pattern_var = pattern_rule(p)) // pattern
@@ -5533,7 +5541,7 @@ patterns_rule(Parser *p)
// pattern: as_pattern | or_pattern
-static expr_ty
+static pattern_ty
pattern_rule(Parser *p)
@@ -5541,7 +5549,7 @@ pattern_rule(Parser *p)
return NULL;
- expr_ty _res = NULL;
+ pattern_ty _res = NULL;
int _mark = p->mark;
{ // as_pattern
if (p->error_indicator) {
@@ -5549,7 +5557,7 @@ pattern_rule(Parser *p)
return NULL;
D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> pattern[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "as_pattern"));
- expr_ty as_pattern_var;
+ pattern_ty as_pattern_var;
if (
(as_pattern_var = as_pattern_rule(p)) // as_pattern
@@ -5568,7 +5576,7 @@ pattern_rule(Parser *p)
return NULL;
D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> pattern[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "or_pattern"));
- expr_ty or_pattern_var;
+ pattern_ty or_pattern_var;
if (
(or_pattern_var = or_pattern_rule(p)) // or_pattern
@@ -5587,8 +5595,8 @@ pattern_rule(Parser *p)
return _res;
-// as_pattern: or_pattern 'as' capture_pattern
-static expr_ty
+// as_pattern: or_pattern 'as' pattern_capture_target
+static pattern_ty
as_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
@@ -5596,7 +5604,7 @@ as_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
return NULL;
- expr_ty _res = NULL;
+ pattern_ty _res = NULL;
int _mark = p->mark;
if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
p->error_indicator = 1;
@@ -5607,24 +5615,24 @@ as_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
UNUSED(_start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
int _start_col_offset = p->tokens[_mark]->col_offset;
UNUSED(_start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
- { // or_pattern 'as' capture_pattern
+ { // or_pattern 'as' pattern_capture_target
if (p->error_indicator) {
return NULL;
- D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> as_pattern[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "or_pattern 'as' capture_pattern"));
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> as_pattern[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "or_pattern 'as' pattern_capture_target"));
Token * _keyword;
- expr_ty pattern;
+ pattern_ty pattern;
expr_ty target;
if (
(pattern = or_pattern_rule(p)) // or_pattern
(_keyword = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 520)) // token='as'
- (target = capture_pattern_rule(p)) // capture_pattern
+ (target = pattern_capture_target_rule(p)) // pattern_capture_target
- D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c+ as_pattern[%d-%d]: %s succeeded!\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "or_pattern 'as' capture_pattern"));
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c+ as_pattern[%d-%d]: %s succeeded!\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "or_pattern 'as' pattern_capture_target"));
Token *_token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
if (_token == NULL) {
@@ -5644,7 +5652,7 @@ as_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
p->mark = _mark;
D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c%s as_pattern[%d-%d]: %s failed!\n", p->level, ' ',
- p->error_indicator ? "ERROR!" : "-", _mark, p->mark, "or_pattern 'as' capture_pattern"));
+ p->error_indicator ? "ERROR!" : "-", _mark, p->mark, "or_pattern 'as' pattern_capture_target"));
_res = NULL;
@@ -5653,7 +5661,7 @@ as_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
// or_pattern: '|'.closed_pattern+
-static expr_ty
+static pattern_ty
or_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
@@ -5661,7 +5669,7 @@ or_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
return NULL;
- expr_ty _res = NULL;
+ pattern_ty _res = NULL;
int _mark = p->mark;
if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
p->error_indicator = 1;
@@ -5678,9 +5686,9 @@ or_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
return NULL;
D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> or_pattern[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "'|'.closed_pattern+"));
- asdl_expr_seq* patterns;
+ asdl_pattern_seq* patterns;
if (
- (patterns = (asdl_expr_seq*)_gather_51_rule(p)) // '|'.closed_pattern+
+ (patterns = (asdl_pattern_seq*)_gather_51_rule(p)) // '|'.closed_pattern+
D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c+ or_pattern[%d-%d]: %s succeeded!\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "'|'.closed_pattern+"));
@@ -5720,7 +5728,7 @@ or_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
// | sequence_pattern
// | mapping_pattern
// | class_pattern
-static expr_ty
+static pattern_ty
closed_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
@@ -5728,7 +5736,7 @@ closed_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
return NULL;
- expr_ty _res = NULL;
+ pattern_ty _res = NULL;
int _mark = p->mark;
{ // literal_pattern
if (p->error_indicator) {
@@ -5736,7 +5744,7 @@ closed_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
return NULL;
D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> closed_pattern[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "literal_pattern"));
- expr_ty literal_pattern_var;
+ pattern_ty literal_pattern_var;
if (
(literal_pattern_var = literal_pattern_rule(p)) // literal_pattern
@@ -5755,7 +5763,7 @@ closed_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
return NULL;
D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> closed_pattern[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "capture_pattern"));
- expr_ty capture_pattern_var;
+ pattern_ty capture_pattern_var;
if (
(capture_pattern_var = capture_pattern_rule(p)) // capture_pattern
@@ -5774,7 +5782,7 @@ closed_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
return NULL;
D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> closed_pattern[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "wildcard_pattern"));
- expr_ty wildcard_pattern_var;
+ pattern_ty wildcard_pattern_var;
if (
(wildcard_pattern_var = wildcard_pattern_rule(p)) // wildcard_pattern
@@ -5793,7 +5801,7 @@ closed_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
return NULL;
D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> closed_pattern[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "value_pattern"));
- expr_ty value_pattern_var;
+ pattern_ty value_pattern_var;
if (
(value_pattern_var = value_pattern_rule(p)) // value_pattern
@@ -5812,7 +5820,7 @@ closed_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
return NULL;
D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> closed_pattern[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "group_pattern"));
- expr_ty group_pattern_var;
+ pattern_ty group_pattern_var;
if (
(group_pattern_var = group_pattern_rule(p)) // group_pattern
@@ -5831,7 +5839,7 @@ closed_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
return NULL;
D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> closed_pattern[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "sequence_pattern"));
- expr_ty sequence_pattern_var;
+ pattern_ty sequence_pattern_var;
if (
(sequence_pattern_var = sequence_pattern_rule(p)) // sequence_pattern
@@ -5850,7 +5858,7 @@ closed_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
return NULL;
D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> closed_pattern[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "mapping_pattern"));
- expr_ty mapping_pattern_var;
+ pattern_ty mapping_pattern_var;
if (
(mapping_pattern_var = mapping_pattern_rule(p)) // mapping_pattern
@@ -5869,7 +5877,7 @@ closed_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
return NULL;
D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> closed_pattern[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "class_pattern"));
- expr_ty class_pattern_var;
+ pattern_ty class_pattern_var;
if (
(class_pattern_var = class_pattern_rule(p)) // class_pattern
@@ -5890,13 +5898,12 @@ closed_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
// literal_pattern:
// | signed_number !('+' | '-')
-// | signed_number '+' NUMBER
-// | signed_number '-' NUMBER
+// | complex_number
// | strings
// | 'None'
// | 'True'
// | 'False'
-static expr_ty
+static pattern_ty
literal_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
@@ -5904,7 +5911,7 @@ literal_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
return NULL;
- expr_ty _res = NULL;
+ pattern_ty _res = NULL;
int _mark = p->mark;
if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
p->error_indicator = 1;
@@ -5921,39 +5928,47 @@ literal_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
return NULL;
D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> literal_pattern[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "signed_number !('+' | '-')"));
- expr_ty signed_number_var;
+ expr_ty value;
if (
- (signed_number_var = signed_number_rule(p)) // signed_number
+ (value = signed_number_rule(p)) // signed_number
_PyPegen_lookahead(0, _tmp_53_rule, p)
D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c+ literal_pattern[%d-%d]: %s succeeded!\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "signed_number !('+' | '-')"));
- _res = signed_number_var;
+ Token *_token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+ if (_token == NULL) {
+ D(p->level--);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ int _end_lineno = _token->end_lineno;
+ UNUSED(_end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+ int _end_col_offset = _token->end_col_offset;
+ UNUSED(_end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+ _res = _PyAST_MatchValue ( value , EXTRA );
+ if (_res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+ p->error_indicator = 1;
+ D(p->level--);
+ return NULL;
+ }
goto done;
p->mark = _mark;
D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c%s literal_pattern[%d-%d]: %s failed!\n", p->level, ' ',
p->error_indicator ? "ERROR!" : "-", _mark, p->mark, "signed_number !('+' | '-')"));
- { // signed_number '+' NUMBER
+ { // complex_number
if (p->error_indicator) {
return NULL;
- D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> literal_pattern[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "signed_number '+' NUMBER"));
- Token * _literal;
- expr_ty imag;
- expr_ty real;
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> literal_pattern[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "complex_number"));
+ expr_ty value;
if (
- (real = signed_number_rule(p)) // signed_number
- &&
- (_literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 14)) // token='+'
- &&
- (imag = _PyPegen_number_token(p)) // NUMBER
+ (value = complex_number_rule(p)) // complex_number
- D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c+ literal_pattern[%d-%d]: %s succeeded!\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "signed_number '+' NUMBER"));
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c+ literal_pattern[%d-%d]: %s succeeded!\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "complex_number"));
Token *_token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
if (_token == NULL) {
@@ -5963,7 +5978,7 @@ literal_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
UNUSED(_end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
int _end_col_offset = _token->end_col_offset;
UNUSED(_end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
- _res = _PyAST_BinOp ( real , Add , imag , EXTRA );
+ _res = _PyAST_MatchValue ( value , EXTRA );
if (_res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
p->error_indicator = 1;
@@ -5973,26 +5988,20 @@ literal_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
p->mark = _mark;
D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c%s literal_pattern[%d-%d]: %s failed!\n", p->level, ' ',
- p->error_indicator ? "ERROR!" : "-", _mark, p->mark, "signed_number '+' NUMBER"));
+ p->error_indicator ? "ERROR!" : "-", _mark, p->mark, "complex_number"));
- { // signed_number '-' NUMBER
+ { // strings
if (p->error_indicator) {
return NULL;
- D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> literal_pattern[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "signed_number '-' NUMBER"));
- Token * _literal;
- expr_ty imag;
- expr_ty real;
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> literal_pattern[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "strings"));
+ expr_ty value;
if (
- (real = signed_number_rule(p)) // signed_number
- &&
- (_literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 15)) // token='-'
- &&
- (imag = _PyPegen_number_token(p)) // NUMBER
+ (value = strings_rule(p)) // strings
- D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c+ literal_pattern[%d-%d]: %s succeeded!\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "signed_number '-' NUMBER"));
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c+ literal_pattern[%d-%d]: %s succeeded!\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "strings"));
Token *_token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
if (_token == NULL) {
@@ -6002,7 +6011,106 @@ literal_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
UNUSED(_end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
int _end_col_offset = _token->end_col_offset;
UNUSED(_end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
- _res = _PyAST_BinOp ( real , Sub , imag , EXTRA );
+ _res = _PyAST_MatchValue ( value , EXTRA );
+ if (_res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+ p->error_indicator = 1;
+ D(p->level--);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ goto done;
+ }
+ p->mark = _mark;
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c%s literal_pattern[%d-%d]: %s failed!\n", p->level, ' ',
+ p->error_indicator ? "ERROR!" : "-", _mark, p->mark, "strings"));
+ }
+ { // 'None'
+ if (p->error_indicator) {
+ D(p->level--);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> literal_pattern[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "'None'"));
+ Token * _keyword;
+ if (
+ (_keyword = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 523)) // token='None'
+ )
+ {
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c+ literal_pattern[%d-%d]: %s succeeded!\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "'None'"));
+ Token *_token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+ if (_token == NULL) {
+ D(p->level--);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ int _end_lineno = _token->end_lineno;
+ UNUSED(_end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+ int _end_col_offset = _token->end_col_offset;
+ UNUSED(_end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+ _res = _PyAST_MatchSingleton ( Py_None , EXTRA );
+ if (_res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+ p->error_indicator = 1;
+ D(p->level--);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ goto done;
+ }
+ p->mark = _mark;
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c%s literal_pattern[%d-%d]: %s failed!\n", p->level, ' ',
+ p->error_indicator ? "ERROR!" : "-", _mark, p->mark, "'None'"));
+ }
+ { // 'True'
+ if (p->error_indicator) {
+ D(p->level--);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> literal_pattern[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "'True'"));
+ Token * _keyword;
+ if (
+ (_keyword = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 524)) // token='True'
+ )
+ {
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c+ literal_pattern[%d-%d]: %s succeeded!\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "'True'"));
+ Token *_token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+ if (_token == NULL) {
+ D(p->level--);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ int _end_lineno = _token->end_lineno;
+ UNUSED(_end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+ int _end_col_offset = _token->end_col_offset;
+ UNUSED(_end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+ _res = _PyAST_MatchSingleton ( Py_True , EXTRA );
+ if (_res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+ p->error_indicator = 1;
+ D(p->level--);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ goto done;
+ }
+ p->mark = _mark;
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c%s literal_pattern[%d-%d]: %s failed!\n", p->level, ' ',
+ p->error_indicator ? "ERROR!" : "-", _mark, p->mark, "'True'"));
+ }
+ { // 'False'
+ if (p->error_indicator) {
+ D(p->level--);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> literal_pattern[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "'False'"));
+ Token * _keyword;
+ if (
+ (_keyword = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 525)) // token='False'
+ )
+ {
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c+ literal_pattern[%d-%d]: %s succeeded!\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "'False'"));
+ Token *_token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+ if (_token == NULL) {
+ D(p->level--);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ int _end_lineno = _token->end_lineno;
+ UNUSED(_end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+ int _end_col_offset = _token->end_col_offset;
+ UNUSED(_end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+ _res = _PyAST_MatchSingleton ( Py_False , EXTRA );
if (_res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
p->error_indicator = 1;
@@ -6012,25 +6120,97 @@ literal_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
p->mark = _mark;
D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c%s literal_pattern[%d-%d]: %s failed!\n", p->level, ' ',
- p->error_indicator ? "ERROR!" : "-", _mark, p->mark, "signed_number '-' NUMBER"));
+ p->error_indicator ? "ERROR!" : "-", _mark, p->mark, "'False'"));
+ }
+ _res = NULL;
+ done:
+ D(p->level--);
+ return _res;
+// literal_expr:
+// | signed_number !('+' | '-')
+// | complex_number
+// | strings
+// | 'None'
+// | 'True'
+// | 'False'
+static expr_ty
+literal_expr_rule(Parser *p)
+ D(p->level++);
+ if (p->error_indicator) {
+ D(p->level--);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ expr_ty _res = NULL;
+ int _mark = p->mark;
+ if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
+ p->error_indicator = 1;
+ D(p->level--);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ int _start_lineno = p->tokens[_mark]->lineno;
+ UNUSED(_start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+ int _start_col_offset = p->tokens[_mark]->col_offset;
+ UNUSED(_start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+ { // signed_number !('+' | '-')
+ if (p->error_indicator) {
+ D(p->level--);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> literal_expr[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "signed_number !('+' | '-')"));
+ expr_ty signed_number_var;
+ if (
+ (signed_number_var = signed_number_rule(p)) // signed_number
+ &&
+ _PyPegen_lookahead(0, _tmp_54_rule, p)
+ )
+ {
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c+ literal_expr[%d-%d]: %s succeeded!\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "signed_number !('+' | '-')"));
+ _res = signed_number_var;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ p->mark = _mark;
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c%s literal_expr[%d-%d]: %s failed!\n", p->level, ' ',
+ p->error_indicator ? "ERROR!" : "-", _mark, p->mark, "signed_number !('+' | '-')"));
+ }
+ { // complex_number
+ if (p->error_indicator) {
+ D(p->level--);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> literal_expr[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "complex_number"));
+ expr_ty complex_number_var;
+ if (
+ (complex_number_var = complex_number_rule(p)) // complex_number
+ )
+ {
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c+ literal_expr[%d-%d]: %s succeeded!\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "complex_number"));
+ _res = complex_number_var;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ p->mark = _mark;
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c%s literal_expr[%d-%d]: %s failed!\n", p->level, ' ',
+ p->error_indicator ? "ERROR!" : "-", _mark, p->mark, "complex_number"));
{ // strings
if (p->error_indicator) {
return NULL;
- D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> literal_pattern[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "strings"));
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> literal_expr[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "strings"));
expr_ty strings_var;
if (
(strings_var = strings_rule(p)) // strings
- D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c+ literal_pattern[%d-%d]: %s succeeded!\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "strings"));
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c+ literal_expr[%d-%d]: %s succeeded!\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "strings"));
_res = strings_var;
goto done;
p->mark = _mark;
- D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c%s literal_pattern[%d-%d]: %s failed!\n", p->level, ' ',
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c%s literal_expr[%d-%d]: %s failed!\n", p->level, ' ',
p->error_indicator ? "ERROR!" : "-", _mark, p->mark, "strings"));
{ // 'None'
@@ -6038,13 +6218,13 @@ literal_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
return NULL;
- D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> literal_pattern[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "'None'"));
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> literal_expr[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "'None'"));
Token * _keyword;
if (
(_keyword = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 523)) // token='None'
- D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c+ literal_pattern[%d-%d]: %s succeeded!\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "'None'"));
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c+ literal_expr[%d-%d]: %s succeeded!\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "'None'"));
Token *_token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
if (_token == NULL) {
@@ -6063,7 +6243,7 @@ literal_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
goto done;
p->mark = _mark;
- D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c%s literal_pattern[%d-%d]: %s failed!\n", p->level, ' ',
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c%s literal_expr[%d-%d]: %s failed!\n", p->level, ' ',
p->error_indicator ? "ERROR!" : "-", _mark, p->mark, "'None'"));
{ // 'True'
@@ -6071,13 +6251,13 @@ literal_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
return NULL;
- D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> literal_pattern[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "'True'"));
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> literal_expr[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "'True'"));
Token * _keyword;
if (
(_keyword = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 524)) // token='True'
- D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c+ literal_pattern[%d-%d]: %s succeeded!\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "'True'"));
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c+ literal_expr[%d-%d]: %s succeeded!\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "'True'"));
Token *_token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
if (_token == NULL) {
@@ -6096,7 +6276,7 @@ literal_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
goto done;
p->mark = _mark;
- D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c%s literal_pattern[%d-%d]: %s failed!\n", p->level, ' ',
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c%s literal_expr[%d-%d]: %s failed!\n", p->level, ' ',
p->error_indicator ? "ERROR!" : "-", _mark, p->mark, "'True'"));
{ // 'False'
@@ -6104,13 +6284,13 @@ literal_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
return NULL;
- D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> literal_pattern[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "'False'"));
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> literal_expr[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "'False'"));
Token * _keyword;
if (
(_keyword = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 525)) // token='False'
- D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c+ literal_pattern[%d-%d]: %s succeeded!\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "'False'"));
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c+ literal_expr[%d-%d]: %s succeeded!\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "'False'"));
Token *_token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
if (_token == NULL) {
@@ -6129,7 +6309,7 @@ literal_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
goto done;
p->mark = _mark;
- D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c%s literal_pattern[%d-%d]: %s failed!\n", p->level, ' ',
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c%s literal_expr[%d-%d]: %s failed!\n", p->level, ' ',
p->error_indicator ? "ERROR!" : "-", _mark, p->mark, "'False'"));
_res = NULL;
@@ -6138,6 +6318,110 @@ literal_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
return _res;
+// complex_number: signed_number '+' imaginary_number | signed_number '-' imaginary_number
+static expr_ty
+complex_number_rule(Parser *p)
+ D(p->level++);
+ if (p->error_indicator) {
+ D(p->level--);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ expr_ty _res = NULL;
+ int _mark = p->mark;
+ if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
+ p->error_indicator = 1;
+ D(p->level--);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ int _start_lineno = p->tokens[_mark]->lineno;
+ UNUSED(_start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+ int _start_col_offset = p->tokens[_mark]->col_offset;
+ UNUSED(_start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+ { // signed_number '+' imaginary_number
+ if (p->error_indicator) {
+ D(p->level--);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> complex_number[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "signed_number '+' imaginary_number"));
+ Token * _literal;
+ expr_ty imag;
+ expr_ty real;
+ if (
+ (real = signed_number_rule(p)) // signed_number
+ &&
+ (_literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 14)) // token='+'
+ &&
+ (imag = imaginary_number_rule(p)) // imaginary_number
+ )
+ {
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c+ complex_number[%d-%d]: %s succeeded!\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "signed_number '+' imaginary_number"));
+ Token *_token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+ if (_token == NULL) {
+ D(p->level--);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ int _end_lineno = _token->end_lineno;
+ UNUSED(_end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+ int _end_col_offset = _token->end_col_offset;
+ UNUSED(_end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+ _res = _PyAST_BinOp ( real , Add , imag , EXTRA );
+ if (_res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+ p->error_indicator = 1;
+ D(p->level--);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ goto done;
+ }
+ p->mark = _mark;
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c%s complex_number[%d-%d]: %s failed!\n", p->level, ' ',
+ p->error_indicator ? "ERROR!" : "-", _mark, p->mark, "signed_number '+' imaginary_number"));
+ }
+ { // signed_number '-' imaginary_number
+ if (p->error_indicator) {
+ D(p->level--);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> complex_number[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "signed_number '-' imaginary_number"));
+ Token * _literal;
+ expr_ty imag;
+ expr_ty real;
+ if (
+ (real = signed_number_rule(p)) // signed_number
+ &&
+ (_literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 15)) // token='-'
+ &&
+ (imag = imaginary_number_rule(p)) // imaginary_number
+ )
+ {
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c+ complex_number[%d-%d]: %s succeeded!\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "signed_number '-' imaginary_number"));
+ Token *_token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+ if (_token == NULL) {
+ D(p->level--);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ int _end_lineno = _token->end_lineno;
+ UNUSED(_end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+ int _end_col_offset = _token->end_col_offset;
+ UNUSED(_end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+ _res = _PyAST_BinOp ( real , Sub , imag , EXTRA );
+ if (_res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+ p->error_indicator = 1;
+ D(p->level--);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ goto done;
+ }
+ p->mark = _mark;
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c%s complex_number[%d-%d]: %s failed!\n", p->level, ' ',
+ p->error_indicator ? "ERROR!" : "-", _mark, p->mark, "signed_number '-' imaginary_number"));
+ }
+ _res = NULL;
+ done:
+ D(p->level--);
+ return _res;
// signed_number: NUMBER | '-' NUMBER
static expr_ty
signed_number_rule(Parser *p)
@@ -6219,8 +6503,49 @@ signed_number_rule(Parser *p)
return _res;
-// capture_pattern: !"_" NAME !('.' | '(' | '=')
+// imaginary_number: NUMBER
static expr_ty
+imaginary_number_rule(Parser *p)
+ D(p->level++);
+ if (p->error_indicator) {
+ D(p->level--);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ expr_ty _res = NULL;
+ int _mark = p->mark;
+ { // NUMBER
+ if (p->error_indicator) {
+ D(p->level--);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> imaginary_number[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "NUMBER"));
+ expr_ty imag;
+ if (
+ (imag = _PyPegen_number_token(p)) // NUMBER
+ )
+ {
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c+ imaginary_number[%d-%d]: %s succeeded!\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "NUMBER"));
+ _res = _PyPegen_ensure_imaginary ( p , imag );
+ if (_res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+ p->error_indicator = 1;
+ D(p->level--);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ goto done;
+ }
+ p->mark = _mark;
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c%s imaginary_number[%d-%d]: %s failed!\n", p->level, ' ',
+ p->error_indicator ? "ERROR!" : "-", _mark, p->mark, "NUMBER"));
+ }
+ _res = NULL;
+ done:
+ D(p->level--);
+ return _res;
+// capture_pattern: pattern_capture_target
+static pattern_ty
capture_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
@@ -6228,6 +6553,65 @@ capture_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
return NULL;
+ pattern_ty _res = NULL;
+ int _mark = p->mark;
+ if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
+ p->error_indicator = 1;
+ D(p->level--);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ int _start_lineno = p->tokens[_mark]->lineno;
+ UNUSED(_start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+ int _start_col_offset = p->tokens[_mark]->col_offset;
+ UNUSED(_start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+ { // pattern_capture_target
+ if (p->error_indicator) {
+ D(p->level--);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> capture_pattern[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "pattern_capture_target"));
+ expr_ty target;
+ if (
+ (target = pattern_capture_target_rule(p)) // pattern_capture_target
+ )
+ {
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c+ capture_pattern[%d-%d]: %s succeeded!\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "pattern_capture_target"));
+ Token *_token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+ if (_token == NULL) {
+ D(p->level--);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ int _end_lineno = _token->end_lineno;
+ UNUSED(_end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+ int _end_col_offset = _token->end_col_offset;
+ UNUSED(_end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+ _res = _PyAST_MatchAs ( NULL , target -> v . Name . id , EXTRA );
+ if (_res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+ p->error_indicator = 1;
+ D(p->level--);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ goto done;
+ }
+ p->mark = _mark;
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c%s capture_pattern[%d-%d]: %s failed!\n", p->level, ' ',
+ p->error_indicator ? "ERROR!" : "-", _mark, p->mark, "pattern_capture_target"));
+ }
+ _res = NULL;
+ done:
+ D(p->level--);
+ return _res;
+// pattern_capture_target: !"_" NAME !('.' | '(' | '=')
+static expr_ty
+pattern_capture_target_rule(Parser *p)
+ D(p->level++);
+ if (p->error_indicator) {
+ D(p->level--);
+ return NULL;
+ }
expr_ty _res = NULL;
int _mark = p->mark;
{ // !"_" NAME !('.' | '(' | '=')
@@ -6235,17 +6619,17 @@ capture_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
return NULL;
- D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> capture_pattern[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "!\"_\" NAME !('.' | '(' | '=')"));
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> pattern_capture_target[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "!\"_\" NAME !('.' | '(' | '=')"));
expr_ty name;
if (
_PyPegen_lookahead_with_string(0, _PyPegen_expect_soft_keyword, p, "_")
(name = _PyPegen_name_token(p)) // NAME
- _PyPegen_lookahead(0, _tmp_54_rule, p)
+ _PyPegen_lookahead(0, _tmp_55_rule, p)
- D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c+ capture_pattern[%d-%d]: %s succeeded!\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "!\"_\" NAME !('.' | '(' | '=')"));
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c+ pattern_capture_target[%d-%d]: %s succeeded!\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "!\"_\" NAME !('.' | '(' | '=')"));
_res = _PyPegen_set_expr_context ( p , name , Store );
if (_res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
p->error_indicator = 1;
@@ -6255,7 +6639,7 @@ capture_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
goto done;
p->mark = _mark;
- D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c%s capture_pattern[%d-%d]: %s failed!\n", p->level, ' ',
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c%s pattern_capture_target[%d-%d]: %s failed!\n", p->level, ' ',
p->error_indicator ? "ERROR!" : "-", _mark, p->mark, "!\"_\" NAME !('.' | '(' | '=')"));
_res = NULL;
@@ -6265,7 +6649,7 @@ capture_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
// wildcard_pattern: "_"
-static expr_ty
+static pattern_ty
wildcard_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
@@ -6273,7 +6657,7 @@ wildcard_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
return NULL;
- expr_ty _res = NULL;
+ pattern_ty _res = NULL;
int _mark = p->mark;
if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
p->error_indicator = 1;
@@ -6305,7 +6689,7 @@ wildcard_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
UNUSED(_end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
int _end_col_offset = _token->end_col_offset;
UNUSED(_end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
- _res = _PyAST_Name ( CHECK ( PyObject * , _PyPegen_new_identifier ( p , "_" ) ) , Store , EXTRA );
+ _res = _PyAST_MatchAs ( NULL , NULL , EXTRA );
if (_res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
p->error_indicator = 1;
@@ -6324,7 +6708,7 @@ wildcard_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
// value_pattern: attr !('.' | '(' | '=')
-static expr_ty
+static pattern_ty
value_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
@@ -6332,8 +6716,17 @@ value_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
return NULL;
- expr_ty _res = NULL;
+ pattern_ty _res = NULL;
int _mark = p->mark;
+ if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
+ p->error_indicator = 1;
+ D(p->level--);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ int _start_lineno = p->tokens[_mark]->lineno;
+ UNUSED(_start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+ int _start_col_offset = p->tokens[_mark]->col_offset;
+ UNUSED(_start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
{ // attr !('.' | '(' | '=')
if (p->error_indicator) {
@@ -6344,11 +6737,20 @@ value_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
if (
(attr = attr_rule(p)) // attr
- _PyPegen_lookahead(0, _tmp_55_rule, p)
+ _PyPegen_lookahead(0, _tmp_56_rule, p)
D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c+ value_pattern[%d-%d]: %s succeeded!\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "attr !('.' | '(' | '=')"));
- _res = attr;
+ Token *_token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+ if (_token == NULL) {
+ D(p->level--);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ int _end_lineno = _token->end_lineno;
+ UNUSED(_end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+ int _end_col_offset = _token->end_col_offset;
+ UNUSED(_end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+ _res = _PyAST_MatchValue ( attr , EXTRA );
if (_res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
p->error_indicator = 1;
@@ -6520,7 +6922,7 @@ name_or_attr_rule(Parser *p)
// group_pattern: '(' pattern ')'
-static expr_ty
+static pattern_ty
group_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
@@ -6528,7 +6930,7 @@ group_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
return NULL;
- expr_ty _res = NULL;
+ pattern_ty _res = NULL;
int _mark = p->mark;
{ // '(' pattern ')'
if (p->error_indicator) {
@@ -6538,7 +6940,7 @@ group_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> group_pattern[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "'(' pattern ')'"));
Token * _literal;
Token * _literal_1;
- expr_ty pattern;
+ pattern_ty pattern;
if (
(_literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 7)) // token='('
@@ -6567,7 +6969,7 @@ group_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
// sequence_pattern: '[' maybe_sequence_pattern? ']' | '(' open_sequence_pattern? ')'
-static expr_ty
+static pattern_ty
sequence_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
@@ -6575,7 +6977,7 @@ sequence_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
return NULL;
- expr_ty _res = NULL;
+ pattern_ty _res = NULL;
int _mark = p->mark;
if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
p->error_indicator = 1;
@@ -6594,11 +6996,11 @@ sequence_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> sequence_pattern[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "'[' maybe_sequence_pattern? ']'"));
Token * _literal;
Token * _literal_1;
- void *values;
+ void *patterns;
if (
(_literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 9)) // token='['
- (values = maybe_sequence_pattern_rule(p), 1) // maybe_sequence_pattern?
+ (patterns = maybe_sequence_pattern_rule(p), 1) // maybe_sequence_pattern?
(_literal_1 = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 10)) // token=']'
@@ -6613,7 +7015,7 @@ sequence_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
UNUSED(_end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
int _end_col_offset = _token->end_col_offset;
UNUSED(_end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
- _res = _PyAST_List ( values , Load , EXTRA );
+ _res = _PyAST_MatchSequence ( patterns , EXTRA );
if (_res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
p->error_indicator = 1;
@@ -6633,11 +7035,11 @@ sequence_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> sequence_pattern[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "'(' open_sequence_pattern? ')'"));
Token * _literal;
Token * _literal_1;
- void *values;
+ void *patterns;
if (
(_literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 7)) // token='('
- (values = open_sequence_pattern_rule(p), 1) // open_sequence_pattern?
+ (patterns = open_sequence_pattern_rule(p), 1) // open_sequence_pattern?
(_literal_1 = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 8)) // token=')'
@@ -6652,7 +7054,7 @@ sequence_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
UNUSED(_end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
int _end_col_offset = _token->end_col_offset;
UNUSED(_end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
- _res = _PyAST_Tuple ( values , Load , EXTRA );
+ _res = _PyAST_MatchSequence ( patterns , EXTRA );
if (_res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
p->error_indicator = 1;
@@ -6688,18 +7090,18 @@ open_sequence_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> open_sequence_pattern[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "maybe_star_pattern ',' maybe_sequence_pattern?"));
Token * _literal;
- expr_ty value;
- void *values;
+ pattern_ty pattern;
+ void *patterns;
if (
- (value = maybe_star_pattern_rule(p)) // maybe_star_pattern
+ (pattern = maybe_star_pattern_rule(p)) // maybe_star_pattern
(_literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12)) // token=','
- (values = maybe_sequence_pattern_rule(p), 1) // maybe_sequence_pattern?
+ (patterns = maybe_sequence_pattern_rule(p), 1) // maybe_sequence_pattern?
D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c+ open_sequence_pattern[%d-%d]: %s succeeded!\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "maybe_star_pattern ',' maybe_sequence_pattern?"));
- _res = _PyPegen_seq_insert_in_front ( p , value , values );
+ _res = _PyPegen_seq_insert_in_front ( p , pattern , patterns );
if (_res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
p->error_indicator = 1;
@@ -6736,15 +7138,15 @@ maybe_sequence_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> maybe_sequence_pattern[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "','.maybe_star_pattern+ ','?"));
void *_opt_var;
UNUSED(_opt_var); // Silence compiler warnings
- asdl_seq * values;
+ asdl_seq * patterns;
if (
- (values = _gather_56_rule(p)) // ','.maybe_star_pattern+
+ (patterns = _gather_57_rule(p)) // ','.maybe_star_pattern+
(_opt_var = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12), 1) // ','?
D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c+ maybe_sequence_pattern[%d-%d]: %s succeeded!\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "','.maybe_star_pattern+ ','?"));
- _res = values;
+ _res = patterns;
if (_res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
p->error_indicator = 1;
@@ -6763,7 +7165,7 @@ maybe_sequence_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
// maybe_star_pattern: star_pattern | pattern
-static expr_ty
+static pattern_ty
maybe_star_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
@@ -6771,7 +7173,7 @@ maybe_star_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
return NULL;
- expr_ty _res = NULL;
+ pattern_ty _res = NULL;
int _mark = p->mark;
{ // star_pattern
if (p->error_indicator) {
@@ -6779,7 +7181,7 @@ maybe_star_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
return NULL;
D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> maybe_star_pattern[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "star_pattern"));
- expr_ty star_pattern_var;
+ pattern_ty star_pattern_var;
if (
(star_pattern_var = star_pattern_rule(p)) // star_pattern
@@ -6798,7 +7200,7 @@ maybe_star_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
return NULL;
D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> maybe_star_pattern[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "pattern"));
- expr_ty pattern_var;
+ pattern_ty pattern_var;
if (
(pattern_var = pattern_rule(p)) // pattern
@@ -6817,8 +7219,8 @@ maybe_star_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
return _res;
-// star_pattern: '*' (capture_pattern | wildcard_pattern)
-static expr_ty
+// star_pattern: '*' pattern_capture_target | '*' wildcard_pattern
+static pattern_ty
star_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
@@ -6826,7 +7228,7 @@ star_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
return NULL;
- expr_ty _res = NULL;
+ pattern_ty _res = NULL;
int _mark = p->mark;
if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
p->error_indicator = 1;
@@ -6837,21 +7239,57 @@ star_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
UNUSED(_start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
int _start_col_offset = p->tokens[_mark]->col_offset;
UNUSED(_start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
- { // '*' (capture_pattern | wildcard_pattern)
+ { // '*' pattern_capture_target
if (p->error_indicator) {
return NULL;
- D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> star_pattern[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "'*' (capture_pattern | wildcard_pattern)"));
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> star_pattern[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "'*' pattern_capture_target"));
Token * _literal;
- void *value;
+ expr_ty target;
+ if (
+ (_literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 16)) // token='*'
+ &&
+ (target = pattern_capture_target_rule(p)) // pattern_capture_target
+ )
+ {
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c+ star_pattern[%d-%d]: %s succeeded!\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "'*' pattern_capture_target"));
+ Token *_token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+ if (_token == NULL) {
+ D(p->level--);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ int _end_lineno = _token->end_lineno;
+ UNUSED(_end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+ int _end_col_offset = _token->end_col_offset;
+ UNUSED(_end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+ _res = _PyAST_MatchStar ( target -> v . Name . id , EXTRA );
+ if (_res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+ p->error_indicator = 1;
+ D(p->level--);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ goto done;
+ }
+ p->mark = _mark;
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c%s star_pattern[%d-%d]: %s failed!\n", p->level, ' ',
+ p->error_indicator ? "ERROR!" : "-", _mark, p->mark, "'*' pattern_capture_target"));
+ }
+ { // '*' wildcard_pattern
+ if (p->error_indicator) {
+ D(p->level--);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> star_pattern[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "'*' wildcard_pattern"));
+ Token * _literal;
+ pattern_ty wildcard_pattern_var;
if (
(_literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 16)) // token='*'
- (value = _tmp_58_rule(p)) // capture_pattern | wildcard_pattern
+ (wildcard_pattern_var = wildcard_pattern_rule(p)) // wildcard_pattern
- D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c+ star_pattern[%d-%d]: %s succeeded!\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "'*' (capture_pattern | wildcard_pattern)"));
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c+ star_pattern[%d-%d]: %s succeeded!\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "'*' wildcard_pattern"));
Token *_token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
if (_token == NULL) {
@@ -6861,7 +7299,7 @@ star_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
UNUSED(_end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
int _end_col_offset = _token->end_col_offset;
UNUSED(_end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
- _res = _PyAST_Starred ( value , Store , EXTRA );
+ _res = _PyAST_MatchStar ( NULL , EXTRA );
if (_res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
p->error_indicator = 1;
@@ -6871,7 +7309,7 @@ star_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
p->mark = _mark;
D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c%s star_pattern[%d-%d]: %s failed!\n", p->level, ' ',
- p->error_indicator ? "ERROR!" : "-", _mark, p->mark, "'*' (capture_pattern | wildcard_pattern)"));
+ p->error_indicator ? "ERROR!" : "-", _mark, p->mark, "'*' wildcard_pattern"));
_res = NULL;
@@ -6879,8 +7317,12 @@ star_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
return _res;
-// mapping_pattern: '{' items_pattern? '}'
-static expr_ty
+// mapping_pattern:
+// | '{' '}'
+// | '{' double_star_pattern ','? '}'
+// | '{' items_pattern ',' double_star_pattern ','? '}'
+// | '{' items_pattern ','? '}'
+static pattern_ty
mapping_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
@@ -6888,7 +7330,7 @@ mapping_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
return NULL;
- expr_ty _res = NULL;
+ pattern_ty _res = NULL;
int _mark = p->mark;
if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
p->error_indicator = 1;
@@ -6899,24 +7341,156 @@ mapping_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
UNUSED(_start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
int _start_col_offset = p->tokens[_mark]->col_offset;
UNUSED(_start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
- { // '{' items_pattern? '}'
+ { // '{' '}'
+ if (p->error_indicator) {
+ D(p->level--);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> mapping_pattern[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "'{' '}'"));
+ Token * _literal;
+ Token * _literal_1;
+ if (
+ (_literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 25)) // token='{'
+ &&
+ (_literal_1 = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 26)) // token='}'
+ )
+ {
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c+ mapping_pattern[%d-%d]: %s succeeded!\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "'{' '}'"));
+ Token *_token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+ if (_token == NULL) {
+ D(p->level--);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ int _end_lineno = _token->end_lineno;
+ UNUSED(_end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+ int _end_col_offset = _token->end_col_offset;
+ UNUSED(_end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+ _res = _PyAST_MatchMapping ( NULL , NULL , NULL , EXTRA );
+ if (_res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+ p->error_indicator = 1;
+ D(p->level--);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ goto done;
+ }
+ p->mark = _mark;
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c%s mapping_pattern[%d-%d]: %s failed!\n", p->level, ' ',
+ p->error_indicator ? "ERROR!" : "-", _mark, p->mark, "'{' '}'"));
+ }
+ { // '{' double_star_pattern ','? '}'
+ if (p->error_indicator) {
+ D(p->level--);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> mapping_pattern[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "'{' double_star_pattern ','? '}'"));
+ Token * _literal;
+ Token * _literal_1;
+ void *_opt_var;
+ UNUSED(_opt_var); // Silence compiler warnings
+ expr_ty rest;
+ if (
+ (_literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 25)) // token='{'
+ &&
+ (rest = double_star_pattern_rule(p)) // double_star_pattern
+ &&
+ (_opt_var = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12), 1) // ','?
+ &&
+ (_literal_1 = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 26)) // token='}'
+ )
+ {
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c+ mapping_pattern[%d-%d]: %s succeeded!\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "'{' double_star_pattern ','? '}'"));
+ Token *_token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+ if (_token == NULL) {
+ D(p->level--);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ int _end_lineno = _token->end_lineno;
+ UNUSED(_end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+ int _end_col_offset = _token->end_col_offset;
+ UNUSED(_end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+ _res = _PyAST_MatchMapping ( NULL , NULL , rest -> v . Name . id , EXTRA );
+ if (_res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+ p->error_indicator = 1;
+ D(p->level--);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ goto done;
+ }
+ p->mark = _mark;
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c%s mapping_pattern[%d-%d]: %s failed!\n", p->level, ' ',
+ p->error_indicator ? "ERROR!" : "-", _mark, p->mark, "'{' double_star_pattern ','? '}'"));
+ }
+ { // '{' items_pattern ',' double_star_pattern ','? '}'
+ if (p->error_indicator) {
+ D(p->level--);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> mapping_pattern[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "'{' items_pattern ',' double_star_pattern ','? '}'"));
+ Token * _literal;
+ Token * _literal_1;
+ Token * _literal_2;
+ void *_opt_var;
+ UNUSED(_opt_var); // Silence compiler warnings
+ asdl_seq* items;
+ expr_ty rest;
+ if (
+ (_literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 25)) // token='{'
+ &&
+ (items = items_pattern_rule(p)) // items_pattern
+ &&
+ (_literal_1 = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12)) // token=','
+ &&
+ (rest = double_star_pattern_rule(p)) // double_star_pattern
+ &&
+ (_opt_var = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12), 1) // ','?
+ &&
+ (_literal_2 = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 26)) // token='}'
+ )
+ {
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c+ mapping_pattern[%d-%d]: %s succeeded!\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "'{' items_pattern ',' double_star_pattern ','? '}'"));
+ Token *_token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
+ if (_token == NULL) {
+ D(p->level--);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ int _end_lineno = _token->end_lineno;
+ UNUSED(_end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+ int _end_col_offset = _token->end_col_offset;
+ UNUSED(_end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
+ _res = _PyAST_MatchMapping ( CHECK ( asdl_expr_seq * , _PyPegen_get_pattern_keys ( p , items ) ) , CHECK ( asdl_pattern_seq * , _PyPegen_get_patterns ( p , items ) ) , rest -> v . Name . id , EXTRA );
+ if (_res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+ p->error_indicator = 1;
+ D(p->level--);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ goto done;
+ }
+ p->mark = _mark;
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c%s mapping_pattern[%d-%d]: %s failed!\n", p->level, ' ',
+ p->error_indicator ? "ERROR!" : "-", _mark, p->mark, "'{' items_pattern ',' double_star_pattern ','? '}'"));
+ }
+ { // '{' items_pattern ','? '}'
if (p->error_indicator) {
return NULL;
- D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> mapping_pattern[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "'{' items_pattern? '}'"));
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> mapping_pattern[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "'{' items_pattern ','? '}'"));
Token * _literal;
Token * _literal_1;
- void *items;
+ void *_opt_var;
+ UNUSED(_opt_var); // Silence compiler warnings
+ asdl_seq* items;
if (
(_literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 25)) // token='{'
- (items = items_pattern_rule(p), 1) // items_pattern?
+ (items = items_pattern_rule(p)) // items_pattern
+ &&
+ (_opt_var = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12), 1) // ','?
(_literal_1 = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 26)) // token='}'
- D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c+ mapping_pattern[%d-%d]: %s succeeded!\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "'{' items_pattern? '}'"));
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c+ mapping_pattern[%d-%d]: %s succeeded!\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "'{' items_pattern ','? '}'"));
Token *_token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
if (_token == NULL) {
@@ -6926,7 +7500,7 @@ mapping_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
UNUSED(_end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
int _end_col_offset = _token->end_col_offset;
UNUSED(_end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
- _res = _PyAST_Dict ( CHECK ( asdl_expr_seq * , _PyPegen_get_keys ( p , items ) ) , CHECK ( asdl_expr_seq * , _PyPegen_get_values ( p , items ) ) , EXTRA );
+ _res = _PyAST_MatchMapping ( CHECK ( asdl_expr_seq * , _PyPegen_get_pattern_keys ( p , items ) ) , CHECK ( asdl_pattern_seq * , _PyPegen_get_patterns ( p , items ) ) , NULL , EXTRA );
if (_res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
p->error_indicator = 1;
@@ -6936,7 +7510,7 @@ mapping_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
p->mark = _mark;
D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c%s mapping_pattern[%d-%d]: %s failed!\n", p->level, ' ',
- p->error_indicator ? "ERROR!" : "-", _mark, p->mark, "'{' items_pattern? '}'"));
+ p->error_indicator ? "ERROR!" : "-", _mark, p->mark, "'{' items_pattern ','? '}'"));
_res = NULL;
@@ -6944,7 +7518,7 @@ mapping_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
return _res;
-// items_pattern: ','.key_value_pattern+ ','?
+// items_pattern: ','.key_value_pattern+
static asdl_seq*
items_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
@@ -6955,22 +7529,18 @@ items_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
asdl_seq* _res = NULL;
int _mark = p->mark;
- { // ','.key_value_pattern+ ','?
+ { // ','.key_value_pattern+
if (p->error_indicator) {
return NULL;
- D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> items_pattern[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "','.key_value_pattern+ ','?"));
- void *_opt_var;
- UNUSED(_opt_var); // Silence compiler warnings
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> items_pattern[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "','.key_value_pattern+"));
asdl_seq * items;
if (
(items = _gather_59_rule(p)) // ','.key_value_pattern+
- &&
- (_opt_var = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12), 1) // ','?
- D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c+ items_pattern[%d-%d]: %s succeeded!\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "','.key_value_pattern+ ','?"));
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c+ items_pattern[%d-%d]: %s succeeded!\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "','.key_value_pattern+"));
_res = items;
if (_res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
p->error_indicator = 1;
@@ -6981,7 +7551,7 @@ items_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
p->mark = _mark;
D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c%s items_pattern[%d-%d]: %s failed!\n", p->level, ' ',
- p->error_indicator ? "ERROR!" : "-", _mark, p->mark, "','.key_value_pattern+ ','?"));
+ p->error_indicator ? "ERROR!" : "-", _mark, p->mark, "','.key_value_pattern+"));
_res = NULL;
@@ -6989,8 +7559,8 @@ items_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
return _res;
-// key_value_pattern: (literal_pattern | value_pattern) ':' pattern | double_star_pattern
-static KeyValuePair*
+// key_value_pattern: (literal_expr | attr) ':' pattern
+static KeyPatternPair*
key_value_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
@@ -6998,27 +7568,27 @@ key_value_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
return NULL;
- KeyValuePair* _res = NULL;
+ KeyPatternPair* _res = NULL;
int _mark = p->mark;
- { // (literal_pattern | value_pattern) ':' pattern
+ { // (literal_expr | attr) ':' pattern
if (p->error_indicator) {
return NULL;
- D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> key_value_pattern[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "(literal_pattern | value_pattern) ':' pattern"));
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> key_value_pattern[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "(literal_expr | attr) ':' pattern"));
Token * _literal;
void *key;
- expr_ty value;
+ pattern_ty pattern;
if (
- (key = _tmp_61_rule(p)) // literal_pattern | value_pattern
+ (key = _tmp_61_rule(p)) // literal_expr | attr
(_literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 11)) // token=':'
- (value = pattern_rule(p)) // pattern
+ (pattern = pattern_rule(p)) // pattern
- D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c+ key_value_pattern[%d-%d]: %s succeeded!\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "(literal_pattern | value_pattern) ':' pattern"));
- _res = _PyPegen_key_value_pair ( p , key , value );
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c+ key_value_pattern[%d-%d]: %s succeeded!\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "(literal_expr | attr) ':' pattern"));
+ _res = _PyPegen_key_pattern_pair ( p , key , pattern );
if (_res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
p->error_indicator = 1;
@@ -7028,26 +7598,7 @@ key_value_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
p->mark = _mark;
D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c%s key_value_pattern[%d-%d]: %s failed!\n", p->level, ' ',
- p->error_indicator ? "ERROR!" : "-", _mark, p->mark, "(literal_pattern | value_pattern) ':' pattern"));
- }
- { // double_star_pattern
- if (p->error_indicator) {
- D(p->level--);
- return NULL;
- }
- D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> key_value_pattern[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "double_star_pattern"));
- KeyValuePair* double_star_pattern_var;
- if (
- (double_star_pattern_var = double_star_pattern_rule(p)) // double_star_pattern
- )
- {
- D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c+ key_value_pattern[%d-%d]: %s succeeded!\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "double_star_pattern"));
- _res = double_star_pattern_var;
- goto done;
- }
- p->mark = _mark;
- D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c%s key_value_pattern[%d-%d]: %s failed!\n", p->level, ' ',
- p->error_indicator ? "ERROR!" : "-", _mark, p->mark, "double_star_pattern"));
+ p->error_indicator ? "ERROR!" : "-", _mark, p->mark, "(literal_expr | attr) ':' pattern"));
_res = NULL;
@@ -7055,8 +7606,8 @@ key_value_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
return _res;
-// double_star_pattern: '**' capture_pattern
-static KeyValuePair*
+// double_star_pattern: '**' pattern_capture_target
+static expr_ty
double_star_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
@@ -7064,24 +7615,24 @@ double_star_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
return NULL;
- KeyValuePair* _res = NULL;
+ expr_ty _res = NULL;
int _mark = p->mark;
- { // '**' capture_pattern
+ { // '**' pattern_capture_target
if (p->error_indicator) {
return NULL;
- D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> double_star_pattern[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "'**' capture_pattern"));
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> double_star_pattern[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "'**' pattern_capture_target"));
Token * _literal;
- expr_ty value;
+ expr_ty target;
if (
(_literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 35)) // token='**'
- (value = capture_pattern_rule(p)) // capture_pattern
+ (target = pattern_capture_target_rule(p)) // pattern_capture_target
- D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c+ double_star_pattern[%d-%d]: %s succeeded!\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "'**' capture_pattern"));
- _res = _PyPegen_key_value_pair ( p , NULL , value );
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c+ double_star_pattern[%d-%d]: %s succeeded!\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "'**' pattern_capture_target"));
+ _res = target;
if (_res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
p->error_indicator = 1;
@@ -7091,7 +7642,7 @@ double_star_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
p->mark = _mark;
D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c%s double_star_pattern[%d-%d]: %s failed!\n", p->level, ' ',
- p->error_indicator ? "ERROR!" : "-", _mark, p->mark, "'**' capture_pattern"));
+ p->error_indicator ? "ERROR!" : "-", _mark, p->mark, "'**' pattern_capture_target"));
_res = NULL;
@@ -7104,7 +7655,7 @@ double_star_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
// | name_or_attr '(' positional_patterns ','? ')'
// | name_or_attr '(' keyword_patterns ','? ')'
// | name_or_attr '(' positional_patterns ',' keyword_patterns ','? ')'
-static expr_ty
+static pattern_ty
class_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
@@ -7112,7 +7663,7 @@ class_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
return NULL;
- expr_ty _res = NULL;
+ pattern_ty _res = NULL;
int _mark = p->mark;
if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
p->error_indicator = 1;
@@ -7131,9 +7682,9 @@ class_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> class_pattern[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "name_or_attr '(' ')'"));
Token * _literal;
Token * _literal_1;
- expr_ty func;
+ expr_ty cls;
if (
- (func = name_or_attr_rule(p)) // name_or_attr
+ (cls = name_or_attr_rule(p)) // name_or_attr
(_literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 7)) // token='('
@@ -7150,7 +7701,7 @@ class_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
UNUSED(_end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
int _end_col_offset = _token->end_col_offset;
UNUSED(_end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
- _res = _PyAST_Call ( func , NULL , NULL , EXTRA );
+ _res = _PyAST_MatchClass ( cls , NULL , NULL , NULL , EXTRA );
if (_res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
p->error_indicator = 1;
@@ -7172,14 +7723,14 @@ class_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
Token * _literal_1;
void *_opt_var;
UNUSED(_opt_var); // Silence compiler warnings
- asdl_expr_seq* args;
- expr_ty func;
+ expr_ty cls;
+ asdl_pattern_seq* patterns;
if (
- (func = name_or_attr_rule(p)) // name_or_attr
+ (cls = name_or_attr_rule(p)) // name_or_attr
(_literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 7)) // token='('
- (args = positional_patterns_rule(p)) // positional_patterns
+ (patterns = positional_patterns_rule(p)) // positional_patterns
(_opt_var = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12), 1) // ','?
@@ -7196,7 +7747,7 @@ class_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
UNUSED(_end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
int _end_col_offset = _token->end_col_offset;
UNUSED(_end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
- _res = _PyAST_Call ( func , args , NULL , EXTRA );
+ _res = _PyAST_MatchClass ( cls , patterns , NULL , NULL , EXTRA );
if (_res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
p->error_indicator = 1;
@@ -7218,10 +7769,10 @@ class_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
Token * _literal_1;
void *_opt_var;
UNUSED(_opt_var); // Silence compiler warnings
- expr_ty func;
- asdl_keyword_seq* keywords;
+ expr_ty cls;
+ asdl_seq* keywords;
if (
- (func = name_or_attr_rule(p)) // name_or_attr
+ (cls = name_or_attr_rule(p)) // name_or_attr
(_literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 7)) // token='('
@@ -7242,7 +7793,7 @@ class_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
UNUSED(_end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
int _end_col_offset = _token->end_col_offset;
UNUSED(_end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
- _res = _PyAST_Call ( func , NULL , keywords , EXTRA );
+ _res = _PyAST_MatchClass ( cls , NULL , CHECK ( asdl_identifier_seq * , _PyPegen_map_names_to_ids ( p , CHECK ( asdl_expr_seq * , _PyPegen_get_pattern_keys ( p , keywords ) ) ) ) , CHECK ( asdl_pattern_seq * , _PyPegen_get_patterns ( p , keywords ) ) , EXTRA );
if (_res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
p->error_indicator = 1;
@@ -7265,15 +7816,15 @@ class_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
Token * _literal_2;
void *_opt_var;
UNUSED(_opt_var); // Silence compiler warnings
- asdl_expr_seq* args;
- expr_ty func;
- asdl_keyword_seq* keywords;
+ expr_ty cls;
+ asdl_seq* keywords;
+ asdl_pattern_seq* patterns;
if (
- (func = name_or_attr_rule(p)) // name_or_attr
+ (cls = name_or_attr_rule(p)) // name_or_attr
(_literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 7)) // token='('
- (args = positional_patterns_rule(p)) // positional_patterns
+ (patterns = positional_patterns_rule(p)) // positional_patterns
(_literal_1 = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12)) // token=','
@@ -7294,7 +7845,7 @@ class_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
UNUSED(_end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
int _end_col_offset = _token->end_col_offset;
UNUSED(_end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
- _res = _PyAST_Call ( func , args , keywords , EXTRA );
+ _res = _PyAST_MatchClass ( cls , patterns , CHECK ( asdl_identifier_seq * , _PyPegen_map_names_to_ids ( p , CHECK ( asdl_expr_seq * , _PyPegen_get_pattern_keys ( p , keywords ) ) ) ) , CHECK ( asdl_pattern_seq * , _PyPegen_get_patterns ( p , keywords ) ) , EXTRA );
if (_res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
p->error_indicator = 1;
@@ -7313,7 +7864,7 @@ class_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
// positional_patterns: ','.pattern+
-static asdl_expr_seq*
+static asdl_pattern_seq*
positional_patterns_rule(Parser *p)
@@ -7321,7 +7872,7 @@ positional_patterns_rule(Parser *p)
return NULL;
- asdl_expr_seq* _res = NULL;
+ asdl_pattern_seq* _res = NULL;
int _mark = p->mark;
{ // ','.pattern+
if (p->error_indicator) {
@@ -7329,9 +7880,9 @@ positional_patterns_rule(Parser *p)
return NULL;
D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> positional_patterns[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "','.pattern+"));
- asdl_expr_seq* args;
+ asdl_pattern_seq* args;
if (
- (args = (asdl_expr_seq*)_gather_62_rule(p)) // ','.pattern+
+ (args = (asdl_pattern_seq*)_gather_62_rule(p)) // ','.pattern+
D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c+ positional_patterns[%d-%d]: %s succeeded!\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "','.pattern+"));
@@ -7354,7 +7905,7 @@ positional_patterns_rule(Parser *p)
// keyword_patterns: ','.keyword_pattern+
-static asdl_keyword_seq*
+static asdl_seq*
keyword_patterns_rule(Parser *p)
@@ -7362,7 +7913,7 @@ keyword_patterns_rule(Parser *p)
return NULL;
- asdl_keyword_seq* _res = NULL;
+ asdl_seq* _res = NULL;
int _mark = p->mark;
{ // ','.keyword_pattern+
if (p->error_indicator) {
@@ -7370,9 +7921,9 @@ keyword_patterns_rule(Parser *p)
return NULL;
D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> keyword_patterns[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "','.keyword_pattern+"));
- asdl_keyword_seq* keywords;
+ asdl_seq* keywords;
if (
- (keywords = (asdl_keyword_seq*)_gather_64_rule(p)) // ','.keyword_pattern+
+ (keywords = (asdl_seq*)_gather_64_rule(p)) // ','.keyword_pattern+
D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c+ keyword_patterns[%d-%d]: %s succeeded!\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "','.keyword_pattern+"));
@@ -7395,7 +7946,7 @@ keyword_patterns_rule(Parser *p)
// keyword_pattern: NAME '=' pattern
-static keyword_ty
+static KeyPatternPair*
keyword_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
@@ -7403,17 +7954,8 @@ keyword_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
return NULL;
- keyword_ty _res = NULL;
+ KeyPatternPair* _res = NULL;
int _mark = p->mark;
- if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {
- p->error_indicator = 1;
- D(p->level--);
- return NULL;
- }
- int _start_lineno = p->tokens[_mark]->lineno;
- UNUSED(_start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
- int _start_col_offset = p->tokens[_mark]->col_offset;
- UNUSED(_start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
{ // NAME '=' pattern
if (p->error_indicator) {
@@ -7422,7 +7964,7 @@ keyword_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> keyword_pattern[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "NAME '=' pattern"));
Token * _literal;
expr_ty arg;
- expr_ty value;
+ pattern_ty value;
if (
(arg = _PyPegen_name_token(p)) // NAME
@@ -7432,16 +7974,7 @@ keyword_pattern_rule(Parser *p)
D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c+ keyword_pattern[%d-%d]: %s succeeded!\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "NAME '=' pattern"));
- Token *_token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);
- if (_token == NULL) {
- D(p->level--);
- return NULL;
- }
- int _end_lineno = _token->end_lineno;
- UNUSED(_end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro
- int _end_col_offset = _token->end_col_offset;
- UNUSED(_end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro
- _res = _PyAST_keyword ( arg -> v . Name . id , value , EXTRA );
+ _res = _PyPegen_key_pattern_pair ( p , arg , value );
if (_res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
p->error_indicator = 1;
@@ -19650,7 +20183,7 @@ invalid_case_block_rule(Parser *p)
expr_ty _keyword;
void *_opt_var;
UNUSED(_opt_var); // Silence compiler warnings
- expr_ty patterns_var;
+ pattern_ty patterns_var;
if (
(_keyword = _PyPegen_expect_soft_keyword(p, "case")) // soft_keyword='"case"'
@@ -19685,7 +20218,7 @@ invalid_case_block_rule(Parser *p)
UNUSED(_opt_var); // Silence compiler warnings
expr_ty a;
Token * newline_var;
- expr_ty patterns_var;
+ pattern_ty patterns_var;
if (
(a = _PyPegen_expect_soft_keyword(p, "case")) // soft_keyword='"case"'
@@ -23345,7 +23878,7 @@ _loop0_52_rule(Parser *p)
D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> _loop0_52[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "'|' closed_pattern"));
Token * _literal;
- expr_ty elem;
+ pattern_ty elem;
while (
(_literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 18)) // token='|'
@@ -23409,7 +23942,7 @@ _gather_51_rule(Parser *p)
return NULL;
D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> _gather_51[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "closed_pattern _loop0_52"));
- expr_ty elem;
+ pattern_ty elem;
asdl_seq * seq;
if (
(elem = closed_pattern_rule(p)) // closed_pattern
@@ -23486,7 +24019,7 @@ _tmp_53_rule(Parser *p)
return _res;
-// _tmp_54: '.' | '(' | '='
+// _tmp_54: '+' | '-'
static void *
_tmp_54_rule(Parser *p)
@@ -23497,23 +24030,78 @@ _tmp_54_rule(Parser *p)
void * _res = NULL;
int _mark = p->mark;
+ { // '+'
+ if (p->error_indicator) {
+ D(p->level--);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> _tmp_54[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "'+'"));
+ Token * _literal;
+ if (
+ (_literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 14)) // token='+'
+ )
+ {
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c+ _tmp_54[%d-%d]: %s succeeded!\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "'+'"));
+ _res = _literal;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ p->mark = _mark;
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c%s _tmp_54[%d-%d]: %s failed!\n", p->level, ' ',
+ p->error_indicator ? "ERROR!" : "-", _mark, p->mark, "'+'"));
+ }
+ { // '-'
+ if (p->error_indicator) {
+ D(p->level--);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> _tmp_54[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "'-'"));
+ Token * _literal;
+ if (
+ (_literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 15)) // token='-'
+ )
+ {
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c+ _tmp_54[%d-%d]: %s succeeded!\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "'-'"));
+ _res = _literal;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ p->mark = _mark;
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c%s _tmp_54[%d-%d]: %s failed!\n", p->level, ' ',
+ p->error_indicator ? "ERROR!" : "-", _mark, p->mark, "'-'"));
+ }
+ _res = NULL;
+ done:
+ D(p->level--);
+ return _res;
+// _tmp_55: '.' | '(' | '='
+static void *
+_tmp_55_rule(Parser *p)
+ D(p->level++);
+ if (p->error_indicator) {
+ D(p->level--);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ void * _res = NULL;
+ int _mark = p->mark;
{ // '.'
if (p->error_indicator) {
return NULL;
- D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> _tmp_54[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "'.'"));
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> _tmp_55[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "'.'"));
Token * _literal;
if (
(_literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 23)) // token='.'
- D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c+ _tmp_54[%d-%d]: %s succeeded!\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "'.'"));
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c+ _tmp_55[%d-%d]: %s succeeded!\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "'.'"));
_res = _literal;
goto done;
p->mark = _mark;
- D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c%s _tmp_54[%d-%d]: %s failed!\n", p->level, ' ',
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c%s _tmp_55[%d-%d]: %s failed!\n", p->level, ' ',
p->error_indicator ? "ERROR!" : "-", _mark, p->mark, "'.'"));
{ // '('
@@ -23521,18 +24109,18 @@ _tmp_54_rule(Parser *p)
return NULL;
- D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> _tmp_54[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "'('"));
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> _tmp_55[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "'('"));
Token * _literal;
if (
(_literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 7)) // token='('
- D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c+ _tmp_54[%d-%d]: %s succeeded!\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "'('"));
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c+ _tmp_55[%d-%d]: %s succeeded!\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "'('"));
_res = _literal;
goto done;
p->mark = _mark;
- D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c%s _tmp_54[%d-%d]: %s failed!\n", p->level, ' ',
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c%s _tmp_55[%d-%d]: %s failed!\n", p->level, ' ',
p->error_indicator ? "ERROR!" : "-", _mark, p->mark, "'('"));
{ // '='
@@ -23540,18 +24128,18 @@ _tmp_54_rule(Parser *p)
return NULL;
- D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> _tmp_54[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "'='"));
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> _tmp_55[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "'='"));
Token * _literal;
if (
(_literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 22)) // token='='
- D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c+ _tmp_54[%d-%d]: %s succeeded!\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "'='"));
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c+ _tmp_55[%d-%d]: %s succeeded!\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "'='"));
_res = _literal;
goto done;
p->mark = _mark;
- D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c%s _tmp_54[%d-%d]: %s failed!\n", p->level, ' ',
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c%s _tmp_55[%d-%d]: %s failed!\n", p->level, ' ',
p->error_indicator ? "ERROR!" : "-", _mark, p->mark, "'='"));
_res = NULL;
@@ -23560,9 +24148,9 @@ _tmp_54_rule(Parser *p)
return _res;
-// _tmp_55: '.' | '(' | '='
+// _tmp_56: '.' | '(' | '='
static void *
-_tmp_55_rule(Parser *p)
+_tmp_56_rule(Parser *p)
if (p->error_indicator) {
@@ -23576,18 +24164,18 @@ _tmp_55_rule(Parser *p)
return NULL;
- D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> _tmp_55[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "'.'"));
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> _tmp_56[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "'.'"));
Token * _literal;
if (
(_literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 23)) // token='.'
- D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c+ _tmp_55[%d-%d]: %s succeeded!\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "'.'"));
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c+ _tmp_56[%d-%d]: %s succeeded!\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "'.'"));
_res = _literal;
goto done;
p->mark = _mark;
- D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c%s _tmp_55[%d-%d]: %s failed!\n", p->level, ' ',
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c%s _tmp_56[%d-%d]: %s failed!\n", p->level, ' ',
p->error_indicator ? "ERROR!" : "-", _mark, p->mark, "'.'"));
{ // '('
@@ -23595,18 +24183,18 @@ _tmp_55_rule(Parser *p)
return NULL;
- D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> _tmp_55[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "'('"));
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> _tmp_56[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "'('"));
Token * _literal;
if (
(_literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 7)) // token='('
- D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c+ _tmp_55[%d-%d]: %s succeeded!\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "'('"));
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c+ _tmp_56[%d-%d]: %s succeeded!\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "'('"));
_res = _literal;
goto done;
p->mark = _mark;
- D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c%s _tmp_55[%d-%d]: %s failed!\n", p->level, ' ',
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c%s _tmp_56[%d-%d]: %s failed!\n", p->level, ' ',
p->error_indicator ? "ERROR!" : "-", _mark, p->mark, "'('"));
{ // '='
@@ -23614,18 +24202,18 @@ _tmp_55_rule(Parser *p)
return NULL;
- D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> _tmp_55[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "'='"));
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> _tmp_56[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "'='"));
Token * _literal;
if (
(_literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 22)) // token='='
- D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c+ _tmp_55[%d-%d]: %s succeeded!\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "'='"));
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c+ _tmp_56[%d-%d]: %s succeeded!\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "'='"));
_res = _literal;
goto done;
p->mark = _mark;
- D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c%s _tmp_55[%d-%d]: %s failed!\n", p->level, ' ',
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c%s _tmp_56[%d-%d]: %s failed!\n", p->level, ' ',
p->error_indicator ? "ERROR!" : "-", _mark, p->mark, "'='"));
_res = NULL;
@@ -23634,9 +24222,9 @@ _tmp_55_rule(Parser *p)
return _res;
-// _loop0_57: ',' maybe_star_pattern
+// _loop0_58: ',' maybe_star_pattern
static asdl_seq *
-_loop0_57_rule(Parser *p)
+_loop0_58_rule(Parser *p)
if (p->error_indicator) {
@@ -23660,9 +24248,9 @@ _loop0_57_rule(Parser *p)
return NULL;
- D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> _loop0_57[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "',' maybe_star_pattern"));
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> _loop0_58[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "',' maybe_star_pattern"));
Token * _literal;
- expr_ty elem;
+ pattern_ty elem;
while (
(_literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12)) // token=','
@@ -23691,7 +24279,7 @@ _loop0_57_rule(Parser *p)
_mark = p->mark;
p->mark = _mark;
- D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c%s _loop0_57[%d-%d]: %s failed!\n", p->level, ' ',
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c%s _loop0_58[%d-%d]: %s failed!\n", p->level, ' ',
p->error_indicator ? "ERROR!" : "-", _mark, p->mark, "',' maybe_star_pattern"));
asdl_seq *_seq = (asdl_seq*)_Py_asdl_generic_seq_new(_n, p->arena);
@@ -23704,14 +24292,14 @@ _loop0_57_rule(Parser *p)
for (int i = 0; i < _n; i++) asdl_seq_SET_UNTYPED(_seq, i, _children[i]);
- _PyPegen_insert_memo(p, _start_mark, _loop0_57_type, _seq);
+ _PyPegen_insert_memo(p, _start_mark, _loop0_58_type, _seq);
return _seq;
-// _gather_56: maybe_star_pattern _loop0_57
+// _gather_57: maybe_star_pattern _loop0_58
static asdl_seq *
-_gather_56_rule(Parser *p)
+_gather_57_rule(Parser *p)
if (p->error_indicator) {
@@ -23720,82 +24308,27 @@ _gather_56_rule(Parser *p)
asdl_seq * _res = NULL;
int _mark = p->mark;
- { // maybe_star_pattern _loop0_57
+ { // maybe_star_pattern _loop0_58
if (p->error_indicator) {
return NULL;
- D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> _gather_56[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "maybe_star_pattern _loop0_57"));
- expr_ty elem;
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> _gather_57[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "maybe_star_pattern _loop0_58"));
+ pattern_ty elem;
asdl_seq * seq;
if (
(elem = maybe_star_pattern_rule(p)) // maybe_star_pattern
- (seq = _loop0_57_rule(p)) // _loop0_57
+ (seq = _loop0_58_rule(p)) // _loop0_58
- D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c+ _gather_56[%d-%d]: %s succeeded!\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "maybe_star_pattern _loop0_57"));
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c+ _gather_57[%d-%d]: %s succeeded!\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "maybe_star_pattern _loop0_58"));
_res = _PyPegen_seq_insert_in_front(p, elem, seq);
goto done;
p->mark = _mark;
- D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c%s _gather_56[%d-%d]: %s failed!\n", p->level, ' ',
- p->error_indicator ? "ERROR!" : "-", _mark, p->mark, "maybe_star_pattern _loop0_57"));
- }
- _res = NULL;
- done:
- D(p->level--);
- return _res;
-// _tmp_58: capture_pattern | wildcard_pattern
-static void *
-_tmp_58_rule(Parser *p)
- D(p->level++);
- if (p->error_indicator) {
- D(p->level--);
- return NULL;
- }
- void * _res = NULL;
- int _mark = p->mark;
- { // capture_pattern
- if (p->error_indicator) {
- D(p->level--);
- return NULL;
- }
- D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> _tmp_58[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "capture_pattern"));
- expr_ty capture_pattern_var;
- if (
- (capture_pattern_var = capture_pattern_rule(p)) // capture_pattern
- )
- {
- D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c+ _tmp_58[%d-%d]: %s succeeded!\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "capture_pattern"));
- _res = capture_pattern_var;
- goto done;
- }
- p->mark = _mark;
- D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c%s _tmp_58[%d-%d]: %s failed!\n", p->level, ' ',
- p->error_indicator ? "ERROR!" : "-", _mark, p->mark, "capture_pattern"));
- }
- { // wildcard_pattern
- if (p->error_indicator) {
- D(p->level--);
- return NULL;
- }
- D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> _tmp_58[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "wildcard_pattern"));
- expr_ty wildcard_pattern_var;
- if (
- (wildcard_pattern_var = wildcard_pattern_rule(p)) // wildcard_pattern
- )
- {
- D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c+ _tmp_58[%d-%d]: %s succeeded!\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "wildcard_pattern"));
- _res = wildcard_pattern_var;
- goto done;
- }
- p->mark = _mark;
- D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c%s _tmp_58[%d-%d]: %s failed!\n", p->level, ' ',
- p->error_indicator ? "ERROR!" : "-", _mark, p->mark, "wildcard_pattern"));
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c%s _gather_57[%d-%d]: %s failed!\n", p->level, ' ',
+ p->error_indicator ? "ERROR!" : "-", _mark, p->mark, "maybe_star_pattern _loop0_58"));
_res = NULL;
@@ -23831,7 +24364,7 @@ _loop0_60_rule(Parser *p)
D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> _loop0_60[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "',' key_value_pattern"));
Token * _literal;
- KeyValuePair* elem;
+ KeyPatternPair* elem;
while (
(_literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12)) // token=','
@@ -23895,7 +24428,7 @@ _gather_59_rule(Parser *p)
return NULL;
D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> _gather_59[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "key_value_pattern _loop0_60"));
- KeyValuePair* elem;
+ KeyPatternPair* elem;
asdl_seq * seq;
if (
(elem = key_value_pattern_rule(p)) // key_value_pattern
@@ -23917,7 +24450,7 @@ _gather_59_rule(Parser *p)
return _res;
-// _tmp_61: literal_pattern | value_pattern
+// _tmp_61: literal_expr | attr
static void *
_tmp_61_rule(Parser *p)
@@ -23928,43 +24461,43 @@ _tmp_61_rule(Parser *p)
void * _res = NULL;
int _mark = p->mark;
- { // literal_pattern
+ { // literal_expr
if (p->error_indicator) {
return NULL;
- D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> _tmp_61[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "literal_pattern"));
- expr_ty literal_pattern_var;
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> _tmp_61[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "literal_expr"));
+ expr_ty literal_expr_var;
if (
- (literal_pattern_var = literal_pattern_rule(p)) // literal_pattern
+ (literal_expr_var = literal_expr_rule(p)) // literal_expr
- D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c+ _tmp_61[%d-%d]: %s succeeded!\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "literal_pattern"));
- _res = literal_pattern_var;
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c+ _tmp_61[%d-%d]: %s succeeded!\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "literal_expr"));
+ _res = literal_expr_var;
goto done;
p->mark = _mark;
D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c%s _tmp_61[%d-%d]: %s failed!\n", p->level, ' ',
- p->error_indicator ? "ERROR!" : "-", _mark, p->mark, "literal_pattern"));
+ p->error_indicator ? "ERROR!" : "-", _mark, p->mark, "literal_expr"));
- { // value_pattern
+ { // attr
if (p->error_indicator) {
return NULL;
- D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> _tmp_61[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "value_pattern"));
- expr_ty value_pattern_var;
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> _tmp_61[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "attr"));
+ expr_ty attr_var;
if (
- (value_pattern_var = value_pattern_rule(p)) // value_pattern
+ (attr_var = attr_rule(p)) // attr
- D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c+ _tmp_61[%d-%d]: %s succeeded!\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "value_pattern"));
- _res = value_pattern_var;
+ D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c+ _tmp_61[%d-%d]: %s succeeded!\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "attr"));
+ _res = attr_var;
goto done;
p->mark = _mark;
D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c%s _tmp_61[%d-%d]: %s failed!\n", p->level, ' ',
- p->error_indicator ? "ERROR!" : "-", _mark, p->mark, "value_pattern"));
+ p->error_indicator ? "ERROR!" : "-", _mark, p->mark, "attr"));
_res = NULL;
@@ -24000,7 +24533,7 @@ _loop0_63_rule(Parser *p)
D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> _loop0_63[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "',' pattern"));
Token * _literal;
- expr_ty elem;
+ pattern_ty elem;
while (
(_literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12)) // token=','
@@ -24064,7 +24597,7 @@ _gather_62_rule(Parser *p)
return NULL;
D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> _gather_62[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "pattern _loop0_63"));
- expr_ty elem;
+ pattern_ty elem;
asdl_seq * seq;
if (
(elem = pattern_rule(p)) // pattern
@@ -24114,7 +24647,7 @@ _loop0_65_rule(Parser *p)
D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> _loop0_65[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "',' keyword_pattern"));
Token * _literal;
- keyword_ty elem;
+ KeyPatternPair* elem;
while (
(_literal = _PyPegen_expect_token(p, 12)) // token=','
@@ -24178,7 +24711,7 @@ _gather_64_rule(Parser *p)
return NULL;
D(fprintf(stderr, "%*c> _gather_64[%d-%d]: %s\n", p->level, ' ', _mark, p->mark, "keyword_pattern _loop0_65"));
- keyword_ty elem;
+ KeyPatternPair* elem;
asdl_seq * seq;
if (
(elem = keyword_pattern_rule(p)) // keyword_pattern
diff --git a/Parser/pegen.c b/Parser/pegen.c
index ed989f5..4d6e69e 100644
--- a/Parser/pegen.c
+++ b/Parser/pegen.c
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#include <Python.h>
-#include "pycore_ast.h" // _PyAST_Validate()
+#include "pycore_ast.h" // _PyAST_Validate(),
#include <errcode.h>
#include "tokenizer.h"
@@ -1818,6 +1818,51 @@ _PyPegen_get_values(Parser *p, asdl_seq *seq)
return new_seq;
+/* Constructs a KeyPatternPair that is used when parsing mapping & class patterns */
+KeyPatternPair *
+_PyPegen_key_pattern_pair(Parser *p, expr_ty key, pattern_ty pattern)
+ KeyPatternPair *a = _PyArena_Malloc(p->arena, sizeof(KeyPatternPair));
+ if (!a) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ a->key = key;
+ a->pattern = pattern;
+ return a;
+/* Extracts all keys from an asdl_seq* of KeyPatternPair*'s */
+asdl_expr_seq *
+_PyPegen_get_pattern_keys(Parser *p, asdl_seq *seq)
+ Py_ssize_t len = asdl_seq_LEN(seq);
+ asdl_expr_seq *new_seq = _Py_asdl_expr_seq_new(len, p->arena);
+ if (!new_seq) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ for (Py_ssize_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ KeyPatternPair *pair = asdl_seq_GET_UNTYPED(seq, i);
+ asdl_seq_SET(new_seq, i, pair->key);
+ }
+ return new_seq;
+/* Extracts all patterns from an asdl_seq* of KeyPatternPair*'s */
+asdl_pattern_seq *
+_PyPegen_get_patterns(Parser *p, asdl_seq *seq)
+ Py_ssize_t len = asdl_seq_LEN(seq);
+ asdl_pattern_seq *new_seq = _Py_asdl_pattern_seq_new(len, p->arena);
+ if (!new_seq) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ for (Py_ssize_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ KeyPatternPair *pair = asdl_seq_GET_UNTYPED(seq, i);
+ asdl_seq_SET(new_seq, i, pair->pattern);
+ }
+ return new_seq;
/* Constructs a NameDefaultPair */
NameDefaultPair *
_PyPegen_name_default_pair(Parser *p, arg_ty arg, expr_ty value, Token *tc)
@@ -2303,6 +2348,16 @@ error:
return NULL;
+_PyPegen_ensure_imaginary(Parser *p, expr_ty exp)
+ if (exp->kind != Constant_kind || !PyComplex_CheckExact(exp->v.Constant.value)) {
+ RAISE_SYNTAX_ERROR_KNOWN_LOCATION(exp, "Imaginary number required in complex literal");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return exp;
_PyPegen_make_module(Parser *p, asdl_stmt_seq *a) {
asdl_type_ignore_seq *type_ignores = NULL;
diff --git a/Parser/pegen.h b/Parser/pegen.h
index a8142a0..2af551b 100644
--- a/Parser/pegen.h
+++ b/Parser/pegen.h
@@ -87,6 +87,11 @@ typedef struct {
} KeyValuePair;
typedef struct {
+ expr_ty key;
+ pattern_ty pattern;
+} KeyPatternPair;
+typedef struct {
arg_ty arg;
expr_ty value;
} NameDefaultPair;
@@ -259,6 +264,9 @@ expr_ty _PyPegen_set_expr_context(Parser *, expr_ty, expr_context_ty);
KeyValuePair *_PyPegen_key_value_pair(Parser *, expr_ty, expr_ty);
asdl_expr_seq *_PyPegen_get_keys(Parser *, asdl_seq *);
asdl_expr_seq *_PyPegen_get_values(Parser *, asdl_seq *);
+KeyPatternPair *_PyPegen_key_pattern_pair(Parser *, expr_ty, pattern_ty);
+asdl_expr_seq *_PyPegen_get_pattern_keys(Parser *, asdl_seq *);
+asdl_pattern_seq *_PyPegen_get_patterns(Parser *, asdl_seq *);
NameDefaultPair *_PyPegen_name_default_pair(Parser *, arg_ty, expr_ty, Token *);
SlashWithDefault *_PyPegen_slash_with_default(Parser *, asdl_arg_seq *, asdl_seq *);
StarEtc *_PyPegen_star_etc(Parser *, arg_ty, asdl_seq *, arg_ty);
@@ -275,6 +283,7 @@ expr_ty _PyPegen_collect_call_seqs(Parser *, asdl_expr_seq *, asdl_seq *,
int lineno, int col_offset, int end_lineno,
int end_col_offset, PyArena *arena);
expr_ty _PyPegen_concatenate_strings(Parser *p, asdl_seq *);
+expr_ty _PyPegen_ensure_imaginary(Parser *p, expr_ty);
asdl_seq *_PyPegen_join_sequences(Parser *, asdl_seq *, asdl_seq *);
int _PyPegen_check_barry_as_flufl(Parser *, Token *);
mod_ty _PyPegen_make_module(Parser *, asdl_stmt_seq *);
diff --git a/Python/Python-ast.c b/Python/Python-ast.c
index 779ee3e..5d7a0ae 100644
--- a/Python/Python-ast.c
+++ b/Python/Python-ast.c
@@ -106,7 +106,13 @@ void _PyAST_Fini(PyInterpreterState *interp)
+ Py_CLEAR(state->MatchClass_type);
+ Py_CLEAR(state->MatchMapping_type);
+ Py_CLEAR(state->MatchSequence_type);
+ Py_CLEAR(state->MatchSingleton_type);
+ Py_CLEAR(state->MatchStar_type);
+ Py_CLEAR(state->MatchValue_type);
@@ -173,6 +179,7 @@ void _PyAST_Fini(PyInterpreterState *interp)
+ Py_CLEAR(state->cls);
@@ -208,6 +215,8 @@ void _PyAST_Fini(PyInterpreterState *interp)
+ Py_CLEAR(state->kwd_attrs);
+ Py_CLEAR(state->kwd_patterns);
@@ -226,8 +235,10 @@ void _PyAST_Fini(PyInterpreterState *interp)
+ Py_CLEAR(state->pattern_type);
+ Py_CLEAR(state->rest);
@@ -276,6 +287,7 @@ static int init_identifiers(struct ast_state *state)
if ((state->body = PyUnicode_InternFromString("body")) == NULL) return 0;
if ((state->cases = PyUnicode_InternFromString("cases")) == NULL) return 0;
if ((state->cause = PyUnicode_InternFromString("cause")) == NULL) return 0;
+ if ((state->cls = PyUnicode_InternFromString("cls")) == NULL) return 0;
if ((state->col_offset = PyUnicode_InternFromString("col_offset")) == NULL) return 0;
if ((state->comparators = PyUnicode_InternFromString("comparators")) == NULL) return 0;
if ((state->context_expr = PyUnicode_InternFromString("context_expr")) == NULL) return 0;
@@ -305,6 +317,8 @@ static int init_identifiers(struct ast_state *state)
if ((state->kind = PyUnicode_InternFromString("kind")) == NULL) return 0;
if ((state->kw_defaults = PyUnicode_InternFromString("kw_defaults")) == NULL) return 0;
if ((state->kwarg = PyUnicode_InternFromString("kwarg")) == NULL) return 0;
+ if ((state->kwd_attrs = PyUnicode_InternFromString("kwd_attrs")) == NULL) return 0;
+ if ((state->kwd_patterns = PyUnicode_InternFromString("kwd_patterns")) == NULL) return 0;
if ((state->kwonlyargs = PyUnicode_InternFromString("kwonlyargs")) == NULL) return 0;
if ((state->left = PyUnicode_InternFromString("left")) == NULL) return 0;
if ((state->level = PyUnicode_InternFromString("level")) == NULL) return 0;
@@ -322,6 +336,7 @@ static int init_identifiers(struct ast_state *state)
if ((state->pattern = PyUnicode_InternFromString("pattern")) == NULL) return 0;
if ((state->patterns = PyUnicode_InternFromString("patterns")) == NULL) return 0;
if ((state->posonlyargs = PyUnicode_InternFromString("posonlyargs")) == NULL) return 0;
+ if ((state->rest = PyUnicode_InternFromString("rest")) == NULL) return 0;
if ((state->returns = PyUnicode_InternFromString("returns")) == NULL) return 0;
if ((state->right = PyUnicode_InternFromString("right")) == NULL) return 0;
if ((state->simple = PyUnicode_InternFromString("simple")) == NULL) return 0;
@@ -353,6 +368,7 @@ GENERATE_ASDL_SEQ_CONSTRUCTOR(keyword, keyword_ty)
GENERATE_ASDL_SEQ_CONSTRUCTOR(withitem, withitem_ty)
GENERATE_ASDL_SEQ_CONSTRUCTOR(match_case, match_case_ty)
GENERATE_ASDL_SEQ_CONSTRUCTOR(type_ignore, type_ignore_ty)
static PyObject* ast2obj_mod(struct ast_state *state, void*);
@@ -610,13 +626,6 @@ static const char * const Slice_fields[]={
-static const char * const MatchAs_fields[]={
- "pattern",
- "name",
-static const char * const MatchOr_fields[]={
- "patterns",
static PyObject* ast2obj_expr_context(struct ast_state *state, expr_context_ty);
static PyObject* ast2obj_boolop(struct ast_state *state, boolop_ty);
static PyObject* ast2obj_operator(struct ast_state *state, operator_ty);
@@ -696,6 +705,43 @@ static const char * const match_case_fields[]={
+static const char * const pattern_attributes[] = {
+ "lineno",
+ "col_offset",
+ "end_lineno",
+ "end_col_offset",
+static PyObject* ast2obj_pattern(struct ast_state *state, void*);
+static const char * const MatchValue_fields[]={
+ "value",
+static const char * const MatchSingleton_fields[]={
+ "value",
+static const char * const MatchSequence_fields[]={
+ "patterns",
+static const char * const MatchMapping_fields[]={
+ "keys",
+ "patterns",
+ "rest",
+static const char * const MatchClass_fields[]={
+ "cls",
+ "patterns",
+ "kwd_attrs",
+ "kwd_patterns",
+static const char * const MatchStar_fields[]={
+ "name",
+static const char * const MatchAs_fields[]={
+ "pattern",
+ "name",
+static const char * const MatchOr_fields[]={
+ "patterns",
static PyObject* ast2obj_type_ignore(struct ast_state *state, void*);
static const char * const TypeIgnore_fields[]={
@@ -1275,9 +1321,7 @@ init_types(struct ast_state *state)
" | Name(identifier id, expr_context ctx)\n"
" | List(expr* elts, expr_context ctx)\n"
" | Tuple(expr* elts, expr_context ctx)\n"
- " | Slice(expr? lower, expr? upper, expr? step)\n"
- " | MatchAs(expr pattern, identifier name)\n"
- " | MatchOr(expr* patterns)");
+ " | Slice(expr? lower, expr? upper, expr? step)");
if (!state->expr_type) return 0;
if (!add_attributes(state, state->expr_type, expr_attributes, 4)) return 0;
if (PyObject_SetAttr(state->expr_type, state->end_lineno, Py_None) == -1)
@@ -1410,14 +1454,6 @@ init_types(struct ast_state *state)
return 0;
if (PyObject_SetAttr(state->Slice_type, state->step, Py_None) == -1)
return 0;
- state->MatchAs_type = make_type(state, "MatchAs", state->expr_type,
- MatchAs_fields, 2,
- "MatchAs(expr pattern, identifier name)");
- if (!state->MatchAs_type) return 0;
- state->MatchOr_type = make_type(state, "MatchOr", state->expr_type,
- MatchOr_fields, 1,
- "MatchOr(expr* patterns)");
- if (!state->MatchOr_type) return 0;
state->expr_context_type = make_type(state, "expr_context",
state->AST_type, NULL, 0,
"expr_context = Load | Store | Del");
@@ -1732,11 +1768,68 @@ init_types(struct ast_state *state)
return 0;
state->match_case_type = make_type(state, "match_case", state->AST_type,
match_case_fields, 3,
- "match_case(expr pattern, expr? guard, stmt* body)");
+ "match_case(pattern pattern, expr? guard, stmt* body)");
if (!state->match_case_type) return 0;
if (!add_attributes(state, state->match_case_type, NULL, 0)) return 0;
if (PyObject_SetAttr(state->match_case_type, state->guard, Py_None) == -1)
return 0;
+ state->pattern_type = make_type(state, "pattern", state->AST_type, NULL, 0,
+ "pattern = MatchValue(expr value)\n"
+ " | MatchSingleton(constant value)\n"
+ " | MatchSequence(pattern* patterns)\n"
+ " | MatchMapping(expr* keys, pattern* patterns, identifier? rest)\n"
+ " | MatchClass(expr cls, pattern* patterns, identifier* kwd_attrs, pattern* kwd_patterns)\n"
+ " | MatchStar(identifier? name)\n"
+ " | MatchAs(pattern? pattern, identifier? name)\n"
+ " | MatchOr(pattern* patterns)");
+ if (!state->pattern_type) return 0;
+ if (!add_attributes(state, state->pattern_type, pattern_attributes, 4))
+ return 0;
+ state->MatchValue_type = make_type(state, "MatchValue",
+ state->pattern_type, MatchValue_fields,
+ 1,
+ "MatchValue(expr value)");
+ if (!state->MatchValue_type) return 0;
+ state->MatchSingleton_type = make_type(state, "MatchSingleton",
+ state->pattern_type,
+ MatchSingleton_fields, 1,
+ "MatchSingleton(constant value)");
+ if (!state->MatchSingleton_type) return 0;
+ state->MatchSequence_type = make_type(state, "MatchSequence",
+ state->pattern_type,
+ MatchSequence_fields, 1,
+ "MatchSequence(pattern* patterns)");
+ if (!state->MatchSequence_type) return 0;
+ state->MatchMapping_type = make_type(state, "MatchMapping",
+ state->pattern_type,
+ MatchMapping_fields, 3,
+ "MatchMapping(expr* keys, pattern* patterns, identifier? rest)");
+ if (!state->MatchMapping_type) return 0;
+ if (PyObject_SetAttr(state->MatchMapping_type, state->rest, Py_None) == -1)
+ return 0;
+ state->MatchClass_type = make_type(state, "MatchClass",
+ state->pattern_type, MatchClass_fields,
+ 4,
+ "MatchClass(expr cls, pattern* patterns, identifier* kwd_attrs, pattern* kwd_patterns)");
+ if (!state->MatchClass_type) return 0;
+ state->MatchStar_type = make_type(state, "MatchStar", state->pattern_type,
+ MatchStar_fields, 1,
+ "MatchStar(identifier? name)");
+ if (!state->MatchStar_type) return 0;
+ if (PyObject_SetAttr(state->MatchStar_type, state->name, Py_None) == -1)
+ return 0;
+ state->MatchAs_type = make_type(state, "MatchAs", state->pattern_type,
+ MatchAs_fields, 2,
+ "MatchAs(pattern? pattern, identifier? name)");
+ if (!state->MatchAs_type) return 0;
+ if (PyObject_SetAttr(state->MatchAs_type, state->pattern, Py_None) == -1)
+ return 0;
+ if (PyObject_SetAttr(state->MatchAs_type, state->name, Py_None) == -1)
+ return 0;
+ state->MatchOr_type = make_type(state, "MatchOr", state->pattern_type,
+ MatchOr_fields, 1,
+ "MatchOr(pattern* patterns)");
+ if (!state->MatchOr_type) return 0;
state->type_ignore_type = make_type(state, "type_ignore", state->AST_type,
NULL, 0,
"type_ignore = TypeIgnore(int lineno, string tag)");
@@ -1784,6 +1877,8 @@ static int obj2ast_withitem(struct ast_state *state, PyObject* obj,
withitem_ty* out, PyArena* arena);
static int obj2ast_match_case(struct ast_state *state, PyObject* obj,
match_case_ty* out, PyArena* arena);
+static int obj2ast_pattern(struct ast_state *state, PyObject* obj, pattern_ty*
+ out, PyArena* arena);
static int obj2ast_type_ignore(struct ast_state *state, PyObject* obj,
type_ignore_ty* out, PyArena* arena);
@@ -3127,51 +3222,6 @@ _PyAST_Slice(expr_ty lower, expr_ty upper, expr_ty step, int lineno, int
return p;
-_PyAST_MatchAs(expr_ty pattern, identifier name, int lineno, int col_offset,
- int end_lineno, int end_col_offset, PyArena *arena)
- expr_ty p;
- if (!pattern) {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,
- "field 'pattern' is required for MatchAs");
- return NULL;
- }
- if (!name) {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,
- "field 'name' is required for MatchAs");
- return NULL;
- }
- p = (expr_ty)_PyArena_Malloc(arena, sizeof(*p));
- if (!p)
- return NULL;
- p->kind = MatchAs_kind;
- p->v.MatchAs.pattern = pattern;
- p-> = name;
- p->lineno = lineno;
- p->col_offset = col_offset;
- p->end_lineno = end_lineno;
- p->end_col_offset = end_col_offset;
- return p;
-_PyAST_MatchOr(asdl_expr_seq * patterns, int lineno, int col_offset, int
- end_lineno, int end_col_offset, PyArena *arena)
- expr_ty p;
- p = (expr_ty)_PyArena_Malloc(arena, sizeof(*p));
- if (!p)
- return NULL;
- p->kind = MatchOr_kind;
- p->v.MatchOr.patterns = patterns;
- p->lineno = lineno;
- p->col_offset = col_offset;
- p->end_lineno = end_lineno;
- p->end_col_offset = end_col_offset;
- return p;
_PyAST_comprehension(expr_ty target, expr_ty iter, asdl_expr_seq * ifs, int
is_async, PyArena *arena)
@@ -3322,8 +3372,8 @@ _PyAST_withitem(expr_ty context_expr, expr_ty optional_vars, PyArena *arena)
-_PyAST_match_case(expr_ty pattern, expr_ty guard, asdl_stmt_seq * body, PyArena
- *arena)
+_PyAST_match_case(pattern_ty pattern, expr_ty guard, asdl_stmt_seq * body,
+ PyArena *arena)
match_case_ty p;
if (!pattern) {
@@ -3340,6 +3390,166 @@ _PyAST_match_case(expr_ty pattern, expr_ty guard, asdl_stmt_seq * body, PyArena
return p;
+_PyAST_MatchValue(expr_ty value, int lineno, int col_offset, int end_lineno,
+ int end_col_offset, PyArena *arena)
+ pattern_ty p;
+ if (!value) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,
+ "field 'value' is required for MatchValue");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ p = (pattern_ty)_PyArena_Malloc(arena, sizeof(*p));
+ if (!p)
+ return NULL;
+ p->kind = MatchValue_kind;
+ p->v.MatchValue.value = value;
+ p->lineno = lineno;
+ p->col_offset = col_offset;
+ p->end_lineno = end_lineno;
+ p->end_col_offset = end_col_offset;
+ return p;
+_PyAST_MatchSingleton(constant value, int lineno, int col_offset, int
+ end_lineno, int end_col_offset, PyArena *arena)
+ pattern_ty p;
+ if (!value) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,
+ "field 'value' is required for MatchSingleton");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ p = (pattern_ty)_PyArena_Malloc(arena, sizeof(*p));
+ if (!p)
+ return NULL;
+ p->kind = MatchSingleton_kind;
+ p->v.MatchSingleton.value = value;
+ p->lineno = lineno;
+ p->col_offset = col_offset;
+ p->end_lineno = end_lineno;
+ p->end_col_offset = end_col_offset;
+ return p;
+_PyAST_MatchSequence(asdl_pattern_seq * patterns, int lineno, int col_offset,
+ int end_lineno, int end_col_offset, PyArena *arena)
+ pattern_ty p;
+ p = (pattern_ty)_PyArena_Malloc(arena, sizeof(*p));
+ if (!p)
+ return NULL;
+ p->kind = MatchSequence_kind;
+ p->v.MatchSequence.patterns = patterns;
+ p->lineno = lineno;
+ p->col_offset = col_offset;
+ p->end_lineno = end_lineno;
+ p->end_col_offset = end_col_offset;
+ return p;
+_PyAST_MatchMapping(asdl_expr_seq * keys, asdl_pattern_seq * patterns,
+ identifier rest, int lineno, int col_offset, int
+ end_lineno, int end_col_offset, PyArena *arena)
+ pattern_ty p;
+ p = (pattern_ty)_PyArena_Malloc(arena, sizeof(*p));
+ if (!p)
+ return NULL;
+ p->kind = MatchMapping_kind;
+ p->v.MatchMapping.keys = keys;
+ p->v.MatchMapping.patterns = patterns;
+ p-> = rest;
+ p->lineno = lineno;
+ p->col_offset = col_offset;
+ p->end_lineno = end_lineno;
+ p->end_col_offset = end_col_offset;
+ return p;
+_PyAST_MatchClass(expr_ty cls, asdl_pattern_seq * patterns, asdl_identifier_seq
+ * kwd_attrs, asdl_pattern_seq * kwd_patterns, int lineno, int
+ col_offset, int end_lineno, int end_col_offset, PyArena
+ *arena)
+ pattern_ty p;
+ if (!cls) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,
+ "field 'cls' is required for MatchClass");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ p = (pattern_ty)_PyArena_Malloc(arena, sizeof(*p));
+ if (!p)
+ return NULL;
+ p->kind = MatchClass_kind;
+ p->v.MatchClass.cls = cls;
+ p->v.MatchClass.patterns = patterns;
+ p->v.MatchClass.kwd_attrs = kwd_attrs;
+ p->v.MatchClass.kwd_patterns = kwd_patterns;
+ p->lineno = lineno;
+ p->col_offset = col_offset;
+ p->end_lineno = end_lineno;
+ p->end_col_offset = end_col_offset;
+ return p;
+_PyAST_MatchStar(identifier name, int lineno, int col_offset, int end_lineno,
+ int end_col_offset, PyArena *arena)
+ pattern_ty p;
+ p = (pattern_ty)_PyArena_Malloc(arena, sizeof(*p));
+ if (!p)
+ return NULL;
+ p->kind = MatchStar_kind;
+ p-> = name;
+ p->lineno = lineno;
+ p->col_offset = col_offset;
+ p->end_lineno = end_lineno;
+ p->end_col_offset = end_col_offset;
+ return p;
+_PyAST_MatchAs(pattern_ty pattern, identifier name, int lineno, int col_offset,
+ int end_lineno, int end_col_offset, PyArena *arena)
+ pattern_ty p;
+ p = (pattern_ty)_PyArena_Malloc(arena, sizeof(*p));
+ if (!p)
+ return NULL;
+ p->kind = MatchAs_kind;
+ p->v.MatchAs.pattern = pattern;
+ p-> = name;
+ p->lineno = lineno;
+ p->col_offset = col_offset;
+ p->end_lineno = end_lineno;
+ p->end_col_offset = end_col_offset;
+ return p;
+_PyAST_MatchOr(asdl_pattern_seq * patterns, int lineno, int col_offset, int
+ end_lineno, int end_col_offset, PyArena *arena)
+ pattern_ty p;
+ p = (pattern_ty)_PyArena_Malloc(arena, sizeof(*p));
+ if (!p)
+ return NULL;
+ p->kind = MatchOr_kind;
+ p->v.MatchOr.patterns = patterns;
+ p->lineno = lineno;
+ p->col_offset = col_offset;
+ p->end_lineno = end_lineno;
+ p->end_col_offset = end_col_offset;
+ return p;
_PyAST_TypeIgnore(int lineno, string tag, PyArena *arena)
@@ -4410,32 +4620,6 @@ ast2obj_expr(struct ast_state *state, void* _o)
goto failed;
- case MatchAs_kind:
- tp = (PyTypeObject *)state->MatchAs_type;
- result = PyType_GenericNew(tp, NULL, NULL);
- if (!result) goto failed;
- value = ast2obj_expr(state, o->v.MatchAs.pattern);
- if (!value) goto failed;
- if (PyObject_SetAttr(result, state->pattern, value) == -1)
- goto failed;
- Py_DECREF(value);
- value = ast2obj_identifier(state, o->;
- if (!value) goto failed;
- if (PyObject_SetAttr(result, state->name, value) == -1)
- goto failed;
- Py_DECREF(value);
- break;
- case MatchOr_kind:
- tp = (PyTypeObject *)state->MatchOr_type;
- result = PyType_GenericNew(tp, NULL, NULL);
- if (!result) goto failed;
- value = ast2obj_list(state, (asdl_seq*)o->v.MatchOr.patterns,
- ast2obj_expr);
- if (!value) goto failed;
- if (PyObject_SetAttr(result, state->patterns, value) == -1)
- goto failed;
- Py_DECREF(value);
- break;
value = ast2obj_int(state, o->lineno);
if (!value) goto failed;
@@ -4935,7 +5119,7 @@ ast2obj_match_case(struct ast_state *state, void* _o)
tp = (PyTypeObject *)state->match_case_type;
result = PyType_GenericNew(tp, NULL, NULL);
if (!result) return NULL;
- value = ast2obj_expr(state, o->pattern);
+ value = ast2obj_pattern(state, o->pattern);
if (!value) goto failed;
if (PyObject_SetAttr(result, state->pattern, value) == -1)
goto failed;
@@ -4958,6 +5142,161 @@ failed:
+ast2obj_pattern(struct ast_state *state, void* _o)
+ pattern_ty o = (pattern_ty)_o;
+ PyObject *result = NULL, *value = NULL;
+ PyTypeObject *tp;
+ if (!o) {
+ }
+ switch (o->kind) {
+ case MatchValue_kind:
+ tp = (PyTypeObject *)state->MatchValue_type;
+ result = PyType_GenericNew(tp, NULL, NULL);
+ if (!result) goto failed;
+ value = ast2obj_expr(state, o->v.MatchValue.value);
+ if (!value) goto failed;
+ if (PyObject_SetAttr(result, state->value, value) == -1)
+ goto failed;
+ Py_DECREF(value);
+ break;
+ case MatchSingleton_kind:
+ tp = (PyTypeObject *)state->MatchSingleton_type;
+ result = PyType_GenericNew(tp, NULL, NULL);
+ if (!result) goto failed;
+ value = ast2obj_constant(state, o->v.MatchSingleton.value);
+ if (!value) goto failed;
+ if (PyObject_SetAttr(result, state->value, value) == -1)
+ goto failed;
+ Py_DECREF(value);
+ break;
+ case MatchSequence_kind:
+ tp = (PyTypeObject *)state->MatchSequence_type;
+ result = PyType_GenericNew(tp, NULL, NULL);
+ if (!result) goto failed;
+ value = ast2obj_list(state, (asdl_seq*)o->v.MatchSequence.patterns,
+ ast2obj_pattern);
+ if (!value) goto failed;
+ if (PyObject_SetAttr(result, state->patterns, value) == -1)
+ goto failed;
+ Py_DECREF(value);
+ break;
+ case MatchMapping_kind:
+ tp = (PyTypeObject *)state->MatchMapping_type;
+ result = PyType_GenericNew(tp, NULL, NULL);
+ if (!result) goto failed;
+ value = ast2obj_list(state, (asdl_seq*)o->v.MatchMapping.keys,
+ ast2obj_expr);
+ if (!value) goto failed;
+ if (PyObject_SetAttr(result, state->keys, value) == -1)
+ goto failed;
+ Py_DECREF(value);
+ value = ast2obj_list(state, (asdl_seq*)o->v.MatchMapping.patterns,
+ ast2obj_pattern);
+ if (!value) goto failed;
+ if (PyObject_SetAttr(result, state->patterns, value) == -1)
+ goto failed;
+ Py_DECREF(value);
+ value = ast2obj_identifier(state, o->;
+ if (!value) goto failed;
+ if (PyObject_SetAttr(result, state->rest, value) == -1)
+ goto failed;
+ Py_DECREF(value);
+ break;
+ case MatchClass_kind:
+ tp = (PyTypeObject *)state->MatchClass_type;
+ result = PyType_GenericNew(tp, NULL, NULL);
+ if (!result) goto failed;
+ value = ast2obj_expr(state, o->v.MatchClass.cls);
+ if (!value) goto failed;
+ if (PyObject_SetAttr(result, state->cls, value) == -1)
+ goto failed;
+ Py_DECREF(value);
+ value = ast2obj_list(state, (asdl_seq*)o->v.MatchClass.patterns,
+ ast2obj_pattern);
+ if (!value) goto failed;
+ if (PyObject_SetAttr(result, state->patterns, value) == -1)
+ goto failed;
+ Py_DECREF(value);
+ value = ast2obj_list(state, (asdl_seq*)o->v.MatchClass.kwd_attrs,
+ ast2obj_identifier);
+ if (!value) goto failed;
+ if (PyObject_SetAttr(result, state->kwd_attrs, value) == -1)
+ goto failed;
+ Py_DECREF(value);
+ value = ast2obj_list(state, (asdl_seq*)o->v.MatchClass.kwd_patterns,
+ ast2obj_pattern);
+ if (!value) goto failed;
+ if (PyObject_SetAttr(result, state->kwd_patterns, value) == -1)
+ goto failed;
+ Py_DECREF(value);
+ break;
+ case MatchStar_kind:
+ tp = (PyTypeObject *)state->MatchStar_type;
+ result = PyType_GenericNew(tp, NULL, NULL);
+ if (!result) goto failed;
+ value = ast2obj_identifier(state, o->;
+ if (!value) goto failed;
+ if (PyObject_SetAttr(result, state->name, value) == -1)
+ goto failed;
+ Py_DECREF(value);
+ break;
+ case MatchAs_kind:
+ tp = (PyTypeObject *)state->MatchAs_type;
+ result = PyType_GenericNew(tp, NULL, NULL);
+ if (!result) goto failed;
+ value = ast2obj_pattern(state, o->v.MatchAs.pattern);
+ if (!value) goto failed;
+ if (PyObject_SetAttr(result, state->pattern, value) == -1)
+ goto failed;
+ Py_DECREF(value);
+ value = ast2obj_identifier(state, o->;
+ if (!value) goto failed;
+ if (PyObject_SetAttr(result, state->name, value) == -1)
+ goto failed;
+ Py_DECREF(value);
+ break;
+ case MatchOr_kind:
+ tp = (PyTypeObject *)state->MatchOr_type;
+ result = PyType_GenericNew(tp, NULL, NULL);
+ if (!result) goto failed;
+ value = ast2obj_list(state, (asdl_seq*)o->v.MatchOr.patterns,
+ ast2obj_pattern);
+ if (!value) goto failed;
+ if (PyObject_SetAttr(result, state->patterns, value) == -1)
+ goto failed;
+ Py_DECREF(value);
+ break;
+ }
+ value = ast2obj_int(state, o->lineno);
+ if (!value) goto failed;
+ if (PyObject_SetAttr(result, state->lineno, value) < 0)
+ goto failed;
+ Py_DECREF(value);
+ value = ast2obj_int(state, o->col_offset);
+ if (!value) goto failed;
+ if (PyObject_SetAttr(result, state->col_offset, value) < 0)
+ goto failed;
+ Py_DECREF(value);
+ value = ast2obj_int(state, o->end_lineno);
+ if (!value) goto failed;
+ if (PyObject_SetAttr(result, state->end_lineno, value) < 0)
+ goto failed;
+ Py_DECREF(value);
+ value = ast2obj_int(state, o->end_col_offset);
+ if (!value) goto failed;
+ if (PyObject_SetAttr(result, state->end_col_offset, value) < 0)
+ goto failed;
+ Py_DECREF(value);
+ return result;
+ Py_XDECREF(value);
+ Py_XDECREF(result);
+ return NULL;
ast2obj_type_ignore(struct ast_state *state, void* _o)
type_ignore_ty o = (type_ignore_ty)_o;
@@ -8689,92 +9028,6 @@ obj2ast_expr(struct ast_state *state, PyObject* obj, expr_ty* out, PyArena*
if (*out == NULL) goto failed;
return 0;
- tp = state->MatchAs_type;
- isinstance = PyObject_IsInstance(obj, tp);
- if (isinstance == -1) {
- return 1;
- }
- if (isinstance) {
- expr_ty pattern;
- identifier name;
- if (_PyObject_LookupAttr(obj, state->pattern, &tmp) < 0) {
- return 1;
- }
- if (tmp == NULL) {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "required field \"pattern\" missing from MatchAs");
- return 1;
- }
- else {
- int res;
- res = obj2ast_expr(state, tmp, &pattern, arena);
- if (res != 0) goto failed;
- Py_CLEAR(tmp);
- }
- if (_PyObject_LookupAttr(obj, state->name, &tmp) < 0) {
- return 1;
- }
- if (tmp == NULL) {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "required field \"name\" missing from MatchAs");
- return 1;
- }
- else {
- int res;
- res = obj2ast_identifier(state, tmp, &name, arena);
- if (res != 0) goto failed;
- Py_CLEAR(tmp);
- }
- *out = _PyAST_MatchAs(pattern, name, lineno, col_offset, end_lineno,
- end_col_offset, arena);
- if (*out == NULL) goto failed;
- return 0;
- }
- tp = state->MatchOr_type;
- isinstance = PyObject_IsInstance(obj, tp);
- if (isinstance == -1) {
- return 1;
- }
- if (isinstance) {
- asdl_expr_seq* patterns;
- if (_PyObject_LookupAttr(obj, state->patterns, &tmp) < 0) {
- return 1;
- }
- if (tmp == NULL) {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "required field \"patterns\" missing from MatchOr");
- return 1;
- }
- else {
- int res;
- Py_ssize_t len;
- Py_ssize_t i;
- if (!PyList_Check(tmp)) {
- PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "MatchOr field \"patterns\" must be a list, not a %.200s", _PyType_Name(Py_TYPE(tmp)));
- goto failed;
- }
- len = PyList_GET_SIZE(tmp);
- patterns = _Py_asdl_expr_seq_new(len, arena);
- if (patterns == NULL) goto failed;
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- expr_ty val;
- PyObject *tmp2 = PyList_GET_ITEM(tmp, i);
- Py_INCREF(tmp2);
- res = obj2ast_expr(state, tmp2, &val, arena);
- Py_DECREF(tmp2);
- if (res != 0) goto failed;
- if (len != PyList_GET_SIZE(tmp)) {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "MatchOr field \"patterns\" changed size during iteration");
- goto failed;
- }
- asdl_seq_SET(patterns, i, val);
- }
- Py_CLEAR(tmp);
- }
- *out = _PyAST_MatchOr(patterns, lineno, col_offset, end_lineno,
- end_col_offset, arena);
- if (*out == NULL) goto failed;
- return 0;
- }
PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "expected some sort of expr, but got %R", obj);
@@ -9897,7 +10150,7 @@ obj2ast_match_case(struct ast_state *state, PyObject* obj, match_case_ty* out,
PyArena* arena)
PyObject* tmp = NULL;
- expr_ty pattern;
+ pattern_ty pattern;
expr_ty guard;
asdl_stmt_seq* body;
@@ -9910,7 +10163,7 @@ obj2ast_match_case(struct ast_state *state, PyObject* obj, match_case_ty* out,
else {
int res;
- res = obj2ast_expr(state, tmp, &pattern, arena);
+ res = obj2ast_pattern(state, tmp, &pattern, arena);
if (res != 0) goto failed;
@@ -9968,6 +10221,515 @@ failed:
+obj2ast_pattern(struct ast_state *state, PyObject* obj, pattern_ty* out,
+ PyArena* arena)
+ int isinstance;
+ PyObject *tmp = NULL;
+ PyObject *tp;
+ int lineno;
+ int col_offset;
+ int end_lineno;
+ int end_col_offset;
+ if (obj == Py_None) {
+ *out = NULL;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (_PyObject_LookupAttr(obj, state->lineno, &tmp) < 0) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (tmp == NULL) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "required field \"lineno\" missing from pattern");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ int res;
+ res = obj2ast_int(state, tmp, &lineno, arena);
+ if (res != 0) goto failed;
+ Py_CLEAR(tmp);
+ }
+ if (_PyObject_LookupAttr(obj, state->col_offset, &tmp) < 0) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (tmp == NULL) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "required field \"col_offset\" missing from pattern");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ int res;
+ res = obj2ast_int(state, tmp, &col_offset, arena);
+ if (res != 0) goto failed;
+ Py_CLEAR(tmp);
+ }
+ if (_PyObject_LookupAttr(obj, state->end_lineno, &tmp) < 0) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (tmp == NULL) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "required field \"end_lineno\" missing from pattern");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ int res;
+ res = obj2ast_int(state, tmp, &end_lineno, arena);
+ if (res != 0) goto failed;
+ Py_CLEAR(tmp);
+ }
+ if (_PyObject_LookupAttr(obj, state->end_col_offset, &tmp) < 0) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (tmp == NULL) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "required field \"end_col_offset\" missing from pattern");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ int res;
+ res = obj2ast_int(state, tmp, &end_col_offset, arena);
+ if (res != 0) goto failed;
+ Py_CLEAR(tmp);
+ }
+ tp = state->MatchValue_type;
+ isinstance = PyObject_IsInstance(obj, tp);
+ if (isinstance == -1) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (isinstance) {
+ expr_ty value;
+ if (_PyObject_LookupAttr(obj, state->value, &tmp) < 0) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (tmp == NULL) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "required field \"value\" missing from MatchValue");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ int res;
+ res = obj2ast_expr(state, tmp, &value, arena);
+ if (res != 0) goto failed;
+ Py_CLEAR(tmp);
+ }
+ *out = _PyAST_MatchValue(value, lineno, col_offset, end_lineno,
+ end_col_offset, arena);
+ if (*out == NULL) goto failed;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ tp = state->MatchSingleton_type;
+ isinstance = PyObject_IsInstance(obj, tp);
+ if (isinstance == -1) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (isinstance) {
+ constant value;
+ if (_PyObject_LookupAttr(obj, state->value, &tmp) < 0) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (tmp == NULL) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "required field \"value\" missing from MatchSingleton");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ int res;
+ res = obj2ast_constant(state, tmp, &value, arena);
+ if (res != 0) goto failed;
+ Py_CLEAR(tmp);
+ }
+ *out = _PyAST_MatchSingleton(value, lineno, col_offset, end_lineno,
+ end_col_offset, arena);
+ if (*out == NULL) goto failed;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ tp = state->MatchSequence_type;
+ isinstance = PyObject_IsInstance(obj, tp);
+ if (isinstance == -1) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (isinstance) {
+ asdl_pattern_seq* patterns;
+ if (_PyObject_LookupAttr(obj, state->patterns, &tmp) < 0) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (tmp == NULL) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "required field \"patterns\" missing from MatchSequence");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ int res;
+ Py_ssize_t len;
+ Py_ssize_t i;
+ if (!PyList_Check(tmp)) {
+ PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "MatchSequence field \"patterns\" must be a list, not a %.200s", _PyType_Name(Py_TYPE(tmp)));
+ goto failed;
+ }
+ len = PyList_GET_SIZE(tmp);
+ patterns = _Py_asdl_pattern_seq_new(len, arena);
+ if (patterns == NULL) goto failed;
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ pattern_ty val;
+ PyObject *tmp2 = PyList_GET_ITEM(tmp, i);
+ Py_INCREF(tmp2);
+ res = obj2ast_pattern(state, tmp2, &val, arena);
+ Py_DECREF(tmp2);
+ if (res != 0) goto failed;
+ if (len != PyList_GET_SIZE(tmp)) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "MatchSequence field \"patterns\" changed size during iteration");
+ goto failed;
+ }
+ asdl_seq_SET(patterns, i, val);
+ }
+ Py_CLEAR(tmp);
+ }
+ *out = _PyAST_MatchSequence(patterns, lineno, col_offset, end_lineno,
+ end_col_offset, arena);
+ if (*out == NULL) goto failed;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ tp = state->MatchMapping_type;
+ isinstance = PyObject_IsInstance(obj, tp);
+ if (isinstance == -1) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (isinstance) {
+ asdl_expr_seq* keys;
+ asdl_pattern_seq* patterns;
+ identifier rest;
+ if (_PyObject_LookupAttr(obj, state->keys, &tmp) < 0) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (tmp == NULL) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "required field \"keys\" missing from MatchMapping");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ int res;
+ Py_ssize_t len;
+ Py_ssize_t i;
+ if (!PyList_Check(tmp)) {
+ PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "MatchMapping field \"keys\" must be a list, not a %.200s", _PyType_Name(Py_TYPE(tmp)));
+ goto failed;
+ }
+ len = PyList_GET_SIZE(tmp);
+ keys = _Py_asdl_expr_seq_new(len, arena);
+ if (keys == NULL) goto failed;
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ expr_ty val;
+ PyObject *tmp2 = PyList_GET_ITEM(tmp, i);
+ Py_INCREF(tmp2);
+ res = obj2ast_expr(state, tmp2, &val, arena);
+ Py_DECREF(tmp2);
+ if (res != 0) goto failed;
+ if (len != PyList_GET_SIZE(tmp)) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "MatchMapping field \"keys\" changed size during iteration");
+ goto failed;
+ }
+ asdl_seq_SET(keys, i, val);
+ }
+ Py_CLEAR(tmp);
+ }
+ if (_PyObject_LookupAttr(obj, state->patterns, &tmp) < 0) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (tmp == NULL) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "required field \"patterns\" missing from MatchMapping");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ int res;
+ Py_ssize_t len;
+ Py_ssize_t i;
+ if (!PyList_Check(tmp)) {
+ PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "MatchMapping field \"patterns\" must be a list, not a %.200s", _PyType_Name(Py_TYPE(tmp)));
+ goto failed;
+ }
+ len = PyList_GET_SIZE(tmp);
+ patterns = _Py_asdl_pattern_seq_new(len, arena);
+ if (patterns == NULL) goto failed;
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ pattern_ty val;
+ PyObject *tmp2 = PyList_GET_ITEM(tmp, i);
+ Py_INCREF(tmp2);
+ res = obj2ast_pattern(state, tmp2, &val, arena);
+ Py_DECREF(tmp2);
+ if (res != 0) goto failed;
+ if (len != PyList_GET_SIZE(tmp)) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "MatchMapping field \"patterns\" changed size during iteration");
+ goto failed;
+ }
+ asdl_seq_SET(patterns, i, val);
+ }
+ Py_CLEAR(tmp);
+ }
+ if (_PyObject_LookupAttr(obj, state->rest, &tmp) < 0) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (tmp == NULL || tmp == Py_None) {
+ Py_CLEAR(tmp);
+ rest = NULL;
+ }
+ else {
+ int res;
+ res = obj2ast_identifier(state, tmp, &rest, arena);
+ if (res != 0) goto failed;
+ Py_CLEAR(tmp);
+ }
+ *out = _PyAST_MatchMapping(keys, patterns, rest, lineno, col_offset,
+ end_lineno, end_col_offset, arena);
+ if (*out == NULL) goto failed;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ tp = state->MatchClass_type;
+ isinstance = PyObject_IsInstance(obj, tp);
+ if (isinstance == -1) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (isinstance) {
+ expr_ty cls;
+ asdl_pattern_seq* patterns;
+ asdl_identifier_seq* kwd_attrs;
+ asdl_pattern_seq* kwd_patterns;
+ if (_PyObject_LookupAttr(obj, state->cls, &tmp) < 0) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (tmp == NULL) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "required field \"cls\" missing from MatchClass");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ int res;
+ res = obj2ast_expr(state, tmp, &cls, arena);
+ if (res != 0) goto failed;
+ Py_CLEAR(tmp);
+ }
+ if (_PyObject_LookupAttr(obj, state->patterns, &tmp) < 0) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (tmp == NULL) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "required field \"patterns\" missing from MatchClass");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ int res;
+ Py_ssize_t len;
+ Py_ssize_t i;
+ if (!PyList_Check(tmp)) {
+ PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "MatchClass field \"patterns\" must be a list, not a %.200s", _PyType_Name(Py_TYPE(tmp)));
+ goto failed;
+ }
+ len = PyList_GET_SIZE(tmp);
+ patterns = _Py_asdl_pattern_seq_new(len, arena);
+ if (patterns == NULL) goto failed;
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ pattern_ty val;
+ PyObject *tmp2 = PyList_GET_ITEM(tmp, i);
+ Py_INCREF(tmp2);
+ res = obj2ast_pattern(state, tmp2, &val, arena);
+ Py_DECREF(tmp2);
+ if (res != 0) goto failed;
+ if (len != PyList_GET_SIZE(tmp)) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "MatchClass field \"patterns\" changed size during iteration");
+ goto failed;
+ }
+ asdl_seq_SET(patterns, i, val);
+ }
+ Py_CLEAR(tmp);
+ }
+ if (_PyObject_LookupAttr(obj, state->kwd_attrs, &tmp) < 0) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (tmp == NULL) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "required field \"kwd_attrs\" missing from MatchClass");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ int res;
+ Py_ssize_t len;
+ Py_ssize_t i;
+ if (!PyList_Check(tmp)) {
+ PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "MatchClass field \"kwd_attrs\" must be a list, not a %.200s", _PyType_Name(Py_TYPE(tmp)));
+ goto failed;
+ }
+ len = PyList_GET_SIZE(tmp);
+ kwd_attrs = _Py_asdl_identifier_seq_new(len, arena);
+ if (kwd_attrs == NULL) goto failed;
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ identifier val;
+ PyObject *tmp2 = PyList_GET_ITEM(tmp, i);
+ Py_INCREF(tmp2);
+ res = obj2ast_identifier(state, tmp2, &val, arena);
+ Py_DECREF(tmp2);
+ if (res != 0) goto failed;
+ if (len != PyList_GET_SIZE(tmp)) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "MatchClass field \"kwd_attrs\" changed size during iteration");
+ goto failed;
+ }
+ asdl_seq_SET(kwd_attrs, i, val);
+ }
+ Py_CLEAR(tmp);
+ }
+ if (_PyObject_LookupAttr(obj, state->kwd_patterns, &tmp) < 0) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (tmp == NULL) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "required field \"kwd_patterns\" missing from MatchClass");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ int res;
+ Py_ssize_t len;
+ Py_ssize_t i;
+ if (!PyList_Check(tmp)) {
+ PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "MatchClass field \"kwd_patterns\" must be a list, not a %.200s", _PyType_Name(Py_TYPE(tmp)));
+ goto failed;
+ }
+ len = PyList_GET_SIZE(tmp);
+ kwd_patterns = _Py_asdl_pattern_seq_new(len, arena);
+ if (kwd_patterns == NULL) goto failed;
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ pattern_ty val;
+ PyObject *tmp2 = PyList_GET_ITEM(tmp, i);
+ Py_INCREF(tmp2);
+ res = obj2ast_pattern(state, tmp2, &val, arena);
+ Py_DECREF(tmp2);
+ if (res != 0) goto failed;
+ if (len != PyList_GET_SIZE(tmp)) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "MatchClass field \"kwd_patterns\" changed size during iteration");
+ goto failed;
+ }
+ asdl_seq_SET(kwd_patterns, i, val);
+ }
+ Py_CLEAR(tmp);
+ }
+ *out = _PyAST_MatchClass(cls, patterns, kwd_attrs, kwd_patterns,
+ lineno, col_offset, end_lineno,
+ end_col_offset, arena);
+ if (*out == NULL) goto failed;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ tp = state->MatchStar_type;
+ isinstance = PyObject_IsInstance(obj, tp);
+ if (isinstance == -1) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (isinstance) {
+ identifier name;
+ if (_PyObject_LookupAttr(obj, state->name, &tmp) < 0) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (tmp == NULL || tmp == Py_None) {
+ Py_CLEAR(tmp);
+ name = NULL;
+ }
+ else {
+ int res;
+ res = obj2ast_identifier(state, tmp, &name, arena);
+ if (res != 0) goto failed;
+ Py_CLEAR(tmp);
+ }
+ *out = _PyAST_MatchStar(name, lineno, col_offset, end_lineno,
+ end_col_offset, arena);
+ if (*out == NULL) goto failed;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ tp = state->MatchAs_type;
+ isinstance = PyObject_IsInstance(obj, tp);
+ if (isinstance == -1) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (isinstance) {
+ pattern_ty pattern;
+ identifier name;
+ if (_PyObject_LookupAttr(obj, state->pattern, &tmp) < 0) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (tmp == NULL || tmp == Py_None) {
+ Py_CLEAR(tmp);
+ pattern = NULL;
+ }
+ else {
+ int res;
+ res = obj2ast_pattern(state, tmp, &pattern, arena);
+ if (res != 0) goto failed;
+ Py_CLEAR(tmp);
+ }
+ if (_PyObject_LookupAttr(obj, state->name, &tmp) < 0) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (tmp == NULL || tmp == Py_None) {
+ Py_CLEAR(tmp);
+ name = NULL;
+ }
+ else {
+ int res;
+ res = obj2ast_identifier(state, tmp, &name, arena);
+ if (res != 0) goto failed;
+ Py_CLEAR(tmp);
+ }
+ *out = _PyAST_MatchAs(pattern, name, lineno, col_offset, end_lineno,
+ end_col_offset, arena);
+ if (*out == NULL) goto failed;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ tp = state->MatchOr_type;
+ isinstance = PyObject_IsInstance(obj, tp);
+ if (isinstance == -1) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (isinstance) {
+ asdl_pattern_seq* patterns;
+ if (_PyObject_LookupAttr(obj, state->patterns, &tmp) < 0) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (tmp == NULL) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "required field \"patterns\" missing from MatchOr");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ int res;
+ Py_ssize_t len;
+ Py_ssize_t i;
+ if (!PyList_Check(tmp)) {
+ PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "MatchOr field \"patterns\" must be a list, not a %.200s", _PyType_Name(Py_TYPE(tmp)));
+ goto failed;
+ }
+ len = PyList_GET_SIZE(tmp);
+ patterns = _Py_asdl_pattern_seq_new(len, arena);
+ if (patterns == NULL) goto failed;
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ pattern_ty val;
+ PyObject *tmp2 = PyList_GET_ITEM(tmp, i);
+ Py_INCREF(tmp2);
+ res = obj2ast_pattern(state, tmp2, &val, arena);
+ Py_DECREF(tmp2);
+ if (res != 0) goto failed;
+ if (len != PyList_GET_SIZE(tmp)) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "MatchOr field \"patterns\" changed size during iteration");
+ goto failed;
+ }
+ asdl_seq_SET(patterns, i, val);
+ }
+ Py_CLEAR(tmp);
+ }
+ *out = _PyAST_MatchOr(patterns, lineno, col_offset, end_lineno,
+ end_col_offset, arena);
+ if (*out == NULL) goto failed;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "expected some sort of pattern, but got %R", obj);
+ failed:
+ Py_XDECREF(tmp);
+ return 1;
obj2ast_type_ignore(struct ast_state *state, PyObject* obj, type_ignore_ty*
out, PyArena* arena)
@@ -10230,12 +10992,6 @@ astmodule_exec(PyObject *m)
if (PyModule_AddObjectRef(m, "Slice", state->Slice_type) < 0) {
return -1;
- if (PyModule_AddObjectRef(m, "MatchAs", state->MatchAs_type) < 0) {
- return -1;
- }
- if (PyModule_AddObjectRef(m, "MatchOr", state->MatchOr_type) < 0) {
- return -1;
- }
if (PyModule_AddObjectRef(m, "expr_context", state->expr_context_type) < 0)
return -1;
@@ -10378,6 +11134,36 @@ astmodule_exec(PyObject *m)
if (PyModule_AddObjectRef(m, "match_case", state->match_case_type) < 0) {
return -1;
+ if (PyModule_AddObjectRef(m, "pattern", state->pattern_type) < 0) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (PyModule_AddObjectRef(m, "MatchValue", state->MatchValue_type) < 0) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (PyModule_AddObjectRef(m, "MatchSingleton", state->MatchSingleton_type)
+ < 0) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (PyModule_AddObjectRef(m, "MatchSequence", state->MatchSequence_type) <
+ 0) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (PyModule_AddObjectRef(m, "MatchMapping", state->MatchMapping_type) < 0)
+ {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (PyModule_AddObjectRef(m, "MatchClass", state->MatchClass_type) < 0) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (PyModule_AddObjectRef(m, "MatchStar", state->MatchStar_type) < 0) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (PyModule_AddObjectRef(m, "MatchAs", state->MatchAs_type) < 0) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (PyModule_AddObjectRef(m, "MatchOr", state->MatchOr_type) < 0) {
+ return -1;
+ }
if (PyModule_AddObjectRef(m, "type_ignore", state->type_ignore_type) < 0) {
return -1;
diff --git a/Python/ast.c b/Python/ast.c
index 2b96543..1fc83f6 100644
--- a/Python/ast.c
+++ b/Python/ast.c
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
#include "pycore_pystate.h" // _PyThreadState_GET()
#include <assert.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
struct validator {
int recursion_depth; /* current recursion depth */
@@ -18,6 +19,7 @@ static int validate_exprs(struct validator *, asdl_expr_seq*, expr_context_ty, i
static int _validate_nonempty_seq(asdl_seq *, const char *, const char *);
static int validate_stmt(struct validator *, stmt_ty);
static int validate_expr(struct validator *, expr_ty, expr_context_ty);
+static int validate_pattern(struct validator *, pattern_ty);
static int
validate_name(PyObject *name)
@@ -88,9 +90,9 @@ expr_context_name(expr_context_ty ctx)
return "Store";
case Del:
return "Del";
- default:
+ // No default case so compiler emits warning for unhandled cases
static int
@@ -180,7 +182,7 @@ validate_constant(struct validator *state, PyObject *value)
static int
validate_expr(struct validator *state, expr_ty exp, expr_context_ty ctx)
- int ret;
+ int ret = -1;
if (++state->recursion_depth > state->recursion_limit) {
"maximum recursion depth exceeded during compilation");
@@ -351,34 +353,216 @@ validate_expr(struct validator *state, expr_ty exp, expr_context_ty ctx)
case NamedExpr_kind:
ret = validate_expr(state, exp->v.NamedExpr.value, Load);
- case MatchAs_kind:
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,
- "MatchAs is only valid in match_case patterns");
- return 0;
- case MatchOr_kind:
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,
- "MatchOr is only valid in match_case patterns");
- return 0;
/* This last case doesn't have any checking. */
case Name_kind:
ret = 1;
- default:
+ // No default case so compiler emits warning for unhandled cases
+ }
+ if (ret < 0) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_SystemError, "unexpected expression");
- return 0;
+ ret = 0;
return ret;
+// Note: the ensure_literal_* functions are only used to validate a restricted
+// set of non-recursive literals that have already been checked with
+// validate_expr, so they don't accept the validator state
+static int
+ensure_literal_number(expr_ty exp, bool allow_real, bool allow_imaginary)
+ assert(exp->kind == Constant_kind);
+ PyObject *value = exp->v.Constant.value;
+ return (allow_real && PyFloat_CheckExact(value)) ||
+ (allow_real && PyLong_CheckExact(value)) ||
+ (allow_imaginary && PyComplex_CheckExact(value));
static int
-validate_pattern(expr_ty p)
+ensure_literal_negative(expr_ty exp, bool allow_real, bool allow_imaginary)
- // Coming soon (thanks Batuhan)!
+ assert(exp->kind == UnaryOp_kind);
+ // Must be negation ...
+ if (exp->v.UnaryOp.op != USub) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // ... of a constant ...
+ expr_ty operand = exp->v.UnaryOp.operand;
+ if (operand->kind != Constant_kind) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // ... number
+ return ensure_literal_number(operand, allow_real, allow_imaginary);
+static int
+ensure_literal_complex(expr_ty exp)
+ assert(exp->kind == BinOp_kind);
+ expr_ty left = exp->v.BinOp.left;
+ expr_ty right = exp->v.BinOp.right;
+ // Ensure op is addition or subtraction
+ if (exp->v.BinOp.op != Add && exp->v.BinOp.op != Sub) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // Check LHS is a real number (potentially signed)
+ switch (left->kind)
+ {
+ case Constant_kind:
+ if (!ensure_literal_number(left, /*real=*/true, /*imaginary=*/false)) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ case UnaryOp_kind:
+ if (!ensure_literal_negative(left, /*real=*/true, /*imaginary=*/false)) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // Check RHS is an imaginary number (no separate sign allowed)
+ switch (right->kind)
+ {
+ case Constant_kind:
+ if (!ensure_literal_number(right, /*real=*/false, /*imaginary=*/true)) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ return 0;
+ }
return 1;
static int
+validate_pattern_match_value(struct validator *state, expr_ty exp)
+ if (!validate_expr(state, exp, Load)) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ switch (exp->kind)
+ {
+ case Constant_kind:
+ case Attribute_kind:
+ // Constants and attribute lookups are always permitted
+ return 1;
+ case UnaryOp_kind:
+ // Negated numbers are permitted (whether real or imaginary)
+ // Compiler will complain if AST folding doesn't create a constant
+ if (ensure_literal_negative(exp, /*real=*/true, /*imaginary=*/true)) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ break;
+ case BinOp_kind:
+ // Complex literals are permitted
+ // Compiler will complain if AST folding doesn't create a constant
+ if (ensure_literal_complex(exp)) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_SyntaxError,
+ "patterns may only match literals and attribute lookups");
+ return 0;
+static int
+validate_pattern(struct validator *state, pattern_ty p)
+ int ret = -1;
+ if (++state->recursion_depth > state->recursion_limit) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RecursionError,
+ "maximum recursion depth exceeded during compilation");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // Coming soon: (thanks Batuhan)!
+ // TODO: Ensure no subnodes use "_" as an ordinary identifier
+ switch (p->kind) {
+ case MatchValue_kind:
+ ret = validate_pattern_match_value(state, p->v.MatchValue.value);
+ break;
+ case MatchSingleton_kind:
+ // TODO: Check constant is specifically None, True, or False
+ ret = validate_constant(state, p->v.MatchSingleton.value);
+ break;
+ case MatchSequence_kind:
+ // TODO: Validate all subpatterns
+ // return validate_patterns(state, p->v.MatchSequence.patterns);
+ ret = 1;
+ break;
+ case MatchMapping_kind:
+ // TODO: check "rest" target name is valid
+ if (asdl_seq_LEN(p->v.MatchMapping.keys) != asdl_seq_LEN(p->v.MatchMapping.patterns)) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,
+ "MatchMapping doesn't have the same number of keys as patterns");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // null_ok=0 for key expressions, as rest-of-mapping is captured in "rest"
+ // TODO: replace with more restrictive expression validator, as per MatchValue above
+ if (!validate_exprs(state, p->v.MatchMapping.keys, Load, /*null_ok=*/ 0)) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // TODO: Validate all subpatterns
+ // ret = validate_patterns(state, p->v.MatchMapping.patterns);
+ ret = 1;
+ break;
+ case MatchClass_kind:
+ if (asdl_seq_LEN(p->v.MatchClass.kwd_attrs) != asdl_seq_LEN(p->v.MatchClass.kwd_patterns)) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,
+ "MatchClass doesn't have the same number of keyword attributes as patterns");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // TODO: Restrict cls lookup to being a name or attribute
+ if (!validate_expr(state, p->v.MatchClass.cls, Load)) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // TODO: Validate all subpatterns
+ // return validate_patterns(state, p->v.MatchClass.patterns) &&
+ // validate_patterns(state, p->v.MatchClass.kwd_patterns);
+ ret = 1;
+ break;
+ case MatchStar_kind:
+ // TODO: check target name is valid
+ ret = 1;
+ break;
+ case MatchAs_kind:
+ // TODO: check target name is valid
+ if (p->v.MatchAs.pattern == NULL) {
+ ret = 1;
+ }
+ else if (p-> == NULL) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,
+ "MatchAs must specify a target name if a pattern is given");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ ret = validate_pattern(state, p->v.MatchAs.pattern);
+ }
+ break;
+ case MatchOr_kind:
+ // TODO: Validate all subpatterns
+ // return validate_patterns(state, p->v.MatchOr.patterns);
+ ret = 1;
+ break;
+ // No default case, so the compiler will emit a warning if new pattern
+ // kinds are added without being handled here
+ }
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_SystemError, "unexpected pattern");
+ ret = 0;
+ }
+ state->recursion_depth--;
+ return ret;
+static int
_validate_nonempty_seq(asdl_seq *seq, const char *what, const char *owner)
if (asdl_seq_LEN(seq))
@@ -404,7 +588,7 @@ validate_body(struct validator *state, asdl_stmt_seq *body, const char *owner)
static int
validate_stmt(struct validator *state, stmt_ty stmt)
- int ret;
+ int ret = -1;
Py_ssize_t i;
if (++state->recursion_depth > state->recursion_limit) {
@@ -502,7 +686,7 @@ validate_stmt(struct validator *state, stmt_ty stmt)
for (i = 0; i < asdl_seq_LEN(stmt->v.Match.cases); i++) {
match_case_ty m = asdl_seq_GET(stmt->v.Match.cases, i);
- if (!validate_pattern(m->pattern)
+ if (!validate_pattern(state, m->pattern)
|| (m->guard && !validate_expr(state, m->guard, Load))
|| !validate_body(state, m->body, "match_case")) {
return 0;
@@ -582,9 +766,11 @@ validate_stmt(struct validator *state, stmt_ty stmt)
case Continue_kind:
ret = 1;
- default:
+ // No default case so compiler emits warning for unhandled cases
+ }
+ if (ret < 0) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_SystemError, "unexpected statement");
- return 0;
+ ret = 0;
return ret;
@@ -635,7 +821,7 @@ validate_exprs(struct validator *state, asdl_expr_seq *exprs, expr_context_ty ct
_PyAST_Validate(mod_ty mod)
- int res = 0;
+ int res = -1;
struct validator state;
PyThreadState *tstate;
int recursion_limit = Py_GetRecursionLimit();
@@ -663,10 +849,16 @@ _PyAST_Validate(mod_ty mod)
case Expression_kind:
res = validate_expr(&state, mod->v.Expression.body, Load);
- default:
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_SystemError, "impossible module node");
- res = 0;
+ case FunctionType_kind:
+ res = validate_exprs(&state, mod->v.FunctionType.argtypes, Load, /*null_ok=*/0) &&
+ validate_expr(&state, mod->v.FunctionType.returns, Load);
+ // No default case so compiler emits warning for unhandled cases
+ }
+ if (res < 0) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_SystemError, "impossible module node");
+ return 0;
/* Check that the recursion depth counting balanced correctly */
diff --git a/Python/ast_opt.c b/Python/ast_opt.c
index 6eb514e..254dd64 100644
--- a/Python/ast_opt.c
+++ b/Python/ast_opt.c
@@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ static int astfold_arg(arg_ty node_, PyArena *ctx_, _PyASTOptimizeState *state);
static int astfold_withitem(withitem_ty node_, PyArena *ctx_, _PyASTOptimizeState *state);
static int astfold_excepthandler(excepthandler_ty node_, PyArena *ctx_, _PyASTOptimizeState *state);
static int astfold_match_case(match_case_ty node_, PyArena *ctx_, _PyASTOptimizeState *state);
-static int astfold_pattern(expr_ty node_, PyArena *ctx_, _PyASTOptimizeState *state);
+static int astfold_pattern(pattern_ty node_, PyArena *ctx_, _PyASTOptimizeState *state);
#define CALL(FUNC, TYPE, ARG) \
if (!FUNC((ARG), ctx_, state)) \
@@ -602,10 +602,6 @@ astfold_expr(expr_ty node_, PyArena *ctx_, _PyASTOptimizeState *state)
case Constant_kind:
// Already a constant, nothing further to do
- case MatchAs_kind:
- case MatchOr_kind:
- // These can't occur outside of patterns.
// No default case, so the compiler will emit a warning if new expression
// kinds are added without being handled here
@@ -797,112 +793,48 @@ astfold_withitem(withitem_ty node_, PyArena *ctx_, _PyASTOptimizeState *state)
static int
-astfold_pattern_negative(expr_ty node_, PyArena *ctx_, _PyASTOptimizeState *state)
+astfold_pattern(pattern_ty node_, PyArena *ctx_, _PyASTOptimizeState *state)
- assert(node_->kind == UnaryOp_kind);
- assert(node_->v.UnaryOp.op == USub);
- assert(node_->v.UnaryOp.operand->kind == Constant_kind);
- PyObject *value = node_->v.UnaryOp.operand->v.Constant.value;
- assert(PyComplex_CheckExact(value) ||
- PyFloat_CheckExact(value) ||
- PyLong_CheckExact(value));
- PyObject *negated = PyNumber_Negative(value);
- if (negated == NULL) {
- return 0;
- }
- assert(PyComplex_CheckExact(negated) ||
- PyFloat_CheckExact(negated) ||
- PyLong_CheckExact(negated));
- return make_const(node_, negated, ctx_);
-static int
-astfold_pattern_complex(expr_ty node_, PyArena *ctx_, _PyASTOptimizeState *state)
- expr_ty left = node_->v.BinOp.left;
- expr_ty right = node_->v.BinOp.right;
- if (left->kind == UnaryOp_kind) {
- CALL(astfold_pattern_negative, expr_ty, left);
- }
- assert(left->kind = Constant_kind);
- assert(right->kind = Constant_kind);
- // LHS must be real, RHS must be imaginary:
- if (!(PyFloat_CheckExact(left->v.Constant.value) ||
- PyLong_CheckExact(left->v.Constant.value)) ||
- !PyComplex_CheckExact(right->v.Constant.value))
- {
- // Not actually valid, but it's the compiler's job to complain:
- return 1;
- }
- PyObject *new;
- if (node_->v.BinOp.op == Add) {
- new = PyNumber_Add(left->v.Constant.value, right->v.Constant.value);
- }
- else {
- assert(node_->v.BinOp.op == Sub);
- new = PyNumber_Subtract(left->v.Constant.value, right->v.Constant.value);
- }
- if (new == NULL) {
+ // Currently, this is really only used to form complex/negative numeric
+ // constants in MatchValue and MatchMapping nodes
+ // We still recurse into all subexpressions and subpatterns anyway
+ if (++state->recursion_depth > state->recursion_limit) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RecursionError,
+ "maximum recursion depth exceeded during compilation");
return 0;
- assert(PyComplex_CheckExact(new));
- return make_const(node_, new, ctx_);
-static int
-astfold_pattern_keyword(keyword_ty node_, PyArena *ctx_, _PyASTOptimizeState *state)
- CALL(astfold_pattern, expr_ty, node_->value);
- return 1;
-static int
-astfold_pattern(expr_ty node_, PyArena *ctx_, _PyASTOptimizeState *state)
- // Don't blindly optimize the pattern as an expr; it plays by its own rules!
- // Currently, this is only used to form complex/negative numeric constants.
switch (node_->kind) {
- case Attribute_kind:
+ case MatchValue_kind:
+ CALL(astfold_expr, expr_ty, node_->v.MatchValue.value);
- case BinOp_kind:
- CALL(astfold_pattern_complex, expr_ty, node_);
+ case MatchSingleton_kind:
- case Call_kind:
- CALL_SEQ(astfold_pattern, expr, node_->v.Call.args);
- CALL_SEQ(astfold_pattern_keyword, keyword, node_->v.Call.keywords);
+ case MatchSequence_kind:
+ CALL_SEQ(astfold_pattern, pattern, node_->v.MatchSequence.patterns);
- case Constant_kind:
+ case MatchMapping_kind:
+ CALL_SEQ(astfold_expr, expr, node_->v.MatchMapping.keys);
+ CALL_SEQ(astfold_pattern, pattern, node_->v.MatchMapping.patterns);
- case Dict_kind:
- CALL_SEQ(astfold_pattern, expr, node_->v.Dict.keys);
- CALL_SEQ(astfold_pattern, expr, node_->v.Dict.values);
+ case MatchClass_kind:
+ CALL(astfold_expr, expr_ty, node_->v.MatchClass.cls);
+ CALL_SEQ(astfold_pattern, pattern, node_->v.MatchClass.patterns);
+ CALL_SEQ(astfold_pattern, pattern, node_->v.MatchClass.kwd_patterns);
- // Not actually valid, but it's the compiler's job to complain:
- case JoinedStr_kind:
- break;
- case List_kind:
- CALL_SEQ(astfold_pattern, expr, node_->v.List.elts);
+ case MatchStar_kind:
case MatchAs_kind:
- CALL(astfold_pattern, expr_ty, node_->v.MatchAs.pattern);
+ if (node_->v.MatchAs.pattern) {
+ CALL(astfold_pattern, expr_ty, node_->v.MatchAs.pattern);
+ }
case MatchOr_kind:
- CALL_SEQ(astfold_pattern, expr, node_->v.MatchOr.patterns);
- break;
- case Name_kind:
- break;
- case Starred_kind:
- CALL(astfold_pattern, expr_ty, node_->v.Starred.value);
+ CALL_SEQ(astfold_pattern, pattern, node_->v.MatchOr.patterns);
- case Tuple_kind:
- CALL_SEQ(astfold_pattern, expr, node_->v.Tuple.elts);
- break;
- case UnaryOp_kind:
- CALL(astfold_pattern_negative, expr_ty, node_);
- break;
- default:
+ // No default case, so the compiler will emit a warning if new pattern
+ // kinds are added without being handled here
+ state->recursion_depth--;
return 1;
diff --git a/Python/ast_unparse.c b/Python/ast_unparse.c
index 5276b2f..126e904 100644
--- a/Python/ast_unparse.c
+++ b/Python/ast_unparse.c
@@ -3,6 +3,11 @@
#include <float.h> // DBL_MAX_10_EXP
#include <stdbool.h>
+/* This limited unparser is used to convert annotations back to strings
+ * during compilation rather than being a full AST unparser.
+ * See ast.unparse for a full unparser (written in Python)
+ */
static PyObject *_str_open_br;
static PyObject *_str_dbl_open_br;
static PyObject *_str_close_br;
@@ -912,11 +917,11 @@ append_ast_expr(_PyUnicodeWriter *writer, expr_ty e, int level)
return append_ast_tuple(writer, e, level);
case NamedExpr_kind:
return append_named_expr(writer, e, level);
- default:
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_SystemError,
- "unknown expression kind");
- return -1;
+ // No default so compiler emits a warning for unhandled cases
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_SystemError,
+ "unknown expression kind");
+ return -1;
static int
diff --git a/Python/bltinmodule.c b/Python/bltinmodule.c
index 3b0e59a..66a74cb 100644
--- a/Python/bltinmodule.c
+++ b/Python/bltinmodule.c
@@ -831,11 +831,7 @@ builtin_compile_impl(PyObject *module, PyObject *source, PyObject *filename,
if (arena == NULL)
goto error;
mod = PyAST_obj2mod(source, arena, compile_mode);
- if (mod == NULL) {
- _PyArena_Free(arena);
- goto error;
- }
- if (!_PyAST_Validate(mod)) {
+ if (mod == NULL || !_PyAST_Validate(mod)) {
goto error;
diff --git a/Python/compile.c b/Python/compile.c
index 2cf2f4a..3cf6122 100644
--- a/Python/compile.c
+++ b/Python/compile.c
@@ -280,9 +280,9 @@ static int compiler_async_comprehension_generator(
int depth,
expr_ty elt, expr_ty val, int type);
-static int compiler_pattern(struct compiler *, expr_ty, pattern_context *);
+static int compiler_pattern(struct compiler *, pattern_ty, pattern_context *);
static int compiler_match(struct compiler *, stmt_ty);
-static int compiler_pattern_subpattern(struct compiler *, expr_ty,
+static int compiler_pattern_subpattern(struct compiler *, pattern_ty,
pattern_context *);
static PyCodeObject *assemble(struct compiler *, int addNone);
@@ -5263,10 +5263,6 @@ compiler_visit_expr1(struct compiler *c, expr_ty e)
return compiler_list(c, e);
case Tuple_kind:
return compiler_tuple(c, e);
- case MatchAs_kind:
- case MatchOr_kind:
- // Can only occur in patterns, which are handled elsewhere.
return 1;
@@ -5600,16 +5596,22 @@ compiler_slice(struct compiler *c, expr_ty s)
// that it's much easier to smooth out any redundant pushing, popping, and
// jumping in the peephole optimizer than to detect or predict it here.
- ((N)->kind == Name_kind && \
- _PyUnicode_EqualToASCIIString((N)->, "_"))
+ ((N)->kind == MatchAs_kind && !(N)->
+ ((N)->kind == MatchStar_kind && !(N)->
+// Limit permitted subexpressions, even if the parser & AST validator let them through
+#define MATCH_VALUE_EXPR(N) \
+ ((N)->kind == Constant_kind || (N)->kind == Attribute_kind)
static int
pattern_helper_store_name(struct compiler *c, identifier n, pattern_context *pc)
- assert(!_PyUnicode_EqualToASCIIString(n, "_"));
+ if (forbidden_name(c, n, Store)) {
+ return 0;
+ }
// Can't assign to the same name twice:
if (pc->stores == NULL) {
RETURN_IF_FALSE(pc->stores = PySet_New(NULL));
@@ -5631,16 +5633,43 @@ pattern_helper_store_name(struct compiler *c, identifier n, pattern_context *pc)
static int
-pattern_helper_sequence_unpack(struct compiler *c, asdl_expr_seq *values,
+pattern_unpack_helper(struct compiler *c, asdl_pattern_seq *elts)
+ Py_ssize_t n = asdl_seq_LEN(elts);
+ int seen_star = 0;
+ for (Py_ssize_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ pattern_ty elt = asdl_seq_GET(elts, i);
+ if (elt->kind == MatchStar_kind && !seen_star) {
+ if ((i >= (1 << 8)) ||
+ (n-i-1 >= (INT_MAX >> 8)))
+ return compiler_error(c,
+ "too many expressions in "
+ "star-unpacking sequence pattern");
+ ADDOP_I(c, UNPACK_EX, (i + ((n-i-1) << 8)));
+ seen_star = 1;
+ }
+ else if (elt->kind == MatchStar_kind) {
+ return compiler_error(c,
+ "multiple starred expressions in sequence pattern");
+ }
+ }
+ if (!seen_star) {
+ }
+ return 1;
+static int
+pattern_helper_sequence_unpack(struct compiler *c, asdl_pattern_seq *patterns,
Py_ssize_t star, pattern_context *pc)
- RETURN_IF_FALSE(unpack_helper(c, values));
+ RETURN_IF_FALSE(pattern_unpack_helper(c, patterns));
// We've now got a bunch of new subjects on the stack. If any of them fail
// to match, we need to pop everything else off, then finally push False.
// fails is an array of blocks that correspond to the necessary amount of
// popping for each element:
basicblock **fails;
- Py_ssize_t size = asdl_seq_LEN(values);
+ Py_ssize_t size = asdl_seq_LEN(patterns);
fails = (basicblock **)PyObject_Malloc(sizeof(basicblock*) * size);
if (fails == NULL) {
@@ -5655,12 +5684,9 @@ pattern_helper_sequence_unpack(struct compiler *c, asdl_expr_seq *values,
for (Py_ssize_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
- expr_ty value = asdl_seq_GET(values, i);
- if (i == star) {
- assert(value->kind == Starred_kind);
- value = value->v.Starred.value;
- }
- if (!compiler_pattern_subpattern(c, value, pc) ||
+ pattern_ty pattern = asdl_seq_GET(patterns, i);
+ assert((i == star) == (pattern->kind == MatchStar_kind));
+ if (!compiler_pattern_subpattern(c, pattern, pc) ||
!compiler_addop_j(c, POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE, fails[i]) ||
compiler_next_block(c) == NULL)
@@ -5703,21 +5729,20 @@ error:
// UNPACK_SEQUENCE / UNPACK_EX. This is more efficient for patterns with a
// starred wildcard like [first, *_] / [first, *_, last] / [*_, last] / etc.
static int
-pattern_helper_sequence_subscr(struct compiler *c, asdl_expr_seq *values,
+pattern_helper_sequence_subscr(struct compiler *c, asdl_pattern_seq *patterns,
Py_ssize_t star, pattern_context *pc)
basicblock *end, *fail_pop_1;
RETURN_IF_FALSE(end = compiler_new_block(c));
RETURN_IF_FALSE(fail_pop_1 = compiler_new_block(c));
- Py_ssize_t size = asdl_seq_LEN(values);
+ Py_ssize_t size = asdl_seq_LEN(patterns);
for (Py_ssize_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
- expr_ty value = asdl_seq_GET(values, i);
- if (WILDCARD_CHECK(value)) {
+ pattern_ty pattern = asdl_seq_GET(patterns, i);
+ if (WILDCARD_CHECK(pattern)) {
if (i == star) {
- assert(value->kind == Starred_kind);
- assert(WILDCARD_CHECK(value->v.Starred.value));
+ assert(WILDCARD_STAR_CHECK(pattern));
@@ -5732,7 +5757,7 @@ pattern_helper_sequence_subscr(struct compiler *c, asdl_expr_seq *values,
- RETURN_IF_FALSE(compiler_pattern_subpattern(c, value, pc));
+ RETURN_IF_FALSE(compiler_pattern_subpattern(c, pattern, pc));
@@ -5746,10 +5771,9 @@ pattern_helper_sequence_subscr(struct compiler *c, asdl_expr_seq *values,
return 1;
// Like compiler_pattern, but turn off checks for irrefutability.
static int
-compiler_pattern_subpattern(struct compiler *c, expr_ty p, pattern_context *pc)
+compiler_pattern_subpattern(struct compiler *c, pattern_ty p, pattern_context *pc)
int allow_irrefutable = pc->allow_irrefutable;
pc->allow_irrefutable = 1;
@@ -5758,11 +5782,43 @@ compiler_pattern_subpattern(struct compiler *c, expr_ty p, pattern_context *pc)
return 1;
+static int
+compiler_pattern_capture(struct compiler *c, identifier n, pattern_context *pc)
+ RETURN_IF_FALSE(pattern_helper_store_name(c, n, pc));
+ return 1;
static int
-compiler_pattern_as(struct compiler *c, expr_ty p, pattern_context *pc)
+compiler_pattern_wildcard(struct compiler *c, pattern_ty p, pattern_context *pc)
assert(p->kind == MatchAs_kind);
+ if (!pc->allow_irrefutable) {
+ // Whoops, can't have a wildcard here!
+ const char *e = "wildcard makes remaining patterns unreachable";
+ return compiler_error(c, e);
+ }
+ return 1;
+static int
+compiler_pattern_as(struct compiler *c, pattern_ty p, pattern_context *pc)
+ assert(p->kind == MatchAs_kind);
+ if (p-> == NULL) {
+ return compiler_pattern_wildcard(c, p, pc);
+ }
+ if (p->v.MatchAs.pattern == NULL) {
+ if (!pc->allow_irrefutable) {
+ // Whoops, can't have a name capture here!
+ const char *e = "name capture %R makes remaining patterns unreachable";
+ return compiler_error(c, e, p->;
+ }
+ return compiler_pattern_capture(c, p->, pc);
+ }
basicblock *end, *fail_pop_1;
RETURN_IF_FALSE(end = compiler_new_block(c));
RETURN_IF_FALSE(fail_pop_1 = compiler_new_block(c));
@@ -5782,71 +5838,101 @@ compiler_pattern_as(struct compiler *c, expr_ty p, pattern_context *pc)
return 1;
static int
-compiler_pattern_capture(struct compiler *c, expr_ty p, pattern_context *pc)
+compiler_pattern_star(struct compiler *c, pattern_ty p, pattern_context *pc)
- assert(p->kind == Name_kind);
- assert(p->v.Name.ctx == Store);
- assert(!WILDCARD_CHECK(p));
+ assert(p->kind == MatchStar_kind);
if (!pc->allow_irrefutable) {
- // Whoops, can't have a name capture here!
- const char *e = "name capture %R makes remaining patterns unreachable";
- return compiler_error(c, e, p->;
+ // Whoops, can't have a star capture here!
+ const char *e = "star captures are only allowed as part of sequence patterns";
+ return compiler_error(c, e);
- RETURN_IF_FALSE(pattern_helper_store_name(c, p->, pc));
- return 1;
+ return compiler_pattern_capture(c, p->, pc);
+static int
+validate_kwd_attrs(struct compiler *c, asdl_identifier_seq *attrs, asdl_pattern_seq* patterns)
+ // Any errors will point to the pattern rather than the arg name as the
+ // parser is only supplying identifiers rather than Name or keyword nodes
+ Py_ssize_t nattrs = asdl_seq_LEN(attrs);
+ for (Py_ssize_t i = 0; i < nattrs; i++) {
+ identifier attr = ((identifier)asdl_seq_GET(attrs, i));
+ c->u->u_col_offset = ((pattern_ty) asdl_seq_GET(patterns, i))->col_offset;
+ if (forbidden_name(c, attr, Store)) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ for (Py_ssize_t j = i + 1; j < nattrs; j++) {
+ identifier other = ((identifier)asdl_seq_GET(attrs, j));
+ if (!PyUnicode_Compare(attr, other)) {
+ c->u->u_col_offset = ((pattern_ty) asdl_seq_GET(patterns, j))->col_offset;
+ compiler_error(c, "attribute name repeated in class pattern: %U", attr);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
static int
-compiler_pattern_class(struct compiler *c, expr_ty p, pattern_context *pc)
+compiler_pattern_class(struct compiler *c, pattern_ty p, pattern_context *pc)
- asdl_expr_seq *args = p->v.Call.args;
- asdl_keyword_seq *kwargs = p->v.Call.keywords;
- Py_ssize_t nargs = asdl_seq_LEN(args);
- Py_ssize_t nkwargs = asdl_seq_LEN(kwargs);
- if (INT_MAX < nargs || INT_MAX < nargs + nkwargs - 1) {
+ assert(p->kind == MatchClass_kind);
+ asdl_pattern_seq *patterns = p->v.MatchClass.patterns;
+ asdl_identifier_seq *kwd_attrs = p->v.MatchClass.kwd_attrs;
+ asdl_pattern_seq *kwd_patterns = p->v.MatchClass.kwd_patterns;
+ Py_ssize_t nargs = asdl_seq_LEN(patterns);
+ Py_ssize_t nattrs = asdl_seq_LEN(kwd_attrs);
+ Py_ssize_t nkwd_patterns = asdl_seq_LEN(kwd_patterns);
+ if (nattrs != nkwd_patterns) {
+ // AST validator shouldn't let this happen, but if it does,
+ // just fail, don't crash out of the interpreter
+ const char * e = "kwd_attrs (%d) / kwd_patterns (%d) length mismatch in class pattern";
+ return compiler_error(c, e, nattrs, nkwd_patterns);
+ }
+ if (INT_MAX < nargs || INT_MAX < nargs + nattrs - 1) {
const char *e = "too many sub-patterns in class pattern %R";
- return compiler_error(c, e, p->v.Call.func);
+ return compiler_error(c, e, p->v.MatchClass.cls);
+ }
+ if (nattrs) {
+ RETURN_IF_FALSE(!validate_kwd_attrs(c, kwd_attrs, kwd_patterns));
+ c->u->u_col_offset = p->col_offset; // validate_kwd_attrs moves this
- RETURN_IF_FALSE(!validate_keywords(c, kwargs));
basicblock *end, *fail_pop_1;
RETURN_IF_FALSE(end = compiler_new_block(c));
RETURN_IF_FALSE(fail_pop_1 = compiler_new_block(c));
- VISIT(c, expr, p->v.Call.func);
- PyObject *kwnames;
- RETURN_IF_FALSE(kwnames = PyTuple_New(nkwargs));
+ VISIT(c, expr, p->v.MatchClass.cls);
+ PyObject *attr_names;
+ RETURN_IF_FALSE(attr_names = PyTuple_New(nattrs));
Py_ssize_t i;
- for (i = 0; i < nkwargs; i++) {
- PyObject *name = ((keyword_ty) asdl_seq_GET(kwargs, i))->arg;
+ for (i = 0; i < nattrs; i++) {
+ PyObject *name = asdl_seq_GET(kwd_attrs, i);
- PyTuple_SET_ITEM(kwnames, i, name);
+ PyTuple_SET_ITEM(attr_names, i, name);
- ADDOP_LOAD_CONST_NEW(c, kwnames);
+ ADDOP_LOAD_CONST_NEW(c, attr_names);
// TOS is now a tuple of (nargs + nkwargs) attributes.
- for (i = 0; i < nargs + nkwargs; i++) {
- expr_ty arg;
+ for (i = 0; i < nargs + nattrs; i++) {
+ pattern_ty pattern;
if (i < nargs) {
// Positional:
- arg = asdl_seq_GET(args, i);
+ pattern = asdl_seq_GET(patterns, i);
else {
// Keyword:
- arg = ((keyword_ty) asdl_seq_GET(kwargs, i - nargs))->value;
+ pattern = asdl_seq_GET(kwd_patterns, i - nargs);
- if (WILDCARD_CHECK(arg)) {
+ if (WILDCARD_CHECK(pattern)) {
// Get the i-th attribute, and match it against the i-th pattern:
ADDOP_LOAD_CONST_NEW(c, PyLong_FromSsize_t(i));
- RETURN_IF_FALSE(compiler_pattern_subpattern(c, arg, pc));
+ RETURN_IF_FALSE(compiler_pattern_subpattern(c, pattern, pc));
@@ -5861,36 +5947,30 @@ compiler_pattern_class(struct compiler *c, expr_ty p, pattern_context *pc)
return 1;
static int
-compiler_pattern_literal(struct compiler *c, expr_ty p, pattern_context *pc)
- assert(p->kind == Constant_kind);
- PyObject *v = p->v.Constant.value;
- // Literal True, False, and None are compared by identity. All others use
- // equality:
- ADDOP_COMPARE(c, (v == Py_None || PyBool_Check(v)) ? Is : Eq);
- return 1;
-static int
-compiler_pattern_mapping(struct compiler *c, expr_ty p, pattern_context *pc)
+compiler_pattern_mapping(struct compiler *c, pattern_ty p, pattern_context *pc)
+ assert(p->kind == MatchMapping_kind);
basicblock *end, *fail_pop_1, *fail_pop_3;
RETURN_IF_FALSE(end = compiler_new_block(c));
RETURN_IF_FALSE(fail_pop_1 = compiler_new_block(c));
RETURN_IF_FALSE(fail_pop_3 = compiler_new_block(c));
- asdl_expr_seq *keys = p->v.Dict.keys;
- asdl_expr_seq *values = p->v.Dict.values;
- Py_ssize_t size = asdl_seq_LEN(values);
- // A starred pattern will be a keyless value. It is guaranteed to be last:
- int star = size ? !asdl_seq_GET(keys, size - 1) : 0;
+ asdl_expr_seq *keys = p->v.MatchMapping.keys;
+ asdl_pattern_seq *patterns = p->v.MatchMapping.patterns;
+ Py_ssize_t size = asdl_seq_LEN(keys);
+ Py_ssize_t npatterns = asdl_seq_LEN(patterns);
+ if (size != npatterns) {
+ // AST validator shouldn't let this happen, but if it does,
+ // just fail, don't crash out of the interpreter
+ const char * e = "keys (%d) / patterns (%d) length mismatch in mapping pattern";
+ return compiler_error(c, e, size, npatterns);
+ }
+ // We have a double-star target if "rest" is set
+ PyObject *star_target = p->;
- if (!size) {
+ if (!size && !star_target) {
// If the pattern is just "{}", we're done!
@@ -5901,53 +5981,57 @@ compiler_pattern_mapping(struct compiler *c, expr_ty p, pattern_context *pc)
compiler_use_next_block(c, end);
return 1;
- if (size - star) {
+ if (size) {
// If the pattern has any keys in it, perform a length check:
- ADDOP_LOAD_CONST_NEW(c, PyLong_FromSsize_t(size - star));
+ ADDOP_LOAD_CONST_NEW(c, PyLong_FromSsize_t(size));
- if (INT_MAX < size - star - 1) {
+ if (INT_MAX < size - 1) {
return compiler_error(c, "too many sub-patterns in mapping pattern");
// Collect all of the keys into a tuple for MATCH_KEYS and
// COPY_DICT_WITHOUT_KEYS. They can either be dotted names or literals:
- for (Py_ssize_t i = 0; i < size - star; i++) {
+ for (Py_ssize_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
expr_ty key = asdl_seq_GET(keys, i);
if (key == NULL) {
- const char *e = "can't use starred name here "
- "(consider moving to end)";
+ const char *e = "can't use NULL keys in MatchMapping "
+ "(set 'rest' parameter instead)";
+ c->u->u_col_offset = ((pattern_ty) asdl_seq_GET(patterns, i))->col_offset;
+ return compiler_error(c, e);
+ }
+ if (!MATCH_VALUE_EXPR(key)) {
+ const char *e = "mapping pattern keys may only match literals and attribute lookups";
return compiler_error(c, e);
VISIT(c, expr, key);
- ADDOP_I(c, BUILD_TUPLE, size - star);
+ ADDOP_I(c, BUILD_TUPLE, size);
// So far so good. There's now a tuple of values on the stack to match
// sub-patterns against:
- for (Py_ssize_t i = 0; i < size - star; i++) {
- expr_ty value = asdl_seq_GET(values, i);
- if (WILDCARD_CHECK(value)) {
+ for (Py_ssize_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ pattern_ty pattern = asdl_seq_GET(patterns, i);
+ if (WILDCARD_CHECK(pattern)) {
ADDOP_LOAD_CONST_NEW(c, PyLong_FromSsize_t(i));
- RETURN_IF_FALSE(compiler_pattern_subpattern(c, value, pc));
+ RETURN_IF_FALSE(compiler_pattern_subpattern(c, pattern, pc));
// If we get this far, it's a match! We're done with that tuple of values.
- if (star) {
- // If we had a starred name, bind a dict of remaining items to it:
+ if (star_target) {
+ // If we have a starred name, bind a dict of remaining items to it:
- PyObject *id = asdl_seq_GET(values, size - 1)->;
- RETURN_IF_FALSE(pattern_helper_store_name(c, id, pc));
+ RETURN_IF_FALSE(pattern_helper_store_name(c, star_target, pc));
else {
// Otherwise, we don't care about this tuple of keys anymore:
@@ -5970,9 +6054,8 @@ compiler_pattern_mapping(struct compiler *c, expr_ty p, pattern_context *pc)
return 1;
static int
-compiler_pattern_or(struct compiler *c, expr_ty p, pattern_context *pc)
+compiler_pattern_or(struct compiler *c, pattern_ty p, pattern_context *pc)
assert(p->kind == MatchOr_kind);
// control is the set of names bound by the first alternative. If all of the
@@ -5988,7 +6071,7 @@ compiler_pattern_or(struct compiler *c, expr_ty p, pattern_context *pc)
int allow_irrefutable = pc->allow_irrefutable;
for (Py_ssize_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
// NOTE: Can't use our nice returning macros in here: they'll leak sets!
- expr_ty alt = asdl_seq_GET(p->v.MatchOr.patterns, i);
+ pattern_ty alt = asdl_seq_GET(p->v.MatchOr.patterns, i);
pc->stores = PySet_New(stores_init);
// An irrefutable sub-pattern must be last, if it is allowed at all:
int is_last = i == size - 1;
@@ -6044,28 +6127,28 @@ fail:
static int
-compiler_pattern_sequence(struct compiler *c, expr_ty p, pattern_context *pc)
+compiler_pattern_sequence(struct compiler *c, pattern_ty p, pattern_context *pc)
- assert(p->kind == List_kind || p->kind == Tuple_kind);
- asdl_expr_seq *values = (p->kind == Tuple_kind) ? p->v.Tuple.elts
- : p->v.List.elts;
- Py_ssize_t size = asdl_seq_LEN(values);
+ assert(p->kind == MatchSequence_kind);
+ asdl_pattern_seq *patterns = p->v.MatchSequence.patterns;
+ Py_ssize_t size = asdl_seq_LEN(patterns);
Py_ssize_t star = -1;
int only_wildcard = 1;
int star_wildcard = 0;
// Find a starred name, if it exists. There may be at most one:
for (Py_ssize_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
- expr_ty value = asdl_seq_GET(values, i);
- if (value->kind == Starred_kind) {
- value = value->v.Starred.value;
+ pattern_ty pattern = asdl_seq_GET(patterns, i);
+ if (pattern->kind == MatchStar_kind) {
if (star >= 0) {
const char *e = "multiple starred names in sequence pattern";
return compiler_error(c, e);
- star_wildcard = WILDCARD_CHECK(value);
+ star_wildcard = WILDCARD_STAR_CHECK(pattern);
+ only_wildcard &= star_wildcard;
star = i;
+ continue;
- only_wildcard &= WILDCARD_CHECK(value);
+ only_wildcard &= WILDCARD_CHECK(pattern);
basicblock *end, *fail_pop_1;
RETURN_IF_FALSE(end = compiler_new_block(c));
@@ -6095,10 +6178,10 @@ compiler_pattern_sequence(struct compiler *c, expr_ty p, pattern_context *pc)
else if (star_wildcard) {
- RETURN_IF_FALSE(pattern_helper_sequence_subscr(c, values, star, pc));
+ RETURN_IF_FALSE(pattern_helper_sequence_subscr(c, patterns, star, pc));
else {
- RETURN_IF_FALSE(pattern_helper_sequence_unpack(c, values, star, pc));
+ RETURN_IF_FALSE(pattern_helper_sequence_unpack(c, patterns, star, pc));
compiler_use_next_block(c, fail_pop_1);
@@ -6108,72 +6191,57 @@ compiler_pattern_sequence(struct compiler *c, expr_ty p, pattern_context *pc)
return 1;
static int
-compiler_pattern_value(struct compiler *c, expr_ty p, pattern_context *pc)
+compiler_pattern_value(struct compiler *c, pattern_ty p, pattern_context *pc)
- assert(p->kind == Attribute_kind);
- assert(p->v.Attribute.ctx == Load);
- VISIT(c, expr, p);
+ assert(p->kind == MatchValue_kind);
+ expr_ty value = p->v.MatchValue.value;
+ if (!MATCH_VALUE_EXPR(value)) {
+ const char *e = "patterns may only match literals and attribute lookups";
+ return compiler_error(c, e);
+ }
+ VISIT(c, expr, value);
return 1;
static int
-compiler_pattern_wildcard(struct compiler *c, expr_ty p, pattern_context *pc)
+compiler_pattern_constant(struct compiler *c, pattern_ty p, pattern_context *pc)
- assert(p->kind == Name_kind);
- assert(p->v.Name.ctx == Store);
- assert(WILDCARD_CHECK(p));
- if (!pc->allow_irrefutable) {
- // Whoops, can't have a wildcard here!
- const char *e = "wildcard makes remaining patterns unreachable";
- return compiler_error(c, e);
- }
+ assert(p->kind == MatchSingleton_kind);
+ ADDOP_LOAD_CONST(c, p->v.MatchSingleton.value);
return 1;
static int
-compiler_pattern(struct compiler *c, expr_ty p, pattern_context *pc)
+compiler_pattern(struct compiler *c, pattern_ty p, pattern_context *pc)
SET_LOC(c, p);
switch (p->kind) {
- case Attribute_kind:
+ case MatchValue_kind:
return compiler_pattern_value(c, p, pc);
- case BinOp_kind:
- // Because we allow "2+2j", things like "2+2" make it this far:
- return compiler_error(c, "patterns cannot include operators");
- case Call_kind:
- return compiler_pattern_class(c, p, pc);
- case Constant_kind:
- return compiler_pattern_literal(c, p, pc);
- case Dict_kind:
- return compiler_pattern_mapping(c, p, pc);
- case JoinedStr_kind:
- // Because we allow strings, f-strings make it this far:
- return compiler_error(c, "patterns cannot include f-strings");
- case List_kind:
- case Tuple_kind:
+ case MatchSingleton_kind:
+ return compiler_pattern_constant(c, p, pc);
+ case MatchSequence_kind:
return compiler_pattern_sequence(c, p, pc);
+ case MatchMapping_kind:
+ return compiler_pattern_mapping(c, p, pc);
+ case MatchClass_kind:
+ return compiler_pattern_class(c, p, pc);
+ case MatchStar_kind:
+ return compiler_pattern_star(c, p, pc);
case MatchAs_kind:
return compiler_pattern_as(c, p, pc);
case MatchOr_kind:
return compiler_pattern_or(c, p, pc);
- case Name_kind:
- if (WILDCARD_CHECK(p)) {
- return compiler_pattern_wildcard(c, p, pc);
- }
- return compiler_pattern_capture(c, p, pc);
- default:
+ // AST validator shouldn't let this happen, but if it does,
+ // just fail, don't crash out of the interpreter
+ const char *e = "invalid match pattern node in AST (kind=%d)";
+ return compiler_error(c, e, p->kind);
static int
compiler_match(struct compiler *c, stmt_ty s)
@@ -6181,7 +6249,7 @@ compiler_match(struct compiler *c, stmt_ty s)
basicblock *next, *end;
RETURN_IF_FALSE(end = compiler_new_block(c));
Py_ssize_t cases = asdl_seq_LEN(s->v.Match.cases);
- assert(cases);
+ assert(cases > 0);
pattern_context pc;
// We use pc.stores to track:
// - Repeated name assignments in the same pattern.
@@ -6235,9 +6303,8 @@ compiler_match(struct compiler *c, stmt_ty s)
return 1;
/* End of the compiler section, beginning of the assembler section */
diff --git a/Python/symtable.c b/Python/symtable.c
index c6f8694..e620f1e 100644
--- a/Python/symtable.c
+++ b/Python/symtable.c
@@ -214,6 +214,7 @@ static int symtable_implicit_arg(struct symtable *st, int pos);
static int symtable_visit_annotations(struct symtable *st, arguments_ty, expr_ty);
static int symtable_visit_withitem(struct symtable *st, withitem_ty item);
static int symtable_visit_match_case(struct symtable *st, match_case_ty m);
+static int symtable_visit_pattern(struct symtable *st, pattern_ty s);
static identifier top = NULL, lambda = NULL, genexpr = NULL,
@@ -246,7 +247,6 @@ symtable_new(void)
goto fail;
st->st_cur = NULL;
st->st_private = NULL;
- st->in_pattern = 0;
return st;
@@ -1676,13 +1676,6 @@ symtable_visit_expr(struct symtable *st, expr_ty e)
VISIT(st, expr, e->v.Slice.step)
case Name_kind:
- // Don't make "_" a local when used in a pattern:
- if (st->in_pattern &&
- e->v.Name.ctx == Store &&
- _PyUnicode_EqualToASCIIString(e->, "_"))
- {
- break;
- }
if (!symtable_add_def(st, e->,
e->v.Name.ctx == Load ? USE : DEF_LOCAL))
VISIT_QUIT(st, 0);
@@ -1702,12 +1695,55 @@ symtable_visit_expr(struct symtable *st, expr_ty e)
case Tuple_kind:
VISIT_SEQ(st, expr, e->v.Tuple.elts);
+ }
+ VISIT_QUIT(st, 1);
+static int
+symtable_visit_pattern(struct symtable *st, pattern_ty p)
+ if (++st->recursion_depth > st->recursion_limit) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RecursionError,
+ "maximum recursion depth exceeded during compilation");
+ VISIT_QUIT(st, 0);
+ }
+ switch (p->kind) {
+ case MatchValue_kind:
+ VISIT(st, expr, p->v.MatchValue.value);
+ break;
+ case MatchSingleton_kind:
+ /* Nothing to do here. */
+ break;
+ case MatchSequence_kind:
+ VISIT_SEQ(st, pattern, p->v.MatchSequence.patterns);
+ break;
+ case MatchStar_kind:
+ if (p-> {
+ symtable_add_def(st, p->, DEF_LOCAL);
+ }
+ break;
+ case MatchMapping_kind:
+ VISIT_SEQ(st, expr, p->v.MatchMapping.keys);
+ VISIT_SEQ(st, pattern, p->v.MatchMapping.patterns);
+ if (p-> {
+ symtable_add_def(st, p->, DEF_LOCAL);
+ }
+ break;
+ case MatchClass_kind:
+ VISIT(st, expr, p->v.MatchClass.cls);
+ VISIT_SEQ(st, pattern, p->v.MatchClass.patterns);
+ VISIT_SEQ(st, pattern, p->v.MatchClass.kwd_patterns);
+ break;
case MatchAs_kind:
- VISIT(st, expr, e->v.MatchAs.pattern);
- symtable_add_def(st, e->, DEF_LOCAL);
+ if (p->v.MatchAs.pattern) {
+ VISIT(st, pattern, p->v.MatchAs.pattern);
+ }
+ if (p-> {
+ symtable_add_def(st, p->, DEF_LOCAL);
+ }
case MatchOr_kind:
- VISIT_SEQ(st, expr, e->v.MatchOr.patterns);
+ VISIT_SEQ(st, pattern, p->v.MatchOr.patterns);
VISIT_QUIT(st, 1);
@@ -1830,11 +1866,7 @@ symtable_visit_withitem(struct symtable *st, withitem_ty item)
static int
symtable_visit_match_case(struct symtable *st, match_case_ty m)
- assert(!st->in_pattern);
- st->in_pattern = 1;
- VISIT(st, expr, m->pattern);
- assert(st->in_pattern);
- st->in_pattern = 0;
+ VISIT(st, pattern, m->pattern);
if (m->guard) {
VISIT(st, expr, m->guard);