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authorAndrew M. Kuchling <>2006-09-12 21:21:51 (GMT)
committerAndrew M. Kuchling <>2006-09-12 21:21:51 (GMT)
commitab856873f12245fae303c62422d51c547670f959 (patch)
parent32cec80b0219ff9e0b52baa3580878103af722d3 (diff)
More wordsmithing
1 files changed, 28 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/Doc/lib/libsqlite3.tex b/Doc/lib/libsqlite3.tex
index 1afb5d7..b8bdbdc 100644
--- a/Doc/lib/libsqlite3.tex
+++ b/Doc/lib/libsqlite3.tex
@@ -146,8 +146,8 @@ committed. The \var{timeout} parameter specifies how long the connection should
wait for the lock to go away until raising an exception. The default for the
timeout parameter is 5.0 (five seconds).
-For the \var{isolation_level} parameter, please see \member{isolation_level}
-\ref{sqlite3-Connection-IsolationLevel} property of \class{Connection} objects.
+For the \var{isolation_level} parameter, please see the \member{isolation_level}
+property of \class{Connection} objects in section~\ref{sqlite3-Connection-IsolationLevel}.
SQLite natively supports only the types TEXT, INTEGER, FLOAT, BLOB and NULL. If
you want to use other types, like you have to add support for them yourself.
@@ -212,13 +212,14 @@ A \class{Connection} instance has the following attributes and methods:
Get or set the current isolation level. None for autocommit mode or one of
- "DEFERRED", "IMMEDIATE" or "EXLUSIVE". See Controlling Transactions
- \ref{sqlite3-Controlling-Transactions} for a more detailed explanation.
+ "DEFERRED", "IMMEDIATE" or "EXLUSIVE". See ``Controlling Transactions'',
+ section~\ref{sqlite3-Controlling-Transactions}, for a more detailed explanation.
The cursor method accepts a single optional parameter \var{cursorClass}.
- This is a custom cursor class which must extend \class{sqlite3.Cursor}.
+ If supplied, this must be a custom cursor class that extends
+ \class{sqlite3.Cursor}.
\begin{methoddesc}{execute}{sql, \optional{parameters}}
@@ -244,7 +245,7 @@ parameters given.
Creates a user-defined function that you can later use from within SQL
statements under the function name \var{name}. \var{num_params} is the number
of parameters the function accepts, and \var{func} is a Python callable that is
-called as SQL function.
+called as the SQL function.
The function can return any of the types supported by SQLite: unicode, str,
int, long, float, buffer and None.
@@ -274,7 +275,7 @@ Example:
Creates a collation with the specified \var{name} and \var{callable}. The
callable will be passed two string arguments. It should return -1 if the first
-is ordered lower than the second, 0 if they are ordered equal and 1 and if the
+is ordered lower than the second, 0 if they are ordered equal and 1 if the
first is ordered higher than the second. Note that this controls sorting
(ORDER BY in SQL) so your comparisons don't affect other SQL operations.
@@ -323,20 +324,21 @@ module.
You can change this attribute to a callable that accepts the cursor and
- the original row as tuple and will return the real result row. This
- way, you can implement more advanced ways of returning results, like
- ones that can also access columns by name.
+ the original row as a tuple and will return the real result row. This
+ way, you can implement more advanced ways of returning results, such
+ as returning an object that can also access columns by name.
- If the standard tuple types don't suffice for you, and you want name-based
+ If returning a tuple doesn't suffice and you want name-based
access to columns, you should consider setting \member{row_factory} to the
- highly-optimized sqlite3.Row type. It provides both
+ highly-optimized \class{sqlite3.Row} type. \class{Row} provides both
index-based and case-insensitive name-based access to columns with almost
- no memory overhead. Much better than your own custom dictionary-based
- approach or even a db_row based solution.
+ no memory overhead. It will probably be better than your own custom
+ dictionary-based approach or even a db_row based solution.
+ % XXX what's a db_row-based solution?
@@ -350,7 +352,7 @@ module.
attribute to \constant{sqlite3.OptimizedUnicode}.
You can also set it to any other callable that accepts a single bytestring
- parameter and returns the result object.
+ parameter and returns the resulting object.
See the following example code for illustration:
@@ -358,7 +360,7 @@ module.
- Returns the total number of database rows that have be modified, inserted,
+ Returns the total number of database rows that have been modified, inserted,
or deleted since the database connection was opened.
@@ -385,9 +387,9 @@ This example shows how to use the named style:
- \method{execute} will only execute a single SQL statement. If you try to
+ \method{execute()} will only execute a single SQL statement. If you try to
execute more than one statement with it, it will raise a Warning. Use
- \method{executescript} if want to execute multiple SQL statements with one
+ \method{executescript()} if you want to execute multiple SQL statements with one
@@ -395,7 +397,7 @@ This example shows how to use the named style:
\begin{methoddesc}{executemany}{sql, seq_of_parameters}
Executes a SQL command against all parameter sequences or mappings found in the
sequence \var{sql}. The \module{sqlite3} module also allows
-to use an iterator yielding parameters instead of a sequence.
+using an iterator yielding parameters instead of a sequence.
@@ -407,7 +409,7 @@ Here's a shorter example using a generator:
This is a nonstandard convenience method for executing multiple SQL statements
-at once. It issues a COMMIT statement before, then executes the SQL script it
+at once. It issues a COMMIT statement first, then executes the SQL script it
gets as a parameter.
\var{sql_script} can be a bytestring or a Unicode string.
@@ -558,8 +560,8 @@ database is actually a point. There are two ways of doing this:
\item Explicitly via the column name
-Both ways are described in section~\ref{sqlite3-Module-Contents}, in
-the text explaining the constants \constant{PARSE_DECLTYPES} and
+Both ways are described in ``Module Constants'', section~\ref{sqlite3-Module-Contents}, in
+the entries for the constants \constant{PARSE_DECLTYPES} and
@@ -619,17 +621,17 @@ the connection yourself.
Using the nonstandard \method{execute}, \method{executemany} and
\method{executescript} methods of the \class{Connection} object, your code can
-be written more concisely, because you don't have to create the - often
-superfluous \class{Cursor} objects explicitly. Instead, the \class{Cursor}
+be written more concisely because you don't have to create the (often
+superfluous) \class{Cursor} objects explicitly. Instead, the \class{Cursor}
objects are created implicitly and these shortcut methods return the cursor
-objects. This way, you can for example execute a SELECT statement and iterate
+objects. This way, you can execute a SELECT statement and iterate
over it directly using only a single call on the \class{Connection} object.
\subsubsection{Accessing columns by name instead of by index}
-One cool feature of the \module{sqlite3} module is the builtin \class{sqlite3.Row} class
+One useful feature of the \module{sqlite3} module is the builtin \class{sqlite3.Row} class
designed to be used as a row factory.
Rows wrapped with this class can be accessed both by index (like tuples) and