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authorTim Peters <>2003-05-17 02:25:20 (GMT)
committerTim Peters <>2003-05-17 02:25:20 (GMT)
commiteb1a496039d39135188bbee20e348e796c4807ea (patch)
parent1ba24b4fbb1c675cd2edbdf2b1c0fbb5054b8969 (diff)
test_subclass_date(): Beefed this up, to check that new instance
attributes and methods work, that new arguments can be passed to the constructor, and that inherited methods and attrs still work. Added XXX comments about what to do when datetime becomes usably subclassable too (it's not yet).
1 files changed, 28 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/Lib/test/ b/Lib/test/
index b86286b..51b5f4f 100644
--- a/Lib/test/
+++ b/Lib/test/
@@ -480,10 +480,35 @@ class TestDateOnly(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(dt2, dt - days)
def test_subclass_date(self):
+ # XXX When datetime becomes usably subclassable, uncomment the
+ # XXX "self.theclass" lines and move this into TestDate.
+ # class C(self.theclass):
class C(date):
theAnswer = 42
- dt = C(2003, 4, 14)
- self.assertEqual(dt.__class__, C)
+ def __new__(cls, *args, **kws):
+ temp = kws.copy()
+ extra = temp.pop('extra')
+ # result = self.theclass.__new__(cls, *args, **temp)
+ result = date.__new__(cls, *args, **temp)
+ result.extra = extra
+ return result
+ def newmeth(self, start):
+ return start + self.year + self.month
+ args = 2003, 4, 14
+ # dt1 = self.theclass(*args)
+ dt1 = date(*args)
+ dt2 = C(*args, **{'extra': 7})
+ self.assertEqual(dt2.__class__, C)
+ self.assertEqual(dt2.theAnswer, 42)
+ self.assertEqual(dt2.extra, 7)
+ self.assertEqual(dt1.toordinal(), dt2.toordinal())
+ self.assertEqual(dt2.newmeth(-7), dt1.year + dt1.month - 7)
class TestDate(HarmlessMixedComparison):
# Tests here should pass for both dates and datetimes, except for a
@@ -977,6 +1002,7 @@ class TestDate(HarmlessMixedComparison):
base = cls(2000, 2, 29)
self.assertRaises(ValueError, base.replace, year=2001)
# datetime tests