diff options
authorMichiel W. Beijen <>2024-04-13 14:33:20 (GMT)
committerGitHub <>2024-04-13 14:33:20 (GMT)
commit022ba6d161138fbe02bcb83b7e667567f2673b0a (patch)
parentdd724239dd759879b9b6981114db25256449fc42 (diff)
gh-102247: http: support rfc9110 status codes (GH-117611)
rfc9110 obsoletes the earlier rfc 7231. This document also includes some status codes that were previously only used for WebDAV and assigns more generic names to these status codes. ref: - http.HTTPStatus.CONTENT_TOO_LARGE (413, previously REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE) - http.HTTPStatus.URI_TOO_LONG (414, previously REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG) - http.HTTPStatus.RANGE_NOT_SATISFYABLE (416, previously REQUEST_RANGE_NOT_SATISFYABLE) - http.HTTPStatus.UNPROCESSABLE_CONTENT (422, previously UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY) The new constants are added to http.HTTPStatus and the old constant names are preserved for backwards compatibility. References in documentation to the obsoleted rfc 7231 are updated
6 files changed, 94 insertions, 78 deletions
diff --git a/Doc/library/http.rst b/Doc/library/http.rst
index 5e19127..998d6e7 100644
--- a/Doc/library/http.rst
+++ b/Doc/library/http.rst
@@ -59,63 +59,63 @@ available in :class:`http.HTTPStatus` are:
======= =================================== ==================================================================
Code Enum Name Details
======= =================================== ==================================================================
-``100`` ``CONTINUE`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.2.1
-``101`` ``SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.2.2
+``100`` ``CONTINUE`` HTTP Semantics :rfc:`9110`, Section 15.2.1
+``101`` ``SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS`` HTTP Semantics :rfc:`9110`, Section 15.2.2
``102`` ``PROCESSING`` WebDAV :rfc:`2518`, Section 10.1
``103`` ``EARLY_HINTS`` An HTTP Status Code for Indicating Hints :rfc:`8297`
-``200`` ``OK`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.3.1
-``201`` ``CREATED`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.3.2
-``202`` ``ACCEPTED`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.3.3
-``203`` ``NON_AUTHORITATIVE_INFORMATION`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.3.4
-``204`` ``NO_CONTENT`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.3.5
-``205`` ``RESET_CONTENT`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.3.6
-``206`` ``PARTIAL_CONTENT`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7233`, Section 4.1
+``200`` ``OK`` HTTP Semantics :rfc:`9110`, Section 15.3.1
+``201`` ``CREATED`` HTTP Semantics :rfc:`9110`, Section 15.3.2
+``202`` ``ACCEPTED`` HTTP Semantics :rfc:`9110`, Section 15.3.3
+``203`` ``NON_AUTHORITATIVE_INFORMATION`` HTTP Semantics :rfc:`9110`, Section 15.3.4
+``204`` ``NO_CONTENT`` HTTP Semantics :rfc:`9110`, Section 15.3.5
+``205`` ``RESET_CONTENT`` HTTP Semantics :rfc:`9110`, Section 15.3.6
+``206`` ``PARTIAL_CONTENT`` HTTP Semantics :rfc:`9110`, Section 15.3.7
``207`` ``MULTI_STATUS`` WebDAV :rfc:`4918`, Section 11.1
``208`` ``ALREADY_REPORTED`` WebDAV Binding Extensions :rfc:`5842`, Section 7.1 (Experimental)
``226`` ``IM_USED`` Delta Encoding in HTTP :rfc:`3229`, Section 10.4.1
-``300`` ``MULTIPLE_CHOICES`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.4.1
-``301`` ``MOVED_PERMANENTLY`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.4.2
-``302`` ``FOUND`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.4.3
-``303`` ``SEE_OTHER`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.4.4
-``304`` ``NOT_MODIFIED`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7232`, Section 4.1
-``305`` ``USE_PROXY`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.4.5
-``307`` ``TEMPORARY_REDIRECT`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.4.7
-``308`` ``PERMANENT_REDIRECT`` Permanent Redirect :rfc:`7238`, Section 3 (Experimental)
-``400`` ``BAD_REQUEST`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.5.1
-``401`` ``UNAUTHORIZED`` HTTP/1.1 Authentication :rfc:`7235`, Section 3.1
-``402`` ``PAYMENT_REQUIRED`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.5.2
-``403`` ``FORBIDDEN`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.5.3
-``404`` ``NOT_FOUND`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.5.4
-``405`` ``METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.5.5
-``406`` ``NOT_ACCEPTABLE`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.5.6
-``407`` ``PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED`` HTTP/1.1 Authentication :rfc:`7235`, Section 3.2
-``408`` ``REQUEST_TIMEOUT`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.5.7
-``409`` ``CONFLICT`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.5.8
-``410`` ``GONE`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.5.9
-``411`` ``LENGTH_REQUIRED`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.5.10
-``412`` ``PRECONDITION_FAILED`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7232`, Section 4.2
-``413`` ``REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.5.11
-``414`` ``REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.5.12
-``415`` ``UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.5.13
-``416`` ``REQUESTED_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE`` HTTP/1.1 Range Requests :rfc:`7233`, Section 4.4
-``417`` ``EXPECTATION_FAILED`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.5.14
+``300`` ``MULTIPLE_CHOICES`` HTTP Semantics :rfc:`9110`, Section 15.4.1
+``301`` ``MOVED_PERMANENTLY`` HTTP Semantics :rfc:`9110`, Section 15.4.2
+``302`` ``FOUND`` HTTP Semantics :rfc:`9110`, Section 15.4.3
+``303`` ``SEE_OTHER`` HTTP Semantics :rfc:`9110`, Section 15.4.4
+``304`` ``NOT_MODIFIED`` HTTP Semantics :rfc:`9110`, Section 15.4.5
+``305`` ``USE_PROXY`` HTTP Semantics :rfc:`9110`, Section 15.4.6
+``307`` ``TEMPORARY_REDIRECT`` HTTP Semantics :rfc:`9110`, Section 15.4.8
+``308`` ``PERMANENT_REDIRECT`` HTTP Semantics :rfc:`9110`, Section 15.4.9
+``400`` ``BAD_REQUEST`` HTTP Semantics :rfc:`9110`, Section 15.5.1
+``401`` ``UNAUTHORIZED`` HTTP Semantics :rfc:`9110`, Section 15.5.2
+``402`` ``PAYMENT_REQUIRED`` HTTP Semantics :rfc:`9110`, Section 15.5.3
+``403`` ``FORBIDDEN`` HTTP Semantics :rfc:`9110`, Section 15.5.4
+``404`` ``NOT_FOUND`` HTTP Semantics :rfc:`9110`, Section 15.5.5
+``405`` ``METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED`` HTTP Semantics :rfc:`9110`, Section 15.5.6
+``406`` ``NOT_ACCEPTABLE`` HTTP Semantics :rfc:`9110`, Section 15.5.7
+``407`` ``PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED`` HTTP Semantics :rfc:`9110`, Section 15.5.8
+``408`` ``REQUEST_TIMEOUT`` HTTP Semantics :rfc:`9110`, Section 15.5.9
+``409`` ``CONFLICT`` HTTP Semantics :rfc:`9110`, Section 15.5.10
+``410`` ``GONE`` HTTP Semantics :rfc:`9110`, Section 15.5.11
+``411`` ``LENGTH_REQUIRED`` HTTP Semantics :rfc:`9110`, Section 15.5.12
+``412`` ``PRECONDITION_FAILED`` HTTP Semantics :rfc:`9110`, Section 15.5.13
+``413`` ``CONTENT_TOO_LARGE`` HTTP Semantics :rfc:`9110`, Section 15.5.14
+``414`` ``URI_TOO_LONG`` HTTP Semantics :rfc:`9110`, Section 15.5.15
+``415`` ``UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE`` HTTP Semantics :rfc:`9110`, Section 15.5.16
+``416`` ``RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE`` HTTP Semantics :rfc:`9110`, Section 15.5.17
+``417`` ``EXPECTATION_FAILED`` HTTP Semantics :rfc:`9110`, Section 15.5.18
``418`` ``IM_A_TEAPOT`` HTCPCP/1.0 :rfc:`2324`, Section 2.3.2
-``421`` ``MISDIRECTED_REQUEST`` HTTP/2 :rfc:`7540`, Section 9.1.2
-``422`` ``UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY`` WebDAV :rfc:`4918`, Section 11.2
+``421`` ``MISDIRECTED_REQUEST`` HTTP Semantics :rfc:`9110`, Section 15.5.20
+``422`` ``UNPROCESSABLE_CONTENT`` HTTP Semantics :rfc:`9110`, Section 15.5.21
``423`` ``LOCKED`` WebDAV :rfc:`4918`, Section 11.3
``424`` ``FAILED_DEPENDENCY`` WebDAV :rfc:`4918`, Section 11.4
``425`` ``TOO_EARLY`` Using Early Data in HTTP :rfc:`8470`
-``426`` ``UPGRADE_REQUIRED`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.5.15
+``426`` ``UPGRADE_REQUIRED`` HTTP Semantics :rfc:`9110`, Section 15.5.22
``428`` ``PRECONDITION_REQUIRED`` Additional HTTP Status Codes :rfc:`6585`
``429`` ``TOO_MANY_REQUESTS`` Additional HTTP Status Codes :rfc:`6585`
``431`` ``REQUEST_HEADER_FIELDS_TOO_LARGE`` Additional HTTP Status Codes :rfc:`6585`
``451`` ``UNAVAILABLE_FOR_LEGAL_REASONS`` An HTTP Status Code to Report Legal Obstacles :rfc:`7725`
-``500`` ``INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.6.1
-``501`` ``NOT_IMPLEMENTED`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.6.2
-``502`` ``BAD_GATEWAY`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.6.3
-``503`` ``SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.6.4
-``504`` ``GATEWAY_TIMEOUT`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.6.5
-``505`` ``HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6.6.6
+``500`` ``INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR`` HTTP Semantics :rfc:`9110`, Section 15.6.1
+``501`` ``NOT_IMPLEMENTED`` HTTP Semantics :rfc:`9110`, Section 15.6.2
+``502`` ``BAD_GATEWAY`` HTTP Semantics :rfc:`9110`, Section 15.6.3
+``503`` ``SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE`` HTTP Semantics :rfc:`9110`, Section 15.6.4
+``504`` ``GATEWAY_TIMEOUT`` HTTP Semantics :rfc:`9110`, Section 15.6.5
+``505`` ``HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED`` HTTP Semantics :rfc:`9110`, Section 15.6.6
``506`` ``VARIANT_ALSO_NEGOTIATES`` Transparent Content Negotiation in HTTP :rfc:`2295`, Section 8.1 (Experimental)
``507`` ``INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE`` WebDAV :rfc:`4918`, Section 11.5
``508`` ``LOOP_DETECTED`` WebDAV Binding Extensions :rfc:`5842`, Section 7.2 (Experimental)
@@ -137,6 +137,10 @@ equal to the constant name (i.e. ``http.HTTPStatus.OK`` is also available as
.. versionadded:: 3.9
Added ``103 EARLY_HINTS``, ``418 IM_A_TEAPOT`` and ``425 TOO_EARLY`` status codes.
+.. versionchanged:: 3.13
+ Implemented RFC9110 naming for status constants. Old constant names are preserved for
+ backwards compatibility.
HTTP status category
@@ -144,15 +148,15 @@ HTTP status category
The enum values have several properties to indicate the HTTP status category:
-==================== ======================== ===============================
+==================== ======================== ======================================
Property Indicates that Details
-==================== ======================== ===============================
-``is_informational`` ``100 <= status <= 199`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6
-``is_success`` ``200 <= status <= 299`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6
-``is_redirection`` ``300 <= status <= 399`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6
-``is_client_error`` ``400 <= status <= 499`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6
-``is_server_error`` ``500 <= status <= 599`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 6
-==================== ======================== ===============================
+==================== ======================== ======================================
+``is_informational`` ``100 <= status <= 199`` HTTP Semantics :rfc:`9110`, Section 15
+``is_success`` ``200 <= status <= 299`` HTTP Semantics :rfc:`9110`, Section 15
+``is_redirection`` ``300 <= status <= 399`` HTTP Semantics :rfc:`9110`, Section 15
+``is_client_error`` ``400 <= status <= 499`` HTTP Semantics :rfc:`9110`, Section 15
+``is_server_error`` ``500 <= status <= 599`` HTTP Semantics :rfc:`9110`, Section 15
+==================== ======================== ======================================
@@ -203,13 +207,13 @@ available in :class:`http.HTTPMethod` are:
=========== =================================== ==================================================================
Method Enum Name Details
=========== =================================== ==================================================================
-``GET`` ``GET`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 4.3.1
-``HEAD`` ``HEAD`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 4.3.2
-``POST`` ``POST`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 4.3.3
-``PUT`` ``PUT`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 4.3.4
-``DELETE`` ``DELETE`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 4.3.5
-``CONNECT`` ``CONNECT`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 4.3.6
-``OPTIONS`` ``OPTIONS`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 4.3.7
-``TRACE`` ``TRACE`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`7231`, Section 4.3.8
+``GET`` ``GET`` HTTP Semantics :rfc:`9110`, Section 9.3.1
+``HEAD`` ``HEAD`` HTTP Semantics :rfc:`9110`, Section 9.3.2
+``POST`` ``POST`` HTTP Semantics :rfc:`9110`, Section 9.3.3
+``PUT`` ``PUT`` HTTP Semantics :rfc:`9110`, Section 9.3.4
+``DELETE`` ``DELETE`` HTTP Semantics :rfc:`9110`, Section 9.3.5
+``CONNECT`` ``CONNECT`` HTTP Semantics :rfc:`9110`, Section 9.3.6
+``OPTIONS`` ``OPTIONS`` HTTP Semantics :rfc:`9110`, Section 9.3.7
+``TRACE`` ``TRACE`` HTTP Semantics :rfc:`9110`, Section 9.3.8
``PATCH`` ``PATCH`` HTTP/1.1 :rfc:`5789`
=========== =================================== ==================================================================
diff --git a/Lib/http/ b/Lib/http/
index e093a1f..d64741e 100644
--- a/Lib/http/
+++ b/Lib/http/
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ class HTTPStatus:
Status codes from the following RFCs are all observed:
- * RFC 7231: Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1), obsoletes 2616
+ * RFC 9110: HTTP Semantics, obsoletes 7231, which obsoleted 2616
* RFC 6585: Additional HTTP Status Codes
* RFC 3229: Delta encoding in HTTP
* RFC 4918: HTTP Extensions for WebDAV, obsoletes 2518
@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ class HTTPStatus:
def __new__(cls, value, phrase, description=''):
obj = int.__new__(cls, value)
obj._value_ = value
obj.phrase = phrase
obj.description = description
return obj
@@ -115,22 +114,25 @@ class HTTPStatus:
'Client must specify Content-Length')
PRECONDITION_FAILED = (412, 'Precondition Failed',
'Precondition in headers is false')
- REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE = (413, 'Request Entity Too Large',
- 'Entity is too large')
- REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG = (414, 'Request-URI Too Long',
+ CONTENT_TOO_LARGE = (413, 'Content Too Large',
+ 'Content is too large')
+ URI_TOO_LONG = (414, 'URI Too Long',
'URI is too long')
UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE = (415, 'Unsupported Media Type',
'Entity body in unsupported format')
- 'Requested Range Not Satisfiable',
+ RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE = (416, 'Range Not Satisfiable',
'Cannot satisfy request range')
EXPECTATION_FAILED = (417, 'Expectation Failed',
'Expect condition could not be satisfied')
IM_A_TEAPOT = (418, 'I\'m a Teapot',
'Server refuses to brew coffee because it is a teapot.')
MISDIRECTED_REQUEST = (421, 'Misdirected Request',
'Server is not able to produce a response')
- UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY = 422, 'Unprocessable Entity'
+ UNPROCESSABLE_CONTENT = 422, 'Unprocessable Content'
LOCKED = 423, 'Locked'
FAILED_DEPENDENCY = 424, 'Failed Dependency'
TOO_EARLY = 425, 'Too Early'
@@ -177,7 +179,7 @@ class HTTPMethod:
Methods from the following RFCs are all observed:
- * RFC 7231: Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1), obsoletes 2616
+ * RFF 9110: HTTP Semantics, obsoletes 7231, which obsoleted 2616
* RFC 5789: PATCH Method for HTTP
def __new__(cls, value, description):
diff --git a/Lib/test/ b/Lib/test/
index 6e63a88..9d853d2 100644
--- a/Lib/test/
+++ b/Lib/test/
@@ -651,22 +651,25 @@ class BasicTest(TestCase):
'Client must specify Content-Length')
PRECONDITION_FAILED = (412, 'Precondition Failed',
'Precondition in headers is false')
- REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE = (413, 'Request Entity Too Large',
- 'Entity is too large')
- REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG = (414, 'Request-URI Too Long',
- 'URI is too long')
+ CONTENT_TOO_LARGE = (413, 'Content Too Large',
+ 'Content is too large')
+ URI_TOO_LONG = (414, 'URI Too Long', 'URI is too long')
UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE = (415, 'Unsupported Media Type',
'Entity body in unsupported format')
- 'Requested Range Not Satisfiable',
+ 'Range Not Satisfiable',
'Cannot satisfy request range')
EXPECTATION_FAILED = (417, 'Expectation Failed',
'Expect condition could not be satisfied')
IM_A_TEAPOT = (418, 'I\'m a Teapot',
'Server refuses to brew coffee because it is a teapot.')
MISDIRECTED_REQUEST = (421, 'Misdirected Request',
'Server is not able to produce a response')
- UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY = 422, 'Unprocessable Entity'
+ UNPROCESSABLE_CONTENT = 422, 'Unprocessable Content'
LOCKED = 423, 'Locked'
FAILED_DEPENDENCY = 424, 'Failed Dependency'
TOO_EARLY = 425, 'Too Early'
@@ -1718,13 +1721,17 @@ class OfflineTest(TestCase):
diff --git a/Lib/test/ b/Lib/test/
index d762ec6..7c0edfe 100644
--- a/Lib/test/
+++ b/Lib/test/
@@ -1205,7 +1205,7 @@ class BaseHTTPRequestHandlerTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
# Issue #10714: huge request lines are discarded, to avoid Denial
# of Service attacks.
result = self.send_typical_request(b'GET ' + b'x' * 65537)
- self.assertEqual(result[0], b'HTTP/1.1 414 Request-URI Too Long\r\n')
+ self.assertEqual(result[0], b'HTTP/1.1 414 URI Too Long\r\n')
self.assertIsInstance(self.handler.requestline, str)
diff --git a/Lib/test/ b/Lib/test/
index 9316d0e..b047f7b 100644
--- a/Lib/test/
+++ b/Lib/test/
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ class IntegrationTests(TestCase):
def test_request_length(self):
out, err = run_amock(data=b"GET " + (b"x" * 65537) + b" HTTP/1.0\n\n")
- b"HTTP/1.0 414 Request-URI Too Long")
+ b"HTTP/1.0 414 URI Too Long")
def test_validated_hello(self):
out, err = run_amock(validator(hello_app))
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0f7491
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+the status codes enum with constants in http.HTTPStatus are updated to include the names from RFC9110. This RFC includes some HTTP statuses previously only used for WEBDAV and assigns more generic names to them.
+The old constants are preserved for backwards compatibility.