diff options
authorTerry Jan Reedy <>2021-06-08 19:35:10 (GMT)
committerGitHub <>2021-06-08 19:35:10 (GMT)
commitab36b9f83424a020fbd672f218612e6f19257a32 (patch)
parentbafe0aade5741ab0d13143ee261711fdd65e8a1f (diff)
bpo-40468: Move IDLE helplist settings to extensions page of dialog. (GH-26593)
These are the settings that extend the help menu. Moving them shortens the dialog and will help with it being too tall for small screens.
3 files changed, 190 insertions, 139 deletions
diff --git a/Lib/idlelib/ b/Lib/idlelib/
index c52a04b..6638c06 100644
--- a/Lib/idlelib/
+++ b/Lib/idlelib/
@@ -268,8 +268,6 @@ class ConfigDialog(Toplevel):
set_extension_value: Set in userCfg['extensions'].
save_all_changed_extensions: Call extension page Save().
- parent = self.parent
- frame = Frame(self.note)
self.ext_defaultCfg = idleConf.defaultCfg['extensions']
self.ext_userCfg = idleConf.userCfg['extensions']
self.is_int = self.register(is_int)
@@ -277,18 +275,21 @@ class ConfigDialog(Toplevel):
# Create widgets - a listbox shows all available extensions, with the
# controls for the extension selected in the listbox to the right.
self.extension_names = StringVar(self)
- frame.rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
- frame.columnconfigure(2, weight=1)
- self.extension_list = Listbox(frame, listvariable=self.extension_names,
+ frame = Frame(self.note)
+ frame_ext = LabelFrame(frame, borderwidth=2, relief=GROOVE,
+ text=' Feature Extensions ')
+ frame_ext.rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
+ frame_ext.columnconfigure(2, weight=1)
+ self.extension_list = Listbox(frame_ext, listvariable=self.extension_names,
self.extension_list.bind('<<ListboxSelect>>', self.extension_selected)
- scroll = Scrollbar(frame, command=self.extension_list.yview)
+ scroll = Scrollbar(frame_ext, command=self.extension_list.yview)
- self.details_frame = LabelFrame(frame, width=250, height=250)
+ self.details_frame = LabelFrame(frame_ext, width=250, height=250)
self.extension_list.grid(column=0, row=0, sticky='nws')
scroll.grid(column=1, row=0, sticky='ns')
self.details_frame.grid(column=2, row=0, sticky='nsew', padx=[10, 0])
- frame.configure(padding=10)
+ frame_ext.configure(padding=10)
self.config_frame = {}
self.current_extension = None
@@ -304,6 +305,13 @@ class ConfigDialog(Toplevel):
+ self.frame_help = HelpFrame(frame, borderwidth=2, relief=GROOVE,
+ text=' Help Menu Extensions ')
+ frame_ext.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='nsew')
+ Label(frame).grid(row=1, column=0)
+ self.frame_help.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky='sew')
return frame
def load_extensions(self):
@@ -1854,14 +1862,6 @@ class GenPage(Frame):
frame_auto_squeeze_min_lines: Frame
auto_squeeze_min_lines_title: Label
(*)auto_squeeze_min_lines_int: Entry - auto_squeeze_min_lines
- frame_help: LabelFrame
- frame_helplist: Frame
- frame_helplist_buttons: Frame
- (*)button_helplist_edit
- (*)button_helplist_add
- (*)button_helplist_remove
- (*)helplist: ListBox
- scroll_helplist: Scrollbar
# Integer values need StringVar because int('') raises.
self.startup_edit = tracers.add(
@@ -1902,8 +1902,6 @@ class GenPage(Frame):
text=' Editor Preferences')
frame_shell = LabelFrame(self, borderwidth=2, relief=GROOVE,
text=' Shell Preferences')
- frame_help = LabelFrame(self, borderwidth=2, relief=GROOVE,
- text=' Additional Help Sources ')
# Frame_window.
frame_run = Frame(frame_window, borderwidth=0)
startup_title = Label(frame_run, text='At Startup')
@@ -1999,32 +1997,11 @@ class GenPage(Frame):
validatecommand=self.digits_only, validate='key',
- # frame_help.
- frame_helplist = Frame(frame_help)
- frame_helplist_buttons = Frame(frame_helplist)
- self.helplist = Listbox(
- frame_helplist, height=5, takefocus=True,
- exportselection=FALSE)
- scroll_helplist = Scrollbar(frame_helplist)
- scroll_helplist['command'] = self.helplist.yview
- self.helplist['yscrollcommand'] = scroll_helplist.set
- self.helplist.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', self.help_source_selected)
- self.button_helplist_edit = Button(
- frame_helplist_buttons, text='Edit', state='disabled',
- width=8, command=self.helplist_item_edit)
- self.button_helplist_add = Button(
- frame_helplist_buttons, text='Add',
- width=8, command=self.helplist_item_add)
- self.button_helplist_remove = Button(
- frame_helplist_buttons, text='Remove', state='disabled',
- width=8, command=self.helplist_item_remove)
# Pack widgets:
# Body.
frame_window.pack(side=TOP, padx=5, pady=5, expand=TRUE, fill=BOTH)
frame_editor.pack(side=TOP, padx=5, pady=5, expand=TRUE, fill=BOTH)
frame_shell.pack(side=TOP, padx=5, pady=5, expand=TRUE, fill=BOTH)
- frame_help.pack(side=TOP, padx=5, pady=5, expand=TRUE, fill=BOTH)
# frame_run.
frame_run.pack(side=TOP, padx=5, pady=0, fill=X)
startup_title.pack(side=LEFT, anchor=W, padx=5, pady=5)
@@ -2077,17 +2054,12 @@ class GenPage(Frame):
auto_squeeze_min_lines_title.pack(side=LEFT, anchor=W, padx=5, pady=5)
self.auto_squeeze_min_lines_int.pack(side=TOP, padx=5, pady=5)
- # frame_help.
- frame_helplist_buttons.pack(side=RIGHT, padx=5, pady=5, fill=Y)
- frame_helplist.pack(side=TOP, padx=5, pady=5, expand=TRUE, fill=BOTH)
- scroll_helplist.pack(side=RIGHT, anchor=W, fill=Y)
- self.helplist.pack(side=LEFT, anchor=E, expand=TRUE, fill=BOTH)
- self.button_helplist_edit.pack(side=TOP, anchor=W, pady=5)
- self.button_helplist_add.pack(side=TOP, anchor=W)
- self.button_helplist_remove.pack(side=TOP, anchor=W, pady=5)
def load_general_cfg(self):
"Load current configuration settings for the general options."
+ self.load_windows_cfg()
+ self.load_shelled_cfg()
+ def load_windows_cfg(self):
# Set variables for all windows.
'main', 'General', 'editor-on-startup', type='bool'))
@@ -2106,6 +2078,7 @@ class GenPage(Frame):
'extensions', 'ParenMatch', 'bell'))
+ def load_shelled_cfg(self):
# Set variables for editor windows.
'main', 'General', 'autosave', default=0, type='bool'))
@@ -2120,12 +2093,63 @@ class GenPage(Frame):
'main', 'PyShell', 'auto-squeeze-min-lines', type='int'))
- # Set additional help sources.
- self.user_helplist = idleConf.GetAllExtraHelpSourcesList()
- self.helplist.delete(0, 'end')
- for help_item in self.user_helplist:
- self.helplist.insert(END, help_item[0])
- self.set_add_delete_state()
+class HelpFrame(LabelFrame):
+ def __init__(self, master, **cfg):
+ super().__init__(master, **cfg)
+ self.create_frame_help()
+ self.load_helplist()
+ def create_frame_help(self):
+ """Create LabelFrame for additional help menu sources.
+ load_helplist loads list user_helplist with
+ name, position pairs and copies names to listbox helplist.
+ Clicking a name invokes help_source selected. Clicking
+ button_helplist_name invokes helplist_item_name, which also
+ changes user_helplist. These functions all call
+ set_add_delete_state. All but load call update_help_changes to
+ rewrite changes['main']['HelpFiles'].
+ Widgets for HelpFrame(LabelFrame): (*) widgets bound to self
+ frame_helplist: Frame
+ (*)helplist: ListBox
+ scroll_helplist: Scrollbar
+ frame_buttons: Frame
+ (*)button_helplist_edit
+ (*)button_helplist_add
+ (*)button_helplist_remove
+ """
+ # self = frame_help in dialog (until ExtPage class).
+ frame_helplist = Frame(self)
+ self.helplist = Listbox(
+ frame_helplist, height=5, takefocus=True,
+ exportselection=FALSE)
+ scroll_helplist = Scrollbar(frame_helplist)
+ scroll_helplist['command'] = self.helplist.yview
+ self.helplist['yscrollcommand'] = scroll_helplist.set
+ self.helplist.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', self.help_source_selected)
+ frame_buttons = Frame(self)
+ self.button_helplist_edit = Button(
+ frame_buttons, text='Edit', state='disabled',
+ width=8, command=self.helplist_item_edit)
+ self.button_helplist_add = Button(
+ frame_buttons, text='Add',
+ width=8, command=self.helplist_item_add)
+ self.button_helplist_remove = Button(
+ frame_buttons, text='Remove', state='disabled',
+ width=8, command=self.helplist_item_remove)
+ # Pack frame_help.
+ frame_helplist.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, pady=5, expand=TRUE, fill=BOTH)
+ self.helplist.pack(side=LEFT, anchor=E, expand=TRUE, fill=BOTH)
+ scroll_helplist.pack(side=RIGHT, anchor=W, fill=Y)
+ frame_buttons.pack(side=RIGHT, padx=5, pady=5, fill=Y)
+ self.button_helplist_edit.pack(side=TOP, anchor=W, pady=5)
+ self.button_helplist_add.pack(side=TOP, anchor=W)
+ self.button_helplist_remove.pack(side=TOP, anchor=W, pady=5)
def help_source_selected(self, event):
"Handle event for selecting additional help."
@@ -2195,6 +2219,14 @@ class GenPage(Frame):
'main', 'HelpFiles', str(num),
+ def load_helplist(self):
+ # Set additional help sources.
+ self.user_helplist = idleConf.GetAllExtraHelpSourcesList()
+ self.helplist.delete(0, 'end')
+ for help_item in self.user_helplist:
+ self.helplist.insert(END, help_item[0])
+ self.set_add_delete_state()
class VarTrace:
"""Maintain Tk variables trace state."""
diff --git a/Lib/idlelib/idle_test/ b/Lib/idlelib/idle_test/
index 98ddc67..214d1b3 100644
--- a/Lib/idlelib/idle_test/
+++ b/Lib/idlelib/idle_test/
@@ -1207,24 +1207,14 @@ class GenPageTest(unittest.TestCase):
"""Test that general tab widgets enable users to make changes.
Test that widget actions set vars, that var changes add
- options to changes and that helplist works correctly.
+ options to changes.
def setUpClass(cls):
page = = dialog.genpage
- page.set = page.set_add_delete_state = Func()
- page.upc = page.update_help_changes = Func()
- @classmethod
- def tearDownClass(cls):
- page =
- del page.set, page.set_add_delete_state
- del page.upc, page.update_help_changes
- page.helplist.delete(0, 'end')
- page.user_helplist.clear()
def setUp(self):
@@ -1236,16 +1226,11 @@ class GenPageTest(unittest.TestCase):
- d.helplist.insert('end', 'bad')
- d.user_helplist = ['bad', 'worse']
- idleConf.SetOption('main', 'HelpFiles', '1', 'name;file')
eq(d.startup_edit.get(), 0)
eq(d.autosave.get(), 0)
eq(d.win_width.get(), '80')
eq(d.win_height.get(), '40')
- eq(d.helplist.get(0, 'end'), ('name',))
- eq(d.user_helplist, [('name', 'file', '1')])
def test_startup(self):
d =
@@ -1306,11 +1291,43 @@ class GenPageTest(unittest.TestCase):, '1')
self.assertEqual(extpage, {'CodeContext': {'maxlines': '1'}})
+class HelpSourceTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Test that the help source list works correctly."""
+ @classmethod
+ def setUpClass(cls):
+ frame = cls.frame = dialog.frame_help
+ frame.set = frame.set_add_delete_state = Func()
+ frame.upc = frame.update_help_changes = Func()
+ frame.update()
+ @classmethod
+ def tearDownClass(cls):
+ frame = cls.frame
+ del frame.set, frame.set_add_delete_state
+ del frame.upc, frame.update_help_changes
+ frame.helplist.delete(0, 'end')
+ frame.user_helplist.clear()
+ def setUp(self):
+ changes.clear()
+ def test_load_helplist(self):
+ eq = self.assertEqual
+ fr = self.frame
+ fr.helplist.insert('end', 'bad')
+ fr.user_helplist = ['bad', 'worse']
+ idleConf.SetOption('main', 'HelpFiles', '1', 'name;file')
+ fr.load_helplist()
+ eq(fr.helplist.get(0, 'end'), ('name',))
+ eq(fr.user_helplist, [('name', 'file', '1')])
def test_source_selected(self):
- d =
- d.set = d.set_add_delete_state
- d.upc = d.update_help_changes
- helplist = d.helplist
+ fr = self.frame
+ fr.set = fr.set_add_delete_state
+ fr.upc = fr.update_help_changes
+ helplist = fr.helplist
dex = 'end'
helplist.insert(dex, 'source')
@@ -1321,38 +1338,38 @@ class GenPageTest(unittest.TestCase):
x, y, dx, dy = helplist.bbox(dex)
x += dx // 2
y += dy // 2
- d.set.called = d.upc.called = 0
+ fr.set.called = fr.upc.called = 0
helplist.event_generate('<Enter>', x=0, y=0)
helplist.event_generate('<Motion>', x=x, y=y)
helplist.event_generate('<Button-1>', x=x, y=y)
helplist.event_generate('<ButtonRelease-1>', x=x, y=y)
self.assertEqual(helplist.get('anchor'), 'source')
- self.assertTrue(d.set.called)
- self.assertFalse(d.upc.called)
+ self.assertTrue(fr.set.called)
+ self.assertFalse(fr.upc.called)
def test_set_add_delete_state(self):
# Call with 0 items, 1 unselected item, 1 selected item.
eq = self.assertEqual
- d =
- del d.set_add_delete_state # Unmask method.
- sad = d.set_add_delete_state
- h = d.helplist
+ fr = self.frame
+ del fr.set_add_delete_state # Unmask method.
+ sad = fr.set_add_delete_state
+ h = fr.helplist
h.delete(0, 'end')
- eq(d.button_helplist_edit.state(), ('disabled',))
- eq(d.button_helplist_remove.state(), ('disabled',))
+ eq(fr.button_helplist_edit.state(), ('disabled',))
+ eq(fr.button_helplist_remove.state(), ('disabled',))
h.insert(0, 'source')
- eq(d.button_helplist_edit.state(), ('disabled',))
- eq(d.button_helplist_remove.state(), ('disabled',))
+ eq(fr.button_helplist_edit.state(), ('disabled',))
+ eq(fr.button_helplist_remove.state(), ('disabled',))
- eq(d.button_helplist_edit.state(), ())
- eq(d.button_helplist_remove.state(), ())
- d.set_add_delete_state = Func() # Mask method.
+ eq(fr.button_helplist_edit.state(), ())
+ eq(fr.button_helplist_remove.state(), ())
+ fr.set_add_delete_state = Func() # Mask method.
def test_helplist_item_add(self):
# Call without and twice with HelpSource result.
@@ -1360,25 +1377,25 @@ class GenPageTest(unittest.TestCase):
eq = self.assertEqual
orig_helpsource = configdialog.HelpSource
hs = configdialog.HelpSource = Func(return_self=True)
- d =
- d.helplist.delete(0, 'end')
- d.user_helplist.clear()
- d.set.called = d.upc.called = 0
+ fr = self.frame
+ fr.helplist.delete(0, 'end')
+ fr.user_helplist.clear()
+ fr.set.called = fr.upc.called = 0
hs.result = ''
- d.helplist_item_add()
- self.assertTrue(list(d.helplist.get(0, 'end')) ==
- d.user_helplist == [])
- self.assertFalse(d.upc.called)
+ fr.helplist_item_add()
+ self.assertTrue(list(fr.helplist.get(0, 'end')) ==
+ fr.user_helplist == [])
+ self.assertFalse(fr.upc.called)
hs.result = ('name1', 'file1')
- d.helplist_item_add()
+ fr.helplist_item_add()
hs.result = ('name2', 'file2')
- d.helplist_item_add()
- eq(d.helplist.get(0, 'end'), ('name1', 'name2'))
- eq(d.user_helplist, [('name1', 'file1'), ('name2', 'file2')])
- eq(d.upc.called, 2)
- self.assertFalse(d.set.called)
+ fr.helplist_item_add()
+ eq(fr.helplist.get(0, 'end'), ('name1', 'name2'))
+ eq(fr.user_helplist, [('name1', 'file1'), ('name2', 'file2')])
+ eq(fr.upc.called, 2)
+ self.assertFalse(fr.set.called)
configdialog.HelpSource = orig_helpsource
@@ -1387,58 +1404,58 @@ class GenPageTest(unittest.TestCase):
eq = self.assertEqual
orig_helpsource = configdialog.HelpSource
hs = configdialog.HelpSource = Func(return_self=True)
- d =
- d.helplist.delete(0, 'end')
- d.helplist.insert(0, 'name1')
- d.helplist.selection_set(0)
- d.helplist.selection_anchor(0)
- d.user_helplist.clear()
- d.user_helplist.append(('name1', 'file1'))
- d.set.called = d.upc.called = 0
+ fr = self.frame
+ fr.helplist.delete(0, 'end')
+ fr.helplist.insert(0, 'name1')
+ fr.helplist.selection_set(0)
+ fr.helplist.selection_anchor(0)
+ fr.user_helplist.clear()
+ fr.user_helplist.append(('name1', 'file1'))
+ fr.set.called = fr.upc.called = 0
hs.result = ''
- d.helplist_item_edit()
+ fr.helplist_item_edit()
hs.result = ('name1', 'file1')
- d.helplist_item_edit()
- eq(d.helplist.get(0, 'end'), ('name1',))
- eq(d.user_helplist, [('name1', 'file1')])
- self.assertFalse(d.upc.called)
+ fr.helplist_item_edit()
+ eq(fr.helplist.get(0, 'end'), ('name1',))
+ eq(fr.user_helplist, [('name1', 'file1')])
+ self.assertFalse(fr.upc.called)
hs.result = ('name2', 'file2')
- d.helplist_item_edit()
- eq(d.helplist.get(0, 'end'), ('name2',))
- eq(d.user_helplist, [('name2', 'file2')])
- self.assertTrue(d.upc.called == d.set.called == 1)
+ fr.helplist_item_edit()
+ eq(fr.helplist.get(0, 'end'), ('name2',))
+ eq(fr.user_helplist, [('name2', 'file2')])
+ self.assertTrue(fr.upc.called == fr.set.called == 1)
configdialog.HelpSource = orig_helpsource
def test_helplist_item_remove(self):
eq = self.assertEqual
- d =
- d.helplist.delete(0, 'end')
- d.helplist.insert(0, 'name1')
- d.helplist.selection_set(0)
- d.helplist.selection_anchor(0)
- d.user_helplist.clear()
- d.user_helplist.append(('name1', 'file1'))
- d.set.called = d.upc.called = 0
- d.helplist_item_remove()
- eq(d.helplist.get(0, 'end'), ())
- eq(d.user_helplist, [])
- self.assertTrue(d.upc.called == d.set.called == 1)
+ fr = self.frame
+ fr.helplist.delete(0, 'end')
+ fr.helplist.insert(0, 'name1')
+ fr.helplist.selection_set(0)
+ fr.helplist.selection_anchor(0)
+ fr.user_helplist.clear()
+ fr.user_helplist.append(('name1', 'file1'))
+ fr.set.called = fr.upc.called = 0
+ fr.helplist_item_remove()
+ eq(fr.helplist.get(0, 'end'), ())
+ eq(fr.user_helplist, [])
+ self.assertTrue(fr.upc.called == fr.set.called == 1)
def test_update_help_changes(self):
- d =
- del d.update_help_changes
- d.user_helplist.clear()
- d.user_helplist.append(('name1', 'file1'))
- d.user_helplist.append(('name2', 'file2'))
+ fr = self.frame
+ del fr.update_help_changes
+ fr.user_helplist.clear()
+ fr.user_helplist.append(('name1', 'file1'))
+ fr.user_helplist.append(('name2', 'file2'))
- d.update_help_changes()
+ fr.update_help_changes()
{'1': 'name1;file1', '2': 'name2;file2'})
- d.update_help_changes = Func()
+ fr.update_help_changes = Func()
class VarTraceTest(unittest.TestCase):
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/IDLE/2021-06-08-03-04-51.bpo-40468.tUCGUb.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/IDLE/2021-06-08-03-04-51.bpo-40468.tUCGUb.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79cb1cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/IDLE/2021-06-08-03-04-51.bpo-40468.tUCGUb.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Shorten settings dialog by moving help sources to extensions tab. This will
+improve issues with dialog being too tall for some screens.