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authorAntoine Pitrou <>2011-12-03 21:56:02 (GMT)
committerAntoine Pitrou <>2011-12-03 21:56:02 (GMT)
commit17bd792cd3efa13c3fd53bc5c8b81768efa748a9 (patch)
parentcc809a286a7f61a1f7605ad83a601cd2a4c10a28 (diff)
Reformulate answer, and remove off-topic discussion of bytecode in a question about compiling to C.
1 files changed, 17 insertions, 32 deletions
diff --git a/Doc/faq/design.rst b/Doc/faq/design.rst
index 02417b1..9e6bebc 100644
--- a/Doc/faq/design.rst
+++ b/Doc/faq/design.rst
@@ -380,11 +380,24 @@ is exactly the same type of object that a lambda form yields) is assigned!
Can Python be compiled to machine code, C or some other language?
-Not easily. Python's high level data types, dynamic typing of objects and
+Practical answer:
+`Cython <>`_ and `Pyrex <>`_
+compile a modified version of Python with optional annotations into C
+extensions. `Weave <>`_ makes it easy to
+intermingle Python and C code in various ways to increase performance.
+`Nuitka <>`_ is an up-and-coming compiler of Python
+into C++ code, aiming to support the full Python language.
+Theoretical answer:
+ .. XXX not sure what to make of this
+Not trivially. Python's high level data types, dynamic typing of objects and
run-time invocation of the interpreter (using :func:`eval` or :func:`exec`)
-together mean that a "compiled" Python program would probably consist mostly of
-calls into the Python run-time system, even for seemingly simple operations like
+together mean that a naïvely "compiled" Python program would probably consist
+mostly of calls into the Python run-time system, even for seemingly simple
+operations like ``x+1``.
Several projects described in the Python newsgroup or at past `Python
conferences <>`_ have shown that this
@@ -395,34 +408,6 @@ speedups of 1000x are feasible for small demo programs. See the proceedings
from the `1997 Python conference
<>`_ for more information.)
-Internally, Python source code is always translated into a bytecode
-representation, and this bytecode is then executed by the Python virtual
-machine. In order to avoid the overhead of repeatedly parsing and translating
-modules that rarely change, this byte code is written into a file whose name
-ends in ".pyc" whenever a module is parsed. When the corresponding .py file is
-changed, it is parsed and translated again and the .pyc file is rewritten.
-There is no performance difference once the .pyc file has been loaded, as the
-bytecode read from the .pyc file is exactly the same as the bytecode created by
-direct translation. The only difference is that loading code from a .pyc file
-is faster than parsing and translating a .py file, so the presence of
-precompiled .pyc files improves the start-up time of Python scripts. If
-desired, the Lib/ module can be used to create valid .pyc files for
-a given set of modules.
-Note that the main script executed by Python, even if its filename ends in .py,
-is not compiled to a .pyc file. It is compiled to bytecode, but the bytecode is
-not saved to a file. Usually main scripts are quite short, so this doesn't cost
-much speed.
-.. XXX check which of these projects are still alive
-There are also several programs which make it easier to intermingle Python and C
-code in various ways to increase performance. See, for example, `Cython
-<>`_, `Pyrex
-<>`_ and `Weave
How does Python manage memory?