diff options
authorSteve Dower <>2017-02-23 22:11:36 (GMT)
committerGitHub <>2017-02-23 22:11:36 (GMT)
commit1aceb024172ea3d6f9dd6e90f4fbe63ea1fb054e (patch)
parent4c78c527d215c37472145152cb0e95f196cdddc9 (diff)
bpo-29624: Adds purge step and layout test after uploading files. (#258)
2 files changed, 53 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/Tools/msi/uploadrelease.bat b/Tools/msi/uploadrelease.bat
index 4e319ce..670836b 100644
--- a/Tools/msi/uploadrelease.bat
+++ b/Tools/msi/uploadrelease.bat
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ set USER=
set DRYRUN=false
set NOGPG=
+set PURGE_OPTION=/p:Purge=true
+set NOTEST=
if "%1" EQU "-h" goto Help
@@ -19,7 +21,11 @@ if "%1" EQU "--user" (set USER=%~2) && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "-t" (set TARGET=%~2) && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "--target" (set TARGET=%~2) && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "--dry-run" (set DRYRUN=true) && shift && goto CheckOpts
-if "%1" EQU "--no-gpg" (set NOGPG=true) && shift && goto CheckOpts
+if "%1" EQU "--skip-gpg" (set NOGPG=true) && shift && goto CheckOpts
+if "%1" EQU "--skip-purge" (set PURGE_OPTION=) && shift && godo CheckOpts
+if "%1" EQU "--skip-test" (set NOTEST=true) && shift && godo CheckOpts
+if "%1" EQU "-T" (set NOTEST=true) && shift && godo CheckOpts
+if "%1" NEQ "" echo Unexpected argument "%1" & exit /B 1
if not defined PLINK where plink > "%TEMP%\plink.loc" 2> nul && set /P PLINK= < "%TEMP%\plink.loc" & del "%TEMP%\plink.loc"
if not defined PLINK where /R "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\PuTTY" plink > "%TEMP%\plink.loc" 2> nul && set /P PLINK= < "%TEMP%\plink.loc" & del "%TEMP%\plink.loc"
@@ -35,7 +41,7 @@ echo Found pscp.exe at %PSCP%
if defined NOGPG (
set GPG=
- echo Skipping GPG signature generation because of --no-gpg
+ echo Skipping GPG signature generation because of --skip-gpg
) else (
if not defined GPG where gpg2 > "%TEMP%\gpg.loc" 2> nul && set /P GPG= < "%TEMP%\gpg.loc" & del "%TEMP%\gpg.loc"
if not defined GPG where /R "%PCBUILD%..\externals\windows-installer" gpg2 > "%TEMP%\gpg.loc" 2> nul && set /P GPG= < "%TEMP%\gpg.loc" & del "%TEMP%\gpg.loc"
@@ -45,8 +51,12 @@ if defined NOGPG (
call "%PCBUILD%env.bat" > nul 2> nul
pushd "%D%"
-msbuild /v:m /nologo uploadrelease.proj /t:Upload /p:Platform=x86
-msbuild /v:m /nologo uploadrelease.proj /t:Upload /p:Platform=x64 /p:IncludeDoc=false
+msbuild /v:m /nologo uploadrelease.proj /t:Upload /p:Platform=x86 %PURGE_OPTION%
+msbuild /v:m /nologo uploadrelease.proj /t:Upload /p:Platform=x64 /p:IncludeDoc=false %PURGE_OPTION%
+if not defined NOTEST (
+ msbuild /v:m /nologo uploadrelease.proj /t:Test /p:Platform=x86
+ msbuild /v:m /nologo uploadrelease.proj /t:Test /p:Platform=x64
msbuild /v:m /nologo uploadrelease.proj /t:ShowHashes /p:Platform=x86
msbuild /v:m /nologo uploadrelease.proj /t:ShowHashes /p:Platform=x64 /p:IncludeDoc=false
@@ -55,9 +65,12 @@ exit /B 0
echo uploadrelease.bat --host HOST --user USERNAME [--target TARGET] [--dry-run] [-h]
-echo --host (-o) Specify the upload host (required)
-echo --user (-u) Specify the user on the host (required)
-echo --target (-t) Specify the target directory on the host
-echo --dry-run Display commands and filenames without executing them
-echo -h Display this help information
+echo --host (-o) Specify the upload host (required)
+echo --user (-u) Specify the user on the host (required)
+echo --target (-t) Specify the target directory on the host
+echo --dry-run Display commands and filenames without executing them
+echo --skip-gpg Does not generate GPG signatures before uploading
+echo --skip-purge Does not perform CDN purge after uploading
+echo --skip-test (-T) Does not perform post-upload tests
+echo -h Display this help information
diff --git a/Tools/msi/uploadrelease.proj b/Tools/msi/uploadrelease.proj
index 0d472de..305e84f 100644
--- a/Tools/msi/uploadrelease.proj
+++ b/Tools/msi/uploadrelease.proj
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
<DownloadUrlBase Condition="'$(DownloadUrlBase)' == ''">/srv/</DownloadUrlBase>
<IncludeDoc Condition="'$(IncludeDoc)' == ''">true</IncludeDoc>
<DryRun Condition="'$(DryRun)' == ''">false</DryRun>
+ <Purge Condition="'$(Purge)' == ''">false</Purge>
<Import Project="msi.props" />
@@ -64,7 +65,36 @@ echo.
echo." />
- <Target Name="Upload" DependsOnTargets="_ValidateProperties;_RunGpg;_PrintNames;_Upload" />
+ <Target Name="_Purge" Condition="$(Purge) and !$(DryRun)">
+ <Error Condition="!Exists('$(PythonExe)')" Text="No Python executable available at $(PythonExe)" />
+ <Exec Command="&quot;$(PythonExe)&quot; $(PythonVersion)" />
+ </Target>
+ <Target Name="_TestLayout">
+ <ItemGroup>
+ <WebInstaller Include="$(OutputPath)\*-webinstall.exe" />
+ <WebInstaller>
+ <SourceDir>$(TEMP)\%(Filename)_source</SourceDir>
+ <SourceExe>$(TEMP)\%(Filename)_source\%(Filename)%(Extension)</SourceExe>
+ <LayoutDir>$(TEMP)\%(Filename)_layout</LayoutDir>
+ <LogDir>$(OutputPath)\%(Filename)_layoutlog</LogDir>
+ <LogFile>$(OutputPath)\%(Filename)_layoutlog\%(Filename).log</LogFile>
+ </WebInstaller>
+ </ItemGroup>
+ <RemoveDir Directories="%(WebInstaller.SourceDir)" Condition="Exists('%(WebInstaller.SourceDir)')" />
+ <RemoveDir Directories="%(WebInstaller.LayoutDir)" Condition="Exists('%(WebInstaller.LayoutDir)')" />
+ <RemoveDir Directories="%(WebInstaller.LogDir)" Condition="Exists('%(WebInstaller.LogDir)')" />
+ <MakeDir Directories="%(WebInstaller.SourceDir)" />
+ <Copy SourceFiles="@(WebInstaller)" DestinationFiles="%(WebInstaller.SourceExe)" />
+ <Exec Command="start &quot;Install test&quot; /wait &quot;%(WebInstaller.SourceExe)&quot; /layout &quot;%(WebInstaller.LayoutDir)&quot; /passive /log &quot;%(WebInstaller.LogFile)&quot;"
+ IgnoreExitCode="false" />
+ <RemoveDir Directories="%(WebInstaller.LayoutDir)" />
+ <RemoveDir Directories="%(WebInstaller.SourceDir)" />
+ <RemoveDir Directories="%(WebInstaller.LogDir)" />
+ </Target>
+ <Target Name="Upload" DependsOnTargets="_ValidateProperties;_RunGpg;_PrintNames;_Upload;_Purge" />
+ <Target Name="Test" DependsOnTargets="_TestLayout" />
<Target Name="ShowHashes">