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authorBerker Peksag <>2016-03-07 17:00:47 (GMT)
committerBerker Peksag <>2016-03-07 17:00:47 (GMT)
commitb4f2f453e729e2a8cefa638f5a2682eb9ba78d27 (patch)
parent777d639a923786c8ea3c527e29fcba00e764c054 (diff)
Issue #24852: Remove outdated "HOWTO Use Python in the web" document
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 732 deletions
diff --git a/Doc/howto/index.rst b/Doc/howto/index.rst
index 2c9d699..de65950 100644
--- a/Doc/howto/index.rst
+++ b/Doc/howto/index.rst
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ Currently, the HOWTOs are:
- webservers.rst
diff --git a/Doc/howto/webservers.rst b/Doc/howto/webservers.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 3dd4206..0000000
--- a/Doc/howto/webservers.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,731 +0,0 @@
- HOWTO Use Python in the web
-:Author: Marek Kubica
-.. topic:: Abstract
- This document shows how Python fits into the web. It presents some ways
- to integrate Python with a web server, and general practices useful for
- developing web sites.
-Programming for the Web has become a hot topic since the rise of "Web 2.0",
-which focuses on user-generated content on web sites. It has always been
-possible to use Python for creating web sites, but it was a rather tedious task.
-Therefore, many frameworks and helper tools have been created to assist
-developers in creating faster and more robust sites. This HOWTO describes
-some of the methods used to combine Python with a web server to create
-dynamic content. It is not meant as a complete introduction, as this topic is
-far too broad to be covered in one single document. However, a short overview
-of the most popular libraries is provided.
-.. seealso::
- While this HOWTO tries to give an overview of Python in the web, it cannot
- always be as up to date as desired. Web development in Python is rapidly
- moving forward, so the wiki page on `Web Programming
- <>`_ may be more in sync with
- recent development.
-The Low-Level View
-When a user enters a web site, their browser makes a connection to the site's
-web server (this is called the *request*). The server looks up the file in the
-file system and sends it back to the user's browser, which displays it (this is
-the *response*). This is roughly how the underlying protocol, HTTP, works.
-Dynamic web sites are not based on files in the file system, but rather on
-programs which are run by the web server when a request comes in, and which
-*generate* the content that is returned to the user. They can do all sorts of
-useful things, like display the postings of a bulletin board, show your email,
-configure software, or just display the current time. These programs can be
-written in any programming language the server supports. Since most servers
-support Python, it is easy to use Python to create dynamic web sites.
-Most HTTP servers are written in C or C++, so they cannot execute Python code
-directly -- a bridge is needed between the server and the program. These
-bridges, or rather interfaces, define how programs interact with the server.
-There have been numerous attempts to create the best possible interface, but
-there are only a few worth mentioning.
-Not every web server supports every interface. Many web servers only support
-old, now-obsolete interfaces; however, they can often be extended using
-third-party modules to support newer ones.
-Common Gateway Interface
-This interface, most commonly referred to as "CGI", is the oldest, and is
-supported by nearly every web server out of the box. Programs using CGI to
-communicate with their web server need to be started by the server for every
-request. So, every request starts a new Python interpreter -- which takes some
-time to start up -- thus making the whole interface only usable for low load
-The upside of CGI is that it is simple -- writing a Python program which uses
-CGI is a matter of about three lines of code. This simplicity comes at a
-price: it does very few things to help the developer.
-Writing CGI programs, while still possible, is no longer recommended. With
-:ref:`WSGI <WSGI>`, a topic covered later in this document, it is possible to write
-programs that emulate CGI, so they can be run as CGI if no better option is
-.. seealso::
- The Python standard library includes some modules that are helpful for
- creating plain CGI programs:
- * :mod:`cgi` -- Handling of user input in CGI scripts
- * :mod:`cgitb` -- Displays nice tracebacks when errors happen in CGI
- applications, instead of presenting a "500 Internal Server Error" message
- The Python wiki features a page on `CGI scripts
- <>`_ with some additional information
- about CGI in Python.
-Simple script for testing CGI
-To test whether your web server works with CGI, you can use this short and
-simple CGI program::
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
- # enable debugging
- import cgitb
- cgitb.enable()
- print("Content-Type: text/plain;charset=utf-8")
- print()
- print("Hello World!")
-Depending on your web server configuration, you may need to save this code with
-a ``.py`` or ``.cgi`` extension. Additionally, this file may also need to be
-in a ``cgi-bin`` folder, for security reasons.
-You might wonder what the ``cgitb`` line is about. This line makes it possible
-to display a nice traceback instead of just crashing and displaying an "Internal
-Server Error" in the user's browser. This is useful for debugging, but it might
-risk exposing some confidential data to the user. You should not use ``cgitb``
-in production code for this reason. You should *always* catch exceptions, and
-display proper error pages -- end-users don't like to see nondescript "Internal
-Server Errors" in their browsers.
-Setting up CGI on your own server
-If you don't have your own web server, this does not apply to you. You can
-check whether it works as-is, and if not you will need to talk to the
-administrator of your web server. If it is a big host, you can try filing a
-ticket asking for Python support.
-If you are your own administrator or want to set up CGI for testing purposes on
-your own computers, you have to configure it by yourself. There is no single
-way to configure CGI, as there are many web servers with different
-configuration options. Currently the most widely used free web server is
-`Apache HTTPd <>`_, or Apache for short. Apache can be
-easily installed on nearly every system using the system's package management
-tool. `lighttpd <>`_ is another alternative and is
-said to have better performance. On many systems this server can also be
-installed using the package management tool, so manually compiling the web
-server may not be needed.
-* On Apache you can take a look at the `Dynamic Content with CGI
- <>`_ tutorial, where everything
- is described. Most of the time it is enough just to set ``+ExecCGI``. The
- tutorial also describes the most common gotchas that might arise.
-* On lighttpd you need to use the `CGI module
- <>`_\ , which can be configured
- in a straightforward way. It boils down to setting ``cgi.assign`` properly.
-Common problems with CGI scripts
-Using CGI sometimes leads to small annoyances while trying to get these
-scripts to run. Sometimes a seemingly correct script does not work as
-expected, the cause being some small hidden problem that's difficult to spot.
-Some of these potential problems are:
-* The Python script is not marked as executable. When CGI scripts are not
- executable most web servers will let the user download it, instead of
- running it and sending the output to the user. For CGI scripts to run
- properly on Unix-like operating systems, the ``+x`` bit needs to be set.
- Using ``chmod a+x`` may solve this problem.
-* On a Unix-like system, The line endings in the program file must be Unix
- style line endings. This is important because the web server checks the
- first line of the script (called shebang) and tries to run the program
- specified there. It gets easily confused by Windows line endings (Carriage
- Return & Line Feed, also called CRLF), so you have to convert the file to
- Unix line endings (only Line Feed, LF). This can be done automatically by
- uploading the file via FTP in text mode instead of binary mode, but the
- preferred way is just telling your editor to save the files with Unix line
- endings. Most editors support this.
-* Your web server must be able to read the file, and you need to make sure the
- permissions are correct. On unix-like systems, the server often runs as user
- and group ``www-data``, so it might be worth a try to change the file
- ownership, or making the file world readable by using ``chmod a+r
-* The web server must know that the file you're trying to access is a CGI script.
- Check the configuration of your web server, as it may be configured
- to expect a specific file extension for CGI scripts.
-* On Unix-like systems, the path to the interpreter in the shebang
- (``#!/usr/bin/env python``) must be correct. This line calls
- ``/usr/bin/env`` to find Python, but it will fail if there is no
- ``/usr/bin/env``, or if Python is not in the web server's path. If you know
- where your Python is installed, you can also use that full path. The
- commands ``whereis python`` and ``type -p python`` could help you find
- where it is installed. Once you know the path, you can change the shebang
- accordingly: ``#!/usr/bin/python``.
-* The file must not contain a BOM (Byte Order Mark). The BOM is meant for
- determining the byte order of UTF-16 and UTF-32 encodings, but some editors
- write this also into UTF-8 files. The BOM interferes with the shebang line,
- so be sure to tell your editor not to write the BOM.
-* If the web server is using :ref:`mod-python`, ``mod_python`` may be having
- problems. ``mod_python`` is able to handle CGI scripts by itself, but it can
- also be a source of issues.
-.. _mod-python:
-People coming from PHP often find it hard to grasp how to use Python in the web.
-Their first thought is mostly `mod_python <>`_\ ,
-because they think that this is the equivalent to ``mod_php``. Actually, there
-are many differences. What ``mod_python`` does is embed the interpreter into
-the Apache process, thus speeding up requests by not having to start a Python
-interpreter for each request. On the other hand, it is not "Python intermixed
-with HTML" in the way that PHP is often intermixed with HTML. The Python
-equivalent of that is a template engine. ``mod_python`` itself is much more
-powerful and provides more access to Apache internals. It can emulate CGI,
-work in a "Python Server Pages" mode (similar to JSP) which is "HTML
-intermingled with Python", and it has a "Publisher" which designates one file
-to accept all requests and decide what to do with them.
-``mod_python`` does have some problems. Unlike the PHP interpreter, the Python
-interpreter uses caching when executing files, so changes to a file will
-require the web server to be restarted. Another problem is the basic concept
--- Apache starts child processes to handle the requests, and unfortunately
-every child process needs to load the whole Python interpreter even if it does
-not use it. This makes the whole web server slower. Another problem is that,
-because ``mod_python`` is linked against a specific version of ``libpython``,
-it is not possible to switch from an older version to a newer (e.g. 2.4 to 2.5)
-without recompiling ``mod_python``. ``mod_python`` is also bound to the Apache
-web server, so programs written for ``mod_python`` cannot easily run on other
-web servers.
-These are the reasons why ``mod_python`` should be avoided when writing new
-programs. In some circumstances it still might be a good idea to use
-``mod_python`` for deployment, but WSGI makes it possible to run WSGI programs
-under ``mod_python`` as well.
-FastCGI and SCGI
-FastCGI and SCGI try to solve the performance problem of CGI in another way.
-Instead of embedding the interpreter into the web server, they create
-long-running background processes. There is still a module in the web server
-which makes it possible for the web server to "speak" with the background
-process. As the background process is independent of the server, it can be
-written in any language, including Python. The language just needs to have a
-library which handles the communication with the webserver.
-The difference between FastCGI and SCGI is very small, as SCGI is essentially
-just a "simpler FastCGI". As the web server support for SCGI is limited,
-most people use FastCGI instead, which works the same way. Almost everything
-that applies to SCGI also applies to FastCGI as well, so we'll only cover
-the latter.
-These days, FastCGI is never used directly. Just like ``mod_python``, it is only
-used for the deployment of WSGI applications.
-Setting up FastCGI
-Each web server requires a specific module.
-* Apache has both `mod_fastcgi <>`_ and `mod_fcgid
- <>`_. ``mod_fastcgi`` is the original one, but it
- has some licensing issues, which is why it is sometimes considered non-free.
- ``mod_fcgid`` is a smaller, compatible alternative. One of these modules needs
- to be loaded by Apache.
-* lighttpd ships its own `FastCGI module
- <>`_ as well as an
- `SCGI module <>`_.
-* `nginx <>`_ also supports `FastCGI
- <>`_.
-Once you have installed and configured the module, you can test it with the
-following WSGI-application::
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
- import sys, os
- from html import escape
- from flup.server.fcgi import WSGIServer
- def app(environ, start_response):
- start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type', 'text/html')])
- yield '<h1>FastCGI Environment</h1>'
- yield '<table>'
- for k, v in sorted(environ.items()):
- yield '<tr><th>{0}</th><td>{1}</td></tr>'.format(
- escape(k), escape(v))
- yield '</table>'
- WSGIServer(app).run()
-This is a simple WSGI application, but you need to install `flup
-<>`_ first, as flup handles the low level
-FastCGI access.
-.. seealso::
- There is some documentation on `setting up Django with WSGI
- <>`_, most of
- which can be reused for other WSGI-compliant frameworks and libraries.
- Only the ```` part has to be changed, the example used here can be
- used instead. Django does more or less the exact same thing.
-`mod_wsgi <>`_ is an attempt to get rid of the
-low level gateways. Given that FastCGI, SCGI, and mod_python are mostly used to
-deploy WSGI applications, mod_wsgi was started to directly embed WSGI applications
-into the Apache web server. mod_wsgi is specifically designed to host WSGI
-applications. It makes the deployment of WSGI applications much easier than
-deployment using other low level methods, which need glue code. The downside
-is that mod_wsgi is limited to the Apache web server; other servers would need
-their own implementations of mod_wsgi.
-mod_wsgi supports two modes: embedded mode, in which it integrates with the
-Apache process, and daemon mode, which is more FastCGI-like. Unlike FastCGI,
-mod_wsgi handles the worker-processes by itself, which makes administration
-.. _WSGI:
-Step back: WSGI
-WSGI has already been mentioned several times, so it has to be something
-important. In fact it really is, and now it is time to explain it.
-The *Web Server Gateway Interface*, or WSGI for short, is defined in
-:pep:`333` and is currently the best way to do Python web programming. While
-it is great for programmers writing frameworks, a normal web developer does not
-need to get in direct contact with it. When choosing a framework for web
-development it is a good idea to choose one which supports WSGI.
-The big benefit of WSGI is the unification of the application programming
-interface. When your program is compatible with WSGI -- which at the outer
-level means that the framework you are using has support for WSGI -- your
-program can be deployed via any web server interface for which there are WSGI
-wrappers. You do not need to care about whether the application user uses
-mod_python or FastCGI or mod_wsgi -- with WSGI your application will work on
-any gateway interface. The Python standard library contains its own WSGI
-server, :mod:`wsgiref`, which is a small web server that can be used for
-A really great WSGI feature is middleware. Middleware is a layer around your
-program which can add various functionality to it. There is quite a bit of
-`middleware <>`_ already
-available. For example, instead of writing your own session management (HTTP
-is a stateless protocol, so to associate multiple HTTP requests with a single
-user your application must create and manage such state via a session), you can
-just download middleware which does that, plug it in, and get on with coding
-the unique parts of your application. The same thing with compression -- there
-is existing middleware which handles compressing your HTML using gzip to save
-on your server's bandwidth. Authentication is another a problem easily solved
-using existing middleware.
-Although WSGI may seem complex, the initial phase of learning can be very
-rewarding because WSGI and the associated middleware already have solutions to
-many problems that might arise while developing web sites.
-WSGI Servers
-The code that is used to connect to various low level gateways like CGI or
-mod_python is called a *WSGI server*. One of these servers is ``flup``, which
-supports FastCGI and SCGI, as well as `AJP
-<>`_. Some of these servers
-are written in Python, as ``flup`` is, but there also exist others which are
-written in C and can be used as drop-in replacements.
-There are many servers already available, so a Python web application
-can be deployed nearly anywhere. This is one big advantage that Python has
-compared with other web technologies.
-.. seealso::
- A good overview of WSGI-related code can be found in the `WSGI homepage
- <>`_, which contains an extensive list of `WSGI servers
- <>`_ which can be used by *any* application
- supporting WSGI.
- You might be interested in some WSGI-supporting modules already contained in
- the standard library, namely:
- * :mod:`wsgiref` -- some tiny utilities and servers for WSGI
-Case study: MoinMoin
-What does WSGI give the web application developer? Let's take a look at
-an application that's been around for a while, which was written in
-Python without using WSGI.
-One of the most widely used wiki software packages is `MoinMoin
-<>`_. It was created in 2000, so it predates WSGI by about
-three years. Older versions needed separate code to run on CGI, mod_python,
-FastCGI and standalone.
-It now includes support for WSGI. Using WSGI, it is possible to deploy
-MoinMoin on any WSGI compliant server, with no additional glue code.
-Unlike the pre-WSGI versions, this could include WSGI servers that the
-authors of MoinMoin know nothing about.
-The term *MVC* is often encountered in statements such as "framework *foo*
-supports MVC". MVC is more about the overall organization of code, rather than
-any particular API. Many web frameworks use this model to help the developer
-bring structure to their program. Bigger web applications can have lots of
-code, so it is a good idea to have an effective structure right from the beginning.
-That way, even users of other frameworks (or even other languages, since MVC is
-not Python-specific) can easily understand the code, given that they are
-already familiar with the MVC structure.
-MVC stands for three components:
-* The *model*. This is the data that will be displayed and modified. In
- Python frameworks, this component is often represented by the classes used by
- an object-relational mapper.
-* The *view*. This component's job is to display the data of the model to the
- user. Typically this component is implemented via templates.
-* The *controller*. This is the layer between the user and the model. The
- controller reacts to user actions (like opening some specific URL), tells
- the model to modify the data if necessary, and tells the view code what to
- display,
-While one might think that MVC is a complex design pattern, in fact it is not.
-It is used in Python because it has turned out to be useful for creating clean,
-maintainable web sites.
-.. note::
- While not all Python frameworks explicitly support MVC, it is often trivial
- to create a web site which uses the MVC pattern by separating the data logic
- (the model) from the user interaction logic (the controller) and the
- templates (the view). That's why it is important not to write unnecessary
- Python code in the templates -- it works against the MVC model and creates
- chaos in the code base, making it harder to understand and modify.
-.. seealso::
- The English Wikipedia has an article about the `Model-View-Controller pattern
- <>`_. It includes a long
- list of web frameworks for various programming languages.
-Ingredients for Websites
-Websites are complex constructs, so tools have been created to help web
-developers make their code easier to write and more maintainable. Tools like
-these exist for all web frameworks in all languages. Developers are not forced
-to use these tools, and often there is no "best" tool. It is worth learning
-about the available tools because they can greatly simplify the process of
-developing a web site.
-.. seealso::
- There are far more components than can be presented here. The Python wiki
- has a page about these components, called
- `Web Components <>`_.
-Mixing of HTML and Python code is made possible by a few libraries. While
-convenient at first, it leads to horribly unmaintainable code. That's why
-templates exist. Templates are, in the simplest case, just HTML files with
-placeholders. The HTML is sent to the user's browser after filling in the
-Python already includes a way to build simple templates::
- # a simple template
- template = "<html><body><h1>Hello {who}!</h1></body></html>"
- print(template.format(who="Reader"))
-To generate complex HTML based on non-trivial model data, conditional
-and looping constructs like Python's *for* and *if* are generally needed.
-*Template engines* support templates of this complexity.
-There are a lot of template engines available for Python which can be used with
-or without a `framework`_. Some of these define a plain-text programming
-language which is easy to learn, partly because it is limited in scope.
-Others use XML, and the template output is guaranteed to be always be valid
-XML. There are many other variations.
-Some `frameworks`_ ship their own template engine or recommend one in
-particular. In the absence of a reason to use a different template engine,
-using the one provided by or recommended by the framework is a good idea.
-Popular template engines include:
- * `Mako <>`_
- * `Genshi <>`_
- * `Jinja <>`_
-.. seealso::
- There are many template engines competing for attention, because it is
- pretty easy to create them in Python. The page `Templating
- <>`_ in the wiki lists a big,
- ever-growing number of these. The three listed above are considered "second
- generation" template engines and are a good place to start.
-Data persistence
-*Data persistence*, while sounding very complicated, is just about storing data.
-This data might be the text of blog entries, the postings on a bulletin board or
-the text of a wiki page. There are, of course, a number of different ways to store
-information on a web server.
-Often, relational database engines like `MySQL <>`_ or
-`PostgreSQL <>`_ are used because of their good
-performance when handling very large databases consisting of millions of
-entries. There is also a small database engine called `SQLite
-<>`_, which is bundled with Python in the :mod:`sqlite3`
-module, and which uses only one file. It has no other dependencies. For
-smaller sites SQLite is just enough.
-Relational databases are *queried* using a language called `SQL
-<>`_. Python programmers in general do not
-like SQL too much, as they prefer to work with objects. It is possible to save
-Python objects into a database using a technology called `ORM
-<>`_ (Object Relational
-Mapping). ORM translates all object-oriented access into SQL code under the
-hood, so the developer does not need to think about it. Most `frameworks`_ use
-ORMs, and it works quite well.
-A second possibility is storing data in normal, plain text files (some
-times called "flat files"). This is very easy for simple sites,
-but can be difficult to get right if the web site is performing many
-updates to the stored data.
-A third possibility are object oriented databases (also called "object
-databases"). These databases store the object data in a form that closely
-parallels the way the objects are structured in memory during program
-execution. (By contrast, ORMs store the object data as rows of data in tables
-and relations between those rows.) Storing the objects directly has the
-advantage that nearly all objects can be saved in a straightforward way, unlike
-in relational databases where some objects are very hard to represent.
-`Frameworks`_ often give hints on which data storage method to choose. It is
-usually a good idea to stick to the data store recommended by the framework
-unless the application has special requirements better satisfied by an
-alternate storage mechanism.
-.. seealso::
- * `Persistence Tools <>`_ lists
- possibilities on how to save data in the file system. Some of these
- modules are part of the standard library
- * `Database Programming <>`_
- helps with choosing a method for saving data
- * `SQLAlchemy <>`_, the most powerful OR-Mapper
- for Python, and `Elixir <>`_, which makes
- SQLAlchemy easier to use
- * `SQLObject <>`_, another popular OR-Mapper
- * `ZODB <>`_ and `Durus
- <>`_, two object oriented
- databases
-.. _framework:
-The process of creating code to run web sites involves writing code to provide
-various services. The code to provide a particular service often works the
-same way regardless of the complexity or purpose of the web site in question.
-Abstracting these common solutions into reusable code produces what are called
-"frameworks" for web development. Perhaps the most well-known framework for
-web development is Ruby on Rails, but Python has its own frameworks. Some of
-these were partly inspired by Rails, or borrowed ideas from Rails, but many
-existed a long time before Rails.
-Originally Python web frameworks tended to incorporate all of the services
-needed to develop web sites as a giant, integrated set of tools. No two web
-frameworks were interoperable: a program developed for one could not be
-deployed on a different one without considerable re-engineering work. This led
-to the development of "minimalist" web frameworks that provided just the tools
-to communicate between the Python code and the http protocol, with all other
-services to be added on top via separate components. Some ad hoc standards
-were developed that allowed for limited interoperability between frameworks,
-such as a standard that allowed different template engines to be used
-Since the advent of WSGI, the Python web framework world has been evolving
-toward interoperability based on the WSGI standard. Now many web frameworks,
-whether "full stack" (providing all the tools one needs to deploy the most
-complex web sites) or minimalist, or anything in between, are built from
-collections of reusable components that can be used with more than one
-The majority of users will probably want to select a "full stack" framework
-that has an active community. These frameworks tend to be well documented,
-and provide the easiest path to producing a fully functional web site in
-minimal time.
-Some notable frameworks
-There are an incredible number of frameworks, so they cannot all be covered
-here. Instead we will briefly touch on some of the most popular.
-`Django <>`_ is a framework consisting of several
-tightly coupled elements which were written from scratch and work together very
-well. It includes an ORM which is quite powerful while being simple to use,
-and has a great online administration interface which makes it possible to edit
-the data in the database with a browser. The template engine is text-based and
-is designed to be usable for page designers who cannot write Python. It
-supports template inheritance and filters (which work like Unix pipes). Django
-has many handy features bundled, such as creation of RSS feeds or generic views,
-which make it possible to create web sites almost without writing any Python code.
-It has a big, international community, the members of which have created many
-web sites. There are also a lot of add-on projects which extend Django's normal
-functionality. This is partly due to Django's well written `online
-documentation <>`_ and the `Django book
-.. note::
- Although Django is an MVC-style framework, it names the elements
- differently, which is described in the `Django FAQ
- <>`_.
-Another popular web framework for Python is `TurboGears
-<>`_. TurboGears takes the approach of using already
-existing components and combining them with glue code to create a seamless
-experience. TurboGears gives the user flexibility in choosing components. For
-example the ORM and template engine can be changed to use packages different
-from those used by default.
-The documentation can be found in the `TurboGears documentation
-<>`_, where links to screencasts can be found.
-TurboGears has also an active user community which can respond to most related
-questions. There is also a `TurboGears book <>`_
-published, which is a good starting point.
-The newest version of TurboGears, version 2.0, moves even further in direction
-of WSGI support and a component-based architecture. TurboGears 2 is based on
-the WSGI stack of another popular component-based web framework, `Pylons
-The Zope framework is one of the "old original" frameworks. Its current
-incarnation in Zope2 is a tightly integrated full-stack framework. One of its
-most interesting feature is its tight integration with a powerful object
-database called the `ZODB <>`_ (Zope Object Database).
-Because of its highly integrated nature, Zope wound up in a somewhat isolated
-ecosystem: code written for Zope wasn't very usable outside of Zope, and
-vice-versa. To solve this problem the Zope 3 effort was started. Zope 3
-re-engineers Zope as a set of more cleanly isolated components. This effort
-was started before the advent of the WSGI standard, but there is WSGI support
-for Zope 3 from the `Repoze <>`_ project. Zope components
-have many years of production use behind them, and the Zope 3 project gives
-access to these components to the wider Python community. There is even a
-separate framework based on the Zope components: `Grok
-Zope is also the infrastructure used by the `Plone <>`_ content
-management system, one of the most powerful and popular content management
-systems available.
-Other notable frameworks
-Of course these are not the only frameworks that are available. There are
-many other frameworks worth mentioning.
-Another framework that's already been mentioned is `Pylons`_. Pylons is much
-like TurboGears, but with an even stronger emphasis on flexibility, which comes
-at the cost of being more difficult to use. Nearly every component can be
-exchanged, which makes it necessary to use the documentation of every single
-component, of which there are many. Pylons builds upon `Paste
-<>`_, an extensive set of tools which are handy for WSGI.
-And that's still not everything. The most up-to-date information can always be
-found in the Python wiki.
-.. seealso::
- The Python wiki contains an extensive list of `web frameworks
- <>`_.
- Most frameworks also have their own mailing lists and IRC channels, look out
- for these on the projects' web sites.