path: root/Demo/sgi/gl/
diff options
authorGuido van Rossum <>2002-09-17 20:36:40 (GMT)
committerGuido van Rossum <>2002-09-17 20:36:40 (GMT)
commit16aac45fc269ad355f069d5f76a0f4cafd06063f (patch)
tree1941156fe4df24b0c5a34d25174e3c1473c6e8d7 /Demo/sgi/gl/
parentd679e09970465d1b914b7d3dc11eaddbbcd6d289 (diff)
Remove the SGI demos. These were all ancient and nobody cared enough.
Diffstat (limited to 'Demo/sgi/gl/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 736 deletions
diff --git a/Demo/sgi/gl/ b/Demo/sgi/gl/
deleted file mode 100755
index 6af01ba..0000000
--- a/Demo/sgi/gl/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,736 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python
-# "M Clock"
-# An implementation in software of an original design by Rob Juda.
-# Clock implementation: Guido van Rossum.
-# Alarm and Gong features: Sape Mullender.
-# add arguments to specify initial window position and size
-# find out local time zone difference automatically
-# add a date indicator
-# allow multiple alarms
-# allow the menu to change more parameters
-import sys
-from gl import *
-from GL import *
-from DEVICE import *
-import time
-import getopt
-import string
-import os
-from math import pi
-import math
-FULLC = 3600 # Full circle in 1/10-ths of a degree
-MIDN = 900 # Angle of the 12 o'clock position
-R, G, B = 0, 1, 2 # Indices of colors in RGB list
-HOUR = 3600 # Number of seconds per hour
-MINUTE = 60 # Number of seconds per minute
-class struct: pass # Class to define featureless structures
-Gl = struct() # Object to hold writable global variables
-# Default constants (used in multiple places)
-SCREENBG = 127, 156, 191
-TITLE = 'M Clock'
-# Set timezone, check for daylight saving time
-TZDIFF = time.timezone
-if time.localtime(time.time())[-1]:
- TZDIFF = time.altzone
-# Default parameters
-Gl.foreground = 0 # If set, run in the foreground
-Gl.fullscreen = 0 # If set, run on full screen
-Gl.tzdiff = TZDIFF # Seconds west of Greenwich (winter time)
-Gl.nparts = NPARTS # Number of parts each circle is divided in (>= 2)
-Gl.debug = 0 # If set, print debug output
-Gl.doublebuffer = 1 # If set, use double buffering
-Gl.update = 0 # Update interval; seconds hand is suppressed if > 1
-Gl.colorsubset = 0 # If set, display only a subset of the colors
-Gl.cyan = 0 # If set, display cyan overlay (big hand)
-Gl.magenta = 0 # If set, display magenta overlay (little hand)
-Gl.yellow = 0 # If set, display yellow overlay (fixed background) = 0 # If set, display black overlay (hands)
-Gl.colormap = 0 # If set, use colormap mode instead of RGB mode
-Gl.warnings = 0 # If set, print warnings
-Gl.title = '' # Window title (default set later) = 'mclock' # Window title for resources
-Gl.border = 1 # If set, use a window border (and title) = 0, 0, 0 # Background color R, G, B value
-Gl.iconic = 0 # Set in iconic state
-Gl.fg = 255, 0, 0 # Alarm background RGB (either normal or alarm)
-Gl.ox,Gl.oy = 0,0 # Window origin, = 0,0 # Window size
-Gl.alarm_set = 0 # Alarm on or off
-Gl.alarm_on = 0 # Alarm is ringing
-Gl.alarm_time = 0 # Alarm time in seconds after midnight
-Gl.alarm_hours = 0 # Alarm hour setting, 24 hour clock
-Gl.alarm_minutes = 0 # Alarm minutes setting
-Gl.alarm_rgb = 0,0,0 # Alarm display RGB colors
-Gl.alarm_cmd = '' # Command to execute when alarm goes off
-Gl.mouse2down = 0 # Mouse button state
-Gl.mouse3down = 0 # Mouse button state
-Gl.gong_cmd = '' # Command to execute when chimes go off
-Gl.gong_int = 3600 # Gong interval
-Gl.indices = R, G, B # Colors (permuted when alarm is on)
-def main():
- #
- sys.stdout = sys.stderr # All output is errors/warnings etc.
- #
- try:
- args = getoptions()
- except string.atoi_error, value:
- usage(string.atoi_error, value)
- except getopt.error, msg:
- usage(getopt.error, msg)
- #
- if args:
- realtime = 0
- hours = string.atoi(args[0])
- minutes = seconds = 0
- if args[1:]: minutes = string.atoi(args[1])
- if args[2:]: seconds = string.atoi(args[2])
- localtime = ((hours*60)+minutes)*60+seconds
- else:
- realtime = 1
- #
- if Gl.title == '':
- if realtime:
- Gl.title = TITLE
- else:
- title = ''
- for arg in args: title = title + ' ' + arg
- Gl.title = title[1:]
- del title
- #
- wid = makewindow()
- Gl.ox,Gl.oy = getorigin()
-, = getsize()
- initmenu()
- clearall()
- #
- if not Gl.update:
- Gl.update = 60
- #
- if Gl.update <= 1:
- Gl.timernoise = 6
- else:
- Gl.timernoise = 60
- noise(TIMER0, Gl.timernoise)
- #
- qdevice(WINSHUT)
- qdevice(WINQUIT)
- qdevice(ESCKEY)
- if realtime:
- qdevice(TIMER0)
- qdevice(REDRAW)
- qdevice(WINFREEZE)
- qdevice(WINTHAW)
- qdevice(MENUBUTTON) # MOUSE1
- qdevice(MOUSE3) # Left button
- qdevice(MOUSE2) # Middle button
- unqdevice(INPUTCHANGE)
- #
- lasttime = 0
- Gl.change = 1
- while 1:
- if realtime:
- localtime = int(time.time() - Gl.tzdiff)
- if Gl.alarm_set:
- if localtime%(24*HOUR) == Gl.alarm_time:
- # Ring the alarm!
- if Gl.debug:
- print 'Rrrringg!'
- Gl.alarm_on = 1
- if Gl.alarm_cmd <> '':
- d = os.system(Gl.alarm_cmd+' '+`Gl.alarm_time/3600`+' '+`(Gl.alarm_time/60)%60` + ' &')
- Gl.change = 1
- clearall()
- if Gl.alarm_on:
- if (localtime - Gl.alarm_time) % (24*HOUR) > 300:
- # More than 5 minutes away from alarm
- Gl.alarm_on = 0
- if Gl.debug:
- print 'Alarm turned off'
- Gl.change = 1
- clearall()
- Gl.indices = R, G, B
- else:
- if localtime % 2 == 0:
- # Permute color indices
- Gl.indices = Gl.indices[2:] + Gl.indices[:2]
- Gl.change = 1
- if Gl.gong_cmd <> '' and localtime%Gl.gong_int == 0:
- d = os.system(Gl.gong_cmd+' '+`(localtime/3600)%24`+' '+`(localtime/60)%60` + ' &')
- if localtime/Gl.update <> lasttime/Gl.update:
- if Gl.debug: print 'new time'
- Gl.change = 1
- if Gl.change:
- if Gl.debug: print 'drawing'
- doit(localtime)
- lasttime = localtime
- Gl.change = 0
- dev, data = qread()
- if Gl.debug and dev <> TIMER0:
- print dev, data
- if dev == TIMER0:
- if Gl.debug > 1:
- print dev, data
- elif dev == MOUSE3:
- mousex = getvaluator(MOUSEX)
- mousey = getvaluator(MOUSEY)
- if mouseclick(3, data, mousex, mousey):
- Gl.change = 1
- elif dev == MOUSE2:
- mousex = getvaluator(MOUSEX)
- mousey = getvaluator(MOUSEY)
- if mouseclick(2, data, mousex, mousey):
- Gl.change = 1
- elif dev == MOUSEX:
- mousex = data
- if Gl.mouse2down:
- mouse2track(mousex, mousey)
- if Gl.mouse3down:
- mouse3track(mousex, mousey)
- elif dev == MOUSEY:
- mousey = data
- if Gl.mouse2down:
- mouse2track(mousex, mousey)
- if Gl.mouse3down:
- mouse3track(mousex, mousey)
- elif dev == REDRAW or dev == REDRAWICONIC:
- if Gl.debug:
- if dev == REDRAW: print 'REDRAW'
- else: print 'REDRAWICONIC'
- reshapeviewport()
- Gl.ox,Gl.oy = getorigin()
-, = getsize()
- Gl.change = 1
- clearall()
- elif dev == MENUBUTTON:
- if Gl.debug: print 'MENUBUTTON'
- handlemenu()
- elif dev == WINFREEZE:
- if Gl.debug: print 'WINFREEZE'
- Gl.iconic = 1
- noise(TIMER0, 60*60) # Redraw every 60 seconds only
- elif dev == WINTHAW:
- if Gl.debug: print 'WINTHAW'
- Gl.iconic = 0
- noise(TIMER0, Gl.timernoise)
- Gl.change = 1
- elif dev == ESCKEY or dev == WINSHUT or dev == WINQUIT:
- if Gl.debug: print 'Exit'
- sys.exit(0)
-def getoptions():
- optlist, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'A:a:B:bc:dFfG:g:n:sT:t:u:wCMYK')
- for optname, optarg in optlist:
- if optname == '-A':
- Gl.fg = eval(optarg) # Should be (r,g,b)
- elif optname == '-a':
- Gl.alarm_cmd = optarg
- elif optname == '-B':
- = eval(optarg) # Should be (r,g,b)
- elif optname == '-b':
- Gl.border = 0
- elif optname == '-c':
- Gl.colormap = string.atoi(optarg)
- elif optname == '-d':
- Gl.debug = Gl.debug + 1
- Gl.warnings = 1
- elif optname == '-F':
- Gl.foreground = 1
- elif optname == '-f':
- Gl.fullscreen = 1
- elif optname == '-G':
- Gl.gong_int = 60*string.atoi(optarg)
- elif optname == '-g':
- Gl.gong_cmd = optarg
- elif optname == '-n':
- Gl.nparts = string.atoi(optarg)
- elif optname == '-s':
- Gl.doublebuffer = 0
- elif optname == '-T':
- Gl.title = = optarg
- elif optname == '-t':
- Gl.tzdiff = string.atoi(optarg)
- elif optname == '-u':
- Gl.update = string.atoi(optarg)
- elif optname == '-w':
- Gl.warnings = 1
- elif optname == '-C':
- Gl.cyan = Gl.colorsubset = 1
- elif optname == '-M':
- Gl.magenta = Gl.colorsubset = 1
- elif optname == '-Y':
- Gl.yellow = Gl.colorsubset = 1
- elif optname == '-K':
- = Gl.colorsubset = 1
- else:
- print 'Unsupported option', optname
- return args
-def usage(exc, msg):
- if sys.argv:
- progname = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
- else:
- progname = 'mclock'
- #
- print progname + ':',
- if exc == string.atoi_error:
- print 'non-numeric argument:',
- print msg
- #
- print 'usage:', progname, '[options] [hh [mm [ss]]]'
- #
- print '-A r,g,b : alarm background red,green,blue [255,0,0]'
- print '-a cmd : shell command executed when alarm goes off'
- print '-B r,g,b : background red,green,blue [0,0,0]'
- print ' (-B SCREENBG uses the default screen background)'
- print '-b : suppress window border and title'
- print '-c cmapid : select explicit colormap'
- print '-d : more debug output (implies -F, -w)'
- print '-F : run in foreground'
- print '-f : use full screen'
- print '-G intrvl : interval between chimes in minutes [60]'
- print '-g cmd : shell command executed when chimes go off'
- print '-s : single buffer mode'
- print '-w : print various warnings'
- print '-n nparts : number of parts [' + `NPARTS` + ']'
- print '-T title : alternate window title [\'' + TITLE + '\']'
- print '-t tzdiff : time zone difference [' + `TZDIFF` + ']'
- print '-u update : update interval [60]'
- print '-CMYK : Cyan, Magenta, Yellow or blacK overlay only'
- print 'if hh [mm [ss]] is specified, display that time statically'
- print 'on machines with < 12 bitplanes, -s is forced on'
- #
- sys.exit(2)
-def doit(localtime):
- hands = makehands(localtime)
- list = makelist(hands)
- render(list, hands)
-def makehands(localtime):
- localtime = localtime % (12*HOUR)
- seconds_hand = MIDN + FULLC - (localtime*60) % FULLC
- big_hand = (MIDN + FULLC - (localtime%HOUR)) % FULLC
- little_hand = (MIDN + FULLC - ((localtime/12) % HOUR)) % FULLC
- return little_hand, big_hand, seconds_hand
-def makelist(hands):
- little_hand, big_hand, seconds_hand = hands
- total = []
- if Gl.cyan or not Gl.colorsubset:
- total = total + makesublist(big_hand, Gl.indices[0])
- if Gl.magenta or not Gl.colorsubset:
- total = total + makesublist(little_hand, Gl.indices[1])
- if Gl.yellow or not Gl.colorsubset:
- total = total + makesublist(MIDN, Gl.indices[2])
- total.sort()
- return total
-def makesublist(first, icolor):
- list = []
- alpha = FULLC/Gl.nparts
- a = first - alpha/2
- for i in range(Gl.nparts):
- angle = (a + i*alpha + FULLC) % FULLC
- value = 255*(Gl.nparts-1-i)/(Gl.nparts-1)
- list.append((angle, icolor, value))
- list.sort()
- a, icolor, value = list[0]
- if a <> 0:
- a, icolor, value = list[len(list)-1]
- t = 0, icolor, value
- list.insert(0, t)
- return list
-def rgb_fg():
- return Gl.fg
- # Obsolete code:
- if Gl.alarm_on:
- return
- else:
- return Gl.fg
-def rgb_bg():
- return
- # Obsolete code:
- if Gl.alarm_on:
- return Gl.fg
- else:
- return
-def clearall():
- Gl.c3i(rgb_bg())
- clear()
- if Gl.doublebuffer:
- swapbuffers()
- clear()
-def draw_alarm(color):
- frontbuffer(TRUE)
- Gl.c3i(color)
- pushmatrix()
- rotate(-((Gl.alarm_time/12)%3600), 'z')
- bgnpolygon()
- v2f( 0.00,1.00)
- v2f( 0.04,1.05)
- v2f(-0.04,1.05)
- endpolygon()
- popmatrix()
- #
- pushmatrix()
- rotate(-((Gl.alarm_time)%3600), 'z')
- bgnpolygon()
- v2f( 0.00,1.05)
- v2f( 0.07,1.10)
- v2f(-0.07,1.10)
- endpolygon()
- popmatrix()
- #
- cmov2(-1.06, -1.06)
- charstr(string.rjust(`Gl.alarm_time/3600`,2))
- charstr(':')
- charstr(string.zfill((Gl.alarm_time/60)%60,2))
- frontbuffer(FALSE)
-def render(list, (little_hand, big_hand, seconds_hand)):
- #
- if Gl.colormap:
- resetindex()
- #
- if not list:
- Gl.c3i((255, 255, 255)) # White
- circf(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
- else:
- list.append((3600, 0, 255)) # Sentinel
- #
- rgb = [255, 255, 255]
- a_prev = 0
- for a, icolor, value in list:
- if a <> a_prev:
- [r, g, b] = rgb
- if Gl.debug > 1:
- print rgb, a_prev, a
- Gl.c3i((r, g, b))
- arcf(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, a_prev, a)
- rgb[icolor] = value
- a_prev = a
- #
- if or not Gl.colorsubset:
- #
- # Draw the hands -- in black
- #
- Gl.c3i((0, 0, 0))
- #
- if Gl.update == 1 and not Gl.iconic:
- # Seconds hand is only drawn if we update every second
- pushmatrix()
- rotate(seconds_hand, 'z')
- bgnline()
- v2f(0.0, 0.0)
- v2f(1.0, 0.0)
- endline()
- popmatrix()
- #
- pushmatrix()
- rotate(big_hand, 'z')
- rectf(0.0, -0.01, 0.97, 0.01)
- circf(0.0, 0.0, 0.01)
- circf(0.97, 0.0, 0.01)
- popmatrix()
- #
- pushmatrix()
- rotate(little_hand, 'z')
- rectf(0.04, -0.02, 0.63, 0.02)
- circf(0.04, 0.0, 0.02)
- circf(0.63, 0.0, 0.02)
- popmatrix()
- #
- # Draw the alarm time, if set or being set
- #
- if Gl.alarm_set:
- draw_alarm(rgb_fg())
- #
- if Gl.doublebuffer: swapbuffers()
-def makewindow():
- #
- if Gl.debug or Gl.foreground:
- foreground()
- #
- if Gl.fullscreen:
- scrwidth, scrheight = getgdesc(GD_XPMAX), getgdesc(GD_YPMAX)
- prefposition(0, scrwidth-1, 0, scrheight-1)
- else:
- keepaspect(1, 1)
- prefsize(80, 80)
- #
- if not Gl.border:
- noborder()
- wid = winopen(
- wintitle(Gl.title)
- #
- if not Gl.fullscreen:
- keepaspect(1, 1)
- minsize(10, 10)
- maxsize(2000, 2000)
- iconsize(66, 66)
- winconstraints()
- #
- nplanes = getplanes()
- nmaps = getgdesc(GD_NMMAPS)
- if Gl.warnings:
- print nplanes, 'color planes,', nmaps, 'color maps'
- #
- if Gl.doublebuffer and not Gl.colormap and nplanes < 12:
- if Gl.warnings: print 'forcing single buffer mode'
- Gl.doublebuffer = 0
- #
- if Gl.colormap:
- if not Gl.colormap:
- Gl.colormap = nmaps - 1
- if Gl.warnings:
- print 'not enough color planes available',
- print 'for RGB mode; forcing colormap mode'
- print 'using color map number', Gl.colormap
- if not Gl.colorsubset:
- needed = 3
- else:
- needed = Gl.cyan + Gl.magenta + Gl.yellow
- needed = needed*Gl.nparts
- if <> (0, 0, 0):
- needed = needed+1
- if Gl.fg <> (0, 0, 0):
- needed = needed+1
- if Gl.doublebuffer:
- if needed > available(nplanes/2):
- Gl.doublebuffer = 0
- if Gl.warnings:
- print 'not enough colors available',
- print 'for double buffer mode;',
- print 'forcing single buffer mode'
- else:
- nplanes = nplanes/2
- if needed > available(nplanes):
- # Do this warning always
- print 'still not enough colors available;',
- print 'parts will be left white'
- print '(needed', needed, 'but have only',
- print available(nplanes), 'colors available)'
- #
- if Gl.doublebuffer:
- doublebuffer()
- gconfig()
- #
- if Gl.colormap:
- Gl.c3i = pseudo_c3i
- fixcolormap()
- else:
- Gl.c3i = c3i
- RGBmode()
- gconfig()
- #
- if Gl.fullscreen:
- # XXX Should find out true screen size using getgdesc()
- ortho2(-1.1*1.280, 1.1*1.280, -1.1*1.024, 1.1*1.024)
- else:
- ortho2(-1.1, 1.1, -1.1, 1.1)
- #
- return wid
-def available(nplanes):
- return pow(2, nplanes) - 1 # Reserve one pixel for black
-def fixcolormap():
- multimap()
- gconfig()
- nplanes = getplanes()
- if Gl.warnings:
- print 'multimap mode has', nplanes, 'color planes'
- imap = Gl.colormap
- Gl.startindex = pow(2, nplanes) - 1
- Gl.stopindex = 1
- setmap(imap)
- mapcolor(0, 0, 0, 0) # Fixed entry for black
- if <> (0, 0, 0):
- r, g, b =
- mapcolor(1, r, g, b) # Fixed entry for
- Gl.stopindex = 2
- if Gl.fg <> (0, 0, 0):
- r, g, b = Gl.fg
- mapcolor(2, r, g, b) # Fixed entry for Gl.fg
- Gl.stopindex = 3
- Gl.overflow_seen = 0
- resetindex()
-def resetindex():
- Gl.index = Gl.startindex
-r0g0b0 = (0, 0, 0)
-def pseudo_c3i(rgb):
- if rgb == r0g0b0:
- index = 0
- elif rgb ==
- index = 1
- elif rgb == Gl.fg:
- index = 2
- else:
- index = definecolor(rgb)
- color(index)
-def definecolor(rgb):
- index = Gl.index
- if index < Gl.stopindex:
- if Gl.debug: print 'definecolor hard case', rgb
- # First see if we already have this one...
- for index in range(Gl.stopindex, Gl.startindex+1):
- if rgb == getmcolor(index):
- if Gl.debug: print 'return', index
- return index
- # Don't clobber reserverd colormap entries
- if not Gl.overflow_seen:
- # Shouldn't happen any more, hence no Gl.warnings test
- print 'mclock: out of colormap entries'
- Gl.overflow_seen = 1
- return Gl.stopindex
- r, g, b = rgb
- if Gl.debug > 1: print 'mapcolor', (index, r, g, b)
- mapcolor(index, r, g, b)
- Gl.index = index - 1
- return index
-# Compute n**i
-def pow(n, i):
- x = 1
- for j in range(i): x = x*n
- return x
-def mouseclick(mouse, updown, x, y):
- if updown == 1:
- # mouse button came down, start tracking
- if Gl.debug:
- print 'mouse', mouse, 'down at', x, y
- if mouse == 2:
- Gl.mouse2down = 1
- mouse2track(x, y)
- elif mouse == 3:
- Gl.mouse3down = 1
- mouse3track(x, y)
- else:
- print 'fatal error'
- qdevice(MOUSEX)
- qdevice(MOUSEY)
- return 0
- else:
- # mouse button came up, stop tracking
- if Gl.debug:
- print 'mouse', mouse, 'up at', x, y
- unqdevice(MOUSEX)
- unqdevice(MOUSEY)
- if mouse == 2:
- mouse2track(x, y)
- Gl.mouse2down = 0
- elif mouse == 3:
- mouse3track(x, y)
- Gl.mouse3down = 0
- else:
- print 'fatal error'
- Gl.alarm_set = 1
- return 1
-def mouse3track(x, y):
- # first compute polar coordinates from x and y
- cx, cy = Gl.ox +, Gl.oy +
- x, y = x - cx, y - cy
- if (x, y) == (0, 0): return # would cause an exception
- minutes = int(30.5 + 30.0*math.atan2(float(-x), float(-y))/pi)
- if minutes == 60: minutes = 0
- a,b = Gl.alarm_minutes/15, minutes/15
- if (a,b) == (0,3):
- # Moved backward through 12 o'clock:
- Gl.alarm_hours = Gl.alarm_hours - 1
- if Gl.alarm_hours < 0: Gl.alarm_hours = Gl.alarm_hours + 24
- if (a,b) == (3,0):
- # Moved forward through 12 o'clock:
- Gl.alarm_hours = Gl.alarm_hours + 1
- if Gl.alarm_hours >= 24: Gl.alarm_hours = Gl.alarm_hours - 24
- Gl.alarm_minutes = minutes
- seconds = Gl.alarm_hours * HOUR + Gl.alarm_minutes * MINUTE
- if seconds <> Gl.alarm_time:
- draw_alarm(rgb_bg())
- Gl.alarm_time = seconds
- draw_alarm(rgb_fg())
-def mouse2track(x, y):
- # first compute polar coordinates from x and y
- cx, cy = Gl.ox +, Gl.oy +
- x, y = x - cx, y - cy
- if (x, y) == (0, 0): return # would cause an exception
- hours = int(6.5 - float(Gl.alarm_minutes)/60.0 + 6.0*math.atan2(float(-x), float(-y))/pi)
- if hours == 12: hours = 0
- if (Gl.alarm_hours,hours) == (0,11):
- # Moved backward through midnight:
- Gl.alarm_hours = 23
- elif (Gl.alarm_hours,hours) == (12,11):
- # Moved backward through noon:
- Gl.alarm_hours = 11
- elif (Gl.alarm_hours,hours) == (11,0):
- # Moved forward through noon:
- Gl.alarm_hours = 12
- elif (Gl.alarm_hours,hours) == (23,0):
- # Moved forward through midnight:
- Gl.alarm_hours = 0
- elif Gl.alarm_hours < 12:
- Gl.alarm_hours = hours
- else:
- Gl.alarm_hours = hours + 12
- seconds = Gl.alarm_hours * HOUR + Gl.alarm_minutes * MINUTE
- if seconds <> Gl.alarm_time:
- draw_alarm(rgb_bg())
- Gl.alarm_time = seconds
- draw_alarm(rgb_fg())
-def initmenu():
- Gl.pup = pup = newpup()
- addtopup(pup, 'M Clock%t|Alarm On/Off|Seconds Hand On/Off|Quit', 0)
-def handlemenu():
- item = dopup(Gl.pup)
- if item == 1:
- # Toggle alarm
- if Gl.alarm_set:
- Gl.alarm_set = 0
- Gl.alarm_on = 0
- else:
- Gl.alarm_set = 1
- Gl.change = 1
- clearall()
- elif item == 2:
- # Toggle Seconds Hand
- if Gl.update == 1:
- Gl.update = 60
- Gl.timernoise = 60
- else:
- Gl.update = 1
- Gl.timernoise = 6
- Gl.change = 1
- elif item == 3:
- if Gl.debug: print 'Exit'
- sys.exit(0)