path: root/Demo/sgi/sv
diff options
authorGuido van Rossum <>2002-09-17 20:55:57 (GMT)
committerGuido van Rossum <>2002-09-17 20:55:57 (GMT)
commitb0c87b956c81e30a9f3b3d393d1442f63c2dbfc3 (patch)
treecbd117574482176b4a7277ed5f30dc3e00050623 /Demo/sgi/sv
parent4cb22048515deb55fdf46775400da9c841706248 (diff)
Remove the SGI demos. These were all ancient and nobody cared enough.
Diffstat (limited to 'Demo/sgi/sv')
5 files changed, 0 insertions, 285 deletions
diff --git a/Demo/sgi/sv/README b/Demo/sgi/sv/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 38e5140..0000000
--- a/Demo/sgi/sv/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-Demo programs for the SGI Video library for the Indigo (IRIX 4.0.5).
-These are more-or-less literal translations of the C programs from the
-Indigo Video Programming Guide, by Sjoerd Mullender, with some changes
-by Guido.
-Note that none of the example programs save any data to a file,
-although this would be easy to do (e.g. individual grabbed frames
-could be written as SGI image files using the imgfile module).
-We have written a Python program to record live video to file (within
-the limits of the Indigo video board), and a suite of programs to
-manipulate and display such files. At the moment we don't distribute
-these programs, since the file format is, eh..., weird, to say the
-least. However, if you are really interested we can mail you the
-Also note that we haven't tried using video *output* yet.
- Live video in a resizable window Grab still frames Continuous capturing Burst capturing
diff --git a/Demo/sgi/sv/ b/Demo/sgi/sv/
deleted file mode 100755
index ce1e579..0000000
--- a/Demo/sgi/sv/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-import sys
-import sv, SV
-import gl, GL, DEVICE
-def main():
- format = SV.RGB8_FRAMES
- requestedwidth = SV.PAL_XMAX
- queuesize = 30
- if sys.argv[1:]:
- queuesize = eval(sys.argv[1])
- v = sv.OpenVideo()
- svci = (format, requestedwidth, 0, queuesize, 0)
- go = raw_input('Press return to capture ' + `queuesize` + ' frames: ')
- result = v.CaptureBurst(svci)
- svci, buffer, bitvec = result
-## svci, buffer = result # XXX If bit vector not yet implemented
- print 'Captured', svci[3], 'frames, i.e.', len(buffer)/1024, 'K bytes'
- w, h = svci[1:3]
- framesize = w * h
- gl.prefposition(300, 300+w-1, 100, 100+h-1)
- gl.foreground()
- win = gl.winopen('Burst Capture')
- gl.RGBmode()
- gl.gconfig()
- gl.qdevice(DEVICE.LEFTMOUSE)
- gl.qdevice(DEVICE.ESCKEY)
- print 'Click left mouse for next frame'
- for i in range(svci[3]):
- inverted_frame = sv.RGB8toRGB32(1, \
- buffer[i*framesize:(i+1)*framesize], w, h)
- gl.lrectwrite(0, 0, w-1, h-1, inverted_frame)
- while 1:
- dev, val = gl.qread()
- if dev == DEVICE.LEFTMOUSE and val == 1:
- break
- if dev == DEVICE.REDRAW:
- gl.lrectwrite(0, 0, w-1, h-1, inverted_frame)
- if dev == DEVICE.ESCKEY:
- v.CloseVideo()
- gl.winclose(win)
- return
- v.CloseVideo()
- gl.winclose(win)
diff --git a/Demo/sgi/sv/ b/Demo/sgi/sv/
deleted file mode 100755
index 6c0a000..0000000
--- a/Demo/sgi/sv/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-import sys
-import sv, SV
-import gl, GL, DEVICE
-def main():
- format = SV.RGB8_FRAMES
- framerate = 25
- queuesize = 16
- samplingrate = 2
- v = sv.OpenVideo()
- # Determine maximum window size based on signal standard
- param = [SV.BROADCAST, 0]
- v.GetParam(param)
- if param[1] == SV.PAL:
- width = SV.PAL_XMAX
- height = SV.PAL_YMAX
- framefreq = 25
- else:
- width = SV.NTSC_XMAX
- height = SV.NTSC_YMAX
- framefreq = 30
- # Allow resizing window if capturing RGB frames, which can be scaled
- if format == SV.RGB8_FRAMES:
- gl.keepaspect(width, height)
- gl.maxsize(width, height)
- gl.stepunit(8, 6)
- gl.minsize(120, 90)
- else:
- height = height + SV.BLANKING_BUFFER_SIZE
- gl.prefposition(300, 300+width-1, 100, 100+height-1)
- # Open the window
- gl.foreground()
- win = gl.winopen('Continuous Capture')
- gl.RGBmode()
- gl.gconfig()
- if format == SV.RGB8_FRAMES:
- width, height = gl.getsize()
- gl.pixmode(GL.PM_SIZE, 8)
- else:
- gl.pixmode(GL.PM_SIZE, 32)
- svci = (format, width, height, queuesize, samplingrate)
- [svci]
- svci = v.InitContinuousCapture(svci)
- width, height = svci[1:3]
- [svci]
- hz = gl.getgdesc(GL.GD_TIMERHZ)
- gl.noise(DEVICE.TIMER0, hz / framerate)
- gl.qdevice(DEVICE.TIMER0)
- gl.qdevice(DEVICE.WINQUIT)
- gl.qdevice(DEVICE.WINSHUT)
- gl.qdevice(DEVICE.ESCKEY)
- ndisplayed = 0
- lastfieldID = 0
- while 1:
- dev, val = gl.qread()
- if dev == DEVICE.REDRAW:
- oldw = width
- oldh = height
- width, height = gl.getsize()
- if oldw != width or oldh != height:
- v.EndContinuousCapture()
- gl.viewport(0, width-1, 0, height-1)
- svci = (svci[0], width, height) + svci[3:]
- svci = v.InitContinuousCapture(svci)
- width, height = svci[1:3]
- [svci]
- if ndisplayed:
- print 'lost',
- print fieldID/(svci[4]*2) - ndisplayed,
- print 'frames'
- ndisplayed = 0
- elif dev == DEVICE.TIMER0:
- try:
- captureData, fieldID = v.GetCaptureData()
- except sv.error, val:
- if val <> 'no data available':
- print val
- continue
- if fieldID - lastfieldID <> 2*samplingrate:
- print lastfieldID, fieldID
- lastfieldID = fieldID
- if svci[0] == SV.RGB8_FRAMES:
- rgbbuf = captureData.InterleaveFields(1)
- else:
- rgbbuf = captureData.YUVtoRGB(1)
- captureData.UnlockCaptureData()
- gl.lrectwrite(0, 0, width-1, height-1, rgbbuf)
- ndisplayed = ndisplayed + 1
- v.EndContinuousCapture()
- v.CloseVideo()
- gl.winclose(win)
- print fieldID, ndisplayed, svci[4]
- print 'lost', fieldID/(svci[4]*2) - ndisplayed,
- print 'frames'
- return
diff --git a/Demo/sgi/sv/ b/Demo/sgi/sv/
deleted file mode 100755
index 8013a53..0000000
--- a/Demo/sgi/sv/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-import sys
-import sv, SV
-import gl, GL, DEVICE
-import time
-def main():
- v = sv.OpenVideo()
- # Determine maximum window size based on signal standard
- param = [SV.BROADCAST, 0]
- v.GetParam(param)
- if param[1] == SV.PAL:
- width = SV.PAL_XMAX
- height = SV.PAL_YMAX
- elif param[1] == SV.NTSC:
- width = SV.NTSC_XMAX
- height = SV.NTSC_YMAX
- else:
- print 'Unknown video standard', param[1]
- sys.exit(1)
- # Initially all windows are half size
- grabwidth, grabheight = width/2, height/2
- # Open still window
- gl.foreground()
- gl.prefsize(grabwidth, grabheight)
- still_win = gl.winopen('Grabbed frame')
- gl.keepaspect(width, height)
- gl.maxsize(width, height)
- gl.winconstraints()
- gl.RGBmode()
- gl.gconfig()
- gl.clear()
- gl.pixmode(GL.PM_SIZE, 8)
- # Open live window
- gl.foreground()
- gl.prefsize(grabwidth, grabheight)
- live_win = gl.winopen('Live video')
- gl.keepaspect(width, height)
- gl.maxsize(width, height)
- gl.winconstraints()
- # Bind live video
- v.SetSize(gl.getsize())
- v.BindGLWindow(live_win, SV.IN_REPLACE)
- print 'Use leftmouse to grab frame'
- gl.qdevice(DEVICE.LEFTMOUSE)
- gl.qdevice(DEVICE.WINQUIT)
- gl.qdevice(DEVICE.WINSHUT)
- gl.qdevice(DEVICE.ESCKEY)
- frame = None
- while 1:
- dev, val = gl.qread()
- if dev == DEVICE.LEFTMOUSE and val == 0:
- w, h, fields = v.CaptureOneFrame(SV.RGB8_FRAMES, \
- grabwidth, grabheight)
- frame = sv.InterleaveFields(1, fields, w, h)
- gl.winset(still_win)
- gl.lrectwrite(0, 0, w - 1, h - 1, frame)
- gl.winset(live_win)
- v.CloseVideo()
- gl.winclose(live_win)
- gl.winclose(still_win)
- break
- if dev == DEVICE.REDRAW and val == still_win:
- gl.winset(still_win)
- gl.reshapeviewport()
- gl.clear()
- grabwidth, grabheight = gl.getsize()
- if frame:
- gl.lrectwrite(0, 0, w - 1, h - 1, frame)
- gl.winset(live_win)
- if dev == DEVICE.REDRAW and val == live_win:
- v.SetSize(gl.getsize())
- v.BindGLWindow(live_win, SV.IN_REPLACE)
diff --git a/Demo/sgi/sv/ b/Demo/sgi/sv/
deleted file mode 100755
index 97b75fa..0000000
--- a/Demo/sgi/sv/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-import sv, SV
-import gl, DEVICE
-def main():
- gl.foreground()
- gl.prefsize(SV.PAL_XMAX, SV.PAL_YMAX)
- win = gl.winopen('video test')
- v = sv.OpenVideo()
- v.SetParam(params)
- v.BindGLWindow(win, SV.IN_REPLACE)
- gl.qdevice(DEVICE.ESCKEY)
- gl.qdevice(DEVICE.WINQUIT)
- gl.qdevice(DEVICE.WINSHUT)
- while 1:
- dev, val = gl.qread()
- v.CloseVideo()
- gl.winclose(win)
- return