path: root/Demo/sgi/video/
diff options
authorGuido van Rossum <>1993-02-25 14:20:13 (GMT)
committerGuido van Rossum <>1993-02-25 14:20:13 (GMT)
commit5e044b7009e40c38e488c658f6fda34920dbce36 (patch)
tree39def82623f6a4589bcb2450fb1fe0cbd8b01b19 /Demo/sgi/video/
parentb616ebe4e4c48f8a13be0df27f9b61795ff0542e (diff)
- Separated grabbing (which isn't used much!) from VFile.
- Renamed old to, some cosmetic changes to it (is it still needed?) - Added new which does everything that does but also format conversions, image scaling, and packfactors. - VFile: make packfactor always a tuple; introduce set and get methods for pf, format, and calculate some derived values. - Added new module to std library, use it instead of defining DM* in VFile. - Get rid of C programs (new Python programs can do all that they do and they probably don't understand the current file format anyway).
Diffstat (limited to 'Demo/sgi/video/')
1 files changed, 255 insertions, 120 deletions
diff --git a/Demo/sgi/video/ b/Demo/sgi/video/
index f92dfdd..fb7afab 100755
--- a/Demo/sgi/video/
+++ b/Demo/sgi/video/
@@ -1,134 +1,269 @@
-# Copy a video file, interactively, frame-by-frame.
+#! /ufs/guido/bin/sgi/python
+# Universal (non-interactive) CMIF video file copier.
+# Possibilities:
+# - Manipulate the time base:
+# = resample at a fixed rate
+# = divide the time codes by a speed factor (to make it go faster/slower)
+# = drop frames that are less than n msec apart (to accomodate slow players)
+# - Convert to a different format
+# - Magnify (scale) the image
+# Usage function (keep this up-to-date if you change the program!)
+def usage():
+ print 'Usage: Vcopy [options] [infile [outfile]]'
+ print
+ print 'Options:'
+ print
+ print '-t type : new image type (default unchanged)'
+ print
+ print '-M magnify : image magnification factor (default unchanged)'
+ print '-w width : output image width (default height*4/3 if -h used)'
+ print '-h height : output image height (default width*3/4 if -w used)'
+ print
+ print '-p pf : new x and y packfactor (default unchanged)'
+ print '-x xpf : new x packfactor (default 1 if -y used)'
+ print '-y ypf : new y packfactor (default 1 if -x used)'
+ print
+ print '-m delta : drop frames closer than delta msec (default 0)'
+ print '-r delta : regenerate input time base delta msec apart'
+ print '-s speed : speed change factor (default unchanged)'
+ print
+ print 'infile : input file (default'
+ print 'outfile : output file (default'
import sys
-import getopt
-from gl import *
-from DEVICE import *
import VFile
-import string
+import imgconv
import imageop
+import getopt
+import string
-def report(time, iframe):
- print 'Frame', iframe, ': t =', time
-def usage():
- sys.stderr.write('usage: Vcopy [-t type] [-m treshold] [-a] infile outfile\n')
- sys.stderr.write('-t Convert to other type\n')
- sys.stderr.write('-a Automatic\n')
- sys.stderr.write('-m Convert grey to mono with treshold\n')
- sys.stderr.write('-d Convert grey to mono with dithering\n')
- sys.exit(2)
-def help():
- print 'Command summary:'
- print 'n get next image from input'
- print 'w write current image to output'
+# Global options
+speed = 1.0
+mindelta = 0
+regen = None
+newpf = None
+newtype = None
+magnify = None
+newwidth = None
+newheight = None
+# Function to turn a string into a float
+atof_error = 'atof_error' # Exception if it fails
+def atof(s):
+ try:
+ return float(eval(s))
+ except:
+ raise atof_error
+# Main program -- mostly command line parsing
def main():
- foreground()
- opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 't:am:d')
- if len(args) <> 2:
+ global speed, mindelta, regen, newpf, newtype, \
+ magnify, newwidth, newheight
+ # Parse command line
+ try:
+ opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], \
+ 'M:h:m:p:r:s:t:w:x:y:')
+ except getopt.error, msg:
+ sys.stdout = sys.stderr
+ print 'Error:', msg, '\n'
- [ifile, ofile] = args
- print 'open film ', ifile
- ifilm = VFile.VinFile().init(ifile)
- print 'open output ', ofile
- ofilm = VFile.VoutFile().init(ofile)
+ sys.exit(2)
+ xpf = ypf = None
- ofilm.setinfo(ifilm.getinfo())
- use_grabber = 0
- continuous = 0
- tomono = 0
- tomonodither = 0
- for o, a in opts:
- if o == '-t':
- ofilm.format = a
- use_grabber = 1
- if o == '-a':
- continuous = 1
- if o == '-m':
- if ifilm.format <> 'grey':
- print '-m only supported for greyscale'
- sys.exit(1)
- tomono = 1
- treshold = string.atoi(a)
- ofilm.format = 'mono'
- if o == '-d':
- if ifilm.format <> 'grey':
- print '-m only supported for greyscale'
- sys.exit(1)
- tomonodither = 1
- ofilm.format = 'mono'
- ofilm.writeheader()
- #
- prefsize(ifilm.width, ifilm.height)
- w = winopen(ifile)
- qdevice(KEYBD)
- qdevice(ESCKEY)
- qdevice(WINQUIT)
- qdevice(WINSHUT)
- print 'qdevice calls done'
- #
- help()
- #
- time, data, cdata = ifilm.getnextframe()
- ifilm.showframe(data, cdata)
- iframe = 1
- report(time, iframe)
- #
+ # Interpret options
+ try:
+ for opt, arg in opts:
+ if opt == '-M': magnify = atof(arg)
+ if opt == '-h': height = string.atoi(arg)
+ if opt == '-m': mindelta = string.atoi(arg)
+ if opt == '-p': xpf = ypf = string.atoi(arg)
+ if opt == '-r': regen = string.atoi(arg)
+ if opt == '-s': speed = atof(arg)
+ if opt == '-t': newtype = arg
+ if opt == '-w': newwidth = string.atoi(arg)
+ if opt == '-x': xpf = string.atoi(arg)
+ if opt == '-y': ypf = string.atoi(arg)
+ except string.atoi_error:
+ sys.stdout = sys.stderr
+ print 'Option', opt, 'requires integer argument'
+ sys.exit(2)
+ except atof_error:
+ sys.stdout = sys.stderr
+ print 'Option', opt, 'requires float argument'
+ sys.exit(2)
+ if xpf or ypf:
+ if not xpf: xpf = 1
+ if not ypf: ypf = 1
+ newpf = (xpf, ypf)
+ if newwidth or newheight:
+ if magnify:
+ sys.stdout = sys.stderr
+ print 'Options -w or -h are incompatible with -M'
+ sys.exit(2)
+ if not newheight:
+ newheight = newwidth * 3 / 4
+ elif not newwidth:
+ newwidth = newheight * 4 / 3
+ # Check filename arguments
+ if len(args) < 1:
+ args.append('')
+ if len(args) < 2:
+ args.append('')
+ if len(args) > 2:
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(2)
+ if args[0] == args[1]:
+ sys.stderr.write('Input file can\'t be output file\n')
+ sys.exit(2)
+ # Do the right thing
+ sts = process(args[0], args[1])
+ # Exit
+ sys.exit(sts)
+# Copy one file to another
+def process(infilename, outfilename):
+ global newwidth, newheight
+ try:
+ vin = VFile.BasicVinFile().init(infilename)
+ except IOError, msg:
+ sys.stderr.write(infilename + ': I/O error: ' + `msg` + '\n')
+ return 1
+ except VFile.Error, msg:
+ sys.stderr.write(msg + '\n')
+ return 1
+ except EOFError:
+ sys.stderr.write(infilename + ': EOF in video file\n')
+ return 1
+ try:
+ vout = VFile.BasicVoutFile().init(outfilename)
+ except IOError, msg:
+ sys.stderr.write(outfilename + ': I/O error: ' + `msg` + '\n')
+ return 1
+ vout.setinfo(vin.getinfo())
+ scale = 0
+ flip = 0
+ if newtype:
+ vout.setformat(newtype)
+ try:
+ convert = imgconv.getconverter(vin.format, vout.format)
+ except imgconv.error, msg:
+ sys.stderr.write(str(msg) + '\n')
+ return 1
+ if newpf:
+ vout.setpf(newpf)
+ scale = 1
+ if newwidth and newheight:
+ scale = 1
+ if vin.upside_down <> vout.upside_down or \
+ vin.mirror_image <> vout.mirror_image:
+ flip = 1
+ inwidth, inheight = vin.getsize()
+ inwidth = inwidth / vin.xpf
+ inheight = inheight / vin.ypf
+ if magnify:
+ newwidth = int(vout.width * magnify)
+ newheight = int(vout.height * magnify)
+ scale = 1
+ if scale:
+ vout.setsize(newwidth, newheight)
+ else:
+ newwidth, newheight = vout.getsize()
+ if vin.packfactor <> vout.packfactor:
+ scale = 1
+ if scale or flip:
+ if vout.bpp not in (8, 32):
+ sys.stderr.write('Can\'t scale or flip this type\n')
+ return 1
+ newwidth = newwidth / vout.xpf
+ newheight = newheight / vout.ypf
+ vout.writeheader()
+ told = 0
+ nin = 0
+ nout = 0
+ tin = 0
+ tout = 0
while 1:
- if continuous:
- dev = KEYBD
- else:
- dev, val = qread()
+ try:
+ tin, data, cdata = vin.getnextframe()
+ except EOFError:
- if dev == REDRAW:
- reshapeviewport()
- elif dev == KEYBD:
- if continuous:
- c = '0'
- else:
- c = chr(val)
- #XXX Debug
- if c == 'R':
- c3i(255,0,0)
- clear()
- if c == 'G':
- c3i(0,255,0)
- clear()
- if c == 'B':
- c3i(0,0,255)
- clear()
- if c == 'w' or continuous:
- if use_grabber:
- data, cdata = ofilm.grabframe()
- if tomono:
- data = imageop.grey2mono(data, \
- ifilm.width, ifilm.height, \
- treshold)
- if tomonodither:
- data = imageop.dither2mono(data, \
- ifilm.width, ifilm.height)
- ofilm.writeframe(time, data, cdata)
- print 'Frame', iframe, 'written.'
- if c == 'n' or continuous:
- try:
- time,data,cdata = ifilm.getnextframe()
- ifilm.showframe(data, cdata)
- iframe = iframe+1
- report(time, iframe)
- except EOFError:
- print 'EOF'
- if continuous:
- break
- ringbell()
- elif dev == INPUTCHANGE:
- pass
+ nin = nin + 1
+ if regen:
+ tout = nin * regen
- print '(dev, val) =', (dev, val)
- ofilm.close()
+ tout = tin
+ tout = int(tout / speed)
+ if tout - told < mindelta:
+ continue
+ told = tout
+ if newtype:
+ data = convert(data, inwidth, inheight)
+ if newwidth and newheight:
+ data = imageop.scale(data, vout.bpp/8, \
+ inwidth, inheight, newwidth, newheight)
+ if vin.upside_down <> vout.upside_down or \
+ vin.mirror_image <> vout.mirror_image:
+ x0, y0 = 0, 0
+ x1, y1 = newwidth-1, neheight-1
+ if vin.upside_down <> vout.upside_down:
+ y1, y0 = y0, y1
+ if vin.mirror_image <> vout.mirror_image:
+ x1, x0 = x0, x1
+ data = imageop.crop(data, vout.bpp/8, \
+ newwidth, newheight, x0, y0, x1, y1)
+ vout.writeframe(tout, data, cdata)
+ nout = nout + 1
+ vout.close()
+ vin.close()
+# Don't forget to call the main program
+ main()
+except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ print '[Interrupt]'