path: root/Demo/tix/
diff options
authorMartin v. Löwis <>2001-11-11 14:07:37 (GMT)
committerMartin v. Löwis <>2001-11-11 14:07:37 (GMT)
commit20efa68be43b18413cc08089211b1351687084af (patch)
tree8946066fd4bf0909efbe4d5c78757ffe917a7f9d /Demo/tix/
parentc252e6304e305c7126d1cd440fa8885f94ed09f2 (diff)
Patch #473002: Update Demo/tix et al.
Diffstat (limited to 'Demo/tix/')
1 files changed, 256 insertions, 124 deletions
diff --git a/Demo/tix/ b/Demo/tix/
index 556d3b7..177e452 100644
--- a/Demo/tix/
+++ b/Demo/tix/
@@ -1,128 +1,163 @@
-#! /usr/local/bin/python
+# -*-mode: python; fill-column: 75; tab-width: 8; coding: iso-latin-1-unix -*-
# $Id$
# --
+# For Tix, see
# This is a demo program of all Tix widgets available from Python. If
# you have installed Python & Tix properly, you can execute this as
-# %
+# % python
import os, sys, Tix
+from Tkconstants import *
-class Demo:
- pass
-root = Tix.Tk()
-demo = Demo()
-demo.dir = None # script directory
-demo.balloon = None # balloon widget
-demo.useBalloons = Tix.StringVar()
-demo.statusbar = None # status bar widget
-demo.welmsg = None # Msg widget
-demo.welfont = '' # font name
-demo.welsize = '' # font size
-def main():
+class Demo:
+ def __init__(self, top):
+ self.root = top
+ self.exit = -1
+ self.dir = None # script directory
+ self.balloon = None # balloon widget
+ self.useBalloons = Tix.StringVar()
+ self.useBalloons.set('0')
+ self.statusbar = None # status bar widget
+ self.welmsg = None # Msg widget
+ self.welfont = '' # font name
+ self.welsize = '' # font size
+ progname = sys.argv[0]
+ dirname = os.path.dirname(progname)
+ if dirname and dirname != os.curdir:
+ self.dir = dirname
+ index = -1
+ for i in range(len(sys.path)):
+ p = sys.path[i]
+ if p in ("", os.curdir):
+ index = i
+ if index >= 0:
+ sys.path[index] = dirname
+ else:
+ sys.path.insert(0, dirname)
+ else:
+ self.dir = os.getcwd()
+ sys.path.insert(0, self.dir+'/samples')
+ def MkMainMenu(self):
+ top = self.root
+ w = Tix.Frame(top, bd=2, relief=RAISED)
+ file = Tix.Menubutton(w, text='File', underline=0, takefocus=0)
+ help = Tix.Menubutton(w, text='Help', underline=0, takefocus=0)
+ file.pack(side=LEFT)
+ help.pack(side=RIGHT)
+ fm = Tix.Menu(file)
+ file['menu'] = fm
+ hm = Tix.Menu(help)
+ help['menu'] = hm
+ if ('info commands console') == "console":
+ fm.add_command(label='Console', underline=1,
+ command=lambda w=w:'console show'))
+ fm.add_command(label='Exit', underline=1, accelerator='Ctrl+X',
+ command = lambda self=self: self.quitcmd () )
+ hm.add_checkbutton(label='BalloonHelp', underline=0, command=ToggleHelp,
+ variable=self.useBalloons)
+ # The trace variable option doesn't seem to work, instead I use 'command'
+ #apply(, ('trace', 'variable', self.useBalloons, 'w',
+ # ToggleHelp))
+ return w
+ def MkMainNotebook(self):
+ top = self.root
+ w = Tix.NoteBook(top, ipadx=5, ipady=5, options="""
+ *TixNoteBook*tagPadX 6
+ *TixNoteBook*tagPadY 4
+ *TixNoteBook*borderWidth 2
+ """)
+ # This may be required if there is no *Background option
+ top['bg'] = w['bg']
+ w.add('wel', label='Welcome', underline=0,
+ createcmd=lambda w=w, name='wel': MkWelcome(w, name))
+ w.add('cho', label='Choosers', underline=0,
+ createcmd=lambda w=w, name='cho': MkChoosers(w, name))
+ w.add('scr', label='Scrolled Widgets', underline=0,
+ createcmd=lambda w=w, name='scr': MkScroll(w, name))
+ w.add('mgr', label='Manager Widgets', underline=0,
+ createcmd=lambda w=w, name='mgr': MkManager(w, name))
+ w.add('dir', label='Directory List', underline=0,
+ createcmd=lambda w=w, name='dir': MkDirList(w, name))
+ w.add('exp', label='Run Sample Programs', underline=0,
+ createcmd=lambda w=w, name='exp': MkSample(w, name))
+ return w
+ def MkMainStatus(self):
+ global demo
+ top = self.root
+ w = Tix.Frame(top, relief=Tix.RAISED, bd=1)
+ demo.statusbar = Tix.Label(w, relief=Tix.SUNKEN, bd=1)
+ demo.statusbar.form(padx=3, pady=3, left=0, right='%70')
+ return w
+ def build(self):
+ root = self.root
+ z = root.winfo_toplevel()
+ z.wm_title('Tix Widget Demonstration')
+ z.geometry('790x590+10+10')
+ demo.balloon = Tix.Balloon(root)
+ frame1 = self.MkMainMenu()
+ frame2 = self.MkMainNotebook()
+ frame3 = self.MkMainStatus()
+ frame1.pack(side=TOP, fill=X)
+ frame3.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=X)
+ frame2.pack(side=TOP, expand=1, fill=BOTH, padx=4, pady=4)
+ demo.balloon['statusbar'] = demo.statusbar
+ z.wm_protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", lambda self=self: self.quitcmd())
+ def quitcmd (self):
+ # self.root.destroy()
+ self.exit = 0
+ def loop(self):
+ while self.exit < 0:
+ #
+ def destroy (self):
+ self.root.destroy()
+def RunMain(top):
global demo, root
- progname = sys.argv[0]
- dirname = os.path.dirname(progname)
- if dirname and dirname != os.curdir:
- demo.dir = dirname
- index = -1
- for i in range(len(sys.path)):
- p = sys.path[i]
- if p in ("", os.curdir):
- index = i
- if index >= 0:
- sys.path[index] = dirname
- else:
- sys.path.insert(0, dirname)
- else:
- demo.dir = os.getcwd()
- sys.path.insert(0, demo.dir+'/samples')
- root.withdraw()
- root = Tix.Toplevel()
- root.title('Tix Widget Demonstration')
- root.geometry('780x570+50+50')
- demo.balloon = Tix.Balloon(root)
- frame1 = MkMainMenu(root)
- frame2 = MkMainNotebook(root)
- frame3 = MkMainStatus(root)
- frame1.pack(side=Tix.TOP, fill=Tix.X)
- frame3.pack(side=Tix.BOTTOM, fill=Tix.X)
- frame2.pack(side=Tix.TOP, expand=1, fill=Tix.BOTH, padx=4, pady=4)
- demo.balloon['statusbar'] = demo.statusbar
- root.mainloop()
-def exit_cmd(event=None):
- sys.exit()
-def MkMainMenu(top):
- global demo
+ demo = Demo(top)
- w = Tix.Frame(top, bd=2, relief=Tix.RAISED)
- file = Tix.Menubutton(w, text='File', underline=0, takefocus=0)
- help = Tix.Menubutton(w, text='Help', underline=0, takefocus=0)
- file.pack(side=Tix.LEFT)
- help.pack(side=Tix.RIGHT)
- fm = Tix.Menu(file)
- file['menu'] = fm
- hm = Tix.Menu(help)
- help['menu'] = hm
- fm.add_command(label='Exit', underline=1, accelerator='Ctrl+X',
- command=exit_cmd)
- hm.add_checkbutton(label='BalloonHelp', underline=0, command=ToggleHelp,
- variable=demo.useBalloons)
- # The trace variable option doesn't seem to work, instead I use 'command'
- #apply(, ('trace', 'variable', demo.useBalloons, 'w',
- # ToggleHelp))
- top.bind_all("<Control-x>", exit_cmd)
- top.bind_all("<Control-X>", exit_cmd)
- return w
-def MkMainNotebook(top):
- top.option_add('*TixNoteBook*tagPadX', 6)
- top.option_add('*TixNoteBook*tagPadY', 4)
- top.option_add('*TixNoteBook*borderWidth', 2)
- top.option_add('*TixNoteBook*font',
- '-*-helvetica-bold-o-normal-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- w = Tix.NoteBook(top, ipadx=5, ipady=5)
- w.add('wel', label='Welcome', underline=0,
- createcmd=lambda w=w, name='wel': MkWelcome(w, name))
- w.add('cho', label='Choosers', underline=0,
- createcmd=lambda w=w, name='cho': MkChoosers(w, name))
- w.add('scr', label='Scrolled Widgets', underline=0,
- createcmd=lambda w=w, name='scr': MkScroll(w, name))
- w.add('mgr', label='Manager Widgets', underline=0,
- createcmd=lambda w=w, name='mgr': MkManager(w, name))
- w.add('dir', label='Directory List', underline=0,
- createcmd=lambda w=w, name='dir': MkDirList(w, name))
- w.add('exp', label='Run Sample Programs', underline=0,
- createcmd=lambda w=w, name='exp': MkSample(w, name))
- return w
-def MkMainStatus(top):
- global demo
- w = Tix.Frame(top, relief=Tix.RAISED, bd=1)
- demo.statusbar = Tix.Label(w, relief=Tix.SUNKEN, bd=1, font='-*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- demo.statusbar.form(padx=3, pady=3, left=0, right='%70')
- return w
+ # top.withdraw()
+ # root = Tix.Toplevel()
+ root = top
+ demo.loop()
+ demo.destroy()
+# Tabs
def MkWelcome(nb, name):
w =
bar = MkWelcomeBar(w)
text = MkWelcomeText(w)
- bar.pack(side=Tix.TOP, fill=Tix.X, padx=2, pady=2)
- text.pack(side=Tix.TOP, fill=Tix.BOTH, expand=1)
+ bar.pack(side=TOP, fill=X, padx=2, pady=2)
+ text.pack(side=TOP, fill=BOTH, expand=1)
def MkWelcomeBar(top):
global demo
@@ -167,9 +202,9 @@ def MkWelcomeText(top):
w = Tix.ScrolledWindow(top, scrollbar='auto')
win = w.window
text = 'Welcome to TIX in Python'
- title = Tix.Label(win, font='-*-times-bold-r-normal-*-18-*-*-*-*-*-*-*',
+ title = Tix.Label(win,
bd=0, width=30, anchor=Tix.N, text=text)
- msg = Tix.Message(win, font='-*-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*',
+ msg = Tix.Message(win,
bd=0, width=400, anchor=Tix.N,
text='Tix is a set of mega-widgets based on TK. This program \
demonstrates the widgets in the Tix widget set. You can choose the pages \
@@ -190,7 +225,7 @@ def MainTextFont(w):
point = demo.welsize['value']
if font == 'Times Roman':
font = 'times'
- fontstr = '-*-%s-bold-r-normal-*-%s-*-*-*-*-*-*-*' % (font, point)
+ fontstr = '%s %s' % (font, point)
demo.welmsg['font'] = fontstr
def ToggleHelp():
@@ -360,7 +395,7 @@ def MkOptMenu(w):
m.pack(fill=Tix.X, padx=5, pady=3)
def MkFileEnt(w):
- msg = Tix.Message(w, font='-*-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*',
+ msg = Tix.Message(w,
relief=Tix.FLAT, width=240, anchor=Tix.N,
text='Press the "open file" icon button and a TixFileSelectDialog will popup.')
ent = Tix.FileEntry(w, label='Select a file : ')
@@ -368,7 +403,7 @@ def MkFileEnt(w):
ent.pack(side=Tix.TOP, fill=Tix.X, padx=3, pady=3)
def MkFileBox(w):
- msg = Tix.Message(w, font='-*-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*',
+ msg = Tix.Message(w,
relief=Tix.FLAT, width=240, anchor=Tix.N,
text='The TixFileSelectBox is a Motif-style box with various enhancements. For example, you can adjust the size of the two listboxes and your past selections are recorded.')
box = Tix.FileSelectBox(w)
@@ -381,7 +416,7 @@ def MkToolBar(w):
prefix = Tix.OptionName(w)
if not prefix: prefix = ''
w.option_add('*' + prefix + '*TixSelect*frame.borderWidth', 1)
- msg = Tix.Message(w, font='-*-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*',
+ msg = Tix.Message(w,
relief=Tix.FLAT, width=240, anchor=Tix.N,
text='The Select widget is also good for arranging buttons in a tool bar.')
bar = Tix.Frame(w, bd=2, relief=Tix.RAISED)
@@ -407,7 +442,7 @@ def MkTitle(w):
prefix = Tix.OptionName(w)
if not prefix: prefix = ''
w.option_add('*' + prefix + '*TixSelect*frame.borderWidth', 1)
- msg = Tix.Message(w, font='-*-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*',
+ msg = Tix.Message(w,
relief=Tix.FLAT, width=240, anchor=Tix.N,
text='There are many types of "chooser" widgets that allow the user to input different types of information')
msg.pack(side=Tix.TOP, expand=1, fill=Tix.BOTH, padx=3, pady=3)
@@ -434,7 +469,7 @@ def MkScroll(nb, name):
def MkSList(w):
top = Tix.Frame(w, width=300, height=330)
bot = Tix.Frame(w)
- msg = Tix.Message(top, font='-*-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*',
+ msg = Tix.Message(top,
relief=Tix.FLAT, width=200, anchor=Tix.N,
text='This TixScrolledListBox is configured so that it uses scrollbars only when it is necessary. Use the handles to resize the listbox and watch the scrollbars automatically appear and disappear.')
@@ -470,7 +505,7 @@ def MkSWindow(w):
top = Tix.Frame(w, width=330, height=330)
bot = Tix.Frame(w)
- msg = Tix.Message(top, font='-*-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*',
+ msg = Tix.Message(top,
relief=Tix.FLAT, width=200, anchor=Tix.N,
text='The TixScrolledWindow widget allows you to scroll any kind of Tk widget. It is more versatile than a scrolled canvas widget.')
win = Tix.ScrolledWindow(top, scrollbar='auto')
@@ -500,7 +535,7 @@ def SWindow_reset(rh, win):
def MkSText(w):
top = Tix.Frame(w, width=330, height=330)
bot = Tix.Frame(w)
- msg = Tix.Message(top, font='-*-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*',
+ msg = Tix.Message(top,
relief=Tix.FLAT, width=200, anchor=Tix.N,
text='The TixScrolledWindow widget allows you to scroll any kind of Tk widget. It is more versatile than a scrolled canvas widget.')
@@ -543,7 +578,7 @@ def MkManager(nb, name):
note.form(top=0, right=-1, bottom=-1)
def MkPanedWindow(w):
- msg = Tix.Message(w, font='-*-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*',
+ msg = Tix.Message(w,
relief=Tix.FLAT, width=240, anchor=Tix.N,
text='The PanedWindow widget allows the user to interactively manipulate the sizes of several panes. The panes can be arranged either vertically or horizontally.')
group = Tix.Label(w, text='Newsgroup: comp.lang.python')
@@ -585,7 +620,7 @@ together with a bitmap, at the same time, inside a TK button widget.
pane.pack(side=Tix.TOP, padx=3, pady=3, fill=Tix.BOTH, expand=1)
def MkNoteBook(w):
- msg = Tix.Message(w, font='-*-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*',
+ msg = Tix.Message(w,
relief=Tix.FLAT, width=240, anchor=Tix.N,
text='The NoteBook widget allows you to layout a complex interface into individual pages.')
prefix = Tix.OptionName(w)
@@ -654,7 +689,7 @@ def MkDirList(nb, name):
fsbox.form(top=0, left='%40', right=-1, bottom=-1)
def MkDirListWidget(w):
- msg = Tix.Message(w, font='-*-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*',
+ msg = Tix.Message(w,
relief=Tix.FLAT, width=240, anchor=Tix.N,
text='The TixDirList widget gives a graphical representation of the file system directory and makes it easy for the user to choose and access directories.')
dirlist = Tix.DirList(w, options='hlist.padY 1 hlist.width 25 hlist.height 16')
@@ -662,7 +697,7 @@ def MkDirListWidget(w):
dirlist.pack(side=Tix.TOP, padx=3, pady=3)
def MkExFileWidget(w):
- msg = Tix.Message(w, font='-*-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*',
+ msg = Tix.Message(w,
relief=Tix.FLAT, width=240, anchor=Tix.N,
text='The TixExFileSelectBox widget is more user friendly than the Motif style FileSelectBox.')
# There's a bug in the ComboBoxes - the scrolledlistbox is destroyed
@@ -677,6 +712,8 @@ samples = {'Balloon' : 'Balloon',
'Button Box' : 'BtnBox',
'Combo Box' : 'ComboBox',
'Compound Image' : 'CmpImg',
+ 'Directory List' : 'DirList',
+ 'Directory Tree' : 'DirTree',
'Control' : 'Control',
'Notebook' : 'NoteBook',
'Option Menu' : 'OptMenu',
@@ -686,8 +723,100 @@ samples = {'Balloon' : 'Balloon',
'Tree (dynamic)' : 'Tree'
+# There are still a lot of demos to be translated:
+## set root {
+## {d "File Selectors" file }
+## {d "Hierachical ListBox" hlist }
+## {d "Tabular ListBox" tlist {c tixTList}}
+## {d "Grid Widget" grid {c tixGrid}}
+## {d "Manager Widgets" manager }
+## {d "Scrolled Widgets" scroll }
+## {d "Miscellaneous Widgets" misc }
+## {d "Image Types" image }
+## }
+## set image {
+## {d "Compound Image" cmpimg }
+## {d "XPM Image" xpm {i pixmap}}
+## }
+## set cmpimg {
+## {f "In Buttons" CmpImg.tcl }
+## {f "In NoteBook" CmpImg2.tcl }
+## {f "Notebook Color Tabs" CmpImg4.tcl }
+## {f "Icons" CmpImg3.tcl }
+## }
+## set xpm {
+## {f "In Button" Xpm.tcl {i pixmap}}
+## {f "In Menu" Xpm1.tcl {i pixmap}}
+## }
+## set file {
+##added {f DirList DirList.tcl }
+##added {f DirTree DirTree.tcl }
+## {f DirSelectDialog DirDlg.tcl }
+## {f ExFileSelectDialog EFileDlg.tcl }
+## {f FileSelectDialog FileDlg.tcl }
+## {f FileEntry FileEnt.tcl }
+## }
+## set hlist {
+## {f HList HList1.tcl }
+## {f CheckList ChkList.tcl {c tixCheckList}}
+##done {f "ScrolledHList (1)" SHList.tcl }
+##done {f "ScrolledHList (2)" SHList2.tcl }
+##done {f Tree Tree.tcl }
+##done {f "Tree (Dynamic)" DynTree.tcl {v win}}
+## }
+## set tlist {
+## {f "ScrolledTList (1)" STList1.tcl {c tixTList}}
+## {f "ScrolledTList (2)" STList2.tcl {c tixTList}}
+## }
+## global tcl_platform
+## # This demo hangs windows
+## if {$tcl_platform(platform) != "windows"} {
+##na lappend tlist {f "TList File Viewer" STList3.tcl {c tixTList}}
+## }
+## set grid {
+##na {f "Simple Grid" SGrid0.tcl {c tixGrid}}
+##na {f "ScrolledGrid" SGrid1.tcl {c tixGrid}}
+##na {f "Editable Grid" EditGrid.tcl {c tixGrid}}
+## }
+## set scroll {
+## {f ScrolledListBox SListBox.tcl }
+## {f ScrolledText SText.tcl }
+## {f ScrolledWindow SWindow.tcl }
+##na {f "Canvas Object View" CObjView.tcl {c tixCObjView}}
+## }
+## set manager {
+##na {f ListNoteBook ListNBK.tcl }
+## {f NoteBook NoteBook.tcl }
+## {f PanedWindow PanedWin.tcl }
+## }
+## set misc {
+##done {f Balloon Balloon.tcl }
+##done {f ButtonBox BtnBox.tcl }
+##done {f ComboBox ComboBox.tcl }
+##done {f Control Control.tcl }
+## {f LabelEntry LabEntry.tcl }
+## {f LabelFrame LabFrame.tcl }
+##na {f Meter Meter.tcl {c tixMeter}}
+##done {f OptionMenu OptMenu.tcl }
+##done {f PopupMenu PopMenu.tcl }
+## {f Select Select.tcl }
+## {f StdButtonBox StdBBox.tcl }
+## }
stypes = {}
stypes['widget'] = ['Balloon', 'Button Box', 'Combo Box', 'Control',
+ 'Directory List', 'Directory Tree',
'Notebook', 'Option Menu', 'Popup Menu',
'ScrolledHList (1)', 'ScrolledHList (2)', 'Tree (dynamic)']
stypes['image'] = ['Compound Image']
@@ -707,7 +836,9 @@ def MkSample(nb, name):
slb.hlist['browsecmd'] = lambda args=0, w=w,slb=slb: Sample_Action(w, slb, 'browse')
stext = Tix.ScrolledText(w, name='stext')
- stext.text.bind('<1>', stext.text.focus())
+ font ='tix option get fixed_font')
+ stext.text.config(font=font)
+ # stext.text.bind('<1>', stext.text.focus())
stext.text.bind('<Up>', lambda w=stext.text: w.yview(scroll='-1 unit'))
stext.text.bind('<Down>', lambda w=stext.text: w.yview(scroll='1 unit'))
stext.text.bind('<Left>', lambda w=stext.text: w.xview(scroll='-1 unit'))
@@ -726,7 +857,6 @@ def MkSample(nb, name):
stext.text['bg'] = slb.hlist['bg']
stext.text['state'] = 'disabled'
stext.text['wrap'] = 'none'
- #XXX stext.text['font'] = fixed_font
slb.hlist['separator'] = '.'
slb.hlist['width'] = 25
@@ -785,6 +915,7 @@ def Sample_Action(w, slb, action):
ReadFile(stext.text, demo.dir + '/samples/' + prog + '.py')
def LoadFile(w, fname):
+ global root
b = Tix.Button(w, text='Close', command=w.destroy)
t = Tix.ScrolledText(w)
# b.form(left=0, bottom=0, padx=4, pady=4)
@@ -792,9 +923,9 @@ def LoadFile(w, fname):
- t.text['highlightcolor'] = t['bg']
+ font ='tix option get fixed_font')
+ t.text.config(font=font)
t.text['bd'] = 2
- t.text['bg'] = t['bg']
t.text['wrap'] = 'none'
ReadFile(t.text, fname)
@@ -815,5 +946,6 @@ def ReadFile(w, fname):
w['state'] = old_state
if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
+ root = Tix.Tk()
+ RunMain(root)