path: root/Demo/tkinter/guido/
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authorGuido van Rossum <>1994-06-20 07:49:28 (GMT)
committerGuido van Rossum <>1994-06-20 07:49:28 (GMT)
commit1846882254324ac5eb0a96df493c7ab1eabd866e (patch)
tree2d50f13c58392240f474855bfe348a166add7b92 /Demo/tkinter/guido/
parent7ce61c13882dd79737eda97ae78aa81832f96aba (diff)
Initial revision
Diffstat (limited to 'Demo/tkinter/guido/')
1 files changed, 152 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Demo/tkinter/guido/ b/Demo/tkinter/guido/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2ac2408
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Demo/tkinter/guido/
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+#! /ufs/guido/bin/sgi/tkpython
+# A Python program implementing rmt, an application for remotely
+# controlling other Tk applications.
+# Cf. Ousterhout, Tcl and the Tk Toolkit, Figs. 27.5-8, pp. 273-276.
+# Note that because of forward references in the original, we
+# sometimes delay bindings until after the corresponding procedure is
+# defined. We also introduce names for some unnamed code blocks in
+# the original because of restrictions on lambda forms in Python.
+from Tkinter import *
+# 1. Create basic application structure: menu bar on top of
+# text widget, scrollbar on right.
+root = Tk()
+tk =
+mBar = Frame(root, {'relief': 'raised', 'bd': 2,
+ Pack: {'side': 'top', 'fill': 'x'}})
+f = Frame(root)
+f.pack({'expand': 1, 'fill': 'both'})
+s = Scrollbar(f, {'relief': 'flat',
+ Pack: {'side': 'right', 'fill': 'y'}})
+t = Text(f, {'relief': 'raised', 'bd': 2, 'yscrollcommand': (s, 'set'),
+ 'setgrid': 1,
+ Pack: {'side': 'left', 'fill': 'both', 'expand': 1}})
+t.tag_config('bold', {'font': '-Adobe-Courier-Bold-R-Normal-*-120-*'})
+s['command'] = (t, 'yview')
+root.title('Tk Remote Controller')
+root.iconname('Tk Remote')
+# 2. Create menu button and menus.
+file = Menubutton(mBar, {'text': 'File', 'underline': 0,
+ Pack: {'side': 'left'}})
+file_m = Menu(file)
+file['menu'] = file_m
+file_m_apps = Menu(file_m)
+file_m.add('cascade', {'label': 'Select Application', 'underline': 0,
+ 'menu': file_m_apps})
+file_m.add('command', {'label': 'Quit', 'underline': 0, 'command': 'exit'})
+# 3. Create bindings for text widget to allow commands to be
+# entered and information to be selected. New characters
+# can only be added at the end of the text (can't ever move
+# insertion point).
+def single1(e):
+ x = e.x
+ y = e.y
+ tk.setvar('tk_priv(selectMode)', 'char')
+ t.mark_set('anchor', At(x, y))
+ # Should focus W
+t.bind('<1>', single1)
+def double1(e):
+ x = e.x
+ y = e.y
+ tk.setvar('tk_priv(selectMode)', 'word')
+'tk_textSelectTo', t, At(x, y))
+t.bind('<Double-1>', double1)
+def triple1(e):
+ x = e.x
+ y = e.y
+ tk.setvar('tk_priv(selectMode)', 'line')
+'tk_textSelectTo', t, At(x, y))
+t.bind('<Triple-1>', triple1)
+def returnkey(e):
+ t.insert('insert', '\n')
+ invoke()
+t.bind('<Return>', returnkey)
+def controlv(e):
+ t.insert('insert','selection', 'get'))
+ t.yview_pickplace('insert')
+ if t.index('insert')[-2:] == '.0':
+ invoke()
+t.bind('<Control-v>', controlv)
+# 4. Procedure to backspace over one character, as long as
+# the character isn't part of the prompt.
+def backspace(e):
+ if t.index('promptEnd') != t.index('insert - 1 char'):
+ t.delete('insert - 1 char', 'insert')
+ t.yview_pickplace('insert')
+t.bind('<BackSpace>', backspace)
+t.bind('<Control-h>', backspace)
+t.bind('<Delete>', backspace)
+# 5. Procedure that's invoked when return is typed: if
+# there's not yet a complete command (e.g. braces are open)
+# then do nothing. Otherwise, execute command (locally or
+# remotely), output the result or error message, and issue
+# a new prompt.
+def invoke():
+ cmd = t.get('promptEnd + 1 char', 'insert')
+ if tk.getboolean('info', 'complete', cmd)):
+ if app =='winfo', 'name', '.'):
+ msg ='eval', cmd)
+ else:
+ msg ='send', app, cmd)
+ if msg:
+ t.insert('insert', msg + '\n')
+ prompt()
+ t.yview_pickplace('insert')
+def prompt():
+ t.insert('insert', app + ': ')
+ t.mark_set('promptEnd', 'insert - 1 char')
+ t.tag_add('bold', 'insert linestart', 'promptEnd')
+# 6. Procedure to select a new application. Also changes
+# the prompt on the current command line to reflect the new
+# name.
+def newApp(appName):
+ global app
+ app = appName
+ t.delete('promptEnd linestart', 'promptEnd')
+ t.insert('promptEnd', appName + ':')
+ t.tag_add('bold', 'promptEnd linestart', 'promptEnd')
+newApp_tcl = `id(newApp)`
+tk.createcommand(newApp_tcl, newApp)
+def fillAppsMenu():
+ file_m_apps.add('command')
+ file_m_apps.delete(0, 'last')
+ names = tk.splitlist('winfo', 'interps'))
+ names = map(None, names) # convert tuple to list
+ names.sort()
+ for name in names:
+ file_m_apps.add('command', {'label': name,
+ 'command': (newApp_tcl, name)})
+file_m_apps['postcommand'] = fillAppsMenu
+# 7. Miscellaneous initialization.
+app ='winfo', 'name', '.')
+prompt()'focus', t)