path: root/Doc/extending/windows.rst
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authorGeorg Brandl <>2007-08-15 14:28:22 (GMT)
committerGeorg Brandl <>2007-08-15 14:28:22 (GMT)
commit116aa62bf54a39697e25f21d6cf6799f7faa1349 (patch)
tree8db5729518ed4ca88e26f1e26cc8695151ca3eb3 /Doc/extending/windows.rst
parent739c01d47b9118d04e5722333f0e6b4d0c8bdd9e (diff)
Move the 3k reST doc tree in place.
Diffstat (limited to 'Doc/extending/windows.rst')
1 files changed, 280 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Doc/extending/windows.rst b/Doc/extending/windows.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a66afe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Doc/extending/windows.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
+.. highlightlang:: c
+.. _building-on-windows:
+Building C and C++ Extensions on Windows
+.. %
+This chapter briefly explains how to create a Windows extension module for
+Python using Microsoft Visual C++, and follows with more detailed background
+information on how it works. The explanatory material is useful for both the
+Windows programmer learning to build Python extensions and the Unix programmer
+interested in producing software which can be successfully built on both Unix
+and Windows.
+Module authors are encouraged to use the distutils approach for building
+extension modules, instead of the one described in this section. You will still
+need the C compiler that was used to build Python; typically Microsoft Visual
+.. note::
+ This chapter mentions a number of filenames that include an encoded Python
+ version number. These filenames are represented with the version number shown
+ as ``XY``; in practive, ``'X'`` will be the major version number and ``'Y'``
+ will be the minor version number of the Python release you're working with. For
+ example, if you are using Python 2.2.1, ``XY`` will actually be ``22``.
+.. _win-cookbook:
+A Cookbook Approach
+There are two approaches to building extension modules on Windows, just as there
+are on Unix: use the :mod:`distutils` package to control the build process, or
+do things manually. The distutils approach works well for most extensions;
+documentation on using :mod:`distutils` to build and package extension modules
+is available in :ref:`distutils-index`. This section describes the manual
+approach to building Python extensions written in C or C++.
+To build extensions using these instructions, you need to have a copy of the
+Python sources of the same version as your installed Python. You will need
+Microsoft Visual C++ "Developer Studio"; project files are supplied for VC++
+version 7.1, but you can use older versions of VC++. Notice that you should use
+the same version of VC++that was used to build Python itself. The example files
+described here are distributed with the Python sources in the
+:file:`PC\\example_nt\\` directory.
+#. **Copy the example files** --- The :file:`example_nt` directory is a
+ subdirectory of the :file:`PC` directory, in order to keep all the PC-specific
+ files under the same directory in the source distribution. However, the
+ :file:`example_nt` directory can't actually be used from this location. You
+ first need to copy or move it up one level, so that :file:`example_nt` is a
+ sibling of the :file:`PC` and :file:`Include` directories. Do all your work
+ from within this new location.
+#. **Open the project** --- From VC++, use the :menuselection:`File --> Open
+ Solution` dialog (not :menuselection:`File --> Open`!). Navigate to and select
+ the file :file:`example.sln`, in the *copy* of the :file:`example_nt` directory
+ you made above. Click Open.
+#. **Build the example DLL** --- In order to check that everything is set up
+ right, try building:
+#. Select a configuration. This step is optional. Choose
+ :menuselection:`Build --> Configuration Manager --> Active Solution Configuration`
+ and select either :guilabel:`Release` or :guilabel:`Debug`. If you skip this
+ step, VC++ will use the Debug configuration by default.
+#. Build the DLL. Choose :menuselection:`Build --> Build Solution`. This
+ creates all intermediate and result files in a subdirectory called either
+ :file:`Debug` or :file:`Release`, depending on which configuration you selected
+ in the preceding step.
+#. **Testing the debug-mode DLL** --- Once the Debug build has succeeded, bring
+ up a DOS box, and change to the :file:`example_nt\\Debug` directory. You should
+ now be able to repeat the following session (``C>`` is the DOS prompt, ``>>>``
+ is the Python prompt; note that build information and various debug output from
+ Python may not match this screen dump exactly)::
+ C>..\..\PCbuild\python_d
+ Adding parser accelerators ...
+ Done.
+ Python 2.2 (#28, Dec 19 2001, 23:26:37) [MSC 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
+ Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
+ >>> import example
+ [4897 refs]
+ >>>
+ Hello, world
+ [4903 refs]
+ >>>
+ Congratulations! You've successfully built your first Python extension module.
+#. **Creating your own project** --- Choose a name and create a directory for
+ it. Copy your C sources into it. Note that the module source file name does
+ not necessarily have to match the module name, but the name of the
+ initialization function should match the module name --- you can only import a
+ module :mod:`spam` if its initialization function is called :cfunc:`initspam`,
+ and it should call :cfunc:`Py_InitModule` with the string ``"spam"`` as its
+ first argument (use the minimal :file:`example.c` in this directory as a guide).
+ By convention, it lives in a file called :file:`spam.c` or :file:`spammodule.c`.
+ The output file should be called :file:`spam.dll` or :file:`spam.pyd` (the
+ latter is supported to avoid confusion with a system library :file:`spam.dll` to
+ which your module could be a Python interface) in Release mode, or
+ :file:`spam_d.dll` or :file:`spam_d.pyd` in Debug mode.
+ Now your options are:
+#. Copy :file:`example.sln` and :file:`example.vcproj`, rename them to
+ :file:`spam.\*`, and edit them by hand, or
+#. Create a brand new project; instructions are below.
+ In either case, copy :file:`example_nt\\example.def` to :file:`spam\\spam.def`,
+ and edit the new :file:`spam.def` so its second line contains the string
+ '``initspam``'. If you created a new project yourself, add the file
+ :file:`spam.def` to the project now. (This is an annoying little file with only
+ two lines. An alternative approach is to forget about the :file:`.def` file,
+ and add the option :option:`/export:initspam` somewhere to the Link settings, by
+ manually editing the setting in Project Properties dialog).
+#. **Creating a brand new project** --- Use the :menuselection:`File --> New
+ --> Project` dialog to create a new Project Workspace. Select :guilabel:`Visual
+ C++ Projects/Win32/ Win32 Project`, enter the name (``spam``), and make sure the
+ Location is set to parent of the :file:`spam` directory you have created (which
+ should be a direct subdirectory of the Python build tree, a sibling of
+ :file:`Include` and :file:`PC`). Select Win32 as the platform (in my version,
+ this is the only choice). Make sure the Create new workspace radio button is
+ selected. Click OK.
+ You should now create the file :file:`spam.def` as instructed in the previous
+ section. Add the source files to the project, using :menuselection:`Project -->
+ Add Existing Item`. Set the pattern to ``*.*`` and select both :file:`spam.c`
+ and :file:`spam.def` and click OK. (Inserting them one by one is fine too.)
+ Now open the :menuselection:`Project --> spam properties` dialog. You only need
+ to change a few settings. Make sure :guilabel:`All Configurations` is selected
+ from the :guilabel:`Settings for:` dropdown list. Select the C/C++ tab. Choose
+ the General category in the popup menu at the top. Type the following text in
+ the entry box labeled :guilabel:`Additional Include Directories`::
+ ..\Include,..\PC
+ Then, choose the General category in the Linker tab, and enter ::
+ ..\PCbuild
+ in the text box labelled :guilabel:`Additional library Directories`.
+ Now you need to add some mode-specific settings:
+ Select :guilabel:`Release` in the :guilabel:`Configuration` dropdown list.
+ Choose the :guilabel:`Link` tab, choose the :guilabel:`Input` category, and
+ append ``pythonXY.lib`` to the list in the :guilabel:`Additional Dependencies`
+ box.
+ Select :guilabel:`Debug` in the :guilabel:`Configuration` dropdown list, and
+ append ``pythonXY_d.lib`` to the list in the :guilabel:`Additional Dependencies`
+ box. Then click the C/C++ tab, select :guilabel:`Code Generation`, and select
+ :guilabel:`Multi-threaded Debug DLL` from the :guilabel:`Runtime library`
+ dropdown list.
+ Select :guilabel:`Release` again from the :guilabel:`Configuration` dropdown
+ list. Select :guilabel:`Multi-threaded DLL` from the :guilabel:`Runtime
+ library` dropdown list.
+If your module creates a new type, you may have trouble with this line::
+ PyObject_HEAD_INIT(&PyType_Type)
+Change it to::
+and add the following to the module initialization function::
+ MyObject_Type.ob_type = &PyType_Type;
+Refer to section 3 of the `Python FAQ <>`_ for
+details on why you must do this.
+.. _dynamic-linking:
+Differences Between Unix and Windows
+.. sectionauthor:: Chris Phoenix <>
+Unix and Windows use completely different paradigms for run-time loading of
+code. Before you try to build a module that can be dynamically loaded, be aware
+of how your system works.
+In Unix, a shared object (:file:`.so`) file contains code to be used by the
+program, and also the names of functions and data that it expects to find in the
+program. When the file is joined to the program, all references to those
+functions and data in the file's code are changed to point to the actual
+locations in the program where the functions and data are placed in memory.
+This is basically a link operation.
+In Windows, a dynamic-link library (:file:`.dll`) file has no dangling
+references. Instead, an access to functions or data goes through a lookup
+table. So the DLL code does not have to be fixed up at runtime to refer to the
+program's memory; instead, the code already uses the DLL's lookup table, and the
+lookup table is modified at runtime to point to the functions and data.
+In Unix, there is only one type of library file (:file:`.a`) which contains code
+from several object files (:file:`.o`). During the link step to create a shared
+object file (:file:`.so`), the linker may find that it doesn't know where an
+identifier is defined. The linker will look for it in the object files in the
+libraries; if it finds it, it will include all the code from that object file.
+In Windows, there are two types of library, a static library and an import
+library (both called :file:`.lib`). A static library is like a Unix :file:`.a`
+file; it contains code to be included as necessary. An import library is
+basically used only to reassure the linker that a certain identifier is legal,
+and will be present in the program when the DLL is loaded. So the linker uses
+the information from the import library to build the lookup table for using
+identifiers that are not included in the DLL. When an application or a DLL is
+linked, an import library may be generated, which will need to be used for all
+future DLLs that depend on the symbols in the application or DLL.
+Suppose you are building two dynamic-load modules, B and C, which should share
+another block of code A. On Unix, you would *not* pass :file:`A.a` to the
+linker for :file:`` and :file:``; that would cause it to be included
+twice, so that B and C would each have their own copy. In Windows, building
+:file:`A.dll` will also build :file:`A.lib`. You *do* pass :file:`A.lib` to the
+linker for B and C. :file:`A.lib` does not contain code; it just contains
+information which will be used at runtime to access A's code.
+In Windows, using an import library is sort of like using ``import spam``; it
+gives you access to spam's names, but does not create a separate copy. On Unix,
+linking with a library is more like ``from spam import *``; it does create a
+separate copy.
+.. _win-dlls:
+Using DLLs in Practice
+.. sectionauthor:: Chris Phoenix <>
+Windows Python is built in Microsoft Visual C++; using other compilers may or
+may not work (though Borland seems to). The rest of this section is MSVC++
+When creating DLLs in Windows, you must pass :file:`pythonXY.lib` to the linker.
+To build two DLLs, spam and ni (which uses C functions found in spam), you could
+use these commands::
+ cl /LD /I/python/include spam.c ../libs/pythonXY.lib
+ cl /LD /I/python/include ni.c spam.lib ../libs/pythonXY.lib
+The first command created three files: :file:`spam.obj`, :file:`spam.dll` and
+:file:`spam.lib`. :file:`Spam.dll` does not contain any Python functions (such
+as :cfunc:`PyArg_ParseTuple`), but it does know how to find the Python code
+thanks to :file:`pythonXY.lib`.
+The second command created :file:`ni.dll` (and :file:`.obj` and :file:`.lib`),
+which knows how to find the necessary functions from spam, and also from the
+Python executable.
+Not every identifier is exported to the lookup table. If you want any other
+modules (including Python) to be able to see your identifiers, you have to say
+``_declspec(dllexport)``, as in ``void _declspec(dllexport) initspam(void)`` or
+``PyObject _declspec(dllexport) *NiGetSpamData(void)``.
+Developer Studio will throw in a lot of import libraries that you do not really
+need, adding about 100K to your executable. To get rid of them, use the Project
+Settings dialog, Link tab, to specify *ignore default libraries*. Add the
+correct :file:`msvcrtxx.lib` to the list of libraries.