path: root/Doc/howto
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authorRaymond Hettinger <>2020-10-23 19:55:39 (GMT)
committerGitHub <>2020-10-23 19:55:39 (GMT)
commit8d3d7314d44d762a6fb42d079f57b6b5273473d6 (patch)
treecf01bd788cfa99aad36ed95f5b960d335528405a /Doc/howto
parent7c4065d305228aa406675224d631f81964d12855 (diff)
Create a primer section for the descriptor howto guide (GH-22906)
Diffstat (limited to 'Doc/howto')
1 files changed, 494 insertions, 58 deletions
diff --git a/Doc/howto/descriptor.rst b/Doc/howto/descriptor.rst
index b792b6c..4a53b9e 100644
--- a/Doc/howto/descriptor.rst
+++ b/Doc/howto/descriptor.rst
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+.. _descriptorhowto:
Descriptor HowTo Guide
@@ -7,6 +9,415 @@ Descriptor HowTo Guide
.. Contents::
+:term:`Descriptors <descriptor>` let objects customize attribute lookup,
+storage, and deletion.
+This HowTo guide has three major sections:
+1) The "primer" gives a basic overview, moving gently from simple examples,
+ adding one feature at a time. It is a great place to start.
+2) The second section shows a complete, practical descriptor example. If you
+ already know the basics, start there.
+3) The third section provides a more technical tutorial that goes into the
+ detailed mechanics of how descriptors work. Most people don't need this
+ level of detail.
+In this primer, we start with most basic possible example and then we'll add
+new capabilities one by one.
+Simple example: A descriptor that returns a constant
+The :class:`Ten` class is a descriptor that always returns the constant ``10``::
+ class Ten:
+ def __get__(self, obj, objtype=None):
+ return 10
+To use the descriptor, it must be stored as a class variable in another class::
+ class A:
+ x = 5 # Regular class attribute
+ y = Ten() # Descriptor
+An interactive session shows the difference between normal attribute lookup
+and descriptor lookup::
+ >>> a = A() # Make an instance of class A
+ >>> a.x # Normal attribute lookup
+ 5
+ >>> a.y # Descriptor lookup
+ 10
+In the ``a.x`` attribute lookup, the dot operator finds the value ``5`` stored
+in the class dictionary. In the ``a.y`` descriptor lookup, the dot operator
+calls the descriptor's :meth:`__get__()` method. That method returns ``10``.
+Note that the value ``10`` is not stored in either the class dictionary or the
+instance dictionary. Instead, the value ``10`` is computed on demand.
+This example shows how a simple descriptor works, but it isn't very useful.
+For retrieving constants, normal attribute lookup would be better.
+In the next section, we'll create something more useful, a dynamic lookup.
+Dynamic lookups
+Interesting descriptors typically run computations instead of doing lookups::
+ import os
+ class DirectorySize:
+ def __get__(self, obj, objtype=None):
+ return len(os.listdir(obj.dirname))
+ class Directory:
+ size = DirectorySize() # Descriptor
+ def __init__(self, dirname):
+ self.dirname = dirname # Regular instance attribute
+An interactive session shows that the lookup is dynamic — it computes
+different, updated answers each time::
+ >>> g = Directory('games')
+ >>> s = Directory('songs')
+ >>> g.size # The games directory has three files
+ 3
+ >>> os.system('touch games/newfile') # Add a fourth file to the directory
+ 0
+ >>> g.size
+ 4
+ >>> s.size # The songs directory has twenty files
+ 20
+Besides showing how descriptors can run computations, this example also
+reveals the purpose of the parameters to :meth:`__get__`. The *self*
+parameter is *size*, an instance of *DirectorySize*. The *obj* parameter is
+either *g* or *s*, an instance of *Directory*. It is *obj* parameter that
+lets the :meth:`__get__` method learn the target directory. The *objtype*
+parameter is the class *Directory*.
+Managed attributes
+A popular use for descriptors is managing access to instance data. The
+descriptor is assigned to a public attribute in the class dictionary while the
+actual data is stored as a private attribute in the instance dictionary. The
+descriptor's :meth:`__get__` and :meth:`__set__` methods are triggered when
+the public attribute is accessed.
+In the following example, *age* is the public attribute and *_age* is the
+private attribute. When the public attribute is accessed, the descriptor logs
+the lookup or update::
+ import logging
+ logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)
+ class LoggedAgeAccess:
+ def __get__(self, obj, objtype=None):
+ value = obj._age
+'Accessing %r giving %r', 'age', value)
+ return value
+ def __set__(self, obj, value):
+'Updating %r to %r', 'age', value)
+ obj._age = value
+ class Person:
+ age = LoggedAgeAccess() # Descriptor
+ def __init__(self, name, age):
+ = name # Regular instance attribute
+ self.age = age # Calls the descriptor
+ def birthday(self):
+ self.age += 1 # Calls both __get__() and __set__()
+An interactive session shows that all access to the managed attribute *age* is
+logged, but that the regular attribute *name* is not logged::
+ >>> mary = Person('Mary M', 30) # The initial age update is logged
+ INFO:root:Updating 'age' to 30
+ >>> dave = Person('David D', 40)
+ INFO:root:Updating 'age' to 40
+ >>> vars(mary) # The actual data is in a private attribute
+ {'name': 'Mary M', '_age': 30}
+ >>> vars(dave)
+ {'name': 'David D', '_age': 40}
+ >>> mary.age # Access the data and log the lookup
+ INFO:root:Accessing 'age' giving 30
+ 30
+ >>> mary.birthday() # Updates are logged as well
+ INFO:root:Accessing 'age' giving 30
+ INFO:root:Updating 'age' to 31
+ >>> # Regular attribute lookup isn't logged
+ 'David D'
+ >>> dave.age # Only the managed attribute is logged
+ INFO:root:Accessing 'age' giving 40
+ 40
+One major issue with this example is the private name *_age* is hardwired in
+the *LoggedAgeAccess* class. That means that each instance can only have one
+logged attribute and that its name is unchangeable. In the next example,
+we'll fix that problem.
+Customized Names
+When a class uses descriptors, it can inform each descriptor about what
+variable name was used.
+In this example, the :class:`Person` class has two descriptor instances,
+*name* and *age*. When the :class:`Person` class is defined, it makes a
+callback to :meth:`__set_name__` in *LoggedAccess* so that the field names can
+be recorded, giving each descriptor its own *public_name* and *private_name*::
+ import logging
+ logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)
+ class LoggedAccess:
+ def __set_name__(self, owner, name):
+ self.public_name = name
+ self.private_name = f'_{name}'
+ def __get__(self, obj, objtype=None):
+ value = getattr(obj, self.private_name)
+'Accessing %r giving %r', self.public_name, value)
+ return value
+ def __set__(self, obj, value):
+'Updating %r to %r', self.public_name, value)
+ setattr(obj, self.private_name, value)
+ class Person:
+ name = LoggedAccess() # First descriptor
+ age = LoggedAccess() # Second descriptor
+ def __init__(self, name, age):
+ = name # Calls the first descriptor
+ self.age = age # Calls the second descriptor
+ def birthday(self):
+ self.age += 1
+An interactive session shows that the :class:`Person` class has called
+:meth:`__set_name__` so that the field names would be recorded. Here
+we call :func:`vars` to lookup the descriptor without triggering it::
+ >>> vars(vars(Person)['name'])
+ {'public_name': 'name', 'private_name': '_name'}
+ >>> vars(vars(Person)['age'])
+ {'public_name': 'age', 'private_name': '_age'}
+The new class now logs access to both *name* and *age*::
+ >>> pete = Person('Peter P', 10)
+ INFO:root:Updating 'name' to 'Peter P'
+ INFO:root:Updating 'age' to 10
+ >>> kate = Person('Catherine C', 20)
+ INFO:root:Updating 'name' to 'Catherine C'
+ INFO:root:Updating 'age' to 20
+The two *Person* instances contain only the private names::
+ >>> vars(pete)
+ {'_name': 'Peter P', '_age': 10}
+ >>> vars(kate)
+ {'_name': 'Catherine C', '_age': 20}
+Closing thoughts
+A :term:`descriptor` is what we call any object that defines :meth:`__get__`,
+:meth:`__set__`, or :meth:`__delete__`.
+Descriptors get invoked by the dot operator during attribute lookup. If a
+descriptor is accessed indirectly with ``vars(some_class)[descriptor_name]``,
+the descriptor instance is returned without invoking it.
+Descriptors only work when used as class variables. When put in instances,
+they have no effect.
+The main motivation for descriptors is to provide a hook allowing objects
+stored in class variables to control what happens during dotted lookup.
+Traditionally, the calling class controls what happens during lookup.
+Descriptors invert that relationship and allow the data being looked-up to
+have a say in the matter.
+Descriptors are used throughout the language. It is how functions turn into
+bound methods. Common tools like :func:`classmethod`, :func:`staticmethod`,
+:func:`property`, and :func:`functools.cached_property` are all implemented as
+Complete Practical Example
+In this example, we create a practical and powerful tool for locating
+notoriously hard to find data corruption bugs.
+Validator class
+A validator is a descriptor for managed attribute access. Prior to storing
+any data, it verifies that the new value meets various type and range
+restrictions. If those restrictions aren't met, it raises an exception to
+prevents data corruption at its source.
+This :class:`Validator` class is both an :term:`abstract base class` and a
+managed attribute descriptor::
+ from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
+ class Validator(ABC):
+ def __set_name__(self, owner, name):
+ self.private_name = f'_{name}'
+ def __get__(self, obj, objtype=None):
+ return getattr(obj, self.private_name)
+ def __set__(self, obj, value):
+ self.validate(value)
+ setattr(obj, self.private_name, value)
+ @abstractmethod
+ def validate(self, value):
+ pass
+Custom validators need to subclass from :class:`Validator` and supply a
+:meth:`validate` method to test various restrictions as needed.
+Custom validators
+Here are three practical data validation utilities:
+1) :class:`OneOf` verifies that a value is one of a restricted set of options.
+2) :class:`Number` verifies that a value is either an :class:`int` or
+ :class:`float`. Optionally, it verifies that a value is between a given
+ minimum or maximum.
+3) :class:`String` verifies that a value is a :class:`str`. Optionally, it
+ validates a given minimum or maximum length. Optionally, it can test for
+ another predicate as well.
+ class OneOf(Validator):
+ def __init__(self, *options):
+ self.options = set(options)
+ def validate(self, value):
+ if value not in self.options:
+ raise ValueError(f'Expected {value!r} to be one of {self.options!r}')
+ class Number(Validator):
+ def __init__(self, minvalue=None, maxvalue=None):
+ self.minvalue = minvalue
+ self.maxvalue = maxvalue
+ def validate(self, value):
+ if not isinstance(value, (int, float)):
+ raise TypeError(f'Expected {value!r} to be an int or float')
+ if self.minvalue is not None and value < self.minvalue:
+ raise ValueError(
+ f'Expected {value!r} to be at least {self.minvalue!r}'
+ )
+ if self.maxvalue is not None and value > self.maxvalue:
+ raise ValueError(
+ f'Expected {value!r} to be no more than {self.maxvalue!r}'
+ )
+ class String(Validator):
+ def __init__(self, minsize=None, maxsize=None, predicate=None):
+ self.minsize = minsize
+ self.maxsize = maxsize
+ self.predicate = predicate
+ def validate(self, value):
+ if not isinstance(value, str):
+ raise TypeError(f'Expected {value!r} to be an str')
+ if self.minsize is not None and len(value) < self.minsize:
+ raise ValueError(
+ f'Expected {value!r} to be no smaller than {self.minsize!r}'
+ )
+ if self.maxsize is not None and len(value) > self.maxsize:
+ raise ValueError(
+ f'Expected {value!r} to be no bigger than {self.maxsize!r}'
+ )
+ if self.predicate is not None and not self.predicate(value):
+ raise ValueError(
+ f'Expected {self.predicate} to be true for {value!r}'
+ )
+Practical use
+Here's how the data validators can be used in a real class::
+ class Component:
+ name = String(minsize=3, maxsize=10, predicate=str.isupper)
+ kind = OneOf('plastic', 'metal')
+ quantity = Number(minvalue=0)
+ def __init__(self, name, kind, quantity):
+ = name
+ self.kind = kind
+ self.quantity = quantity
+The descriptors prevent invalid instances from being created::
+ Component('WIDGET', 'metal', 5) # Allowed.
+ Component('Widget', 'metal', 5) # Blocked: 'Widget' is not all uppercase
+ Component('WIDGET', 'metle', 5) # Blocked: 'metle' is misspelled
+ Component('WIDGET', 'metal', -5) # Blocked: -5 is negative
+ Component('WIDGET', 'metal', 'V') # Blocked: 'V' isn't a number
+Technical Tutorial
+What follows is a more technical tutorial for the mechanics and details of how
+descriptors work.
@@ -39,10 +450,10 @@ Where this occurs in the precedence chain depends on which descriptor methods
were defined.
Descriptors are a powerful, general purpose protocol. They are the mechanism
-behind properties, methods, static methods, class methods, and :func:`super()`.
-They are used throughout Python itself to implement the new style classes
-introduced in version 2.2. Descriptors simplify the underlying C-code and offer
-a flexible set of new tools for everyday Python programs.
+behind properties, methods, static methods, class methods, and
+:func:`super()`. They are used throughout Python itself. Descriptors
+simplify the underlying C code and offer a flexible set of new tools for
+everyday Python programs.
Descriptor Protocol
@@ -132,11 +543,29 @@ The implementation details are in :c:func:`super_getattro()` in
The details above show that the mechanism for descriptors is embedded in the
:meth:`__getattribute__()` methods for :class:`object`, :class:`type`, and
:func:`super`. Classes inherit this machinery when they derive from
-:class:`object` or if they have a meta-class providing similar functionality.
+:class:`object` or if they have a metaclass providing similar functionality.
Likewise, classes can turn-off descriptor invocation by overriding
+Automatic Name Notification
+Sometimes it is desirable for a descriptor to know what class variable name it
+was assigned to. When a new class is created, the :class:`type` metaclass
+scans the dictionary of the new class. If any of the entries are descriptors
+and if they define :meth:`__set_name__`, that method is called with two
+arguments. The *owner* is the class where the descriptor is used, the *name*
+is class variable the descriptor was assigned to.
+The implementation details are in :c:func:`type_new()` and
+:c:func:`set_names()` in :source:`Objects/typeobject.c`.
+Since the update logic is in :meth:`type.__new__`, notifications only take
+place at the time of class creation. If descriptors are added to the class
+afterwards, :meth:`__set_name__` will need to be called manually.
Descriptor Example
@@ -154,7 +583,7 @@ descriptor is useful for monitoring just a few chosen attributes::
self.val = initval = name
- def __get__(self, obj, objtype):
+ def __get__(self, obj, objtype=None):
return self.val
@@ -162,11 +591,11 @@ descriptor is useful for monitoring just a few chosen attributes::
self.val = val
- >>> class MyClass:
- ... x = RevealAccess(10, 'var "x"')
- ... y = 5
- ...
- >>> m = MyClass()
+ class B:
+ x = RevealAccess(10, 'var "x"')
+ y = 5
+ >>> m = B()
>>> m.x
Retrieving var "x"
@@ -251,12 +680,13 @@ affect existing client code accessing the attribute directly. The solution is
to wrap access to the value attribute in a property data descriptor::
class Cell:
- . . .
- def getvalue(self):
+ ...
+ @property
+ def value(self):
"Recalculate the cell before returning value"
return self._value
- value = property(getvalue)
Functions and Methods
@@ -278,42 +708,48 @@ non-data descriptors which return bound methods when they are invoked from an
object. In pure Python, it works like this::
class Function:
- . . .
+ ...
def __get__(self, obj, objtype=None):
"Simulate func_descr_get() in Objects/funcobject.c"
if obj is None:
return self
return types.MethodType(self, obj)
-Running the interpreter shows how the function descriptor works in practice::
+Running the following in class in the interpreter shows how the function
+descriptor works in practice::
- >>> class D:
- ... def f(self, x):
- ... return x
- ...
- >>> d = D()
+ class D:
+ def f(self, x):
+ return x
+Access through the class dictionary does not invoke :meth:`__get__`. Instead,
+it just returns the underlying function object::
- # Access through the class dictionary does not invoke __get__.
- # It just returns the underlying function object.
>>> D.__dict__['f']
<function D.f at 0x00C45070>
- # Dotted access from a class calls __get__() which just returns
- # the underlying function unchanged.
+Dotted access from a class calls :meth:`__get__` which just returns the
+underlying function unchanged::
>>> D.f
<function D.f at 0x00C45070>
- # The function has a __qualname__ attribute to support introspection
+The function has a :term:`qualified name` attribute to support introspection::
>>> D.f.__qualname__
- # Dotted access from an instance calls __get__() which returns the
- # function wrapped in a bound method object
+Dotted access from an instance calls :meth:`__get__` which returns a bound
+method object::
+ >>> d = D()
>>> d.f
<bound method D.f of <__main__.D object at 0x00B18C90>>
- # Internally, the bound method stores the underlying function and
- # the bound instance.
+Internally, the bound method stores the underlying function and the bound
>>> d.f.__func__
<function D.f at 0x1012e5ae8>
>>> d.f.__self__
@@ -328,20 +764,20 @@ patterns of binding functions into methods.
To recap, functions have a :meth:`__get__` method so that they can be converted
to a method when accessed as attributes. The non-data descriptor transforms an
-``obj.f(*args)`` call into ``f(obj, *args)``. Calling ``klass.f(*args)``
+``obj.f(*args)`` call into ``f(obj, *args)``. Calling ``cls.f(*args)``
becomes ``f(*args)``.
This chart summarizes the binding and its two most useful variants:
| Transformation | Called from an | Called from a |
- | | Object | Class |
+ | | object | class |
| function | f(obj, \*args) | f(\*args) |
| staticmethod | f(\*args) | f(\*args) |
- | classmethod | f(type(obj), \*args) | f(klass, \*args) |
+ | classmethod | f(type(obj), \*args) | f(cls, \*args) |
Static methods return the underlying function without changes. Calling either
@@ -365,11 +801,11 @@ It can be called either from an object or the class: ``s.erf(1.5) --> .9332`` o
Since staticmethods return the underlying function with no changes, the example
calls are unexciting::
- >>> class E:
- ... def f(x):
- ... print(x)
- ... f = staticmethod(f)
- ...
+ class E:
+ @staticmethod
+ def f(x):
+ print(x)
>>> E.f(3)
>>> E().f(3)
@@ -391,32 +827,33 @@ Unlike static methods, class methods prepend the class reference to the
argument list before calling the function. This format is the same
for whether the caller is an object or a class::
- >>> class E:
- ... def f(klass, x):
- ... return klass.__name__, x
- ... f = classmethod(f)
- ...
- >>> print(E.f(3))
- ('E', 3)
- >>> print(E().f(3))
- ('E', 3)
+ class F:
+ @classmethod
+ def f(cls, x):
+ return cls.__name__, x
+ >>> print(F.f(3))
+ ('F', 3)
+ >>> print(F().f(3))
+ ('F', 3)
This behavior is useful whenever the function only needs to have a class
-reference and does not care about any underlying data. One use for classmethods
-is to create alternate class constructors. In Python 2.3, the classmethod
+reference and does not care about any underlying data. One use for
+classmethods is to create alternate class constructors. The classmethod
:func:`dict.fromkeys` creates a new dictionary from a list of keys. The pure
Python equivalent is::
class Dict:
- . . .
- def fromkeys(klass, iterable, value=None):
+ ...
+ @classmethod
+ def fromkeys(cls, iterable, value=None):
"Emulate dict_fromkeys() in Objects/dictobject.c"
- d = klass()
+ d = cls()
for key in iterable:
d[key] = value
return d
- fromkeys = classmethod(fromkeys)
Now a new dictionary of unique keys can be constructed like this::
@@ -432,10 +869,9 @@ Using the non-data descriptor protocol, a pure Python version of
def __init__(self, f):
self.f = f
- def __get__(self, obj, klass=None):
- if klass is None:
- klass = type(obj)
+ def __get__(self, obj, cls=None):
+ if cls is None:
+ cls = type(obj)
def newfunc(*args):
- return self.f(klass, *args)
+ return self.f(cls, *args)
return newfunc