path: root/Doc/library/fpectl.rst
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authorGeorg Brandl <>2007-08-15 14:28:01 (GMT)
committerGeorg Brandl <>2007-08-15 14:28:01 (GMT)
commit8ec7f656134b1230ab23003a94ba3266d7064122 (patch)
treebc730d5fb3302dc375edd26b26f750d609b61d72 /Doc/library/fpectl.rst
parentf56181ff53ba00b7bed3997a4dccd9a1b6217b57 (diff)
Move the 2.6 reST doc tree in place.
Diffstat (limited to 'Doc/library/fpectl.rst')
1 files changed, 120 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Doc/library/fpectl.rst b/Doc/library/fpectl.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef030f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Doc/library/fpectl.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+:mod:`fpectl` --- Floating point exception control
+.. module:: fpectl
+ :platform: Unix
+ :synopsis: Provide control for floating point exception handling.
+.. moduleauthor:: Lee Busby <>
+.. sectionauthor:: Lee Busby <>
+.. note::
+ The :mod:`fpectl` module is not built by default, and its usage is discouraged
+ and may be dangerous except in the hands of experts. See also the section
+ :ref:`fpectl-limitations` on limitations for more details.
+.. index:: single: IEEE-754
+Most computers carry out floating point operations in conformance with the
+so-called IEEE-754 standard. On any real computer, some floating point
+operations produce results that cannot be expressed as a normal floating point
+value. For example, try ::
+ >>> import math
+ >>> math.exp(1000)
+ inf
+ >>> math.exp(1000) / math.exp(1000)
+ nan
+(The example above will work on many platforms. DEC Alpha may be one exception.)
+"Inf" is a special, non-numeric value in IEEE-754 that stands for "infinity",
+and "nan" means "not a number." Note that, other than the non-numeric results,
+nothing special happened when you asked Python to carry out those calculations.
+That is in fact the default behaviour prescribed in the IEEE-754 standard, and
+if it works for you, stop reading now.
+In some circumstances, it would be better to raise an exception and stop
+processing at the point where the faulty operation was attempted. The
+:mod:`fpectl` module is for use in that situation. It provides control over
+floating point units from several hardware manufacturers, allowing the user to
+turn on the generation of :const:`SIGFPE` whenever any of the IEEE-754
+exceptions Division by Zero, Overflow, or Invalid Operation occurs. In tandem
+with a pair of wrapper macros that are inserted into the C code comprising your
+python system, :const:`SIGFPE` is trapped and converted into the Python
+:exc:`FloatingPointError` exception.
+The :mod:`fpectl` module defines the following functions and may raise the given
+.. function:: turnon_sigfpe()
+ Turn on the generation of :const:`SIGFPE`, and set up an appropriate signal
+ handler.
+.. function:: turnoff_sigfpe()
+ Reset default handling of floating point exceptions.
+.. exception:: FloatingPointError
+ After :func:`turnon_sigfpe` has been executed, a floating point operation that
+ raises one of the IEEE-754 exceptions Division by Zero, Overflow, or Invalid
+ operation will in turn raise this standard Python exception.
+.. _fpectl-example:
+The following example demonstrates how to start up and test operation of the
+:mod:`fpectl` module. ::
+ >>> import fpectl
+ >>> import fpetest
+ >>> fpectl.turnon_sigfpe()
+ >>> fpetest.test()
+ overflow PASS
+ FloatingPointError: Overflow
+ div by 0 PASS
+ FloatingPointError: Division by zero
+ [ more output from test elided ]
+ >>> import math
+ >>> math.exp(1000)
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
+ FloatingPointError: in math_1
+.. _fpectl-limitations:
+Limitations and other considerations
+Setting up a given processor to trap IEEE-754 floating point errors currently
+requires custom code on a per-architecture basis. You may have to modify
+:mod:`fpectl` to control your particular hardware.
+Conversion of an IEEE-754 exception to a Python exception requires that the
+wrapper macros ``PyFPE_START_PROTECT`` and ``PyFPE_END_PROTECT`` be inserted
+into your code in an appropriate fashion. Python itself has been modified to
+support the :mod:`fpectl` module, but many other codes of interest to numerical
+analysts have not.
+The :mod:`fpectl` module is not thread-safe.
+.. seealso::
+ Some files in the source distribution may be interesting in learning more about
+ how this module operates. The include file :file:`Include/pyfpe.h` discusses the
+ implementation of this module at some length. :file:`Modules/fpetestmodule.c`
+ gives several examples of use. Many additional examples can be found in
+ :file:`Objects/floatobject.c`.