path: root/Doc/library/pickle.rst
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authorAlexandre Vassalotti <>2009-04-03 06:58:20 (GMT)
committerAlexandre Vassalotti <>2009-04-03 06:58:20 (GMT)
commit3cde7c752ab38e357f9e74d6f5c50af0094e2220 (patch)
treed5a1d86ff786b864b17600bba3e2a32eda855b71 /Doc/library/pickle.rst
parente2641f45b6305f9371cecdcb8765998e2946ca94 (diff)
Undocument the existence of the memo attribute and its main use-case.
Apparently, Guido don't like this behavior. [1] I also agree that the memo should be left as an implementation detail. [1]:
Diffstat (limited to 'Doc/library/pickle.rst')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 71 deletions
diff --git a/Doc/library/pickle.rst b/Doc/library/pickle.rst
index 6c2b269..cd50d11 100644
--- a/Doc/library/pickle.rst
+++ b/Doc/library/pickle.rst
@@ -266,11 +266,6 @@ The :mod:`pickle` module exports two classes, :class:`Pickler` and
See :ref:`pickle-persistent` for details and examples of uses.
- .. method:: clear_memo()
- Deprecated. Use the :meth:`clear` method on :attr:`memo`, instead.
- Clear the pickler's memo, useful when reusing picklers.
.. attribute:: fast
Deprecated. Enable fast mode if set to a true value. The fast mode
@@ -281,12 +276,6 @@ The :mod:`pickle` module exports two classes, :class:`Pickler` and
Use :func:`pickletools.optimize` if you need more compact pickles.
- .. attribute:: memo
- Dictionary-like object holding previously pickled objects to allow
- shared or recursive objects to pickled by reference as opposed to
- by value.
.. class:: Unpickler(file, [\*, encoding="ASCII", errors="strict"])
@@ -332,12 +321,6 @@ The :mod:`pickle` module exports two classes, :class:`Pickler` and
how they can be loaded, potentially reducing security risks. Refer to
:ref:`pickle-restrict` for details.
- .. attribute:: memo
- Dictionary-like object holding previously unpickled objects to allow
- shared or recursive objects to unpickled by reference as opposed to
- by value.
.. _pickle-picklable:
@@ -735,60 +718,6 @@ The following example reads the resulting pickled data. ::
data = pickle.load(f)
-Reusing Pickler Instances
-It is possible to make multiple calls to the :meth:`dump` method of the same
-:class:`Pickler` instance. These must then be matched to the same number of
-calls to the :meth:`load` method of the corresponding :class:`Unpickler`
-instance. If the same object is pickled by multiple :meth:`dump` calls, the
-:meth:`load` will all yield references to the same object.
-Please note, this is intended for pickling multiple objects without intervening
-modifications to the objects or their parts. If you modify an object and then
-pickle it again using the same :class:`Pickler` instance, the object is not
-pickled again --- a reference to it is pickled and the :class:`Unpickler` will
-return the old value, not the modified one. ::
- import io
- import pickle
- data = {"hello": 0, "spam": 1}
- # Create a binary file-like object to which the Pickler instance will
- # write the pickles.
- f = io.BytesIO()
- p = pickle.Pickler(f)
- p.dump(data)
- # This second call appends a new pickle to the file. The modification we
- # make is lost because objects are pickled by reference when seen again.
- data["eggs"] = 2
- p.dump(data)
- # Now, we load the pickles saved in our file-like object.
- u = pickle.Unpickler(f)
- data1 = u.load()
- data2 = u.load()
- if data1 is data2:
- print("data1 and data2 are the same object")
- else:
- print("data1 and data2 are not the same object")
- if "eggs" in data2:
- print("The modification was pickled.")
- else:
- print("The modification was not pickled.")
-Reusing a :class:`Pickler` instance like we shown can be a useful
-optimization. For example, a multi-process application could use this feature
-to reduce the size of the pickles transmitted across processes over time
-(assuming the pickles exchanged are containers sharing common immutable
-objects). However, you should take special care to regularly clear
-:attr:``Pickler.memo`` and :attr:``Unpickler.memo`` to avoid memory-leaks.
.. XXX: Add examples showing how to optimize pickles for size (like using
.. pickletools.optimize() or the gzip module).