path: root/Doc/library
diff options
authorBenjamin Peterson <>2008-06-01 20:16:07 (GMT)
committerBenjamin Peterson <>2008-06-01 20:16:07 (GMT)
commit40ab2ec79604d204320df71a646e46a6221ff7e7 (patch)
tree1255f5debe34eaff282af4a20a6e701b0f0f5fa2 /Doc/library
parent294d5a92d4a15fba2edfb263a9d392e2a8d3b611 (diff)
remove mac module docs missed in the first round
Diffstat (limited to 'Doc/library')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 129 deletions
diff --git a/Doc/library/gensuitemodule.rst b/Doc/library/gensuitemodule.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index dbbc3a0..0000000
--- a/Doc/library/gensuitemodule.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-:mod:`gensuitemodule` --- Generate OSA stub packages
-.. module:: gensuitemodule
- :platform: Mac
- :synopsis: Create a stub package from an OSA dictionary
-.. sectionauthor:: Jack Jansen <>
-.. moduleauthor:: Jack Jansen
-The :mod:`gensuitemodule` module creates a Python package implementing stub code
-for the AppleScript suites that are implemented by a specific application,
-according to its AppleScript dictionary.
-It is usually invoked by the user through the :program:`PythonIDE`, but it can
-also be run as a script from the command line (pass :option:`--help` for help on
-the options) or imported from Python code. For an example of its use see
-:file:`Mac/scripts/` in a source distribution, which generates
-the stub packages that are included in the standard library.
-It defines the following public functions:
-.. function:: is_scriptable(application)
- Returns true if ``application``, which should be passed as a pathname, appears
- to be scriptable. Take the return value with a grain of salt: :program:`Internet
- Explorer` appears not to be scriptable but definitely is.
-.. function:: processfile(application[, output, basepkgname, edit_modnames, creatorsignature, dump, verbose])
- Create a stub package for ``application``, which should be passed as a full
- pathname. For a :file:`.app` bundle this is the pathname to the bundle, not to
- the executable inside the bundle; for an unbundled CFM application you pass the
- filename of the application binary.
- This function asks the application for its OSA terminology resources, decodes
- these resources and uses the resultant data to create the Python code for the
- package implementing the client stubs.
- ``output`` is the pathname where the resulting package is stored, if not
- specified a standard "save file as" dialog is presented to the user.
- ``basepkgname`` is the base package on which this package will build, and
- defaults to :mod:`StdSuites`. Only when generating :mod:`StdSuites` itself do
- you need to specify this. ``edit_modnames`` is a dictionary that can be used to
- change modulenames that are too ugly after name mangling. ``creator_signature``
- can be used to override the 4-char creator code, which is normally obtained from
- the :file:`PkgInfo` file in the package or from the CFM file creator signature.
- When ``dump`` is given it should refer to a file object, and ``processfile``
- will stop after decoding the resources and dump the Python representation of the
- terminology resources to this file. ``verbose`` should also be a file object,
- and specifying it will cause ``processfile`` to tell you what it is doing.
-.. function:: processfile_fromresource(application[, output, basepkgname, edit_modnames, creatorsignature, dump, verbose])
- This function does the same as ``processfile``, except that it uses a different
- method to get the terminology resources. It opens ``application`` as a resource
- file and reads all ``"aete"`` and ``"aeut"`` resources from this file.
diff --git a/Doc/library/miniaeframe.rst b/Doc/library/miniaeframe.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 5bf1b07..0000000
--- a/Doc/library/miniaeframe.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-:mod:`MiniAEFrame` --- Open Scripting Architecture server support
-.. module:: MiniAEFrame
- :platform: Mac
- :synopsis: Support to act as an Open Scripting Architecture (OSA) server ("Apple Events").
-.. index::
- single: Open Scripting Architecture
- single: AppleEvents
- module: FrameWork
-The module :mod:`MiniAEFrame` provides a framework for an application that can
-function as an Open Scripting Architecture (OSA) server, i.e. receive and
-process AppleEvents. It can be used in conjunction with :mod:`FrameWork` or
-standalone. As an example, it is used in :program:`PythonCGISlave`.
-The :mod:`MiniAEFrame` module defines the following classes:
-.. class:: AEServer()
- A class that handles AppleEvent dispatch. Your application should subclass this
- class together with either :class:`MiniApplication` or
- :class:`FrameWork.Application`. Your :meth:`__init__` method should call the
- :meth:`__init__` method for both classes.
-.. class:: MiniApplication()
- A class that is more or less compatible with :class:`FrameWork.Application` but
- with less functionality. Its event loop supports the apple menu, command-dot and
- AppleEvents; other events are passed on to the Python interpreter and/or Sioux.
- Useful if your application wants to use :class:`AEServer` but does not provide
- its own windows, etc.
-.. _aeserver-objects:
-AEServer Objects
-.. method:: AEServer.installaehandler(classe, type, callback)
- Installs an AppleEvent handler. *classe* and *type* are the four-character OSA
- Class and Type designators, ``'****'`` wildcards are allowed. When a matching
- AppleEvent is received the parameters are decoded and your callback is invoked.
-.. method:: AEServer.callback(_object, **kwargs)
- Your callback is called with the OSA Direct Object as first positional
- parameter. The other parameters are passed as keyword arguments, with the
- 4-character designator as name. Three extra keyword parameters are passed:
- ``_class`` and ``_type`` are the Class and Type designators and ``_attributes``
- is a dictionary with the AppleEvent attributes.
- The return value of your method is packed with :func:`aetools.packevent` and
- sent as reply.
-Note that there are some serious problems with the current design. AppleEvents
-which have non-identifier 4-character designators for arguments are not
-implementable, and it is not possible to return an error to the originator. This
-will be addressed in a future release.