path: root/Doc/perl/python.perl
diff options
authorGeorg Brandl <>2007-08-15 14:27:07 (GMT)
committerGeorg Brandl <>2007-08-15 14:27:07 (GMT)
commit739c01d47b9118d04e5722333f0e6b4d0c8bdd9e (patch)
treef82b450d291927fc1758b96d981aa0610947b529 /Doc/perl/python.perl
parent2d1649094402ef393ea2b128ba2c08c3937e6b93 (diff)
Delete the LaTeX doc tree.
Diffstat (limited to 'Doc/perl/python.perl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 2182 deletions
diff --git a/Doc/perl/python.perl b/Doc/perl/python.perl
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e940e6..0000000
--- a/Doc/perl/python.perl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2182 +0,0 @@
-# python.perl by Fred L. Drake, Jr. <> -*- perl -*-
-# Heavily based on Guido van Rossum's myformat.perl (now obsolete).
-# Extension to LaTeX2HTML for documents using myformat.sty.
-# Subroutines of the form do_cmd_<name> here define translations
-# for LaTeX commands \<name> defined in the corresponding .sty file.
-package main;
-use warnings;
-use File::Basename;
-sub next_argument{
- my $param;
- $param = missing_braces()
- unless ((s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$param=$2;''/eo)
- ||(s/$next_pair_rx/$param=$2;''/eo));
- return $param;
-sub next_optional_argument{
- my($param, $rx) = ('', "^\\s*(\\[([^]]*)\\])?");
- s/$rx/$param=$2;''/eo;
- return $param;
-sub make_icon_filename($){
- my($myname, $mydir, $myext) = fileparse($_[0], '\..*');
- chop $mydir;
- if ($mydir eq '.') {
- $mydir = $ICONSERVER;
- }
- $myext = ".$IMAGE_TYPE"
- unless $myext;
- return "$mydir$dd$myname$myext";
-sub get_link_icon($){
- my $url = $_[0];
- if ($OFF_SITE_LINK_ICON && ($url =~ /^[-a-zA-Z0-9.]+:/)) {
- # absolute URL; assume it points off-site
- my $icon = make_icon_filename($OFF_SITE_LINK_ICON);
- return (" <img src=\"$icon\"\n"
- . ' border="0" class="offsitelink"'
- ? " height=\"$OFF_SITE_LINK_ICON_HEIGHT\""
- : '')
- ? " width=\"$OFF_SITE_LINK_ICON_WIDTH\""
- : '')
- . " alt=\"[off-site link]\"\n"
- . " />");
- }
- return '';
-# This is a fairly simple hack; it supports \let when it is used to create
-# (or redefine) a macro to exactly be some other macro: \let\newname=\oldname.
-# Many possible uses of \let aren't supported or aren't supported correctly.
-sub do_cmd_let{
- local($_) = @_;
- my $matched = 0;
- s/[\\]([a-zA-Z]+)\s*(=\s*)?[\\]([a-zA-Z]*)/$matched=1; ''/e;
- if ($matched) {
- my($new, $old) = ($1, $3);
- eval "sub do_cmd_$new { do_cmd_$old" . '(@_); }';
- print "\ndefining handler for \\$new using \\$old\n";
- }
- else {
- s/[\\]([a-zA-Z]+)\s*(=\s*)?([^\\])/$matched=1; ''/es;
- if ($matched) {
- my($new, $char) = ($1, $3);
- eval "sub do_cmd_$new { \"\\$char\" . \$_[0]; }";
- print "\ndefining handler for \\$new to insert '$char'\n";
- }
- else {
- write_warnings("Could not interpret \\let construct...");
- }
- }
- return $_;
-# the older version of LaTeX2HTML we use doesn't support this, but we use it:
-sub do_cmd_textasciitilde{ '&#126;' . $_[0]; }
-sub do_cmd_textasciicircum{ '^' . $_[0]; }
-sub do_cmd_textbar{ '|' . $_[0]; }
-sub do_cmd_texteuro { '&#8364;' . $_[0]; }
-sub do_cmd_textgreater{ '&gt;' . $_[0]; }
-sub do_cmd_textless{ '&lt;' . $_[0]; }
-sub do_cmd_textunderscore{ '_' . $_[0]; }
-sub do_cmd_infinity{ '&infin;' . $_[0]; }
-sub do_cmd_plusminus{ '&plusmn;' . $_[0]; }
-sub do_cmd_guilabel{
- return use_wrappers($_[0]. '<span class="guilabel">', '</span>'); }
-sub do_cmd_menuselection{
- return use_wrappers($_[0], '<span class="guilabel">', '</span>'); }
-sub do_cmd_sub{
- return '</span> &gt; <span class="guilabel">' . $_[0]; }
-# words typeset in a special way (not in HTML though)
-sub do_cmd_ABC{ 'ABC' . $_[0]; }
-sub do_cmd_UNIX{ '<span class="Unix">Unix</span>' . $_[0]; }
-sub do_cmd_LaTeX{ '<span class="LaTeX">LaTeX</span>' . $_[0]; }
-sub do_cmd_TeX{ '<span class="TeX">TeX</span>' . $_[0]; }
-sub do_cmd_ASCII{ 'ASCII' . $_[0]; }
-sub do_cmd_POSIX{ 'POSIX' . $_[0]; }
-sub do_cmd_C{ 'C' . $_[0]; }
-sub do_cmd_Cpp{ 'C++' . $_[0]; }
-sub do_cmd_EOF{ 'EOF' . $_[0]; }
-sub do_cmd_NULL{ '<tt class="constant">NULL</tt>' . $_[0]; }
-sub do_cmd_e{ '&#92;' . $_[0]; }
-sub do_cmd_version{ $PACKAGE_VERSION . $_[0]; }
-sub do_cmd_shortversion{ $SHORT_VERSION . $_[0]; }
-sub do_cmd_release{
- local($_) = @_;
- $PACKAGE_VERSION = next_argument();
- return $_;
-sub do_cmd_setreleaseinfo{
- local($_) = @_;
- $RELEASE_INFO = next_argument();
- return $_;
-sub do_cmd_setshortversion{
- local($_) = @_;
- $SHORT_VERSION = next_argument();
- return $_;
-sub do_cmd_authoraddress{
- local($_) = @_;
- $DEVELOPER_ADDRESS = next_argument();
- return $_;
-sub do_cmd_hackscore{
- local($_) = @_;
- next_argument();
- return '_' . $_;
-# Helper used in many places that arbitrary code-like text appears:
-sub codetext($){
- my $text = "$_[0]";
- # Make sure that "---" is not converted to "--" later when
- # LaTeX2HTML tries converting em-dashes based on the conventional
- # TeX font ligatures:
- $text =~ s/--/-\&#45;/go;
- return $text;
-sub use_wrappers($$$){
- local($_,$before,$after) = @_;
- my $stuff = next_argument();
- return $before . $stuff . $after . $_;
-sub use_code_wrappers($$$){
- local($_,$before,$after) = @_;
- my $stuff = codetext(next_argument());
- return $before . $stuff . $after . $_;
-sub do_cmd_optional{
- return use_wrappers($_[0], "</var><big>\[</big><var>",
- "</var><big>\]</big><var>");
- }
- else {
- return use_wrappers($_[0], "<big>\[</big>", "<big>\]</big>");
- }
-# Logical formatting (some based on texinfo), needs to be converted to
-# minimalist HTML. The "minimalist" is primarily to reduce the size of
-# output files for users that read them over the network rather than
-# from local repositories.
-sub do_cmd_pytype{ return $_[0]; }
-sub do_cmd_makevar{
- return use_wrappers($_[0], '<span class="makevar">', '</span>'); }
-sub do_cmd_code{
- return use_code_wrappers($_[0], '<code>', '</code>'); }
-sub do_cmd_module{
- return use_wrappers($_[0], '<tt class="module">', '</tt>'); }
-sub do_cmd_keyword{
- return use_wrappers($_[0], '<tt class="keyword">', '</tt>'); }
-sub do_cmd_exception{
- return use_wrappers($_[0], '<tt class="exception">', '</tt>'); }
-sub do_cmd_class{
- return use_wrappers($_[0], '<tt class="class">', '</tt>'); }
-sub do_cmd_function{
- return use_wrappers($_[0], '<tt class="function">', '</tt>'); }
-sub do_cmd_constant{
- return use_wrappers($_[0], '<tt class="constant">', '</tt>'); }
-sub do_cmd_member{
- return use_wrappers($_[0], '<tt class="member">', '</tt>'); }
-sub do_cmd_method{
- return use_wrappers($_[0], '<tt class="method">', '</tt>'); }
-sub do_cmd_cfunction{
- return use_wrappers($_[0], '<tt class="cfunction">', '</tt>'); }
-sub do_cmd_cdata{
- return use_wrappers($_[0], '<tt class="cdata">', '</tt>'); }
-sub do_cmd_ctype{
- return use_wrappers($_[0], '<tt class="ctype">', '</tt>'); }
-sub do_cmd_regexp{
- return use_code_wrappers($_[0], '<tt class="regexp">', '</tt>'); }
-sub do_cmd_character{
- return use_code_wrappers($_[0], '"<tt class="character">', '</tt>"'); }
-sub do_cmd_program{
- return use_wrappers($_[0], '<b class="program">', '</b>'); }
-sub do_cmd_programopt{
- return use_wrappers($_[0], '<b class="programopt">', '</b>'); }
-sub do_cmd_longprogramopt{
- # note that the --- will be later converted to -- by LaTeX2HTML
- return use_wrappers($_[0], '<b class="programopt">---', '</b>'); }
-sub do_cmd_email{
- return use_wrappers($_[0], '<span class="email">', '</span>'); }
-sub do_cmd_mailheader{
- return use_wrappers($_[0], '<span class="mailheader">', ':</span>'); }
-sub do_cmd_mimetype{
- return use_wrappers($_[0], '<span class="mimetype">', '</span>'); }
-sub do_cmd_var{
- return use_wrappers($_[0], "<var>", "</var>"); }
-sub do_cmd_dfn{
- return use_wrappers($_[0], '<i class="dfn">', '</i>'); }
-sub do_cmd_emph{
- return use_wrappers($_[0], '<em>', '</em>'); }
-sub do_cmd_file{
- return use_wrappers($_[0], '<span class="file">', '</span>'); }
-sub do_cmd_filenq{
- return do_cmd_file($_[0]); }
-sub do_cmd_samp{
- return use_code_wrappers($_[0], '"<tt class="samp">', '</tt>"'); }
-sub do_cmd_kbd{
- return use_wrappers($_[0], '<kbd>', '</kbd>'); }
-sub do_cmd_strong{
- return use_wrappers($_[0], '<strong>', '</strong>'); }
-sub do_cmd_textbf{
- return use_wrappers($_[0], '<b>', '</b>'); }
-sub do_cmd_textit{
- return use_wrappers($_[0], '<i>', '</i>'); }
-# This can be changed/overridden for translations:
-%NoticeNames = ('note' => 'Note:',
- 'warning' => 'Warning:',
- );
-sub do_cmd_note{
- my $label = $NoticeNames{'note'};
- return use_wrappers(
- $_[0],
- "<span class=\"note\"><b class=\"label\">$label</b>\n",
- '</span>'); }
-sub do_cmd_warning{
- my $label = $NoticeNames{'warning'};
- return use_wrappers(
- $_[0],
- "<span class=\"warning\"><b class=\"label\">$label</b>\n",
- '</span>'); }
-sub do_env_notice{
- local($_) = @_;
- my $notice = next_optional_argument();
- if (!$notice) {
- $notice = 'note';
- }
- my $label = $NoticeNames{$notice};
- return ("<div class=\"$notice\"><b class=\"label\">$label</b>\n"
- . $_
- . '</div>');
-sub do_cmd_moreargs{
- return '...' . $_[0]; }
-sub do_cmd_unspecified{
- return '...' . $_[0]; }
-sub do_cmd_refmodule{
- # Insert the right magic to jump to the module definition.
- local($_) = @_;
- my $key = next_optional_argument();
- my $module = next_argument();
- $key = $module
- unless $key;
- return "<tt class=\"module\"><a href=\"module-$key.html\">$module</a></tt>"
- . $_;
-sub do_cmd_newsgroup{
- local($_) = @_;
- my $newsgroup = next_argument();
- my $icon = get_link_icon("news:$newsgroup");
- my $stuff = ("<a class=\"newsgroup\" href=\"news:$newsgroup\">"
- . "$newsgroup$icon</a>");
- return $stuff . $_;
-sub do_cmd_envvar{
- local($_) = @_;
- my $envvar = next_argument();
- my($name, $aname, $ahref) = new_link_info();
- # The <tt> here is really to keep from making
- # the variable name case-insensitive.
- add_index_entry("environment variables!$envvar@<tt>$envvar</tt>",
- $ahref);
- add_index_entry("$envvar (environment variable)", $ahref);
- $aname =~ s/<a/<a class="envvar"/;
- return "$aname$envvar</a>" . $_;
-sub do_cmd_url{
- # use the URL as both text and hyperlink
- local($_) = @_;
- my $url = next_argument();
- my $icon = get_link_icon($url);
- $url =~ s/~/&#126;/g;
- return "<a class=\"url\" href=\"$url\">$url$icon</a>" . $_;
-sub do_cmd_manpage{
- # two parameters: \manpage{name}{section}
- local($_) = @_;
- my $page = next_argument();
- my $section = next_argument();
- return "<span class=\"manpage\"><i>$page</i>($section)</span>" . $_;
-$PEP_FORMAT = "";
-#$RFC_FORMAT = "";
-$RFC_FORMAT = "";
-sub get_rfc_url($$){
- my($rfcnum, $format) = @_;
- return sprintf($format, $rfcnum);
-sub do_cmd_pep{
- local($_) = @_;
- my $rfcnumber = next_argument();
- my $id = "rfcref-" . ++$global{'max_id'};
- my $href = get_rfc_url($rfcnumber, $PEP_FORMAT);
- my $icon = get_link_icon($href);
- # Save the reference
- my $nstr = gen_index_id("Python Enhancement Proposals!PEP $rfcnumber", '');
- $index{$nstr} .= make_half_href("$CURRENT_FILE#$id");
- return ("<a class=\"rfc\" id='$id' xml:id='$id'\n"
- . "href=\"$href\">PEP $rfcnumber$icon</a>" . $_);
-sub do_cmd_rfc{
- local($_) = @_;
- my $rfcnumber = next_argument();
- my $id = "rfcref-" . ++$global{'max_id'};
- my $href = get_rfc_url($rfcnumber, $RFC_FORMAT);
- my $icon = get_link_icon($href);
- # Save the reference
- my $nstr = gen_index_id("RFC!RFC $rfcnumber", '');
- $index{$nstr} .= make_half_href("$CURRENT_FILE#$id");
- return ("<a class=\"rfc\" id='$id' xml:id='$id'\nhref=\"$href\">"
- . "RFC $rfcnumber$icon</a>" . $_);
-sub do_cmd_ulink{
- local($_) = @_;
- my $text = next_argument();
- my $url = next_argument();
- return "<a class=\"ulink\" href=\"$url\"\n >$text</a>" . $_;
-sub do_cmd_citetitle{
- local($_) = @_;
- my $url = next_optional_argument();
- my $title = next_argument();
- my $icon = get_link_icon($url);
- my $repl = '';
- if ($url) {
- my $titletext = strip_html_markup("$title");
- $repl = ("<em class=\"citetitle\"><a\n"
- . " href=\"$url\"\n"
- . " title=\"$titletext\"\n"
- . " >$title$icon</a></em>");
- }
- else {
- $repl = "<em class=\"citetitle\"\n >$title</em>";
- }
- return $repl . $_;
-sub do_cmd_deprecated{
- # two parameters: \deprecated{version}{whattodo}
- local($_) = @_;
- my $release = next_argument();
- my $reason = next_argument();
- return ('<div class="versionnote">'
- . "<b>Deprecated since release $release.</b>"
- . "\n$reason</div><p></p>"
- . $_);
-sub versionnote($$){
- # one or two parameters: \versionnote[explanation]{version}
- my $type = $_[0];
- local $_ = $_[1];
- my $explanation = next_optional_argument();
- my $release = next_argument();
- my $classes = "versionnote";
- if ($release =~ /^(\d+)\./) {
- $classes .= " versionnote$1";
- }
- my $text = "$type in version $release.";
- if ($explanation) {
- $text = "$type in version $release:\n$explanation.";
- }
- return "\n<span class=\"$classes\" \n>$text</span>\n" . $_;
-sub do_cmd_versionadded{
- return versionnote('New', $_[0]);
-sub do_cmd_versionchanged{
- return versionnote('Changed', $_[0]);
-# These function handle platform dependency tracking.
-sub do_cmd_platform{
- local($_) = @_;
- my $platform = next_argument();
- $ModulePlatforms{"<tt class=\"module\">$THIS_MODULE</tt>"} = $platform;
- $platform = "Macintosh"
- if $platform eq 'Mac';
- return "\n<p class=\"availability\">Availability: <span"
- . "\n class=\"platform\">$platform</span>.</p>\n" . $_;
-sub do_cmd_ignorePlatformAnnotation{
- local($_) = @_;
- $IGNORE_PLATFORM_ANNOTATION = next_argument();
- return $_;
-# index commands
-sub get_indexsubitem(){
- return $INDEX_SUBITEM ? " $INDEX_SUBITEM" : '';
-sub do_cmd_setindexsubitem{
- local($_) = @_;
- $INDEX_SUBITEM = next_argument();
- return $_;
-sub do_cmd_withsubitem{
- # We can't really do the right thing, because LaTeX2HTML doesn't
- # do things in the right order, but we need to at least strip this stuff
- # out, and leave anything that the second argument expanded out to.
- #
- local($_) = @_;
- my $oldsubitem = $INDEX_SUBITEM;
- $INDEX_SUBITEM = next_argument();
- my $stuff = next_argument();
- my $br_id = ++$globals{'max_id'};
- my $marker = "$O$br_id$C";
- $stuff =~ s/^\s+//;
- return
- $stuff
- . "\\setindexsubitem$marker$oldsubitem$marker"
- . $_;
-# This is the prologue macro which is required to start writing the
-# mod\jobname.idx file; we can just ignore it. (Defining this suppresses
-# a warning that \makemodindex is unknown.)
-sub do_cmd_makemodindex{ return $_[0]; }
-# We're in the document subdirectory when this happens!
-open(IDXFILE, '>index.dat') || die "\n$!\n";
-open(INTLABELS, '>') || die "\n$!\n";
-print INTLABELS "%internal_labels = ();\n";
-print INTLABELS "1; # hack in case there are no entries\n\n";
-# Using \0 for this is bad because we can't use common tools to work with the
-# resulting files. Things like grep can be useful with this stuff!
-sub write_idxfile($$){
- my($ahref, $str) = @_;
- print IDXFILE $ahref, $IDXFILE_FIELD_SEP, $str, "\n";
-sub gen_link($$){
- my($node, $target) = @_;
- print INTLABELS "\$internal_labels{\"$target\"} = \"/$node\";\n";
- return "<a href=\"$node#$target\">";
-sub add_index_entry($$){
- # add an entry to the index structures; ignore the return value
- my($str, $ahref) = @_;
- $str = gen_index_id($str, '');
- $index{$str} .= $ahref;
- write_idxfile($ahref, $str);
-sub new_link_name_info(){
- my $name = "l2h-" . ++$globals{'max_id'};
- my $ahref = gen_link($CURRENT_FILE, $name);
- return ($name, $ahref);
-sub new_link_info(){
- my($name, $ahref) = new_link_name_info();
- my $aname = "<a id='$name' xml:id='$name'>";
- return ($name, $aname, $ahref);
-$IndexMacroPattern = '';
-sub define_indexing_macro(@){
- my $count = @_;
- my $i = 0;
- for (; $i < $count; ++$i) {
- my $name = $_[$i];
- my $cmd = "idx_cmd_$name";
- die "\nNo function $cmd() defined!\n"
- if (!defined &$cmd);
- eval ("sub do_cmd_$name { return process_index_macros("
- . "\$_[0], '$name'); }");
- if (length($IndexMacroPattern) == 0) {
- $IndexMacroPattern = "$name";
- }
- else {
- $IndexMacroPattern .= "|$name";
- }
- }
-sub process_index_macros($$){
- local($_) = @_;
- my $cmdname = $_[1]; # This is what triggered us in the first place;
- # we know it's real, so just process it.
- my($name, $aname, $ahref) = new_link_info();
- my $cmd = "idx_cmd_$cmdname";
- print "\nIndexing: \\$cmdname"
- &$cmd($ahref); # modifies $_ and adds index entries
- while (/^[\s\n]*\\($IndexMacroPattern)</) {
- $cmdname = "$1";
- print " \\$cmdname"
- $cmd = "idx_cmd_$cmdname";
- if (!defined &$cmd) {
- last;
- }
- else {
- s/^[\s\n]*\\$cmdname//;
- &$cmd($ahref);
- }
- }
-# XXX I don't remember why I added this to begin with.
-# if (/^[ \t\r\n]/) {
-# $_ = substr($_, 1);
-# }
- return "$aname$anchor_invisible_mark</a>" . $_;
-sub idx_cmd_index($){
- my $str = next_argument();
- add_index_entry("$str", $_[0]);
-sub idx_cmd_kwindex($){
- my $str = next_argument();
- add_index_entry("<tt>$str</tt>!keyword", $_[0]);
- add_index_entry("keyword!<tt>$str</tt>", $_[0]);
-sub idx_cmd_indexii($){
- my $str1 = next_argument();
- my $str2 = next_argument();
- add_index_entry("$str1!$str2", $_[0]);
- add_index_entry("$str2!$str1", $_[0]);
-sub idx_cmd_indexiii($){
- my $str1 = next_argument();
- my $str2 = next_argument();
- my $str3 = next_argument();
- add_index_entry("$str1!$str2 $str3", $_[0]);
- add_index_entry("$str2!$str3, $str1", $_[0]);
- add_index_entry("$str3!$str1 $str2", $_[0]);
-sub idx_cmd_indexiv($){
- my $str1 = next_argument();
- my $str2 = next_argument();
- my $str3 = next_argument();
- my $str4 = next_argument();
- add_index_entry("$str1!$str2 $str3 $str4", $_[0]);
- add_index_entry("$str2!$str3 $str4, $str1", $_[0]);
- add_index_entry("$str3!$str4, $str1 $str2", $_[0]);
- add_index_entry("$str4!$str1 $str2 $str3", $_[0]);
-sub idx_cmd_ttindex($){
- my $str = codetext(next_argument());
- my $entry = $str . get_indexsubitem();
- add_index_entry($entry, $_[0]);
-sub my_typed_index_helper($$){
- my($word, $ahref) = @_;
- my $str = next_argument();
- add_index_entry("$str $word", $ahref);
- add_index_entry("$word!$str", $ahref);
-define_indexing_macro('stindex', 'opindex', 'exindex', 'obindex');
-sub idx_cmd_stindex($){ my_typed_index_helper('statement', $_[0]); }
-sub idx_cmd_opindex($){ my_typed_index_helper('operator', $_[0]); }
-sub idx_cmd_exindex($){ my_typed_index_helper('exception', $_[0]); }
-sub idx_cmd_obindex($){ my_typed_index_helper('object', $_[0]); }
-sub idx_cmd_bifuncindex($){
- my $str = next_argument();
- add_index_entry("<tt class=\"function\">$str()</tt> (built-in function)",
- $_[0]);
-sub make_mod_index_entry($$){
- my($str, $define) = @_;
- my($name, $aname, $ahref) = new_link_info();
- # equivalent of add_index_entry() using $define instead of ''
- $ahref =~ s/\#[-_a-zA-Z0-9]*\"/\"/
- if ($define eq 'DEF');
- $str = gen_index_id($str, $define);
- $index{$str} .= $ahref;
- write_idxfile($ahref, $str);
- if ($define eq 'DEF') {
- # add to the module index
- $str =~ /(<tt.*<\/tt>)/;
- my $nstr = $1;
- $Modules{$nstr} .= $ahref;
- }
- return "$aname$anchor_invisible_mark2</a>";
-$THIS_CLASS = '';
-sub define_module($$){
- my($word, $name) = @_;
- my $section_tag = join('', @curr_sec_id);
- if ($word ne "built-in" && $word ne "extension"
- && $word ne "standard" && $word ne "") {
- write_warnings("Bad module type '$word'"
- . " for \\declaremodule (module $name)");
- $word = "";
- }
- $word = "$word " if $word;
- $THIS_MODULE = "$name";
- $INDEX_SUBITEM = "(in module $name)";
- print "[$name]";
- return make_mod_index_entry(
- "<tt class=\"module\">$name</tt> (${word}module)", 'DEF');
-sub my_module_index_helper($$){
- local($word, $_) = @_;
- my $name = next_argument();
- return define_module($word, $name) . $_;
-sub do_cmd_modindex{ return my_module_index_helper('', $_[0]); }
-sub do_cmd_bimodindex{ return my_module_index_helper('built-in', $_[0]); }
-sub do_cmd_exmodindex{ return my_module_index_helper('extension', $_[0]); }
-sub do_cmd_stmodindex{ return my_module_index_helper('standard', $_[0]); }
-# local($_) = @_;
-# my $name = next_argument();
-# return define_module('standard', $name) . $_;
-# }
-sub ref_module_index_helper($$){
- my($word, $ahref) = @_;
- my $str = next_argument();
- $word = "$word " if $word;
- $str = "<tt class=\"module\">$str</tt> (${word}module)";
- # can't use add_index_entry() since the 2nd arg to gen_index_id() is used;
- # just inline it all here
- $str = gen_index_id($str, 'REF');
- $index{$str} .= $ahref;
- write_idxfile($ahref, $str);
-# these should be adjusted a bit....
-define_indexing_macro('refmodindex', 'refbimodindex',
- 'refexmodindex', 'refstmodindex');
-sub idx_cmd_refmodindex($){
- return ref_module_index_helper('', $_[0]); }
-sub idx_cmd_refbimodindex($){
- return ref_module_index_helper('built-in', $_[0]); }
-sub idx_cmd_refexmodindex($){
- return ref_module_index_helper('extension', $_[0]);}
-sub idx_cmd_refstmodindex($){
- return ref_module_index_helper('standard', $_[0]); }
-sub do_cmd_nodename{ return do_cmd_label($_[0]); }
-sub init_myformat(){
- # This depends on the override of text_cleanup() in l2hinit.perl;
- # if that function cleans out empty tags, the first three of these
- # variables must be set to comments.
- #
- # Thanks to Dave Kuhlman for figuring why some named anchors were
- # being lost.
- $anchor_invisible_mark = '';
- $anchor_invisible_mark2 = '';
- $anchor_mark = '';
- $icons{'anchor_mark'} = '';
-# Create an index entry, but include the string in the target anchor
-# instead of the dummy filler.
-sub make_str_index_entry($){
- my $str = $_[0];
- my($name, $ahref) = new_link_name_info();
- add_index_entry($str, $ahref);
- if ($str =~ /^<[a-z]+\b/) {
- my $s = "$str";
- $s =~ s/^<([a-z]+)\b/<$1 id='$name' xml:id='$name'/;
- return $s;
- }
- else {
- return "<a id='$name' xml:id='$name'>$str</a>";
- }
-%TokenToTargetMapping = (); # language:token -> link target
-%DefinedGrammars = (); # language -> full grammar text
-%BackpatchGrammarFiles = (); # file -> 1 (hash of files to fixup)
-sub do_cmd_token{
- local($_) = @_;
- my $token = next_argument();
- my $target = $TokenToTargetMapping{"$CURRENT_GRAMMAR:$token"};
- if ($token eq $CURRENT_TOKEN || $CURRENT_GRAMMAR eq '*') {
- # recursive definition or display-only productionlist
- return "$token";
- }
- if ($target eq '') {
- $target = "<pyGrammarToken><$CURRENT_GRAMMAR><$token>";
- if (! $BackpatchGrammarFiles{"$CURRENT_FILE"}) {
- print "Adding '$CURRENT_FILE' to back-patch list.\n";
- }
- $BackpatchGrammarFiles{"$CURRENT_FILE"} = 1;
- }
- return "<a class='grammartoken' href=\"$target\">$token</a>" . $_;
-sub do_cmd_grammartoken{
- return do_cmd_token(@_);
-sub do_env_productionlist{
- local($_) = @_;
- my $lang = next_optional_argument();
- my $filename = "grammar-$lang.txt";
- if ($lang eq '') {
- $filename = 'grammar.txt';
- }
- local($CURRENT_GRAMMAR) = $lang;
- $DefinedGrammars{$lang} .= $_;
- return ("<dl><dd class=\"grammar\">\n"
- . "<div class=\"productions\">\n"
- . "<table>\n"
- . translate_commands(translate_environments($_))
- . "</table>\n"
- . "</div>\n"
- . (($lang eq '*')
- ? ''
- : ("<a class=\"grammar-footer\"\n"
- . " href=\"$filename\" type=\"text/plain\"\n"
- . " >Download entire grammar as text.</a>\n"))
- . "</dd></dl>");
-sub do_cmd_production{
- local($_) = @_;
- my $token = next_argument();
- my $defn = next_argument();
- my $lang = $CURRENT_GRAMMAR;
- local($CURRENT_TOKEN) = $token;
- if ($lang eq '*') {
- return ("<tr>\n"
- . " <td>$token</td>\n"
- . " <td>::=</td>\n"
- . " <td>"
- . translate_commands($defn)
- . "</td></tr>"
- . $_);
- }
- my $target;
- if ($lang eq '') {
- $target = "$CURRENT_FILE\#tok-$token";
- }
- else {
- $target = "$CURRENT_FILE\#tok-$lang-$token";
- }
- $TokenToTargetMapping{"$CURRENT_GRAMMAR:$token"} = $target;
- return ("<tr>\n"
- . " <td><a id='tok-$token' xml:id='tok-$token'>"
- . "$token</a></td>\n"
- . " <td>::=</td>\n"
- . " <td>"
- . translate_commands($defn)
- . "</td></tr>"
- . $_);
-sub do_cmd_productioncont{
- local($_) = @_;
- my $defn = next_argument();
- $defn =~ s/^( +)/'&nbsp;' x length $1/e;
- return ("<tr>\n"
- . " <td></td>\n"
- . " <td></td>\n"
- . " <td><code>"
- . translate_commands($defn)
- . "</code></td></tr>"
- . $_);
-sub process_grammar_files(){
- my $lang;
- my $filename;
- local($_);
- print "process_grammar_files()\n";
- foreach $lang (keys %DefinedGrammars) {
- $filename = "grammar-$lang.txt";
- if ($lang eq '*') {
- next;
- }
- if ($lang eq '') {
- $filename = 'grammar.txt';
- }
- open(GRAMMAR, ">$filename") || die "\n$!\n";
- print GRAMMAR "##################################################\n";
- print GRAMMAR "# This file is only meant to be a guide, #\n";
- print GRAMMAR "# and differs in small ways from the real #\n";
- print GRAMMAR "# grammar. The exact reference is the file #\n";
- print GRAMMAR "# Grammar/Grammar distributed with the source. #\n";
- print GRAMMAR "##################################################\n";
- print GRAMMAR strip_grammar_markup($DefinedGrammars{$lang});
- close(GRAMMAR);
- print "Wrote grammar file $filename\n";
- }
- my $PATTERN = '<pyGrammarToken><([^>]*)><([^>]*)>';
- foreach $filename (keys %BackpatchGrammarFiles) {
- print "\nBack-patching grammar links in $filename\n";
- my $buffer;
- open(GRAMMAR, "<$filename") || die "\n$!\n";
- # read all of the file into the buffer
- sysread(GRAMMAR, $buffer, 1024*1024);
- close(GRAMMAR);
- while ($buffer =~ /$PATTERN/) {
- my($lang, $token) = ($1, $2);
- my $target = $TokenToTargetMapping{"$lang:$token"};
- my $source = "<pyGrammarToken><$lang><$token>";
- $buffer =~ s/$source/$target/g;
- }
- open(GRAMMAR, ">$filename") || die "\n$!\n";
- print GRAMMAR $buffer;
- close(GRAMMAR);
- }
-sub strip_grammar_markup($){
- local($_) = @_;
- s/\\productioncont/ /g;
- s/\\production(<<\d+>>)(.+)\1/\n$2 ::= /g;
- s/\\token(<<\d+>>)(.+)\1/$2/g;
- s/\\e([^a-zA-Z])/\\$1/g;
- s/<<\d+>>//g;
- s/;SPMgt;/>/g;
- s/;SPMlt;/</g;
- s/;SPMquot;/\"/g;
- return $_;
-sub load_refcounts(){
- my($myname, $mydir, $myext) = fileparse(__FILE__, '\..*');
- chop $mydir; # remove trailing '/'
- ($myname, $mydir, $myext) = fileparse($mydir, '\..*');
- chop $mydir; # remove trailing '/'
- $mydir = getcwd() . "$dd$mydir"
- unless $mydir =~ s|^/|/|;
- local $_;
- my $filename = "$mydir${dd}api${dd}refcounts.dat";
- open(REFCOUNT_FILE, "<$filename") || die "\n$!\n";
- print "[loading API refcount data]";
- while (<REFCOUNT_FILE>) {
- if (/([a-zA-Z0-9_]+):PyObject\*:([a-zA-Z0-9_]*):(0|[-+]1|null):(.*)$/) {
- my($func, $param, $count, $comment) = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
- #print "\n$func($param) --> $count";
- $REFCOUNTS{"$func:$param"} = $count;
- }
- }
-sub get_refcount($$){
- my($func, $param) = @_;
- load_refcounts()
- return $REFCOUNTS{"$func:$param"};
-$TLSTART = '<span class="typelabel">';
-$TLEND = '</span>&nbsp;';
-sub cfuncline_helper($$$){
- my($type, $name, $args) = @_;
- my $idx = make_str_index_entry(
- "<tt class=\"cfunction\">$name()</tt>" . get_indexsubitem());
- $idx =~ s/ \(.*\)//;
- $idx =~ s/\(\)//; # ???? - why both of these?
- $args =~ s/(\s|\*)([a-z_][a-z_0-9]*),/$1<var>$2<\/var>,/g;
- $args =~ s/(\s|\*)([a-z_][a-z_0-9]*)$/$1<var>$2<\/var>/s;
- return ('<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr valign="baseline">'
- . "<td><nobr>$type\&nbsp;<b>$idx</b>(</nobr></td>"
- . "<td>$args)</td>"
- . '</tr></table>');
-sub do_cmd_cfuncline{
- local($_) = @_;
- my $type = next_argument();
- my $name = next_argument();
- my $args = next_argument();
- my $siginfo = cfuncline_helper($type, $name, $args);
- return "<dt>$siginfo\n<dd>" . $_;
-sub do_env_cfuncdesc{
- local($_) = @_;
- my $type = next_argument();
- my $name = next_argument();
- my $args = next_argument();
- my $siginfo = cfuncline_helper($type, $name, $args);
- my $result_rc = get_refcount($name, '');
- my $rcinfo = '';
- if ($result_rc eq '+1') {
- $rcinfo = 'New reference';
- }
- elsif ($result_rc eq '0') {
- $rcinfo = 'Borrowed reference';
- }
- elsif ($result_rc eq 'null') {
- $rcinfo = 'Always <tt class="constant">NULL</tt>';
- }
- if ($rcinfo ne '') {
- $rcinfo = ( "\n<div class=\"refcount-info\">"
- . "\n <span class=\"label\">Return value:</span>"
- . "\n <span class=\"value\">$rcinfo.</span>"
- . "\n</div>");
- }
- return "<dl><dt>$siginfo</dt>\n<dd>"
- . $rcinfo
- . $_
- . '</dd></dl>';
-sub do_cmd_cmemberline{
- local($_) = @_;
- my $container = next_argument();
- my $type = next_argument();
- my $name = next_argument();
- my $idx = make_str_index_entry("<tt class=\"cmember\">$name</tt>"
- . " ($container member)");
- $idx =~ s/ \(.*\)//;
- return "<dt>$type <b>$idx</b></dt>\n<dd>"
- . $_;
-sub do_env_cmemberdesc{
- local($_) = @_;
- my $container = next_argument();
- my $type = next_argument();
- my $name = next_argument();
- my $idx = make_str_index_entry("<tt class=\"cmember\">$name</tt>"
- . " ($container member)");
- $idx =~ s/ \(.*\)//;
- return "<dl><dt>$type <b>$idx</b></dt>\n<dd>"
- . $_
- . '</dl>';
-sub do_env_csimplemacrodesc{
- local($_) = @_;
- my $name = next_argument();
- my $idx = make_str_index_entry("<tt class=\"macro\">$name</tt>");
- return "<dl><dt><b>$idx</b></dt>\n<dd>"
- . $_
- . '</dl>'
-sub do_env_ctypedesc{
- local($_) = @_;
- my $index_name = next_optional_argument();
- my $type_name = next_argument();
- $index_name = $type_name
- unless $index_name;
- my($name, $aname, $ahref) = new_link_info();
- add_index_entry("<tt class=\"ctype\">$index_name</tt> (C type)", $ahref);
- return "<dl><dt><b><tt class=\"ctype\">$aname$type_name</a></tt></b></dt>"
- . "\n<dd>"
- . $_
- . '</dl>'
-sub do_env_cvardesc{
- local($_) = @_;
- my $var_type = next_argument();
- my $var_name = next_argument();
- my $idx = make_str_index_entry("<tt class=\"cdata\">$var_name</tt>"
- . get_indexsubitem());
- $idx =~ s/ \(.*\)//;
- return "<dl><dt>$var_type <b>$idx</b></dt>\n"
- . '<dd>'
- . $_
- . '</dd></dl>';
-sub convert_args($){
- local($IN_DESC_HANDLER) = 1;
- local($_) = @_;
- return translate_commands($_);
-sub funcline_helper($$$){
- my($first, $idxitem, $arglist) = @_;
- return (($first ? '<dl>' : '')
- . '<dt><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr valign="baseline">'
- . "\n <td><nobr><b>$idxitem</b>(</nobr></td>"
- . "\n <td><var>$arglist</var>)</td></tr></table></dt>\n<dd>");
-sub do_env_funcdesc{
- local($_) = @_;
- my $function_name = next_argument();
- my $arg_list = convert_args(next_argument());
- my $idx = make_str_index_entry("<tt class=\"function\">$function_name()"
- . '</tt>'
- . get_indexsubitem());
- $idx =~ s/ \(.*\)//;
- $idx =~ s/\(\)<\/tt>/<\/tt>/;
- return funcline_helper(1, $idx, $arg_list) . $_ . '</dl>';
-sub do_env_funcdescni{
- local($_) = @_;
- my $function_name = next_argument();
- my $arg_list = convert_args(next_argument());
- my $prefix = "<tt class=\"function\">$function_name</tt>";
- return funcline_helper(1, $prefix, $arg_list) . $_ . '</dl>';
-sub do_cmd_funcline{
- local($_) = @_;
- my $function_name = next_argument();
- my $arg_list = convert_args(next_argument());
- my $prefix = "<tt class=\"function\">$function_name()</tt>";
- my $idx = make_str_index_entry($prefix . get_indexsubitem());
- $prefix =~ s/\(\)//;
- return funcline_helper(0, $prefix, $arg_list) . $_;
-sub do_cmd_funclineni{
- local($_) = @_;
- my $function_name = next_argument();
- my $arg_list = convert_args(next_argument());
- my $prefix = "<tt class=\"function\">$function_name</tt>";
- return funcline_helper(0, $prefix, $arg_list) . $_;
-# Change this flag to index the opcode entries. I don't think it's very
-# useful to index them, since they're only presented to describe the dis
-# module.
-sub do_env_opcodedesc{
- local($_) = @_;
- my $opcode_name = next_argument();
- my $arg_list = next_argument();
- my $idx;
- $idx = make_str_index_entry("<tt class=\"opcode\">$opcode_name</tt>"
- . ' (byte code instruction)');
- $idx =~ s/ \(byte code instruction\)//;
- }
- else {
- $idx = "<tt class=\"opcode\">$opcode_name</tt>";
- }
- my $stuff = "<dl><dt><b>$idx</b>";
- if ($arg_list) {
- $stuff .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<var>$arg_list</var>";
- }
- return $stuff . "</dt>\n<dd>" . $_ . '</dt></dl>';
-sub do_env_datadesc{
- local($_) = @_;
- my $dataname = next_argument();
- my $idx = make_str_index_entry("<tt>$dataname</tt>" . get_indexsubitem());
- $idx =~ s/ \(.*\)//;
- return "<dl><dt><b>$idx</b></dt>\n<dd>"
- . $_
- . '</dd></dl>';
-sub do_env_datadescni{
- local($_) = @_;
- my $idx = next_argument();
- if (! $STRING_INDEX_TT) {
- $idx = "<tt>$idx</tt>";
- }
- return "<dl><dt><b>$idx</b></dt>\n<dd>" . $_ . '</dd></dl>';
-sub do_cmd_dataline{
- local($_) = @_;
- my $data_name = next_argument();
- my $idx = make_str_index_entry("<tt>$data_name</tt>" . get_indexsubitem());
- $idx =~ s/ \(.*\)//;
- return "<dt><b>$idx</b></dt><dd>" . $_;
-sub do_cmd_datalineni{
- local($_) = @_;
- my $data_name = next_argument();
- return "<dt><b><tt>$data_name</tt></b></dt><dd>" . $_;
-sub do_env_excdesc{
- local($_) = @_;
- my $excname = next_argument();
- my $idx = make_str_index_entry("<tt class=\"exception\">$excname</tt>");
- return ("<dl><dt><b>${TLSTART}exception$TLEND$idx</b></dt>"
- . "\n<dd>"
- . $_
- . '</dd></dl>');
-sub do_env_fulllineitems{ return do_env_itemize(@_); }
-sub handle_classlike_descriptor($$){
- local($_, $what) = @_;
- $THIS_CLASS = next_argument();
- my $arg_list = convert_args(next_argument());
- $idx = make_str_index_entry(
- "<tt class=\"$what\">$THIS_CLASS</tt> ($what in $THIS_MODULE)" );
- $idx =~ s/ \(.*\)//;
- my $prefix = "$TLSTART$what$TLEND$idx";
- return funcline_helper(1, $prefix, $arg_list) . $_ . '</dl>';
-sub do_env_classdesc{
- return handle_classlike_descriptor($_[0], "class");
-sub do_env_classdescstar{
- local($_) = @_;
- $THIS_CLASS = next_argument();
- $idx = make_str_index_entry(
- "<tt class=\"class\">$THIS_CLASS</tt> (class in $THIS_MODULE)");
- $idx =~ s/ \(.*\)//;
- my $prefix = "${TLSTART}class$TLEND$idx";
- # Can't use funcline_helper() since there is no args list.
- return "<dl><dt><b>$prefix</b>\n<dd>" . $_ . '</dl>';
-sub do_env_excclassdesc{
- return handle_classlike_descriptor($_[0], "exception");
-sub do_env_methoddesc{
- local($_) = @_;
- my $class_name = next_optional_argument();
- $class_name = $THIS_CLASS
- unless $class_name;
- my $method = next_argument();
- my $arg_list = convert_args(next_argument());
- my $extra = '';
- if ($class_name) {
- $extra = " ($class_name method)";
- }
- my $idx = make_str_index_entry(
- "<tt class=\"method\">$method()</tt>$extra");
- $idx =~ s/ \(.*\)//;
- $idx =~ s/\(\)//;
- return funcline_helper(1, $idx, $arg_list) . $_ . '</dl>';
-sub do_cmd_methodline{
- local($_) = @_;
- my $class_name = next_optional_argument();
- $class_name = $THIS_CLASS
- unless $class_name;
- my $method = next_argument();
- my $arg_list = convert_args(next_argument());
- my $extra = '';
- if ($class_name) {
- $extra = " ($class_name method)";
- }
- my $idx = make_str_index_entry(
- "<tt class=\"method\">$method()</tt>$extra");
- $idx =~ s/ \(.*\)//;
- $idx =~ s/\(\)//;
- return funcline_helper(0, $idx, $arg_list) . $_;
-sub do_cmd_methodlineni{
- local($_) = @_;
- next_optional_argument();
- my $method = next_argument();
- my $arg_list = convert_args(next_argument());
- return funcline_helper(0, $method, $arg_list) . $_;
-sub do_env_methoddescni{
- local($_) = @_;
- next_optional_argument();
- my $method = next_argument();
- my $arg_list = convert_args(next_argument());
- return funcline_helper(1, $method, $arg_list) . $_ . '</dl>';
-sub do_env_memberdesc{
- local($_) = @_;
- my $class = next_optional_argument();
- my $member = next_argument();
- $class = $THIS_CLASS
- unless $class;
- my $extra = '';
- $extra = " ($class attribute)"
- if ($class ne '');
- my $idx = make_str_index_entry("<tt class=\"member\">$member</tt>$extra");
- $idx =~ s/ \(.*\)//;
- $idx =~ s/\(\)//;
- return "<dl><dt><b>$idx</b></dt>\n<dd>" . $_ . '</dl>';
-sub do_cmd_memberline{
- local($_) = @_;
- my $class = next_optional_argument();
- my $member = next_argument();
- $class = $THIS_CLASS
- unless $class;
- my $extra = '';
- $extra = " ($class attribute)"
- if ($class ne '');
- my $idx = make_str_index_entry("<tt class=\"member\">$member</tt>$extra");
- $idx =~ s/ \(.*\)//;
- $idx =~ s/\(\)//;
- return "<dt><b>$idx</b></dt><dd>" . $_;
-sub do_env_memberdescni{
- local($_) = @_;
- next_optional_argument();
- my $member = next_argument();
- return "<dl><dt><b><tt class=\"member\">$member</tt></b></dt>\n<dd>"
- . $_
- . '</dd></dl>';
-sub do_cmd_memberlineni{
- local($_) = @_;
- next_optional_argument();
- my $member = next_argument();
- return "<dt><b><tt class=\"member\">$member</tt></b></dt>\n<dd>" . $_;
-# For tables, we include a class on every cell to allow the CSS to set
-# the text-align property; this is because support for styling columns
-# via the <col> element appears nearly non-existant on even the latest
-# browsers (Mozilla 1.7 is stable at the time of this writing).
-# Hopefully this can be improved as browsers evolve.
-@col_aligns = ('<td>', '<td>', '<td>', '<td>', '<td>');
-%FontConversions = ('cdata' => 'tt class="cdata"',
- 'character' => 'tt class="character"',
- 'class' => 'tt class="class"',
- 'command' => 'code',
- 'constant' => 'tt class="constant"',
- 'exception' => 'tt class="exception"',
- 'file' => 'tt class="file"',
- 'filenq' => 'tt class="file"',
- 'kbd' => 'kbd',
- 'member' => 'tt class="member"',
- 'programopt' => 'b',
- 'textrm' => '',
- );
-sub fix_font($){
- # do a little magic on a font name to get the right behavior in the first
- # column of the output table
- my $font = $_[0];
- if (defined $FontConversions{$font}) {
- $font = $FontConversions{$font};
- }
- return $font;
-sub figure_column_alignment($){
- my $a = $_[0];
- if (!defined $a) {
- return '';
- }
- my $mark = substr($a, 0, 1);
- my $r = '';
- if ($mark eq 'c')
- { $r = ' class="center"'; }
- elsif ($mark eq 'r')
- { $r = ' class="right" '; }
- elsif ($mark eq 'l')
- { $r = ' class="left" '; }
- elsif ($mark eq 'p')
- { $r = ' class="left" '; }
- return $r;
-sub setup_column_alignments($){
- local($_) = @_;
- my($s1, $s2, $s3, $s4, $s5) = split(/[|]/,$_);
- my $a1 = figure_column_alignment($s1);
- my $a2 = figure_column_alignment($s2);
- my $a3 = figure_column_alignment($s3);
- my $a4 = figure_column_alignment($s4);
- my $a5 = figure_column_alignment($s5);
- $col_aligns[0] = "<td$a1 valign=\"baseline\">";
- $col_aligns[1] = "<td$a2>";
- $col_aligns[2] = "<td$a3>";
- $col_aligns[3] = "<td$a4>";
- $col_aligns[4] = "<td$a5>";
- # return the aligned header start tags
- return ("<th$a1>", "<th$a2>", "<th$a3>", "<th$a4>", "<th$a5>");
-sub get_table_col1_fonts(){
- my $font = $globals{'lineifont'};
- my($sfont, $efont) = ('', '');
- if ($font) {
- $sfont = "<$font>";
- $efont = "</$font>";
- $efont =~ s/ .*>/>/;
- }
- return ($sfont, $efont);
-sub do_env_tableii{
- local($_) = @_;
- my $arg = next_argument();
- my($th1, $th2, $th3, $th4, $th5) = setup_column_alignments($arg);
- my $font = fix_font(next_argument());
- my $h1 = next_argument();
- my $h2 = next_argument();
- s/[\s\n]+//;
- $globals{'lineifont'} = $font;
- my $a1 = $col_aligns[0];
- my $a2 = $col_aligns[1];
- s/\\lineii</\\lineii[$a1|$a2]</g;
- return '<div class="center"><table class="realtable">'
- . "\n <thead>"
- . "\n <tr>"
- . "\n $th1$h1</th>"
- . "\n $th2$h2</th>"
- . "\n </tr>"
- . "\n </thead>"
- . "\n <tbody>"
- . $_
- . "\n </tbody>"
- . "\n</table></div>";
-sub do_env_longtableii{
- return do_env_tableii(@_);
-sub do_cmd_lineii{
- local($_) = @_;
- my $aligns = next_optional_argument();
- my $c1 = next_argument();
- my $c2 = next_argument();
- s/[\s\n]+//;
- my($sfont, $efont) = get_table_col1_fonts();
- my($c1align, $c2align) = split('\|', $aligns);
- return "\n <tr>$c1align$sfont$c1$efont</td>\n"
- . " $c2align$c2</td></tr>"
- . $_;
-sub do_env_tableiii{
- local($_) = @_;
- my $arg = next_argument();
- my($th1, $th2, $th3, $th4, $th5) = setup_column_alignments($arg);
- my $font = fix_font(next_argument());
- my $h1 = next_argument();
- my $h2 = next_argument();
- my $h3 = next_argument();
- s/[\s\n]+//;
- $globals{'lineifont'} = $font;
- my $a1 = $col_aligns[0];
- my $a2 = $col_aligns[1];
- my $a3 = $col_aligns[2];
- s/\\lineiii</\\lineiii[$a1|$a2|$a3]</g;
- return '<div class="center"><table class="realtable">'
- . "\n <thead>"
- . "\n <tr>"
- . "\n $th1$h1</th>"
- . "\n $th2$h2</th>"
- . "\n $th3$h3</th>"
- . "\n </tr>"
- . "\n </thead>"
- . "\n <tbody>"
- . $_
- . "\n </tbody>"
- . "\n</table></div>";
-sub do_env_longtableiii{
- return do_env_tableiii(@_);
-sub do_cmd_lineiii{
- local($_) = @_;
- my $aligns = next_optional_argument();
- my $c1 = next_argument();
- my $c2 = next_argument();
- my $c3 = next_argument();
- s/[\s\n]+//;
- my($sfont, $efont) = get_table_col1_fonts();
- my($c1align, $c2align, $c3align) = split('\|', $aligns);
- return "\n <tr>$c1align$sfont$c1$efont</td>\n"
- . " $c2align$c2</td>\n"
- . " $c3align$c3</td></tr>"
- . $_;
-sub do_env_tableiv{
- local($_) = @_;
- my $arg = next_argument();
- my($th1, $th2, $th3, $th4, $th5) = setup_column_alignments($arg);
- my $font = fix_font(next_argument());
- my $h1 = next_argument();
- my $h2 = next_argument();
- my $h3 = next_argument();
- my $h4 = next_argument();
- s/[\s\n]+//;
- $globals{'lineifont'} = $font;
- my $a1 = $col_aligns[0];
- my $a2 = $col_aligns[1];
- my $a3 = $col_aligns[2];
- my $a4 = $col_aligns[3];
- s/\\lineiv</\\lineiv[$a1|$a2|$a3|$a4]</g;
- return '<div class="center"><table class="realtable">'
- . "\n <thead>"
- . "\n <tr>"
- . "\n $th1$h1</th>"
- . "\n $th2$h2</th>"
- . "\n $th3$h3</th>"
- . "\n $th4$h4</th>"
- . "\n </tr>"
- . "\n </thead>"
- . "\n <tbody>"
- . $_
- . "\n </tbody>"
- . "\n</table></div>";
-sub do_env_longtableiv{
- return do_env_tableiv(@_);
-sub do_cmd_lineiv{
- local($_) = @_;
- my $aligns = next_optional_argument();
- my $c1 = next_argument();
- my $c2 = next_argument();
- my $c3 = next_argument();
- my $c4 = next_argument();
- s/[\s\n]+//;
- my($sfont, $efont) = get_table_col1_fonts();
- my($c1align, $c2align, $c3align, $c4align) = split('\|', $aligns);
- return "\n <tr>$c1align$sfont$c1$efont</td>\n"
- . " $c2align$c2</td>\n"
- . " $c3align$c3</td>\n"
- . " $c4align$c4</td></tr>"
- . $_;
-sub do_env_tablev{
- local($_) = @_;
- my $arg = next_argument();
- my($th1, $th2, $th3, $th4, $th5) = setup_column_alignments($arg);
- my $font = fix_font(next_argument());
- my $h1 = next_argument();
- my $h2 = next_argument();
- my $h3 = next_argument();
- my $h4 = next_argument();
- my $h5 = next_argument();
- s/[\s\n]+//;
- $globals{'lineifont'} = $font;
- my $a1 = $col_aligns[0];
- my $a2 = $col_aligns[1];
- my $a3 = $col_aligns[2];
- my $a4 = $col_aligns[3];
- my $a5 = $col_aligns[4];
- s/\\linev</\\linev[$a1|$a2|$a3|$a4|$a5]</g;
- return '<div class="center"><table class="realtable">'
- . "\n <thead>"
- . "\n <tr>"
- . "\n $th1$h1</th>"
- . "\n $th2$h2</th>"
- . "\n $th3$h3</th>"
- . "\n $th4$h4</th>"
- . "\n $th5$h5</th>"
- . "\n </tr>"
- . "\n </thead>"
- . "\n <tbody>"
- . $_
- . "\n </tbody>"
- . "\n</table></div>";
-sub do_env_longtablev{
- return do_env_tablev(@_);
-sub do_cmd_linev{
- local($_) = @_;
- my $aligns = next_optional_argument();
- my $c1 = next_argument();
- my $c2 = next_argument();
- my $c3 = next_argument();
- my $c4 = next_argument();
- my $c5 = next_argument();
- s/[\s\n]+//;
- my($sfont, $efont) = get_table_col1_fonts();
- my($c1align, $c2align, $c3align, $c4align, $c5align) = split('\|',$aligns);
- return "\n <tr>$c1align$sfont$c1$efont</td>\n"
- . " $c2align$c2</td>\n"
- . " $c3align$c3</td>\n"
- . " $c4align$c4</td>\n"
- . " $c5align$c5</td></tr>"
- . $_;
-# These can be used to control the title page appearance;
-# they need a little bit of documentation.
-# If $TITLE_PAGE_GRAPHIC is set, it should be the name of a file in the
-# $ICONSERVER directory, or include path information (other than "./"). The
-# default image type will be assumed if an extension is not provided.
-# If specified, the "title page" will contain two colums: one containing the
-# title/author/etc., and the other containing the graphic. Use the other
-# four variables listed here to control specific details of the layout; all
-# are optional.
-# $TITLE_PAGE_GRAPHIC = "my-company-logo";
-sub make_my_titlepage(){
- my $the_title = "";
- if ($t_title) {
- $the_title .= "\n<h1>$t_title</h1>";
- }
- else {
- write_warnings("\nThis document has no title.");
- }
- if ($t_author) {
- if ($t_authorURL) {
- my $href = translate_commands($t_authorURL);
- $href = make_named_href('author', $href,
- "<b><font size=\"+2\">$t_author"
- . '</font></b>');
- $the_title .= "\n<p>$href</p>";
- }
- else {
- $the_title .= ("\n<p><b><font size=\"+2\">$t_author"
- . '</font></b></p>');
- }
- }
- else {
- write_warnings("\nThere is no author for this document.");
- }
- if ($t_institute) {
- $the_title .= "\n<p>$t_institute</p>";
- }
- $the_title .= "\n<p>$DEVELOPER_ADDRESS</p>";
- }
- if ($t_affil) {
- $the_title .= "\n<p><i>$t_affil</i></p>";
- }
- if ($t_date) {
- $the_title .= "\n<p>";
- $the_title .= ('<strong>Release '
- . "$PACKAGE_VERSION$RELEASE_INFO</strong><br />\n");
- }
- $the_title .= "<strong>$t_date</strong></p>"
- }
- if ($t_address) {
- $the_title .= "\n<p>$t_address</p>";
- }
- else {
- $the_title .= "\n<p></p>";
- }
- if ($t_email) {
- $the_title .= "\n<p>$t_email</p>";
- }
- return $the_title;
-sub make_my_titlegraphic(){
- my $filename = make_icon_filename($TITLE_PAGE_GRAPHIC);
- my $graphic = "<td class=\"titlegraphic\"";
- $graphic .= " width=\"$TITLE_PAGE_GRAPHIC_COLWIDTH\""
- $graphic .= "><img";
- $graphic .= " width=\"$TITLE_PAGE_GRAPHIC_WIDTH\""
- $graphic .= " height=\"$TITLE_PAGE_GRAPHIC_HEIGHT\""
- $graphic .= "\n src=\"$filename\" /></td>\n";
- return $graphic;
-sub do_cmd_maketitle{
- local($_) = @_;
- my $the_title = "\n";
- # This generates a <link> element in the wrong place (the
- # body), but I don't see any other way to get this generated
- # at all. Browsers like Mozilla, that support navigation
- # links, can make use of this.
- $the_title .= ("<link rel='up' href='$EXTERNAL_UP_LINK'"
- ? " title='$EXTERNAL_UP_TITLE'" : '')
- . " />\n");
- }
- $the_title .= '<div class="titlepage">';
- $the_title .= ("\n<table border=\"0\" width=\"100%\">"
- . "<tr align=\"right\">\n<td>"
- . make_my_titlepage()
- . "</td>\n"
- . make_my_titlegraphic()
- . "</tr>\n</table>");
- }
- else {
- $the_title .= ("\n<table border=\"0\" width=\"100%\"><tr>\n"
- . make_my_titlegraphic()
- . "<td>"
- . make_my_titlepage()
- . "</td></tr>\n</table>");
- }
- }
- else {
- $the_title .= ("\n<div class='center'>"
- . make_my_titlepage()
- . "\n</div>");
- }
- $the_title .= "\n</div>";
- return $the_title . $_;
-# Module synopsis support
-require SynopsisTable;
-sub get_chapter_id(){
- my $id = do_cmd_thechapter('');
- $id =~ s/<SPAN CLASS="arabic">(\d+)<\/SPAN>/$1/;
- $id =~ s/\.//;
- return $id;
-# 'chapter' => 'SynopsisTable instance'
-%ModuleSynopses = ();
-sub get_synopsis_table($){
- my $chap = $_[0];
- my $key;
- foreach $key (keys %ModuleSynopses) {
- if ($key eq $chap) {
- return $ModuleSynopses{$chap};
- }
- }
- my $st = SynopsisTable->new();
- $ModuleSynopses{$chap} = $st;
- return $st;
-sub do_cmd_moduleauthor{
- local($_) = @_;
- next_argument();
- next_argument();
- return $_;
-sub do_cmd_sectionauthor{
- local($_) = @_;
- next_argument();
- next_argument();
- return $_;
-sub do_cmd_declaremodule{
- local($_) = @_;
- my $key = next_optional_argument();
- my $type = next_argument();
- my $name = next_argument();
- my $st = get_synopsis_table(get_chapter_id());
- #
- $key = $name unless $key;
- $type = 'built-in' if $type eq 'builtin';
- $st->declare($name, $key, $type);
- define_module($type, $name);
- return anchor_label("module-$key",$CURRENT_FILE,$_)
-sub do_cmd_modulesynopsis{
- local($_) = @_;
- my $st = get_synopsis_table(get_chapter_id());
- $st->set_synopsis($THIS_MODULE, translate_commands(next_argument()));
- return $_;
-sub do_cmd_localmoduletable{
- local($_) = @_;
- my $chap = get_chapter_id();
- my $st = get_synopsis_table($chap);
- $st->set_file("$CURRENT_FILE");
- return "<tex2html-localmoduletable><$chap>\\tableofchildlinks[off]" . $_;
-sub process_all_localmoduletables(){
- my $key;
- foreach $key (keys %ModuleSynopses) {
- my $st = $ModuleSynopses{$key};
- my $file = $st->get_file();
- if ($file) {
- process_localmoduletables_in_file($file);
- }
- else {
- print "\nsynopsis table $key has no file association\n";
- }
- }
-sub process_localmoduletables_in_file($){
- my $file = $_[0];
- open(MYFILE, "<$file");
- local($_);
- sysread(MYFILE, $_, 1024*1024);
- close(MYFILE);
- # need to get contents of file in $_
- while (/<tex2html-localmoduletable><(\d+)>/) {
- my $match = $&;
- my $chap = $1;
- my $st = get_synopsis_table($chap);
- my $data = $st->tohtml();
- s/$match/$data/;
- }
- open(MYFILE,">$file");
- print MYFILE $_;
- close(MYFILE);
-sub process_python_state(){
- process_all_localmoduletables();
- process_grammar_files();
-# "See also:" -- references placed at the end of a \section
-sub do_env_seealso{
- return ("<div class=\"seealso\">\n "
- . "<p class=\"heading\">See Also:</p>\n"
- . $_[0]
- . '</div>');
-sub do_env_seealsostar{
- return ("<div class=\"seealso-simple\">\n "
- . $_[0]
- . '</div>');
-sub do_cmd_seemodule{
- # Insert the right magic to jump to the module definition. This should
- # work most of the time, at least for repeat builds....
- local($_) = @_;
- my $key = next_optional_argument();
- my $module = next_argument();
- my $text = next_argument();
- my $period = '.';
- $key = $module
- unless $key;
- if ($text =~ /\.$/) {
- $period = '';
- }
- return ('<dl compact="compact" class="seemodule">'
- . "\n <dt>Module <b><tt class=\"module\">"
- . "<a href=\"module-$key.html\">$module</a></tt>:</b>"
- . "\n <dd>$text$period\n </dl>"
- . $_);
-sub strip_html_markup($){
- my $str = $_[0];
- my $s = "$str";
- $s =~ s/<[a-zA-Z0-9]+(\s+[a-zA-Z0-9]+(\s*=\s*(\'[^\']*\'|\"[^\"]*\"|[a-zA-Z0-9]+))?)*\s*>//g;
- $s =~ s/<\/[a-zA-Z0-9]+>//g;
- return $s;
-sub handle_rfclike_reference($$$){
- local($_, $what, $format) = @_;
- my $rfcnum = next_argument();
- my $title = next_argument();
- my $text = next_argument();
- my $url = get_rfc_url($rfcnum, $format);
- my $icon = get_link_icon($url);
- my $attrtitle = strip_html_markup($title);
- return '<dl compact="compact" class="seerfc">'
- . "\n <dt><a href=\"$url\""
- . "\n title=\"$attrtitle\""
- . "\n >$what $rfcnum, <em>$title</em>$icon</a>"
- . "\n <dd>$text\n </dl>"
- . $_;
-sub do_cmd_seepep{
- return handle_rfclike_reference($_[0], "PEP", $PEP_FORMAT);
-sub do_cmd_seerfc{
- # XXX Would be nice to add links to the text/plain and PDF versions.
- return handle_rfclike_reference($_[0], "RFC", $RFC_FORMAT);
-sub do_cmd_seetitle{
- local($_) = @_;
- my $url = next_optional_argument();
- my $title = next_argument();
- my $text = next_argument();
- if ($url) {
- my $icon = get_link_icon($url);
- return '<dl compact="compact" class="seetitle">'
- . "\n <dt><em class=\"citetitle\"><a href=\"$url\""
- . "\n >$title$icon</a></em></dt>"
- . "\n <dd>$text</dd>\n </dl>"
- . $_;
- }
- return '<dl compact="compact" class="seetitle">'
- . "\n <dt><em class=\"citetitle\""
- . "\n >$title</em></dt>"
- . "\n <dd>$text</dd>\n </dl>"
- . $_;
-sub do_cmd_seelink{
- local($_) = @_;
- my $url = next_argument();
- my $linktext = next_argument();
- my $text = next_argument();
- my $icon = get_link_icon($url);
- return '<dl compact="compact" class="seeurl">'
- . "\n <dt><a href='$url'"
- . "\n >$linktext$icon</a></dt>"
- . "\n <dd>$text</dd>\n </dl>"
- . $_;
-sub do_cmd_seeurl{
- local($_) = @_;
- my $url = next_argument();
- my $text = next_argument();
- my $icon = get_link_icon($url);
- return '<dl compact="compact" class="seeurl">'
- . "\n <dt><a href=\"$url\""
- . "\n class=\"url\">$url$icon</a></dt>"
- . "\n <dd>$text</dd>\n </dl>"
- . $_;
-sub do_cmd_seetext{
- local($_) = @_;
- my $content = next_argument();
- return '<div class="seetext"><p>' . $content . '</p></div>' . $_;
-# Definition list support.
-sub do_env_definitions{
- return '<dl class="definitions">' . $_[0] . "</dl>\n";
-sub do_cmd_term{
- local($_) = @_;
- my $term = next_argument();
- my($name, $aname, $ahref) = new_link_info();
- # could easily add an index entry here...
- return "<dt><b>$aname" . $term . "</a></b></dt>\n<dd>" . $_;
-# Commands listed here have process-order dependencies; these often
-# are related to indexing operations.
-# XXX Not sure why funclineni, methodlineni, and samp are here.
-declaremodule # [] # {} # {}
-funcline # {} # {}
-funclineni # {} # {}
-memberline # [] # {}
-methodline # [] # {} # {}
-methodlineni # [] # {} # {}
-modulesynopsis # {}
-bifuncindex # {}
-exindex # {}
-indexii # {} # {}
-indexiii # {} # {} # {}
-indexiv # {} # {} # {} # {}
-kwindex # {}
-obindex # {}
-opindex # {}
-stindex # {}
-platform # {}
-samp # {}
-setindexsubitem # {}
-withsubitem # {} # {}
-$alltt_start = '<div class="verbatim"><pre>';
-$alltt_end = '</pre></div>';
-sub do_env_alltt{
- local ($_) = @_;
- local($closures,$reopens,@open_block_tags);
- # get the tag-strings for all open tags
- local(@keep_open_tags) = @$open_tags_R;
- ($closures,$reopens) = &preserve_open_tags() if (@$open_tags_R);
- # get the tags for text-level tags only
- $open_tags_R = [ @keep_open_tags ];
- local($local_closures, $local_reopens);
- ($local_closures, $local_reopens,@open_block_tags)
- = &preserve_open_block_tags
- if (@$open_tags_R);
- $open_tags_R = [ @open_block_tags ];
- do {
- local($open_tags_R) = [ @open_block_tags ];
- local(@save_open_tags) = ();
- local($cnt) = ++$global{'max_id'};
- $_ = join('',"$O$cnt$C\\tt$O", ++$global{'max_id'}, $C
- , $_ , $O, $global{'max_id'}, "$C$O$cnt$C");
- $_ = &translate_environments($_);
- $_ = &translate_commands($_) if (/\\/);
- # remove spurious <BR> someone sticks in; not sure where they
- # actually come from
- # XXX the replacement space is there to accomodate something
- # broken that inserts a space in front of the first line of
- # the environment
- s/<BR>/ /gi;
- $_ = join('', $closures, $alltt_start, $local_reopens
- , $_
- , &balance_tags() #, $local_closures
- , $alltt_end, $reopens);
- undef $open_tags_R; undef @save_open_tags;
- };
- $open_tags_R = [ @keep_open_tags ];
- return codetext($_);
-# List of all filenames produced by do_cmd_verbatiminput()
-%VerbatimFiles = ();
-@VerbatimOutputs = ();
-sub get_verbatim_output_name($){
- my $file = $_[0];
- #
- # Re-write the source filename to always use a .txt extension
- # so that Web servers will present it as text/plain. This is
- # needed since there is no other even moderately reliable way
- # to get the right Content-Type header on text files for
- # servers which we can't configure (like mirrors).
- #
- if (defined $VerbatimFiles{$file}) {
- # We've seen this one before; re-use the same output file.
- return $VerbatimFiles{$file};
- }
- my($srcname, $srcdir, $srcext) = fileparse($file, '\..*');
- $filename = "$srcname.txt";
- #
- # We need to determine if our default filename is already
- # being used, and find a new one it it is. If the name is in
- # used, this algorithm will first attempt to include the
- # source extension as part of the name, and if that is also in
- # use (if the same file is included multiple times, or if
- # another source file has that as the base name), a counter is
- # used instead.
- #
- my $found = 1;
- while ($found) {
- foreach $fn (@VerbatimOutputs) {
- if ($fn eq $filename) {
- if ($found == 1) {
- $srcext =~ s/^[.]//; # Remove '.' from extension
- $filename = "$srcname-$srcext.txt";
- }
- else {
- $filename = "$srcname-$found.txt";
- }
- ++$found;
- next FIND;
- }
- }
- $found = 0;
- }
- push @VerbatimOutputs, $filename;
- $VerbatimFiles{$file} = $filename;
- return $filename;
-sub do_cmd_verbatiminput{
- local($_) = @_;
- my $fname = next_argument();
- my $file;
- my $found = 0;
- my $texpath;
- # Search TEXINPUTS for the input file, the way we're supposed to:
- foreach $texpath (split /$envkey/, $TEXINPUTS) {
- $file = "$texpath$dd$fname";
- last if ($found = (-f $file));
- }
- my $filename = '';
- my $text;
- if ($found) {
- open(MYFILE, "<$file") || die "\n$!\n";
- read(MYFILE, $text, 1024*1024);
- close(MYFILE);
- $filename = get_verbatim_output_name($file);
- # Now that we have a filename, write it out.
- open(MYFILE, ">$filename");
- print MYFILE $text;
- close(MYFILE);
- #
- # These rewrites convert the raw text to something that will
- # be properly visible as HTML and also will pass through the
- # vagaries of conversion through LaTeX2HTML. The order in
- # which the specific rewrites are performed is significant.
- #
- $text =~ s/\&/\&amp;/g;
- # These need to happen before the normal < and > re-writes,
- # since we need to avoid LaTeX2HTML's attempt to perform
- # ligature processing without regard to context (since it
- # doesn't have font information).
- $text =~ s/--/-&\#45;/g;
- $text =~ s/<</\&lt;\&\#60;/g;
- $text =~ s/>>/\&gt;\&\#62;/g;
- # Just normal re-writes...
- $text =~ s/</\&lt;/g;
- $text =~ s/>/\&gt;/g;
- # These last isn't needed for the HTML, but is needed to get
- # past LaTeX2HTML processing TeX macros. We use &#92; instead
- # of &sol; since many browsers don't support that.
- $text =~ s/\\/\&\#92;/g;
- }
- else {
- return '<b>Could not locate requested file <i>$fname</i>!</b>\n';
- }
- my $note = 'Download as text.';
- if ($file ne $filename) {
- $note = ('Download as text (original file name: <span class="file">'
- . $fname
- . '</span>).');
- }
- return ("<div class=\"verbatim\">\n<pre>"
- . $text
- . "</pre>\n<div class=\"footer\">\n"
- . "<a href=\"$filename\" type=\"text/plain\""
- . ">$note</a>"
- . "\n</div></div>"
- . $_);
-1; # This must be the last line