path: root/Doc
diff options
authorGuido van Rossum <>1998-07-24 20:58:52 (GMT)
committerGuido van Rossum <>1998-07-24 20:58:52 (GMT)
commitaca61a43ddb4bf2d8f9096883834d2952f242bb6 (patch)
tree3be75d963e0656b3942fdbdd0e3db92d574fbe6f /Doc
parent6a2fe26861484c81e89b96889e35aa5d73a0e3b2 (diff)
Removing all references to FrameMaker
Diffstat (limited to 'Doc')
-rw-r--r--Doc/ref/ref.bookbin12287 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--Doc/ref/ref.pdfbin608681 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--Doc/ref/ref0.docbin123902 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--Doc/ref/ref1.docbin20479 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--Doc/ref/ref2.docbin45055 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--Doc/ref/ref3.docbin78847 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--Doc/ref/ref4.docbin31743 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--Doc/ref/ref5.docbin62463 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--Doc/ref/ref6.docbin44031 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--Doc/ref/ref7.docbin38911 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--Doc/ref/ref8.docbin19454 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--Doc/ref/refIX.docbin78847 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--Doc/ref/refTOC.docbin32767 -> 0 bytes
17 files changed, 0 insertions, 34008 deletions
diff --git a/Doc/ref/ b/Doc/ref/
deleted file mode 100755
index 4b32184..0000000
--- a/Doc/ref/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python
-"""Dumb script to edit a particular line in the PostScript.
-This makes it possible to print on A4 paper.
-f = open("", "r")
-lines = f.readlines()
-didit = 0
-for i in range(100):
- if lines[i] == '/FMAllowPaperSizeMismatch false def\n':
- lines[i] = '/FMAllowPaperSizeMismatch true def\n'
- didit = 1
- break
-if not didit:
- print " not changed"
- print "rewriting edited"
- f = open("", "w")
- f.writelines(lines)
- f.close()
diff --git a/Doc/ref/ b/Doc/ref/
deleted file mode 100644
index faec284..0000000
--- a/Doc/ref/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/env python
-"""Script to write MIF files from and ref*.doc."""
-import os
-import glob
-import string
-def main():
- files = [''] + glob.glob('ref*.doc')
- files.sort()
- print "Files:", string.join(files)
- print "Starting FrameMaker..."
- pipe = os.popen("fmbatch", 'w')
- for i in files:
- cmd = "Open %s\nSaveAs m %s %s.MIF\n" % (i, i, os.path.splitext(i)[0])
- print cmd
- pipe.write(cmd)
- pipe.write("Quit\n")
- sts = pipe.close()
- if sts:
- print "Exit status", hex(sts)
- else:
- print "Starting webmaker..."
- os.system('/depot/sundry/src/webmaker/webmaker-sparc/webmaker -c ref.wml -t "Python 1.5 Reference Manual" ref.MIF')
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/Doc/ref/ b/Doc/ref/
deleted file mode 100644
index e7f8973..0000000
--- a/Doc/ref/
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Doc/ref/ref.pdf b/Doc/ref/ref.pdf
deleted file mode 100644
index f31053f..0000000
--- a/Doc/ref/ref.pdf
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Doc/ref/ b/Doc/ref/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a7c4ae..0000000
--- a/Doc/ref/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33384 +0,0 @@
-%%BoundingBox: (atend)
-%%Pages: (atend)
-%%PageOrder: (atend)
-%%DocumentFonts: (atend)
-%%DocumentNeedsFonts: (atend)
-%%DocumentSuppliedFonts: (atend)
-%%Creator: Frame 5.5
-%%DocumentData: Clean7Bit
-% Frame ps_prolog 5.5, for use with Adobe Unix Frame 5.5 products
-% This ps_prolog file is Copyright (c) 1986-1996 Adobe Systems, Incoporated.
-% All rights reserved. This ps_prolog file may be freely copied and
-% distributed in conjunction with documents created using FrameMaker,
-% FrameMaker+SGML, FrameReader, and FrameViewer as long as this
-% copyright notice is preserved.
-/FMDocSave save def
-% FrameMaker users specify the proper paper size for each print job in the
-% "Print" dialog's "Printer Paper Size" "Width" and "Height~ fields. If the
-% printer that the PS file is sent to does not support the requested paper
-% size, or if there is no paper tray of the proper size currently installed,
-% then the job will not be printed. The following flag, if set to true, will
-% cause the job to print on the default paper in such cases.
-/FMAllowPaperSizeMismatch true def
-% Frame products normally print colors as their true color on a color printer
-% or as shades of gray, based on luminance, on a black-and white printer. The
-% following flag, if set to true, forces all non-white colors to print as pure
-% black. This has no effect on bitmap images.
-/FMPrintAllColorsAsBlack false def
-% Frame products can either set their own line screens or use a printer's
-% default settings. Three flags below control this separately for no
-% separations, spot separations and process separations. If a flag
-% is true, then the default printer settings will not be changed. If it is
-% false, Frame products will use their own settings from a table based on
-% the printer's resolution.
-/FMUseDefaultNoSeparationScreen true def
-/FMUseDefaultSpotSeparationScreen true def
-/FMUseDefaultProcessSeparationScreen false def
-% For any given PostScript printer resolution, Frame products have two sets of
-% screen angles and frequencies for printing process separations, which are
-% recomended by Adobe. The following variable chooses the higher frequencies
-% when set to true or the lower frequencies when set to false. This is only
-% effective if the appropriate FMUseDefault...SeparationScreen flag is false.
-/FMUseHighFrequencyScreens true def
-% The following is a set of predefined optimal frequencies and angles for various
-% common dpi settings. This is taken from "Advances in Color Separation Using
-% PostScript Software Technology," from Adobe Systems (3/13/89 P.N. LPS 0043)
-% and corrolated with information which is in various PPD (4.0) files.
-% The "dpiranges" figure is the minimum dots per inch device resolution which
-% can support this setting. The "low" and "high" values are controlled by the
-% setting of the FMUseHighFrequencyScreens flag above. The "TDot" flags control
-% the use of the "Yellow Triple Dot" feature whereby the frequency id divided by
-% three, but the dot function is "trippled" giving a block of 3x3 dots per cell.
-% PatFreq is a compromise pattern frequency for ps Level 2 printers which is close
-% to the ideal WYSIWYG pattern frequency of 9 repetitions/inch but does not beat
-% (too badly) against the screen frequencies of any separations for that DPI.
-/dpiranges [ 2540 2400 1693 1270 1200 635 600 0 ] def
-/CMLowFreqs [ 100.402 94.8683 89.2289 100.402 94.8683 66.9349 63.2456 47.4342 ] def
-/YLowFreqs [ 95.25 90.0 84.65 95.25 90.0 70.5556 66.6667 50.0 ] def
-/KLowFreqs [ 89.8026 84.8528 79.8088 89.8026 84.8528 74.8355 70.7107 53.033 ] def
-/CLowAngles [ 71.5651 71.5651 71.5651 71.5651 71.5651 71.5651 71.5651 71.5651 ] def
-/MLowAngles [ 18.4349 18.4349 18.4349 18.4349 18.4349 18.4349 18.4349 18.4349 ] def
-/YLowTDot [ true true false true true false false false ] def
-/CMHighFreqs [ 133.87 126.491 133.843 108.503 102.523 100.402 94.8683 63.2456 ] def
-/YHighFreqs [ 127.0 120.0 126.975 115.455 109.091 95.25 90.0 60.0 ] def
-/KHighFreqs [ 119.737 113.137 119.713 128.289 121.218 89.8026 84.8528 63.6395 ] def
-/CHighAngles [ 71.5651 71.5651 71.5651 70.0169 70.0169 71.5651 71.5651 71.5651 ] def
-/MHighAngles [ 18.4349 18.4349 18.4349 19.9831 19.9831 18.4349 18.4349 18.4349 ] def
-/YHighTDot [ false false true false false true true false ] def
-/PatFreq [ 10.5833 10.0 9.4055 10.5833 10.0 10.5833 10.0 9.375 ] def
-% PostScript Level 2 printers contain an "Accurate Screens" feature which can
-% improve process separation rendering at the expense of compute time. This
-% flag is ignored by PostScript Level 1 printers.
-/FMUseAcccurateScreens true def
-% The following PostScript procedure defines the spot function that Frame
-% products will use for process separations. You may un-comment-out one of
-% the alternative functions below, or use your own.
-% Dot function
-/FMSpotFunction {abs exch abs 2 copy add 1 gt
- {1 sub dup mul exch 1 sub dup mul add 1 sub }
- {dup mul exch dup mul add 1 exch sub }ifelse } def
-% Line function
-% /FMSpotFunction { pop } def
-% Elipse function
-% /FMSpotFunction { dup 5 mul 8 div mul exch dup mul exch add
-% sqrt 1 exch sub } def
-/FMversion (5.5) def
-/fMLevel1 /languagelevel where {pop languagelevel} {1} ifelse 2 lt def
- fMLevel1 {
- false
- /colorimage where {pop pop true} if
- } {
- true
- } ifelse
-/FrameDict 400 dict def
-systemdict /errordict known not {/errordict 10 dict def
- errordict /rangecheck {stop} put} if
-% The readline in PS 23.0 doesn't recognize cr's as nl's on AppleTalk
-FrameDict /tmprangecheck errordict /rangecheck get put
-errordict /rangecheck {FrameDict /bug true put} put
-FrameDict /bug false put
-% Some PS machines read past the CR, so keep the following 3 lines together!
-currentfile 5 string readline
-errordict /rangecheck FrameDict /tmprangecheck get put
-FrameDict /bug get {
- /readline {
- /gstring exch def
- /gfile exch def
- /gindex 0 def
- {
- gfile read pop
- dup 10 eq {exit} if
- dup 13 eq {exit} if
- gstring exch gindex exch put
- /gindex gindex 1 add def
- } loop
- pop
- gstring 0 gindex getinterval true
- } bind def
- } if
-/FMshowpage /showpage load def
-/FMquit /quit load def
- 2 copy exch = = flush
- FMshowpage
- /Helvetica findfont 12 scalefont setfont
- 72 200 moveto show
- 72 220 moveto show
- FMshowpage
- FMquit
- } def
- FMversion ne {
- (Adobe Frame product version does not match ps_prolog! Check installation;)
- (also check ~/fminit and ./fminit for old versions) FMFAILURE
- } if
- } def
- {
- /proc2 exch cvlit def/proc1 exch cvlit def/newproc proc1 length proc2 length add array def
- newproc 0 proc1 putinterval newproc proc1 length proc2 putinterval newproc cvx
-FrameDict begin [
- /ALDsave
- /FMdicttop
- /FMoptop
- /FMpointsize
- /FMsetsize
- /FMsaveobject
- /b
- /bitmapsave
- /blut
- /bpside
- /bs
- /bstring
- /bwidth
- /c
- /cf
- /cs
- /cynu
- /depth
- /edown
- /fh
- /fillvals
- /fw
- /fx
- /fy
- /g
- /gfile
- /gindex
- /grnt
- /gryt
- /gstring
- /height
- /hh
- /i
- /im
- /indx
- /is
- /k
- /kk
- /landscape
- /lb
- /len
- /llx
- /lly
- /m
- /magu
- /manualfeed
- /n
- /offbits
- /onbits
- /organgle
- /orgbangle
- /orgbfreq
- /orgbproc
- /orgbxfer
- /orgfreq
- /orggangle
- /orggfreq
- /orggproc
- /orggxfer
- /orghalftone
- /orgmatrix
- /orgproc
- /orgrangle
- /orgrfreq
- /orgrproc
- /orgrxfer
- /orgxfer
- /pagesave
- /paperheight
- /papersizedict
- /paperwidth
- /pos
- /pwid
- /r
- /rad
- /redt
- /sl
- /str
- /tran
- /u
- /urx
- /ury
- /val
- /width
- /width
- /ws
- /ww
- /x
- /x1
- /x2
- /xindex
- /xpoint
- /xscale
- /xx
- /y
- /y1
- /y2
- /yelu
- /yindex
- /ypoint
- /yscale
- /yy
- /tintGray
-] { 0 def } forall
-/FmBD {bind def} bind def
-systemdict /pdfmark known systemdict /currentdistillerparams known and {
- /fMAcrobat true def
- /FmPD /pdfmark load def
- /FmPT /show load def
- currentdistillerparams /CoreDistVersion get 2000 ge {
- /FmPD2 /pdfmark load def
- /FmPA { mark exch /Dest exch 5 3 roll
- /View [ /XYZ null 6 -2 roll FmDC exch pop null] /DEST FmPD
- }FmBD
- } {
- /FmPD2 /cleartomark load def
- /FmPA {pop pop pop}FmBD
- } ifelse
-} {
- /fMAcrobat false def
- /FmPD /cleartomark load def
- /FmPD2 /cleartomark load def
- /FmPT /pop load def
- /FmPA {pop pop pop}FmBD
-} ifelse
-/FmDC {
- transform fMDefaultMatrix defaultmatrix itransform cvi exch cvi exch
-/FmBx {
- dup 3 index lt {3 1 roll exch} if
- 1 index 4 index lt {4 -1 roll 3 1 roll exch 4 1 roll} if
-/FMnone 0 def
-/FMcyan 1 def
-/FMmagenta 2 def
-/FMyellow 3 def
-/FMblack 4 def
-/FMcustom 5 def
-/fMNegative false def
-/FrameSepIs FMnone def
-/FrameSepBlack 0 def
-/FrameSepYellow 0 def
-/FrameSepMagenta 0 def
-/FrameSepCyan 0 def
-/FrameSepRed 1 def
-/FrameSepGreen 1 def
-/FrameSepBlue 1 def
-/FrameCurGray 1 def
-/FrameCurPat null def
-/FrameCurColors [ 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1] def
-/FrameColorEpsilon .001 def
-/eqepsilon {
- sub dup 0 lt {neg} if
- FrameColorEpsilon le
-} bind def
-/FrameCmpColorsCMYK {
- 2 copy 0 get exch 0 get eqepsilon {
- 2 copy 1 get exch 1 get eqepsilon {
- 2 copy 2 get exch 2 get eqepsilon {
- 3 get exch 3 get eqepsilon
- } {pop pop false} ifelse
- }{pop pop false} ifelse
- } {pop pop false} ifelse
-} bind def
-/FrameCmpColorsRGB {
- 2 copy 4 get exch 0 get eqepsilon {
- 2 copy 5 get exch 1 get eqepsilon {
- 6 get exch 2 get eqepsilon
- }{pop pop false} ifelse
- } {pop pop false} ifelse
-} bind def
- 1 exch sub
- 3 1 roll
- 1 exch sub
- 3 1 roll
- 1 exch sub
- 3 1 roll
- 3 copy
- 2 copy
- le { pop } { exch pop } ifelse
- 2 copy
- le { pop } { exch pop } ifelse
- dup dup dup
- 6 1 roll
- 4 1 roll
- 7 1 roll
- sub
- 6 1 roll
- sub
- 5 1 roll
- sub
- 4 1 roll
-} bind def
- dup dup 4 -1 roll add
- 5 1 roll 3 -1 roll add
- 4 1 roll add
- 1 exch sub dup 0 lt {pop 0} if 3 1 roll
- 1 exch sub dup 0 lt {pop 0} if exch
- 1 exch sub dup 0 lt {pop 0} if exch
-} bind def
-/FrameSepInit {
- 1.0 RealSetgray
-} bind def
-/FrameSetSepColor {
- /FrameSepBlue exch def
- /FrameSepGreen exch def
- /FrameSepRed exch def
- /FrameSepBlack exch def
- /FrameSepYellow exch def
- /FrameSepMagenta exch def
- /FrameSepCyan exch def
- /FrameSepIs FMcustom def
- setCurrentScreen
-} bind def
-/FrameSetCyan {
- /FrameSepBlue 1.0 def
- /FrameSepGreen 1.0 def
- /FrameSepRed 0.0 def
- /FrameSepBlack 0.0 def
- /FrameSepYellow 0.0 def
- /FrameSepMagenta 0.0 def
- /FrameSepCyan 1.0 def
- /FrameSepIs FMcyan def
- setCurrentScreen
-} bind def
-/FrameSetMagenta {
- /FrameSepBlue 1.0 def
- /FrameSepGreen 0.0 def
- /FrameSepRed 1.0 def
- /FrameSepBlack 0.0 def
- /FrameSepYellow 0.0 def
- /FrameSepMagenta 1.0 def
- /FrameSepCyan 0.0 def
- /FrameSepIs FMmagenta def
- setCurrentScreen
-} bind def
-/FrameSetYellow {
- /FrameSepBlue 0.0 def
- /FrameSepGreen 1.0 def
- /FrameSepRed 1.0 def
- /FrameSepBlack 0.0 def
- /FrameSepYellow 1.0 def
- /FrameSepMagenta 0.0 def
- /FrameSepCyan 0.0 def
- /FrameSepIs FMyellow def
- setCurrentScreen
-} bind def
-/FrameSetBlack {
- /FrameSepBlue 0.0 def
- /FrameSepGreen 0.0 def
- /FrameSepRed 0.0 def
- /FrameSepBlack 1.0 def
- /FrameSepYellow 0.0 def
- /FrameSepMagenta 0.0 def
- /FrameSepCyan 0.0 def
- /FrameSepIs FMblack def
- setCurrentScreen
-} bind def
-/FrameNoSep {
- /FrameSepIs FMnone def
- setCurrentScreen
-} bind def
-/FrameSetSepColors {
- FrameDict begin
- [ exch 1 add 1 roll ]
- /FrameSepColors
- exch def end
- } bind def
-/FrameColorInSepListCMYK {
- FrameSepColors {
- exch dup 3 -1 roll
- FrameCmpColorsCMYK
- { pop true exit } if
- } forall
- dup true ne {pop false} if
- } bind def
-/FrameColorInSepListRGB {
- FrameSepColors {
- exch dup 3 -1 roll
- FrameCmpColorsRGB
- { pop true exit } if
- } forall
- dup true ne {pop false} if
- } bind def
-/RealSetgray /setgray load def
-/RealSetrgbcolor /setrgbcolor load def
-/RealSethsbcolor /sethsbcolor load def
-/setgray {
- FrameDict begin
- FrameSepIs FMnone eq
- { RealSetgray }
- {
- FrameSepIs FMblack eq
- { RealSetgray }
- { FrameSepIs FMcustom eq
- FrameSepRed 0 eq and
- FrameSepGreen 0 eq and
- FrameSepBlue 0 eq and {
- RealSetgray
- } {
- 1 RealSetgray pop
- } ifelse
- } ifelse
- } ifelse
- end
-} bind def
-/setrgbcolor {
- FrameDict begin
- FrameSepIs FMnone eq
- { RealSetrgbcolor }
- {
- 3 copy [ 4 1 roll ]
- FrameColorInSepListRGB
- {
- FrameSepBlue eq exch
- FrameSepGreen eq and exch
- FrameSepRed eq and
- { 0 } { 1 } ifelse
- }
- {
- FMPColor {
- RealSetrgbcolor
- currentcmykcolor
- } {
- } ifelse
- FrameSepIs FMblack eq
- {1.0 exch sub 4 1 roll pop pop pop} {
- FrameSepIs FMyellow eq
- {pop 1.0 exch sub 3 1 roll pop pop} {
- FrameSepIs FMmagenta eq
- {pop pop 1.0 exch sub exch pop } {
- FrameSepIs FMcyan eq
- {pop pop pop 1.0 exch sub }
- {pop pop pop pop 1} ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse
- } ifelse
- RealSetgray
- }
- ifelse
- end
-} bind def
-/sethsbcolor {
- FrameDict begin
- FrameSepIs FMnone eq
- { RealSethsbcolor }
- {
- RealSethsbcolor
- currentrgbcolor
- setrgbcolor
- }
- ifelse
- end
-} bind def
-FrameDict begin
-/setcmykcolor where {
- pop /RealSetcmykcolor /setcmykcolor load def
-} {
- /RealSetcmykcolor {
- 4 1 roll
- 3 { 3 index add 0 max 1 min 1 exch sub 3 1 roll} repeat
- RealSetrgbcolor pop
- } bind def
-} ifelse
-userdict /setcmykcolor {
- FrameDict begin
- FrameSepIs FMnone eq
- { RealSetcmykcolor }
- {
- 4 copy [ 5 1 roll ]
- FrameColorInSepListCMYK
- {
- FrameSepBlack eq exch
- FrameSepYellow eq and exch
- FrameSepMagenta eq and exch
- FrameSepCyan eq and
- { 0 } { 1 } ifelse
- }
- {
- FrameSepIs FMblack eq
- {1.0 exch sub 4 1 roll pop pop pop} {
- FrameSepIs FMyellow eq
- {pop 1.0 exch sub 3 1 roll pop pop} {
- FrameSepIs FMmagenta eq
- {pop pop 1.0 exch sub exch pop } {
- FrameSepIs FMcyan eq
- {pop pop pop 1.0 exch sub }
- {pop pop pop pop 1} ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse
- } ifelse
- RealSetgray
- }
- ifelse
- end
- } bind put
-fMLevel1 {
- /patScreenDict 7 dict dup begin
- <0f1e3c78f0e1c387> [ 45 { pop } {exch pop} .5 2 sqrt] FmBD
- <0f87c3e1f0783c1e> [ 135 { pop } {exch pop} .5 2 sqrt] FmBD
- <cccccccccccccccc> [ 0 { pop } dup .5 2 ] FmBD
- <ffff0000ffff0000> [ 90 { pop } dup .5 2 ] FmBD
- <8142241818244281> [ 45 { 2 copy lt {exch} if pop} dup .75 2 sqrt] FmBD
- <03060c183060c081> [ 45 { pop } {exch pop} .875 2 sqrt] FmBD
- <8040201008040201> [ 135 { pop } {exch pop} .875 2 sqrt] FmBD
- end def
-} {
- /patProcDict 5 dict dup begin
- <0f1e3c78f0e1c387> { 3 setlinewidth -1 -1 moveto 9 9 lineto stroke
- 4 -4 moveto 12 4 lineto stroke
- -4 4 moveto 4 12 lineto stroke} bind def
- <0f87c3e1f0783c1e> { 3 setlinewidth -1 9 moveto 9 -1 lineto stroke
- -4 4 moveto 4 -4 lineto stroke
- 4 12 moveto 12 4 lineto stroke} bind def
- <8142241818244281> { 1 setlinewidth -1 9 moveto 9 -1 lineto stroke
- -1 -1 moveto 9 9 lineto stroke } bind def
- <03060c183060c081> { 1 setlinewidth -1 -1 moveto 9 9 lineto stroke
- 4 -4 moveto 12 4 lineto stroke
- -4 4 moveto 4 12 lineto stroke} bind def
- <8040201008040201> { 1 setlinewidth -1 9 moveto 9 -1 lineto stroke
- -4 4 moveto 4 -4 lineto stroke
- 4 12 moveto 12 4 lineto stroke} bind def
- end def
- /patDict 15 dict dup begin
- /PatternType 1 def
- /PaintType 2 def
- /TilingType 3 def
- /BBox [ 0 0 8 8 ] def
- /XStep 8 def
- /YStep 8 def
- /PaintProc {
- begin
- patProcDict bstring known {
- patProcDict bstring get exec
- } {
- 8 8 true [1 0 0 -1 0 8] bstring imagemask
- } ifelse
- end
- } bind def
- end def
-} ifelse
-/tintCMYK {
- 1 tintGray sub FrameCurColors 0 4 getinterval aload pop
- 4 index mul 5 1 roll
- 3 index mul 5 1 roll
- 2 index mul 5 1 roll
- mul 4 1 roll
-}bind def
-/tintRGB {
- 1 tintGray sub FrameCurColors 4 3 getinterval aload pop
- 1 exch sub 3 index mul 1 exch sub 4 1 roll
- 1 exch sub 2 index mul 1 exch sub 4 1 roll
- 1 exch sub mul 1 exch sub 3 1 roll
-}bind def
-/combineColor {
- /tintGray 1 1 FrameCurGray sub FrameCurColors 7 get mul sub def
- FrameSepIs FMnone eq
- {
- graymode fMLevel1 or not {
- [/Pattern [/DeviceCMYK]] setcolorspace
- tintCMYK FrameCurPat setcolor
- } {
- FrameCurColors 3 get 1.0 ge {
- tintGray RealSetgray
- } {
- fMAcrobat not FMPColor graymode and and {
- tintCMYK
- RealSetcmykcolor
- } {
- tintRGB
- RealSetrgbcolor
- } ifelse
- } ifelse
- } ifelse
- } {
- FrameCurColors 0 4 getinterval aload
- FrameColorInSepListCMYK {
- FrameSepBlack eq exch
- FrameSepYellow eq and exch
- FrameSepMagenta eq and exch
- FrameSepCyan eq and
- FrameSepIs FMcustom eq and
- { tintGray } { 1 } ifelse
- } {
- FrameSepIs FMblack eq
- {tintGray 1.0 exch sub mul 1.0 exch sub 4 1 roll pop pop pop} {
- FrameSepIs FMyellow eq
- {pop tintGray 1.0 exch sub mul 1.0 exch sub 3 1 roll pop pop} {
- FrameSepIs FMmagenta eq
- {pop pop tintGray 1.0 exch sub mul 1.0 exch sub exch pop } {
- FrameSepIs FMcyan eq
- {pop pop pop tintGray 1.0 exch sub mul 1.0 exch sub }
- {pop pop pop pop 1} ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse
- } ifelse
- graymode fMLevel1 or not {
- [/Pattern [/DeviceGray]] setcolorspace
- FrameCurPat setcolor
- } {
- graymode not fMLevel1 and {
- dup 1 lt {pop FrameCurGray} if
- } if
- RealSetgray
- } ifelse
- } ifelse
-} bind def
-/savematrix {
- orgmatrix currentmatrix pop
- } bind def
-/restorematrix {
- orgmatrix setmatrix
- } bind def
-/fMDefaultMatrix matrix def
-/fMatrix2 matrix def
-/dpi 72 0 fMDefaultMatrix defaultmatrix dtransform
- dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt def
-/freq dpi dup 72 div round dup 0 eq {pop 1} if 8 mul div def
-/sangle 1 0 fMDefaultMatrix defaultmatrix dtransform exch atan def
- sangle fMatrix2 rotate
- fMDefaultMatrix defaultmatrix fMatrix2 concatmatrix
- dup 0 get /sflipx exch def
- 3 get /sflipy exch def
-/screenIndex {
- 0 1 dpiranges length 1 sub { dup dpiranges exch get 1 sub dpi le {exit} {pop} ifelse } for
-} bind def
-/getCyanScreen {
- FMUseHighFrequencyScreens { CHighAngles CMHighFreqs} {CLowAngles CMLowFreqs} ifelse
- screenIndex dup 3 1 roll get 3 1 roll get /FMSpotFunction load
-} bind def
-/getMagentaScreen {
- FMUseHighFrequencyScreens { MHighAngles CMHighFreqs } {MLowAngles CMLowFreqs} ifelse
- screenIndex dup 3 1 roll get 3 1 roll get /FMSpotFunction load
-} bind def
-/getYellowScreen {
- FMUseHighFrequencyScreens { YHighTDot YHighFreqs} { YLowTDot YLowFreqs } ifelse
- screenIndex dup 3 1 roll get 3 1 roll get { 3 div
- {2 { 1 add 2 div 3 mul dup floor sub 2 mul 1 sub exch} repeat
- FMSpotFunction } } {/FMSpotFunction load } ifelse
- 0.0 exch
-} bind def
-/getBlackScreen {
- FMUseHighFrequencyScreens { KHighFreqs } { KLowFreqs } ifelse
- screenIndex get 45.0 /FMSpotFunction load
-} bind def
-/getSpotScreen {
- getBlackScreen
-} bind def
-/getCompositeScreen {
- getBlackScreen
-} bind def
- fMLevel1 { /setscreen load
- }{ {
- 8 dict begin
- /HalftoneType 1 def
- /SpotFunction exch def
- /Angle exch def
- /Frequency exch def
- /AccurateScreens FMUseAcccurateScreens def
- currentdict end sethalftone
- } bind } ifelse
-/setDefaultScreen {
- fMLevel1 {
- FMPColor {
- orgrxfer cvx orggxfer cvx orgbxfer cvx orgxfer cvx setcolortransfer
- }
- {
- orgxfer cvx settransfer
- } ifelse
- orgfreq organgle orgproc cvx setscreen
- } {
- orghalftone sethalftone
- }ifelse
-} bind def
-/setCurrentScreen {
- FrameSepIs FMnone eq {
- FMUseDefaultNoSeparationScreen {
- setDefaultScreen
- } {
- getCompositeScreen FMSetScreen
- } ifelse
- } {
- FrameSepIs FMcustom eq {
- FMUseDefaultSpotSeparationScreen {
- setDefaultScreen
- } {
- getSpotScreen FMSetScreen
- } ifelse
- } {
- FMUseDefaultProcessSeparationScreen {
- setDefaultScreen
- } {
- FrameSepIs FMcyan eq {
- getCyanScreen FMSetScreen
- } {
- FrameSepIs FMmagenta eq {
- getMagentaScreen FMSetScreen
- } {
- FrameSepIs FMyellow eq {
- getYellowScreen FMSetScreen
- } {
- getBlackScreen FMSetScreen
- } ifelse
- } ifelse
- } ifelse
- } ifelse
- } ifelse
- } ifelse
-} bind def
- array /FMfonts exch def
- dup 1 gt {/#copies exch def} {pop} ifelse
- FrameDict begin
- 0 ne /manualfeed exch def
- /paperheight exch def
- /paperwidth exch def
- 0 ne /fMNegative exch def
- 0 ne /edown exch def
- /yscale exch def
- /xscale exch def
- fMLevel1 {
- manualfeed {setmanualfeed} if
- /FMdicttop countdictstack 1 add def
- /FMoptop count def
- setpapername
- manualfeed {true} {papersize} ifelse
- {manualpapersize} {false} ifelse
- {desperatepapersize} {false} ifelse
- {papersizefailure} if
- count -1 FMoptop {pop pop} for
- countdictstack -1 FMdicttop {pop end} for
- }
- {2 dict
- dup /PageSize [paperwidth paperheight] put
- manualfeed {dup /ManualFeed manualfeed put} if
- {setpagedevice} stopped {papersizefailure} if
- }
- ifelse
- fMLevel1 not {
- /orghalftone currenthalftone def
- }if
- FMPColor {
- currentcolorscreen
- cvlit /orgproc exch def
- /organgle exch def
- /orgfreq exch def
- cvlit /orgbproc exch def
- /orgbangle exch def
- /orgbfreq exch def
- cvlit /orggproc exch def
- /orggangle exch def
- /orggfreq exch def
- cvlit /orgrproc exch def
- /orgrangle exch def
- /orgrfreq exch def
- currentcolortransfer
- fMNegative {
- 1 1 4 {
- pop { 1 exch sub } fmConcatProcs 4 1 roll
- } for
- 4 copy
- setcolortransfer
- } if
- cvlit /orgxfer exch def
- cvlit /orgbxfer exch def
- cvlit /orggxfer exch def
- cvlit /orgrxfer exch def
- } {
- currentscreen
- cvlit /orgproc exch def
- /organgle exch def
- /orgfreq exch def
- currenttransfer
- fMNegative {
- { 1 exch sub } fmConcatProcs
- dup settransfer
- } if
- cvlit /orgxfer exch def
- } ifelse
- end
-} def
- FMDocSave restore
-} def
- FrameDict begin
- /pagesave save def
- 3.86 setmiterlimit
- 0 0 moveto paperwidth 0 lineto paperwidth paperheight lineto
- 0 paperheight lineto 0 0 lineto 1 setgray fill
- /landscape exch 0 ne def
- landscape {
- 90 rotate 0 exch dup /pwid exch def neg translate pop
- }{
- pop /pwid exch def
- } ifelse
- edown { [-1 0 0 1 pwid 0] concat } if
- xscale yscale scale
- /orgmatrix matrix def
- gsave
-} def
- grestore
- pagesave restore
- end
- showpage
- } def
- FrameDict begin
- findfont
- ReEncode
- 1 index exch
- definefont
- FMfonts 3 1 roll
- put
- end
- } def
- FrameDict begin dup
- array /fillvals exch def
- dict /patCache exch def
- end
- } def
- FrameDict begin
- fillvals 3 1 roll put
- end
- } def
- newpath
- 1 setlinewidth
- 0 setlinecap
- 0 0 0 sethsbcolor
- 0 setgray
- } bind def
- end
- /FMEPSF save def
- /showpage {} def
- [/fy /fx /fh /fw /ury /urx /lly /llx] {exch def} forall
- fx fw 2 div add fy fh 2 div add translate
- rotate
- fw 2 div neg fh 2 div neg translate
- fw urx llx sub div fh ury lly sub div scale
- llx neg lly neg translate
- /FMdicttop countdictstack 1 add def
- /FMoptop count def
- } bind def
- count -1 FMoptop {pop pop} for
- countdictstack -1 FMdicttop {pop end} for
- FMEPSF restore
- FrameDict begin
- } bind def
-FrameDict begin
-/setmanualfeed {
-%%BeginFeature: *ManualFeed True
- statusdict /manualfeed true put
- } bind def
-/max {2 copy lt {exch} if pop} bind def
-/min {2 copy gt {exch} if pop} bind def
-/inch {72 mul} def
-/pagedimen {
- paperheight sub abs 16 lt exch
- paperwidth sub abs 16 lt and
- {/papername exch def} {pop} ifelse
- } bind def
-/setpapername {
- /papersizedict 14 dict def
- papersizedict begin
- /papername /unknown def
- /Letter 8.5 inch 11.0 inch pagedimen
- /LetterSmall 7.68 inch 10.16 inch pagedimen
- /Tabloid 11.0 inch 17.0 inch pagedimen
- /Ledger 17.0 inch 11.0 inch pagedimen
- /Legal 8.5 inch 14.0 inch pagedimen
- /Statement 5.5 inch 8.5 inch pagedimen
- /Executive 7.5 inch 10.0 inch pagedimen
- /A3 11.69 inch 16.5 inch pagedimen
- /A4 8.26 inch 11.69 inch pagedimen
- /A4Small 7.47 inch 10.85 inch pagedimen
- /B4 10.125 inch 14.33 inch pagedimen
- /B5 7.16 inch 10.125 inch pagedimen
- end
- } bind def
-/papersize {
- papersizedict begin
- /Letter {lettertray letter} def
- /LetterSmall {lettertray lettersmall} def
- /Tabloid {11x17tray 11x17} def
- /Ledger {ledgertray ledger} def
- /Legal {legaltray legal} def
- /Statement {statementtray statement} def
- /Executive {executivetray executive} def
- /A3 {a3tray a3} def
- /A4 {a4tray a4} def
- /A4Small {a4tray a4small} def
- /B4 {b4tray b4} def
- /B5 {b5tray b5} def
- /unknown {unknown} def
- papersizedict dup papername known {papername} {/unknown} ifelse get
- end
- statusdict begin stopped end
- } bind def
-/manualpapersize {
- papersizedict begin
- /Letter {letter} def
- /LetterSmall {lettersmall} def
- /Tabloid {11x17} def
- /Ledger {ledger} def
- /Legal {legal} def
- /Statement {statement} def
- /Executive {executive} def
- /A3 {a3} def
- /A4 {a4} def
- /A4Small {a4small} def
- /B4 {b4} def
- /B5 {b5} def
- /unknown {unknown} def
- papersizedict dup papername known {papername} {/unknown} ifelse get
- end
- stopped
- } bind def
-/desperatepapersize {
- mark
- statusdict begin
- /setpageparams where {
- pop
- paperwidth paperheight 0 1
- {setpageparams} stopped
- } {
- true
- } ifelse
- {
- /setpagedevice where {
- pop
- 1 dict dup begin
- /PageSize [ paperwidth paperheight ] def
- end
- {setpagedevice} stopped
- } {
- true
- } ifelse
- } {
- false
- } ifelse
- end
- {cleartomark true}{cleartomark false}ifelse
-} bind def
-/papersizefailure {
- FMAllowPaperSizeMismatch not
- {
-(The requested paper size is not available in any currently-installed tray)
-(Edit the PS file to "FMAllowPaperSizeMismatch true" to use default tray)
- } def
-/DiacriticEncoding [
-/.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
-/.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
-/.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
-/.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
-/.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /space /exclam /quotedbl
-/numbersign /dollar /percent /ampersand /quotesingle /parenleft
-/parenright /asterisk /plus /comma /hyphen /period /slash /zero /one
-/two /three /four /five /six /seven /eight /nine /colon /semicolon
-/less /equal /greater /question /at /A /B /C /D /E /F /G /H /I /J /K
-/L /M /N /O /P /Q /R /S /T /U /V /W /X /Y /Z /bracketleft /backslash
-/bracketright /asciicircum /underscore /grave /a /b /c /d /e /f /g /h
-/i /j /k /l /m /n /o /p /q /r /s /t /u /v /w /x /y /z /braceleft /bar
-/braceright /asciitilde /.notdef /Adieresis /Aring /Ccedilla /Eacute
-/Ntilde /Odieresis /Udieresis /aacute /agrave /acircumflex /adieresis
-/atilde /aring /ccedilla /eacute /egrave /ecircumflex /edieresis
-/iacute /igrave /icircumflex /idieresis /ntilde /oacute /ograve
-/ocircumflex /odieresis /otilde /uacute /ugrave /ucircumflex
-/udieresis /dagger /.notdef /cent /sterling /section /bullet
-/paragraph /germandbls /registered /copyright /trademark /acute
-/dieresis /.notdef /AE /Oslash /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
-/yen /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
-/ordfeminine /ordmasculine /.notdef /ae /oslash /questiondown
-/exclamdown /logicalnot /.notdef /florin /.notdef /.notdef
-/guillemotleft /guillemotright /ellipsis /.notdef /Agrave /Atilde
-/Otilde /OE /oe /endash /emdash /quotedblleft /quotedblright
-/quoteleft /quoteright /.notdef /.notdef /ydieresis /Ydieresis
-/fraction /currency /guilsinglleft /guilsinglright /fi /fl /daggerdbl
-/periodcentered /quotesinglbase /quotedblbase /perthousand
-/Acircumflex /Ecircumflex /Aacute /Edieresis /Egrave /Iacute
-/Icircumflex /Idieresis /Igrave /Oacute /Ocircumflex /.notdef /Ograve
-/Uacute /Ucircumflex /Ugrave /dotlessi /circumflex /tilde /macron
-/breve /dotaccent /ring /cedilla /hungarumlaut /ogonek /caron
-] def
-/ReEncode {
- dup
- length
- dict begin
- {
- 1 index /FID ne
- {def}
- {pop pop} ifelse
- } forall
- 0 eq {/Encoding DiacriticEncoding def} if
- currentdict
- end
- } bind def
- {
- }
- {
- }
-/K {
- FMPrintAllColorsAsBlack {
- 8 1 roll
- dup 1 eq 2 index 1 eq and 3 index 1 eq and not
- {7 {pop} repeat 0 0 0 1 0 0 0} if
- 8 -1 roll
- } if
- FrameCurColors astore
- pop combineColor
-} bind def
-/graymode true def
-fMLevel1 {
- /fmGetFlip {
- fMatrix2 exch get mul 0 lt { -1 } { 1 } ifelse
- } FmBD
-} if
-/setPatternMode {
- fMLevel1 {
- 2 index patScreenDict exch known {
- pop pop
- patScreenDict exch get aload pop
- freq
- mul
- 5 2 roll
- fMatrix2 currentmatrix 1 get 0 ne {
- 3 -1 roll 90 add 3 1 roll
- sflipx 1 fmGetFlip sflipy 2 fmGetFlip neg mul
- } {
- sflipx 0 fmGetFlip sflipy 3 fmGetFlip mul
- } ifelse
- 0 lt {exch pop} {pop} ifelse
- fMNegative {
- {neg} fmConcatProcs
- } if
- bind
- systemdict /setscreen get exec
- /FrameCurGray exch def
- } {
- /bwidth exch def
- /bpside exch def
- /bstring exch def
- /onbits 0 def /offbits 0 def
- freq sangle landscape {90 add} if
- {/ypoint exch def
- /xpoint exch def
- /xindex xpoint 1 add 2 div bpside mul cvi def
- /yindex ypoint 1 add 2 div bpside mul cvi def
- bstring yindex bwidth mul xindex 8 idiv add get
- 1 7 xindex 8 mod sub bitshift and 0 ne fMNegative {not} if
- {/onbits onbits 1 add def 1}
- {/offbits offbits 1 add def 0}
- ifelse
- }
- setscreen
- offbits offbits onbits add dup 0 ne {div} {pop pop .5} ifelse fMNegative {1.0 exch sub} if
- /FrameCurGray exch def
- } ifelse
- } {
- pop pop
- dup patCache exch known {
- patCache exch get
- } {
- dup
- patDict /bstring 3 -1 roll put
- patDict
- 9 PatFreq screenIndex get div dup matrix scale
- makepattern
- dup
- patCache 4 -1 roll 3 -1 roll put
- } ifelse
- /FrameCurGray 0 def
- /FrameCurPat exch def
- } ifelse
- /graymode false def
- combineColor
-} bind def
-/setGrayScaleMode {
- graymode not {
- /graymode true def
- fMLevel1 {
- setCurrentScreen
- } if
- } if
- /FrameCurGray exch def
- combineColor
-} bind def
-/normalize {
- transform round exch round exch itransform
- } bind def
-/dnormalize {
- dtransform round exch round exch idtransform
- } bind def
-/lnormalize {
- 0 dtransform exch cvi 2 idiv 2 mul 1 add exch idtransform pop
- } bind def
-/H {
- lnormalize setlinewidth
- } bind def
-/Z {
- setlinecap
- } bind def
-/PFill {
- graymode fMLevel1 or not {
- gsave 1 setgray eofill grestore
- } if
-} bind def
-/PStroke {
- graymode fMLevel1 or not {
- gsave 1 setgray stroke grestore
- } if
- stroke
-} bind def
-/X {
- fillvals exch get
- dup type /stringtype eq
- {8 1 setPatternMode}
- {setGrayScaleMode}
- ifelse
- } bind def
-/V {
- PFill gsave eofill grestore
- } bind def
-/Vclip {
- clip
- } bind def
-/Vstrk {
- currentlinewidth exch setlinewidth PStroke setlinewidth
- } bind def
-/N {
- PStroke
- } bind def
-/Nclip {
- strokepath clip newpath
- } bind def
-/Nstrk {
- currentlinewidth exch setlinewidth PStroke setlinewidth
- } bind def
-/M {newpath moveto} bind def
-/E {lineto} bind def
-/D {curveto} bind def
-/O {closepath} bind def
-/L {
- /n exch def
- newpath
- normalize
- moveto
- 2 1 n {pop normalize lineto} for
- } bind def
-/Y {
- L
- closepath
- } bind def
-/R {
- /y2 exch def
- /x2 exch def
- /y1 exch def
- /x1 exch def
- x1 y1
- x2 y1
- x2 y2
- x1 y2
- 4 Y
- } bind def
- {rad
- arcto
- } bind def
-/RR {
- /rad exch def
- normalize
- /y2 exch def
- /x2 exch def
- normalize
- /y1 exch def
- /x1 exch def
- mark
- newpath
- {
- x1 y1 rad add moveto
- x1 y2 x2 y2 rarc
- x2 y2 x2 y1 rarc
- x2 y1 x1 y1 rarc
- x1 y1 x1 y2 rarc
- closepath
- } stopped {x1 y1 x2 y2 R} if
- cleartomark
- } bind def
-/RRR {
- /rad exch def
- normalize /y4 exch def /x4 exch def
- normalize /y3 exch def /x3 exch def
- normalize /y2 exch def /x2 exch def
- normalize /y1 exch def /x1 exch def
- newpath
- normalize moveto
- mark
- {
- x2 y2 x3 y3 rarc
- x3 y3 x4 y4 rarc
- x4 y4 x1 y1 rarc
- x1 y1 x2 y2 rarc
- closepath
- } stopped
- {x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x4 y4 newpath moveto lineto lineto lineto closepath} if
- cleartomark
- } bind def
-/C {
- grestore
- gsave
- R
- clip
- setCurrentScreen
-} bind def
-/CP {
- grestore
- gsave
- Y
- clip
- setCurrentScreen
-} bind def
-/F {
- FMfonts exch get
- [FMsetsize 0 0 FMpointsize 0 0] makefont
- setfont
- } bind def
-/Q {
- /FMpointsize exch def
- /FMsetsize FMpointsize def
- F
- } bind def
-/QQ {
- /FMsetsize exch def
- /FMpointsize exch def
- F
- } bind def
-/T {
- moveto show
- } bind def
-/RF {
- rotate
- 0 ne {-1 1 scale} if
- } bind def
-/TF {
- gsave
- moveto
- RF
- show
- grestore
- } bind def
-/P {
- moveto
- 0 32 3 2 roll widthshow
- } bind def
-/PF {
- gsave
- moveto
- RF
- 0 32 3 2 roll widthshow
- grestore
- } bind def
-/S {
- moveto
- 0 exch ashow
- } bind def
-/SF {
- gsave
- moveto
- RF
- 0 exch ashow
- grestore
- } bind def
-/B {
- moveto
- 0 32 4 2 roll 0 exch awidthshow
- } bind def
-/BF {
- gsave
- moveto
- RF
- 0 32 4 2 roll 0 exch awidthshow
- grestore
- } bind def
-/G {
- gsave
- newpath
- normalize translate 0.0 0.0 moveto
- dnormalize scale
- 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc
- closepath
- PFill fill
- grestore
- } bind def
-/Gstrk {
- savematrix
- newpath
- 2 index 2 div add exch 3 index 2 div sub exch
- normalize 2 index 2 div sub exch 3 index 2 div add exch
- translate
- scale
- 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc
- restorematrix
- currentlinewidth exch setlinewidth PStroke setlinewidth
- } bind def
-/Gclip {
- newpath
- savematrix
- normalize translate 0.0 0.0 moveto
- dnormalize scale
- 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc
- closepath
- clip newpath
- restorematrix
- } bind def
-/GG {
- gsave
- newpath
- normalize translate 0.0 0.0 moveto
- rotate
- dnormalize scale
- 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc
- closepath
- PFill
- fill
- grestore
- } bind def
-/GGclip {
- savematrix
- newpath
- normalize translate 0.0 0.0 moveto
- rotate
- dnormalize scale
- 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc
- closepath
- clip newpath
- restorematrix
- } bind def
-/GGstrk {
- savematrix
- newpath
- normalize translate 0.0 0.0 moveto
- rotate
- dnormalize scale
- 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc
- closepath
- restorematrix
- currentlinewidth exch setlinewidth PStroke setlinewidth
- } bind def
-/A {
- gsave
- savematrix
- newpath
- 2 index 2 div add exch 3 index 2 div sub exch
- normalize 2 index 2 div sub exch 3 index 2 div add exch
- translate
- scale
- 2 copy 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc
- round cvi 360 mod exch round cvi 360 mod eq {closepath} if
- restorematrix
- PStroke
- grestore
- } bind def
-/Aclip {
- newpath
- savematrix
- normalize translate 0.0 0.0 moveto
- dnormalize scale
- 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc
- closepath
- strokepath clip newpath
- restorematrix
-} bind def
-/Astrk {
- Gstrk
-} bind def
-/AA {
- gsave
- savematrix
- newpath
- 3 index 2 div add exch 4 index 2 div sub exch
- normalize 3 index 2 div sub exch 4 index 2 div add exch
- translate
- rotate
- scale
- 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc
- restorematrix
- PStroke
- grestore
- } bind def
-/AAclip {
- savematrix
- newpath
- normalize translate 0.0 0.0 moveto
- rotate
- dnormalize scale
- 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc
- closepath
- strokepath clip newpath
- restorematrix
-} bind def
-/AAstrk {
- GGstrk
-} bind def
- /FMdicttop countdictstack 1 add def
- /FMoptop count 7 sub def
- /FMsaveobject save def
- userdict begin
- /showpage {} def
- 3 index neg 3 index neg translate
- } bind def
- count -1 FMoptop {pop pop} for
- countdictstack -1 FMdicttop {pop end} for
- FMsaveobject restore
- } bind def
-/gn {
- 0
- { 46 mul
- cf read pop
- 32 sub
- dup 46 lt {exit} if
- 46 sub add
- } loop
- add
- } bind def
-/cfs {
- /str sl string def
- 0 1 sl 1 sub {str exch val put} for
- str def
- } bind def
-/ic [
- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0223
- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0223
- 0
- {0 hx} {1 hx} {2 hx} {3 hx} {4 hx} {5 hx} {6 hx} {7 hx} {8 hx} {9 hx}
- {10 hx} {11 hx} {12 hx} {13 hx} {14 hx} {15 hx} {16 hx} {17 hx} {18 hx}
- {19 hx} {gn hx} {0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6} {7} {8} {9} {10} {11} {12}
- {13} {14} {15} {16} {17} {18} {19} {gn} {0 wh} {1 wh} {2 wh} {3 wh}
- {4 wh} {5 wh} {6 wh} {7 wh} {8 wh} {9 wh} {10 wh} {11 wh} {12 wh}
- {13 wh} {14 wh} {gn wh} {0 bl} {1 bl} {2 bl} {3 bl} {4 bl} {5 bl} {6 bl}
- {7 bl} {8 bl} {9 bl} {10 bl} {11 bl} {12 bl} {13 bl} {14 bl} {gn bl}
- {0 fl} {1 fl} {2 fl} {3 fl} {4 fl} {5 fl} {6 fl} {7 fl} {8 fl} {9 fl}
- {10 fl} {11 fl} {12 fl} {13 fl} {14 fl} {gn fl}
- ] def
-/ms {
- /sl exch def
- /val 255 def
- /ws cfs
- /im cfs
- /val 0 def
- /bs cfs
- /cs cfs
- } bind def
-400 ms
-/ip {
- is
- 0
- cf cs readline pop
- { ic exch get exec
- add
- } forall
- pop
- } bind def
-/rip {
- bis ris copy pop
- is
- 0
- cf cs readline pop
- { ic exch get exec
- add
- } forall
- pop pop
- ris gis copy pop
- dup is exch
- cf cs readline pop
- { ic exch get exec
- add
- } forall
- pop pop
- gis bis copy pop
- dup add is exch
- cf cs readline pop
- { ic exch get exec
- add
- } forall
- pop
- } bind def
-/rip4 {
- kis cis copy pop
- is
- 0
- cf cs readline pop
- { ic exch get exec
- add
- } forall
- pop pop
- cis mis copy pop
- dup is exch
- cf cs readline pop
- { ic exch get exec
- add
- } forall
- pop pop
- mis yis copy pop
- dup dup add is exch
- cf cs readline pop
- { ic exch get exec
- add
- } forall
- pop pop
- yis kis copy pop
- 3 mul is exch
- cf cs readline pop
- { ic exch get exec
- add
- } forall
- pop
- } bind def
-/wh {
- /len exch def
- /pos exch def
- ws 0 len getinterval im pos len getinterval copy pop
- pos len
- } bind def
-/bl {
- /len exch def
- /pos exch def
- bs 0 len getinterval im pos len getinterval copy pop
- pos len
- } bind def
-/s1 1 string def
-/fl {
- /len exch def
- /pos exch def
- /val cf s1 readhexstring pop 0 get def
- pos 1 pos len add 1 sub {im exch val put} for
- pos len
- } bind def
-/hx {
- 3 copy getinterval
- cf exch readhexstring pop pop
- } bind def
-/wbytes {
- dup dup
- 8 gt { pop 8 idiv mul }
- { 8 eq {pop} {1 eq {7 add 8 idiv} {3 add 4 idiv} ifelse} ifelse } ifelse
- } bind def
- } bind def
- } bind def
- } bind def
- /cvtProc exch def
- /depth exch def
- gsave
- 3 index 2 div add exch
- 4 index 2 div add exch
- translate
- rotate
- 1 index 2 div neg
- 1 index 2 div neg
- translate
- scale
- /height exch def /width exch def
- /lb width depth wbytes def
- sl lb lt {lb ms} if
- /bitmapsave save def
- cvtProc
- /is im 0 lb getinterval def
- ws 0 lb getinterval is copy pop
- /cf currentfile def
- width height depth [width 0 0 height neg 0 height]
- {ip} image
- bitmapsave restore
- grestore
- } bind def
- } bind def
- } bind def
- } bind def
- /cvtProc exch def
- /depth exch def
- gsave
- 3 index 2 div add exch
- 4 index 2 div add exch
- translate
- rotate
- 1 index 2 div neg
- 1 index 2 div neg
- translate
- scale
- /height exch def /width exch def
- /bitmapsave save def
- cvtProc
- /is width depth wbytes string def
- /cf currentfile def
- width height depth [width 0 0 height neg 0 height]
- {cf is readhexstring pop} image
- bitmapsave restore
- grestore
- } bind def
-/ngrayt 256 array def
-/nredt 256 array def
-/nbluet 256 array def
-/ngreent 256 array def
-fMLevel1 {
-/colorsetup {
- currentcolortransfer
- /gryt exch def
- /blut exch def
- /grnt exch def
- /redt exch def
- 0 1 255 {
- /indx exch def
- /cynu 1 red indx get 255 div sub def
- /magu 1 green indx get 255 div sub def
- /yelu 1 blue indx get 255 div sub def
- /kk cynu magu min yelu min def
- /u kk currentundercolorremoval exec def
-% /u 0 def
- nredt indx 1 0 cynu u sub max sub redt exec put
- ngreent indx 1 0 magu u sub max sub grnt exec put
- nbluet indx 1 0 yelu u sub max sub blut exec put
- ngrayt indx 1 kk currentblackgeneration exec sub gryt exec put
- } for
- {255 mul cvi nredt exch get}
- {255 mul cvi ngreent exch get}
- {255 mul cvi nbluet exch get}
- {255 mul cvi ngrayt exch get}
- setcolortransfer
- {pop 0} setundercolorremoval
- {} setblackgeneration
- } bind def
-/colorSetup2 {
- [ /Indexed /DeviceRGB 255
- {dup red exch get 255 div
- exch dup green exch get 255 div
- exch blue exch get 255 div}
- ] setcolorspace
-} bind def
-} ifelse
-/fakecolorsetup {
- /tran 256 string def
- 0 1 255 {/indx exch def
- tran indx
- red indx get 77 mul
- green indx get 151 mul
- blue indx get 28 mul
- add add 256 idiv put} for
- currenttransfer
- {255 mul cvi tran exch get 255.0 div}
- exch fmConcatProcs settransfer
-} bind def
- /depth 8 def
- gsave
- 3 index 2 div add exch
- 4 index 2 div add exch
- translate
- rotate
- 1 index 2 div neg
- 1 index 2 div neg
- translate
- scale
- /height exch def /width exch def
- /bitmapsave save def
- fMLevel1 {
- colorsetup
- /is width depth wbytes string def
- /cf currentfile def
- width height depth [width 0 0 height neg 0 height]
- {cf is readhexstring pop} {is} {is} true 3 colorimage
- } {
- colorSetup2
- /is width depth wbytes string def
- /cf currentfile def
- 7 dict dup begin
- /ImageType 1 def
- /Width width def
- /Height height def
- /ImageMatrix [width 0 0 height neg 0 height] def
- /DataSource {cf is readhexstring pop} bind def
- /BitsPerComponent depth def
- /Decode [0 255] def
- end image
- } ifelse
- bitmapsave restore
- grestore
- } bind def
- /depth 8 def
- gsave
- 3 index 2 div add exch
- 4 index 2 div add exch
- translate
- rotate
- 1 index 2 div neg
- 1 index 2 div neg
- translate
- scale
- /height exch def /width exch def
- /lb width depth wbytes def
- sl lb lt {lb ms} if
- /bitmapsave save def
- fMLevel1 {
- colorsetup
- /is im 0 lb getinterval def
- ws 0 lb getinterval is copy pop
- /cf currentfile def
- width height depth [width 0 0 height neg 0 height]
- {ip} {is} {is} true 3 colorimage
- } {
- colorSetup2
- /is im 0 lb getinterval def
- ws 0 lb getinterval is copy pop
- /cf currentfile def
- 7 dict dup begin
- /ImageType 1 def
- /Width width def
- /Height height def
- /ImageMatrix [width 0 0 height neg 0 height] def
- /DataSource {ip} bind def
- /BitsPerComponent depth def
- /Decode [0 255] def
- end image
- } ifelse
- bitmapsave restore
- grestore
- } bind def
- /depth 24 def
- gsave
- 3 index 2 div add exch
- 4 index 2 div add exch
- translate
- rotate
- 1 index 2 div neg
- 1 index 2 div neg
- translate
- scale
- /height exch def /width exch def
- /lb width depth wbytes def
- sl lb lt {lb ms} if
- /bitmapsave save def
- /is im 0 lb getinterval def
- /ris im 0 width getinterval def
- /gis im width width getinterval def
- /bis im width 2 mul width getinterval def
- ws 0 lb getinterval is copy pop
- /cf currentfile def
- width height 8 [width 0 0 height neg 0 height]
- {width rip pop ris} {gis} {bis} true 3 colorimage
- bitmapsave restore
- grestore
- } bind def
- /depth 32 def
- gsave
- 3 index 2 div add exch
- 4 index 2 div add exch
- translate
- rotate
- 1 index 2 div neg
- 1 index 2 div neg
- translate
- scale
- /height exch def /width exch def
- /lb width depth wbytes def
- sl lb lt {lb ms} if
- /bitmapsave save def
- /is im 0 lb getinterval def
- /cis im 0 width getinterval def
- /mis im width width getinterval def
- /yis im width 2 mul width getinterval def
- /kis im width 3 mul width getinterval def
- ws 0 lb getinterval is copy pop
- /cf currentfile def
- width height 8 [width 0 0 height neg 0 height]
- {width rip4 pop cis} {mis} {yis} {kis} true 4 colorimage
- bitmapsave restore
- grestore
- } bind def
- gsave
- 3 index 2 div add exch
- 4 index 2 div add exch
- translate
- rotate
- 1 index 2 div neg
- 1 index 2 div neg
- translate
- scale
- /height exch def /width exch def
- /bitmapsave save def
- /is width string def
- /gis width string def
- /bis width string def
- /cf currentfile def
- width height 8 [width 0 0 height neg 0 height]
- { cf is readhexstring pop }
- { cf gis readhexstring pop }
- { cf bis readhexstring pop }
- true 3 colorimage
- bitmapsave restore
- grestore
- } bind def
- gsave
- 3 index 2 div add exch
- 4 index 2 div add exch
- translate
- rotate
- 1 index 2 div neg
- 1 index 2 div neg
- translate
- scale
- /height exch def /width exch def
- /bitmapsave save def
- /is width string def
- /mis width string def
- /yis width string def
- /kis width string def
- /cf currentfile def
- width height 8 [width 0 0 height neg 0 height]
- { cf is readhexstring pop }
- { cf mis readhexstring pop }
- { cf yis readhexstring pop }
- { cf kis readhexstring pop }
- true 4 colorimage
- bitmapsave restore
- grestore
- } bind def
- /depth 24 def
- gsave
- 3 index 2 div add exch
- 4 index 2 div add exch
- translate
- rotate
- 1 index 2 div neg
- 1 index 2 div neg
- translate
- scale
- /height exch def /width exch def
- /lb width depth wbytes def
- sl lb lt {lb ms} if
- /bitmapsave save def
- /is im 0 lb getinterval def
- /ris im 0 width getinterval def
- /gis im width width getinterval def
- /bis im width 2 mul width getinterval def
- ws 0 lb getinterval is copy pop
- /cf currentfile def
- width height 8 [width 0 0 height neg 0 height]
- {width rip pop ris gis bis width gray} image
- bitmapsave restore
- grestore
- } bind def
- /depth 32 def
- gsave
- 3 index 2 div add exch
- 4 index 2 div add exch
- translate
- rotate
- 1 index 2 div neg
- 1 index 2 div neg
- translate
- scale
- /height exch def /width exch def
- /lb width depth wbytes def
- sl lb lt {lb ms} if
- /bitmapsave save def
- /is im 0 lb getinterval def
- /cis im 0 width getinterval def
- /mis im width width getinterval def
- /yis im width 2 mul width getinterval def
- /kis im width 3 mul width getinterval def
- ws 0 lb getinterval is copy pop
- /cf currentfile def
- width height 8 [width 0 0 height neg 0 height]
- {width rip pop cis mis yis kis width cgray} image
- bitmapsave restore
- grestore
- } bind def
-/cgray {
- /ww exch def
- /k exch def
- /y exch def
- /m exch def
- /c exch def
- 0 1 ww 1 sub { /i exch def c i get m i get y i get k i get CMYKtoRGB
- .144 mul 3 1 roll .587 mul 3 1 roll .299 mul add add
- c i 3 -1 roll floor cvi put } for
- c
- } bind def
-/gray {
- /ww exch def
- /b exch def
- /g exch def
- /r exch def
- 0 1 ww 1 sub { /i exch def r i get .299 mul g i get .587 mul
- b i get .114 mul add add r i 3 -1 roll floor cvi put } for
- r
- } bind def
- gsave
- 3 index 2 div add exch
- 4 index 2 div add exch
- translate
- rotate
- 1 index 2 div neg
- 1 index 2 div neg
- translate
- scale
- /height exch def /width exch def
- /bitmapsave save def
- /is width string def
- /gis width string def
- /bis width string def
- /cf currentfile def
- width height 8 [width 0 0 height neg 0 height]
- { cf is readhexstring pop
- cf gis readhexstring pop
- cf bis readhexstring pop width gray} image
- bitmapsave restore
- grestore
- } bind def
- gsave
- 3 index 2 div add exch
- 4 index 2 div add exch
- translate
- rotate
- 1 index 2 div neg
- 1 index 2 div neg
- translate
- scale
- /height exch def /width exch def
- /bitmapsave save def
- /is width string def
- /yis width string def
- /mis width string def
- /kis width string def
- /cf currentfile def
- width height 8 [width 0 0 height neg 0 height]
- { cf is readhexstring pop
- cf mis readhexstring pop
- cf yis readhexstring pop
- cf kis readhexstring pop width cgray} image
- bitmapsave restore
- grestore
- } bind def
- 8 {fakecolorsetup} COMMONBITMAP
- } bind def
- 8 {fakecolorsetup} COMMONBITMAPc
- } bind def
- } bind def
- /ALDmatrix matrix def ALDmatrix currentmatrix pop
-/StartALD {
- /ALDsave save def
- savematrix
- ALDmatrix setmatrix
- } bind def
-/InALD {
- restorematrix
- } bind def
-/DoneALD {
- ALDsave restore
- } bind def
-/I { setdash } bind def
-/J { [] 0 setdash } bind def
-1 1 0 0 612 792 0 1 27 FMDOCUMENT
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-(Python Reference Manual) 221.7 709.33 T
-1 12 Q
-(Guido van Rossum) 273.5 672 T
-1 11 Q
-(Corporation for National Research Initiatives \050CNRI\051) 201.73 656.67 T
-(1895 Preston White Drive, Reston, Va 20191, USA) 205.84 643.67 T
-(E-mail:) 170.18 630.67 T
-2 F
-( 205.93 630.67 T
-1 F
-(,) 357.73 630.67 T
-2 F
-( 363.23 630.67 T
-1 F
-(March 6, 1998) 287.27 604.67 T
-(Release 1.5) 294.14 591.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(A) 293.56 562 T
-1 9.6 Q
-(BSTRACT) 302.23 562 T
-1 11 Q
-(Python) 127.8 540.67 T
-(is) 163.01 540.67 T
-(an) 174.39 540.67 T
-(interpreted,) 188.81 540.67 T
-(object-oriented,) 243.25 540.67 T
-(high-level) 316.63 540.67 T
-(programming) 365.27 540.67 T
-(language) 429.19 540.67 T
-(with) 472.94 540.67 T
-(dy-) 496.54 540.67 T
-(namic) 127.8 527.67 T
-(semantics.) 157.46 527.67 T
-(Its) 209.13 527.67 T
-(high-level) 222.9 527.67 T
-(built) 270.28 527.67 T
-(in) 293.23 527.67 T
-(data) 304.56 527.67 T
-(structures,) 325.65 527.67 T
-(combined) 373.94 527.67 T
-(with) 420.1 527.67 T
-(dynamic) 442.43 527.67 T
-(typing) 483.08 527.67 T
-(and) 127.8 514.67 T
-(dynamic) 146.26 514.67 T
-(binding,) 186.71 514.67 T
-(make) 225.65 514.67 T
-(it) 252.04 514.67 T
-(very) 260.73 514.67 T
-(attractive) 282.85 514.67 T
-(for) 326.35 514.67 T
-(rapid) 341.75 514.67 T
-(application) 366.92 514.67 T
-(development,) 418.38 514.67 T
-(as) 480.52 514.67 T
-(well) 492.26 514.67 T
-(as) 127.8 501.67 T
-(for) 139.73 501.67 T
-(use) 155.33 501.67 T
-(as) 172.76 501.67 T
-(a) 184.69 501.67 T
-(scripting) 192.35 501.67 T
-(or) 233.62 501.67 T
-(glue) 245.55 501.67 T
-(language) 267.26 501.67 T
-(to) 309.74 501.67 T
-(connect) 321.07 501.67 T
-(existing) 358.05 501.67 T
-(components) 395.65 501.67 T
-(together.) 451.58 501.67 T
-(Py-) 495.92 501.67 T
-(thon's) 127.8 488.67 T
-(simple,) 156 488.67 T
-(easy) 190.47 488.67 T
-(to) 212.4 488.67 T
-(learn) 223.34 488.67 T
-(syntax) 247.71 488.67 T
-(emphasizes) 278.81 488.67 T
-(readability) 331.9 488.67 T
-(and) 381.33 488.67 T
-(therefore) 399.6 488.67 T
-(reduces) 441.68 488.67 T
-(the) 477.65 488.67 T
-(cost) 493.48 488.67 T
-(of) 127.8 475.67 T
-(program) 141.14 475.67 T
-(maintenance.) 182.58 475.67 T
-(Python) 245.1 475.67 T
-(supports) 280.45 475.67 T
-(modules) 321.91 475.67 T
-(and) 363.36 475.67 T
-(packages,) 383.42 475.67 T
-(which) 430.66 475.67 T
-(encourages) 461.72 475.67 T
-(program) 127.8 462.67 T
-(modularity) 167.82 462.67 T
-(and) 218.85 462.67 T
-(code) 237.48 462.67 T
-(reuse.) 261 462.67 T
-(The) 292.46 462.67 T
-(Python) 312.32 462.67 T
-(interpreter) 346.24 462.67 T
-(and) 394.81 462.67 T
-(the) 413.44 462.67 T
-(extensive) 429.63 462.67 T
-(standard) 473.93 462.67 T
-(library) 127.8 449.67 T
-(are) 159.4 449.67 T
-(available) 175.1 449.67 T
-(in) 217.08 449.67 T
-(source) 227.91 449.67 T
-(or) 258.89 449.67 T
-(binary) 270.33 449.67 T
-(form) 300.7 449.67 T
-(without) 324.36 449.67 T
-(charge) 360.24 449.67 T
-(for) 391.83 449.67 T
-(all) 406.93 449.67 T
-(major) 420.2 449.67 T
-(platforms,) 448.13 449.67 T
-(and) 495.32 449.67 T
-(can be freely distributed.) 127.8 436.67 T
-(This) 127.8 413.67 T
-(reference) 150.46 413.67 T
-(manual) 194.48 413.67 T
-(describes) 229.97 413.67 T
-(the) 274 413.67 T
-(syntax) 290.55 413.67 T
-(and) 322.38 413.67 T
-(\322core) 341.36 413.67 T
-(semantics\323) 368.28 413.67 T
-(of) 419.66 413.67 T
-(the) 431.92 413.67 T
-(language.) 448.47 413.67 T
-(It) 494.04 413.67 T
-(is) 503.86 413.67 T
-(terse,) 127.8 400.67 T
-(but) 153.83 400.67 T
-(attempts) 170.4 400.67 T
-(to) 210.2 400.67 T
-(be) 221.27 400.67 T
-(exact) 234.16 400.67 T
-(and) 259.89 400.67 T
-(complete.) 278.29 400.67 T
-(The) 323.88 400.67 T
-(semantics) 343.49 400.67 T
-(of) 389.39 400.67 T
-(non-essential) 401.07 400.67 T
-(built-in) 461.63 400.67 T
-(ob-) 496.54 400.67 T
-(ject) 127.8 387.67 T
-(types) 146.32 387.67 T
-(and) 172.18 387.67 T
-(of) 190.71 387.67 T
-(the) 202.51 387.67 T
-(built-in) 218.59 387.67 T
-(functions) 253.62 387.67 T
-(and) 297.2 387.67 T
-(modules) 315.73 387.67 T
-(are) 355.64 387.67 T
-(described) 371.71 387.67 T
-(in) 416.5 387.67 T
-(the) 427.7 387.67 T
-3 F
-(Python) 443.78 387.67 T
-(Library) 477.58 387.67 T
-(Reference) 127.8 374.67 T
-1 F
-(.) 171.78 374.67 T
-(For) 177.21 374.67 T
-(an) 195.16 374.67 T
-(informal) 208.22 374.67 T
-(introduction) 248.78 374.67 T
-(to) 305.24 374.67 T
-(the) 316.47 374.67 T
-(language,) 332.59 374.67 T
-(see) 377.73 374.67 T
-(the) 394.45 374.67 T
-3 F
-(Python) 410.57 374.67 T
-(Tutorial) 444.41 374.67 T
-1 F
-(.) 480.48 374.67 T
-(For) 485.91 374.67 T
-(C) 503.86 374.67 T
-(or) 127.8 361.67 T
-(C++) 139.89 361.67 T
-(programmers,) 162.56 361.67 T
-(two) 226.88 361.67 T
-(additional) 246.31 361.67 T
-(manuals) 293.23 361.67 T
-(exist:) 332.82 361.67 T
-3 F
-(Extending) 359.58 361.67 T
-(and) 407.11 361.67 T
-(Embedding) 426.54 361.67 T
-(the) 479.57 361.67 T
-(Py-) 495.93 361.67 T
-(thon) 127.8 348.67 T
-(Interpreter) 151.4 348.67 T
-1 F
-(describes) 203.72 348.67 T
-(the) 248.7 348.67 T
-(high-level) 266.18 348.67 T
-(picture) 314.84 348.67 T
-(of) 349.43 348.67 T
-(how) 362.64 348.67 T
-(to) 385.63 348.67 T
-(write) 398.23 348.67 T
-(a) 424.89 348.67 T
-(Python) 433.82 348.67 T
-(extension) 469.04 348.67 T
-(module,) 127.8 335.67 T
-(and) 166.83 335.67 T
-(the) 185.99 335.67 T
-3 F
-(Python/C) 202.71 335.67 T
-(API) 247.55 335.67 T
-(Reference) 267.93 335.67 T
-(Manual) 315.19 335.67 T
-1 F
-(describes) 352.69 335.67 T
-(the) 396.9 335.67 T
-(interfaces) 413.62 335.67 T
-(available) 459.65 335.67 T
-(to) 502.64 335.67 T
-(C/C++ programmers in detail.) 127.8 322.67 T
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-(Copyright \251 1991-1995 by Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.) 72 712.67 T
-1 F
-(All Rights Reserved) 261.39 693.67 T
-(P) 72 668.67 T
-(e) 78.16 668.67 T
-(r) 83.09 668.67 T
-(m) 86.8 668.67 T
-(i) 95.41 668.67 T
-(s) 98.51 668.67 T
-(s) 102.84 668.67 T
-(i) 107.16 668.67 T
-(o) 110.27 668.67 T
-(n) 115.81 668.67 T
-(t) 124.57 668.67 T
-(o) 127.67 668.67 T
-(u) 136.43 668.67 T
-(s) 141.98 668.67 T
-(e) 146.3 668.67 T
-(,) 151.23 668.67 T
-(c) 157.24 668.67 T
-(o) 162.17 668.67 T
-(p) 167.71 668.67 T
-(y) 173.26 668.67 T
-(,) 178.81 668.67 T
-(m) 184.81 668.67 T
-(o) 193.42 668.67 T
-(d) 198.96 668.67 T
-(i) 204.51 668.67 T
-(f) 207.61 668.67 T
-(y) 211.32 668.67 T
-(,) 216.87 668.67 T
-(a) 222.88 668.67 T
-(n) 227.81 668.67 T
-(d) 233.35 668.67 T
-(d) 242.11 668.67 T
-(i) 247.65 668.67 T
-(s) 250.76 668.67 T
-(t) 255.08 668.67 T
-(r) 258.19 668.67 T
-(i) 261.9 668.67 T
-(b) 265 668.67 T
-(u) 270.55 668.67 T
-(t) 276.1 668.67 T
-(e) 279.2 668.67 T
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-(h) 290.44 668.67 T
-(i) 295.99 668.67 T
-(s) 299.1 668.67 T
-(s) 306.63 668.67 T
-(o) 310.95 668.67 T
-(f) 316.5 668.67 T
-(t) 320.21 668.67 T
-(w) 323.32 668.67 T
-(a) 331.3 668.67 T
-(r) 336.23 668.67 T
-(e) 339.94 668.67 T
-(a) 348.08 668.67 T
-(n) 353.01 668.67 T
-(d) 358.56 668.67 T
-(i) 367.32 668.67 T
-(t) 370.42 668.67 T
-(s) 373.52 668.67 T
-(d) 381.06 668.67 T
-(o) 386.61 668.67 T
-(c) 392.15 668.67 T
-(u) 397.08 668.67 T
-(m) 402.63 668.67 T
-(e) 411.23 668.67 T
-(n) 416.16 668.67 T
-(t) 421.71 668.67 T
-(a) 424.81 668.67 T
-(t) 429.74 668.67 T
-(i) 432.85 668.67 T
-(o) 435.95 668.67 T
-(n) 441.5 668.67 T
-(f) 450.26 668.67 T
-(o) 453.96 668.67 T
-(r) 459.51 668.67 T
-(a) 466.43 668.67 T
-(n) 471.36 668.67 T
-(y) 476.91 668.67 T
-(p) 485.66 668.67 T
-(u) 491.21 668.67 T
-(r) 496.76 668.67 T
-(p) 500.46 668.67 T
-(o) 506.01 668.67 T
-(s) 511.56 668.67 T
-(e) 515.88 668.67 T
-(a) 524.02 668.67 T
-(n) 528.95 668.67 T
-(d) 534.5 668.67 T
-(w) 72 655.67 T
-(i) 79.95 655.67 T
-(t) 83.02 655.67 T
-(h) 86.08 655.67 T
-(o) 91.59 655.67 T
-(u) 97.1 655.67 T
-(t) 102.61 655.67 T
-(f) 108.85 655.67 T
-(e) 112.52 655.67 T
-(e) 117.41 655.67 T
-(i) 125.47 655.67 T
-(s) 128.54 655.67 T
-(h) 136 655.67 T
-(e) 141.51 655.67 T
-(r) 146.4 655.67 T
-(e) 150.07 655.67 T
-(b) 154.97 655.67 T
-(y) 160.47 655.67 T
-(g) 169.15 655.67 T
-(r) 174.66 655.67 T
-(a) 178.33 655.67 T
-(n) 183.23 655.67 T
-(t) 188.74 655.67 T
-(e) 191.8 655.67 T
-(d) 196.69 655.67 T
-(,) 202.2 655.67 T
-(p) 208.13 655.67 T
-(r) 213.64 655.67 T
-(o) 217.31 655.67 T
-(v) 222.82 655.67 T
-(i) 228.33 655.67 T
-(d) 231.4 655.67 T
-(e) 236.9 655.67 T
-(d) 241.8 655.67 T
-(t) 250.48 655.67 T
-(h) 253.54 655.67 T
-(a) 259.05 655.67 T
-(t) 263.95 655.67 T
-(t) 270.18 655.67 T
-(h) 273.25 655.67 T
-(e) 278.76 655.67 T
-(a) 286.82 655.67 T
-(b) 291.71 655.67 T
-(o) 297.22 655.67 T
-(v) 302.73 655.67 T
-(e) 308.24 655.67 T
-(c) 316.3 655.67 T
-(o) 321.2 655.67 T
-(p) 326.7 655.67 T
-(y) 332.21 655.67 T
-(r) 337.72 655.67 T
-(i) 341.39 655.67 T
-(g) 344.46 655.67 T
-(h) 349.97 655.67 T
-(t) 355.48 655.67 T
-(n) 361.71 655.67 T
-(o) 367.22 655.67 T
-(t) 372.73 655.67 T
-(i) 375.8 655.67 T
-(c) 378.86 655.67 T
-(e) 383.76 655.67 T
-(a) 391.82 655.67 T
-(p) 396.71 655.67 T
-(p) 402.22 655.67 T
-(e) 407.73 655.67 T
-(a) 412.62 655.67 T
-(r) 417.52 655.67 T
-(i) 424.36 655.67 T
-(n) 427.43 655.67 T
-(a) 436.11 655.67 T
-(l) 441 655.67 T
-(l) 444.06 655.67 T
-(c) 450.3 655.67 T
-(o) 455.2 655.67 T
-(p) 460.7 655.67 T
-(i) 466.21 655.67 T
-(e) 469.28 655.67 T
-(s) 474.17 655.67 T
-(a) 481.63 655.67 T
-(n) 486.52 655.67 T
-(d) 492.03 655.67 T
-(t) 500.71 655.67 T
-(h) 503.78 655.67 T
-(a) 509.29 655.67 T
-(t) 514.18 655.67 T
-(b) 520.42 655.67 T
-(o) 525.92 655.67 T
-(t) 531.43 655.67 T
-(h) 534.5 655.67 T
-(that) 72 642.67 T
-(copyright) 91.12 642.67 T
-(notice) 135.91 642.67 T
-(and) 165.42 642.67 T
-(this) 183.93 642.67 T
-(permission) 202.44 642.67 T
-(notice) 253.35 642.67 T
-(appear) 282.85 642.67 T
-(in) 314.79 642.67 T
-(supporting) 325.97 642.67 T
-(documentation,) 375.65 642.67 T
-(and) 446.41 642.67 T
-(that) 464.92 642.67 T
-(the) 484.04 642.67 T
-(names) 500.11 642.67 T
-(of) 530.84 642.67 T
-(Stichting) 72 629.67 T
-(Mathematisch) 114.57 629.67 T
-(Centrum) 179.72 629.67 T
-(or) 221.06 629.67 T
-(CWI) 233.05 629.67 T
-(or) 257.27 629.67 T
-(Corporation) 269.27 629.67 T
-(for) 325.26 629.67 T
-(National) 340.92 629.67 T
-(Research) 381.64 629.67 T
-(Initiatives) 424.78 629.67 T
-(or) 471.62 629.67 T
-(CNRI) 483.61 629.67 T
-(not) 512.72 629.67 T
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-(in) 94.62 616.67 T
-(advertising) 105.64 616.67 T
-(or) 156.99 616.67 T
-(publicity) 168.61 616.67 T
-(pertaining) 210.19 616.67 T
-(to) 257.25 616.67 T
-(distribution) 268.27 616.67 T
-(of) 321.46 616.67 T
-(the) 333.09 616.67 T
-(software) 348.99 616.67 T
-(without) 389.32 616.67 T
-(specific,) 425.4 616.67 T
-(written) 464.82 616.67 T
-(prior) 498.45 616.67 T
-(per-) 522.29 616.67 T
-(mission.) 72 603.67 T
-(While) 72 578.67 T
-(CWI) 101.81 578.67 T
-(is) 126.12 578.67 T
-(the) 136.39 578.67 T
-(initial) 152.76 578.67 T
-(source) 181.36 578.67 T
-(for) 212.99 578.67 T
-(this) 228.74 578.67 T
-(software,) 247.57 578.67 T
-(a) 291.12 578.67 T
-(modified) 298.93 578.67 T
-(version) 341.58 578.67 T
-(is) 376.89 578.67 T
-(made) 387.15 578.67 T
-(available) 413.9 578.67 T
-(by) 456.54 578.67 T
-(the) 470.47 578.67 T
-(Corporation) 486.84 578.67 T
-(for National Research Initiatives \050CNRI\051 at the Internet address 72 565.67 T
-(STICHTING) 72 540.67 T
-(MATHEMATISCH) 132.76 540.67 T
-(CENTRUM) 224.07 540.67 T
-(AND) 280.56 540.67 T
-(CNRI) 307.09 540.67 T
-(DISCLAIM) 336.08 540.67 T
-(ALL) 391.95 540.67 T
-(WARRANTIES) 416.05 540.67 T
-(WITH) 490.86 540.67 T
-(RE-) 522.28 540.67 T
-(GARD) 72 527.67 T
-(TO) 106.25 527.67 T
-(THIS) 123.99 527.67 T
-(SOFTWARE,) 151.52 527.67 T
-(INCLUDING) 216.63 527.67 T
-(ALL) 280.81 527.67 T
-(IMPLIED) 305.27 527.67 T
-(WARRANTIES) 352.96 527.67 T
-(OF) 428.15 527.67 T
-(MERCHANTABILI-) 445.29 527.67 T
-(TY) 72 514.67 T
-(AND) 89.03 514.67 T
-(FITNESS,) 115.21 514.67 T
-(IN) 163.72 514.67 T
-(NO) 177.69 514.67 T
-(EVENT) 195.93 514.67 T
-(SHALL) 234.34 514.67 T
-(STICHTING) 272.14 514.67 T
-(MATHEMATISCH) 332.55 514.67 T
-(CENTRUM) 423.52 514.67 T
-(OR) 479.66 514.67 T
-(CNRI) 497.3 514.67 T
-(BE) 525.94 514.67 T
-(LIABLE) 72 501.67 T
-(FOR) 114.12 501.67 T
-(ANY) 138.54 501.67 T
-(SPECIAL,) 165.38 501.67 T
-(INDIRECT) 215.76 501.67 T
-(OR) 270.11 501.67 T
-(CONSEQUENTIAL) 288.4 501.67 T
-(DAMAGES) 383.07 501.67 T
-(OR) 440.48 501.67 T
-(ANY) 458.77 501.67 T
-(DAMAGES) 485.62 501.67 T
-(W) 72 488.67 T
-(H) 82.45 488.67 T
-(A) 90.46 488.67 T
-(T) 98.47 488.67 T
-(S) 105.26 488.67 T
-(O) 111.44 488.67 T
-(E) 119.45 488.67 T
-(V) 126.24 488.67 T
-(E) 134.24 488.67 T
-(R) 141.03 488.67 T
-(R) 151.66 488.67 T
-(E) 159.07 488.67 T
-(S) 165.85 488.67 T
-(U) 172.04 488.67 T
-(L) 180.05 488.67 T
-(T) 186.83 488.67 T
-(I) 193.62 488.67 T
-(N) 197.35 488.67 T
-(G) 205.36 488.67 T
-(F) 216.6 488.67 T
-(R) 222.78 488.67 T
-(O) 230.18 488.67 T
-(M) 238.19 488.67 T
-(L) 251.27 488.67 T
-(O) 258.06 488.67 T
-(S) 266.07 488.67 T
-(S) 272.25 488.67 T
-(O) 281.66 488.67 T
-(F) 289.67 488.67 T
-(U) 299.08 488.67 T
-(S) 307.09 488.67 T
-(E) 313.27 488.67 T
-(,) 320.06 488.67 T
-(D) 326.11 488.67 T
-(A) 334.11 488.67 T
-(T) 342.12 488.67 T
-(A) 348.91 488.67 T
-(O) 360.15 488.67 T
-(R) 368.16 488.67 T
-(P) 378.79 488.67 T
-(R) 384.97 488.67 T
-(O) 392.38 488.67 T
-(F) 400.38 488.67 T
-(I) 406.57 488.67 T
-(T) 410.3 488.67 T
-(S) 417.08 488.67 T
-(,) 423.27 488.67 T
-(W) 429.31 488.67 T
-(H) 439.76 488.67 T
-(E) 447.77 488.67 T
-(T) 454.56 488.67 T
-(H) 461.35 488.67 T
-(E) 469.36 488.67 T
-(R) 476.14 488.67 T
-(I) 486.78 488.67 T
-(N) 490.51 488.67 T
-(A) 501.74 488.67 T
-(N) 509.75 488.67 T
-(A) 520.99 488.67 T
-(C) 529 488.67 T
-(-) 536.4 488.67 T
-(TION) 72 475.67 T
-(OF) 101.37 475.67 T
-(CONTRACT,) 118.53 475.67 T
-(NEGLIGENCE) 183.66 475.67 T
-(OR) 256.41 475.67 T
-(OTHER) 274.79 475.67 T
-(TORTIOUS) 314.56 475.67 T
-(ACTION,) 372.04 475.67 T
-(ARISING) 419.44 475.67 T
-(OUT) 467.15 475.67 T
-(OF) 492.85 475.67 T
-(OR) 510.01 475.67 T
-(IN) 528.39 475.67 T
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-0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 K
-0 12 Q
-7 X
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-37 98.81 614.38 98.81 2 L
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-2 Z
-3 X
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-0 9 612 783 R
-1 H
-0 X
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-3 X
--83.3 278.14 131.29 278.14 2 L
--84 620.73 132 620.73 2 L
-0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 K
-0 36 Q
-0 X
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-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-5 10 Q
-(CHAPTER) 144 628.3 T
-0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 K
-4 36 Q
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-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 K
-3 14 Q
-(Introduction) 216 628.3 T
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 K
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 301 628.3 T
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 K
-(1) 534.01 628.3 T
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 12 Q
-(Notation) 216 611.63 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 258 611.63 T
-(1) 535.01 611.63 T
-5 10 Q
-(CHAPTER) 144 578.3 T
-0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 K
-4 36 Q
-(2) 194.56 578.3 T
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 K
-3 14 Q
-(Lexical analysis) 216 578.3 T
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 K
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 322 578.3 T
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 K
-(3) 534.01 578.3 T
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 12 Q
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-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 285 561.63 T
-(3) 535.01 561.63 T
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-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 279 546.63 T
-(3) 535.01 546.63 T
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-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 285 531.63 T
-(3) 535.01 531.63 T
-(Comments) 216 516.63 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 270 516.63 T
-(3) 535.01 516.63 T
-(Explicit line joining) 216 501.63 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 315 501.63 T
-(3) 535.01 501.63 T
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-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 315 486.63 T
-(4) 535.01 486.63 T
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-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 273 471.63 T
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-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 273 456.63 T
-(4) 535.01 456.63 T
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-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 351 441.63 T
-(5) 535.01 441.63 T
-(Other tokens) 216 426.63 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 279 426.63 T
-(5) 535.01 426.63 T
-(Identifiers and keywords) 216 411.63 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 336 411.63 T
-(5) 535.01 411.63 T
-(Keywords) 216 396.63 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 267 396.63 T
-(6) 535.01 396.63 T
-(Reserved classes of identifiers) 216 381.63 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 363 381.63 T
-(6) 535.01 381.63 T
-(Literals) 216 366.63 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 255 366.63 T
-(6) 535.01 366.63 T
-(String literals) 216 351.63 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 282 351.63 T
-(6) 535.01 351.63 T
-(String literal concatenation) 235.01 336.63 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 369 336.63 T
-(8) 535.01 336.63 T
-(Numeric literals) 216 322.63 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 294 322.63 T
-(8) 535.01 322.63 T
-(Integer and long integer literals) 235.01 307.63 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 390 307.63 T
-(8) 535.01 307.63 T
-(Floating point literals) 235.01 293.63 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 342 293.63 T
-(8) 535.01 293.63 T
-(Imaginary literals) 235.01 279.63 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 324 279.63 T
-(9) 535.01 279.63 T
-(Operators) 216 265.63 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 264 265.63 T
-(9) 535.01 265.63 T
-(Delimiters) 216 250.63 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 267 250.63 T
-(9) 535.01 250.63 T
-5 10 Q
-(CHAPTER) 144 217.3 T
-0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 K
-4 36 Q
-(3) 194.56 217.3 T
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 K
-3 14 Q
-(Data model) 216 217.3 T
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 K
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 297.5 217.3 T
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 K
-(11) 527.01 217.3 T
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 12 Q
-(Objects, values and types) 216 200.63 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 339 200.63 T
-(11) 529.01 200.63 T
-(The standard type hierarchy) 216 185.63 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 351 185.63 T
-(12) 529.01 185.63 T
-(Special method names) 216 170.63 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 324 170.63 T
-(18) 529.01 170.63 T
-(Basic customization) 216 155.63 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 315 155.63 T
-(18) 529.01 155.63 T
-(Customizing attribute access) 216 140.63 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 354 140.63 T
-(19) 529.01 140.63 T
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-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 345 125.63 T
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-531 620.73 696 620.73 2 L
-0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 K
-0 36 Q
-0 X
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-(ab) 240.34 714 T
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-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 12 Q
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-( . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 372 629.63 T
-(20) 492 629.63 T
-(Additional methods for emulation of sequence types) 198 614.63 T
-( . . . .) 453 614.63 T
-(20) 492 614.63 T
-(Emulating numeric types) 178.99 600.63 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 300 600.63 T
-(21) 492 600.63 T
-5 10 Q
-(CHAPTER) 106.99 567.3 T
-0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 K
-4 36 Q
-(4) 157.55 567.3 T
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 K
-3 14 Q
-(Execution model) 178.99 567.3 T
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 K
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 287 567.3 T
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 K
-(23) 490 567.3 T
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 12 Q
-(Code blocks, execution frames, and name spaces) 178.99 550.63 T
-(. . . . . . . . .) 414 550.63 T
-(23) 492 550.63 T
-(Exceptions) 178.99 535.63 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 234 535.63 T
-(25) 492 535.63 T
-5 10 Q
-(CHAPTER) 106.99 502.3 T
-0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 K
-4 36 Q
-(5) 157.55 502.3 T
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 K
-3 14 Q
-(Expressions) 178.99 502.3 T
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 K
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 262.5 502.3 T
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 K
-(27) 490 502.3 T
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 12 Q
-(Arithmetic conversions) 178.99 485.63 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 294 485.63 T
-(27) 492 485.63 T
-(Atoms) 178.99 470.63 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 213 470.63 T
-(27) 492 470.63 T
-(Identifiers \050Names\051) 178.99 455.63 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 273 455.63 T
-(27) 492 455.63 T
-(Literals) 178.99 440.63 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 216 440.63 T
-(28) 492 440.63 T
-(Parenthesized forms) 178.99 425.63 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 279 425.63 T
-(28) 492 425.63 T
-(List displays) 178.99 410.63 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 240 410.63 T
-(28) 492 410.63 T
-(Dictionary displays) 178.99 395.63 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 273 395.63 T
-(28) 492 395.63 T
-(String conversions) 178.99 380.63 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 270 380.63 T
-(29) 492 380.63 T
-(Primaries) 178.99 365.63 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 225 365.63 T
-(29) 492 365.63 T
-(Attribute references) 178.99 350.63 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 276 350.63 T
-(29) 492 350.63 T
-(Subscriptions) 178.99 335.63 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 246 335.63 T
-(29) 492 335.63 T
-(Slicings) 178.99 320.63 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 219 320.63 T
-(30) 492 320.63 T
-(Calls) 178.99 305.63 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 204 305.63 T
-(31) 492 305.63 T
-(The power operator) 178.99 290.63 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 276 290.63 T
-(32) 492 290.63 T
-(Unary arithmetic operations) 178.99 275.63 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 315 275.63 T
-(32) 492 275.63 T
-(Binary arithmetic operations) 178.99 260.63 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 318 260.63 T
-(32) 492 260.63 T
-(Shifting operations) 178.99 245.63 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 273 245.63 T
-(33) 492 245.63 T
-(Binary bit-wise operations) 178.99 230.63 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 309 230.63 T
-(33) 492 230.63 T
-(Comparisons) 178.99 215.63 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 243 215.63 T
-(34) 492 215.63 T
-(Boolean operations) 178.99 200.63 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 273 200.63 T
-(35) 492 200.63 T
-(Expression lists) 178.99 185.63 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 255 185.63 T
-(36) 492 185.63 T
-(Summary) 178.99 170.63 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 228 170.63 T
-(37) 492 170.63 T
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-7 X
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-0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 K
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-37 98.81 614.38 98.81 2 L
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-0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 K
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-5 10 Q
-(CHAPTER) 144 628.3 T
-0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 K
-4 36 Q
-(6) 194.56 628.3 T
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 K
-3 14 Q
-(Simple statements) 216 628.3 T
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 K
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 332.5 628.3 T
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 K
-(39) 527.01 628.3 T
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 12 Q
-(Expression statements) 216 611.63 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 324 611.63 T
-(39) 529.01 611.63 T
-(Assert statements) 216 596.63 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 303 596.63 T
-(39) 529.01 596.63 T
-(Assignment statements) 216 581.63 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 327 581.63 T
-(40) 529.01 581.63 T
-(The pass statement) 216 566.63 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 309 566.63 T
-(41) 529.01 566.63 T
-(The del statement) 216 551.63 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 303 551.63 T
-(41) 529.01 551.63 T
-(The print statement) 216 536.63 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 312 536.63 T
-(42) 529.01 536.63 T
-(The return statement) 216 521.63 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 318 521.63 T
-(42) 529.01 521.63 T
-(The raise statement) 216 506.63 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 312 506.63 T
-(42) 529.01 506.63 T
-(The break statement) 216 491.63 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 315 491.63 T
-(43) 529.01 491.63 T
-(The continue statement) 216 476.63 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 330 476.63 T
-(43) 529.01 476.63 T
-(The import statement) 216 461.63 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 321 461.63 T
-(43) 529.01 461.63 T
-(The global statement) 216 446.63 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 318 446.63 T
-(44) 529.01 446.63 T
-(The exec statement) 216 431.63 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 309 431.63 T
-(44) 529.01 431.63 T
-5 10 Q
-(CHAPTER) 144 398.3 T
-0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 K
-4 36 Q
-(7) 194.56 398.3 T
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 K
-3 14 Q
-(Compound statements) 216 398.3 T
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 K
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 357 398.3 T
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 K
-(47) 527.01 398.3 T
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 12 Q
-(The if statement) 216 381.63 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 294 381.63 T
-(47) 529.01 381.63 T
-(The) 216 366.63 T
-2 F
-(while) 237.66 366.63 T
-1 F
-( statement) 273.66 366.63 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 324 366.63 T
-(48) 529.01 366.63 T
-(The) 216 351.63 T
-2 F
-(for) 237.66 351.63 T
-1 F
-( statement) 259.26 351.63 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 309 351.63 T
-(48) 529.01 351.63 T
-(The) 216 336.63 T
-2 F
-(try) 237.66 336.63 T
-1 F
-( statement) 259.26 336.63 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 309 336.63 T
-(49) 529.01 336.63 T
-(Function definitions) 216 321.63 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 315 321.63 T
-(50) 529.01 321.63 T
-(Class definitions) 216 306.63 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 297 306.63 T
-(51) 529.01 306.63 T
-5 10 Q
-(CHAPTER) 144 273.3 T
-0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 K
-4 36 Q
-(8) 194.56 273.3 T
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 K
-3 14 Q
-(Top-level components) 216 273.3 T
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 K
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 353.5 273.3 T
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 K
-(53) 527.01 273.3 T
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 12 Q
-(Complete Python programs) 216 256.63 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 348 256.63 T
-(53) 529.01 256.63 T
-(File input) 216 241.63 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 264 241.63 T
-(53) 529.01 241.63 T
-(Interactive input) 216 226.63 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 297 226.63 T
-(53) 529.01 226.63 T
-(Expression input) 216 211.63 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 297 211.63 T
-(54) 529.01 211.63 T
-1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 K
-3 14 Q
-(Index) 216 178.3 T
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 K
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 248.5 178.3 T
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 K
-(55) 527.01 178.3 T
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-1 10 Q
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-(1) 535 37.33 T
-585 292.5 598.5 720 R
-5 9 Q
-(\245) 0 270 592.5 720 TF
-(Introduction) 0 270 592.5 711 TF
-585 292.5 598.5 720 R
-0 16 Q
-(C) 99 709.33 T
-0 12.8 Q
-(HAPTER) 110.55 709.33 T
-0 16 Q
-(1:) 167.62 709.33 T
-(I) 198 709.33 T
-0 12.8 Q
-(NTRODUCTION) 202.45 709.33 T
-1 11 Q
-(This reference manual describes the Python programming language. It is not intended as a tutorial.) 99 672.67 T
-(While) 99 653.67 T
-(I) 128.6 653.67 T
-(am) 134.97 653.67 T
-(trying) 151.12 653.67 T
-(to) 180.11 653.67 T
-(be) 191.38 653.67 T
-(as) 204.47 653.67 T
-(precise) 216.35 653.67 T
-(as) 250.21 653.67 T
-(possible,) 262.08 653.67 T
-(I) 303.6 653.67 T
-(have) 309.98 653.67 T
-(chosen) 333.45 653.67 T
-(to) 366.71 653.67 T
-(use) 377.98 653.67 T
-(English) 395.35 653.67 T
-(rather) 431.68 653.67 T
-(than) 460.04 653.67 T
-(formal) 481.7 653.67 T
-(speci-) 513.73 653.67 T
-(fications) 99 640.67 T
-(for) 139.43 640.67 T
-(everything) 154.79 640.67 T
-(except) 204.38 640.67 T
-(syntax) 235.64 640.67 T
-(and) 266.9 640.67 T
-(lexical) 285.33 640.67 T
-(analysis.) 317.2 640.67 T
-(This) 357.93 640.67 T
-(should) 380.03 640.67 T
-(make) 411.91 640.67 T
-(the) 438.28 640.67 T
-(document) 454.26 640.67 T
-(more) 500.19 640.67 T
-(un-) 525.34 640.67 T
-(derstandable) 99 627.67 T
-(to) 157.92 627.67 T
-(the) 169.81 627.67 T
-(average) 186.58 627.67 T
-(reader,) 224.11 627.67 T
-(but) 257.67 627.67 T
-(will) 275.06 627.67 T
-(leave) 295.5 627.67 T
-(room) 322.04 627.67 T
-(for) 348.59 627.67 T
-(ambiguities.) 364.75 627.67 T
-(Consequently,) 422.17 627.67 T
-(if) 488.75 627.67 T
-(you) 498.8 627.67 T
-(were) 518.63 627.67 T
-(coming) 99 614.67 T
-(from) 135.35 614.67 T
-(Mars) 160.08 614.67 T
-(and) 186.03 614.67 T
-(tried) 205.27 614.67 T
-(to) 228.78 614.67 T
-(re-implement) 240.68 614.67 T
-(Python) 303.3 614.67 T
-(from) 337.82 614.67 T
-(this) 362.55 614.67 T
-(document) 381.8 614.67 T
-(alone,) 428.53 614.67 T
-(you) 458.45 614.67 T
-(might) 478.3 614.67 T
-(have) 507.33 614.67 T
-(to) 531.44 614.67 T
-(guess) 99 601.67 T
-(things) 126.16 601.67 T
-(and) 155.78 601.67 T
-(in) 174.38 601.67 T
-(fact) 185.66 601.67 T
-(you) 204.87 601.67 T
-(would) 224.09 601.67 T
-(probably) 254.31 601.67 T
-(end) 296.14 601.67 T
-(up) 314.74 601.67 T
-(implementing) 328.46 601.67 T
-(quite) 392.3 601.67 T
-(a) 417.02 601.67 T
-(different) 424.62 601.67 T
-(language.) 465.21 601.67 T
-(On) 510.39 601.67 T
-(the) 526.56 601.67 T
-(other) 99 588.67 T
-(hand,) 124.6 588.67 T
-(if) 151.74 588.67 T
-(you) 161.45 588.67 T
-(are) 180.95 588.67 T
-(using) 197.38 588.67 T
-(Python) 224.22 588.67 T
-(and) 258.39 588.67 T
-(wonder) 277.27 588.67 T
-(what) 313.26 588.67 T
-(the) 337.64 588.67 T
-(precise) 354.08 588.67 T
-(rules) 388.23 588.67 T
-(about) 412.61 588.67 T
-(a) 440.05 588.67 T
-(particular) 447.93 588.67 T
-(area) 493.08 588.67 T
-(of) 514.4 588.67 T
-(the) 526.56 588.67 T
-(language) 99 575.67 T
-(are,) 141.4 575.67 T
-(you) 160.28 575.67 T
-(should) 179.47 575.67 T
-(definitely) 211.51 575.67 T
-(be) 256.36 575.67 T
-(able) 269.44 575.67 T
-(to) 290.46 575.67 T
-(find) 301.71 575.67 T
-(them) 322.13 575.67 T
-(here.) 346.82 575.67 T
-(If) 371.2 575.67 T
-(you) 381.22 575.67 T
-(would) 400.41 575.67 T
-(like) 430.61 575.67 T
-(to) 449.8 575.67 T
-(see) 461.05 575.67 T
-(a) 477.8 575.67 T
-(more) 485.37 575.67 T
-(formal) 510.67 575.67 T
-(definitition) 99 562.67 T
-(of) 150.37 562.67 T
-(the) 162 562.67 T
-(language,) 177.92 562.67 T
-(maybe) 222.85 562.67 T
-(you) 254.65 562.67 T
-(could) 273.62 562.67 T
-(volunteer) 300.53 562.67 T
-(your) 344.55 562.67 T
-(time) 367.19 562.67 T
-(\321) 389.22 562.67 T
-(or) 402.69 562.67 T
-(invent) 414.33 562.67 T
-(a) 444.3 562.67 T
-(cloning) 451.65 562.67 T
-(machine) 487.12 562.67 T
-(:-\051.) 526.86 562.67 T
-(It) 99 543.67 T
-(is) 108.46 543.67 T
-(dangerous) 118.54 543.67 T
-(to) 166.49 543.67 T
-(add) 177.79 543.67 T
-(too) 196.41 543.67 T
-(many) 213.21 543.67 T
-(implementation) 240.39 543.67 T
-(details) 312.19 543.67 T
-(to) 343.65 543.67 T
-(a) 354.95 543.67 T
-(language) 362.57 543.67 T
-(reference) 405.02 543.67 T
-(document) 448.67 543.67 T
-(\321) 494.8 543.67 T
-(the) 508.54 543.67 T
-(im-) 524.72 543.67 T
-(plementation) 99 530.67 T
-(may) 158.73 530.67 T
-(change,) 179.97 530.67 T
-(and) 216.16 530.67 T
-(other) 234.34 530.67 T
-(implementations) 259.24 530.67 T
-(of) 334.86 530.67 T
-(the) 346.32 530.67 T
-(same) 362.05 530.67 T
-(language) 386.95 530.67 T
-(may) 428.95 530.67 T
-(work) 450.19 530.67 T
-(differently.) 475.08 530.67 T
-(On) 526.56 530.67 T
-(the) 99 517.67 T
-(other) 114.55 517.67 T
-(hand,) 139.26 517.67 T
-(there) 165.5 517.67 T
-(is) 189.6 517.67 T
-(currently) 199.04 517.67 T
-(only) 240.86 517.67 T
-(one) 262.53 517.67 T
-(Python) 280.52 517.67 T
-(implementation) 313.8 517.67 T
-(in) 384.97 517.67 T
-(widespread) 395.63 517.67 T
-(use,) 447.83 517.67 T
-(and) 467.35 517.67 T
-(its) 485.35 517.67 T
-(particular) 497.85 517.67 T
-(quirks) 99 504.67 T
-(are) 128.73 504.67 T
-(sometimes) 144.4 504.67 T
-(worth) 193.69 504.67 T
-(being) 221.59 504.67 T
-(mentioned,) 248.26 504.67 T
-(especially) 299.69 504.67 T
-(where) 345.91 504.67 T
-(the) 375.02 504.67 T
-(implementation) 390.7 504.67 T
-(imposes) 461.99 504.67 T
-(addition-) 500.28 504.67 T
-(al limitations. Therefore, you\325ll find short \322implementation notes\323 sprinkled throughout the text.) 99 491.67 T
-(Every) 99 472.67 T
-(Python) 128.12 472.67 T
-(implementation) 162.13 472.67 T
-(comes) 234.04 472.67 T
-(with) 264.99 472.67 T
-(a) 287.4 472.67 T
-(number) 295.13 472.67 T
-(of) 331.58 472.67 T
-(built-in) 343.59 472.67 T
-(and) 378.83 472.67 T
-(standard) 397.56 472.67 T
-(modules.) 437.67 472.67 T
-(These) 480.55 472.67 T
-(are) 509.66 472.67 T
-(not) 525.94 472.67 T
-(documented) 99 459.67 T
-(here,) 154.98 459.67 T
-(but) 178.88 459.67 T
-(in) 195.16 459.67 T
-(the) 205.93 459.67 T
-(separate) 221.59 459.67 T
-3 F
-(Python) 259.84 459.67 T
-(Library) 293.22 459.67 T
-(Reference) 329.05 459.67 T
-1 F
-(document.) 375.25 459.67 T
-(A) 423.6 459.67 T
-(few) 433.76 459.67 T
-(built-in) 452.46 459.67 T
-(modules) 487.07 459.67 T
-(are) 526.57 459.67 T
-(mentioned when they interact in a significant way with the language definition.) 99 446.67 T
-0 14 Q
-(1.1) 99 419.67 T
-(Notation) 135 419.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(The) 99 394.67 T
-(descriptions) 118.84 394.67 T
-(of) 174.74 394.67 T
-(lexical) 186.65 394.67 T
-(analysis) 218.71 394.67 T
-(and) 256.89 394.67 T
-(syntax) 275.51 394.67 T
-(use) 306.97 394.67 T
-(a) 324.37 394.67 T
-(modified) 331.99 394.67 T
-(BNF) 374.45 394.67 T
-(grammar) 398.59 394.67 T
-(notation.) 441.04 394.67 T
-(This) 482.58 394.67 T
-(uses) 504.88 394.67 T
-(the) 526.56 394.67 T
-(following style of definition:) 99 381.67 T
-2 10 Q
-(name: lc_letter \050lc_letter | "_"\051*) 99 363.33 T
-(lc_letter: "a"..."z") 99 351.33 T
-1 11 Q
-(T) 99 326.67 T
-(h) 106.15 326.67 T
-(e) 112.09 326.67 T
-(f) 121 326.67 T
-(i) 125.1 326.67 T
-(r) 128.59 326.67 T
-(s) 132.69 326.67 T
-(t) 137.4 326.67 T
-(l) 144.49 326.67 T
-(i) 147.98 326.67 T
-(n) 151.48 326.67 T
-(e) 157.41 326.67 T
-(s) 166.32 326.67 T
-(a) 171.04 326.67 T
-(y) 176.36 326.67 T
-(s) 182.29 326.67 T
-(t) 190.6 326.67 T
-(h) 194.09 326.67 T
-(a) 200.03 326.67 T
-(t) 205.34 326.67 T
-(a) 212.43 326.67 T
-2 F
-(n) 221.35 326.67 T
-(a) 228.38 326.67 T
-(m) 235.42 326.67 T
-(e) 242.45 326.67 T
-1 F
-(i) 253.08 326.67 T
-(s) 256.57 326.67 T
-(a) 264.88 326.67 T
-(n) 270.2 326.67 T
-2 F
-(l) 279.73 326.67 T
-(c) 286.77 326.67 T
-(_) 293.8 326.67 T
-(l) 300.83 326.67 T
-(e) 307.87 326.67 T
-(t) 314.9 326.67 T
-(t) 321.93 326.67 T
-(e) 328.97 326.67 T
-(r) 336 326.67 T
-1 F
-(f) 346.63 326.67 T
-(o) 350.73 326.67 T
-(l) 356.67 326.67 T
-(l) 360.16 326.67 T
-(o) 363.65 326.67 T
-(w) 369.58 326.67 T
-(e) 377.96 326.67 T
-(d) 383.28 326.67 T
-(b) 392.81 326.67 T
-(y) 398.74 326.67 T
-(a) 408.27 326.67 T
-(s) 417.19 326.67 T
-(e) 421.9 326.67 T
-(q) 427.22 326.67 T
-(u) 433.15 326.67 T
-(e) 439.09 326.67 T
-(n) 444.4 326.67 T
-(c) 450.34 326.67 T
-(e) 455.66 326.67 T
-(o) 464.57 326.67 T
-(f) 470.51 326.67 T
-(z) 478.2 326.67 T
-(e) 483.52 326.67 T
-(r) 488.84 326.67 T
-(o) 492.93 326.67 T
-(o) 502.46 326.67 T
-(r) 508.4 326.67 T
-(m) 516.09 326.67 T
-(o) 525.08 326.67 T
-(r) 531.02 326.67 T
-(e) 535.11 326.67 T
-2 F
-(lc_letter) 99 313.67 T
-1 F
-(s) 158.4 313.67 T
-(and) 165.82 313.67 T
-(underscores.) 184.84 313.67 T
-(An) 243.26 313.67 T
-2 F
-(lc_letter) 259.84 313.67 T
-1 F
-(in) 322.37 313.67 T
-(turn) 334.07 313.67 T
-(is) 354.92 313.67 T
-(any) 365.4 313.67 T
-(of) 384.42 313.67 T
-(the) 396.72 313.67 T
-(single) 413.3 313.67 T
-(characters) 442.71 313.67 T
-(\324a\325) 490.43 313.67 T
-(through) 505.78 313.67 T
-(\324) 99 300.67 T
-(z) 102.71 300.67 T
-(\325) 107.64 300.67 T
-(.) 111.34 300.67 T
-(\050) 117.35 300.67 T
-(T) 121.05 300.67 T
-(h) 127.82 300.67 T
-(i) 133.36 300.67 T
-(s) 136.46 300.67 T
-(r) 143.99 300.67 T
-(u) 147.7 300.67 T
-(l) 153.25 300.67 T
-(e) 156.35 300.67 T
-(i) 164.48 300.67 T
-(s) 167.59 300.67 T
-(a) 175.12 300.67 T
-(c) 180.04 300.67 T
-(t) 184.97 300.67 T
-(u) 188.08 300.67 T
-(a) 193.62 300.67 T
-(l) 198.55 300.67 T
-(l) 201.65 300.67 T
-(y) 204.75 300.67 T
-(a) 213.51 300.67 T
-(d) 218.43 300.67 T
-(h) 223.98 300.67 T
-(e) 229.52 300.67 T
-(r) 234.45 300.67 T
-(e) 238.16 300.67 T
-(d) 243.09 300.67 T
-(t) 251.84 300.67 T
-(o) 254.94 300.67 T
-(f) 263.69 300.67 T
-(o) 267.4 300.67 T
-(r) 272.94 300.67 T
-(t) 279.86 300.67 T
-(h) 282.96 300.67 T
-(e) 288.51 300.67 T
-(n) 296.64 300.67 T
-(a) 302.18 300.67 T
-(m) 307.11 300.67 T
-(e) 315.72 300.67 T
-(s) 320.64 300.67 T
-(u) 328.17 300.67 T
-(s) 333.72 300.67 T
-(e) 338.04 300.67 T
-(d) 342.97 300.67 T
-(i) 351.72 300.67 T
-(n) 354.83 300.67 T
-(l) 363.58 300.67 T
-(e) 366.68 300.67 T
-(x) 371.61 300.67 T
-(i) 377.15 300.67 T
-(c) 380.25 300.67 T
-(a) 385.18 300.67 T
-(l) 390.11 300.67 T
-(a) 396.42 300.67 T
-(n) 401.35 300.67 T
-(d) 406.89 300.67 T
-(g) 415.64 300.67 T
-(r) 421.19 300.67 T
-(a) 424.9 300.67 T
-(m) 429.82 300.67 T
-(m) 438.43 300.67 T
-(a) 447.03 300.67 T
-(r) 451.96 300.67 T
-(r) 458.87 300.67 T
-(u) 462.58 300.67 T
-(l) 468.12 300.67 T
-(e) 471.23 300.67 T
-(s) 476.15 300.67 T
-(i) 483.68 300.67 T
-(n) 486.79 300.67 T
-(t) 495.54 300.67 T
-(h) 498.64 300.67 T
-(i) 504.19 300.67 T
-(s) 507.29 300.67 T
-(d) 514.82 300.67 T
-(o) 520.36 300.67 T
-(c) 525.91 300.67 T
-(u) 530.84 300.67 T
-(-) 536.38 300.67 T
-(ment.\051) 99 287.67 T
-(Each) 99 262.67 T
-(rule) 123.72 262.67 T
-(begins) 143.56 262.67 T
-(with) 175.02 262.67 T
-(a) 197.31 262.67 T
-(name) 204.93 262.67 T
-(\050which) 231.49 262.67 T
-(is) 264.77 262.67 T
-(the) 274.85 262.67 T
-(name) 291.02 262.67 T
-(defined) 317.59 262.67 T
-(by) 353.31 262.67 T
-(the) 367.05 262.67 T
-(rule\051) 383.22 262.67 T
-(and) 406.73 262.67 T
-(a) 425.34 262.67 T
-(colon.) 432.96 262.67 T
-(A) 462.89 262.67 T
-(vertical) 473.57 262.67 T
-(bar) 509.29 262.67 T
-(\050) 526.07 262.67 T
-2 F
-(|) 529.74 262.67 T
-1 F
-(\051) 536.34 262.67 T
-(is) 99 249.67 T
-(used) 109.1 249.67 T
-(to) 132.03 249.67 T
-(separate) 143.35 249.67 T
-(alternatives;) 182.15 249.67 T
-(it) 238.68 249.67 T
-(is) 247.57 249.67 T
-(the) 257.67 249.67 T
-(least) 273.87 249.67 T
-(binding) 296.8 249.67 T
-(operator) 333.18 249.67 T
-(in) 372.6 249.67 T
-(this) 383.92 249.67 T
-(notation.) 402.58 249.67 T
-(A) 444.15 249.67 T
-(star) 454.86 249.67 T
-(\050) 473.51 249.67 T
-2 F
-(*) 477.17 249.67 T
-1 F
-(\051) 483.77 249.67 T
-(means) 490.2 249.67 T
-(zero) 521.07 249.67 T
-(or) 99 236.67 T
-(more) 111.22 236.67 T
-(repetitions) 136.88 236.67 T
-(of) 186.37 236.67 T
-(the) 198.59 236.67 T
-(preceding) 215.09 236.67 T
-(item;) 261.51 236.67 T
-(likewise,) 287.18 236.67 T
-(a) 329.65 236.67 T
-(plus) 337.59 236.67 T
-(\050) 358.98 236.67 T
-2 F
-(+) 362.64 236.67 T
-1 F
-(\051) 369.24 236.67 T
-(means) 375.96 236.67 T
-(one) 407.12 236.67 T
-(or) 426.05 236.67 T
-(more) 438.27 236.67 T
-(repetitions,) 463.93 236.67 T
-(and) 516.18 236.67 T
-(a) 535.11 236.67 T
-(phrase) 99 223.67 T
-(enclosed) 129.91 223.67 T
-(in) 170.61 223.67 T
-(square) 181.37 223.67 T
-(brackets) 212.28 223.67 T
-(\050) 251.14 223.67 T
-2 F
-([) 254.8 223.67 T
-(]) 266.69 223.67 T
-1 F
-(\051) 273.29 223.67 T
-(means) 279.16 223.67 T
-(zero) 309.47 223.67 T
-(or) 330.61 223.67 T
-(one) 341.97 223.67 T
-(occurrences) 360.06 223.67 T
-(\050in) 414.79 223.67 T
-(other) 429.22 223.67 T
-(words,) 454.03 223.67 T
-(the) 485.86 223.67 T
-(enclosed) 501.51 223.67 T
-(phrase) 99 210.67 T
-(is) 130.21 210.67 T
-(optional\051.) 140.05 210.67 T
-(The) 185.03 210.67 T
-2 F
-(*) 204.64 210.67 T
-1 F
-(and) 213.74 210.67 T
-2 F
-(+) 232.13 210.67 T
-1 F
-(operators) 241.24 210.67 T
-(bind) 284.67 210.67 T
-(as) 306.73 210.67 T
-(tightly) 318.4 210.67 T
-(as) 349.64 210.67 T
-(possible;) 361.3 210.67 T
-(parentheses) 402.92 210.67 T
-(are) 456.74 210.67 T
-(used) 472.68 210.67 T
-(for) 495.34 210.67 T
-(group-) 510.67 210.67 T
-(ing.) 99 197.67 T
-(Literal) 118.75 197.67 T
-(strings) 151.02 197.67 T
-(are) 183.3 197.67 T
-(enclosed) 199.67 197.67 T
-(in) 241.1 197.67 T
-(quotes.) 252.61 197.67 T
-(White) 287.02 197.67 T
-(space) 316.85 197.67 T
-(is) 344.22 197.67 T
-(only) 354.5 197.67 T
-(meaningful) 377 197.67 T
-(to) 430.05 197.67 T
-(separate) 441.55 197.67 T
-(tokens.) 480.53 197.67 T
-(Rules) 514.94 197.67 T
-(are) 99 184.67 T
-(normally) 115.3 184.67 T
-(contained) 157.89 184.67 T
-(on) 203.53 184.67 T
-(a) 217.4 184.67 T
-(single) 225.15 184.67 T
-(line;) 254.3 184.67 T
-(rules) 276.73 184.67 T
-(with) 300.99 184.67 T
-(many) 323.41 184.67 T
-(alternatives) 350.73 184.67 T
-(may) 404.31 184.67 T
-(be) 426.12 184.67 T
-(formatted) 439.37 184.67 T
-(alternatively) 485.01 184.67 T
-(with each line after the first beginning with a vertical bar.) 99 171.67 T
-(In) 99 146.67 T
-(lexical) 111.07 146.67 T
-(definitions) 143.3 146.67 T
-(\050as) 193.26 146.67 T
-(in) 208.99 146.67 T
-(the) 220.45 146.67 T
-(example) 236.8 146.67 T
-(above\051,) 276.97 146.67 T
-(two) 312.56 146.67 T
-(more) 331.96 146.67 T
-(conventions) 357.47 146.67 T
-(are) 413.54 146.67 T
-(used:) 429.88 146.67 T
-(Two) 456 146.67 T
-(literal) 479.07 146.67 T
-(charac-) 507.64 146.67 T
-(t) 99 133.67 T
-(e) 102.08 133.67 T
-(r) 106.99 133.67 T
-(s) 110.68 133.67 T
-(s) 118.17 133.67 T
-(e) 122.47 133.67 T
-(p) 127.38 133.67 T
-(a) 132.9 133.67 T
-(r) 137.81 133.67 T
-(a) 141.49 133.67 T
-(t) 146.4 133.67 T
-(e) 149.48 133.67 T
-(d) 154.39 133.67 T
-(b) 163.1 133.67 T
-(y) 168.63 133.67 T
-(t) 177.34 133.67 T
-(h) 180.42 133.67 T
-(r) 185.94 133.67 T
-(e) 189.63 133.67 T
-(e) 194.54 133.67 T
-(d) 202.63 133.67 T
-(o) 208.15 133.67 T
-(t) 213.68 133.67 T
-(s) 216.76 133.67 T
-(m) 224.25 133.67 T
-(e) 232.83 133.67 T
-(a) 237.74 133.67 T
-(n) 242.65 133.67 T
-(a) 251.36 133.67 T
-(c) 259.45 133.67 T
-(h) 264.36 133.67 T
-(o) 269.88 133.67 T
-(i) 275.41 133.67 T
-(c) 278.49 133.67 T
-(e) 283.4 133.67 T
-(o) 291.49 133.67 T
-(f) 297.01 133.67 T
-(a) 303.89 133.67 T
-(n) 308.8 133.67 T
-(y) 314.32 133.67 T
-(s) 323.03 133.67 T
-(i) 327.33 133.67 T
-(n) 330.41 133.67 T
-(g) 335.94 133.67 T
-(l) 341.46 133.67 T
-(e) 344.54 133.67 T
-(c) 352.64 133.67 T
-(h) 357.54 133.67 T
-(a) 363.07 133.67 T
-(r) 367.98 133.67 T
-(a) 371.66 133.67 T
-(c) 376.57 133.67 T
-(t) 381.48 133.67 T
-(e) 384.56 133.67 T
-(r) 389.47 133.67 T
-(i) 396.34 133.67 T
-(n) 399.42 133.67 T
-(t) 408.13 133.67 T
-(h) 411.21 133.67 T
-(e) 416.74 133.67 T
-(g) 424.83 133.67 T
-(i) 430.36 133.67 T
-(v) 433.44 133.67 T
-(e) 438.96 133.67 T
-(n) 443.87 133.67 T
-(\050) 452.58 133.67 T
-(i) 456.27 133.67 T
-(n) 459.35 133.67 T
-(c) 464.87 133.67 T
-(l) 469.78 133.67 T
-(u) 472.86 133.67 T
-(s) 478.39 133.67 T
-(i) 482.69 133.67 T
-(v) 485.77 133.67 T
-(e) 491.3 133.67 T
-(\051) 496.2 133.67 T
-(r) 503.08 133.67 T
-(a) 506.76 133.67 T
-(n) 511.67 133.67 T
-(g) 517.19 133.67 T
-(e) 522.72 133.67 T
-(o) 530.81 133.67 T
-(f) 536.34 133.67 T
-(ASCII) 99 120.67 T
-(characters.) 130.7 120.67 T
-(A) 181.01 120.67 T
-(phrase) 191.93 120.67 T
-(between) 223.61 120.67 T
-(angular) 263.24 120.67 T
-(brackets) 299.21 120.67 T
-(\050) 338.84 120.67 T
-2 F
-(<...>) 342.5 120.67 T
-1 F
-(\051) 375.5 120.67 T
-(gives) 382.14 120.67 T
-(an) 408.34 120.67 T
-(informal) 421.7 120.67 T
-(description) 462.56 120.67 T
-(of) 514.42 120.67 T
-(the) 526.56 120.67 T
-(symbol defined; e.g. this could be used to describe the notion of \324control character\325 if needed.) 99 107.67 T
-%%EndPage: "1" 7
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-612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE
-0 FrameSetSepColors
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 10 Q
-0 X
-(2) 76.5 37.33 T
-1 11 Q
-(Even) 76.5 712.67 T
-(though) 102.21 712.67 T
-(the) 135.86 712.67 T
-(notation) 152.41 712.67 T
-(used) 191.57 712.67 T
-(is) 214.83 712.67 T
-(almost) 225.27 712.67 T
-(the) 257.7 712.67 T
-(same,) 274.25 712.67 T
-(there) 302.7 712.67 T
-(is) 327.79 712.67 T
-(a) 338.23 712.67 T
-(big) 346.21 712.67 T
-(difference) 363.37 712.67 T
-(between) 411.06 712.67 T
-(the) 450.81 712.67 T
-(meaning) 467.35 712.67 T
-(of) 508.34 712.67 T
-(lexical) 76.5 699.67 T
-(and) 108.26 699.67 T
-(syntactic) 126.58 699.67 T
-(definitions:) 168.12 699.67 T
-(a) 220.66 699.67 T
-(lexical) 227.98 699.67 T
-(definition) 259.74 699.67 T
-(operates) 304.95 699.67 T
-(on) 344.04 699.67 T
-(the) 357.47 699.67 T
-(individual) 373.35 699.67 T
-(characters) 420.4 699.67 T
-(of) 467.41 699.67 T
-(the) 479.01 699.67 T
-(input) 494.88 699.67 T
-(source,) 76.5 686.67 T
-(while) 111.01 686.67 T
-(a) 138.49 686.67 T
-(syntax) 146.43 686.67 T
-(definition) 178.19 686.67 T
-(operates) 224.02 686.67 T
-(on) 263.71 686.67 T
-(the) 277.76 686.67 T
-(stream) 294.25 686.67 T
-(of) 326.62 686.67 T
-(tokens) 338.83 686.67 T
-(generated) 370.6 686.67 T
-(by) 416.4 686.67 T
-(the) 430.45 686.67 T
-(lexical) 446.94 686.67 T
-(analysis.) 479.31 686.67 T
-(All) 76.5 673.67 T
-(uses) 93.64 673.67 T
-(of) 115.67 673.67 T
-(BNF) 127.92 673.67 T
-(in) 152.4 673.67 T
-(the) 164.04 673.67 T
-(next) 180.57 673.67 T
-(chapter) 202.6 673.67 T
-(\050\322Lexical) 238.06 673.67 T
-(Analysis\323\051) 282.68 673.67 T
-(are) 332.81 673.67 T
-(lexical) 349.33 673.67 T
-(definitions;) 381.74 673.67 T
-(uses) 434.94 673.67 T
-(in) 456.97 673.67 T
-(subsequent) 468.62 673.67 T
-(chapters are syntactic definitions.) 76.5 660.67 T
-%%EndPage: "2" 8
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-612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE
-0 FrameSetSepColors
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 10 Q
-0 X
-(3) 535 37.33 T
-585 292.5 598.5 720 R
-5 9 Q
-(\245) 0 270 592.5 720 TF
-(Lexical analysis) 0 270 592.5 711 TF
-585 292.5 598.5 720 R
-0 16 Q
-(C) 99 709.33 T
-0 12.8 Q
-(HAPTER) 110.55 709.33 T
-0 16 Q
-(2:) 167.62 709.33 T
-(L) 198 709.33 T
-0 12.8 Q
-(EXICAL) 207.78 709.33 T
-(ANALYSIS) 259.16 709.33 T
-1 11 Q
-(A) 99 672.67 T
-(Python) 109.62 672.67 T
-(program) 143.48 672.67 T
-(is) 183.43 672.67 T
-(read) 193.45 672.67 T
-(by) 215.06 672.67 T
-(a) 228.75 672.67 T
-3 F
-(parser) 236.31 672.67 T
-1 F
-(.) 265.03 672.67 T
-(Input) 270.46 672.67 T
-(to) 296.37 672.67 T
-(the) 307.61 672.67 T
-(parser) 323.73 672.67 T
-(is) 353.29 672.67 T
-(a) 363.31 672.67 T
-(stream) 370.87 672.67 T
-(of) 402.88 672.67 T
-3 F
-(tokens) 414.73 672.67 T
-1 F
-(,) 442.83 672.67 T
-(generated) 448.27 672.67 T
-(by) 493.7 672.67 T
-(the) 507.39 672.67 T
-3 F
-(lex-) 523.51 672.67 T
-(ical analyzer) 99 659.67 T
-1 F
-(. This chapter describes how the lexical analyzer breaks a file into tokens.) 156.13 659.67 T
-(Python) 99 634.67 T
-(uses) 132.71 634.67 T
-(the) 154.18 634.67 T
-(7-bit) 170.15 634.67 T
-(ASCII) 193.46 634.67 T
-(character) 224.71 634.67 T
-(set) 267.55 634.67 T
-(for) 282.3 634.67 T
-(program) 297.66 634.67 T
-(text) 337.46 634.67 T
-(and) 356.49 634.67 T
-(string) 374.9 634.67 T
-(literals.) 402.49 634.67 T
-(8-bit) 437.72 634.67 T
-(characters) 461.03 634.67 T
-(may) 508.14 634.67 T
-(be) 529.62 634.67 T
-(used) 99 621.67 T
-(in) 121.84 621.67 T
-(string) 133.08 621.67 T
-(literals) 160.81 621.67 T
-(and) 193.43 621.67 T
-(comments) 211.99 621.67 T
-(but) 259.89 621.67 T
-(their) 276.62 621.67 T
-(interpretation) 299.46 621.67 T
-(is) 361.41 621.67 T
-(platform) 371.42 621.67 T
-(dependent;) 411.99 621.67 T
-(the) 462.93 621.67 T
-(proper) 479.05 621.67 T
-(way) 510.44 621.67 T
-(to) 531.44 621.67 T
-(insert 8-bit characters in string literals is by using octal or hexadecimal escape sequences.) 99 608.67 T
-(The) 99 583.67 T
-(run-time) 118.51 583.67 T
-(character) 158.79 583.67 T
-(set) 201.5 583.67 T
-(depends) 216.12 583.67 T
-(on) 254.57 583.67 T
-(the) 267.97 583.67 T
-(I/O) 283.82 583.67 T
-(devices) 300.88 583.67 T
-(connected) 336.27 583.67 T
-(to) 383.27 583.67 T
-(the) 394.23 583.67 T
-(program) 410.07 583.67 T
-(but) 449.74 583.67 T
-(is) 466.2 583.67 T
-(generally) 475.94 583.67 T
-(a) 519.27 583.67 T
-(su-) 526.56 583.67 T
-(perset of ASCII.) 99 570.67 T
-4 F
-(Future) 99 545.67 T
-(compatibility) 134.43 545.67 T
-(note:) 199.81 545.67 T
-1 F
-(It) 226.69 545.67 T
-(may) 236.45 545.67 T
-(be) 258.44 545.67 T
-(tempting) 271.87 545.67 T
-(to) 314.03 545.67 T
-(assume) 325.64 545.67 T
-(that) 361.07 545.67 T
-(the) 380.61 545.67 T
-(character) 397.1 545.67 T
-(set) 440.45 545.67 T
-(for) 455.72 545.67 T
-(8-bit) 471.59 545.67 T
-(characters) 495.42 545.67 T
-(i) 99 532.67 T
-(s) 102.07 532.67 T
-(I) 109.53 532.67 T
-(S) 113.2 532.67 T
-(O) 119.33 532.67 T
-(L) 130.46 532.67 T
-(a) 137.19 532.67 T
-(t) 142.08 532.67 T
-(i) 145.15 532.67 T
-(n) 148.22 532.67 T
-(-) 153.73 532.67 T
-(1) 157.4 532.67 T
-(\050) 166.08 532.67 T
-(a) 169.76 532.67 T
-(n) 174.65 532.67 T
-(A) 183.33 532.67 T
-(S) 191.29 532.67 T
-(C) 197.41 532.67 T
-(I) 204.76 532.67 T
-(I) 208.43 532.67 T
-(s) 215.28 532.67 T
-(u) 219.57 532.67 T
-(p) 225.08 532.67 T
-(e) 230.59 532.67 T
-(r) 235.48 532.67 T
-(s) 239.16 532.67 T
-(e) 243.45 532.67 T
-(t) 248.34 532.67 T
-(t) 254.58 532.67 T
-(h) 257.65 532.67 T
-(a) 263.16 532.67 T
-(t) 268.05 532.67 T
-(c) 274.29 532.67 T
-(o) 279.19 532.67 T
-(v) 284.7 532.67 T
-(e) 290.21 532.67 T
-(r) 295.1 532.67 T
-(s) 298.78 532.67 T
-(m) 306.24 532.67 T
-(o) 314.81 532.67 T
-(s) 320.32 532.67 T
-(t) 324.61 532.67 T
-(w) 330.85 532.67 T
-(e) 338.8 532.67 T
-(s) 343.69 532.67 T
-(t) 347.98 532.67 T
-(e) 351.05 532.67 T
-(r) 355.95 532.67 T
-(n) 359.62 532.67 T
-(l) 368.3 532.67 T
-(a) 371.37 532.67 T
-(n) 376.26 532.67 T
-(g) 381.77 532.67 T
-(u) 387.28 532.67 T
-(a) 392.8 532.67 T
-(g) 397.69 532.67 T
-(e) 403.2 532.67 T
-(s) 408.09 532.67 T
-(t) 415.55 532.67 T
-(h) 418.62 532.67 T
-(a) 424.13 532.67 T
-(t) 429.03 532.67 T
-(u) 435.27 532.67 T
-(s) 440.78 532.67 T
-(e) 445.07 532.67 T
-(t) 453.14 532.67 T
-(h) 456.2 532.67 T
-(e) 461.71 532.67 T
-(L) 469.78 532.67 T
-(a) 476.51 532.67 T
-(t) 481.41 532.67 T
-(i) 484.48 532.67 T
-(n) 487.54 532.67 T
-(a) 496.23 532.67 T
-(l) 501.12 532.67 T
-(p) 504.19 532.67 T
-(h) 509.7 532.67 T
-(a) 515.21 532.67 T
-(b) 520.1 532.67 T
-(e) 525.61 532.67 T
-(t) 530.51 532.67 T
-(\051) 533.58 532.67 T
-(,) 537.25 532.67 T
-(but) 99 519.67 T
-(it) 115.47 519.67 T
-(is) 124.01 519.67 T
-(possible) 133.76 519.67 T
-(that) 172.23 519.67 T
-(in) 191.15 519.67 T
-(the) 202.12 519.67 T
-(future) 217.98 519.67 T
-(Unicode) 246.66 519.67 T
-(text) 286.35 519.67 T
-(editors) 305.27 519.67 T
-(will) 337.62 519.67 T
-(become) 357.16 519.67 T
-(common.) 393.78 519.67 T
-(These) 437.45 519.67 T
-(generally) 466.13 519.67 T
-(use) 509.48 519.67 T
-(the) 526.56 519.67 T
-(UTF-8) 99 506.67 T
-(encoding,) 131.57 506.67 T
-(which) 177.27 506.67 T
-(is) 206.78 506.67 T
-(also) 216.75 506.67 T
-(an) 237.09 506.67 T
-(ASCII) 250.1 506.67 T
-(superset,) 281.45 506.67 T
-(but) 322.88 506.67 T
-(with) 339.56 506.67 T
-(very) 361.75 506.67 T
-(different) 383.92 506.67 T
-(use) 424.42 506.67 T
-(for) 441.71 506.67 T
-(the) 457.16 506.67 T
-(characters) 473.23 506.67 T
-(with) 520.44 506.67 T
-(ordinals) 99 493.67 T
-(128-255.) 136.95 493.67 T
-(While) 178.87 493.67 T
-(there) 208.26 493.67 T
-(is) 232.75 493.67 T
-(no) 242.59 493.67 T
-(consensus) 256.1 493.67 T
-(on) 303.21 493.67 T
-(this) 316.71 493.67 T
-(subject) 335.11 493.67 T
-(yet,) 368.78 493.67 T
-(it) 387.48 493.67 T
-(is) 396.1 493.67 T
-(unwise) 405.94 493.67 T
-(to) 439.61 493.67 T
-(assume) 450.67 493.67 T
-(either) 485.56 493.67 T
-(Latin-) 513.12 493.67 T
-(1) 99 480.67 T
-(or) 106.74 480.67 T
-(UTF-8,) 118.15 480.67 T
-(even) 153.09 480.67 T
-(though) 176.1 480.67 T
-(the) 208.9 480.67 T
-(current) 224.58 480.67 T
-(implementation) 257.98 480.67 T
-(appears) 329.28 480.67 T
-(to) 365.12 480.67 T
-(favor) 375.92 480.67 T
-(Latin-1.) 401.37 480.67 T
-(This) 438.75 480.67 T
-(applies) 460.55 480.67 T
-(both) 493.95 480.67 T
-(to) 515.76 480.67 T
-(the) 526.56 480.67 T
-(source character set and the run-time character set.) 99 467.67 T
-0 14 Q
-(2.1) 99 440.67 T
-(Line structure) 135 440.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(A Python program is divided in a number of) 99 415.67 T
-3 F
-(logical lines) 296.68 415.67 T
-1 F
-(.) 350.77 415.67 T
-0 12 Q
-(2.1.1) 99 390 T
-(Logical lines) 144 390 T
-1 11 Q
-(The) 99 370.67 T
-(end) 118.93 370.67 T
-(of) 137.63 370.67 T
-(each) 149.62 370.67 T
-(logical) 172.59 370.67 T
-(line) 205.36 370.67 T
-(is) 224.68 370.67 T
-(represented) 234.84 370.67 T
-(by) 288.36 370.67 T
-(the) 302.18 370.67 T
-(token) 318.45 370.67 T
-(NEWLINE.) 345.71 370.67 T
-(Statements) 401.38 370.67 T
-(cannot) 452.48 370.67 T
-(cross) 484.63 370.67 T
-(logical) 510.06 370.67 T
-(line) 99 357.67 T
-(boundaries) 118.46 357.67 T
-(except) 169.69 357.67 T
-(where) 201.35 357.67 T
-(NEWLINE) 231.19 357.67 T
-(is) 284.24 357.67 T
-(allowed) 294.54 357.67 T
-(by) 332.32 357.67 T
-(the) 346.28 357.67 T
-(syntax) 362.68 357.67 T
-(\050e.g.) 394.36 357.67 T
-(between) 416.87 357.67 T
-(statements) 456.48 357.67 T
-(in) 505.88 357.67 T
-(com-) 517.4 357.67 T
-(pound) 99 344.67 T
-(statements\051.) 129.03 344.67 T
-(A) 184.41 344.67 T
-(logical) 194.88 344.67 T
-(line) 227.36 344.67 T
-(is) 246.38 344.67 T
-(constructed) 256.25 344.67 T
-(from) 309.49 344.67 T
-(one) 333.4 344.67 T
-(or) 351.82 344.67 T
-(more) 363.51 344.67 T
-3 F
-(physical) 388.64 344.67 T
-(lines) 427.84 344.67 T
-1 F
-(by) 451.14 344.67 T
-(following) 464.67 344.67 T
-(the) 509.98 344.67 T
-(ex-) 525.95 344.67 T
-(plicit or implicit) 99 331.67 T
-3 F
-(line joining) 173.26 331.67 T
-1 F
-( rules.) 223.68 331.67 T
-0 12 Q
-(2.1.2) 99 306 T
-(Physical lines) 144 306 T
-1 11 Q
-(A) 99 286.67 T
-(physical) 109.17 286.67 T
-(line) 148.07 286.67 T
-(ends) 166.8 286.67 T
-(in) 189.19 286.67 T
-(whatever) 199.98 286.67 T
-(the) 242.52 286.67 T
-(current) 258.2 286.67 T
-(platform\325s) 291.58 286.67 T
-(convention) 339.64 286.67 T
-(is) 390.75 286.67 T
-(for) 400.32 286.67 T
-(terminating) 415.38 286.67 T
-(lines.) 468.33 286.67 T
-(On) 494.09 286.67 T
-(UNIX,) 509.76 286.67 T
-(this) 99 273.67 T
-(is) 117.41 273.67 T
-(the) 127.25 273.67 T
-(ASCII) 143.21 273.67 T
-(LF) 174.44 273.67 T
-(\050linefeed\051) 189.79 273.67 T
-(character.) 235.05 273.67 T
-(On) 280.62 273.67 T
-(DOS/Windows,) 296.57 273.67 T
-(it) 369.05 273.67 T
-(is) 377.68 273.67 T
-(the) 387.53 273.67 T
-(ASCII) 403.48 273.67 T
-(sequence) 434.71 273.67 T
-(CR) 477.54 273.67 T
-(LF) 494.72 273.67 T
-(\050return) 510.07 273.67 T
-(followed by linefeed\051. On Macintosh, it is the ASCII CR \050return\051 character.) 99 260.67 T
-0 12 Q
-(2.1.3) 99 235 T
-(Comments) 144 235 T
-1 11 Q
-(A) 99 215.67 T
-(comment) 110.04 215.67 T
-(starts) 154.08 215.67 T
-(with) 180.4 215.67 T
-(a) 203.06 215.67 T
-(hash) 211.04 215.67 T
-(character) 234.3 215.67 T
-(\050) 277.7 215.67 T
-2 F
-(#) 281.36 215.67 T
-1 F
-(\051) 287.96 215.67 T
-(that) 294.73 215.67 T
-(is) 314.32 215.67 T
-(not) 324.76 215.67 T
-(part) 341.92 215.67 T
-(of) 362.12 215.67 T
-(a) 374.38 215.67 T
-(string) 382.36 215.67 T
-(literal,) 410.52 215.67 T
-(and) 442.03 215.67 T
-(ends) 461.01 215.67 T
-(at) 484.27 215.67 T
-(the) 495.31 215.67 T
-(end) 511.85 215.67 T
-(of) 530.84 215.67 T
-(the) 99 202.67 T
-(physical) 114.96 202.67 T
-(line.) 154.15 202.67 T
-(A) 175.92 202.67 T
-(comment) 186.39 202.67 T
-(signifies) 229.85 202.67 T
-(the) 269.65 202.67 T
-(end) 285.61 202.67 T
-(of) 304.02 202.67 T
-(the) 315.71 202.67 T
-(logical) 331.67 202.67 T
-(line) 364.14 202.67 T
-(unless) 383.16 202.67 T
-(the) 413.18 202.67 T
-(implicit) 429.14 202.67 T
-(line) 465.9 202.67 T
-(joining) 484.92 202.67 T
-(rules) 518.62 202.67 T
-(are invoked. Comments are ignored by the syntax\255\255; they are not tokens.) 99 189.67 T
-0 12 Q
-(2.1.4) 99 164 T
-(Explicit line joining) 144 164 T
-1 11 Q
-(Two) 99 144.67 T
-(or) 121.28 144.67 T
-(more) 132.56 144.67 T
-(physical) 157.28 144.67 T
-(lines) 196.06 144.67 T
-(may) 218.96 144.67 T
-(be) 240.02 144.67 T
-(joined) 252.52 144.67 T
-(into) 282.14 144.67 T
-(logical) 301.37 144.67 T
-(lines) 333.43 144.67 T
-(using) 356.33 144.67 T
-(backslash) 382.28 144.67 T
-(characters) 427.17 144.67 T
-(\050) 473.87 144.67 T
-2 F
-(\134) 477.53 144.67 T
-1 F
-(\051,) 484.13 144.67 T
-(as) 492.66 144.67 T
-(follows:) 503.94 144.67 T
-(when) 99 131.67 T
-(a) 125.19 131.67 T
-(physical) 132.44 131.67 T
-(line) 171.46 131.67 T
-(ends) 190.32 131.67 T
-(in) 212.85 131.67 T
-(a) 223.77 131.67 T
-(backslash) 231.02 131.67 T
-(that) 276.15 131.67 T
-(is) 295.01 131.67 T
-(not) 304.71 131.67 T
-(part) 321.13 131.67 T
-(of) 340.6 131.67 T
-(a) 352.13 131.67 T
-(string) 359.37 131.67 T
-(literal) 386.79 131.67 T
-(or) 414.82 131.67 T
-(comment,) 426.35 131.67 T
-(it) 472.4 131.67 T
-(is) 480.88 131.67 T
-(joined) 490.58 131.67 T
-(with) 520.44 131.67 T
-(the) 99 118.67 T
-(following) 114.85 118.67 T
-(forming) 160.04 118.67 T
-(a) 197.9 118.67 T
-(single) 205.19 118.67 T
-(logical) 233.88 118.67 T
-(line,) 266.24 118.67 T
-(deleting) 287.9 118.67 T
-(the) 325.75 118.67 T
-(backslash) 341.6 118.67 T
-(and) 386.78 118.67 T
-(the) 405.08 118.67 T
-(following) 420.93 118.67 T
-(end-of-line) 466.12 118.67 T
-(char-) 517.41 118.67 T
-(acter. For example:) 99 105.67 T
-2 10 Q
-(if 1900 < year < 2100 and 1 <= month <= 12 \134) 99 87.33 T
-( and 1 <= day <= 31 and 0 <= hour < 24 \134) 99 75.33 T
-%%EndPage: "3" 9
-%%Page: "4" 10
-612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE
-0 FrameSetSepColors
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 10 Q
-0 X
-(4) 76.5 37.33 T
-2 F
-( and 0 <= minute < 60 and 0 <= second < 60: # Looks like a valid date) 72 713.33 T
-( return 1) 72 701.33 T
-1 11 Q
-(A) 72 676.67 T
-(line) 82.89 676.67 T
-(ending) 102.35 676.67 T
-(in) 135.24 676.67 T
-(a) 146.75 676.67 T
-(backslash) 154.59 676.67 T
-(cannot) 200.31 676.67 T
-(carry) 232.59 676.67 T
-(a) 258.13 676.67 T
-(comment.) 265.97 676.67 T
-(A) 312.61 676.67 T
-(backslash) 323.51 676.67 T
-(does) 369.23 676.67 T
-(not) 392.35 676.67 T
-(continue) 409.36 676.67 T
-(a) 450.19 676.67 T
-(comment.) 458.03 676.67 T
-(A) 504.67 676.67 T
-(back-) 515.57 676.67 T
-(slash) 72 663.67 T
-(does) 96.46 663.67 T
-(not) 119.08 663.67 T
-(continue) 135.6 663.67 T
-(a) 175.94 663.67 T
-(token) 183.28 663.67 T
-(except) 210.18 663.67 T
-(for) 241.35 663.67 T
-(string) 256.63 663.67 T
-(literals) 284.15 663.67 T
-(\050i.e.,) 316.55 663.67 T
-(tokens) 338.86 663.67 T
-(other) 370.04 663.67 T
-(than) 395.1 663.67 T
-(string) 416.5 663.67 T
-(literals) 444.02 663.67 T
-(cannot) 476.42 663.67 T
-(be) 508.2 663.67 T
-(split) 521.05 663.67 T
-(across physical lines using a backslash\051. A backslash is illegal elsewhere on a line outside a string literal.) 72 650.67 T
-0 12 Q
-(2.1.5) 72 625 T
-(Implicit line joining) 117 625 T
-1 11 Q
-(Expressions) 72 605.67 T
-(in) 128.43 605.67 T
-(parentheses,) 140.25 605.67 T
-(square) 197.58 605.67 T
-(brackets) 229.56 605.67 T
-(or) 269.47 605.67 T
-(curly) 281.9 605.67 T
-(braces) 307.77 605.67 T
-(can) 339.13 605.67 T
-(be) 357.67 605.67 T
-(split) 371.31 605.67 T
-(over) 393.53 605.67 T
-(more) 416.35 605.67 T
-(than) 442.21 605.67 T
-(one) 464.42 605.67 T
-(physical) 483.57 605.67 T
-(line) 523.5 605.67 T
-(without using backslashes. For example:) 72 592.67 T
-2 10 Q
-(month_names = [\325Januari\325, \325Februari\325, \325Maart\325, # These are the) 72 574.33 T
-( \325April\325, \325Mei\325, \325Juni\325, # Dutch names) 72 562.33 T
-( \325Juli\325, \325Augustus\325, \325September\325, # for the months) 72 550.33 T
-( \325Oktober\325, \325November\325, \325December\325] # of the year) 72 538.33 T
-1 11 Q
-(Implicitly) 72 513.67 T
-(continued) 118.44 513.67 T
-(lines) 164.88 513.67 T
-(can) 188.71 513.67 T
-(carry) 207.02 513.67 T
-(comments.) 232.67 513.67 T
-(The) 283.69 513.67 T
-(indentation) 303.84 513.67 T
-(of) 356.39 513.67 T
-(the) 368.61 513.67 T
-(continuation) 385.1 513.67 T
-(lines) 443.15 513.67 T
-(is) 466.98 513.67 T
-(not) 477.36 513.67 T
-(important.) 494.47 513.67 T
-(Blank) 72 500.67 T
-(continuation) 100.5 500.67 T
-(lines) 157.72 500.67 T
-(are) 180.73 500.67 T
-(allowed.) 196.38 500.67 T
-(There) 236.18 500.67 T
-(is) 264.05 500.67 T
-(no) 273.61 500.67 T
-(NEWLINE) 286.83 500.67 T
-(token) 339.15 500.67 T
-(between) 365.81 500.67 T
-(implicit) 404.69 500.67 T
-(continuation) 441.14 500.67 T
-(lines.) 498.36 500.67 T
-(Im-) 524.12 500.67 T
-(plicit) 72 487.67 T
-(continued) 97.33 487.67 T
-(lines) 143.42 487.67 T
-(can) 166.91 487.67 T
-(also) 184.89 487.67 T
-(occur) 205.32 487.67 T
-(within) 232.46 487.67 T
-(triple-quoted) 263.28 487.67 T
-(strings) 322.82 487.67 T
-(\050see) 354.86 487.67 T
-(below\051;) 375.29 487.67 T
-(in) 411.6 487.67 T
-(that) 422.87 487.67 T
-(case) 442.08 487.67 T
-(they) 463.72 487.67 T
-(cannot) 485.37 487.67 T
-(carry) 517.41 487.67 T
-(comments.) 72 474.67 T
-0 12 Q
-(2.1.6) 72 449 T
-(Blank lines) 117 449 T
-1 11 Q
-(A) 72 429.67 T
-(logical) 82.29 429.67 T
-(line) 114.59 429.67 T
-(that) 133.44 429.67 T
-(contains) 152.29 429.67 T
-(only) 191.3 429.67 T
-(spaces,) 213.21 429.67 T
-(tabs,) 247.03 429.67 T
-(formfeeds,) 269.85 429.67 T
-(and) 319.55 429.67 T
-(possibly) 337.78 429.67 T
-(a) 376.81 429.67 T
-(comment,) 384.04 429.67 T
-(is) 430.09 429.67 T
-(ignored) 439.77 429.67 T
-(\050i.e.,) 475.73 429.67 T
-(no) 497.94 429.67 T
-(NEW-) 511.29 429.67 T
-(LINE) 72 416.67 T
-(token) 100.1 416.67 T
-(is) 127.6 416.67 T
-(generated\051,) 137.99 416.67 T
-(except) 190.21 416.67 T
-(that) 221.97 416.67 T
-(during) 241.52 416.67 T
-(interactive) 273.3 416.67 T
-(input) 322.78 416.67 T
-(of) 348.45 416.67 T
-(statements,) 360.67 416.67 T
-(an) 412.91 416.67 T
-(entirely) 426.35 416.67 T
-(blank) 463.01 416.67 T
-(logical) 490.51 416.67 T
-(line) 523.5 416.67 T
-(\050i.e. one containing not even whitespace or a comment\051 terminates a multi-line statement.) 72 403.67 T
-0 12 Q
-(2.1.7) 72 378 T
-(Indentation) 117 378 T
-1 11 Q
-(Leading) 72 358.67 T
-(whitespace) 111.03 358.67 T
-(\050spaces) 162.88 358.67 T
-(and) 198.24 358.67 T
-(tabs\051) 217.1 358.67 T
-(at) 241.47 358.67 T
-(the) 252.39 358.67 T
-(beginning) 268.81 358.67 T
-(of) 315.8 358.67 T
-(a) 327.94 358.67 T
-(logical) 335.8 358.67 T
-(line) 368.73 358.67 T
-(is) 388.21 358.67 T
-(used) 398.53 358.67 T
-(to) 421.67 358.67 T
-(compute) 433.21 358.67 T
-(the) 474.08 358.67 T
-(indentation) 490.5 358.67 T
-(level of the line, which in turn is used to determine the grouping of statements.) 72 345.67 T
-(First,) 72 320.67 T
-(tabs) 97.41 320.67 T
-(are) 117.62 320.67 T
-(replaced) 133.54 320.67 T
-(\050from) 173.29 320.67 T
-(left) 200.83 320.67 T
-(to) 217.98 320.67 T
-(right\051) 229.03 320.67 T
-(by) 255.96 320.67 T
-(one) 269.45 320.67 T
-(to) 287.82 320.67 T
-(eight) 298.87 320.67 T
-(spaces) 323.36 320.67 T
-(such) 354.56 320.67 T
-(that) 377.21 320.67 T
-(the) 396.2 320.67 T
-(total) 412.13 320.67 T
-(number) 434.18 320.67 T
-(of) 470.27 320.67 T
-(characters) 481.93 320.67 T
-(up) 529 320.67 T
-(to) 72 307.67 T
-(there) 83.6 307.67 T
-(is) 108.62 307.67 T
-(a) 119 307.67 T
-(multiple) 126.93 307.67 T
-(of) 166.64 307.67 T
-(eight) 178.84 307.67 T
-(\050this) 203.88 307.67 T
-(is) 226.48 307.67 T
-(intended) 236.85 307.67 T
-(to) 277.78 307.67 T
-(be) 289.37 307.67 T
-(the) 302.8 307.67 T
-(same) 319.28 307.67 T
-(rule) 344.92 307.67 T
-(as) 365.07 307.67 T
-(used) 377.27 307.67 T
-(by) 400.47 307.67 T
-(UNIX\051.) 414.51 307.67 T
-(The) 451.45 307.67 T
-(total) 471.6 307.67 T
-(number) 494.19 307.67 T
-(of) 530.84 307.67 T
-(spaces) 72 294.67 T
-(preceding) 103.22 294.67 T
-(the) 149.11 294.67 T
-(first) 165.07 294.67 T
-(non-blank) 185.3 294.67 T
-(character) 232.42 294.67 T
-(then) 275.24 294.67 T
-(determines) 296.7 294.67 T
-(the) 347.48 294.67 T
-(line\325s) 363.43 294.67 T
-(indentation.) 390.39 294.67 T
-(Indentation) 445.16 294.67 T
-(cannot) 497.77 294.67 T
-(be) 529.61 294.67 T
-(split) 72 281.67 T
-(over) 93.56 281.67 T
-(multiple) 115.71 281.67 T
-(physical) 154.98 281.67 T
-(lines) 194.25 281.67 T
-(using) 217.63 281.67 T
-(backslashes;) 244.07 281.67 T
-(the) 301.66 281.67 T
-(whitespace) 317.71 281.67 T
-(up) 369.18 281.67 T
-(to) 382.79 281.67 T
-(the) 393.95 281.67 T
-(first) 409.99 281.67 T
-(backslash) 430.32 281.67 T
-(determines) 475.69 281.67 T
-(the) 526.56 281.67 T
-(indentation.) 72 268.67 T
-4 F
-(Cross-platform) 72 243.67 T
-(compatibility) 146.6 243.67 T
-(note:) 211.44 243.67 T
-1 F
-(because) 237.77 243.67 T
-(of) 275.08 243.67 T
-(the) 286.75 243.67 T
-(nature) 302.7 243.67 T
-(of) 332.69 243.67 T
-(text) 344.35 243.67 T
-(editors) 363.36 243.67 T
-(on) 395.8 243.67 T
-(non-UNIX) 409.31 243.67 T
-(platforms,) 459.46 243.67 T
-(it) 506.88 243.67 T
-(is) 515.5 243.67 T
-(un-) 525.34 243.67 T
-(wise to use a mixture of spaces and tabs for the indentation in a single source file.) 72 230.67 T
-(A) 72 205.67 T
-(formfeed) 82.46 205.67 T
-(character) 125.3 205.67 T
-(may) 168.12 205.67 T
-(be) 189.58 205.67 T
-(present) 202.48 205.67 T
-(at) 236.77 205.67 T
-(the) 247.23 205.67 T
-(start) 263.19 205.67 T
-(of) 284.65 205.67 T
-(the) 296.34 205.67 T
-(line;) 312.3 205.67 T
-(formfeed) 334.38 205.67 T
-(characters) 377.21 205.67 T
-(occurring) 424.31 205.67 T
-(elsewhere) 468.98 205.67 T
-(in) 515.48 205.67 T
-(the) 526.56 205.67 T
-(leading whitespace have an undefined effect \050for instance, they may reset the space count to zero\051.) 72 192.67 T
-(T) 72 167.67 T
-(h) 78.78 167.67 T
-(e) 84.34 167.67 T
-(i) 92.51 167.67 T
-(n) 95.63 167.67 T
-(d) 101.19 167.67 T
-(e) 106.75 167.67 T
-(n) 111.7 167.67 T
-(t) 117.26 167.67 T
-(a) 120.38 167.67 T
-(t) 125.33 167.67 T
-(i) 128.45 167.67 T
-(o) 131.57 167.67 T
-(n) 137.13 167.67 T
-(l) 145.91 167.67 T
-(e) 149.03 167.67 T
-(v) 153.98 167.67 T
-(e) 159.54 167.67 T
-(l) 164.48 167.67 T
-(s) 167.6 167.67 T
-(o) 175.17 167.67 T
-(f) 180.73 167.67 T
-(c) 187.68 167.67 T
-(o) 192.62 167.67 T
-(n) 198.18 167.67 T
-(s) 203.74 167.67 T
-(e) 208.09 167.67 T
-(c) 213.03 167.67 T
-(u) 217.98 167.67 T
-(t) 223.54 167.67 T
-(i) 226.66 167.67 T
-(v) 229.78 167.67 T
-(e) 235.34 167.67 T
-(l) 243.51 167.67 T
-(i) 246.63 167.67 T
-(n) 249.75 167.67 T
-(e) 255.31 167.67 T
-(s) 260.25 167.67 T
-(a) 267.82 167.67 T
-(r) 272.76 167.67 T
-(e) 276.49 167.67 T
-(u) 284.66 167.67 T
-(s) 290.22 167.67 T
-(e) 294.56 167.67 T
-(d) 299.5 167.67 T
-(t) 308.29 167.67 T
-(o) 311.41 167.67 T
-(g) 320.19 167.67 T
-(e) 325.75 167.67 T
-(n) 330.7 167.67 T
-(e) 336.26 167.67 T
-(r) 341.21 167.67 T
-(a) 344.93 167.67 T
-(t) 349.88 167.67 T
-(e) 352.99 167.67 T
-(I) 361.17 167.67 T
-(N) 364.89 167.67 T
-(D) 372.89 167.67 T
-(E) 380.9 167.67 T
-(N) 387.68 167.67 T
-(T) 395.68 167.67 T
-(a) 405.69 167.67 T
-(n) 410.63 167.67 T
-(d) 416.19 167.67 T
-(D) 424.98 167.67 T
-(E) 432.98 167.67 T
-(D) 439.77 167.67 T
-(E) 447.77 167.67 T
-(N) 454.55 167.67 T
-(T) 462.55 167.67 T
-(t) 472.56 167.67 T
-(o) 475.68 167.67 T
-(k) 481.24 167.67 T
-(e) 486.8 167.67 T
-(n) 491.75 167.67 T
-(s) 497.31 167.67 T
-(,) 501.65 167.67 T
-(u) 507.68 167.67 T
-(s) 513.25 167.67 T
-(i) 517.59 167.67 T
-(n) 520.71 167.67 T
-(g) 526.27 167.67 T
-(a) 535.05 167.67 T
-(stack, as follows.) 72 154.67 T
-(B) 72 129.67 T
-(e) 79.36 129.67 T
-(f) 84.27 129.67 T
-(o) 87.96 129.67 T
-(r) 93.49 129.67 T
-(e) 97.18 129.67 T
-(t) 105.27 129.67 T
-(h) 108.36 129.67 T
-(e) 113.88 129.67 T
-(f) 121.98 129.67 T
-(i) 125.67 129.67 T
-(r) 128.75 129.67 T
-(s) 132.44 129.67 T
-(t) 136.74 129.67 T
-(l) 143.02 129.67 T
-(i) 146.1 129.67 T
-(n) 149.18 129.67 T
-(e) 154.71 129.67 T
-(o) 162.81 129.67 T
-(f) 168.33 129.67 T
-(t) 175.21 129.67 T
-(h) 178.29 129.67 T
-(e) 183.82 129.67 T
-(f) 191.91 129.67 T
-(i) 195.6 129.67 T
-(l) 198.69 129.67 T
-(e) 201.77 129.67 T
-(i) 209.87 129.67 T
-(s) 212.95 129.67 T
-(r) 220.44 129.67 T
-(e) 224.13 129.67 T
-(a) 229.04 129.67 T
-(d) 233.95 129.67 T
-(,) 239.48 129.67 T
-(a) 245.44 129.67 T
-(s) 253.54 129.67 T
-(i) 257.84 129.67 T
-(n) 260.93 129.67 T
-(g) 266.45 129.67 T
-(l) 271.98 129.67 T
-(e) 275.06 129.67 T
-(z) 283.16 129.67 T
-(e) 288.07 129.67 T
-(r) 292.98 129.67 T
-(o) 296.67 129.67 T
-(i) 305.38 129.67 T
-(s) 308.46 129.67 T
-(p) 315.96 129.67 T
-(u) 321.48 129.67 T
-(s) 327.01 129.67 T
-(h) 331.31 129.67 T
-(e) 336.84 129.67 T
-(d) 341.75 129.67 T
-(o) 350.46 129.67 T
-(n) 355.98 129.67 T
-(t) 364.7 129.67 T
-(h) 367.78 129.67 T
-(e) 373.31 129.67 T
-(s) 381.41 129.67 T
-(t) 385.71 129.67 T
-(a) 388.79 129.67 T
-(c) 393.7 129.67 T
-(k) 398.61 129.67 T
-(;) 404.14 129.67 T
-(t) 410.41 129.67 T
-(h) 413.49 129.67 T
-(i) 419.02 129.67 T
-(s) 422.1 129.67 T
-(w) 429.6 129.67 T
-(i) 437.56 129.67 T
-(l) 440.65 129.67 T
-(l) 443.73 129.67 T
-(n) 450 129.67 T
-(e) 455.53 129.67 T
-(v) 460.44 129.67 T
-(e) 465.96 129.67 T
-(r) 470.87 129.67 T
-(b) 477.75 129.67 T
-(e) 483.27 129.67 T
-(p) 491.37 129.67 T
-(o) 496.9 129.67 T
-(p) 502.42 129.67 T
-(p) 507.95 129.67 T
-(e) 513.47 129.67 T
-(d) 518.38 129.67 T
-(o) 527.1 129.67 T
-(f) 532.62 129.67 T
-(f) 536.31 129.67 T
-(again.) 72 116.67 T
-(The) 101.02 116.67 T
-(numbers) 120.56 116.67 T
-(pushed) 160.89 116.67 T
-(on) 194.49 116.67 T
-(the) 207.93 116.67 T
-(stack) 223.82 116.67 T
-(will) 248.86 116.67 T
-(always) 268.42 116.67 T
-(be) 301.41 116.67 T
-(strictly) 314.23 116.67 T
-(increasing) 347.23 116.67 T
-(from) 394.88 116.67 T
-(bottom) 418.71 116.67 T
-(to) 452.32 116.67 T
-(top.) 463.32 116.67 T
-(At) 482.57 116.67 T
-(the) 496.01 116.67 T
-(begin-) 511.89 116.67 T
-(ning) 72 103.67 T
-(of) 94.22 103.67 T
-(each) 106.04 103.67 T
-(logical) 128.85 103.67 T
-(line,) 161.46 103.67 T
-(the) 183.37 103.67 T
-(line\325s) 199.47 103.67 T
-(indentation) 226.57 103.67 T
-(level) 278.73 103.67 T
-(is) 302.77 103.67 T
-(compared) 312.77 103.67 T
-(to) 358.8 103.67 T
-(the) 370.02 103.67 T
-(top) 386.12 103.67 T
-(of) 402.84 103.67 T
-(the) 414.67 103.67 T
-(stack.) 430.77 103.67 T
-(If) 458.78 103.67 T
-(it) 468.77 103.67 T
-(is) 477.55 103.67 T
-(equal,) 487.54 103.67 T
-(noth-) 516.78 103.67 T
-(ing) 72 90.67 T
-(happens.) 88.76 90.67 T
-(If) 130.27 90.67 T
-(it) 140.3 90.67 T
-(is) 149.12 90.67 T
-(larger,) 159.16 90.67 T
-(it) 190.27 90.67 T
-(is) 199.1 90.67 T
-(pushed) 209.14 90.67 T
-(on) 243.01 90.67 T
-(the) 256.71 90.67 T
-(stack,) 272.86 90.67 T
-(and) 300.92 90.67 T
-(one) 319.51 90.67 T
-(INDENT) 338.1 90.67 T
-(token) 381.74 90.67 T
-(is) 408.89 90.67 T
-(generated.) 418.93 90.67 T
-(If) 467.15 90.67 T
-(it) 477.18 90.67 T
-(is) 486 90.67 T
-(smaller,) 496.04 90.67 T
-(it) 533.88 90.67 T
-%%EndPage: "4" 10
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-0 FrameSetSepColors
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 10 Q
-0 X
-(5) 535 37.33 T
-585 292.5 598.5 720 R
-5 9 Q
-(\245) 0 270 592.5 720 TF
-(Lexical analysis) 0 270 592.5 711 TF
-585 292.5 598.5 720 R
-3 11 Q
-(must) 99 712.67 T
-1 F
-(be) 122.09 712.67 T
-(one) 134.78 712.67 T
-(of) 152.98 712.67 T
-(the) 164.45 712.67 T
-(numbers) 180.2 712.67 T
-(occurring) 220.39 712.67 T
-(on) 264.85 712.67 T
-(the) 278.16 712.67 T
-(stack;) 293.91 712.67 T
-(all) 321.89 712.67 T
-(numbers) 335.2 712.67 T
-(on) 375.39 712.67 T
-(the) 388.7 712.67 T
-(stack) 404.45 712.67 T
-(that) 429.36 712.67 T
-(are) 448.17 712.67 T
-(larger) 463.91 712.67 T
-(are) 491.88 712.67 T
-(popped) 507.61 712.67 T
-(off,) 99 699.67 T
-(and) 116.81 699.67 T
-(for) 134.92 699.67 T
-(each) 149.98 699.67 T
-(number) 172.36 699.67 T
-(popped) 208.19 699.67 T
-(off) 242.81 699.67 T
-(a) 257.86 699.67 T
-(DEDENT) 264.98 699.67 T
-(token) 311.2 699.67 T
-(is) 337.87 699.67 T
-(generated.) 347.43 699.67 T
-(At) 395.17 699.67 T
-(the) 408.4 699.67 T
-(end) 424.07 699.67 T
-(of) 442.19 699.67 T
-(the) 453.58 699.67 T
-(file,) 469.25 699.67 T
-(a) 488.9 699.67 T
-(DEDENT) 496.01 699.67 T
-(token is generated for each number remaining on the stack that is larger than zero.) 99 686.67 T
-(Here is an example of a correctly \050though confusingly\051 indented piece of Python code:) 99 667.67 T
-2 10 Q
-(def perm\050l\051:) 99 649.33 T
-( # Compute the list of all permutations of l) 99 637.33 T
-( if len\050l\051 <= 1:) 99 625.33 T
-( return [l]) 99 613.33 T
-( r = []) 99 601.33 T
-( for i in range\050len\050l\051\051:) 99 589.33 T
-( s = l[:i] + l[i+1:]) 99 577.33 T
-( p = perm\050s\051) 99 565.33 T
-( for x in p:) 99 553.33 T
-( r.append\050l[i:i+1] + x\051) 99 541.33 T
-( return r) 99 529.33 T
-1 11 Q
-(The following example shows various indentation errors:) 99 504.67 T
-2 10 Q
-( def perm\050l\051: # error: first line indented) 99 486.33 T
-( for i in range\050len\050l\051\051: # error: not indented) 99 474.33 T
-( s = l[:i] + l[i+1:]) 99 462.33 T
-( p = perm\050l[:i] + l[i+1:]\051 # error: unexpected indent) 99 450.33 T
-( for x in p:) 99 438.33 T
-( r.append\050l[i:i+1] + x\051) 99 426.33 T
-( return r # error: inconsistent dedent) 99 414.33 T
-1 11 Q
-(\050Actually,) 99 389.67 T
-(the) 145.56 389.67 T
-(first) 161.26 389.67 T
-(three) 181.25 389.67 T
-(errors) 205.5 389.67 T
-(are) 233.41 389.67 T
-(detected) 249.1 389.67 T
-(by) 288.02 389.67 T
-(the) 301.28 389.67 T
-(parser;) 316.98 389.67 T
-(only) 349.18 389.67 T
-(the) 371 389.67 T
-(last) 386.7 389.67 T
-(error) 404.24 389.67 T
-(is) 427.88 389.67 T
-(found) 437.47 389.67 T
-(by) 465.4 389.67 T
-(the) 478.66 389.67 T
-(lexical) 494.36 389.67 T
-(an-) 525.95 389.67 T
-(alyzer \321 the indentation of) 99 376.67 T
-2 F
-(return r) 222.73 376.67 T
-1 F
-( does not match a level popped off the stack.\051) 275.53 376.67 T
-0 12 Q
-(2.1.8) 99 351 T
-(Whitespace between tokens) 144 351 T
-1 11 Q
-(Except) 99 325.67 T
-(at) 132.24 325.67 T
-(the) 142.87 325.67 T
-(beginning) 159 325.67 T
-(of) 205.68 325.67 T
-(a) 217.54 325.67 T
-(logical) 225.11 325.67 T
-(line) 257.74 325.67 T
-(or) 276.93 325.67 T
-(in) 288.78 325.67 T
-(string) 300.03 325.67 T
-(literals,) 327.77 325.67 T
-(the) 363.15 325.67 T
-(whitespace) 379.28 325.67 T
-(characters) 430.84 325.67 T
-(space,) 478.12 325.67 T
-(tab) 507.98 325.67 T
-(and) 524.12 325.67 T
-(formfeed) 99 312.67 T
-(can) 142.15 312.67 T
-(be) 160.26 312.67 T
-(used) 173.48 312.67 T
-(interchangeably) 196.48 312.67 T
-(to) 269.57 312.67 T
-(separate) 280.96 312.67 T
-(tokens.) 319.83 312.67 T
-(Whitespace) 354.14 312.67 T
-(is) 408.29 312.67 T
-(needed) 418.47 312.67 T
-(between) 452.45 312.67 T
-(two) 491.94 312.67 T
-(tokens) 511.28 312.67 T
-(only) 99 299.67 T
-(if) 121.43 299.67 T
-(their) 131.02 299.67 T
-(concatenation) 154.06 299.67 T
-(could) 218.02 299.67 T
-(otherwise) 245.34 299.67 T
-(be) 290.98 299.67 T
-(interpreted) 304.23 299.67 T
-(as) 354.76 299.67 T
-(a) 366.79 299.67 T
-(different) 374.55 299.67 T
-(token) 415.29 299.67 T
-(\050e.g.,) 442.6 299.67 T
-2 F
-(ab) 467.77 299.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 483.84 299.67 T
-(one) 494.05 299.67 T
-(token,) 512.81 299.67 T
-(but) 99 286.67 T
-2 F
-(a) 115.81 286.67 T
-(b) 125.16 286.67 T
-1 F
-( is two tokens\051.) 131.76 286.67 T
-0 14 Q
-(2.2) 99 259.67 T
-(Other tokens) 135 259.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(Besides) 99 234.67 T
-(NEWLINE,) 136.9 234.67 T
-(INDENT) 193.43 234.67 T
-(and) 238.04 234.67 T
-(DEDENT,) 257.6 234.67 T
-(the) 308.02 234.67 T
-(following) 325.14 234.67 T
-(categories) 371.6 234.67 T
-(of) 419.87 234.67 T
-(tokens) 432.72 234.67 T
-(exist:) 465.12 234.67 T
-3 F
-(identifiers) 492.63 234.67 T
-1 F
-(,) 537.25 234.67 T
-3 F
-(keywords) 99 221.67 T
-1 F
-(,) 140.55 221.67 T
-3 F
-(literals) 145.81 221.67 T
-1 F
-(,) 176.99 221.67 T
-3 F
-(operators) 182.25 221.67 T
-1 F
-(,) 225.03 221.67 T
-(and) 230.29 221.67 T
-3 F
-(delimiters) 248.69 221.67 T
-1 F
-(.) 292.69 221.67 T
-(Whitespace) 297.95 221.67 T
-(characters) 351.78 221.67 T
-(\050other) 398.88 221.67 T
-(than) 427.66 221.67 T
-(line) 449.12 221.67 T
-(terminators,) 468.13 221.67 T
-(dis-) 523.5 221.67 T
-(cussed) 99 208.67 T
-(earlier\051) 130.78 208.67 T
-(are) 164.99 208.67 T
-(not) 180.88 208.67 T
-(tokens,) 197.39 208.67 T
-(but) 231.32 208.67 T
-(serve) 247.83 208.67 T
-(to) 273.49 208.67 T
-(delimit) 284.5 208.67 T
-(tokens.) 318.13 208.67 T
-(Where) 352.06 208.67 T
-(ambiguity) 383.83 208.67 T
-(exists,) 430.9 208.67 T
-(a) 461.16 208.67 T
-(token) 468.5 208.67 T
-(comprises) 495.39 208.67 T
-(the longest possible string that forms a legal token when read from left to right.) 99 195.67 T
-0 14 Q
-(2.3) 99 168.67 T
-(Identifiers and keywords) 135 168.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(Identifiers \050also referred to as) 99 143.67 T
-3 F
-(names) 231.87 143.67 T
-1 F
-(\051 are described by the following lexical definitions:) 259.97 143.67 T
-2 10 Q
-(identifier: \050letter|"_"\051 \050letter|digit|"_"\051*) 99 125.33 T
-(letter: lowercase | uppercase) 99 113.33 T
-(lowercase: "a"..."z") 99 101.33 T
-(uppercase: "A"..."Z") 99 89.33 T
-(digit: "0"..."9") 99 77.33 T
-%%EndPage: "5" 11
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-612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE
-0 FrameSetSepColors
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 10 Q
-0 X
-(6) 76.5 37.33 T
-1 11 Q
-(Identifiers are unlimited in length. Case is significant.) 72 712.67 T
-0 12 Q
-(2.3.1) 72 687 T
-(Keywords) 117 687 T
-1 11 Q
-(The) 72 667.67 T
-(following) 92.23 667.67 T
-(identifiers) 138.14 667.67 T
-(are) 185.87 667.67 T
-(used) 202.43 667.67 T
-(as) 225.72 667.67 T
-(reserved) 238.01 667.67 T
-(words,) 278.39 667.67 T
-(or) 311.16 667.67 T
-3 F
-(keywords) 323.45 667.67 T
-1 F
-(of) 368.12 667.67 T
-(the) 380.41 667.67 T
-(language,) 396.98 667.67 T
-(and) 442.57 667.67 T
-(cannot) 461.58 667.67 T
-(be) 494.03 667.67 T
-(used) 507.55 667.67 T
-(as) 530.84 667.67 T
-(ordinary identifiers. They must be spelled exactly as written here:) 72 654.67 T
-2 10 Q
-(and del for is raise) 72 636.33 T
-(assert elif from lambda return) 72 624.33 T
-(break else global not try) 72 612.33 T
-(class except if or while) 72 600.33 T
-(continue exec import pass) 72 588.33 T
-(def finally in print) 72 576.33 T
-0 12 Q
-(2.3.2) 72 551 T
-(Reserved classes of identifiers) 117 551 T
-1 11 Q
-(Certain classes of identifiers \050besides keywords\051 have special meanings. These are:) 72 525 T
-(\050XXX need section references here.\051) 72 377.67 T
-0 14 Q
-(2.4) 72 350.67 T
-(Literals) 108 350.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(Literals are notations for constant values of some built-in types) 72 325.67 T
-0 12 Q
-(2.4.1) 72 300 T
-(String literals) 117 300 T
-1 11 Q
-(String literals are described by the following lexical definitions:) 72 280.67 T
-2 10 Q
-(stringliteral: [rawprefix] \050shortstring | longstring\051) 72 262.33 T
-(rawprefix: "r" | "R") 72 250.33 T
-(shortstring: "\325" shortstringitem* "\325" | \325"\325 shortstringitem* \325"\325) 72 238.33 T
-(longstring: "\325\325\325" longstringitem* "\325\325\325" | \325"""\325 longstringitem* \325"""\325) 72 226.33 T
-(shortstringitem: shortstringchar | escapeseq) 72 214.33 T
-(longstringitem: longstringchar | escapeseq) 72 202.33 T
-(shortstringchar: <any ASCII character except "\134" or newline or the quote>) 72 190.33 T
-(longstringchar: <any ASCII character except "\134">) 72 178.33 T
-(escapeseq: "\134" <any ASCII character>) 72 166.33 T
-1 11 Q
-(In) 72 141.67 T
-(plain) 83.58 141.67 T
-(English:) 107.99 141.67 T
-(String) 147.08 141.67 T
-(literals) 176.38 141.67 T
-(can) 208.74 141.67 T
-(be) 226.42 141.67 T
-(enclosed) 239.22 141.67 T
-(in) 280.12 141.67 T
-(matching) 291.09 141.67 T
-(single) 334.44 141.67 T
-(quotes) 363.14 141.67 T
-(\050\325\051) 394.27 141.67 T
-(or) 407.67 141.67 T
-(double) 419.25 141.67 T
-(quotes) 451.6 141.67 T
-(\050"\051.) 482.74 141.67 T
-(They) 499.71 141.67 T
-(can) 524.73 141.67 T
-(a) 72 128.67 T
-(l) 76.98 128.67 T
-(s) 80.13 128.67 T
-(o) 84.51 128.67 T
-(b) 93.36 128.67 T
-(e) 98.95 128.67 T
-(e) 107.19 128.67 T
-(n) 112.17 128.67 T
-(c) 117.76 128.67 T
-(l) 122.74 128.67 T
-(o) 125.9 128.67 T
-(s) 131.49 128.67 T
-(e) 135.87 128.67 T
-(d) 140.85 128.67 T
-(i) 149.7 128.67 T
-(n) 152.85 128.67 T
-(m) 161.7 128.67 T
-(a) 170.36 128.67 T
-(t) 175.34 128.67 T
-(c) 178.49 128.67 T
-(h) 183.47 128.67 T
-(i) 189.06 128.67 T
-(n) 192.21 128.67 T
-(g) 197.81 128.67 T
-(g) 206.66 128.67 T
-(r) 212.26 128.67 T
-(o) 216.02 128.67 T
-(u) 221.61 128.67 T
-(p) 227.21 128.67 T
-(s) 232.8 128.67 T
-(o) 240.43 128.67 T
-(f) 246.03 128.67 T
-(t) 253.04 128.67 T
-(h) 256.2 128.67 T
-(r) 261.79 128.67 T
-(e) 265.55 128.67 T
-(e) 270.53 128.67 T
-(s) 278.77 128.67 T
-(i) 283.14 128.67 T
-(n) 286.29 128.67 T
-(g) 291.89 128.67 T
-(l) 297.48 128.67 T
-(e) 300.64 128.67 T
-(o) 308.87 128.67 T
-(r) 314.47 128.67 T
-(d) 321.48 128.67 T
-(o) 327.08 128.67 T
-(u) 332.67 128.67 T
-(b) 338.27 128.67 T
-(l) 343.86 128.67 T
-(e) 347.02 128.67 T
-(q) 355.25 128.67 T
-(u) 360.85 128.67 T
-(o) 366.44 128.67 T
-(t) 372.04 128.67 T
-(e) 375.19 128.67 T
-(s) 380.17 128.67 T
-(\050) 387.8 128.67 T
-(t) 391.56 128.67 T
-(h) 394.71 128.67 T
-(e) 400.31 128.67 T
-(s) 405.29 128.67 T
-(e) 409.66 128.67 T
-(a) 417.9 128.67 T
-(r) 422.88 128.67 T
-(e) 426.63 128.67 T
-(g) 434.87 128.67 T
-(e) 440.46 128.67 T
-(n) 445.44 128.67 T
-(e) 451.04 128.67 T
-(r) 456.02 128.67 T
-(a) 459.78 128.67 T
-(l) 464.76 128.67 T
-(l) 467.91 128.67 T
-(y) 471.06 128.67 T
-(r) 479.91 128.67 T
-(e) 483.67 128.67 T
-(f) 488.65 128.67 T
-(e) 492.41 128.67 T
-(r) 497.39 128.67 T
-(r) 501.15 128.67 T
-(e) 504.9 128.67 T
-(d) 509.88 128.67 T
-(t) 518.74 128.67 T
-(o) 521.89 128.67 T
-(a) 530.74 128.67 T
-(s) 535.72 128.67 T
-3 F
-(triple-quoted) 72 115.67 T
-(strings) 131.99 115.67 T
-1 F
-(\051.) 161.94 115.67 T
-(The) 170.9 115.67 T
-(backslash) 190.55 115.67 T
-(\050\134\051) 235.87 115.67 T
-(character) 248.8 115.67 T
-(is) 291.65 115.67 T
-(used) 301.54 115.67 T
-(to) 324.25 115.67 T
-(escape) 335.35 115.67 T
-(characters) 367.21 115.67 T
-(that) 414.34 115.67 T
-(otherwise) 433.39 115.67 T
-(have) 478.71 115.67 T
-(a) 502.02 115.67 T
-(special) 509.45 115.67 T
-(meaning,) 72 102.67 T
-(such) 115 102.67 T
-(as) 137.52 102.67 T
-(newline,) 149.04 102.67 T
-(backslash) 188.98 102.67 T
-(itself,) 234.11 102.67 T
-(or) 261.22 102.67 T
-(the) 272.74 102.67 T
-(quote) 288.55 102.67 T
-(character.) 315.35 102.67 T
-(String) 360.76 102.67 T
-(literals) 390.02 102.67 T
-(may) 422.32 102.67 T
-(optionally) 443.63 102.67 T
-(be) 490.6 102.67 T
-(prefixed) 503.35 102.67 T
-(with) 72 89.67 T
-(a) 94.68 89.67 T
-(letter) 102.68 89.67 T
-(\324r\325) 128.41 89.67 T
-(or) 142.51 89.67 T
-(\324R\325;) 154.8 89.67 T
-(such) 175.64 89.67 T
-(strings) 198.92 89.67 T
-(are) 231.38 89.67 T
-(called) 247.93 89.67 T
-3 F
-(raw) 277.32 89.67 T
-(strings) 297.55 89.67 T
-1 F
-(and) 330.62 89.67 T
-(use) 349.63 89.67 T
-(different) 367.41 89.67 T
-(rules) 408.4 89.67 T
-(for) 432.91 89.67 T
-(backslash) 448.85 89.67 T
-(escape) 494.74 89.67 T
-(se-) 527.17 89.67 T
-(quences.) 72 76.67 T
-4 12 Q
-(T) 132.71 501 T
-(able 1: Special Meanings of Identi\336ers) 139.61 501 T
-1 F
-(F) 95.09 475 T
-(orm) 101.58 475 T
-(Meaning) 248.67 475 T
-2 10 Q
-( _*) 78 452.33 T
-1 12 Q
-(Not imported by) 150 451 T
-2 F
-(from) 232.33 451 T
-3 F
-( module) 261.13 451 T
-2 F
-(import) 302.46 451 T
-(*) 348.66 451 T
-( __*__) 78 429 T
-1 F
-(System-de\336ned name) 150 429 T
-2 F
-( __*) 78 407 T
-1 F
-(Class-pri) 150 407 T
-(v) 193.03 407 T
-(ate name mangling) 198.73 407 T
-72 490.75 72 399.25 2 L
-0.5 H
-0 Z
-144 491.25 144 398.75 2 L
-396 490.75 396 399.25 2 L
-71.75 491 396.25 491 2 L
-72.25 466.25 395.75 466.25 2 L
-72.25 463.75 395.75 463.75 2 L
-71.75 443 396.25 443 2 L
-71.75 421 396.25 421 2 L
-71.75 399 396.25 399 2 L
-%%EndPage: "6" 12
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-612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE
-0 FrameSetSepColors
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 10 Q
-0 X
-(7) 535 37.33 T
-585 292.5 598.5 720 R
-5 9 Q
-(\245) 0 270 592.5 720 TF
-(Lexical analysis) 0 270 592.5 711 TF
-585 292.5 598.5 720 R
-1 11 Q
-(In) 99 712.67 T
-(\322long) 110.99 712.67 T
-(strings\323) 138.25 712.67 T
-(\050strings) 175.29 712.67 T
-(surrounded) 211.12 712.67 T
-(by) 263.43 712.67 T
-(sets) 277.25 712.67 T
-(of) 296.57 712.67 T
-(three) 308.56 712.67 T
-(quotes\051,) 333.37 712.67 T
-(unescaped) 371.33 712.67 T
-(newlines) 419.96 712.67 T
-(and) 461.89 712.67 T
-(quotes) 480.6 712.67 T
-(are) 512.14 712.67 T
-(al-) 528.4 712.67 T
-(lowed) 99 699.67 T
-(\050and) 128.28 699.67 T
-(are) 150.23 699.67 T
-(retained\051,) 166.06 699.67 T
-(except) 210.31 699.67 T
-(that) 241.42 699.67 T
-(three) 260.32 699.67 T
-(unescaped) 284.7 699.67 T
-(quotes) 332.92 699.67 T
-(in) 364.04 699.67 T
-(a) 375 699.67 T
-(row) 382.28 699.67 T
-(terminate) 401.79 699.67 T
-(the) 445.73 699.67 T
-(string.) 461.58 699.67 T
-(\050A) 491.78 699.67 T
-(\322quote\323) 505.79 699.67 T
-(is the character used to open the string, i.e. either) 99 686.67 T
-2 F
-(\325) 317.43 686.67 T
-1 F
-( or) 324.03 686.67 T
-2 F
-(") 338.69 686.67 T
-1 F
-(.\051) 345.29 686.67 T
-(U) 99 661.67 T
-(n) 106.95 661.67 T
-(l) 112.46 661.67 T
-(e) 115.53 661.67 T
-(s) 120.42 661.67 T
-(s) 124.71 661.67 T
-(a) 132.17 661.67 T
-(n) 137.06 661.67 T
-(\324) 145.74 661.67 T
-(r) 149.41 661.67 T
-(\325) 153.09 661.67 T
-(o) 159.93 661.67 T
-(r) 165.44 661.67 T
-(\324) 172.28 661.67 T
-(R) 175.96 661.67 T
-(\325) 183.3 661.67 T
-(p) 190.15 661.67 T
-(r) 195.65 661.67 T
-(e) 199.33 661.67 T
-(f) 204.22 661.67 T
-(i) 207.89 661.67 T
-(x) 210.96 661.67 T
-(i) 219.64 661.67 T
-(s) 222.71 661.67 T
-(p) 230.17 661.67 T
-(r) 235.68 661.67 T
-(e) 239.35 661.67 T
-(s) 244.24 661.67 T
-(e) 248.53 661.67 T
-(n) 253.42 661.67 T
-(t) 258.93 661.67 T
-(,) 262 661.67 T
-(e) 267.93 661.67 T
-(s) 272.82 661.67 T
-(c) 277.11 661.67 T
-(a) 282 661.67 T
-(p) 286.9 661.67 T
-(e) 292.41 661.67 T
-(s) 300.47 661.67 T
-(e) 304.76 661.67 T
-(q) 309.65 661.67 T
-(u) 315.16 661.67 T
-(e) 320.67 661.67 T
-(n) 325.56 661.67 T
-(c) 331.07 661.67 T
-(e) 335.97 661.67 T
-(s) 340.86 661.67 T
-(i) 348.32 661.67 T
-(n) 351.39 661.67 T
-(s) 360.07 661.67 T
-(t) 364.36 661.67 T
-(r) 367.42 661.67 T
-(i) 371.1 661.67 T
-(n) 374.16 661.67 T
-(g) 379.67 661.67 T
-(s) 385.18 661.67 T
-(a) 392.64 661.67 T
-(r) 397.53 661.67 T
-(e) 401.2 661.67 T
-(i) 409.27 661.67 T
-(n) 412.34 661.67 T
-(t) 417.85 661.67 T
-(e) 420.91 661.67 T
-(r) 425.81 661.67 T
-(p) 429.48 661.67 T
-(r) 434.99 661.67 T
-(e) 438.66 661.67 T
-(t) 443.55 661.67 T
-(e) 446.62 661.67 T
-(d) 451.51 661.67 T
-(a) 460.19 661.67 T
-(c) 465.09 661.67 T
-(c) 469.98 661.67 T
-(o) 474.87 661.67 T
-(r) 480.38 661.67 T
-(d) 484.05 661.67 T
-(i) 489.56 661.67 T
-(n) 492.63 661.67 T
-(g) 498.14 661.67 T
-(t) 506.82 661.67 T
-(o) 509.89 661.67 T
-(r) 518.57 661.67 T
-(u) 522.24 661.67 T
-(l) 527.75 661.67 T
-(e) 530.82 661.67 T
-(s) 535.71 661.67 T
-(similar to those used by Standard C. The recognized escape sequences are:) 99 648.67 T
-(In) 99 281.67 T
-(strict) 110.67 281.67 T
-(compatibility) 135.18 281.67 T
-(with) 196.37 281.67 T
-(Standard) 218.43 281.67 T
-(C,) 260.05 281.67 T
-(up) 272.64 281.67 T
-(to) 286.15 281.67 T
-(three) 297.22 281.67 T
-(octal) 321.72 281.67 T
-(digits) 345.61 281.67 T
-(are) 372.57 281.67 T
-(accepted,) 388.51 281.67 T
-(but) 432.25 281.67 T
-(an) 448.82 281.67 T
-(unlimited) 461.71 281.67 T
-(number) 506.39 281.67 T
-(of) 99 268.67 T
-(hex) 110.79 268.67 T
-(digits) 129.31 268.67 T
-(is) 156.4 268.67 T
-(taken) 166.37 268.67 T
-(to) 192.82 268.67 T
-(be) 204.01 268.67 T
-(part) 217.03 268.67 T
-(of) 236.77 268.67 T
-(the) 248.56 268.67 T
-(hex) 264.63 268.67 T
-(escape) 283.15 268.67 T
-(\050and) 315.1 268.67 T
-(then) 337.28 268.67 T
-(the) 358.85 268.67 T
-(lower) 374.92 268.67 T
-(8) 402.6 268.67 T
-(bits) 410.73 268.67 T
-(of) 429.26 268.67 T
-(the) 441.06 268.67 T
-(resulting) 457.13 268.67 T
-(hex) 498.26 268.67 T
-(num-) 516.78 268.67 T
-(ber are used in all current implementations...\051.) 99 255.67 T
-(Unlike) 99 230.67 T
-(Standard) 131.48 230.67 T
-(C,) 173.12 230.67 T
-(all) 185.75 230.67 T
-(unrecognized) 199.29 230.67 T
-(escape) 261.08 230.67 T
-(sequences) 292.94 230.67 T
-(are) 340.07 230.67 T
-(left) 356.04 230.67 T
-(in) 373.24 230.67 T
-(the) 384.34 230.67 T
-(string) 400.32 230.67 T
-(unchanged,) 427.92 230.67 T
-(i.e.,) 480.86 230.67 T
-3 F
-(the) 499.59 230.67 T
-(back-) 515.57 230.67 T
-(slash) 99 217.67 T
-(is) 123.98 217.67 T
-(left) 133.68 217.67 T
-(in) 150.1 217.67 T
-(the) 161.02 217.67 T
-(string.) 176.82 217.67 T
-1 F
-(\050This) 207.6 217.67 T
-(behavior) 233.19 217.67 T
-(is) 274.04 217.67 T
-(useful) 283.74 217.67 T
-(when) 312.98 217.67 T
-(debugging:) 339.17 217.67 T
-(if) 391.03 217.67 T
-(an) 400.11 217.67 T
-(escape) 412.86 217.67 T
-(sequence) 444.54 217.67 T
-(is) 487.21 217.67 T
-(mistyped,) 496.91 217.67 T
-(the resulting output is more easily recognized as broken.\051) 99 204.67 T
-(When) 99 179.67 T
-(an) 128.39 179.67 T
-(\324r\325) 141.89 179.67 T
-(or) 156 179.67 T
-(\324R\325) 168.28 179.67 T
-(prefix) 186.07 179.67 T
-(is) 215.46 179.67 T
-(present,) 225.91 179.67 T
-(backslashes) 263.55 179.67 T
-(are) 318.6 179.67 T
-(still) 335.15 179.67 T
-(used) 354.78 179.67 T
-(to) 378.07 179.67 T
-(quote) 389.74 179.67 T
-(the) 417.31 179.67 T
-(following) 433.87 179.67 T
-(character,) 479.77 179.67 T
-(but) 525.94 179.67 T
-3 F
-(all) 99 166.67 T
-(backslashes) 112.93 166.67 T
-(are) 167.8 166.67 T
-(left) 184.78 166.67 T
-(in) 201.16 166.67 T
-(the) 212.03 166.67 T
-(string.) 227.79 166.67 T
-1 F
-(For) 258.54 166.67 T
-(example,) 276.13 166.67 T
-(the) 318.47 166.67 T
-(string) 334.23 166.67 T
-(literal) 361.61 166.67 T
-2 F
-(r"\134n") 389.59 166.67 T
-1 F
-(consists) 424.9 166.67 T
-(of) 462.06 166.67 T
-(two) 473.54 166.67 T
-(characters:) 492.36 166.67 T
-(a) 99 153.67 T
-(backslash) 106.5 153.67 T
-(and) 151.89 153.67 T
-(a) 170.39 153.67 T
-(lowercase) 177.89 153.67 T
-(\324n\325.) 224.49 153.67 T
-(String) 242.68 153.67 T
-(quotes) 272.19 153.67 T
-(can) 303.53 153.67 T
-(be) 321.42 153.67 T
-(escaped) 334.42 153.67 T
-(with) 371.85 153.67 T
-(a) 394.03 153.67 T
-(backslash,) 401.53 153.67 T
-(but) 449.67 153.67 T
-(the) 466.34 153.67 T
-(backslash) 482.4 153.67 T
-(re-) 527.79 153.67 T
-(mains) 99 140.67 T
-(in) 128.02 140.67 T
-(the) 139.32 140.67 T
-(string;) 155.5 140.67 T
-(for) 186.36 140.67 T
-(example,) 201.92 140.67 T
-2 F
-(r"\134"") 244.68 140.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 280.42 140.67 T
-(a) 290.5 140.67 T
-(valid) 298.12 140.67 T
-(string) 322.86 140.67 T
-(literal) 350.66 140.67 T
-(consisting) 379.06 140.67 T
-(of) 426.42 140.67 T
-(two) 438.32 140.67 T
-(characters:) 457.56 140.67 T
-(a) 507.94 140.67 T
-(back-) 515.57 140.67 T
-(slash) 99 127.67 T
-(and) 124.1 127.67 T
-(a) 143.09 127.67 T
-(double) 151.07 127.67 T
-(quote;) 184.12 127.67 T
-2 F
-(r"\134") 214.72 127.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 244.23 127.67 T
-(not) 254.66 127.67 T
-(a) 271.83 127.67 T
-(value) 279.81 127.67 T
-(string) 306.74 127.67 T
-(literal) 334.9 127.67 T
-(\050even) 363.67 127.67 T
-(a) 391.2 127.67 T
-(raw) 399.18 127.67 T
-(string) 418.78 127.67 T
-(cannot) 446.94 127.67 T
-(end) 479.37 127.67 T
-(in) 498.35 127.67 T
-(an) 510.01 127.67 T
-(odd) 523.5 127.67 T
-(number of backslashes\051.) 99 114.67 T
-4 12 Q
-(T) 188.55 625 T
-(able 2: Escape Sequences) 195.45 625 T
-1 F
-(Escape Sequence) 109.27 599 T
-(Meaning) 286.92 599 T
-2 F
-(\134) 105 575 T
-3 F
-(ne) 112.2 575 T
-(wline) 123.35 575 T
-1 F
-( Ignored) 208.5 575 T
-2 F
-(\134\134) 105 553 T
-1 F
-( Backslash \050) 208.5 553 T
-2 F
-(\134) 267.16 553 T
-1 F
-(\051) 274.36 553 T
-2 F
-(\134\325) 105 531 T
-1 F
-( Single quote \050) 208.5 531 T
-2 F
-(\325) 278.83 531 T
-1 F
-(\051) 286.03 531 T
-2 F
-(\134") 105 509 T
-1 F
-( Double quote \050) 208.5 509 T
-2 F
-(") 283.49 509 T
-1 F
-(\051) 290.69 509 T
-2 F
-(\134a) 105 487 T
-1 F
-( ASCII Bell \050BEL\051) 208.5 487 T
-2 F
-(\134b) 105 465 T
-1 F
-( ASCII Backspace \050BS\051) 208.5 465 T
-2 F
-(\134f) 105 443 T
-1 F
-( ASCII F) 208.5 443 T
-(ormfeed \050FF\051) 252.32 443 T
-2 F
-(\134n) 105 421 T
-1 F
-( ASCII Linefeed \050LF\051) 208.5 421 T
-2 F
-(\134r) 105 399 T
-1 F
-( ASCII Carriage Return \050CR\051) 208.5 399 T
-2 F
-(\134t) 105 377 T
-1 F
-( ASCII Horizontal T) 208.5 377 T
-(ab \050T) 306.53 377 T
-(AB\051) 331.07 377 T
-2 F
-(\134v) 105 355 T
-1 F
-( ASCII V) 208.5 355 T
-(ertical T) 253.16 355 T
-(ab \050VT\051) 292.52 355 T
-2 F
-(\134) 105 333 T
-3 F
-(ooo) 112.2 333 T
-1 F
-( ASCII character with octal v) 208.5 333 T
-(alue) 349.16 333 T
-3 F
-(ooo) 372.16 333 T
-2 F
-(\134x) 105 311 T
-3 F
-(xx...) 119.4 311 T
-1 F
-( ASCII character with he) 208.5 311 T
-(x v) 328.28 311 T
-(alue) 342.98 311 T
-3 F
-(xx...) 365.98 311 T
-99 614.75 99 303.25 2 L
-0.5 H
-0 Z
-202.5 615.25 202.5 302.75 2 L
-414 614.75 414 303.25 2 L
-98.75 615 414.25 615 2 L
-99.25 590.25 413.75 590.25 2 L
-99.25 587.75 413.75 587.75 2 L
-98.75 567 414.25 567 2 L
-98.75 545 414.25 545 2 L
-98.75 523 414.25 523 2 L
-98.75 501 414.25 501 2 L
-98.75 479 414.25 479 2 L
-98.75 457 414.25 457 2 L
-98.75 435 414.25 435 2 L
-98.75 413 414.25 413 2 L
-98.75 391 414.25 391 2 L
-98.75 369 414.25 369 2 L
-98.75 347 414.25 347 2 L
-98.75 325 414.25 325 2 L
-98.75 303 414.25 303 2 L
-%%EndPage: "7" 13
-%%Page: "8" 14
-612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE
-0 FrameSetSepColors
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 10 Q
-0 X
-(8) 76.5 37.33 T
-0 11 Q
-( 76.5 712.67 T
-(String literal concatenation) 121.5 712.67 T
-1 F
-(Multiple) 76.5 687.67 T
-(adjacent) 117.35 687.67 T
-(string) 156.96 687.67 T
-(literals) 184.97 687.67 T
-(\050delimited) 217.87 687.67 T
-(by) 266.05 687.67 T
-(whitespace\051,) 280 687.67 T
-(possibly) 338.24 687.67 T
-(using) 377.88 687.67 T
-(different) 404.67 687.67 T
-(quoting) 445.5 687.67 T
-(conven-) 482.07 687.67 T
-(tions,) 76.5 674.67 T
-(are) 103.38 674.67 T
-(allowed,) 119.54 674.67 T
-(and) 159.84 674.67 T
-(their) 178.45 674.67 T
-(meaning) 201.35 674.67 T
-(is) 241.96 674.67 T
-(the) 252.03 674.67 T
-(same) 268.2 674.67 T
-(as) 293.53 674.67 T
-(their) 305.42 674.67 T
-(concatenation.) 328.32 674.67 T
-(Thus,) 394.89 674.67 T
-2 F
-("hello") 422.37 674.67 T
-(\325world\325) 471.3 674.67 T
-1 F
-(i) 76.5 661.67 T
-(s) 79.68 661.67 T
-(e) 87.37 661.67 T
-(q) 92.38 661.67 T
-(u) 98 661.67 T
-(i) 103.62 661.67 T
-(v) 106.81 661.67 T
-(a) 112.43 661.67 T
-(l) 117.44 661.67 T
-(e) 120.62 661.67 T
-(n) 125.63 661.67 T
-(t) 131.25 661.67 T
-(t) 137.72 661.67 T
-(o) 140.9 661.67 T
-2 F
-(") 149.81 661.67 T
-(h) 156.53 661.67 T
-(e) 163.26 661.67 T
-(l) 169.98 661.67 T
-(l) 176.71 661.67 T
-(o) 183.43 661.67 T
-(w) 190.15 661.67 T
-(o) 196.88 661.67 T
-(r) 203.6 661.67 T
-(l) 210.32 661.67 T
-(d) 217.05 661.67 T
-(") 223.77 661.67 T
-1 F
-(.) 230.49 661.67 T
-(T) 236.65 661.67 T
-(h) 243.5 661.67 T
-(i) 249.12 661.67 T
-(s) 252.3 661.67 T
-(f) 259.99 661.67 T
-(e) 263.78 661.67 T
-(a) 268.79 661.67 T
-(t) 273.8 661.67 T
-(u) 276.98 661.67 T
-(r) 282.6 661.67 T
-(e) 286.39 661.67 T
-(c) 294.68 661.67 T
-(a) 299.69 661.67 T
-(n) 304.7 661.67 T
-(b) 313.61 661.67 T
-(e) 319.23 661.67 T
-(u) 327.52 661.67 T
-(s) 333.15 661.67 T
-(e) 337.55 661.67 T
-(d) 342.56 661.67 T
-(t) 351.47 661.67 T
-(o) 354.65 661.67 T
-(r) 363.56 661.67 T
-(e) 367.35 661.67 T
-(d) 372.35 661.67 T
-(u) 377.98 661.67 T
-(c) 383.6 661.67 T
-(e) 388.61 661.67 T
-(t) 396.9 661.67 T
-(h) 400.08 661.67 T
-(e) 405.71 661.67 T
-(n) 414 661.67 T
-(u) 419.62 661.67 T
-(m) 425.25 661.67 T
-(b) 433.93 661.67 T
-(e) 439.55 661.67 T
-(r) 444.56 661.67 T
-(o) 451.64 661.67 T
-(f) 457.26 661.67 T
-(b) 464.33 661.67 T
-(a) 469.95 661.67 T
-(c) 474.96 661.67 T
-(k) 479.97 661.67 T
-(s) 485.59 661.67 T
-(l) 490 661.67 T
-(a) 493.18 661.67 T
-(s) 498.19 661.67 T
-(h) 502.59 661.67 T
-(e) 508.21 661.67 T
-(s) 513.22 661.67 T
-(n) 76.5 648.67 T
-(e) 82.15 648.67 T
-(e) 87.18 648.67 T
-(d) 92.21 648.67 T
-(e) 97.85 648.67 T
-(d) 102.88 648.67 T
-(,) 108.53 648.67 T
-(t) 114.73 648.67 T
-(o) 117.93 648.67 T
-(s) 126.89 648.67 T
-(p) 131.31 648.67 T
-(l) 136.96 648.67 T
-(i) 140.16 648.67 T
-(t) 143.37 648.67 T
-(l) 149.88 648.67 T
-(o) 153.08 648.67 T
-(n) 158.73 648.67 T
-(g) 164.37 648.67 T
-(s) 173.33 648.67 T
-(t) 177.75 648.67 T
-(r) 180.96 648.67 T
-(i) 184.76 648.67 T
-(n) 187.97 648.67 T
-(g) 193.61 648.67 T
-(s) 199.26 648.67 T
-(c) 206.99 648.67 T
-(o) 212.02 648.67 T
-(n) 217.67 648.67 T
-(v) 223.31 648.67 T
-(e) 228.96 648.67 T
-(n) 233.99 648.67 T
-(i) 239.63 648.67 T
-(e) 242.84 648.67 T
-(n) 247.87 648.67 T
-(t) 253.51 648.67 T
-(l) 256.72 648.67 T
-(y) 259.92 648.67 T
-(a) 268.88 648.67 T
-(c) 273.9 648.67 T
-(r) 278.93 648.67 T
-(o) 282.74 648.67 T
-(s) 288.39 648.67 T
-(s) 292.81 648.67 T
-(l) 300.55 648.67 T
-(o) 303.75 648.67 T
-(n) 309.4 648.67 T
-(g) 315.04 648.67 T
-(l) 324 648.67 T
-(i) 327.2 648.67 T
-(n) 330.4 648.67 T
-(e) 336.05 648.67 T
-(s) 341.08 648.67 T
-(,) 345.5 648.67 T
-(o) 351.71 648.67 T
-(r) 357.35 648.67 T
-(e) 364.47 648.67 T
-(v) 369.5 648.67 T
-(e) 375.15 648.67 T
-(n) 380.18 648.67 T
-(t) 389.13 648.67 T
-(o) 392.33 648.67 T
-(a) 401.29 648.67 T
-(d) 406.32 648.67 T
-(d) 411.96 648.67 T
-(c) 420.92 648.67 T
-(o) 425.95 648.67 T
-(m) 431.59 648.67 T
-(m) 440.3 648.67 T
-(e) 449 648.67 T
-(n) 454.03 648.67 T
-(t) 459.67 648.67 T
-(s) 462.88 648.67 T
-(t) 470.61 648.67 T
-(o) 473.82 648.67 T
-(p) 482.77 648.67 T
-(a) 488.42 648.67 T
-(r) 493.45 648.67 T
-(t) 497.25 648.67 T
-(s) 500.46 648.67 T
-(o) 508.19 648.67 T
-(f) 513.84 648.67 T
-(strings, for example:) 76.5 635.67 T
-2 10 Q
-(regex.compile\050"[A-Za-z_]" # letter or underscore) 76.5 617.33 T
-( "[A-Za-z0-9_]*" # letter, digit or underscore) 76.5 605.33 T
-( \051) 76.5 593.33 T
-1 11 Q
-(Note) 76.5 568.67 T
-(that) 100.31 568.67 T
-(this) 119.24 568.67 T
-(feature) 137.57 568.67 T
-(is) 170.53 568.67 T
-(defined) 180.3 568.67 T
-(at) 215.72 568.67 T
-(the) 226.09 568.67 T
-(syntactical) 241.96 568.67 T
-(level,) 291.44 568.67 T
-(but) 318 568.67 T
-(implemented) 334.49 568.67 T
-(at) 394.36 568.67 T
-(compile) 404.73 568.67 T
-(time.) 442.61 568.67 T
-(The) 467.34 568.67 T
-(\324+\325) 486.88 568.67 T
-(op-) 502.84 568.67 T
-(erator) 76.5 555.67 T
-(must) 104.73 555.67 T
-(be) 128.7 555.67 T
-(used) 141.66 555.67 T
-(to) 164.4 555.67 T
-(concatenate) 175.54 555.67 T
-(string) 230.03 555.67 T
-(expressions) 257.67 555.67 T
-(at) 311.57 555.67 T
-(run) 322.09 555.67 T
-(time.) 339.33 555.67 T
-(Also) 364.21 555.67 T
-(note) 387.57 555.67 T
-(that) 409.09 555.67 T
-(literal) 428.17 555.67 T
-(concatenation) 456.41 555.67 T
-(can use different quoting styles for each component.) 76.5 542.67 T
-0 12 Q
-(2.4.2) 76.5 517 T
-(Numeric literals) 121.5 517 T
-1 11 Q
-(There) 76.5 497.67 T
-(are) 105.87 497.67 T
-(four) 123.03 497.67 T
-(types) 145.07 497.67 T
-(of) 172.01 497.67 T
-(numeric) 184.9 497.67 T
-(literals:) 224.67 497.67 T
-(plain) 261.39 497.67 T
-(integers,) 287.11 497.67 T
-(long) 328.4 497.67 T
-(integers,) 351.68 497.67 T
-(floating) 392.98 497.67 T
-(point) 430.92 497.67 T
-(numbers,) 457.26 497.67 T
-(and) 501.62 497.67 T
-(imaginary numbers.) 76.5 484.67 T
-0 F
-( 76.5 462.67 T
-(Integer and long integer literals) 121.5 462.67 T
-1 F
-(Integer and long integer literals are described by the following lexical definitions:) 76.5 437.67 T
-2 10 Q
-(longinteger: integer \050"l"|"L"\051) 76.5 419.33 T
-(integer: decimalinteger | octinteger | hexinteger) 76.5 407.33 T
-(decimalinteger: nonzerodigit digit* | "0") 76.5 395.33 T
-(octinteger: "0" octdigit+) 76.5 383.33 T
-(hexinteger: "0" \050"x"|"X"\051 hexdigit+) 76.5 371.33 T
-(nonzerodigit: "1"..."9") 76.5 359.33 T
-(octdigit: "0"..."7") 76.5 347.33 T
-(hexdigit: digit|"a"..."f"|"A"..."F") 76.5 335.33 T
-1 11 Q
-(Although) 76.5 310.67 T
-(both) 120.78 310.67 T
-(lower) 143.07 310.67 T
-(case) 170.84 310.67 T
-(\324l\325) 192.5 310.67 T
-(and) 205.6 310.67 T
-(upper) 224.21 310.67 T
-(case) 251.99 310.67 T
-(\324L\325) 273.64 310.67 T
-(are) 290.42 310.67 T
-(allowed) 306.57 310.67 T
-(as) 344.12 310.67 T
-(suffix) 356.01 310.67 T
-(for) 384.4 310.67 T
-(long) 399.95 310.67 T
-(integers,) 422.24 310.67 T
-(it) 462.54 310.67 T
-(is) 471.38 310.67 T
-(strongly) 481.44 310.67 T
-(recommended to always use \324L\325, since the letter \324l\325 looks too much like the digit \3241\325.) 76.5 297.67 T
-(Plain) 76.5 272.67 T
-(integer) 101.63 272.67 T
-(decimal) 134.69 272.67 T
-(literals) 172.03 272.67 T
-(must) 204.48 272.67 T
-(be) 228.39 272.67 T
-(at) 241.29 272.67 T
-(most) 251.74 272.67 T
-(2147483647) 275.65 272.67 T
-(\050i.e.,) 333.17 272.67 T
-(the) 355.53 272.67 T
-(largest) 371.49 272.67 T
-(positive) 403.33 272.67 T
-(integer,) 440.68 272.67 T
-(using) 476.49 272.67 T
-(32-) 502.84 272.67 T
-(bit) 76.5 259.67 T
-(arithmetic\051.) 90.63 259.67 T
-(Plain) 144.17 259.67 T
-(octal) 169.3 259.67 T
-(and) 193.2 259.67 T
-(hexadecimal) 211.6 259.67 T
-(literals) 269.71 259.67 T
-(may) 302.17 259.67 T
-(be) 323.62 259.67 T
-(as) 336.52 259.67 T
-(large) 348.2 259.67 T
-(as) 372.71 259.67 T
-(4294967295,) 384.39 259.67 T
-(but) 444.65 259.67 T
-(values) 461.23 259.67 T
-(larger) 491.85 259.67 T
-(than) 76.5 246.67 T
-(2147483647) 98.14 246.67 T
-(are) 155.84 246.67 T
-(converted) 171.97 246.67 T
-(to) 218.04 246.67 T
-(a) 229.3 246.67 T
-(negative) 236.88 246.67 T
-(value) 276.85 246.67 T
-(by) 303.37 246.67 T
-(subtracting) 317.07 246.67 T
-(4294967296.) 368.65 246.67 T
-(There) 429.1 246.67 T
-(is) 457.45 246.67 T
-(no) 467.49 246.67 T
-(limit) 481.18 246.67 T
-(for) 504.67 246.67 T
-(long integer literals apart from what can be stored in available memory.) 76.5 233.67 T
-(Some examples of plain and long integer literals:) 76.5 208.67 T
-2 10 Q
-(7 2147483647 0177 0x80000000) 76.5 190.33 T
-(3L 79228162514264337593543950336L 0377L 0x100000000L) 76.5 178.33 T
-0 11 Q
-( 76.5 156.67 T
-(Floating point literals) 121.5 156.67 T
-1 F
-(Floating point literals are described by the following lexical definitions:) 76.5 131.67 T
-2 10 Q
-(floatnumber: pointfloat | exponentfloat) 76.5 113.33 T
-(pointfloat: [intpart] fraction | intpart ".") 76.5 101.33 T
-(exponentfloat: \050intpart | pointfloat\051 exponent) 76.5 89.33 T
-(intpart: nonzerodigit digit* | "0") 76.5 77.33 T
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-0 X
-(9) 535 37.33 T
-585 292.5 598.5 720 R
-5 9 Q
-(\245) 0 270 592.5 720 TF
-(Lexical analysis) 0 270 592.5 711 TF
-585 292.5 598.5 720 R
-2 10 Q
-(fraction: "." digit+) 99 713.33 T
-(exponent: \050"e"|"E"\051 ["+"|"-"] digit+) 99 701.33 T
-1 11 Q
-(N) 99 676.67 T
-(o) 106.96 676.67 T
-(t) 112.47 676.67 T
-(e) 115.54 676.67 T
-(t) 123.62 676.67 T
-(h) 126.69 676.67 T
-(a) 132.2 676.67 T
-(t) 137.1 676.67 T
-(t) 143.35 676.67 T
-(h) 146.42 676.67 T
-(e) 151.93 676.67 T
-(i) 160.01 676.67 T
-(n) 163.08 676.67 T
-(t) 168.6 676.67 T
-(e) 171.67 676.67 T
-(g) 176.57 676.67 T
-(e) 182.08 676.67 T
-(r) 186.98 676.67 T
-(p) 193.83 676.67 T
-(a) 199.35 676.67 T
-(r) 204.24 676.67 T
-(t) 207.92 676.67 T
-(o) 214.17 676.67 T
-(f) 219.68 676.67 T
-(a) 226.54 676.67 T
-(f) 234.61 676.67 T
-(l) 238.29 676.67 T
-(o) 241.36 676.67 T
-(a) 246.88 676.67 T
-(t) 251.77 676.67 T
-(i) 254.85 676.67 T
-(n) 257.92 676.67 T
-(g) 263.43 676.67 T
-(p) 272.12 676.67 T
-(o) 277.64 676.67 T
-(i) 283.15 676.67 T
-(n) 286.22 676.67 T
-(t) 291.73 676.67 T
-(n) 297.98 676.67 T
-(u) 303.5 676.67 T
-(m) 309.01 676.67 T
-(b) 317.58 676.67 T
-(e) 323.1 676.67 T
-(r) 328 676.67 T
-(c) 334.85 676.67 T
-(a) 339.75 676.67 T
-(n) 344.65 676.67 T
-(n) 350.16 676.67 T
-(o) 355.67 676.67 T
-(t) 361.19 676.67 T
-(l) 367.44 676.67 T
-(o) 370.51 676.67 T
-(o) 376.02 676.67 T
-(k) 381.54 676.67 T
-(l) 390.23 676.67 T
-(i) 393.3 676.67 T
-(k) 396.37 676.67 T
-(e) 401.89 676.67 T
-(a) 409.96 676.67 T
-(n) 414.86 676.67 T
-(o) 423.55 676.67 T
-(c) 429.06 676.67 T
-(t) 433.96 676.67 T
-(a) 437.03 676.67 T
-(l) 441.93 676.67 T
-(i) 448.18 676.67 T
-(n) 451.25 676.67 T
-(t) 456.77 676.67 T
-(e) 459.84 676.67 T
-(g) 464.73 676.67 T
-(e) 470.25 676.67 T
-(r) 475.15 676.67 T
-(.) 478.82 676.67 T
-(T) 484.77 676.67 T
-(h) 491.5 676.67 T
-(e) 497.01 676.67 T
-(a) 505.09 676.67 T
-(l) 509.99 676.67 T
-(l) 513.06 676.67 T
-(o) 516.13 676.67 T
-(w) 521.64 676.67 T
-(e) 529.6 676.67 T
-(d) 534.5 676.67 T
-(range) 99 663.67 T
-(of) 126.4 663.67 T
-(floating) 138.54 663.67 T
-(point) 175.73 663.67 T
-(literals) 201.31 663.67 T
-(is) 234.23 663.67 T
-(implementation-dependent.) 244.53 663.67 T
-(Some) 371.16 663.67 T
-(examples) 399.19 663.67 T
-(of) 443.7 663.67 T
-(floating) 455.84 663.67 T
-(point) 493.03 663.67 T
-(liter-) 518.61 663.67 T
-(als:) 99 650.67 T
-2 10 Q
-(3.14 10. .001 1e100 3.14e-10) 99 632.33 T
-0 11 Q
-( 99 610.67 T
-(Imaginary literals) 144 610.67 T
-1 F
-(Imaginary literals are described by the following lexical definitions:) 99 585.67 T
-2 10 Q
-(imagnumber: \050floatnumber | intpart\051 \050"j"|"J"\051) 99 567.33 T
-1 11 Q
-(An) 99 542.67 T
-(imaginary) 115.49 542.67 T
-(literals) 163.14 542.67 T
-(yields) 196.13 542.67 T
-(a) 225.46 542.67 T
-(complex) 233.39 542.67 T
-(number) 274.32 542.67 T
-(with) 310.97 542.67 T
-(a) 333.57 542.67 T
-(real) 341.51 542.67 T
-(part) 361.04 542.67 T
-(of) 381.19 542.67 T
-(0.0.) 393.4 542.67 T
-(Complex) 412.95 542.67 T
-(numbers) 456.33 542.67 T
-(are) 497.26 542.67 T
-(repre-) 513.74 542.67 T
-(sented) 99 529.67 T
-(as) 130.14 529.67 T
-(a) 142.33 529.67 T
-(pair) 150.25 529.67 T
-(of) 170.38 529.67 T
-(floating) 182.58 529.67 T
-(point) 219.83 529.67 T
-(numbers) 245.48 529.67 T
-(and) 286.39 529.67 T
-(have) 305.31 529.67 T
-(the) 329.11 529.67 T
-(same) 345.58 529.67 T
-(restrictions) 371.22 529.67 T
-(on) 423.14 529.67 T
-(their) 437.17 529.67 T
-(range.) 460.36 529.67 T
-(To) 490.57 529.67 T
-(create) 505.83 529.67 T
-(a) 535.12 529.67 T
-(complex) 99 516.67 T
-(number) 139.44 516.67 T
-(with) 175.6 516.67 T
-(a) 197.72 516.67 T
-(nonzero) 205.16 516.67 T
-(real) 243.15 516.67 T
-(part,) 262.19 516.67 T
-(add) 284.61 516.67 T
-(a) 303.05 516.67 T
-(floating) 310.49 516.67 T
-(point) 347.27 516.67 T
-(number) 372.44 516.67 T
-(to) 408.6 516.67 T
-(it,) 419.72 516.67 T
-(e.g.) 431.14 516.67 T
-2 F
-(\0503+4j\051.) 449.58 516.67 T
-1 F
-(Some) 498.34 516.67 T
-(ex-) 525.95 516.67 T
-(amples of imaginary literals:) 99 503.67 T
-2 10 Q
-(3.14j 10.j 10 j .001j 1e100j 3.14e-10j) 99 485.33 T
-1 11 Q
-(Note) 99 460.67 T
-(that) 123.08 460.67 T
-(numeric) 142.29 460.67 T
-(literals) 181.03 460.67 T
-(do) 213.68 460.67 T
-(not) 227.38 460.67 T
-(include) 244.14 460.67 T
-(a) 279.22 460.67 T
-(sign;) 286.8 460.67 T
-(a) 310.9 460.67 T
-(phrase) 318.49 460.67 T
-(like) 349.9 460.67 T
-2 F
-(-1) 369.1 460.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 385 460.67 T
-(actually) 395.04 460.67 T
-(an) 432.56 460.67 T
-(expression) 445.65 460.67 T
-(composed) 495.39 460.67 T
-(of the unary operator \324) 99 447.67 T
-2 F
-(-) 197.97 447.67 T
-1 F
-(\325 and the literal) 204.57 447.67 T
-2 F
-(1) 274.22 447.67 T
-1 F
-(.) 280.82 447.67 T
-0 14 Q
-(2.5) 99 420.67 T
-(Operators) 135 420.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(The following tokens are operators:) 99 395.67 T
-2 10 Q
-(+ - * ** / %) 99 377.33 T
-(<< >> & | ^ ~) 99 365.33 T
-(< > <= >= == != <>) 99 353.33 T
-1 11 Q
-(The) 99 328.67 T
-(comparison) 118.8 328.67 T
-(operators) 172.81 328.67 T
-2 F
-(<>) 216.44 328.67 T
-1 F
-(and) 232.33 328.67 T
-2 F
-(!=) 250.9 328.67 T
-1 F
-(are) 266.8 328.67 T
-(alternate) 282.92 328.67 T
-(spellings) 323.48 328.67 T
-(of) 365.29 328.67 T
-(the) 377.14 328.67 T
-(same) 393.28 328.67 T
-(operator;) 418.57 328.67 T
-(!=) 460.98 328.67 T
-(is) 473.53 328.67 T
-(the) 483.56 328.67 T
-(preferred) 499.7 328.67 T
-(spelling, <> is obsolescent.) 99 315.67 T
-0 14 Q
-(2.6) 99 288.67 T
-(Delimiters) 135 288.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(The following tokens serve as delimiters in the grammar:) 99 263.67 T
-2 10 Q
-(\050 \051 [ ] { }) 99 245.33 T
-(, : . \324 = ;) 99 233.33 T
-1 11 Q
-(The) 99 208.67 T
-(period) 118.9 208.67 T
-(can) 149.81 208.67 T
-(also) 167.88 208.67 T
-(occur) 188.4 208.67 T
-(in) 215.63 208.67 T
-(floating-point) 226.98 208.67 T
-(and) 290.28 208.67 T
-(imaginary) 308.97 208.67 T
-(literals.) 356.37 208.67 T
-(A) 391.86 208.67 T
-(sequence) 402.6 208.67 T
-(of) 445.72 208.67 T
-(three) 457.68 208.67 T
-(periods) 482.47 208.67 T
-(has) 517.65 208.67 T
-(a) 535.11 208.67 T
-(special meaning as ellipses in slices.) 99 195.67 T
-(T) 99 170.67 T
-(h) 105.73 170.67 T
-(e) 111.24 170.67 T
-(f) 119.3 170.67 T
-(o) 122.97 170.67 T
-(l) 128.48 170.67 T
-(l) 131.54 170.67 T
-(o) 134.61 170.67 T
-(w) 140.11 170.67 T
-(i) 148.06 170.67 T
-(n) 151.13 170.67 T
-(g) 156.64 170.67 T
-(p) 165.31 170.67 T
-(r) 170.82 170.67 T
-(i) 174.49 170.67 T
-(n) 177.56 170.67 T
-(t) 183.07 170.67 T
-(i) 186.13 170.67 T
-(n) 189.2 170.67 T
-(g) 194.7 170.67 T
-(A) 203.38 170.67 T
-(S) 211.33 170.67 T
-(C) 217.45 170.67 T
-(I) 224.8 170.67 T
-(I) 228.47 170.67 T
-(c) 235.31 170.67 T
-(h) 240.2 170.67 T
-(a) 245.71 170.67 T
-(r) 250.6 170.67 T
-(a) 254.27 170.67 T
-(c) 259.16 170.67 T
-(t) 264.05 170.67 T
-(e) 267.12 170.67 T
-(r) 272.01 170.67 T
-(s) 275.68 170.67 T
-(h) 283.14 170.67 T
-(a) 288.64 170.67 T
-(v) 293.54 170.67 T
-(e) 299.04 170.67 T
-(s) 307.11 170.67 T
-(p) 311.39 170.67 T
-(e) 316.9 170.67 T
-(c) 321.79 170.67 T
-(i) 326.68 170.67 T
-(a) 329.75 170.67 T
-(l) 334.64 170.67 T
-(m) 340.87 170.67 T
-(e) 349.44 170.67 T
-(a) 354.33 170.67 T
-(n) 359.22 170.67 T
-(i) 364.73 170.67 T
-(n) 367.8 170.67 T
-(g) 373.3 170.67 T
-(a) 381.98 170.67 T
-(s) 386.87 170.67 T
-(p) 394.33 170.67 T
-(a) 399.84 170.67 T
-(r) 404.73 170.67 T
-(t) 408.4 170.67 T
-(o) 414.63 170.67 T
-(f) 420.14 170.67 T
-(o) 426.98 170.67 T
-(t) 432.49 170.67 T
-(h) 435.55 170.67 T
-(e) 441.06 170.67 T
-(r) 445.95 170.67 T
-(t) 452.79 170.67 T
-(o) 455.86 170.67 T
-(k) 461.37 170.67 T
-(e) 466.87 170.67 T
-(n) 471.77 170.67 T
-(s) 477.27 170.67 T
-(o) 484.73 170.67 T
-(r) 490.24 170.67 T
-(a) 497.08 170.67 T
-(r) 501.97 170.67 T
-(e) 505.64 170.67 T
-(o) 513.7 170.67 T
-(t) 519.21 170.67 T
-(h) 522.27 170.67 T
-(e) 527.78 170.67 T
-(r) 532.67 170.67 T
-(-) 536.34 170.67 T
-(wise significant to the lexical analyzer:) 99 157.67 T
-2 10 Q
-(\325 " # \134) 99 139.33 T
-1 11 Q
-(The) 99 114.67 T
-(following) 119.04 114.67 T
-(printing) 164.76 114.67 T
-(ASCII) 202.53 114.67 T
-(characters) 234.18 114.67 T
-(are) 281.7 114.67 T
-(not) 298.07 114.67 T
-(used) 315.06 114.67 T
-(in) 338.16 114.67 T
-(Python.) 349.65 114.67 T
-(Their) 386.51 114.67 T
-(occurrence) 413.27 114.67 T
-(outside) 464.45 114.67 T
-(string) 499.17 114.67 T
-(lit-) 527.16 114.67 T
-(erals and comments is an unconditional error:) 99 101.67 T
-2 10 Q
-(@ $ ?) 99 83.33 T
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-(11) 530 37.33 T
-585 292.5 598.5 720 R
-5 9 Q
-(\245) 0 270 592.5 720 TF
-(Data model) 0 270 592.5 711 TF
-585 292.5 598.5 720 R
-0 16 Q
-(C) 99 709.33 T
-0 12.8 Q
-(HAPTER) 110.55 709.33 T
-0 16 Q
-(3:) 167.62 709.33 T
-(D) 198 709.33 T
-0 12.8 Q
-(ATA) 209.55 709.33 T
-(MODEL) 240.3 709.33 T
-0 14 Q
-(3.1) 99 670.67 T
-(Objects, values and types) 135 670.67 T
-3 11 Q
-(Objects) 99 645.67 T
-1 F
-(are) 135.67 645.67 T
-(Python\325s) 152.17 645.67 T
-(abstraction) 194.35 645.67 T
-(for) 245.68 645.67 T
-(data.) 261.57 645.67 T
-(All) 285.71 645.67 T
-(data) 302.84 645.67 T
-(in) 324.23 645.67 T
-(a) 335.85 645.67 T
-(Python) 343.8 645.67 T
-(program) 378.04 645.67 T
-(is) 418.38 645.67 T
-(represented) 428.78 645.67 T
-(by) 482.54 645.67 T
-(objects) 496.61 645.67 T
-(or) 530.84 645.67 T
-(by) 99 632.67 T
-(relations) 112.85 632.67 T
-(between) 153.59 632.67 T
-(objects.) 193.09 632.67 T
-(\050In) 229.85 632.67 T
-(conformance) 245.53 632.67 T
-(to) 305.8 632.67 T
-(Von) 317.21 632.67 T
-(Neumann\325s) 339 632.67 T
-(model) 392.56 632.67 T
-(of) 422.91 632.67 T
-(a) 434.92 632.67 T
-(\322stored) 442.66 632.67 T
-(program) 477.28 632.67 T
-(com-) 517.4 632.67 T
-(puter\323, code is also represented by objects.\051) 99 619.67 T
-(Every) 99 594.67 T
-(object) 128.15 594.67 T
-(has) 157.91 594.67 T
-(an) 175.45 594.67 T
-(identity,) 188.71 594.67 T
-(a) 227.96 594.67 T
-(type) 235.72 594.67 T
-(and) 257.54 594.67 T
-(a) 276.31 594.67 T
-(value.) 284.07 594.67 T
-(An) 313.52 594.67 T
-(object\325s) 329.85 594.67 T
-3 F
-(identity) 367.55 594.67 T
-1 F
-(never) 403.43 594.67 T
-(changes) 430.74 594.67 T
-(once) 469.05 594.67 T
-(it) 492.7 594.67 T
-(has) 501.69 594.67 T
-(been) 519.23 594.67 T
-(created;) 99 581.67 T
-(you) 136.28 581.67 T
-(may) 155.25 581.67 T
-(think) 176.66 581.67 T
-(of) 201.75 581.67 T
-(it) 213.38 581.67 T
-(as) 221.97 581.67 T
-(the) 233.6 581.67 T
-(object\325s) 249.51 581.67 T
-(address) 286.8 581.67 T
-(in) 322.26 581.67 T
-(memory.) 333.29 581.67 T
-(The) 375.17 581.67 T
-(\324) 394.75 581.67 T
-2 F
-(is) 398.41 581.67 T
-1 F
-(\325) 411.61 581.67 T
-(operator) 417.74 581.67 T
-(compares) 456.86 581.67 T
-(the) 501.48 581.67 T
-(iden-) 517.39 581.67 T
-(tity) 99 568.67 T
-(of) 116.58 568.67 T
-(two) 128.65 568.67 T
-(objects;) 148.05 568.67 T
-(the) 185.17 568.67 T
-(\324) 201.52 568.67 T
-2 F
-(id\050\051) 205.18 568.67 T
-1 F
-(\325) 231.58 568.67 T
-(function) 238.15 568.67 T
-(returns) 277.72 568.67 T
-(an) 311.17 568.67 T
-(integer) 324.45 568.67 T
-(representing) 357.91 568.67 T
-(its) 415.18 568.67 T
-(identity) 428.48 568.67 T
-(\050currently) 465 568.67 T
-(imple-) 511.28 568.67 T
-(m) 99 555.67 T
-(e) 107.62 555.67 T
-(n) 112.57 555.67 T
-(t) 118.13 555.67 T
-(e) 121.25 555.67 T
-(d) 126.2 555.67 T
-(a) 134.99 555.67 T
-(s) 139.93 555.67 T
-(i) 147.5 555.67 T
-(t) 150.62 555.67 T
-(s) 153.74 555.67 T
-(a) 161.31 555.67 T
-(d) 166.25 555.67 T
-(d) 171.82 555.67 T
-(r) 177.38 555.67 T
-(e) 181.1 555.67 T
-(s) 186.05 555.67 T
-(s) 190.39 555.67 T
-(\051) 194.73 555.67 T
-(.) 198.46 555.67 T
-(A) 204.5 555.67 T
-(n) 212.5 555.67 T
-(o) 221.29 555.67 T
-(b) 226.85 555.67 T
-(j) 232.41 555.67 T
-(e) 235.53 555.67 T
-(c) 240.48 555.67 T
-(t) 245.43 555.67 T
-(\325) 248.55 555.67 T
-(s) 252.27 555.67 T
-3 F
-(t) 259.84 555.67 T
-(y) 262.96 555.67 T
-(p) 267.91 555.67 T
-(e) 273.47 555.67 T
-1 F
-(i) 281.64 555.67 T
-(s) 284.76 555.67 T
-(a) 292.33 555.67 T
-(l) 297.28 555.67 T
-(s) 300.4 555.67 T
-(o) 304.74 555.67 T
-(u) 313.53 555.67 T
-(n) 319.09 555.67 T
-(c) 324.65 555.67 T
-(h) 329.6 555.67 T
-(a) 335.16 555.67 T
-(n) 340.11 555.67 T
-(g) 345.67 555.67 T
-(e) 351.23 555.67 T
-(a) 356.18 555.67 T
-(b) 361.12 555.67 T
-(l) 366.69 555.67 T
-(e) 369.81 555.67 T
-(.) 374.76 555.67 T
-(I) 380.79 555.67 T
-(t) 384.52 555.67 T
-(d) 390.86 555.67 T
-(e) 396.43 555.67 T
-(t) 401.37 555.67 T
-(e) 404.49 555.67 T
-(r) 409.44 555.67 T
-(m) 413.17 555.67 T
-(i) 421.79 555.67 T
-(n) 424.91 555.67 T
-(e) 430.47 555.67 T
-(s) 435.42 555.67 T
-(t) 442.98 555.67 T
-(h) 446.1 555.67 T
-(e) 451.67 555.67 T
-(o) 459.84 555.67 T
-(p) 465.4 555.67 T
-(e) 470.96 555.67 T
-(r) 475.91 555.67 T
-(a) 479.64 555.67 T
-(t) 484.58 555.67 T
-(i) 487.7 555.67 T
-(o) 490.82 555.67 T
-(n) 496.39 555.67 T
-(s) 501.95 555.67 T
-(t) 509.52 555.67 T
-(h) 512.64 555.67 T
-(a) 518.2 555.67 T
-(t) 523.15 555.67 T
-(a) 529.49 555.67 T
-(n) 534.44 555.67 T
-(object) 99 542.67 T
-(supports) 128.64 542.67 T
-(\050e.g.) 168.68 542.67 T
-(\322does) 190.99 542.67 T
-(it) 218.79 542.67 T
-(have) 227.67 542.67 T
-(a) 251.2 542.67 T
-(length?\323\051) 258.84 542.67 T
-(and) 302.53 542.67 T
-(also) 321.18 542.67 T
-(defines) 341.66 542.67 T
-(the) 376.18 542.67 T
-(possible) 392.39 542.67 T
-(values) 431.2 542.67 T
-(for) 462.07 542.67 T
-(objects) 477.65 542.67 T
-(of) 511.58 542.67 T
-(that) 523.5 542.67 T
-(type.) 99 529.67 T
-(The) 123.63 529.67 T
-(\324) 143.68 529.67 T
-2 F
-(type\050\051) 147.34 529.67 T
-1 F
-(\325) 186.94 529.67 T
-(function) 193.54 529.67 T
-(returns) 233.15 529.67 T
-(an) 266.63 529.67 T
-(object\325s) 279.95 529.67 T
-(type) 317.72 529.67 T
-(\050which) 339.6 529.67 T
-(is) 373.09 529.67 T
-(an) 383.37 529.67 T
-(object) 396.69 529.67 T
-(itself\051.) 426.51 529.67 T
-(The) 457.87 529.67 T
-3 F
-(value) 477.91 529.67 T
-1 F
-(of) 504.68 529.67 T
-(some) 516.78 529.67 T
-(objects) 99 516.67 T
-(can) 133.27 516.67 T
-(change.) 151.64 516.67 T
-(The) 188.65 516.67 T
-(\324) 208.86 516.67 T
-2 F
-(==) 212.52 516.67 T
-1 F
-(\325) 225.72 516.67 T
-(operator) 232.49 516.67 T
-(compares) 272.25 516.67 T
-(the) 317.51 516.67 T
-(value) 334.05 516.67 T
-(of) 360.99 516.67 T
-(two) 373.26 516.67 T
-(objects.) 392.86 516.67 T
-(Objects) 429.88 516.67 T
-(whose) 466.59 516.67 T
-(value) 497.8 516.67 T
-(can) 524.73 516.67 T
-(change) 99 503.67 T
-(are) 133.01 503.67 T
-(said) 149.3 503.67 T
-(to) 169.88 503.67 T
-(be) 181.3 503.67 T
-3 F
-(mutable) 194.54 503.67 T
-1 F
-(;) 229.98 503.67 T
-(objects) 235.9 503.67 T
-(whose) 269.92 503.67 T
-(value) 300.89 503.67 T
-(is) 327.57 503.67 T
-(unchangeable) 337.77 503.67 T
-(once) 401.11 503.67 T
-(they) 424.73 503.67 T
-(are) 446.54 503.67 T
-(created) 462.83 503.67 T
-(are) 497.44 503.67 T
-(called) 513.73 503.67 T
-3 F
-(i) 99 490.67 T
-(m) 102.06 490.67 T
-(m) 110.01 490.67 T
-(u) 117.96 490.67 T
-(t) 123.46 490.67 T
-(a) 126.53 490.67 T
-(b) 132.03 490.67 T
-(l) 137.54 490.67 T
-(e) 140.6 490.67 T
-1 F
-(.) 145.49 490.67 T
-(A) 151.42 490.67 T
-(n) 159.36 490.67 T
-(o) 168.04 490.67 T
-(b) 173.54 490.67 T
-(j) 179.05 490.67 T
-(e) 182.11 490.67 T
-(c) 187 490.67 T
-(t) 191.89 490.67 T
-(\325) 194.96 490.67 T
-(s) 198.62 490.67 T
-(\050) 206.08 490.67 T
-(i) 209.74 490.67 T
-(m) 212.81 490.67 T
-(\051) 221.37 490.67 T
-(m) 225.04 490.67 T
-(u) 233.6 490.67 T
-(t) 239.11 490.67 T
-(a) 242.17 490.67 T
-(b) 247.06 490.67 T
-(i) 252.57 490.67 T
-(l) 255.63 490.67 T
-(i) 258.7 490.67 T
-(t) 261.76 490.67 T
-(y) 264.82 490.67 T
-(i) 273.5 490.67 T
-(s) 276.56 490.67 T
-(d) 284.01 490.67 T
-(e) 289.52 490.67 T
-(t) 294.41 490.67 T
-(e) 297.47 490.67 T
-(r) 302.36 490.67 T
-(m) 306.03 490.67 T
-(i) 314.59 490.67 T
-(n) 317.66 490.67 T
-(e) 323.16 490.67 T
-(d) 328.05 490.67 T
-(b) 336.73 490.67 T
-(y) 342.23 490.67 T
-(i) 350.9 490.67 T
-(t) 353.97 490.67 T
-(s) 357.03 490.67 T
-(t) 364.48 490.67 T
-(y) 367.55 490.67 T
-(p) 373.05 490.67 T
-(e) 378.56 490.67 T
-(;) 383.45 490.67 T
-(f) 389.68 490.67 T
-(o) 393.35 490.67 T
-(r) 398.86 490.67 T
-(i) 405.69 490.67 T
-(n) 408.76 490.67 T
-(s) 414.26 490.67 T
-(t) 418.55 490.67 T
-(a) 421.61 490.67 T
-(n) 426.5 490.67 T
-(c) 432.01 490.67 T
-(e) 436.89 490.67 T
-(,) 441.78 490.67 T
-(n) 447.71 490.67 T
-(u) 453.21 490.67 T
-(m) 458.72 490.67 T
-(b) 467.28 490.67 T
-(e) 472.79 490.67 T
-(r) 477.68 490.67 T
-(s) 481.35 490.67 T
-(,) 485.63 490.67 T
-(s) 491.55 490.67 T
-(t) 495.84 490.67 T
-(r) 498.9 490.67 T
-(i) 502.57 490.67 T
-(n) 505.64 490.67 T
-(g) 511.14 490.67 T
-(s) 516.65 490.67 T
-(a) 524.1 490.67 T
-(n) 528.99 490.67 T
-(d) 534.49 490.67 T
-(tuples are immutable, while dictionaries and lists are mutable.) 99 477.67 T
-(O) 99 452.67 T
-(b) 106.99 452.67 T
-(j) 112.54 452.67 T
-(e) 115.64 452.67 T
-(c) 120.57 452.67 T
-(t) 125.5 452.67 T
-(s) 128.61 452.67 T
-(a) 136.14 452.67 T
-(r) 141.07 452.67 T
-(e) 144.78 452.67 T
-(n) 152.92 452.67 T
-(e) 158.47 452.67 T
-(v) 163.4 452.67 T
-(e) 168.95 452.67 T
-(r) 173.88 452.67 T
-(e) 180.8 452.67 T
-(x) 185.73 452.67 T
-(p) 191.28 452.67 T
-(l) 196.82 452.67 T
-(i) 199.93 452.67 T
-(c) 203.03 452.67 T
-(i) 207.96 452.67 T
-(t) 211.07 452.67 T
-(l) 214.17 452.67 T
-(y) 217.28 452.67 T
-(d) 226.04 452.67 T
-(e) 231.58 452.67 T
-(s) 236.51 452.67 T
-(t) 240.84 452.67 T
-(r) 243.94 452.67 T
-(o) 247.65 452.67 T
-(y) 253.2 452.67 T
-(e) 258.75 452.67 T
-(d) 263.68 452.67 T
-(;) 269.23 452.67 T
-(h) 275.54 452.67 T
-(o) 281.09 452.67 T
-(w) 286.63 452.67 T
-(e) 294.62 452.67 T
-(v) 299.55 452.67 T
-(e) 305.1 452.67 T
-(r) 310.03 452.67 T
-(,) 313.74 452.67 T
-(w) 319.75 452.67 T
-(h) 327.74 452.67 T
-(e) 333.28 452.67 T
-(n) 338.21 452.67 T
-(t) 346.97 452.67 T
-(h) 350.08 452.67 T
-(e) 355.62 452.67 T
-(y) 360.55 452.67 T
-(b) 369.31 452.67 T
-(e) 374.86 452.67 T
-(c) 379.79 452.67 T
-(o) 384.72 452.67 T
-(m) 390.27 452.67 T
-(e) 398.87 452.67 T
-(u) 407.01 452.67 T
-(n) 412.56 452.67 T
-(r) 418.11 452.67 T
-(e) 421.81 452.67 T
-(a) 426.74 452.67 T
-(c) 431.68 452.67 T
-(h) 436.61 452.67 T
-(a) 442.15 452.67 T
-(b) 447.08 452.67 T
-(l) 452.63 452.67 T
-(e) 455.74 452.67 T
-(t) 463.88 452.67 T
-(h) 466.98 452.67 T
-(e) 472.53 452.67 T
-(y) 477.46 452.67 T
-(m) 486.22 452.67 T
-(a) 494.82 452.67 T
-(y) 499.75 452.67 T
-(b) 508.51 452.67 T
-(e) 514.05 452.67 T
-(g) 522.2 452.67 T
-(a) 527.74 452.67 T
-(r) 532.67 452.67 T
-(-) 536.38 452.67 T
-(bage-collected.) 99 439.67 T
-(An) 168.39 439.67 T
-(implementation) 184.34 439.67 T
-(is) 255.9 439.67 T
-(allowed) 265.74 439.67 T
-(to) 303.06 439.67 T
-(postpone) 314.12 439.67 T
-(garbage) 356.35 439.67 T
-(collection) 393.66 439.67 T
-(or) 439.55 439.67 T
-(omit) 451.21 439.67 T
-(it) 473.89 439.67 T
-(altogether) 482.51 439.67 T
-(\321) 529 439.67 T
-(it) 99 426.67 T
-(is) 107.68 426.67 T
-(a) 117.59 426.67 T
-(matter) 125.04 426.67 T
-(of) 155.71 426.67 T
-(implementation) 167.44 426.67 T
-(quality) 239.06 426.67 T
-(how) 272.19 426.67 T
-(garbage) 293.69 426.67 T
-(collection) 331.08 426.67 T
-(is) 377.03 426.67 T
-(implemented,) 386.93 426.67 T
-(as) 449.69 426.67 T
-(long) 461.42 426.67 T
-(as) 483.54 426.67 T
-(no) 495.27 426.67 T
-(objects) 508.84 426.67 T
-(are) 99 413.67 T
-(collected) 115.45 413.67 T
-(that) 158.19 413.67 T
-(are) 177.71 413.67 T
-(still) 194.16 413.67 T
-(reachable.) 213.7 413.67 T
-(\050Implementation) 261.61 413.67 T
-(note:) 337.96 413.67 T
-(the) 362.99 413.67 T
-(current) 379.45 413.67 T
-(implementation) 413.63 413.67 T
-(uses) 485.71 413.67 T
-(a) 507.67 413.67 T
-(refer-) 515.58 413.67 T
-(e) 99 400.67 T
-(n) 103.94 400.67 T
-(c) 109.49 400.67 T
-(e) 114.42 400.67 T
-(-) 119.36 400.67 T
-(c) 123.08 400.67 T
-(o) 128.01 400.67 T
-(u) 133.56 400.67 T
-(n) 139.12 400.67 T
-(t) 144.67 400.67 T
-(i) 147.78 400.67 T
-(n) 150.89 400.67 T
-(g) 156.44 400.67 T
-(s) 165.21 400.67 T
-(c) 169.54 400.67 T
-(h) 174.47 400.67 T
-(e) 180.03 400.67 T
-(m) 184.96 400.67 T
-(e) 193.57 400.67 T
-(w) 201.72 400.67 T
-(h) 209.72 400.67 T
-(i) 215.27 400.67 T
-(c) 218.38 400.67 T
-(h) 223.32 400.67 T
-(c) 232.08 400.67 T
-(o) 237.02 400.67 T
-(l) 242.57 400.67 T
-(l) 245.68 400.67 T
-(e) 248.79 400.67 T
-(c) 253.73 400.67 T
-(t) 258.66 400.67 T
-(s) 261.77 400.67 T
-(m) 269.32 400.67 T
-(o) 277.93 400.67 T
-(s) 283.48 400.67 T
-(t) 287.81 400.67 T
-(o) 294.14 400.67 T
-(b) 299.69 400.67 T
-(j) 305.24 400.67 T
-(e) 308.35 400.67 T
-(c) 313.29 400.67 T
-(t) 318.22 400.67 T
-(s) 321.33 400.67 T
-(a) 328.88 400.67 T
-(s) 333.82 400.67 T
-(s) 341.36 400.67 T
-(o) 345.69 400.67 T
-(o) 351.24 400.67 T
-(n) 356.8 400.67 T
-(a) 365.56 400.67 T
-(s) 370.5 400.67 T
-(t) 378.05 400.67 T
-(h) 381.16 400.67 T
-(e) 386.71 400.67 T
-(y) 391.64 400.67 T
-(b) 400.41 400.67 T
-(e) 405.96 400.67 T
-(c) 410.9 400.67 T
-(o) 415.83 400.67 T
-(m) 421.39 400.67 T
-(e) 430 400.67 T
-(u) 438.15 400.67 T
-(n) 443.7 400.67 T
-(r) 449.25 400.67 T
-(e) 452.97 400.67 T
-(a) 457.9 400.67 T
-(c) 462.84 400.67 T
-(h) 467.78 400.67 T
-(a) 473.33 400.67 T
-(b) 478.26 400.67 T
-(l) 483.82 400.67 T
-(e) 486.93 400.67 T
-(,) 491.86 400.67 T
-(b) 497.88 400.67 T
-(u) 503.43 400.67 T
-(t) 508.98 400.67 T
-(n) 515.31 400.67 T
-(e) 520.86 400.67 T
-(v) 525.8 400.67 T
-(e) 531.35 400.67 T
-(r) 536.28 400.67 T
-(collects garbage containing circular references.\051) 99 387.67 T
-(Note) 99 362.67 T
-(that) 123.22 362.67 T
-(the) 142.57 362.67 T
-(use) 158.85 362.67 T
-(of) 176.35 362.67 T
-(the) 188.36 362.67 T
-(implementation\325s) 204.64 362.67 T
-(tracing) 284.48 362.67 T
-(or) 317.87 362.67 T
-(debugging) 329.87 362.67 T
-(facilities) 379.15 362.67 T
-(may) 419.88 362.67 T
-(keep) 441.66 362.67 T
-(objects) 465.27 362.67 T
-(alive) 499.27 362.67 T
-(that) 523.5 362.67 T
-(would) 99 349.67 T
-(normally) 128.93 349.67 T
-(be) 171.08 349.67 T
-(collectable.) 183.89 349.67 T
-(Also) 236.72 349.67 T
-(note) 259.92 349.67 T
-(that) 281.29 349.67 T
-(catching) 300.22 349.67 T
-(an) 339.92 349.67 T
-(exception) 352.73 349.67 T
-(with) 397.92 349.67 T
-(a) 419.91 349.67 T
-(\324) 427.22 349.67 T
-2 F
-(try...except) 430.88 349.67 T
-1 F
-(\325) 510.08 349.67 T
-(state-) 516.17 349.67 T
-(ment may keep objects alive.) 99 336.67 T
-(S) 99 311.67 T
-(o) 105.12 311.67 T
-(m) 110.62 311.67 T
-(e) 119.19 311.67 T
-(o) 127.24 311.67 T
-(b) 132.75 311.67 T
-(j) 138.25 311.67 T
-(e) 141.31 311.67 T
-(c) 146.2 311.67 T
-(t) 151.09 311.67 T
-(s) 154.15 311.67 T
-(c) 161.6 311.67 T
-(o) 166.49 311.67 T
-(n) 171.99 311.67 T
-(t) 177.5 311.67 T
-(a) 180.56 311.67 T
-(i) 185.45 311.67 T
-(n) 188.51 311.67 T
-(r) 197.18 311.67 T
-(e) 200.85 311.67 T
-(f) 205.74 311.67 T
-(e) 209.41 311.67 T
-(r) 214.29 311.67 T
-(e) 217.96 311.67 T
-(n) 222.85 311.67 T
-(c) 228.35 311.67 T
-(e) 233.24 311.67 T
-(s) 238.13 311.67 T
-(t) 245.58 311.67 T
-(o) 248.64 311.67 T
-(\322) 257.31 311.67 T
-(e) 262.2 311.67 T
-(x) 267.09 311.67 T
-(t) 272.6 311.67 T
-(e) 275.66 311.67 T
-(r) 280.55 311.67 T
-(n) 284.21 311.67 T
-(a) 289.72 311.67 T
-(l) 294.61 311.67 T
-(\323) 297.67 311.67 T
-(r) 305.72 311.67 T
-(e) 309.39 311.67 T
-(s) 314.28 311.67 T
-(o) 318.56 311.67 T
-(u) 324.07 311.67 T
-(r) 329.57 311.67 T
-(c) 333.24 311.67 T
-(e) 338.13 311.67 T
-(s) 343.02 311.67 T
-(s) 350.46 311.67 T
-(u) 354.75 311.67 T
-(c) 360.25 311.67 T
-(h) 365.14 311.67 T
-(a) 373.81 311.67 T
-(s) 378.7 311.67 T
-(o) 386.15 311.67 T
-(p) 391.65 311.67 T
-(e) 397.16 311.67 T
-(n) 402.05 311.67 T
-(f) 410.72 311.67 T
-(i) 414.39 311.67 T
-(l) 417.45 311.67 T
-(e) 420.51 311.67 T
-(s) 425.4 311.67 T
-(o) 432.85 311.67 T
-(r) 438.35 311.67 T
-(w) 445.19 311.67 T
-(i) 453.13 311.67 T
-(n) 456.2 311.67 T
-(d) 461.7 311.67 T
-(o) 467.2 311.67 T
-(w) 472.71 311.67 T
-(s) 480.65 311.67 T
-(.) 484.94 311.67 T
-(I) 490.86 311.67 T
-(t) 494.53 311.67 T
-(i) 500.76 311.67 T
-(s) 503.82 311.67 T
-(u) 511.27 311.67 T
-(n) 516.77 311.67 T
-(d) 522.28 311.67 T
-(e) 527.78 311.67 T
-(r) 532.67 311.67 T
-(-) 536.34 311.67 T
-(stood) 99 298.67 T
-(that) 125.21 298.67 T
-(these) 144.08 298.67 T
-(resources) 169.06 298.67 T
-(are) 212.97 298.67 T
-(freed) 228.77 298.67 T
-(when) 253.74 298.67 T
-(the) 279.93 298.67 T
-(object) 295.75 298.67 T
-(is) 325 298.67 T
-(garbage-collected,) 334.71 298.67 T
-(but) 418.02 298.67 T
-(since) 434.45 298.67 T
-(garbage) 459.43 298.67 T
-(collection) 496.62 298.67 T
-(is) 99 285.67 T
-(not) 108.58 285.67 T
-(guaranteed) 124.89 285.67 T
-(to) 175.39 285.67 T
-(happen,) 186.19 285.67 T
-(such) 222.96 285.67 T
-(objects) 245.37 285.67 T
-(also) 278.78 285.67 T
-(provide) 298.74 285.67 T
-(an) 334.59 285.67 T
-(explicit) 347.22 285.67 T
-(way) 382.47 285.67 T
-(to) 403.04 285.67 T
-(release) 413.85 285.67 T
-(the) 446.63 285.67 T
-(external) 462.32 285.67 T
-(resource,) 499.99 285.67 T
-(usually) 99 272.67 T
-(a) 133.11 272.67 T
-2 F
-(close\050\051) 140.33 272.67 T
-1 F
-(method.) 188.86 272.67 T
-(Programs) 226.94 272.67 T
-(are) 271.44 272.67 T
-(strongly) 287.2 272.67 T
-(recommended) 325.59 272.67 T
-(to) 390.24 272.67 T
-(always) 401.13 272.67 T
-(explicitly) 434.01 272.67 T
-(close) 477.9 272.67 T
-(such) 502.84 272.67 T
-(ob-) 525.34 272.67 T
-(jects. The \324) 99 259.67 T
-2 F
-(try...finally) 148.18 259.67 T
-1 F
-(\325 statement provides a convenient way to do this.) 233.98 259.67 T
-(Some) 99 234.67 T
-(objects) 126.56 234.67 T
-(contain) 160.23 234.67 T
-(references) 195.12 234.67 T
-(to) 242.81 234.67 T
-(other) 253.88 234.67 T
-(objects;) 278.99 234.67 T
-(these) 315.71 234.67 T
-(are) 340.83 234.67 T
-(called) 356.76 234.67 T
-3 F
-(containers) 385.54 234.67 T
-1 F
-(.) 431.98 234.67 T
-(Examples) 437.23 234.67 T
-(of) 483.12 234.67 T
-(containers) 494.79 234.67 T
-(are) 99 221.67 T
-(tuples,) 115.44 221.67 T
-(lists) 147.48 221.67 T
-(and) 168.23 221.67 T
-(dictionaries.) 187.12 221.67 T
-(The) 244.21 221.67 T
-(references) 264.32 221.67 T
-(are) 312.52 221.67 T
-(part) 328.96 221.67 T
-(of) 349.08 221.67 T
-(a) 361.26 221.67 T
-(container\325s) 369.15 221.67 T
-(value.) 421.04 221.67 T
-(In) 450.62 221.67 T
-(most) 462.8 221.67 T
-(cases,) 487.2 221.67 T
-(when) 516.17 221.67 T
-(we) 99 208.67 T
-(talk) 114.16 208.67 T
-(about) 132.99 208.67 T
-(the) 159.77 208.67 T
-(value) 175.54 208.67 T
-(of) 201.71 208.67 T
-(a) 213.2 208.67 T
-(container,) 220.42 208.67 T
-(we) 266.43 208.67 T
-(imply) 281.59 208.67 T
-(the) 309.6 208.67 T
-(values,) 325.38 208.67 T
-(not) 358.57 208.67 T
-(the) 374.96 208.67 T
-(identities) 390.73 208.67 T
-(of) 433.4 208.67 T
-(the) 444.9 208.67 T
-(contained) 460.68 208.67 T
-(objects;) 505.78 208.67 T
-(however,) 99 195.67 T
-(when) 142.06 195.67 T
-(we) 168.32 195.67 T
-(talk) 183.57 195.67 T
-(about) 202.51 195.67 T
-(the) 229.38 195.67 T
-(\050im\051mutability) 245.26 195.67 T
-(of) 311.86 195.67 T
-(a) 323.46 195.67 T
-(container,) 330.78 195.67 T
-(only) 376.89 195.67 T
-(the) 398.88 195.67 T
-(identities) 414.76 195.67 T
-(of) 457.53 195.67 T
-(the) 469.12 195.67 T
-(immediately) 485 195.67 T
-(c) 99 182.67 T
-(o) 103.89 182.67 T
-(n) 109.4 182.67 T
-(t) 114.9 182.67 T
-(a) 117.97 182.67 T
-(i) 122.86 182.67 T
-(n) 125.92 182.67 T
-(e) 131.43 182.67 T
-(d) 136.32 182.67 T
-(o) 144.99 182.67 T
-(b) 150.5 182.67 T
-(j) 156 182.67 T
-(e) 159.07 182.67 T
-(c) 163.96 182.67 T
-(t) 168.85 182.67 T
-(s) 171.91 182.67 T
-(a) 179.37 182.67 T
-(r) 184.26 182.67 T
-(e) 187.92 182.67 T
-(i) 195.98 182.67 T
-(m) 199.05 182.67 T
-(p) 207.61 182.67 T
-(l) 213.12 182.67 T
-(i) 216.18 182.67 T
-(e) 219.24 182.67 T
-(d) 224.13 182.67 T
-(.) 229.64 182.67 T
-(S) 235.57 182.67 T
-(o) 241.69 182.67 T
-(,) 247.19 182.67 T
-(i) 253.12 182.67 T
-(f) 256.18 182.67 T
-(a) 263.02 182.67 T
-(n) 267.91 182.67 T
-(i) 276.58 182.67 T
-(m) 279.65 182.67 T
-(m) 288.21 182.67 T
-(u) 296.78 182.67 T
-(t) 302.28 182.67 T
-(a) 305.35 182.67 T
-(b) 310.24 182.67 T
-(l) 315.74 182.67 T
-(e) 318.81 182.67 T
-(c) 326.86 182.67 T
-(o) 331.76 182.67 T
-(n) 337.26 182.67 T
-(t) 342.77 182.67 T
-(a) 345.83 182.67 T
-(i) 350.72 182.67 T
-(n) 353.79 182.67 T
-(e) 359.29 182.67 T
-(r) 364.18 182.67 T
-(\050) 371.02 182.67 T
-(l) 374.69 182.67 T
-(i) 377.75 182.67 T
-(k) 380.82 182.67 T
-(e) 386.32 182.67 T
-(a) 394.38 182.67 T
-(t) 402.44 182.67 T
-(u) 405.5 182.67 T
-(p) 411.01 182.67 T
-(l) 416.52 182.67 T
-(e) 419.58 182.67 T
-(\051) 424.47 182.67 T
-(c) 431.31 182.67 T
-(o) 436.2 182.67 T
-(n) 441.7 182.67 T
-(t) 447.21 182.67 T
-(a) 450.27 182.67 T
-(i) 455.16 182.67 T
-(n) 458.23 182.67 T
-(s) 463.73 182.67 T
-(a) 471.19 182.67 T
-(r) 479.24 182.67 T
-(e) 482.91 182.67 T
-(f) 487.8 182.67 T
-(e) 491.47 182.67 T
-(r) 496.36 182.67 T
-(e) 500.03 182.67 T
-(n) 504.92 182.67 T
-(c) 510.43 182.67 T
-(e) 515.32 182.67 T
-(t) 523.38 182.67 T
-(o) 526.44 182.67 T
-(a) 535.11 182.67 T
-(mutable object, its value changes if that mutable object is changed.) 99 169.67 T
-(Types) 99 144.67 T
-(affect) 128.67 144.67 T
-(almost) 156.48 144.67 T
-(all) 188.6 144.67 T
-(aspects) 202.39 144.67 T
-(of) 236.94 144.67 T
-(object) 248.88 144.67 T
-(behavior.) 278.55 144.67 T
-(Even) 322.57 144.67 T
-(the) 347.96 144.67 T
-(importance) 364.18 144.67 T
-(of) 416.45 144.67 T
-(object) 428.4 144.67 T
-(identity) 458.06 144.67 T
-(is) 494.46 144.67 T
-(affected) 504.58 144.67 T
-(in) 99 131.67 T
-(some) 110.26 131.67 T
-(sense:) 136.18 131.67 T
-(for) 165.76 131.67 T
-(immutable) 181.29 131.67 T
-(types,) 231.05 131.67 T
-(operations) 259.72 131.67 T
-(that) 308.24 131.67 T
-(compute) 327.44 131.67 T
-(new) 368.03 131.67 T
-(values) 389.05 131.67 T
-(may) 419.86 131.67 T
-(actually) 441.5 131.67 T
-(return) 479.03 131.67 T
-(a) 507.99 131.67 T
-(refer-) 515.58 131.67 T
-(e) 99 118.67 T
-(n) 103.97 118.67 T
-(c) 109.55 118.67 T
-(e) 114.51 118.67 T
-(t) 122.73 118.67 T
-(o) 125.87 118.67 T
-(a) 134.69 118.67 T
-(n) 139.66 118.67 T
-(y) 145.24 118.67 T
-(e) 154.07 118.67 T
-(x) 159.04 118.67 T
-(i) 164.62 118.67 T
-(s) 167.76 118.67 T
-(t) 172.12 118.67 T
-(i) 175.26 118.67 T
-(n) 178.4 118.67 T
-(g) 183.98 118.67 T
-(o) 192.81 118.67 T
-(b) 198.39 118.67 T
-(j) 203.97 118.67 T
-(e) 207.12 118.67 T
-(c) 212.08 118.67 T
-(t) 217.05 118.67 T
-(w) 223.43 118.67 T
-(i) 231.46 118.67 T
-(t) 234.6 118.67 T
-(h) 237.74 118.67 T
-(t) 246.56 118.67 T
-(h) 249.71 118.67 T
-(e) 255.29 118.67 T
-(s) 263.5 118.67 T
-(a) 267.86 118.67 T
-(m) 272.83 118.67 T
-(e) 281.47 118.67 T
-(t) 289.68 118.67 T
-(y) 292.82 118.67 T
-(p) 298.4 118.67 T
-(e) 303.98 118.67 T
-(a) 312.19 118.67 T
-(n) 317.16 118.67 T
-(d) 322.74 118.67 T
-(v) 331.57 118.67 T
-(a) 337.15 118.67 T
-(l) 342.12 118.67 T
-(u) 345.26 118.67 T
-(e) 350.84 118.67 T
-(,) 355.81 118.67 T
-(w) 361.88 118.67 T
-(h) 369.91 118.67 T
-(i) 375.49 118.67 T
-(l) 378.63 118.67 T
-(e) 381.77 118.67 T
-(f) 389.98 118.67 T
-(o) 393.73 118.67 T
-(r) 399.31 118.67 T
-(m) 406.3 118.67 T
-(u) 414.94 118.67 T
-(t) 420.52 118.67 T
-(a) 423.66 118.67 T
-(b) 428.63 118.67 T
-(l) 434.21 118.67 T
-(e) 437.35 118.67 T
-(o) 445.56 118.67 T
-(b) 451.14 118.67 T
-(j) 456.73 118.67 T
-(e) 459.87 118.67 T
-(c) 464.83 118.67 T
-(t) 469.8 118.67 T
-(s) 472.94 118.67 T
-(t) 480.55 118.67 T
-(h) 483.69 118.67 T
-(i) 489.27 118.67 T
-(s) 492.41 118.67 T
-(i) 500.02 118.67 T
-(s) 503.16 118.67 T
-(n) 510.76 118.67 T
-(o) 516.34 118.67 T
-(t) 521.93 118.67 T
-(a) 528.31 118.67 T
-(l) 533.28 118.67 T
-(-) 536.42 118.67 T
-(lowed.) 99 105.67 T
-(E.g.) 131.02 105.67 T
-(after) 151.14 105.67 T
-(\324\324) 173.68 105.67 T
-2 F
-(a) 181.01 105.67 T
-(=) 193.34 105.67 T
-(1;) 205.68 105.67 T
-(b) 224.62 105.67 T
-(=) 236.96 105.67 T
-1 F
-(1\325\325,) 249.3 105.67 T
-2 F
-(a) 267.26 105.67 T
-1 F
-(and) 276.26 105.67 T
-2 F
-(b) 294.53 105.67 T
-1 F
-(may) 303.52 105.67 T
-(or) 324.85 105.67 T
-(may) 336.41 105.67 T
-(not) 357.74 105.67 T
-(refer) 374.19 105.67 T
-(to) 397.34 105.67 T
-(the) 408.29 105.67 T
-(same) 424.12 105.67 T
-(object) 449.12 105.67 T
-(with) 478.39 105.67 T
-(the) 500.34 105.67 T
-(value) 516.17 105.67 T
-(one,) 99 92.67 T
-(depending) 120.28 92.67 T
-(on) 168.76 92.67 T
-(the) 182.41 92.67 T
-(implementation,) 198.5 92.67 T
-(but) 272.96 92.67 T
-(after) 289.67 92.67 T
-(\324\324) 312.47 92.67 T
-2 F
-(c) 319.79 92.67 T
-(=) 332.75 92.67 T
-([];) 345.71 92.67 T
-(d) 371.87 92.67 T
-(=) 384.83 92.67 T
-([]) 397.79 92.67 T
-1 F
-(\325\325,) 410.99 92.67 T
-2 F
-(c) 423.71 92.67 T
-1 F
-(and) 432.96 92.67 T
-2 F
-(d) 451.5 92.67 T
-1 F
-(are) 464.45 92.67 T
-(guaranteed) 480.54 92.67 T
-(to) 531.44 92.67 T
-(r) 99 79.67 T
-(e) 102.69 79.67 T
-(f) 107.61 79.67 T
-(e) 111.3 79.67 T
-(r) 116.21 79.67 T
-(t) 123.09 79.67 T
-(o) 126.18 79.67 T
-(t) 134.9 79.67 T
-(w) 137.99 79.67 T
-(o) 145.96 79.67 T
-(d) 154.68 79.67 T
-(i) 160.21 79.67 T
-(f) 163.29 79.67 T
-(f) 166.99 79.67 T
-(e) 170.68 79.67 T
-(r) 175.59 79.67 T
-(e) 179.28 79.67 T
-(n) 184.2 79.67 T
-(t) 189.73 79.67 T
-(,) 192.81 79.67 T
-(u) 198.78 79.67 T
-(n) 204.31 79.67 T
-(i) 209.84 79.67 T
-(q) 212.93 79.67 T
-(u) 218.46 79.67 T
-(e) 223.99 79.67 T
-(,) 228.9 79.67 T
-(n) 234.87 79.67 T
-(e) 240.4 79.67 T
-(w) 245.31 79.67 T
-(l) 253.28 79.67 T
-(y) 256.37 79.67 T
-(c) 265.09 79.67 T
-(r) 270 79.67 T
-(e) 273.7 79.67 T
-(a) 278.61 79.67 T
-(t) 283.52 79.67 T
-(e) 286.61 79.67 T
-(d) 291.52 79.67 T
-(e) 300.24 79.67 T
-(m) 305.15 79.67 T
-(p) 313.74 79.67 T
-(t) 319.27 79.67 T
-(y) 322.36 79.67 T
-(l) 331.08 79.67 T
-(i) 334.17 79.67 T
-(s) 337.25 79.67 T
-(t) 341.56 79.67 T
-(s) 344.65 79.67 T
-(.) 348.95 79.67 T
-(\050) 354.93 79.67 T
-(N) 358.62 79.67 T
-(o) 366.59 79.67 T
-(t) 372.12 79.67 T
-(e) 375.2 79.67 T
-(t) 383.31 79.67 T
-(h) 386.4 79.67 T
-(a) 391.92 79.67 T
-(t) 396.84 79.67 T
-(\324) 403.12 79.67 T
-(\324) 406.81 79.67 T
-2 F
-(c) 410.5 79.67 T
-(=) 424.75 79.67 T
-(d) 439 79.67 T
-(=) 453.24 79.67 T
-([) 467.49 79.67 T
-(]) 474.12 79.67 T
-1 F
-(\325) 480.75 79.67 T
-(\325) 484.44 79.67 T
-(a) 491.33 79.67 T
-(s) 496.24 79.67 T
-(s) 500.55 79.67 T
-(i) 504.85 79.67 T
-(g) 507.94 79.67 T
-(n) 513.47 79.67 T
-(s) 519 79.67 T
-(t) 526.5 79.67 T
-(h) 529.59 79.67 T
-(e) 535.11 79.67 T
-(same object to both) 99 66.67 T
-2 F
-(c) 187.6 66.67 T
-1 F
-( and) 194.21 66.67 T
-2 F
-(d) 215.59 66.67 T
-1 F
-(.\051) 222.19 66.67 T
-%%EndPage: "11" 17
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-612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE
-0 FrameSetSepColors
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 10 Q
-0 X
-(12) 76.5 37.33 T
-0 14 Q
-(3.2) 76.5 710.67 T
-(The standard type hierarchy) 112.5 710.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(Below) 76.5 685.67 T
-(is) 108.09 685.67 T
-(a) 118.29 685.67 T
-(list) 126.05 685.67 T
-(of) 142.37 685.67 T
-(the) 154.4 685.67 T
-(types) 170.71 685.67 T
-(that) 196.8 685.67 T
-(are) 216.16 685.67 T
-(built) 232.46 685.67 T
-(into) 255.51 685.67 T
-(Python.) 275.49 685.67 T
-(Extension) 312.28 685.67 T
-(modules) 359.15 685.67 T
-(written) 399.3 685.67 T
-(in) 433.33 685.67 T
-(C) 444.75 685.67 T
-(can) 454.96 685.67 T
-(define) 473.1 685.67 T
-(ad-) 503.45 685.67 T
-(ditional) 76.5 672.67 T
-(types.) 112.88 672.67 T
-(Future) 141.6 672.67 T
-(versions) 173.08 672.67 T
-(of) 212.51 672.67 T
-(Python) 224.43 672.67 T
-(may) 258.36 672.67 T
-(add) 280.06 672.67 T
-(types) 298.7 672.67 T
-(to) 324.68 672.67 T
-(the) 336 672.67 T
-(type) 352.2 672.67 T
-(hierarchy) 373.9 672.67 T
-(\050e.g.) 418.2 672.67 T
-(rational) 440.5 672.67 T
-(numbers,) 476.87 672.67 T
-(efficiently stored arrays of integers, etc.\051.) 76.5 659.67 T
-(Some) 76.5 640.67 T
-(of) 105.32 640.67 T
-(the) 118.25 640.67 T
-(type) 135.46 640.67 T
-(descriptions) 158.17 640.67 T
-(below) 215.1 640.67 T
-(contain) 245.75 640.67 T
-(a) 281.9 640.67 T
-(paragraph) 290.55 640.67 T
-(listing) 338.29 640.67 T
-(\324special) 369.57 640.67 T
-(attributes\325.) 407.54 640.67 T
-(These) 458.66 640.67 T
-(are) 488.7 640.67 T
-(at-) 505.89 640.67 T
-(tributes) 76.5 627.67 T
-(that) 112.28 627.67 T
-(provide) 131.56 627.67 T
-(access) 167.95 627.67 T
-(to) 198.82 627.67 T
-(the) 210.16 627.67 T
-(implementation) 226.39 627.67 T
-(and) 298.23 627.67 T
-(are) 316.89 627.67 T
-(not) 333.11 627.67 T
-(intended) 349.94 627.67 T
-(for) 390.61 627.67 T
-(general) 406.22 627.67 T
-(use.) 441.37 627.67 T
-(Their) 461.57 627.67 T
-(defini-) 488.17 627.67 T
-(tion) 76.5 614.67 T
-(may) 97.24 614.67 T
-(change) 119.8 614.67 T
-(in) 154.57 614.67 T
-(the) 166.75 614.67 T
-(future.) 183.81 614.67 T
-(There) 216.45 614.67 T
-(are) 245.72 614.67 T
-(also) 262.77 614.67 T
-(some) 284.11 614.67 T
-(\324generic\325) 310.95 614.67 T
-(special) 354.27 614.67 T
-(attributes,) 388.43 614.67 T
-(not) 435.75 614.67 T
-(listed) 453.42 614.67 T
-(with) 480.88 614.67 T
-(the) 504.06 614.67 T
-(individual) 76.5 601.67 T
-(objects:) 124.25 601.67 T
-2 F
-(__methods__) 161.6 601.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 241.73 601.67 T
-(a) 252.2 601.67 T
-(list) 260.21 601.67 T
-(of) 276.8 601.67 T
-(the) 289.1 601.67 T
-(method) 305.67 601.67 T
-(names) 341.81 601.67 T
-(of) 373.05 601.67 T
-(a) 385.34 601.67 T
-(built-in) 393.36 601.67 T
-(object,) 428.89 601.67 T
-(if) 461.66 601.67 T
-(it) 471.51 601.67 T
-(has) 480.76 601.67 T
-(any;) 498.56 601.67 T
-2 F
-(__members__) 76.5 588.67 T
-1 F
-( is a list of the data attribute names of a built-in object, if it has any.) 149.1 588.67 T
-4 F
-(None) 76.5 569.67 T
-1 F
-(This) 112.5 569.67 T
-(type) 134.93 569.67 T
-(has) 156.74 569.67 T
-(a) 174.27 569.67 T
-(single) 182.02 569.67 T
-(value.) 211.17 569.67 T
-(There) 240.62 569.67 T
-(is) 269.14 569.67 T
-(a) 279.34 569.67 T
-(single) 287.1 569.67 T
-(object) 316.25 569.67 T
-(with) 346 569.67 T
-(this) 368.43 569.67 T
-(value.) 387.19 569.67 T
-(This) 416.64 569.67 T
-(object) 439.06 569.67 T
-(is) 468.82 569.67 T
-(accessed) 479.02 569.67 T
-(through) 112.5 556.67 T
-(the) 149.96 556.67 T
-(built-in) 166.64 556.67 T
-(name) 202.27 556.67 T
-2 F
-(None) 229.34 556.67 T
-1 F
-(.) 255.74 556.67 T
-(It) 261.73 556.67 T
-(is) 271.69 556.67 T
-(used) 282.26 556.67 T
-(to) 305.66 556.67 T
-(signify) 317.46 556.67 T
-(the) 351.26 556.67 T
-(absence) 367.94 556.67 T
-(of) 405.99 556.67 T
-(a) 418.39 556.67 T
-(value) 426.52 556.67 T
-(in) 453.58 556.67 T
-(many) 465.38 556.67 T
-(situa-) 493.06 556.67 T
-(tions,) 112.5 543.67 T
-(e.g.) 139.37 543.67 T
-(it) 157.97 543.67 T
-(is) 166.8 543.67 T
-(returned) 176.86 543.67 T
-(from) 216.23 543.67 T
-(functions) 240.34 543.67 T
-(that) 284 543.67 T
-(don\325t) 303.22 543.67 T
-(explicitly) 329.16 543.67 T
-(return) 373.44 543.67 T
-(anything.) 402.43 543.67 T
-(Its) 446.4 543.67 T
-(truth) 460.12 543.67 T
-(value) 483.62 543.67 T
-(is) 510.16 543.67 T
-(false.) 112.5 530.67 T
-4 F
-(Ellipsis) 76.5 511.67 T
-1 F
-(This) 113.49 511.67 T
-(type) 135.86 511.67 T
-(has) 157.61 511.67 T
-(a) 175.09 511.67 T
-(single) 182.78 511.67 T
-(value.) 211.87 511.67 T
-(There) 241.26 511.67 T
-(is) 269.72 511.67 T
-(a) 279.87 511.67 T
-(single) 287.57 511.67 T
-(object) 316.65 511.67 T
-(with) 346.35 511.67 T
-(this) 368.72 511.67 T
-(value.) 387.42 511.67 T
-(This) 416.81 511.67 T
-(object) 439.18 511.67 T
-(is) 468.87 511.67 T
-(accessed) 479.02 511.67 T
-(through) 112.5 498.67 T
-(the) 149.51 498.67 T
-(built-in) 165.74 498.67 T
-(name) 200.92 498.67 T
-2 F
-(Ellipsis) 227.53 498.67 T
-1 F
-(.) 280.33 498.67 T
-(It) 285.87 498.67 T
-(is) 295.38 498.67 T
-(used) 305.51 498.67 T
-(to) 328.45 498.67 T
-(indicate) 339.8 498.67 T
-(the) 377.41 498.67 T
-(presence) 393.64 498.67 T
-(of) 434.91 498.67 T
-(the) 446.86 498.67 T
-(\324\324...\325\325) 463.09 498.67 T
-(syntax) 488.78 498.67 T
-(in a slice. Its truth value is true.) 112.5 485.67 T
-4 F
-(Numbers) 76.5 466.67 T
-1 F
-(These) 122.63 466.67 T
-(are) 152.25 466.67 T
-(created) 169.04 466.67 T
-(by) 204.15 466.67 T
-(numeric) 218.5 466.67 T
-(literals) 257.9 466.67 T
-(and) 291.19 466.67 T
-(returned) 310.43 466.67 T
-(as) 350.43 466.67 T
-(results) 362.95 466.67 T
-(by) 395.02 466.67 T
-(arithmetic) 409.38 466.67 T
-(operators) 457.33 466.67 T
-(and) 501.62 466.67 T
-(arithmetic) 112.5 453.67 T
-(built-in) 159.85 453.67 T
-(functions.) 194.98 453.67 T
-(Numeric) 241.42 453.67 T
-(objects) 282.65 453.67 T
-(are) 316.55 453.67 T
-(immutable;) 332.73 453.67 T
-(once) 385.59 453.67 T
-(created) 409.1 453.67 T
-(their) 443.6 453.67 T
-(value) 466.5 453.67 T
-(never) 493.07 453.67 T
-(changes.) 112.5 440.67 T
-(Python) 152.91 440.67 T
-(numbers) 186.32 440.67 T
-(are) 226.44 440.67 T
-(of) 242.1 440.67 T
-(course) 253.49 440.67 T
-(strongly) 284.44 440.67 T
-(related) 322.73 440.67 T
-(to) 354.89 440.67 T
-(mathematical) 365.68 440.67 T
-(numbers,) 427.18 440.67 T
-(but) 470.05 440.67 T
-(subject) 486.34 440.67 T
-(to the limitations of numerical representation in computers.) 112.5 427.67 T
-(Python distinguishes between integers and floating point numbers:) 112.5 410.67 T
-4 F
-(Integers) 112.5 391.67 T
-1 F
-(These represent elements from the mathematical set of whole numbers) 153.74 391.67 T
-(There are two types of integers:) 130.5 374.67 T
-4 F
-(Plain integers) 130.5 355.67 T
-1 F
-(These) 197.72 355.67 T
-(represent) 226.27 355.67 T
-(numbers) 268.87 355.67 T
-(in) 309.03 355.67 T
-(the) 319.87 355.67 T
-(range) 335.59 355.67 T
-(-2147483648) 362.3 355.67 T
-(through) 423.25 355.67 T
-(2147483647.) 459.75 355.67 T
-(\050The) 166.5 342.67 T
-(range) 190.63 342.67 T
-(may) 218.42 342.67 T
-(be) 240.73 342.67 T
-(larger) 254.47 342.67 T
-(on) 283.48 342.67 T
-(machines) 297.85 342.67 T
-(with) 342.75 342.67 T
-(a) 365.67 342.67 T
-(larger) 373.92 342.67 T
-(natural) 402.93 342.67 T
-(word) 436.84 342.67 T
-(size,) 462.81 342.67 T
-(but) 486.02 342.67 T
-(not) 503.44 342.67 T
-(smaller.\051) 166.5 329.67 T
-(When) 208.38 329.67 T
-(the) 237.72 329.67 T
-(result) 254.24 329.67 T
-(of) 281.77 329.67 T
-(an) 294.01 329.67 T
-(operation) 307.47 329.67 T
-(falls) 352.1 329.67 T
-(outside) 374.12 329.67 T
-(this) 408.98 329.67 T
-(range,) 427.95 329.67 T
-(the) 458.21 329.67 T
-(exception) 474.73 329.67 T
-2 F
-(OverflowError) 166.5 316.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 254.91 316.67 T
-(raised.) 264.86 316.67 T
-(For) 296.49 316.67 T
-(the) 314.38 316.67 T
-(purpose) 330.44 316.67 T
-(of) 367.87 316.67 T
-(shift) 379.65 316.67 T
-(and) 401.82 316.67 T
-(mask) 420.32 316.67 T
-(operations,) 446.15 316.67 T
-(inte-) 497.34 316.67 T
-(g) 166.5 303.67 T
-(e) 172.01 303.67 T
-(r) 176.91 303.67 T
-(s) 180.59 303.67 T
-(a) 188.34 303.67 T
-(r) 193.24 303.67 T
-(e) 196.92 303.67 T
-(a) 205.27 303.67 T
-(s) 210.17 303.67 T
-(s) 214.46 303.67 T
-(u) 218.76 303.67 T
-(m) 224.27 303.67 T
-(e) 232.84 303.67 T
-(d) 237.74 303.67 T
-(t) 246.71 303.67 T
-(o) 249.78 303.67 T
-(h) 258.75 303.67 T
-(a) 264.27 303.67 T
-(v) 269.17 303.67 T
-(e) 274.68 303.67 T
-(a) 283.03 303.67 T
-(b) 291.38 303.67 T
-(i) 296.9 303.67 T
-(n) 299.97 303.67 T
-(a) 305.49 303.67 T
-(r) 310.39 303.67 T
-(y) 314.06 303.67 T
-(,) 319.58 303.67 T
-(2) 325.8 303.67 T
-(\325) 331.31 303.67 T
-(s) 334.99 303.67 T
-(c) 342.74 303.67 T
-(o) 347.64 303.67 T
-(m) 353.15 303.67 T
-(p) 361.72 303.67 T
-(l) 367.24 303.67 T
-(e) 370.31 303.67 T
-(m) 375.21 303.67 T
-(e) 383.78 303.67 T
-(n) 388.68 303.67 T
-(t) 394.2 303.67 T
-(n) 400.72 303.67 T
-(o) 406.24 303.67 T
-(t) 411.75 303.67 T
-(a) 414.83 303.67 T
-(t) 419.73 303.67 T
-(i) 422.8 303.67 T
-(o) 425.87 303.67 T
-(n) 431.39 303.67 T
-(u) 440.36 303.67 T
-(s) 445.87 303.67 T
-(i) 450.16 303.67 T
-(n) 453.24 303.67 T
-(g) 458.75 303.67 T
-(3) 467.72 303.67 T
-(2) 473.23 303.67 T
-(o) 482.2 303.67 T
-(r) 487.72 303.67 T
-(m) 494.85 303.67 T
-(o) 503.42 303.67 T
-(r) 508.94 303.67 T
-(e) 512.61 303.67 T
-(bits,) 166.5 290.67 T
-(and) 188.08 290.67 T
-(hiding) 206.9 290.67 T
-(no) 237.95 290.67 T
-(bits) 251.88 290.67 T
-(from) 270.71 290.67 T
-(the) 295.03 290.67 T
-(user) 311.4 290.67 T
-(\050i.e.,) 332.66 290.67 T
-(all) 355.45 290.67 T
-(4294967296) 369.38 290.67 T
-(different) 427.32 290.67 T
-(bit) 468.12 290.67 T
-(patterns) 482.67 290.67 T
-(correspond to different values\051.) 166.5 277.67 T
-4 F
-(Long integers) 130.5 258.67 T
-1 F
-(These) 197.72 258.67 T
-(represent) 226.79 258.67 T
-(numbers) 269.91 258.67 T
-(in) 310.6 258.67 T
-(an) 321.96 258.67 T
-(unlimited) 335.15 258.67 T
-(range,) 380.13 258.67 T
-(subject) 410.11 258.67 T
-(to) 444.08 258.67 T
-(available) 455.44 258.67 T
-(\050vir-) 497.95 258.67 T
-(tual\051) 166.5 245.67 T
-(memory) 189.18 245.67 T
-(only.) 228.35 245.67 T
-(For) 253.17 245.67 T
-(the) 270.97 245.67 T
-(purpose) 286.92 245.67 T
-(of) 324.26 245.67 T
-(shift) 335.94 245.67 T
-(and) 358.01 245.67 T
-(mask) 376.4 245.67 T
-(operations,) 402.14 245.67 T
-(a) 453.23 245.67 T
-(binary) 460.62 245.67 T
-(repre-) 491.24 245.67 T
-(s) 166.5 232.67 T
-(e) 170.78 232.67 T
-(n) 175.67 232.67 T
-(t) 181.18 232.67 T
-(a) 184.24 232.67 T
-(t) 189.12 232.67 T
-(i) 192.19 232.67 T
-(o) 195.25 232.67 T
-(n) 200.75 232.67 T
-(i) 209.7 232.67 T
-(s) 212.76 232.67 T
-(a) 220.48 232.67 T
-(s) 225.37 232.67 T
-(s) 229.65 232.67 T
-(u) 233.94 232.67 T
-(m) 239.44 232.67 T
-(e) 248 232.67 T
-(d) 252.89 232.67 T
-(,) 258.39 232.67 T
-(a) 264.59 232.67 T
-(n) 269.48 232.67 T
-(d) 274.98 232.67 T
-(n) 283.93 232.67 T
-(e) 289.43 232.67 T
-(g) 294.32 232.67 T
-(a) 299.82 232.67 T
-(t) 304.71 232.67 T
-(i) 307.77 232.67 T
-(v) 310.83 232.67 T
-(e) 316.34 232.67 T
-(n) 324.67 232.67 T
-(u) 330.17 232.67 T
-(m) 335.67 232.67 T
-(b) 344.24 232.67 T
-(e) 349.74 232.67 T
-(r) 354.63 232.67 T
-(s) 358.3 232.67 T
-(a) 366.02 232.67 T
-(r) 370.91 232.67 T
-(e) 374.57 232.67 T
-(r) 382.9 232.67 T
-(e) 386.57 232.67 T
-(p) 391.46 232.67 T
-(r) 396.96 232.67 T
-(e) 400.63 232.67 T
-(s) 405.52 232.67 T
-(e) 409.8 232.67 T
-(n) 414.69 232.67 T
-(t) 420.19 232.67 T
-(e) 423.25 232.67 T
-(d) 428.14 232.67 T
-(i) 437.08 232.67 T
-(n) 440.15 232.67 T
-(a) 449.09 232.67 T
-(v) 457.42 232.67 T
-(a) 462.93 232.67 T
-(r) 467.81 232.67 T
-(i) 471.48 232.67 T
-(a) 474.54 232.67 T
-(n) 479.43 232.67 T
-(t) 484.93 232.67 T
-(o) 491.44 232.67 T
-(f) 496.94 232.67 T
-(2) 504.05 232.67 T
-(\325) 509.55 232.67 T
-(s) 513.22 232.67 T
-(complement) 166.5 219.67 T
-(which) 223.96 219.67 T
-(gives) 253.92 219.67 T
-(the) 280.21 219.67 T
-(illusion) 296.73 219.67 T
-(of) 332.82 219.67 T
-(an) 345.05 219.67 T
-(infinite) 358.51 219.67 T
-(string) 393.36 219.67 T
-(of) 421.5 219.67 T
-(sign) 433.73 219.67 T
-(bits) 455.15 219.67 T
-(extending) 474.12 219.67 T
-(to the left.) 166.5 206.67 T
-(The) 130.5 189.67 T
-(rules) 150.38 189.67 T
-(for) 174.53 189.67 T
-(integer) 190.13 189.67 T
-(representation) 223.45 189.67 T
-(are) 288.53 189.67 T
-(intended) 304.73 189.67 T
-(to) 345.39 189.67 T
-(give) 356.72 189.67 T
-(the) 378.43 189.67 T
-(most) 394.64 189.67 T
-(meaningful) 418.81 189.67 T
-(interpreta-) 471.68 189.67 T
-(tion) 130.5 176.67 T
-(of) 149.89 176.67 T
-(shift) 161.32 176.67 T
-(and) 183.15 176.67 T
-(mask) 201.31 176.67 T
-(operations) 226.8 176.67 T
-(involving) 274.9 176.67 T
-(negative) 319.35 176.67 T
-(integers) 358.89 176.67 T
-(and) 395.99 176.67 T
-(the) 414.15 176.67 T
-(least) 429.86 176.67 T
-(surprises) 452.3 176.67 T
-(when) 493.67 176.67 T
-(switching) 130.5 163.67 T
-(between) 175.41 163.67 T
-(the) 214.2 163.67 T
-(plain) 229.77 163.67 T
-(and) 253.9 163.67 T
-(long) 271.92 163.67 T
-(integer) 293.61 163.67 T
-(domains.) 326.29 163.67 T
-(For) 368.45 163.67 T
-(any) 385.86 163.67 T
-(operation) 403.88 163.67 T
-(except) 447.55 163.67 T
-(left) 478.4 163.67 T
-(shift,) 495.19 163.67 T
-(if) 130.5 150.67 T
-(it) 139.89 150.67 T
-(yields) 148.67 150.67 T
-(a) 177.61 150.67 T
-(result) 185.16 150.67 T
-(in) 212.27 150.67 T
-(the) 223.5 150.67 T
-(plain) 239.6 150.67 T
-(integer) 264.27 150.67 T
-(domain) 297.48 150.67 T
-(without) 333.15 150.67 T
-(causing) 369.43 150.67 T
-(overflow,) 405.7 150.67 T
-(it) 450.83 150.67 T
-(will) 459.61 150.67 T
-(yield) 479.39 150.67 T
-(the) 504.06 150.67 T
-(same result in the long integer domain or when using mixed operands.) 130.5 137.67 T
-4 F
-(Floating point numbers) 112.5 118.67 T
-1 F
-(These) 225.88 118.67 T
-(represent) 253.92 118.67 T
-(machine-level) 296 118.67 T
-(double) 360.09 118.67 T
-(precision) 391.8 118.67 T
-(floating) 433.9 118.67 T
-(point) 469.89 118.67 T
-(num-) 494.28 118.67 T
-(bers.) 130.5 105.67 T
-(You) 154.11 105.67 T
-(are) 175.59 105.67 T
-(at) 191.55 105.67 T
-(the) 202.03 105.67 T
-(mercy) 218 105.67 T
-(of) 248.03 105.67 T
-(the) 259.72 105.67 T
-(underlying) 275.7 105.67 T
-(machine) 325.9 105.67 T
-(architecture) 365.7 105.67 T
-(and) 420.15 105.67 T
-(C) 438.57 105.67 T
-(implementation) 448.44 105.67 T
-(for) 130.5 92.67 T
-(the) 146.48 92.67 T
-(accepted) 163.07 92.67 T
-(range) 204.7 92.67 T
-(and) 232.29 92.67 T
-(handling) 251.32 92.67 T
-(of) 292.97 92.67 T
-(overflow.) 305.29 92.67 T
-(Python) 350.9 92.67 T
-(does) 385.23 92.67 T
-(not) 408.54 92.67 T
-(support) 425.75 92.67 T
-(single-preci-) 461.91 92.67 T
-(sion) 130.5 79.67 T
-(floating) 151.82 79.67 T
-(point) 189.02 79.67 T
-(numbers;) 214.62 79.67 T
-(the) 258.54 79.67 T
-(savings) 274.97 79.67 T
-(in) 310.95 79.67 T
-(CPU) 322.49 79.67 T
-(and) 346.86 79.67 T
-(memory) 365.73 79.67 T
-(usage) 405.37 79.67 T
-(that) 433.4 79.67 T
-(are) 452.88 79.67 T
-(usually) 469.3 79.67 T
-(the) 504.06 79.67 T
-(reason) 130.5 66.67 T
-(for) 162.03 66.67 T
-(using) 177.68 66.67 T
-(these) 204.34 66.67 T
-(is) 229.76 66.67 T
-(dwarfed) 239.92 66.67 T
-(by) 278.78 66.67 T
-(the) 292.6 66.67 T
-(overhead) 308.86 66.67 T
-(of) 352 66.67 T
-(using) 363.98 66.67 T
-(objects) 390.64 66.67 T
-(in) 424.63 66.67 T
-(Python,) 436.01 66.67 T
-(so) 472.75 66.67 T
-(there) 485.35 66.67 T
-(is) 510.16 66.67 T
-%%EndPage: "12" 18
-%%Page: "13" 19
-612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE
-0 FrameSetSepColors
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 10 Q
-0 X
-(13) 530 37.33 T
-585 292.5 598.5 720 R
-5 9 Q
-(\245) 0 270 592.5 720 TF
-(Data model) 0 270 592.5 711 TF
-585 292.5 598.5 720 R
-1 11 Q
-(no reason to complicate the language with two kinds of floating point numbers.) 153 712.67 T
-4 F
-(Complex numbers) 135 693.67 T
-1 F
-(These) 224.22 693.67 T
-(represent) 252.8 693.67 T
-(complex) 295.43 693.67 T
-(numbers) 335.63 693.67 T
-(as) 375.83 693.67 T
-(a) 387.31 693.67 T
-(pair) 394.51 693.67 T
-(of) 413.93 693.67 T
-(machine-level) 425.4 693.67 T
-(double) 490.03 693.67 T
-(pre-) 522.29 693.67 T
-(cision) 153 680.67 T
-(floating) 181.6 680.67 T
-(point) 218.14 680.67 T
-(numbers.) 243.08 680.67 T
-(The) 286.03 680.67 T
-(same) 305.45 680.67 T
-(caveats) 330.38 680.67 T
-(apply) 365.07 680.67 T
-(as) 391.83 680.67 T
-(for) 403.32 680.67 T
-(floating) 418.46 680.67 T
-(point) 455.01 680.67 T
-(numbers.) 479.94 680.67 T
-(The) 522.9 680.67 T
-(real) 153 667.67 T
-(and) 172.4 667.67 T
-(imaginary) 191.19 667.67 T
-(value) 238.7 667.67 T
-(of) 265.43 667.67 T
-(a) 277.51 667.67 T
-(complex) 285.3 667.67 T
-(number) 326.09 667.67 T
-2 F
-(z) 362.6 667.67 T
-1 F
-(can) 372.11 667.67 T
-(be) 390.29 667.67 T
-(retrieved) 403.58 667.67 T
-(through) 445.58 667.67 T
-(the) 482.71 667.67 T
-(attributes) 499.06 667.67 T
-2 F
-(z.real) 153 654.67 T
-1 F
-( and) 192.6 654.67 T
-2 F
-(z.imag) 213.98 654.67 T
-1 F
-(.) 253.58 654.67 T
-4 F
-(Sequences) 99 635.67 T
-1 F
-(These) 150.03 635.67 T
-(represent) 180.56 635.67 T
-(finite) 225.14 635.67 T
-(ordered) 252.62 635.67 T
-(sets) 290.48 635.67 T
-(indexed) 311.25 635.67 T
-(by) 350.34 635.67 T
-(natural) 365.6 635.67 T
-(numbers.) 400.41 635.67 T
-(The) 445.31 635.67 T
-(built-in) 466.68 635.67 T
-(function) 503.34 635.67 T
-2 F
-(len\050\051) 135 622.67 T
-1 F
-(returns) 171.09 622.67 T
-(the) 204.73 622.67 T
-(number) 221.27 622.67 T
-(of) 257.97 622.67 T
-(items) 270.23 622.67 T
-(of) 297.16 622.67 T
-(a) 309.41 622.67 T
-(sequence.) 317.39 622.67 T
-(When) 363.55 622.67 T
-(the) 392.91 622.67 T
-(length) 409.45 622.67 T
-(of) 440.04 622.67 T
-(a) 452.3 622.67 T
-(sequence) 460.27 622.67 T
-(is) 503.68 622.67 T
-2 F
-(n) 514.11 622.67 T
-1 F
-(,) 520.71 622.67 T
-(the) 526.56 622.67 T
-(index set contains the numbers 0, 1, ...,) 135 609.67 T
-2 F
-(n) 309.15 609.67 T
-1 F
-(. Item) 315.75 609.67 T
-2 F
-(i) 344.17 609.67 T
-1 F
-( of sequence) 350.77 609.67 T
-2 F
-(a) 408.49 609.67 T
-1 F
-( is selected by) 415.09 609.67 T
-2 F
-(a[i]) 479.86 609.67 T
-1 F
-(.) 506.26 609.67 T
-(Sequences) 135 592.67 T
-(also) 188.47 592.67 T
-(support) 213.22 592.67 T
-(slicing:) 253.26 592.67 T
-2 F
-(a[i:j]) 292.69 592.67 T
-1 F
-(selects) 339.33 592.67 T
-(all) 375.69 592.67 T
-(items) 393.72 592.67 T
-(with) 424.59 592.67 T
-(index) 451.19 592.67 T
-2 F
-(k) 482.67 592.67 T
-1 F
-(such) 496.3 592.67 T
-(that) 523.5 592.67 T
-2 F
-(i) 135 579.67 T
-(<=) 148.2 579.67 T
-(k) 168 579.67 T
-(<) 181.2 579.67 T
-(j) 194.4 579.67 T
-1 F
-(.) 201 579.67 T
-(When) 206.99 579.67 T
-(used) 236.5 579.67 T
-(as) 259.9 579.67 T
-(an) 272.3 579.67 T
-(expression,) 285.93 579.67 T
-(a) 338.97 579.67 T
-(slice) 347.09 579.67 T
-(is) 370.49 579.67 T
-(a) 381.07 579.67 T
-(sequence) 389.2 579.67 T
-(of) 432.75 579.67 T
-(the) 445.15 579.67 T
-(same) 461.84 579.67 T
-(type) 487.68 579.67 T
-(\321) 509.86 579.67 T
-(this) 524.1 579.67 T
-(implies that the index set is renumbered so that it starts at 0 again.) 135 566.67 T
-(Sequences are distinguished according to their mutability:) 135 549.67 T
-4 F
-(Immutable sequences) 135 530.67 T
-1 F
-(An) 238.88 530.67 T
-(object) 254.25 530.67 T
-(of) 283.07 530.67 T
-(an) 294.16 530.67 T
-(immutable) 306.47 530.67 T
-(sequence) 355.45 530.67 T
-(type) 397.7 530.67 T
-(cannot) 418.57 530.67 T
-(change) 449.82 530.67 T
-(once) 482.9 530.67 T
-(it) 505.6 530.67 T
-(is) 513.64 530.67 T
-(cre-) 522.91 530.67 T
-(ated.) 153 517.67 T
-(\050If) 176.67 517.67 T
-(the) 190.25 517.67 T
-(object) 206.29 517.67 T
-(contains) 235.77 517.67 T
-(references) 275.02 517.67 T
-(to) 322.81 517.67 T
-(other) 333.96 517.67 T
-(objects,) 359.16 517.67 T
-(these) 395.67 517.67 T
-(other) 420.86 517.67 T
-(objects) 446.07 517.67 T
-(may) 479.82 517.67 T
-(be) 501.36 517.67 T
-(muta-) 514.34 517.67 T
-(ble) 153 504.67 T
-(and) 172.06 504.67 T
-(may) 193.56 504.67 T
-(be) 218.12 504.67 T
-(changed;) 234.12 504.67 T
-(however) 279.44 504.67 T
-(the) 322.93 504.67 T
-(array) 341.99 504.67 T
-(of) 370.2 504.67 T
-(objects) 384.98 504.67 T
-(directly) 421.75 504.67 T
-(referenced) 460.98 504.67 T
-(by) 513 504.67 T
-(an) 529.62 504.67 T
-(immutable object cannot change.\051) 153 491.67 T
-(The following types are immutable sequences:) 153 474.67 T
-4 F
-(Strings) 153 455.67 T
-1 F
-(The) 189 455.67 T
-(items) 208.99 455.67 T
-(of) 235.71 455.67 T
-(a) 247.76 455.67 T
-(string) 255.53 455.67 T
-(are) 283.47 455.67 T
-(characters.) 299.79 455.67 T
-(There) 350 455.67 T
-(is) 378.54 455.67 T
-(no) 388.76 455.67 T
-(separate) 402.64 455.67 T
-(character) 441.57 455.67 T
-(type;) 484.75 455.67 T
-(a) 509.64 455.67 T
-(char-) 517.41 455.67 T
-(acter) 189 442.67 T
-(is) 213.43 442.67 T
-(represented) 223.82 442.67 T
-(by) 277.58 442.67 T
-(a) 291.63 442.67 T
-(string) 299.58 442.67 T
-(of) 327.69 442.67 T
-(one) 339.91 442.67 T
-(item.) 358.85 442.67 T
-(Characters) 384.21 442.67 T
-(represent) 434.31 442.67 T
-(\050at) 477.68 442.67 T
-(least\051) 492.34 442.67 T
-(8-bit) 519.22 442.67 T
-(bytes.) 189 429.67 T
-(The) 217.23 429.67 T
-(built-in) 236.6 429.67 T
-(functions) 271.25 429.67 T
-2 F
-(chr\050\051) 314.45 429.67 T
-1 F
-(and) 349.71 429.67 T
-2 F
-(ord\050\051) 367.85 429.67 T
-1 F
-(convert) 403.11 429.67 T
-(between) 438.36 429.67 T
-(characters) 477.27 429.67 T
-(and) 524.12 429.67 T
-(nonnegative) 189 416.67 T
-(integers) 246.07 416.67 T
-(representing) 284.19 416.67 T
-(the) 341.86 416.67 T
-(byte) 358.6 416.67 T
-(values.) 380.83 416.67 T
-(Bytes) 414.99 416.67 T
-(with) 443.34 416.67 T
-(the) 466.2 416.67 T
-(values) 482.93 416.67 T
-(0-127) 514.34 416.67 T
-(usually) 189 403.67 T
-(represent) 223.77 403.67 T
-(the) 267.08 403.67 T
-(corresponding) 283.51 403.67 T
-(ASCII) 349.43 403.67 T
-(values,) 381.15 403.67 T
-(but) 414.99 403.67 T
-(the) 432.05 403.67 T
-(interpretation) 448.48 403.67 T
-(of) 510.74 403.67 T
-(val-) 522.9 403.67 T
-(ues) 189 390.67 T
-(is) 206.56 390.67 T
-(up) 216.8 390.67 T
-(to) 230.7 390.67 T
-(the) 242.16 390.67 T
-(program.) 258.51 390.67 T
-(The) 301.43 390.67 T
-(string) 321.43 390.67 T
-(data) 349.39 390.67 T
-(type) 370.62 390.67 T
-(is) 392.46 390.67 T
-(also) 402.7 390.67 T
-(used) 423.32 390.67 T
-(to) 446.39 390.67 T
-(represent) 457.85 390.67 T
-(arrays) 501.06 390.67 T
-(of) 530.84 390.67 T
-(bytes, e.g. to hold data read from a file.) 189 377.67 T
-(\050What should be done on systems whose native character set is not ASCII???\051) 189 360.67 T
-4 F
-(Tuples) 153 341.67 T
-1 F
-(The) 189 341.67 T
-(items) 209.42 341.67 T
-(of) 236.57 341.67 T
-(a) 249.05 341.67 T
-(tuple) 257.25 341.67 T
-(are) 282.56 341.67 T
-(arbitrary) 299.31 341.67 T
-(Python) 340.5 341.67 T
-(objects.) 374.99 341.67 T
-(Tuples) 412.21 341.67 T
-(of) 445.47 341.67 T
-(two) 457.95 341.67 T
-(or) 477.77 341.67 T
-(more) 490.24 341.67 T
-(items) 516.16 341.67 T
-(are) 189 328.67 T
-(formed) 204.97 328.67 T
-(by) 239.27 328.67 T
-(comma-separated) 252.81 328.67 T
-(lists) 332.93 328.67 T
-(of) 353.2 328.67 T
-(expressions.) 364.9 328.67 T
-(A) 421.52 328.67 T
-(tuple) 432 328.67 T
-(of) 456.53 328.67 T
-(one) 468.23 328.67 T
-(item) 486.66 328.67 T
-(\050a) 508.75 328.67 T
-(\324sin-) 519.84 328.67 T
-(gleton\325\051) 189 315.67 T
-(can) 226.72 315.67 T
-(be) 244.88 315.67 T
-(formed) 258.15 315.67 T
-(by) 292.81 315.67 T
-(affixing) 306.7 315.67 T
-(a) 344.42 315.67 T
-(comma) 352.19 315.67 T
-(to) 387.46 315.67 T
-(an) 398.91 315.67 T
-(expression) 412.19 315.67 T
-(\050an) 462.12 315.67 T
-(expression) 479.06 315.67 T
-(by) 529 315.67 T
-(itself) 189 302.67 T
-(does) 214.34 302.67 T
-(not) 237.84 302.67 T
-(create) 255.23 302.67 T
-(a) 284.82 302.67 T
-(tuple,) 293.04 302.67 T
-(since) 321.13 302.67 T
-(parentheses) 347.07 302.67 T
-(must) 401.72 302.67 T
-(be) 426.45 302.67 T
-(usable) 440.17 302.67 T
-(for) 471.62 302.67 T
-(grouping) 487.78 302.67 T
-(of) 530.84 302.67 T
-(expressions\051.) 189 289.67 T
-(An) 249.35 289.67 T
-(empty) 265.4 289.67 T
-(tuple) 295.51 289.67 T
-(can) 320.12 289.67 T
-(be) 337.99 289.67 T
-(formed) 350.99 289.67 T
-(by) 385.36 289.67 T
-(enclosing) 398.97 289.67 T
-(\324nothing\325) 443.75 289.67 T
-(in) 487.3 289.67 T
-(parenthe-) 498.46 289.67 T
-(ses: \324\324) 189 276.67 T
-2 F
-(\050\051) 215.58 276.67 T
-1 F
-(\325\325.) 228.78 276.67 T
-4 F
-(Mutable sequences) 135 257.67 T
-1 F
-(Mutable) 226.66 257.67 T
-(sequences) 265.86 257.67 T
-(can) 312.98 257.67 T
-(be) 330.78 257.67 T
-(changed) 343.7 257.67 T
-(after) 382.88 257.67 T
-(they) 405.56 257.67 T
-(are) 427.04 257.67 T
-(created.) 443 257.67 T
-(The) 480.04 257.67 T
-(subscrip-) 499.67 257.67 T
-(tion) 153 244.67 T
-(and) 172.72 244.67 T
-(slicing) 191.21 244.67 T
-(notations) 223.15 244.67 T
-(can) 266.1 244.67 T
-(be) 283.97 244.67 T
-(used) 296.96 244.67 T
-(as) 319.73 244.67 T
-(the) 331.5 244.67 T
-(target) 347.55 244.67 T
-(of) 375.2 244.67 T
-(assignment) 386.97 244.67 T
-(and) 439.08 244.67 T
-2 F
-(del) 457.57 244.67 T
-1 F
-(\050delete\051) 479.97 244.67 T
-(state-) 516.17 244.67 T
-(ments.) 153 231.67 T
-(There is currently a single mutable sequence type:) 153 214.67 T
-4 F
-(Lists) 153 195.67 T
-1 F
-(The) 189 195.67 T
-(items) 209.77 195.67 T
-(of) 237.27 195.67 T
-(a) 250.1 195.67 T
-(list) 258.65 195.67 T
-(are) 275.77 195.67 T
-(arbitrary) 292.86 195.67 T
-(Python) 334.4 195.67 T
-(objects.) 369.24 195.67 T
-(Lists) 406.81 195.67 T
-(are) 431.87 195.67 T
-(formed) 448.97 195.67 T
-(by) 484.4 195.67 T
-(placing) 499.07 195.67 T
-(a) 535.11 195.67 T
-(comma-separated) 189 182.67 T
-(list) 269.75 182.67 T
-(of) 286.37 182.67 T
-(expressions) 298.7 182.67 T
-(in) 353.19 182.67 T
-(square) 364.92 182.67 T
-(brackets.) 396.8 182.67 T
-(\050Note) 439.36 182.67 T
-(that) 467.58 182.67 T
-(there) 487.25 182.67 T
-(are) 512.4 182.67 T
-(no) 529 182.67 T
-(special cases needed to form lists of length 0 or 1.\051) 189 169.67 T
-(The) 153 150.67 T
-(optional) 172.34 150.67 T
-(module) 210.63 150.67 T
-2 F
-(array) 245.86 150.67 T
-1 F
-(provides) 281.1 150.67 T
-(an) 321.22 150.67 T
-(additional) 333.83 150.67 T
-(example) 380.07 150.67 T
-(of) 419.57 150.67 T
-(a) 430.96 150.67 T
-(mutable) 438.08 150.67 T
-(sequence) 475.76 150.67 T
-(type.) 518.31 150.67 T
-4 F
-(Mappings) 99 131.67 T
-1 F
-(These) 148.82 131.67 T
-(represent) 176.95 131.67 T
-(finite) 219.14 131.67 T
-(sets) 244.23 131.67 T
-(of) 262.59 131.67 T
-(objects) 273.62 131.67 T
-(indexed) 306.65 131.67 T
-(by) 343.35 131.67 T
-(arbitrary) 356.21 131.67 T
-(index) 395.95 131.67 T
-(sets.) 422.26 131.67 T
-(The) 443.38 131.67 T
-(subscript) 462.35 131.67 T
-(notation) 503.94 131.67 T
-2 F
-(a[k]) 135 118.67 T
-1 F
-(selects) 163.95 118.67 T
-(the) 195.83 118.67 T
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-2 F
-(k) 284.86 118.67 T
-1 F
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-2 F
-(a) 375 118.67 T
-1 F
-(;) 381.6 118.67 T
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-(of) 189.05 105.67 T
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-(or) 256.26 105.67 T
-2 F
-(del) 267.56 105.67 T
-1 F
-(statements.) 289.5 105.67 T
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-2 F
-(len\050\051) 433.39 105.67 T
-1 F
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-4 F
-(Dictionaries) 112.5 693.67 T
-1 F
-(These) 172.08 693.67 T
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-(inter-) 493.67 628.67 T
-(changeably to index the same dictionary entry.) 130.5 615.67 T
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-(the) 328.54 598.67 T
-2 F
-({...}) 344.44 598.67 T
-1 F
-(notation.) 383.34 598.67 T
-(\050See) 424.61 598.67 T
-(\322Dictionary) 446.61 598.67 T
-(dis-) 501 598.67 T
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-(28.\051) 198.62 585.67 T
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-2 F
-(dbm) 244.43 568.67 T
-1 F
-(,) 264.23 568.67 T
-2 F
-(gdbm) 270.02 568.67 T
-1 F
-(and) 299.46 568.67 T
-2 F
-(bsddb) 318.38 568.67 T
-1 F
-(provide) 354.42 568.67 T
-(additional) 391.07 568.67 T
-(examples) 438.11 568.67 T
-(of) 482.69 568.67 T
-(map-) 494.89 568.67 T
-(ping types.) 112.5 555.67 T
-4 F
-(Callable types) 76.5 536.67 T
-1 F
-(These) 145.56 536.67 T
-(are) 174.8 536.67 T
-(the) 191.2 536.67 T
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-(call) 331.25 536.67 T
-(operation) 350.11 536.67 T
-(\050for) 394.63 536.67 T
-(invocation,) 414.09 536.67 T
-(See) 466.26 536.67 T
-(\322Calls\323) 485.12 536.67 T
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-(31.\051 is applied:) 149.77 523.67 T
-4 F
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-1 F
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-(is) 362.56 504.67 T
-(created) 373.45 504.67 T
-(by) 408.76 504.67 T
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-(\050See \322Function definitions\323 on page) 130.5 491.67 T
-(50.\051) 291.51 491.67 T
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-(attributes:) 211.6 474.67 T
-2 F
-(func_doc) 258.88 474.67 T
-1 F
-(or) 314.96 474.67 T
-2 F
-(__doc__) 327.41 474.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 376.89 474.67 T
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-(or) 162.81 461.67 T
-2 F
-(None) 176.47 461.67 T
-1 F
-(if) 207.37 461.67 T
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-2 F
-(func_name) 276.86 461.67 T
-1 F
-(or) 340.77 461.67 T
-2 F
-(__name__) 354.43 461.67 T
-1 F
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-2 F
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-1 F
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-2 F
-(None) 228.73 435.67 T
-1 F
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-2 F
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-1 F
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-2 F
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-1 F
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-(the) 264.55 396.67 T
-(function) 281.09 396.67 T
-(was) 320.85 396.67 T
-(defined.) 341.05 396.67 T
-(Additional) 379.89 396.67 T
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-(of) 472.17 383.67 T
-(internal) 483.89 383.67 T
-(types below.) 130.5 370.67 T
-4 F
-(User-defined methods) 112.5 351.67 T
-1 F
-(A) 218.21 351.67 T
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-(\050a.k.a.) 360.68 351.67 T
-3 F
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-1 F
-(\051) 456.96 351.67 T
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-(a) 512.62 351.67 T
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-2 F
-(None) 243.52 338.67 T
-1 F
-(\051 and a user-defined function.) 269.92 338.67 T
-(Special) 130.5 325.67 T
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-2 F
-(im_self) 257.72 325.67 T
-1 F
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-2 F
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-1 F
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-2 F
-(im_class) 162.81 312.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 217.98 312.67 T
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-(\050which) 372.64 312.67 T
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-2 F
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-1 F
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-(an) 264 299.67 T
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-2 F
-(__doc__) 326.17 299.67 T
-1 F
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-2 F
-(im_func.__doc__) 183.71 286.67 T
-1 F
-(\051;) 282.71 286.67 T
-2 F
-(__name__) 298.32 286.67 T
-1 F
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-2 F
-(im_func.__name__) 130.5 273.67 T
-1 F
-(\051.) 236.1 273.67 T
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-(an) 425.69 256.67 T
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-(a) 488.9 256.67 T
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-(a) 158.89 243.67 T
-(user-defined) 166.05 243.67 T
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-(that) 501 243.67 T
-(is) 130.5 230.67 T
-(a) 141.12 230.67 T
-(user-defined) 149.29 230.67 T
-(function) 207.54 230.67 T
-(object.) 247.49 230.67 T
-(In) 280.41 230.67 T
-(the) 292.85 230.67 T
-(former) 309.58 230.67 T
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-(\050class) 365 230.67 T
-(attribute\051,) 393.33 230.67 T
-(the) 439.69 230.67 T
-2 F
-(im_self) 456.41 230.67 T
-1 F
-(at-) 505.89 230.67 T
-(tribute) 130.5 217.67 T
-(is) 161.96 217.67 T
-2 F
-(None) 172.03 217.67 T
-1 F
-(,) 198.43 217.67 T
-(and) 203.92 217.67 T
-(the) 222.54 217.67 T
-(method) 238.71 217.67 T
-(object) 274.45 217.67 T
-(is) 304.07 217.67 T
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-(to) 334.6 217.67 T
-(be) 345.89 217.67 T
-3 F
-(unbound) 359.02 217.67 T
-1 F
-(;) 397.52 217.67 T
-(in) 403.31 217.67 T
-(the) 414.6 217.67 T
-(latter) 430.78 217.67 T
-(case) 456.12 217.67 T
-(\050instance) 477.79 217.67 T
-(attribute\051,) 130.5 204.67 T
-2 F
-(im_self) 176.72 204.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 226.07 204.67 T
-(the) 236.55 204.67 T
-(instance,) 253.14 204.67 T
-(and) 295.08 204.67 T
-(the) 314.11 204.67 T
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-(said) 407.36 204.67 T
-(to) 428.22 204.67 T
-(be) 439.93 204.67 T
-3 F
-(bound) 453.46 204.67 T
-1 F
-(.) 480.96 204.67 T
-(For) 486.85 204.67 T
-(in-) 505.28 204.67 T
-(stance,) 130.5 191.67 T
-(when) 163.2 191.67 T
-2 F
-(C) 189.48 191.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 198.54 191.67 T
-(a) 208.33 191.67 T
-(class) 215.67 191.67 T
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-(a) 307.98 191.67 T
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-(for) 360.55 191.67 T
-(a) 375.84 191.67 T
-(function) 383.18 191.67 T
-2 F
-(f) 422.3 191.67 T
-1 F
-(,) 428.9 191.67 T
-2 F
-(C.f) 434.11 191.67 T
-1 F
-(does) 456.36 191.67 T
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-(function) 146.2 178.67 T
-(object) 185.12 178.67 T
-2 F
-(f) 214.26 178.67 T
-1 F
-(;) 220.86 178.67 T
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-(an) 293.75 178.67 T
-(unbound) 306.39 178.67 T
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-2 F
-(m.im_class) 451.5 178.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 130.5 165.67 T
-2 F
-(C) 140.76 165.67 T
-1 F
-(,) 147.36 165.67 T
-2 F
-(m.im_function) 153.03 165.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 241.75 165.67 T
-2 F
-(f) 252.01 165.67 T
-1 F
-(,) 258.61 165.67 T
-(and) 264.28 165.67 T
-(m) 283.08 165.67 T
-2 F
-(.im_self) 291.64 165.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 347.36 165.67 T
-2 F
-(None) 357.62 165.67 T
-1 F
-(.) 384.02 165.67 T
-(When) 389.69 165.67 T
-2 F
-(x) 418.88 165.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 428.4 165.67 T
-(a) 438.66 165.67 T
-2 F
-(C) 446.46 165.67 T
-1 F
-(instance,) 455.98 165.67 T
-2 F
-(x.f) 497.7 165.67 T
-1 F
-(yields) 130.5 152.67 T
-(a) 159.09 152.67 T
-(bound) 166.29 152.67 T
-(method) 196.1 152.67 T
-(object) 231.42 152.67 T
-2 F
-(m) 260.61 152.67 T
-1 F
-(where) 269.53 152.67 T
-2 F
-(m.im_class) 298.71 152.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 367.03 152.67 T
-2 F
-(C) 376.68 152.67 T
-1 F
-(,) 383.28 152.67 T
-2 F
-(m.im_function) 388.34 152.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 476.45 152.67 T
-2 F
-(f,) 486.1 152.67 T
-1 F
-(and) 501.61 152.67 T
-2 F
-(m.im_self) 130.5 139.67 T
-1 F
-( is) 189.9 139.67 T
-2 F
-(x) 202.74 139.67 T
-1 F
-(.) 209.34 139.67 T
-(When) 130.5 122.67 T
-(an) 163.05 122.67 T
-(unbound) 179.73 122.67 T
-(user-defined) 224.51 122.67 T
-(method) 285.77 122.67 T
-(object) 325.06 122.67 T
-(is) 358.23 122.67 T
-(called,) 371.86 122.67 T
-(the) 407.16 122.67 T
-(underlying) 426.89 122.67 T
-(function) 480.84 122.67 T
-(\050) 130.5 109.67 T
-2 F
-(im_func) 134.16 109.67 T
-1 F
-(\051) 180.36 109.67 T
-(is) 187.09 109.67 T
-(called,) 197.5 109.67 T
-(with) 229.58 109.67 T
-(the) 252.21 109.67 T
-(restriction) 268.71 109.67 T
-(that) 316.39 109.67 T
-(the) 335.95 109.67 T
-(first) 352.46 109.67 T
-(argument) 373.25 109.67 T
-(must) 417.86 109.67 T
-(be) 442.32 109.67 T
-(an) 455.77 109.67 T
-(instance) 469.22 109.67 T
-(of) 508.34 109.67 T
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-2 F
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-1 F
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-1 11 Q
-(When) 153 712.67 T
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-(\050) 486.47 712.67 T
-2 F
-(im_func) 490.14 712.67 T
-1 F
-(\051) 536.34 712.67 T
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-(called,) 163.9 699.67 T
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-2 F
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-1 F
-(\051) 370 699.67 T
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-2 F
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-1 F
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-(for) 381.56 686.67 T
-(a) 396.69 686.67 T
-(function) 403.89 686.67 T
-2 F
-(f) 442.86 686.67 T
-1 F
-(,) 449.46 686.67 T
-(and) 454.52 686.67 T
-2 F
-(x) 472.71 686.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 481.62 686.67 T
-(an) 491.26 686.67 T
-(instance) 503.95 686.67 T
-(of) 153 673.67 T
-2 F
-(C) 164.91 673.67 T
-1 F
-(, calling) 171.51 673.67 T
-2 F
-(x.f\0501\051) 209.71 673.67 T
-1 F
-( is equivalent to calling) 249.3 673.67 T
-2 F
-(C.f\050x, 1\051) 354.72 673.67 T
-1 F
-(.) 414.12 673.67 T
-(Note) 153 656.67 T
-(that) 177.3 656.67 T
-(the) 196.73 656.67 T
-(transformation) 213.09 656.67 T
-(from) 280.77 656.67 T
-(function) 305.08 656.67 T
-(object) 344.66 656.67 T
-(to) 374.47 656.67 T
-(\050unbound) 385.95 656.67 T
-(or) 431.03 656.67 T
-(bound\051) 443.11 656.67 T
-(method) 477.2 656.67 T
-(object) 513.12 656.67 T
-(happens) 153 643.67 T
-(each) 192.2 643.67 T
-(time) 215.51 643.67 T
-(the) 238.22 643.67 T
-(attribute) 254.82 643.67 T
-(is) 294.63 643.67 T
-(retrieved) 305.12 643.67 T
-(from) 347.37 643.67 T
-(the) 371.91 643.67 T
-(class) 388.5 643.67 T
-(or) 413.04 643.67 T
-(instance.) 425.36 643.67 T
-(In) 467.31 643.67 T
-(some) 479.63 643.67 T
-(cases,) 506 643.67 T
-(a) 535.11 643.67 T
-(fruitful) 153 630.67 T
-(optimization) 187.23 630.67 T
-(is) 245.92 630.67 T
-(to) 256.33 630.67 T
-(assign) 267.95 630.67 T
-(the) 298.52 630.67 T
-(attribute) 315.03 630.67 T
-(to) 354.77 630.67 T
-(a) 366.39 630.67 T
-(local) 374.35 630.67 T
-(variable) 398.8 630.67 T
-(and) 437.3 630.67 T
-(call) 456.26 630.67 T
-(that) 475.21 630.67 T
-(local) 494.78 630.67 T
-(vari-) 519.23 630.67 T
-(able.) 153 617.67 T
-(Also) 176.9 617.67 T
-(notice) 200.51 617.67 T
-(that) 230.22 617.67 T
-(this) 249.54 617.67 T
-(transformation) 268.26 617.67 T
-(only) 335.86 617.67 T
-(happens) 358.24 617.67 T
-(for) 397.11 617.67 T
-(user-defined) 412.77 617.67 T
-(functions;) 470.57 617.67 T
-(other) 517.4 617.67 T
-(callable objects \050and all non-callable objects\051 are retrieved without transformation.) 153 604.67 T
-4 F
-(Built-in functions) 135 585.67 T
-1 F
-(A) 219.96 585.67 T
-(built-in) 230.67 585.67 T
-(function) 265.83 585.67 T
-(object) 305.26 585.67 T
-(is) 334.9 585.67 T
-(a) 345.01 585.67 T
-(wrapper) 352.65 585.67 T
-(around) 391.45 585.67 T
-(a) 424.76 585.67 T
-(C) 432.41 585.67 T
-(function.) 442.51 585.67 T
-(Examples) 484.69 585.67 T
-(of) 530.84 585.67 T
-(built-in) 153 572.67 T
-(functions) 189 572.67 T
-(are) 233.55 572.67 T
-2 F
-(len) 250.59 572.67 T
-1 F
-(and) 274 572.67 T
-2 F
-(math.sin) 293.49 572.67 T
-1 F
-(\050) 349.89 572.67 T
-2 F
-(math) 353.56 572.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 383.56 572.67 T
-(a) 394.51 572.67 T
-(standard) 403 572.67 T
-(built-in) 443.87 572.67 T
-(module\051.) 479.88 572.67 T
-(The) 522.9 572.67 T
-(number) 153 559.67 T
-(and) 189.8 559.67 T
-(type) 208.87 559.67 T
-(of) 231.01 559.67 T
-(the) 243.36 559.67 T
-(arguments) 259.99 559.67 T
-(are) 309.01 559.67 T
-(determined) 325.63 559.67 T
-(by) 378.31 559.67 T
-(the) 392.51 559.67 T
-(C) 409.14 559.67 T
-(function.) 419.67 559.67 T
-(Special) 462.27 559.67 T
-(read-only) 497.85 559.67 T
-(attributes:) 153 546.67 T
-2 F
-(__doc__) 201.22 546.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 251.63 546.67 T
-(the) 263.19 546.67 T
-(function\325s) 280.85 546.67 T
-(documentation) 329.67 546.67 T
-(string,) 399.27 546.67 T
-(or) 431.3 546.67 T
-2 F
-(None) 444.68 546.67 T
-1 F
-(if) 475.29 546.67 T
-(unavailable;) 486.23 546.67 T
-2 F
-(__name__) 153 533.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 209.22 533.67 T
-(the) 219.98 533.67 T
-(function\325s) 236.84 533.67 T
-(name;) 284.86 533.67 T
-2 F
-(__self__) 315.16 533.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 371.38 533.67 T
-(set) 382.14 533.67 T
-(to) 397.78 533.67 T
-2 F
-(None) 409.76 533.67 T
-1 F
-(\050but) 439.58 533.67 T
-(see) 460.72 533.67 T
-(the) 478.18 533.67 T
-(next) 495.04 533.67 T
-(para-) 517.41 533.67 T
-(graph\051.) 153 520.67 T
-4 F
-(Built-in methods) 135 501.67 T
-1 F
-(This) 216.29 501.67 T
-(is) 237.95 501.67 T
-(really) 247.38 501.67 T
-(a) 274.53 501.67 T
-(different) 281.52 501.67 T
-(disguise) 321.49 501.67 T
-(of) 359.65 501.67 T
-(a) 370.91 501.67 T
-(built-in) 377.9 501.67 T
-(function,) 412.39 501.67 T
-(this) 453.9 501.67 T
-(time) 471.9 501.67 T
-(containing) 493.56 501.67 T
-(an) 153 488.67 T
-(object) 166.24 488.67 T
-(passed) 195.99 488.67 T
-(to) 228.17 488.67 T
-(the) 239.59 488.67 T
-(C) 255.89 488.67 T
-(function) 266.09 488.67 T
-(as) 305.61 488.67 T
-(an) 317.63 488.67 T
-(implicit) 330.87 488.67 T
-(extra) 367.96 488.67 T
-(argument.) 392.81 488.67 T
-(An) 439.97 488.67 T
-(example) 456.27 488.67 T
-(of) 496.4 488.67 T
-(a) 508.42 488.67 T
-(built-) 516.16 488.67 T
-(in) 153 475.67 T
-(method) 165.04 475.67 T
-(is) 201.52 475.67 T
-2 F
-(list.append) 212.34 475.67 T
-1 F
-(,) 284.94 475.67 T
-(assuming) 291.18 475.67 T
-2 F
-(list) 336.22 475.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 366.1 475.67 T
-(a) 376.92 475.67 T
-(list) 385.29 475.67 T
-(object.) 402.22 475.67 T
-(In) 435.34 475.67 T
-(this) 447.99 475.67 T
-(case,) 467.36 475.67 T
-(the) 492.53 475.67 T
-(special) 509.45 475.67 T
-(read-only attribute) 153 462.67 T
-2 F
-(__self__) 237.32 462.67 T
-1 F
-( is set to the object denoted by) 290.11 462.67 T
-2 F
-(list) 426.38 462.67 T
-1 F
-(.) 452.78 462.67 T
-4 F
-(Classes) 135 443.67 T
-1 F
-(Class) 171.97 443.67 T
-(objects) 198.05 443.67 T
-(are) 231.46 443.67 T
-(described) 247.13 443.67 T
-(below.) 291.52 443.67 T
-(When) 323.4 443.67 T
-(a) 351.91 443.67 T
-(class) 359.04 443.67 T
-(object) 382.66 443.67 T
-(is) 411.79 443.67 T
-(called,) 421.37 443.67 T
-(a) 452.63 443.67 T
-(new) 459.76 443.67 T
-(class) 480.33 443.67 T
-(instance) 503.95 443.67 T
-(\050also) 153 430.67 T
-(described) 180.11 430.67 T
-(below\051) 228 430.67 T
-(is) 264.27 430.67 T
-(created) 277.34 430.67 T
-(and) 314.83 430.67 T
-(returned.) 336.44 430.67 T
-(This) 381.57 430.67 T
-(implies) 406.86 430.67 T
-(a) 444.99 430.67 T
-(call) 455.6 430.67 T
-(to) 477.21 430.67 T
-(the) 491.5 430.67 T
-(class\325s) 510.67 430.67 T
-2 F
-(__init__) 153 417.67 T
-1 F
-(method) 208.14 417.67 T
-(if) 243.49 417.67 T
-(it) 252.55 417.67 T
-(has) 261.01 417.67 T
-(one.) 278.01 417.67 T
-(Any) 298.99 417.67 T
-(arguments) 320.27 417.67 T
-(are) 368.44 417.67 T
-(passed) 384.22 417.67 T
-(on) 415.89 417.67 T
-(to) 429.23 417.67 T
-(the) 440.13 417.67 T
-2 F
-(__init__) 455.91 417.67 T
-1 F
-(meth-) 514.34 417.67 T
-(od \321 if there is no) 153 404.67 T
-2 F
-(__init__) 238.55 404.67 T
-1 F
-( method, the class must be called without arguments.) 291.35 404.67 T
-4 F
-(Class instances) 135 385.67 T
-1 F
-(Class) 208.34 385.67 T
-(instances) 234.59 385.67 T
-(are) 277.32 385.67 T
-(described) 293.17 385.67 T
-(below.) 337.73 385.67 T
-(Class) 369.78 385.67 T
-(instances) 396.02 385.67 T
-(can) 438.76 385.67 T
-(be) 456.44 385.67 T
-(called) 469.24 385.67 T
-(as) 497.92 385.67 T
-(a) 509.49 385.67 T
-(func-) 516.79 385.67 T
-(tion) 153 372.67 T
-(only) 173.38 372.67 T
-(when) 196.21 372.67 T
-(the) 223.3 372.67 T
-(class) 240 372.67 T
-(has) 264.65 372.67 T
-(a) 282.58 372.67 T
-2 F
-(__call__) 290.73 372.67 T
-1 F
-(method;) 346.8 372.67 T
-(in) 386.12 372.67 T
-(this) 397.94 372.67 T
-(case,) 417.1 372.67 T
-2 F
-(x\050arguments\051) 442.05 372.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 524.51 372.67 T
-(a) 535.12 372.67 T
-(shorthand for) 153 359.67 T
-2 F
-(x.__call__\050arguments\051) 214.71 359.67 T
-1 F
-(.) 353.31 359.67 T
-4 F
-(Modules) 99 340.67 T
-1 F
-(Modules) 142.09 340.67 T
-(are) 182.88 340.67 T
-(imported) 198.59 340.67 T
-(by) 240.6 340.67 T
-(the) 253.89 340.67 T
-2 F
-(import) 269.62 340.67 T
-1 F
-(statement.) 311.51 340.67 T
-(\050See) 358.71 340.67 T
-(\322The) 380.54 340.67 T
-(import) 404.82 340.67 T
-(statement\323) 436.45 340.67 T
-(on) 485.78 340.67 T
-(page) 499.07 340.67 T
-(43.\051) 522.59 340.67 T
-(A) 135 327.67 T
-(module) 145.58 327.67 T
-(object) 181.22 327.67 T
-(has) 210.75 327.67 T
-(a) 228.05 327.67 T
-(name) 235.58 327.67 T
-(space) 262.04 327.67 T
-(implemented) 289.12 327.67 T
-(by) 349.2 327.67 T
-(a) 362.84 327.67 T
-(dictionary) 370.36 327.67 T
-(object) 417.61 327.67 T
-(\050this) 447.14 327.67 T
-(is) 469.33 327.67 T
-(the) 479.31 327.67 T
-(dictionary) 495.39 327.67 T
-(referenced) 135 314.67 T
-(by) 184.51 314.67 T
-(the) 198.6 314.67 T
-2 F
-(func_globals) 215.14 314.67 T
-1 F
-(attribute) 297.44 314.67 T
-(of) 337.2 314.67 T
-(functions) 349.45 314.67 T
-(defined) 393.49 314.67 T
-(in) 429.58 314.67 T
-(the) 441.23 314.67 T
-(module\051.) 457.77 314.67 T
-(Attribute) 500.28 314.67 T
-(references) 135 301.67 T
-(are) 187.77 301.67 T
-(translated) 208.79 301.67 T
-(to) 259.14 301.67 T
-(lookups) 275.28 301.67 T
-(in) 317.7 301.67 T
-(this) 333.84 301.67 T
-(dictionary,) 357.32 301.67 T
-(e.g.) 412.26 301.67 T
-2 F
-(m.x) 435.73 301.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 463.11 301.67 T
-(equivalent) 478.03 301.67 T
-(to) 531.44 301.67 T
-2 F
-(m.__dict__["x"]) 135 288.67 T
-1 F
-(.) 234 288.67 T
-(A) 240.12 288.67 T
-(module) 251.44 288.67 T
-(object) 287.82 288.67 T
-(does) 318.08 288.67 T
-(not) 341.62 288.67 T
-(contain) 359.05 288.67 T
-(the) 394.81 288.67 T
-(code) 411.63 288.67 T
-(object) 435.77 288.67 T
-(used) 466.03 288.67 T
-(to) 489.57 288.67 T
-(initialize) 501.5 288.67 T
-(the module \050since it isn\325t needed once the initialization is done\051.) 135 275.67 T
-(Attribute) 135 258.67 T
-(assignment) 176.93 258.67 T
-(update) 228.63 258.67 T
-(the) 260.17 258.67 T
-(module\325s) 275.82 258.67 T
-(name) 318.97 258.67 T
-(space) 345 258.67 T
-(dictionary,) 371.64 258.67 T
-(e.g.) 421.2 258.67 T
-(\324\324) 439.29 258.67 T
-2 F
-(m.x) 446.62 258.67 T
-(=) 473.02 258.67 T
-(1) 486.22 258.67 T
-1 F
-(\325\325) 492.82 258.67 T
-(is) 502.35 258.67 T
-(equiv-) 511.89 258.67 T
-(alent to \324\324) 135 245.67 T
-2 F
-(m.__dict__["x"] = 1) 177.77 245.67 T
-1 F
-(\325\325.) 303.17 245.67 T
-(Special) 135 228.67 T
-(read-only) 171.02 228.67 T
-(attribute:) 216.81 228.67 T
-2 F
-(__dict__) 260.16 228.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 316.6 228.67 T
-(the) 327.57 228.67 T
-(dictionary) 344.65 228.67 T
-(object) 392.89 228.67 T
-(that) 423.41 228.67 T
-(is) 443.55 228.67 T
-(the) 454.52 228.67 T
-(module\325s) 471.6 228.67 T
-(name) 516.17 228.67 T
-(space.) 135 215.67 T
-(Predefined) 135 198.67 T
-(\050writable\051) 184.96 198.67 T
-(attributes:) 230.64 198.67 T
-2 F
-(__name__) 276.94 198.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 335.28 198.67 T
-(the) 344.92 198.67 T
-(module) 360.67 198.67 T
-(name;) 395.97 198.67 T
-2 F
-(__doc__) 425.16 198.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 473.67 198.67 T
-(the) 483.31 198.67 T
-(module\325s) 499.06 198.67 T
-(documentation) 135 185.67 T
-(string,) 203.52 185.67 T
-(or) 234.46 185.67 T
-2 F
-(None) 246.76 185.67 T
-1 F
-(if) 276.3 185.67 T
-(unavailable;) 286.15 185.67 T
-2 F
-(__file__) 343.05 185.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 398.99 185.67 T
-(the) 409.46 185.67 T
-(pathname) 426.04 185.67 T
-(of) 471.94 185.67 T
-(the) 484.24 185.67 T
-(file) 500.82 185.67 T
-(from) 518.62 185.67 T
-(which) 135 172.67 T
-(the) 165.11 172.67 T
-(module) 181.77 172.67 T
-(was) 218 172.67 T
-(loaded,) 238.33 172.67 T
-(if) 273.63 172.67 T
-(it) 283.57 172.67 T
-(was) 292.91 172.67 T
-(loaded) 313.24 172.67 T
-(from) 345.79 172.67 T
-(a) 370.4 172.67 T
-(file.) 378.51 172.67 T
-(The) 399.14 172.67 T
-2 F
-(__file__) 419.47 172.67 T
-1 F
-(attribute) 475.49 172.67 T
-(is) 515.38 172.67 T
-(not) 525.94 172.67 T
-(present) 135 159.67 T
-(for) 170.38 159.67 T
-(C) 186.82 159.67 T
-(modules) 197.76 159.67 T
-(that) 238.65 159.67 T
-(are) 258.76 159.67 T
-(statically) 275.8 159.67 T
-(linked) 319.14 159.67 T
-(into) 350.25 159.67 T
-(the) 370.97 159.67 T
-(interpreter;) 388.03 159.67 T
-(for) 440.51 159.67 T
-(extension) 456.95 159.67 T
-(modules) 502.72 159.67 T
-(loaded dynamically from a shared library, it is the pathname of the shared library file.) 135 146.67 T
-4 F
-(Classes) 99 127.67 T
-1 F
-(Class) 135.97 127.67 T
-(objects) 162.9 127.67 T
-(are) 197.15 127.67 T
-(created) 213.68 127.67 T
-(by) 248.52 127.67 T
-(class) 262.61 127.67 T
-(definitions) 287.09 127.67 T
-(\050See) 337.24 127.67 T
-(\322Class) 359.88 127.67 T
-(definitions\323) 391.69 127.67 T
-(on) 446.72 127.67 T
-(page) 460.81 127.67 T
-(51.\051.) 484.33 127.67 T
-(A) 507.58 127.67 T
-(class) 518.62 127.67 T
-(has) 135 114.67 T
-(a) 151.8 114.67 T
-(name) 158.82 114.67 T
-(space) 184.77 114.67 T
-(implemented) 211.34 114.67 T
-(by) 270.92 114.67 T
-(a) 284.05 114.67 T
-(dictionary) 291.07 114.67 T
-(object.) 337.81 114.67 T
-(Class) 369.58 114.67 T
-(attribute) 395.55 114.67 T
-(references) 434.35 114.67 T
-(are) 481.67 114.67 T
-(translated) 497.23 114.67 T
-(to) 135 101.67 T
-(lookups) 147.02 101.67 T
-(in) 185.33 101.67 T
-(this) 197.35 101.67 T
-(dictionary,) 216.71 101.67 T
-(e.g.) 267.53 101.67 T
-(\324\324) 286.88 101.67 T
-2 F
-(C.x) 294.21 101.67 T
-1 F
-(\325\325) 314.01 101.67 T
-(is) 324.8 101.67 T
-(translated) 335.61 101.67 T
-(to) 381.84 101.67 T
-(\324\324) 393.86 101.67 T
-2 F
-(C.__dict__["x"]) 401.19 101.67 T
-1 F
-(\325\325.) 500.19 101.67 T
-(When) 513.73 101.67 T
-(the) 135 88.67 T
-(attribute) 151.57 88.67 T
-(name) 191.37 88.67 T
-(is) 218.32 88.67 T
-(not) 228.79 88.67 T
-(found) 245.98 88.67 T
-(there,) 274.77 88.67 T
-(the) 302.64 88.67 T
-(attribute) 319.22 88.67 T
-(search) 359.01 88.67 T
-(continues) 390.23 88.67 T
-(in) 435.53 88.67 T
-(the) 447.22 88.67 T
-(base) 463.79 88.67 T
-(classes.) 486.47 88.67 T
-(The) 522.89 88.67 T
-(search) 135 75.67 T
-(is) 165.86 75.67 T
-(depth-first,) 175.96 75.67 T
-(left-to-right) 227.3 75.67 T
-(in) 281.39 75.67 T
-(the) 292.72 75.67 T
-(order) 308.93 75.67 T
-(of) 334.9 75.67 T
-(their) 346.83 75.67 T
-(occurrence) 369.76 75.67 T
-(in) 420.77 75.67 T
-(the) 432.09 75.67 T
-(base) 448.3 75.67 T
-(class) 470.61 75.67 T
-(list.) 494.76 75.67 T
-(When) 513.73 75.67 T
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-0 FrameSetSepColors
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
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-0 X
-(16) 76.5 37.33 T
-1 11 Q
-(a) 112.5 712.67 T
-(class) 120.6 712.67 T
-(attribute) 145.2 712.67 T
-(reference) 185.07 712.67 T
-(would) 229.2 712.67 T
-(yield) 259.91 712.67 T
-(a) 285.12 712.67 T
-(user-defined) 293.22 712.67 T
-(function) 351.41 712.67 T
-(object,) 391.29 712.67 T
-(it) 424.14 712.67 T
-(is) 433.47 712.67 T
-(transformed) 444.02 712.67 T
-(into) 500.38 712.67 T
-(an) 112.5 699.67 T
-(unbound) 125.07 699.67 T
-(user-defined) 165.76 699.67 T
-(method) 222.92 699.67 T
-(object) 258.11 699.67 T
-(\050see) 287.18 699.67 T
-(above\051.) 307.07 699.67 T
-(The) 341.94 699.67 T
-2 F
-(im_class) 361.23 699.67 T
-1 F
-(attribute) 416.22 699.67 T
-(of) 455.07 699.67 T
-(this) 466.42 699.67 T
-(method) 484.5 699.67 T
-(object) 112.5 686.67 T
-(is) 141.92 686.67 T
-(the) 151.79 686.67 T
-(class) 167.76 686.67 T
-(in) 191.68 686.67 T
-(which) 202.77 686.67 T
-(the) 232.19 686.67 T
-(function) 248.17 686.67 T
-(object) 287.36 686.67 T
-(was) 316.78 686.67 T
-(found,) 336.42 686.67 T
-(not) 367.36 686.67 T
-(necessarily) 383.96 686.67 T
-(the) 435.36 686.67 T
-(class) 451.34 686.67 T
-(for) 475.26 686.67 T
-(which) 490.61 686.67 T
-(the attribute reference was initiated.) 112.5 673.67 T
-(Class) 112.5 656.67 T
-(attribute) 138.56 656.67 T
-(assignments) 177.44 656.67 T
-(update) 233.44 656.67 T
-(the) 264.98 656.67 T
-(class\325s) 280.64 656.67 T
-(dictionary,) 312.19 656.67 T
-(never) 361.76 656.67 T
-(the) 388.41 656.67 T
-(dictionary) 404.07 656.67 T
-(of) 450.9 656.67 T
-(a) 462.28 656.67 T
-(base) 469.38 656.67 T
-(class.) 491.15 656.67 T
-(A class object can be called as a function \050see above\051 to yield a class instance \050see below\051.) 112.5 639.67 T
-(Special) 112.5 622.67 T
-(read-only) 149.08 622.67 T
-(attributes:) 195.43 622.67 T
-2 F
-(__dict__) 243.63 622.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 300.62 622.67 T
-(the) 312.16 622.67 T
-(dictionary) 329.8 622.67 T
-(that) 378.6 622.67 T
-(is) 399.29 622.67 T
-(the) 410.83 622.67 T
-(class\325s) 428.46 622.67 T
-(name) 461.99 622.67 T
-(space;) 490.01 622.67 T
-2 F
-(__name__) 112.5 609.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 168.45 609.67 T
-(the) 178.94 609.67 T
-(class) 195.53 609.67 T
-(name;) 220.06 609.67 T
-2 F
-(__bases__) 250.1 609.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 312.65 609.67 T
-(a) 323.13 609.67 T
-(tuple) 331.17 609.67 T
-(\050possibly) 356.32 609.67 T
-(empty) 399.8 609.67 T
-(or) 430.45 609.67 T
-(a) 442.77 609.67 T
-(singleton\051) 450.8 609.67 T
-(con-) 497.95 609.67 T
-(taining the base classes, in the order of their occurrence in the base class list.) 112.5 596.67 T
-(Predefined) 112.5 579.67 T
-(\050writable\051) 162.47 579.67 T
-(attribute:) 208.16 579.67 T
-2 F
-(__doc__) 250.2 579.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 298.72 579.67 T
-(the) 308.37 579.67 T
-(class\325s) 324.13 579.67 T
-(documentation) 355.77 579.67 T
-(string,) 423.48 579.67 T
-(or) 453.6 579.67 T
-2 F
-(None) 465.08 579.67 T
-1 F
-(if) 493.8 579.67 T
-(un-) 502.84 579.67 T
-(defined.) 112.5 566.67 T
-4 F
-(Class instances) 76.5 547.67 T
-1 F
-(A) 149.84 547.67 T
-(class) 160.2 547.67 T
-(instance) 184 547.67 T
-(is) 222.46 547.67 T
-(created) 232.22 547.67 T
-(by) 266.39 547.67 T
-(calling) 279.81 547.67 T
-(a) 312.17 547.67 T
-(class) 319.47 547.67 T
-(object) 343.27 547.67 T
-(as) 372.57 547.67 T
-(a) 384.15 547.67 T
-(function) 391.45 547.67 T
-(\050see) 430.53 547.67 T
-(above\051.) 450.66 547.67 T
-(A) 485.76 547.67 T
-(class) 496.12 547.67 T
-(instance) 112.5 534.67 T
-(has) 152.19 534.67 T
-(a) 170.49 534.67 T
-(name) 179.02 534.67 T
-(space) 206.48 534.67 T
-(implemented) 234.56 534.67 T
-(as) 295.64 534.67 T
-(a) 308.44 534.67 T
-(dictionary,) 316.97 534.67 T
-(which) 367.96 534.67 T
-(is) 398.49 534.67 T
-(the) 409.47 534.67 T
-(first) 426.55 534.67 T
-(place) 447.91 534.67 T
-(where) 474.76 534.67 T
-(in-) 505.28 534.67 T
-(stance) 112.5 521.67 T
-(attributes) 142.38 521.67 T
-(are) 185.72 521.67 T
-(searched.) 201.55 521.67 T
-(When) 245.17 521.67 T
-(an) 273.84 521.67 T
-(attribute) 286.62 521.67 T
-(is) 325.67 521.67 T
-(not) 335.41 521.67 T
-(found) 351.86 521.67 T
-(there,) 379.92 521.67 T
-(the) 407.05 521.67 T
-(search) 422.89 521.67 T
-(continues) 453.38 521.67 T
-(with) 497.94 521.67 T
-(the) 112.5 508.67 T
-(class) 128.93 508.67 T
-(attributes.) 153.31 508.67 T
-(If) 199.99 508.67 T
-(a) 210.31 508.67 T
-(class) 218.19 508.67 T
-(attribute) 242.56 508.67 T
-(is) 282.22 508.67 T
-(found) 292.55 508.67 T
-(that) 321.2 508.67 T
-(is) 340.7 508.67 T
-(a) 351.02 508.67 T
-(user-defined) 358.9 508.67 T
-(function) 416.87 508.67 T
-(object) 456.53 508.67 T
-(\050and) 486.4 508.67 T
-(in) 508.94 508.67 T
-(no) 112.5 495.67 T
-(other) 125.72 495.67 T
-(case\051,) 150.55 495.67 T
-(it) 178.11 495.67 T
-(is) 186.45 495.67 T
-(transformed) 196.01 495.67 T
-(into) 251.38 495.67 T
-(an) 270.71 495.67 T
-(unbound) 283.32 495.67 T
-(user-defined) 324.04 495.67 T
-(method) 381.24 495.67 T
-(object) 416.46 495.67 T
-(\050see) 445.56 495.67 T
-(above\051.) 465.49 495.67 T
-(The) 500.39 495.67 T
-2 F
-(im_class) 112.5 482.67 T
-1 F
-(attribute) 169.51 482.67 T
-(of) 210.38 482.67 T
-(this) 223.75 482.67 T
-(method) 243.85 482.67 T
-(object) 281.05 482.67 T
-(is) 312.15 482.67 T
-(the) 323.69 482.67 T
-(class) 341.34 482.67 T
-(in) 366.93 482.67 T
-(which) 379.69 482.67 T
-(the) 410.79 482.67 T
-(function) 428.43 482.67 T
-(object) 469.3 482.67 T
-(was) 500.39 482.67 T
-(found,) 112.5 469.67 T
-(not) 143.31 469.67 T
-(necessarily) 159.76 469.67 T
-(the) 211.03 469.67 T
-(class) 226.87 469.67 T
-(of) 250.65 469.67 T
-(the) 262.21 469.67 T
-(instance) 278.05 469.67 T
-(for) 316.49 469.67 T
-(which) 331.71 469.67 T
-(the) 360.99 469.67 T
-(attribute) 376.83 469.67 T
-(reference) 415.89 469.67 T
-(was) 459.19 469.67 T
-(initiated.) 478.69 469.67 T
-(If) 112.5 456.67 T
-(no) 123.53 456.67 T
-(class) 138.24 456.67 T
-(attribute) 163.33 456.67 T
-(is) 203.7 456.67 T
-(found,) 214.75 456.67 T
-(and) 246.87 456.67 T
-(the) 266.46 456.67 T
-(object\325s) 283.61 456.67 T
-(class) 322.14 456.67 T
-(has) 347.23 456.67 T
-(a) 365.6 456.67 T
-2 F
-(__getattr__) 374.19 456.67 T
-1 F
-(method,) 450.5 456.67 T
-(that) 489.96 456.67 T
-(is) 510.16 456.67 T
-(called to satisfy the lookup.) 112.5 443.67 T
-(Attribute) 112.5 426.67 T
-(assignments) 155.35 426.67 T
-(and) 212.26 426.67 T
-(deletions) 231.27 426.67 T
-(update) 274.12 426.67 T
-(the) 306.58 426.67 T
-(instance\325s) 323.15 426.67 T
-(dictionary,) 370.27 426.67 T
-(never) 420.75 426.67 T
-(a) 448.31 426.67 T
-(class\325s) 456.32 426.67 T
-(dictio-) 488.78 426.67 T
-(nary.) 112.5 413.67 T
-(If) 137.73 413.67 T
-(the) 147.99 413.67 T
-(class) 164.37 413.67 T
-(has) 188.68 413.67 T
-(a) 206.28 413.67 T
-2 F
-(__setattr__) 214.1 413.67 T
-1 F
-(or) 289.63 413.67 T
-2 F
-(__delattr__) 301.72 413.67 T
-1 F
-(method,) 377.26 413.67 T
-(this) 415.94 413.67 T
-(is) 434.77 413.67 T
-(called) 445.04 413.67 T
-(instead) 474.24 413.67 T
-(of) 508.34 413.67 T
-(updating the instance dictionary directly.) 112.5 400.67 T
-(Class) 112.5 383.67 T
-(instances) 140.25 383.67 T
-(can) 184.49 383.67 T
-(pretend) 203.67 383.67 T
-(to) 240.57 383.67 T
-(be) 253.04 383.67 T
-(numbers,) 267.34 383.67 T
-(sequences,) 311.89 383.67 T
-(mappings,) 363.15 383.67 T
-(or) 412.59 383.67 T
-(callable) 425.67 383.67 T
-(objects,) 463.79 383.67 T
-(and) 501.62 383.67 T
-(override) 112.5 370.67 T
-(various) 152.46 370.67 T
-(other) 188.14 370.67 T
-(special) 214.05 370.67 T
-(operations,) 247.9 370.67 T
-(if) 299.78 370.67 T
-(they) 309.8 370.67 T
-(have) 332.05 370.67 T
-(methods) 356.12 370.67 T
-(with) 396.7 370.67 T
-(certain) 419.56 370.67 T
-(special) 452.8 370.67 T
-(names.) 486.64 370.67 T
-(See \322Special method names\323 on page) 112.5 357.67 T
-(18.) 279.91 357.67 T
-(Special) 112.5 340.67 T
-(attributes:) 148.93 340.67 T
-2 F
-(__dict__) 196.97 340.67 T
-1 F
-(yields) 253.81 340.67 T
-(the) 284.13 340.67 T
-(attribute) 301.62 340.67 T
-(dictionary;) 342.32 340.67 T
-2 F
-(__class__) 394.03 340.67 T
-1 F
-(yields) 457.47 340.67 T
-(the) 487.79 340.67 T
-(in-) 505.28 340.67 T
-(stance\325s) 112.5 327.67 T
-(class.) 151.09 327.67 T
-(In) 178.38 327.67 T
-(some) 190.7 327.67 T
-(implementations) 217.08 327.67 T
-(these) 293.58 327.67 T
-(may) 319.34 327.67 T
-(be) 341.44 327.67 T
-(assigned) 354.98 327.67 T
-(a) 396.02 327.67 T
-(new) 404.06 327.67 T
-(value;) 425.55 327.67 T
-(the) 455.59 327.67 T
-(new) 472.19 327.67 T
-(value) 493.67 327.67 T
-(must have the same type as the old value.) 112.5 314.67 T
-4 F
-(Files) 76.5 295.67 T
-1 F
-(A) 112.5 295.67 T
-(file) 122.6 295.67 T
-(object) 139.43 295.67 T
-(represents) 168.47 295.67 T
-(an) 215.23 295.67 T
-(open) 227.77 295.67 T
-(file.) 251.32 295.67 T
-(File) 270.89 295.67 T
-(objects) 290.17 295.67 T
-(are) 323.49 295.67 T
-(created) 339.09 295.67 T
-(by) 373.01 295.67 T
-(the) 386.17 295.67 T
-2 F
-(open\050\051) 401.77 295.67 T
-1 F
-(built-in) 443.53 295.67 T
-(function,) 478.09 295.67 T
-(and) 112.5 282.67 T
-(also) 131.91 282.67 T
-(by) 153.16 282.67 T
-2 F
-(os.popen\050\051) 167.68 282.67 T
-1 F
-(,) 233.68 282.67 T
-2 F
-(os.fdopen\050\051) 239.96 282.67 T
-1 F
-(and) 316.09 282.67 T
-(the) 335.5 282.67 T
-2 F
-(makefile\050\051) 352.46 282.67 T
-1 F
-(method) 421.99 282.67 T
-(of) 458.52 282.67 T
-(socket) 471.21 282.67 T
-(ob-) 502.84 282.67 T
-(jects) 112.5 269.67 T
-(\050and) 135.92 269.67 T
-(perhaps) 158.73 269.67 T
-(by) 196.2 269.67 T
-(other) 210.46 269.67 T
-(functions) 236.32 269.67 T
-(or) 280.52 269.67 T
-(methods) 292.94 269.67 T
-(provided) 333.48 269.67 T
-(by) 375.84 269.67 T
-(extension) 390.1 269.67 T
-(modules\051.) 435.52 269.67 T
-(The) 482.47 269.67 T
-(ob-) 502.84 269.67 T
-(jects) 112.5 256.67 T
-2 F
-(sys.stdin) 139.66 256.67 T
-1 F
-(,) 199.06 256.67 T
-2 F
-(sys.stdout) 208.81 256.67 T
-1 F
-(and) 281.81 256.67 T
-2 F
-(sys.stderr) 304.69 256.67 T
-1 F
-(are) 377.69 256.67 T
-(initialized) 398.12 256.67 T
-(to) 449.12 256.67 T
-(file) 464.67 256.67 T
-(objects) 486.34 256.67 T
-(corresponding) 112.5 243.67 T
-(to) 177.59 243.67 T
-(the) 188.3 243.67 T
-(interpreter\325s) 203.89 243.67 T
-(standard) 259.81 243.67 T
-(input,) 299.23 243.67 T
-(output) 326.75 243.67 T
-(and) 357.02 243.67 T
-(error) 375.06 243.67 T
-(streams.) 398.58 243.67 T
-(See) 437.1 243.67 T
-(the) 455.13 243.67 T
-(Python) 470.73 243.67 T
-(Li-) 504.06 243.67 T
-(brary Reference for complete documentation of file objects.) 112.5 230.67 T
-4 F
-(Internal types) 76.5 211.67 T
-1 F
-(A) 144.94 211.67 T
-(few) 154.95 211.67 T
-(types) 173.5 211.67 T
-(used) 198.78 211.67 T
-(internally) 221.01 211.67 T
-(by) 265.24 211.67 T
-(the) 278.3 211.67 T
-(interpreter) 293.8 211.67 T
-(are) 341.68 211.67 T
-(exposed) 357.18 211.67 T
-(to) 395.29 211.67 T
-(the) 405.91 211.67 T
-(user.) 421.41 211.67 T
-(Their) 444.55 211.67 T
-(definitions) 470.44 211.67 T
-(may) 112.5 198.67 T
-(change) 133.77 198.67 T
-(with) 167.26 198.67 T
-(future) 189.14 198.67 T
-(versions) 217.74 198.67 T
-(of) 256.74 198.67 T
-(the) 268.23 198.67 T
-(interpreter,) 284 198.67 T
-(but) 334.9 198.67 T
-(they) 351.29 198.67 T
-(are) 372.56 198.67 T
-(mentioned) 388.32 198.67 T
-(here) 437.09 198.67 T
-(for) 458.35 198.67 T
-(complete-) 473.51 198.67 T
-(ness.) 112.5 185.67 T
-4 F
-(Code objects) 112.5 166.67 T
-1 F
-(Code) 175.43 166.67 T
-(objects) 200.95 166.67 T
-(represent) 234.42 166.67 T
-3 F
-(byte-compile) 277.04 166.67 T
-1 F
-(executable) 336.15 166.67 T
-(Python) 385.49 166.67 T
-(code,) 418.96 166.67 T
-(or) 444.78 166.67 T
-3 F
-(bytecode) 456.25 166.67 T
-1 F
-(.) 495.34 166.67 T
-(The) 500.39 166.67 T
-(difference) 130.5 153.67 T
-(between) 177.33 153.67 T
-(a) 216.22 153.67 T
-(code) 223.35 153.67 T
-(object) 246.37 153.67 T
-(and) 275.49 153.67 T
-(a) 293.62 153.67 T
-(function) 300.75 153.67 T
-(object) 339.66 153.67 T
-(is) 368.79 153.67 T
-(that) 378.37 153.67 T
-(the) 397.11 153.67 T
-(function) 412.8 153.67 T
-(object) 451.71 153.67 T
-(contains) 480.84 153.67 T
-(an) 130.5 140.67 T
-(explicit) 143.87 140.67 T
-(reference) 179.85 140.67 T
-(to) 223.74 140.67 T
-(the) 235.27 140.67 T
-(function\325s) 251.7 140.67 T
-(globals) 299.28 140.67 T
-(\050the) 334.04 140.67 T
-(name) 354.13 140.67 T
-(space) 380.94 140.67 T
-(dictionary) 408.35 140.67 T
-(of) 455.93 140.67 T
-(the) 468.08 140.67 T
-(module) 484.5 140.67 T
-(in) 130.5 127.67 T
-(which) 141.99 127.67 T
-(it) 171.8 127.67 T
-(was) 180.84 127.67 T
-(defined\051,) 200.88 127.67 T
-(while) 243.21 127.67 T
-(a) 270.58 127.67 T
-(code) 278.39 127.67 T
-(object) 302.09 127.67 T
-(contains) 331.9 127.67 T
-(no) 371.49 127.67 T
-(context;) 385.42 127.67 T
-(also) 423.79 127.67 T
-(the) 444.44 127.67 T
-(default) 460.81 127.67 T
-(argu-) 494.29 127.67 T
-(ment) 130.5 114.67 T
-(values) 155.23 114.67 T
-(are) 186.06 114.67 T
-(stored) 202.21 114.67 T
-(in) 231.83 114.67 T
-(the) 243.11 114.67 T
-(function) 259.28 114.67 T
-(object,) 298.67 114.67 T
-(not) 331.03 114.67 T
-(in) 347.81 114.67 T
-(the) 359.1 114.67 T
-(code) 375.27 114.67 T
-(object) 398.76 114.67 T
-(\050because) 428.37 114.67 T
-(they) 469.57 114.67 T
-(repre-) 491.24 114.67 T
-(sent) 130.5 101.67 T
-(values) 151.08 101.67 T
-(calculated) 182.04 101.67 T
-(at) 229.48 101.67 T
-(run-time\051.) 240.28 101.67 T
-(Unlike) 287.43 101.67 T
-(function) 320.23 101.67 T
-(objects,) 359.75 101.67 T
-(code) 396.52 101.67 T
-(objects) 420.14 101.67 T
-(are) 454.16 101.67 T
-(immutable) 470.44 101.67 T
-(and contain no references \050directly or indirectly\051 to mutable objects.) 130.5 88.67 T
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-(Data model) 0 270 592.5 711 TF
-585 292.5 598.5 720 R
-1 11 Q
-(Special) 153 712.67 T
-(read-only) 188.1 712.67 T
-(attributes:) 232.98 712.67 T
-2 F
-(co_argcount) 279.7 712.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 355.02 712.67 T
-(the) 365.08 712.67 T
-(number) 381.24 712.67 T
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-(positional) 429.45 712.67 T
-(arguments) 475.57 712.67 T
-(\050in-) 524.12 712.67 T
-(cluding) 153 699.67 T
-(arguments) 188.96 699.67 T
-(with) 237.75 699.67 T
-(default) 260.27 699.67 T
-(values\051;) 293.79 699.67 T
-2 F
-(co_nlocals) 331.58 699.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 400.54 699.67 T
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-(arguments\051;) 298.24 686.67 T
-2 F
-(co_varnames) 354.54 686.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 430.89 686.67 T
-(a) 441.98 686.67 T
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-2 F
-(co_code) 445.98 673.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 495.69 673.67 T
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-2 F
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-1 F
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-(by) 223.87 647.67 T
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-2 F
-(co_names) 298.41 647.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 353.65 647.67 T
-(a) 363.43 647.67 T
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-2 F
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-1 F
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-(code) 444.37 634.67 T
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-(compiled;) 496 634.67 T
-2 F
-(co_flags) 153 621.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 209.02 621.67 T
-(an) 219.58 621.67 T
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-(of) 355.42 621.67 T
-(flags) 367.8 621.67 T
-(for) 392.4 621.67 T
-(the) 408.45 621.67 T
-(interpreter.) 425.11 621.67 T
-(The) 476.9 621.67 T
-(following) 497.22 621.67 T
-(flag) 153 608.67 T
-(bits) 172.3 608.67 T
-(are) 190.38 608.67 T
-(defined:) 206 608.67 T
-(bit) 244.24 608.67 T
-(2) 258.05 608.67 T
-(is) 265.74 608.67 T
-(set) 275.27 608.67 T
-(if) 289.68 608.67 T
-(the) 298.59 608.67 T
-(function) 314.22 608.67 T
-(uses) 353.08 608.67 T
-(the) 374.21 608.67 T
-(\322) 389.84 608.67 T
-2 F
-(*arguments) 394.73 608.67 T
-1 F
-(\325\325) 460.73 608.67 T
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-(to) 501.16 608.67 T
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-(an) 153 595.67 T
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-(arguments;) 315.21 595.67 T
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-(3) 386.83 595.67 T
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-(set) 410.78 595.67 T
-(if) 428.56 595.67 T
-(the) 440.84 595.67 T
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-(\324\324) 153 582.67 T
-2 F
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-1 F
-(\325\325) 226.33 582.67 T
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-(other) 444.26 582.67 T
-(bits) 469.72 582.67 T
-(are) 488.47 582.67 T
-(used) 504.76 582.67 T
-(in-) 527.78 582.67 T
-(ternally) 153 569.67 T
-(or) 189.83 569.67 T
-(reserved) 202.22 569.67 T
-(for) 242.71 569.67 T
-(future) 258.76 569.67 T
-(use.) 288.26 569.67 T
-(The) 308.9 569.67 T
-(first) 329.23 569.67 T
-(item) 350.18 569.67 T
-(in) 372.97 569.67 T
-2 F
-(co_consts) 384.75 569.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 447.38 569.67 T
-(the) 457.95 569.67 T
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-(of) 180.9 556.67 T
-(the) 192.91 556.67 T
-(function,) 209.2 556.67 T
-(or) 251.46 556.67 T
-2 F
-(None) 263.47 556.67 T
-1 F
-(if) 292.71 556.67 T
-(undefined.) 302.28 556.67 T
-(To) 351.86 556.67 T
-(find) 366.93 556.67 T
-(out) 387.5 556.67 T
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-(line) 441.26 556.67 T
-(number) 460.6 556.67 T
-(of) 497.05 556.67 T
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-(the) 413.99 543.67 T
-(standard) 431.76 543.67 T
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-2 F
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-1 F
-(defines) 209.63 530.67 T
-(a) 245.22 530.67 T
-(function) 253.93 530.67 T
-2 F
-(getlineno\050\051) 294.42 530.67 T
-1 F
-(that) 370.85 530.67 T
-(returns) 391.18 530.67 T
-(the) 425.55 530.67 T
-(first) 442.82 530.67 T
-(line) 464.37 530.67 T
-(number) 484.69 530.67 T
-(of) 522.13 530.67 T
-(a) 535.12 530.67 T
-(code object.) 153 517.67 T
-4 F
-(Frame objects) 135 498.67 T
-1 F
-(Frame) 204.64 498.67 T
-(objects) 235.65 498.67 T
-(represent) 269.71 498.67 T
-(execution) 312.92 498.67 T
-(frames.) 358.59 498.67 T
-(They) 394.17 498.67 T
-(may) 419.67 498.67 T
-(occur) 441.51 498.67 T
-(in) 468.84 498.67 T
-(traceback) 480.3 498.67 T
-(ob-) 525.34 498.67 T
-(jects \050see below\051.) 153 485.67 T
-(Special) 153 468.67 T
-(read-only) 187.93 468.67 T
-(attributes:) 232.64 468.67 T
-2 F
-(f_back) 279.19 468.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 321.34 468.67 T
-(to) 331.23 468.67 T
-(the) 342.34 468.67 T
-(previous) 358.33 468.67 T
-(stack) 398.76 468.67 T
-(frame) 423.92 468.67 T
-(\050towards) 452.12 468.67 T
-(the) 493.16 468.67 T
-(caller\051,) 509.16 468.67 T
-(or) 153 455.67 T
-2 F
-(None) 165 455.67 T
-1 F
-(if) 194.24 455.67 T
-(this) 203.8 455.67 T
-(is) 222.54 455.67 T
-(the) 232.71 455.67 T
-(bottom) 248.99 455.67 T
-(stack) 283.01 455.67 T
-(frame;) 308.45 455.67 T
-2 F
-(f_code) 340 455.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 382.44 455.67 T
-(the) 392.62 455.67 T
-(code) 408.9 455.67 T
-(object) 432.5 455.67 T
-(being) 462.23 455.67 T
-(executed) 489.51 455.67 T
-(in) 531.44 455.67 T
-(this) 153 442.67 T
-(frame;) 171.99 442.67 T
-2 F
-(f_locals) 203.79 442.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 259.68 442.67 T
-(the) 270.11 442.67 T
-(dictionary) 286.64 442.67 T
-(used) 334.34 442.67 T
-(to) 357.59 442.67 T
-(look) 369.24 442.67 T
-(up) 391.89 442.67 T
-(locals) 405.98 442.67 T
-(variables;) 434.74 442.67 T
-2 F
-(f_globals) 480.6 442.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 153 429.67 T
-(used) 166.08 429.67 T
-(for) 191.98 429.67 T
-(global) 210.54 429.67 T
-(variables;) 243.79 429.67 T
-2 F
-(f_builtins) 292.29 429.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 364.03 429.67 T
-(used) 377.11 429.67 T
-(for) 403.01 429.67 T
-(built-in) 421.58 429.67 T
-(\050intrinsic\051) 459.71 429.67 T
-(names;) 508.84 429.67 T
-2 F
-(f_restricted) 153 416.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 235.14 416.67 T
-(a) 245.42 416.67 T
-(flag) 253.24 416.67 T
-(indicating) 273.29 416.67 T
-(whether) 320.23 416.67 T
-(the) 358.61 416.67 T
-(function) 374.99 416.67 T
-(is) 414.59 416.67 T
-(executing) 424.87 416.67 T
-(in) 470.58 416.67 T
-(restricted) 482.08 416.67 T
-(ex-) 525.95 416.67 T
-(ecution) 153 403.67 T
-(mode;) 187.59 403.67 T
-2 F
-(f_lineno) 217.3 403.67 T
-1 F
-(gives) 272.31 403.67 T
-(the) 297.74 403.67 T
-(current) 313.39 403.67 T
-(line) 346.75 403.67 T
-(number) 365.45 403.67 T
-(and) 401.27 403.67 T
-2 F
-(f_lasti) 419.36 403.67 T
-1 F
-(gives) 467.77 403.67 T
-(the) 493.2 403.67 T
-(precise) 508.85 403.67 T
-(instruction \050this is an index into the instruction string of the code object\051.) 153 390.67 T
-(Special) 153 373.67 T
-(writable) 189.03 373.67 T
-(attributes:) 228.72 373.67 T
-2 F
-(f_trace) 276.37 373.67 T
-1 F
-(,) 322.57 373.67 T
-(if) 328.97 373.67 T
-(not) 339.33 373.67 T
-2 F
-(None) 357.04 373.67 T
-1 F
-(,) 383.44 373.67 T
-(is) 389.83 373.67 T
-(a) 400.82 373.67 T
-(function) 409.35 373.67 T
-(called) 449.66 373.67 T
-(at) 479.57 373.67 T
-(the) 491.16 373.67 T
-(start) 508.25 373.67 T
-(of) 530.84 373.67 T
-(each source code line \050this is used by the debugger\051.) 153 360.67 T
-4 F
-(Traceback objects) 135 341.67 T
-1 F
-(Traceback) 226.79 341.67 T
-(objects) 275.78 341.67 T
-(represent) 310.14 341.67 T
-(a) 353.64 341.67 T
-(stack) 361.72 341.67 T
-(trace) 387.52 341.67 T
-(of) 412.08 341.67 T
-(an) 424.44 341.67 T
-(exception.) 438.01 341.67 T
-(A) 486.72 341.67 T
-(traceback) 497.86 341.67 T
-(object) 153 328.67 T
-(is) 182.11 328.67 T
-(created) 191.67 328.67 T
-(when) 225.65 328.67 T
-(an) 251.7 328.67 T
-(exception) 264.31 328.67 T
-(occurs.) 309.31 328.67 T
-(When) 342.99 328.67 T
-(the) 371.48 328.67 T
-(search) 387.15 328.67 T
-(for) 417.47 328.67 T
-(an) 432.52 328.67 T
-(exception) 445.13 328.67 T
-(handler) 490.12 328.67 T
-(un-) 525.34 328.67 T
-(winds) 153 315.67 T
-(the) 182.33 315.67 T
-(execution) 198.82 315.67 T
-(stack,) 244.64 315.67 T
-(at) 273.05 315.67 T
-(each) 284.04 315.67 T
-(unwound) 307.25 315.67 T
-(level) 351.24 315.67 T
-(a) 375.68 315.67 T
-(traceback) 383.61 315.67 T
-(object) 428.8 315.67 T
-(is) 458.74 315.67 T
-(inserted) 469.13 315.67 T
-(in) 507.01 315.67 T
-(front) 518.62 315.67 T
-(of) 153 302.67 T
-(the) 165.37 302.67 T
-(current) 182.02 302.67 T
-(traceback.) 216.38 302.67 T
-(When) 264.48 302.67 T
-(an) 293.95 302.67 T
-(exception) 307.54 302.67 T
-(handler) 353.52 302.67 T
-(is) 389.71 302.67 T
-(entered,) 400.26 302.67 T
-(the) 438.59 302.67 T
-(stack) 455.24 302.67 T
-(trace) 481.05 302.67 T
-(is) 505.63 302.67 T
-(made) 516.17 302.67 T
-(available) 153 289.67 T
-(to) 197.69 289.67 T
-(the) 211.23 289.67 T
-(program.) 229.65 289.67 T
-(\050See) 274.64 289.67 T
-(\322The) 299.17 289.67 T
-(try) 326.14 289.67 T
-(statement\323) 343.33 289.67 T
-(on) 395.36 289.67 T
-(page) 411.34 289.67 T
-(49.\051) 434.86 289.67 T
-(It) 457.25 289.67 T
-(is) 468.95 289.67 T
-(accessible) 481.26 289.67 T
-(as) 530.84 289.67 T
-2 F
-(sys.exc_traceback) 153 276.67 T
-1 F
-(,) 265.2 276.67 T
-(and) 275.52 276.67 T
-(also) 298.97 276.67 T
-(as) 324.26 276.67 T
-(the) 340.99 276.67 T
-(third) 362 276.67 T
-(item) 390.35 276.67 T
-(of) 417.47 276.67 T
-(the) 434.2 276.67 T
-(tuple) 455.21 276.67 T
-(returned) 484.78 276.67 T
-(by) 529 276.67 T
-2 F
-(sys.exc_info\050\051) 153 263.67 T
-1 F
-(.) 245.4 263.67 T
-(The) 251 263.67 T
-(latter) 270.95 263.67 T
-(is) 296.4 263.67 T
-(the) 306.58 263.67 T
-(preferred) 322.87 263.67 T
-(interface,) 366.02 263.67 T
-(since) 410.09 263.67 T
-(it) 435.54 263.67 T
-(works) 444.5 263.67 T
-(correctly) 474.23 263.67 T
-(when) 516.17 263.67 T
-(the) 153 250.67 T
-(program) 169.13 250.67 T
-(is) 209.09 250.67 T
-(using) 219.12 250.67 T
-(multiple) 245.65 250.67 T
-(threads.) 285.01 250.67 T
-(When) 322.22 250.67 T
-(the) 351.18 250.67 T
-(program) 367.32 250.67 T
-(contains) 407.27 250.67 T
-(no) 446.63 250.67 T
-(suitable) 460.32 250.67 T
-(exception) 497.23 250.67 T
-(handler,) 153 237.67 T
-(the) 191.59 237.67 T
-(stack) 207.88 237.67 T
-(trace) 233.33 237.67 T
-(is) 257.55 237.67 T
-(printed) 267.74 237.67 T
-(on) 301.75 237.67 T
-(the) 315.6 237.67 T
-(standard) 331.89 237.67 T
-(error) 372.01 237.67 T
-(stream;) 396.23 237.67 T
-(if) 431.46 237.67 T
-(the) 441.03 237.67 T
-(interpreter) 457.32 237.67 T
-(is) 505.99 237.67 T
-(inter-) 516.17 237.67 T
-(active, it is also made available to the user as) 153 224.67 T
-2 F
-(sys.last_traceback) 353.72 224.67 T
-1 F
-(.) 472.52 224.67 T
-(Special) 153 207.67 T
-(read-only) 188.71 207.67 T
-(attributes:) 234.19 207.67 T
-2 F
-(tb_next) 281.52 207.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 331.04 207.67 T
-(the) 341.71 207.67 T
-(next) 358.48 207.67 T
-(level) 380.74 207.67 T
-(in) 405.46 207.67 T
-(the) 417.34 207.67 T
-(stack) 434.11 207.67 T
-(trace) 460.04 207.67 T
-(\050towards) 484.74 207.67 T
-(the) 526.56 207.67 T
-(frame) 153 194.67 T
-(where) 182.85 194.67 T
-(the) 213.92 194.67 T
-(exception) 231.56 194.67 T
-(occurred\051,) 278.53 194.67 T
-(or) 327.62 194.67 T
-2 F
-(None) 340.98 194.67 T
-1 F
-(if) 371.58 194.67 T
-(there) 382.5 194.67 T
-(is) 408.68 194.67 T
-(no) 420.22 194.67 T
-(next) 435.42 194.67 T
-(level;) 458.56 194.67 T
-2 F
-(tb_frame) 487.2 194.67 T
-1 F
-(points) 153 181.67 T
-(to) 183.38 181.67 T
-(the) 195.43 181.67 T
-(execution) 212.35 181.67 T
-(frame) 258.61 181.67 T
-(of) 287.74 181.67 T
-(the) 300.39 181.67 T
-(current) 317.32 181.67 T
-(level;) 351.96 181.67 T
-2 F
-(tb_lineno) 379.89 181.67 T
-1 F
-(gives) 442.77 181.67 T
-(the) 469.48 181.67 T
-(line) 486.41 181.67 T
-(number) 506.39 181.67 T
-(where) 153 168.67 T
-(the) 184.12 168.67 T
-(exception) 201.81 168.67 T
-(occurred;) 248.82 168.67 T
-2 F
-(tb_lasti) 294.61 168.67 T
-1 F
-(indicates) 351.65 168.67 T
-(the) 395.01 168.67 T
-(precise) 412.69 168.67 T
-(instruction.) 448.09 168.67 T
-(The) 502.15 168.67 T
-(line) 523.5 168.67 T
-(number) 153 155.67 T
-(and) 189.11 155.67 T
-(last) 207.49 155.67 T
-(instruction) 225.27 155.67 T
-(in) 274.83 155.67 T
-(the) 285.89 155.67 T
-(traceback) 301.83 155.67 T
-(may) 346.48 155.67 T
-(differ) 367.92 155.67 T
-(from) 394.85 155.67 T
-(the) 418.74 155.67 T
-(line) 434.68 155.67 T
-(number) 453.68 155.67 T
-(of) 489.79 155.67 T
-(its) 501.45 155.67 T
-(frame) 514.35 155.67 T
-(object) 153 142.67 T
-(if) 182.42 142.67 T
-(the) 191.68 142.67 T
-(exception) 207.66 142.67 T
-(occurred) 252.97 142.67 T
-(in) 293.99 142.67 T
-(a) 305.09 142.67 T
-2 F
-(try) 312.51 142.67 T
-1 F
-(statement) 334.85 142.67 T
-(with) 379.55 142.67 T
-(no) 401.65 142.67 T
-(matching) 415.19 142.67 T
-2 F
-(except) 458.67 142.67 T
-1 F
-(clause) 500.81 142.67 T
-(or) 530.84 142.67 T
-(with a) 153 129.67 T
-2 F
-(finally) 182.94 129.67 T
-1 F
-( clause.) 229.14 129.67 T
-4 F
-(Slice objects) 135 110.67 T
-1 F
-(Slice) 195.49 110.67 T
-(objects) 219.5 110.67 T
-(are) 252.68 110.67 T
-(used) 268.13 110.67 T
-(to) 290.3 110.67 T
-(represent) 300.88 110.67 T
-(slices) 343.21 110.67 T
-(when) 369.67 110.67 T
-3 F
-(extended) 395.51 110.67 T
-(slice) 436.61 110.67 T
-(syntax) 458.79 110.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 488.91 110.67 T
-(used) 498.26 110.67 T
-(\050this) 520.44 110.67 T
-(is) 153 97.67 T
-(a) 164.8 97.67 T
-(slice) 174.15 97.67 T
-(using) 198.78 97.67 T
-(two) 227.09 97.67 T
-(colons,) 248.05 97.67 T
-(or) 283.99 97.67 T
-(multiple) 297.62 97.67 T
-(slices) 338.76 97.67 T
-(or) 367.67 97.67 T
-(ellipses) 381.3 97.67 T
-(separated) 418.77 97.67 T
-(by) 464.77 97.67 T
-(commas,) 480.24 97.67 T
-(e.g.) 524.12 97.67 T
-2 F
-(a[i:j:step]) 153 84.67 T
-1 F
-(,) 225.6 84.67 T
-2 F
-(a[i:j,) 232.59 84.67 T
-(k:l]) 278.79 84.67 T
-1 F
-(,) 305.19 84.67 T
-(or) 312.18 84.67 T
-2 F
-(a[...,) 325.58 84.67 T
-(i:j]) 371.79 84.67 T
-1 F
-(\051.) 398.18 84.67 T
-(They) 408.84 84.67 T
-(are) 435.68 84.67 T
-(also) 453.36 84.67 T
-(created) 475.32 84.67 T
-(by) 511.32 84.67 T
-(the) 526.56 84.67 T
-(built-in) 153 71.67 T
-2 F
-(slice\050\051) 188.15 71.67 T
-1 F
-( function.) 234.35 71.67 T
-%%EndPage: "17" 23
-%%Page: "18" 24
-612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE
-0 FrameSetSepColors
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 10 Q
-0 X
-(18) 76.5 37.33 T
-1 11 Q
-(Special) 130.5 712.67 T
-(read-only) 165.6 712.67 T
-(attributes:) 210.47 712.67 T
-2 F
-(start) 257.19 712.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 292.91 712.67 T
-(the) 302.96 712.67 T
-(lowerbound;) 319.12 712.67 T
-2 F
-(stop) 377.44 712.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 406.56 712.67 T
-(the) 416.62 712.67 T
-(upperbound;) 432.78 712.67 T
-2 F
-(step) 491.1 712.67 T
-1 F
-(is the step value; each is) 130.5 699.67 T
-2 F
-(None) 239.87 699.67 T
-1 F
-( if omitted. These attributes can have any type.) 266.27 699.67 T
-0 14 Q
-(3.3) 76.5 672.67 T
-(Special method names) 112.5 672.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(This) 76.5 643.67 T
-(section) 98.4 643.67 T
-(describes) 131.9 643.67 T
-(how) 175.18 643.67 T
-(user-defined) 196.46 643.67 T
-(classes) 253.78 643.67 T
-(can) 286.67 643.67 T
-(customize) 304.27 643.67 T
-(their) 351.22 643.67 T
-(behavior) 373.73 643.67 T
-(or) 414.56 643.67 T
-(emulate) 426.06 643.67 T
-(the) 463.23 643.67 T
-(behavior) 479.01 643.67 T
-(of) 76.5 630.67 T
-(other) 88.55 630.67 T
-(object) 114.04 630.67 T
-(types.) 143.81 630.67 T
-(In) 172.67 630.67 T
-(the) 184.71 630.67 T
-(following,) 201.04 630.67 T
-(if) 249.46 630.67 T
-(a) 259.06 630.67 T
-(class) 266.83 630.67 T
-(defines) 291.1 630.67 T
-(a) 325.76 630.67 T
-(particular) 333.53 630.67 T
-(method,) 378.57 630.67 T
-(any) 417.2 630.67 T
-(class) 435.97 630.67 T
-(derived) 460.24 630.67 T
-(from) 496.12 630.67 T
-(it is also understood to define that method \050implicitly\051.) 76.5 617.67 T
-(A) 76.5 592.67 T
-(class) 86.92 592.67 T
-(can) 110.78 592.67 T
-(implement) 128.52 592.67 T
-(certain) 178.06 592.67 T
-(operations) 210.46 592.67 T
-(that) 258.77 592.67 T
-(are) 277.74 592.67 T
-(invoked) 293.65 592.67 T
-(by) 331.57 592.67 T
-(special) 345.05 592.67 T
-(syntax) 378.07 592.67 T
-(\050such) 409.27 592.67 T
-(as) 435.57 592.67 T
-(arithmetic) 447.21 592.67 T
-(oper-) 494.29 592.67 T
-(ations) 76.5 579.67 T
-(or) 105.02 579.67 T
-(subscripting) 116.43 579.67 T
-(and) 172.45 579.67 T
-(slicing\051) 190.57 579.67 T
-(by) 225.82 579.67 T
-(defining) 239.06 579.67 T
-(methods) 277.97 579.67 T
-(with) 317.49 579.67 T
-(special) 339.29 579.67 T
-(names.) 372.08 579.67 T
-(For) 405.17 579.67 T
-(instance,) 422.7 579.67 T
-(if) 463.74 579.67 T
-(a) 472.7 579.67 T
-(class) 479.83 579.67 T
-(de-) 503.45 579.67 T
-(fines) 76.5 566.67 T
-(a) 100.5 566.67 T
-(method) 108.01 566.67 T
-(named) 143.63 566.67 T
-2 F
-(__getitem__) 175.58 566.67 T
-1 F
-(,) 248.18 566.67 T
-(and) 253.55 566.67 T
-2 F
-(x) 272.05 566.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 281.27 566.67 T
-(an) 291.23 566.67 T
-(instance) 304.23 566.67 T
-(of) 342.9 566.67 T
-(this) 354.68 566.67 T
-(class,) 373.2 566.67 T
-(then) 399.95 566.67 T
-2 F
-(x[i]) 421.52 566.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 450.54 566.67 T
-(equivalent) 460.49 566.67 T
-(to) 508.94 566.67 T
-2 F
-(x.__getitem__\050i\051) 76.5 553.67 T
-1 F
-(.) 182.1 553.67 T
-(\050The) 187.79 553.67 T
-(reverse) 211.49 553.67 T
-(is) 246.19 553.67 T
-(not) 256.46 553.67 T
-(true;) 273.45 553.67 T
-(e.g.) 296.55 553.67 T
-(if) 315.38 553.67 T
-2 F
-(x) 325.03 553.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 334.57 553.67 T
-(a) 344.84 553.67 T
-(list) 352.67 553.67 T
-(object,) 369.05 553.67 T
-2 F
-(x.__getitem__\050i\051) 401.63 553.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 510.16 553.67 T
-(not) 76.5 540.67 T
-(equivalent) 93.51 540.67 T
-(to) 142.29 540.67 T
-2 F
-(x[i]) 153.79 540.67 T
-1 F
-(.\051) 180.19 540.67 T
-(Except) 189.56 540.67 T
-(where) 223.05 540.67 T
-(mentioned,) 252.88 540.67 T
-(attempts) 305.02 540.67 T
-(to) 345.25 540.67 T
-(execute) 356.76 540.67 T
-(an) 393.3 540.67 T
-(operation) 406.64 540.67 T
-(raise) 451.13 540.67 T
-(an) 474.85 540.67 T
-(excep-) 488.18 540.67 T
-(tion when no appropriate method is defined.) 76.5 527.67 T
-0 12 Q
-(3.3.1) 76.5 502 T
-(Basic customization) 121.5 502 T
-2 11 Q
-(__init__\050self, [args...]\051) 76.5 482.67 T
-1 F
-(Called) 248.1 482.67 T
-(when) 279.7 482.67 T
-(the) 306.41 482.67 T
-(instance) 322.73 482.67 T
-(is) 361.66 482.67 T
-(created.) 371.88 482.67 T
-(The) 409.27 482.67 T
-(arguments) 429.26 482.67 T
-(are) 477.97 482.67 T
-(those) 494.28 482.67 T
-(that) 112.5 469.67 T
-(were) 131.08 469.67 T
-(passed) 154.52 469.67 T
-(to) 185.93 469.67 T
-(the) 196.56 469.67 T
-(class) 212.08 469.67 T
-(constructor) 235.54 469.67 T
-(expression.) 287.11 469.67 T
-(If) 338.98 469.67 T
-(a) 348.38 469.67 T
-(base) 355.34 469.67 T
-(class) 376.96 469.67 T
-(has) 400.42 469.67 T
-(an) 417.16 469.67 T
-2 F
-(__init__) 429.62 469.67 T
-1 F
-(method) 484.5 469.67 T
-(the) 112.5 456.67 T
-(derived) 129.02 456.67 T
-(class\325s) 165.08 456.67 T
-2 F
-(__init__) 197.48 456.67 T
-1 F
-(method) 253.35 456.67 T
-(must) 289.43 456.67 T
-(explicitly) 313.9 456.67 T
-(call) 358.53 456.67 T
-(it) 377.49 456.67 T
-(to) 386.68 456.67 T
-(ensure) 398.31 456.67 T
-(proper) 430.1 456.67 T
-(initialization) 461.88 456.67 T
-(of the base class part of the instance, e.g.) 112.5 443.67 T
-(\324\324) 112.5 430.67 T
-2 F
-(BaseClass.__init__\050self,) 119.83 430.67 T
-([args...]\051) 284.83 430.67 T
-1 F
-(\325\325.) 350.83 430.67 T
-2 F
-(__del__\050self\051) 76.5 411.67 T
-1 F
-(Called) 168.9 411.67 T
-(when) 199.72 411.67 T
-(the) 225.64 411.67 T
-(instance) 241.18 411.67 T
-(is) 279.32 411.67 T
-(about) 288.75 411.67 T
-(to) 315.29 411.67 T
-(be) 325.94 411.67 T
-(destroyed.) 338.42 411.67 T
-(If) 386.04 411.67 T
-(a) 395.46 411.67 T
-(base) 402.44 411.67 T
-(class) 424.08 411.67 T
-(has) 447.56 411.67 T
-(a) 464.32 411.67 T
-2 F
-(__del__) 471.3 411.67 T
-1 F
-(method) 112.5 398.67 T
-(the) 147.86 398.67 T
-(derived) 163.66 398.67 T
-(class\325s) 199.01 398.67 T
-2 F
-(__del__) 230.69 398.67 T
-1 F
-(method) 279.25 398.67 T
-(must) 314.61 398.67 T
-(explicitly) 338.37 398.67 T
-(call) 382.28 398.67 T
-(it) 400.53 398.67 T
-(to) 409 398.67 T
-(ensure) 419.92 398.67 T
-(proper) 450.99 398.67 T
-(deletion) 482.06 398.67 T
-(of) 112.5 385.67 T
-(the) 124.49 385.67 T
-(base) 140.75 385.67 T
-(class) 163.12 385.67 T
-(part) 187.33 385.67 T
-(of) 207.25 385.67 T
-(the) 219.24 385.67 T
-(instance.) 235.5 385.67 T
-(e.g.) 277.12 385.67 T
-(\324\324) 295.83 385.67 T
-2 F
-(BaseClass.__del__\050self\051) 303.16 385.67 T
-1 F
-(\325\325.) 454.96 385.67 T
-(Note) 467.85 385.67 T
-(that) 492.06 385.67 T
-(it) 511.38 385.67 T
-(is) 112.5 372.67 T
-(possible) 122.5 372.67 T
-(\050though) 161.21 372.67 T
-(not) 198.09 372.67 T
-(recommended!\051) 214.8 372.67 T
-(for) 287.1 372.67 T
-(the) 302.59 372.67 T
-2 F
-(__del__) 318.69 372.67 T
-1 F
-(method) 367.54 372.67 T
-(to) 403.2 372.67 T
-(postpone) 414.42 372.67 T
-(destruction) 456.8 372.67 T
-(of) 508.34 372.67 T
-(the) 112.5 359.67 T
-(instance) 128.82 359.67 T
-(by) 167.74 359.67 T
-(creating) 181.61 359.67 T
-(a) 219.92 359.67 T
-(new) 227.68 359.67 T
-(reference) 248.88 359.67 T
-(to) 292.67 359.67 T
-(it.) 304.1 359.67 T
-(It) 315.84 359.67 T
-(may) 325.43 359.67 T
-(then) 347.25 359.67 T
-(be) 369.07 359.67 T
-(called) 382.33 359.67 T
-(at) 411.47 359.67 T
-(a) 422.29 359.67 T
-(later) 430.05 359.67 T
-(time) 452.47 359.67 T
-(when) 474.9 359.67 T
-(this) 501.61 359.67 T
-(new) 112.5 346.67 T
-(reference) 133.96 346.67 T
-(is) 178 346.67 T
-(deleted.) 188.47 346.67 T
-(It) 226.12 346.67 T
-(is) 235.98 346.67 T
-(not) 246.45 346.67 T
-(guaranteed) 263.64 346.67 T
-(that) 315.03 346.67 T
-2 F
-(__del__) 334.67 346.67 T
-1 F
-(methods) 384 346.67 T
-(are) 424.41 346.67 T
-(called) 440.98 346.67 T
-(for) 470.38 346.67 T
-(objects) 486.34 346.67 T
-(that still exist when the interpreter exits.) 112.5 333.67 T
-4 F
-(Programmer\325s) 112.5 316.67 T
-(note:) 184.69 316.67 T
-1 F
-(\324\324) 211.67 316.67 T
-2 F
-(del) 219 316.67 T
-(x) 241.96 316.67 T
-1 F
-(\325\325) 248.56 316.67 T
-(doesn\325t) 259.05 316.67 T
-(directly) 294.59 316.67 T
-(call) 331.36 316.67 T
-2 F
-(x.__del__\050\051) 350.4 316.67 T
-1 F
-(\321) 426.17 316.67 T
-(the) 440.33 316.67 T
-(former) 456.93 316.67 T
-(decre-) 490.02 316.67 T
-(ments) 112.5 303.67 T
-(the) 141.5 303.67 T
-(reference) 157.66 303.67 T
-(count) 201.28 303.67 T
-(for) 228.44 303.67 T
-2 F
-(x) 243.99 303.67 T
-1 F
-(by) 253.3 303.67 T
-(one,) 267.02 303.67 T
-(and) 288.37 303.67 T
-(the) 306.98 303.67 T
-(latter) 323.14 303.67 T
-(is) 348.46 303.67 T
-(only) 358.51 303.67 T
-(called) 380.79 303.67 T
-(when) 409.77 303.67 T
-(its) 436.32 303.67 T
-(reference) 449.43 303.67 T
-(count) 493.06 303.67 T
-(reaches) 112.5 290.67 T
-(zero.) 148.51 290.67 T
-(Some) 173.21 290.67 T
-(common) 201.3 290.67 T
-(situations) 242.83 290.67 T
-(that) 288.03 290.67 T
-(may) 307.56 290.67 T
-(prevent) 329.53 290.67 T
-(the) 365.55 290.67 T
-(reference) 382.02 290.67 T
-(count) 425.96 290.67 T
-(of) 453.43 290.67 T
-(an) 465.62 290.67 T
-(object) 479.03 290.67 T
-(to) 508.94 290.67 T
-(go) 112.5 277.67 T
-(to) 125.9 277.67 T
-(zero) 136.86 277.67 T
-(include:) 158.19 277.67 T
-(circular) 196.03 277.67 T
-(references) 232.03 277.67 T
-(between) 279.61 277.67 T
-(objects) 318.67 277.67 T
-(\050e.g.) 352.23 277.67 T
-(a) 374.18 277.67 T
-(doubly-linked) 381.46 277.67 T
-(list) 445.58 277.67 T
-(or) 461.44 277.67 T
-(a) 473 277.67 T
-(tree) 480.28 277.67 T
-(data) 499.17 277.67 T
-(structure) 112.5 264.67 T
-(with) 154.61 264.67 T
-(parent) 177.8 264.67 T
-(and) 208.91 264.67 T
-(child) 228.42 264.67 T
-(pointers\051;) 254.04 264.67 T
-(a) 299.83 264.67 T
-(reference) 308.34 264.67 T
-(to) 352.87 264.67 T
-(the) 365.06 264.67 T
-(object) 382.12 264.67 T
-(on) 412.63 264.67 T
-(the) 427.26 264.67 T
-(stack) 444.32 264.67 T
-(frame) 470.55 264.67 T
-(of) 499.83 264.67 T
-(a) 512.62 264.67 T
-(function) 112.5 251.67 T
-(that) 151.34 251.67 T
-(caught) 170.02 251.67 T
-(an) 201.53 251.67 T
-(exception) 214.09 251.67 T
-(\050the) 259.04 251.67 T
-(traceback) 278.33 251.67 T
-(stored) 322.65 251.67 T
-(in) 351.71 251.67 T
-2 F
-(sys.exc_traceback) 362.45 251.67 T
-1 F
-(keeps) 476.83 251.67 T
-(the) 504.06 251.67 T
-(stack) 112.5 238.67 T
-(frame) 138.43 238.67 T
-(alive\051;) 167.4 238.67 T
-(or) 198.82 238.67 T
-(a) 211.3 238.67 T
-(reference) 219.51 238.67 T
-(to) 263.74 238.67 T
-(the) 275.62 238.67 T
-(object) 292.38 238.67 T
-(on) 322.58 238.67 T
-(the) 336.9 238.67 T
-(stack) 353.66 238.67 T
-(frame) 379.59 238.67 T
-(that) 408.56 238.67 T
-(raised) 428.38 238.67 T
-(an) 457.97 238.67 T
-(unhandled) 471.67 238.67 T
-(exception) 112.5 225.67 T
-(in) 158.35 225.67 T
-(interactive) 169.99 225.67 T
-(mode) 219.5 225.67 T
-(\050the) 247.03 225.67 T
-(traceback) 267.22 225.67 T
-(stored) 312.44 225.67 T
-(in) 342.41 225.67 T
-2 F
-(sys.last_traceback) 354.05 225.67 T
-1 F
-(keeps) 475.93 225.67 T
-(the) 504.06 225.67 T
-(stack) 112.5 212.67 T
-(frame) 137.61 212.67 T
-(alive\051.) 165.76 212.67 T
-(The) 196.06 212.67 T
-(first) 215.67 212.67 T
-(situation) 235.9 212.67 T
-(can) 276.3 212.67 T
-(only) 294.07 212.67 T
-(be) 316.13 212.67 T
-(remedied) 329.02 212.67 T
-(by) 372.45 212.67 T
-(explicitly) 385.95 212.67 T
-(breaking) 430.02 212.67 T
-(the) 471.01 212.67 T
-(cycles;) 486.95 212.67 T
-(the) 112.5 199.67 T
-(latter) 130.07 199.67 T
-(two) 156.79 199.67 T
-(situations) 177.42 199.67 T
-(can) 223.71 199.67 T
-(be) 243.11 199.67 T
-(resolved) 257.61 199.67 T
-(by) 299 199.67 T
-(storing) 314.13 199.67 T
-2 F
-(None) 348.81 199.67 T
-1 F
-(in) 379.33 199.67 T
-2 F
-(sys.exc_traceback) 392.01 199.67 T
-1 F
-(or) 508.34 199.67 T
-2 F
-(sys.last_traceback) 112.5 186.67 T
-1 F
-(.) 231.3 186.67 T
-4 F
-(Warning:) 112.5 169.67 T
-1 F
-(due) 160.71 169.67 T
-(to) 178.97 169.67 T
-(the) 189.9 169.67 T
-(precarious) 205.72 169.67 T
-(circumstances) 253.91 169.67 T
-(under) 318.6 169.67 T
-(which) 346.02 169.67 T
-2 F
-(__del__) 375.27 169.67 T
-1 F
-(methods) 423.85 169.67 T
-(are) 463.5 169.67 T
-(invoked,) 479.31 169.67 T
-(exceptions) 112.5 156.67 T
-(that) 165.02 156.67 T
-(occur) 186.99 156.67 T
-(during) 216.88 156.67 T
-(their) 251.07 156.67 T
-(execution) 276.71 156.67 T
-(are) 324.94 156.67 T
-3 F
-(ignored) 343.84 156.67 T
-1 F
-(,) 378.06 156.67 T
-(and) 386.28 156.67 T
-(a) 407.64 156.67 T
-(warning) 417.99 156.67 T
-(is) 459.5 156.67 T
-(printed) 472.31 156.67 T
-(to) 508.94 156.67 T
-2 F
-(sys.stderr) 112.5 143.67 T
-1 F
-(instead.) 181.42 143.67 T
-(Also,) 218.26 143.67 T
-(when) 244.71 143.67 T
-2 F
-(__del__) 271.46 143.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 320.58 143.67 T
-(invoked) 330.84 143.67 T
-(is) 369.21 143.67 T
-(response) 379.47 143.67 T
-(to) 420.88 143.67 T
-(a) 432.36 143.67 T
-(module) 440.17 143.67 T
-(being) 476.09 143.67 T
-(de-) 503.45 143.67 T
-(leted) 112.5 130.67 T
-(\050e.g.) 136.1 130.67 T
-(when) 157.86 130.67 T
-(execution) 183.91 130.67 T
-(of) 228.89 130.67 T
-(the) 240.27 130.67 T
-(program) 255.93 130.67 T
-(is) 295.41 130.67 T
-(done\051,) 304.97 130.67 T
-(other) 334.98 130.67 T
-(globals) 359.8 130.67 T
-(referenced) 393.8 130.67 T
-(by) 442.42 130.67 T
-(the) 455.64 130.67 T
-2 F
-(__del__) 471.3 130.67 T
-1 F
-(method) 112.5 117.67 T
-(may) 147.69 117.67 T
-(already) 168.83 117.67 T
-(have) 203.39 117.67 T
-(been) 226.35 117.67 T
-(deleted.) 249.31 117.67 T
-(For) 286.02 117.67 T
-(this) 303.49 117.67 T
-(reason,) 321.58 117.67 T
-2 F
-(__del__) 355.23 117.67 T
-1 F
-(methods) 403.62 117.67 T
-(should) 443.1 117.67 T
-(do) 474.63 117.67 T
-(the) 487.82 117.67 T
-(ab-) 503.45 117.67 T
-(solute) 112.5 104.67 T
-(minimum) 142.04 104.67 T
-(needed) 188.1 104.67 T
-(to) 222.52 104.67 T
-(maintain) 234.34 104.67 T
-(external) 276.11 104.67 T
-(invariants.) 314.8 104.67 T
-(Python) 364.2 104.67 T
-(1.5) 398.64 104.67 T
-(guarantees) 415.65 104.67 T
-(that) 465.96 104.67 T
-(globals) 485.72 104.67 T
-%%EndPage: "18" 24
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-612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE
-0 FrameSetSepColors
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 10 Q
-0 X
-(19) 530 37.33 T
-585 292.5 598.5 720 R
-5 9 Q
-(\245) 0 270 592.5 720 TF
-(Data model) 0 270 592.5 711 TF
-585 292.5 598.5 720 R
-1 11 Q
-(whose) 135 712.67 T
-(name) 165.76 712.67 T
-(begins) 192.25 712.67 T
-(with) 223.62 712.67 T
-(a) 245.84 712.67 T
-(single) 253.38 712.67 T
-(underscore) 282.32 712.67 T
-(are) 333.23 712.67 T
-(deleted) 349.32 712.67 T
-(from) 383.75 712.67 T
-(their) 407.79 712.67 T
-(module) 430.61 712.67 T
-(before) 466.27 712.67 T
-(other) 497.02 712.67 T
-(glo-) 522.28 712.67 T
-(bals) 135 699.67 T
-(are) 156.1 699.67 T
-(deleted;) 172.9 699.67 T
-(if) 211.1 699.67 T
-(no) 221.19 699.67 T
-(other) 235.57 699.67 T
-(references) 261.55 699.67 T
-(to) 310.11 699.67 T
-(such) 322.04 699.67 T
-(globals) 345.58 699.67 T
-(exist,) 380.73 699.67 T
-(this) 407.63 699.67 T
-(may) 426.9 699.67 T
-(help) 449.21 699.67 T
-(in) 471.53 699.67 T
-(assuring) 483.46 699.67 T
-(that) 523.5 699.67 T
-(imported modules are still available at the time when the) 135 686.67 T
-2 F
-(__del__) 387.36 686.67 T
-1 F
-( method is called.) 433.56 686.67 T
-2 F
-(__repr__\050self\051) 99 667.67 T
-1 F
-(Called) 198 667.67 T
-(by) 230.75 667.67 T
-(the) 245.77 667.67 T
-2 F
-(repr\050\051) 263.24 667.67 T
-1 F
-(built-in) 306.87 667.67 T
-(function) 343.29 667.67 T
-(and) 383.98 667.67 T
-(by) 403.89 667.67 T
-(string) 418.92 667.67 T
-(conversions) 448.01 667.67 T
-(\050reverse) 504.58 667.67 T
-(quotes\051) 135 654.67 T
-(to) 171.22 654.67 T
-(compute) 183.61 654.67 T
-(the) 225.33 654.67 T
-(\322official\323) 242.61 654.67 T
-(string) 287.98 654.67 T
-(representation) 316.88 654.67 T
-(of) 383.02 654.67 T
-(an) 396.02 654.67 T
-(object.) 410.24 654.67 T
-(This) 443.71 654.67 T
-(should) 467.11 654.67 T
-(normally) 500.28 654.67 T
-(look) 135 641.67 T
-(like) 156.71 641.67 T
-(a) 175.36 641.67 T
-(valid) 182.39 641.67 T
-(Python) 206.54 641.67 T
-(expression) 239.87 641.67 T
-(that) 289.07 641.67 T
-(can) 307.72 641.67 T
-(be) 325.14 641.67 T
-(used) 337.67 641.67 T
-(to) 359.98 641.67 T
-(recreate) 370.69 641.67 T
-(an) 407.65 641.67 T
-(object) 420.18 641.67 T
-(with) 449.22 641.67 T
-(the) 470.92 641.67 T
-(same) 486.52 641.67 T
-(value.) 511.27 641.67 T
-2 F
-(__str__\050self\051) 99 622.67 T
-1 F
-(Called) 191.4 622.67 T
-(by) 222.1 622.67 T
-(the) 235.09 622.67 T
-2 F
-(str\050\051) 250.51 622.67 T
-1 F
-(built-in) 285.49 622.67 T
-(function) 319.87 622.67 T
-(and) 358.52 622.67 T
-(by) 376.38 622.67 T
-(the) 389.36 622.67 T
-2 F
-(print) 404.79 622.67 T
-1 F
-(statement) 442.55 622.67 T
-(compute) 486.69 622.67 T
-(the) 526.56 622.67 T
-(\324\324informal\325\325) 135 609.67 T
-(string) 189.84 609.67 T
-(representation) 217.19 609.67 T
-(of) 281.81 609.67 T
-(an) 293.27 609.67 T
-(object.) 305.96 609.67 T
-(This) 337.89 609.67 T
-(differs) 359.75 609.67 T
-(from) 390.76 609.67 T
-2 F
-(__repr__) 414.44 609.67 T
-1 F
-(in) 469.54 609.67 T
-(that) 480.4 609.67 T
-(it) 499.2 609.67 T
-(doesn\325t) 507.62 609.67 T
-(have) 135 596.67 T
-(to) 158.07 596.67 T
-(look) 168.94 596.67 T
-(like) 190.8 596.67 T
-(a) 209.61 596.67 T
-(valid) 216.8 596.67 T
-(Python) 241.1 596.67 T
-(expression:) 274.58 596.67 T
-(a) 327 596.67 T
-(more) 334.19 596.67 T
-(convenient) 359.1 596.67 T
-(or) 409.67 596.67 T
-(concise) 421.14 596.67 T
-(representation) 456.44 596.67 T
-(may) 521.06 596.67 T
-(be used instead.) 135 583.67 T
-2 F
-(__cmp__\050self, other\051) 99 564.67 T
-1 F
-(Called) 237.6 564.67 T
-(by) 268.73 564.67 T
-(all) 282.13 564.67 T
-(comparison) 295.53 564.67 T
-(operations.) 349.26 564.67 T
-(Should) 400.24 564.67 T
-(return) 433.82 564.67 T
-(a) 462.49 564.67 T
-(negative) 469.78 564.67 T
-(integer) 509.45 564.67 T
-(if) 135 551.67 T
-2 F
-(self) 146.08 551.67 T
-(<) 175.23 551.67 T
-(other) 184.58 551.67 T
-1 F
-(,) 217.58 551.67 T
-(zero) 224.69 551.67 T
-(if) 247.98 551.67 T
-2 F
-(self) 259.06 551.67 T
-(==) 288.21 551.67 T
-(other) 304.16 551.67 T
-1 F
-(,) 337.16 551.67 T
-(a) 344.27 551.67 T
-(positive) 353.52 551.67 T
-(integer) 392.71 551.67 T
-(if) 427.62 551.67 T
-2 F
-(self) 438.7 551.67 T
-(>) 467.85 551.67 T
-(other) 477.2 551.67 T
-1 F
-(.) 510.2 551.67 T
-(If) 517.31 551.67 T
-(no) 529 551.67 T
-2 F
-(__cmp__) 135 538.67 T
-1 F
-(method) 184.82 538.67 T
-(is) 221.45 538.67 T
-(defined,) 232.41 538.67 T
-(class) 271.78 538.67 T
-(instances) 296.79 538.67 T
-(are) 340.74 538.67 T
-(compared) 357.79 538.67 T
-(by) 404.79 538.67 T
-(object) 419.42 538.67 T
-(identity) 449.93 538.67 T
-(\050\322address\323\051.) 487.17 538.67 T
-(\050Note:) 135 525.67 T
-(the) 166.12 525.67 T
-(restriction) 182.59 525.67 T
-(that) 230.21 525.67 T
-(exceptions) 249.73 525.67 T
-(are) 299.8 525.67 T
-(not) 316.25 525.67 T
-(propagated) 333.33 525.67 T
-(by) 385.22 525.67 T
-2 F
-(__cmp__) 399.24 525.67 T
-1 F
-(has) 448.46 525.67 T
-(been) 466.14 525.67 T
-(removed) 489.93 525.67 T
-(in) 531.44 525.67 T
-(Python 1.5\051) 135 512.67 T
-2 F
-(__hash__\050self\051) 99 493.67 T
-1 F
-(Called) 198 493.67 T
-(for) 229.12 493.67 T
-(the) 244.36 493.67 T
-(key) 260.2 493.67 T
-(object) 278.49 493.67 T
-(for) 307.78 493.67 T
-(dictionary) 323.01 493.67 T
-(operations,) 370.02 493.67 T
-(and) 421 493.67 T
-(by) 439.29 493.67 T
-(the) 452.69 493.67 T
-(built-in) 468.54 493.67 T
-(function) 503.34 493.67 T
-2 F
-(hash\050\051) 135 480.67 T
-1 F
-(.) 174.6 480.67 T
-(Should) 179.8 480.67 T
-(return) 213.42 480.67 T
-(a) 242.13 480.67 T
-(32-bit) 249.46 480.67 T
-(integer) 278.18 480.67 T
-(usable) 311.18 480.67 T
-(as) 341.73 480.67 T
-(a) 353.34 480.67 T
-(hash) 360.67 480.67 T
-(value) 383.28 480.67 T
-(for) 409.55 480.67 T
-(dictionary) 424.82 480.67 T
-(operations.) 471.87 480.67 T
-(The) 522.9 480.67 T
-(only) 135 467.67 T
-(required) 157.93 467.67 T
-(property) 197.96 467.67 T
-(is) 238.6 467.67 T
-(that) 249.32 467.67 T
-(objects) 269.19 467.67 T
-(which) 303.73 467.67 T
-(compare) 333.99 467.67 T
-(equal) 375.23 467.67 T
-(have) 402.43 467.67 T
-(the) 426.58 467.67 T
-(same) 443.39 467.67 T
-(hash) 469.38 467.67 T
-(value;) 492.91 467.67 T
-(it) 523.17 467.67 T
-(is) 532.66 467.67 T
-(advised) 135 454.67 T
-(to) 172.05 454.67 T
-(somehow) 184.04 454.67 T
-(mix) 229.65 454.67 T
-(together) 250.21 454.67 T
-(\050e.g.) 289.69 454.67 T
-(using) 312.68 454.67 T
-(exclusive) 339.96 454.67 T
-(or\051) 384.95 454.67 T
-(the) 401.21 454.67 T
-(hash) 418.1 454.67 T
-(values) 441.7 454.67 T
-(for) 473.24 454.67 T
-(the) 489.51 454.67 T
-(compo-) 506.39 454.67 T
-(nents) 135 441.67 T
-(of) 160.73 441.67 T
-(the) 172.41 441.67 T
-(object) 188.36 441.67 T
-(that) 217.76 441.67 T
-(also) 236.77 441.67 T
-(play) 257.01 441.67 T
-(a) 278.46 441.67 T
-(part) 285.86 441.67 T
-(in) 305.48 441.67 T
-(comparison) 316.55 441.67 T
-(of) 370.39 441.67 T
-(objects.) 382.06 441.67 T
-(If) 418.49 441.67 T
-(no) 428.33 441.67 T
-2 F
-(__hash__) 441.84 441.67 T
-1 F
-(method) 497.15 441.67 T
-(is) 532.66 441.67 T
-(defined,) 135 428.67 T
-(class) 173.53 428.67 T
-(instances) 197.7 428.67 T
-(are) 240.82 428.67 T
-(hashed) 257.04 428.67 T
-(by) 290.37 428.67 T
-(object) 304.16 428.67 T
-(identity) 333.84 428.67 T
-(\050\324\324address\325\325\051.) 370.24 428.67 T
-(If) 430.75 428.67 T
-(a) 440.86 428.67 T
-(class) 448.54 428.67 T
-(does) 472.71 428.67 T
-(not) 495.66 428.67 T
-(define) 512.51 428.67 T
-(a) 135 415.67 T
-2 F
-(__cmp__) 142.34 415.67 T
-1 F
-(method) 190.99 415.67 T
-(it) 226.44 415.67 T
-(should) 235.01 415.67 T
-(not) 266.8 415.67 T
-(define) 283.3 415.67 T
-(a) 313.24 415.67 T
-2 F
-(__hash__) 320.58 415.67 T
-1 F
-(method) 375.83 415.67 T
-(either;) 411.28 415.67 T
-(if) 441.84 415.67 T
-(it) 451.01 415.67 T
-(defines) 459.58 415.67 T
-2 F
-(__cmp__) 493.8 415.67 T
-1 F
-(but) 135 402.67 T
-(not) 151.8 402.67 T
-2 F
-(__hash__) 168.61 402.67 T
-1 F
-(its) 224.15 402.67 T
-(instances) 237.29 402.67 T
-(will) 280.37 402.67 T
-(not) 300.23 402.67 T
-(be) 317.03 402.67 T
-(usable) 330.16 402.67 T
-(as) 361.01 402.67 T
-(dictionary) 372.92 402.67 T
-(keys.) 420.27 402.67 T
-(If) 445.93 402.67 T
-(a) 456.01 402.67 T
-(class) 463.64 402.67 T
-(defines) 487.77 402.67 T
-(mu-) 522.28 402.67 T
-(table) 135 389.67 T
-(objects) 158.82 389.67 T
-(and) 192.41 389.67 T
-(implements) 210.72 389.67 T
-(a) 264.49 389.67 T
-2 F
-(__cmp__) 271.81 389.67 T
-1 F
-(method) 320.44 389.67 T
-(it) 355.87 389.67 T
-(should) 364.42 389.67 T
-(not) 396.18 389.67 T
-(implement) 412.67 389.67 T
-2 F
-(__hash__) 462.16 389.67 T
-1 F
-(since) 517.4 389.67 T
-(the) 135 376.67 T
-(dictionary) 151.54 376.67 T
-(implementation) 199.23 376.67 T
-(requires) 271.39 376.67 T
-(that) 309.91 376.67 T
-(a) 329.5 376.67 T
-(key\325s) 337.48 376.67 T
-(hash) 364.4 376.67 T
-(value) 387.66 376.67 T
-(is) 414.58 376.67 T
-(immutable) 425.01 376.67 T
-(\050if) 475.16 376.67 T
-(the) 488.64 376.67 T
-(object\325s) 505.17 376.67 T
-(hash value changes, it will be in the wrong hash bucket\051.) 135 363.67 T
-2 F
-(__nonzero__\050self\051) 99 344.67 T
-1 F
-(Called) 217.8 344.67 T
-(to) 249.87 344.67 T
-(implement) 261.78 344.67 T
-(truth) 312.18 344.67 T
-(value) 336.31 344.67 T
-(testing;) 363.48 344.67 T
-(should) 399.23 344.67 T
-(return) 431.91 344.67 T
-(0) 461.53 344.67 T
-(or) 470.38 344.67 T
-(1.) 482.89 344.67 T
-(When) 494.49 344.67 T
-(this) 524.1 344.67 T
-(method) 135 331.67 T
-(is) 170.69 331.67 T
-(not) 180.71 331.67 T
-(defined,) 197.46 331.67 T
-2 F
-(__len__) 235.88 331.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 284.77 331.67 T
-(called,) 294.79 331.67 T
-(if) 326.5 331.67 T
-(it) 335.9 331.67 T
-(is) 344.71 331.67 T
-(defined) 354.73 331.67 T
-(\050see) 390.41 331.67 T
-(below\051.) 410.8 331.67 T
-(If) 446.79 331.67 T
-(a) 456.8 331.67 T
-(class) 464.37 331.67 T
-(defines) 488.44 331.67 T
-(nei-) 522.9 331.67 T
-(ther) 135 318.67 T
-2 F
-(__len__) 154.85 318.67 T
-1 F
-( nor) 201.05 318.67 T
-2 F
-(__nonzero__) 221.22 318.67 T
-1 F
-(, all its instances are considered true.) 293.82 318.67 T
-0 12 Q
-(3.3.2) 99 293 T
-(Customizing attribute access) 144 293 T
-1 11 Q
-(The) 99 267.67 T
-(following) 119.13 267.67 T
-(methods) 164.93 267.67 T
-(can) 205.24 267.67 T
-(be) 223.53 267.67 T
-(defined) 236.94 267.67 T
-(to) 272.96 267.67 T
-(customize) 284.54 267.67 T
-(the) 332.17 267.67 T
-(meaning) 348.64 267.67 T
-(of) 389.55 267.67 T
-(attribute) 401.74 267.67 T
-(access) 441.43 267.67 T
-(\050use) 472.55 267.67 T
-(of,) 493.9 267.67 T
-(assign-) 508.84 267.67 T
-(m) 99 254.67 T
-(e) 107.68 254.67 T
-(n) 112.69 254.67 T
-(t) 118.32 254.67 T
-(t) 124.79 254.67 T
-(o) 127.97 254.67 T
-(,) 133.6 254.67 T
-(o) 139.76 254.67 T
-(r) 145.38 254.67 T
-(d) 152.46 254.67 T
-(e) 158.09 254.67 T
-(l) 163.09 254.67 T
-(e) 166.28 254.67 T
-(t) 171.29 254.67 T
-(i) 174.47 254.67 T
-(o) 177.65 254.67 T
-(n) 183.28 254.67 T
-(o) 192.19 254.67 T
-(f) 197.82 254.67 T
-2 F
-(x) 204.89 254.67 T
-(.) 211.62 254.67 T
-3 F
-(n) 218.34 254.67 T
-(a) 223.97 254.67 T
-(m) 229.59 254.67 T
-(e) 237.66 254.67 T
-1 F
-(\051) 242.67 254.67 T
-(f) 249.74 254.67 T
-(o) 253.53 254.67 T
-(r) 259.16 254.67 T
-(c) 266.23 254.67 T
-(l) 271.24 254.67 T
-(a) 274.42 254.67 T
-(s) 279.43 254.67 T
-(s) 283.84 254.67 T
-(i) 291.53 254.67 T
-(n) 294.71 254.67 T
-(s) 300.34 254.67 T
-(t) 304.74 254.67 T
-(a) 307.92 254.67 T
-(n) 312.93 254.67 T
-(c) 318.56 254.67 T
-(e) 323.57 254.67 T
-(s) 328.58 254.67 T
-(.) 332.98 254.67 T
-(F) 339.14 254.67 T
-(o) 345.38 254.67 T
-(r) 351.01 254.67 T
-(p) 358.08 254.67 T
-(e) 363.71 254.67 T
-(r) 368.72 254.67 T
-(f) 372.51 254.67 T
-(o) 376.3 254.67 T
-(r) 381.92 254.67 T
-(m) 385.71 254.67 T
-(a) 394.39 254.67 T
-(n) 399.4 254.67 T
-(c) 405.03 254.67 T
-(e) 410.04 254.67 T
-(r) 418.33 254.67 T
-(e) 422.12 254.67 T
-(a) 427.13 254.67 T
-(s) 432.14 254.67 T
-(o) 436.54 254.67 T
-(n) 442.17 254.67 T
-(s) 447.79 254.67 T
-(,) 452.2 254.67 T
-(t) 458.36 254.67 T
-(h) 461.54 254.67 T
-(e) 467.17 254.67 T
-(s) 472.18 254.67 T
-(e) 476.58 254.67 T
-(m) 484.88 254.67 T
-(e) 493.56 254.67 T
-(t) 498.57 254.67 T
-(h) 501.75 254.67 T
-(o) 507.38 254.67 T
-(d) 513 254.67 T
-(s) 518.63 254.67 T
-(a) 526.32 254.67 T
-(r) 531.33 254.67 T
-(e) 535.12 254.67 T
-(c) 99 241.67 T
-(a) 103.9 241.67 T
-(c) 108.81 241.67 T
-(h) 113.72 241.67 T
-(e) 119.24 241.67 T
-(d) 124.14 241.67 T
-(i) 132.85 241.67 T
-(n) 135.93 241.67 T
-(t) 144.63 241.67 T
-(h) 147.71 241.67 T
-(e) 153.23 241.67 T
-(c) 161.32 241.67 T
-(l) 166.23 241.67 T
-(a) 169.3 241.67 T
-(s) 174.21 241.67 T
-(s) 178.51 241.67 T
-(o) 185.99 241.67 T
-(b) 191.52 241.67 T
-(j) 197.04 241.67 T
-(e) 200.12 241.67 T
-(c) 205.02 241.67 T
-(t) 209.93 241.67 T
-(a) 216.19 241.67 T
-(t) 221.1 241.67 T
-(c) 227.36 241.67 T
-(l) 232.26 241.67 T
-(a) 235.34 241.67 T
-(s) 240.25 241.67 T
-(s) 244.55 241.67 T
-(d) 252.03 241.67 T
-(e) 257.55 241.67 T
-(f) 262.46 241.67 T
-(i) 266.14 241.67 T
-(n) 269.22 241.67 T
-(i) 274.74 241.67 T
-(t) 277.82 241.67 T
-(i) 280.9 241.67 T
-(o) 283.98 241.67 T
-(n) 289.5 241.67 T
-(t) 298.21 241.67 T
-(i) 301.29 241.67 T
-(m) 304.36 241.67 T
-(e) 312.94 241.67 T
-(;) 317.85 241.67 T
-(t) 324.11 241.67 T
-(h) 327.19 241.67 T
-(e) 332.71 241.67 T
-(r) 337.62 241.67 T
-(e) 341.3 241.67 T
-(f) 346.21 241.67 T
-(o) 349.89 241.67 T
-(r) 355.41 241.67 T
-(e) 359.1 241.67 T
-(,) 364 241.67 T
-(t) 369.96 241.67 T
-(h) 373.04 241.67 T
-(e) 378.56 241.67 T
-(y) 383.46 241.67 T
-(c) 392.17 241.67 T
-(a) 397.07 241.67 T
-(n) 401.98 241.67 T
-(n) 407.5 241.67 T
-(o) 413.02 241.67 T
-(t) 418.54 241.67 T
-(b) 424.8 241.67 T
-(e) 430.33 241.67 T
-(c) 438.42 241.67 T
-(h) 443.32 241.67 T
-(a) 448.84 241.67 T
-(n) 453.75 241.67 T
-(g) 459.27 241.67 T
-(e) 464.79 241.67 T
-(d) 469.69 241.67 T
-(a) 478.4 241.67 T
-(f) 483.3 241.67 T
-(t) 486.99 241.67 T
-(e) 490.07 241.67 T
-(r) 494.97 241.67 T
-(t) 501.84 241.67 T
-(h) 504.92 241.67 T
-(e) 510.44 241.67 T
-(c) 518.53 241.67 T
-(l) 523.43 241.67 T
-(a) 526.51 241.67 T
-(s) 531.42 241.67 T
-(s) 535.72 241.67 T
-(definition is executed.) 99 228.67 T
-2 F
-(__getattr__\050self, name\051) 99 209.67 T
-1 F
-(Called) 257.4 209.67 T
-(when) 288.48 209.67 T
-(an) 314.67 209.67 T
-(attribute) 327.41 209.67 T
-(lookup) 366.43 209.67 T
-(has) 399.35 209.67 T
-(not) 416.37 209.67 T
-(found) 432.79 209.67 T
-(the) 460.82 209.67 T
-(attribute) 476.62 209.67 T
-(in) 515.64 209.67 T
-(the) 526.56 209.67 T
-(usual) 135 196.67 T
-(places) 160.37 196.67 T
-(\050i.e.) 190.01 196.67 T
-(it) 209.27 196.67 T
-(is) 217.54 196.67 T
-(not) 227.03 196.67 T
-(an) 243.24 196.67 T
-(instance) 255.77 196.67 T
-(attribute) 293.97 196.67 T
-(nor) 332.79 196.67 T
-(is) 349.6 196.67 T
-(it) 359.09 196.67 T
-(found) 367.36 196.67 T
-(in) 395.17 196.67 T
-(the) 405.89 196.67 T
-(class) 421.48 196.67 T
-(tree) 445.02 196.67 T
-(for) 463.66 196.67 T
-2 F
-(self) 478.63 196.67 T
-1 F
-(\051.) 505.03 196.67 T
-2 F
-(name) 513.6 196.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 135 183.67 T
-(the) 145.76 183.67 T
-(attribute) 162.62 183.67 T
-(name.) 202.7 183.67 T
-(This) 232.69 183.67 T
-(method) 255.67 183.67 T
-(should) 292.09 183.67 T
-(return) 324.84 183.67 T
-(the) 354.53 183.67 T
-(\050computed\051) 371.39 183.67 T
-(attribute) 425.52 183.67 T
-(value) 465.6 183.67 T
-(or) 492.85 183.67 T
-(raise) 505.43 183.67 T
-(an) 529.62 183.67 T
-2 F
-(AttributeError) 135 170.67 T
-1 F
-( exception.) 227.4 170.67 T
-(Note) 135 153.67 T
-(that) 160.35 153.67 T
-(if) 180.82 153.67 T
-(the) 191.52 153.67 T
-(attribute) 208.93 153.67 T
-(is) 249.56 153.67 T
-(found) 260.87 153.67 T
-(through) 290.5 153.67 T
-(the) 328.69 153.67 T
-(normal) 346.11 153.67 T
-(mechanism,) 381.24 153.67 T
-2 F
-(__getattr__) 438.06 153.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 514.64 153.67 T
-(not) 525.94 153.67 T
-(called.) 135 140.67 T
-(\050This) 167.9 140.67 T
-(is) 195.01 140.67 T
-(an) 206.23 140.67 T
-(intentional) 220.49 140.67 T
-(asymmetry) 271.43 140.67 T
-(between) 324.2 140.67 T
-2 F
-(__getattr__) 364.74 140.67 T
-1 F
-(and) 441.22 140.67 T
-2 F
-(__setattr__) 460.99 140.67 T
-1 F
-(.\051) 533.59 140.67 T
-(This) 135 127.67 T
-(is) 157.31 127.67 T
-(done) 167.4 127.67 T
-(both) 191.54 127.67 T
-(for) 213.85 127.67 T
-(efficiency) 229.43 127.67 T
-(reasons) 276.16 127.67 T
-(and) 311.9 127.67 T
-(because) 330.54 127.67 T
-(otherwise) 368.11 127.67 T
-2 F
-(__setattr__) 413.63 127.67 T
-1 F
-(would) 488.98 127.67 T
-(have) 519.23 127.67 T
-(no) 135 114.67 T
-(way) 148.52 114.67 T
-(to) 169.36 114.67 T
-(access) 180.43 114.67 T
-(other) 211.04 114.67 T
-(attributes) 236.16 114.67 T
-(of) 279.62 114.67 T
-(the) 291.3 114.67 T
-(instance.) 307.26 114.67 T
-(Note) 348.57 114.67 T
-(that) 372.47 114.67 T
-(at) 391.48 114.67 T
-(least) 401.94 114.67 T
-(for) 424.62 114.67 T
-(instance) 439.96 114.67 T
-(variables,) 478.52 114.67 T
-(you) 523.5 114.67 T
-(can) 135 101.67 T
-(fake) 153.15 101.67 T
-(total) 174.97 101.67 T
-(control) 197.41 101.67 T
-(by) 231.46 101.67 T
-(not) 245.35 101.67 T
-(inserting) 262.29 101.67 T
-(any) 303.67 101.67 T
-(values) 322.44 101.67 T
-(in) 353.43 101.67 T
-(the) 364.88 101.67 T
-(instance) 381.2 101.67 T
-(attribute) 420.14 101.67 T
-(dictionary) 459.68 101.67 T
-(\050but) 507.17 101.67 T
-(in-) 527.78 101.67 T
-(stead inserting them in another object\051.) 135 88.67 T
-2 F
-(__setattr__\050self, name, value\051) 99 69.67 T
-1 F
-(Called) 303.6 69.67 T
-(whenever) 334.8 69.67 T
-(an) 380.05 69.67 T
-(attribute) 392.91 69.67 T
-(assignment) 432.06 69.67 T
-(is) 484.05 69.67 T
-(attempted.) 493.87 69.67 T
-%%EndPage: "19" 25
-%%Page: "20" 26
-612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE
-0 FrameSetSepColors
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 10 Q
-0 X
-(20) 76.5 37.33 T
-1 11 Q
-(This) 112.5 712.67 T
-(is) 134.15 712.67 T
-(called) 143.58 712.67 T
-(instead) 171.94 712.67 T
-(of) 205.2 712.67 T
-(the) 216.46 712.67 T
-(normal) 231.99 712.67 T
-(mechanism) 265.25 712.67 T
-(\050i.e.) 317.45 712.67 T
-(instead) 336.65 712.67 T
-(of) 369.9 712.67 T
-(storing) 381.16 712.67 T
-(the) 413.81 712.67 T
-(value) 429.35 712.67 T
-(in) 455.27 712.67 T
-(the) 465.92 712.67 T
-(instance) 481.45 712.67 T
-(dictionary\051.) 112.5 699.67 T
-2 F
-(name) 166.27 699.67 T
-1 F
-( is the attribute name,) 192.67 699.67 T
-2 F
-(value) 290.44 699.67 T
-1 F
-( is the value to be assigned to it.) 323.44 699.67 T
-(If) 112.5 682.67 T
-2 F
-(__setattr__) 124.12 682.67 T
-1 F
-(wants) 201.02 682.67 T
-(to) 230.99 682.67 T
-(assign) 243.85 682.67 T
-(to) 275.64 682.67 T
-(an) 288.5 682.67 T
-(instance) 303.18 682.67 T
-(attribute,) 343.53 682.67 T
-(it) 387.24 682.67 T
-(should) 397.66 682.67 T
-3 F
-(not) 431.3 682.67 T
-1 F
-(simply) 449.65 682.67 T
-(execute) 483.91 682.67 T
-(\324\324) 112.5 669.67 T
-2 F
-(self.) 119.83 669.67 T
-3 F
-(name) 152.83 669.67 T
-2 F
-(=) 183.9 669.67 T
-(value) 197.75 669.67 T
-1 F
-(\325\325) 230.75 669.67 T
-(\321) 241.09 669.67 T
-(this) 255.11 669.67 T
-(would) 274.03 669.67 T
-(cause) 304.55 669.67 T
-(a) 332 669.67 T
-(recursive) 339.9 669.67 T
-(call) 383.24 669.67 T
-(to) 402.14 669.67 T
-(itself.) 413.72 669.67 T
-(Instead,) 441.49 669.67 T
-(it) 479.03 669.67 T
-(should) 488.16 669.67 T
-(insert the value in the dictionary of instance attributes, e.g.) 112.5 656.67 T
-(\324\324) 112.5 643.67 T
-2 F
-(self.__dict__[name]) 119.83 643.67 T
-(=) 251.83 643.67 T
-(value) 265.03 643.67 T
-1 F
-(\325\325.) 298.03 643.67 T
-2 F
-(__delattr__\050self, name\051) 76.5 624.67 T
-1 F
-(Like) 234.9 624.67 T
-2 F
-(__setattr__) 257.48 624.67 T
-1 F
-(but) 332.5 624.67 T
-(for) 348.98 624.67 T
-(attribute) 364.23 624.67 T
-(deletion) 403.31 624.67 T
-(instead) 441.17 624.67 T
-(of) 474.75 624.67 T
-(assign-) 486.34 624.67 T
-(ment.) 112.5 611.67 T
-0 12 Q
-(3.3.3) 76.5 586 T
-(Emulating callable objects) 121.5 586 T
-2 11 Q
-(__call__\050self, [args...]\051) 76.5 566.67 T
-1 F
-(Called) 248.1 566.67 T
-(when) 278.82 566.67 T
-(the) 304.64 566.67 T
-(instance) 320.07 566.67 T
-(is) 358.11 566.67 T
-(\322called\323) 367.45 566.67 T
-(as) 405.48 566.67 T
-(a) 416.64 566.67 T
-(function;) 423.52 566.67 T
-(if) 465.23 566.67 T
-(this) 473.95 566.67 T
-(meth-) 491.84 566.67 T
-(od) 112.5 553.67 T
-(is) 126.02 553.67 T
-(defined,) 135.88 553.67 T
-2 F
-(x\050arg1,) 174.13 553.67 T
-(arg2,) 226.38 553.67 T
-(...\051) 265.43 553.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 294.35 553.67 T
-(a) 304.2 553.67 T
-(shorthand) 311.61 553.67 T
-(for) 357.51 553.67 T
-2 F
-(x.__call__\050arg1,) 372.85 553.67 T
-(arg2,) 484.5 553.67 T
-(...\051) 112.5 540.67 T
-1 F
-(.) 138.9 540.67 T
-0 12 Q
-(3.3.4) 76.5 515 T
-(Emulating sequence and mapping types) 121.5 515 T
-1 11 Q
-(The) 76.5 489.67 T
-(following) 95.98 489.67 T
-(methods) 141.14 489.67 T
-(can) 180.8 489.67 T
-(be) 198.44 489.67 T
-(defined) 211.21 489.67 T
-(to) 246.57 489.67 T
-(emulate) 257.51 489.67 T
-(sequence) 294.71 489.67 T
-(or) 337.4 489.67 T
-(mapping) 348.95 489.67 T
-(objects.) 389.82 489.67 T
-(The) 426.11 489.67 T
-(first) 445.6 489.67 T
-(set) 465.7 489.67 T
-(of) 480.3 489.67 T
-(meth-) 491.84 489.67 T
-(ods) 76.5 476.67 T
-(is) 94.04 476.67 T
-(used) 103.64 476.67 T
-(either) 126.06 476.67 T
-(to) 153.37 476.67 T
-(emulate) 164.19 476.67 T
-(a) 201.28 476.67 T
-(sequence) 208.42 476.67 T
-(or) 251 476.67 T
-(to) 262.42 476.67 T
-(emulate) 273.24 476.67 T
-(a) 310.33 476.67 T
-(mapping;) 317.48 476.67 T
-(the) 361.3 476.67 T
-(difference) 377 476.67 T
-(is) 423.84 476.67 T
-(that) 433.44 476.67 T
-(for) 452.2 476.67 T
-(a) 467.29 476.67 T
-(sequence,) 474.43 476.67 T
-(t) 76.5 463.67 T
-(h) 79.63 463.67 T
-(e) 85.21 463.67 T
-(a) 93.4 463.67 T
-(l) 98.36 463.67 T
-(l) 101.49 463.67 T
-(o) 104.62 463.67 T
-(w) 110.2 463.67 T
-(a) 118.21 463.67 T
-(b) 123.17 463.67 T
-(l) 128.74 463.67 T
-(e) 131.88 463.67 T
-(k) 140.07 463.67 T
-(e) 145.65 463.67 T
-(y) 150.6 463.67 T
-(s) 156.18 463.67 T
-(s) 163.77 463.67 T
-(h) 168.12 463.67 T
-(o) 173.69 463.67 T
-(u) 179.27 463.67 T
-(l) 184.84 463.67 T
-(d) 187.97 463.67 T
-(b) 196.78 463.67 T
-(e) 202.36 463.67 T
-(t) 210.55 463.67 T
-(h) 213.68 463.67 T
-(e) 219.26 463.67 T
-(i) 227.45 463.67 T
-(n) 230.58 463.67 T
-(t) 236.16 463.67 T
-(e) 239.29 463.67 T
-(g) 244.25 463.67 T
-(e) 249.82 463.67 T
-(r) 254.78 463.67 T
-(s) 258.52 463.67 T
-3 F
-(k) 266.11 463.67 T
-1 F
-(f) 274.3 463.67 T
-(o) 278.04 463.67 T
-(r) 283.61 463.67 T
-(w) 290.58 463.67 T
-(h) 298.6 463.67 T
-(i) 304.17 463.67 T
-(c) 307.31 463.67 T
-(h) 312.27 463.67 T
-(0) 321.08 463.67 T
-2 F
-(<) 329.89 463.67 T
-(=) 336.56 463.67 T
-3 F
-(k) 346.47 463.67 T
-2 F
-(<) 354.66 463.67 T
-3 F
-(N) 364.58 463.67 T
-1 F
-(w) 375.22 463.67 T
-(h) 383.24 463.67 T
-(e) 388.81 463.67 T
-(r) 393.77 463.67 T
-(e) 397.51 463.67 T
-3 F
-(N) 405.7 463.67 T
-1 F
-(i) 416.35 463.67 T
-(s) 419.48 463.67 T
-(t) 427.07 463.67 T
-(h) 430.2 463.67 T
-(e) 435.78 463.67 T
-(l) 443.97 463.67 T
-(e) 447.1 463.67 T
-(n) 452.06 463.67 T
-(g) 457.64 463.67 T
-(t) 463.21 463.67 T
-(h) 466.34 463.67 T
-(o) 475.15 463.67 T
-(f) 480.73 463.67 T
-(t) 487.7 463.67 T
-(h) 490.83 463.67 T
-(e) 496.4 463.67 T
-(s) 504.6 463.67 T
-(e) 508.95 463.67 T
-(-) 513.91 463.67 T
-(quence,) 76.5 450.67 T
-(and) 112.64 450.67 T
-(the) 130.75 450.67 T
-(method) 146.43 450.67 T
-2 F
-(__getslice__) 181.66 450.67 T
-1 F
-(\050see) 263.09 450.67 T
-(below\051) 283.04 450.67 T
-(should) 315.82 450.67 T
-(be) 347.39 450.67 T
-(defined.) 360 450.67 T
-(It) 397.97 450.67 T
-(is) 406.93 450.67 T
-(also) 416.5 450.67 T
-(recommended) 436.45 450.67 T
-(that) 501 450.67 T
-(mappings) 76.5 437.67 T
-(provide) 121.87 437.67 T
-(methods) 158.07 437.67 T
-2 F
-(keys) 197.94 437.67 T
-1 F
-(,) 224.34 437.67 T
-2 F
-(values) 229.69 437.67 T
-1 F
-(and) 271.88 437.67 T
-2 F
-(items) 290.36 437.67 T
-1 F
-(behaving) 325.95 437.67 T
-(similar) 368.87 437.67 T
-(to) 402.02 437.67 T
-(those) 413.17 437.67 T
-(for) 438.99 437.67 T
-(Python\325s) 454.41 437.67 T
-(stan-) 496.12 437.67 T
-(d) 76.5 424.67 T
-(a) 82.2 424.67 T
-(r) 87.28 424.67 T
-(d) 91.14 424.67 T
-(d) 100.19 424.67 T
-(i) 105.89 424.67 T
-(c) 109.14 424.67 T
-(t) 114.22 424.67 T
-(i) 117.48 424.67 T
-(o) 120.73 424.67 T
-(n) 126.43 424.67 T
-(a) 132.12 424.67 T
-(r) 137.21 424.67 T
-(y) 141.07 424.67 T
-(o) 150.12 424.67 T
-(b) 155.82 424.67 T
-(j) 161.51 424.67 T
-(e) 164.77 424.67 T
-(c) 169.85 424.67 T
-(t) 174.93 424.67 T
-(s) 178.18 424.67 T
-(;) 182.66 424.67 T
-(m) 189.27 424.67 T
-(u) 198.03 424.67 T
-(t) 203.72 424.67 T
-(a) 206.98 424.67 T
-(b) 212.06 424.67 T
-(l) 217.75 424.67 T
-(e) 221.01 424.67 T
-(s) 229.45 424.67 T
-(e) 233.92 424.67 T
-(q) 239 424.67 T
-(u) 244.7 424.67 T
-(e) 250.4 424.67 T
-(n) 255.48 424.67 T
-(c) 261.17 424.67 T
-(e) 266.25 424.67 T
-(s) 271.33 424.67 T
-(s) 279.17 424.67 T
-(h) 283.64 424.67 T
-(o) 289.34 424.67 T
-(u) 295.04 424.67 T
-(l) 300.73 424.67 T
-(d) 303.99 424.67 T
-(p) 313.04 424.67 T
-(r) 318.74 424.67 T
-(o) 322.6 424.67 T
-(v) 328.3 424.67 T
-(i) 333.99 424.67 T
-(d) 337.25 424.67 T
-(e) 342.94 424.67 T
-(m) 351.38 424.67 T
-(e) 360.14 424.67 T
-(t) 365.22 424.67 T
-(h) 368.47 424.67 T
-(o) 374.17 424.67 T
-(d) 379.86 424.67 T
-(s) 385.56 424.67 T
-2 F
-(a) 393.4 424.67 T
-(p) 400.19 424.67 T
-(p) 406.99 424.67 T
-(e) 413.79 424.67 T
-(n) 420.58 424.67 T
-(d) 427.38 424.67 T
-1 F
-(,) 434.17 424.67 T
-2 F
-(c) 440.48 424.67 T
-(o) 447.28 424.67 T
-(u) 454.07 424.67 T
-(n) 460.87 424.67 T
-(t) 467.67 424.67 T
-1 F
-(,) 474.46 424.67 T
-2 F
-(i) 480.77 424.67 T
-(n) 487.56 424.67 T
-(d) 494.36 424.67 T
-(e) 501.16 424.67 T
-(x) 507.95 424.67 T
-1 F
-(,) 514.75 424.67 T
-2 F
-(i) 76.5 411.67 T
-(n) 83.1 411.67 T
-(s) 89.7 411.67 T
-(e) 96.3 411.67 T
-(r) 102.9 411.67 T
-(t) 109.5 411.67 T
-1 F
-(,) 116.11 411.67 T
-2 F
-(s) 122.02 411.67 T
-(o) 128.62 411.67 T
-(r) 135.22 411.67 T
-(t) 141.82 411.67 T
-1 F
-(,) 148.43 411.67 T
-2 F
-(r) 154.34 411.67 T
-(e) 160.94 411.67 T
-(m) 167.54 411.67 T
-(o) 174.14 411.67 T
-(v) 180.74 411.67 T
-(e) 187.35 411.67 T
-1 F
-(a) 197.11 411.67 T
-(n) 201.99 411.67 T
-(d) 207.5 411.67 T
-2 F
-(r) 216.16 411.67 T
-(e) 222.76 411.67 T
-(v) 229.36 411.67 T
-(e) 235.96 411.67 T
-(r) 242.57 411.67 T
-(s) 249.17 411.67 T
-(e) 255.77 411.67 T
-1 F
-(l) 265.53 411.67 T
-(i) 268.59 411.67 T
-(k) 271.65 411.67 T
-(e) 277.15 411.67 T
-(P) 285.2 411.67 T
-(y) 291.32 411.67 T
-(t) 296.82 411.67 T
-(h) 299.88 411.67 T
-(o) 305.38 411.67 T
-(n) 310.88 411.67 T
-(s) 319.54 411.67 T
-(t) 323.82 411.67 T
-(a) 326.88 411.67 T
-(n) 331.77 411.67 T
-(d) 337.27 411.67 T
-(a) 342.77 411.67 T
-(r) 347.65 411.67 T
-(d) 351.32 411.67 T
-(l) 359.98 411.67 T
-(i) 363.04 411.67 T
-(s) 366.1 411.67 T
-(t) 370.38 411.67 T
-(o) 376.61 411.67 T
-(b) 382.11 411.67 T
-(j) 387.61 411.67 T
-(e) 390.67 411.67 T
-(c) 395.55 411.67 T
-(t) 400.44 411.67 T
-(s) 403.49 411.67 T
-(.) 407.77 411.67 T
-(F) 413.69 411.67 T
-(i) 419.81 411.67 T
-(n) 422.87 411.67 T
-(a) 428.37 411.67 T
-(l) 433.25 411.67 T
-(l) 436.31 411.67 T
-(y) 439.37 411.67 T
-(,) 444.87 411.67 T
-(s) 450.79 411.67 T
-(e) 455.07 411.67 T
-(q) 459.95 411.67 T
-(u) 465.45 411.67 T
-(e) 470.95 411.67 T
-(n) 475.84 411.67 T
-(c) 481.34 411.67 T
-(e) 486.23 411.67 T
-(t) 494.27 411.67 T
-(y) 497.33 411.67 T
-(p) 502.83 411.67 T
-(e) 508.33 411.67 T
-(s) 513.22 411.67 T
-(s) 76.5 398.67 T
-(h) 80.79 398.67 T
-(o) 86.29 398.67 T
-(u) 91.8 398.67 T
-(l) 97.3 398.67 T
-(d) 100.37 398.67 T
-(i) 109.04 398.67 T
-(m) 112.11 398.67 T
-(p) 120.67 398.67 T
-(l) 126.18 398.67 T
-(e) 129.24 398.67 T
-(m) 134.13 398.67 T
-(e) 142.7 398.67 T
-(n) 147.59 398.67 T
-(t) 153.09 398.67 T
-(a) 159.32 398.67 T
-(d) 164.21 398.67 T
-(d) 169.72 398.67 T
-(i) 175.23 398.67 T
-(t) 178.29 398.67 T
-(i) 181.36 398.67 T
-(o) 184.42 398.67 T
-(n) 189.93 398.67 T
-(\050) 198.6 398.67 T
-(m) 202.27 398.67 T
-(e) 210.84 398.67 T
-(a) 215.73 398.67 T
-(n) 220.62 398.67 T
-(i) 226.12 398.67 T
-(n) 229.19 398.67 T
-(g) 234.69 398.67 T
-(c) 243.37 398.67 T
-(o) 248.26 398.67 T
-(n) 253.76 398.67 T
-(c) 259.27 398.67 T
-(a) 264.16 398.67 T
-(t) 269.05 398.67 T
-(e) 272.11 398.67 T
-(n) 277 398.67 T
-(a) 282.51 398.67 T
-(t) 287.4 398.67 T
-(i) 290.46 398.67 T
-(o) 293.53 398.67 T
-(n) 299.04 398.67 T
-(\051) 304.54 398.67 T
-(a) 311.38 398.67 T
-(n) 316.27 398.67 T
-(d) 321.77 398.67 T
-(m) 330.45 398.67 T
-(u) 339.01 398.67 T
-(l) 344.52 398.67 T
-(t) 347.58 398.67 T
-(i) 350.65 398.67 T
-(p) 353.71 398.67 T
-(l) 359.22 398.67 T
-(i) 362.28 398.67 T
-(c) 365.35 398.67 T
-(a) 370.24 398.67 T
-(t) 375.13 398.67 T
-(i) 378.19 398.67 T
-(o) 381.26 398.67 T
-(n) 386.76 398.67 T
-(\050) 395.44 398.67 T
-(m) 399.11 398.67 T
-(e) 407.67 398.67 T
-(a) 412.56 398.67 T
-(n) 417.45 398.67 T
-(i) 422.96 398.67 T
-(n) 426.02 398.67 T
-(g) 431.53 398.67 T
-(r) 440.2 398.67 T
-(e) 443.87 398.67 T
-(p) 448.76 398.67 T
-(e) 454.27 398.67 T
-(t) 459.16 398.67 T
-(i) 462.22 398.67 T
-(t) 465.29 398.67 T
-(i) 468.35 398.67 T
-(o) 471.42 398.67 T
-(n) 476.92 398.67 T
-(\051) 482.43 398.67 T
-(b) 489.27 398.67 T
-(y) 494.77 398.67 T
-(d) 503.45 398.67 T
-(e) 508.95 398.67 T
-(-) 513.84 398.67 T
-(fining) 76.5 385.67 T
-(the) 104.98 385.67 T
-(methods) 120.63 385.67 T
-2 F
-(__add__) 160.11 385.67 T
-1 F
-(,) 206.31 385.67 T
-2 F
-(__radd__) 211.27 385.67 T
-1 F
-(,) 264.07 385.67 T
-2 F
-(__mul__) 269.02 385.67 T
-1 F
-(and) 317.42 385.67 T
-2 F
-(__rmul__) 335.51 385.67 T
-1 F
-(described) 390.52 385.67 T
-(below;) 434.87 385.67 T
-(they) 467.02 385.67 T
-(should) 488.16 385.67 T
-(not define) 76.5 372.67 T
-2 F
-(__coerce__) 123.55 372.67 T
-1 F
-( or other numerical operators.) 189.55 372.67 T
-2 F
-(__len__\050self\051) 76.5 353.67 T
-1 F
-(Called) 168.9 353.67 T
-(to) 199.71 353.67 T
-(implement) 210.35 353.67 T
-(the) 259.49 353.67 T
-(built-in) 275.02 353.67 T
-(function) 309.5 353.67 T
-2 F
-(len\050\051) 348.25 353.67 T
-1 F
-(.) 381.25 353.67 T
-(Should) 386.08 353.67 T
-(return) 419.34 353.67 T
-(the) 447.7 353.67 T
-(length) 463.22 353.67 T
-(of) 492.81 353.67 T
-(the) 504.06 353.67 T
-(object,) 112.5 340.67 T
-(an) 145.67 340.67 T
-(integer) 159.58 340.67 T
-2 F
-(>=) 193.66 340.67 T
-1 F
-(0.) 210.39 340.67 T
-(Also,) 222.17 340.67 T
-(an) 249.24 340.67 T
-(object) 263.15 340.67 T
-(that) 293.57 340.67 T
-(doesn\325t) 313.6 340.67 T
-(define) 349.52 340.67 T
-(a) 380.54 340.67 T
-2 F
-(__nonzero__) 388.95 340.67 T
-1 F
-(method) 465.08 340.67 T
-(and) 501.61 340.67 T
-(whose) 112.5 327.67 T
-2 F
-(__len__) 143.35 327.67 T
-1 F
-( method returns zero is considered to be false in a Boolean context.) 189.55 327.67 T
-2 F
-(__getitem__\050self, key\051) 76.5 308.67 T
-1 F
-(Called) 228.3 308.67 T
-(to) 259.03 308.67 T
-(implement) 269.6 308.67 T
-(evaluation) 318.66 308.67 T
-(of) 366.49 308.67 T
-2 F
-(self[key]) 377.67 308.67 T
-1 F
-(.) 437.07 308.67 T
-(Note) 441.82 308.67 T
-(that) 465.22 308.67 T
-(the) 483.72 308.67 T
-(spe-) 499.17 308.67 T
-(cial) 112.5 295.67 T
-(interpretation) 130.82 295.67 T
-(of) 192.53 295.67 T
-(negative) 204.13 295.67 T
-(indices) 243.84 295.67 T
-(\050if) 277.44 295.67 T
-(the) 290.26 295.67 T
-(class) 306.14 295.67 T
-(wishes) 329.96 295.67 T
-(to) 362.35 295.67 T
-(emulate) 373.34 295.67 T
-(a) 410.61 295.67 T
-(sequence) 417.93 295.67 T
-(type\051) 460.68 295.67 T
-(is) 485.73 295.67 T
-(up) 495.5 295.67 T
-(to) 508.94 295.67 T
-(the) 112.5 282.67 T
-2 F
-(__getitem__) 128.69 282.67 T
-1 F
-( method.) 201.29 282.67 T
-2 F
-(__setitem__\050self, key, value\051) 76.5 263.67 T
-1 F
-(Called) 274.5 263.67 T
-(to) 305.56 263.67 T
-(implement) 316.45 263.67 T
-(assignment) 365.84 263.67 T
-(to) 417.68 263.67 T
-2 F
-(self[key]) 428.57 263.67 T
-1 F
-(.) 487.97 263.67 T
-(Same) 493.06 263.67 T
-(note as for) 112.5 250.67 T
-2 F
-(__getitem__) 161.68 250.67 T
-1 F
-(.) 234.28 250.67 T
-2 F
-(__delitem__\050self, key\051) 76.5 231.67 T
-1 F
-(Called) 228.3 231.67 T
-(to) 260.66 231.67 T
-(implement) 272.85 231.67 T
-(deletion) 323.55 231.67 T
-(of) 362.63 231.67 T
-2 F
-(self[key]) 375.43 231.67 T
-1 F
-(.) 434.83 231.67 T
-(Same) 441.21 231.67 T
-(note) 469.29 231.67 T
-(as) 491.87 231.67 T
-(for) 504.67 231.67 T
-2 F
-(__getitem__) 112.5 218.67 T
-1 F
-(.) 185.1 218.67 T
-0 F
-( 76.5 196.67 T
-(Additional methods for emulation of sequence types) 121.5 196.67 T
-1 F
-(The) 76.5 171.67 T
-(following) 95.97 171.67 T
-(methods) 141.11 171.67 T
-(can) 180.75 171.67 T
-(be) 198.38 171.67 T
-(defined) 211.13 171.67 T
-(to) 246.48 171.67 T
-(further) 257.4 171.67 T
-(emulate) 289.7 171.67 T
-(sequence) 326.89 171.67 T
-(objects.) 369.57 171.67 T
-(For) 405.84 171.67 T
-(immutable) 423.48 171.67 T
-(sequences) 472.91 171.67 T
-(methods,) 76.5 158.67 T
-(only) 119.13 158.67 T
-2 F
-(__getslice__) 141.29 158.67 T
-1 F
-(should) 223.09 158.67 T
-(be) 255.03 158.67 T
-(defined;) 268.02 158.67 T
-(for) 306.67 158.67 T
-(mutable) 322.1 158.67 T
-(sequences,) 360.14 158.67 T
-(all) 410.09 158.67 T
-(three) 423.69 158.67 T
-(methods) 448.28 158.67 T
-(should) 488.16 158.67 T
-(be defined.) 76.5 145.67 T
-2 F
-(__getslice__\050self, i, j\051) 76.5 126.67 T
-1 F
-(Called) 241.5 126.67 T
-(to) 273.19 126.67 T
-(implement) 284.71 126.67 T
-(evaluation) 334.74 126.67 T
-(of) 383.53 126.67 T
-2 F
-(self[i:j]) 395.66 126.67 T
-1 F
-(.) 455.06 126.67 T
-(The) 460.78 126.67 T
-(returned) 480.85 126.67 T
-(object) 112.5 113.67 T
-(should) 142.29 113.67 T
-(be) 174.52 113.67 T
-(of) 187.81 113.67 T
-(the) 199.88 113.67 T
-(same) 216.22 113.67 T
-(type) 241.73 113.67 T
-(as) 263.57 113.67 T
-2 F
-(self) 275.64 113.67 T
-1 F
-(.) 302.04 113.67 T
-(Note) 307.69 113.67 T
-(that) 331.98 113.67 T
-(missing) 351.38 113.67 T
-2 F
-(i) 388.51 113.67 T
-1 F
-(or) 398.02 113.67 T
-2 F
-(j) 410.08 113.67 T
-1 F
-(in) 419.58 113.67 T
-(the) 431.04 113.67 T
-(slice) 447.39 113.67 T
-(expression) 470.45 113.67 T
-(are) 112.5 100.67 T
-(replaced) 128.46 100.67 T
-(by) 168.25 100.67 T
-(0) 181.78 100.67 T
-(or) 189.82 100.67 T
-2 F
-(sys.maxint) 201.51 100.67 T
-1 F
-(,) 267.51 100.67 T
-(respectively,) 272.79 100.67 T
-(and) 331.23 100.67 T
-(no) 349.64 100.67 T
-(further) 363.17 100.67 T
-(transformations) 395.64 100.67 T
-(on) 467.21 100.67 T
-(the) 480.75 100.67 T
-(indi-) 496.72 100.67 T
-(ces) 112.5 87.67 T
-(is) 128.77 87.67 T
-(performed) 138.32 87.67 T
-(\050the) 186.35 87.67 T
-(implementation) 205.68 87.67 T
-(of) 276.96 87.67 T
-(negative) 288.34 87.67 T
-(indices) 327.82 87.67 T
-(is) 361.21 87.67 T
-(up) 370.76 87.67 T
-(to) 383.98 87.67 T
-(the) 394.76 87.67 T
-2 F
-(__getslice__) 410.42 87.67 T
-1 F
-(meth-) 491.84 87.67 T
-(od.) 112.5 74.67 T
-%%EndPage: "20" 26
-%%Page: "21" 27
-612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE
-0 FrameSetSepColors
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 10 Q
-0 X
-(21) 530 37.33 T
-585 292.5 598.5 720 R
-5 9 Q
-(\245) 0 270 592.5 720 TF
-(Data model) 0 270 592.5 711 TF
-585 292.5 598.5 720 R
-2 11 Q
-(__setslice__\050self, i, j, sequence\051) 99 712.67 T
-1 F
-(Called) 330 712.67 T
-(to) 359.81 712.67 T
-(implement) 369.46 712.67 T
-(assignment) 417.61 712.67 T
-(to) 468.2 712.67 T
-2 F
-(self[i:j]) 477.85 712.67 T
-1 F
-(.) 537.25 712.67 T
-(The) 135 699.67 T
-2 F
-(sequence) 154.69 699.67 T
-1 F
-(argument) 210.08 699.67 T
-(can) 254.21 699.67 T
-(have) 272.06 699.67 T
-(any) 295.42 699.67 T
-(type.) 313.89 699.67 T
-(The) 338.17 699.67 T
-(return) 357.86 699.67 T
-(value) 386.71 699.67 T
-(should) 413.12 699.67 T
-(be) 445.05 699.67 T
-2 F
-(None) 458.02 699.67 T
-1 F
-(.) 484.42 699.67 T
-(Same) 489.75 699.67 T
-(notes) 516.78 699.67 T
-(for) 135 686.67 T
-2 F
-(i) 150.58 686.67 T
-1 F
-( and) 157.18 686.67 T
-2 F
-(j) 178.56 686.67 T
-1 F
-( as for) 185.16 686.67 T
-2 F
-(__getslice__) 215.4 686.67 T
-1 F
-(.) 294.6 686.67 T
-2 F
-(__delslice__\050self, i, j\051) 99 667.67 T
-1 F
-(Called) 264 667.67 T
-(to) 294.7 667.67 T
-(implement) 305.24 667.67 T
-(deletion) 354.28 667.67 T
-(of) 391.7 667.67 T
-2 F
-(self[i:j]) 402.84 667.67 T
-1 F
-(.) 462.24 667.67 T
-(Same) 466.97 667.67 T
-(notes) 493.39 667.67 T
-(for) 518.59 667.67 T
-2 F
-(i) 533.4 667.67 T
-1 F
-(and) 135 654.67 T
-2 F
-(j) 153.63 654.67 T
-1 F
-( as for) 160.23 654.67 T
-2 F
-(__getslice__) 190.47 654.67 T
-1 F
-(.) 269.67 654.67 T
-(Notice) 99 629.67 T
-(that) 131.15 629.67 T
-(these) 150.48 629.67 T
-(methods) 175.91 629.67 T
-(are) 216.01 629.67 T
-(only) 232.27 629.67 T
-(invoked) 254.65 629.67 T
-(when) 292.92 629.67 T
-(a) 319.57 629.67 T
-(single) 327.28 629.67 T
-(slice) 356.38 629.67 T
-(with) 379.37 629.67 T
-(a) 401.75 629.67 T
-(single) 409.46 629.67 T
-(colon) 438.57 629.67 T
-(is) 465.83 629.67 T
-(used.) 475.99 629.67 T
-(For) 501.73 629.67 T
-(slice) 519.84 629.67 T
-(operations) 99 616.67 T
-(involving) 147.9 616.67 T
-3 F
-(extended) 193.15 616.67 T
-(slice) 235.32 616.67 T
-(notation) 258.56 616.67 T
-1 F
-(,) 295.23 616.67 T
-2 F
-(__getitem__) 301.06 616.67 T
-1 F
-(,) 373.66 616.67 T
-2 F
-(__setitem__) 379.49 616.67 T
-1 F
-(or) 455.16 616.67 T
-2 F
-(__delitem__) 467.4 616.67 T
-1 F
-(is called.) 99 603.67 T
-0 12 Q
-(3.3.5) 99 578 T
-(Emulating numeric types) 144 578 T
-1 11 Q
-(The) 99 552.67 T
-(following) 118.7 552.67 T
-(methods) 164.08 552.67 T
-(can) 203.96 552.67 T
-(be) 221.82 552.67 T
-(defined) 234.8 552.67 T
-(to) 270.39 552.67 T
-(emulate) 281.55 552.67 T
-(numeric) 318.97 552.67 T
-(objects.) 357.61 552.67 T
-(Methods) 394.12 552.67 T
-(corresponding) 435.22 552.67 T
-(to) 500.75 552.67 T
-(opera-) 511.91 552.67 T
-(tions) 99 539.67 T
-(that) 122.6 539.67 T
-(are) 141.31 539.67 T
-(not) 156.95 539.67 T
-(supported) 173.22 539.67 T
-(by) 218.82 539.67 T
-(the) 232.02 539.67 T
-(particular) 247.68 539.67 T
-(kind) 292.04 539.67 T
-(of) 313.8 539.67 T
-(number) 325.18 539.67 T
-(implemented) 360.99 539.67 T
-(\050e.g.,) 420.64 539.67 T
-(bitwise) 445.15 539.67 T
-(operations) 479.14 539.67 T
-(for) 527.17 539.67 T
-(non-integral numbers\051 should be left undefined.) 99 526.67 T
-2 F
-(__add__\050self, right\051) 99 507.67 T
-(__sub__\050self, right\051) 99 494.67 T
-(__mul__\050self, right\051) 99 481.67 T
-(__div__\050self, right\051) 99 468.67 T
-(__mod__\050self, right\051) 99 455.67 T
-(__divmod__\050self, right\051) 99 442.67 T
-(__pow__\050self, right\051) 99 429.67 T
-(__lshift__\050self, right\051) 99 416.67 T
-(__rshift__\050self, right\051) 99 403.67 T
-(__and__\050self, right\051) 99 390.67 T
-(__xor__\050self, right\051) 99 377.67 T
-(__or__\050self, right\051) 99 364.67 T
-1 F
-(These) 135 351.67 T
-(functions) 164.45 351.67 T
-(are) 208.58 351.67 T
-(called) 225.2 351.67 T
-(to) 254.65 351.67 T
-(implement) 266.39 351.67 T
-(the) 316.64 351.67 T
-(binary) 333.26 351.67 T
-(arithmetic) 364.55 351.67 T
-(operations) 412.34 351.67 T
-(\050+,) 461.35 351.67 T
-(-,) 477.15 351.67 T
-(*,) 486.75 351.67 T
-(/,) 498.19 351.67 T
-(%,) 507.18 351.67 T
-(div-) 522.28 351.67 T
-(mod\050\051,) 135 338.67 T
-(pow\050\051,) 168.05 338.67 T
-(<<,) 200.48 338.67 T
-(>>,) 219.06 338.67 T
-(&,) 237.63 338.67 T
-(^,) 252.36 338.67 T
-(|\051.) 263.68 338.67 T
-(For) 275.71 338.67 T
-(instance:) 294.4 338.67 T
-(to) 336.92 338.67 T
-(evaluate) 348.9 338.67 T
-(the) 388.97 338.67 T
-(expression) 405.83 338.67 T
-(x+y,) 456.29 338.67 T
-(where) 479.66 338.67 T
-(x) 509.95 338.67 T
-(is) 518.86 338.67 T
-(an) 529.61 338.67 T
-(instance of a class that has an __add__ method, x.__add__\050y\051 is called.) 135 325.67 T
-2 F
-(__radd__\050self, left\051) 99 306.67 T
-(__rsub__\050self, left\051) 99 293.67 T
-(__rmul__\050self, left\051) 99 280.67 T
-(__rdiv__\050self, left\051) 99 267.67 T
-(__rmod__\050self, left\051) 99 254.67 T
-(__rdivmod__\050self, left\051) 99 241.67 T
-(__rpow__\050self, left\051) 99 228.67 T
-(__rlshift__\050self, left\051) 99 215.67 T
-(__rrshift__\050self, left\051) 99 202.67 T
-(__rand__\050self, left\051) 99 189.67 T
-(__rxor__\050self, left\051) 99 176.67 T
-(__ror__\050self, left\051) 99 163.67 T
-1 F
-(These) 232.45 163.67 T
-(functions) 260.17 163.67 T
-(are) 302.56 163.67 T
-(called) 317.44 163.67 T
-(to) 345.16 163.67 T
-(implement) 355.17 163.67 T
-(the) 403.67 163.67 T
-(binary) 418.56 163.67 T
-(arithmetic) 448.12 163.67 T
-(operations) 494.17 163.67 T
-(\050) 135 150.67 T
-2 F
-(+) 138.66 150.67 T
-1 F
-(,) 145.26 150.67 T
-2 F
-(-) 150.26 150.67 T
-1 F
-(,) 156.86 150.67 T
-2 F
-(*) 161.85 150.67 T
-1 F
-(,) 168.46 150.67 T
-2 F
-(/) 173.45 150.67 T
-1 F
-(,) 180.05 150.67 T
-2 F
-(%) 185.05 150.67 T
-1 F
-(,) 191.65 150.67 T
-2 F
-(divmod\050\051) 196.64 150.67 T
-1 F
-(,) 249.44 150.67 T
-2 F
-(pow\050\051) 254.44 150.67 T
-1 F
-(,) 287.44 150.67 T
-2 F
-(<<) 292.44 150.67 T
-1 F
-(,) 305.64 150.67 T
-2 F
-(>>) 310.63 150.67 T
-1 F
-(,) 323.83 150.67 T
-2 F
-(&) 328.83 150.67 T
-1 F
-(,) 335.43 150.67 T
-2 F
-(^) 340.42 150.67 T
-1 F
-(,) 347.02 150.67 T
-2 F
-(|) 352.02 150.67 T
-1 F
-(\051) 358.62 150.67 T
-(with) 364.53 150.67 T
-(reversed) 386.33 150.67 T
-(operands.) 425.84 150.67 T
-(These) 470.54 150.67 T
-(functions) 499.06 150.67 T
-(are) 135 137.67 T
-(only) 150.8 137.67 T
-(called) 172.73 137.67 T
-(if) 201.37 137.67 T
-(the) 210.47 137.67 T
-(left) 226.28 137.67 T
-(operand) 243.32 137.67 T
-(does) 281.12 137.67 T
-(not) 303.65 137.67 T
-(support) 320.08 137.67 T
-(the) 355.46 137.67 T
-(corresponding) 371.27 137.67 T
-(operation.) 436.57 137.67 T
-(For) 483.24 137.67 T
-(instance:) 500.89 137.67 T
-(to) 135 124.67 T
-(evaluate) 148.02 124.67 T
-(the) 189.14 124.67 T
-(expression) 207.05 124.67 T
-(x+y,) 258.56 124.67 T
-(where) 282.98 124.67 T
-(x) 314.32 124.67 T
-(is) 324.28 124.67 T
-(an) 336.08 124.67 T
-(instance) 350.93 124.67 T
-(of) 391.44 124.67 T
-(a) 405.07 124.67 T
-(class) 414.42 124.67 T
-(that) 440.27 124.67 T
-(does) 461.23 124.67 T
-(not) 485.86 124.67 T
-(have) 504.38 124.67 T
-(an) 529.61 124.67 T
-2 F
-(__add__) 135 111.67 T
-1 F
-( method,) 181.2 111.67 T
-2 F
-(y.__radd\050x\051) 222.45 111.67 T
-1 F
-( is called.) 295.05 111.67 T
-2 F
-(__neg__\050self\051) 99 92.67 T
-(__pos__\050self\051) 99 79.67 T
-(__abs__\050self\051) 99 66.67 T
-%%EndPage: "21" 27
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-612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE
-0 FrameSetSepColors
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 10 Q
-0 X
-(22) 76.5 37.33 T
-2 11 Q
-(__invert__\050self\051) 76.5 712.67 T
-1 F
-(Called) 191.31 712.67 T
-(to) 222.63 712.67 T
-(implement) 233.8 712.67 T
-(the) 283.46 712.67 T
-(unary) 299.51 712.67 T
-(arithmetic) 327.17 712.67 T
-(operations) 374.38 712.67 T
-(\050) 422.81 712.67 T
-2 F
-(-) 426.48 712.67 T
-1 F
-(,) 433.08 712.67 T
-2 F
-(+) 438.43 712.67 T
-1 F
-(,) 445.03 712.67 T
-2 F
-(abs\050\051) 450.39 712.67 T
-1 F
-(and) 486 712.67 T
-2 F
-(~) 504.49 712.67 T
-1 F
-(\051.) 511.09 712.67 T
-2 F
-(__int__\050self\051) 76.5 693.67 T
-(__long__\050self\051) 76.5 680.67 T
-(__float__\050self\051) 76.5 667.67 T
-1 F
-(Called) 184.51 667.67 T
-(to) 215.64 667.67 T
-(implement) 226.61 667.67 T
-(the) 276.08 667.67 T
-(built-in) 291.93 667.67 T
-(functions) 326.73 667.67 T
-2 F
-(int\050\051) 370.09 667.67 T
-1 F
-(,) 403.09 667.67 T
-2 F
-(long\050\051) 408.25 667.67 T
-1 F
-(and) 450.26 667.67 T
-2 F
-(float\050\051) 468.55 667.67 T
-1 F
-(.) 514.75 667.67 T
-(Should return a value of the appropriate type.) 112.5 654.67 T
-2 F
-(__oct__\050self\051) 76.5 635.67 T
-(__hex__\050self\051) 76.5 622.67 T
-1 F
-(Called) 171.44 622.67 T
-(to) 202.71 622.67 T
-(implement) 213.81 622.67 T
-(the) 263.41 622.67 T
-(built-in) 279.4 622.67 T
-(functions) 314.34 622.67 T
-2 F
-(oct\050\051) 357.82 622.67 T
-1 F
-(and) 393.36 622.67 T
-2 F
-(hex\050\051) 411.79 622.67 T
-1 F
-(.) 444.79 622.67 T
-(Should) 450.09 622.67 T
-(return) 483.8 622.67 T
-(a) 512.62 622.67 T
-(string value.) 112.5 609.67 T
-2 F
-(__coerce__\050self, other\051) 76.5 590.67 T
-1 F
-(Called) 234.9 590.67 T
-(to) 266.67 590.67 T
-(implement) 278.28 590.67 T
-(\322mixed-mode\323) 328.39 590.67 T
-(numeric) 396.82 590.67 T
-(arithmetic.) 435.92 590.67 T
-(Should) 486.33 590.67 T
-(either) 112.5 577.67 T
-(return) 139.95 577.67 T
-(a) 168.63 577.67 T
-(2-tuple) 175.92 577.67 T
-(containing) 209.49 577.67 T
-2 F
-(self) 258.34 577.67 T
-1 F
-(and) 287.14 577.67 T
-2 F
-(other) 305.43 577.67 T
-1 F
-(converted) 340.84 577.67 T
-(to) 386.62 577.67 T
-(a) 397.59 577.67 T
-(common) 404.88 577.67 T
-(numeric) 445.78 577.67 T
-(type,) 484.24 577.67 T
-(or) 508.34 577.67 T
-2 F
-(None) 112.5 564.67 T
-1 F
-(if) 141.9 564.67 T
-(no) 151.62 564.67 T
-(conversion) 165.62 564.67 T
-(is) 216.89 564.67 T
-(possible.) 227.23 564.67 T
-(When) 269.04 564.67 T
-(the) 298.31 564.67 T
-(common) 314.75 564.67 T
-(type) 356.25 564.67 T
-(would) 378.2 564.67 T
-(be) 408.7 564.67 T
-(the) 422.08 564.67 T
-(type) 438.52 564.67 T
-(of) 460.47 564.67 T
-2 F
-(other) 472.63 564.67 T
-1 F
-(,) 505.63 564.67 T
-(it) 511.38 564.67 T
-(is) 112.5 551.67 T
-(sufficient) 123.05 551.67 T
-(to) 167.81 551.67 T
-(return) 179.58 551.67 T
-2 F
-(None) 209.06 551.67 T
-1 F
-(,) 235.46 551.67 T
-(since) 241.42 551.67 T
-(the) 267.24 551.67 T
-(interpreter) 283.9 551.67 T
-(will) 332.92 551.67 T
-(also) 353.25 551.67 T
-(ask) 374.19 551.67 T
-(the) 392.06 551.67 T
-(other) 408.72 551.67 T
-(object) 434.54 551.67 T
-(to) 464.63 551.67 T
-(attempt) 476.4 551.67 T
-(a) 512.62 551.67 T
-(coercion) 112.5 538.67 T
-(\050but) 152.73 538.67 T
-(sometimes,) 172.8 538.67 T
-(if) 224.97 538.67 T
-(the) 234.04 538.67 T
-(implementation) 249.84 538.67 T
-(of) 321.26 538.67 T
-(the) 332.77 538.67 T
-(other) 348.57 538.67 T
-(type) 373.53 538.67 T
-(cannot) 394.83 538.67 T
-(be) 426.51 538.67 T
-(changed,) 439.25 538.67 T
-(it) 481.01 538.67 T
-(is) 489.48 538.67 T
-(use-) 499.17 538.67 T
-(ful to do the conversion to the other type here\051.) 112.5 525.67 T
-4 F
-(Coercion) 112.5 508.67 T
-(rules) 159.88 508.67 T
-1 F
-(:) 183.1 508.67 T
-(to) 190.76 508.67 T
-(evaluate) 203.93 508.67 T
-(x) 245.18 508.67 T
-3 F
-(op) 255.29 508.67 T
-1 F
-(y,) 270.9 508.67 T
-(the) 283.75 508.67 T
-(following) 301.8 508.67 T
-(steps) 349.19 508.67 T
-(are) 375.8 508.67 T
-(taken) 393.83 508.67 T
-(\050where) 422.27 508.67 T
-2 F
-(__op__) 457.41 508.67 T
-1 F
-(and) 501.62 508.67 T
-2 F
-(__rop__) 112.5 495.67 T
-1 F
-(are) 163.41 495.67 T
-(the) 181.54 495.67 T
-(method) 199.69 495.67 T
-(names) 237.4 495.67 T
-(corresponding) 270.21 495.67 T
-(to) 337.84 495.67 T
-3 F
-(op) 351.11 495.67 T
-1 F
-(,) 362.11 495.67 T
-(e.g.) 369.56 495.67 T
-(if) 390.15 495.67 T
-3 F
-(op) 401.58 495.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 417.29 495.67 T
-(\324) 429.33 495.67 T
-2 F
-(+) 432.99 495.67 T
-1 F
-(\325,) 439.59 495.67 T
-2 F
-(__add__) 450.71 495.67 T
-1 F
-(and) 501.62 495.67 T
-2 F
-(__radd__) 112.5 482.67 T
-1 F
-(are) 168.42 482.67 T
-(used\051.) 184.97 482.67 T
-(If) 214.66 482.67 T
-(an) 225.11 482.67 T
-(exception) 238.61 482.67 T
-(occurs) 284.5 482.67 T
-(at) 316.33 482.67 T
-(any) 327.39 482.67 T
-(point,) 346.4 482.67 T
-(the) 374.88 482.67 T
-(evaluation) 391.44 482.67 T
-(is) 440.39 482.67 T
-(abandoned) 450.84 482.67 T
-(and) 501.62 482.67 T
-(exception handling takes over.) 112.5 469.67 T
-(0.) 112.5 450.67 T
-(If) 130.5 450.67 T
-(x) 140.88 450.67 T
-(is) 149.44 450.67 T
-(a) 159.84 450.67 T
-(string) 167.78 450.67 T
-(object) 195.89 450.67 T
-(and) 225.83 450.67 T
-3 F
-(op) 244.77 450.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 258.83 450.67 T
-(the) 269.23 450.67 T
-(modulo) 285.72 450.67 T
-(operator) 322.4 450.67 T
-(\050) 362.11 450.67 T
-2 F
-(%) 365.77 450.67 T
-1 F
-(\051,) 372.37 450.67 T
-(the) 381.84 450.67 T
-(string) 398.34 450.67 T
-(formatting) 426.45 450.67 T
-(operation) 475.95 450.67 T
-(\050see [Ref:XXX]\051 is invoked and the remaining steps are skipped.) 130.5 437.67 T
-(1.) 112.5 418.67 T
-(If x is a class instance:) 130.5 418.67 T
-(1a.) 130.5 399.67 T
-(If) 166.5 399.67 T
-(x) 177.12 399.67 T
-(has) 185.91 399.67 T
-(a) 203.87 399.67 T
-2 F
-(__coerce__) 212.05 399.67 T
-1 F
-(method:) 281.34 399.67 T
-(replace) 320.69 399.67 T
-(x) 355.74 399.67 T
-(and) 364.54 399.67 T
-(y) 383.72 399.67 T
-(with) 392.51 399.67 T
-(the) 415.36 399.67 T
-(2-tuple) 432.1 399.67 T
-(returned) 466.55 399.67 T
-(by) 506.5 399.67 T
-2 F
-(x.__coerce__\050y\051) 166.5 386.67 T
-1 F
-(; skip to step 2 if the coercion returns) 265.5 386.67 T
-2 F
-(None) 432.01 386.67 T
-1 F
-(.) 458.41 386.67 T
-(1b.) 130.5 367.67 T
-(If neither x nor y is a class instance after coercion, go to step 3.) 166.5 367.67 T
-(1c.) 130.5 348.67 T
-(If) 166.5 348.67 T
-(x) 176.17 348.67 T
-(has) 184.01 348.67 T
-(a) 201.02 348.67 T
-(method) 208.24 348.67 T
-2 F
-(__op__) 243.59 348.67 T
-1 F
-(,) 283.19 348.67 T
-(return) 288.28 348.67 T
-2 F
-(x.__op__\050y\051) 316.89 348.67 T
-1 F
-(;) 389.49 348.67 T
-(otherwise,) 394.89 348.67 T
-(restore) 442.76 348.67 T
-(x) 475.03 348.67 T
-(and) 482.87 348.67 T
-(y) 501.1 348.67 T
-(to) 508.94 348.67 T
-(their value before step 1a.) 166.5 335.67 T
-(2.) 112.5 316.67 T
-(If y is a class instance:) 130.5 316.67 T
-(2a.) 130.5 297.67 T
-(If) 166.5 297.67 T
-(y) 177.12 297.67 T
-(has) 185.91 297.67 T
-(a) 203.87 297.67 T
-2 F
-(__coerce__) 212.05 297.67 T
-1 F
-(method:) 281.34 297.67 T
-(replace) 320.69 297.67 T
-(y) 355.74 297.67 T
-(and) 364.54 297.67 T
-(x) 383.72 297.67 T
-(with) 392.51 297.67 T
-(the) 415.36 297.67 T
-(2-tuple) 432.1 297.67 T
-(returned) 466.55 297.67 T
-(by) 506.5 297.67 T
-2 F
-(y.__coerce__\050x\051) 166.5 284.67 T
-1 F
-(; skip to step 3 if the coercion returns None.) 265.5 284.67 T
-(2b.) 130.5 265.67 T
-(If neither x nor y is a class instance after coercion, go to step 3.) 166.5 265.67 T
-(2b.) 130.5 246.67 T
-(If) 166.5 246.67 T
-(y) 176.67 246.67 T
-(has) 185.02 246.67 T
-(a) 202.53 246.67 T
-(method) 210.26 246.67 T
-2 F
-(__rop__) 246.11 246.67 T
-1 F
-(,) 292.31 246.67 T
-(return) 297.9 246.67 T
-2 F
-(y.__rop__\050x\051) 327.02 246.67 T
-1 F
-(;) 406.22 246.67 T
-(otherwise,) 412.12 246.67 T
-(restore) 460.49 246.67 T
-(x) 493.27 246.67 T
-(and) 501.62 246.67 T
-(y to their value before step 2a.) 166.5 233.67 T
-(3.) 112.5 214.67 T
-(We only get here if neither x nor y is a class instance.) 130.5 214.67 T
-(3a.) 130.5 195.67 T
-(If) 166.5 195.67 T
-3 F
-(op) 176.58 195.67 T
-1 F
-( is \324) 187.58 195.67 T
-2 F
-(+) 204.08 195.67 T
-1 F
-(\325 and x is a sequence, sequence concatenation is invoked.) 210.68 195.67 T
-(3b.) 130.5 176.67 T
-(If) 166.5 176.67 T
-3 F
-(op) 176.2 176.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 189.58 176.67 T
-(\324) 199.29 176.67 T
-2 F
-(*) 202.96 176.67 T
-1 F
-(\325) 209.56 176.67 T
-(and) 215.6 176.67 T
-(one) 233.86 176.67 T
-(operand) 252.12 176.67 T
-(is) 289.93 176.67 T
-(a) 299.64 176.67 T
-(sequence) 306.91 176.67 T
-(and) 349.6 176.67 T
-(the) 367.86 176.67 T
-(other) 383.68 176.67 T
-(an) 408.66 176.67 T
-(integer,) 421.42 176.67 T
-(sequence) 457.1 176.67 T
-(rep-) 499.79 176.67 T
-(etition is invoked.) 166.5 163.67 T
-(3c.) 130.5 144.67 T
-(Otherwise,) 166.5 144.67 T
-(both) 217.26 144.67 T
-(operands) 239.62 144.67 T
-(must) 282.13 144.67 T
-(be) 306.32 144.67 T
-(numbers;) 319.51 144.67 T
-(they) 363.25 144.67 T
-(are) 384.99 144.67 T
-(coerced) 401.22 144.67 T
-(to) 438.22 144.67 T
-(a) 449.58 144.67 T
-(common) 457.26 144.67 T
-(type) 498.56 144.67 T
-(if possible, and the numeric operation is invoked for that type.) 166.5 131.67 T
-%%EndPage: "22" 28
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-612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE
-0 FrameSetSepColors
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 10 Q
-0 X
-(23) 530 37.33 T
-585 292.5 598.5 720 R
-5 9 Q
-(\245) 0 270 592.5 720 TF
-(Execution model) 0 270 592.5 711 TF
-585 292.5 598.5 720 R
-0 16 Q
-(C) 99 709.33 T
-0 12.8 Q
-(HAPTER) 110.55 709.33 T
-0 16 Q
-(4:) 167.62 709.33 T
-(E) 198 709.33 T
-0 12.8 Q
-(XECUTION) 208.67 709.33 T
-(MODEL) 279.26 709.33 T
-0 14 Q
-(4.1) 99 670.67 T
-(Code blocks, execution frames, and name spaces) 135 670.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(A) 99 645.67 T
-3 F
-(code) 110.22 645.67 T
-(block) 134.27 645.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 161.38 645.67 T
-(a) 172 645.67 T
-(piece) 180.17 645.67 T
-(of) 206.66 645.67 T
-(Python) 219.1 645.67 T
-(program) 253.56 645.67 T
-(text) 294.11 645.67 T
-(that) 313.89 645.67 T
-(can) 333.67 645.67 T
-(be) 352.23 645.67 T
-(executed) 365.89 645.67 T
-(as) 408.27 645.67 T
-(a) 420.71 645.67 T
-(unit,) 428.88 645.67 T
-(such) 452.03 645.67 T
-(as) 475.47 645.67 T
-(a) 487.92 645.67 T
-(module,) 496.08 645.67 T
-(a) 535.12 645.67 T
-(class) 99 632.67 T
-(definition) 124.24 632.67 T
-(or) 170.87 632.67 T
-(a) 183.88 632.67 T
-(function) 192.62 632.67 T
-(body.) 233.13 632.67 T
-(Some) 261.73 632.67 T
-(code) 290.64 632.67 T
-(blocks) 315.26 632.67 T
-(\050like) 347.83 632.67 T
-(modules\051) 371.85 632.67 T
-(are) 416.64 632.67 T
-(normally) 433.92 632.67 T
-(executed) 477.5 632.67 T
-(only) 520.44 632.67 T
-(once,) 99 619.67 T
-(others) 125.39 619.67 T
-(\050like) 155.14 619.67 T
-(function) 178.17 619.67 T
-(bodies\051) 217.71 619.67 T
-(may) 252.96 619.67 T
-(be) 274.77 619.67 T
-(executed) 288.02 619.67 T
-(many) 329.99 619.67 T
-(times.) 357.3 619.67 T
-(Code) 386.75 619.67 T
-(blocks) 412.85 619.67 T
-(may) 444.43 619.67 T
-(textually) 466.25 619.67 T
-(contain) 507.62 619.67 T
-(other) 99 606.67 T
-(code) 124.17 606.67 T
-(blocks.) 147.49 606.67 T
-(Code) 181.53 606.67 T
-(blocks) 207.31 606.67 T
-(may) 238.59 606.67 T
-(invoke) 260.09 606.67 T
-(other) 292.6 606.67 T
-(code) 317.76 606.67 T
-(blocks) 341.09 606.67 T
-(\050that) 372.37 606.67 T
-(may) 395.1 606.67 T
-(or) 416.6 606.67 T
-(may) 428.33 606.67 T
-(not) 449.83 606.67 T
-(be) 466.45 606.67 T
-(textually) 479.39 606.67 T
-(con-) 520.45 606.67 T
-(tained in them\051 as part of their execution, e.g. by invoking \050calling\051 a function.) 99 593.67 T
-(The) 99 568.67 T
-(following) 119.15 568.67 T
-(are) 164.98 568.67 T
-(code) 181.46 568.67 T
-(blocks:) 205.27 568.67 T
-(A) 240.1 568.67 T
-(module) 251.09 568.67 T
-(is) 287.14 568.67 T
-(a) 297.52 568.67 T
-(code) 305.45 568.67 T
-(block.) 329.27 568.67 T
-(A) 359.51 568.67 T
-(function) 370.5 568.67 T
-(body) 410.21 568.67 T
-(is) 435.26 568.67 T
-(a) 445.64 568.67 T
-(code) 453.57 568.67 T
-(block.) 477.39 568.67 T
-(A) 507.63 568.67 T
-(class) 518.61 568.67 T
-(definition) 99 555.67 T
-(is) 144.38 555.67 T
-(a) 154.31 555.67 T
-(code) 161.79 555.67 T
-(block.) 185.16 555.67 T
-(Each) 214.95 555.67 T
-(command) 239.54 555.67 T
-(typed) 285.52 555.67 T
-(interactively) 312.56 555.67 T
-(is) 370.15 555.67 T
-(a) 380.09 555.67 T
-(separate) 387.57 555.67 T
-(code) 426.2 555.67 T
-(block;) 449.57 555.67 T
-(a) 479.67 555.67 T
-(script) 487.15 555.67 T
-(file) 514.19 555.67 T
-(\050a) 531.45 555.67 T
-(file) 99 542.67 T
-(given) 116.17 542.67 T
-(as) 143.12 542.67 T
-(standard) 154.79 542.67 T
-(input) 194.57 542.67 T
-(to) 219.7 542.67 T
-(the) 230.76 542.67 T
-(interpreter) 246.71 542.67 T
-(or) 295.04 542.67 T
-(specified) 306.71 542.67 T
-(on) 348.93 542.67 T
-(the) 362.43 542.67 T
-(interpreter) 378.39 542.67 T
-(command) 426.71 542.67 T
-(line) 472.6 542.67 T
-(the) 491.61 542.67 T
-(first) 507.56 542.67 T
-(ar-) 527.79 542.67 T
-(g) 99 529.67 T
-(u) 104.52 529.67 T
-(m) 110.04 529.67 T
-(e) 118.62 529.67 T
-(n) 123.52 529.67 T
-(t) 129.04 529.67 T
-(\051) 132.12 529.67 T
-(i) 138.99 529.67 T
-(s) 142.07 529.67 T
-(a) 149.55 529.67 T
-(c) 157.64 529.67 T
-(o) 162.54 529.67 T
-(d) 168.06 529.67 T
-(e) 173.58 529.67 T
-(b) 181.67 529.67 T
-(l) 187.19 529.67 T
-(o) 190.27 529.67 T
-(c) 195.79 529.67 T
-(k) 200.69 529.67 T
-(;) 206.21 529.67 T
-(a) 212.48 529.67 T
-(s) 220.56 529.67 T
-(c) 224.86 529.67 T
-(r) 229.77 529.67 T
-(i) 233.45 529.67 T
-(p) 236.53 529.67 T
-(t) 242.05 529.67 T
-(c) 248.31 529.67 T
-(o) 253.21 529.67 T
-(m) 258.73 529.67 T
-(m) 267.31 529.67 T
-(a) 275.89 529.67 T
-(n) 280.8 529.67 T
-(d) 286.32 529.67 T
-(\050) 295.02 529.67 T
-(a) 298.7 529.67 T
-(c) 306.79 529.67 T
-(o) 311.69 529.67 T
-(m) 317.21 529.67 T
-(m) 325.79 529.67 T
-(a) 334.37 529.67 T
-(n) 339.28 529.67 T
-(d) 344.8 529.67 T
-(s) 353.5 529.67 T
-(p) 357.8 529.67 T
-(e) 363.32 529.67 T
-(c) 368.22 529.67 T
-(i) 373.13 529.67 T
-(f) 376.21 529.67 T
-(i) 379.89 529.67 T
-(e) 382.97 529.67 T
-(d) 387.87 529.67 T
-(o) 396.58 529.67 T
-(n) 402.1 529.67 T
-(t) 410.8 529.67 T
-(h) 413.88 529.67 T
-(e) 419.4 529.67 T
-(i) 427.49 529.67 T
-(n) 430.56 529.67 T
-(t) 436.08 529.67 T
-(e) 439.16 529.67 T
-(r) 444.07 529.67 T
-(p) 447.75 529.67 T
-(r) 453.27 529.67 T
-(e) 456.95 529.67 T
-(t) 461.86 529.67 T
-(e) 464.94 529.67 T
-(r) 469.84 529.67 T
-(c) 476.71 529.67 T
-(o) 481.61 529.67 T
-(m) 487.13 529.67 T
-(m) 495.71 529.67 T
-(a) 504.29 529.67 T
-(n) 509.2 529.67 T
-(d) 514.72 529.67 T
-(l) 523.42 529.67 T
-(i) 526.5 529.67 T
-(n) 529.58 529.67 T
-(e) 535.09 529.67 T
-(with) 99 516.67 T
-(the) 121.07 516.67 T
-(\324) 137.03 516.67 T
-4 F
-(-c) 140.69 516.67 T
-1 F
-(\325) 149.24 516.67 T
-(option\051) 155.41 516.67 T
-(is) 189.7 516.67 T
-(a) 199.55 516.67 T
-(code) 206.95 516.67 T
-(block.) 230.23 516.67 T
-(The) 259.94 516.67 T
-(string) 279.55 516.67 T
-(argument) 307.12 516.67 T
-(passed) 351.18 516.67 T
-(to) 383.02 516.67 T
-(the) 394.09 516.67 T
-(built-in) 410.05 516.67 T
-(function) 444.96 516.67 T
-2 F
-(eval) 484.13 516.67 T
-1 F
-(and) 513.04 516.67 T
-(to) 531.44 516.67 T
-(t) 99 503.67 T
-(h) 102.19 503.67 T
-(e) 107.83 503.67 T
-2 F
-(e) 116.15 503.67 T
-(x) 122.88 503.67 T
-(e) 129.62 503.67 T
-(c) 136.35 503.67 T
-1 F
-(s) 146.39 503.67 T
-(t) 150.8 503.67 T
-(a) 153.99 503.67 T
-(t) 159.01 503.67 T
-(e) 162.21 503.67 T
-(m) 167.23 503.67 T
-(e) 175.92 503.67 T
-(n) 180.94 503.67 T
-(t) 186.57 503.67 T
-(a) 193.07 503.67 T
-(r) 198.09 503.67 T
-(e) 201.88 503.67 T
-(c) 210.2 503.67 T
-(o) 215.22 503.67 T
-(d) 220.86 503.67 T
-(e) 226.49 503.67 T
-(b) 234.81 503.67 T
-(l) 240.45 503.67 T
-(o) 243.64 503.67 T
-(c) 249.27 503.67 T
-(k) 254.29 503.67 T
-(s) 259.93 503.67 T
-(.) 264.34 503.67 T
-(T) 270.53 503.67 T
-(h) 277.38 503.67 T
-(e) 283.02 503.67 T
-(f) 291.34 503.67 T
-(i) 295.14 503.67 T
-(l) 298.33 503.67 T
-(e) 301.52 503.67 T
-(r) 309.84 503.67 T
-(e) 313.64 503.67 T
-(a) 318.66 503.67 T
-(d) 323.68 503.67 T
-(b) 332.61 503.67 T
-(y) 338.25 503.67 T
-(t) 347.18 503.67 T
-(h) 350.37 503.67 T
-(e) 356.01 503.67 T
-(b) 364.33 503.67 T
-(u) 369.96 503.67 T
-(i) 375.6 503.67 T
-(l) 378.79 503.67 T
-(t) 381.98 503.67 T
-(-) 385.18 503.67 T
-(i) 388.98 503.67 T
-(n) 392.17 503.67 T
-(f) 401.1 503.67 T
-(u) 404.9 503.67 T
-(n) 410.54 503.67 T
-(c) 416.17 503.67 T
-(t) 421.19 503.67 T
-(i) 424.39 503.67 T
-(o) 427.58 503.67 T
-(n) 433.21 503.67 T
-2 F
-(e) 442.15 503.67 T
-(x) 448.88 503.67 T
-(e) 455.62 503.67 T
-(c) 462.36 503.67 T
-(f) 469.09 503.67 T
-(i) 475.83 503.67 T
-(l) 482.56 503.67 T
-(e) 489.3 503.67 T
-1 F
-(i) 499.33 503.67 T
-(s) 502.52 503.67 T
-(a) 510.24 503.67 T
-(c) 518.55 503.67 T
-(o) 523.57 503.67 T
-(d) 529.21 503.67 T
-(e) 534.84 503.67 T
-(block.) 99 490.67 T
-(And) 128.65 490.67 T
-(finally,) 150.04 490.67 T
-(the) 183.97 490.67 T
-(expression) 199.86 490.67 T
-(read) 249.36 490.67 T
-(and) 270.75 490.67 T
-(evaluated) 289.08 490.67 T
-(by) 333.69 490.67 T
-(the) 347.14 490.67 T
-(built-in) 363.04 490.67 T
-(function) 397.89 490.67 T
-2 F
-(input) 437 490.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 472.46 490.67 T
-(a) 482.25 490.67 T
-(code) 489.59 490.67 T
-(block.) 512.81 490.67 T
-(A) 99 477.67 T
-(code) 109.28 477.67 T
-(block) 132.38 477.67 T
-(is) 159.15 477.67 T
-(executed) 168.82 477.67 T
-(in) 210.25 477.67 T
-(an) 221.14 477.67 T
-(execution) 233.86 477.67 T
-(frame.) 278.96 477.67 T
-(An) 309.7 477.67 T
-3 F
-(execution) 325.47 477.67 T
-(frame) 369.96 477.67 T
-1 F
-(contains) 397.95 477.67 T
-(some) 436.95 477.67 T
-(administrative) 462.5 477.67 T
-(in-) 527.78 477.67 T
-(f) 99 464.67 T
-(o) 102.89 464.67 T
-(r) 108.63 464.67 T
-(m) 112.52 464.67 T
-(a) 121.31 464.67 T
-(t) 126.43 464.67 T
-(i) 129.72 464.67 T
-(o) 133.01 464.67 T
-(n) 138.74 464.67 T
-(\050) 147.87 464.67 T
-(u) 151.76 464.67 T
-(s) 157.5 464.67 T
-(e) 162.01 464.67 T
-(d) 167.12 464.67 T
-(f) 176.25 464.67 T
-(o) 180.15 464.67 T
-(r) 185.88 464.67 T
-(d) 193.17 464.67 T
-(e) 198.9 464.67 T
-(b) 204.02 464.67 T
-(u) 209.75 464.67 T
-(g) 215.48 464.67 T
-(g) 221.21 464.67 T
-(i) 226.95 464.67 T
-(n) 230.24 464.67 T
-(g) 235.97 464.67 T
-(\051) 241.7 464.67 T
-(,) 245.6 464.67 T
-(d) 251.97 464.67 T
-(e) 257.7 464.67 T
-(t) 262.82 464.67 T
-(e) 266.11 464.67 T
-(r) 271.23 464.67 T
-(m) 275.12 464.67 T
-(i) 283.91 464.67 T
-(n) 287.2 464.67 T
-(e) 292.93 464.67 T
-(s) 298.05 464.67 T
-(w) 305.96 464.67 T
-(h) 314.13 464.67 T
-(e) 319.86 464.67 T
-(r) 324.98 464.67 T
-(e) 328.87 464.67 T
-(a) 337.39 464.67 T
-(n) 342.5 464.67 T
-(d) 348.23 464.67 T
-(h) 357.36 464.67 T
-(o) 363.09 464.67 T
-(w) 368.83 464.67 T
-(e) 380.39 464.67 T
-(x) 385.51 464.67 T
-(e) 391.24 464.67 T
-(c) 396.36 464.67 T
-(u) 401.47 464.67 T
-(t) 407.21 464.67 T
-(i) 410.5 464.67 T
-(o) 413.79 464.67 T
-(n) 419.52 464.67 T
-(c) 428.65 464.67 T
-(o) 433.76 464.67 T
-(n) 439.49 464.67 T
-(t) 445.23 464.67 T
-(i) 448.52 464.67 T
-(n) 451.81 464.67 T
-(u) 457.54 464.67 T
-(e) 463.27 464.67 T
-(s) 468.39 464.67 T
-(a) 476.29 464.67 T
-(f) 481.41 464.67 T
-(t) 485.3 464.67 T
-(e) 488.6 464.67 T
-(r) 493.71 464.67 T
-(t) 501 464.67 T
-(h) 504.29 464.67 T
-(e) 510.02 464.67 T
-(c) 518.53 464.67 T
-(o) 523.65 464.67 T
-(d) 529.38 464.67 T
-(e) 535.11 464.67 T
-(block\325s) 99 451.67 T
-(execution) 134.01 451.67 T
-(has) 179.4 451.67 T
-(completed,) 196.68 451.67 T
-(and) 247.88 451.67 T
-(\050perhaps) 266.38 451.67 T
-(most) 306.88 451.67 T
-(importantly\051) 330.89 451.67 T
-(defines) 388.51 451.67 T
-(two) 422.9 451.67 T
-(name) 442.02 451.67 T
-(spaces,) 468.47 451.67 T
-(the) 502.55 451.67 T
-(local) 518.61 451.67 T
-(and the global name space, that affect execution of the code block.) 99 438.67 T
-(A) 99 413.67 T
-3 F
-(name) 109.65 413.67 T
-(space) 136.18 413.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 163.94 413.67 T
-(a) 173.98 413.67 T
-(mapping) 181.57 413.67 T
-(from) 222.78 413.67 T
-(names) 246.87 413.67 T
-(\050identifiers\051) 277.68 413.67 T
-(to) 332.32 413.67 T
-(objects.) 343.59 413.67 T
-(A) 380.21 413.67 T
-(particular) 390.86 413.67 T
-(name) 435.71 413.67 T
-(space) 462.25 413.67 T
-(may) 489.39 413.67 T
-(be) 511.04 413.67 T
-(ref-) 524.13 413.67 T
-(erenced) 99 400.67 T
-(by) 135.98 400.67 T
-(more) 149.76 400.67 T
-(than) 175.14 400.67 T
-(one) 196.86 400.67 T
-(execution) 215.52 400.67 T
-(frame,) 261.07 400.67 T
-(and) 292.25 400.67 T
-(from) 310.91 400.67 T
-(other) 335.07 400.67 T
-(places) 360.45 400.67 T
-(as) 390.72 400.67 T
-(well.) 402.66 400.67 T
-(Adding) 427.13 400.67 T
-(a) 462.91 400.67 T
-(name) 470.57 400.67 T
-(to) 497.18 400.67 T
-(a) 508.51 400.67 T
-(name) 516.17 400.67 T
-(space) 99 387.67 T
-(is) 125.8 387.67 T
-(called) 135.51 387.67 T
-3 F
-(binding) 164.14 387.67 T
-1 F
-(a) 200.13 387.67 T
-(name) 207.38 387.67 T
-(\050to) 233.57 387.67 T
-(an) 248.16 387.67 T
-(object\051;) 260.92 387.67 T
-(changing) 296.89 387.67 T
-(the) 339.58 387.67 T
-(mapping) 355.39 387.67 T
-(of) 396.26 387.67 T
-(a) 407.8 387.67 T
-(name) 415.05 387.67 T
-(is) 441.24 387.67 T
-(called) 450.95 387.67 T
-3 F
-(rebinding) 479.58 387.67 T
-1 F
-(;) 522.36 387.67 T
-(re-) 527.79 387.67 T
-(moving) 99 374.67 T
-(a) 135.42 374.67 T
-(name) 143.11 374.67 T
-(is) 169.74 374.67 T
-3 F
-(unbinding) 179.88 374.67 T
-1 F
-(.) 224.49 374.67 T
-(Name) 230.05 374.67 T
-(spaces) 259.12 374.67 T
-(are) 290.64 374.67 T
-(functionally) 306.87 374.67 T
-(equivalent) 362.84 374.67 T
-(to) 411.47 374.67 T
-(dictionaries) 422.83 374.67 T
-(\050and) 476.96 374.67 T
-(often) 499.31 374.67 T
-(im-) 524.72 374.67 T
-(plemented as dictionaries\051.) 99 361.67 T
-(T) 99 336.67 T
-(h) 105.73 336.67 T
-(e) 111.24 336.67 T
-3 F
-(l) 119.3 336.67 T
-(o) 122.36 336.67 T
-(c) 127.87 336.67 T
-(a) 132.76 336.67 T
-(l) 138.27 336.67 T
-(n) 144.51 336.67 T
-(a) 150.02 336.67 T
-(m) 155.52 336.67 T
-(e) 163.48 336.67 T
-(s) 171.54 336.67 T
-(p) 175.82 336.67 T
-(a) 181.33 336.67 T
-(c) 186.84 336.67 T
-(e) 191.73 336.67 T
-1 F
-(o) 199.79 336.67 T
-(f) 205.3 336.67 T
-(a) 212.14 336.67 T
-(n) 217.04 336.67 T
-(e) 225.71 336.67 T
-(x) 230.6 336.67 T
-(e) 236.11 336.67 T
-(c) 241.01 336.67 T
-(u) 245.9 336.67 T
-(t) 251.4 336.67 T
-(i) 254.47 336.67 T
-(o) 257.54 336.67 T
-(n) 263.05 336.67 T
-(f) 271.72 336.67 T
-(r) 275.39 336.67 T
-(a) 279.07 336.67 T
-(m) 283.96 336.67 T
-(e) 292.52 336.67 T
-(d) 300.58 336.67 T
-(e) 306.09 336.67 T
-(t) 310.98 336.67 T
-(e) 314.05 336.67 T
-(r) 318.94 336.67 T
-(m) 322.61 336.67 T
-(i) 331.18 336.67 T
-(n) 334.25 336.67 T
-(e) 339.75 336.67 T
-(s) 344.64 336.67 T
-(t) 352.1 336.67 T
-(h) 355.17 336.67 T
-(e) 360.68 336.67 T
-(d) 368.74 336.67 T
-(e) 374.25 336.67 T
-(f) 379.14 336.67 T
-(a) 382.81 336.67 T
-(u) 387.7 336.67 T
-(l) 393.21 336.67 T
-(t) 396.27 336.67 T
-(p) 402.51 336.67 T
-(l) 408.02 336.67 T
-(a) 411.08 336.67 T
-(c) 415.98 336.67 T
-(e) 420.87 336.67 T
-(w) 428.93 336.67 T
-(h) 436.88 336.67 T
-(e) 442.39 336.67 T
-(r) 447.28 336.67 T
-(e) 450.95 336.67 T
-(n) 459.02 336.67 T
-(a) 464.52 336.67 T
-(m) 469.41 336.67 T
-(e) 477.98 336.67 T
-(s) 482.87 336.67 T
-(a) 490.33 336.67 T
-(r) 495.22 336.67 T
-(e) 498.89 336.67 T
-(d) 506.95 336.67 T
-(e) 512.46 336.67 T
-(f) 517.35 336.67 T
-(i) 521.03 336.67 T
-(n) 524.09 336.67 T
-(e) 529.6 336.67 T
-(d) 534.49 336.67 T
-(and) 99 323.67 T
-(searched.) 117.13 323.67 T
-(The) 160.61 323.67 T
-3 F
-(global) 179.96 323.67 T
-(name) 210.32 323.67 T
-(space) 236.39 323.67 T
-1 F
-(determines) 263.69 323.67 T
-(the) 314.2 323.67 T
-(place) 329.89 323.67 T
-(where) 355.35 323.67 T
-(names) 384.47 323.67 T
-(listed) 414.82 323.67 T
-(in) 440.91 323.67 T
-2 F
-(global) 451.71 323.67 T
-1 F
-(statements) 493.56 323.67 T
-(are) 99 310.67 T
-(defined) 114.82 310.67 T
-(and) 150.19 310.67 T
-(searched,) 168.46 310.67 T
-(and) 212.08 310.67 T
-(where) 230.35 310.67 T
-(names) 259.61 310.67 T
-(that) 290.1 310.67 T
-(are) 308.98 310.67 T
-(not) 324.8 310.67 T
-(bound) 341.25 310.67 T
-(anywhere) 371.13 310.67 T
-(in) 416.27 310.67 T
-(the) 427.22 310.67 T
-(current) 443.05 310.67 T
-(code) 476.59 310.67 T
-(block) 499.74 310.67 T
-(are) 526.57 310.67 T
-(searched.) 99 297.67 T
-(Whether) 99 272.67 T
-(a) 139.31 272.67 T
-(name) 146.63 272.67 T
-(is) 172.89 272.67 T
-(local) 182.67 272.67 T
-(or) 206.49 272.67 T
-(global) 218.09 272.67 T
-(in) 248.02 272.67 T
-(a) 259.02 272.67 T
-(code) 266.34 272.67 T
-(block) 289.54 272.67 T
-(is) 316.42 272.67 T
-(determined) 326.2 272.67 T
-(by) 378.12 272.67 T
-(static) 391.56 272.67 T
-(inspection) 417.22 272.67 T
-(of) 464.88 272.67 T
-(the) 476.47 272.67 T
-(source) 492.35 272.67 T
-(text) 523.5 272.67 T
-(for) 99 259.67 T
-(the) 114.39 259.67 T
-(code) 130.39 259.67 T
-(block:) 153.72 259.67 T
-(in) 183.79 259.67 T
-(the) 194.91 259.67 T
-(absence) 210.91 259.67 T
-(of) 248.29 259.67 T
-2 F
-(global) 260.01 259.67 T
-1 F
-(statements,) 302.17 259.67 T
-(a) 353.93 259.67 T
-(name) 361.38 259.67 T
-(that) 387.76 259.67 T
-(is) 406.83 259.67 T
-(bound) 416.73 259.67 T
-(anywhere) 446.79 259.67 T
-(in) 492.11 259.67 T
-(the) 503.23 259.67 T
-(code) 519.23 259.67 T
-(block) 99 246.67 T
-(is) 125.98 246.67 T
-(local) 135.85 246.67 T
-(in) 159.78 246.67 T
-(the) 170.87 246.67 T
-(entire) 186.85 246.67 T
-(code) 214.44 246.67 T
-(block;) 237.74 246.67 T
-(all) 267.78 246.67 T
-(other) 281.32 246.67 T
-(names) 306.46 246.67 T
-(are) 337.11 246.67 T
-(considered) 353.08 246.67 T
-(global.) 403.27 246.67 T
-(The) 436.05 246.67 T
-2 F
-(global) 455.7 246.67 T
-1 F
-(statement) 497.84 246.67 T
-(forces) 99 233.67 T
-(global) 128.89 233.67 T
-(interpretation) 159.41 233.67 T
-(of) 221.69 233.67 T
-(specified) 233.87 233.67 T
-(names) 276.6 233.67 T
-(throughout) 307.72 233.67 T
-(the) 359.02 233.67 T
-(code) 375.48 233.67 T
-(block.) 399.27 233.67 T
-(The) 429.48 233.67 T
-(following) 449.6 233.67 T
-(constructs) 495.39 233.67 T
-(b) 99 220.67 T
-(i) 104.67 220.67 T
-(n) 107.9 220.67 T
-(d) 113.57 220.67 T
-(n) 122.57 220.67 T
-(a) 128.24 220.67 T
-(m) 133.3 220.67 T
-(e) 142.03 220.67 T
-(s) 147.08 220.67 T
-(:) 151.53 220.67 T
-(f) 158.1 220.67 T
-(o) 161.93 220.67 T
-(r) 167.6 220.67 T
-(m) 171.43 220.67 T
-(a) 180.16 220.67 T
-(l) 185.22 220.67 T
-(p) 191.78 220.67 T
-(a) 197.45 220.67 T
-(r) 202.5 220.67 T
-(a) 206.34 220.67 T
-(m) 211.39 220.67 T
-(e) 220.12 220.67 T
-(t) 225.18 220.67 T
-(e) 228.4 220.67 T
-(r) 233.46 220.67 T
-(s) 237.29 220.67 T
-(t) 245.08 220.67 T
-(o) 248.3 220.67 T
-(f) 257.31 220.67 T
-(u) 261.14 220.67 T
-(n) 266.81 220.67 T
-(c) 272.48 220.67 T
-(t) 277.54 220.67 T
-(i) 280.77 220.67 T
-(o) 284 220.67 T
-(n) 289.67 220.67 T
-(s) 295.34 220.67 T
-(,) 299.79 220.67 T
-2 F
-(i) 306.04 220.67 T
-(m) 312.81 220.67 T
-(p) 319.58 220.67 T
-(o) 326.35 220.67 T
-(r) 333.12 220.67 T
-(t) 339.89 220.67 T
-1 F
-(s) 350 220.67 T
-(t) 354.45 220.67 T
-(a) 357.68 220.67 T
-(t) 362.73 220.67 T
-(e) 365.96 220.67 T
-(m) 371.02 220.67 T
-(e) 379.74 220.67 T
-(n) 384.8 220.67 T
-(t) 390.47 220.67 T
-(s) 393.7 220.67 T
-(,) 398.15 220.67 T
-(c) 404.4 220.67 T
-(l) 409.46 220.67 T
-(a) 412.68 220.67 T
-(s) 417.74 220.67 T
-(s) 422.19 220.67 T
-(a) 429.97 220.67 T
-(n) 435.03 220.67 T
-(d) 440.7 220.67 T
-(f) 449.7 220.67 T
-(u) 453.54 220.67 T
-(n) 459.21 220.67 T
-(c) 464.88 220.67 T
-(t) 469.93 220.67 T
-(i) 473.16 220.67 T
-(o) 476.39 220.67 T
-(n) 482.06 220.67 T
-(d) 491.06 220.67 T
-(e) 496.73 220.67 T
-(f) 501.79 220.67 T
-(i) 505.62 220.67 T
-(n) 508.85 220.67 T
-(i) 514.52 220.67 T
-(t) 517.75 220.67 T
-(i) 520.98 220.67 T
-(o) 524.21 220.67 T
-(n) 529.88 220.67 T
-(s) 535.55 220.67 T
-(\050these) 99 207.67 T
-(bind) 128.01 207.67 T
-(the) 150.31 207.67 T
-(class) 166.49 207.67 T
-(or) 190.62 207.67 T
-(function) 202.53 207.67 T
-(name) 241.93 207.67 T
-(in) 268.5 207.67 T
-(the) 279.8 207.67 T
-(defining) 295.98 207.67 T
-(block\051,) 335.39 207.67 T
-(and) 368.99 207.67 T
-(targets) 387.61 207.67 T
-(that) 419.68 207.67 T
-(are) 438.92 207.67 T
-(identifiers) 455.1 207.67 T
-(if) 502.44 207.67 T
-(occur-) 511.91 207.67 T
-(ring) 99 194.67 T
-(in) 118.93 194.67 T
-(an) 129.7 194.67 T
-(assignment,) 142.29 194.67 T
-2 F
-(for) 196.75 194.67 T
-1 F
-(loop) 218.76 194.67 T
-(header,) 240.52 194.67 T
-(or) 274.8 194.67 T
-(in) 286.17 194.67 T
-(the) 296.93 194.67 T
-(second) 312.58 194.67 T
-(position) 345.34 194.67 T
-(of) 383 194.67 T
-(an) 394.37 194.67 T
-2 F
-(except) 409.17 194.67 T
-1 F
-(clause) 450.98 194.67 T
-(header.) 480.68 194.67 T
-(Local) 514.95 194.67 T
-(names) 99 181.67 T
-(are) 130.15 181.67 T
-(searched) 146.63 181.67 T
-(only) 188.16 181.67 T
-(on) 210.77 181.67 T
-(the) 224.82 181.67 T
-(local) 241.31 181.67 T
-(name) 265.74 181.67 T
-(space;) 292.61 181.67 T
-(global) 323.15 181.67 T
-(names) 353.7 181.67 T
-(are) 384.86 181.67 T
-(searched) 401.33 181.67 T
-(only) 442.86 181.67 T
-(in) 465.47 181.67 T
-(the) 477.08 181.67 T
-(global) 493.57 181.67 T
-(and) 524.12 181.67 T
-(built-in namespace.) 99 165.73 T
-1 8.8 Q
-(1) 185.15 170.13 T
-1 11 Q
-(A) 99 140.73 T
-(target) 109.29 140.73 T
-(occurring) 136.69 140.73 T
-(in) 181.19 140.73 T
-(a) 192.1 140.73 T
-2 F
-(del) 199.33 140.73 T
-1 F
-(statement) 221.48 140.73 T
-(is) 265.99 140.73 T
-(also) 275.68 140.73 T
-(considered) 295.75 140.73 T
-(bound) 345.75 140.73 T
-(for) 375.6 140.73 T
-(this) 390.77 140.73 T
-(purpose) 409.02 140.73 T
-(\050though) 446.2 140.73 T
-(the) 482.77 140.73 T
-(actual) 498.56 140.73 T
-(se-) 527.17 140.73 T
-(mantics are to \322unbind\323 the name\051.) 99 127.73 T
-99 99 540 114 C
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-108 112 252 112 2 L
-0.5 H
-2 Z
-0 X
-0 0 612 792 C
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 10 Q
-0 X
-(1.) 108 92.33 T
-(If) 121.5 92.33 T
-(the) 130.31 92.33 T
-(code) 144.68 92.33 T
-(block) 165.72 92.33 T
-(contains) 190.09 92.33 T
-2 F
-(exec) 225.57 92.33 T
-1 F
-(statements) 251.72 92.33 T
-(or) 296.09 92.33 T
-(the) 306.58 92.33 T
-(construct) 320.95 92.33 T
-(\324\324) 359.76 92.33 T
-2 F
-(from) 366.42 92.33 T
-(...) 392.57 92.33 T
-(import) 412.72 92.33 T
-(*) 450.88 92.33 T
-1 F
-(\325\325,) 456.88 92.33 T
-(the) 468.19 92.33 T
-(semantics) 482.56 92.33 T
-(of) 121.46 80.33 T
-(local) 132.9 80.33 T
-(names) 155.46 80.33 T
-(change) 184.12 80.33 T
-(subtly:) 215.55 80.33 T
-(local) 245.89 80.33 T
-(name) 268.44 80.33 T
-(lookup) 293.21 80.33 T
-(first) 324.1 80.33 T
-(searches) 343.32 80.33 T
-(in) 380.3 80.33 T
-(the) 391.2 80.33 T
-(local) 406.53 80.33 T
-(namespace,) 429.08 80.33 T
-(then) 478.56 80.33 T
-(in) 498.89 80.33 T
-(the) 509.78 80.33 T
-(global namespace and in the built-in namespace.) 121.46 68.33 T
-%%EndPage: "23" 29
-%%Page: "24" 30
-612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE
-0 FrameSetSepColors
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 10 Q
-0 X
-(24) 76.5 37.33 T
-1 11 Q
-(W) 72 712.67 T
-(h) 82.42 712.67 T
-(e) 87.95 712.67 T
-(n) 92.87 712.67 T
-(a) 101.6 712.67 T
-(g) 109.71 712.67 T
-(l) 115.25 712.67 T
-(o) 118.34 712.67 T
-(b) 123.87 712.67 T
-(a) 129.4 712.67 T
-(l) 134.32 712.67 T
-(n) 140.61 712.67 T
-(a) 146.14 712.67 T
-(m) 151.06 712.67 T
-(e) 159.65 712.67 T
-(i) 167.77 712.67 T
-(s) 170.86 712.67 T
-(n) 178.37 712.67 T
-(o) 183.9 712.67 T
-(t) 189.43 712.67 T
-(f) 195.72 712.67 T
-(o) 199.42 712.67 T
-(u) 204.95 712.67 T
-(n) 210.49 712.67 T
-(d) 216.02 712.67 T
-(i) 224.75 712.67 T
-(n) 227.84 712.67 T
-(t) 236.57 712.67 T
-(h) 239.66 712.67 T
-(e) 245.2 712.67 T
-(g) 253.31 712.67 T
-(l) 258.84 712.67 T
-(o) 261.94 712.67 T
-(b) 267.47 712.67 T
-(a) 273 712.67 T
-(l) 277.92 712.67 T
-(n) 284.21 712.67 T
-(a) 289.74 712.67 T
-(m) 294.66 712.67 T
-(e) 303.25 712.67 T
-(s) 311.36 712.67 T
-(p) 315.68 712.67 T
-(a) 321.21 712.67 T
-(c) 326.13 712.67 T
-(e) 331.05 712.67 T
-(,) 335.96 712.67 T
-(i) 341.94 712.67 T
-(t) 345.04 712.67 T
-(i) 351.32 712.67 T
-(s) 354.42 712.67 T
-(s) 361.92 712.67 T
-(e) 366.24 712.67 T
-(a) 371.15 712.67 T
-(r) 376.07 712.67 T
-(c) 379.77 712.67 T
-(h) 384.69 712.67 T
-(e) 390.22 712.67 T
-(d) 395.14 712.67 T
-(i) 403.87 712.67 T
-(n) 406.96 712.67 T
-(t) 415.69 712.67 T
-(h) 418.78 712.67 T
-(e) 424.31 712.67 T
-(b) 432.43 712.67 T
-(u) 437.96 712.67 T
-(i) 443.49 712.67 T
-(l) 446.59 712.67 T
-(t) 449.68 712.67 T
-(-) 452.77 712.67 T
-(i) 456.47 712.67 T
-(n) 459.56 712.67 T
-(n) 468.29 712.67 T
-(a) 473.82 712.67 T
-(m) 478.74 712.67 T
-(e) 487.33 712.67 T
-(s) 492.25 712.67 T
-(p) 496.56 712.67 T
-(a) 502.1 712.67 T
-(c) 507.01 712.67 T
-(e) 511.93 712.67 T
-(.) 516.85 712.67 T
-(T) 522.83 712.67 T
-(h) 529.58 712.67 T
-(e) 535.12 712.67 T
-(built-in) 72 699.67 T
-(namespace) 107.12 699.67 T
-(associated) 158.11 699.67 T
-(with) 206.05 699.67 T
-(the) 228.34 699.67 T
-(execution) 244.51 699.67 T
-(of) 290.01 699.67 T
-(a) 301.9 699.67 T
-(code) 309.51 699.67 T
-(block) 333.01 699.67 T
-(is) 360.18 699.67 T
-(actually) 370.25 699.67 T
-(found) 407.8 699.67 T
-(by) 436.2 699.67 T
-(looking) 449.93 699.67 T
-(up) 486.27 699.67 T
-(the) 500 699.67 T
-(name) 516.17 699.67 T
-2 F
-(__builtins__) 72 686.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 153.59 686.67 T
-(its) 163.32 686.67 T
-(global) 176.1 686.67 T
-(name) 205.99 686.67 T
-(space;) 232.21 686.67 T
-(this) 262.08 686.67 T
-(should) 280.37 686.67 T
-(be) 312.1 686.67 T
-(a) 324.87 686.67 T
-(dictionary) 332.14 686.67 T
-(or) 379.14 686.67 T
-(a) 390.69 686.67 T
-(module) 397.96 686.67 T
-(\050in) 433.35 686.67 T
-(the) 447.96 686.67 T
-(latter) 463.8 686.67 T
-(case) 488.79 686.67 T
-(its) 510.11 686.67 T
-(dic-) 522.9 686.67 T
-(t) 72 673.67 T
-(i) 75.3 673.67 T
-(o) 78.6 673.67 T
-(n) 84.34 673.67 T
-(a) 90.08 673.67 T
-(r) 95.2 673.67 T
-(y) 99.11 673.67 T
-(i) 108.25 673.67 T
-(s) 111.55 673.67 T
-(u) 119.47 673.67 T
-(s) 125.21 673.67 T
-(e) 129.73 673.67 T
-(d) 134.86 673.67 T
-(\051) 140.6 673.67 T
-(.) 144.5 673.67 T
-(N) 150.89 673.67 T
-(o) 159.08 673.67 T
-(r) 164.82 673.67 T
-(m) 168.72 673.67 T
-(a) 177.52 673.67 T
-(l) 182.64 673.67 T
-(l) 185.94 673.67 T
-(y) 189.24 673.67 T
-(,) 194.98 673.67 T
-(t) 201.38 673.67 T
-(h) 204.67 673.67 T
-(e) 210.41 673.67 T
-2 F
-(_) 218.94 673.67 T
-(_) 225.78 673.67 T
-(b) 232.62 673.67 T
-(u) 239.46 673.67 T
-(i) 246.3 673.67 T
-(l) 253.15 673.67 T
-(t) 259.98 673.67 T
-(i) 266.83 673.67 T
-(n) 273.67 673.67 T
-(s) 280.51 673.67 T
-(_) 287.35 673.67 T
-(_) 294.19 673.67 T
-1 F
-(n) 304.43 673.67 T
-(a) 310.17 673.67 T
-(m) 315.3 673.67 T
-(e) 324.1 673.67 T
-(s) 329.22 673.67 T
-(p) 333.74 673.67 T
-(a) 339.48 673.67 T
-(c) 344.61 673.67 T
-(e) 349.73 673.67 T
-(i) 358.26 673.67 T
-(s) 361.56 673.67 T
-(t) 369.48 673.67 T
-(h) 372.78 673.67 T
-(e) 378.52 673.67 T
-(d) 387.05 673.67 T
-(i) 392.79 673.67 T
-(c) 396.08 673.67 T
-(t) 401.21 673.67 T
-(i) 404.51 673.67 T
-(o) 407.81 673.67 T
-(n) 413.55 673.67 T
-(a) 419.29 673.67 T
-(r) 424.41 673.67 T
-(y) 428.32 673.67 T
-(o) 437.46 673.67 T
-(f) 443.2 673.67 T
-(t) 450.51 673.67 T
-(h) 453.8 673.67 T
-(e) 459.55 673.67 T
-(b) 468.07 673.67 T
-(u) 473.81 673.67 T
-(i) 479.55 673.67 T
-(l) 482.85 673.67 T
-(t) 486.15 673.67 T
-(-) 489.45 673.67 T
-(i) 493.35 673.67 T
-(n) 496.65 673.67 T
-(m) 505.8 673.67 T
-(o) 514.59 673.67 T
-(d) 520.34 673.67 T
-(u) 526.08 673.67 T
-(l) 531.82 673.67 T
-(e) 535.11 673.67 T
-2 F
-(_) 72 660.67 T
-(_) 78.65 660.67 T
-(b) 85.29 660.67 T
-(u) 91.94 660.67 T
-(i) 98.59 660.67 T
-(l) 105.23 660.67 T
-(t) 111.88 660.67 T
-(i) 118.53 660.67 T
-(n) 125.17 660.67 T
-(_) 131.82 660.67 T
-(_) 138.47 660.67 T
-1 F
-(\050) 148.32 660.67 T
-(n) 152.03 660.67 T
-(o) 157.58 660.67 T
-(t) 163.12 660.67 T
-(e) 166.23 660.67 T
-(:) 171.16 660.67 T
-(n) 177.47 660.67 T
-(o) 183.02 660.67 T
-(\324) 191.78 660.67 T
-(s) 195.49 660.67 T
-(\325) 199.81 660.67 T
-(\051) 203.52 660.67 T
-(;) 207.23 660.67 T
-(i) 213.54 660.67 T
-(f) 216.65 660.67 T
-(i) 223.57 660.67 T
-(t) 226.67 660.67 T
-(i) 232.99 660.67 T
-(s) 236.09 660.67 T
-(n) 240.42 660.67 T
-(\325) 245.96 660.67 T
-(t) 249.67 660.67 T
-(,) 252.78 660.67 T
-3 F
-(r) 258.78 660.67 T
-(e) 263.11 660.67 T
-(s) 268.04 660.67 T
-(t) 272.36 660.67 T
-(r) 275.47 660.67 T
-(i) 279.79 660.67 T
-(c) 282.9 660.67 T
-(t) 287.83 660.67 T
-(e) 290.93 660.67 T
-(d) 295.86 660.67 T
-(e) 304.62 660.67 T
-(x) 309.55 660.67 T
-(e) 314.48 660.67 T
-(c) 319.41 660.67 T
-(u) 324.34 660.67 T
-(t) 329.89 660.67 T
-(i) 332.99 660.67 T
-(o) 336.1 660.67 T
-(n) 341.64 660.67 T
-(m) 350.4 660.67 T
-(o) 358.39 660.67 T
-(d) 363.94 660.67 T
-(e) 369.48 660.67 T
-1 F
-(i) 377.62 660.67 T
-(s) 380.73 660.67 T
-(i) 388.26 660.67 T
-(n) 391.37 660.67 T
-(e) 400.12 660.67 T
-(f) 405.05 660.67 T
-(f) 408.76 660.67 T
-(e) 412.47 660.67 T
-(c) 417.4 660.67 T
-(t) 422.33 660.67 T
-(,) 425.44 660.67 T
-(s) 431.44 660.67 T
-(e) 435.77 660.67 T
-(e) 440.7 660.67 T
-([) 448.84 660.67 T
-(R) 452.55 660.67 T
-(e) 459.93 660.67 T
-(f) 464.86 660.67 T
-(:) 468.57 660.67 T
-(X) 471.68 660.67 T
-(X) 479.67 660.67 T
-(X) 487.65 660.67 T
-(]) 495.64 660.67 T
-(.) 499.35 660.67 T
-(W) 505.36 660.67 T
-(h) 515.79 660.67 T
-(e) 521.34 660.67 T
-(n) 526.27 660.67 T
-(a) 535.02 660.67 T
-(name is not found at all, a) 72 647.67 T
-2 F
-(NameError) 188.71 647.67 T
-1 F
-( exception is raised.) 248.11 647.67 T
-(The) 72 622.67 T
-(following) 91.66 622.67 T
-(table) 136.99 622.67 T
-(lists) 160.93 622.67 T
-(the) 181.22 622.67 T
-(local) 197.22 622.67 T
-(and) 221.16 622.67 T
-(global) 239.6 622.67 T
-(name) 269.66 622.67 T
-(space) 296.04 622.67 T
-(used) 323.02 622.67 T
-(for) 345.74 622.67 T
-(all) 361.12 622.67 T
-(types) 374.68 622.67 T
-(of) 400.46 622.67 T
-(code) 412.18 622.67 T
-(blocks.) 435.5 622.67 T
-(The) 469.53 622.67 T
-(name) 489.19 622.67 T
-(space) 515.57 622.67 T
-(for) 72 609.67 T
-(a) 87.86 609.67 T
-(particular) 95.78 609.67 T
-(module) 140.96 609.67 T
-(is) 177 609.67 T
-(automatically) 187.37 609.67 T
-(created) 250.29 609.67 T
-(when) 285.08 609.67 T
-(the) 311.94 609.67 T
-(module) 328.42 609.67 T
-(is) 364.45 609.67 T
-(first) 374.82 609.67 T
-(imported.) 395.58 609.67 T
-(Note) 441.08 609.67 T
-(that) 465.5 609.67 T
-(in) 485.04 609.67 T
-(almost) 496.63 609.67 T
-(all) 529 609.67 T
-(cases,) 72 596.67 T
-(the) 100.87 596.67 T
-(global) 117.22 596.67 T
-(name) 147.63 596.67 T
-(space) 174.36 596.67 T
-(is) 201.7 596.67 T
-(the) 211.95 596.67 T
-(name) 228.3 596.67 T
-(space) 255.03 596.67 T
-(of) 282.37 596.67 T
-(the) 294.44 596.67 T
-(containing) 310.79 596.67 T
-(module) 360.14 596.67 T
-(\321) 396.05 596.67 T
-(scopes) 409.96 596.67 T
-(in) 442.19 596.67 T
-(Python) 453.66 596.67 T
-(do) 487.74 596.67 T
-(not) 501.65 596.67 T
-(nest!) 518.62 596.67 T
-(Notes:) 72 313.67 T
-4 F
-(n.s.) 72 294.67 T
-1 F
-(means) 108 294.67 T
-3 F
-(name space) 138.85 294.67 T
-4 F
-(\0501\051) 72 275.67 T
-1 F
-(The main module for a script is always called) 108 275.67 T
-2 F
-(__main__) 311.16 275.67 T
-1 F
-(; \324\324the filename don\325t enter into it.\325\325) 363.96 275.67 T
-4 F
-(\0502\051) 72 256.67 T
-1 F
-(The global and local name space for these can be overridden with optional extra arguments.) 108 256.67 T
-4 F
-(\0503\051) 72 237.67 T
-1 F
-(The) 108 237.67 T
-2 F
-(exec) 128.72 237.67 T
-1 F
-(statement) 158.73 237.67 T
-(and) 204.51 237.67 T
-(the) 224.01 237.67 T
-2 F
-(eval\050\051) 241.07 237.67 T
-1 F
-(and) 284.28 237.67 T
-2 F
-(execfile\050\051) 303.78 237.67 T
-1 F
-(functions) 373.39 237.67 T
-(have) 417.95 237.67 T
-(optional) 442.33 237.67 T
-(arguments) 482 237.67 T
-(to) 531.44 237.67 T
-(override the global and local namespace. If only one namespace is specified, it is used for both.) 108 224.67 T
-(T) 72 199.67 T
-(h) 78.77 199.67 T
-(e) 84.32 199.67 T
-(b) 92.47 199.67 T
-(u) 98.02 199.67 T
-(i) 103.57 199.67 T
-(l) 106.68 199.67 T
-(t) 109.79 199.67 T
-(-) 112.9 199.67 T
-(i) 116.61 199.67 T
-(n) 119.72 199.67 T
-(f) 128.48 199.67 T
-(u) 132.2 199.67 T
-(n) 137.75 199.67 T
-(c) 143.3 199.67 T
-(t) 148.23 199.67 T
-(i) 151.34 199.67 T
-(o) 154.45 199.67 T
-(n) 160 199.67 T
-(s) 165.55 199.67 T
-2 F
-(g) 173.1 199.67 T
-(l) 179.75 199.67 T
-(o) 186.4 199.67 T
-(b) 193.05 199.67 T
-(a) 199.7 199.67 T
-(l) 206.35 199.67 T
-(s) 213 199.67 T
-(\050) 219.65 199.67 T
-(\051) 226.3 199.67 T
-1 F
-(a) 236.17 199.67 T
-(n) 241.1 199.67 T
-(d) 246.65 199.67 T
-2 F
-(l) 255.41 199.67 T
-(o) 262.07 199.67 T
-(c) 268.72 199.67 T
-(a) 275.37 199.67 T
-(l) 282.02 199.67 T
-(s) 288.67 199.67 T
-(\050) 295.32 199.67 T
-(\051) 301.97 199.67 T
-1 F
-(r) 311.83 199.67 T
-(e) 315.55 199.67 T
-(t) 320.48 199.67 T
-(u) 323.59 199.67 T
-(r) 329.14 199.67 T
-(n) 332.86 199.67 T
-(s) 338.41 199.67 T
-(a) 345.95 199.67 T
-(d) 354.1 199.67 T
-(i) 359.65 199.67 T
-(c) 362.76 199.67 T
-(t) 367.69 199.67 T
-(i) 370.8 199.67 T
-(o) 373.91 199.67 T
-(n) 379.46 199.67 T
-(a) 385.01 199.67 T
-(r) 389.95 199.67 T
-(y) 393.66 199.67 T
-(r) 402.42 199.67 T
-(e) 406.14 199.67 T
-(p) 411.07 199.67 T
-(r) 416.62 199.67 T
-(e) 420.33 199.67 T
-(s) 425.27 199.67 T
-(e) 429.6 199.67 T
-(n) 434.53 199.67 T
-(t) 440.08 199.67 T
-(i) 443.19 199.67 T
-(n) 446.3 199.67 T
-(g) 451.85 199.67 T
-(t) 460.62 199.67 T
-(h) 463.73 199.67 T
-(e) 469.28 199.67 T
-(c) 477.42 199.67 T
-(u) 482.36 199.67 T
-(r) 487.91 199.67 T
-(r) 491.62 199.67 T
-(e) 495.34 199.67 T
-(n) 500.27 199.67 T
-(t) 505.82 199.67 T
-(g) 512.15 199.67 T
-(l) 517.7 199.67 T
-(o) 520.8 199.67 T
-(b) 526.35 199.67 T
-(a) 531.91 199.67 T
-(l) 536.84 199.67 T
-(and) 72 186.67 T
-(local) 90.36 186.67 T
-(name) 114.23 186.67 T
-(space,) 140.54 186.67 T
-(respectively.) 170.2 186.67 T
-(The) 228.58 186.67 T
-(effect) 248.16 186.67 T
-(of) 275.68 186.67 T
-(modifications) 287.32 186.67 T
-(to) 350.3 186.67 T
-(this) 361.34 186.67 T
-(dictionary) 379.72 186.67 T
-(on) 426.8 186.67 T
-(the) 440.29 186.67 T
-(name) 456.21 186.67 T
-(space) 482.51 186.67 T
-(are) 509.42 186.67 T
-(un-) 525.34 186.67 T
-(defined.) 72 170.73 T
-1 8.8 Q
-(1) 107.74 175.13 T
-4 12 Q
-(T) 179.93 573 T
-(able 3: Name Spaces f) 186.84 573 T
-(or V) 298.52 573 T
-(arious Code Blocks) 320.41 573 T
-1 F
-(Code block type) 101.8 547 T
-( Global name space) 240.04 547 T
-( Local name space) 377.46 547 T
-( Notes) 487.89 547 T
-1 11 Q
-(Module) 78 523.67 T
-( n.s. for this module) 216.25 523.67 T
-( same as global) 370.12 523.67 T
-(Script \050\336le or command\051) 78 502.67 T
-( n.s. for) 216.25 502.67 T
-2 F
-(__main__) 252.61 502.67 T
-1 F
-( same as global) 370.12 502.67 T
-(\0501\051) 485.77 502.67 T
-(Interacti) 78 481.67 T
-(v) 114.38 481.67 T
-(e command) 119.71 481.67 T
-( n.s. for) 216.25 481.67 T
-2 F
-(__main__) 252.61 481.67 T
-1 F
-( same as global) 370.12 481.67 T
-(Class de\336nition) 78 460.67 T
-( global n.s. of containing block) 216.25 460.67 T
-( ne) 370.12 460.67 T
-(w n.s.) 382.98 460.67 T
-(Function body) 78 439.67 T
-( global n.s. of containing block) 216.25 439.67 T
-( ne) 370.12 439.67 T
-(w n.s.) 382.98 439.67 T
-(String passed to) 78 418.67 T
-2 F
-(exec) 78 405.67 T
-1 F
-( statement) 104.4 405.67 T
-( global n.s. of containing block) 216.25 418.67 T
-(local) 372.4 418.67 T
-(n.s.) 396.06 418.67 T
-(of) 413.61 418.67 T
-(containing) 425.05 418.67 T
-(block) 370.12 405.67 T
-( \0502\051, \0503\051) 485.77 418.67 T
-(String passed to) 78 384.67 T
-2 F
-(eval\050\051) 151.03 384.67 T
-1 F
-( global n.s. of caller) 216.25 384.67 T
-( local n.s. of caller) 370.12 384.67 T
-( \0502\051, \0503\051) 485.77 384.67 T
-(File) 78 363.67 T
-(read) 97.56 363.67 T
-(by) 118.94 363.67 T
-2 F
-(execfile\050\051) 132.38 363.67 T
-1 F
-( global n.s. of caller) 216.25 363.67 T
-( local n.s. of caller) 370.12 363.67 T
-( \0502\051, \0503\051) 485.77 363.67 T
-(Expression) 78 342.67 T
-(read) 129.56 342.67 T
-(by) 151.16 342.67 T
-2 F
-(input) 164.84 342.67 T
-1 F
-( global n.s. of caller) 216.25 342.67 T
-( local n.s. of caller) 370.12 342.67 T
-72 108 540 123 C
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-81 121 225 121 2 L
-0.5 H
-2 Z
-0 X
-0 0 612 792 C
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 10 Q
-0 X
-(1.) 81 101.33 T
-(The) 94.5 101.33 T
-(current) 113.01 101.33 T
-(implementations) 144.29 101.33 T
-(return) 213.91 101.33 T
-(the) 240.75 101.33 T
-(dictionary) 255.93 101.33 T
-(actually) 299.44 101.33 T
-(used) 334.06 101.33 T
-(to) 355.35 101.33 T
-(implement) 366.08 101.33 T
-(the) 411.82 101.33 T
-(name) 427 101.33 T
-(space,) 451.62 101.33 T
-3 11 Q
-(except) 479.29 101.33 T
-1 10 Q
-(for) 510.34 101.33 T
-(functions,) 94.46 89.33 T
-(where) 139.13 89.33 T
-(the) 168.51 89.33 T
-(optimizer) 185.68 89.33 T
-(may) 228.96 89.33 T
-(cause) 251.13 89.33 T
-(the) 278.29 89.33 T
-(local) 295.46 89.33 T
-(name) 319.85 89.33 T
-(space) 346.45 89.33 T
-(to) 373.61 89.33 T
-(be) 386.34 89.33 T
-(implemented) 400.73 89.33 T
-(differently,) 457.9 89.33 T
-(and) 507.56 89.33 T
-2 F
-(locals\050\051) 94.46 77.33 T
-1 F
-( returns a dictionary that is a shadow copy of the actual local name space.) 142.46 77.33 T
-72 562.75 72 335.25 2 L
-0.5 H
-0 Z
-210.25 563.25 210.25 334.75 2 L
-364.12 563.25 364.12 334.75 2 L
-479.77 563.25 479.77 334.75 2 L
-527.02 562.75 527.02 335.25 2 L
-71.75 563 527.27 563 2 L
-72.25 538.25 526.77 538.25 2 L
-72.25 535.75 526.77 535.75 2 L
-71.75 516 527.27 516 2 L
-71.75 495 527.27 495 2 L
-71.75 474 527.27 474 2 L
-71.75 453 527.27 453 2 L
-71.75 432 527.27 432 2 L
-71.75 398 527.27 398 2 L
-71.75 377 527.27 377 2 L
-71.75 356 527.27 356 2 L
-71.75 335 527.27 335 2 L
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-0 FrameSetSepColors
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 10 Q
-0 X
-(25) 530 37.33 T
-585 292.5 598.5 720 R
-5 9 Q
-(\245) 0 270 592.5 720 TF
-(Execution model) 0 270 592.5 711 TF
-585 292.5 598.5 720 R
-0 14 Q
-(4.2) 99 710.67 T
-(Exceptions) 135 710.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(Exceptions) 99 685.67 T
-(are) 150.41 685.67 T
-(a) 166.38 685.67 T
-(means) 173.79 685.67 T
-(of) 204.42 685.67 T
-(breaking) 216.12 685.67 T
-(out) 257.14 685.67 T
-(of) 273.72 685.67 T
-(the) 285.42 685.67 T
-(normal) 301.39 685.67 T
-(flow) 335.08 685.67 T
-(of) 357.77 685.67 T
-(control) 369.47 685.67 T
-(of) 403.16 685.67 T
-(a) 414.85 685.67 T
-(code) 422.27 685.67 T
-(block) 445.57 685.67 T
-(in) 472.54 685.67 T
-(order) 483.62 685.67 T
-(to) 509.36 685.67 T
-(han-) 520.45 685.67 T
-(dle) 99 672.67 T
-(errors) 115.54 672.67 T
-(or) 144.3 672.67 T
-(other) 156.56 672.67 T
-(exceptional) 182.27 672.67 T
-(conditions.) 236.08 672.67 T
-(An) 287.77 672.67 T
-(exception) 304.31 672.67 T
-(is) 350.18 672.67 T
-3 F
-(raised) 360.62 672.67 T
-1 F
-(at) 391.22 672.67 T
-(the) 402.26 672.67 T
-(point) 418.8 672.67 T
-(where) 444.52 672.67 T
-(the) 474.5 672.67 T
-(error) 491.04 672.67 T
-(is) 515.51 672.67 T
-(de-) 525.95 672.67 T
-(tected;) 99 659.67 T
-(it) 132.88 659.67 T
-(may) 143.55 659.67 T
-(be) 167.05 659.67 T
-3 F
-(handled) 181.99 659.67 T
-1 F
-(by) 221.99 659.67 T
-(the) 237.54 659.67 T
-(surrounding) 255.54 659.67 T
-(code) 313.26 659.67 T
-(block) 338.59 659.67 T
-(or) 367.58 659.67 T
-(by) 381.3 659.67 T
-(any) 396.86 659.67 T
-(code) 417.3 659.67 T
-(block) 442.62 659.67 T
-(that) 471.62 659.67 T
-(directly) 492.68 659.67 T
-(or) 530.84 659.67 T
-(indirectly invoked the code block where the error occurred.) 99 646.67 T
-(The) 99 621.67 T
-(Python) 118.56 621.67 T
-(interpreter) 152.19 621.67 T
-(raises) 200.46 621.67 T
-(an) 227.96 621.67 T
-(exception) 240.8 621.67 T
-(when) 286.03 621.67 T
-(it) 312.31 621.67 T
-(detects) 320.88 621.67 T
-(a) 353.88 621.67 T
-(run-time) 361.22 621.67 T
-(error) 401.56 621.67 T
-(\050such) 425.39 621.67 T
-(as) 451.67 621.67 T
-(division) 463.29 621.67 T
-(by) 501.2 621.67 T
-(zero\051.) 514.66 621.67 T
-(A) 99 608.67 T
-(Python) 109.88 608.67 T
-(program) 143.99 608.67 T
-(can) 184.19 608.67 T
-(also) 202.39 608.67 T
-(explicitly) 223.05 608.67 T
-(raise) 267.54 608.67 T
-(an) 291.24 608.67 T
-(exception) 304.56 608.67 T
-(with) 350.26 608.67 T
-(the) 372.76 608.67 T
-2 F
-(raise) 389.13 608.67 T
-1 F
-(statement.) 425.07 608.67 T
-(Exception) 472.91 608.67 T
-(han-) 520.45 608.67 T
-(d) 99 595.67 T
-(l) 104.56 595.67 T
-(e) 107.69 595.67 T
-(r) 112.64 595.67 T
-(s) 116.36 595.67 T
-(a) 123.93 595.67 T
-(r) 128.88 595.67 T
-(e) 132.61 595.67 T
-(s) 140.78 595.67 T
-(p) 145.13 595.67 T
-(e) 150.69 595.67 T
-(c) 155.64 595.67 T
-(i) 160.59 595.67 T
-(f) 163.71 595.67 T
-(i) 167.44 595.67 T
-(e) 170.56 595.67 T
-(d) 175.51 595.67 T
-(w) 184.3 595.67 T
-(i) 192.31 595.67 T
-(t) 195.43 595.67 T
-(h) 198.55 595.67 T
-(t) 207.34 595.67 T
-(h) 210.46 595.67 T
-(e) 216.03 595.67 T
-2 F
-(t) 224.2 595.67 T
-(r) 230.87 595.67 T
-(y) 237.53 595.67 T
-(.) 244.2 595.67 T
-(.) 250.86 595.67 T
-(.) 257.53 595.67 T
-(e) 264.19 595.67 T
-(x) 270.86 595.67 T
-(c) 277.52 595.67 T
-(e) 284.18 595.67 T
-(p) 290.85 595.67 T
-(t) 297.51 595.67 T
-1 F
-(s) 307.4 595.67 T
-(t) 311.75 595.67 T
-(a) 314.87 595.67 T
-(t) 319.82 595.67 T
-(e) 322.94 595.67 T
-(m) 327.89 595.67 T
-(e) 336.51 595.67 T
-(n) 341.46 595.67 T
-(t) 347.02 595.67 T
-(.) 350.15 595.67 T
-(T) 356.19 595.67 T
-(h) 362.97 595.67 T
-(e) 368.54 595.67 T
-2 F
-(t) 376.71 595.67 T
-(r) 383.38 595.67 T
-(y) 390.04 595.67 T
-1 F
-(.) 396.7 595.67 T
-(.) 399.52 595.67 T
-(.) 402.33 595.67 T
-2 F
-(f) 405.15 595.67 T
-(i) 411.81 595.67 T
-(n) 418.48 595.67 T
-(a) 425.14 595.67 T
-(l) 431.81 595.67 T
-(l) 438.47 595.67 T
-(y) 445.13 595.67 T
-1 F
-(s) 455.03 595.67 T
-(t) 459.37 595.67 T
-(a) 462.49 595.67 T
-(t) 467.44 595.67 T
-(e) 470.56 595.67 T
-(m) 475.51 595.67 T
-(e) 484.13 595.67 T
-(n) 489.08 595.67 T
-(t) 494.65 595.67 T
-(s) 500.99 595.67 T
-(p) 505.34 595.67 T
-(e) 510.9 595.67 T
-(c) 515.85 595.67 T
-(i) 520.8 595.67 T
-(f) 523.92 595.67 T
-(i) 527.65 595.67 T
-(e) 530.77 595.67 T
-(s) 535.72 595.67 T
-(cleanup) 99 582.67 T
-(code) 135.87 582.67 T
-(which) 159.3 582.67 T
-(does) 188.85 582.67 T
-(not) 211.67 582.67 T
-(handle) 228.39 582.67 T
-(the) 260.38 582.67 T
-(exception,) 276.48 582.67 T
-(but) 324.66 582.67 T
-(is) 341.38 582.67 T
-(executed) 351.38 582.67 T
-(whether) 393.13 582.67 T
-(an) 431.22 582.67 T
-(exception) 444.27 582.67 T
-(occurred) 489.7 582.67 T
-(or) 530.84 582.67 T
-(not in the preceding code.) 99 569.67 T
-(Python) 99 544.67 T
-(uses) 133.06 544.67 T
-(the) 154.88 544.67 T
-(\322termination\323) 171.21 544.67 T
-(model) 234.58 544.67 T
-(of) 264.96 544.67 T
-(error) 277.01 544.67 T
-(handling:) 301.26 544.67 T
-(an) 345.7 544.67 T
-(exception) 358.97 544.67 T
-(handler) 404.62 544.67 T
-(can) 440.49 544.67 T
-(find) 458.64 544.67 T
-(out) 479.24 544.67 T
-(what) 496.19 544.67 T
-(hap-) 520.45 544.67 T
-(pened) 99 531.67 T
-(and) 127.69 531.67 T
-(continue) 146 531.67 T
-(execution) 186.3 531.67 T
-(at) 231.49 531.67 T
-(an) 241.86 531.67 T
-(outer) 254.67 531.67 T
-(level,) 279.7 531.67 T
-(but) 306.25 531.67 T
-(it) 322.73 531.67 T
-(cannot) 331.27 531.67 T
-(repair) 363.02 531.67 T
-(the) 391.1 531.67 T
-(cause) 406.96 531.67 T
-(of) 433.81 531.67 T
-(the) 445.4 531.67 T
-(error) 461.26 531.67 T
-(and) 485.06 531.67 T
-(retry) 503.37 531.67 T
-(the) 526.56 531.67 T
-(failing operation \050except by re-entering the the offending piece of code from the top\051.) 99 518.67 T
-(W) 99 493.67 T
-(h) 109.4 493.67 T
-(e) 114.91 493.67 T
-(n) 119.81 493.67 T
-(a) 128.49 493.67 T
-(n) 133.39 493.67 T
-(e) 142.08 493.67 T
-(x) 146.97 493.67 T
-(c) 152.49 493.67 T
-(e) 157.38 493.67 T
-(p) 162.28 493.67 T
-(t) 167.79 493.67 T
-(i) 170.86 493.67 T
-(o) 173.93 493.67 T
-(n) 179.44 493.67 T
-(i) 188.13 493.67 T
-(s) 191.2 493.67 T
-(n) 198.67 493.67 T
-(o) 204.18 493.67 T
-(t) 209.69 493.67 T
-(h) 215.94 493.67 T
-(a) 221.45 493.67 T
-(n) 226.35 493.67 T
-(d) 231.86 493.67 T
-(l) 237.37 493.67 T
-(e) 240.44 493.67 T
-(d) 245.34 493.67 T
-(a) 254.03 493.67 T
-(t) 258.92 493.67 T
-(a) 265.17 493.67 T
-(l) 270.07 493.67 T
-(l) 273.14 493.67 T
-(,) 276.21 493.67 T
-(t) 282.14 493.67 T
-(h) 285.21 493.67 T
-(e) 290.73 493.67 T
-(i) 298.8 493.67 T
-(n) 301.87 493.67 T
-(t) 307.38 493.67 T
-(e) 310.45 493.67 T
-(r) 315.35 493.67 T
-(p) 319.02 493.67 T
-(r) 324.54 493.67 T
-(e) 328.21 493.67 T
-(t) 333.11 493.67 T
-(e) 336.18 493.67 T
-(r) 341.07 493.67 T
-(t) 347.92 493.67 T
-(e) 350.99 493.67 T
-(r) 355.89 493.67 T
-(m) 359.57 493.67 T
-(i) 368.14 493.67 T
-(n) 371.21 493.67 T
-(a) 376.72 493.67 T
-(t) 381.62 493.67 T
-(e) 384.69 493.67 T
-(s) 389.58 493.67 T
-(e) 397.05 493.67 T
-(x) 401.95 493.67 T
-(e) 407.46 493.67 T
-(c) 412.36 493.67 T
-(u) 417.25 493.67 T
-(t) 422.76 493.67 T
-(i) 425.83 493.67 T
-(o) 428.9 493.67 T
-(n) 434.42 493.67 T
-(o) 443.11 493.67 T
-(f) 448.62 493.67 T
-(t) 455.47 493.67 T
-(h) 458.54 493.67 T
-(e) 464.05 493.67 T
-(p) 472.12 493.67 T
-(r) 477.63 493.67 T
-(o) 481.31 493.67 T
-(g) 486.82 493.67 T
-(r) 492.33 493.67 T
-(a) 496.01 493.67 T
-(m) 500.91 493.67 T
-(,) 509.48 493.67 T
-(o) 515.41 493.67 T
-(r) 520.93 493.67 T
-(r) 527.78 493.67 T
-(e) 531.45 493.67 T
-(-) 536.35 493.67 T
-(turns to its interactive main loop. In this case, the interpreter normally prints a stack backtrace.) 99 480.67 T
-(Exceptions) 99 455.67 T
-(are) 150.22 455.67 T
-(identified) 165.98 455.67 T
-(by) 210.48 455.67 T
-(string) 223.81 455.67 T
-(objects) 251.2 455.67 T
-(or) 284.7 455.67 T
-(class) 296.19 455.67 T
-(instances.) 319.91 455.67 T
-(Selection) 365.32 455.67 T
-(of) 408.59 455.67 T
-(a) 420.09 455.67 T
-(matching) 427.3 455.67 T
-2 F
-(except) 470.58 455.67 T
-1 F
-(clause) 512.51 455.67 T
-(is) 99 442.67 T
-(based) 108.7 442.67 T
-(on) 136.1 442.67 T
-(object) 149.46 442.67 T
-(identity) 178.71 442.67 T
-(\050i.e.) 214.68 442.67 T
-(two) 234.15 442.67 T
-(different) 253.01 442.67 T
-(string) 293.24 442.67 T
-(objects) 320.65 442.67 T
-(with) 354.18 442.67 T
-(the) 376.1 442.67 T
-(same) 391.9 442.67 T
-(value) 416.86 442.67 T
-(represent) 443.05 442.67 T
-(different) 485.72 442.67 T
-(ex-) 525.95 442.67 T
-(ceptions\051.) 99 429.67 T
-(For) 144.37 429.67 T
-(string) 161.94 429.67 T
-(exceptions,) 189.29 429.67 T
-(the) 241.38 429.67 T
-(except) 257.12 429.67 T
-(clause) 288.12 429.67 T
-(must) 317.9 429.67 T
-(reference) 341.59 429.67 T
-(the) 384.79 429.67 T
-(same) 400.53 429.67 T
-(string) 425.42 429.67 T
-(object.) 452.78 429.67 T
-(For) 484.7 429.67 T
-(class) 502.28 429.67 T
-(ex-) 525.95 429.67 T
-(ceptions, the except clause must reference the same class or a base class of it.) 99 416.67 T
-(W) 99 391.67 T
-(h) 109.43 391.67 T
-(e) 114.98 391.67 T
-(n) 119.91 391.67 T
-(a) 128.67 391.67 T
-(n) 133.61 391.67 T
-(e) 142.37 391.67 T
-(x) 147.3 391.67 T
-(c) 152.85 391.67 T
-(e) 157.78 391.67 T
-(p) 162.71 391.67 T
-(t) 168.26 391.67 T
-(i) 171.37 391.67 T
-(o) 174.48 391.67 T
-(n) 180.02 391.67 T
-(i) 188.79 391.67 T
-(s) 191.89 391.67 T
-(r) 199.43 391.67 T
-(a) 203.14 391.67 T
-(i) 208.07 391.67 T
-(s) 211.18 391.67 T
-(e) 215.51 391.67 T
-(d) 220.44 391.67 T
-(,) 225.99 391.67 T
-(a) 232 391.67 T
-(n) 236.93 391.67 T
-(o) 245.69 391.67 T
-(b) 251.24 391.67 T
-(j) 256.79 391.67 T
-(e) 259.9 391.67 T
-(c) 264.83 391.67 T
-(t) 269.76 391.67 T
-(\050) 276.08 391.67 T
-(m) 279.79 391.67 T
-(a) 288.4 391.67 T
-(y) 293.33 391.67 T
-(b) 298.88 391.67 T
-(e) 304.43 391.67 T
-2 F
-(N) 312.57 391.67 T
-(o) 319.22 391.67 T
-(n) 325.87 391.67 T
-(e) 332.52 391.67 T
-1 F
-(\051) 339.17 391.67 T
-(i) 346.09 391.67 T
-(s) 349.2 391.67 T
-(p) 356.74 391.67 T
-(a) 362.29 391.67 T
-(s) 367.22 391.67 T
-(s) 371.55 391.67 T
-(e) 375.87 391.67 T
-(d) 380.81 391.67 T
-(a) 389.57 391.67 T
-(s) 394.5 391.67 T
-(t) 402.04 391.67 T
-(h) 405.14 391.67 T
-(e) 410.69 391.67 T
-(e) 418.84 391.67 T
-(x) 423.77 391.67 T
-(c) 429.32 391.67 T
-(e) 434.25 391.67 T
-(p) 439.18 391.67 T
-(t) 444.73 391.67 T
-(i) 447.84 391.67 T
-(o) 450.95 391.67 T
-(n) 456.5 391.67 T
-(\325) 462.04 391.67 T
-(s) 465.76 391.67 T
-(\322) 473.3 391.67 T
-(p) 478.23 391.67 T
-(a) 483.78 391.67 T
-(r) 488.71 391.67 T
-(a) 492.42 391.67 T
-(m) 497.35 391.67 T
-(e) 505.96 391.67 T
-(t) 510.89 391.67 T
-(e) 514 391.67 T
-(r) 518.93 391.67 T
-(\323) 522.64 391.67 T
-(o) 530.79 391.67 T
-(r) 536.34 391.67 T
-(\324\324value\325\325;) 99 378.67 T
-(this) 142.81 378.67 T
-(object) 160.98 378.67 T
-(does) 190.14 378.67 T
-(not) 212.58 378.67 T
-(affect) 228.91 378.67 T
-(the) 256.22 378.67 T
-(selection) 271.94 378.67 T
-(of) 313.32 378.67 T
-(an) 324.76 378.67 T
-(exception) 337.42 378.67 T
-(handler,) 382.46 378.67 T
-(but) 420.47 378.67 T
-(is) 436.81 378.67 T
-(passed) 446.42 378.67 T
-(to) 478.02 378.67 T
-(the) 488.85 378.67 T
-(selected) 504.57 378.67 T
-(exception) 99 365.67 T
-(handler) 144.68 365.67 T
-(as) 180.58 365.67 T
-(additional) 192.66 365.67 T
-(information.) 239.57 365.67 T
-(For) 297.17 365.67 T
-(class) 315.37 365.67 T
-(exceptions,) 339.66 365.67 T
-(this) 392.37 365.67 T
-(object) 411.18 365.67 T
-(must) 440.98 365.67 T
-(be) 465.28 365.67 T
-(an) 478.58 365.67 T
-(instance) 491.88 365.67 T
-(of) 530.84 365.67 T
-(the exception class being raised.) 99 352.67 T
-(See also the description of the) 99 327.67 T
-2 F
-(try) 234.04 327.67 T
-1 F
-( and) 253.84 327.67 T
-2 F
-(raise) 275.22 327.67 T
-1 F
-( statements in \322Compound statements\323 on page) 308.22 327.67 T
-(47.) 519.34 327.67 T
-%%EndPage: "25" 31
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-612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE
-0 FrameSetSepColors
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 10 Q
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-0 FrameSetSepColors
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 10 Q
-0 X
-(27) 530 37.33 T
-585 292.5 598.5 720 R
-5 9 Q
-(\245) 0 270 592.5 720 TF
-(Expressions) 0 270 592.5 711 TF
-585 292.5 598.5 720 R
-0 16 Q
-(C) 99 709.33 T
-0 12.8 Q
-(HAPTER) 110.55 709.33 T
-0 16 Q
-(5:) 167.62 709.33 T
-(E) 198 709.33 T
-0 12.8 Q
-(XPRESSIONS) 208.67 709.33 T
-1 11 Q
-(This chapter explains the meaning of the elements of expressions in Python.) 99 672.67 T
-4 F
-(Syntax) 99 653.67 T
-(notes:) 133.62 653.67 T
-1 F
-(in) 163.95 653.67 T
-(this) 174.73 653.67 T
-(and) 192.84 653.67 T
-(the) 210.95 653.67 T
-(following) 226.62 653.67 T
-(chapters,) 271.62 653.67 T
-(extended) 313.24 653.67 T
-(BNF) 355.17 653.67 T
-(notation) 378.79 653.67 T
-(will) 417.07 653.67 T
-(be) 436.41 653.67 T
-(used) 449.02 653.67 T
-(to) 471.4 653.67 T
-(describe) 482.18 653.67 T
-(syn-) 521.06 653.67 T
-(tax, not lexical analysis. When \050one alternative of\051 a syntax rule has the form) 99 640.67 T
-2 10 Q
-(name: othername) 99 622.33 T
-1 11 Q
-(and no semantics are given, the semantics of this form of) 99 597.67 T
-2 F
-(name) 352.57 597.67 T
-1 F
-( are the same as for) 378.97 597.67 T
-2 F
-(othername) 466.94 597.67 T
-1 F
-(.) 526.34 597.67 T
-0 14 Q
-(5.1) 99 570.67 T
-(Arithmetic conversions) 135 570.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(When) 99 545.67 T
-(a) 127.87 545.67 T
-(description) 135.35 545.67 T
-(of) 186.84 545.67 T
-(an) 198.6 545.67 T
-(arithmetic) 211.58 545.67 T
-(operator) 258.79 545.67 T
-(below) 298.04 545.67 T
-(uses) 327.53 545.67 T
-(the) 349.07 545.67 T
-(phrase) 365.11 545.67 T
-(\322the) 396.42 545.67 T
-(numeric) 417.35 545.67 T
-(arguments) 455.99 545.67 T
-(are) 504.42 545.67 T
-(con-) 520.45 545.67 T
-(verted) 99 532.67 T
-(to) 130.09 532.67 T
-(a) 142.26 532.67 T
-(common) 150.75 532.67 T
-(type\323,) 192.85 532.67 T
-(the) 223.03 532.67 T
-(arguments) 240.08 532.67 T
-(are) 289.51 532.67 T
-(coerced) 306.55 532.67 T
-(using) 344.35 532.67 T
-(the) 371.8 532.67 T
-(coercion) 388.84 532.67 T
-(rules) 430.32 532.67 T
-(listed) 455.31 532.67 T
-(at) 482.75 532.67 T
-(the) 494.3 532.67 T
-(end) 511.35 532.67 T
-(of) 530.84 532.67 T
-(chapter 3. If both arguments are standard numeric types, the following coercions are applied:) 99 519.67 T
-(\245) 99 500.67 T
-(If either argument is a complex number, the other is converted to complex;) 113.4 500.67 T
-(\245) 99 481.67 T
-(otherwise, if either argument is a floating point number, the other is converted to floating point;) 113.4 481.67 T
-(\245) 99 462.67 T
-(otherwise, if either argument is a long integer, the other is converted to long integer;) 113.4 462.67 T
-(\245) 99 443.67 T
-(otherwise, both must be plain integers and no conversion is necessary.) 113.4 443.67 T
-(Some) 99 418.67 T
-(additional) 126.67 418.67 T
-(rules) 173.29 418.67 T
-(apply) 197.29 418.67 T
-(for) 224.35 418.67 T
-(certain) 239.79 418.67 T
-(operators) 272.34 418.67 T
-(\050e.g.) 315.88 418.67 T
-(a) 338.05 418.67 T
-(string) 345.55 418.67 T
-(left) 373.22 418.67 T
-(argument) 390.5 418.67 T
-(to) 434.66 418.67 T
-(the) 445.83 418.67 T
-(\324) 461.89 418.67 T
-2 F
-(%) 465.56 418.67 T
-1 F
-(\325) 472.16 418.67 T
-(operator\051.) 478.43 418.67 T
-(Ex-) 524.12 418.67 T
-(tensions can define their own coercions.) 99 405.67 T
-0 14 Q
-(5.2) 99 378.67 T
-(Atoms) 135 378.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(Atoms) 99 353.67 T
-(are) 132.51 353.67 T
-(the) 150.12 353.67 T
-(most) 167.74 353.67 T
-(basic) 193.32 353.67 T
-(elements) 220.1 353.67 T
-(of) 263.39 353.67 T
-(expressions.) 276.73 353.67 T
-(The) 334.98 353.67 T
-(simplest) 356.26 353.67 T
-(atoms) 397.12 353.67 T
-(are) 427.57 353.67 T
-(identifiers) 445.18 353.67 T
-(or) 493.97 353.67 T
-(literals.) 507.31 353.67 T
-(Forms) 99 340.67 T
-(enclosed) 129.97 340.67 T
-(in) 171.31 340.67 T
-(reverse) 182.72 340.67 T
-(quotes) 217.33 340.67 T
-(or) 248.9 340.67 T
-(in) 260.92 340.67 T
-(parentheses,) 272.33 340.67 T
-(brackets) 329.24 340.67 T
-(or) 368.75 340.67 T
-(braces) 380.76 340.67 T
-(are) 411.71 340.67 T
-(also) 427.99 340.67 T
-(categorized) 448.57 340.67 T
-(syntacti-) 502.12 340.67 T
-(cally as atoms. The syntax for atoms is:) 99 327.67 T
-2 10 Q
-(atom: identifier | literal | enclosure) 99 309.33 T
-(enclosure: parenth_form|list_display|dict_display|string_conversion) 99 297.33 T
-0 12 Q
-(5.2.1) 99 272 T
-(Identifiers \050Names\051) 144 272 T
-1 11 Q
-(An) 99 252.67 T
-(identifier) 114.94 252.67 T
-(occurring) 157.77 252.67 T
-(as) 202.43 252.67 T
-(an) 214.09 252.67 T
-(atom) 226.98 252.67 T
-(is) 251.48 252.67 T
-(a) 261.32 252.67 T
-(reference) 268.7 252.67 T
-(to) 312.12 252.67 T
-(a) 323.18 252.67 T
-(local,) 330.56 252.67 T
-(global) 357.2 252.67 T
-(or) 387.2 252.67 T
-(built-in) 398.87 252.67 T
-(name) 433.76 252.67 T
-(binding.) 460.09 252.67 T
-(If) 498.96 252.67 T
-(a) 508.79 252.67 T
-(name) 516.17 252.67 T
-(is) 99 239.67 T
-(assigned) 110.77 239.67 T
-(to) 153.08 239.67 T
-(anywhere) 166.07 239.67 T
-(in) 213.26 239.67 T
-(a) 226.25 239.67 T
-(code) 235.57 239.67 T
-(block) 260.77 239.67 T
-(\050even) 289.64 239.67 T
-(in) 318.5 239.67 T
-(unreachable) 331.49 239.67 T
-(code\051,) 389.07 239.67 T
-(and) 420.68 239.67 T
-(is) 440.99 239.67 T
-(not) 452.76 239.67 T
-(mentioned) 471.25 239.67 T
-(in) 522.13 239.67 T
-(a) 535.12 239.67 T
-2 F
-(global) 99 226.67 T
-1 F
-(statement) 140.86 226.67 T
-(in) 185.29 226.67 T
-(that) 196.11 226.67 T
-(code) 214.87 226.67 T
-(block,) 237.9 226.67 T
-(then) 267.36 226.67 T
-(it) 288.56 226.67 T
-(refers) 296.94 226.67 T
-(to) 324.24 226.67 T
-(a) 335.06 226.67 T
-(local) 342.21 226.67 T
-(name) 365.85 226.67 T
-(throughout) 391.94 226.67 T
-(that) 442.48 226.67 T
-(code) 461.25 226.67 T
-(block.) 484.28 226.67 T
-(When) 513.73 226.67 T
-(it) 99 213.67 T
-(is) 108.7 213.67 T
-(not) 119.61 213.67 T
-(assigned) 137.25 213.67 T
-(to) 178.71 213.67 T
-(anywhere) 190.85 213.67 T
-(in) 237.19 213.67 T
-(the) 249.33 213.67 T
-(block,) 266.35 213.67 T
-(or) 297.12 213.67 T
-(when) 309.86 213.67 T
-(it) 337.27 213.67 T
-(is) 346.96 213.67 T
-(assigned) 357.88 213.67 T
-(to) 399.35 213.67 T
-(but) 411.48 213.67 T
-(also) 429.12 213.67 T
-(explicitly) 450.42 213.67 T
-(listed) 495.56 213.67 T
-(in) 522.98 213.67 T
-(a) 535.11 213.67 T
-2 F
-(global) 99 200.67 T
-1 F
-(statement,) 141.62 200.67 T
-(it) 189.55 200.67 T
-(refers) 198.68 200.67 T
-(to) 226.74 200.67 T
-(a) 238.31 200.67 T
-(global) 246.22 200.67 T
-(name) 276.73 200.67 T
-(if) 303.58 200.67 T
-(one) 313.32 200.67 T
-(exists,) 332.22 200.67 T
-(else) 363.05 200.67 T
-(to) 383.17 200.67 T
-(a) 394.75 200.67 T
-(built-in) 402.65 200.67 T
-(name) 438.06 200.67 T
-(\050and) 464.9 200.67 T
-(this) 487.47 200.67 T
-(binding) 506.38 200.67 T
-(may dynamically change\051.) 99 187.67 T
-(When) 99 168.67 T
-(the) 128.15 168.67 T
-(name) 144.48 168.67 T
-(is) 171.19 168.67 T
-(bound) 181.42 168.67 T
-(to) 211.8 168.67 T
-(an) 223.25 168.67 T
-(object,) 236.52 168.67 T
-(evaluation) 269.04 168.67 T
-(of) 317.75 168.67 T
-(the) 329.8 168.67 T
-(atom) 346.13 168.67 T
-(yields) 371.01 168.67 T
-(that) 400.18 168.67 T
-(object.) 419.56 168.67 T
-(When) 452.08 168.67 T
-(a) 481.24 168.67 T
-(name) 489.01 168.67 T
-(is) 515.72 168.67 T
-(not) 525.94 168.67 T
-(bound, an attempt to evaluate it raises a) 99 155.67 T
-2 F
-(NameError) 275.89 155.67 T
-1 F
-( exception.) 335.29 155.67 T
-4 F
-(Private) 99 136.67 T
-(name) 136.73 136.67 T
-(mangling:) 165.92 136.67 T
-1 F
-(when) 217.12 136.67 T
-(an) 244.46 136.67 T
-(identifier) 258.37 136.67 T
-(that) 302.22 136.67 T
-(textually) 322.24 136.67 T
-(occurs) 364.27 136.67 T
-(in) 396.5 136.67 T
-(a) 408.58 136.67 T
-(class) 416.99 136.67 T
-(definition) 441.89 136.67 T
-(begins) 488.2 136.67 T
-(with) 520.44 136.67 T
-(two) 99 123.67 T
-(or) 118.78 123.67 T
-(more) 131.23 123.67 T
-(underscore) 157.12 123.67 T
-(characters) 208.65 123.67 T
-(and) 256.52 123.67 T
-(does) 275.69 123.67 T
-(not) 299.13 123.67 T
-(end) 316.47 123.67 T
-(in) 335.64 123.67 T
-(two) 347.48 123.67 T
-(or) 367.26 123.67 T
-(more) 379.71 123.67 T
-(underscores,) 405.6 123.67 T
-(it) 464.16 123.67 T
-(is) 473.56 123.67 T
-(considered) 484.18 123.67 T
-(a) 535.12 123.67 T
-(\322private) 99 110.67 T
-(name\323) 136.89 110.67 T
-(of) 168.06 110.67 T
-(that) 179.68 110.67 T
-(class.) 198.63 110.67 T
-(Private) 225.23 110.67 T
-(names) 258.85 110.67 T
-(are) 289.41 110.67 T
-(transformed) 305.3 110.67 T
-(to) 360.91 110.67 T
-(a) 371.92 110.67 T
-(longer) 379.27 110.67 T
-(form) 409.83 110.67 T
-(before) 433.67 110.67 T
-(code) 464.22 110.67 T
-(is) 487.45 110.67 T
-(generated) 497.24 110.67 T
-(for) 99 97.67 T
-(them.) 115.2 97.67 T
-(The) 143.32 97.67 T
-(transformation) 163.8 97.67 T
-(inserts) 231.94 97.67 T
-(the) 264.03 97.67 T
-(class) 280.84 97.67 T
-(name) 305.6 97.67 T
-(in) 332.8 97.67 T
-(front) 344.73 97.67 T
-(of) 369.48 97.67 T
-(the) 382.02 97.67 T
-(name,) 398.83 97.67 T
-(with) 428.78 97.67 T
-(leading) 451.71 97.67 T
-(underscores) 487.46 97.67 T
-(removed,) 99 84.67 T
-(and) 144.24 84.67 T
-(a) 164.13 84.67 T
-(single) 173.02 84.67 T
-(underscore) 203.3 84.67 T
-(inserted) 255.56 84.67 T
-(in) 294.39 84.67 T
-(front) 306.95 84.67 T
-(of) 332.34 84.67 T
-(the) 345.51 84.67 T
-(class) 362.95 84.67 T
-(name.) 388.34 84.67 T
-(For) 418.92 84.67 T
-(example,) 438.21 84.67 T
-(the) 482.23 84.67 T
-(identifier) 499.67 84.67 T
-(__spam) 99 71.67 T
-(occurring) 135.68 71.67 T
-(in) 180.28 71.67 T
-(a) 191.29 71.67 T
-(class) 198.63 71.67 T
-(named) 222.47 71.67 T
-(Ham) 254.25 71.67 T
-(will) 278.09 71.67 T
-(be) 297.66 71.67 T
-(transformed) 310.5 71.67 T
-(to) 366.11 71.67 T
-(_Ham__spam.) 377.12 71.67 T
-(This) 443.43 71.67 T
-(transformation) 465.44 71.67 T
-(is) 532.66 71.67 T
-%%EndPage: "27" 33
-%%Page: "28" 34
-612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE
-0 FrameSetSepColors
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 10 Q
-0 X
-(28) 76.5 37.33 T
-1 11 Q
-(independent) 99 712.67 T
-(of) 155.68 712.67 T
-(the) 167.76 712.67 T
-(syntactical) 184.11 712.67 T
-(context) 234.07 712.67 T
-(in) 269.37 712.67 T
-(which) 280.84 712.67 T
-(the) 310.64 712.67 T
-(identifier) 326.99 712.67 T
-(is) 370.23 712.67 T
-(used.) 380.48 712.67 T
-(If) 406.3 712.67 T
-(the) 416.54 712.67 T
-(transformed) 432.9 712.67 T
-(name) 488.96 712.67 T
-(is) 515.7 712.67 T
-(ex-) 525.95 712.67 T
-(tremely) 99 699.67 T
-(long) 134.71 699.67 T
-(\050longer) 156.37 699.67 T
-(than) 190.25 699.67 T
-(255) 211.29 699.67 T
-(characters\051,) 229.9 699.67 T
-(implementation) 283 699.67 T
-(defined) 354.16 699.67 T
-(truncation) 389.26 699.67 T
-(may) 435.97 699.67 T
-(happen.) 457.01 699.67 T
-(If) 493.64 699.67 T
-(the) 503.07 699.67 T
-(class) 518.62 699.67 T
-(name consists only of underscores, no transformation is done.) 99 686.67 T
-0 12 Q
-(5.2.2) 99 661 T
-(Literals) 144 661 T
-1 11 Q
-(Python supports string literals and various numeric literals:) 99 641.67 T
-2 10 Q
-(literal:) 99 623.33 T
-(stringliteral) 162.54 623.33 T
-(|) 245.73 623.33 T
-(integer) 256.91 623.33 T
-(|) 304.09 623.33 T
-(longinteger) 315.27 623.33 T
-(|) 386.45 623.33 T
-(floatnumber) 397.64 623.33 T
-(|) 468.82 623.33 T
-(imagnumber) 480 623.33 T
-1 11 Q
-(Evaluation) 99 598.67 T
-(of) 149.76 598.67 T
-(a) 162.03 598.67 T
-(literal) 170.02 598.67 T
-(yields) 198.78 598.67 T
-(an) 228.16 598.67 T
-(object) 241.65 598.67 T
-(of) 271.63 598.67 T
-(the) 283.9 598.67 T
-(given) 300.44 598.67 T
-(type) 327.99 598.67 T
-(\050string,) 350.03 598.67 T
-(integer,) 384.6 598.67 T
-(long) 421 598.67 T
-(integer,) 443.66 598.67 T
-(floating) 480.06 598.67 T
-(point) 517.38 598.67 T
-(number,) 99 585.67 T
-(complex) 137.91 585.67 T
-(number\051) 178.34 585.67 T
-(with) 218.16 585.67 T
-(the) 240.27 585.67 T
-(given) 256.26 585.67 T
-(value.) 283.25 585.67 T
-(The) 312.38 585.67 T
-(value) 332.03 585.67 T
-(may) 358.41 585.67 T
-(be) 379.9 585.67 T
-(approximated) 392.84 585.67 T
-(in) 455.88 585.67 T
-(the) 466.99 585.67 T
-(case) 482.98 585.67 T
-(of) 504.46 585.67 T
-(float-) 516.17 585.67 T
-(ing point and imaginary \050complex\051 literals. \050See \322Literals\323 on page) 99 572.67 T
-(6 for details.\051) 399 572.67 T
-(All) 99 547.67 T
-(literals) 115.67 547.67 T
-(correspond) 148.23 547.67 T
-(to) 199.72 547.67 T
-(immutable) 210.89 547.67 T
-(data) 260.57 547.67 T
-(types,) 281.51 547.67 T
-(and) 310.1 547.67 T
-(hence) 328.6 547.67 T
-(the) 356.86 547.67 T
-(object\325s) 372.92 547.67 T
-(identity) 410.36 547.67 T
-(is) 446.59 547.67 T
-(less) 456.55 547.67 T
-(important) 475.66 547.67 T
-(than) 521.06 547.67 T
-(its) 99 534.67 T
-(value.) 112.15 534.67 T
-(Multiple) 141.49 534.67 T
-(evaluations) 182.15 534.67 T
-(of) 235.01 534.67 T
-(literals) 246.93 534.67 T
-(with) 279.64 534.67 T
-(the) 301.95 534.67 T
-(same) 318.16 534.67 T
-(value) 343.52 534.67 T
-(\050either) 370.11 534.67 T
-(the) 401.58 534.67 T
-(same) 417.78 534.67 T
-(occurrence) 443.15 534.67 T
-(in) 494.15 534.67 T
-(the) 505.47 534.67 T
-(pro-) 521.67 534.67 T
-(g) 99 521.67 T
-(r) 104.5 521.67 T
-(a) 108.17 521.67 T
-(m) 113.06 521.67 T
-(t) 124.79 521.67 T
-(e) 127.86 521.67 T
-(x) 132.75 521.67 T
-(t) 138.25 521.67 T
-(o) 144.48 521.67 T
-(r) 149.99 521.67 T
-(a) 156.82 521.67 T
-(d) 164.88 521.67 T
-(i) 170.39 521.67 T
-(f) 173.45 521.67 T
-(f) 177.12 521.67 T
-(e) 180.79 521.67 T
-(r) 185.68 521.67 T
-(e) 189.35 521.67 T
-(n) 194.23 521.67 T
-(t) 199.74 521.67 T
-(o) 205.97 521.67 T
-(c) 211.48 521.67 T
-(c) 216.37 521.67 T
-(u) 221.25 521.67 T
-(r) 226.76 521.67 T
-(r) 230.43 521.67 T
-(e) 234.1 521.67 T
-(n) 238.99 521.67 T
-(c) 244.49 521.67 T
-(e) 249.38 521.67 T
-(\051) 254.27 521.67 T
-(m) 261.11 521.67 T
-(a) 269.67 521.67 T
-(y) 274.56 521.67 T
-(o) 283.23 521.67 T
-(b) 288.74 521.67 T
-(t) 294.24 521.67 T
-(a) 297.3 521.67 T
-(i) 302.2 521.67 T
-(n) 305.26 521.67 T
-(t) 313.93 521.67 T
-(h) 316.99 521.67 T
-(e) 322.5 521.67 T
-(s) 330.56 521.67 T
-(a) 334.84 521.67 T
-(m) 339.73 521.67 T
-(e) 348.29 521.67 T
-(o) 356.35 521.67 T
-(b) 361.86 521.67 T
-(j) 367.36 521.67 T
-(e) 370.42 521.67 T
-(c) 375.31 521.67 T
-(t) 380.2 521.67 T
-(o) 386.43 521.67 T
-(r) 391.94 521.67 T
-(a) 398.78 521.67 T
-(d) 406.83 521.67 T
-(i) 412.34 521.67 T
-(f) 415.4 521.67 T
-(f) 419.07 521.67 T
-(e) 422.74 521.67 T
-(r) 427.63 521.67 T
-(e) 431.3 521.67 T
-(n) 436.19 521.67 T
-(t) 441.69 521.67 T
-(o) 447.92 521.67 T
-(b) 453.43 521.67 T
-(j) 458.93 521.67 T
-(e) 462 521.67 T
-(c) 466.89 521.67 T
-(t) 471.77 521.67 T
-(w) 478.01 521.67 T
-(i) 485.95 521.67 T
-(t) 489.02 521.67 T
-(h) 492.08 521.67 T
-(t) 500.75 521.67 T
-(h) 503.82 521.67 T
-(e) 509.32 521.67 T
-(s) 517.38 521.67 T
-(a) 521.66 521.67 T
-(m) 526.55 521.67 T
-(e) 535.12 521.67 T
-(value.) 99 508.67 T
-0 12 Q
-(5.2.3) 99 483 T
-(Parenthesized forms) 144 483 T
-1 11 Q
-(A parenthesized form is an optional expression list enclosed in parentheses:) 99 463.67 T
-2 10 Q
-(parenth_form: "\050" [expression_list] "\051") 99 445.33 T
-1 11 Q
-(A) 99 420.67 T
-(parenthesized) 109.66 420.67 T
-(expression) 172.85 420.67 T
-(list) 222.62 420.67 T
-(yields) 238.79 420.67 T
-(whatever) 267.79 420.67 T
-(that) 310.82 420.67 T
-(expression) 330.04 420.67 T
-(list) 379.8 420.67 T
-(yields:) 395.97 420.67 T
-(if) 428.03 420.67 T
-(the) 437.47 420.67 T
-(list) 453.63 420.67 T
-(contains) 469.8 420.67 T
-(at) 509.18 420.67 T
-(least) 519.84 420.67 T
-(one) 99 407.67 T
-(comma,) 117.81 407.67 T
-(it) 155.88 407.67 T
-(yields) 164.92 407.67 T
-(a) 194.13 407.67 T
-(tuple;) 201.94 407.67 T
-(otherwise,) 229.93 407.67 T
-(it) 278.38 407.67 T
-(yields) 287.42 407.67 T
-(the) 316.63 407.67 T
-(single) 333 407.67 T
-(expression) 362.21 407.67 T
-(that) 412.19 407.67 T
-(makes) 431.62 407.67 T
-(up) 462.65 407.67 T
-(the) 476.58 407.67 T
-(expression) 492.95 407.67 T
-(list.) 99 394.67 T
-(An) 99 369.67 T
-(empty) 115.26 369.67 T
-(pair) 145.57 369.67 T
-(of) 165.5 369.67 T
-(parentheses) 177.48 369.67 T
-(yields) 231.61 369.67 T
-(an) 260.7 369.67 T
-(empty) 273.9 369.67 T
-(tuple) 304.22 369.67 T
-(object.) 329.04 369.67 T
-(Since) 361.49 369.67 T
-(tuples) 388.75 369.67 T
-(are) 417.84 369.67 T
-(immutable,) 434.09 369.67 T
-(the) 486.71 369.67 T
-(rules) 502.97 369.67 T
-(for) 527.17 369.67 T
-(literals apply\050i.e., two occurrences of the empty tuple may or may not yield the same object\051.) 99 356.67 T
-(Note) 99 331.67 T
-(that) 123.06 331.67 T
-(tuples) 142.24 331.67 T
-(are) 171.19 331.67 T
-(not) 187.29 331.67 T
-(formed) 204.03 331.67 T
-(by) 238.47 331.67 T
-(the) 252.15 331.67 T
-(parentheses,) 268.27 331.67 T
-(but) 325.01 331.67 T
-(rather) 341.74 331.67 T
-(by) 370.07 331.67 T
-(use) 383.74 331.67 T
-(of) 401.08 331.67 T
-(the) 412.92 331.67 T
-(comma) 429.04 331.67 T
-(operator.) 464.1 331.67 T
-(The) 506.17 331.67 T
-(ex-) 525.95 331.67 T
-(ception) 99 318.67 T
-(is) 133.61 318.67 T
-(the) 143.16 318.67 T
-(empty) 158.83 318.67 T
-(tuple,) 188.55 318.67 T
-(for) 215.52 318.67 T
-(which) 230.57 318.67 T
-(parentheses) 259.68 318.67 T
-3 F
-(are) 313.21 318.67 T
-1 F
-(required) 330.1 318.67 T
-(\321) 368.97 318.67 T
-(allowing) 382.19 318.67 T
-(unparenthesized) 422.92 318.67 T
-(\322nothing\323) 496.61 318.67 T
-(in expressions would cause ambiguities and allow common typos to pass uncaught.) 99 305.67 T
-0 12 Q
-(5.2.4) 99 280 T
-(List displays) 144 280 T
-1 11 Q
-(A list display is a possibly empty series of expressions enclosed in square brackets:) 99 260.67 T
-2 10 Q
-(list_display: "[" [expression_list] "]") 99 242.33 T
-1 11 Q
-(A) 99 217.67 T
-(list) 109.85 217.67 T
-(display) 126.21 217.67 T
-(yields) 160.9 217.67 T
-(a) 190.08 217.67 T
-(new) 197.88 217.67 T
-(list) 219.11 217.67 T
-(object.) 235.47 217.67 T
-(If) 268.01 217.67 T
-(it) 278.25 217.67 T
-(has) 287.27 217.67 T
-(no) 304.84 217.67 T
-(expression) 318.75 217.67 T
-(list,) 368.7 217.67 T
-(the) 387.81 217.67 T
-(list) 404.16 217.67 T
-(object) 420.52 217.67 T
-(has) 450.32 217.67 T
-(no) 467.89 217.67 T
-(items.) 481.8 217.67 T
-(Other-) 511.29 217.67 T
-(wise,) 99 204.67 T
-(the) 124.6 204.67 T
-(elements) 140.74 204.67 T
-(of) 182.53 204.67 T
-(the) 194.38 204.67 T
-(expression) 210.51 204.67 T
-(list) 260.25 204.67 T
-(are) 276.39 204.67 T
-(evaluated) 292.52 204.67 T
-(from) 337.36 204.67 T
-(left) 361.43 204.67 T
-(to) 378.79 204.67 T
-(right) 390.03 204.67 T
-(and) 413.5 204.67 T
-(inserted) 432.08 204.67 T
-(in) 469.59 204.67 T
-(the) 480.84 204.67 T
-(list) 496.97 204.67 T
-(object) 513.12 204.67 T
-(in that order.) 99 191.67 T
-0 12 Q
-(5.2.5) 99 166 T
-(Dictionary displays) 144 166 T
-1 11 Q
-(A dictionary display is a possibly empty series of key/datum pairs enclosed in curly braces:) 99 146.67 T
-2 10 Q
-(dict_display: "{" [key_datum_list] "}") 99 128.33 T
-(key_datum_list: key_datum \050"," key_datum\051* [","]) 99 116.33 T
-(key_datum: expression ":" expression) 99 104.33 T
-1 11 Q
-(A dictionary display yields a new dictionary object) 99 79.67 T
-%%EndPage: "28" 34
-%%Page: "29" 35
-612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE
-0 FrameSetSepColors
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 10 Q
-0 X
-(29) 530 37.33 T
-585 292.5 598.5 720 R
-5 9 Q
-(\245) 0 270 592.5 720 TF
-(Expressions) 0 270 592.5 711 TF
-585 292.5 598.5 720 R
-1 11 Q
-(The) 99 712.67 T
-(key/datum) 119.04 712.67 T
-(pairs) 168.43 712.67 T
-(are) 192.75 712.67 T
-(evaluated) 209.12 712.67 T
-(from) 254.21 712.67 T
-(left) 278.54 712.67 T
-(to) 296.14 712.67 T
-(right) 307.64 712.67 T
-(to) 331.36 712.67 T
-(define) 342.86 712.67 T
-(the) 373.29 712.67 T
-(entries) 389.67 712.67 T
-(of) 421.93 712.67 T
-(the) 434.04 712.67 T
-(dictionary:) 450.42 712.67 T
-(each) 501.02 712.67 T
-(key) 524.12 712.67 T
-(object is used as a key into the dictionary to store the corresponding datum.) 99 699.67 T
-(R) 99 674.67 T
-(e) 106.48 674.67 T
-(s) 111.51 674.67 T
-(t) 115.93 674.67 T
-(r) 119.13 674.67 T
-(i) 122.94 674.67 T
-(c) 126.14 674.67 T
-(t) 131.17 674.67 T
-(i) 134.37 674.67 T
-(o) 137.57 674.67 T
-(n) 143.21 674.67 T
-(s) 148.86 674.67 T
-(o) 156.58 674.67 T
-(n) 162.23 674.67 T
-(t) 171.18 674.67 T
-(h) 174.38 674.67 T
-(e) 180.02 674.67 T
-(t) 188.35 674.67 T
-(y) 191.55 674.67 T
-(p) 197.2 674.67 T
-(e) 202.84 674.67 T
-(s) 207.87 674.67 T
-(o) 215.6 674.67 T
-(f) 221.24 674.67 T
-(t) 228.35 674.67 T
-(h) 231.55 674.67 T
-(e) 237.2 674.67 T
-(k) 245.53 674.67 T
-(e) 251.17 674.67 T
-(y) 256.2 674.67 T
-(v) 265.15 674.67 T
-(a) 270.79 674.67 T
-(l) 275.82 674.67 T
-(u) 279.02 674.67 T
-(e) 284.67 674.67 T
-(s) 289.69 674.67 T
-(a) 297.42 674.67 T
-(r) 302.45 674.67 T
-(e) 306.26 674.67 T
-(l) 314.59 674.67 T
-(i) 317.79 674.67 T
-(s) 320.99 674.67 T
-(t) 325.41 674.67 T
-(e) 328.61 674.67 T
-(d) 333.64 674.67 T
-(e) 342.59 674.67 T
-(a) 347.62 674.67 T
-(r) 352.64 674.67 T
-(l) 356.45 674.67 T
-(i) 359.65 674.67 T
-(e) 362.85 674.67 T
-(r) 367.88 674.67 T
-(i) 374.99 674.67 T
-(n) 378.2 674.67 T
-(\322) 387.14 674.67 T
-(T) 392.17 674.67 T
-(h) 399.04 674.67 T
-(e) 404.68 674.67 T
-(s) 413.01 674.67 T
-(t) 417.43 674.67 T
-(a) 420.64 674.67 T
-(n) 425.66 674.67 T
-(d) 431.31 674.67 T
-(a) 436.95 674.67 T
-(r) 441.98 674.67 T
-(d) 445.78 674.67 T
-(t) 454.73 674.67 T
-(y) 457.93 674.67 T
-(p) 463.58 674.67 T
-(e) 469.22 674.67 T
-(h) 477.55 674.67 T
-(i) 483.2 674.67 T
-(e) 486.4 674.67 T
-(r) 491.42 674.67 T
-(a) 495.23 674.67 T
-(r) 500.26 674.67 T
-(c) 504.07 674.67 T
-(h) 509.09 674.67 T
-(y) 514.74 674.67 T
-(\323) 520.38 674.67 T
-(o) 528.71 674.67 T
-(n) 534.36 674.67 T
-(page) 99 661.67 T
-(12) 122.52 661.67 T
-(\050to) 136.08 661.67 T
-(summarize,) 150.87 661.67 T
-(the) 204.45 661.67 T
-(key) 220.46 661.67 T
-(type) 238.9 661.67 T
-(should) 260.41 661.67 T
-(be) 292.31 661.67 T
-(hashable,) 305.26 661.67 T
-(which) 349.07 661.67 T
-(excludes) 378.51 661.67 T
-(all) 419.57 661.67 T
-(mutable) 433.13 661.67 T
-(objects\051.) 471.14 661.67 T
-(Clash-) 511.28 661.67 T
-(es) 99 648.67 T
-(between) 111 648.67 T
-(duplicate) 150.5 648.67 T
-(keys) 193.66 648.67 T
-(are) 216.67 648.67 T
-(not) 232.94 648.67 T
-(detected;) 249.84 648.67 T
-(the) 292.39 648.67 T
-(last) 308.67 648.67 T
-(datum) 326.79 648.67 T
-(\050textually) 357.13 648.67 T
-(rightmost) 402.14 648.67 T
-(in) 447.15 648.67 T
-(the) 458.55 648.67 T
-(display\051) 474.83 648.67 T
-(stored) 513.12 648.67 T
-(for a given key value prevails.) 99 635.67 T
-0 12 Q
-(5.2.6) 99 610 T
-(String conversions) 144 610 T
-1 11 Q
-(A string conversion is an expression list enclosed in reverse \050a.k.a. backward\051 quotes:) 99 590.67 T
-2 10 Q
-(string_conversion: "\324" expression_list "\324") 99 572.33 T
-1 11 Q
-(A) 99 547.67 T
-(s) 110.18 547.67 T
-(t) 114.5 547.67 T
-(r) 117.6 547.67 T
-(i) 121.3 547.67 T
-(n) 124.39 547.67 T
-(g) 129.93 547.67 T
-(c) 138.67 547.67 T
-(o) 143.6 547.67 T
-(n) 149.13 547.67 T
-(v) 154.67 547.67 T
-(e) 160.21 547.67 T
-(r) 165.14 547.67 T
-(s) 168.84 547.67 T
-(i) 173.15 547.67 T
-(o) 176.25 547.67 T
-(n) 181.79 547.67 T
-(e) 190.53 547.67 T
-(v) 195.45 547.67 T
-(a) 200.99 547.67 T
-(l) 205.91 547.67 T
-(u) 209.01 547.67 T
-(a) 214.55 547.67 T
-(t) 219.47 547.67 T
-(e) 222.57 547.67 T
-(s) 227.49 547.67 T
-(t) 235.01 547.67 T
-(h) 238.11 547.67 T
-(e) 243.65 547.67 T
-(c) 251.77 547.67 T
-(o) 256.69 547.67 T
-(n) 262.23 547.67 T
-(t) 267.77 547.67 T
-(a) 270.87 547.67 T
-(i) 275.79 547.67 T
-(n) 278.89 547.67 T
-(e) 284.43 547.67 T
-(d) 289.35 547.67 T
-(e) 298.09 547.67 T
-(x) 303.01 547.67 T
-(p) 308.55 547.67 T
-(r) 314.09 547.67 T
-(e) 317.79 547.67 T
-(s) 322.71 547.67 T
-(s) 327.03 547.67 T
-(i) 331.35 547.67 T
-(o) 334.45 547.67 T
-(n) 339.99 547.67 T
-(l) 348.73 547.67 T
-(i) 351.82 547.67 T
-(s) 354.92 547.67 T
-(t) 359.24 547.67 T
-(a) 365.54 547.67 T
-(n) 370.46 547.67 T
-(d) 376 547.67 T
-(c) 384.74 547.67 T
-(o) 389.66 547.67 T
-(n) 395.2 547.67 T
-(v) 400.74 547.67 T
-(e) 406.28 547.67 T
-(r) 411.2 547.67 T
-(t) 414.9 547.67 T
-(s) 418 547.67 T
-(t) 425.52 547.67 T
-(h) 428.61 547.67 T
-(e) 434.15 547.67 T
-(r) 442.27 547.67 T
-(e) 445.98 547.67 T
-(s) 450.9 547.67 T
-(u) 455.22 547.67 T
-(l) 460.76 547.67 T
-(t) 463.85 547.67 T
-(i) 466.95 547.67 T
-(n) 470.05 547.67 T
-(g) 475.59 547.67 T
-(o) 484.33 547.67 T
-(b) 489.86 547.67 T
-(j) 495.4 547.67 T
-(e) 498.5 547.67 T
-(c) 503.42 547.67 T
-(t) 508.35 547.67 T
-(i) 514.64 547.67 T
-(n) 517.74 547.67 T
-(t) 523.28 547.67 T
-(o) 526.38 547.67 T
-(a) 535.12 547.67 T
-(string according to rules specific to its type.) 99 534.67 T
-(If) 99 509.67 T
-(the) 109.19 509.67 T
-(object) 125.51 509.67 T
-(is) 155.26 509.67 T
-(a) 165.46 509.67 T
-(string,) 173.22 509.67 T
-(a) 203.9 509.67 T
-(number,) 211.65 509.67 T
-2 F
-(None) 250.87 509.67 T
-1 F
-(,) 277.27 509.67 T
-(or) 282.89 509.67 T
-(a) 294.92 509.67 T
-(tuple,) 302.68 509.67 T
-(list) 330.3 509.67 T
-(or) 346.62 509.67 T
-(dictionary) 358.65 509.67 T
-(containing) 406.12 509.67 T
-(only) 455.44 509.67 T
-(objects) 477.86 509.67 T
-(whose) 511.89 509.67 T
-(type) 99 496.67 T
-(is) 120.43 496.67 T
-(one) 130.24 496.67 T
-(of) 148.61 496.67 T
-(these,) 160.26 496.67 T
-(the) 188.1 496.67 T
-(resulting) 204.02 496.67 T
-(string) 245 496.67 T
-(is) 272.55 496.67 T
-(a) 282.36 496.67 T
-(valid) 289.73 496.67 T
-(Python) 314.21 496.67 T
-(expression) 347.87 496.67 T
-(which) 397.4 496.67 T
-(can) 426.77 496.67 T
-(be) 444.52 496.67 T
-(passed) 457.39 496.67 T
-(to) 489.2 496.67 T
-(the) 500.24 496.67 T
-(built-) 516.16 496.67 T
-(i) 99 483.67 T
-(n) 102.17 483.67 T
-(f) 111.04 483.67 T
-(u) 114.82 483.67 T
-(n) 120.42 483.67 T
-(c) 126.03 483.67 T
-(t) 131.02 483.67 T
-(i) 134.19 483.67 T
-(o) 137.35 483.67 T
-(n) 142.96 483.67 T
-2 F
-(e) 151.84 483.67 T
-(v) 158.55 483.67 T
-(a) 165.26 483.67 T
-(l) 171.96 483.67 T
-(\050) 178.67 483.67 T
-(\051) 185.38 483.67 T
-1 F
-(t) 195.36 483.67 T
-(o) 198.52 483.67 T
-(y) 207.4 483.67 T
-(i) 213.01 483.67 T
-(e) 216.18 483.67 T
-(l) 221.17 483.67 T
-(d) 224.34 483.67 T
-(a) 233.21 483.67 T
-(n) 238.21 483.67 T
-(e) 247.08 483.67 T
-(x) 252.08 483.67 T
-(p) 257.68 483.67 T
-(r) 263.29 483.67 T
-(e) 267.06 483.67 T
-(s) 272.05 483.67 T
-(s) 276.44 483.67 T
-(i) 280.83 483.67 T
-(o) 283.99 483.67 T
-(n) 289.6 483.67 T
-(w) 298.48 483.67 T
-(i) 306.53 483.67 T
-(t) 309.7 483.67 T
-(h) 312.86 483.67 T
-(t) 321.74 483.67 T
-(h) 324.91 483.67 T
-(e) 330.52 483.67 T
-(s) 338.78 483.67 T
-(a) 343.17 483.67 T
-(m) 348.16 483.67 T
-(e) 356.82 483.67 T
-(v) 365.08 483.67 T
-(a) 370.69 483.67 T
-(l) 375.68 483.67 T
-(u) 378.85 483.67 T
-(e) 384.46 483.67 T
-(\050) 392.72 483.67 T
-(o) 396.49 483.67 T
-(r) 402.1 483.67 T
-(a) 409.14 483.67 T
-(n) 414.13 483.67 T
-(a) 423.01 483.67 T
-(p) 428 483.67 T
-(p) 433.61 483.67 T
-(r) 439.22 483.67 T
-(o) 442.99 483.67 T
-(x) 448.6 483.67 T
-(i) 454.21 483.67 T
-(m) 457.37 483.67 T
-(a) 466.04 483.67 T
-(t) 471.03 483.67 T
-(i) 474.2 483.67 T
-(o) 477.36 483.67 T
-(n) 482.97 483.67 T
-(,) 488.58 483.67 T
-(i) 494.71 483.67 T
-(f) 497.87 483.67 T
-(f) 504.91 483.67 T
-(l) 508.68 483.67 T
-(o) 511.85 483.67 T
-(a) 517.46 483.67 T
-(t) 522.45 483.67 T
-(i) 525.62 483.67 T
-(n) 528.78 483.67 T
-(g) 534.39 483.67 T
-(point numbers are involved\051.) 99 470.67 T
-(\050In) 99 445.67 T
-(particular,) 114.28 445.67 T
-(converting) 161.64 445.67 T
-(a) 211.15 445.67 T
-(string) 218.49 445.67 T
-(adds) 246.01 445.67 T
-(quotes) 268.63 445.67 T
-(around) 299.81 445.67 T
-(it) 332.81 445.67 T
-(and) 341.39 445.67 T
-(converts) 359.73 445.67 T
-(\322funny\323) 399.45 445.67 T
-(characters) 437.34 445.67 T
-(to) 484.39 445.67 T
-(escape) 495.4 445.67 T
-(se-) 527.17 445.67 T
-(quences that are safe to print.\051) 99 432.67 T
-(It) 99 407.67 T
-(is) 108.3 407.67 T
-(illegal) 118.22 407.67 T
-(to) 148.3 407.67 T
-(attempt) 159.43 407.67 T
-(to) 195.01 407.67 T
-(convert) 206.15 407.67 T
-(recursive) 241.72 407.67 T
-(objects) 284.62 407.67 T
-(\050e.g.) 318.36 407.67 T
-(lists) 340.48 407.67 T
-(or) 360.8 407.67 T
-(dictionaries) 372.54 407.67 T
-(that) 426.45 407.67 T
-(contain) 445.52 407.67 T
-(a) 480.49 407.67 T
-(reference) 487.95 407.67 T
-(to) 531.44 407.67 T
-(themselves, directly or indirectly.\051) 99 394.67 T
-(The) 99 369.67 T
-(built-in) 119.07 369.67 T
-(function) 154.43 369.67 T
-2 F
-(repr\050\051) 194.06 369.67 T
-1 F
-(performs) 236.62 369.67 T
-(exactly) 279.3 369.67 T
-(the) 314.03 369.67 T
-(same) 330.43 369.67 T
-(conversion) 356 369.67 T
-(in) 407.23 369.67 T
-(its) 418.76 369.67 T
-(argument) 432.12 369.67 T
-(as) 476.63 369.67 T
-(enclosing) 488.76 369.67 T
-(it) 533.88 369.67 T
-(i) 99 356.67 T
-(n) 102.13 356.67 T
-(p) 110.93 356.67 T
-(a) 116.5 356.67 T
-(r) 121.45 356.67 T
-(e) 125.18 356.67 T
-(n) 130.14 356.67 T
-(t) 135.71 356.67 T
-(h) 138.84 356.67 T
-(e) 144.4 356.67 T
-(s) 149.36 356.67 T
-(e) 153.71 356.67 T
-(s) 158.66 356.67 T
-(a) 166.24 356.67 T
-(n) 171.19 356.67 T
-(d) 176.76 356.67 T
-(r) 185.56 356.67 T
-(e) 189.3 356.67 T
-(v) 194.25 356.67 T
-(e) 199.82 356.67 T
-(r) 204.77 356.67 T
-(s) 208.51 356.67 T
-(e) 212.85 356.67 T
-(q) 221.04 356.67 T
-(u) 226.61 356.67 T
-(o) 232.18 356.67 T
-(t) 237.75 356.67 T
-(e) 240.88 356.67 T
-(s) 245.83 356.67 T
-(d) 253.41 356.67 T
-(o) 258.98 356.67 T
-(e) 264.55 356.67 T
-(s) 269.5 356.67 T
-(.) 273.85 356.67 T
-(T) 279.9 356.67 T
-(h) 286.69 356.67 T
-(e) 292.26 356.67 T
-(b) 300.45 356.67 T
-(u) 306.02 356.67 T
-(i) 311.58 356.67 T
-(l) 314.71 356.67 T
-(t) 317.84 356.67 T
-(-) 320.97 356.67 T
-(i) 324.7 356.67 T
-(n) 327.83 356.67 T
-(f) 336.63 356.67 T
-(u) 340.36 356.67 T
-(n) 345.93 356.67 T
-(c) 351.5 356.67 T
-(t) 356.45 356.67 T
-(i) 359.58 356.67 T
-(o) 362.71 356.67 T
-(n) 368.28 356.67 T
-2 F
-(s) 377.08 356.67 T
-(t) 383.75 356.67 T
-(r) 390.42 356.67 T
-(\050) 397.09 356.67 T
-(\051) 403.76 356.67 T
-1 F
-(p) 413.66 356.67 T
-(e) 419.23 356.67 T
-(r) 424.18 356.67 T
-(f) 427.91 356.67 T
-(o) 431.65 356.67 T
-(r) 437.22 356.67 T
-(m) 440.95 356.67 T
-(s) 449.58 356.67 T
-(a) 457.16 356.67 T
-(s) 465.34 356.67 T
-(i) 469.69 356.67 T
-(m) 472.82 356.67 T
-(i) 481.45 356.67 T
-(l) 484.57 356.67 T
-(a) 487.7 356.67 T
-(r) 492.65 356.67 T
-(b) 499.62 356.67 T
-(u) 505.19 356.67 T
-(t) 510.76 356.67 T
-(m) 517.12 356.67 T
-(o) 525.74 356.67 T
-(r) 531.31 356.67 T
-(e) 535.04 356.67 T
-(user-friendly conversion.) 99 343.67 T
-0 14 Q
-(5.3) 99 316.67 T
-(Primaries) 135 316.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(Primaries represent the most tightly bound operations of the language. Their syntax is:) 99 291.67 T
-2 10 Q
-(primary: atom | attributeref | subscription | slicing | call) 99 273.33 T
-0 12 Q
-(5.3.1) 99 248 T
-(Attribute references) 144 248 T
-1 11 Q
-(An attribute reference is a primary followed by a period and a name:) 99 228.67 T
-2 10 Q
-(attributeref: primary "." identifier) 99 210.33 T
-1 11 Q
-(The) 99 185.67 T
-(primary) 118.52 185.67 T
-(must) 155.77 185.67 T
-(evaluate) 179.58 185.67 T
-(to) 218.65 185.67 T
-(an) 229.63 185.67 T
-(object) 242.43 185.67 T
-(of) 271.73 185.67 T
-(a) 283.31 185.67 T
-(type) 290.61 185.67 T
-(that) 311.97 185.67 T
-(supports) 330.89 185.67 T
-(attribute) 370.59 185.67 T
-(references.) 409.67 185.67 T
-(This) 460.02 185.67 T
-(object) 482 185.67 T
-(is) 511.3 185.67 T
-(then) 521.06 185.67 T
-(asked) 99 172.67 T
-(to) 126.38 172.67 T
-(produce) 137.26 172.67 T
-(the) 175.02 172.67 T
-(attribute) 190.79 172.67 T
-(whose) 229.78 172.67 T
-(name) 260.21 172.67 T
-(is) 286.37 172.67 T
-(the) 296.03 172.67 T
-(identifier.) 311.8 172.67 T
-(If) 357.21 172.67 T
-(this) 366.86 172.67 T
-(attribute) 385.08 172.67 T
-(is) 424.08 172.67 T
-(not) 433.74 172.67 T
-(available,) 450.13 172.67 T
-(the) 494.92 172.67 T
-(excep-) 510.68 172.67 T
-(t) 99 159.67 T
-(i) 102.14 159.67 T
-(o) 105.28 159.67 T
-(n) 110.86 159.67 T
-2 F
-(A) 119.68 159.67 T
-(t) 126.36 159.67 T
-(t) 133.04 159.67 T
-(r) 139.72 159.67 T
-(i) 146.4 159.67 T
-(b) 153.08 159.67 T
-(u) 159.76 159.67 T
-(t) 166.44 159.67 T
-(e) 173.12 159.67 T
-(E) 179.8 159.67 T
-(r) 186.48 159.67 T
-(r) 193.16 159.67 T
-(o) 199.84 159.67 T
-(r) 206.52 159.67 T
-1 F
-(i) 216.45 159.67 T
-(s) 219.59 159.67 T
-(r) 227.19 159.67 T
-(a) 230.93 159.67 T
-(i) 235.9 159.67 T
-(s) 239.03 159.67 T
-(e) 243.39 159.67 T
-(d) 248.36 159.67 T
-(.) 253.94 159.67 T
-(O) 260.01 159.67 T
-(t) 268.03 159.67 T
-(h) 271.17 159.67 T
-(e) 276.75 159.67 T
-(r) 281.72 159.67 T
-(w) 285.46 159.67 T
-(i) 293.48 159.67 T
-(s) 296.62 159.67 T
-(e) 300.98 159.67 T
-(,) 305.94 159.67 T
-(t) 312.02 159.67 T
-(h) 315.16 159.67 T
-(e) 320.74 159.67 T
-(t) 328.94 159.67 T
-(y) 332.08 159.67 T
-(p) 337.66 159.67 T
-(e) 343.24 159.67 T
-(a) 351.45 159.67 T
-(n) 356.41 159.67 T
-(d) 361.99 159.67 T
-(v) 370.82 159.67 T
-(a) 376.4 159.67 T
-(l) 381.36 159.67 T
-(u) 384.5 159.67 T
-(e) 390.08 159.67 T
-(o) 398.29 159.67 T
-(f) 403.87 159.67 T
-(t) 410.85 159.67 T
-(h) 413.99 159.67 T
-(e) 419.57 159.67 T
-(o) 427.78 159.67 T
-(b) 433.36 159.67 T
-(j) 438.94 159.67 T
-(e) 442.08 159.67 T
-(c) 447.04 159.67 T
-(t) 452.01 159.67 T
-(p) 458.39 159.67 T
-(r) 463.97 159.67 T
-(o) 467.71 159.67 T
-(d) 473.29 159.67 T
-(u) 478.87 159.67 T
-(c) 484.45 159.67 T
-(e) 489.42 159.67 T
-(d) 494.38 159.67 T
-(i) 503.2 159.67 T
-(s) 506.34 159.67 T
-(d) 513.95 159.67 T
-(e) 519.53 159.67 T
-(t) 524.49 159.67 T
-(e) 527.63 159.67 T
-(r) 532.59 159.67 T
-(-) 536.34 159.67 T
-(mined) 99 146.67 T
-(by) 129.07 146.67 T
-(the) 142.63 146.67 T
-(object.) 158.64 146.67 T
-(Multiple) 190.84 146.67 T
-(evaluations) 231.3 146.67 T
-(of) 283.97 146.67 T
-(the) 295.7 146.67 T
-(same) 311.7 146.67 T
-(attribute) 336.87 146.67 T
-(reference) 376.1 146.67 T
-(may) 419.58 146.67 T
-(yield) 441.08 146.67 T
-(different) 465.65 146.67 T
-(objects.) 506.09 146.67 T
-0 12 Q
-(5.3.2) 99 121 T
-(Subscriptions) 144 121 T
-1 11 Q
-(A subscription selects an item of a sequence \050string, tuple or list\051 or mapping \050dictionary\051 object:) 99 101.67 T
-2 10 Q
-(subscription: primary "[" expression_list "]") 99 83.33 T
-%%EndPage: "29" 35
-%%Page: "30" 36
-612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE
-0 FrameSetSepColors
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 10 Q
-0 X
-(30) 76.5 37.33 T
-1 11 Q
-(The primary must evaluate to an object of a sequence or mapping type.) 99 712.67 T
-(If) 99 687.67 T
-(the) 109.29 687.67 T
-(primary) 125.7 687.67 T
-(is) 163.49 687.67 T
-(a) 173.8 687.67 T
-(mapping,) 181.65 687.67 T
-(the) 225.86 687.67 T
-(expression) 242.27 687.67 T
-(list) 292.29 687.67 T
-(must) 308.7 687.67 T
-(evaluate) 333.07 687.67 T
-(to) 372.68 687.67 T
-(an) 384.21 687.67 T
-(object) 397.56 687.67 T
-(whose) 427.41 687.67 T
-(value) 458.48 687.67 T
-(is) 485.27 687.67 T
-(one) 495.58 687.67 T
-(of) 514.43 687.67 T
-(the) 526.56 687.67 T
-(k) 99 674.67 T
-(e) 104.51 674.67 T
-(y) 109.41 674.67 T
-(s) 114.93 674.67 T
-(o) 122.4 674.67 T
-(f) 127.92 674.67 T
-(t) 134.77 674.67 T
-(h) 137.84 674.67 T
-(e) 143.36 674.67 T
-(m) 151.44 674.67 T
-(a) 160.01 674.67 T
-(p) 164.91 674.67 T
-(p) 170.42 674.67 T
-(i) 175.94 674.67 T
-(n) 179.01 674.67 T
-(g) 184.53 674.67 T
-(,) 190.04 674.67 T
-(a) 195.98 674.67 T
-(n) 200.88 674.67 T
-(d) 206.4 674.67 T
-(t) 215.09 674.67 T
-(h) 218.16 674.67 T
-(e) 223.68 674.67 T
-(s) 231.76 674.67 T
-(u) 236.05 674.67 T
-(b) 241.56 674.67 T
-(s) 247.08 674.67 T
-(c) 251.37 674.67 T
-(r) 256.27 674.67 T
-(i) 259.95 674.67 T
-(p) 263.02 674.67 T
-(t) 268.54 674.67 T
-(i) 271.61 674.67 T
-(o) 274.68 674.67 T
-(n) 280.2 674.67 T
-(s) 288.89 674.67 T
-(e) 293.18 674.67 T
-(l) 298.08 674.67 T
-(e) 301.16 674.67 T
-(c) 306.06 674.67 T
-(t) 310.96 674.67 T
-(s) 314.03 674.67 T
-(t) 321.5 674.67 T
-(h) 324.57 674.67 T
-(e) 330.09 674.67 T
-(v) 338.17 674.67 T
-(a) 343.68 674.67 T
-(l) 348.58 674.67 T
-(u) 351.65 674.67 T
-(e) 357.17 674.67 T
-(i) 365.24 674.67 T
-(n) 368.32 674.67 T
-(t) 377.01 674.67 T
-(h) 380.08 674.67 T
-(e) 385.6 674.67 T
-(m) 393.67 674.67 T
-(a) 402.25 674.67 T
-(p) 407.15 674.67 T
-(p) 412.66 674.67 T
-(i) 418.18 674.67 T
-(n) 421.25 674.67 T
-(g) 426.76 674.67 T
-(t) 435.46 674.67 T
-(h) 438.53 674.67 T
-(a) 444.04 674.67 T
-(t) 448.94 674.67 T
-(c) 455.19 674.67 T
-(o) 460.09 674.67 T
-(r) 465.61 674.67 T
-(r) 469.29 674.67 T
-(e) 472.96 674.67 T
-(s) 477.86 674.67 T
-(p) 482.16 674.67 T
-(o) 487.67 674.67 T
-(n) 493.19 674.67 T
-(d) 498.7 674.67 T
-(s) 504.22 674.67 T
-(t) 511.69 674.67 T
-(o) 514.76 674.67 T
-(t) 523.45 674.67 T
-(h) 526.53 674.67 T
-(a) 532.04 674.67 T
-(t) 536.94 674.67 T
-(key.) 99 661.67 T
-(If) 99 636.67 T
-(the) 108.86 636.67 T
-(primary) 124.83 636.67 T
-(is) 162.19 636.67 T
-(a) 172.07 636.67 T
-(sequence,) 179.48 636.67 T
-(the) 225.08 636.67 T
-(expression) 241.06 636.67 T
-(\050list\051) 290.64 636.67 T
-(must) 313.95 636.67 T
-(evaluate) 337.88 636.67 T
-(to) 377.06 636.67 T
-(a) 388.15 636.67 T
-(plain) 395.57 636.67 T
-(integer.) 420.11 636.67 T
-(If) 455.93 636.67 T
-(this) 465.8 636.67 T
-(value) 484.22 636.67 T
-(is) 510.58 636.67 T
-(neg-) 520.45 636.67 T
-(ative,) 99 623.67 T
-(the) 125.71 623.67 T
-(length) 141.72 623.67 T
-(of) 171.8 623.67 T
-(the) 183.54 623.67 T
-(sequence) 199.55 623.67 T
-(is) 242.44 623.67 T
-(added) 252.35 623.67 T
-(to) 281.19 623.67 T
-(it) 292.32 623.67 T
-(\050so) 301.01 623.67 T
-(that,) 317.03 623.67 T
-(e.g.) 338.85 623.67 T
-2 F
-(x[-1]) 357.31 623.67 T
-1 F
-(selects) 392.89 623.67 T
-(the) 424.79 623.67 T
-(last) 440.8 623.67 T
-(item) 458.65 623.67 T
-(of) 480.79 623.67 T
-2 F
-(x) 492.52 623.67 T
-1 F
-(.\051) 499.12 623.67 T
-(The) 508.11 623.67 T
-(re-) 527.79 623.67 T
-(s) 99 610.67 T
-(u) 103.31 610.67 T
-(l) 108.83 610.67 T
-(t) 111.92 610.67 T
-(i) 115 610.67 T
-(n) 118.09 610.67 T
-(g) 123.61 610.67 T
-(v) 132.33 610.67 T
-(a) 137.86 610.67 T
-(l) 142.77 610.67 T
-(u) 145.85 610.67 T
-(e) 151.38 610.67 T
-(m) 159.48 610.67 T
-(u) 168.06 610.67 T
-(s) 173.59 610.67 T
-(t) 177.9 610.67 T
-(b) 184.17 610.67 T
-(e) 189.7 610.67 T
-(a) 197.8 610.67 T
-(n) 205.9 610.67 T
-(o) 211.43 610.67 T
-(n) 216.95 610.67 T
-(n) 222.48 610.67 T
-(e) 228.01 610.67 T
-(g) 232.92 610.67 T
-(a) 238.44 610.67 T
-(t) 243.35 610.67 T
-(i) 246.44 610.67 T
-(v) 249.52 610.67 T
-(e) 255.05 610.67 T
-(i) 263.15 610.67 T
-(n) 266.23 610.67 T
-(t) 271.76 610.67 T
-(e) 274.85 610.67 T
-(g) 279.76 610.67 T
-(e) 285.28 610.67 T
-(r) 290.2 610.67 T
-(l) 297.07 610.67 T
-(e) 300.16 610.67 T
-(s) 305.07 610.67 T
-(s) 309.38 610.67 T
-(t) 316.87 610.67 T
-(h) 319.95 610.67 T
-(a) 325.48 610.67 T
-(n) 330.39 610.67 T
-(t) 339.11 610.67 T
-(h) 342.19 610.67 T
-(e) 347.72 610.67 T
-(n) 355.82 610.67 T
-(u) 361.35 610.67 T
-(m) 366.87 610.67 T
-(b) 375.46 610.67 T
-(e) 380.99 610.67 T
-(r) 385.9 610.67 T
-(o) 392.78 610.67 T
-(f) 398.3 610.67 T
-(i) 405.18 610.67 T
-(t) 408.27 610.67 T
-(e) 411.35 610.67 T
-(m) 416.26 610.67 T
-(s) 424.85 610.67 T
-(i) 432.34 610.67 T
-(n) 435.43 610.67 T
-(t) 444.14 610.67 T
-(h) 447.23 610.67 T
-(e) 452.75 610.67 T
-(s) 460.85 610.67 T
-(e) 465.16 610.67 T
-(q) 470.07 610.67 T
-(u) 475.6 610.67 T
-(e) 481.12 610.67 T
-(n) 486.04 610.67 T
-(c) 491.56 610.67 T
-(e) 496.47 610.67 T
-(,) 501.38 610.67 T
-(a) 507.35 610.67 T
-(n) 512.26 610.67 T
-(d) 517.79 610.67 T
-(t) 526.5 610.67 T
-(h) 529.59 610.67 T
-(e) 535.11 610.67 T
-(subscription selects the item whose index is that value \050counting from zero\051.) 99 597.67 T
-(A) 99 572.67 T
-(string\325s) 109.27 572.67 T
-(items) 144.6 572.67 T
-(are) 170.76 572.67 T
-(characters.) 186.52 572.67 T
-(A) 236.18 572.67 T
-(character) 246.45 572.67 T
-(is) 289.08 572.67 T
-(not) 298.74 572.67 T
-(a) 315.13 572.67 T
-(separate) 322.34 572.67 T
-(data) 360.7 572.67 T
-(type) 381.36 572.67 T
-(but) 402.63 572.67 T
-(a) 419.01 572.67 T
-(string) 426.22 572.67 T
-(of) 453.61 572.67 T
-(exactly) 465.1 572.67 T
-(one) 499.19 572.67 T
-(char-) 517.41 572.67 T
-(acter.) 99 559.67 T
-0 12 Q
-(5.3.3) 99 534 T
-(Slicings) 144 534 T
-1 11 Q
-(A) 99 514.67 T
-(slicing) 109.83 514.67 T
-(selects) 142.05 514.67 T
-(a) 174.26 514.67 T
-(range) 182.03 514.67 T
-(of) 209.35 514.67 T
-(items) 221.4 514.67 T
-(in) 248.12 514.67 T
-(a) 259.57 514.67 T
-(sequence) 267.34 514.67 T
-(\050string,) 310.54 514.67 T
-(tuple) 344.89 514.67 T
-(or) 369.78 514.67 T
-(list\051) 381.83 514.67 T
-(object.) 401.83 514.67 T
-(Slicings) 434.35 514.67 T
-(may) 472.69 514.67 T
-(be) 494.52 514.67 T
-(used) 507.79 514.67 T
-(as) 530.84 514.67 T
-(expressions or as targets in assignment or) 99 501.67 T
-2 F
-(del) 284.45 501.67 T
-1 F
-( statements. The syntax for a slicing:) 304.25 501.67 T
-2 10 Q
-(slicing: simple_slicing | extended_slicing) 99 483.33 T
-(simple_slicing: primary "[" short_slice "]") 99 471.33 T
-(extended_slicing: primary "[" slice_list "]") 99 459.33 T
-(slice_list: slice_item \050"," slice_item\051* [","]) 99 447.33 T
-(slice_item: expression | proper_slice | ellipsis) 99 435.33 T
-(proper_slice: short_slice | long_slice) 99 423.33 T
-(short_slice: [lower_bound] ":" [upper_bound]) 99 411.33 T
-(long_slice: short_slice ":" [stride]) 99 399.33 T
-(lower_bound: expression) 99 387.33 T
-(upper_bound: expression) 99 375.33 T
-(stride: expression) 99 363.33 T
-(ellipsis: "...") 99 351.33 T
-1 11 Q
-(There\325s) 99 326.67 T
-(an) 135.26 326.67 T
-(ambiguity) 148.3 326.67 T
-(in) 195.58 326.67 T
-(the) 206.8 326.67 T
-(formal) 222.9 326.67 T
-(syntax) 254.89 326.67 T
-(here:) 286.27 326.67 T
-(anything) 310.92 326.67 T
-(that) 352.09 326.67 T
-(looks) 371.25 326.67 T
-(like) 397.75 326.67 T
-(an) 416.91 326.67 T
-(expression) 429.96 326.67 T
-(list) 479.66 326.67 T
-(also) 495.78 326.67 T
-(looks) 516.16 326.67 T
-(like) 99 313.67 T
-(a) 118.55 313.67 T
-(slice) 126.47 313.67 T
-(list,) 149.68 313.67 T
-(so) 168.93 313.67 T
-(any) 181.76 313.67 T
-(subscription) 200.69 313.67 T
-(can) 257.51 313.67 T
-(be) 275.82 313.67 T
-(interpreted) 289.25 313.67 T
-(as) 339.95 313.67 T
-(a) 352.16 313.67 T
-(slicing.) 360.09 313.67 T
-(Rather) 395.22 313.67 T
-(than) 427.59 313.67 T
-(further) 449.58 313.67 T
-(complicating) 482.56 313.67 T
-(t) 99 300.67 T
-(h) 102.15 300.67 T
-(e) 107.74 300.67 T
-(s) 115.96 300.67 T
-(y) 120.33 300.67 T
-(n) 125.92 300.67 T
-(t) 131.51 300.67 T
-(a) 134.65 300.67 T
-(x) 139.63 300.67 T
-(,) 145.22 300.67 T
-(t) 151.31 300.67 T
-(h) 154.45 300.67 T
-(i) 160.04 300.67 T
-(s) 163.19 300.67 T
-(i) 170.81 300.67 T
-(s) 173.96 300.67 T
-(d) 181.58 300.67 T
-(i) 187.16 300.67 T
-(s) 190.31 300.67 T
-(a) 194.68 300.67 T
-(m) 199.65 300.67 T
-(b) 208.3 300.67 T
-(i) 213.89 300.67 T
-(g) 217.04 300.67 T
-(u) 222.62 300.67 T
-(a) 228.21 300.67 T
-(t) 233.19 300.67 T
-(e) 236.33 300.67 T
-(d) 241.31 300.67 T
-(b) 250.15 300.67 T
-(y) 255.74 300.67 T
-(d) 264.58 300.67 T
-(e) 270.17 300.67 T
-(c) 275.14 300.67 T
-(l) 280.11 300.67 T
-(a) 283.26 300.67 T
-(r) 288.23 300.67 T
-(i) 291.98 300.67 T
-(n) 295.13 300.67 T
-(g) 300.72 300.67 T
-(t) 309.56 300.67 T
-(h) 312.71 300.67 T
-(a) 318.3 300.67 T
-(t) 323.27 300.67 T
-(i) 329.67 300.67 T
-(n) 332.82 300.67 T
-(t) 341.66 300.67 T
-(h) 344.8 300.67 T
-(i) 350.39 300.67 T
-(s) 353.54 300.67 T
-(c) 361.16 300.67 T
-(a) 366.13 300.67 T
-(s) 371.11 300.67 T
-(e) 375.47 300.67 T
-(t) 383.7 300.67 T
-(h) 386.84 300.67 T
-(e) 392.43 300.67 T
-(i) 400.66 300.67 T
-(n) 403.8 300.67 T
-(t) 409.39 300.67 T
-(e) 412.54 300.67 T
-(r) 417.51 300.67 T
-(p) 421.27 300.67 T
-(r) 426.86 300.67 T
-(e) 430.61 300.67 T
-(t) 435.58 300.67 T
-(a) 438.73 300.67 T
-(t) 443.7 300.67 T
-(i) 446.85 300.67 T
-(o) 449.99 300.67 T
-(n) 455.58 300.67 T
-(a) 464.42 300.67 T
-(s) 469.4 300.67 T
-(a) 477.02 300.67 T
-(s) 485.24 300.67 T
-(u) 489.61 300.67 T
-(b) 495.2 300.67 T
-(s) 500.79 300.67 T
-(c) 505.15 300.67 T
-(r) 510.13 300.67 T
-(i) 513.88 300.67 T
-(p) 517.03 300.67 T
-(t) 522.62 300.67 T
-(i) 525.76 300.67 T
-(o) 528.91 300.67 T
-(n) 534.5 300.67 T
-(t) 99 287.67 T
-(a) 102.09 287.67 T
-(k) 107.01 287.67 T
-(e) 112.54 287.67 T
-(s) 117.46 287.67 T
-(p) 124.96 287.67 T
-(r) 130.49 287.67 T
-(i) 134.19 287.67 T
-(o) 137.28 287.67 T
-(r) 142.81 287.67 T
-(i) 146.51 287.67 T
-(t) 149.6 287.67 T
-(y) 152.69 287.67 T
-(o) 161.42 287.67 T
-(v) 166.95 287.67 T
-(e) 172.48 287.67 T
-(r) 177.4 287.67 T
-(t) 184.29 287.67 T
-(h) 187.38 287.67 T
-(e) 192.91 287.67 T
-(i) 201.02 287.67 T
-(n) 204.11 287.67 T
-(t) 209.65 287.67 T
-(e) 212.74 287.67 T
-(r) 217.65 287.67 T
-(p) 221.35 287.67 T
-(r) 226.88 287.67 T
-(e) 230.58 287.67 T
-(t) 235.49 287.67 T
-(a) 238.58 287.67 T
-(t) 243.5 287.67 T
-(i) 246.59 287.67 T
-(o) 249.68 287.67 T
-(n) 255.21 287.67 T
-(a) 263.94 287.67 T
-(s) 268.86 287.67 T
-(a) 276.36 287.67 T
-(s) 284.48 287.67 T
-(l) 288.79 287.67 T
-(i) 291.88 287.67 T
-(c) 294.97 287.67 T
-(i) 299.88 287.67 T
-(n) 302.97 287.67 T
-(g) 308.51 287.67 T
-(\050) 317.23 287.67 T
-(t) 320.93 287.67 T
-(h) 324.02 287.67 T
-(i) 329.55 287.67 T
-(s) 332.64 287.67 T
-(i) 340.15 287.67 T
-(s) 343.24 287.67 T
-(t) 350.75 287.67 T
-(h) 353.84 287.67 T
-(e) 359.37 287.67 T
-(c) 367.48 287.67 T
-(a) 372.4 287.67 T
-(s) 377.31 287.67 T
-(e) 381.62 287.67 T
-(i) 389.74 287.67 T
-(f) 392.83 287.67 T
-(t) 399.72 287.67 T
-(h) 402.81 287.67 T
-(e) 408.34 287.67 T
-(s) 416.45 287.67 T
-(l) 420.76 287.67 T
-(i) 423.85 287.67 T
-(c) 426.94 287.67 T
-(e) 431.86 287.67 T
-(l) 439.97 287.67 T
-(i) 443.06 287.67 T
-(s) 446.15 287.67 T
-(t) 450.46 287.67 T
-(c) 456.75 287.67 T
-(o) 461.67 287.67 T
-(n) 467.2 287.67 T
-(t) 472.73 287.67 T
-(a) 475.82 287.67 T
-(i) 480.74 287.67 T
-(n) 483.83 287.67 T
-(s) 489.36 287.67 T
-(n) 496.87 287.67 T
-(o) 502.4 287.67 T
-(p) 511.13 287.67 T
-(r) 516.66 287.67 T
-(o) 520.35 287.67 T
-(p) 525.89 287.67 T
-(e) 531.42 287.67 T
-(r) 536.34 287.67 T
-(slice) 99 274.67 T
-(nor) 121.54 274.67 T
-(ellipses\051.) 138.59 274.67 T
-(Similarly,) 180.38 274.67 T
-(when) 226.46 274.67 T
-(the) 252.67 274.67 T
-(slice) 268.49 274.67 T
-(list) 291.03 274.67 T
-(has) 306.86 274.67 T
-(exactly) 323.91 274.67 T
-(one) 358.05 274.67 T
-(short) 376.32 274.67 T
-(slice) 400.7 274.67 T
-(and) 423.24 274.67 T
-(no) 441.51 274.67 T
-(trailing) 454.89 274.67 T
-(comma,) 489.04 274.67 T
-(the) 526.56 274.67 T
-(interpretation as a simple slicing takes priority over that as an extended slicing.) 99 261.67 T
-(T) 99 236.67 T
-(h) 105.74 236.67 T
-(e) 111.26 236.67 T
-(s) 119.34 236.67 T
-(e) 123.64 236.67 T
-(m) 128.54 236.67 T
-(a) 137.12 236.67 T
-(n) 142.02 236.67 T
-(t) 147.54 236.67 T
-(i) 150.62 236.67 T
-(c) 153.69 236.67 T
-(s) 158.6 236.67 T
-(f) 166.07 236.67 T
-(o) 169.76 236.67 T
-(r) 175.27 236.67 T
-(a) 182.13 236.67 T
-(s) 190.22 236.67 T
-(i) 194.52 236.67 T
-(m) 197.59 236.67 T
-(p) 206.17 236.67 T
-(l) 211.69 236.67 T
-(e) 214.76 236.67 T
-(s) 222.85 236.67 T
-(l) 227.15 236.67 T
-(i) 230.22 236.67 T
-(c) 233.3 236.67 T
-(i) 238.2 236.67 T
-(n) 241.28 236.67 T
-(g) 246.8 236.67 T
-(a) 255.5 236.67 T
-(r) 260.4 236.67 T
-(e) 264.08 236.67 T
-(a) 272.16 236.67 T
-(s) 277.07 236.67 T
-(f) 284.54 236.67 T
-(o) 288.23 236.67 T
-(l) 293.74 236.67 T
-(l) 296.82 236.67 T
-(o) 299.9 236.67 T
-(w) 305.42 236.67 T
-(s) 313.38 236.67 T
-(.) 317.67 236.67 T
-(T) 323.62 236.67 T
-(h) 330.36 236.67 T
-(e) 335.88 236.67 T
-(p) 343.96 236.67 T
-(r) 349.48 236.67 T
-(i) 353.17 236.67 T
-(m) 356.24 236.67 T
-(a) 364.82 236.67 T
-(r) 369.72 236.67 T
-(y) 373.4 236.67 T
-(m) 382.1 236.67 T
-(u) 390.68 236.67 T
-(s) 396.2 236.67 T
-(t) 400.49 236.67 T
-(e) 406.75 236.67 T
-(v) 411.65 236.67 T
-(a) 417.17 236.67 T
-(l) 422.08 236.67 T
-(u) 425.15 236.67 T
-(a) 430.67 236.67 T
-(t) 435.57 236.67 T
-(e) 438.65 236.67 T
-(t) 446.73 236.67 T
-(o) 449.81 236.67 T
-(a) 458.51 236.67 T
-(s) 466.59 236.67 T
-(e) 470.89 236.67 T
-(q) 475.79 236.67 T
-(u) 481.31 236.67 T
-(e) 486.83 236.67 T
-(n) 491.73 236.67 T
-(c) 497.25 236.67 T
-(e) 502.15 236.67 T
-(o) 510.24 236.67 T
-(b) 515.75 236.67 T
-(j) 521.27 236.67 T
-(e) 524.35 236.67 T
-(c) 529.25 236.67 T
-(t) 534.15 236.67 T
-(.) 537.23 236.67 T
-(The) 99 223.67 T
-(lower) 118.87 223.67 T
-(and) 146.68 223.67 T
-(upper) 165.32 223.67 T
-(bound) 193.13 223.67 T
-(expressions,) 223.39 223.67 T
-(if) 280.23 223.67 T
-(present,) 289.71 223.67 T
-(must) 326.99 223.67 T
-(evaluate) 351.15 223.67 T
-(to) 390.56 223.67 T
-(plain) 401.88 223.67 T
-(integers;) 426.64 223.67 T
-(defaults) 467.29 223.67 T
-(are) 504.88 223.67 T
-(zero) 521.07 223.67 T
-(and) 99 210.67 T
-(the) 117.46 210.67 T
-(sequence\325s) 133.48 210.67 T
-(length,) 184.32 210.67 T
-(respectively.) 217.15 210.67 T
-(If) 275.63 210.67 T
-(either) 285.53 210.67 T
-(bound) 313.16 210.67 T
-(is) 343.23 210.67 T
-(negative,) 353.15 210.67 T
-(the) 395.75 210.67 T
-(sequence\325s) 411.77 210.67 T
-(length) 462.6 210.67 T
-(is) 492.68 210.67 T
-(added) 502.6 210.67 T
-(to) 531.44 210.67 T
-(it.) 99 197.67 T
-(The) 111 197.67 T
-(slicing) 131.23 197.67 T
-(now) 163.7 197.67 T
-(selects) 185.77 197.67 T
-(all) 218.22 197.67 T
-(items) 232.35 197.67 T
-(with) 259.32 197.67 T
-(index) 282 197.67 T
-3 F
-(k) 309.58 197.67 T
-1 F
-(such) 317.59 197.67 T
-(that) 340.88 197.67 T
-3 F
-(i) 360.51 197.67 T
-1 F
-(<=) 366.7 197.67 T
-3 F
-(k) 382.23 197.67 T
-1 F
-(<) 390.25 197.67 T
-3 F
-(j) 399.58 197.67 T
-1 F
-(where) 405.77 197.67 T
-3 F
-(i) 435.77 197.67 T
-1 F
-(and) 441.96 197.67 T
-3 F
-(j) 460.97 197.67 T
-1 F
-(are) 467.16 197.67 T
-(the) 483.72 197.67 T
-(specified) 500.29 197.67 T
-(l) 99 184.67 T
-(o) 102.12 184.67 T
-(w) 107.68 184.67 T
-(e) 115.69 184.67 T
-(r) 120.64 184.67 T
-(a) 127.59 184.67 T
-(n) 132.53 184.67 T
-(d) 138.1 184.67 T
-(u) 146.88 184.67 T
-(p) 152.45 184.67 T
-(p) 158.01 184.67 T
-(e) 163.57 184.67 T
-(r) 168.52 184.67 T
-(b) 175.47 184.67 T
-(o) 181.03 184.67 T
-(u) 186.6 184.67 T
-(n) 192.16 184.67 T
-(d) 197.72 184.67 T
-(s) 203.28 184.67 T
-(.) 207.63 184.67 T
-(T) 213.66 184.67 T
-(h) 220.45 184.67 T
-(i) 226.01 184.67 T
-(s) 229.13 184.67 T
-(m) 236.7 184.67 T
-(a) 245.32 184.67 T
-(y) 250.27 184.67 T
-(b) 259.05 184.67 T
-(e) 264.62 184.67 T
-(a) 272.79 184.67 T
-(n) 277.73 184.67 T
-(e) 286.52 184.67 T
-(m) 291.47 184.67 T
-(p) 300.09 184.67 T
-(t) 305.65 184.67 T
-(y) 308.77 184.67 T
-(s) 317.56 184.67 T
-(e) 321.9 184.67 T
-(q) 326.85 184.67 T
-(u) 332.41 184.67 T
-(e) 337.98 184.67 T
-(n) 342.92 184.67 T
-(c) 348.49 184.67 T
-(e) 353.43 184.67 T
-(.) 358.38 184.67 T
-(I) 364.42 184.67 T
-(t) 368.14 184.67 T
-(i) 374.49 184.67 T
-(s) 377.61 184.67 T
-(n) 385.18 184.67 T
-(o) 390.74 184.67 T
-(t) 396.3 184.67 T
-(a) 402.65 184.67 T
-(n) 407.6 184.67 T
-(e) 416.38 184.67 T
-(r) 421.33 184.67 T
-(r) 425.06 184.67 T
-(o) 428.78 184.67 T
-(r) 434.35 184.67 T
-(i) 441.3 184.67 T
-(f) 444.42 184.67 T
-3 F
-(i) 451.37 184.67 T
-1 F
-(o) 457.71 184.67 T
-(r) 463.28 184.67 T
-3 F
-(j) 470.23 184.67 T
-1 F
-(l) 476.57 184.67 T
-(i) 479.7 184.67 T
-(e) 482.82 184.67 T
-(o) 490.99 184.67 T
-(u) 496.55 184.67 T
-(t) 502.11 184.67 T
-(s) 505.23 184.67 T
-(i) 509.58 184.67 T
-(d) 512.7 184.67 T
-(e) 518.26 184.67 T
-(t) 526.43 184.67 T
-(h) 529.55 184.67 T
-(e) 535.11 184.67 T
-(range of valid indexes \050such items don\325t exist so they aren\325t selected\051.) 99 171.67 T
-(The) 99 146.67 T
-(semantics) 118.5 146.67 T
-(for) 164.28 146.67 T
-(an) 179.51 146.67 T
-(extended) 192.29 146.67 T
-(slicing) 234.4 146.67 T
-(are) 266.13 146.67 T
-(as) 281.96 146.67 T
-(follows.) 293.52 146.67 T
-(The) 331.67 146.67 T
-(primary) 351.17 146.67 T
-(must) 388.39 146.67 T
-(evaluate) 412.18 146.67 T
-(to) 451.23 146.67 T
-(a) 462.19 146.67 T
-(mapping) 469.47 146.67 T
-(object,) 510.37 146.67 T
-(and) 99 133.67 T
-(it) 117.62 133.67 T
-(is) 126.48 133.67 T
-(indexed) 136.56 133.67 T
-(with) 174.12 133.67 T
-(a) 196.42 133.67 T
-(key) 204.05 133.67 T
-(that) 222.67 133.67 T
-(is) 241.91 133.67 T
-(constructed) 251.99 133.67 T
-(from) 305.44 133.67 T
-(the) 329.57 133.67 T
-(slice) 345.75 133.67 T
-(list,) 368.65 133.67 T
-(as) 387.6 133.67 T
-(follows.) 399.5 133.67 T
-(If) 437.99 133.67 T
-(the) 448.06 133.67 T
-(slice) 464.24 133.67 T
-(list) 487.14 133.67 T
-(contains) 503.34 133.67 T
-(at) 99 120.67 T
-(least) 109.28 120.67 T
-(one) 131.77 120.67 T
-(comma,) 149.99 120.67 T
-(the) 187.46 120.67 T
-(key) 203.23 120.67 T
-(is) 221.45 120.67 T
-(a) 231.12 120.67 T
-(tuple) 238.34 120.67 T
-(containing) 262.67 120.67 T
-(the) 311.45 120.67 T
-(conversion) 327.23 120.67 T
-(of) 377.83 120.67 T
-(the) 389.32 120.67 T
-(slice) 405.1 120.67 T
-(items;) 427.6 120.67 T
-(otherwise,) 456.83 120.67 T
-(the) 504.68 120.67 T
-(con-) 520.45 120.67 T
-(version) 99 107.67 T
-(of) 133.75 107.67 T
-(the) 145.27 107.67 T
-(lone) 161.08 107.67 T
-(slice) 182.39 107.67 T
-(item) 204.91 107.67 T
-(is) 226.84 107.67 T
-(the) 236.54 107.67 T
-(key.) 252.34 107.67 T
-(The) 273.34 107.67 T
-(conversion) 292.81 107.67 T
-(of) 343.44 107.67 T
-(a) 354.97 107.67 T
-(slice) 362.22 107.67 T
-(item) 384.74 107.67 T
-(that) 406.66 107.67 T
-(is) 425.53 107.67 T
-(an) 435.23 107.67 T
-(expression) 447.98 107.67 T
-(is) 497.39 107.67 T
-(that) 507.09 107.67 T
-(ex-) 525.95 107.67 T
-(pression.) 99 94.67 T
-(The) 140.79 94.67 T
-(conversion) 160.27 94.67 T
-(of) 210.91 94.67 T
-(an) 222.45 94.67 T
-(ellipsis) 235.21 94.67 T
-(slice) 268.76 94.67 T
-(item) 291.3 94.67 T
-(is) 313.23 94.67 T
-(the) 322.94 94.67 T
-(built-in) 338.76 94.67 T
-2 F
-(Ellipsis) 373.53 94.67 T
-1 F
-(object.) 428.7 94.67 T
-(The) 460.71 94.67 T
-(conversion) 480.19 94.67 T
-(of) 530.84 94.67 T
-%%EndPage: "30" 36
-%%Page: "31" 37
-612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE
-0 FrameSetSepColors
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 10 Q
-0 X
-(31) 530 37.33 T
-585 292.5 598.5 720 R
-5 9 Q
-(\245) 0 270 592.5 720 TF
-(Expressions) 0 270 592.5 711 TF
-585 292.5 598.5 720 R
-1 11 Q
-(a) 99 712.67 T
-(proper) 106.45 712.67 T
-(slice) 137.73 712.67 T
-(is) 160.46 712.67 T
-(a) 170.36 712.67 T
-(slice) 177.81 712.67 T
-(object) 200.54 712.67 T
-(\050see) 229.99 712.67 T
-(page) 250.26 712.67 T
-(17\051) 273.78 712.67 T
-(whose) 291.01 712.67 T
-2 F
-(start) 321.68 712.67 T
-1 F
-(,) 354.68 712.67 T
-2 F
-(stop) 360 712.67 T
-1 F
-(and) 388.96 712.67 T
-2 F
-(step) 407.42 712.67 T
-1 F
-(attributes) 436.38 712.67 T
-(are) 479.89 712.67 T
-(the) 495.89 712.67 T
-(values) 511.89 712.67 T
-(of) 99 699.67 T
-(the) 110.74 699.67 T
-(expressions) 126.76 699.67 T
-(given) 180.66 699.67 T
-(as) 207.68 699.67 T
-(lower) 219.42 699.67 T
-(bound,) 247.04 699.67 T
-(upper) 279.87 699.67 T
-(bound) 307.49 699.67 T
-(and) 337.57 699.67 T
-(stride,) 356.03 699.67 T
-(respectively,) 385.8 699.67 T
-(substituting) 444.27 699.67 T
-2 F
-(None) 498.2 699.67 T
-1 F
-(for) 527.17 699.67 T
-(missing expressions.) 99 686.67 T
-0 12 Q
-(5.3.4) 99 661 T
-(Calls) 144 661 T
-1 11 Q
-(A call calls a callable object \050e.g. a function\051 with a possibly empty series of arguments:) 99 641.67 T
-2 10 Q
-(call: primary "\050" [argument_list [","]] "\051") 99 623.33 T
-(argument_list: positional_arguments ["," keyword_arguments]) 99 611.33 T
-( | keyword_arguments) 99 599.33 T
-(positional_arguments: expression \050"," expression\051*) 99 587.33 T
-(keyword_arguments: keyword_item \050"," keyword_item\051*) 99 575.33 T
-(keyword_item: identifier "=" expression) 99 563.33 T
-1 11 Q
-(A trailing comma may be present after an argument list but does not affect the semantics.) 99 538.67 T
-(The) 99 513.67 T
-(primary) 118.54 513.67 T
-(must) 155.8 513.67 T
-(evaluate) 179.62 513.67 T
-(to) 218.71 513.67 T
-(a) 229.7 513.67 T
-(callable) 237.02 513.67 T
-(object) 273.66 513.67 T
-(\050user-defined) 302.98 513.67 T
-(functions,) 364.05 513.67 T
-(built-in) 410.17 513.67 T
-(functions,) 445 513.67 T
-(methods) 491.12 513.67 T
-(of) 530.84 513.67 T
-(built-in) 99 500.67 T
-(objects,) 134.37 500.67 T
-(class) 171.26 500.67 T
-(objects,) 195.61 500.67 T
-(methods) 232.5 500.67 T
-(of) 272.75 500.67 T
-(class) 284.89 500.67 T
-(instances,) 309.24 500.67 T
-(and) 355.29 500.67 T
-(certain) 374.15 500.67 T
-(class) 407.05 500.67 T
-(instances) 431.41 500.67 T
-(themselves) 474.71 500.67 T
-(are) 526.57 500.67 T
-(callable;) 99 487.67 T
-(extensions) 138.87 487.67 T
-(may) 187.91 487.67 T
-(define) 209.45 487.67 T
-(additional) 239.54 487.67 T
-(callable) 286.13 487.67 T
-(object) 322.94 487.67 T
-(types\051.) 352.42 487.67 T
-(All) 387.26 487.67 T
-(argument) 403.91 487.67 T
-(expressions) 448.06 487.67 T
-(are) 501.98 487.67 T
-(eval-) 518.01 487.67 T
-(uated) 99 474.67 T
-(before) 125.53 474.67 T
-(the) 156.33 474.67 T
-(call) 172.47 474.67 T
-(is) 191.06 474.67 T
-(attempted.) 201.1 474.67 T
-(Please) 249.94 474.67 T
-(refer) 280.74 474.67 T
-(to) 304.2 474.67 T
-(\322Function) 315.47 474.67 T
-(definitions\323) 362.17 474.67 T
-(on) 416.81 474.67 T
-(page) 430.52 474.67 T
-(50) 454.04 474.67 T
-(for) 467.74 474.67 T
-(the) 483.27 474.67 T
-(syntax) 499.41 474.67 T
-(of) 530.84 474.67 T
-(formal parameter lists.) 99 461.67 T
-(If) 99 436.67 T
-(keyword) 109.15 436.67 T
-(arguments) 150.47 436.67 T
-(are) 199.12 436.67 T
-(present,) 215.38 436.67 T
-(they) 252.73 436.67 T
-(are) 274.49 436.67 T
-(first) 290.75 436.67 T
-(converted) 311.3 436.67 T
-(to) 357.5 436.67 T
-(positional) 368.88 436.67 T
-(arguments,) 415.11 436.67 T
-(as) 466.51 436.67 T
-(follows.) 478.5 436.67 T
-(First,) 517.08 436.67 T
-(a) 99 423.67 T
-(list) 106.93 423.67 T
-(of) 123.43 423.67 T
-(unfilled) 135.64 423.67 T
-(slots) 172.91 423.67 T
-(is) 196.13 423.67 T
-(created) 206.52 423.67 T
-(for) 241.32 423.67 T
-(the) 257.2 423.67 T
-(formal) 273.68 423.67 T
-(parameters.) 306.06 423.67 T
-(If) 360.11 423.67 T
-(there) 370.49 423.67 T
-(are) 395.52 423.67 T
-(N) 412 423.67 T
-(positional) 422.99 423.67 T
-(arguments,) 469.43 423.67 T
-(they) 521.06 423.67 T
-(are) 99 410.67 T
-(placed) 114.71 410.67 T
-(in) 145.71 410.67 T
-(the) 156.55 410.67 T
-(first) 172.28 410.67 T
-(N) 192.28 410.67 T
-(slots.) 202.51 410.67 T
-(Next,) 227.72 410.67 T
-(for) 254.14 410.67 T
-(each) 269.25 410.67 T
-(keyword) 291.68 410.67 T
-(argument,) 332.46 410.67 T
-(the) 379.04 410.67 T
-(identifier) 394.76 410.67 T
-(is) 437.37 410.67 T
-(used) 446.99 410.67 T
-(to) 469.44 410.67 T
-(determine) 480.28 410.67 T
-(the) 526.56 410.67 T
-(c) 99 397.67 T
-(o) 103.94 397.67 T
-(r) 109.51 397.67 T
-(r) 113.23 397.67 T
-(e) 116.96 397.67 T
-(s) 121.9 397.67 T
-(p) 126.24 397.67 T
-(o) 131.8 397.67 T
-(n) 137.37 397.67 T
-(d) 142.93 397.67 T
-(i) 148.49 397.67 T
-(n) 151.61 397.67 T
-(g) 157.17 397.67 T
-(s) 165.96 397.67 T
-(l) 170.29 397.67 T
-(o) 173.41 397.67 T
-(t) 178.98 397.67 T
-(\050) 185.32 397.67 T
-(i) 189.04 397.67 T
-(f) 192.16 397.67 T
-(t) 199.11 397.67 T
-(h) 202.23 397.67 T
-(e) 207.79 397.67 T
-(i) 215.96 397.67 T
-(d) 219.08 397.67 T
-(e) 224.64 397.67 T
-(n) 229.59 397.67 T
-(t) 235.15 397.67 T
-(i) 238.27 397.67 T
-(f) 241.39 397.67 T
-(i) 245.11 397.67 T
-(e) 248.23 397.67 T
-(r) 253.18 397.67 T
-(i) 260.13 397.67 T
-(s) 263.25 397.67 T
-(t) 270.81 397.67 T
-(h) 273.93 397.67 T
-(e) 279.49 397.67 T
-(s) 287.66 397.67 T
-(a) 292 397.67 T
-(m) 296.95 397.67 T
-(e) 305.57 397.67 T
-(a) 313.74 397.67 T
-(s) 318.68 397.67 T
-(t) 326.25 397.67 T
-(h) 329.37 397.67 T
-(e) 334.93 397.67 T
-(f) 343.1 397.67 T
-(i) 346.82 397.67 T
-(r) 349.94 397.67 T
-(s) 353.67 397.67 T
-(t) 358.01 397.67 T
-(f) 364.35 397.67 T
-(o) 368.08 397.67 T
-(r) 373.64 397.67 T
-(m) 377.36 397.67 T
-(a) 385.98 397.67 T
-(l) 390.93 397.67 T
-(p) 397.27 397.67 T
-(a) 402.83 397.67 T
-(r) 407.78 397.67 T
-(a) 411.5 397.67 T
-(m) 416.45 397.67 T
-(e) 425.07 397.67 T
-(t) 430.01 397.67 T
-(e) 433.13 397.67 T
-(r) 438.08 397.67 T
-(n) 445.02 397.67 T
-(a) 450.59 397.67 T
-(m) 455.53 397.67 T
-(e) 464.15 397.67 T
-(,) 469.1 397.67 T
-(t) 475.13 397.67 T
-(h) 478.25 397.67 T
-(e) 483.81 397.67 T
-(f) 491.98 397.67 T
-(i) 495.71 397.67 T
-(r) 498.83 397.67 T
-(s) 502.55 397.67 T
-(t) 506.89 397.67 T
-(s) 513.23 397.67 T
-(l) 517.58 397.67 T
-(o) 520.7 397.67 T
-(t) 526.26 397.67 T
-(i) 532.6 397.67 T
-(s) 535.72 397.67 T
-(used,) 99 384.67 T
-(and) 124.5 384.67 T
-(so) 142.98 384.67 T
-(on\051.) 155.35 384.67 T
-(If) 175.35 384.67 T
-(the) 185.27 384.67 T
-(slot) 201.3 384.67 T
-(is) 219.78 384.67 T
-(already) 229.71 384.67 T
-(filled,) 264.67 384.67 T
-(a) 293.23 384.67 T
-2 F
-(TypeError) 300.71 384.67 T
-1 F
-(exception) 362.7 384.67 T
-(is) 408.06 384.67 T
-(raised.) 417.98 384.67 T
-(Otherwise,) 449.59 384.67 T
-(the) 500.14 384.67 T
-(value) 516.17 384.67 T
-(of) 99 371.67 T
-(the) 110.85 371.67 T
-(argument) 126.98 371.67 T
-(is) 171.22 371.67 T
-(placed) 181.24 371.67 T
-(in) 212.64 371.67 T
-(the) 223.89 371.67 T
-(slot,) 240.02 371.67 T
-(filling) 261.35 371.67 T
-(it) 290.93 371.67 T
-(\050even) 299.74 371.67 T
-(if) 326.86 371.67 T
-(the) 336.27 371.67 T
-(expression) 352.4 371.67 T
-(is) 402.13 371.67 T
-2 F
-(None) 412.16 371.67 T
-1 F
-(,) 438.56 371.67 T
-(it) 444 371.67 T
-(fills) 452.8 371.67 T
-(the) 472.61 371.67 T
-(slot\051.) 488.73 371.67 T
-(When) 513.73 371.67 T
-(all) 99 358.67 T
-(arguments) 112.22 358.67 T
-(have) 160.28 358.67 T
-(been) 183.27 358.67 T
-(processed,) 206.26 358.67 T
-(the) 254.61 358.67 T
-(slots) 270.28 358.67 T
-(that) 292.68 358.67 T
-(are) 311.4 358.67 T
-(still) 327.06 358.67 T
-(unfilled) 345.8 358.67 T
-(are) 382.24 358.67 T
-(filled) 397.9 358.67 T
-(with) 423.35 358.67 T
-(the) 445.13 358.67 T
-(corresponding) 460.8 358.67 T
-(de-) 525.95 358.67 T
-(fault) 99 345.67 T
-(value) 121.54 345.67 T
-(from) 147.74 345.67 T
-(the) 171.5 345.67 T
-(function) 187.32 345.67 T
-(definition.) 226.35 345.67 T
-(\050Default) 274.26 345.67 T
-(values) 313.29 345.67 T
-(are) 343.77 345.67 T
-(calculated,) 359.57 345.67 T
-(once,) 409.29 345.67 T
-(when) 435.18 345.67 T
-(the) 461.39 345.67 T
-(function) 477.2 345.67 T
-(is) 516.24 345.67 T
-(de-) 525.95 345.67 T
-(f) 99 332.67 T
-(i) 102.7 332.67 T
-(n) 105.79 332.67 T
-(e) 111.33 332.67 T
-(d) 116.25 332.67 T
-(;) 121.78 332.67 T
-(t) 128.08 332.67 T
-(h) 131.17 332.67 T
-(u) 136.71 332.67 T
-(s) 142.24 332.67 T
-(,) 146.56 332.67 T
-(a) 152.54 332.67 T
-(m) 160.66 332.67 T
-(u) 169.25 332.67 T
-(t) 174.79 332.67 T
-(a) 177.88 332.67 T
-(b) 182.8 332.67 T
-(l) 188.34 332.67 T
-(e) 191.43 332.67 T
-(o) 199.55 332.67 T
-(b) 205.08 332.67 T
-(j) 210.62 332.67 T
-(e) 213.71 332.67 T
-(c) 218.63 332.67 T
-(t) 223.55 332.67 T
-(s) 229.85 332.67 T
-(u) 234.16 332.67 T
-(c) 239.7 332.67 T
-(h) 244.62 332.67 T
-(a) 253.35 332.67 T
-(s) 258.27 332.67 T
-(a) 265.78 332.67 T
-(l) 273.9 332.67 T
-(i) 276.99 332.67 T
-(s) 280.09 332.67 T
-(t) 284.4 332.67 T
-(o) 290.7 332.67 T
-(r) 296.23 332.67 T
-(d) 303.13 332.67 T
-(i) 308.66 332.67 T
-(c) 311.76 332.67 T
-(t) 316.68 332.67 T
-(i) 319.77 332.67 T
-(o) 322.86 332.67 T
-(n) 328.4 332.67 T
-(a) 333.94 332.67 T
-(r) 338.86 332.67 T
-(y) 342.55 332.67 T
-(u) 351.29 332.67 T
-(s) 356.82 332.67 T
-(e) 361.14 332.67 T
-(d) 366.06 332.67 T
-(a) 374.79 332.67 T
-(s) 379.71 332.67 T
-(d) 387.23 332.67 T
-(e) 392.76 332.67 T
-(f) 397.68 332.67 T
-(a) 401.38 332.67 T
-(u) 406.3 332.67 T
-(l) 411.83 332.67 T
-(t) 414.93 332.67 T
-(v) 421.22 332.67 T
-(a) 426.76 332.67 T
-(l) 431.68 332.67 T
-(u) 434.77 332.67 T
-(e) 440.31 332.67 T
-(w) 448.42 332.67 T
-(i) 456.4 332.67 T
-(l) 459.49 332.67 T
-(l) 462.59 332.67 T
-(b) 468.88 332.67 T
-(e) 474.42 332.67 T
-(s) 482.54 332.67 T
-(h) 486.85 332.67 T
-(a) 492.39 332.67 T
-(r) 497.3 332.67 T
-(e) 501 332.67 T
-(d) 505.92 332.67 T
-(b) 514.66 332.67 T
-(y) 520.19 332.67 T
-(a) 528.93 332.67 T
-(l) 533.85 332.67 T
-(l) 536.94 332.67 T
-(calls) 99 319.67 T
-(that) 121.62 319.67 T
-(don\325t) 140.57 319.67 T
-(specify) 166.24 319.67 T
-(an) 200.47 319.67 T
-(argument) 213.3 319.67 T
-(value) 257.3 319.67 T
-(for) 283.58 319.67 T
-(the) 298.86 319.67 T
-(corresponding) 314.76 319.67 T
-(slot;) 380.14 319.67 T
-(this) 401.55 319.67 T
-(should) 419.9 319.67 T
-(usually) 451.69 319.67 T
-(be) 485.92 319.67 T
-(avoided.\051) 498.76 319.67 T
-(I) 99 306.67 T
-(f) 102.75 306.67 T
-(t) 109.74 306.67 T
-(h) 112.88 306.67 T
-(e) 118.47 306.67 T
-(r) 123.44 306.67 T
-(e) 127.18 306.67 T
-(a) 135.4 306.67 T
-(r) 140.37 306.67 T
-(e) 144.12 306.67 T
-(a) 152.33 306.67 T
-(n) 157.3 306.67 T
-(y) 162.88 306.67 T
-(u) 171.71 306.67 T
-(n) 177.3 306.67 T
-(f) 182.88 306.67 T
-(i) 186.63 306.67 T
-(l) 189.77 306.67 T
-(l) 192.92 306.67 T
-(e) 196.06 306.67 T
-(d) 201.03 306.67 T
-(s) 209.86 306.67 T
-(l) 214.22 306.67 T
-(o) 217.37 306.67 T
-(t) 222.95 306.67 T
-(s) 226.09 306.67 T
-(f) 233.7 306.67 T
-(o) 237.45 306.67 T
-(r) 243.03 306.67 T
-(w) 250.03 306.67 T
-(h) 258.05 306.67 T
-(i) 263.64 306.67 T
-(c) 266.78 306.67 T
-(h) 271.75 306.67 T
-(n) 280.58 306.67 T
-(o) 286.17 306.67 T
-(d) 295 306.67 T
-(e) 300.58 306.67 T
-(f) 305.55 306.67 T
-(a) 309.3 306.67 T
-(u) 314.27 306.67 T
-(l) 319.85 306.67 T
-(t) 322.99 306.67 T
-(v) 329.38 306.67 T
-(a) 334.97 306.67 T
-(l) 339.93 306.67 T
-(u) 343.08 306.67 T
-(e) 348.66 306.67 T
-(i) 356.88 306.67 T
-(s) 360.02 306.67 T
-(s) 367.63 306.67 T
-(p) 371.99 306.67 T
-(e) 377.58 306.67 T
-(c) 382.55 306.67 T
-(i) 387.52 306.67 T
-(f) 390.66 306.67 T
-(i) 394.4 306.67 T
-(e) 397.55 306.67 T
-(d) 402.52 306.67 T
-(,) 408.1 306.67 T
-(a) 414.18 306.67 T
-2 F
-(T) 422.4 306.67 T
-(y) 429.08 306.67 T
-(p) 435.77 306.67 T
-(e) 442.45 306.67 T
-(E) 449.13 306.67 T
-(r) 455.82 306.67 T
-(r) 462.5 306.67 T
-(o) 469.19 306.67 T
-(r) 475.87 306.67 T
-1 F
-(e) 485.8 306.67 T
-(x) 490.77 306.67 T
-(c) 496.36 306.67 T
-(e) 501.33 306.67 T
-(p) 506.29 306.67 T
-(t) 511.88 306.67 T
-(i) 515.02 306.67 T
-(o) 518.16 306.67 T
-(n) 523.75 306.67 T
-(i) 532.58 306.67 T
-(s) 535.72 306.67 T
-(raised. Otherwise, the list of filled slots is used as the argument list for the call.) 99 293.67 T
-(If) 99 268.67 T
-(there) 109.34 268.67 T
-(are) 134.35 268.67 T
-(more) 150.8 268.67 T
-(positional) 176.42 268.67 T
-(arguments) 222.83 268.67 T
-(than) 271.67 268.67 T
-(there) 293.63 268.67 T
-(are) 318.64 268.67 T
-(formal) 335.09 268.67 T
-(parameter) 367.43 268.67 T
-(slots,) 414.42 268.67 T
-(a) 440.37 268.67 T
-2 F
-(TypeError) 448.27 268.67 T
-1 F
-(excep-) 510.68 268.67 T
-(tion) 99 255.67 T
-(is) 118.99 255.67 T
-(raised,) 129.21 255.67 T
-(unless) 161.1 255.67 T
-(a) 191.48 255.67 T
-(formal) 199.24 255.67 T
-(parameter) 231.45 255.67 T
-(using) 278.3 255.67 T
-(the) 305.02 255.67 T
-(syntax\324\324) 321.34 255.67 T
-2 F
-(*identifier) 357.39 255.67 T
-1 F
-(\325\325) 429.99 255.67 T
-(is) 440.19 255.67 T
-(present;) 450.41 255.67 T
-(in) 488.11 255.67 T
-(this) 499.55 255.67 T
-(case,) 518.32 255.67 T
-(that) 99 242.67 T
-(formal) 118.2 242.67 T
-(parameter) 150.22 242.67 T
-(receives) 196.89 242.67 T
-(a) 235.63 242.67 T
-(tuple) 243.21 242.67 T
-(containing) 267.9 242.67 T
-(the) 317.04 242.67 T
-(excess) 333.18 242.67 T
-(positional) 364.59 242.67 T
-(arguments) 410.68 242.67 T
-(\050or) 459.2 242.67 T
-(an) 474.72 242.67 T
-(empty) 487.8 242.67 T
-(tuple) 518 242.67 T
-(if there were no excess positional arguments\051.) 99 229.67 T
-(If) 99 204.67 T
-(any) 108.78 204.67 T
-(keyword) 127.11 204.67 T
-(argument) 168.05 204.67 T
-(does) 212.04 204.67 T
-(not) 234.65 204.67 T
-(correspond) 251.16 204.67 T
-(to) 302.48 204.67 T
-(a) 313.49 204.67 T
-(formal) 320.82 204.67 T
-(parameter) 352.6 204.67 T
-(name,) 399.02 204.67 T
-(a) 428.05 204.67 T
-2 F
-(TypeError) 435.38 204.67 T
-1 F
-(exception) 497.23 204.67 T
-(is) 99 191.67 T
-(raised,) 108.62 191.67 T
-(unless) 139.93 191.67 T
-(a) 169.72 191.67 T
-(formal) 176.89 191.67 T
-(parameter) 208.5 191.67 T
-(using) 254.77 191.67 T
-(the) 280.89 191.67 T
-(syntax) 296.62 191.67 T
-(\324\324) 327.63 191.67 T
-2 F
-(**identifier) 334.95 191.67 T
-1 F
-(\325\325) 414.15 191.67 T
-(is) 423.77 191.67 T
-(present;) 433.39 191.67 T
-(in) 470.5 191.67 T
-(this) 481.35 191.67 T
-(case,) 499.53 191.67 T
-(that) 523.5 191.67 T
-(f) 99 178.67 T
-(o) 102.78 178.67 T
-(r) 108.4 178.67 T
-(m) 112.18 178.67 T
-(a) 120.86 178.67 T
-(l) 125.86 178.67 T
-(p) 132.31 178.67 T
-(a) 137.93 178.67 T
-(r) 142.93 178.67 T
-(a) 146.71 178.67 T
-(m) 151.71 178.67 T
-(e) 160.39 178.67 T
-(t) 165.39 178.67 T
-(e) 168.57 178.67 T
-(r) 173.57 178.67 T
-(r) 180.63 178.67 T
-(e) 184.41 178.67 T
-(c) 189.41 178.67 T
-(e) 194.41 178.67 T
-(i) 199.41 178.67 T
-(v) 202.59 178.67 T
-(e) 208.21 178.67 T
-(s) 213.21 178.67 T
-(a) 220.89 178.67 T
-(d) 229.17 178.67 T
-(i) 234.79 178.67 T
-(c) 237.96 178.67 T
-(t) 242.96 178.67 T
-(i) 246.14 178.67 T
-(o) 249.31 178.67 T
-(n) 254.93 178.67 T
-(a) 260.55 178.67 T
-(r) 265.55 178.67 T
-(y) 269.33 178.67 T
-(c) 278.23 178.67 T
-(o) 283.23 178.67 T
-(n) 288.85 178.67 T
-(t) 294.47 178.67 T
-(a) 297.64 178.67 T
-(i) 302.64 178.67 T
-(n) 305.82 178.67 T
-(i) 311.44 178.67 T
-(n) 314.61 178.67 T
-(g) 320.23 178.67 T
-(t) 329.13 178.67 T
-(h) 332.3 178.67 T
-(e) 337.92 178.67 T
-(e) 346.2 178.67 T
-(x) 351.2 178.67 T
-(c) 356.82 178.67 T
-(e) 361.82 178.67 T
-(s) 366.83 178.67 T
-(s) 371.22 178.67 T
-(k) 378.9 178.67 T
-(e) 384.52 178.67 T
-(y) 389.52 178.67 T
-(w) 395.14 178.67 T
-(o) 403.2 178.67 T
-(r) 408.81 178.67 T
-(d) 412.59 178.67 T
-(a) 421.49 178.67 T
-(r) 426.49 178.67 T
-(g) 430.27 178.67 T
-(u) 435.89 178.67 T
-(m) 441.51 178.67 T
-(e) 450.18 178.67 T
-(n) 455.19 178.67 T
-(t) 460.8 178.67 T
-(s) 463.98 178.67 T
-(\050) 471.66 178.67 T
-(u) 475.44 178.67 T
-(s) 481.05 178.67 T
-(i) 485.45 178.67 T
-(n) 488.63 178.67 T
-(g) 494.24 178.67 T
-(t) 503.14 178.67 T
-(h) 506.32 178.67 T
-(e) 511.94 178.67 T
-(k) 520.22 178.67 T
-(e) 525.84 178.67 T
-(y) 530.84 178.67 T
-(-) 536.45 178.67 T
-(words) 99 165.67 T
-(as) 128.3 165.67 T
-(keys) 139.88 165.67 T
-(and) 162.46 165.67 T
-(the) 180.76 165.67 T
-(argument) 196.62 165.67 T
-(values) 240.59 165.67 T
-(as) 271.11 165.67 T
-(corresponding) 282.69 165.67 T
-(values\051,) 348.04 165.67 T
-(or) 384.98 165.67 T
-(a) 396.56 165.67 T
-(\050new\051) 403.86 165.67 T
-(empty) 431.93 165.67 T
-(dictionary) 461.85 165.67 T
-(if) 508.87 165.67 T
-(there) 518.01 165.67 T
-(were no excess keyword arguments.) 99 152.67 T
-(F) 99 127.67 T
-(o) 105.13 127.67 T
-(r) 110.64 127.67 T
-(m) 114.31 127.67 T
-(a) 122.88 127.67 T
-(l) 127.77 127.67 T
-(p) 134.01 127.67 T
-(a) 139.52 127.67 T
-(r) 144.42 127.67 T
-(a) 148.09 127.67 T
-(m) 152.98 127.67 T
-(e) 161.55 127.67 T
-(t) 166.45 127.67 T
-(e) 169.51 127.67 T
-(r) 174.41 127.67 T
-(s) 178.08 127.67 T
-(u) 185.54 127.67 T
-(s) 191.05 127.67 T
-(i) 195.34 127.67 T
-(n) 198.41 127.67 T
-(g) 203.92 127.67 T
-(t) 212.6 127.67 T
-(h) 215.67 127.67 T
-(e) 221.18 127.67 T
-(s) 229.25 127.67 T
-(y) 233.54 127.67 T
-(n) 239.04 127.67 T
-(t) 244.55 127.67 T
-(a) 247.62 127.67 T
-(x) 252.52 127.67 T
-(\324) 261.2 127.67 T
-(\324) 264.87 127.67 T
-2 F
-(*) 268.55 127.67 T
-(i) 275.16 127.67 T
-(d) 281.77 127.67 T
-(e) 288.38 127.67 T
-(n) 294.99 127.67 T
-(t) 301.6 127.67 T
-(i) 308.21 127.67 T
-(f) 314.82 127.67 T
-(i) 321.43 127.67 T
-(e) 328.04 127.67 T
-(r) 334.65 127.67 T
-1 F
-(\325) 341.26 127.67 T
-(\325) 344.93 127.67 T
-(o) 351.77 127.67 T
-(r) 357.29 127.67 T
-(\324) 364.13 127.67 T
-(\324) 367.8 127.67 T
-2 F
-(*) 371.48 127.67 T
-(*) 378.09 127.67 T
-(i) 384.7 127.67 T
-(d) 391.31 127.67 T
-(e) 397.92 127.67 T
-(n) 404.53 127.67 T
-(t) 411.14 127.67 T
-(i) 417.75 127.67 T
-(f) 424.36 127.67 T
-(i) 430.97 127.67 T
-(e) 437.58 127.67 T
-(r) 444.19 127.67 T
-1 F
-(\325) 450.8 127.67 T
-(\325) 454.47 127.67 T
-(c) 461.32 127.67 T
-(a) 466.21 127.67 T
-(n) 471.1 127.67 T
-(n) 476.61 127.67 T
-(o) 482.12 127.67 T
-(t) 487.63 127.67 T
-(b) 493.87 127.67 T
-(e) 499.38 127.67 T
-(u) 507.45 127.67 T
-(s) 512.96 127.67 T
-(e) 517.25 127.67 T
-(d) 522.14 127.67 T
-(a) 530.83 127.67 T
-(s) 535.72 127.67 T
-(p) 99 114.67 T
-(o) 104.75 114.67 T
-(s) 110.51 114.67 T
-(i) 115.04 114.67 T
-(t) 118.36 114.67 T
-(i) 121.67 114.67 T
-(o) 124.98 114.67 T
-(n) 130.74 114.67 T
-(a) 136.49 114.67 T
-(l) 141.63 114.67 T
-(a) 148.36 114.67 T
-(r) 153.5 114.67 T
-(g) 157.42 114.67 T
-(u) 163.17 114.67 T
-(m) 168.93 114.67 T
-(e) 177.74 114.67 T
-(n) 182.88 114.67 T
-(t) 188.63 114.67 T
-(s) 195.36 114.67 T
-(l) 199.9 114.67 T
-(o) 203.21 114.67 T
-(t) 208.96 114.67 T
-(s) 212.28 114.67 T
-(o) 220.23 114.67 T
-(r) 225.98 114.67 T
-(a) 233.32 114.67 T
-(s) 238.46 114.67 T
-(k) 246.41 114.67 T
-(e) 252.16 114.67 T
-(y) 257.3 114.67 T
-(w) 263.06 114.67 T
-(o) 271.25 114.67 T
-(r) 277.01 114.67 T
-(d) 280.93 114.67 T
-(a) 290.1 114.67 T
-(r) 295.24 114.67 T
-(g) 299.16 114.67 T
-(u) 304.91 114.67 T
-(m) 310.67 114.67 T
-(e) 319.48 114.67 T
-(n) 324.62 114.67 T
-(t) 330.37 114.67 T
-(n) 337.1 114.67 T
-(a) 342.86 114.67 T
-(m) 348 114.67 T
-(e) 356.81 114.67 T
-(s) 361.95 114.67 T
-(.) 366.48 114.67 T
-(F) 372.9 114.67 T
-(o) 379.27 114.67 T
-(r) 385.03 114.67 T
-(m) 388.95 114.67 T
-(a) 397.76 114.67 T
-(l) 402.9 114.67 T
-(p) 409.63 114.67 T
-(a) 415.38 114.67 T
-(r) 420.52 114.67 T
-(a) 424.44 114.67 T
-(m) 429.58 114.67 T
-(e) 438.39 114.67 T
-(t) 443.53 114.67 T
-(e) 446.84 114.67 T
-(r) 451.98 114.67 T
-(s) 455.9 114.67 T
-(u) 463.85 114.67 T
-(s) 469.61 114.67 T
-(i) 474.14 114.67 T
-(n) 477.45 114.67 T
-(g) 483.21 114.67 T
-(t) 492.38 114.67 T
-(h) 495.69 114.67 T
-(e) 501.45 114.67 T
-(s) 510 114.67 T
-(y) 514.54 114.67 T
-(n) 520.29 114.67 T
-(t) 526.05 114.67 T
-(a) 529.36 114.67 T
-(x) 534.5 114.67 T
-(\324\324) 99 101.67 T
-2 F
-(\050sublist\051) 106.33 101.67 T
-1 F
-(\325\325) 165.73 101.67 T
-(cannot) 175.66 101.67 T
-(be) 207.6 101.67 T
-(used) 220.6 101.67 T
-(as) 243.37 101.67 T
-(keyword) 255.14 101.67 T
-(argument) 296.24 101.67 T
-(names;) 340.4 101.67 T
-(the) 374.18 101.67 T
-(outermost) 390.23 101.67 T
-(sublist) 436.84 101.67 T
-(corresponds) 468.18 101.67 T
-(to) 523.95 101.67 T
-(a) 535.11 101.67 T
-(single) 99 88.67 T
-(unnamed) 127.85 88.67 T
-(argument) 170.74 88.67 T
-(slot,) 214.85 88.67 T
-(and) 236.06 88.67 T
-(the) 254.51 88.67 T
-(argument) 270.52 88.67 T
-(value) 314.63 88.67 T
-(is) 341.02 88.67 T
-(assigned) 350.92 88.67 T
-(to) 391.37 88.67 T
-(the) 402.5 88.67 T
-(sublist) 418.51 88.67 T
-(using) 449.8 88.67 T
-(the) 476.21 88.67 T
-(usual) 492.21 88.67 T
-(tuple) 518 88.67 T
-(assignment rules after all other parameter processing is done.) 99 75.67 T
-%%EndPage: "31" 37
-%%Page: "32" 38
-612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE
-0 FrameSetSepColors
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 10 Q
-0 X
-(32) 76.5 37.33 T
-1 11 Q
-(A) 99 712.67 T
-(c) 110.25 712.67 T
-(a) 115.2 712.67 T
-(l) 120.16 712.67 T
-(l) 123.29 712.67 T
-(a) 129.65 712.67 T
-(l) 134.61 712.67 T
-(w) 137.74 712.67 T
-(a) 145.75 712.67 T
-(y) 150.7 712.67 T
-(s) 156.27 712.67 T
-(r) 163.86 712.67 T
-(e) 167.59 712.67 T
-(t) 172.55 712.67 T
-(u) 175.68 712.67 T
-(r) 181.25 712.67 T
-(n) 184.99 712.67 T
-(s) 190.56 712.67 T
-(s) 198.14 712.67 T
-(o) 202.49 712.67 T
-(m) 208.06 712.67 T
-(e) 216.69 712.67 T
-(v) 224.88 712.67 T
-(a) 230.45 712.67 T
-(l) 235.41 712.67 T
-(u) 238.54 712.67 T
-(e) 244.11 712.67 T
-(,) 249.06 712.67 T
-(p) 255.12 712.67 T
-(o) 260.69 712.67 T
-(s) 266.26 712.67 T
-(s) 270.61 712.67 T
-(i) 274.96 712.67 T
-(b) 278.09 712.67 T
-(l) 283.66 712.67 T
-(y) 286.79 712.67 T
-2 F
-(N) 295.6 712.67 T
-(o) 302.27 712.67 T
-(n) 308.94 712.67 T
-(e) 315.61 712.67 T
-1 F
-(,) 322.28 712.67 T
-(u) 328.34 712.67 T
-(n) 333.91 712.67 T
-(l) 339.48 712.67 T
-(e) 342.61 712.67 T
-(s) 347.57 712.67 T
-(s) 351.92 712.67 T
-(i) 359.5 712.67 T
-(t) 362.63 712.67 T
-(r) 368.99 712.67 T
-(a) 372.73 712.67 T
-(i) 377.68 712.67 T
-(s) 380.81 712.67 T
-(e) 385.16 712.67 T
-(s) 390.12 712.67 T
-(a) 397.7 712.67 T
-(n) 402.66 712.67 T
-(e) 411.46 712.67 T
-(x) 416.42 712.67 T
-(c) 421.99 712.67 T
-(e) 426.95 712.67 T
-(p) 431.9 712.67 T
-(t) 437.47 712.67 T
-(i) 440.6 712.67 T
-(o) 443.73 712.67 T
-(n) 449.3 712.67 T
-(.) 454.87 712.67 T
-(H) 460.93 712.67 T
-(o) 468.94 712.67 T
-(w) 474.51 712.67 T
-(t) 485.76 712.67 T
-(h) 488.89 712.67 T
-(i) 494.46 712.67 T
-(s) 497.59 712.67 T
-(v) 505.17 712.67 T
-(a) 510.75 712.67 T
-(l) 515.7 712.67 T
-(u) 518.83 712.67 T
-(e) 524.4 712.67 T
-(i) 532.59 712.67 T
-(s) 535.72 712.67 T
-(computed depends on the type of the callable object.) 99 699.67 T
-(If it is:) 99 674.67 T
-4 F
-(a user-defined function:) 99 655.67 T
-1 F
-(the) 211.44 655.67 T
-(code) 227.22 655.67 T
-(block) 250.33 655.67 T
-(for) 277.11 655.67 T
-(the) 292.27 655.67 T
-(function) 308.05 655.67 T
-(is) 347.05 655.67 T
-(executed,) 356.72 655.67 T
-(passing) 400.9 655.67 T
-(it) 436.24 655.67 T
-(the) 444.69 655.67 T
-(argument) 460.47 655.67 T
-(list.) 504.36 655.67 T
-(The) 522.9 655.67 T
-(first) 135 642.67 T
-(thing) 155.77 642.67 T
-(the) 181.43 642.67 T
-(code) 197.92 642.67 T
-(block) 221.74 642.67 T
-(will) 249.23 642.67 T
-(do) 269.39 642.67 T
-(is) 283.44 642.67 T
-(bind) 293.82 642.67 T
-(the) 316.43 642.67 T
-(formal) 332.92 642.67 T
-(parameters) 365.29 642.67 T
-(to) 416.6 642.67 T
-(the) 428.2 642.67 T
-(arguments;) 444.69 642.67 T
-(this) 496.62 642.67 T
-(is) 515.57 642.67 T
-(de-) 525.95 642.67 T
-(scribed) 135 629.67 T
-(in) 170.25 629.67 T
-(section\322Function) 182.3 629.67 T
-(definitions\323) 260.95 629.67 T
-(on) 316.37 629.67 T
-(page) 330.86 629.67 T
-(50.) 354.38 629.67 T
-(When) 371.61 629.67 T
-(the) 401.36 629.67 T
-(code) 418.29 629.67 T
-(block) 442.55 629.67 T
-(executes) 470.47 629.67 T
-(a) 511.83 629.67 T
-2 F
-(re-) 520.2 629.67 T
-(turn) 135 616.67 T
-1 F
-( statement, this specifies the return value of the function call.) 161.4 616.67 T
-4 F
-(a built-in function or method:) 99 597.67 T
-1 F
-(the) 238.95 597.67 T
-(result) 254.98 597.67 T
-(is) 282.01 597.67 T
-(up) 291.93 597.67 T
-(to) 305.51 597.67 T
-(the) 316.66 597.67 T
-(interpreter;) 332.68 597.67 T
-(see) 384.14 597.67 T
-(the) 400.77 597.67 T
-(library) 416.8 597.67 T
-(reference) 448.71 597.67 T
-(manual) 492.2 597.67 T
-(for) 527.17 597.67 T
-(the descriptions of built-in functions and methods.) 135 584.67 T
-4 F
-(a class object:) 99 565.67 T
-1 F
-(a new instance of that class is returned.) 164.37 565.67 T
-4 F
-(a class instance method:) 99 546.67 T
-1 F
-(the) 212.35 546.67 T
-(corresponding) 227.98 546.67 T
-(user-defined) 293.1 546.67 T
-(function) 350.26 546.67 T
-(is) 389.1 546.67 T
-(called,) 398.62 546.67 T
-(with) 429.82 546.67 T
-(an) 451.57 546.67 T
-(argument) 464.13 546.67 T
-(list) 507.86 546.67 T
-(that) 523.5 546.67 T
-(is one longer than the argument list of the call. The instance becomes the first argument.) 135 533.67 T
-0 14 Q
-(5.4) 99 506.67 T
-(The power operator) 135 506.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(The) 99 477.67 T
-(power) 118.54 477.67 T
-(operator) 148.46 477.67 T
-(binds) 187.55 477.67 T
-(more) 213.82 477.67 T
-(tightly) 238.85 477.67 T
-(than) 270.02 477.67 T
-(unary) 291.4 477.67 T
-(operators) 318.88 477.67 T
-(on) 362.24 477.67 T
-(its) 375.67 477.67 T
-(left;) 388.5 477.67 T
-(it) 408.66 477.67 T
-(binds) 417.21 477.67 T
-(less) 443.48 477.67 T
-(tightly) 462.41 477.67 T
-(than) 493.58 477.67 T
-(unary) 514.95 477.67 T
-(operators on its right. The syntax is:) 99 464.67 T
-2 10 Q
-(power: primary ["**" u_expr]) 99 446.33 T
-1 11 Q
-(Thus,) 99 421.67 T
-(in) 126.1 421.67 T
-(an) 137.01 421.67 T
-(unparenthesized) 149.74 421.67 T
-(sequence) 223.57 421.67 T
-(of) 266.24 421.67 T
-(power) 277.75 421.67 T
-(and) 307.59 421.67 T
-(unary) 325.83 421.67 T
-(operators,) 353.23 421.67 T
-(the) 399.26 421.67 T
-(operators) 415.05 421.67 T
-(are) 458.33 421.67 T
-(evaluated) 474.11 421.67 T
-(from) 518.61 421.67 T
-(right to left \050this does not constrain the evaluation order for the operands\051.) 99 408.67 T
-(The) 99 383.67 T
-(power) 118.54 383.67 T
-(operator) 148.46 383.67 T
-(has) 187.55 383.67 T
-(the) 204.64 383.67 T
-(same) 220.52 383.67 T
-(semantics) 245.56 383.67 T
-(as) 291.38 383.67 T
-(the) 302.97 383.67 T
-(built-in) 318.85 383.67 T
-2 F
-(pow\050\051) 353.68 383.67 T
-1 F
-(function:) 389.11 383.67 T
-(it) 431.27 383.67 T
-(yields) 439.82 383.67 T
-(its) 468.53 383.67 T
-(left) 481.36 383.67 T
-(argument) 498.45 383.67 T
-(r) 99 370.67 T
-(a) 102.71 370.67 T
-(i) 107.64 370.67 T
-(s) 110.75 370.67 T
-(e) 115.08 370.67 T
-(d) 120.01 370.67 T
-(t) 128.77 370.67 T
-(o) 131.87 370.67 T
-(t) 140.63 370.67 T
-(h) 143.74 370.67 T
-(e) 149.29 370.67 T
-(p) 157.43 370.67 T
-(o) 162.98 370.67 T
-(w) 168.52 370.67 T
-(e) 176.51 370.67 T
-(r) 181.45 370.67 T
-(o) 188.37 370.67 T
-(f) 193.92 370.67 T
-(i) 200.84 370.67 T
-(t) 203.94 370.67 T
-(s) 207.05 370.67 T
-(r) 214.59 370.67 T
-(i) 218.3 370.67 T
-(g) 221.4 370.67 T
-(h) 226.95 370.67 T
-(t) 232.5 370.67 T
-(a) 238.82 370.67 T
-(r) 243.75 370.67 T
-(g) 247.46 370.67 T
-(u) 253.01 370.67 T
-(m) 258.55 370.67 T
-(e) 267.16 370.67 T
-(n) 272.09 370.67 T
-(t) 277.64 370.67 T
-(.) 280.75 370.67 T
-(T) 286.76 370.67 T
-(h) 293.52 370.67 T
-(e) 299.07 370.67 T
-(n) 307.22 370.67 T
-(u) 312.76 370.67 T
-(m) 318.31 370.67 T
-(e) 326.92 370.67 T
-(r) 331.85 370.67 T
-(i) 335.56 370.67 T
-(c) 338.67 370.67 T
-(a) 346.81 370.67 T
-(r) 351.74 370.67 T
-(g) 355.45 370.67 T
-(u) 361 370.67 T
-(m) 366.55 370.67 T
-(e) 375.15 370.67 T
-(n) 380.09 370.67 T
-(t) 385.64 370.67 T
-(s) 388.74 370.67 T
-(a) 396.28 370.67 T
-(r) 401.21 370.67 T
-(e) 404.92 370.67 T
-(f) 413.06 370.67 T
-(i) 416.77 370.67 T
-(r) 419.88 370.67 T
-(s) 423.59 370.67 T
-(t) 427.92 370.67 T
-(c) 434.23 370.67 T
-(o) 439.17 370.67 T
-(n) 444.72 370.67 T
-(v) 450.26 370.67 T
-(e) 455.81 370.67 T
-(r) 460.74 370.67 T
-(t) 464.45 370.67 T
-(e) 467.56 370.67 T
-(d) 472.49 370.67 T
-(t) 481.25 370.67 T
-(o) 484.36 370.67 T
-(a) 493.12 370.67 T
-(c) 501.26 370.67 T
-(o) 506.19 370.67 T
-(m) 511.74 370.67 T
-(m) 520.34 370.67 T
-(o) 528.95 370.67 T
-(n) 534.5 370.67 T
-(type.) 99 357.67 T
-(The) 123.11 357.67 T
-(result) 142.64 357.67 T
-(type) 169.5 357.67 T
-(is) 190.86 357.67 T
-(that) 200.62 357.67 T
-(of) 219.54 357.67 T
-(the) 231.12 357.67 T
-(arguments) 246.98 357.67 T
-(after) 295.23 357.67 T
-(coercion;) 317.8 357.67 T
-(if) 361.15 357.67 T
-(the) 370.29 357.67 T
-(result) 386.15 357.67 T
-(is) 413.02 357.67 T
-(not) 422.77 357.67 T
-(expressible) 439.25 357.67 T
-(in) 491.16 357.67 T
-(that) 502.14 357.67 T
-(type) 521.06 357.67 T
-(\050as) 99 344.67 T
-(in) 114.5 344.67 T
-(raising) 125.73 344.67 T
-(an) 158.35 344.67 T
-(integer) 171.41 344.67 T
-(to) 204.63 344.67 T
-(a) 215.86 344.67 T
-(negative) 223.42 344.67 T
-(power,) 263.36 344.67 T
-(or) 296.28 344.67 T
-(a) 308.12 344.67 T
-(negative) 315.67 344.67 T
-(floating) 355.62 344.67 T
-(point) 392.51 344.67 T
-(number) 417.8 344.67 T
-(to) 454.08 344.67 T
-(a) 465.32 344.67 T
-(broken) 472.88 344.67 T
-(power\051,) 506.1 344.67 T
-(a) 99 331.67 T
-2 F
-(TypeError) 106.63 331.67 T
-1 F
-( exception is raised.) 166.03 331.67 T
-0 14 Q
-(5.5) 99 304.67 T
-(Unary arithmetic operations) 135 304.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(All unary arithmetic \050and bit-wise\051 operations have the same priority:) 99 279.67 T
-2 10 Q
-(u_expr: power | "-" u_expr | "+" u_expr | "~" u_expr) 99 261.33 T
-1 11 Q
-(The unary) 99 236.67 T
-2 F
-("-") 146.65 236.67 T
-1 F
-( \050minus\051 operator yields the negation of its numeric argument.) 166.45 236.67 T
-(The unary) 99 211.67 T
-2 F
-("+") 146.65 211.67 T
-1 F
-( \050plus\051 operator yields its numeric argument unchanged.) 166.45 211.67 T
-(T) 99 186.67 T
-(h) 105.73 186.67 T
-(e) 111.24 186.67 T
-(u) 119.3 186.67 T
-(n) 124.81 186.67 T
-(a) 130.31 186.67 T
-(r) 135.2 186.67 T
-(y) 138.87 186.67 T
-2 F
-(") 147.55 186.67 T
-(~) 154.16 186.67 T
-(") 160.77 186.67 T
-1 F
-(\050) 170.54 186.67 T
-(i) 174.21 186.67 T
-(n) 177.28 186.67 T
-(v) 182.79 186.67 T
-(e) 188.29 186.67 T
-(r) 193.18 186.67 T
-(t) 196.86 186.67 T
-(\051) 199.92 186.67 T
-(o) 206.76 186.67 T
-(p) 212.27 186.67 T
-(e) 217.78 186.67 T
-(r) 222.67 186.67 T
-(a) 226.34 186.67 T
-(t) 231.23 186.67 T
-(o) 234.29 186.67 T
-(r) 239.8 186.67 T
-(y) 246.64 186.67 T
-(i) 252.15 186.67 T
-(e) 255.21 186.67 T
-(l) 260.11 186.67 T
-(d) 263.17 186.67 T
-(s) 268.68 186.67 T
-(t) 276.14 186.67 T
-(h) 279.2 186.67 T
-(e) 284.71 186.67 T
-(b) 292.77 186.67 T
-(i) 298.28 186.67 T
-(t) 301.34 186.67 T
-(-) 304.41 186.67 T
-(w) 308.08 186.67 T
-(i) 316.03 186.67 T
-(s) 319.09 186.67 T
-(e) 323.38 186.67 T
-(i) 331.44 186.67 T
-(n) 334.51 186.67 T
-(v) 340.01 186.67 T
-(e) 345.52 186.67 T
-(r) 350.41 186.67 T
-(s) 354.08 186.67 T
-(i) 358.37 186.67 T
-(o) 361.43 186.67 T
-(n) 366.94 186.67 T
-(o) 375.62 186.67 T
-(f) 381.13 186.67 T
-(i) 387.97 186.67 T
-(t) 391.03 186.67 T
-(s) 394.1 186.67 T
-(p) 401.55 186.67 T
-(l) 407.06 186.67 T
-(a) 410.13 186.67 T
-(i) 415.02 186.67 T
-(n) 418.08 186.67 T
-(o) 426.76 186.67 T
-(r) 432.27 186.67 T
-(l) 439.11 186.67 T
-(o) 442.17 186.67 T
-(n) 447.68 186.67 T
-(g) 453.19 186.67 T
-(i) 461.87 186.67 T
-(n) 464.93 186.67 T
-(t) 470.44 186.67 T
-(e) 473.51 186.67 T
-(g) 478.4 186.67 T
-(e) 483.9 186.67 T
-(r) 488.8 186.67 T
-(a) 495.64 186.67 T
-(r) 500.53 186.67 T
-(g) 504.2 186.67 T
-(u) 509.7 186.67 T
-(m) 515.21 186.67 T
-(e) 523.78 186.67 T
-(n) 528.67 186.67 T
-(t) 534.18 186.67 T
-(.) 537.24 186.67 T
-(The bit-wise inversion of) 99 173.67 T
-2 F
-(x) 212.65 173.67 T
-1 F
-( is defined as) 219.25 173.67 T
-2 F
-(-\050x+1\051) 279.74 173.67 T
-1 F
-(. It only applies to integral numbers.) 319.34 173.67 T
-(In all three cases, if the argument does not have the proper type, a) 99 148.67 T
-2 F
-(TypeError) 391.04 148.67 T
-1 F
-( exception is raised.) 450.44 148.67 T
-0 14 Q
-(5.6) 99 121.67 T
-(Binary arithmetic operations) 135 121.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(The) 99 96.67 T
-(remaining) 119.03 96.67 T
-(binary) 166.56 96.67 T
-(arithmetic) 197.59 96.67 T
-(operations) 245.12 96.67 T
-(have) 293.88 96.67 T
-(the) 317.57 96.67 T
-(conventional) 333.94 96.67 T
-(priority) 393.69 96.67 T
-(levels.) 429.61 96.67 T
-(Note) 460.95 96.67 T
-(that) 485.26 96.67 T
-(some) 504.69 96.67 T
-(of) 530.84 96.67 T
-(these) 99 83.67 T
-(operations) 125 83.67 T
-(also) 174.22 83.67 T
-(apply) 195.34 83.67 T
-(to) 223.18 83.67 T
-(certain) 235.13 83.67 T
-(non-numeric) 268.46 83.67 T
-(types.) 328.07 83.67 T
-(Apart) 357.44 83.67 T
-(from) 385.88 83.67 T
-(the) 410.66 83.67 T
-(power) 427.5 83.67 T
-(operator,) 458.39 83.67 T
-(there) 501.18 83.67 T
-(are) 526.57 83.67 T
-(only two levels, one for multiplicative operators and one for additive operators:) 99 70.67 T
-%%EndPage: "32" 38
-%%Page: "33" 39
-612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE
-0 FrameSetSepColors
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 10 Q
-0 X
-(33) 530 37.33 T
-585 292.5 598.5 720 R
-5 9 Q
-(\245) 0 270 592.5 720 TF
-(Expressions) 0 270 592.5 711 TF
-585 292.5 598.5 720 R
-2 10 Q
-(m_expr: u_expr | m_expr "*" u_expr) 99 713.33 T
-( | m_expr "/" u_expr | m_expr "%" u_expr) 99 701.33 T
-(a_expr: m_expr | aexpr "+" m_expr | aexpr "-" m_expr) 99 689.33 T
-1 11 Q
-(The) 99 664.67 T
-(") 118.41 664.67 T
-2 F
-(*) 122.89 664.67 T
-1 F
-(") 129.49 664.67 T
-(\050multiplication\051) 136.28 664.67 T
-(operator) 207.64 664.67 T
-(yields) 246.6 664.67 T
-(the) 275.18 664.67 T
-(product) 290.92 664.67 T
-(of) 326.83 664.67 T
-(its) 338.29 664.67 T
-(arguments.) 350.99 664.67 T
-(The) 401.86 664.67 T
-(arguments) 421.27 664.67 T
-(must) 469.4 664.67 T
-(either) 493.09 664.67 T
-(both) 520.44 664.67 T
-(be) 99 651.67 T
-(numbers,) 112.01 651.67 T
-(or) 155.28 651.67 T
-(one) 167.07 651.67 T
-(argument) 185.59 651.67 T
-(must) 229.76 651.67 T
-(be) 253.79 651.67 T
-(a) 266.81 651.67 T
-(plain) 274.32 651.67 T
-(integer) 298.95 651.67 T
-(and) 332.13 651.67 T
-(the) 350.64 651.67 T
-(other) 366.72 651.67 T
-(must) 391.95 651.67 T
-(be) 415.98 651.67 T
-(a) 428.99 651.67 T
-(sequence.) 436.51 651.67 T
-(In) 482.2 651.67 T
-(the) 494 651.67 T
-(former) 510.07 651.67 T
-(case,) 99 638.67 T
-(the) 123.14 638.67 T
-(numbers) 139.03 638.67 T
-(are) 179.37 638.67 T
-(converted) 195.26 638.67 T
-(to) 241.09 638.67 T
-(a) 252.1 638.67 T
-(common) 259.44 638.67 T
-(type) 300.39 638.67 T
-(and) 321.79 638.67 T
-(then) 340.13 638.67 T
-(multiplied) 361.52 638.67 T
-(together.) 409.21 638.67 T
-(In) 450.46 638.67 T
-(the) 462.08 638.67 T
-(latter) 477.98 638.67 T
-(case,) 503.04 638.67 T
-(se-) 527.17 638.67 T
-(quence repetition is performed; a negative repetition factor yields an empty sequence.) 99 625.67 T
-(The) 99 600.67 T
-(") 118.46 600.67 T
-2 F
-(/) 122.95 600.67 T
-1 F
-(") 129.55 600.67 T
-(\050division\051) 136.39 600.67 T
-(operator) 181.52 600.67 T
-(yields) 220.52 600.67 T
-(the) 249.16 600.67 T
-(quotient) 264.95 600.67 T
-(of) 303.36 600.67 T
-(its) 314.88 600.67 T
-(arguments.) 327.63 600.67 T
-(The) 378.56 600.67 T
-(numeric) 398.02 600.67 T
-(arguments) 436.42 600.67 T
-(are) 484.59 600.67 T
-(first) 500.38 600.67 T
-(con-) 520.45 600.67 T
-(verted) 99 587.67 T
-(to) 129.28 587.67 T
-(a) 140.63 587.67 T
-(common) 148.3 587.67 T
-(type.) 189.59 587.67 T
-(Plain) 214.08 587.67 T
-(or) 239.48 587.67 T
-(long) 251.44 587.67 T
-(integer) 273.79 587.67 T
-(division) 307.12 587.67 T
-(yields) 345.37 587.67 T
-(an) 374.44 587.67 T
-(integer) 387.61 587.67 T
-(of) 420.95 587.67 T
-(the) 432.9 587.67 T
-(same) 449.14 587.67 T
-(type;) 474.53 587.67 T
-(the) 499.32 587.67 T
-(result) 515.56 587.67 T
-(is) 99 574.67 T
-(that) 108.87 574.67 T
-(of) 127.89 574.67 T
-(mathematical) 139.59 574.67 T
-(division) 201.38 574.67 T
-(with) 239.36 574.67 T
-(the) 261.45 574.67 T
-(\324floor\325) 277.42 574.67 T
-(function) 308.66 574.67 T
-(applied) 347.85 574.67 T
-(to) 382.76 574.67 T
-(the) 393.85 574.67 T
-(result.) 409.82 574.67 T
-(Division) 439.54 574.67 T
-(by) 479.96 574.67 T
-(zero) 493.49 574.67 T
-(raises) 514.95 574.67 T
-(the) 99 561.67 T
-2 F
-(ZeroDivisionError) 115.19 561.67 T
-1 F
-( exception) 227.39 561.67 T
-(The) 99 536.67 T
-(") 118.39 536.67 T
-2 F
-(%) 122.88 536.67 T
-1 F
-(") 129.48 536.67 T
-(\050modulo\051) 136.25 536.67 T
-(operator) 179.47 536.67 T
-(yields) 218.4 536.67 T
-(the) 246.97 536.67 T
-(remainder) 262.69 536.67 T
-(from) 309.57 536.67 T
-(the) 333.23 536.67 T
-(division) 348.96 536.67 T
-(of) 386.69 536.67 T
-(the) 398.14 536.67 T
-(first) 413.86 536.67 T
-(argument) 433.87 536.67 T
-(by) 477.7 536.67 T
-(the) 490.98 536.67 T
-(second.) 506.7 536.67 T
-(T) 99 523.67 T
-(h) 105.93 523.67 T
-(e) 111.63 523.67 T
-(n) 120.09 523.67 T
-(u) 125.8 523.67 T
-(m) 131.5 523.67 T
-(e) 140.27 523.67 T
-(r) 145.36 523.67 T
-(i) 149.23 523.67 T
-(c) 152.49 523.67 T
-(a) 160.95 523.67 T
-(r) 166.04 523.67 T
-(g) 169.91 523.67 T
-(u) 175.61 523.67 T
-(m) 181.32 523.67 T
-(e) 190.08 523.67 T
-(n) 195.17 523.67 T
-(t) 200.88 523.67 T
-(s) 204.14 523.67 T
-(a) 211.99 523.67 T
-(r) 217.09 523.67 T
-(e) 220.95 523.67 T
-(f) 229.41 523.67 T
-(i) 233.28 523.67 T
-(r) 236.54 523.67 T
-(s) 240.41 523.67 T
-(t) 244.9 523.67 T
-(c) 251.53 523.67 T
-(o) 256.62 523.67 T
-(n) 262.33 523.67 T
-(v) 268.03 523.67 T
-(e) 273.74 523.67 T
-(r) 278.83 523.67 T
-(t) 282.7 523.67 T
-(e) 285.96 523.67 T
-(d) 291.05 523.67 T
-(t) 300.13 523.67 T
-(o) 303.39 523.67 T
-(a) 312.46 523.67 T
-(c) 320.92 523.67 T
-(o) 326.01 523.67 T
-(m) 331.72 523.67 T
-(m) 340.48 523.67 T
-(o) 349.25 523.67 T
-(n) 354.95 523.67 T
-(t) 364.03 523.67 T
-(y) 367.29 523.67 T
-(p) 373 523.67 T
-(e) 378.7 523.67 T
-(.) 383.79 523.67 T
-(A) 390.12 523.67 T
-(z) 401.63 523.67 T
-(e) 406.72 523.67 T
-(r) 411.81 523.67 T
-(o) 415.68 523.67 T
-(r) 424.76 523.67 T
-(i) 428.62 523.67 T
-(g) 431.89 523.67 T
-(h) 437.59 523.67 T
-(t) 443.3 523.67 T
-(a) 449.93 523.67 T
-(r) 455.02 523.67 T
-(g) 458.89 523.67 T
-(u) 464.6 523.67 T
-(m) 470.3 523.67 T
-(e) 479.07 523.67 T
-(n) 484.16 523.67 T
-(t) 489.86 523.67 T
-(r) 496.49 523.67 T
-(a) 500.36 523.67 T
-(i) 505.45 523.67 T
-(s) 508.72 523.67 T
-(e) 513.2 523.67 T
-(s) 518.29 523.67 T
-(t) 526.15 523.67 T
-(h) 529.41 523.67 T
-(e) 535.11 523.67 T
-2 F
-(ZeroDivisionError) 99 510.67 T
-1 F
-(exception.) 213.69 510.67 T
-(The) 261.69 510.67 T
-(arguments) 281.28 510.67 T
-(may) 329.6 510.67 T
-(be) 351.03 510.67 T
-(floating) 363.9 510.67 T
-(point) 400.61 510.67 T
-(numbers,) 425.71 510.67 T
-(e.g.) 468.83 510.67 T
-2 F
-(3.14%0.7) 487.2 510.67 T
-1 F
-(equals) 99 497.67 T
-2 F
-(0.34) 130.2 497.67 T
-1 F
-(\050since) 159.69 497.67 T
-2 F
-(3.14) 189.06 497.67 T
-1 F
-(equals) 218.55 497.67 T
-2 F
-(4*0.7+0.34) 249.75 497.67 T
-1 F
-(\051.) 315.75 497.67 T
-(The) 325.26 497.67 T
-(modulo) 345.46 497.67 T
-(operator) 382.17 497.67 T
-(always) 421.91 497.67 T
-(yields) 455.55 497.67 T
-(a) 484.93 497.67 T
-(result) 492.91 497.67 T
-(with) 520.44 497.67 T
-(the) 99 484.67 T
-(same) 115.35 484.67 T
-(sign) 140.87 484.67 T
-(as) 162.12 484.67 T
-(its) 174.19 484.67 T
-(second) 187.5 484.67 T
-(operand) 220.96 484.67 T
-(\050or) 259.3 484.67 T
-(zero\051;) 275.04 484.67 T
-(the) 303.6 484.67 T
-(absolute) 319.95 484.67 T
-(value) 359.53 484.67 T
-(of) 386.26 484.67 T
-(the) 398.34 484.67 T
-(result) 414.69 484.67 T
-(is) 442.05 484.67 T
-(strictly) 452.29 484.67 T
-(smaller) 485.76 484.67 T
-(than) 521.06 484.67 T
-(the second operand.) 99 471.67 T
-(The) 99 446.67 T
-(integer) 118.46 446.67 T
-(division) 151.36 446.67 T
-(and) 189.17 446.67 T
-(modulo) 207.4 446.67 T
-(operators) 243.37 446.67 T
-(are) 286.66 446.67 T
-(connected) 302.44 446.67 T
-(by) 349.39 446.67 T
-(the) 362.74 446.67 T
-(following) 378.54 446.67 T
-(identity:) 423.67 446.67 T
-2 F
-(x) 462.7 446.67 T
-(==) 474.95 446.67 T
-(\050x/y\051*y) 493.8 446.67 T
-(+) 99 433.67 T
-(\050) 113.26 433.67 T
-(x) 119.9 433.67 T
-(%) 126.54 433.67 T
-(y) 133.17 433.67 T
-(\051) 139.81 433.67 T
-1 F
-(.) 146.44 433.67 T
-(I) 152.43 433.67 T
-(n) 156.13 433.67 T
-(t) 161.66 433.67 T
-(e) 164.76 433.67 T
-(g) 169.68 433.67 T
-(e) 175.22 433.67 T
-(r) 180.14 433.67 T
-(d) 187.03 433.67 T
-(i) 192.57 433.67 T
-(v) 195.66 433.67 T
-(i) 201.2 433.67 T
-(s) 204.3 433.67 T
-(i) 208.61 433.67 T
-(o) 211.71 433.67 T
-(n) 217.24 433.67 T
-(a) 225.98 433.67 T
-(n) 230.9 433.67 T
-(d) 236.43 433.67 T
-(m) 245.17 433.67 T
-(o) 253.76 433.67 T
-(d) 259.3 433.67 T
-(u) 264.84 433.67 T
-(l) 270.37 433.67 T
-(o) 273.47 433.67 T
-(a) 282.2 433.67 T
-(r) 287.12 433.67 T
-(e) 290.82 433.67 T
-(a) 298.94 433.67 T
-(l) 303.86 433.67 T
-(s) 306.95 433.67 T
-(o) 311.27 433.67 T
-(c) 320.01 433.67 T
-(o) 324.93 433.67 T
-(n) 330.46 433.67 T
-(n) 336 433.67 T
-(e) 341.54 433.67 T
-(c) 346.45 433.67 T
-(t) 351.38 433.67 T
-(e) 354.47 433.67 T
-(d) 359.39 433.67 T
-(w) 368.12 433.67 T
-(i) 376.1 433.67 T
-(t) 379.2 433.67 T
-(h) 382.29 433.67 T
-(t) 391.03 433.67 T
-(h) 394.12 433.67 T
-(e) 399.66 433.67 T
-(b) 407.78 433.67 T
-(u) 413.31 433.67 T
-(i) 418.85 433.67 T
-(l) 421.94 433.67 T
-(t) 425.04 433.67 T
-(-) 428.13 433.67 T
-(i) 431.83 433.67 T
-(n) 434.93 433.67 T
-(f) 443.66 433.67 T
-(u) 447.36 433.67 T
-(n) 452.9 433.67 T
-(c) 458.43 433.67 T
-(t) 463.35 433.67 T
-(i) 466.45 433.67 T
-(o) 469.54 433.67 T
-(n) 475.08 433.67 T
-2 F
-(d) 483.81 433.67 T
-(i) 490.45 433.67 T
-(v) 497.09 433.67 T
-(m) 503.72 433.67 T
-(o) 510.36 433.67 T
-(d) 516.99 433.67 T
-(\050) 523.63 433.67 T
-(\051) 530.27 433.67 T
-1 F
-(:) 536.9 433.67 T
-2 F
-(d) 99 420.67 T
-(i) 105.62 420.67 T
-(v) 112.23 420.67 T
-(m) 118.85 420.67 T
-(o) 125.47 420.67 T
-(d) 132.08 420.67 T
-(\050) 138.7 420.67 T
-(x) 145.32 420.67 T
-(,) 151.93 420.67 T
-(y) 166.16 420.67 T
-(\051) 172.77 420.67 T
-(=) 187 420.67 T
-(=) 193.61 420.67 T
-(\050) 207.84 420.67 T
-(x) 214.45 420.67 T
-(/) 221.07 420.67 T
-(y) 227.68 420.67 T
-(,) 234.3 420.67 T
-(x) 248.52 420.67 T
-(%) 255.14 420.67 T
-(y) 261.76 420.67 T
-(\051) 268.38 420.67 T
-1 F
-(.) 274.99 420.67 T
-(T) 280.94 420.67 T
-(h) 287.67 420.67 T
-(e) 293.19 420.67 T
-(s) 298.09 420.67 T
-(e) 302.39 420.67 T
-(i) 310.47 420.67 T
-(d) 313.54 420.67 T
-(e) 319.06 420.67 T
-(n) 323.96 420.67 T
-(t) 329.48 420.67 T
-(i) 332.55 420.67 T
-(t) 335.62 420.67 T
-(i) 338.7 420.67 T
-(e) 341.77 420.67 T
-(s) 346.67 420.67 T
-(d) 354.15 420.67 T
-(o) 359.67 420.67 T
-(n) 365.18 420.67 T
-(\325) 370.7 420.67 T
-(t) 374.38 420.67 T
-(h) 380.63 420.67 T
-(o) 386.15 420.67 T
-(l) 391.67 420.67 T
-(d) 394.74 420.67 T
-(f) 403.44 420.67 T
-(o) 407.12 420.67 T
-(r) 412.63 420.67 T
-(f) 419.49 420.67 T
-(l) 423.17 420.67 T
-(o) 426.25 420.67 T
-(a) 431.76 420.67 T
-(t) 436.66 420.67 T
-(i) 439.74 420.67 T
-(n) 442.81 420.67 T
-(g) 448.33 420.67 T
-(p) 457.02 420.67 T
-(o) 462.54 420.67 T
-(i) 468.06 420.67 T
-(n) 471.13 420.67 T
-(t) 476.65 420.67 T
-(a) 482.9 420.67 T
-(n) 487.8 420.67 T
-(d) 493.32 420.67 T
-(c) 502.02 420.67 T
-(o) 506.92 420.67 T
-(m) 512.43 420.67 T
-(p) 521.01 420.67 T
-(l) 526.52 420.67 T
-(e) 529.6 420.67 T
-(x) 534.5 420.67 T
-(numbers; there a similar identity holds where) 99 407.67 T
-2 F
-(x/y) 300.95 407.67 T
-1 F
-( is replaced by) 320.75 407.67 T
-2 F
-(floor\050x/y\051) 387.34 407.67 T
-1 F
-(\051 or) 453.34 407.67 T
-2 F
-(floor\050\050x/y\051.real\051) 99 394.67 T
-1 F
-(, respectively.) 211.2 394.67 T
-(The) 99 369.67 T
-2 F
-("+") 118.31 369.67 T
-1 F
-(\050addition\051) 140.32 369.67 T
-(operator) 185.91 369.67 T
-(yields) 224.77 369.67 T
-(the) 253.26 369.67 T
-(sum) 268.91 369.67 T
-(of) 289.46 369.67 T
-(its) 300.83 369.67 T
-(arguments.) 313.43 369.67 T
-(The) 364.21 369.67 T
-(arguments) 383.53 369.67 T
-(must) 431.56 369.67 T
-(either) 455.17 369.67 T
-(both) 482.42 369.67 T
-(be) 504.19 369.67 T
-(num-) 516.78 369.67 T
-(bers,) 99 356.67 T
-(or) 122.6 356.67 T
-(both) 134.29 356.67 T
-(sequences) 156.37 356.67 T
-(of) 203.48 356.67 T
-(the) 215.17 356.67 T
-(same) 231.13 356.67 T
-(type.) 256.26 356.67 T
-(In) 280.48 356.67 T
-(the) 292.17 356.67 T
-(former) 308.13 356.67 T
-(case,) 340.58 356.67 T
-(the) 364.79 356.67 T
-(numbers) 380.75 356.67 T
-(are) 421.16 356.67 T
-(converted) 437.11 356.67 T
-(to) 483.01 356.67 T
-(a) 494.09 356.67 T
-(common) 501.5 356.67 T
-(type and then added together. In the latter case, the sequences are concatenated.) 99 343.67 T
-(T) 99 318.67 T
-(h) 105.78 318.67 T
-(e) 111.33 318.67 T
-2 F
-(") 119.49 318.67 T
-(-) 126.14 318.67 T
-(") 132.8 318.67 T
-1 F
-(\050) 142.67 318.67 T
-(s) 146.39 318.67 T
-(u) 150.72 318.67 T
-(b) 156.28 318.67 T
-(t) 161.83 318.67 T
-(r) 164.94 318.67 T
-(a) 168.66 318.67 T
-(c) 173.6 318.67 T
-(t) 178.54 318.67 T
-(i) 181.65 318.67 T
-(o) 184.77 318.67 T
-(n) 190.32 318.67 T
-(\051) 195.88 318.67 T
-(o) 202.81 318.67 T
-(p) 208.37 318.67 T
-(e) 213.92 318.67 T
-(r) 218.86 318.67 T
-(a) 222.58 318.67 T
-(t) 227.52 318.67 T
-(o) 230.63 318.67 T
-(r) 236.18 318.67 T
-(y) 243.12 318.67 T
-(i) 248.68 318.67 T
-(e) 251.79 318.67 T
-(l) 256.73 318.67 T
-(d) 259.84 318.67 T
-(s) 265.39 318.67 T
-(t) 272.95 318.67 T
-(h) 276.06 318.67 T
-(e) 281.61 318.67 T
-(d) 289.77 318.67 T
-(i) 295.33 318.67 T
-(f) 298.44 318.67 T
-(f) 302.16 318.67 T
-(e) 305.87 318.67 T
-(r) 310.81 318.67 T
-(e) 314.53 318.67 T
-(n) 319.47 318.67 T
-(c) 325.02 318.67 T
-(e) 329.96 318.67 T
-(o) 338.12 318.67 T
-(f) 343.67 318.67 T
-(i) 350.61 318.67 T
-(t) 353.72 318.67 T
-(s) 356.84 318.67 T
-(a) 364.39 318.67 T
-(r) 369.33 318.67 T
-(g) 373.04 318.67 T
-(u) 378.6 318.67 T
-(m) 384.15 318.67 T
-(e) 392.77 318.67 T
-(n) 397.7 318.67 T
-(t) 403.26 318.67 T
-(s) 406.37 318.67 T
-(.) 410.71 318.67 T
-(T) 416.73 318.67 T
-(h) 423.51 318.67 T
-(e) 429.06 318.67 T
-(n) 437.22 318.67 T
-(u) 442.77 318.67 T
-(m) 448.33 318.67 T
-(e) 456.94 318.67 T
-(r) 461.88 318.67 T
-(i) 465.6 318.67 T
-(c) 468.71 318.67 T
-(a) 476.87 318.67 T
-(r) 481.8 318.67 T
-(g) 485.52 318.67 T
-(u) 491.08 318.67 T
-(m) 496.63 318.67 T
-(e) 505.24 318.67 T
-(n) 510.18 318.67 T
-(t) 515.74 318.67 T
-(s) 518.85 318.67 T
-(a) 526.4 318.67 T
-(r) 531.34 318.67 T
-(e) 535.06 318.67 T
-(first converted to a common type.) 99 305.67 T
-0 14 Q
-(5.7) 99 278.67 T
-(Shifting operations) 135 278.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(The shifting operations have lower priority than the arithmetic operations:) 99 253.67 T
-2 10 Q
-(shift_expr: a_expr | shift_expr \050 "<<" | ">>" \051 a_expr) 99 235.33 T
-1 11 Q
-(These) 99 210.67 T
-(operators) 128.38 210.67 T
-(accept) 172.42 210.67 T
-(plain) 203.62 210.67 T
-(or) 228.73 210.67 T
-(long) 241 210.67 T
-(integers) 263.67 210.67 T
-(as) 301.61 210.67 T
-(arguments.) 313.88 210.67 T
-(The) 365.56 210.67 T
-(arguments) 385.78 210.67 T
-(are) 434.71 210.67 T
-(converted) 451.25 210.67 T
-(to) 497.73 210.67 T
-(a) 509.4 210.67 T
-(com-) 517.4 210.67 T
-(mon) 99 197.67 T
-(type.) 121.35 197.67 T
-(They) 145.82 197.67 T
-(shift) 171.21 197.67 T
-(the) 193.56 197.67 T
-(first) 209.79 197.67 T
-(argument) 230.3 197.67 T
-(to) 274.63 197.67 T
-(the) 285.98 197.67 T
-(left) 302.2 197.67 T
-(or) 319.65 197.67 T
-(right) 331.6 197.67 T
-(by) 355.17 197.67 T
-(the) 368.96 197.67 T
-(number) 385.18 197.67 T
-(of) 421.58 197.67 T
-(bits) 433.53 197.67 T
-(given) 452.21 197.67 T
-(by) 479.44 197.67 T
-(the) 493.22 197.67 T
-(second) 509.45 197.67 T
-(argument.) 99 184.67 T
-(A) 99 159.67 T
-(right) 109.89 159.67 T
-(shift) 133.62 159.67 T
-(by) 156.13 159.67 T
-3 F
-(n) 170.07 159.67 T
-1 F
-(bits) 178.52 159.67 T
-(is) 197.37 159.67 T
-(defined) 207.65 159.67 T
-(as) 243.59 159.67 T
-(division) 255.7 159.67 T
-(by) 294.11 159.67 T
-2 F
-(pow\0502,) 308.05 159.67 T
-1 F
-(n\051.) 347.65 159.67 T
-(A) 362.52 159.67 T
-(left) 373.41 159.67 T
-(shift) 391.02 159.67 T
-(by) 413.53 159.67 T
-3 F
-(n) 427.48 159.67 T
-1 F
-(bits) 435.92 159.67 T
-(is) 454.77 159.67 T
-(defined) 465.05 159.67 T
-(as) 500.99 159.67 T
-(multi-) 513.1 159.67 T
-(plication) 99 146.67 T
-(with) 139.9 146.67 T
-2 F
-(pow\0502,) 161.87 146.67 T
-1 F
-(n\051;) 201.47 146.67 T
-(for) 216.09 146.67 T
-(plain) 231.32 146.67 T
-(integers) 255.73 146.67 T
-(there) 292.96 146.67 T
-(is) 317.36 146.67 T
-(no) 327.1 146.67 T
-(overflow) 340.5 146.67 T
-(check) 382.62 146.67 T
-(so) 410.67 146.67 T
-(this) 422.86 146.67 T
-(drops) 441.16 146.67 T
-(bits) 468.01 146.67 T
-(and) 486.31 146.67 T
-(flips) 504.6 146.67 T
-(the) 526.56 146.67 T
-(sign) 99 133.67 T
-(if) 120.28 133.67 T
-(the) 129.94 133.67 T
-(result) 146.32 133.67 T
-(is) 173.7 133.67 T
-(not) 183.98 133.67 T
-(less) 200.98 133.67 T
-(than) 220.42 133.67 T
-2 F
-(pow\0502,31\051) 242.3 133.67 T
-1 F
-(in) 304.64 133.67 T
-(absolute) 316.14 133.67 T
-(value.) 355.74 133.67 T
-(Negative) 385.26 133.67 T
-(shift) 427.91 133.67 T
-(counts) 450.41 133.67 T
-(raise) 482.07 133.67 T
-(a) 505.77 133.67 T
-2 F
-(Val-) 513.6 133.67 T
-(ueError) 99 120.67 T
-1 F
-( exception.) 145.2 120.67 T
-0 14 Q
-(5.8) 99 93.67 T
-(Binary bit-wise operations) 135 93.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(Each of the three bitwise operations has a different priority level:) 99 68.67 T
-%%EndPage: "33" 39
-%%Page: "34" 40
-612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE
-0 FrameSetSepColors
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 10 Q
-0 X
-(34) 76.5 37.33 T
-2 F
-(and_expr: shift_expr | and_expr "&" shift_expr) 76.5 713.33 T
-(xor_expr: and_expr | xor_expr "^" and_expr) 76.5 701.33 T
-(or_expr: xor_expr | or_expr "|" xor_expr) 76.5 689.33 T
-1 11 Q
-(T) 76.5 664.67 T
-(h) 83.25 664.67 T
-(e) 88.78 664.67 T
-2 F
-(") 96.88 664.67 T
-(&) 103.51 664.67 T
-(") 110.14 664.67 T
-1 F
-(o) 119.96 664.67 T
-(p) 125.49 664.67 T
-(e) 131.02 664.67 T
-(r) 135.93 664.67 T
-(a) 139.62 664.67 T
-(t) 144.54 664.67 T
-(o) 147.62 664.67 T
-(r) 153.15 664.67 T
-(y) 160.03 664.67 T
-(i) 165.56 664.67 T
-(e) 168.65 664.67 T
-(l) 173.56 664.67 T
-(d) 176.65 664.67 T
-(s) 182.18 664.67 T
-(t) 189.68 664.67 T
-(h) 192.76 664.67 T
-(e) 198.29 664.67 T
-(b) 206.4 664.67 T
-(i) 211.92 664.67 T
-(t) 215.01 664.67 T
-(-) 218.1 664.67 T
-(w) 221.79 664.67 T
-(i) 229.76 664.67 T
-(s) 232.85 664.67 T
-(e) 237.15 664.67 T
-(A) 245.26 664.67 T
-(N) 253.23 664.67 T
-(D) 261.2 664.67 T
-(o) 272.36 664.67 T
-(f) 277.89 664.67 T
-(i) 284.77 664.67 T
-(t) 287.86 664.67 T
-(s) 290.95 664.67 T
-(a) 298.45 664.67 T
-(r) 303.36 664.67 T
-(g) 307.05 664.67 T
-(u) 312.58 664.67 T
-(m) 318.11 664.67 T
-(e) 326.7 664.67 T
-(n) 331.61 664.67 T
-(t) 337.14 664.67 T
-(s) 340.22 664.67 T
-(,) 344.53 664.67 T
-(w) 350.5 664.67 T
-(h) 358.47 664.67 T
-(i) 364 664.67 T
-(c) 367.09 664.67 T
-(h) 372 664.67 T
-(m) 380.72 664.67 T
-(u) 389.31 664.67 T
-(s) 394.83 664.67 T
-(t) 399.14 664.67 T
-(b) 405.42 664.67 T
-(e) 410.95 664.67 T
-(p) 419.05 664.67 T
-(l) 424.58 664.67 T
-(a) 427.67 664.67 T
-(i) 432.58 664.67 T
-(n) 435.67 664.67 T
-(o) 444.39 664.67 T
-(r) 449.92 664.67 T
-(l) 456.8 664.67 T
-(o) 459.89 664.67 T
-(n) 465.42 664.67 T
-(g) 470.94 664.67 T
-(i) 479.66 664.67 T
-(n) 482.75 664.67 T
-(t) 488.28 664.67 T
-(e) 491.37 664.67 T
-(g) 496.28 664.67 T
-(e) 501.81 664.67 T
-(r) 506.72 664.67 T
-(s) 510.41 664.67 T
-(.) 514.72 664.67 T
-(The arguments are converted to a common type.) 76.5 651.67 T
-(T) 76.5 626.67 T
-(h) 83.22 626.67 T
-(e) 88.72 626.67 T
-2 F
-(") 96.77 626.67 T
-(^) 103.37 626.67 T
-(") 109.97 626.67 T
-1 F
-(o) 119.73 626.67 T
-(p) 125.23 626.67 T
-(e) 130.73 626.67 T
-(r) 135.62 626.67 T
-(a) 139.28 626.67 T
-(t) 144.16 626.67 T
-(o) 147.22 626.67 T
-(r) 152.72 626.67 T
-(y) 159.55 626.67 T
-(i) 165.05 626.67 T
-(e) 168.1 626.67 T
-(l) 172.99 626.67 T
-(d) 176.05 626.67 T
-(s) 181.55 626.67 T
-(t) 188.99 626.67 T
-(h) 192.05 626.67 T
-(e) 197.55 626.67 T
-(b) 205.59 626.67 T
-(i) 211.09 626.67 T
-(t) 214.15 626.67 T
-(w) 217.21 626.67 T
-(i) 225.15 626.67 T
-(s) 228.21 626.67 T
-(e) 232.49 626.67 T
-(X) 240.54 626.67 T
-(O) 248.48 626.67 T
-(R) 256.42 626.67 T
-(\050) 266.92 626.67 T
-(e) 270.58 626.67 T
-(x) 275.47 626.67 T
-(c) 280.97 626.67 T
-(l) 285.85 626.67 T
-(u) 288.91 626.67 T
-(s) 294.41 626.67 T
-(i) 298.69 626.67 T
-(v) 301.75 626.67 T
-(e) 307.25 626.67 T
-(O) 315.29 626.67 T
-(R) 323.23 626.67 T
-(\051) 330.57 626.67 T
-(o) 337.4 626.67 T
-(f) 342.9 626.67 T
-(i) 349.72 626.67 T
-(t) 352.78 626.67 T
-(s) 355.84 626.67 T
-(a) 363.28 626.67 T
-(r) 368.17 626.67 T
-(g) 371.83 626.67 T
-(u) 377.33 626.67 T
-(m) 382.83 626.67 T
-(e) 391.39 626.67 T
-(n) 396.27 626.67 T
-(t) 401.77 626.67 T
-(s) 404.83 626.67 T
-(,) 409.11 626.67 T
-(w) 415.02 626.67 T
-(h) 422.96 626.67 T
-(i) 428.46 626.67 T
-(c) 431.52 626.67 T
-(h) 436.41 626.67 T
-(m) 445.07 626.67 T
-(u) 453.63 626.67 T
-(s) 459.13 626.67 T
-(t) 463.41 626.67 T
-(b) 469.63 626.67 T
-(e) 475.13 626.67 T
-(p) 483.17 626.67 T
-(l) 488.67 626.67 T
-(a) 491.73 626.67 T
-(i) 496.61 626.67 T
-(n) 499.67 626.67 T
-(o) 508.34 626.67 T
-(r) 513.84 626.67 T
-(long integers. The arguments are converted to a common type.) 76.5 613.67 T
-(The) 76.5 588.67 T
-2 F
-("|") 96.19 588.67 T
-1 F
-(operator) 118.57 588.67 T
-(yields) 157.8 588.67 T
-(the) 186.66 588.67 T
-(bitwise) 202.68 588.67 T
-(\050inclusive\051) 237.04 588.67 T
-(OR) 286.67 588.67 T
-(of) 304.53 588.67 T
-(its) 316.27 588.67 T
-(arguments,) 329.25 588.67 T
-(which) 380.41 588.67 T
-(must) 409.87 588.67 T
-(be) 433.85 588.67 T
-(plain) 446.81 588.67 T
-(or) 471.39 588.67 T
-(long) 483.14 588.67 T
-(in-) 505.28 588.67 T
-(tegers. The arguments are converted to a common type.) 76.5 575.67 T
-0 14 Q
-(5.9) 76.5 548.67 T
-(Comparisons) 112.5 548.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(Contrary) 76.5 523.67 T
-(to) 118.61 523.67 T
-(C,) 130.17 523.67 T
-(all) 143.27 523.67 T
-(comparison) 157.27 523.67 T
-(operations) 211.6 523.67 T
-(in) 260.44 523.67 T
-(Python) 272 523.67 T
-(have) 306.18 523.67 T
-(the) 329.95 523.67 T
-(same) 346.4 523.67 T
-(priority,) 372.01 523.67 T
-(which) 410.77 523.67 T
-(is) 440.66 523.67 T
-(lower) 451 523.67 T
-(than) 479.05 523.67 T
-(that) 501 523.67 T
-(of) 76.5 510.67 T
-(any) 88.89 510.67 T
-(arithmetic,) 107.99 510.67 T
-(shifting) 158.57 510.67 T
-(or) 195.41 510.67 T
-(bitwise) 207.8 510.67 T
-(operation.) 242.8 510.67 T
-(Also) 290.32 510.67 T
-(contrary) 314.32 510.67 T
-(to) 354.2 510.67 T
-(C,) 365.98 510.67 T
-(expressions) 379.29 510.67 T
-(like) 433.83 510.67 T
-2 F
-(a) 453.56 510.67 T
-(<) 467.89 510.67 T
-(b) 482.23 510.67 T
-(<) 496.56 510.67 T
-(c) 510.9 510.67 T
-1 F
-(have the interpretation that is conventional in mathematics:) 76.5 497.67 T
-2 10 Q
-(comparison: or_expr \050comp_operator or_expr\051*) 76.5 479.33 T
-(comp_operator:) 76.5 467.33 T
-("<"|">"|"=="|">="|"<="|"<>"|"!="|"is") 168.9 467.33 T
-(["not"]|["not"]) 395.1 467.33 T
-("in") 489.3 467.33 T
-1 11 Q
-(Comparisons yield integer values: 1 for true, 0 for false.) 76.5 442.67 T
-(Comparisons) 76.5 417.67 T
-(can) 137.1 417.67 T
-(be) 154.92 417.67 T
-(chained) 167.85 417.67 T
-(arbitrarily,) 204.6 417.67 T
-(e.g.) 253.88 417.67 T
-2 F
-(x) 272.31 417.67 T
-(<) 285.02 417.67 T
-(y) 297.73 417.67 T
-(<=) 310.44 417.67 T
-(z) 329.75 417.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 338.89 417.67 T
-(equivalent) 348.77 417.67 T
-(to) 397.15 417.67 T
-2 F
-(x) 408.25 417.67 T
-(<) 420.96 417.67 T
-(y) 433.67 417.67 T
-(and) 446.37 417.67 T
-(y) 472.28 417.67 T
-(<=) 484.99 417.67 T
-(z,) 504.3 417.67 T
-1 F
-(except) 76.5 404.67 T
-(that) 107.82 404.67 T
-2 F
-(y) 126.92 404.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 136.13 404.67 T
-(evaluated) 146.07 404.67 T
-(only) 190.83 404.67 T
-(once) 212.99 404.67 T
-(\050but) 236.36 404.67 T
-(in) 256.69 404.67 T
-(both) 267.85 404.67 T
-(cases) 290.02 404.67 T
-2 F
-(z) 315.83 404.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 325.04 404.67 T
-(not) 334.98 404.67 T
-(evaluated) 351.64 404.67 T
-(at) 396.4 404.67 T
-(all) 406.95 404.67 T
-(when) 420.55 404.67 T
-2 F
-(x) 446.98 404.67 T
-(<) 459.84 404.67 T
-(y) 472.69 404.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 481.89 404.67 T
-(found) 491.84 404.67 T
-(to be false\051.) 76.5 391.67 T
-(Formally,) 76.5 366.67 T
-(if) 122.02 366.67 T
-3 F
-(a) 131.18 366.67 T
-1 F
-(,) 136.68 366.67 T
-3 F
-(b) 141.87 366.67 T
-1 F
-(,) 147.37 366.67 T
-3 F
-(c) 152.56 366.67 T
-1 F
-(,) 157.44 366.67 T
-(...,) 162.63 366.67 T
-3 F
-(y) 176.06 366.67 T
-1 F
-(,) 180.95 366.67 T
-3 F
-(z) 186.13 366.67 T
-1 F
-(are) 192.85 366.67 T
-(expressions) 208.72 366.67 T
-(and) 262.48 366.67 T
-3 F
-(opa) 280.8 366.67 T
-1 F
-(,) 297.3 366.67 T
-3 F
-(opb) 302.49 366.67 T
-1 F
-(,) 318.99 366.67 T
-(...,) 324.18 366.67 T
-3 F
-(opy) 337.61 366.67 T
-1 F
-(are) 355.93 366.67 T
-(comparison) 371.8 366.67 T
-(operators,) 425.57 366.67 T
-(then) 471.68 366.67 T
-3 F
-(a) 493.06 366.67 T
-(opa) 501 366.67 T
-(b) 76.5 353.67 T
-(opb) 84.8 353.67 T
-(c) 104.1 353.67 T
-1 F
-(...) 111.78 353.67 T
-3 F
-(y) 122.82 353.67 T
-(opy) 130.51 353.67 T
-(z) 149.19 353.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 156.26 353.67 T
-(equivalent) 166.4 353.67 T
-(to) 215.02 353.67 T
-3 F
-(a) 226.38 353.67 T
-(opa) 234.68 353.67 T
-(b) 253.97 353.67 T
-2 F
-(and) 262.27 353.67 T
-3 F
-(b) 288.79 353.67 T
-(opb) 297.08 353.67 T
-(c) 316.38 353.67 T
-2 F
-(and) 324.06 353.67 T
-1 F
-(...) 346.66 353.67 T
-3 F
-(y) 360.51 353.67 T
-(opy) 368.19 353.67 T
-(z) 386.87 353.67 T
-1 F
-(,) 391.15 353.67 T
-(except) 396.7 353.67 T
-(that) 428.2 353.67 T
-(each) 447.5 353.67 T
-(expression) 470.45 353.67 T
-(is evaluated at most once.) 76.5 340.67 T
-(Note) 76.5 315.67 T
-(that) 100.81 315.67 T
-3 F
-(a) 120.24 315.67 T
-(opa) 128.67 315.67 T
-(b) 148.1 315.67 T
-(opb) 156.52 315.67 T
-(c) 175.95 315.67 T
-1 F
-(doesn\325t) 183.76 315.67 T
-(imply) 219.07 315.67 T
-(any) 247.68 315.67 T
-(kind) 266.49 315.67 T
-(of) 288.97 315.67 T
-(comparison) 301.07 315.67 T
-(between) 355.32 315.67 T
-3 F
-(a) 394.9 315.67 T
-1 F
-(and) 403.33 315.67 T
-3 F
-(c) 422.14 315.67 T
-1 F
-(,) 427.02 315.67 T
-(so) 432.7 315.67 T
-(that) 445.41 315.67 T
-(e.g.) 464.83 315.67 T
-2 F
-(x) 483.65 315.67 T
-(<) 497.27 315.67 T
-(y) 510.9 315.67 T
-(> z) 76.5 302.67 T
-1 F
-( is perfectly legal \050though perhaps not pretty\051.) 96.3 302.67 T
-(The) 76.5 277.67 T
-(forms) 96.08 277.67 T
-2 F
-(<>) 124.22 277.67 T
-1 F
-(and) 139.9 277.67 T
-2 F
-(!=) 158.25 277.67 T
-1 F
-(are) 173.93 277.67 T
-(equivalent;) 189.84 277.67 T
-(for) 241.2 277.67 T
-(consistency) 256.5 277.67 T
-(with) 310.3 277.67 T
-(C,) 332.33 277.67 T
-2 F
-(!=) 344.89 277.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 360.57 277.67 T
-(preferred;) 370.38 277.67 T
-(where) 416.22 277.67 T
-2 F
-(!=) 445.57 277.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 461.24 277.67 T
-(mentioned) 471.06 277.67 T
-(below) 76.5 264.67 T
-2 F
-(<>) 106.13 264.67 T
-1 F
-( is also implied.) 119.33 264.67 T
-(The) 76.5 239.67 T
-(operators) 96.35 239.67 T
-2 F
-("<",) 140.02 239.67 T
-(">",) 173 239.67 T
-("==",) 205.98 239.67 T
-(">=",) 245.56 239.67 T
-("<=") 285.14 239.67 T
-1 F
-(,) 311.54 239.67 T
-(and) 317.03 239.67 T
-2 F
-("!=") 335.65 239.67 T
-1 F
-(compare) 364.8 239.67 T
-(the) 405.41 239.67 T
-(values) 421.59 239.67 T
-(of) 452.44 239.67 T
-(two) 464.35 239.67 T
-(objects.) 483.59 239.67 T
-(The) 76.5 226.67 T
-(objects) 96.6 226.67 T
-(needn\325t) 130.76 226.67 T
-(have) 166.74 226.67 T
-(the) 190.5 226.67 T
-(same) 206.94 226.67 T
-(type.) 232.54 226.67 T
-(If) 257.23 226.67 T
-(both) 267.55 226.67 T
-(are) 290.1 226.67 T
-(numbers,) 306.52 226.67 T
-(they) 350.15 226.67 T
-(are) 372.09 226.67 T
-(converted) 388.51 226.67 T
-(to) 434.88 226.67 T
-(a) 446.43 226.67 T
-(common) 454.31 226.67 T
-(type.) 495.81 226.67 T
-(Otherwise,) 76.5 213.67 T
-(objects) 127.18 213.67 T
-(of) 161.06 213.67 T
-(different) 172.94 213.67 T
-(types) 213.53 213.67 T
-3 F
-(always) 239.46 213.67 T
-1 F
-(compare) 272.74 213.67 T
-(unequal,) 313.33 213.67 T
-(and) 353.62 213.67 T
-(are) 372.22 213.67 T
-(ordered) 388.37 213.67 T
-(consistently) 424.68 213.67 T
-(but) 479.96 213.67 T
-(arbi-) 496.73 213.67 T
-(t) 76.5 200.67 T
-(r) 79.61 200.67 T
-(a) 83.32 200.67 T
-(r) 88.25 200.67 T
-(i) 91.96 200.67 T
-(l) 95.06 200.67 T
-(y) 98.17 200.67 T
-(.) 103.71 200.67 T
-(\050) 109.72 200.67 T
-(T) 113.43 200.67 T
-(h) 120.2 200.67 T
-(i) 125.75 200.67 T
-(s) 128.85 200.67 T
-(u) 136.39 200.67 T
-(n) 141.93 200.67 T
-(u) 147.48 200.67 T
-(s) 153.03 200.67 T
-(u) 157.35 200.67 T
-(a) 162.9 200.67 T
-(l) 167.83 200.67 T
-(d) 174.15 200.67 T
-(e) 179.7 200.67 T
-(f) 184.63 200.67 T
-(i) 188.34 200.67 T
-(n) 191.44 200.67 T
-(i) 196.99 200.67 T
-(t) 200.1 200.67 T
-(i) 203.2 200.67 T
-(o) 206.3 200.67 T
-(n) 211.85 200.67 T
-(o) 220.61 200.67 T
-(f) 226.16 200.67 T
-(c) 233.08 200.67 T
-(o) 238.01 200.67 T
-(m) 243.55 200.67 T
-(p) 252.16 200.67 T
-(a) 257.71 200.67 T
-(r) 262.64 200.67 T
-(i) 266.35 200.67 T
-(s) 269.45 200.67 T
-(o) 273.78 200.67 T
-(n) 279.33 200.67 T
-(i) 288.08 200.67 T
-(s) 291.19 200.67 T
-(d) 298.72 200.67 T
-(o) 304.27 200.67 T
-(n) 309.82 200.67 T
-(e) 315.37 200.67 T
-(t) 323.51 200.67 T
-(o) 326.61 200.67 T
-(s) 335.37 200.67 T
-(i) 339.7 200.67 T
-(m) 342.8 200.67 T
-(p) 351.4 200.67 T
-(l) 356.95 200.67 T
-(i) 360.06 200.67 T
-(f) 363.16 200.67 T
-(y) 366.87 200.67 T
-(t) 375.63 200.67 T
-(h) 378.73 200.67 T
-(e) 384.28 200.67 T
-(d) 392.42 200.67 T
-(e) 397.97 200.67 T
-(f) 402.9 200.67 T
-(i) 406.61 200.67 T
-(n) 409.72 200.67 T
-(i) 415.26 200.67 T
-(t) 418.37 200.67 T
-(i) 421.47 200.67 T
-(o) 424.58 200.67 T
-(n) 430.13 200.67 T
-(o) 438.88 200.67 T
-(f) 444.43 200.67 T
-(o) 451.35 200.67 T
-(p) 456.9 200.67 T
-(e) 462.45 200.67 T
-(r) 467.38 200.67 T
-(a) 471.09 200.67 T
-(t) 476.02 200.67 T
-(i) 479.12 200.67 T
-(o) 482.23 200.67 T
-(n) 487.77 200.67 T
-(s) 493.32 200.67 T
-(l) 500.86 200.67 T
-(i) 503.96 200.67 T
-(k) 507.07 200.67 T
-(e) 512.61 200.67 T
-(sorting and the) 76.5 187.67 T
-2 F
-(in) 144.63 187.67 T
-1 F
-( and) 157.83 187.67 T
-2 F
-(not) 179.22 187.67 T
-(in) 201.77 187.67 T
-1 F
-( operators.\051) 214.97 187.67 T
-(Comparison of objects of the same type depends on the type:) 76.5 162.67 T
-(\245) 76.5 143.67 T
-(Numbers are compared arithmetically.) 90.9 143.67 T
-(\245) 76.5 124.67 T
-(Strings) 90.9 124.67 T
-(are) 125.6 124.67 T
-(compared) 142.55 124.67 T
-(lexicographically) 189.45 124.67 T
-(using) 269.34 124.67 T
-(the) 296.7 124.67 T
-(numeric) 313.67 124.67 T
-(equivalents) 353.23 124.67 T
-(\050the) 406.86 124.67 T
-(result) 427.49 124.67 T
-(of) 455.45 124.67 T
-(the) 468.14 124.67 T
-(built-in) 485.11 124.67 T
-(function) 90.9 111.67 T
-2 F
-(ord) 130.31 111.67 T
-1 F
-(\051 of their characters.) 150.11 111.67 T
-(\245) 76.5 92.67 T
-(Tuples and lists are compared lexicographically using comparison of corresponding items.) 90.9 92.67 T
-(\245) 76.5 73.67 T
-(Mappings) 90.9 73.67 T
-(\050dictionaries\051) 137.27 73.67 T
-(are) 198.3 73.67 T
-(compared) 214.1 73.67 T
-(through) 259.85 73.67 T
-(lexicographic) 296.45 73.67 T
-(comparison) 358.69 73.67 T
-(of) 412.39 73.67 T
-(their) 423.93 73.67 T
-(sorted) 446.47 73.67 T
-(\050key,) 475.72 73.67 T
-(val-) 500.39 73.67 T
-%%EndPage: "34" 40
-%%Page: "35" 41
-612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE
-0 FrameSetSepColors
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 10 Q
-0 X
-(35) 530 37.33 T
-585 292.5 598.5 720 R
-5 9 Q
-(\245) 0 270 592.5 720 TF
-(Expressions) 0 270 592.5 711 TF
-585 292.5 598.5 720 R
-1 11 Q
-(ue\051 lists.) 113.4 709.73 T
-1 8.8 Q
-(1) 150.68 714.13 T
-1 11 Q
-(\245) 99 690.73 T
-(Most) 113.4 690.73 T
-(other) 138.63 690.73 T
-(types) 163.85 690.73 T
-(compare) 189.69 690.73 T
-(unequal) 230.18 690.73 T
-(unless) 267.62 690.73 T
-(they) 297.74 690.73 T
-(are) 319.3 690.73 T
-(the) 335.35 690.73 T
-(same) 351.4 690.73 T
-(object;) 376.62 690.73 T
-(the) 409.18 690.73 T
-(choice) 425.24 690.73 T
-(whether) 456.57 690.73 T
-(one) 494.61 690.73 T
-(object) 513.12 690.73 T
-(is) 113.4 677.73 T
-(considered) 123.19 677.73 T
-(smaller) 173.29 677.73 T
-(or) 208.13 677.73 T
-(larger) 219.74 677.73 T
-(than) 247.85 677.73 T
-(another) 269.24 677.73 T
-(one) 304.68 677.73 T
-(is) 323.02 677.73 T
-(made) 332.81 677.73 T
-(arbitrarily) 359.09 677.73 T
-(but) 405.53 677.73 T
-(consistently) 422.04 677.73 T
-(within) 477.05 677.73 T
-(one) 507.62 677.73 T
-(ex-) 525.95 677.73 T
-(ecution of a program.) 113.4 664.73 T
-(The) 99 639.73 T
-(operators) 118.91 639.73 T
-2 F
-(in) 162.64 639.73 T
-1 F
-(and) 178.64 639.73 T
-2 F
-(not) 197.33 639.73 T
-(in) 223.85 639.73 T
-1 F
-(test) 239.85 639.73 T
-(for) 257.93 639.73 T
-(sequence) 273.56 639.73 T
-(membership:) 316.68 639.73 T
-(if) 376.92 639.73 T
-3 F
-(y) 386.44 639.73 T
-1 F
-(is) 394.13 639.73 T
-(a) 404.27 639.73 T
-(sequence,) 411.95 639.73 T
-3 F
-(x) 457.82 639.73 T
-1 F
-(in) 465.5 639.73 T
-3 F
-(y) 476.86 639.73 T
-1 F
-(is) 484.55 639.73 T
-(true) 494.69 639.73 T
-(if) 514.59 639.73 T
-(and) 524.12 639.73 T
-(only) 99 626.73 T
-(if) 120.96 626.73 T
-(there) 130.09 626.73 T
-(exists) 154.48 626.73 T
-(an) 181.95 626.73 T
-(index) 194.74 626.73 T
-3 F
-(i) 221.59 626.73 T
-1 F
-(such) 227.05 626.73 T
-(that) 249.62 626.73 T
-3 F
-(x) 268.52 626.73 T
-1 F
-(=) 275.81 626.73 T
-3 F
-(y) 284.42 626.73 T
-1 F
-([) 289.3 626.73 T
-3 F
-(i) 292.97 626.73 T
-1 F
-(].) 296.03 626.73 T
-3 F
-(x) 304.84 626.73 T
-1 F
-(not) 312.13 626.73 T
-(in) 328.6 626.73 T
-3 F
-(y) 339.56 626.73 T
-1 F
-(yields) 346.85 626.73 T
-(the) 375.53 626.73 T
-(inverse) 391.38 626.73 T
-(truth) 425.55 626.73 T
-(value.) 448.74 626.73 T
-(The) 477.72 626.73 T
-(exception) 497.23 626.73 T
-2 F
-(TypeError) 99 613.73 T
-1 F
-(is) 161.4 613.73 T
-(raised) 171.74 613.73 T
-(when) 201.01 613.73 T
-3 F
-(y) 227.84 613.73 T
-1 F
-(is) 235.72 613.73 T
-(not) 246.06 613.73 T
-(a) 263.12 613.73 T
-(sequence,) 271 613.73 T
-(or) 317.07 613.73 T
-(when) 329.23 613.73 T
-3 F
-(y) 356.06 613.73 T
-1 F
-(is) 363.94 613.73 T
-(a) 374.28 613.73 T
-(string) 382.17 613.73 T
-(and) 410.23 613.73 T
-3 F
-(x) 429.11 613.73 T
-1 F
-(is) 436.99 613.73 T
-(not) 447.33 613.73 T
-(a) 464.39 613.73 T
-(string) 472.28 613.73 T
-(of) 500.34 613.73 T
-(length) 512.5 613.73 T
-(one.) 99 597.8 T
-1 8.8 Q
-(2) 117.63 602.2 T
-1 11 Q
-(The) 99 572.8 T
-(operators) 118.38 572.8 T
-2 F
-(is) 161.59 572.8 T
-1 F
-(and) 177.06 572.8 T
-2 F
-(is) 195.22 572.8 T
-(not) 213.88 572.8 T
-1 F
-(test) 235.96 572.8 T
-(for) 253.51 572.8 T
-(object) 268.61 572.8 T
-(identity:) 297.77 572.8 T
-3 F
-(x) 336.72 572.8 T
-2 F
-(is) 343.88 572.8 T
-3 F
-(y) 359.36 572.8 T
-1 F
-(is) 366.52 572.8 T
-(true) 376.13 572.8 T
-(if) 395.51 572.8 T
-(and) 404.5 572.8 T
-(only) 422.66 572.8 T
-(if) 444.5 572.8 T
-3 F
-(x) 453.49 572.8 T
-1 F
-(and) 460.65 572.8 T
-3 F
-(y) 478.81 572.8 T
-1 F
-(are) 485.97 572.8 T
-(the) 501.68 572.8 T
-(same) 517.4 572.8 T
-(object.) 99 559.8 T
-3 F
-(x) 131.38 559.8 T
-2 F
-(is not) 139.02 559.8 T
-3 F
-(y) 181.37 559.8 T
-1 F
-( yields the inverse truth value.) 186.25 559.8 T
-0 14 Q
-(5.10) 99 532.8 T
-(Boolean operations) 135 532.8 T
-1 11 Q
-(Boolean operations have the lowest priority of all Python operations:) 99 507.8 T
-2 10 Q
-(expression: or_test | lambda_form) 99 489.47 T
-(or_test: and_test | or_test "or" and_test) 99 477.47 T
-(and_test: not_test | and_test "and" not_test) 99 465.47 T
-(not_test: comparison | "not" not_test) 99 453.47 T
-(lambda_form:) 99 441.47 T
-("lambda" [parameter_list]: expression) 171 441.47 T
-1 11 Q
-(In) 99 416.8 T
-(the) 110.68 416.8 T
-(context) 126.64 416.8 T
-(of) 161.54 416.8 T
-(Boolean) 173.22 416.8 T
-(operations,) 212.4 416.8 T
-(and) 263.49 416.8 T
-(also) 281.89 416.8 T
-(when) 302.12 416.8 T
-(expressions) 328.47 416.8 T
-(are) 382.31 416.8 T
-(used) 398.26 416.8 T
-(by) 420.93 416.8 T
-(control) 434.45 416.8 T
-(flow) 468.13 416.8 T
-(statements,) 490.81 416.8 T
-(t) 99 403.8 T
-(h) 102.23 403.8 T
-(e) 107.9 403.8 T
-(f) 116.28 403.8 T
-(o) 120.12 403.8 T
-(l) 125.79 403.8 T
-(l) 129.01 403.8 T
-(o) 132.24 403.8 T
-(w) 137.91 403.8 T
-(i) 146.02 403.8 T
-(n) 149.25 403.8 T
-(g) 154.92 403.8 T
-(v) 163.93 403.8 T
-(a) 169.6 403.8 T
-(l) 174.65 403.8 T
-(u) 177.88 403.8 T
-(e) 183.55 403.8 T
-(s) 188.6 403.8 T
-(a) 196.38 403.8 T
-(r) 201.43 403.8 T
-(e) 205.27 403.8 T
-(i) 213.65 403.8 T
-(n) 216.88 403.8 T
-(t) 222.55 403.8 T
-(e) 225.78 403.8 T
-(r) 230.83 403.8 T
-(p) 234.67 403.8 T
-(r) 240.34 403.8 T
-(e) 244.17 403.8 T
-(t) 249.22 403.8 T
-(e) 252.45 403.8 T
-(d) 257.51 403.8 T
-(a) 266.51 403.8 T
-(s) 271.56 403.8 T
-(f) 279.34 403.8 T
-(a) 283.18 403.8 T
-(l) 288.23 403.8 T
-(s) 291.46 403.8 T
-(e) 295.91 403.8 T
-(:) 300.96 403.8 T
-2 F
-(N) 307.52 403.8 T
-(o) 314.29 403.8 T
-(n) 321.06 403.8 T
-(e) 327.83 403.8 T
-1 F
-(,) 334.6 403.8 T
-(n) 340.85 403.8 T
-(u) 346.52 403.8 T
-(m) 352.19 403.8 T
-(e) 360.92 403.8 T
-(r) 365.97 403.8 T
-(i) 369.81 403.8 T
-(c) 373.04 403.8 T
-(z) 381.42 403.8 T
-(e) 386.48 403.8 T
-(r) 391.53 403.8 T
-(o) 395.36 403.8 T
-(o) 404.36 403.8 T
-(f) 410.03 403.8 T
-(a) 417.2 403.8 T
-(l) 422.25 403.8 T
-(l) 425.48 403.8 T
-(t) 432.04 403.8 T
-(y) 435.27 403.8 T
-(p) 440.94 403.8 T
-(e) 446.61 403.8 T
-(s) 451.66 403.8 T
-(,) 456.11 403.8 T
-(e) 462.36 403.8 T
-(m) 467.42 403.8 T
-(p) 476.15 403.8 T
-(t) 481.82 403.8 T
-(y) 485.04 403.8 T
-(s) 494.05 403.8 T
-(e) 498.49 403.8 T
-(q) 503.55 403.8 T
-(u) 509.22 403.8 T
-(e) 514.89 403.8 T
-(n) 519.94 403.8 T
-(c) 525.61 403.8 T
-(e) 530.67 403.8 T
-(s) 535.72 403.8 T
-(\050strings,) 99 390.8 T
-(tuples) 137.18 390.8 T
-(and) 165.9 390.8 T
-(lists\051,) 184.21 390.8 T
-(and) 210.79 390.8 T
-(empty) 229.11 390.8 T
-(mappings) 259.05 390.8 T
-(\050dictionaries\051.) 304.26 390.8 T
-(All) 368.09 390.8 T
-(other) 384.58 390.8 T
-(values) 409.62 390.8 T
-(are) 440.16 390.8 T
-(interpreted) 456.03 390.8 T
-(as) 506.11 390.8 T
-(true.) 517.71 390.8 T
-(The operator) 99 365.8 T
-2 F
-(not) 158.26 365.8 T
-1 F
-( yields 1 if its argument is false, 0 otherwise.) 178.06 365.8 T
-(The) 99 340.8 T
-(expression) 119.11 340.8 T
-3 F
-(x) 169.16 340.8 T
-2 F
-(and) 177.05 340.8 T
-3 F
-(y) 199.85 340.8 T
-1 F
-(first) 207.74 340.8 T
-(evaluates) 228.46 340.8 T
-3 F
-(x) 272.4 340.8 T
-1 F
-(;) 277.28 340.8 T
-(if) 283.34 340.8 T
-3 F
-(x) 293.07 340.8 T
-1 F
-(is) 300.95 340.8 T
-(false,) 311.3 340.8 T
-(its) 337.82 340.8 T
-(value) 351.21 340.8 T
-(is) 378.04 340.8 T
-(returned;) 388.39 340.8 T
-(otherwise,) 431.1 340.8 T
-3 F
-(y) 479.62 340.8 T
-1 F
-(is) 487.51 340.8 T
-(evaluated) 497.85 340.8 T
-(and the resulting value is returned.) 99 327.8 T
-(The) 99 302.8 T
-(expression) 118.68 302.8 T
-3 F
-(x) 168.3 302.8 T
-2 F
-(or) 175.75 302.8 T
-3 F
-(y) 191.52 302.8 T
-1 F
-(first) 198.98 302.8 T
-(evaluates) 219.27 302.8 T
-3 F
-(x) 262.78 302.8 T
-1 F
-(;) 267.66 302.8 T
-(if) 273.29 302.8 T
-3 F
-(x) 282.58 302.8 T
-1 F
-(is) 290.04 302.8 T
-(true,) 299.95 302.8 T
-(its) 322.38 302.8 T
-(value) 335.35 302.8 T
-(is) 361.74 302.8 T
-(returned;) 371.65 302.8 T
-(otherwise,) 413.93 302.8 T
-3 F
-(y) 462.02 302.8 T
-1 F
-(is) 469.48 302.8 T
-(evaluated) 479.39 302.8 T
-(and) 524.11 302.8 T
-(the resulting value is returned.) 99 289.8 T
-(\050Note) 99 264.8 T
-(that) 126.84 264.8 T
-(neither) 146.12 264.8 T
-2 F
-(and) 179.46 264.8 T
-1 F
-(nor) 202.05 264.8 T
-2 F
-(or) 219.5 264.8 T
-1 F
-(restrict) 235.49 264.8 T
-(the) 268.83 264.8 T
-(value) 285.06 264.8 T
-(and) 311.67 264.8 T
-(type) 330.35 264.8 T
-(they) 352.08 264.8 T
-(return) 373.81 264.8 T
-(to) 402.86 264.8 T
-(0) 414.21 264.8 T
-(and) 422.5 264.8 T
-(1,) 441.17 264.8 T
-(but) 452.21 264.8 T
-(rather) 469.06 264.8 T
-(return) 497.5 264.8 T
-(the) 526.56 264.8 T
-(last) 99 251.8 T
-(evaluated) 116.69 251.8 T
-(argument.) 161.25 251.8 T
-(This) 207.96 251.8 T
-(is) 229.93 251.8 T
-(sometimes) 239.67 251.8 T
-(useful,) 289.14 251.8 T
-(e.g.) 321.19 251.8 T
-(if) 339.48 251.8 T
-2 F
-(s) 348.61 251.8 T
-1 F
-(is) 357.62 251.8 T
-(a) 367.37 251.8 T
-(string) 374.66 251.8 T
-(that) 402.13 251.8 T
-(should) 421.04 251.8 T
-(be) 452.79 251.8 T
-(replaced) 465.58 251.8 T
-(by) 505.25 251.8 T
-(a) 518.66 251.8 T
-(de-) 525.95 251.8 T
-(fault) 99 238.8 T
-(value) 121.83 238.8 T
-(if) 148.33 238.8 T
-(it) 157.72 238.8 T
-(is) 166.51 238.8 T
-(empty,) 176.52 238.8 T
-(the) 209.44 238.8 T
-(expression) 225.55 238.8 T
-2 F
-(s) 275.27 238.8 T
-(or) 288.28 238.8 T
-(\325foo\325) 307.89 238.8 T
-1 F
-(yields) 343.56 238.8 T
-(the) 372.51 238.8 T
-(desired) 388.63 238.8 T
-(value.) 423.07 238.8 T
-(Because) 452.31 238.8 T
-2 F
-(not) 491.64 238.8 T
-1 F
-(has) 514.11 238.8 T
-(to) 531.44 238.8 T
-(invent) 99 225.8 T
-(a) 129.61 225.8 T
-(value) 137.6 225.8 T
-(anyway,) 164.54 225.8 T
-(it) 204.61 225.8 T
-(does) 213.83 225.8 T
-(not) 237.1 225.8 T
-(bother) 254.27 225.8 T
-(to) 285.48 225.8 T
-(return) 297.15 225.8 T
-(a) 326.53 225.8 T
-(value) 334.52 225.8 T
-(of) 361.46 225.8 T
-(the) 373.73 225.8 T
-(same) 390.28 225.8 T
-(type) 415.99 225.8 T
-(as) 438.05 225.8 T
-(its) 450.32 225.8 T
-(argument,) 463.82 225.8 T
-(so) 511.23 225.8 T
-(e.g.) 524.12 225.8 T
-2 F
-(not \325foo\325) 99 212.8 T
-1 F
-( yields) 158.4 212.8 T
-2 F
-(0) 190.18 212.8 T
-1 F
-(, not) 196.78 212.8 T
-2 F
-(\325\325) 219.09 212.8 T
-1 F
-(.\051) 232.29 212.8 T
-(L) 99 187.8 T
-(a) 105.85 187.8 T
-(m) 110.86 187.8 T
-(b) 119.54 187.8 T
-(d) 125.16 187.8 T
-(a) 130.79 187.8 T
-(f) 139.08 187.8 T
-(o) 142.87 187.8 T
-(r) 148.5 187.8 T
-(m) 152.28 187.8 T
-(s) 160.97 187.8 T
-(\050) 168.66 187.8 T
-(l) 172.45 187.8 T
-(a) 175.63 187.8 T
-(m) 180.64 187.8 T
-(b) 189.32 187.8 T
-(d) 194.95 187.8 T
-(a) 200.57 187.8 T
-(e) 208.87 187.8 T
-(x) 213.88 187.8 T
-(p) 219.5 187.8 T
-(r) 225.12 187.8 T
-(e) 228.91 187.8 T
-(s) 233.92 187.8 T
-(s) 238.32 187.8 T
-(i) 242.73 187.8 T
-(o) 245.91 187.8 T
-(n) 251.54 187.8 T
-(s) 257.16 187.8 T
-(\051) 261.57 187.8 T
-(h) 268.64 187.8 T
-(a) 274.27 187.8 T
-(v) 279.27 187.8 T
-(e) 284.9 187.8 T
-(t) 293.2 187.8 T
-(h) 296.38 187.8 T
-(e) 302 187.8 T
-(s) 310.3 187.8 T
-(a) 314.7 187.8 T
-(m) 319.71 187.8 T
-(e) 328.39 187.8 T
-(s) 336.69 187.8 T
-(y) 341.09 187.8 T
-(n) 346.72 187.8 T
-(t) 352.34 187.8 T
-(a) 355.53 187.8 T
-(c) 360.54 187.8 T
-(t) 365.54 187.8 T
-(i) 368.73 187.8 T
-(c) 371.91 187.8 T
-(p) 380.21 187.8 T
-(o) 385.83 187.8 T
-(s) 391.45 187.8 T
-(i) 395.86 187.8 T
-(t) 399.04 187.8 T
-(i) 402.23 187.8 T
-(o) 405.41 187.8 T
-(n) 411.03 187.8 T
-(a) 419.95 187.8 T
-(s) 424.95 187.8 T
-(e) 432.64 187.8 T
-(x) 437.65 187.8 T
-(p) 443.28 187.8 T
-(r) 448.9 187.8 T
-(e) 452.69 187.8 T
-(s) 457.7 187.8 T
-(s) 462.1 187.8 T
-(i) 466.51 187.8 T
-(o) 469.69 187.8 T
-(n) 475.32 187.8 T
-(s) 480.94 187.8 T
-(.) 485.34 187.8 T
-(T) 491.51 187.8 T
-(h) 498.35 187.8 T
-(e) 503.98 187.8 T
-(y) 508.98 187.8 T
-(a) 517.9 187.8 T
-(r) 522.91 187.8 T
-(e) 526.69 187.8 T
-(a) 534.99 187.8 T
-(s) 99 174.8 T
-(h) 103.31 174.8 T
-(o) 108.83 174.8 T
-(r) 114.36 174.8 T
-(t) 118.05 174.8 T
-(h) 121.14 174.8 T
-(a) 126.66 174.8 T
-(n) 131.57 174.8 T
-(d) 137.1 174.8 T
-(t) 145.82 174.8 T
-(o) 148.9 174.8 T
-(c) 157.62 174.8 T
-(r) 162.53 174.8 T
-(e) 166.22 174.8 T
-(a) 171.13 174.8 T
-(t) 176.05 174.8 T
-(e) 179.13 174.8 T
-(a) 187.23 174.8 T
-(n) 192.14 174.8 T
-(o) 197.67 174.8 T
-(n) 203.2 174.8 T
-(y) 208.73 174.8 T
-(m) 214.25 174.8 T
-(o) 222.84 174.8 T
-(u) 228.37 174.8 T
-(s) 233.89 174.8 T
-(f) 241.39 174.8 T
-(u) 245.08 174.8 T
-(n) 250.61 174.8 T
-(c) 256.13 174.8 T
-(t) 261.05 174.8 T
-(i) 264.13 174.8 T
-(o) 267.22 174.8 T
-(n) 272.74 174.8 T
-(s) 278.27 174.8 T
-(;) 282.58 174.8 T
-(t) 288.85 174.8 T
-(h) 291.94 174.8 T
-(e) 297.46 174.8 T
-(e) 305.57 174.8 T
-(x) 310.48 174.8 T
-(p) 316 174.8 T
-(r) 321.53 174.8 T
-(e) 325.22 174.8 T
-(s) 330.13 174.8 T
-(s) 334.44 174.8 T
-(i) 338.75 174.8 T
-(o) 341.83 174.8 T
-(n) 347.36 174.8 T
-2 F
-(l) 356.08 174.8 T
-(a) 362.7 174.8 T
-(m) 369.33 174.8 T
-(b) 375.96 174.8 T
-(d) 382.58 174.8 T
-(a) 389.21 174.8 T
-1 F
-(a) 399.03 174.8 T
-(r) 403.94 174.8 T
-(g) 407.63 174.8 T
-(u) 413.16 174.8 T
-(m) 418.69 174.8 T
-(e) 427.27 174.8 T
-(n) 432.18 174.8 T
-(t) 437.71 174.8 T
-(s) 440.8 174.8 T
-2 F
-(:) 445.1 174.8 T
-1 F
-(e) 454.92 174.8 T
-(x) 459.83 174.8 T
-(p) 465.36 174.8 T
-(r) 470.88 174.8 T
-(e) 474.57 174.8 T
-(s) 479.49 174.8 T
-(s) 483.79 174.8 T
-(i) 488.1 174.8 T
-(o) 491.18 174.8 T
-(n) 496.71 174.8 T
-(y) 505.43 174.8 T
-(i) 510.95 174.8 T
-(e) 514.04 174.8 T
-(l) 518.95 174.8 T
-(d) 522.04 174.8 T
-(s) 527.57 174.8 T
-(a) 535.06 174.8 T
-(function object that behaves virtually identical to one defined with) 99 161.8 T
-99 128 540 143 C
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-108 141 252 141 2 L
-0.5 H
-2 Z
-0 X
-0 0 612 792 C
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 11 Q
-0 X
-(1.) 108 120.67 T
-(This) 121.5 120.67 T
-(is) 144.03 120.67 T
-(expensive) 154.34 120.67 T
-(since) 201.3 120.67 T
-(it) 226.87 120.67 T
-(requires) 235.96 120.67 T
-(sorting) 274.36 120.67 T
-(the) 307.89 120.67 T
-(keys) 324.3 120.67 T
-(first,) 347.44 120.67 T
-(but) 370.88 120.67 T
-(about) 387.91 120.67 T
-(the) 415.32 120.67 T
-(only) 431.73 120.67 T
-(sensible) 454.26 120.67 T
-(defini-) 492.67 120.67 T
-(tion.) 121.46 107.67 T
-(An) 144.78 107.67 T
-(earlier) 161.68 107.67 T
-(version) 193.23 107.67 T
-(of) 229.07 107.67 T
-(Python) 241.68 107.67 T
-(compared) 276.31 107.67 T
-(dictionaries) 323.14 107.67 T
-(by) 377.92 107.67 T
-(identity) 392.38 107.67 T
-(only,) 429.45 107.67 T
-(but) 455.21 107.67 T
-(this) 472.72 107.67 T
-(caused) 492.07 107.67 T
-(surprises) 121.46 94.67 T
-(because) 162.91 94.67 T
-(people) 200.06 94.67 T
-(expected) 231.72 94.67 T
-(to) 273.15 94.67 T
-(be) 284.05 94.67 T
-(able) 296.77 94.67 T
-(to) 317.44 94.67 T
-(test) 328.33 94.67 T
-(a) 345.95 94.67 T
-(dictionary) 353.17 94.67 T
-(for) 400.11 94.67 T
-(emptiness) 415.28 94.67 T
-(by) 461.61 94.67 T
-(comparing) 474.95 94.67 T
-(it to) 121.46 81.67 T
-2 F
-({}) 141.64 81.67 T
-1 F
-(.) 154.84 81.67 T
-(2.) 108 68.67 T
-(The latter restriction is sometimes a nuisance.) 121.5 68.67 T
-%%EndPage: "35" 41
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-612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE
-0 FrameSetSepColors
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 10 Q
-0 X
-(36) 76.5 37.33 T
-2 F
-(def name \050arguments\051:) 76.5 713.33 T
-( return expression) 76.5 701.33 T
-1 11 Q
-(S) 76.5 676.67 T
-(e) 82.62 676.67 T
-(e) 87.5 676.67 T
-(\322) 95.55 676.67 T
-(F) 100.44 676.67 T
-(u) 106.56 676.67 T
-(n) 112.06 676.67 T
-(c) 117.56 676.67 T
-(t) 122.45 676.67 T
-(i) 125.51 676.67 T
-(o) 128.57 676.67 T
-(n) 134.07 676.67 T
-(d) 142.74 676.67 T
-(e) 148.24 676.67 T
-(f) 153.12 676.67 T
-(i) 156.79 676.67 T
-(n) 159.85 676.67 T
-(i) 165.35 676.67 T
-(t) 168.41 676.67 T
-(i) 171.47 676.67 T
-(o) 174.53 676.67 T
-(n) 180.03 676.67 T
-(s) 185.53 676.67 T
-(\323) 189.81 676.67 T
-(o) 197.86 676.67 T
-(n) 203.37 676.67 T
-(p) 212.03 676.67 T
-(a) 217.53 676.67 T
-(g) 222.42 676.67 T
-(e) 227.92 676.67 T
-(5) 235.56 676.67 T
-(0) 241.06 676.67 T
-(f) 249.73 676.67 T
-(o) 253.39 676.67 T
-(r) 258.89 676.67 T
-(t) 265.72 676.67 T
-(h) 268.78 676.67 T
-(e) 274.28 676.67 T
-(s) 282.33 676.67 T
-(y) 286.61 676.67 T
-(n) 292.12 676.67 T
-(t) 297.62 676.67 T
-(a) 300.68 676.67 T
-(x) 305.56 676.67 T
-(o) 314.23 676.67 T
-(f) 319.73 676.67 T
-(p) 326.56 676.67 T
-(a) 332.06 676.67 T
-(r) 336.95 676.67 T
-(a) 340.61 676.67 T
-(m) 345.5 676.67 T
-(e) 354.06 676.67 T
-(t) 358.95 676.67 T
-(e) 362 676.67 T
-(r) 366.89 676.67 T
-(l) 373.72 676.67 T
-(i) 376.78 676.67 T
-(s) 379.84 676.67 T
-(t) 384.12 676.67 T
-(s) 387.18 676.67 T
-(.) 391.46 676.67 T
-(N) 397.38 676.67 T
-(o) 405.32 676.67 T
-(t) 410.82 676.67 T
-(e) 413.88 676.67 T
-(t) 421.93 676.67 T
-(h) 424.99 676.67 T
-(a) 430.49 676.67 T
-(t) 435.38 676.67 T
-(f) 441.61 676.67 T
-(u) 445.27 676.67 T
-(n) 450.77 676.67 T
-(c) 456.27 676.67 T
-(t) 461.16 676.67 T
-(i) 464.22 676.67 T
-(o) 467.28 676.67 T
-(n) 472.78 676.67 T
-(s) 478.28 676.67 T
-(c) 485.73 676.67 T
-(r) 490.61 676.67 T
-(e) 494.28 676.67 T
-(a) 499.16 676.67 T
-(t) 504.05 676.67 T
-(e) 507.11 676.67 T
-(d) 512 676.67 T
-(with lambda forms cannot contain statements.) 76.5 663.67 T
-0 14 Q
-(5.11) 76.5 636.67 T
-(Expression lists) 112.5 636.67 T
-2 10 Q
-(expression_list: expression \050"," expression\051* [","]) 76.5 612.33 T
-1 11 Q
-(An) 76.5 587.67 T
-(expression) 92.43 587.67 T
-(list) 141.96 587.67 T
-(containing) 157.9 587.67 T
-(at) 206.82 587.67 T
-(least) 217.25 587.67 T
-(one) 239.9 587.67 T
-(comma) 258.27 587.67 T
-(yields) 293.14 587.67 T
-(a) 321.9 587.67 T
-(tuple.) 329.27 587.67 T
-(The) 356.51 587.67 T
-(length) 376.1 587.67 T
-(of) 406.08 587.67 T
-(the) 417.73 587.67 T
-(tuple) 433.66 587.67 T
-(is) 458.14 587.67 T
-(the) 467.97 587.67 T
-(number) 483.89 587.67 T
-(of expressions in the list. The expressions are evaluated from left to right.) 76.5 574.67 T
-(The) 76.5 549.67 T
-(trailing) 96.31 549.67 T
-(comma) 130.8 549.67 T
-(is) 165.89 549.67 T
-(required) 175.94 549.67 T
-(only) 215.3 549.67 T
-(to) 237.57 549.67 T
-(create) 248.84 549.67 T
-(a) 277.8 549.67 T
-(single) 285.39 549.67 T
-(tuple) 314.38 549.67 T
-(\050a.k.a.) 339.09 549.67 T
-(a) 368.98 549.67 T
-3 F
-(single) 376.57 549.67 T
-1 F
-(\051;) 402.85 549.67 T
-(it) 412.28 549.67 T
-(is) 421.11 549.67 T
-(optional) 431.15 549.67 T
-(in) 469.92 549.67 T
-(all) 481.19 549.67 T
-(other) 494.89 549.67 T
-(cases.) 76.5 536.67 T
-(A) 104.93 536.67 T
-(single) 115.35 536.67 T
-(expression) 144.1 536.67 T
-(without) 193.62 536.67 T
-(a) 229.71 536.67 T
-(trailing) 237.07 536.67 T
-(comma) 271.32 536.67 T
-(doesn\325t) 306.18 536.67 T
-(create) 341.04 536.67 T
-(a) 369.77 536.67 T
-(tuple,) 377.12 536.67 T
-(but) 404.35 536.67 T
-(rather) 420.88 536.67 T
-(yields) 449.01 536.67 T
-(the) 477.76 536.67 T
-(value) 493.67 536.67 T
-(of that expression. \050To create an empty tuple, use an empty pair of parentheses:) 76.5 523.67 T
-2 F
-(\050\051) 428.42 523.67 T
-1 F
-(.\051) 441.62 523.67 T
-%%EndPage: "36" 42
-%%Page: "37" 43
-612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE
-0 FrameSetSepColors
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 10 Q
-0 X
-(37) 530 37.33 T
-585 292.5 598.5 720 R
-5 9 Q
-(\245) 0 270 592.5 720 TF
-(Expressions) 0 270 592.5 711 TF
-585 292.5 598.5 720 R
-0 14 Q
-(5.12) 99 710.67 T
-(Summary) 135 710.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(The) 99 685.67 T
-(following) 119.23 685.67 T
-(table) 165.13 685.67 T
-(summarizes) 189.63 685.67 T
-(the) 245.3 685.67 T
-(operator) 261.87 685.67 T
-(precedences) 301.64 685.67 T
-(in) 358.51 685.67 T
-(Python,) 370.19 685.67 T
-(from) 407.24 685.67 T
-(lowest) 431.74 685.67 T
-(precedence) 463.58 685.67 T
-(\050least) 516.17 685.67 T
-(binding\051) 99 672.67 T
-(to) 138.8 672.67 T
-(highest) 149.88 672.67 T
-(precedence) 184.18 672.67 T
-(\050most) 236.17 672.67 T
-(binding\051.) 263.76 672.67 T
-(Operators) 306.31 672.67 T
-(in) 352.2 672.67 T
-(the) 363.28 672.67 T
-(same) 379.25 672.67 T
-(box) 404.38 672.67 T
-(have) 423.4 672.67 T
-(the) 446.69 672.67 T
-(same) 462.65 672.67 T
-(precedence.) 487.78 672.67 T
-(Unless) 99 659.67 T
-(the) 132.33 659.67 T
-(syntax) 149.16 659.67 T
-(is) 181.27 659.67 T
-(explicitly) 192 659.67 T
-(given,) 236.95 659.67 T
-(operators) 267.53 659.67 T
-(are) 311.85 659.67 T
-(binary.) 328.67 659.67 T
-(Operators) 362.91 659.67 T
-(in) 409.67 659.67 T
-(the) 421.62 659.67 T
-(same) 438.45 659.67 T
-(box) 464.45 659.67 T
-(group) 484.34 659.67 T
-(left) 513.39 659.67 T
-(to) 531.44 659.67 T
-(right \050except for comparisons, which chain from left to right \321 see above\051.) 99 646.67 T
-4 12 Q
-(T) 208.14 623 T
-(able 4: Operator Pr) 215.04 623 T
-(ecedence) 315.8 623 T
-2 11 Q
-(or) 185.77 599.67 T
-1 F
-(Boolean OR) 350.65 599.67 T
-2 F
-(and) 182.48 578.67 T
-1 F
-(Boolean AND) 346.38 578.67 T
-2 F
-(not) 175.88 557.67 T
-6 F
-(x) 202.27 557.67 T
-1 F
-(Boolean NO) 347.21 557.67 T
-(T) 402.07 557.67 T
-2 F
-(in, not in) 159.38 536.67 T
-(is, is not) 159.38 523.67 T
-(<, <=, >, >=, <>, !=, =) 116.47 510.67 T
-1 F
-(Membership tests) 339.04 536.67 T
-(Identity tests) 349.74 523.67 T
-(Comparisons) 348.97 510.67 T
-2 F
-(|) 189.07 489.67 T
-1 F
-(Bitwise OR) 352.18 489.67 T
-2 F
-(^) 189.07 468.67 T
-1 F
-(Bitwise XOR) 348.21 468.67 T
-2 F
-(&) 189.07 447.67 T
-1 F
-(Bitwise AND) 347.9 447.67 T
-2 F
-(<<, >>) 172.57 426.67 T
-1 F
-(Shifts) 365.16 426.67 T
-2 F
-(+, -) 179.18 405.67 T
-1 F
-(Addition and subtraction) 323.31 405.67 T
-2 F
-(*, /, %) 169.27 384.67 T
-1 F
-(Multiplication, di) 301.14 384.67 T
-(vision, remainder) 377.87 384.67 T
-3 F
-(+x, -x) 179.2 363.67 T
-(~x) 186.96 350.67 T
-1 F
-(Positi) 339.44 363.67 T
-(v) 364.23 363.67 T
-(e, ne) 369.57 363.67 T
-(g) 390.17 363.67 T
-(ati) 395.62 363.67 T
-(v) 406.34 363.67 T
-(e) 411.68 363.67 T
-(Bitwise not) 352.79 350.67 T
-3 F
-(x.attrib) 169.72 329.67 T
-(ute) 201.59 329.67 T
-(x) 174.47 316.67 T
-1 F
-([) 179.35 316.67 T
-3 F
-(inde) 183.01 316.67 T
-(x) 201.74 316.67 T
-1 F
-(]) 206.62 316.67 T
-3 F
-(x) 160.83 303.67 T
-1 F
-([) 165.72 303.67 T
-3 F
-(inde) 169.38 303.67 T
-(x:inde) 188.1 303.67 T
-(x) 215.37 303.67 T
-1 F
-(]) 220.25 303.67 T
-3 F
-(f) 157.29 290.67 T
-1 F
-(\050) 160.35 290.67 T
-3 F
-(ar) 164.01 290.67 T
-(guments) 173.38 290.67 T
-1 F
-(, ...\051) 210.05 290.67 T
-(Attrib) 336.42 329.67 T
-(ute reference) 362.48 329.67 T
-(Subscription) 350.19 316.67 T
-(Slicing) 362.41 303.67 T
-(Function call) 349.12 290.67 T
-(\050) 155.11 269.67 T
-3 F
-(e) 158.78 269.67 T
-(xpr) 163.44 269.67 T
-(essions) 177.7 269.67 T
-1 F
-( . . .\051) 209.47 269.67 T
-([) 155.11 256.67 T
-3 F
-(e) 158.78 256.67 T
-(xpr) 163.44 256.67 T
-(essions) 177.7 256.67 T
-1 F
-( . . .]) 209.47 256.67 T
-({) 154.78 243.67 T
-3 F
-(k) 160.06 243.67 T
-(e) 164.84 243.67 T
-(y:datum) 169.39 243.67 T
-1 F
-(, . . .}) 205.44 243.67 T
-(`) 165.5 230.67 T
-3 F
-(e) 169.16 230.67 T
-(xpr) 173.83 230.67 T
-(ession) 188.09 230.67 T
-1 F
-(`) 215.59 230.67 T
-(Binding or tuple display) 324.68 269.67 T
-(List display) 352.18 256.67 T
-(Dictionary display) 337.21 243.67 T
-(String con) 339.35 230.67 T
-(v) 384.43 230.67 T
-(ersion) 389.77 230.67 T
-99 612.75 99 223.25 2 L
-0.5 H
-0 Z
-285.75 613.25 285.75 222.75 2 L
-470.25 612.75 470.25 223.25 2 L
-98.75 613 470.5 613 2 L
-98.75 592 470.5 592 2 L
-98.75 571 470.5 571 2 L
-98.75 550 470.5 550 2 L
-98.75 503 470.5 503 2 L
-98.75 482 470.5 482 2 L
-98.75 461 470.5 461 2 L
-98.75 440 470.5 440 2 L
-98.75 419 470.5 419 2 L
-98.75 398 470.5 398 2 L
-98.75 377 470.5 377 2 L
-98.75 343 470.5 343 2 L
-98.75 283 470.5 283 2 L
-98.75 223 470.5 223 2 L
-%%EndPage: "37" 43
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-(39) 530 37.33 T
-585 292.5 598.5 720 R
-5 9 Q
-(\245) 0 270 592.5 720 TF
-(Simple statements) 0 270 592.5 711 TF
-585 292.5 598.5 720 R
-0 16 Q
-(C) 99 709.33 T
-0 12.8 Q
-(HAPTER) 110.55 709.33 T
-0 16 Q
-(6:) 167.62 709.33 T
-(S) 198 709.33 T
-0 12.8 Q
-(IMPLE) 208.67 709.33 T
-(STATEMENTS) 252.24 709.33 T
-1 11 Q
-(Simple) 99 672.67 T
-(statements) 132.5 672.67 T
-(are) 181.26 672.67 T
-(comprised) 197.01 672.67 T
-(within) 245.16 672.67 T
-(a) 275.6 672.67 T
-(single) 282.81 672.67 T
-(logical) 311.41 672.67 T
-(line.) 343.67 672.67 T
-(Several) 365.25 672.67 T
-(simple) 400.56 672.67 T
-(statements) 432.22 672.67 T
-(may) 480.98 672.67 T
-(occur) 502.25 672.67 T
-(on) 529 672.67 T
-(a single line separated by semicolons. The syntax for simple statements is:) 99 659.67 T
-2 10 Q
-(simple_stmt: expression_stmt) 99 641.33 T
-( | assert_stmt) 99 629.33 T
-( | assignment_stmt) 99 617.33 T
-( | pass_stmt) 99 605.33 T
-( | del_stmt) 99 593.33 T
-( | print_stmt) 99 581.33 T
-( | return_stmt) 99 569.33 T
-( | raise_stmt) 99 557.33 T
-( | break_stmt) 99 545.33 T
-( | continue_stmt) 99 533.33 T
-( | import_stmt) 99 521.33 T
-( | global_stmt) 99 509.33 T
-( | exec_stmt) 99 497.33 T
-0 14 Q
-(6.1) 99 470.67 T
-(Expression statements) 135 470.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(Expression) 99 445.67 T
-(statements) 151.21 445.67 T
-(are) 200.98 445.67 T
-(used) 217.74 445.67 T
-(\050mostly) 241.23 445.67 T
-(interactively\051) 278.18 445.67 T
-(to) 340.16 445.67 T
-(compute) 352.04 445.67 T
-(and) 393.26 445.67 T
-(write) 412.47 445.67 T
-(a) 438.4 445.67 T
-(value,) 446.61 445.67 T
-(or) 476.52 445.67 T
-(\050usually\051) 489.01 445.67 T
-(to) 531.44 445.67 T
-(call) 99 432.67 T
-(a) 117.62 432.67 T
-(procedure) 125.25 432.67 T
-(\050a) 171.97 432.67 T
-(function) 183.26 432.67 T
-(that) 222.66 432.67 T
-(returns) 241.9 432.67 T
-(no) 275.19 432.67 T
-(meaningful) 288.93 432.67 T
-(result;) 341.78 432.67 T
-(in) 372.02 432.67 T
-(Python,) 383.32 432.67 T
-(procedures) 419.98 432.67 T
-(return) 470.98 432.67 T
-(the) 499.99 432.67 T
-(value) 516.17 432.67 T
-2 F
-(None) 99 419.67 T
-1 F
-(\051.) 125.4 419.67 T
-(Other) 134.94 419.67 T
-(uses) 163.11 419.67 T
-(of) 185.18 419.67 T
-(expression) 197.46 419.67 T
-(statements) 247.63 419.67 T
-(are) 297.2 419.67 T
-(allowed) 313.76 419.67 T
-(and) 351.71 419.67 T
-(occasionally) 370.72 419.67 T
-(useful.) 428.83 419.67 T
-(The) 461.59 419.67 T
-(syntax) 481.82 419.67 T
-(for) 513.66 419.67 T
-(an) 529.61 419.67 T
-(expression statement is:) 99 406.67 T
-2 10 Q
-(expression_stmt: expression_list) 99 388.33 T
-1 11 Q
-(An) 99 363.67 T
-(expression) 115.03 363.67 T
-(statement) 164.66 363.67 T
-(evaluates) 209.41 363.67 T
-(the) 252.93 363.67 T
-(expression) 268.96 363.67 T
-(list) 318.6 363.67 T
-(\050which) 334.64 363.67 T
-(may) 367.77 363.67 T
-(be) 389.3 363.67 T
-(a) 402.27 363.67 T
-(single) 409.74 363.67 T
-(expression\051.) 438.61 363.67 T
-(In) 494.66 363.67 T
-(interac-) 506.41 363.67 T
-(tive) 99 350.67 T
-(mode,) 117.9 350.67 T
-(if) 147.49 350.67 T
-(the) 156.62 350.67 T
-(value) 172.46 350.67 T
-(is) 198.69 350.67 T
-(not) 208.43 350.67 T
-2 F
-(None) 224.89 350.67 T
-1 F
-(,) 251.29 350.67 T
-(it) 256.44 350.67 T
-(is) 264.95 350.67 T
-(converted) 274.69 350.67 T
-(to) 320.47 350.67 T
-(a) 331.43 350.67 T
-(string) 338.71 350.67 T
-(using) 366.17 350.67 T
-(the) 392.41 350.67 T
-(built-in) 408.25 350.67 T
-2 F
-(repr\050\051) 443.05 350.67 T
-1 F
-(function) 485.05 350.67 T
-(and) 524.12 350.67 T
-(the) 99 337.67 T
-(resulting) 115.47 337.67 T
-(string) 157 337.67 T
-(is) 185.08 337.67 T
-(written) 195.45 337.67 T
-(to) 229.64 337.67 T
-(standard) 241.22 337.67 T
-(output) 281.52 337.67 T
-(\050see) 312.66 337.67 T
-(\322The) 333.4 337.67 T
-(print) 358.42 337.67 T
-(statement\323) 382.22 337.67 T
-(on) 432.3 337.67 T
-(page) 446.33 337.67 T
-(42\051) 469.84 337.67 T
-(on) 487.53 337.67 T
-(a) 501.56 337.67 T
-(line) 509.47 337.67 T
-(by) 529 337.67 T
-(itself.) 99 324.67 T
-(\050Expression) 126.26 324.67 T
-(statements) 181.31 324.67 T
-(yielding) 230.26 324.67 T
-2 F
-(None) 268.83 324.67 T
-1 F
-(are) 297.73 324.67 T
-(not) 313.67 324.67 T
-(written,) 330.24 324.67 T
-(so) 366.66 324.67 T
-(that) 378.94 324.67 T
-(procedure) 397.95 324.67 T
-(calls) 444.43 324.67 T
-(do) 467.11 324.67 T
-(not) 480.61 324.67 T
-(cause) 497.18 324.67 T
-(any) 524.12 324.67 T
-(output.\051) 99 311.67 T
-0 14 Q
-(6.2) 99 284.67 T
-(Assert statements) 135 284.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(Assert statements are a convenient way to insert) 99 259.67 T
-3 F
-(debugging assertions) 313.46 259.67 T
-1 F
-( into a program:) 407.26 259.67 T
-2 10 Q
-(assert_statement: "assert" expression ["," expression]) 99 241.33 T
-1 11 Q
-(The simple form, \322) 99 216.67 T
-2 F
-(assert) 182.71 216.67 T
-6 F
-(expression) 228.91 216.67 T
-1 F
-(\323, is equivalent to) 294.91 216.67 T
-2 10 Q
-(if __debug__:) 99 198.33 T
-( if not) 99 186.33 T
-6 F
-(expression) 159 186.33 T
-2 F
-(: raise AssertionError) 219 186.33 T
-1 11 Q
-(The extended form, \322) 99 161.67 T
-2 F
-(assert) 193.08 161.67 T
-6 F
-(expression1, expression2) 239.28 161.67 T
-1 F
-(\323, is equivalent to) 397.68 161.67 T
-2 10 Q
-(if __debug__:) 99 143.33 T
-( if not) 99 130.67 T
-6 F
-(expression1) 159 130.67 T
-2 F
-(: raise AssertionError,) 225 130.67 T
-6 11 Q
-(expression2) 369 130.67 T
-1 F
-(These) 99 105.67 T
-(equivalences) 127.68 105.67 T
-(assume) 186.9 105.67 T
-(that) 221.69 105.67 T
-2 F
-(__debug__) 240.6 105.67 T
-1 F
-(and) 302.41 105.67 T
-2 F
-(AssertionError) 320.7 105.67 T
-1 F
-(refer) 415.51 105.67 T
-(to) 438.67 105.67 T
-(the) 449.64 105.67 T
-(built-in) 465.49 105.67 T
-(variables) 500.29 105.67 T
-(with) 99 92.67 T
-(those) 120.85 92.67 T
-(names.) 146.36 92.67 T
-(In) 179.51 92.67 T
-(the) 190.96 92.67 T
-(current) 206.7 92.67 T
-(implementation,) 240.14 92.67 T
-(the) 314.24 92.67 T
-(built-in) 329.98 92.67 T
-(variable) 364.66 92.67 T
-2 F
-(__debug__) 402.39 92.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 464.08 92.67 T
-(1) 473.71 92.67 T
-(under) 481.5 92.67 T
-(normal) 508.84 92.67 T
-(circumstances,) 99 79.67 T
-(0) 166.61 79.67 T
-(when) 174.66 79.67 T
-(optimization) 201.03 79.67 T
-(is) 259.19 79.67 T
-(requested) 269.08 79.67 T
-(\050command) 313.78 79.67 T
-(line) 363.37 79.67 T
-(option) 382.42 79.67 T
-2 F
-(-O) 413.08 79.67 T
-1 F
-(\051.) 426.28 79.67 T
-(The) 435.24 79.67 T
-(current) 454.89 79.67 T
-(code) 488.59 79.67 T
-(gener-) 511.91 79.67 T
-%%EndPage: "39" 45
-%%Page: "40" 46
-612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE
-0 FrameSetSepColors
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 10 Q
-0 X
-(40) 76.5 37.33 T
-1 11 Q
-(ator) 72 712.67 T
-(emits) 92.15 712.67 T
-(no) 119.02 712.67 T
-(code) 133.06 712.67 T
-(for) 156.87 712.67 T
-(an) 172.74 712.67 T
-2 F
-(assert) 186.16 712.67 T
-1 F
-(statement) 228.81 712.67 T
-(when) 274.01 712.67 T
-(optimization) 300.88 712.67 T
-(is) 359.53 712.67 T
-(requested) 369.91 712.67 T
-(at) 415.1 712.67 T
-(compile) 426.09 712.67 T
-(time.) 464.57 712.67 T
-(Note) 489.92 712.67 T
-(that) 514.34 712.67 T
-(it) 533.88 712.67 T
-(is) 72 699.67 T
-(unnecessary) 82.2 699.67 T
-(to) 138.82 699.67 T
-(include) 150.24 699.67 T
-(the) 185.48 699.67 T
-(source) 201.79 699.67 T
-(code) 233.36 699.67 T
-(for) 256.99 699.67 T
-(the) 272.67 699.67 T
-(expression) 288.98 699.67 T
-(that) 338.89 699.67 T
-(failed) 358.25 699.67 T
-(in) 386.15 699.67 T
-(the) 397.57 699.67 T
-(error) 413.88 699.67 T
-(message;) 438.11 699.67 T
-(it) 481.3 699.67 T
-(will) 490.28 699.67 T
-(be) 510.25 699.67 T
-(dis-) 523.5 699.67 T
-(played as part of the stack trace.) 72 686.67 T
-0 14 Q
-(6.3) 72 659.67 T
-(Assignment statements) 108 659.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(Assignment) 72 634.67 T
-(statements) 127.8 634.67 T
-(are) 177.49 634.67 T
-(used) 194.16 634.67 T
-(to) 217.56 634.67 T
-(\050re\051bind) 229.37 634.67 T
-(names) 268.04 634.67 T
-(to) 299.39 634.67 T
-(values) 311.19 634.67 T
-(and) 342.53 634.67 T
-(to) 361.66 634.67 T
-(modify) 373.46 634.67 T
-(attributes) 408.48 634.67 T
-(or) 452.67 634.67 T
-(items) 465.07 634.67 T
-(of) 492.15 634.67 T
-(mutable) 504.56 634.67 T
-(objects:) 72 621.67 T
-2 10 Q
-(assignment_stmt: \050target_list "="\051+ expression_list) 72 603.33 T
-(target_list: target \050"," target\051* [","]) 72 591.33 T
-(target: identifier | "\050" target_list "\051" | "[" target_list "]") 72 579.33 T
-( | attributeref | subscription | slicing) 72 567.33 T
-1 11 Q
-(\050See \322Primaries\323 on page) 72 542.67 T
-(29 for the syntax definitions for the last three symbols.\051) 186.25 542.67 T
-(An) 72 517.67 T
-(assignment) 88.53 517.67 T
-(statement) 141.12 517.67 T
-(evaluates) 186.38 517.67 T
-(the) 230.4 517.67 T
-(expression) 246.93 517.67 T
-(list) 297.07 517.67 T
-(\050remember) 313.62 517.67 T
-(that) 364.96 517.67 T
-(this) 384.56 517.67 T
-(can) 403.54 517.67 T
-(be) 421.9 517.67 T
-(a) 435.38 517.67 T
-(single) 443.35 517.67 T
-(expression) 472.72 517.67 T
-(or) 522.86 517.67 T
-(a) 535.11 517.67 T
-(comma-separated) 72 504.67 T
-(list,) 152.08 504.67 T
-(the) 170.78 504.67 T
-(latter) 186.72 504.67 T
-(yielding) 211.82 504.67 T
-(a) 250.37 504.67 T
-(tuple\051) 257.75 504.67 T
-(and) 285.91 504.67 T
-(assigns) 304.29 504.67 T
-(the) 338.57 504.67 T
-(single) 354.5 504.67 T
-(resulting) 383.28 504.67 T
-(object) 424.27 504.67 T
-(to) 453.65 504.67 T
-(each) 464.71 504.67 T
-(of) 487.36 504.67 T
-(the) 499.02 504.67 T
-(target) 514.95 504.67 T
-(lists, from left to right.) 72 491.67 T
-(Assignment) 72 466.67 T
-(is) 127.24 466.67 T
-(defined) 137.26 466.67 T
-(recursively) 172.94 466.67 T
-(depending) 224.49 466.67 T
-(on) 273 466.67 T
-(the) 286.69 466.67 T
-(form) 302.81 466.67 T
-(of) 326.88 466.67 T
-(the) 338.73 466.67 T
-(target) 354.86 466.67 T
-(\050list\051.) 382.59 466.67 T
-(When) 408.8 466.67 T
-(a) 437.75 466.67 T
-(target) 445.32 466.67 T
-(is) 473.05 466.67 T
-(part) 483.07 466.67 T
-(of) 502.86 466.67 T
-(a) 514.71 466.67 T
-(mu-) 522.28 466.67 T
-(table) 72 453.67 T
-(object) 95.96 453.67 T
-(\050an) 125.41 453.67 T
-(attribute) 142.03 453.67 T
-(reference,) 181.27 453.67 T
-(subscription) 227.5 453.67 T
-(or) 283.85 453.67 T
-(slicing\051,) 295.59 453.67 T
-(the) 333.91 453.67 T
-(mutable) 349.93 453.67 T
-(object) 387.94 453.67 T
-(must) 417.4 453.67 T
-(ultimately) 441.36 453.67 T
-(perform) 488.55 453.67 T
-(the) 526.56 453.67 T
-(assignment) 72 440.67 T
-(and) 123.98 440.67 T
-(decide) 142.34 440.67 T
-(about) 173.53 440.67 T
-(its) 200.46 440.67 T
-(validity,) 213.33 440.67 T
-(and) 252.18 440.67 T
-(may) 270.54 440.67 T
-(raise) 291.96 440.67 T
-(an) 315.21 440.67 T
-(exception) 328.08 440.67 T
-(if) 373.32 440.67 T
-(the) 382.52 440.67 T
-(assignment) 398.45 440.67 T
-(is) 450.43 440.67 T
-(unacceptable.) 460.24 440.67 T
-(The) 522.9 440.67 T
-(rules) 72 427.67 T
-(observed) 96.4 427.67 T
-(by) 139.13 427.67 T
-(various) 153.15 427.67 T
-(types) 188.55 427.67 T
-(and) 214.79 427.67 T
-(the) 233.69 427.67 T
-(exceptions) 250.15 427.67 T
-(raised) 300.21 427.67 T
-(are) 329.5 427.67 T
-(given) 345.95 427.67 T
-(with) 373.41 427.67 T
-(the) 395.98 427.67 T
-(definition) 412.44 427.67 T
-(of) 458.24 427.67 T
-(the) 470.42 427.67 T
-(object) 486.88 427.67 T
-(types) 516.78 427.67 T
-(\050See \322The standard type hierarchy\323 on page) 72 414.67 T
-(12.\051) 267.18 414.67 T
-(Assignment of an object to a target list is recursively defined as follows.) 72 389.67 T
-(\245) 72 370.67 T
-(If the target list is a single target: the object is assigned to that target.) 86.4 370.67 T
-(\245) 72 351.67 T
-(If) 86.4 351.67 T
-(the) 95.99 351.67 T
-(target) 111.7 351.67 T
-(list) 139.01 351.67 T
-(is) 154.72 351.67 T
-(a) 164.32 351.67 T
-(comma-separated) 171.47 351.67 T
-(list) 251.32 351.67 T
-(of) 267.04 351.67 T
-(targets:) 278.46 351.67 T
-(the) 313.11 351.67 T
-(object) 328.82 351.67 T
-(must) 357.96 351.67 T
-(be) 381.62 351.67 T
-(a) 394.27 351.67 T
-(sequence) 401.42 351.67 T
-(with) 444 351.67 T
-(the) 465.82 351.67 T
-(same) 481.53 351.67 T
-(number) 506.39 351.67 T
-(of) 86.4 338.67 T
-(items) 98.41 338.67 T
-(as) 125.1 338.67 T
-(there) 137.11 338.67 T
-(are) 161.95 338.67 T
-(targets) 178.23 338.67 T
-(in) 210.4 338.67 T
-(the) 221.81 338.67 T
-(target) 238.1 338.67 T
-(list,) 265.99 338.67 T
-(and) 285.05 338.67 T
-(the) 303.78 338.67 T
-(items) 320.07 338.67 T
-(are) 346.75 338.67 T
-(assigned,) 363.03 338.67 T
-(from) 406.52 338.67 T
-(left) 430.75 338.67 T
-(to) 448.26 338.67 T
-(right,) 459.67 338.67 T
-(to) 486.05 338.67 T
-(the) 497.45 338.67 T
-(corre-) 513.74 338.67 T
-(sponding) 86.4 325.67 T
-(targets.) 129.31 325.67 T
-(\050This) 163.96 325.67 T
-(rule) 189.76 325.67 T
-(has) 209.44 325.67 T
-(been) 226.68 325.67 T
-(relaxed) 250.03 325.67 T
-(since) 284.98 325.67 T
-(Python) 310.16 325.67 T
-(1.5;) 343.91 325.67 T
-(in) 363.29 325.67 T
-(earlier) 374.42 325.67 T
-(versions,) 405.09 325.67 T
-(the) 447.08 325.67 T
-(object) 463.1 325.67 T
-(had) 492.56 325.67 T
-(to) 511.02 325.67 T
-(be) 522.16 325.67 T
-(a) 535.12 325.67 T
-(tuple. Since strings are sequences, an assignment like \322) 86.4 312.67 T
-2 10 Q
-(a, b = "xy") 328.97 312.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(\323 is now legal.\051) 394.97 312.67 T
-(Assignment of an object to a single target is recursively defined as follows.) 72 287.67 T
-(\245) 72 268.67 T
-(If the target is an identifier \050name\051:) 86.4 268.67 T
-(\245) 100.8 249.67 T
-(If) 115.2 249.67 T
-(the) 125.46 249.67 T
-(name) 141.84 249.67 T
-(does) 168.6 249.67 T
-(not) 191.7 249.67 T
-(occur) 208.69 249.67 T
-(in) 236.05 249.67 T
-(a) 247.55 249.67 T
-2 F
-(global) 255.37 249.67 T
-1 F
-(statement) 297.9 249.67 T
-(in) 343 249.67 T
-(the) 354.49 249.67 T
-(current) 370.87 249.67 T
-(code) 404.95 249.67 T
-(block:) 428.66 249.67 T
-(the) 459.09 249.67 T
-(name) 475.47 249.67 T
-(is) 502.23 249.67 T
-(bound) 512.5 249.67 T
-(to the object in the current local name space.) 115.2 236.67 T
-(\245) 100.8 217.67 T
-(Otherwise: the name is bound to the object in the current global name space.) 115.2 217.67 T
-(The) 86.4 200.67 T
-(name) 105.68 200.67 T
-(is) 131.67 200.67 T
-(rebound) 141.18 200.67 T
-(if) 179.4 200.67 T
-(it) 188.29 200.67 T
-(was) 196.58 200.67 T
-(already) 215.85 200.67 T
-(bound.) 250.4 200.67 T
-(This) 282.82 200.67 T
-(can) 304.55 200.67 T
-(cause) 321.99 200.67 T
-(the) 348.59 200.67 T
-(reference) 364.2 200.67 T
-(count) 407.28 200.67 T
-(for) 433.89 200.67 T
-(the) 448.89 200.67 T
-(object) 464.5 200.67 T
-(previously) 493.56 200.67 T
-(bound to the name to reach zero, causing the object to be deallocated and its) 86.4 187.67 T
-(\245) 72 168.67 T
-(If) 86.4 168.67 T
-(the) 96.06 168.67 T
-(target) 111.83 168.67 T
-(is) 139.2 168.67 T
-(a) 148.87 168.67 T
-(target) 156.08 168.67 T
-(list) 183.46 168.67 T
-(enclosed) 199.24 168.67 T
-(in) 240.06 168.67 T
-(parentheses) 250.95 168.67 T
-(or) 304.59 168.67 T
-(square) 316.08 168.67 T
-(brackets:) 347.12 168.67 T
-(the) 389.16 168.67 T
-(object) 404.93 168.67 T
-(must) 434.15 168.67 T
-(be) 457.87 168.67 T
-(a) 470.58 168.67 T
-(sequence) 477.8 168.67 T
-(with) 520.44 168.67 T
-(the) 86.4 155.67 T
-(same) 102.37 155.67 T
-(number) 127.51 155.67 T
-(of) 163.65 155.67 T
-(items) 175.34 155.67 T
-(there) 201.71 155.67 T
-(are) 226.23 155.67 T
-(targets) 242.2 155.67 T
-(in) 274.05 155.67 T
-(the) 285.14 155.67 T
-(target) 301.12 155.67 T
-(list,) 328.7 155.67 T
-(and) 347.43 155.67 T
-(its) 365.85 155.67 T
-(items) 378.77 155.67 T
-(are) 405.14 155.67 T
-(assigned,) 421.1 155.67 T
-(from) 464.27 155.67 T
-(left) 488.19 155.67 T
-(to) 505.38 155.67 T
-(right,) 516.47 155.67 T
-(to the corresponding targets.) 86.4 142.67 T
-(\245) 72 123.67 T
-(If) 86.4 123.67 T
-(the) 95.92 123.67 T
-(target) 111.55 123.67 T
-(is) 138.79 123.67 T
-(an) 148.32 123.67 T
-(attribute) 160.89 123.67 T
-(reference:) 199.75 123.67 T
-(The) 245.9 123.67 T
-(primary) 265.2 123.67 T
-(expression) 302.22 123.67 T
-(in) 351.46 123.67 T
-(the) 362.2 123.67 T
-(reference) 377.84 123.67 T
-(is) 420.94 123.67 T
-(evaluated.) 430.47 123.67 T
-(It) 477.56 123.67 T
-(should) 486.47 123.67 T
-(yield) 518 123.67 T
-(an) 86.4 110.67 T
-(object) 100.24 110.67 T
-(with) 130.58 110.67 T
-(assignable) 153.59 110.67 T
-(attributes;) 202.87 110.67 T
-(if) 250.33 110.67 T
-(this) 260.5 110.67 T
-(is) 279.85 110.67 T
-(not) 290.64 110.67 T
-(the) 308.16 110.67 T
-(case,) 325.05 110.67 T
-2 F
-(TypeError) 350.19 110.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 413.04 110.67 T
-(raised.) 423.84 110.67 T
-(That) 456.31 110.67 T
-(object) 479.93 110.67 T
-(is) 510.27 110.67 T
-(then) 521.06 110.67 T
-(asked) 86.4 97.67 T
-(to) 113.85 97.67 T
-(assign) 124.82 97.67 T
-(the) 154.72 97.67 T
-(assigned) 170.57 97.67 T
-(object) 210.86 97.67 T
-(to) 240.14 97.67 T
-(the) 251.11 97.67 T
-(given) 266.95 97.67 T
-(attribute;) 293.8 97.67 T
-(if) 335.93 97.67 T
-(it) 345.05 97.67 T
-(cannot) 353.57 97.67 T
-(perform) 385.3 97.67 T
-(the) 423.14 97.67 T
-(assignment,) 438.99 97.67 T
-(it) 493.64 97.67 T
-(raises) 502.16 97.67 T
-(an) 529.61 97.67 T
-(exception \050usually but not necessarily) 86.4 84.67 T
-2 F
-(AttributeError) 255.35 84.67 T
-1 F
-(\051.) 347.75 84.67 T
-%%EndPage: "40" 46
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-612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE
-0 FrameSetSepColors
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
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-(41) 530 37.33 T
-585 292.5 598.5 720 R
-5 9 Q
-(\245) 0 270 592.5 720 TF
-(Simple statements) 0 270 592.5 711 TF
-585 292.5 598.5 720 R
-1 11 Q
-(\245) 99 712.67 T
-(If) 113.4 712.67 T
-(the) 123.2 712.67 T
-(target) 139.11 712.67 T
-(is) 166.63 712.67 T
-(a) 176.44 712.67 T
-(subscription:) 183.79 712.67 T
-(The) 243.1 712.67 T
-(primary) 262.68 712.67 T
-(expression) 299.98 712.67 T
-(in) 349.49 712.67 T
-(the) 360.52 712.67 T
-(reference) 376.44 712.67 T
-(is) 419.82 712.67 T
-(evaluated.) 429.63 712.67 T
-(It) 477 712.67 T
-(should) 486.19 712.67 T
-(yield) 518 712.67 T
-(either) 113.4 699.67 T
-(a) 140.86 699.67 T
-(mutable) 148.16 699.67 T
-(sequence) 186.02 699.67 T
-(object) 228.75 699.67 T
-(\050e.g.) 258.05 699.67 T
-(a) 280.02 699.67 T
-(list\051) 287.32 699.67 T
-(or) 306.85 699.67 T
-(a) 318.43 699.67 T
-(mapping) 325.73 699.67 T
-(object) 366.65 699.67 T
-(\050e.g.) 395.95 699.67 T
-(a) 417.91 699.67 T
-(dictionary\051.) 425.21 699.67 T
-(Next,) 478.65 699.67 T
-(the) 505.2 699.67 T
-(sub-) 521.06 699.67 T
-(script expression is evaluated.) 113.4 686.67 T
-(If) 113.4 669.67 T
-(the) 123.38 669.67 T
-(primary) 139.48 669.67 T
-(is) 176.96 669.67 T
-(a) 186.95 669.67 T
-(mutable) 194.49 669.67 T
-(sequence) 232.58 669.67 T
-(object) 275.55 669.67 T
-(\050e.g.) 305.09 669.67 T
-(a) 327.29 669.67 T
-(list\051,) 334.83 669.67 T
-(the) 357.35 669.67 T
-(subscript) 373.45 669.67 T
-(must) 415.83 669.67 T
-(yield) 439.87 669.67 T
-(a) 464.53 669.67 T
-(plain) 472.07 669.67 T
-(integer.) 496.72 669.67 T
-(If) 532.67 669.67 T
-(it) 113.4 656.67 T
-(is) 122.04 656.67 T
-(negative,) 131.9 656.67 T
-(the) 174.44 656.67 T
-(sequence\325s) 190.4 656.67 T
-(length) 241.18 656.67 T
-(is) 271.2 656.67 T
-(added) 281.06 656.67 T
-(to) 309.85 656.67 T
-(it.) 320.93 656.67 T
-(The) 332.32 656.67 T
-(resulting) 351.95 656.67 T
-(value) 392.97 656.67 T
-(must) 419.32 656.67 T
-(be) 443.23 656.67 T
-(a) 456.14 656.67 T
-(nonnegative) 463.55 656.67 T
-(inte-) 519.84 656.67 T
-(ger) 113.4 643.67 T
-(less) 130.38 643.67 T
-(than) 149.82 643.67 T
-(the) 171.7 643.67 T
-(sequence\325s) 188.08 643.67 T
-(length,) 239.27 643.67 T
-(and) 272.45 643.67 T
-(the) 291.27 643.67 T
-(sequence) 307.65 643.67 T
-(is) 350.9 643.67 T
-(asked) 361.18 643.67 T
-(to) 389.16 643.67 T
-(assign) 400.65 643.67 T
-(the) 431.09 643.67 T
-(assigned) 447.47 643.67 T
-(object) 488.29 643.67 T
-(to) 518.11 643.67 T
-(its) 529.6 643.67 T
-(item) 113.4 630.67 T
-(with) 136.23 630.67 T
-(that) 159.07 630.67 T
-(index.) 178.84 630.67 T
-(If) 209.31 630.67 T
-(the) 219.91 630.67 T
-(index) 236.63 630.67 T
-(is) 264.35 630.67 T
-(out) 274.96 630.67 T
-(of) 292.3 630.67 T
-(range,) 304.73 630.67 T
-2 F
-(IndexError) 335.19 630.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 404.47 630.67 T
-(raised) 415.08 630.67 T
-(\050assignment) 444.62 630.67 T
-(to) 501.06 630.67 T
-(a) 512.9 630.67 T
-(sub-) 521.06 630.67 T
-(scripted sequence cannot add new items to a list\051.) 113.4 617.67 T
-(If) 113.4 600.67 T
-(the) 123.85 600.67 T
-(primary) 140.41 600.67 T
-(is) 178.35 600.67 T
-(a) 188.81 600.67 T
-(mapping) 196.81 600.67 T
-(object) 238.43 600.67 T
-(\050e.g.) 268.44 600.67 T
-(a) 291.1 600.67 T
-(dictionary\051,) 299.11 600.67 T
-(the) 353.24 600.67 T
-(subscript) 369.81 600.67 T
-(must) 412.65 600.67 T
-(have) 437.16 600.67 T
-(a) 461.05 600.67 T
-(type) 469.05 600.67 T
-(compatible) 491.12 600.67 T
-(with) 113.4 587.67 T
-(the) 135.14 587.67 T
-(mapping\325s) 150.76 587.67 T
-(key) 199.38 587.67 T
-(type,) 217.45 587.67 T
-(and) 241.32 587.67 T
-(the) 259.39 587.67 T
-(mapping) 275.01 587.67 T
-(is) 315.69 587.67 T
-(then) 325.21 587.67 T
-(asked) 346.33 587.67 T
-(to) 373.56 587.67 T
-(create) 384.3 587.67 T
-(a) 412.74 587.67 T
-(key/datum) 419.8 587.67 T
-(pair) 468.43 587.67 T
-(which) 487.71 587.67 T
-(maps) 516.78 587.67 T
-(the) 113.4 574.67 T
-(subscript) 130.46 574.67 T
-(to) 173.79 574.67 T
-(the) 185.96 574.67 T
-(assigned) 203.01 574.67 T
-(object.) 244.51 574.67 T
-(This) 277.76 574.67 T
-(can) 300.93 574.67 T
-(either) 319.81 574.67 T
-(replace) 348.47 574.67 T
-(an) 383.84 574.67 T
-(existing) 397.84 574.67 T
-(key/value) 436.29 574.67 T
-(pair) 482.67 574.67 T
-(with) 503.39 574.67 T
-(the) 526.56 574.67 T
-(same key value, or insert a new key/value pair \050if no key with the same value existed\051.) 113.4 561.67 T
-(\245) 99 542.67 T
-(If) 113.4 542.67 T
-(the) 123.03 542.67 T
-(target) 138.77 542.67 T
-(is) 166.11 542.67 T
-(a) 175.75 542.67 T
-(slicing:) 182.93 542.67 T
-(The) 217.62 542.67 T
-(primary) 237.03 542.67 T
-(expression) 274.15 542.67 T
-(in) 323.5 542.67 T
-(the) 334.36 542.67 T
-(reference) 350.1 542.67 T
-(is) 393.3 542.67 T
-(evaluated.) 402.94 542.67 T
-(It) 450.14 542.67 T
-(should) 459.16 542.67 T
-(yield) 490.8 542.67 T
-(a) 515.1 542.67 T
-(mu-) 522.28 542.67 T
-(table) 113.4 529.67 T
-(sequence) 138.21 529.67 T
-(object) 181.95 529.67 T
-(\050e.g.) 212.26 529.67 T
-(a) 235.24 529.67 T
-(list\051.) 243.55 529.67 T
-(The) 266.84 529.67 T
-(assigned) 287.37 529.67 T
-(object) 328.68 529.67 T
-(should) 359 529.67 T
-(be) 391.76 529.67 T
-(a) 405.57 529.67 T
-(sequence) 413.88 529.67 T
-(object) 457.62 529.67 T
-(of) 487.93 529.67 T
-(the) 500.52 529.67 T
-(same) 517.39 529.67 T
-(type.) 113.4 516.67 T
-(Next,) 137.35 516.67 T
-(the) 163.74 516.67 T
-(lower) 179.44 516.67 T
-(and) 206.75 516.67 T
-(upper) 224.89 516.67 T
-(bound) 252.2 516.67 T
-(expressions) 281.96 516.67 T
-(are) 335.54 516.67 T
-(evaluated,) 351.23 516.67 T
-(insofar) 398.39 516.67 T
-(they) 431.2 516.67 T
-(are) 452.4 516.67 T
-(present;) 468.09 516.67 T
-(defaults) 505.17 516.67 T
-(are) 113.4 503.67 T
-(zero) 129.12 503.67 T
-(and) 150.34 503.67 T
-(the) 168.52 503.67 T
-(sequence\325s) 184.25 503.67 T
-(length.) 234.8 503.67 T
-(The) 267.34 503.67 T
-(bounds) 286.73 503.67 T
-(should) 320.8 503.67 T
-(evaluate) 352.43 503.67 T
-(to) 391.38 503.67 T
-(\050small\051) 402.23 503.67 T
-(integers.) 435.68 503.67 T
-(If) 475.55 503.67 T
-(either) 485.16 503.67 T
-(bound) 512.5 503.67 T
-(is) 113.4 490.67 T
-(negative,) 123.84 490.67 T
-(the) 166.96 490.67 T
-(sequence\325s) 183.5 490.67 T
-(length) 234.86 490.67 T
-(is) 265.46 490.67 T
-(added) 275.89 490.67 T
-(to) 305.26 490.67 T
-(it.) 316.92 490.67 T
-(The) 328.89 490.67 T
-(resulting) 349.09 490.67 T
-(bounds) 390.69 490.67 T
-(are) 425.57 490.67 T
-(clipped) 442.1 490.67 T
-(to) 477.59 490.67 T
-(lie) 489.25 490.67 T
-(between) 503.35 490.67 T
-(zero) 113.4 477.67 T
-(and) 134.76 477.67 T
-(the) 153.08 477.67 T
-(sequence\325s) 168.96 477.67 T
-(length,) 219.65 477.67 T
-(inclusive.) 252.33 477.67 T
-(Finally,) 297.23 477.67 T
-(the) 333.59 477.67 T
-(sequence) 349.46 477.67 T
-(object) 392.21 477.67 T
-(is) 421.53 477.67 T
-(asked) 431.3 477.67 T
-(to) 458.78 477.67 T
-(replace) 469.77 477.67 T
-(the) 503.96 477.67 T
-(slice) 519.84 477.67 T
-(with) 113.4 464.67 T
-(the) 135.86 464.67 T
-(items) 152.2 464.67 T
-(of) 178.94 464.67 T
-(the) 191 464.67 T
-(assigned) 207.35 464.67 T
-(sequence.) 248.13 464.67 T
-(The) 294.1 464.67 T
-(length) 314.1 464.67 T
-(of) 344.5 464.67 T
-(the) 356.57 464.67 T
-(slice) 372.91 464.67 T
-(may) 395.97 464.67 T
-(be) 417.81 464.67 T
-(different) 431.1 464.67 T
-(from) 471.87 464.67 T
-(the) 496.16 464.67 T
-(length) 512.5 464.67 T
-(of the assigned sequence, thus changing the length of the target sequence, if the object allows it.) 113.4 451.67 T
-(\050In) 99 426.67 T
-(the) 114.73 426.67 T
-(current) 131.07 426.67 T
-(implementation,) 165.13 426.67 T
-(the) 239.84 426.67 T
-(syntax) 256.19 426.67 T
-(for) 287.81 426.67 T
-(targets) 303.54 426.67 T
-(is) 335.77 426.67 T
-(taken) 346.01 426.67 T
-(to) 372.74 426.67 T
-(be) 384.2 426.67 T
-(the) 397.49 426.67 T
-(same) 413.83 426.67 T
-(as) 439.34 426.67 T
-(for) 451.41 426.67 T
-(expressions,) 467.14 426.67 T
-(and) 524.11 426.67 T
-(invalid syntax is rejected during the code generation phase, causing less detailed error messages.\051) 99 413.67 T
-4 F
-(Warning:) 99 388.67 T
-1 F
-(Although) 147.08 388.67 T
-(the) 190.88 388.67 T
-(definition) 206.56 388.67 T
-(of) 251.59 388.67 T
-(assignment) 262.99 388.67 T
-(implies) 314.73 388.67 T
-(that) 349.37 388.67 T
-(overlaps) 368.11 388.67 T
-(between) 407.62 388.67 T
-(the) 446.52 388.67 T
-(left-hand) 462.2 388.67 T
-(side) 504.15 388.67 T
-(and) 524.11 388.67 T
-(the) 99 375.67 T
-(right-hand) 115.24 375.67 T
-(side) 163.85 375.67 T
-(are) 184.37 375.67 T
-(\324safe\325) 200.59 375.67 T
-(\050e.g.) 228.42 375.67 T
-(\324\324) 250.76 375.67 T
-2 F
-(a,) 258.09 375.67 T
-(b) 274.08 375.67 T
-(=) 283.48 375.67 T
-(b,) 292.87 375.67 T
-(a) 308.86 375.67 T
-1 F
-(\325\325) 315.46 375.67 T
-(swaps) 325.58 375.67 T
-(two) 355.26 375.67 T
-(variables\051,) 374.55 375.67 T
-(overlaps) 423.47 375.67 T
-3 F
-(within) 463.53 375.67 T
-1 F
-(the) 493.83 375.67 T
-(collec-) 510.07 375.67 T
-(tion of assigned-to variables are not safe! For instance, the following program prints \324\324) 99 362.67 T
-2 F
-([0,) 479.65 362.67 T
-(2]) 506.05 362.67 T
-1 F
-(\325\325:) 519.26 362.67 T
-2 10 Q
-(x = [0, 1]) 99 344.33 T
-(i = 0) 99 332.33 T
-(i, x[i] = 1, 2) 99 320.33 T
-(print x) 99 308.33 T
-0 14 Q
-(6.4) 99 281.67 T
-(The) 135 281.67 T
-2 F
-(pass) 163.78 281.67 T
-0 F
-( statement) 197.38 281.67 T
-2 10 Q
-(pass_stmt: "pass") 99 257.33 T
-2 11 Q
-(pass) 99 232.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 128.24 232.67 T
-(a) 138.41 232.67 T
-(null) 146.13 232.67 T
-(operation) 166.08 232.67 T
-(\321) 210.46 232.67 T
-(when) 224.3 232.67 T
-(it) 250.96 232.67 T
-(is) 259.92 232.67 T
-(executed,) 270.09 232.67 T
-(nothing) 314.77 232.67 T
-(happens.) 351.22 232.67 T
-(It) 392.85 232.67 T
-(is) 402.41 232.67 T
-(useful) 412.58 232.67 T
-(as) 442.3 232.67 T
-(a) 454.3 232.67 T
-(placeholder) 462.02 232.67 T
-(when) 516.17 232.67 T
-(a statement is required syntactically, but no code needs to be executed, for example:) 99 219.67 T
-2 10 Q
-(def f\050arg\051: pass # a function that does nothing \050yet\051) 99 201.33 T
-(class C: pass # a class with no methods \050yet\051) 99 189.33 T
-0 14 Q
-(6.5) 99 162.67 T
-(The) 135 162.67 T
-2 F
-(del) 163.78 162.67 T
-0 F
-( statement) 188.98 162.67 T
-2 10 Q
-(del_stmt: "del" target_list) 99 138.33 T
-1 11 Q
-(Deletion) 99 113.67 T
-(is) 139.83 113.67 T
-(recursively) 150.1 113.67 T
-(defined) 201.92 113.67 T
-(very) 237.85 113.67 T
-(similar) 260.34 113.67 T
-(to) 293.84 113.67 T
-(the) 305.34 113.67 T
-(way) 321.72 113.67 T
-(assignment) 342.99 113.67 T
-(is) 395.43 113.67 T
-(defined.) 405.71 113.67 T
-(Rather) 444.39 113.67 T
-(that) 476.66 113.67 T
-(spelling) 496.1 113.67 T
-(it) 533.88 113.67 T
-(out in full details, here are some hints.) 99 100.67 T
-(Deletion of a target list recursively deletes each target, from left to right.) 99 75.67 T
-%%EndPage: "41" 47
-%%Page: "42" 48
-612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE
-0 FrameSetSepColors
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 10 Q
-0 X
-(42) 76.5 37.33 T
-1 11 Q
-(D) 72 712.67 T
-(e) 80.03 712.67 T
-(l) 84.99 712.67 T
-(e) 88.14 712.67 T
-(t) 93.11 712.67 T
-(i) 96.25 712.67 T
-(o) 99.39 712.67 T
-(n) 104.97 712.67 T
-(o) 113.8 712.67 T
-(f) 119.39 712.67 T
-(a) 126.38 712.67 T
-(n) 134.6 712.67 T
-(a) 140.18 712.67 T
-(m) 145.15 712.67 T
-(e) 153.79 712.67 T
-(r) 162.01 712.67 T
-(e) 165.75 712.67 T
-(m) 170.72 712.67 T
-(o) 179.36 712.67 T
-(v) 184.95 712.67 T
-(e) 190.53 712.67 T
-(s) 195.5 712.67 T
-(t) 203.11 712.67 T
-(h) 206.25 712.67 T
-(e) 211.84 712.67 T
-(b) 220.05 712.67 T
-(i) 225.64 712.67 T
-(n) 228.78 712.67 T
-(d) 234.36 712.67 T
-(i) 239.95 712.67 T
-(n) 243.09 712.67 T
-(g) 248.67 712.67 T
-(o) 257.5 712.67 T
-(f) 263.09 712.67 T
-(t) 270.08 712.67 T
-(h) 273.22 712.67 T
-(a) 278.81 712.67 T
-(t) 283.78 712.67 T
-(n) 290.17 712.67 T
-(a) 295.75 712.67 T
-(m) 300.72 712.67 T
-(e) 309.36 712.67 T
-(\050) 317.58 712.67 T
-(w) 321.32 712.67 T
-(h) 329.35 712.67 T
-(i) 334.93 712.67 T
-(c) 338.08 712.67 T
-(h) 343.04 712.67 T
-(m) 351.87 712.67 T
-(u) 360.52 712.67 T
-(s) 366.1 712.67 T
-(t) 370.46 712.67 T
-(e) 376.85 712.67 T
-(x) 381.82 712.67 T
-(i) 387.4 712.67 T
-(s) 390.55 712.67 T
-(t) 394.91 712.67 T
-(\051) 398.05 712.67 T
-(f) 405.05 712.67 T
-(r) 408.79 712.67 T
-(o) 412.54 712.67 T
-(m) 418.12 712.67 T
-(t) 430.01 712.67 T
-(h) 433.16 712.67 T
-(e) 438.74 712.67 T
-(l) 446.95 712.67 T
-(o) 450.1 712.67 T
-(c) 455.68 712.67 T
-(a) 460.65 712.67 T
-(l) 465.62 712.67 T
-(o) 472.01 712.67 T
-(r) 477.59 712.67 T
-(g) 484.58 712.67 T
-(l) 490.17 712.67 T
-(o) 493.31 712.67 T
-(b) 498.89 712.67 T
-(a) 504.48 712.67 T
-(l) 509.45 712.67 T
-(n) 515.84 712.67 T
-(a) 521.42 712.67 T
-(m) 526.39 712.67 T
-(e) 535.03 712.67 T
-(space, depending on whether the name occurs in a) 72 699.67 T
-2 F
-(global) 295.61 699.67 T
-1 F
-( statement in the same code block.) 335.21 699.67 T
-(Deletion) 72 674.67 T
-(of) 112.13 674.67 T
-(attribute) 123.54 674.67 T
-(references,) 162.44 674.67 T
-(subscriptions) 212.62 674.67 T
-(and) 272.93 674.67 T
-(slicings) 291.06 674.67 T
-(is) 326.92 674.67 T
-(passed) 336.5 674.67 T
-(to) 368.07 674.67 T
-(the) 378.87 674.67 T
-(primary) 394.56 674.67 T
-(object) 431.63 674.67 T
-(involved;) 460.76 674.67 T
-(deletion) 504.56 674.67 T
-(of) 72 661.67 T
-(a) 83.81 661.67 T
-(slicing) 91.34 661.67 T
-(is) 123.32 661.67 T
-(in) 133.3 661.67 T
-(general) 144.51 661.67 T
-(equivalent) 179.52 661.67 T
-(to) 228 661.67 T
-(assignment) 239.2 661.67 T
-(of) 291.35 661.67 T
-(an) 303.15 661.67 T
-(empty) 316.18 661.67 T
-(slice) 346.33 661.67 T
-(of) 369.14 661.67 T
-(the) 380.95 661.67 T
-(right) 397.03 661.67 T
-(type) 420.46 661.67 T
-(\050but) 442.05 661.67 T
-(even) 462.41 661.67 T
-(this) 485.82 661.67 T
-(is) 504.36 661.67 T
-(deter-) 514.35 661.67 T
-(mined by the sliced object\051.) 72 648.67 T
-0 14 Q
-(6.6) 72 621.67 T
-(The) 108 621.67 T
-2 F
-(print) 136.78 621.67 T
-0 F
-( statement) 178.78 621.67 T
-2 10 Q
-(print_stmt: "print" [ expression \050"," expression\051* [","] ]) 72 597.33 T
-2 11 Q
-(print) 72 572.67 T
-1 F
-(evaluates) 107.92 572.67 T
-(each) 151.77 572.67 T
-(expression) 174.84 572.67 T
-(in) 224.81 572.67 T
-(turn) 236.29 572.67 T
-(and) 256.93 572.67 T
-(writes) 275.73 572.67 T
-(the) 305.54 572.67 T
-(resulting) 321.9 572.67 T
-(object) 363.32 572.67 T
-(to) 393.12 572.67 T
-(standard) 404.6 572.67 T
-(output) 444.79 572.67 T
-(\050see) 475.83 572.67 T
-(below\051.) 496.46 572.67 T
-(If) 532.67 572.67 T
-(an) 72 559.67 T
-(object) 85.01 559.67 T
-(is) 114.52 559.67 T
-(not) 124.48 559.67 T
-(a) 141.16 559.67 T
-(string,) 148.67 559.67 T
-(it) 179.1 559.67 T
-(is) 187.84 559.67 T
-(first) 197.8 559.67 T
-(converted) 218.15 559.67 T
-(to) 264.14 559.67 T
-(a) 275.33 559.67 T
-(string) 282.83 559.67 T
-(using) 310.52 559.67 T
-(the) 336.98 559.67 T
-(rules) 353.05 559.67 T
-(for) 377.05 559.67 T
-(string) 392.5 559.67 T
-(conversions.) 420.19 559.67 T
-(The) 478.11 559.67 T
-(\050resulting) 497.84 559.67 T
-(or) 72 546.67 T
-(original\051) 83.44 546.67 T
-(string) 123.59 546.67 T
-(is) 150.93 546.67 T
-(then) 160.54 546.67 T
-(written.) 181.75 546.67 T
-(A) 217.94 546.67 T
-(space) 228.15 546.67 T
-(is) 254.86 546.67 T
-(written) 264.47 546.67 T
-(before) 297.91 546.67 T
-(each) 328.27 546.67 T
-(object) 350.7 546.67 T
-(is) 379.86 546.67 T
-(\050converted) 389.47 546.67 T
-(and\051) 438.78 546.67 T
-(written,) 460.6 546.67 T
-(unless) 496.78 546.67 T
-(the) 526.56 546.67 T
-(o) 72 533.67 T
-(u) 77.51 533.67 T
-(t) 83.01 533.67 T
-(p) 86.08 533.67 T
-(u) 91.58 533.67 T
-(t) 97.09 533.67 T
-(s) 103.32 533.67 T
-(y) 107.61 533.67 T
-(s) 113.11 533.67 T
-(t) 117.4 533.67 T
-(e) 120.46 533.67 T
-(m) 125.35 533.67 T
-(b) 137.09 533.67 T
-(e) 142.59 533.67 T
-(l) 147.48 533.67 T
-(i) 150.55 533.67 T
-(e) 153.61 533.67 T
-(v) 158.5 533.67 T
-(e) 164.01 533.67 T
-(s) 168.9 533.67 T
-(i) 176.35 533.67 T
-(t) 179.41 533.67 T
-(i) 185.65 533.67 T
-(s) 188.71 533.67 T
-(p) 196.16 533.67 T
-(o) 201.67 533.67 T
-(s) 207.18 533.67 T
-(i) 211.46 533.67 T
-(t) 214.53 533.67 T
-(i) 217.59 533.67 T
-(o) 220.65 533.67 T
-(n) 226.16 533.67 T
-(e) 231.67 533.67 T
-(d) 236.56 533.67 T
-(a) 245.23 533.67 T
-(t) 250.12 533.67 T
-(t) 256.36 533.67 T
-(h) 259.42 533.67 T
-(e) 264.93 533.67 T
-(b) 272.98 533.67 T
-(e) 278.49 533.67 T
-(g) 283.38 533.67 T
-(i) 288.89 533.67 T
-(n) 291.95 533.67 T
-(n) 297.46 533.67 T
-(i) 302.96 533.67 T
-(n) 306.03 533.67 T
-(g) 311.53 533.67 T
-(o) 320.21 533.67 T
-(f) 325.71 533.67 T
-(a) 332.55 533.67 T
-(l) 340.61 533.67 T
-(i) 343.67 533.67 T
-(n) 346.74 533.67 T
-(e) 352.25 533.67 T
-(.) 357.14 533.67 T
-(T) 363.06 533.67 T
-(h) 369.79 533.67 T
-(i) 375.29 533.67 T
-(s) 378.36 533.67 T
-(i) 385.81 533.67 T
-(s) 388.88 533.67 T
-(t) 396.33 533.67 T
-(h) 399.39 533.67 T
-(e) 404.9 533.67 T
-(c) 412.96 533.67 T
-(a) 417.85 533.67 T
-(s) 422.74 533.67 T
-(e) 427.02 533.67 T
-(:) 431.92 533.67 T
-(\050) 438.15 533.67 T
-(1) 441.82 533.67 T
-(\051) 447.32 533.67 T
-(w) 454.16 533.67 T
-(h) 462.11 533.67 T
-(e) 467.61 533.67 T
-(n) 472.51 533.67 T
-(n) 481.18 533.67 T
-(o) 486.69 533.67 T
-(c) 495.36 533.67 T
-(h) 500.25 533.67 T
-(a) 505.76 533.67 T
-(r) 510.65 533.67 T
-(a) 514.32 533.67 T
-(c) 519.21 533.67 T
-(t) 524.1 533.67 T
-(e) 527.16 533.67 T
-(r) 532.05 533.67 T
-(s) 535.72 533.67 T
-(have) 72 520.67 T
-(yet) 95.51 520.67 T
-(been) 111.7 520.67 T
-(written) 135.21 520.67 T
-(to) 169.12 520.67 T
-(standard) 180.42 520.67 T
-(output;) 220.44 520.67 T
-(or) 254.36 520.67 T
-(\0502\051) 266.26 520.67 T
-(when) 281.83 520.67 T
-(the) 308.41 520.67 T
-(last) 324.59 520.67 T
-(character) 342.62 520.67 T
-(written) 385.67 520.67 T
-(to) 419.57 520.67 T
-(standard) 430.88 520.67 T
-(output) 470.89 520.67 T
-(is) 501.75 520.67 T
-2 F
-(\134n) 511.83 520.67 T
-1 F
-(;) 525.03 520.67 T
-(or) 530.84 520.67 T
-(\0503\051) 72 507.67 T
-(when) 87.64 507.67 T
-(the) 114.28 507.67 T
-(last) 130.53 507.67 T
-(write) 148.62 507.67 T
-(operation) 174.04 507.67 T
-(on) 218.4 507.67 T
-(standard) 232.21 507.67 T
-(output) 272.29 507.67 T
-(was) 303.22 507.67 T
-(not) 323.14 507.67 T
-(a) 340.01 507.67 T
-2 F
-(print) 347.7 507.67 T
-1 F
-(statement.) 383.52 507.67 T
-(\050In) 431.24 507.67 T
-(some) 446.88 507.67 T
-(cases) 472.91 507.67 T
-(it) 498.93 507.67 T
-(may) 507.86 507.67 T
-(be) 529.62 507.67 T
-(functional to write an empty string to standard output for this reason.\051) 72 494.67 T
-(A) 72 469.67 T
-2 F
-("\134n") 83.05 469.67 T
-1 F
-(character) 112.56 469.67 T
-(is) 155.98 469.67 T
-(written) 166.42 469.67 T
-(at) 200.7 469.67 T
-(the) 211.75 469.67 T
-(end,) 228.3 469.67 T
-(unless) 250.05 469.67 T
-(the) 280.66 469.67 T
-2 F
-(print) 297.21 469.67 T
-1 F
-(statement) 333.32 469.67 T
-(ends) 378.59 469.67 T
-(with) 401.87 469.67 T
-(a) 424.54 469.67 T
-(comma.) 432.53 469.67 T
-(This) 470.77 469.67 T
-(is) 493.44 469.67 T
-(the) 503.89 469.67 T
-(only) 520.44 469.67 T
-(a) 72 456.67 T
-(c) 76.9 456.67 T
-(t) 81.8 456.67 T
-(i) 84.87 456.67 T
-(o) 87.95 456.67 T
-(n) 93.46 456.67 T
-(i) 102.16 456.67 T
-(f) 105.23 456.67 T
-(t) 112.09 456.67 T
-(h) 115.16 456.67 T
-(e) 120.68 456.67 T
-(s) 128.75 456.67 T
-(t) 133.05 456.67 T
-(a) 136.12 456.67 T
-(t) 141.02 456.67 T
-(e) 144.09 456.67 T
-(m) 148.99 456.67 T
-(e) 157.57 456.67 T
-(n) 162.47 456.67 T
-(t) 167.98 456.67 T
-(c) 174.23 456.67 T
-(o) 179.13 456.67 T
-(n) 184.65 456.67 T
-(t) 190.16 456.67 T
-(a) 193.24 456.67 T
-(i) 198.14 456.67 T
-(n) 201.21 456.67 T
-(s) 206.73 456.67 T
-(j) 214.2 456.67 T
-(u) 217.27 456.67 T
-(s) 222.79 456.67 T
-(t) 227.08 456.67 T
-(t) 233.34 456.67 T
-(h) 236.41 456.67 T
-(e) 241.92 456.67 T
-(k) 250 456.67 T
-(e) 255.52 456.67 T
-(y) 260.42 456.67 T
-(w) 265.93 456.67 T
-(o) 273.89 456.67 T
-(r) 279.4 456.67 T
-(d) 283.08 456.67 T
-2 F
-(p) 291.78 456.67 T
-(r) 298.39 456.67 T
-(i) 305.01 456.67 T
-(n) 311.62 456.67 T
-(t) 318.24 456.67 T
-1 F
-(.) 324.86 456.67 T
-(S) 330.8 456.67 T
-(t) 336.93 456.67 T
-(a) 340 456.67 T
-(n) 344.9 456.67 T
-(d) 350.42 456.67 T
-(a) 355.93 456.67 T
-(r) 360.83 456.67 T
-(d) 364.51 456.67 T
-(o) 373.21 456.67 T
-(u) 378.72 456.67 T
-(t) 384.24 456.67 T
-(p) 387.31 456.67 T
-(u) 392.83 456.67 T
-(t) 398.34 456.67 T
-(i) 404.59 456.67 T
-(s) 407.67 456.67 T
-(d) 415.14 456.67 T
-(e) 420.66 456.67 T
-(f) 425.56 456.67 T
-(i) 429.23 456.67 T
-(n) 432.31 456.67 T
-(e) 437.82 456.67 T
-(d) 442.72 456.67 T
-(a) 451.42 456.67 T
-(s) 456.32 456.67 T
-(t) 463.79 456.67 T
-(h) 466.86 456.67 T
-(e) 472.38 456.67 T
-(o) 480.45 456.67 T
-(b) 485.97 456.67 T
-(j) 491.49 456.67 T
-(e) 494.56 456.67 T
-(c) 499.46 456.67 T
-(t) 504.36 456.67 T
-(n) 510.61 456.67 T
-(a) 516.13 456.67 T
-(m) 521.03 456.67 T
-(e) 529.6 456.67 T
-(d) 534.5 456.67 T
-2 F
-(stdout) 72 443.67 T
-1 F
-(in) 118.83 443.67 T
-(the) 130.4 443.67 T
-(built-in) 146.85 443.67 T
-(module) 182.26 443.67 T
-2 F
-(sys) 218.27 443.67 T
-1 F
-(.) 238.07 443.67 T
-(If) 243.84 443.67 T
-(no) 254.17 443.67 T
-(such) 268.19 443.67 T
-(object) 291.36 443.67 T
-(exists,) 321.26 443.67 T
-(or) 352.08 443.67 T
-(if) 364.25 443.67 T
-(it) 373.99 443.67 T
-(does) 383.11 443.67 T
-(not) 406.29 443.67 T
-(have) 423.36 443.67 T
-(a) 447.14 443.67 T
-2 F
-(write\050\051) 455.04 443.67 T
-1 F
-(method,) 504.25 443.67 T
-(an exception is raised.) 72 430.67 T
-0 14 Q
-(6.7) 72 403.67 T
-(The) 108 403.67 T
-2 F
-(return) 136.78 403.67 T
-0 F
-( statement) 187.18 403.67 T
-2 10 Q
-(return_stmt: "return" [expression_list]) 72 379.33 T
-2 11 Q
-(return) 72 354.67 T
-1 F
-( may only occur syntactically nested in a function definition, not within a nested class definition.) 111.6 354.67 T
-(If an expression list is present, it is evaluated, else) 72 329.67 T
-2 F
-(None) 295.02 329.67 T
-1 F
-(is substituted.) 328.02 329.67 T
-2 F
-(return) 72 304.67 T
-1 F
-( leaves the current function call with the expression list \050or) 111.6 304.67 T
-2 F
-(None) 372.81 304.67 T
-1 F
-(\051 as return value.) 399.21 304.67 T
-(When) 72 279.67 T
-2 F
-(return) 101.38 279.67 T
-1 F
-(passes) 144.1 279.67 T
-(control) 175.32 279.67 T
-(out) 209.59 279.67 T
-(of) 226.76 279.67 T
-(a) 239.04 279.67 T
-2 F
-(try) 247.04 279.67 T
-1 F
-(statement) 269.95 279.67 T
-(with) 315.23 279.67 T
-(a) 337.9 279.67 T
-2 F
-(finally) 345.9 279.67 T
-1 F
-(clause,) 395.21 279.67 T
-(that) 428.57 279.67 T
-(finally) 448.18 279.67 T
-(clause) 480.01 279.67 T
-(is) 510.62 279.67 T
-(exe-) 521.07 279.67 T
-(cuted before really leaving the function.) 72 266.67 T
-0 14 Q
-(6.8) 72 239.67 T
-(The) 108 239.67 T
-2 F
-(raise) 136.78 239.67 T
-0 F
-( statement) 178.78 239.67 T
-2 10 Q
-(raise_stmt: "raise" expression ["," expression ["," expression]]) 72 215.33 T
-2 11 Q
-(raise) 72 190.67 T
-1 F
-(evaluates) 107.34 190.67 T
-(its) 150.61 190.67 T
-(first) 163.35 190.67 T
-(expression,) 183.41 190.67 T
-(which) 235.54 190.67 T
-(must) 264.77 190.67 T
-(yield) 288.5 190.67 T
-(a) 312.85 190.67 T
-(string,) 320.07 190.67 T
-(class,) 350.22 190.67 T
-(or) 376.69 190.67 T
-(instance) 388.2 190.67 T
-(object.) 426.58 190.67 T
-(If) 458.56 190.67 T
-(there) 468.22 190.67 T
-(is) 492.55 190.67 T
-(a) 502.23 190.67 T
-(second) 509.45 190.67 T
-(expression,) 72 177.67 T
-(this) 124.57 177.67 T
-(is) 143.24 177.67 T
-(evaluated,) 153.35 177.67 T
-(else) 201.03 177.67 T
-2 F
-(None) 220.91 177.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 250.08 177.67 T
-(substituted.) 260.19 177.67 T
-(If) 313.39 177.67 T
-(the) 323.49 177.67 T
-(first) 339.71 177.67 T
-(expression) 360.2 177.67 T
-(is) 410.02 177.67 T
-(a) 420.13 177.67 T
-(class) 427.79 177.67 T
-(object,) 451.95 177.67 T
-(then) 484.36 177.67 T
-(the) 506.07 177.67 T
-(sec-) 522.29 177.67 T
-(ond) 72 164.67 T
-(expression) 90.71 164.67 T
-(must) 139.97 164.67 T
-(be) 163.58 164.67 T
-(an) 176.18 164.67 T
-(instance) 188.78 164.67 T
-(of) 227.04 164.67 T
-(that) 238.41 164.67 T
-(class) 257.13 164.67 T
-(or) 280.73 164.67 T
-(one) 292.1 164.67 T
-(of) 310.2 164.67 T
-(its) 321.58 164.67 T
-(derivatives.) 334.18 164.67 T
-(If) 387.42 164.67 T
-(the) 396.95 164.67 T
-(first) 412.61 164.67 T
-(expression) 432.54 164.67 T
-(is) 481.8 164.67 T
-(an) 491.36 164.67 T
-(instance) 503.95 164.67 T
-(object, the second expression must be) 72 151.67 T
-2 F
-(None) 240.95 151.67 T
-1 F
-(.) 267.35 151.67 T
-(If) 72 126.67 T
-(the) 81.62 126.67 T
-(first) 97.36 126.67 T
-(object) 117.38 126.67 T
-(is) 146.56 126.67 T
-(a) 156.19 126.67 T
-(class) 163.37 126.67 T
-(or) 187.05 126.67 T
-(string,) 198.51 126.67 T
-(it) 228.62 126.67 T
-(then) 237.03 126.67 T
-(raises) 258.27 126.67 T
-(the) 285.61 126.67 T
-(exception) 301.35 126.67 T
-(identified) 346.42 126.67 T
-(by) 390.88 126.67 T
-(the) 404.17 126.67 T
-(first) 419.91 126.67 T
-(object,) 439.93 126.67 T
-(with) 471.86 126.67 T
-(the) 493.71 126.67 T
-(second) 509.45 126.67 T
-(one) 72 113.67 T
-(\050or) 90.17 113.67 T
-2 F
-(None) 105.28 113.67 T
-1 F
-(\051) 131.68 113.67 T
-(as) 137.63 113.67 T
-(its) 149.07 113.67 T
-(parameter.) 161.75 113.67 T
-(If) 210.76 113.67 T
-(the) 220.38 113.67 T
-(first) 236.1 113.67 T
-(object) 256.11 113.67 T
-(is) 285.28 113.67 T
-(an) 294.9 113.67 T
-(instance,) 307.57 113.67 T
-(it) 348.65 113.67 T
-(raises) 357.05 113.67 T
-(the) 384.38 113.67 T
-(exception) 400.11 113.67 T
-(identified) 445.16 113.67 T
-(by) 489.61 113.67 T
-(the) 502.89 113.67 T
-(class) 518.61 113.67 T
-(of) 72 100.67 T
-(the) 83.83 100.67 T
-(object,) 99.94 100.67 T
-(with) 132.24 100.67 T
-(the) 154.47 100.67 T
-(instance) 170.58 100.67 T
-(as) 209.3 100.67 T
-(its) 221.13 100.67 T
-(parameter) 234.19 100.67 T
-(\050and) 280.84 100.67 T
-(there) 303.05 100.67 T
-(should) 327.71 100.67 T
-(be) 359.72 100.67 T
-(no) 372.77 100.67 T
-(second) 386.44 100.67 T
-(object,) 419.65 100.67 T
-(or) 451.96 100.67 T
-(the) 463.79 100.67 T
-(second) 479.9 100.67 T
-(object) 513.11 100.67 T
-(should be) 72 87.67 T
-2 F
-(None) 117.22 87.67 T
-1 F
-(\051.) 143.62 87.67 T
-%%EndPage: "42" 48
-%%Page: "43" 49
-612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE
-0 FrameSetSepColors
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 10 Q
-0 X
-(43) 530 37.33 T
-585 292.5 598.5 720 R
-5 9 Q
-(\245) 0 270 592.5 720 TF
-(Simple statements) 0 270 592.5 711 TF
-585 292.5 598.5 720 R
-1 11 Q
-(If) 99 712.67 T
-(a) 108.96 712.67 T
-(third) 116.47 712.67 T
-(object) 139.88 712.67 T
-(is) 169.4 712.67 T
-(present,) 179.36 712.67 T
-(and) 216.51 712.67 T
-(it) 235.03 712.67 T
-(is) 243.77 712.67 T
-(not) 253.74 712.67 T
-2 F
-(None) 270.43 712.67 T
-1 F
-(,) 296.83 712.67 T
-(it) 302.21 712.67 T
-(should) 310.96 712.67 T
-(be) 342.92 712.67 T
-(a) 355.94 712.67 T
-(traceback) 363.45 712.67 T
-(object) 408.23 712.67 T
-(\050see) 437.74 712.67 T
-(page) 460.71 712.67 T
-(17) 484.23 712.67 T
-(traceback) 497.86 712.67 T
-(objects\051,) 99 699.67 T
-(and) 138.82 699.67 T
-(it) 156.95 699.67 T
-(is) 165.31 699.67 T
-(substituted) 174.89 699.67 T
-(instead) 224.81 699.67 T
-(of) 258.22 699.67 T
-(the) 269.63 699.67 T
-(current) 285.32 699.67 T
-(location) 318.71 699.67 T
-(as) 356.4 699.67 T
-(the) 367.81 699.67 T
-(place) 383.5 699.67 T
-(where) 408.95 699.67 T
-(the) 438.07 699.67 T
-(exception) 453.76 699.67 T
-(occurred.) 498.77 699.67 T
-(This is useful to re-raise an exception transparently in an except clause.) 99 686.67 T
-0 14 Q
-(6.9) 99 659.67 T
-(The) 135 659.67 T
-2 F
-(break) 163.78 659.67 T
-0 F
-( statement) 205.78 659.67 T
-2 10 Q
-(break_stmt: "break") 99 635.33 T
-2 11 Q
-(break) 99 610.67 T
-1 F
-(may) 134.48 610.67 T
-(only) 155.91 610.67 T
-(occur) 177.95 610.67 T
-(syntactically) 204.86 610.67 T
-(nested) 262.95 610.67 T
-(in) 293.54 610.67 T
-(a) 304.58 610.67 T
-2 F
-(for) 311.94 610.67 T
-1 F
-(or) 337.7 610.67 T
-2 F
-(while) 349.34 610.67 T
-1 F
-(loop,) 384.83 610.67 T
-(but) 409.62 610.67 T
-(not) 426.16 610.67 T
-(nested) 442.7 610.67 T
-(in) 473.29 610.67 T
-(a) 484.33 610.67 T
-(function) 491.69 610.67 T
-(or) 530.84 610.67 T
-(class definition within that loop.) 99 597.67 T
-(It terminates the nearest enclosing loop, skipping the optional) 99 572.67 T
-2 F
-(else) 372.76 572.67 T
-1 F
-( clause if the loop has one.) 399.16 572.67 T
-(If a) 99 547.67 T
-2 F
-(for) 116.71 547.67 T
-1 F
-( loop is terminated by) 136.51 547.67 T
-2 F
-(break) 235.2 547.67 T
-1 F
-(, the loop control target keeps its current value.) 268.2 547.67 T
-(When) 99 522.67 T
-2 F
-(break) 127.47 522.67 T
-1 F
-(passes) 162.67 522.67 T
-(control) 192.98 522.67 T
-(out) 226.34 522.67 T
-(of) 242.6 522.67 T
-(a) 253.96 522.67 T
-2 F
-(try) 261.05 522.67 T
-1 F
-(statement) 283.05 522.67 T
-(with) 327.42 522.67 T
-(a) 349.17 522.67 T
-2 F
-(finally) 356.26 522.67 T
-1 F
-(clause,) 404.66 522.67 T
-(that) 437.1 522.67 T
-(finally) 455.8 522.67 T
-(clause) 486.72 522.67 T
-(is) 516.41 522.67 T
-(ex-) 525.95 522.67 T
-(ecuted before really leaving the loop.) 99 509.67 T
-0 14 Q
-(6.10) 99 482.67 T
-(The) 135 482.67 T
-2 F
-(continue) 163.78 482.67 T
-0 F
-( statement) 230.98 482.67 T
-2 10 Q
-(continue_stmt: "continue") 99 458.33 T
-2 11 Q
-(continue) 99 433.67 T
-1 F
-(may) 154.01 433.67 T
-(only) 175.16 433.67 T
-(occur) 196.92 433.67 T
-(syntactically) 223.56 433.67 T
-(nested) 281.37 433.67 T
-(in) 311.68 433.67 T
-(a) 322.45 433.67 T
-2 F
-(for) 329.54 433.67 T
-1 F
-(or) 351.55 433.67 T
-2 F
-(while) 362.92 433.67 T
-1 F
-(loop,) 398.12 433.67 T
-(but) 422.64 433.67 T
-(not) 438.9 433.67 T
-(nested) 455.17 433.67 T
-(in) 485.48 433.67 T
-(a) 496.24 433.67 T
-(function) 503.34 433.67 T
-(or) 99 417.73 T
-(class) 110.95 417.73 T
-(definition) 135.13 417.73 T
-(or) 180.7 417.73 T
-2 F
-(try) 192.65 417.73 T
-1 F
-(statement) 215.24 417.73 T
-(within) 260.19 417.73 T
-(that) 291.1 417.73 T
-(loop.) 310.39 417.73 T
-1 8.8 Q
-(1) 332.7 422.13 T
-1 11 Q
-(It) 339.89 417.73 T
-(continues) 349.4 417.73 T
-(with) 394.35 417.73 T
-(the) 416.7 417.73 T
-(next) 432.93 417.73 T
-(cycle) 454.66 417.73 T
-(of) 480.66 417.73 T
-(the) 492.62 417.73 T
-(nearest) 508.85 417.73 T
-(enclosing loop.) 99 404.73 T
-0 14 Q
-(6.11) 99 377.73 T
-(The) 135 377.73 T
-2 F
-(import) 163.78 377.73 T
-0 F
-( statement) 214.18 377.73 T
-2 10 Q
-(import_stmt: "import" module \050"," module\051*) 99 353.4 T
-( | "from" module "import" identifier \050"," identifier\051*) 99 341.4 T
-( | "from" module "import" "*") 99 329.4 T
-(module: \050identifier "."\051* identifier) 99 317.4 T
-1 11 Q
-(Import) 99 292.73 T
-(statements) 131.15 292.73 T
-(are) 179.79 292.73 T
-(executed) 195.42 292.73 T
-(in) 236.72 292.73 T
-(two) 247.48 292.73 T
-(steps:) 266.18 292.73 T
-(\0501\051) 293.44 292.73 T
-(find) 308.47 292.73 T
-(a) 328.39 292.73 T
-(module,) 335.48 292.73 T
-(and) 373.43 292.73 T
-(initialize) 391.52 292.73 T
-(it) 432.22 292.73 T
-(if) 440.54 292.73 T
-(necessary;) 449.46 292.73 T
-(\0502\051) 497.48 292.73 T
-(define) 512.51 292.73 T
-(a) 99 279.73 T
-(name) 106.11 279.73 T
-(or) 132.16 279.73 T
-(names) 143.55 279.73 T
-(in) 173.88 279.73 T
-(the) 184.66 279.73 T
-(local) 200.32 279.73 T
-(name) 223.93 279.73 T
-(space) 249.98 279.73 T
-(\050of) 276.64 279.73 T
-(the) 291.69 279.73 T
-(scope) 307.36 279.73 T
-(where) 334.63 279.73 T
-(the) 363.72 279.73 T
-2 F
-(import) 379.39 279.73 T
-1 F
-(statement) 421.21 279.73 T
-(occurs\051.) 465.6 279.73 T
-(The) 502.95 279.73 T
-(first) 522.28 279.73 T
-(form) 99 266.73 T
-(\050without) 122.94 266.73 T
-2 F
-(from) 162.77 266.73 T
-1 F
-(\051) 189.17 266.73 T
-(repeats) 195.39 266.73 T
-(these) 229.09 266.73 T
-(steps) 254.25 266.73 T
-(for) 278.8 266.73 T
-(each) 294.18 266.73 T
-(identifier) 316.89 266.73 T
-(in) 359.77 266.73 T
-(the) 370.88 266.73 T
-(list.) 386.87 266.73 T
-(The) 405.63 266.73 T
-(form) 425.29 266.73 T
-(with) 449.23 266.73 T
-2 F
-(from) 471.34 266.73 T
-1 F
-(performs) 500.29 266.73 T
-(step \0501\051 once, and then performs step \0502\051 repeatedly.) 99 253.73 T
-(The) 99 228.73 T
-(system) 119.23 228.73 T
-(maintains) 152.91 228.73 T
-(a) 198.82 228.73 T
-(table) 206.83 228.73 T
-(of) 231.34 228.73 T
-(modules) 243.63 228.73 T
-(that) 284.04 228.73 T
-(have) 303.66 228.73 T
-(been) 327.55 228.73 T
-(initialized,) 351.45 228.73 T
-(indexed) 401.33 228.73 T
-(by) 439.28 228.73 T
-(module) 453.4 228.73 T
-(name.) 489.53 228.73 T
-(\050The) 519.23 228.73 T
-(c) 99 215.73 T
-(u) 103.99 215.73 T
-(r) 109.6 215.73 T
-(r) 113.36 215.73 T
-(e) 117.13 215.73 T
-(n) 122.12 215.73 T
-(t) 127.73 215.73 T
-(i) 134.16 215.73 T
-(m) 137.32 215.73 T
-(p) 145.98 215.73 T
-(l) 151.59 215.73 T
-(e) 154.75 215.73 T
-(m) 159.74 215.73 T
-(e) 168.4 215.73 T
-(n) 173.39 215.73 T
-(t) 179 215.73 T
-(a) 182.16 215.73 T
-(t) 187.15 215.73 T
-(i) 190.32 215.73 T
-(o) 193.48 215.73 T
-(n) 199.08 215.73 T
-(m) 207.96 215.73 T
-(a) 216.62 215.73 T
-(k) 221.61 215.73 T
-(e) 227.21 215.73 T
-(s) 232.2 215.73 T
-(t) 239.86 215.73 T
-(h) 243.02 215.73 T
-(i) 248.62 215.73 T
-(s) 251.79 215.73 T
-(t) 259.44 215.73 T
-(a) 262.6 215.73 T
-(b) 267.59 215.73 T
-(l) 273.2 215.73 T
-(e) 276.36 215.73 T
-(a) 284.62 215.73 T
-(c) 289.61 215.73 T
-(c) 294.6 215.73 T
-(e) 299.58 215.73 T
-(s) 304.58 215.73 T
-(s) 308.96 215.73 T
-(i) 313.34 215.73 T
-(b) 316.51 215.73 T
-(l) 322.11 215.73 T
-(e) 325.27 215.73 T
-(a) 333.53 215.73 T
-(s) 338.52 215.73 T
-2 F
-(s) 346.17 215.73 T
-(y) 352.88 215.73 T
-(s) 359.58 215.73 T
-(.) 366.29 215.73 T
-(m) 372.99 215.73 T
-(o) 379.7 215.73 T
-(d) 386.4 215.73 T
-(u) 393.11 215.73 T
-(l) 399.82 215.73 T
-(e) 406.52 215.73 T
-(s) 413.23 215.73 T
-1 F
-(.) 419.93 215.73 T
-(\051) 422.79 215.73 T
-(W) 429.82 215.73 T
-(h) 440.31 215.73 T
-(e) 445.92 215.73 T
-(n) 450.91 215.73 T
-(a) 459.78 215.73 T
-(m) 468.04 215.73 T
-(o) 476.7 215.73 T
-(d) 482.3 215.73 T
-(u) 487.91 215.73 T
-(l) 493.52 215.73 T
-(e) 496.68 215.73 T
-(n) 504.94 215.73 T
-(a) 510.54 215.73 T
-(m) 515.53 215.73 T
-(e) 524.19 215.73 T
-(i) 532.45 215.73 T
-(s) 535.61 215.73 T
-(found) 99 202.73 T
-(in) 126.98 202.73 T
-(this) 137.85 202.73 T
-(table,) 156.06 202.73 T
-(step) 182.51 202.73 T
-(\0501\051) 202.54 202.73 T
-(is) 217.68 202.73 T
-(finished.) 227.33 202.73 T
-(If) 267.84 202.73 T
-(not,) 277.48 202.73 T
-(a) 296.6 202.73 T
-(search) 303.8 202.73 T
-(for) 334.21 202.73 T
-(a) 349.35 202.73 T
-(module) 356.55 202.73 T
-(definition) 391.86 202.73 T
-(is) 436.96 202.73 T
-(started.) 446.61 202.73 T
-(When) 481 202.73 T
-(a) 509.58 202.73 T
-(mod-) 516.78 202.73 T
-(ule) 99 189.73 T
-(is) 114.76 189.73 T
-(found,) 124.42 189.73 T
-(it) 155.15 189.73 T
-(is) 163.59 189.73 T
-(loaded.) 173.24 189.73 T
-(Details) 207.64 189.73 T
-(of) 241.12 189.73 T
-(the) 252.6 189.73 T
-(module) 268.36 189.73 T
-(searching) 303.68 189.73 T
-(and) 348.16 189.73 T
-(loading) 366.36 189.73 T
-(process) 401.68 189.73 T
-(are) 436.99 189.73 T
-(implementation) 452.74 189.73 T
-(and) 524.11 189.73 T
-(p) 99 176.73 T
-(l) 104.55 176.73 T
-(a) 107.66 176.73 T
-(t) 112.59 176.73 T
-(f) 115.7 176.73 T
-(o) 119.41 176.73 T
-(r) 124.96 176.73 T
-(m) 128.67 176.73 T
-(s) 140.49 176.73 T
-(p) 144.82 176.73 T
-(e) 150.37 176.73 T
-(c) 155.3 176.73 T
-(i) 160.23 176.73 T
-(f) 163.34 176.73 T
-(i) 167.05 176.73 T
-(c) 170.16 176.73 T
-(.) 175.09 176.73 T
-(I) 181.1 176.73 T
-(t) 184.82 176.73 T
-(g) 191.13 176.73 T
-(e) 196.68 176.73 T
-(n) 201.62 176.73 T
-(e) 207.17 176.73 T
-(r) 212.1 176.73 T
-(a) 215.81 176.73 T
-(l) 220.74 176.73 T
-(l) 223.85 176.73 T
-(y) 226.96 176.73 T
-(i) 235.72 176.73 T
-(n) 238.83 176.73 T
-(v) 244.38 176.73 T
-(o) 249.93 176.73 T
-(l) 255.48 176.73 T
-(v) 258.58 176.73 T
-(e) 264.13 176.73 T
-(s) 269.07 176.73 T
-(s) 276.61 176.73 T
-(e) 280.93 176.73 T
-(a) 285.87 176.73 T
-(r) 290.8 176.73 T
-(c) 294.51 176.73 T
-(h) 299.45 176.73 T
-(i) 304.99 176.73 T
-(n) 308.1 176.73 T
-(g) 313.65 176.73 T
-(f) 322.41 176.73 T
-(o) 326.12 176.73 T
-(r) 331.67 176.73 T
-(a) 338.6 176.73 T
-(\322) 346.74 176.73 T
-(b) 351.67 176.73 T
-(u) 357.22 176.73 T
-(i) 362.77 176.73 T
-(l) 365.88 176.73 T
-(t) 368.99 176.73 T
-(-) 372.1 176.73 T
-(i) 375.81 176.73 T
-(n) 378.91 176.73 T
-(\323) 384.46 176.73 T
-(m) 392.61 176.73 T
-(o) 401.21 176.73 T
-(d) 406.77 176.73 T
-(u) 412.31 176.73 T
-(l) 417.86 176.73 T
-(e) 420.97 176.73 T
-(w) 429.11 176.73 T
-(i) 437.11 176.73 T
-(t) 440.21 176.73 T
-(h) 443.32 176.73 T
-(t) 452.08 176.73 T
-(h) 455.19 176.73 T
-(e) 460.74 176.73 T
-(g) 468.88 176.73 T
-(i) 474.43 176.73 T
-(v) 477.54 176.73 T
-(e) 483.09 176.73 T
-(n) 488.02 176.73 T
-(n) 496.78 176.73 T
-(a) 502.33 176.73 T
-(m) 507.27 176.73 T
-(e) 515.87 176.73 T
-(a) 524.02 176.73 T
-(n) 528.95 176.73 T
-(d) 534.5 176.73 T
-(then searching a list of locations given as) 99 163.73 T
-2 F
-(sys.path) 282.92 163.73 T
-1 F
-(.) 335.72 163.73 T
-(When step \0501\051 finishes without raising an exception, step \0502\051 can begin.) 99 138.73 T
-99 76 540 91 C
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-108 89 252 89 2 L
-0.5 H
-2 Z
-0 X
-0 0 612 792 C
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 11 Q
-0 X
-(1.) 108 68.67 T
-(Except that it may currently occur within an) 121.5 68.67 T
-2 F
-(except) 318.25 68.67 T
-1 F
-( clause.) 357.85 68.67 T
-%%EndPage: "43" 49
-%%Page: "44" 50
-612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE
-0 FrameSetSepColors
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 10 Q
-0 X
-(44) 76.5 37.33 T
-1 11 Q
-(The) 72 712.67 T
-(first) 91.91 712.67 T
-(form) 112.43 712.67 T
-(of) 136.62 712.67 T
-2 F
-(import) 148.59 712.67 T
-1 F
-(statement) 191 712.67 T
-(binds) 235.96 712.67 T
-(the) 262.61 712.67 T
-(module) 278.85 712.67 T
-(name) 314.66 712.67 T
-(in) 341.29 712.67 T
-(the) 352.65 712.67 T
-(local) 368.9 712.67 T
-(name) 393.08 712.67 T
-(space) 419.72 712.67 T
-(to) 446.95 712.67 T
-(the) 458.31 712.67 T
-(module) 474.56 712.67 T
-(object,) 510.37 712.67 T
-(a) 72 699.67 T
-(n) 76.9 699.67 T
-(d) 82.42 699.67 T
-(t) 91.12 699.67 T
-(h) 94.2 699.67 T
-(e) 99.72 699.67 T
-(n) 104.62 699.67 T
-(g) 113.32 699.67 T
-(o) 118.84 699.67 T
-(e) 124.36 699.67 T
-(s) 129.26 699.67 T
-(o) 136.74 699.67 T
-(n) 142.26 699.67 T
-(t) 150.96 699.67 T
-(o) 154.04 699.67 T
-(i) 162.74 699.67 T
-(m) 165.82 699.67 T
-(p) 174.39 699.67 T
-(o) 179.91 699.67 T
-(r) 185.43 699.67 T
-(t) 189.11 699.67 T
-(t) 195.37 699.67 T
-(h) 198.45 699.67 T
-(e) 203.97 699.67 T
-(n) 212.05 699.67 T
-(e) 217.57 699.67 T
-(x) 222.48 699.67 T
-(t) 227.99 699.67 T
-(i) 234.25 699.67 T
-(d) 237.33 699.67 T
-(e) 242.85 699.67 T
-(n) 247.75 699.67 T
-(t) 253.27 699.67 T
-(i) 256.35 699.67 T
-(f) 259.42 699.67 T
-(i) 263.11 699.67 T
-(e) 266.18 699.67 T
-(r) 271.09 699.67 T
-(,) 274.77 699.67 T
-(i) 280.72 699.67 T
-(f) 283.8 699.67 T
-(a) 290.66 699.67 T
-(n) 295.56 699.67 T
-(y) 301.08 699.67 T
-(.) 306.6 699.67 T
-(T) 312.55 699.67 T
-(h) 319.29 699.67 T
-(e) 324.81 699.67 T
-2 F
-(f) 332.89 699.67 T
-(r) 339.51 699.67 T
-(o) 346.13 699.67 T
-(m) 352.75 699.67 T
-1 F
-(f) 362.55 699.67 T
-(o) 366.23 699.67 T
-(r) 371.75 699.67 T
-(m) 375.44 699.67 T
-(d) 387.19 699.67 T
-(o) 392.71 699.67 T
-(e) 398.23 699.67 T
-(s) 403.14 699.67 T
-(n) 410.61 699.67 T
-(o) 416.13 699.67 T
-(t) 421.65 699.67 T
-(b) 427.91 699.67 T
-(i) 433.43 699.67 T
-(n) 436.51 699.67 T
-(d) 442.03 699.67 T
-(t) 450.73 699.67 T
-(h) 453.8 699.67 T
-(e) 459.32 699.67 T
-(m) 467.41 699.67 T
-(o) 475.98 699.67 T
-(d) 481.5 699.67 T
-(u) 487.02 699.67 T
-(l) 492.54 699.67 T
-(e) 495.62 699.67 T
-(n) 503.7 699.67 T
-(a) 509.22 699.67 T
-(m) 514.12 699.67 T
-(e) 522.7 699.67 T
-(:) 527.6 699.67 T
-(i) 533.86 699.67 T
-(t) 536.94 699.67 T
-(goes) 72 686.67 T
-(through) 94.66 686.67 T
-(the) 131.38 686.67 T
-(list) 147.32 686.67 T
-(of) 163.28 686.67 T
-(identifiers,) 174.94 686.67 T
-(looks) 224.79 686.67 T
-(each) 251.13 686.67 T
-(one) 273.78 686.67 T
-(of) 292.16 686.67 T
-(them) 303.83 686.67 T
-(up) 328.33 686.67 T
-(in) 341.83 686.67 T
-(the) 352.88 686.67 T
-(module) 368.82 686.67 T
-(found) 404.32 686.67 T
-(in) 432.48 686.67 T
-(step) 443.54 686.67 T
-(\0501\051,) 463.76 686.67 T
-(and) 481.84 686.67 T
-(binds) 500.22 686.67 T
-(the) 526.56 686.67 T
-(name) 72 673.67 T
-(in) 98.57 673.67 T
-(the) 109.86 673.67 T
-(local) 126.04 673.67 T
-(name) 150.16 673.67 T
-(space) 176.73 673.67 T
-(to) 203.9 673.67 T
-(the) 215.2 673.67 T
-(object) 231.38 673.67 T
-(thus) 261 673.67 T
-(found.) 282.08 673.67 T
-(If) 313.23 673.67 T
-(a) 323.29 673.67 T
-(name) 330.91 673.67 T
-(is) 357.48 673.67 T
-(not) 367.55 673.67 T
-(found,) 384.35 673.67 T
-2 F
-(ImportError) 415.5 673.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 490.84 673.67 T
-(raised.) 500.92 673.67 T
-(If) 532.67 673.67 T
-(the) 72 660.67 T
-(list) 88.32 660.67 T
-(of) 104.65 660.67 T
-(identifiers) 116.69 660.67 T
-(is) 164.17 660.67 T
-(replaced) 174.39 660.67 T
-(by) 214.52 660.67 T
-(a) 228.4 660.67 T
-(star) 236.16 660.67 T
-(\050) 254.92 660.67 T
-2 F
-(*) 258.58 660.67 T
-1 F
-(\051,) 265.18 660.67 T
-(all) 274.47 660.67 T
-(names) 288.35 660.67 T
-(defined) 319.33 660.67 T
-(in) 355.2 660.67 T
-(the) 366.64 660.67 T
-(module) 382.95 660.67 T
-(are) 418.83 660.67 T
-(bound,) 435.14 660.67 T
-(except) 468.27 660.67 T
-(those) 499.85 660.67 T
-(be-) 525.95 660.67 T
-(ginning with an underscore\050) 72 647.67 T
-2 F
-(_) 195.73 647.67 T
-1 F
-(\051.) 202.33 647.67 T
-(Names bound by import statements should not occur in) 72 622.67 T
-2 F
-(global) 317.96 622.67 T
-1 F
-( statements in the same scope.) 357.56 622.67 T
-(The) 72 597.67 T
-2 F
-(from) 91.86 597.67 T
-1 F
-( form with) 118.25 597.67 T
-2 F
-(*) 167.45 597.67 T
-1 F
-( should only occur in a module scope.) 174.05 597.67 T
-(\050The) 72 572.67 T
-(current) 95.15 572.67 T
-(implementation) 128.68 572.67 T
-(does) 200.12 572.67 T
-(not) 222.66 572.67 T
-(enforce) 239.1 572.67 T
-(the) 274.46 572.67 T
-(latter) 290.28 572.67 T
-(two) 315.26 572.67 T
-(restrictions,) 334.14 572.67 T
-(but) 388.16 572.67 T
-(programs) 404.6 572.67 T
-(should) 448.52 572.67 T
-(not) 480.24 572.67 T
-(abuse) 496.68 572.67 T
-(this) 524.1 572.67 T
-(freedom, as future implementations may enforce them or silently change the meaning of the program.\051) 72 559.67 T
-4 F
-(Hierarchical) 72 534.67 T
-(module) 133.81 534.67 T
-(names:) 171.19 534.67 T
-1 F
-(when) 207.34 534.67 T
-(the) 233.71 534.67 T
-(module) 249.7 534.67 T
-(names) 285.24 534.67 T
-(contains) 315.89 534.67 T
-(aone) 355.09 534.67 T
-(or) 378.41 534.67 T
-(more) 390.11 534.67 T
-(dots,) 415.26 534.67 T
-(the) 438.89 534.67 T
-(module) 454.88 534.67 T
-(search) 490.42 534.67 T
-(path) 521.06 534.67 T
-(is) 72 521.67 T
-(carried) 81.95 521.67 T
-(out) 115.1 521.67 T
-(differently.) 131.77 521.67 T
-(The) 183.56 521.67 T
-(sequence) 203.27 521.67 T
-(of) 246.2 521.67 T
-(identifiers) 257.98 521.67 T
-(up) 305.19 521.67 T
-(to) 318.8 521.67 T
-(the) 329.97 521.67 T
-(last) 346.03 521.67 T
-(dot) 363.92 521.67 T
-(is) 380.59 521.67 T
-(used) 390.54 521.67 T
-(to) 413.31 521.67 T
-(find) 424.48 521.67 T
-(a) 444.81 521.67 T
-(\322package\323;) 452.31 521.67 T
-(the) 503.78 521.67 T
-(final) 519.84 521.67 T
-(identifier) 72 508.67 T
-(is) 115.33 508.67 T
-(then) 125.67 508.67 T
-(searched) 147.61 508.67 T
-(inside) 189.09 508.67 T
-(the) 218.38 508.67 T
-(package.) 234.82 508.67 T
-([XXX) 276.61 508.67 T
-(Can\325t) 307.1 508.67 T
-(be) 334.54 508.67 T
-(bothered) 347.93 508.67 T
-(to) 389.42 508.67 T
-(spell) 400.98 508.67 T
-(this) 424.77 508.67 T
-(out) 443.66 508.67 T
-(right) 460.72 508.67 T
-(now;) 484.51 508.67 T
-(see) 509.51 508.67 T
-(the) 526.56 508.67 T
-(U) 72 495.67 T
-(R) 79.94 495.67 T
-(L) 87.28 495.67 T
-(h) 97.17 495.67 T
-(t) 102.67 495.67 T
-(t) 105.73 495.67 T
-(p) 108.79 495.67 T
-(:) 114.29 495.67 T
-(/) 117.35 495.67 T
-(/) 120.41 495.67 T
-(g) 123.47 495.67 T
-(r) 128.97 495.67 T
-(a) 132.64 495.67 T
-(i) 137.52 495.67 T
-(l) 140.59 495.67 T
-(.) 143.65 495.67 T
-(c) 146.4 495.67 T
-(n) 151.28 495.67 T
-(r) 156.78 495.67 T
-(i) 160.45 495.67 T
-(.) 163.51 495.67 T
-(r) 166.26 495.67 T
-(e) 169.93 495.67 T
-(s) 174.81 495.67 T
-(t) 179.09 495.67 T
-(o) 182.15 495.67 T
-(n) 187.65 495.67 T
-(.) 193.16 495.67 T
-(v) 195.91 495.67 T
-(a) 201.41 495.67 T
-(.) 206.29 495.67 T
-(u) 209.05 495.67 T
-(s) 214.55 495.67 T
-(/) 218.83 495.67 T
-(p) 221.89 495.67 T
-(y) 227.39 495.67 T
-(t) 232.89 495.67 T
-(h) 235.95 495.67 T
-(o) 241.46 495.67 T
-(n) 246.96 495.67 T
-(/) 252.46 495.67 T
-(e) 255.52 495.67 T
-(s) 260.4 495.67 T
-(s) 264.68 495.67 T
-(a) 268.97 495.67 T
-(y) 273.85 495.67 T
-(s) 279.35 495.67 T
-(/) 283.63 495.67 T
-(p) 286.69 495.67 T
-(a) 292.2 495.67 T
-(c) 297.08 495.67 T
-(k) 301.97 495.67 T
-(a) 307.47 495.67 T
-(g) 312.36 495.67 T
-(e) 317.86 495.67 T
-(s) 322.74 495.67 T
-(.) 327.02 495.67 T
-(h) 329.77 495.67 T
-(m) 335.28 495.67 T
-(t) 343.84 495.67 T
-(l) 346.9 495.67 T
-(f) 353.12 495.67 T
-(o) 356.79 495.67 T
-(r) 362.29 495.67 T
-(m) 369.12 495.67 T
-(o) 377.68 495.67 T
-(r) 383.18 495.67 T
-(e) 386.84 495.67 T
-(d) 394.89 495.67 T
-(e) 400.39 495.67 T
-(t) 405.28 495.67 T
-(a) 408.34 495.67 T
-(i) 413.23 495.67 T
-(l) 416.29 495.67 T
-(s) 419.35 495.67 T
-(,) 423.63 495.67 T
-(a) 429.54 495.67 T
-(l) 434.43 495.67 T
-(s) 437.49 495.67 T
-(o) 441.77 495.67 T
-(a) 450.44 495.67 T
-(b) 455.32 495.67 T
-(o) 460.82 495.67 T
-(u) 466.33 495.67 T
-(t) 471.83 495.67 T
-(h) 478.05 495.67 T
-(o) 483.55 495.67 T
-(w) 489.05 495.67 T
-(t) 500.16 495.67 T
-(h) 503.22 495.67 T
-(e) 508.73 495.67 T
-(m) 516.78 495.67 T
-(o) 525.34 495.67 T
-(d) 530.84 495.67 T
-(-) 536.34 495.67 T
-(ule search works from inside a package.]) 72 482.67 T
-0 14 Q
-(6.12) 72 455.67 T
-(The) 108 455.67 T
-2 F
-(global) 136.78 455.67 T
-0 F
-( statement) 187.18 455.67 T
-2 10 Q
-(global_stmt: "global" identifier \050"," identifier\051*) 72 431.33 T
-1 11 Q
-(The) 72 406.67 T
-2 F
-(global) 91.61 406.67 T
-1 F
-(statement) 133.71 406.67 T
-(is) 178.37 406.67 T
-(a) 188.21 406.67 T
-(declaration) 195.59 406.67 T
-(which) 246.96 406.67 T
-(holds) 276.35 406.67 T
-(for) 302.68 406.67 T
-(the) 318.01 406.67 T
-(entire) 333.95 406.67 T
-(current) 361.5 406.67 T
-(code) 395.15 406.67 T
-(block.) 418.42 406.67 T
-(It) 448.11 406.67 T
-(means) 457.33 406.67 T
-(that) 487.94 406.67 T
-(the) 506.94 406.67 T
-(list-) 522.88 406.67 T
-(ed) 72 393.67 T
-(identifiers) 84.94 393.67 T
-(are) 132.11 393.67 T
-(to) 148.1 393.67 T
-(be) 159.22 393.67 T
-(interpreted) 172.17 393.67 T
-(as) 222.38 393.67 T
-(globals.) 234.11 393.67 T
-(While) 271.2 393.67 T
-3 F
-(using) 300.64 393.67 T
-1 F
-(global) 327.04 393.67 T
-(names) 357.1 393.67 T
-(is) 387.77 393.67 T
-(automatic) 397.67 393.67 T
-(if) 443.61 393.67 T
-(they) 452.9 393.67 T
-(are) 474.4 393.67 T
-(not) 490.39 393.67 T
-(defined) 507.01 393.67 T
-(in the local scope,) 72 380.67 T
-3 F
-(assigning) 154.18 380.67 T
-1 F
-( to global names would be impossible without) 196.35 380.67 T
-2 F
-(global) 401.69 380.67 T
-1 F
-(.) 441.29 380.67 T
-(Names) 72 355.67 T
-(listed) 105.58 355.67 T
-(in) 132.45 355.67 T
-(a) 144.04 355.67 T
-2 F
-(global) 151.95 355.67 T
-1 F
-(statement) 194.59 355.67 T
-(must) 239.78 355.67 T
-(not) 264.21 355.67 T
-(be) 281.3 355.67 T
-(used) 294.71 355.67 T
-(in) 317.91 355.67 T
-(the) 329.5 355.67 T
-(same) 345.97 355.67 T
-(code) 371.61 355.67 T
-(block) 395.41 355.67 T
-(before) 422.88 355.67 T
-(that) 454.01 355.67 T
-2 F
-(global) 473.54 355.67 T
-1 F
-(state-) 516.17 355.67 T
-(ment is executed.) 72 342.67 T
-(Names) 72 317.67 T
-(listed) 104.89 317.67 T
-(in) 131.06 317.67 T
-(a) 141.96 317.67 T
-2 F
-(global) 149.18 317.67 T
-1 F
-(statement) 191.12 317.67 T
-(must) 235.62 317.67 T
-(not) 259.36 317.67 T
-(be) 275.76 317.67 T
-(defined) 288.48 317.67 T
-(as) 323.81 317.67 T
-(formal) 335.31 317.67 T
-(parameters) 366.97 317.67 T
-(or) 417.57 317.67 T
-(in) 429.07 317.67 T
-(a) 439.97 317.67 T
-2 F
-(for) 447.19 317.67 T
-1 F
-(loop) 469.33 317.67 T
-(control) 491.23 317.67 T
-(tar-) 524.73 317.67 T
-(get,) 72 304.67 T
-2 F
-(class) 90.94 304.67 T
-1 F
-(definition, function definition, or) 130.54 304.67 T
-2 F
-(import) 278.43 304.67 T
-1 F
-( statement.) 318.03 304.67 T
-(\050The) 72 279.67 T
-(current) 95.15 279.67 T
-(implementation) 128.68 279.67 T
-(does) 200.12 279.67 T
-(not) 222.66 279.67 T
-(enforce) 239.1 279.67 T
-(the) 274.46 279.67 T
-(latter) 290.28 279.67 T
-(two) 315.26 279.67 T
-(restrictions,) 334.14 279.67 T
-(but) 388.16 279.67 T
-(programs) 404.6 279.67 T
-(should) 448.52 279.67 T
-(not) 480.24 279.67 T
-(abuse) 496.68 279.67 T
-(this) 524.1 279.67 T
-(freedom, as future implementations may enforce them or silently change the meaning of the program.\051) 72 266.67 T
-4 F
-(P) 72 241.67 T
-(r) 78.75 241.67 T
-(o) 83.67 241.67 T
-(g) 89.21 241.67 T
-(r) 94.74 241.67 T
-(a) 99.66 241.67 T
-(m) 105.19 241.67 T
-(m) 114.39 241.67 T
-(e) 123.58 241.67 T
-(r) 128.5 241.67 T
-(\325) 133.42 241.67 T
-(s) 137.11 241.67 T
-(n) 144.62 241.67 T
-(o) 150.77 241.67 T
-(t) 156.31 241.67 T
-(e) 160 241.67 T
-(:) 164.92 241.67 T
-1 F
-(t) 171.81 241.67 T
-(h) 174.9 241.67 T
-(e) 180.44 241.67 T
-2 F
-(g) 188.55 241.67 T
-(l) 195.18 241.67 T
-(o) 201.82 241.67 T
-(b) 208.45 241.67 T
-(a) 215.08 241.67 T
-(l) 221.72 241.67 T
-1 F
-(i) 231.55 241.67 T
-(s) 234.64 241.67 T
-(a) 242.15 241.67 T
-(d) 250.26 241.67 T
-(i) 255.79 241.67 T
-(r) 258.89 241.67 T
-(e) 262.58 241.67 T
-(c) 267.5 241.67 T
-(t) 272.42 241.67 T
-(i) 275.51 241.67 T
-(v) 278.6 241.67 T
-(e) 284.13 241.67 T
-(t) 292.25 241.67 T
-(o) 295.34 241.67 T
-(t) 304.07 241.67 T
-(h) 307.16 241.67 T
-(e) 312.69 241.67 T
-(p) 320.81 241.67 T
-(a) 326.34 241.67 T
-(r) 331.26 241.67 T
-(s) 334.95 241.67 T
-(e) 339.27 241.67 T
-(r) 344.18 241.67 T
-(.) 347.88 241.67 T
-(I) 353.86 241.67 T
-(t) 357.56 241.67 T
-(a) 363.84 241.67 T
-(p) 368.76 241.67 T
-(p) 374.29 241.67 T
-(l) 379.83 241.67 T
-(i) 382.92 241.67 T
-(e) 386.01 241.67 T
-(s) 390.93 241.67 T
-(o) 398.44 241.67 T
-(n) 403.97 241.67 T
-(l) 409.5 241.67 T
-(y) 412.6 241.67 T
-(t) 421.32 241.67 T
-(o) 424.42 241.67 T
-(c) 433.14 241.67 T
-(o) 438.06 241.67 T
-(d) 443.6 241.67 T
-(e) 449.13 241.67 T
-(p) 457.24 241.67 T
-(a) 462.78 241.67 T
-(r) 467.69 241.67 T
-(s) 471.39 241.67 T
-(e) 475.7 241.67 T
-(d) 480.62 241.67 T
-(a) 489.35 241.67 T
-(t) 494.27 241.67 T
-(t) 500.55 241.67 T
-(h) 503.65 241.67 T
-(e) 509.18 241.67 T
-(s) 517.29 241.67 T
-(a) 521.6 241.67 T
-(m) 526.52 241.67 T
-(e) 535.11 241.67 T
-(time) 72 228.67 T
-(as) 94.62 228.67 T
-(the) 106.84 228.67 T
-2 F
-(global) 123.34 228.67 T
-1 F
-(statement.) 170.28 228.67 T
-(In) 218.26 228.67 T
-(particular,) 230.48 228.67 T
-(a) 278.44 228.67 T
-2 F
-(global) 286.38 228.67 T
-1 F
-(statement) 329.04 228.67 T
-(contained) 374.27 228.67 T
-(in) 420.09 228.67 T
-(an) 431.71 228.67 T
-2 F
-(exec) 445.15 228.67 T
-1 F
-(statement) 474.61 228.67 T
-(does) 519.84 228.67 T
-(not) 72 215.67 T
-(affect) 88.75 215.67 T
-(the) 116.48 215.67 T
-(code) 132.61 215.67 T
-(block) 156.07 215.67 T
-3 F
-(containing) 183.2 215.67 T
-1 F
-(the) 232.95 215.67 T
-2 F
-(exec) 249.08 215.67 T
-1 F
-(statement,) 278.17 215.67 T
-(and) 325.78 215.67 T
-(code) 344.35 215.67 T
-(contained) 367.81 215.67 T
-(in) 413.27 215.67 T
-(an) 424.52 215.67 T
-2 F
-(exec) 437.6 215.67 T
-1 F
-(statement) 470.45 215.67 T
-(is) 515.31 215.67 T
-(un-) 525.34 215.67 T
-(a) 72 202.67 T
-(f) 77.11 202.67 T
-(f) 81 202.67 T
-(e) 84.88 202.67 T
-(c) 89.99 202.67 T
-(t) 95.1 202.67 T
-(e) 98.38 202.67 T
-(d) 103.49 202.67 T
-(b) 112.6 202.67 T
-(y) 118.32 202.67 T
-2 F
-(g) 127.43 202.67 T
-(l) 134.25 202.67 T
-(o) 141.08 202.67 T
-(b) 147.9 202.67 T
-(a) 154.73 202.67 T
-(l) 161.55 202.67 T
-1 F
-(s) 171.76 202.67 T
-(t) 176.26 202.67 T
-(a) 179.54 202.67 T
-(t) 184.65 202.67 T
-(e) 187.93 202.67 T
-(m) 193.04 202.67 T
-(e) 201.82 202.67 T
-(n) 206.93 202.67 T
-(t) 212.65 202.67 T
-(s) 215.94 202.67 T
-(i) 223.83 202.67 T
-(n) 227.11 202.67 T
-(t) 236.22 202.67 T
-(h) 239.5 202.67 T
-(e) 245.22 202.67 T
-(c) 253.72 202.67 T
-(o) 258.83 202.67 T
-(d) 264.55 202.67 T
-(e) 270.27 202.67 T
-(c) 278.77 202.67 T
-(o) 283.88 202.67 T
-(n) 289.6 202.67 T
-(t) 295.32 202.67 T
-(a) 298.61 202.67 T
-(i) 303.71 202.67 T
-(n) 306.99 202.67 T
-(i) 312.72 202.67 T
-(n) 316 202.67 T
-(g) 321.72 202.67 T
-(t) 330.83 202.67 T
-(h) 334.12 202.67 T
-(e) 339.84 202.67 T
-2 F
-(e) 348.33 202.67 T
-(x) 355.16 202.67 T
-(e) 361.98 202.67 T
-(c) 368.8 202.67 T
-1 F
-(s) 379.02 202.67 T
-(t) 383.52 202.67 T
-(a) 386.8 202.67 T
-(t) 391.91 202.67 T
-(e) 395.19 202.67 T
-(m) 400.3 202.67 T
-(e) 409.08 202.67 T
-(n) 414.19 202.67 T
-(t) 419.91 202.67 T
-(.) 423.19 202.67 T
-(T) 429.55 202.67 T
-(h) 436.5 202.67 T
-(e) 442.22 202.67 T
-(s) 450.71 202.67 T
-(a) 455.22 202.67 T
-(m) 460.33 202.67 T
-(e) 469.11 202.67 T
-(a) 477.6 202.67 T
-(p) 482.71 202.67 T
-(p) 488.43 202.67 T
-(l) 494.16 202.67 T
-(i) 497.44 202.67 T
-(e) 500.72 202.67 T
-(s) 505.83 202.67 T
-(t) 513.72 202.67 T
-(o) 517 202.67 T
-(t) 526.11 202.67 T
-(h) 529.39 202.67 T
-(e) 535.11 202.67 T
-2 F
-(eval\050\051) 72 189.67 T
-1 F
-(,) 111.6 189.67 T
-2 F
-(execfile\050\051) 117.1 189.67 T
-1 F
-( and) 183.1 189.67 T
-2 F
-(compile\050\051) 204.48 189.67 T
-1 F
-( functions.) 263.88 189.67 T
-0 14 Q
-(6.13) 72 162.67 T
-(The) 108 162.67 T
-2 F
-(exec) 136.78 162.67 T
-0 F
-( statement) 170.38 162.67 T
-2 10 Q
-(exec_stmt: "exec" expression ["in" expression ["," expression]]) 72 138.33 T
-%%EndPage: "44" 50
-%%Page: "45" 51
-612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE
-0 FrameSetSepColors
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 10 Q
-0 X
-(45) 530 37.33 T
-585 292.5 598.5 720 R
-5 9 Q
-(\245) 0 270 592.5 720 TF
-(Simple statements) 0 270 592.5 711 TF
-585 292.5 598.5 720 R
-1 11 Q
-(This) 99 712.67 T
-(statement) 121.72 712.67 T
-(supports) 167.04 712.67 T
-(dynamic) 207.48 712.67 T
-(execution) 248.52 712.67 T
-(of) 294.45 712.67 T
-(Python) 306.77 712.67 T
-(code.) 341.11 712.67 T
-(The) 367.78 712.67 T
-(first) 388.05 712.67 T
-(expression) 408.93 712.67 T
-(should) 459.13 712.67 T
-(evaluate) 491.63 712.67 T
-(to) 531.44 712.67 T
-(either) 99 699.67 T
-(a) 127.12 699.67 T
-(string,) 135.08 699.67 T
-(an) 165.97 699.67 T
-(open) 179.43 699.67 T
-(file) 203.88 699.67 T
-(object,) 221.62 699.67 T
-(or) 254.33 699.67 T
-(a) 266.57 699.67 T
-(code) 274.53 699.67 T
-(object.) 298.38 699.67 T
-(If) 331.08 699.67 T
-(it) 341.49 699.67 T
-(is) 350.68 699.67 T
-(a) 361.09 699.67 T
-(string,) 369.05 699.67 T
-(the) 399.93 699.67 T
-(string) 416.45 699.67 T
-(is) 444.58 699.67 T
-(parsed) 455 699.67 T
-(as) 486.78 699.67 T
-(a) 499.02 699.67 T
-(suite) 506.98 699.67 T
-(of) 530.84 699.67 T
-(Python) 99 686.67 T
-(statements) 133.05 686.67 T
-(which) 182.37 686.67 T
-(is) 212.13 686.67 T
-(then) 222.35 686.67 T
-(executed) 244.17 686.67 T
-(\050unless) 286.14 686.67 T
-(a) 320.18 686.67 T
-(syntax) 327.94 686.67 T
-(error) 359.54 686.67 T
-(occurs\051.) 383.79 686.67 T
-(If) 421.79 686.67 T
-(it) 431.99 686.67 T
-(is) 440.99 686.67 T
-(an) 451.2 686.67 T
-(open) 464.46 686.67 T
-(file,) 488.73 686.67 T
-(the) 509.02 686.67 T
-(file) 525.34 686.67 T
-(is parsed until EOF and executed. If it is a code object, it is simply executed.) 99 673.67 T
-(In) 99 648.67 T
-(all) 110.56 648.67 T
-(cases,) 123.95 648.67 T
-(if) 152.3 648.67 T
-(the) 161.41 648.67 T
-(optional) 177.24 648.67 T
-(parts) 215.7 648.67 T
-(are) 239.47 648.67 T
-(omitted,) 255.29 648.67 T
-(the) 294.05 648.67 T
-(code) 309.89 648.67 T
-(is) 333.05 648.67 T
-(executed) 342.77 648.67 T
-(in) 384.26 648.67 T
-(the) 395.21 648.67 T
-(current) 411.04 648.67 T
-(scope.) 444.59 648.67 T
-(If) 474.78 648.67 T
-(only) 484.49 648.67 T
-(the) 506.45 648.67 T
-(first) 522.28 648.67 T
-(expression) 99 635.67 T
-(after) 148.77 635.67 T
-2 F
-(in) 171.64 635.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 187.56 635.67 T
-(specified,) 197.62 635.67 T
-(it) 242.8 635.67 T
-(should) 251.64 635.67 T
-(be) 283.69 635.67 T
-(a) 296.8 635.67 T
-(dictionary,) 304.4 635.67 T
-(which) 354.48 635.67 T
-(will) 384.08 635.67 T
-(be) 403.92 635.67 T
-(used) 417.02 635.67 T
-(for) 439.91 635.67 T
-(both) 455.45 635.67 T
-(the) 477.73 635.67 T
-(global) 493.89 635.67 T
-(and) 524.12 635.67 T
-(the) 99 622.67 T
-(local) 115.42 622.67 T
-(variables.) 139.78 622.67 T
-(If) 185.21 622.67 T
-(two) 195.51 622.67 T
-(expressions) 214.99 622.67 T
-(are) 269.29 622.67 T
-(given,) 285.7 622.67 T
-(both) 315.87 622.67 T
-(must) 338.4 622.67 T
-(be) 362.77 622.67 T
-(dictionaries) 376.13 622.67 T
-(and) 430.43 622.67 T
-(they) 449.29 622.67 T
-(are) 471.21 622.67 T
-(used) 487.62 622.67 T
-(for) 510.76 622.67 T
-(the) 526.56 622.67 T
-(global and local variables, respectively.) 99 609.67 T
-4 F
-(P) 99 584.67 T
-(r) 105.96 584.67 T
-(o) 111.09 584.67 T
-(g) 116.83 584.67 T
-(r) 122.58 584.67 T
-(a) 127.7 584.67 T
-(m) 133.45 584.67 T
-(m) 142.85 584.67 T
-(e) 152.26 584.67 T
-(r) 157.39 584.67 T
-(\325) 162.51 584.67 T
-(s) 166.42 584.67 T
-(h) 174.35 584.67 T
-(i) 180.71 584.67 T
-(n) 184.01 584.67 T
-(t) 190.37 584.67 T
-(s) 194.27 584.67 T
-(:) 198.79 584.67 T
-1 F
-(d) 206.1 584.67 T
-(y) 211.85 584.67 T
-(n) 217.59 584.67 T
-(a) 223.33 584.67 T
-(m) 228.46 584.67 T
-(i) 237.26 584.67 T
-(c) 240.56 584.67 T
-(e) 249.1 584.67 T
-(v) 254.22 584.67 T
-(a) 259.97 584.67 T
-(l) 265.09 584.67 T
-(u) 268.39 584.67 T
-(a) 274.14 584.67 T
-(t) 279.26 584.67 T
-(i) 282.57 584.67 T
-(o) 285.87 584.67 T
-(n) 291.61 584.67 T
-(o) 300.76 584.67 T
-(f) 306.5 584.67 T
-(e) 313.81 584.67 T
-(x) 318.94 584.67 T
-(p) 324.68 584.67 T
-(r) 330.42 584.67 T
-(e) 334.33 584.67 T
-(s) 339.46 584.67 T
-(s) 343.98 584.67 T
-(i) 348.5 584.67 T
-(o) 351.8 584.67 T
-(n) 357.55 584.67 T
-(s) 363.29 584.67 T
-(i) 371.22 584.67 T
-(s) 374.52 584.67 T
-(s) 382.45 584.67 T
-(u) 386.97 584.67 T
-(p) 392.71 584.67 T
-(p) 398.45 584.67 T
-(o) 404.2 584.67 T
-(r) 409.94 584.67 T
-(t) 413.85 584.67 T
-(e) 417.15 584.67 T
-(d) 422.27 584.67 T
-(b) 431.42 584.67 T
-(y) 437.17 584.67 T
-(t) 446.31 584.67 T
-(h) 449.61 584.67 T
-(e) 455.36 584.67 T
-(b) 463.89 584.67 T
-(u) 469.63 584.67 T
-(i) 475.38 584.67 T
-(l) 478.68 584.67 T
-(t) 481.98 584.67 T
-(-) 485.28 584.67 T
-(i) 489.19 584.67 T
-(n) 492.49 584.67 T
-(f) 501.64 584.67 T
-(u) 505.54 584.67 T
-(n) 511.28 584.67 T
-(c) 517.03 584.67 T
-(t) 522.15 584.67 T
-(i) 525.46 584.67 T
-(o) 528.76 584.67 T
-(n) 534.5 584.67 T
-2 F
-(e) 99 571.67 T
-(v) 105.67 571.67 T
-(a) 112.35 571.67 T
-(l) 119.02 571.67 T
-(\050) 125.69 571.67 T
-(\051) 132.36 571.67 T
-1 F
-(.) 139.04 571.67 T
-(T) 145.09 571.67 T
-(h) 151.89 571.67 T
-(e) 157.46 571.67 T
-(b) 165.65 571.67 T
-(u) 171.23 571.67 T
-(i) 176.8 571.67 T
-(l) 179.93 571.67 T
-(t) 183.06 571.67 T
-(-) 186.19 571.67 T
-(i) 189.93 571.67 T
-(n) 193.06 571.67 T
-(f) 201.86 571.67 T
-(u) 205.6 571.67 T
-(n) 211.17 571.67 T
-(c) 216.74 571.67 T
-(t) 221.7 571.67 T
-(i) 224.83 571.67 T
-(o) 227.96 571.67 T
-(n) 233.54 571.67 T
-(s) 239.11 571.67 T
-2 F
-(g) 246.7 571.67 T
-(l) 253.37 571.67 T
-(o) 260.04 571.67 T
-(b) 266.71 571.67 T
-(a) 273.39 571.67 T
-(l) 280.06 571.67 T
-(s) 286.73 571.67 T
-(\050) 293.4 571.67 T
-(\051) 300.08 571.67 T
-1 F
-(a) 309.98 571.67 T
-(n) 314.94 571.67 T
-(d) 320.52 571.67 T
-2 F
-(l) 329.32 571.67 T
-(o) 335.99 571.67 T
-(c) 342.67 571.67 T
-(a) 349.34 571.67 T
-(l) 356.01 571.67 T
-(s) 362.69 571.67 T
-(\050) 369.36 571.67 T
-(\051) 376.03 571.67 T
-1 F
-(r) 385.94 571.67 T
-(e) 389.67 571.67 T
-(t) 394.63 571.67 T
-(u) 397.76 571.67 T
-(r) 403.33 571.67 T
-(n) 407.07 571.67 T
-(t) 415.88 571.67 T
-(h) 419.01 571.67 T
-(e) 424.58 571.67 T
-(c) 432.77 571.67 T
-(u) 437.73 571.67 T
-(r) 443.3 571.67 T
-(r) 447.04 571.67 T
-(e) 450.77 571.67 T
-(n) 455.73 571.67 T
-(t) 461.3 571.67 T
-(g) 467.67 571.67 T
-(l) 473.24 571.67 T
-(o) 476.37 571.67 T
-(b) 481.95 571.67 T
-(a) 487.52 571.67 T
-(l) 492.48 571.67 T
-(a) 498.84 571.67 T
-(n) 503.8 571.67 T
-(d) 509.37 571.67 T
-(l) 518.18 571.67 T
-(o) 521.31 571.67 T
-(c) 526.88 571.67 T
-(a) 531.84 571.67 T
-(l) 536.8 571.67 T
-(dictionary,) 99 558.67 T
-(respectively,) 149.34 558.67 T
-(which) 208.22 558.67 T
-(may) 238.08 558.67 T
-(be) 260.01 558.67 T
-(useful) 273.37 558.67 T
-(to) 303.24 558.67 T
-(pass) 314.78 558.67 T
-(around) 336.7 558.67 T
-(for) 370.23 558.67 T
-(use) 386.03 558.67 T
-(by) 403.68 558.67 T
-2 F
-(exec) 417.66 558.67 T
-1 F
-(.) 444.06 558.67 T
-(When) 449.79 558.67 T
-(assigning) 479.04 558.67 T
-(to) 523.58 558.67 T
-(a) 535.12 558.67 T
-(g) 99 545.67 T
-(l) 104.59 545.67 T
-(o) 107.73 545.67 T
-(b) 113.32 545.67 T
-(a) 118.91 545.67 T
-(l) 123.88 545.67 T
-(v) 130.28 545.67 T
-(a) 135.87 545.67 T
-(r) 140.84 545.67 T
-(i) 144.59 545.67 T
-(a) 147.74 545.67 T
-(b) 152.71 545.67 T
-(l) 158.3 545.67 T
-(e) 161.44 545.67 T
-(,) 166.41 545.67 T
-(a) 172.5 545.67 T
-2 F
-(g) 180.73 545.67 T
-(l) 187.41 545.67 T
-(o) 194.1 545.67 T
-(b) 200.79 545.67 T
-(a) 207.48 545.67 T
-(l) 214.16 545.67 T
-1 F
-(s) 224.1 545.67 T
-(t) 228.47 545.67 T
-(a) 231.62 545.67 T
-(t) 236.59 545.67 T
-(e) 239.74 545.67 T
-(m) 244.71 545.67 T
-(e) 253.35 545.67 T
-(n) 258.33 545.67 T
-(t) 263.91 545.67 T
-(f) 270.31 545.67 T
-(o) 274.06 545.67 T
-(r) 279.65 545.67 T
-(t) 286.65 545.67 T
-(h) 289.8 545.67 T
-(a) 295.38 545.67 T
-(t) 300.36 545.67 T
-(v) 306.75 545.67 T
-(a) 312.34 545.67 T
-(r) 317.31 545.67 T
-(i) 321.06 545.67 T
-(a) 324.21 545.67 T
-(b) 329.18 545.67 T
-(l) 334.77 545.67 T
-(e) 337.92 545.67 T
-(s) 346.14 545.67 T
-(h) 350.51 545.67 T
-(o) 356.09 545.67 T
-(u) 361.68 545.67 T
-(l) 367.27 545.67 T
-(d) 370.42 545.67 T
-(b) 379.26 545.67 T
-(e) 384.84 545.67 T
-(p) 393.07 545.67 T
-(r) 398.65 545.67 T
-(e) 402.4 545.67 T
-(s) 407.38 545.67 T
-(e) 411.74 545.67 T
-(n) 416.71 545.67 T
-(t) 422.3 545.67 T
-(i) 428.7 545.67 T
-(n) 431.85 545.67 T
-(t) 440.68 545.67 T
-(h) 443.83 545.67 T
-(e) 449.42 545.67 T
-(s) 457.64 545.67 T
-(o) 462.01 545.67 T
-(u) 467.6 545.67 T
-(r) 473.18 545.67 T
-(c) 476.93 545.67 T
-(e) 481.91 545.67 T
-(c) 490.13 545.67 T
-(o) 495.1 545.67 T
-(d) 500.69 545.67 T
-(e) 506.28 545.67 T
-(s) 514.5 545.67 T
-(t) 518.87 545.67 T
-(r) 522.01 545.67 T
-(i) 525.77 545.67 T
-(n) 528.91 545.67 T
-(g) 534.5 545.67 T
-(passed to the) 99 532.67 T
-2 F
-(exec) 158.58 532.67 T
-1 F
-( statement.) 184.98 532.67 T
-%%EndPage: "45" 51
-%%Page: "46" 52
-612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE
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-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
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-(47) 530 37.33 T
-585 292.5 598.5 720 R
-5 9 Q
-(\245) 0 270 592.5 720 TF
-(Compound statements) 0 270 592.5 711 TF
-585 292.5 598.5 720 R
-0 16 Q
-(C) 99 709.33 T
-0 12.8 Q
-(HAPTER) 110.55 709.33 T
-0 16 Q
-(7:) 167.62 709.33 T
-(C) 198 709.33 T
-0 12.8 Q
-(OMPOUND) 209.55 709.33 T
-(STATEMENTS) 280.84 709.33 T
-1 11 Q
-(Compound) 99 672.67 T
-(statements) 151.36 672.67 T
-(contain) 201.27 672.67 T
-(\050groups) 237.12 672.67 T
-(of\051) 274.19 672.67 T
-(other) 290.48 672.67 T
-(statements;) 316.56 672.67 T
-(they) 369.52 672.67 T
-(affect) 391.93 672.67 T
-(or) 420.43 672.67 T
-(control) 433.06 672.67 T
-(the) 467.69 672.67 T
-(execution) 484.6 672.67 T
-(of) 530.84 672.67 T
-(those) 99 659.67 T
-(other) 125.29 659.67 T
-(statements) 150.96 659.67 T
-(in) 200.46 659.67 T
-(some) 212.09 659.67 T
-(way.) 238.37 659.67 T
-(In) 262.51 659.67 T
-(general,) 274.74 659.67 T
-(compound) 312.93 659.67 T
-(statements) 362.43 659.67 T
-(span) 411.94 659.67 T
-(multiple) 435.17 659.67 T
-(lines,) 474.91 659.67 T
-(although) 501.5 659.67 T
-(in simple incarnations a whole compound statement may be contained in one line.) 99 646.67 T
-(The) 99 627.67 T
-2 F
-(if) 118.38 627.67 T
-1 F
-(,) 131.58 627.67 T
-2 F
-(while) 136.6 627.67 T
-1 F
-(and) 171.87 627.67 T
-2 F
-(for) 190.02 627.67 T
-1 F
-(statements) 212.09 627.67 T
-(implement) 260.81 627.67 T
-(traditional) 310.14 627.67 T
-(control) 357.63 627.67 T
-(flow) 391.06 627.67 T
-(constructs.) 413.5 627.67 T
-2 F
-(try) 463.12 627.67 T
-1 F
-(specifies) 485.19 627.67 T
-(ex-) 525.95 627.67 T
-(ception) 99 614.67 T
-(handlers) 133.51 614.67 T
-(and/or) 172.91 614.67 T
-(cleanup) 203.15 614.67 T
-(code) 239.49 614.67 T
-(for) 262.38 614.67 T
-(a) 277.34 614.67 T
-(group) 284.35 614.67 T
-(of) 312.14 614.67 T
-(statements.) 323.44 614.67 T
-(Function) 374.76 614.67 T
-(and) 416 614.67 T
-(class) 434.02 614.67 T
-(definitions) 457.53 614.67 T
-(are) 506.72 614.67 T
-(also) 522.28 614.67 T
-(syntactically compound statements.) 99 601.67 T
-(Compound) 99 582.67 T
-(statements) 151.1 582.67 T
-(consist) 200.74 582.67 T
-(of) 234.49 582.67 T
-(one) 246.86 582.67 T
-(or) 265.94 582.67 T
-(more) 278.3 582.67 T
-(\324clauses\325.) 304.11 582.67 T
-(A) 349.15 582.67 T
-(clause) 360.29 582.67 T
-(consists) 390.98 582.67 T
-(of) 429.02 582.67 T
-(a) 441.38 582.67 T
-(header) 449.46 582.67 T
-(and) 481.98 582.67 T
-(a) 501.06 582.67 T
-(\324suite\325.) 509.14 582.67 T
-(The) 99 569.67 T
-(clause) 119.7 569.67 T
-(headers) 150.79 569.67 T
-(of) 187.98 569.67 T
-(a) 200.74 569.67 T
-(particular) 209.22 569.67 T
-(compound) 254.97 569.67 T
-(statement) 305.01 569.67 T
-(are) 350.77 569.67 T
-(all) 367.8 569.67 T
-(at) 382.4 569.67 T
-(the) 393.94 569.67 T
-(same) 410.98 569.67 T
-(indentation) 437.18 569.67 T
-(level.) 490.28 569.67 T
-(Each) 518.01 569.67 T
-(clause) 99 556.67 T
-(header) 129.52 556.67 T
-(begins) 161.86 556.67 T
-(with) 193.61 556.67 T
-(a) 216.2 556.67 T
-(uniquely) 224.11 556.67 T
-(identifying) 265.64 556.67 T
-(keyword) 316.94 556.67 T
-(and) 358.46 556.67 T
-(ends) 377.37 556.67 T
-(with) 400.56 556.67 T
-(a) 423.15 556.67 T
-(colon.) 431.06 556.67 T
-(A) 461.28 556.67 T
-(suite) 472.25 556.67 T
-(is) 496.06 556.67 T
-(a) 506.42 556.67 T
-(group) 514.34 556.67 T
-(of) 99 543.67 T
-(statements) 111.43 543.67 T
-(controlled) 161.15 543.67 T
-(by) 209.02 543.67 T
-(a) 223.29 543.67 T
-(clause.) 231.45 543.67 T
-(A) 264.96 543.67 T
-(suite) 276.17 543.67 T
-(can) 300.22 543.67 T
-(be) 318.76 543.67 T
-(one) 332.41 543.67 T
-(or) 351.57 543.67 T
-(more) 364 543.67 T
-(semicolon-separated) 389.88 543.67 T
-(simple) 483.57 543.67 T
-(state-) 516.17 543.67 T
-(ments) 99 530.67 T
-(on) 127.88 530.67 T
-(the) 141.48 530.67 T
-(same) 157.52 530.67 T
-(line) 182.72 530.67 T
-(as) 201.82 530.67 T
-(the) 213.58 530.67 T
-(header,) 229.62 530.67 T
-(following) 264.28 530.67 T
-(the) 309.66 530.67 T
-(header\325s) 325.7 530.67 T
-(colon,) 365.55 530.67 T
-(or) 395.35 530.67 T
-(it) 407.11 530.67 T
-(can) 415.82 530.67 T
-(be) 433.69 530.67 T
-(one) 446.67 530.67 T
-(or) 465.15 530.67 T
-(more) 476.91 530.67 T
-(indented) 502.12 530.67 T
-(statements) 99 517.67 T
-(on) 147.59 517.67 T
-(subsequent) 160.74 517.67 T
-(lines.) 211.77 517.67 T
-(Only) 237.45 517.67 T
-(the) 261.6 517.67 T
-(latter) 277.18 517.67 T
-(form) 301.94 517.67 T
-(of) 325.47 517.67 T
-(suite) 336.78 517.67 T
-(can) 359.71 517.67 T
-(contain) 377.12 517.67 T
-(nested) 411.66 517.67 T
-(compound) 441.91 517.67 T
-(statements;) 490.5 517.67 T
-(the) 99 504.67 T
-(following) 115.86 504.67 T
-(is) 162.05 504.67 T
-(illegal,) 172.8 504.67 T
-(mostly) 206.47 504.67 T
-(because) 239.84 504.67 T
-(it) 278.06 504.67 T
-(wouldn\325t) 287.6 504.67 T
-(be) 330.73 504.67 T
-(clear) 344.53 504.67 T
-(to) 369.32 504.67 T
-(which) 381.29 504.67 T
-2 F
-(if) 411.59 504.67 T
-1 F
-(clause) 428.2 504.67 T
-(a) 459.11 504.67 T
-(following) 467.41 504.67 T
-2 F
-(else) 513.6 504.67 T
-1 F
-(clause would belong:) 99 491.67 T
-2 10 Q
-(if test1: if test2: print x) 99 473.33 T
-1 11 Q
-(Also) 99 448.67 T
-(note) 122.67 448.67 T
-(that) 144.5 448.67 T
-(the) 163.89 448.67 T
-(semicolon) 180.23 448.67 T
-(binds) 228.34 448.67 T
-(tighter) 255.07 448.67 T
-(than) 286.68 448.67 T
-(the) 308.51 448.67 T
-(colon) 324.85 448.67 T
-(in) 352.18 448.67 T
-(this) 363.63 448.67 T
-(context,) 382.41 448.67 T
-(so) 420.44 448.67 T
-(that) 433.11 448.67 T
-(in) 452.5 448.67 T
-(the) 463.95 448.67 T
-(following) 480.28 448.67 T
-(ex-) 525.95 448.67 T
-(ample, either all or none of the) 99 435.67 T
-2 F
-(print) 237.08 435.67 T
-1 F
-( statements are executed:) 270.08 435.67 T
-2 10 Q
-(if x < y < z: print x; print y; print z) 99 417.33 T
-1 11 Q
-(Summarizing:) 99 392.67 T
-2 10 Q
-(compound_stmt: if_stmt | while_stmt | for_stmt) 99 374.33 T
-( | try_stmt | funcdef | classdef) 99 362.33 T
-(suite: stmt_list NEWLINE | NEWLINE INDENT statement+ DEDENT) 99 350.33 T
-(statement: stmt_list NEWLINE | compound_stmt) 99 338.33 T
-(stmt_list: simple_stmt \050";" simple_stmt\051* [";"]) 99 326.33 T
-1 11 Q
-(Note) 99 301.67 T
-(that) 123.24 301.67 T
-(statements) 142.6 301.67 T
-(always) 191.9 301.67 T
-(end) 225.3 301.67 T
-(in) 244.04 301.67 T
-(a) 255.45 301.67 T
-2 F
-(NEWLINE) 263.19 301.67 T
-1 F
-(possibly) 312.25 301.67 T
-(followed) 351.78 301.67 T
-(by) 393.74 301.67 T
-(a) 407.6 301.67 T
-2 F
-(DEDENT) 415.34 301.67 T
-1 F
-(.) 454.94 301.67 T
-(Also) 460.55 301.67 T
-(note) 484.18 301.67 T
-(that) 505.98 301.67 T
-(op-) 525.34 301.67 T
-(tional) 99 288.67 T
-(continuation) 126.92 288.67 T
-(clauses) 184.78 288.67 T
-(always) 219.41 288.67 T
-(begin) 252.82 288.67 T
-(with) 280.12 288.67 T
-(a) 302.55 288.67 T
-(keyword) 310.29 288.67 T
-(that) 351.64 288.67 T
-(cannot) 371.01 288.67 T
-(start) 403.19 288.67 T
-(a) 425 288.67 T
-(statement,) 432.74 288.67 T
-(thus) 480.52 288.67 T
-(there) 501.72 288.67 T
-(are) 526.57 288.67 T
-(no) 99 275.67 T
-(ambiguities) 112.7 275.67 T
-(\050the) 166.74 275.67 T
-(\324dangling) 186.54 275.67 T
-2 F
-(else) 231.41 275.67 T
-1 F
-(\325) 257.81 275.67 T
-(problem) 264.17 275.67 T
-(is) 303.53 275.67 T
-(solved) 313.57 275.67 T
-(in) 344.99 275.67 T
-(Python) 356.25 275.67 T
-(by) 390.12 275.67 T
-(requiring) 403.83 275.67 T
-(nested) 446.85 275.67 T
-2 F
-(if) 477.66 275.67 T
-1 F
-(statements) 493.56 275.67 T
-(to be indented\051.) 99 262.67 T
-(The) 99 237.67 T
-(formatting) 119.23 237.67 T
-(of) 168.79 237.67 T
-(the) 181.08 237.67 T
-(grammar) 197.65 237.67 T
-(rules) 240.48 237.67 T
-(in) 264.99 237.67 T
-(the) 276.67 237.67 T
-(following) 293.24 237.67 T
-(sections) 339.14 237.67 T
-(places) 377.71 237.67 T
-(each) 408.32 237.67 T
-(clause) 431.6 237.67 T
-(on) 462.21 237.67 T
-(a) 476.33 237.67 T
-(separate) 484.34 237.67 T
-(line) 523.5 237.67 T
-(for clarity.) 99 224.67 T
-0 14 Q
-(7.1) 99 197.67 T
-(The) 135 197.67 T
-2 F
-(if) 163.78 197.67 T
-0 F
-( statement) 180.58 197.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(The) 99 172.67 T
-2 F
-(if) 118.86 172.67 T
-1 F
-( statement is used for conditional execution:) 132.05 172.67 T
-2 10 Q
-(if_stmt: "if" expression ":" suite) 99 154.33 T
-( \050"elif" expression ":" suite\051*) 99 142.33 T
-( ["else" ":" suite]) 99 130.33 T
-1 11 Q
-(It) 99 105.67 T
-(selects) 108.74 105.67 T
-(exactly) 141.08 105.67 T
-(one) 175.86 105.67 T
-(of) 194.76 105.67 T
-(the) 206.93 105.67 T
-(suites) 223.39 105.67 T
-(by) 251.46 105.67 T
-(evaluating) 265.48 105.67 T
-(the) 314.32 105.67 T
-(expressions) 330.77 105.67 T
-(one) 385.12 105.67 T
-(by) 404.01 105.67 T
-(one) 418.03 105.67 T
-(until) 436.93 105.67 T
-(one) 460.12 105.67 T
-(is) 479.01 105.67 T
-(found) 489.37 105.67 T
-(to) 518.04 105.67 T
-(be) 529.62 105.67 T
-(true) 99 92.67 T
-(\050see) 118.75 92.67 T
-(section) 139.11 92.67 T
-(\322Boolean) 172.92 92.67 T
-(operations\323) 217.11 92.67 T
-(on) 270.46 92.67 T
-(page) 284.11 92.67 T
-(35) 307.63 92.67 T
-(for) 321.28 92.67 T
-(the) 336.75 92.67 T
-(definition) 352.84 92.67 T
-(of) 398.26 92.67 T
-(true) 410.07 92.67 T
-(and) 429.82 92.67 T
-(false\051;) 448.35 92.67 T
-(then) 478.49 92.67 T
-(that) 500.08 92.67 T
-(suite) 519.22 92.67 T
-(i) 99 79.67 T
-(s) 102.11 79.67 T
-(e) 109.66 79.67 T
-(x) 114.6 79.67 T
-(e) 120.15 79.67 T
-(c) 125.09 79.67 T
-(u) 130.03 79.67 T
-(t) 135.58 79.67 T
-(e) 138.7 79.67 T
-(d) 143.63 79.67 T
-(\050) 152.4 79.67 T
-(a) 156.12 79.67 T
-(n) 161.06 79.67 T
-(d) 166.61 79.67 T
-(n) 175.38 79.67 T
-(o) 180.94 79.67 T
-(o) 189.71 79.67 T
-(t) 195.26 79.67 T
-(h) 198.37 79.67 T
-(e) 203.93 79.67 T
-(r) 208.86 79.67 T
-(p) 215.8 79.67 T
-(a) 221.35 79.67 T
-(r) 226.29 79.67 T
-(t) 230.01 79.67 T
-(o) 236.34 79.67 T
-(f) 241.89 79.67 T
-(t) 248.82 79.67 T
-(h) 251.93 79.67 T
-(e) 257.49 79.67 T
-2 F
-(i) 265.64 79.67 T
-(f) 272.3 79.67 T
-1 F
-(s) 282.17 79.67 T
-(t) 286.5 79.67 T
-(a) 289.61 79.67 T
-(t) 294.55 79.67 T
-(e) 297.66 79.67 T
-(m) 302.6 79.67 T
-(e) 311.21 79.67 T
-(n) 316.15 79.67 T
-(t) 321.7 79.67 T
-(i) 328.03 79.67 T
-(s) 331.14 79.67 T
-(e) 338.69 79.67 T
-(x) 343.63 79.67 T
-(e) 349.18 79.67 T
-(c) 354.12 79.67 T
-(u) 359.06 79.67 T
-(t) 364.61 79.67 T
-(e) 367.73 79.67 T
-(d) 372.66 79.67 T
-(o) 381.43 79.67 T
-(r) 386.99 79.67 T
-(e) 393.92 79.67 T
-(v) 398.86 79.67 T
-(a) 404.41 79.67 T
-(l) 409.35 79.67 T
-(u) 412.46 79.67 T
-(a) 418.02 79.67 T
-(t) 422.96 79.67 T
-(e) 426.07 79.67 T
-(d) 431.01 79.67 T
-(\051) 436.56 79.67 T
-(.) 440.28 79.67 T
-(I) 446.3 79.67 T
-(f) 450.01 79.67 T
-(a) 456.95 79.67 T
-(l) 461.89 79.67 T
-(l) 465 79.67 T
-(e) 471.33 79.67 T
-(x) 476.26 79.67 T
-(p) 481.82 79.67 T
-(r) 487.37 79.67 T
-(e) 491.09 79.67 T
-(s) 496.03 79.67 T
-(s) 500.36 79.67 T
-(i) 504.69 79.67 T
-(o) 507.8 79.67 T
-(n) 513.36 79.67 T
-(s) 518.91 79.67 T
-(a) 526.46 79.67 T
-(r) 531.4 79.67 T
-(e) 535.12 79.67 T
-(false, the suite of the) 99 66.67 T
-2 F
-(else) 193.09 66.67 T
-1 F
-( clause, if present, is executed.) 219.49 66.67 T
-%%EndPage: "47" 53
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-612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE
-0 FrameSetSepColors
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 10 Q
-0 X
-(48) 76.5 37.33 T
-0 14 Q
-(7.2) 72 710.67 T
-(The) 108 710.67 T
-7 F
-(while) 136.78 710.67 T
-0 F
-( statement) 178.78 710.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(The) 72 685.67 T
-2 F
-(while) 91.86 685.67 T
-1 F
-( statement is used for repeated execution as long as an expression is true:) 124.86 685.67 T
-2 10 Q
-(while_stmt: "while" expression ":" suite) 72 667.33 T
-( ["else" ":" suite]) 72 655.33 T
-1 11 Q
-(This) 72 630.67 T
-(repeatedly) 93.94 630.67 T
-(tests) 142.13 630.67 T
-(the) 164.07 630.67 T
-(expression) 179.88 630.67 T
-(and,) 229.31 630.67 T
-(if) 250.32 630.67 T
-(it) 259.42 630.67 T
-(is) 267.92 630.67 T
-(true,) 277.63 630.67 T
-(executes) 299.86 630.67 T
-(the) 340.11 630.67 T
-(first) 355.93 630.67 T
-(suite;) 376.03 630.67 T
-(if) 402.25 630.67 T
-(the) 411.35 630.67 T
-(expression) 427.17 630.67 T
-(is) 476.59 630.67 T
-(false) 486.31 630.67 T
-(\050which) 509.45 630.67 T
-(may) 72 617.67 T
-(be) 93.16 617.67 T
-(the) 105.76 617.67 T
-(first) 121.42 617.67 T
-(time) 141.36 617.67 T
-(it) 163.14 617.67 T
-(is) 171.47 617.67 T
-(tested\051) 181.03 617.67 T
-(the) 212.57 617.67 T
-(suite) 228.23 617.67 T
-(of) 251.23 617.67 T
-(the) 262.61 617.67 T
-2 F
-(else) 278.27 617.67 T
-1 F
-(clause,) 306.89 617.67 T
-(if) 339.34 617.67 T
-(present,) 348.28 617.67 T
-(is) 385.02 617.67 T
-(executed) 394.57 617.67 T
-(and) 435.89 617.67 T
-(the) 453.99 617.67 T
-(loop) 469.65 617.67 T
-(terminates.) 491.42 617.67 T
-(A) 72 592.67 T
-2 F
-(b) 83.25 592.67 T
-(r) 89.92 592.67 T
-(e) 96.6 592.67 T
-(a) 103.27 592.67 T
-(k) 109.94 592.67 T
-1 F
-(s) 119.85 592.67 T
-(t) 124.2 592.67 T
-(a) 127.33 592.67 T
-(t) 132.29 592.67 T
-(e) 135.42 592.67 T
-(m) 140.38 592.67 T
-(e) 149.01 592.67 T
-(n) 153.97 592.67 T
-(t) 159.54 592.67 T
-(e) 165.91 592.67 T
-(x) 170.87 592.67 T
-(e) 176.44 592.67 T
-(c) 181.4 592.67 T
-(u) 186.35 592.67 T
-(t) 191.93 592.67 T
-(e) 195.06 592.67 T
-(d) 200.01 592.67 T
-(i) 208.82 592.67 T
-(n) 211.95 592.67 T
-(t) 220.76 592.67 T
-(h) 223.89 592.67 T
-(e) 229.47 592.67 T
-(f) 237.66 592.67 T
-(i) 241.39 592.67 T
-(r) 244.52 592.67 T
-(s) 248.26 592.67 T
-(t) 252.61 592.67 T
-(s) 258.98 592.67 T
-(u) 263.33 592.67 T
-(i) 268.9 592.67 T
-(t) 272.04 592.67 T
-(e) 275.17 592.67 T
-(t) 283.36 592.67 T
-(e) 286.49 592.67 T
-(r) 291.45 592.67 T
-(m) 295.18 592.67 T
-(i) 303.82 592.67 T
-(n) 306.95 592.67 T
-(a) 312.52 592.67 T
-(t) 317.48 592.67 T
-(e) 320.61 592.67 T
-(s) 325.57 592.67 T
-(t) 333.15 592.67 T
-(h) 336.28 592.67 T
-(e) 341.86 592.67 T
-(l) 350.05 592.67 T
-(o) 353.18 592.67 T
-(o) 358.75 592.67 T
-(p) 364.33 592.67 T
-(w) 373.14 592.67 T
-(i) 381.15 592.67 T
-(t) 384.28 592.67 T
-(h) 387.41 592.67 T
-(o) 392.98 592.67 T
-(u) 398.56 592.67 T
-(t) 404.13 592.67 T
-(e) 410.5 592.67 T
-(x) 415.45 592.67 T
-(e) 421.03 592.67 T
-(c) 425.98 592.67 T
-(u) 430.94 592.67 T
-(t) 436.52 592.67 T
-(i) 439.65 592.67 T
-(n) 442.78 592.67 T
-(g) 448.35 592.67 T
-(t) 457.16 592.67 T
-(h) 460.29 592.67 T
-(e) 465.86 592.67 T
-2 F
-(e) 474.06 592.67 T
-(l) 480.73 592.67 T
-(s) 487.4 592.67 T
-(e) 494.08 592.67 T
-1 F
-(c) 503.98 592.67 T
-(l) 508.94 592.67 T
-(a) 512.07 592.67 T
-(u) 517.03 592.67 T
-(s) 522.6 592.67 T
-(e) 526.95 592.67 T
-(\325) 531.91 592.67 T
-(s) 535.65 592.67 T
-(suite.) 72 579.67 T
-(A) 98.26 579.67 T
-2 F
-(continue) 108.94 579.67 T
-1 F
-(statement) 164.47 579.67 T
-(executed) 209.37 579.67 T
-(in) 251.2 579.67 T
-(the) 262.49 579.67 T
-(first) 278.66 579.67 T
-(suite) 299.12 579.67 T
-(skips) 322.63 579.67 T
-(the) 347.98 579.67 T
-(rest) 364.15 579.67 T
-(of) 382.77 579.67 T
-(the) 394.67 579.67 T
-(suite) 410.84 579.67 T
-(and) 434.36 579.67 T
-(goes) 452.97 579.67 T
-(back) 475.87 579.67 T
-(to) 499.37 579.67 T
-(testing) 510.66 579.67 T
-(the expression.) 72 566.67 T
-0 14 Q
-(7.3) 72 539.67 T
-(The) 108 539.67 T
-7 F
-(for) 136.78 539.67 T
-0 F
-( statement) 161.98 539.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(The) 72 514.67 T
-2 F
-(for) 91.86 514.67 T
-1 F
-( statement is used to iterate over the elements of a sequence \050string, tuple or list\051:) 111.65 514.67 T
-2 10 Q
-(for_stmt: "for" target_list "in" expression_list ":" suite) 72 496.33 T
-( ["else" ":" suite]) 72 484.33 T
-1 11 Q
-(The) 72 459.67 T
-(expression) 92.14 459.67 T
-(list) 142.23 459.67 T
-(is) 158.72 459.67 T
-(evaluated) 169.09 459.67 T
-(once;) 214.28 459.67 T
-(it) 241.15 459.67 T
-(should) 250.3 459.67 T
-(yield) 282.67 459.67 T
-(a) 307.71 459.67 T
-(sequence.) 315.63 459.67 T
-(The) 361.73 459.67 T
-(suite) 381.88 459.67 T
-(is) 405.69 459.67 T
-(then) 416.07 459.67 T
-(executed) 438.05 459.67 T
-(once) 480.18 459.67 T
-(for) 503.98 459.67 T
-(each) 519.85 459.67 T
-(item) 72 446.67 T
-(in) 94.24 446.67 T
-(the) 105.49 446.67 T
-(sequence,) 121.62 446.67 T
-(in) 167.37 446.67 T
-(the) 178.61 446.67 T
-(order) 194.74 446.67 T
-(of) 220.63 446.67 T
-(ascending) 232.48 446.67 T
-(indices.) 279.16 446.67 T
-(Each) 315.76 446.67 T
-(item) 340.43 446.67 T
-(in) 362.67 446.67 T
-(turn) 373.92 446.67 T
-(is) 394.33 446.67 T
-(assigned) 404.35 446.67 T
-(to) 444.92 446.67 T
-(the) 456.16 446.67 T
-(target) 472.29 446.67 T
-(list) 500.02 446.67 T
-(using) 516.16 446.67 T
-(the) 72 433.67 T
-(standard) 88.35 433.67 T
-(rules) 128.53 433.67 T
-(for) 152.82 433.67 T
-(assignments,) 168.56 433.67 T
-(and) 228 433.67 T
-(then) 246.79 433.67 T
-(the) 268.65 433.67 T
-(suite) 285 433.67 T
-(is) 308.69 433.67 T
-(executed.) 318.93 433.67 T
-(When) 363.69 433.67 T
-(the) 392.87 433.67 T
-(items) 409.22 433.67 T
-(are) 435.96 433.67 T
-(exhausted) 452.31 433.67 T
-(\050which) 499.21 433.67 T
-(is) 532.66 433.67 T
-(immediately) 72 420.67 T
-(when) 129.33 420.67 T
-(the) 155.49 420.67 T
-(sequence) 171.27 420.67 T
-(is) 213.92 420.67 T
-(empty\051,) 223.59 420.67 T
-(the) 259.83 420.67 T
-(suite) 275.61 420.67 T
-(in) 298.72 420.67 T
-(the) 309.61 420.67 T
-2 F
-(else) 325.39 420.67 T
-1 F
-(clause,) 354.12 420.67 T
-(if) 386.69 420.67 T
-(present,) 395.75 420.67 T
-(is) 432.6 420.67 T
-(executed,) 442.27 420.67 T
-(and) 486.45 420.67 T
-(the) 504.67 420.67 T
-(loop) 520.44 420.67 T
-(terminates.) 72 407.67 T
-(A) 72 382.67 T
-2 F
-(b) 83.25 382.67 T
-(r) 89.92 382.67 T
-(e) 96.6 382.67 T
-(a) 103.27 382.67 T
-(k) 109.94 382.67 T
-1 F
-(s) 119.85 382.67 T
-(t) 124.2 382.67 T
-(a) 127.33 382.67 T
-(t) 132.29 382.67 T
-(e) 135.42 382.67 T
-(m) 140.38 382.67 T
-(e) 149.01 382.67 T
-(n) 153.97 382.67 T
-(t) 159.54 382.67 T
-(e) 165.91 382.67 T
-(x) 170.87 382.67 T
-(e) 176.44 382.67 T
-(c) 181.4 382.67 T
-(u) 186.35 382.67 T
-(t) 191.93 382.67 T
-(e) 195.06 382.67 T
-(d) 200.01 382.67 T
-(i) 208.82 382.67 T
-(n) 211.95 382.67 T
-(t) 220.76 382.67 T
-(h) 223.89 382.67 T
-(e) 229.47 382.67 T
-(f) 237.66 382.67 T
-(i) 241.39 382.67 T
-(r) 244.52 382.67 T
-(s) 248.26 382.67 T
-(t) 252.61 382.67 T
-(s) 258.98 382.67 T
-(u) 263.33 382.67 T
-(i) 268.9 382.67 T
-(t) 272.04 382.67 T
-(e) 275.17 382.67 T
-(t) 283.36 382.67 T
-(e) 286.49 382.67 T
-(r) 291.45 382.67 T
-(m) 295.18 382.67 T
-(i) 303.82 382.67 T
-(n) 306.95 382.67 T
-(a) 312.52 382.67 T
-(t) 317.48 382.67 T
-(e) 320.61 382.67 T
-(s) 325.57 382.67 T
-(t) 333.15 382.67 T
-(h) 336.28 382.67 T
-(e) 341.86 382.67 T
-(l) 350.05 382.67 T
-(o) 353.18 382.67 T
-(o) 358.75 382.67 T
-(p) 364.33 382.67 T
-(w) 373.14 382.67 T
-(i) 381.15 382.67 T
-(t) 384.28 382.67 T
-(h) 387.41 382.67 T
-(o) 392.98 382.67 T
-(u) 398.56 382.67 T
-(t) 404.13 382.67 T
-(e) 410.5 382.67 T
-(x) 415.45 382.67 T
-(e) 421.03 382.67 T
-(c) 425.98 382.67 T
-(u) 430.94 382.67 T
-(t) 436.52 382.67 T
-(i) 439.65 382.67 T
-(n) 442.78 382.67 T
-(g) 448.35 382.67 T
-(t) 457.16 382.67 T
-(h) 460.29 382.67 T
-(e) 465.86 382.67 T
-2 F
-(e) 474.06 382.67 T
-(l) 480.73 382.67 T
-(s) 487.4 382.67 T
-(e) 494.08 382.67 T
-1 F
-(c) 503.98 382.67 T
-(l) 508.94 382.67 T
-(a) 512.07 382.67 T
-(u) 517.03 382.67 T
-(s) 522.6 382.67 T
-(e) 526.95 382.67 T
-(\325) 531.91 382.67 T
-(s) 535.65 382.67 T
-(suite.) 72 369.67 T
-(A) 98.62 369.67 T
-2 F
-(continue) 109.65 369.67 T
-1 F
-(statement) 165.54 369.67 T
-(executed) 210.79 369.67 T
-(in) 252.97 369.67 T
-(the) 264.62 369.67 T
-(first) 281.15 369.67 T
-(suite) 301.96 369.67 T
-(skips) 325.83 369.67 T
-(the) 351.53 369.67 T
-(rest) 368.06 369.67 T
-(of) 387.04 369.67 T
-(the) 399.29 369.67 T
-(suite) 415.82 369.67 T
-(and) 439.69 369.67 T
-(continues) 458.66 369.67 T
-(with) 503.91 369.67 T
-(the) 526.56 369.67 T
-(next item, or with the) 72 356.67 T
-2 F
-(else) 169.16 356.67 T
-1 F
-(clause if there was no next item.) 202.16 356.67 T
-(The suite may assign to the variable\050s\051 in the target list; this does not affect the next item assigned to it.) 72 331.67 T
-(The) 72 306.67 T
-(target) 92.24 306.67 T
-(list) 120.43 306.67 T
-(is) 137.02 306.67 T
-(not) 147.5 306.67 T
-(deleted) 164.7 306.67 T
-(when) 199.6 306.67 T
-(the) 226.57 306.67 T
-(loop) 243.15 306.67 T
-(is) 265.85 306.67 T
-(finished,) 276.33 306.67 T
-(but) 317.66 306.67 T
-(if) 334.85 306.67 T
-(the) 344.71 306.67 T
-(sequence) 361.3 306.67 T
-(is) 404.75 306.67 T
-(empty,) 415.23 306.67 T
-(it) 448.62 306.67 T
-(will) 457.87 306.67 T
-(not) 478.13 306.67 T
-(have) 495.32 306.67 T
-(been) 519.23 306.67 T
-(assigned) 72 293.67 T
-(to) 112.86 293.67 T
-(at) 124.39 293.67 T
-(all) 135.31 293.67 T
-(by) 149.29 293.67 T
-(the) 163.26 293.67 T
-(loop.) 179.68 293.67 T
-(Hint:) 204.97 293.67 T
-(the) 230.56 293.67 T
-(built-in) 246.98 293.67 T
-(function) 282.35 293.67 T
-2 F
-(range\050\051) 321.99 293.67 T
-1 F
-(returns) 371.16 293.67 T
-(a) 404.69 293.67 T
-(sequence) 412.55 293.67 T
-(of) 455.84 293.67 T
-(integers) 467.98 293.67 T
-(suitable) 505.78 293.67 T
-(to) 72 280.67 T
-(emulate) 83.24 280.67 T
-(the) 120.74 280.67 T
-(effect) 136.86 280.67 T
-(of) 164.58 280.67 T
-(Pascal\325s) 176.42 280.67 T
-2 F
-(for) 215.15 280.67 T
-(i) 241.38 280.67 T
-(:=) 254.41 280.67 T
-(a) 274.04 280.67 T
-(to) 287.07 280.67 T
-(b) 306.7 280.67 T
-(do) 319.73 280.67 T
-1 F
-(;) 332.93 280.67 T
-(e.g.) 338.67 280.67 T
-2 F
-(range\0503\051) 357.23 280.67 T
-1 F
-(returns) 412.71 280.67 T
-(the) 445.93 280.67 T
-(list) 462.06 280.67 T
-2 F
-([0,) 478.19 280.67 T
-(1,) 504.42 280.67 T
-(2]) 524.05 280.67 T
-1 F
-(.) 537.25 280.67 T
-4 F
-(Warning:) 72 255.67 T
-1 F
-(There) 120.31 255.67 T
-(is) 148.44 255.67 T
-(a) 158.25 255.67 T
-(subtlety) 165.61 255.67 T
-(when) 202.92 255.67 T
-(the) 229.22 255.67 T
-(sequence) 245.13 255.67 T
-(is) 287.92 255.67 T
-(being) 297.73 255.67 T
-(modified) 324.65 255.67 T
-(by) 366.85 255.67 T
-(the) 380.32 255.67 T
-(loop) 396.23 255.67 T
-(\050this) 418.27 255.67 T
-(can) 440.3 255.67 T
-(only) 458.04 255.67 T
-(occur) 480.07 255.67 T
-(for) 506.98 255.67 T
-(mu-) 522.28 255.67 T
-(table) 72 242.67 T
-(sequences,) 96.33 242.67 T
-(i.e.) 146.62 242.67 T
-(lists\051.) 163.01 242.67 T
-(An) 190.1 242.67 T
-(internal) 206.49 242.67 T
-(counter) 243.04 242.67 T
-(is) 278.97 242.67 T
-(used) 289.26 242.67 T
-(to) 312.36 242.67 T
-(keep) 323.87 242.67 T
-(track) 347.58 242.67 T
-(of) 372.52 242.67 T
-(which) 384.63 242.67 T
-(item) 414.46 242.67 T
-(is) 436.96 242.67 T
-(used) 447.24 242.67 T
-(next,) 470.35 242.67 T
-(and) 494.99 242.67 T
-(this) 513.82 242.67 T
-(is) 532.66 242.67 T
-(i) 72 229.67 T
-(n) 75.11 229.67 T
-(c) 80.65 229.67 T
-(r) 85.58 229.67 T
-(e) 89.29 229.67 T
-(m) 94.22 229.67 T
-(e) 102.83 229.67 T
-(n) 107.76 229.67 T
-(t) 113.3 229.67 T
-(e) 116.41 229.67 T
-(d) 121.34 229.67 T
-(o) 130.09 229.67 T
-(n) 135.64 229.67 T
-(e) 144.4 229.67 T
-(a) 149.33 229.67 T
-(c) 154.26 229.67 T
-(h) 159.19 229.67 T
-(i) 167.94 229.67 T
-(t) 171.05 229.67 T
-(e) 174.15 229.67 T
-(r) 179.08 229.67 T
-(a) 182.79 229.67 T
-(t) 187.72 229.67 T
-(i) 190.83 229.67 T
-(o) 193.93 229.67 T
-(n) 199.48 229.67 T
-(.) 205.02 229.67 T
-(W) 211.03 229.67 T
-(h) 221.46 229.67 T
-(e) 227.01 229.67 T
-(n) 231.94 229.67 T
-(t) 240.69 229.67 T
-(h) 243.8 229.67 T
-(i) 249.35 229.67 T
-(s) 252.45 229.67 T
-(c) 259.98 229.67 T
-(o) 264.92 229.67 T
-(u) 270.46 229.67 T
-(n) 276.01 229.67 T
-(t) 281.55 229.67 T
-(e) 284.66 229.67 T
-(r) 289.59 229.67 T
-(h) 296.51 229.67 T
-(a) 302.05 229.67 T
-(s) 306.98 229.67 T
-(r) 314.52 229.67 T
-(e) 318.23 229.67 T
-(a) 323.16 229.67 T
-(c) 328.09 229.67 T
-(h) 333.02 229.67 T
-(e) 338.57 229.67 T
-(d) 343.5 229.67 T
-(t) 352.25 229.67 T
-(h) 355.36 229.67 T
-(e) 360.9 229.67 T
-(l) 369.05 229.67 T
-(e) 372.15 229.67 T
-(n) 377.08 229.67 T
-(g) 382.63 229.67 T
-(t) 388.17 229.67 T
-(h) 391.28 229.67 T
-(o) 400.03 229.67 T
-(f) 405.58 229.67 T
-(t) 412.5 229.67 T
-(h) 415.6 229.67 T
-(e) 421.15 229.67 T
-(s) 429.29 229.67 T
-(e) 433.61 229.67 T
-(q) 438.55 229.67 T
-(u) 444.09 229.67 T
-(e) 449.64 229.67 T
-(n) 454.57 229.67 T
-(c) 460.11 229.67 T
-(e) 465.05 229.67 T
-(t) 473.18 229.67 T
-(h) 476.29 229.67 T
-(e) 481.84 229.67 T
-(l) 489.98 229.67 T
-(o) 493.08 229.67 T
-(o) 498.63 229.67 T
-(p) 504.17 229.67 T
-(t) 512.93 229.67 T
-(e) 516.03 229.67 T
-(r) 520.96 229.67 T
-(m) 524.67 229.67 T
-(i) 533.28 229.67 T
-(-) 536.38 229.67 T
-(nates.) 72 216.67 T
-(This) 100.18 216.67 T
-(means) 122.57 216.67 T
-(that) 153.51 216.67 T
-(if) 172.83 216.67 T
-(the) 182.38 216.67 T
-(suite) 198.65 216.67 T
-(deletes) 222.26 216.67 T
-(the) 255.64 216.67 T
-(current) 271.91 216.67 T
-(\050or) 305.89 216.67 T
-(a) 321.55 216.67 T
-(previous\051) 329.26 216.67 T
-(item) 373.64 216.67 T
-(from) 396.02 216.67 T
-(the) 420.23 216.67 T
-(sequence,) 436.51 216.67 T
-(the) 482.4 216.67 T
-(next) 498.67 216.67 T
-(item) 520.44 216.67 T
-(will) 72 203.67 T
-(be) 91.79 203.67 T
-(skipped) 104.84 203.67 T
-(\050since) 141.73 203.67 T
-(it) 170.66 203.67 T
-(gets) 179.45 203.67 T
-(the) 199.84 203.67 T
-(index) 215.95 203.67 T
-(of) 243.06 203.67 T
-(the) 254.89 203.67 T
-(current) 271 203.67 T
-(item) 304.82 203.67 T
-(which) 327.05 203.67 T
-(has) 356.6 203.67 T
-(already) 373.93 203.67 T
-(been) 408.97 203.67 T
-(treated\051.) 432.41 203.67 T
-(Likewise,) 471.42 203.67 T
-(if) 517.17 203.67 T
-(the) 526.56 203.67 T
-(suite) 72 190.67 T
-(inserts) 95.59 190.67 T
-(an) 127.13 190.67 T
-(item) 140.32 190.67 T
-(in) 162.7 190.67 T
-(the) 174.07 190.67 T
-(sequence) 190.32 190.67 T
-(before) 233.45 190.67 T
-(the) 264.36 190.67 T
-(current) 280.61 190.67 T
-(item,) 314.58 190.67 T
-(the) 339.7 190.67 T
-(current) 355.95 190.67 T
-(item) 389.92 190.67 T
-(will) 412.29 190.67 T
-(be) 432.22 190.67 T
-(treated) 445.42 190.67 T
-(again) 478.16 190.67 T
-(the) 504.8 190.67 T
-(next) 521.06 190.67 T
-(time) 72 177.67 T
-(through) 94.14 177.67 T
-(the) 130.94 177.67 T
-(loop.) 146.96 177.67 T
-(This) 171.85 177.67 T
-(can) 193.98 177.67 T
-(lead) 211.83 177.67 T
-(to) 232.74 177.67 T
-(nasty) 243.87 177.67 T
-(bugs) 269.67 177.67 T
-(that) 293.03 177.67 T
-(can) 312.11 177.67 T
-(be) 329.96 177.67 T
-(avoided) 342.92 177.67 T
-(by) 380.33 177.67 T
-(making) 393.9 177.67 T
-(a) 429.48 177.67 T
-(temporary) 436.95 177.67 T
-(copy) 484.74 177.67 T
-(using) 508.7 177.67 T
-(a) 535.12 177.67 T
-(slice of the whole sequence, e.g.) 72 164.67 T
-2 10 Q
-(for x in a[:]:) 72 146.33 T
-( if x < 0: a.remove\050x\051) 72 134.33 T
-%%EndPage: "48" 54
-%%Page: "49" 55
-612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE
-0 FrameSetSepColors
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 10 Q
-0 X
-(49) 530 37.33 T
-585 292.5 598.5 720 R
-5 9 Q
-(\245) 0 270 592.5 720 TF
-(Compound statements) 0 270 592.5 711 TF
-585 292.5 598.5 720 R
-0 14 Q
-(7.4) 99 710.67 T
-(The) 135 710.67 T
-7 F
-(try) 163.78 710.67 T
-0 F
-( statement) 188.98 710.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(The) 99 685.67 T
-2 F
-(try) 118.86 685.67 T
-1 F
-( statement specifies exception handlers and/or cleanup code for a group of statements:) 138.65 685.67 T
-2 10 Q
-(try_stmt: try_exc_stmt | try_fin_stmt) 99 667.33 T
-(try_exc_stmt: "try" ":" suite) 99 655.33 T
-( \050"except" [expression ["," target]] ":" suite\051+) 99 643.33 T
-( ["else" ":" suite]) 99 631.33 T
-(try_fin_stmt: "try" ":" suite) 99 619.33 T
-( "finally" ":" suite) 99 607.33 T
-1 11 Q
-(There) 99 582.67 T
-(are) 127.24 582.67 T
-(two) 143.26 582.67 T
-(forms) 162.35 582.67 T
-(of) 190.6 582.67 T
-2 F
-(try) 202.36 582.67 T
-1 F
-(statement:) 224.75 582.67 T
-2 F
-(try...except) 272.56 582.67 T
-1 F
-(and) 354.35 582.67 T
-2 F
-(try...finally) 372.82 582.67 T
-1 F
-(.) 458.62 582.67 T
-(These) 463.96 582.67 T
-(forms) 492.82 582.67 T
-(can-) 521.07 582.67 T
-(not be mixed \050but they can be nested in each other\051.) 99 569.67 T
-(The) 99 544.67 T
-2 F
-(try...except) 119.1 544.67 T
-1 F
-(form) 201.3 544.67 T
-(specifies) 225.68 544.67 T
-(one) 267.17 544.67 T
-(or) 286.05 544.67 T
-(more) 298.21 544.67 T
-(exception) 323.82 544.67 T
-(handlers) 369.58 544.67 T
-(\050the) 409.85 544.67 T
-2 F
-(except) 429.95 544.67 T
-1 F
-(clauses\051.) 472.55 544.67 T
-(When) 513.73 544.67 T
-(no) 99 531.67 T
-(exception) 112.83 531.67 T
-(occurs) 158.42 531.67 T
-(in) 189.96 531.67 T
-(the) 201.35 531.67 T
-2 F
-(try) 217.62 531.67 T
-1 F
-(clause,) 240.24 531.67 T
-(no) 273.31 531.67 T
-(exception) 287.14 531.67 T
-(handler) 332.73 531.67 T
-(is) 368.55 531.67 T
-(executed.) 378.71 531.67 T
-(When) 423.39 531.67 T
-(an) 452.48 531.67 T
-(exception) 465.69 531.67 T
-(occurs) 511.29 531.67 T
-(in) 99 518.67 T
-(the) 110.29 518.67 T
-2 F
-(try) 126.46 518.67 T
-1 F
-(suite,) 148.99 518.67 T
-(a) 175.24 518.67 T
-(search) 182.86 518.67 T
-(for) 213.68 518.67 T
-(an) 229.23 518.67 T
-(exception) 242.35 518.67 T
-(handler) 287.84 518.67 T
-(is) 323.56 518.67 T
-(started.) 333.62 518.67 T
-(This) 368.43 518.67 T
-(inspects) 390.72 518.67 T
-(the) 428.89 518.67 T
-(except) 445.06 518.67 T
-(clauses) 476.49 518.67 T
-(in) 510.99 518.67 T
-(turn) 522.28 518.67 T
-(u) 99 505.67 T
-(n) 104.5 505.67 T
-(t) 110.01 505.67 T
-(i) 113.07 505.67 T
-(l) 116.13 505.67 T
-(o) 122.36 505.67 T
-(n) 127.86 505.67 T
-(e) 133.37 505.67 T
-(i) 141.42 505.67 T
-(s) 144.48 505.67 T
-(f) 151.93 505.67 T
-(o) 155.6 505.67 T
-(u) 161.1 505.67 T
-(n) 166.61 505.67 T
-(d) 172.11 505.67 T
-(t) 180.78 505.67 T
-(h) 183.84 505.67 T
-(a) 189.35 505.67 T
-(t) 194.23 505.67 T
-(m) 200.46 505.67 T
-(a) 209.02 505.67 T
-(t) 213.91 505.67 T
-(c) 216.97 505.67 T
-(h) 221.86 505.67 T
-(e) 227.37 505.67 T
-(s) 232.25 505.67 T
-(t) 239.7 505.67 T
-(h) 242.76 505.67 T
-(e) 248.27 505.67 T
-(e) 256.32 505.67 T
-(x) 261.21 505.67 T
-(c) 266.71 505.67 T
-(e) 271.6 505.67 T
-(p) 276.49 505.67 T
-(t) 281.99 505.67 T
-(i) 285.05 505.67 T
-(o) 288.12 505.67 T
-(n) 293.62 505.67 T
-(.) 299.12 505.67 T
-(A) 305.05 505.67 T
-(n) 312.99 505.67 T
-(e) 321.66 505.67 T
-(x) 326.55 505.67 T
-(p) 332.05 505.67 T
-(r) 337.56 505.67 T
-(e) 341.22 505.67 T
-(s) 346.11 505.67 T
-(s) 350.39 505.67 T
-(i) 354.68 505.67 T
-(o) 357.74 505.67 T
-(n) 363.24 505.67 T
-(-) 368.75 505.67 T
-(l) 372.41 505.67 T
-(e) 375.48 505.67 T
-(s) 380.36 505.67 T
-(s) 384.64 505.67 T
-(e) 392.09 505.67 T
-(x) 396.98 505.67 T
-(c) 402.49 505.67 T
-(e) 407.37 505.67 T
-(p) 412.26 505.67 T
-(t) 417.77 505.67 T
-(c) 423.99 505.67 T
-(l) 428.88 505.67 T
-(a) 431.94 505.67 T
-(u) 436.83 505.67 T
-(s) 442.33 505.67 T
-(e) 446.62 505.67 T
-(,) 451.51 505.67 T
-(i) 457.43 505.67 T
-(f) 460.49 505.67 T
-(p) 467.32 505.67 T
-(r) 472.82 505.67 T
-(e) 476.49 505.67 T
-(s) 481.38 505.67 T
-(e) 485.66 505.67 T
-(n) 490.55 505.67 T
-(t) 496.05 505.67 T
-(,) 499.11 505.67 T
-(m) 505.04 505.67 T
-(u) 513.6 505.67 T
-(s) 519.1 505.67 T
-(t) 523.38 505.67 T
-(b) 529.61 505.67 T
-(e) 535.12 505.67 T
-(last;) 99 492.67 T
-(it) 120.12 492.67 T
-(matches) 129.01 492.67 T
-(any) 167.84 492.67 T
-(exception.) 186.51 492.67 T
-(For) 234.81 492.67 T
-(an) 252.87 492.67 T
-(except) 266.03 492.67 T
-(clause) 297.52 492.67 T
-(with) 327.79 492.67 T
-(an) 350.13 492.67 T
-(expression,) 363.29 492.67 T
-(that) 415.87 492.67 T
-(expression) 435.15 492.67 T
-(is) 484.98 492.67 T
-(evaluated,) 495.1 492.67 T
-(a) 99 479.67 T
-(n) 103.89 479.67 T
-(d) 109.4 479.67 T
-(t) 118.09 479.67 T
-(h) 121.15 479.67 T
-(e) 126.67 479.67 T
-(c) 134.73 479.67 T
-(l) 139.63 479.67 T
-(a) 142.69 479.67 T
-(u) 147.59 479.67 T
-(s) 153.1 479.67 T
-(e) 157.39 479.67 T
-(m) 165.46 479.67 T
-(a) 174.02 479.67 T
-(t) 178.92 479.67 T
-(c) 181.99 479.67 T
-(h) 186.88 479.67 T
-(e) 192.39 479.67 T
-(s) 197.28 479.67 T
-(t) 204.74 479.67 T
-(h) 207.81 479.67 T
-(e) 213.32 479.67 T
-(e) 221.39 479.67 T
-(x) 226.28 479.67 T
-(c) 231.79 479.67 T
-(e) 236.69 479.67 T
-(p) 241.58 479.67 T
-(t) 247.09 479.67 T
-(i) 250.16 479.67 T
-(o) 253.23 479.67 T
-(n) 258.74 479.67 T
-(i) 267.42 479.67 T
-(f) 270.49 479.67 T
-(t) 277.34 479.67 T
-(h) 280.4 479.67 T
-(e) 285.91 479.67 T
-(r) 293.98 479.67 T
-(e) 297.65 479.67 T
-(s) 302.55 479.67 T
-(u) 306.84 479.67 T
-(l) 312.35 479.67 T
-(t) 315.42 479.67 T
-(i) 318.48 479.67 T
-(n) 321.55 479.67 T
-(g) 327.06 479.67 T
-(o) 335.74 479.67 T
-(b) 341.26 479.67 T
-(j) 346.77 479.67 T
-(e) 349.83 479.67 T
-(c) 354.73 479.67 T
-(t) 359.62 479.67 T
-(i) 365.86 479.67 T
-(s) 368.93 479.67 T
-(\322) 376.39 479.67 T
-(c) 381.29 479.67 T
-(o) 386.18 479.67 T
-(m) 391.69 479.67 T
-(p) 400.26 479.67 T
-(a) 405.77 479.67 T
-(t) 410.66 479.67 T
-(i) 413.73 479.67 T
-(b) 416.8 479.67 T
-(l) 422.31 479.67 T
-(e) 425.38 479.67 T
-(\323) 430.27 479.67 T
-(w) 438.34 479.67 T
-(i) 446.29 479.67 T
-(t) 449.36 479.67 T
-(h) 452.43 479.67 T
-(t) 461.11 479.67 T
-(h) 464.18 479.67 T
-(e) 469.69 479.67 T
-(e) 477.76 479.67 T
-(x) 482.65 479.67 T
-(c) 488.16 479.67 T
-(e) 493.05 479.67 T
-(p) 497.95 479.67 T
-(t) 503.46 479.67 T
-(i) 506.53 479.67 T
-(o) 509.59 479.67 T
-(n) 515.1 479.67 T
-(.) 520.61 479.67 T
-(A) 526.55 479.67 T
-(n) 534.5 479.67 T
-(object) 99 466.67 T
-(is) 128.3 466.67 T
-(compatible) 138.06 466.67 T
-(with) 189.36 466.67 T
-(an) 211.34 466.67 T
-(exception) 224.14 466.67 T
-(if) 269.33 466.67 T
-(it) 278.47 466.67 T
-(is) 287 466.67 T
-(either) 296.76 466.67 T
-(the) 324.22 466.67 T
-(object) 340.08 466.67 T
-(that) 369.39 466.67 T
-(identifies) 388.3 466.67 T
-(the) 431.67 466.67 T
-(exception,) 447.53 466.67 T
-(or) 495.46 466.67 T
-(\050for) 507.05 466.67 T
-(ex-) 525.95 466.67 T
-(ceptions) 99 453.67 T
-(that) 138.67 453.67 T
-(are) 158.17 453.67 T
-(classes\051) 174.61 453.67 T
-(it) 211.82 453.67 T
-(is) 220.94 453.67 T
-(a) 231.28 453.67 T
-(base) 239.17 453.67 T
-(class) 261.72 453.67 T
-(of) 286.11 453.67 T
-(the) 298.27 453.67 T
-(exception,) 314.72 453.67 T
-(or) 363.24 453.67 T
-(it) 375.41 453.67 T
-(is) 384.53 453.67 T
-(a) 394.87 453.67 T
-(tuple) 402.76 453.67 T
-(containing) 427.76 453.67 T
-(an) 477.21 453.67 T
-(item) 490.6 453.67 T
-(that) 513.16 453.67 T
-(is) 532.66 453.67 T
-(compatible) 99 440.67 T
-(with) 150.35 440.67 T
-(the) 172.38 440.67 T
-(exception.) 188.29 440.67 T
-(Note) 236.28 440.67 T
-(that) 260.13 440.67 T
-(the) 279.1 440.67 T
-(object) 295.01 440.67 T
-(identities) 324.36 440.67 T
-(must) 367.17 440.67 T
-(match,) 391.04 440.67 T
-(i.e.) 423.14 440.67 T
-(it) 439.05 440.67 T
-(must) 447.63 440.67 T
-(be) 471.5 440.67 T
-(the) 484.35 440.67 T
-(same) 500.26 440.67 T
-(ob-) 525.34 440.67 T
-(ject, not just an object with the same value.) 99 427.67 T
-(If) 99 402.67 T
-(no) 109.43 402.67 T
-(except) 123.54 402.67 T
-(clause) 155.35 402.67 T
-(matches) 185.95 402.67 T
-(the) 225.1 402.67 T
-(exception,) 241.65 402.67 T
-(the) 290.27 402.67 T
-(search) 306.82 402.67 T
-(for) 338.02 402.67 T
-(an) 353.95 402.67 T
-(exception) 367.45 402.67 T
-(handler) 413.32 402.67 T
-(continues) 449.41 402.67 T
-(in) 494.68 402.67 T
-(the) 506.35 402.67 T
-(sur-) 522.9 402.67 T
-(rounding code and on the invocation stack.) 99 389.67 T
-(If) 99 364.67 T
-(the) 109.39 364.67 T
-(evaluation) 125.9 364.67 T
-(of) 174.79 364.67 T
-(an) 187.02 364.67 T
-(expression) 200.48 364.67 T
-(in) 250.59 364.67 T
-(the) 262.21 364.67 T
-(header) 278.72 364.67 T
-(of) 311.11 364.67 T
-(an) 323.34 364.67 T
-(except) 336.79 364.67 T
-(clause) 368.56 364.67 T
-(raises) 399.12 364.67 T
-(an) 427.23 364.67 T
-(exception,) 440.68 364.67 T
-(the) 489.27 364.67 T
-(original) 505.78 364.67 T
-(search) 99 351.67 T
-(for) 129.43 351.67 T
-(a) 144.6 351.67 T
-(handler) 151.82 351.67 T
-(is) 187.14 351.67 T
-(cancelled) 196.82 351.67 T
-(and) 240.69 351.67 T
-(a) 258.91 351.67 T
-(search) 266.13 351.67 T
-(starts) 296.57 351.67 T
-(for) 322.12 351.67 T
-(the) 337.29 351.67 T
-(new) 353.07 351.67 T
-(exception) 373.73 351.67 T
-(in) 418.83 351.67 T
-(the) 429.73 351.67 T
-(surrounding) 445.51 351.67 T
-(code) 501.01 351.67 T
-(and) 524.11 351.67 T
-(on the call stack \050it is treated as if the entire) 99 338.67 T
-2 F
-(try) 293.6 338.67 T
-1 F
-( statement raised the exception\051.) 313.4 338.67 T
-(When) 99 313.67 T
-(a) 127.72 313.67 T
-(matching) 135.07 313.67 T
-(except) 178.46 313.67 T
-(clause) 209.63 313.67 T
-(is) 239.58 313.67 T
-(found,) 249.37 313.67 T
-(the) 280.24 313.67 T
-(exception\325s) 296.14 313.67 T
-(parameter) 349.3 313.67 T
-(is) 395.74 313.67 T
-(assigned) 405.53 313.67 T
-(to) 445.87 313.67 T
-(the) 456.89 313.67 T
-(target) 472.79 313.67 T
-(specified) 500.29 313.67 T
-(in) 99 300.67 T
-(that) 110.39 300.67 T
-(except) 129.71 300.67 T
-(clause,) 161.25 300.67 T
-(if) 194.32 300.67 T
-(present,) 203.87 300.67 T
-(and) 241.21 300.67 T
-(the) 259.92 300.67 T
-(except) 276.19 300.67 T
-(clause\325s) 307.73 300.67 T
-(suite) 345.99 300.67 T
-(is) 369.6 300.67 T
-(executed.) 379.76 300.67 T
-(When) 424.43 300.67 T
-(the) 453.53 300.67 T
-(end) 469.8 300.67 T
-(of) 488.51 300.67 T
-(this) 500.5 300.67 T
-(suite) 519.22 300.67 T
-(is) 99 287.67 T
-(reached,) 108.81 287.67 T
-(execution) 148.24 287.67 T
-(continues) 193.48 287.67 T
-(normally) 238.12 287.67 T
-(after) 280.32 287.67 T
-(the) 302.94 287.67 T
-(entire) 318.86 287.67 T
-(try) 346.38 287.67 T
-(statement.) 361.08 287.67 T
-(\050This) 408.47 287.67 T
-(means) 434.17 287.67 T
-(that) 464.75 287.67 T
-(if) 483.72 287.67 T
-(two) 492.92 287.67 T
-(nested) 511.89 287.67 T
-(handlers) 99 274.67 T
-(exist) 138.92 274.67 T
-(for) 162.35 274.67 T
-(the) 177.83 274.67 T
-(same) 193.93 274.67 T
-(exception,) 219.18 274.67 T
-(and) 267.36 274.67 T
-(the) 285.89 274.67 T
-(exception) 301.99 274.67 T
-(occurs) 347.41 274.67 T
-(in) 378.77 274.67 T
-(the) 389.98 274.67 T
-(try) 406.08 274.67 T
-(clause) 420.95 274.67 T
-(of) 451.09 274.67 T
-(the) 462.91 274.67 T
-(inner) 479 274.67 T
-(handler,) 504.26 274.67 T
-(the outer handler will not handle the exception.\051) 99 261.67 T
-(Before) 99 236.67 T
-(an) 131.31 236.67 T
-(except) 144.07 236.67 T
-(clause\325s) 175.15 236.67 T
-(suite) 212.96 236.67 T
-(is) 236.12 236.67 T
-(executed,) 245.83 236.67 T
-(details) 290.05 236.67 T
-(about) 321.14 236.67 T
-(the) 347.96 236.67 T
-(exception) 363.78 236.67 T
-(are) 408.92 236.67 T
-(assigned) 424.73 236.67 T
-(to) 464.99 236.67 T
-(three) 475.92 236.67 T
-(variables) 500.29 236.67 T
-(i) 99 223.67 T
-(n) 102.93 223.67 T
-(t) 113.35 223.67 T
-(h) 117.29 223.67 T
-(e) 123.66 223.67 T
-2 F
-(s) 133.46 223.67 T
-(y) 140.94 223.67 T
-(s) 148.42 223.67 T
-1 F
-(m) 159.93 223.67 T
-(o) 169.37 223.67 T
-(d) 175.75 223.67 T
-(u) 182.12 223.67 T
-(l) 188.5 223.67 T
-(e) 192.44 223.67 T
-(:) 198.2 223.67 T
-2 F
-(s) 206.17 223.67 T
-(y) 213.65 223.67 T
-(s) 221.12 223.67 T
-(.) 228.6 223.67 T
-(e) 236.08 223.67 T
-(x) 243.56 223.67 T
-(c) 251.03 223.67 T
-(_) 258.51 223.67 T
-(t) 265.99 223.67 T
-(y) 273.46 223.67 T
-(p) 280.94 223.67 T
-(e) 288.42 223.67 T
-1 F
-(r) 299.93 223.67 T
-(e) 304.48 223.67 T
-(c) 310.24 223.67 T
-(e) 316 223.67 T
-(i) 321.76 223.67 T
-(v) 325.69 223.67 T
-(e) 332.07 223.67 T
-(s) 337.83 223.67 T
-(t) 347.03 223.67 T
-(h) 350.96 223.67 T
-(e) 357.34 223.67 T
-(o) 367.14 223.67 T
-(b) 373.52 223.67 T
-(j) 379.89 223.67 T
-(e) 383.83 223.67 T
-(c) 389.59 223.67 T
-(t) 395.35 223.67 T
-(i) 403.33 223.67 T
-(d) 407.26 223.67 T
-(e) 413.64 223.67 T
-(n) 419.4 223.67 T
-(t) 425.77 223.67 T
-(i) 429.71 223.67 T
-(f) 433.64 223.67 T
-(y) 438.18 223.67 T
-(i) 444.56 223.67 T
-(n) 448.5 223.67 T
-(g) 454.87 223.67 T
-(t) 465.29 223.67 T
-(h) 469.23 223.67 T
-(e) 475.6 223.67 T
-(e) 485.4 223.67 T
-(x) 491.16 223.67 T
-(c) 497.54 223.67 T
-(e) 503.3 223.67 T
-(p) 509.06 223.67 T
-(t) 515.44 223.67 T
-(i) 519.38 223.67 T
-(o) 523.31 223.67 T
-(n) 529.69 223.67 T
-(;) 536.07 223.67 T
-2 F
-(s) 99 210.67 T
-(y) 105.65 210.67 T
-(s) 112.31 210.67 T
-(.) 118.96 210.67 T
-(e) 125.61 210.67 T
-(x) 132.27 210.67 T
-(c) 138.92 210.67 T
-(_) 145.57 210.67 T
-(v) 152.23 210.67 T
-(a) 158.88 210.67 T
-(l) 165.53 210.67 T
-(u) 172.18 210.67 T
-(e) 178.84 210.67 T
-1 F
-(r) 188.71 210.67 T
-(e) 192.42 210.67 T
-(c) 197.36 210.67 T
-(e) 202.3 210.67 T
-(i) 207.23 210.67 T
-(v) 210.35 210.67 T
-(e) 215.9 210.67 T
-(s) 220.84 210.67 T
-(t) 228.38 210.67 T
-(h) 231.49 210.67 T
-(e) 237.05 210.67 T
-(e) 245.2 210.67 T
-(x) 250.14 210.67 T
-(c) 255.69 210.67 T
-(e) 260.63 210.67 T
-(p) 265.57 210.67 T
-(t) 271.12 210.67 T
-(i) 274.23 210.67 T
-(o) 277.34 210.67 T
-(n) 282.89 210.67 T
-(\325) 288.45 210.67 T
-(s) 292.16 210.67 T
-(p) 299.71 210.67 T
-(a) 305.27 210.67 T
-(r) 310.2 210.67 T
-(a) 313.92 210.67 T
-(m) 318.86 210.67 T
-(e) 327.47 210.67 T
-(t) 332.4 210.67 T
-(e) 335.52 210.67 T
-(r) 340.45 210.67 T
-(;) 344.17 210.67 T
-2 F
-(s) 350.49 210.67 T
-(y) 357.15 210.67 T
-(s) 363.8 210.67 T
-(.) 370.45 210.67 T
-(e) 377.11 210.67 T
-(x) 383.76 210.67 T
-(c) 390.41 210.67 T
-(_) 397.07 210.67 T
-(t) 403.72 210.67 T
-(r) 410.37 210.67 T
-(a) 417.03 210.67 T
-(c) 423.68 210.67 T
-(e) 430.33 210.67 T
-(b) 436.99 210.67 T
-(a) 443.64 210.67 T
-(c) 450.29 210.67 T
-(k) 456.95 210.67 T
-1 F
-(r) 466.81 210.67 T
-(e) 470.53 210.67 T
-(c) 475.47 210.67 T
-(e) 480.4 210.67 T
-(i) 485.34 210.67 T
-(v) 488.45 210.67 T
-(e) 494.01 210.67 T
-(s) 498.94 210.67 T
-(a) 506.49 210.67 T
-(t) 514.64 210.67 T
-(r) 517.76 210.67 T
-(a) 521.47 210.67 T
-(c) 526.41 210.67 T
-(e) 531.35 210.67 T
-(-) 536.28 210.67 T
-(back) 99 197.67 T
-(object) 122.86 197.67 T
-(\050see) 152.83 197.67 T
-(page) 173.63 197.67 T
-(17\051) 197.15 197.67 T
-(identifying) 214.91 197.67 T
-(the) 266.28 197.67 T
-(point) 282.81 197.67 T
-(in) 308.52 197.67 T
-(the) 320.17 197.67 T
-(program) 336.7 197.67 T
-(where) 377.06 197.67 T
-(the) 407.02 197.67 T
-(exception) 423.55 197.67 T
-(occurred.) 469.41 197.67 T
-(These) 513.73 197.67 T
-(d) 99 184.67 T
-(e) 105.01 184.67 T
-(t) 110.4 184.67 T
-(a) 113.97 184.67 T
-(i) 119.37 184.67 T
-(l) 122.93 184.67 T
-(s) 126.5 184.67 T
-(a) 134.96 184.67 T
-(r) 140.36 184.67 T
-(e) 144.53 184.67 T
-(a) 153.6 184.67 T
-(l) 158.99 184.67 T
-(s) 162.56 184.67 T
-(o) 167.35 184.67 T
-(a) 177.03 184.67 T
-(v) 182.42 184.67 T
-(a) 188.43 184.67 T
-(i) 193.83 184.67 T
-(l) 197.4 184.67 T
-(a) 200.96 184.67 T
-(b) 206.36 184.67 T
-(l) 212.37 184.67 T
-(e) 215.94 184.67 T
-(t) 225 184.67 T
-(h) 228.57 184.67 T
-(r) 234.58 184.67 T
-(o) 238.75 184.67 T
-(u) 244.76 184.67 T
-(g) 250.77 184.67 T
-(h) 256.78 184.67 T
-(t) 266.46 184.67 T
-(h) 270.03 184.67 T
-(e) 276.04 184.67 T
-2 F
-(s) 285.11 184.67 T
-(y) 292.22 184.67 T
-(s) 299.33 184.67 T
-(.) 306.44 184.67 T
-(e) 313.55 184.67 T
-(x) 320.66 184.67 T
-(c) 327.77 184.67 T
-(_) 334.88 184.67 T
-(i) 341.99 184.67 T
-(n) 349.1 184.67 T
-(f) 356.21 184.67 T
-(o) 363.32 184.67 T
-(\050) 370.43 184.67 T
-(\051) 377.54 184.67 T
-1 F
-(f) 388.32 184.67 T
-(u) 392.49 184.67 T
-(n) 398.51 184.67 T
-(c) 404.52 184.67 T
-(t) 409.91 184.67 T
-(i) 413.48 184.67 T
-(o) 417.05 184.67 T
-(n) 423.05 184.67 T
-(,) 429.07 184.67 T
-(w) 436 184.67 T
-(h) 444.45 184.67 T
-(i) 450.46 184.67 T
-(c) 454.03 184.67 T
-(h) 459.42 184.67 T
-(r) 469.1 184.67 T
-(e) 473.28 184.67 T
-(t) 478.67 184.67 T
-(u) 482.24 184.67 T
-(r) 488.25 184.67 T
-(n) 492.42 184.67 T
-(s) 498.43 184.67 T
-(a) 506.89 184.67 T
-(t) 515.96 184.67 T
-(u) 519.53 184.67 T
-(p) 525.54 184.67 T
-(l) 531.55 184.67 T
-(e) 535.11 184.67 T
-2 F
-(\050exc_type,) 99 171.67 T
-(exc_value,) 172.34 171.67 T
-(exc_traceback\051) 245.67 171.67 T
-1 F
-(.) 338.07 171.67 T
-(Use) 343.88 171.67 T
-(of) 364.04 171.67 T
-(the) 376.26 171.67 T
-(corresponding) 392.76 171.67 T
-(variables) 458.74 171.67 T
-(is) 501.51 171.67 T
-(depre-) 511.91 171.67 T
-(cated) 99 158.67 T
-(in) 124.87 158.67 T
-(favor) 136.09 158.67 T
-(of) 161.96 158.67 T
-(this) 173.79 158.67 T
-(function,) 192.35 158.67 T
-(since) 234.42 158.67 T
-(their) 259.69 158.67 T
-(use) 282.51 158.67 T
-(is) 299.84 158.67 T
-(unsafe) 309.84 158.67 T
-(in) 341.21 158.67 T
-(a) 352.43 158.67 T
-(threaded) 359.97 158.67 T
-(program.) 400.51 158.67 T
-(\050As) 443.19 158.67 T
-(of) 461.73 158.67 T
-(Python) 473.56 158.67 T
-(1.5,) 507.4 158.67 T
-(the) 526.56 158.67 T
-(variables are restored to their old values when returning from a function that handled an exception.\051) 99 145.67 T
-(The) 99 120.67 T
-(optional) 118.5 120.67 T
-2 F
-(else) 156.95 120.67 T
-1 F
-(clause) 185.74 120.67 T
-(is) 215.62 120.67 T
-(executed) 225.35 120.67 T
-(when) 266.84 120.67 T
-(no) 293.06 120.67 T
-(exception) 306.45 120.67 T
-(occurs) 351.61 120.67 T
-(in) 382.72 120.67 T
-(the) 393.67 120.67 T
-2 F
-(try) 409.5 120.67 T
-1 F
-(clause.) 431.7 120.67 T
-(Exceptions) 464.33 120.67 T
-(in) 515.61 120.67 T
-(the) 526.56 120.67 T
-2 F
-(else) 99 107.67 T
-1 F
-( clause are not handled by the preceding) 125.4 107.67 T
-2 F
-(except) 305.02 107.67 T
-1 F
-( clauses.) 344.62 107.67 T
-%%EndPage: "49" 55
-%%Page: "50" 56
-612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE
-0 FrameSetSepColors
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 10 Q
-0 X
-(50) 76.5 37.33 T
-1 11 Q
-(The) 72 712.67 T
-2 F
-(try...finally) 92.17 712.67 T
-1 F
-(form) 181.03 712.67 T
-(specifies) 205.48 712.67 T
-(a) 247.04 712.67 T
-(\324cleanup\325) 254.99 712.67 T
-(handler.) 299.59 712.67 T
-(The) 338.39 712.67 T
-2 F
-(try) 358.56 712.67 T
-1 F
-(clause) 381.42 712.67 T
-(is) 411.98 712.67 T
-(executed.) 422.38 712.67 T
-(When) 467.29 712.67 T
-(no) 496.62 712.67 T
-(excep-) 510.68 712.67 T
-(tion) 72 699.67 T
-(occurs,) 92.04 699.67 T
-(the) 126.42 699.67 T
-2 F
-(finally) 142.78 699.67 T
-1 F
-(clause) 191.9 699.67 T
-(is) 222.31 699.67 T
-(executed.) 232.57 699.67 T
-(When) 277.33 699.67 T
-(an) 306.52 699.67 T
-(exception) 319.83 699.67 T
-(occurs) 365.52 699.67 T
-(in) 397.15 699.67 T
-(the) 408.63 699.67 T
-2 F
-(try) 424.99 699.67 T
-1 F
-(clause,) 447.71 699.67 T
-(the) 480.87 699.67 T
-(exception) 497.23 699.67 T
-(i) 72 686.67 T
-(s) 75.15 686.67 T
-(t) 82.77 686.67 T
-(e) 85.92 686.67 T
-(m) 90.89 686.67 T
-(p) 99.54 686.67 T
-(o) 105.13 686.67 T
-(r) 110.72 686.67 T
-(a) 114.47 686.67 T
-(r) 119.45 686.67 T
-(i) 123.2 686.67 T
-(l) 126.35 686.67 T
-(y) 129.5 686.67 T
-(s) 138.34 686.67 T
-(a) 142.71 686.67 T
-(v) 147.69 686.67 T
-(e) 153.28 686.67 T
-(d) 158.25 686.67 T
-(,) 163.84 686.67 T
-(t) 169.93 686.67 T
-(h) 173.08 686.67 T
-(e) 178.67 686.67 T
-2 F
-(f) 186.9 686.67 T
-(i) 193.59 686.67 T
-(n) 200.28 686.67 T
-(a) 206.97 686.67 T
-(l) 213.66 686.67 T
-(l) 220.35 686.67 T
-(y) 227.04 686.67 T
-1 F
-(c) 236.99 686.67 T
-(l) 241.96 686.67 T
-(a) 245.11 686.67 T
-(u) 250.08 686.67 T
-(s) 255.67 686.67 T
-(e) 260.04 686.67 T
-(i) 268.27 686.67 T
-(s) 271.42 686.67 T
-(e) 279.04 686.67 T
-(x) 284.01 686.67 T
-(e) 289.6 686.67 T
-(c) 294.58 686.67 T
-(u) 299.55 686.67 T
-(t) 305.14 686.67 T
-(e) 308.29 686.67 T
-(d) 313.27 686.67 T
-(,) 318.86 686.67 T
-(a) 324.95 686.67 T
-(n) 329.92 686.67 T
-(d) 335.51 686.67 T
-(t) 344.36 686.67 T
-(h) 347.51 686.67 T
-(e) 353.1 686.67 T
-(n) 358.07 686.67 T
-(t) 366.91 686.67 T
-(h) 370.06 686.67 T
-(e) 375.65 686.67 T
-(s) 383.88 686.67 T
-(a) 388.25 686.67 T
-(v) 393.22 686.67 T
-(e) 398.81 686.67 T
-(d) 403.79 686.67 T
-(e) 412.63 686.67 T
-(x) 417.6 686.67 T
-(c) 423.19 686.67 T
-(e) 428.17 686.67 T
-(p) 433.14 686.67 T
-(t) 438.73 686.67 T
-(i) 441.88 686.67 T
-(o) 445.03 686.67 T
-(n) 450.62 686.67 T
-(i) 459.46 686.67 T
-(s) 462.61 686.67 T
-(r) 470.23 686.67 T
-(e) 473.99 686.67 T
-(-) 478.96 686.67 T
-(r) 482.71 686.67 T
-(a) 486.47 686.67 T
-(i) 491.44 686.67 T
-(s) 494.59 686.67 T
-(e) 498.96 686.67 T
-(d) 503.93 686.67 T
-(.) 509.52 686.67 T
-(I) 515.62 686.67 T
-(f) 519.37 686.67 T
-(t) 526.38 686.67 T
-(h) 529.53 686.67 T
-(e) 535.11 686.67 T
-2 F
-(f) 72 673.67 T
-(i) 78.65 673.67 T
-(n) 85.3 673.67 T
-(a) 91.95 673.67 T
-(l) 98.6 673.67 T
-(l) 105.25 673.67 T
-(y) 111.9 673.67 T
-1 F
-(c) 121.76 673.67 T
-(l) 126.7 673.67 T
-(a) 129.8 673.67 T
-(u) 134.74 673.67 T
-(s) 140.29 673.67 T
-(e) 144.62 673.67 T
-(r) 152.76 673.67 T
-(a) 156.48 673.67 T
-(i) 161.41 673.67 T
-(s) 164.52 673.67 T
-(e) 168.85 673.67 T
-(s) 173.78 673.67 T
-(a) 181.32 673.67 T
-(n) 186.26 673.67 T
-(o) 191.81 673.67 T
-(t) 197.36 673.67 T
-(h) 200.47 673.67 T
-(e) 206.02 673.67 T
-(r) 210.95 673.67 T
-(e) 217.88 673.67 T
-(x) 222.81 673.67 T
-(c) 228.36 673.67 T
-(e) 233.29 673.67 T
-(p) 238.23 673.67 T
-(t) 243.78 673.67 T
-(i) 246.89 673.67 T
-(o) 249.99 673.67 T
-(n) 255.54 673.67 T
-(o) 264.31 673.67 T
-(r) 269.86 673.67 T
-(e) 276.78 673.67 T
-(x) 281.72 673.67 T
-(e) 287.27 673.67 T
-(c) 292.2 673.67 T
-(u) 297.14 673.67 T
-(t) 302.69 673.67 T
-(e) 305.79 673.67 T
-(s) 310.73 673.67 T
-(a) 318.27 673.67 T
-2 F
-(r) 326.42 673.67 T
-(e) 333.07 673.67 T
-(t) 339.72 673.67 T
-(u) 346.37 673.67 T
-(r) 353.02 673.67 T
-(n) 359.67 673.67 T
-1 F
-(,) 366.32 673.67 T
-2 F
-(b) 372.33 673.67 T
-(r) 378.98 673.67 T
-(e) 385.63 673.67 T
-(a) 392.28 673.67 T
-(k) 398.93 673.67 T
-1 F
-(o) 408.79 673.67 T
-(r) 414.34 673.67 T
-2 F
-(c) 421.27 673.67 T
-(o) 427.92 673.67 T
-(n) 434.57 673.67 T
-(t) 441.22 673.67 T
-(i) 447.87 673.67 T
-(n) 454.52 673.67 T
-(u) 461.17 673.67 T
-(e) 467.82 673.67 T
-1 F
-(s) 477.68 673.67 T
-(t) 482.01 673.67 T
-(a) 485.12 673.67 T
-(t) 490.05 673.67 T
-(e) 493.16 673.67 T
-(m) 498.09 673.67 T
-(e) 506.7 673.67 T
-(n) 511.64 673.67 T
-(t) 517.19 673.67 T
-(,) 520.29 673.67 T
-(t) 526.31 673.67 T
-(h) 529.41 673.67 T
-(e) 534.97 673.67 T
-(saved) 72 660.67 T
-(exception) 100.04 660.67 T
-(is) 145.8 660.67 T
-(lost.) 156.14 660.67 T
-(The) 177.78 660.67 T
-(exception) 197.88 660.67 T
-(information) 243.64 660.67 T
-(is) 298.58 660.67 T
-(not) 308.91 660.67 T
-(available) 325.96 660.67 T
-(to) 368.67 660.67 T
-(the) 380.22 660.67 T
-(program) 396.66 660.67 T
-(during) 436.92 660.67 T
-(execution) 468.64 660.67 T
-(of) 514.4 660.67 T
-(the) 526.56 660.67 T
-2 F
-(finally) 72 647.67 T
-1 F
-( clause.) 118.2 647.67 T
-(When) 72 622.67 T
-(a) 101.12 622.67 T
-2 F
-(return) 108.87 622.67 T
-1 F
-(or) 151.32 622.67 T
-2 F
-(break) 163.34 622.67 T
-1 F
-(statement) 199.2 622.67 T
-(is) 244.22 622.67 T
-(executed) 254.41 622.67 T
-(in) 296.36 622.67 T
-(the) 307.78 622.67 T
-2 F
-(try) 324.08 622.67 T
-1 F
-(suite) 346.73 622.67 T
-(of) 370.37 622.67 T
-(a) 382.39 622.67 T
-2 F
-(try...finally) 390.13 622.67 T
-1 F
-(statement,) 478.79 622.67 T
-(the) 526.56 622.67 T
-2 F
-(finally) 72 609.67 T
-1 F
-(clause) 121.35 609.67 T
-(is) 151.98 609.67 T
-(also) 162.46 609.67 T
-(executed) 183.33 609.67 T
-(\324on) 225.57 609.67 T
-(the) 243.38 609.67 T
-(way) 259.96 609.67 T
-(out\325.) 281.44 609.67 T
-(A) 305.05 609.67 T
-2 F
-(continue) 316.14 609.67 T
-1 F
-(statement) 372.09 609.67 T
-(is) 417.39 609.67 T
-(illegal) 427.88 609.67 T
-(in) 458.52 609.67 T
-(the) 470.23 609.67 T
-2 F
-(try) 486.82 609.67 T
-1 F
-(clause.) 509.76 609.67 T
-(\050The reason is a problem with the current implementation \321 this restriction may be lifted in the future\051.) 72 596.67 T
-0 14 Q
-(7.5) 72 569.67 T
-(Function definitions) 108 569.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(A) 72 544.67 T
-(function) 82.15 544.67 T
-(definition) 121.01 544.67 T
-(defines) 166 544.67 T
-(a) 199.97 544.67 T
-(user-defined) 207.06 544.67 T
-(function) 264.24 544.67 T
-(object) 303.11 544.67 T
-(\050see) 332.2 544.67 T
-(\322The) 352.12 544.67 T
-(standard) 376.31 544.67 T
-(type) 415.78 544.67 T
-(hierarchy\323) 436.93 544.67 T
-(on) 485.56 544.67 T
-(page) 498.76 544.67 T
-(12\051:) 522.28 544.67 T
-2 10 Q
-(funcdef: "def" funcname "\050" [parameter_list] "\051" ":" suite) 72 526.33 T
-(parameter_list: \050defparameter ","\051* \050"*" identifier [, "**" identifier]) 72 514.33 T
-( | "**" identifier) 72 502.33 T
-( | defparameter [","]\051) 72 490.33 T
-(defparameter: parameter ["=" expression]) 72 478.33 T
-(sublist: parameter \050"," parameter\051* [","]) 72 466.33 T
-(parameter: identifier | "\050" sublist "\051") 72 454.33 T
-(funcname: identifier) 72 442.33 T
-1 11 Q
-(A) 72 417.67 T
-(function) 82.75 417.67 T
-(definition) 122.21 417.67 T
-(is) 167.8 417.67 T
-(an) 177.94 417.67 T
-(executable) 191.13 417.67 T
-(statement.) 240.97 417.67 T
-(Its) 288.69 417.67 T
-(execution) 302.49 417.67 T
-(binds) 348.06 417.67 T
-(the) 374.7 417.67 T
-(function) 390.95 417.67 T
-(name) 430.42 417.67 T
-(in) 457.05 417.67 T
-(the) 468.41 417.67 T
-(current) 484.66 417.67 T
-(local) 518.62 417.67 T
-(name) 72 404.67 T
-(space) 98.54 404.67 T
-(to) 125.69 404.67 T
-(a) 136.96 404.67 T
-(function) 144.56 404.67 T
-(object) 183.93 404.67 T
-(\050a) 213.53 404.67 T
-(wrapper) 224.8 404.67 T
-(around) 263.55 404.67 T
-(the) 296.81 404.67 T
-(executable) 312.96 404.67 T
-(code) 362.71 404.67 T
-(for) 386.2 404.67 T
-(the) 401.74 404.67 T
-(function\051.) 417.9 404.67 T
-(This) 463.69 404.67 T
-(function) 485.96 404.67 T
-(ob-) 525.34 404.67 T
-(j) 72 391.67 T
-(e) 75.12 391.67 T
-(c) 80.06 391.67 T
-(t) 85 391.67 T
-(c) 91.34 391.67 T
-(o) 96.28 391.67 T
-(n) 101.84 391.67 T
-(t) 107.39 391.67 T
-(a) 110.51 391.67 T
-(i) 115.45 391.67 T
-(n) 118.57 391.67 T
-(s) 124.13 391.67 T
-(a) 131.69 391.67 T
-(r) 139.85 391.67 T
-(e) 143.57 391.67 T
-(f) 148.51 391.67 T
-(e) 152.23 391.67 T
-(r) 157.18 391.67 T
-(e) 160.9 391.67 T
-(n) 165.84 391.67 T
-(c) 171.4 391.67 T
-(e) 176.34 391.67 T
-(t) 184.5 391.67 T
-(o) 187.62 391.67 T
-(t) 196.4 391.67 T
-(h) 199.51 391.67 T
-(e) 205.07 391.67 T
-(c) 213.23 391.67 T
-(u) 218.18 391.67 T
-(r) 223.73 391.67 T
-(r) 227.45 391.67 T
-(e) 231.18 391.67 T
-(n) 236.12 391.67 T
-(t) 241.68 391.67 T
-(g) 248.01 391.67 T
-(l) 253.57 391.67 T
-(o) 256.69 391.67 T
-(b) 262.24 391.67 T
-(a) 267.8 391.67 T
-(l) 272.74 391.67 T
-(n) 279.08 391.67 T
-(a) 284.64 391.67 T
-(m) 289.58 391.67 T
-(e) 298.2 391.67 T
-(s) 306.36 391.67 T
-(p) 310.7 391.67 T
-(a) 316.26 391.67 T
-(c) 321.2 391.67 T
-(e) 326.14 391.67 T
-(a) 334.3 391.67 T
-(s) 339.24 391.67 T
-(t) 346.8 391.67 T
-(h) 349.92 391.67 T
-(e) 355.48 391.67 T
-(g) 363.64 391.67 T
-(l) 369.2 391.67 T
-(o) 372.31 391.67 T
-(b) 377.87 391.67 T
-(a) 383.43 391.67 T
-(l) 388.37 391.67 T
-(n) 394.71 391.67 T
-(a) 400.27 391.67 T
-(m) 405.21 391.67 T
-(e) 413.83 391.67 T
-(s) 421.99 391.67 T
-(p) 426.33 391.67 T
-(a) 431.88 391.67 T
-(c) 436.83 391.67 T
-(e) 441.77 391.67 T
-(t) 449.93 391.67 T
-(o) 453.05 391.67 T
-(b) 461.83 391.67 T
-(e) 467.38 391.67 T
-(u) 475.55 391.67 T
-(s) 481.1 391.67 T
-(e) 485.44 391.67 T
-(d) 490.38 391.67 T
-(w) 499.16 391.67 T
-(h) 507.16 391.67 T
-(e) 512.72 391.67 T
-(n) 517.66 391.67 T
-(t) 526.44 391.67 T
-(h) 529.56 391.67 T
-(e) 535.11 391.67 T
-(function is called.) 72 378.67 T
-(T) 72 353.67 T
-(h) 78.76 353.67 T
-(e) 84.31 353.67 T
-(f) 92.44 353.67 T
-(u) 96.14 353.67 T
-(n) 101.68 353.67 T
-(c) 107.22 353.67 T
-(t) 112.15 353.67 T
-(i) 115.25 353.67 T
-(o) 118.35 353.67 T
-(n) 123.89 353.67 T
-(d) 132.64 353.67 T
-(e) 138.18 353.67 T
-(f) 143.11 353.67 T
-(i) 146.81 353.67 T
-(n) 149.91 353.67 T
-(i) 155.46 353.67 T
-(t) 158.56 353.67 T
-(i) 161.66 353.67 T
-(o) 164.76 353.67 T
-(n) 170.3 353.67 T
-(d) 179.04 353.67 T
-(o) 184.59 353.67 T
-(e) 190.13 353.67 T
-(s) 195.06 353.67 T
-(n) 202.58 353.67 T
-(o) 208.12 353.67 T
-(t) 213.67 353.67 T
-(e) 219.97 353.67 T
-(x) 224.9 353.67 T
-(e) 230.44 353.67 T
-(c) 235.37 353.67 T
-(u) 240.29 353.67 T
-(t) 245.83 353.67 T
-(e) 248.93 353.67 T
-(t) 257.06 353.67 T
-(h) 260.16 353.67 T
-(e) 265.71 353.67 T
-(f) 273.84 353.67 T
-(u) 277.54 353.67 T
-(n) 283.08 353.67 T
-(c) 288.63 353.67 T
-(t) 293.55 353.67 T
-(i) 296.65 353.67 T
-(o) 299.75 353.67 T
-(n) 305.3 353.67 T
-(b) 314.04 353.67 T
-(o) 319.58 353.67 T
-(d) 325.13 353.67 T
-(y) 330.67 353.67 T
-(;) 336.21 353.67 T
-(t) 342.52 353.67 T
-(h) 345.61 353.67 T
-(i) 351.16 353.67 T
-(s) 354.26 353.67 T
-(g) 361.78 353.67 T
-(e) 367.33 353.67 T
-(t) 372.25 353.67 T
-(s) 375.35 353.67 T
-(e) 382.88 353.67 T
-(x) 387.8 353.67 T
-(e) 393.35 353.67 T
-(c) 398.27 353.67 T
-(u) 403.2 353.67 T
-(t) 408.74 353.67 T
-(e) 411.84 353.67 T
-(d) 416.77 353.67 T
-(o) 425.51 353.67 T
-(n) 431.05 353.67 T
-(l) 436.6 353.67 T
-(y) 439.7 353.67 T
-(w) 448.44 353.67 T
-(h) 456.43 353.67 T
-(e) 461.97 353.67 T
-(n) 466.9 353.67 T
-(t) 475.64 353.67 T
-(h) 478.74 353.67 T
-(e) 484.29 353.67 T
-(f) 492.42 353.67 T
-(u) 496.12 353.67 T
-(n) 501.66 353.67 T
-(c) 507.2 353.67 T
-(t) 512.13 353.67 T
-(i) 515.23 353.67 T
-(o) 518.33 353.67 T
-(n) 523.87 353.67 T
-(i) 532.62 353.67 T
-(s) 535.72 353.67 T
-(called.) 72 340.67 T
-(When) 72 315.67 T
-(one) 100.83 315.67 T
-(or) 119.28 315.67 T
-(more) 131.01 315.67 T
-(top-level) 156.18 315.67 T
-(parameters) 197.85 315.67 T
-(have) 248.66 315.67 T
-(the) 272 315.67 T
-(form) 288 315.67 T
-3 F
-(parameter) 311.95 315.67 T
-(=) 360.34 315.67 T
-(expression) 370.33 315.67 T
-1 F
-(,) 417.38 315.67 T
-(the) 422.69 315.67 T
-(function) 438.7 315.67 T
-(is) 477.92 315.67 T
-(said) 487.83 315.67 T
-(to) 508.11 315.67 T
-(have) 519.23 315.67 T
-(\322default) 72 302.67 T
-(parameter) 109.99 302.67 T
-(values\323.) 156.53 302.67 T
-4 F
-(Default) 194.82 302.67 T
-(parameter) 232.21 302.67 T
-(values) 284.25 302.67 T
-(are) 316.14 302.67 T
-(evaluated) 333.97 302.67 T
-(when) 381.75 302.67 T
-(the) 409.37 302.67 T
-(function) 426.59 302.67 T
-(definition) 468.27 302.67 T
-(is) 516.06 302.67 T
-(ex-) 525.95 302.67 T
-(e) 72 289.67 T
-(c) 76.93 289.67 T
-(u) 81.87 289.67 T
-(t) 88.04 289.67 T
-(e) 91.75 289.67 T
-(d) 96.69 289.67 T
-1 F
-(.) 102.86 289.67 T
-(F) 108.87 289.67 T
-(o) 115.04 289.67 T
-(r) 120.59 289.67 T
-(a) 127.52 289.67 T
-(p) 135.67 289.67 T
-(a) 141.22 289.67 T
-(r) 146.15 289.67 T
-(a) 149.87 289.67 T
-(m) 154.8 289.67 T
-(e) 163.41 289.67 T
-(t) 168.35 289.67 T
-(e) 171.46 289.67 T
-(r) 176.39 289.67 T
-(w) 183.32 289.67 T
-(i) 191.32 289.67 T
-(t) 194.42 289.67 T
-(h) 197.53 289.67 T
-(a) 206.3 289.67 T
-(d) 214.45 289.67 T
-(e) 220 289.67 T
-(f) 224.93 289.67 T
-(a) 228.65 289.67 T
-(u) 233.59 289.67 T
-(l) 239.14 289.67 T
-(t) 242.25 289.67 T
-(v) 248.57 289.67 T
-(a) 254.12 289.67 T
-(l) 259.06 289.67 T
-(u) 262.17 289.67 T
-(e) 267.72 289.67 T
-(,) 272.65 289.67 T
-(t) 278.67 289.67 T
-(h) 281.78 289.67 T
-(e) 287.33 289.67 T
-(c) 295.48 289.67 T
-(o) 300.41 289.67 T
-(r) 305.96 289.67 T
-(r) 309.68 289.67 T
-(e) 313.39 289.67 T
-(p) 318.33 289.67 T
-(o) 323.88 289.67 T
-(n) 329.43 289.67 T
-(d) 334.98 289.67 T
-(i) 340.53 289.67 T
-(n) 343.64 289.67 T
-(g) 349.2 289.67 T
-(a) 357.96 289.67 T
-(r) 362.9 289.67 T
-(g) 366.61 289.67 T
-(u) 372.16 289.67 T
-(m) 377.71 289.67 T
-(e) 386.32 289.67 T
-(n) 391.26 289.67 T
-(t) 396.81 289.67 T
-(m) 403.13 289.67 T
-(a) 411.74 289.67 T
-(y) 416.68 289.67 T
-(b) 425.44 289.67 T
-(e) 430.99 289.67 T
-(o) 439.14 289.67 T
-(m) 444.69 289.67 T
-(i) 453.3 289.67 T
-(t) 456.41 289.67 T
-(t) 459.52 289.67 T
-(e) 462.63 289.67 T
-(d) 467.57 289.67 T
-(f) 476.33 289.67 T
-(r) 480.05 289.67 T
-(o) 483.76 289.67 T
-(m) 489.31 289.67 T
-(a) 501.14 289.67 T
-(c) 509.29 289.67 T
-(a) 514.22 289.67 T
-(l) 519.16 289.67 T
-(l) 522.27 289.67 T
-(,) 525.38 289.67 T
-(i) 531.39 289.67 T
-(n) 534.5 289.67 T
-(which) 72 276.67 T
-(case) 101.47 276.67 T
-(the) 122.99 276.67 T
-(parameter\325s) 139.02 276.67 T
-(default) 193.53 276.67 T
-(value) 226.67 276.67 T
-(is) 253.08 276.67 T
-(substituted.) 263.01 276.67 T
-(If) 316.02 276.67 T
-(a) 325.93 276.67 T
-(parameter) 333.41 276.67 T
-(has) 379.97 276.67 T
-(a) 397.22 276.67 T
-(default) 404.7 276.67 T
-(value,) 437.83 276.67 T
-(all) 467 276.67 T
-(following) 480.58 276.67 T
-(pa-) 525.95 276.67 T
-(rameters) 72 263.67 T
-(must) 112.83 263.67 T
-(also) 137.18 263.67 T
-(have) 157.86 263.67 T
-(a) 181.59 263.67 T
-(default) 189.43 263.67 T
-(value) 222.93 263.67 T
-(\321) 249.71 263.67 T
-(this) 263.67 263.67 T
-(is) 282.52 263.67 T
-(a) 292.82 263.67 T
-(syntactic) 300.66 263.67 T
-(restriction) 342.72 263.67 T
-(that) 390.28 263.67 T
-(is) 409.74 263.67 T
-(not) 420.03 263.67 T
-(expressed) 437.05 263.67 T
-(by) 483.38 263.67 T
-(the) 497.33 263.67 T
-(gram-) 513.73 263.67 T
-(mar.) 72 247.73 T
-1 8.8 Q
-(1) 91.86 252.13 T
-1 11 Q
-(Function) 72 222.73 T
-(call) 114.06 222.73 T
-(semantics) 132.88 222.73 T
-(are) 179.2 222.73 T
-(described) 195.57 222.73 T
-(in) 240.66 222.73 T
-(more) 252.16 222.73 T
-(detail) 277.7 222.73 T
-(in) 305.08 222.73 T
-(section) 316.58 222.73 T
-(\322Calls\323) 350.68 222.73 T
-(on) 386 222.73 T
-(page) 399.94 222.73 T
-(31.) 423.46 222.73 T
-(A) 440.15 222.73 T
-(function) 451.03 222.73 T
-(call) 490.63 222.73 T
-(always) 509.45 222.73 T
-(assigns) 72 209.73 T
-(values) 106.46 209.73 T
-(to) 137.26 209.73 T
-(all) 148.5 209.73 T
-(parameters) 162.18 209.73 T
-(mentioned) 213.13 209.73 T
-(in) 262.26 209.73 T
-(the) 273.5 209.73 T
-(parameter) 289.63 209.73 T
-(list,) 336.29 209.73 T
-(either) 355.18 209.73 T
-(from) 382.91 209.73 T
-(position) 406.98 209.73 T
-(arguments,) 445.12 209.73 T
-(from) 496.38 209.73 T
-(key-) 520.45 209.73 T
-(word) 72 196.73 T
-(arguments,) 97.54 196.73 T
-(or) 149.06 196.73 T
-(from) 161.16 196.73 T
-(default) 185.49 196.73 T
-(values.) 218.97 196.73 T
-(If) 252.77 196.73 T
-(the) 263.03 196.73 T
-(form) 279.41 196.73 T
-2 10 Q
-("*identifier") 303.73 196.73 T
-1 11 Q
-(is) 384.67 196.73 T
-(present,) 394.95 196.73 T
-(it) 432.41 196.73 T
-(is) 441.46 196.73 T
-(initialized) 451.74 196.73 T
-(to) 498.68 196.73 T
-(a) 510.18 196.73 T
-(tuple) 518 196.73 T
-(receiving) 72 183.73 T
-(any) 115.48 183.73 T
-(excess) 133.92 183.73 T
-(positional) 165.18 183.73 T
-(parameters,) 211.13 183.73 T
-(defaulting) 264.69 183.73 T
-(to) 311.84 183.73 T
-(the) 322.95 183.73 T
-(empty) 338.95 183.73 T
-(tuple.) 369 183.73 T
-(If) 396.3 183.73 T
-(the) 406.18 183.73 T
-(form) 422.17 183.73 T
-2 10 Q
-("**identifier") 446.11 183.73 T
-1 11 Q
-(is) 532.66 183.73 T
-(present,) 72 170.73 T
-(it) 109.5 170.73 T
-(is) 118.59 170.73 T
-(initialized) 128.9 170.73 T
-(to) 175.88 170.73 T
-(a) 187.41 170.73 T
-(new) 195.28 170.73 T
-(dictionary) 216.58 170.73 T
-(receiving) 264.16 170.73 T
-(anyt) 308.07 170.73 T
-(excess) 329.99 170.73 T
-(keyword) 361.68 170.73 T
-(arguments,) 403.14 170.73 T
-(defaulting) 454.7 170.73 T
-(to) 502.28 170.73 T
-(a) 513.81 170.73 T
-(new) 521.67 170.73 T
-(empty dictionary.) 72 157.73 T
-72 98 540 113 C
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-81 111 225 111 2 L
-0.5 H
-2 Z
-0 X
-0 0 612 792 C
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 11 Q
-0 X
-(1.) 81 90.67 T
-(Currently) 94.5 90.67 T
-(this) 146.22 90.67 T
-(is) 171.67 90.67 T
-(not) 188.56 90.67 T
-(checked;) 212.18 90.67 T
-(instead,) 260.82 90.67 T
-2 F
-(def) 304.29 90.67 T
-(f\050a=1,b\051) 347.03 90.67 T
-1 F
-(is) 409.38 90.67 T
-(interpreted) 426.27 90.67 T
-(as) 483.48 90.67 T
-2 F
-(def) 502.2 90.67 T
-(f\050a=1,b=None\051) 94.46 77.67 T
-1 F
-(.) 180.26 77.67 T
-%%EndPage: "50" 56
-%%Page: "51" 57
-612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE
-0 FrameSetSepColors
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
-1 10 Q
-0 X
-(51) 530 37.33 T
-585 292.5 598.5 720 R
-5 9 Q
-(\245) 0 270 592.5 720 TF
-(Compound statements) 0 270 592.5 711 TF
-585 292.5 598.5 720 R
-1 11 Q
-(It) 99 712.67 T
-(is) 108.29 712.67 T
-(also) 118.19 712.67 T
-(possible) 138.48 712.67 T
-(to) 177.1 712.67 T
-(create) 188.23 712.67 T
-(anonymous) 217.05 712.67 T
-(functions) 270.34 712.67 T
-(\050functions) 313.85 712.67 T
-(not) 361.02 712.67 T
-(initially) 377.64 712.67 T
-(bound) 414.44 712.67 T
-(to) 444.51 712.67 T
-(a) 455.63 712.67 T
-(name\051,) 463.08 712.67 T
-(for) 495.89 712.67 T
-(imme-) 511.28 712.67 T
-(d) 99 699.67 T
-(i) 104.68 699.67 T
-(a) 107.92 699.67 T
-(t) 112.98 699.67 T
-(e) 116.21 699.67 T
-(u) 124.62 699.67 T
-(s) 130.3 699.67 T
-(e) 134.75 699.67 T
-(i) 143.16 699.67 T
-(n) 146.39 699.67 T
-(e) 155.41 699.67 T
-(x) 160.48 699.67 T
-(p) 166.15 699.67 T
-(r) 171.83 699.67 T
-(e) 175.67 699.67 T
-(s) 180.74 699.67 T
-(s) 185.19 699.67 T
-(i) 189.65 699.67 T
-(o) 192.89 699.67 T
-(n) 198.57 699.67 T
-(s) 204.24 699.67 T
-(.) 208.7 699.67 T
-(T) 214.97 699.67 T
-(h) 221.87 699.67 T
-(i) 227.55 699.67 T
-(s) 230.79 699.67 T
-(u) 238.59 699.67 T
-(s) 244.26 699.67 T
-(e) 248.72 699.67 T
-(s) 253.78 699.67 T
-(l) 261.58 699.67 T
-(a) 264.82 699.67 T
-(m) 269.88 699.67 T
-(b) 278.62 699.67 T
-(d) 284.3 699.67 T
-(a) 289.97 699.67 T
-(f) 298.38 699.67 T
-(o) 302.22 699.67 T
-(r) 307.9 699.67 T
-(m) 311.74 699.67 T
-(s) 320.48 699.67 T
-(,) 324.93 699.67 T
-(d) 331.2 699.67 T
-(e) 336.88 699.67 T
-(s) 341.94 699.67 T
-(c) 346.4 699.67 T
-(r) 351.46 699.67 T
-(i) 355.3 699.67 T
-(b) 358.54 699.67 T
-(e) 364.22 699.67 T
-(d) 369.28 699.67 T
-(i) 378.3 699.67 T
-(n) 381.54 699.67 T
-(s) 390.56 699.67 T
-(e) 395.02 699.67 T
-(c) 400.08 699.67 T
-(t) 405.14 699.67 T
-(i) 408.38 699.67 T
-(o) 411.61 699.67 T
-(n) 417.29 699.67 T
-(\322) 426.31 699.67 T
-(B) 431.37 699.67 T
-(o) 438.89 699.67 T
-(o) 444.57 699.67 T
-(l) 450.25 699.67 T
-(e) 453.48 699.67 T
-(a) 458.55 699.67 T
-(n) 463.61 699.67 T
-(o) 472.63 699.67 T
-(p) 478.31 699.67 T
-(e) 483.98 699.67 T
-(r) 489.05 699.67 T
-(a) 492.89 699.67 T
-(t) 497.95 699.67 T
-(i) 501.19 699.67 T
-(o) 504.42 699.67 T
-(n) 510.1 699.67 T
-(s) 515.78 699.67 T
-(\323) 520.24 699.67 T
-(o) 528.64 699.67 T
-(n) 534.32 699.67 T
-(page) 99 686.67 T
-(35.) 122.52 686.67 T
-(Note) 138.74 686.67 T
-(that) 162.6 686.67 T
-(the) 181.57 686.67 T
-(lambda) 197.49 686.67 T
-(form) 232.34 686.67 T
-(is) 256.2 686.67 T
-(merely) 266.01 686.67 T
-(a) 299.03 686.67 T
-(shorthand) 306.39 686.67 T
-(for) 352.24 686.67 T
-(a) 367.54 686.67 T
-(simplified) 374.9 686.67 T
-(function) 421.99 686.67 T
-(definition;) 461.12 686.67 T
-(a) 509.43 686.67 T
-(func-) 516.79 686.67 T
-(tion) 99 673.67 T
-(defined) 118.72 673.67 T
-(in) 154.31 673.67 T
-(a) 165.47 673.67 T
-2 10 Q
-("def") 172.96 673.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(statement) 205.56 673.67 T
-(can) 250.33 673.67 T
-(be) 268.2 673.67 T
-(passed) 281.19 673.67 T
-(around) 313.12 673.67 T
-(or) 346.27 673.67 T
-(assigned) 358.03 673.67 T
-(to) 398.52 673.67 T
-(another) 409.68 673.67 T
-(name) 445.27 673.67 T
-(just) 471.7 673.67 T
-(like) 490.2 673.67 T
-(a) 509.3 673.67 T
-(func-) 516.79 673.67 T
-(t) 99 660.67 T
-(i) 102.32 660.67 T
-(o) 105.65 660.67 T
-(n) 111.42 660.67 T
-(d) 120.61 660.67 T
-(e) 126.38 660.67 T
-(f) 131.53 660.67 T
-(i) 135.46 660.67 T
-(n) 138.79 660.67 T
-(e) 144.55 660.67 T
-(d) 149.71 660.67 T
-(b) 158.9 660.67 T
-(y) 164.67 660.67 T
-(a) 173.87 660.67 T
-(l) 182.45 660.67 T
-(a) 185.77 660.67 T
-(m) 190.92 660.67 T
-(b) 199.75 660.67 T
-(d) 205.52 660.67 T
-(a) 211.28 660.67 T
-(f) 219.86 660.67 T
-(o) 223.79 660.67 T
-(r) 229.56 660.67 T
-(m) 233.49 660.67 T
-(.) 242.32 660.67 T
-(T) 248.76 660.67 T
-(h) 255.75 660.67 T
-(e) 261.52 660.67 T
-2 10 Q
-(") 270.1 660.67 T
-(d) 276.37 660.67 T
-(e) 282.63 660.67 T
-(f) 288.9 660.67 T
-(") 295.17 660.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(f) 304.86 660.67 T
-(o) 308.79 660.67 T
-(r) 314.56 660.67 T
-(m) 318.49 660.67 T
-(i) 330.75 660.67 T
-(s) 334.07 660.67 T
-(a) 342.05 660.67 T
-(c) 347.2 660.67 T
-(t) 352.35 660.67 T
-(u) 355.67 660.67 T
-(a) 361.44 660.67 T
-(l) 366.59 660.67 T
-(l) 369.92 660.67 T
-(y) 373.24 660.67 T
-(m) 382.44 660.67 T
-(o) 391.27 660.67 T
-(r) 397.03 660.67 T
-(e) 400.96 660.67 T
-(p) 409.54 660.67 T
-(o) 415.31 660.67 T
-(w) 421.08 660.67 T
-(e) 429.29 660.67 T
-(r) 434.44 660.67 T
-(f) 438.37 660.67 T
-(u) 442.3 660.67 T
-(l) 448.07 660.67 T
-(s) 454.82 660.67 T
-(i) 459.37 660.67 T
-(n) 462.69 660.67 T
-(c) 468.46 660.67 T
-(e) 473.61 660.67 T
-(i) 482.19 660.67 T
-(t) 485.52 660.67 T
-(a) 492.27 660.67 T
-(l) 497.42 660.67 T
-(l) 500.75 660.67 T
-(o) 504.07 660.67 T
-(w) 509.84 660.67 T
-(s) 518.05 660.67 T
-(t) 526.02 660.67 T
-(h) 529.35 660.67 T
-(e) 535.12 660.67 T
-(execution of multiple statements.) 99 647.67 T
-4 F
-(P) 99 622.67 T
-(r) 105.76 622.67 T
-(o) 110.68 622.67 T
-(g) 116.21 622.67 T
-(r) 121.75 622.67 T
-(a) 126.67 622.67 T
-(m) 132.2 622.67 T
-(m) 141.4 622.67 T
-(e) 150.6 622.67 T
-(r) 155.52 622.67 T
-(\325) 160.44 622.67 T
-(s) 164.14 622.67 T
-(n) 171.65 622.67 T
-(o) 177.8 622.67 T
-(t) 183.34 622.67 T
-(e) 187.04 622.67 T
-(:) 191.96 622.67 T
-1 F
-(A) 198.85 622.67 T
-2 10 Q
-(") 210.03 622.67 T
-(d) 216.06 622.67 T
-(e) 222.1 622.67 T
-(f) 228.13 622.67 T
-(") 234.17 622.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(f) 243.4 622.67 T
-(o) 247.1 622.67 T
-(r) 252.64 622.67 T
-(m) 256.34 622.67 T
-(e) 268.13 622.67 T
-(x) 273.05 622.67 T
-(e) 278.58 622.67 T
-(c) 283.5 622.67 T
-(u) 288.42 622.67 T
-(t) 293.96 622.67 T
-(e) 297.05 622.67 T
-(d) 301.97 622.67 T
-(i) 310.71 622.67 T
-(n) 313.8 622.67 T
-(s) 319.33 622.67 T
-(i) 323.65 622.67 T
-(d) 326.74 622.67 T
-(e) 332.28 622.67 T
-(a) 340.4 622.67 T
-(f) 348.51 622.67 T
-(u) 352.21 622.67 T
-(n) 357.75 622.67 T
-(c) 363.28 622.67 T
-(t) 368.2 622.67 T
-(i) 371.3 622.67 T
-(o) 374.39 622.67 T
-(n) 379.93 622.67 T
-(d) 388.66 622.67 T
-(e) 394.2 622.67 T
-(f) 399.11 622.67 T
-(i) 402.81 622.67 T
-(n) 405.91 622.67 T
-(i) 411.44 622.67 T
-(t) 414.54 622.67 T
-(i) 417.63 622.67 T
-(o) 420.72 622.67 T
-(n) 426.26 622.67 T
-(d) 434.99 622.67 T
-(e) 440.53 622.67 T
-(f) 445.45 622.67 T
-(i) 449.15 622.67 T
-(n) 452.24 622.67 T
-(e) 457.78 622.67 T
-(s) 462.7 622.67 T
-(a) 470.21 622.67 T
-(l) 478.33 622.67 T
-(o) 481.42 622.67 T
-(c) 486.96 622.67 T
-(a) 491.88 622.67 T
-(l) 496.8 622.67 T
-(f) 503.09 622.67 T
-(u) 506.79 622.67 T
-(n) 512.32 622.67 T
-(c) 517.86 622.67 T
-(t) 522.78 622.67 T
-(i) 525.87 622.67 T
-(o) 528.96 622.67 T
-(n) 534.5 622.67 T
-(t) 99 609.67 T
-(h) 102.07 609.67 T
-(a) 107.59 609.67 T
-(t) 112.49 609.67 T
-(c) 118.74 609.67 T
-(a) 123.64 609.67 T
-(n) 128.53 609.67 T
-(b) 137.23 609.67 T
-(e) 142.74 609.67 T
-(r) 150.82 609.67 T
-(e) 154.49 609.67 T
-(t) 159.39 609.67 T
-(u) 162.47 609.67 T
-(r) 167.98 609.67 T
-(n) 171.66 609.67 T
-(e) 177.17 609.67 T
-(d) 182.07 609.67 T
-(o) 190.76 609.67 T
-(r) 196.28 609.67 T
-(p) 203.13 609.67 T
-(a) 208.65 609.67 T
-(s) 213.55 609.67 T
-(s) 217.84 609.67 T
-(e) 222.13 609.67 T
-(d) 227.03 609.67 T
-(a) 235.73 609.67 T
-(r) 240.62 609.67 T
-(o) 244.3 609.67 T
-(u) 249.82 609.67 T
-(n) 255.33 609.67 T
-(d) 260.85 609.67 T
-(.) 266.36 609.67 T
-(B) 272.3 609.67 T
-(e) 279.65 609.67 T
-(c) 284.55 609.67 T
-(a) 289.45 609.67 T
-(u) 294.35 609.67 T
-(s) 299.87 609.67 T
-(e) 304.16 609.67 T
-(o) 312.24 609.67 T
-(f) 317.75 609.67 T
-(P) 324.61 609.67 T
-(y) 330.74 609.67 T
-(t) 336.25 609.67 T
-(h) 339.32 609.67 T
-(o) 344.84 609.67 T
-(n) 350.35 609.67 T
-(\325) 355.87 609.67 T
-(s) 359.55 609.67 T
-(t) 367.02 609.67 T
-(w) 370.09 609.67 T
-(o) 378.05 609.67 T
-(-) 383.56 609.67 T
-(s) 387.24 609.67 T
-(c) 391.53 609.67 T
-(o) 396.43 609.67 T
-(p) 401.95 609.67 T
-(e) 407.46 609.67 T
-(p) 415.54 609.67 T
-(h) 421.05 609.67 T
-(i) 426.57 609.67 T
-(l) 429.64 609.67 T
-(o) 432.71 609.67 T
-(s) 438.23 609.67 T
-(o) 442.52 609.67 T
-(p) 448.04 609.67 T
-(h) 453.55 609.67 T
-(y) 459.07 609.67 T
-(,) 464.58 609.67 T
-(a) 470.52 609.67 T
-(l) 478.6 609.67 T
-(o) 481.67 609.67 T
-(c) 487.18 609.67 T
-(a) 492.08 609.67 T
-(l) 496.98 609.67 T
-(f) 503.23 609.67 T
-(u) 506.91 609.67 T
-(n) 512.42 609.67 T
-(c) 517.94 609.67 T
-(t) 522.84 609.67 T
-(i) 525.91 609.67 T
-(o) 528.98 609.67 T
-(n) 534.5 609.67 T
-(defined) 99 596.67 T
-(in) 134.53 596.67 T
-(this) 145.62 596.67 T
-(way) 164.06 596.67 T
-(does) 184.92 596.67 T
-4 F
-(not) 207.62 596.67 T
-1 F
-(have) 225.44 596.67 T
-(access) 248.74 596.67 T
-(to) 279.38 596.67 T
-(the) 290.47 596.67 T
-(local) 306.45 596.67 T
-(variables) 330.37 596.67 T
-(of) 372.62 596.67 T
-(the) 384.32 596.67 T
-(function) 400.3 596.67 T
-(that) 439.5 596.67 T
-(contains) 458.54 596.67 T
-(its) 497.74 596.67 T
-(defini-) 510.67 596.67 T
-(tion;) 99 583.67 T
-(the) 122.31 583.67 T
-(same) 138.89 583.67 T
-(rule) 164.63 583.67 T
-(applies) 184.87 583.67 T
-(to) 219.17 583.67 T
-(functions) 230.86 583.67 T
-(defined) 274.94 583.67 T
-(by) 311.07 583.67 T
-(a) 325.2 583.67 T
-(lambda) 333.22 583.67 T
-(form.) 368.74 583.67 T
-(A) 396.02 583.67 T
-(standard) 407.09 583.67 T
-(trick) 447.5 583.67 T
-(to) 470.8 583.67 T
-(pass) 482.49 583.67 T
-(selected) 504.57 583.67 T
-(local variables into a locally defined function is to use default argument values, like this:) 99 570.67 T
-2 10 Q
-(# Return a function that returns its argument incremented by \325n\325) 99 552.33 T
-(def make_incrementer\050n\051:) 99 540.33 T
-( def increment\050x, n=n\051:) 99 528.33 T
-( return x+n) 99 516.33 T
-( return increment) 99 504.33 T
-(add1 = make_incrementer\0501\051) 99 480.33 T
-(print add1\0503\051 # This prints \3254\325) 99 468.33 T
-0 14 Q
-(7.6) 99 441.67 T
-(Class definitions) 135 441.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(A class definition defines a class object \050see section \322The standard type hierarchy\323 on page) 99 416.67 T
-(12\051:) 502.54 416.67 T
-2 10 Q
-(classdef: "class" classname [inheritance] ":" suite) 99 398.33 T
-(inheritance: "\050" [expression_list] "\051") 99 386.33 T
-(classname: identifier) 99 374.33 T
-1 11 Q
-(A) 99 349.67 T
-(c) 110.19 349.67 T
-(l) 115.12 349.67 T
-(a) 118.23 349.67 T
-(s) 123.15 349.67 T
-(s) 127.48 349.67 T
-(d) 135.01 349.67 T
-(e) 140.55 349.67 T
-(f) 145.48 349.67 T
-(i) 149.19 349.67 T
-(n) 152.29 349.67 T
-(i) 157.84 349.67 T
-(t) 160.94 349.67 T
-(i) 164.04 349.67 T
-(o) 167.15 349.67 T
-(n) 172.69 349.67 T
-(i) 181.45 349.67 T
-(s) 184.55 349.67 T
-(a) 192.08 349.67 T
-(n) 197.01 349.67 T
-(e) 205.76 349.67 T
-(x) 210.69 349.67 T
-(e) 216.23 349.67 T
-(c) 221.16 349.67 T
-(u) 226.09 349.67 T
-(t) 231.64 349.67 T
-(a) 234.74 349.67 T
-(b) 239.67 349.67 T
-(l) 245.21 349.67 T
-(e) 248.32 349.67 T
-(s) 256.45 349.67 T
-(t) 260.78 349.67 T
-(a) 263.88 349.67 T
-(t) 268.81 349.67 T
-(e) 271.91 349.67 T
-(m) 276.84 349.67 T
-(e) 285.44 349.67 T
-(n) 290.37 349.67 T
-(t) 295.92 349.67 T
-(.) 299.02 349.67 T
-(I) 305.02 349.67 T
-(t) 308.73 349.67 T
-(f) 315.04 349.67 T
-(i) 318.75 349.67 T
-(r) 321.85 349.67 T
-(s) 325.56 349.67 T
-(t) 329.88 349.67 T
-(e) 336.19 349.67 T
-(v) 341.12 349.67 T
-(a) 346.67 349.67 T
-(l) 351.6 349.67 T
-(u) 354.7 349.67 T
-(a) 360.24 349.67 T
-(t) 365.17 349.67 T
-(e) 368.27 349.67 T
-(s) 373.2 349.67 T
-(t) 380.73 349.67 T
-(h) 383.84 349.67 T
-(e) 389.38 349.67 T
-(i) 397.52 349.67 T
-(n) 400.62 349.67 T
-(h) 406.17 349.67 T
-(e) 411.71 349.67 T
-(r) 416.64 349.67 T
-(i) 420.35 349.67 T
-(t) 423.45 349.67 T
-(a) 426.55 349.67 T
-(n) 431.48 349.67 T
-(c) 437.03 349.67 T
-(e) 441.96 349.67 T
-(l) 450.09 349.67 T
-(i) 453.2 349.67 T
-(s) 456.3 349.67 T
-(t) 460.62 349.67 T
-(,) 463.73 349.67 T
-(i) 469.73 349.67 T
-(f) 472.83 349.67 T
-(p) 479.75 349.67 T
-(r) 485.29 349.67 T
-(e) 489 349.67 T
-(s) 493.93 349.67 T
-(e) 498.25 349.67 T
-(n) 503.18 349.67 T
-(t) 508.73 349.67 T
-(.) 511.83 349.67 T
-(E) 517.83 349.67 T
-(a) 524.6 349.67 T
-(c) 529.53 349.67 T
-(h) 534.45 349.67 T
-(item) 99 336.67 T
-(in) 120.79 336.67 T
-(the) 131.57 336.67 T
-(inheritance) 147.24 336.67 T
-(list) 198.34 336.67 T
-(should) 214.02 336.67 T
-(evaluate) 245.58 336.67 T
-(to) 284.46 336.67 T
-(a) 295.25 336.67 T
-(class) 302.36 336.67 T
-(object.) 325.97 336.67 T
-(The) 357.83 336.67 T
-(class\325s) 377.16 336.67 T
-(suite) 408.72 336.67 T
-(is) 431.72 336.67 T
-(then) 441.29 336.67 T
-(executed) 462.46 336.67 T
-(in) 503.78 336.67 T
-(a) 514.56 336.67 T
-(new) 521.67 336.67 T
-(execution) 99 323.67 T
-(frame) 144.25 323.67 T
-(\050see) 172.38 323.67 T
-(section) 192.57 323.67 T
-(\322Code) 226.21 323.67 T
-(blocks,) 256.8 323.67 T
-(execution) 290.75 323.67 T
-(frames,) 336 323.67 T
-(and) 371.16 323.67 T
-(name) 389.53 323.67 T
-(spaces\323) 415.83 323.67 T
-(on) 451.91 323.67 T
-(page) 465.39 323.67 T
-(23\051,) 488.9 323.67 T
-(using) 508.8 323.67 T
-(a) 535.12 323.67 T
-(newly) 99 310.67 T
-(created) 128.52 310.67 T
-(local) 162.92 310.67 T
-(name) 186.94 310.67 T
-(space) 213.41 310.67 T
-(and) 240.48 310.67 T
-(the) 259 310.67 T
-(original) 275.08 310.67 T
-(global) 311.94 310.67 T
-(name) 342.08 310.67 T
-(space.) 368.55 310.67 T
-(\050Usually,) 398.37 310.67 T
-(the) 441.64 310.67 T
-(suite) 457.72 310.67 T
-(contains) 481.14 310.67 T
-(only) 520.44 310.67 T
-(function) 99 297.67 T
-(definitions.\051) 138.66 297.67 T
-(When) 195.13 297.67 T
-(the) 224.39 297.67 T
-(class\325s) 240.83 297.67 T
-(suite) 273.15 297.67 T
-(finishes) 296.93 297.67 T
-(execution,) 334.14 297.67 T
-(its) 382.66 297.67 T
-(execution) 396.05 297.67 T
-(frame) 441.81 297.67 T
-(is) 470.46 297.67 T
-(discarded) 480.79 297.67 T
-(but) 525.94 297.67 T
-(i) 99 284.67 T
-(t) 102.15 284.67 T
-(s) 105.3 284.67 T
-(l) 112.93 284.67 T
-(o) 116.08 284.67 T
-(c) 121.67 284.67 T
-(a) 126.65 284.67 T
-(l) 131.62 284.67 T
-(n) 138.03 284.67 T
-(a) 143.62 284.67 T
-(m) 148.6 284.67 T
-(e) 157.25 284.67 T
-(s) 165.48 284.67 T
-(p) 169.85 284.67 T
-(a) 175.44 284.67 T
-(c) 180.42 284.67 T
-(e) 185.4 284.67 T
-(i) 193.63 284.67 T
-(s) 196.78 284.67 T
-(s) 204.4 284.67 T
-(a) 208.77 284.67 T
-(v) 213.75 284.67 T
-(e) 219.34 284.67 T
-(d) 224.32 284.67 T
-(.) 229.91 284.67 T
-(A) 236.01 284.67 T
-(c) 247.3 284.67 T
-(l) 252.27 284.67 T
-(a) 255.43 284.67 T
-(s) 260.4 284.67 T
-(s) 264.77 284.67 T
-(o) 272.4 284.67 T
-(b) 277.99 284.67 T
-(j) 283.58 284.67 T
-(e) 286.73 284.67 T
-(c) 291.71 284.67 T
-(t) 296.69 284.67 T
-(i) 303.09 284.67 T
-(s) 306.24 284.67 T
-(t) 313.87 284.67 T
-(h) 317.02 284.67 T
-(e) 322.61 284.67 T
-(n) 327.59 284.67 T
-(c) 336.43 284.67 T
-(r) 341.41 284.67 T
-(e) 345.17 284.67 T
-(a) 350.14 284.67 T
-(t) 355.12 284.67 T
-(e) 358.27 284.67 T
-(d) 363.25 284.67 T
-(u) 372.09 284.67 T
-(s) 377.69 284.67 T
-(i) 382.06 284.67 T
-(n) 385.21 284.67 T
-(g) 390.8 284.67 T
-(t) 399.65 284.67 T
-(h) 402.8 284.67 T
-(e) 408.39 284.67 T
-(i) 416.62 284.67 T
-(n) 419.77 284.67 T
-(h) 425.36 284.67 T
-(e) 430.96 284.67 T
-(r) 435.93 284.67 T
-(i) 439.69 284.67 T
-(t) 442.84 284.67 T
-(a) 445.99 284.67 T
-(n) 450.97 284.67 T
-(c) 456.56 284.67 T
-(e) 461.53 284.67 T
-(l) 469.77 284.67 T
-(i) 472.92 284.67 T
-(s) 476.07 284.67 T
-(t) 480.44 284.67 T
-(f) 486.84 284.67 T
-(o) 490.6 284.67 T
-(r) 496.19 284.67 T
-(t) 503.2 284.67 T
-(h) 506.35 284.67 T
-(e) 511.94 284.67 T
-(b) 520.17 284.67 T
-(a) 525.77 284.67 T
-(s) 530.74 284.67 T
-(e) 535.11 284.67 T
-(c) 99 271.67 T
-(l) 103.89 271.67 T
-(a) 106.96 271.67 T
-(s) 111.85 271.67 T
-(s) 116.14 271.67 T
-(e) 120.42 271.67 T
-(s) 125.32 271.67 T
-(a) 132.77 271.67 T
-(n) 137.66 271.67 T
-(d) 143.17 271.67 T
-(t) 151.85 271.67 T
-(h) 154.92 271.67 T
-(e) 160.43 271.67 T
-(s) 168.49 271.67 T
-(a) 172.77 271.67 T
-(v) 177.67 271.67 T
-(e) 183.17 271.67 T
-(d) 188.07 271.67 T
-(l) 196.74 271.67 T
-(o) 199.81 271.67 T
-(c) 205.32 271.67 T
-(a) 210.21 271.67 T
-(l) 215.1 271.67 T
-(n) 221.34 271.67 T
-(a) 226.85 271.67 T
-(m) 231.74 271.67 T
-(e) 240.3 271.67 T
-(s) 248.37 271.67 T
-(p) 252.65 271.67 T
-(a) 258.16 271.67 T
-(c) 263.05 271.67 T
-(e) 267.95 271.67 T
-(f) 276.01 271.67 T
-(o) 279.68 271.67 T
-(r) 285.19 271.67 T
-(t) 292.03 271.67 T
-(h) 295.09 271.67 T
-(e) 300.6 271.67 T
-(a) 308.66 271.67 T
-(t) 313.56 271.67 T
-(t) 316.62 271.67 T
-(r) 319.69 271.67 T
-(i) 323.36 271.67 T
-(b) 326.42 271.67 T
-(u) 331.93 271.67 T
-(t) 337.44 271.67 T
-(e) 340.51 271.67 T
-(d) 348.57 271.67 T
-(i) 354.08 271.67 T
-(c) 357.14 271.67 T
-(t) 362.04 271.67 T
-(i) 365.1 271.67 T
-(o) 368.17 271.67 T
-(n) 373.67 271.67 T
-(a) 379.18 271.67 T
-(r) 384.07 271.67 T
-(y) 387.74 271.67 T
-(.) 393.25 271.67 T
-(T) 399.18 271.67 T
-(h) 405.91 271.67 T
-(e) 411.42 271.67 T
-(c) 419.48 271.67 T
-(l) 424.37 271.67 T
-(a) 427.44 271.67 T
-(s) 432.33 271.67 T
-(s) 436.62 271.67 T
-(n) 444.08 271.67 T
-(a) 449.58 271.67 T
-(m) 454.47 271.67 T
-(e) 463.04 271.67 T
-(i) 471.1 271.67 T
-(s) 474.17 271.67 T
-(b) 481.63 271.67 T
-(o) 487.13 271.67 T
-(u) 492.64 271.67 T
-(n) 498.15 271.67 T
-(d) 503.66 271.67 T
-(t) 512.34 271.67 T
-(o) 515.4 271.67 T
-(t) 524.08 271.67 T
-(h) 527.15 271.67 T
-(i) 532.65 271.67 T
-(s) 535.72 271.67 T
-(class object in the original local name space.) 99 258.67 T
-4 F
-(Programmer\325s) 99 233.67 T
-(note:) 170.85 233.67 T
-1 F
-(variables) 197.51 233.67 T
-(defined) 240.05 233.67 T
-(in) 275.87 233.67 T
-(the) 287.26 233.67 T
-(class) 303.53 233.67 T
-(definition) 327.74 233.67 T
-(are) 373.35 233.67 T
-(class) 389.61 233.67 T
-(variables;) 413.83 233.67 T
-(they) 459.43 233.67 T
-(are) 481.2 233.67 T
-(shared) 497.46 233.67 T
-(by) 529 233.67 T
-(all) 99 220.67 T
-(instances.) 112.72 220.67 T
-(To) 158.52 220.67 T
-(define) 173.47 220.67 T
-(instance) 203.68 220.67 T
-(variables,) 242.46 220.67 T
-(they) 287.64 220.67 T
-(must) 309.31 220.67 T
-(be) 333.43 220.67 T
-(given) 346.53 220.67 T
-(a) 373.7 220.67 T
-(value) 381.31 220.67 T
-(in) 407.86 220.67 T
-(the) 419.14 220.67 T
-(the) 435.31 220.67 T
-2 F
-(__init__) 451.48 220.67 T
-1 F
-(method) 507 220.67 T
-(o) 99 207.67 T
-(r) 104.91 207.67 T
-(i) 112.57 207.67 T
-(n) 116.04 207.67 T
-(a) 125.53 207.67 T
-(n) 130.83 207.67 T
-(o) 136.74 207.67 T
-(t) 142.66 207.67 T
-(h) 146.13 207.67 T
-(e) 152.04 207.67 T
-(r) 157.34 207.67 T
-(m) 164.99 207.67 T
-(e) 173.97 207.67 T
-(t) 179.26 207.67 T
-(h) 182.74 207.67 T
-(o) 188.65 207.67 T
-(d) 194.56 207.67 T
-(.) 200.48 207.67 T
-(B) 207.22 207.67 T
-(o) 214.97 207.67 T
-(t) 220.88 207.67 T
-(h) 224.35 207.67 T
-(c) 233.85 207.67 T
-(l) 239.14 207.67 T
-(a) 242.62 207.67 T
-(s) 247.91 207.67 T
-(s) 252.61 207.67 T
-(a) 260.88 207.67 T
-(n) 266.17 207.67 T
-(d) 272.09 207.67 T
-(i) 281.58 207.67 T
-(n) 285.05 207.67 T
-(s) 290.96 207.67 T
-(t) 295.66 207.67 T
-(a) 299.13 207.67 T
-(n) 304.43 207.67 T
-(c) 310.34 207.67 T
-(e) 315.64 207.67 T
-(v) 324.51 207.67 T
-(a) 330.43 207.67 T
-(r) 335.73 207.67 T
-(i) 339.8 207.67 T
-(a) 343.27 207.67 T
-(b) 348.57 207.67 T
-(l) 354.49 207.67 T
-(e) 357.96 207.67 T
-(s) 363.26 207.67 T
-(a) 371.53 207.67 T
-(r) 376.83 207.67 T
-(e) 380.9 207.67 T
-(a) 389.78 207.67 T
-(c) 395.08 207.67 T
-(c) 400.37 207.67 T
-(e) 405.67 207.67 T
-(s) 410.97 207.67 T
-(s) 415.66 207.67 T
-(i) 420.36 207.67 T
-(b) 423.83 207.67 T
-(l) 429.74 207.67 T
-(e) 433.21 207.67 T
-(t) 442.09 207.67 T
-(h) 445.56 207.67 T
-(r) 451.47 207.67 T
-(o) 455.55 207.67 T
-(u) 461.46 207.67 T
-(g) 467.38 207.67 T
-(h) 473.29 207.67 T
-(t) 482.78 207.67 T
-(h) 486.26 207.67 T
-(e) 492.17 207.67 T
-(n) 501.04 207.67 T
-(o) 506.96 207.67 T
-(t) 512.87 207.67 T
-(a) 516.34 207.67 T
-(t) 521.64 207.67 T
-(i) 525.11 207.67 T
-(o) 528.59 207.67 T
-(n) 534.5 207.67 T
-(\322) 99 194.67 T
-2 F
-( 103.88 194.67 T
-1 F
-(\323,) 163.28 194.67 T
-(and) 173.33 194.67 T
-(an) 191.62 194.67 T
-(instance) 204.41 194.67 T
-(variable) 242.87 194.67 T
-(hides) 280.7 194.67 T
-(a) 306.33 194.67 T
-(class) 313.63 194.67 T
-(variable) 337.42 194.67 T
-(with) 375.26 194.67 T
-(the) 397.22 194.67 T
-(same) 413.07 194.67 T
-(name) 438.09 194.67 T
-(when) 464.32 194.67 T
-(accessed) 490.56 194.67 T
-(in) 531.44 194.67 T
-(this way. Class variables with immutable values can be used as defaults for instance variables.) 99 181.67 T
-%%EndPage: "51" 57
-%%Page: "52" 58
-612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE
-0 FrameSetSepColors
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-0 FrameSetSepColors
-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 K
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-0 X
-(53) 530 37.33 T
-585 292.5 598.5 720 R
-5 9 Q
-(\245) 0 270 592.5 720 TF
-(Top-level components) 0 270 592.5 711 TF
-585 292.5 598.5 720 R
-0 16 Q
-(C) 99 709.33 T
-0 12.8 Q
-(HAPTER) 110.55 709.33 T
-0 16 Q
-(8:) 167.62 709.33 T
-(T) 198 709.33 T
-0 12.8 Q
-(OP) 207.78 709.33 T
-0 16 Q
-(-) 226.27 709.33 T
-0 12.8 Q
-(LEVEL) 231.6 709.33 T
-(COMPONENTS) 277.3 709.33 T
-1 11 Q
-(The) 99 672.67 T
-(Python) 118.99 672.67 T
-(interpreter) 153.05 672.67 T
-(can) 201.75 672.67 T
-(get) 219.91 672.67 T
-(its) 236.24 672.67 T
-(input) 249.52 672.67 T
-(from) 275.02 672.67 T
-(a) 299.29 672.67 T
-(number) 307.06 672.67 T
-(of) 343.55 672.67 T
-(sources:) 355.6 672.67 T
-(from) 394.54 672.67 T
-(a) 418.81 672.67 T
-(script) 426.58 672.67 T
-(passed) 453.91 672.67 T
-(to) 486.12 672.67 T
-(it) 497.56 672.67 T
-(as) 506.57 672.67 T
-(stan-) 518.62 672.67 T
-(dard) 99 659.67 T
-(input) 120.75 659.67 T
-(or) 145.58 659.67 T
-(as) 156.95 659.67 T
-(program) 168.32 659.67 T
-(argument,) 207.79 659.67 T
-(typed) 254.29 659.67 T
-(in) 280.94 659.67 T
-(interactively,) 291.71 659.67 T
-(from) 351.65 659.67 T
-(a) 375.24 659.67 T
-(module) 382.34 659.67 T
-(source) 417.54 659.67 T
-(file,) 448.46 659.67 T
-(etc.) 468.08 659.67 T
-(This) 485.86 659.67 T
-(chapter) 507.63 659.67 T
-(gives the syntax used in these cases.) 99 646.67 T
-0 14 Q
-(8.1) 99 619.67 T
-(Complete Python programs) 135 619.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(While) 99 594.67 T
-(a) 128.18 594.67 T
-(language) 135.35 594.67 T
-(specification) 177.36 594.67 T
-(need) 235.86 594.67 T
-(not) 258.92 594.67 T
-(prescribe) 275.27 594.67 T
-(how) 317.88 594.67 T
-(the) 339.11 594.67 T
-(language) 354.85 594.67 T
-(interpreter) 396.85 594.67 T
-(is) 444.96 594.67 T
-(invoked,) 454.59 594.67 T
-(it) 495.08 594.67 T
-(is) 503.49 594.67 T
-(useful) 513.12 594.67 T
-(to) 99 581.67 T
-(have) 110.66 581.67 T
-(a) 134.52 581.67 T
-(notion) 142.51 581.67 T
-(of) 173.72 581.67 T
-(a) 185.99 581.67 T
-(complete) 193.97 581.67 T
-(Python) 237.39 581.67 T
-(program.) 271.67 581.67 T
-(A) 314.79 581.67 T
-(complete) 325.83 581.67 T
-(Python) 369.25 581.67 T
-(program) 403.52 581.67 T
-(is) 443.89 581.67 T
-(executed) 454.33 581.67 T
-(in) 496.52 581.67 T
-(a) 508.18 581.67 T
-(mini-) 516.16 581.67 T
-(mally) 99 568.67 T
-(initialized) 126.29 568.67 T
-(environment:) 172.53 568.67 T
-(all) 233.43 568.67 T
-(built-in) 246.66 568.67 T
-(and) 281.3 568.67 T
-(standard) 299.42 568.67 T
-(modules) 338.92 568.67 T
-(are) 378.43 568.67 T
-(available,) 394.1 568.67 T
-(but) 438.8 568.67 T
-(none) 455.09 568.67 T
-(have) 478.71 568.67 T
-(been) 501.72 568.67 T
-(ini-) 524.72 568.67 T
-(tialized,) 99 555.67 T
-(except) 137.8 555.67 T
-(for) 170.18 555.67 T
-2 F
-(sys) 186.68 555.67 T
-1 F
-(\050various) 210.14 555.67 T
-(system) 249.86 555.67 T
-(services\051,) 284.08 555.67 T
-2 F
-(__builtin__) 329.6 555.67 T
-1 F
-(\050built-in) 405.87 555.67 T
-(functions,) 445.59 555.67 T
-(exceptions) 492.95 555.67 T
-(and) 99 542.67 T
-2 F
-(None) 117.57 542.67 T
-1 F
-(\051) 143.97 542.67 T
-(and) 150.32 542.67 T
-2 F
-(__main__) 168.88 542.67 T
-1 F
-(.) 221.68 542.67 T
-(The) 227.12 542.67 T
-(latter) 246.91 542.67 T
-(is) 272.2 542.67 T
-(used) 282.22 542.67 T
-(to) 305.07 542.67 T
-(provide) 316.31 542.67 T
-(the) 352.6 542.67 T
-(local) 368.73 542.67 T
-(and) 392.8 542.67 T
-(global) 411.36 542.67 T
-(name) 441.55 542.67 T
-(space) 468.06 542.67 T
-(for) 495.17 542.67 T
-(execu-) 510.68 542.67 T
-(tion of the complete program.) 99 529.67 T
-(The syntax for a complete Python program is that for file input, described in the next section.) 99 504.67 T
-(The) 99 479.67 T
-(interpreter) 119.07 479.67 T
-(may) 167.85 479.67 T
-(also) 189.75 479.67 T
-(be) 210.44 479.67 T
-(invoked) 223.78 479.67 T
-(in) 262.19 479.67 T
-(interactive) 273.71 479.67 T
-(mode;) 323.1 479.67 T
-(in) 353.57 479.67 T
-(this) 365.09 479.67 T
-(case,) 383.95 479.67 T
-(it) 408.59 479.67 T
-(does) 417.67 479.67 T
-(not) 440.8 479.67 T
-(read) 457.82 479.67 T
-(and) 479.71 479.67 T
-(execute) 498.56 479.67 T
-(a) 535.11 479.67 T
-(c) 99 466.67 T
-(o) 103.9 466.67 T
-(m) 109.42 466.67 T
-(p) 118 466.67 T
-(l) 123.51 466.67 T
-(e) 126.59 466.67 T
-(t) 131.49 466.67 T
-(e) 134.57 466.67 T
-(p) 142.65 466.67 T
-(r) 148.17 466.67 T
-(o) 151.85 466.67 T
-(g) 157.37 466.67 T
-(r) 162.88 466.67 T
-(a) 166.57 466.67 T
-(m) 171.47 466.67 T
-(b) 183.22 466.67 T
-(u) 188.74 466.67 T
-(t) 194.26 466.67 T
-(r) 200.52 466.67 T
-(e) 204.2 466.67 T
-(a) 209.1 466.67 T
-(d) 214 466.67 T
-(s) 219.52 466.67 T
-(a) 227 466.67 T
-(n) 231.9 466.67 T
-(d) 237.42 466.67 T
-(e) 246.11 466.67 T
-(x) 251.02 466.67 T
-(e) 256.53 466.67 T
-(c) 261.44 466.67 T
-(u) 266.34 466.67 T
-(t) 271.86 466.67 T
-(e) 274.93 466.67 T
-(s) 279.83 466.67 T
-(o) 287.31 466.67 T
-(n) 292.83 466.67 T
-(e) 298.35 466.67 T
-(s) 306.43 466.67 T
-(t) 310.73 466.67 T
-(a) 313.8 466.67 T
-(t) 318.7 466.67 T
-(e) 321.78 466.67 T
-(m) 326.68 466.67 T
-(e) 335.26 466.67 T
-(n) 340.16 466.67 T
-(t) 345.68 466.67 T
-(\050) 351.93 466.67 T
-(p) 355.61 466.67 T
-(o) 361.13 466.67 T
-(s) 366.65 466.67 T
-(s) 370.95 466.67 T
-(i) 375.24 466.67 T
-(b) 378.32 466.67 T
-(l) 383.84 466.67 T
-(y) 386.91 466.67 T
-(c) 395.61 466.67 T
-(o) 400.51 466.67 T
-(m) 406.03 466.67 T
-(p) 414.61 466.67 T
-(o) 420.13 466.67 T
-(u) 425.64 466.67 T
-(n) 431.16 466.67 T
-(d) 436.68 466.67 T
-(\051) 442.2 466.67 T
-(a) 449.06 466.67 T
-(t) 453.96 466.67 T
-(a) 460.22 466.67 T
-(t) 468.3 466.67 T
-(i) 471.38 466.67 T
-(m) 474.45 466.67 T
-(e) 483.03 466.67 T
-(.) 487.93 466.67 T
-(T) 493.88 466.67 T
-(h) 500.62 466.67 T
-(e) 506.14 466.67 T
-(i) 514.22 466.67 T
-(n) 517.29 466.67 T
-(i) 522.81 466.67 T
-(t) 525.89 466.67 T
-(i) 528.96 466.67 T
-(a) 532.04 466.67 T
-(l) 536.94 466.67 T
-(environment) 99 453.67 T
-(is) 157.19 453.67 T
-(identical) 167.12 453.67 T
-(to) 207.59 453.67 T
-(that) 218.74 453.67 T
-(of) 237.83 453.67 T
-(a) 249.58 453.67 T
-(complete) 257.05 453.67 T
-(program;) 299.96 453.67 T
-(each) 342.88 453.67 T
-(statement) 365.62 453.67 T
-(is) 410.37 453.67 T
-(executed) 420.3 453.67 T
-(in) 461.98 453.67 T
-(the) 473.12 453.67 T
-(name) 489.15 453.67 T
-(space) 515.57 453.67 T
-(of) 99 440.67 T
-2 F
-(__main__) 110.91 440.67 T
-1 F
-(.) 163.71 440.67 T
-(Under) 99 415.67 T
-(UNIX) 129.35 415.67 T
-(,) 159.7 415.67 T
-(a) 165.31 415.67 T
-(complete) 173.06 415.67 T
-(program) 216.25 415.67 T
-(can) 256.38 415.67 T
-(be) 274.51 415.67 T
-(passed) 287.75 415.67 T
-(to) 319.94 415.67 T
-(the) 331.36 415.67 T
-(interpreter) 347.66 415.67 T
-(in) 396.34 415.67 T
-(three) 407.76 415.67 T
-(forms:) 432.61 415.67 T
-(with) 464.19 415.67 T
-(the) 486.61 415.67 T
-4 F
-(-c) 502.92 415.67 T
-3 F
-(string) 514.33 415.67 T
-1 F
-(command) 99 402.67 T
-(line) 144.94 402.67 T
-(option,) 163.99 402.67 T
-(as) 197.41 402.67 T
-(a) 209.13 402.67 T
-(file) 216.57 402.67 T
-(passed) 233.79 402.67 T
-(as) 265.67 402.67 T
-(the) 277.38 402.67 T
-(first) 293.38 402.67 T
-(command) 313.65 402.67 T
-(line) 359.59 402.67 T
-(argument,) 378.65 402.67 T
-(or) 425.5 402.67 T
-(as) 437.22 402.67 T
-(standard) 448.93 402.67 T
-(input.) 488.76 402.67 T
-(If) 516.68 402.67 T
-(the) 526.56 402.67 T
-(file) 99 389.67 T
-(or) 116.14 389.67 T
-(standard) 127.77 389.67 T
-(input) 167.52 389.67 T
-(is) 192.61 389.67 T
-(a) 202.42 389.67 T
-(tty) 209.78 389.67 T
-(device,) 223.87 389.67 T
-(the) 257.8 389.67 T
-(interpreter) 273.72 389.67 T
-(enters) 322.01 389.67 T
-(interactive) 350.75 389.67 T
-(mode;) 399.65 389.67 T
-(otherwise,) 429.63 389.67 T
-(it) 477.62 389.67 T
-(executes) 486.21 389.67 T
-(the) 526.56 389.67 T
-(file as a complete program.) 99 376.67 T
-0 14 Q
-(8.2) 99 349.67 T
-(File input) 135 349.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(All input read from non-interactive files has the same form:) 99 324.67 T
-2 10 Q
-(file_input: \050NEWLINE | statement\051*) 99 306.33 T
-1 11 Q
-(This syntax is used in the following situations:) 99 281.67 T
-(\245) 99 262.67 T
-(when parsing a complete Python program \050from a file or from a string\051;) 113.4 262.67 T
-(\245) 99 243.67 T
-(when parsing a module;) 113.4 243.67 T
-(\245) 99 224.67 T
-(when parsing a string passed to the) 113.4 224.67 T
-2 F
-(exec) 270.13 224.67 T
-1 F
-( statement;) 296.53 224.67 T
-0 14 Q
-(8.3) 99 197.67 T
-(Interactive input) 135 197.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(Input in interactive mode is parsed using the following grammar:) 99 172.67 T
-2 10 Q
-(interactive_input: [stmt_list] NEWLINE | compound_stmt NEWLINE) 99 154.33 T
-1 11 Q
-(Note) 99 129.67 T
-(that) 122.7 129.67 T
-(a) 141.52 129.67 T
-(\050top-level\051) 148.73 129.67 T
-(compound) 197.47 129.67 T
-(statement) 246.24 129.67 T
-(must) 290.72 129.67 T
-(be) 314.43 129.67 T
-(followed) 327.13 129.67 T
-(by) 368.56 129.67 T
-(a) 381.88 129.67 T
-(blank) 389.08 129.67 T
-(line) 415.84 129.67 T
-(in) 434.66 129.67 T
-(interactive) 445.54 129.67 T
-(mode;) 494.29 129.67 T
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-0 14 Q
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-1 11 Q
-(There) 72 685.67 T
-(are) 100.31 685.67 T
-(two) 116.39 685.67 T
-(forms) 135.54 685.67 T
-(of) 163.86 685.67 T
-(expression) 175.68 685.67 T
-(input.) 225.38 685.67 T
-(Both) 253.4 685.67 T
-(ignore) 277.45 685.67 T
-(leading) 308.2 685.67 T
-(whitespace.) 343.24 685.67 T
-(The) 397.52 685.67 T
-(string) 417.28 685.67 T
-(argument) 444.99 685.67 T
-(to) 489.19 685.67 T
-2 F
-(eval\050\051) 500.4 685.67 T
-1 F
-(must have the following form:) 72 672.67 T
-2 10 Q
-(eval_input: expression_list NEWLINE*) 72 654.33 T
-1 11 Q
-(The input line read by) 72 629.67 T
-2 F
-(input\050\051) 171.9 629.67 T
-1 F
-( must have the following form:) 218.1 629.67 T
-2 10 Q
-(input_input: expression_list NEWLINE) 72 611.33 T
-1 11 Q
-(Note:) 72 586.67 T
-(to) 99.56 586.67 T
-(read) 111.24 586.67 T
-(\324raw\325) 133.29 586.67 T
-(input) 160.23 586.67 T
-(line) 185.96 586.67 T
-(without) 205.59 586.67 T
-(interpretation,) 242.32 586.67 T
-(you) 307.46 586.67 T
-(can) 327.08 586.67 T
-(use) 345.47 586.67 T
-(the) 363.25 586.67 T
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-(function) 415.33 586.67 T
-2 F
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-1 F
-(or) 530.84 586.67 T
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-2 F
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-1 F
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-85.5 639 85.5 63 2 L
-0 12 Q
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-1 11 Q
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-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 104.5 617.67 T
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-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 145.75 565.67 T
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-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 148.5 552.67 T
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-1 12 Q
-(,) 253 552.67 T
-1 11 Q
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-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 154 539.67 T
-(24) 259 539.67 T
-(__call__) 94.5 526.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 137.5 526.67 T
-(15) 242 526.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 253 526.67 T
-1 11 Q
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-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 143 513.67 T
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-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 140.25 500.67 T
-(19) 259 500.67 T
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-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 170.5 461.67 T
-(18) 259 461.67 T
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-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 148.5 448.67 T
-(16) 242 448.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 253 448.67 T
-1 11 Q
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-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 154 435.67 T
-(20) 259 435.67 T
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-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 154 422.67 T
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-(15) 225 409.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(\320) 236 409.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(16) 242 409.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 253 409.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(20) 259 409.67 T
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-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 134.75 396.67 T
-(21) 259 396.67 T
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-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 154 383.67 T
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-1 12 Q
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-1 11 Q
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-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 134.75 357.67 T
-(15) 259 357.67 T
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-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 140.25 344.67 T
-(22) 259 344.67 T
-(__getattr__) 94.5 331.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 148.5 331.67 T
-(16) 242 331.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 253 331.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(19) 259 331.67 T
-(__getitem__) 94.5 318.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 154 318.67 T
-(18) 242 318.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 253 318.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(20) 259 318.67 T
-(__getslice__) 94.5 305.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 154 305.67 T
-(20) 259 305.67 T
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-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 140.25 292.67 T
-(19) 259 292.67 T
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-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 137.5 279.67 T
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-(__init__) 94.5 266.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 134.75 266.67 T
-(15) 242 266.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 253 266.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(18) 259 266.67 T
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-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 132 253.67 T
-(22) 259 253.67 T
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-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 145.75 240.67 T
-(22) 259 240.67 T
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-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 134.75 227.67 T
-(19) 242 227.67 T
-1 12 Q
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-1 11 Q
-(20) 259 227.67 T
-(__long__) 94.5 214.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 140.25 214.67 T
-(22) 259 214.67 T
-(__lshift__) 94.5 201.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 143 201.67 T
-(21) 259 201.67 T
-(__main__) 94.5 188.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 143 188.67 T
-(24) 242 188.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 253 188.67 T
-1 11 Q
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-(12) 259 175.67 T
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-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 140.25 149.67 T
-(21) 259 149.67 T
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-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 137.5 136.67 T
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-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 145.75 123.67 T
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-1 12 Q
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-1 11 Q
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-(21) 259 110.67 T
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-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 156.75 97.67 T
-(19) 242 97.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(\320) 253 97.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(20) 259 97.67 T
-(__oct__) 94.5 84.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 134.75 84.67 T
-(22) 259 84.67 T
-(__or__) 94.5 71.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 129.25 71.67 T
-(21) 259 71.67 T
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-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 365.75 631.67 T
-(21) 488.5 631.67 T
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-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 368.5 618.67 T
-(21) 488.5 618.67 T
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-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 371.25 605.67 T
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-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 371.25 592.67 T
-(21) 488.5 592.67 T
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-(21) 488.5 579.67 T
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-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 387.75 566.67 T
-(21) 488.5 566.67 T
-(__repr__) 324 553.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 368.5 553.67 T
-(19) 488.5 553.67 T
-(__rlshift__) 324 540.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 376.75 540.67 T
-(21) 488.5 540.67 T
-(__rmod__) 324 527.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 374 527.67 T
-(21) 488.5 527.67 T
-(__rmul__) 324 514.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 371.25 514.67 T
-(21) 488.5 514.67 T
-(__ror__) 324 501.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 363 501.67 T
-(21) 488.5 501.67 T
-(__rpow__) 324 488.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 374 488.67 T
-(21) 488.5 488.67 T
-(__rrshift__) 324 475.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 376.75 475.67 T
-(21) 488.5 475.67 T
-(__rshift__) 324 462.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 374 462.67 T
-(21) 488.5 462.67 T
-(__rsub__) 324 449.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 368.5 449.67 T
-(21) 488.5 449.67 T
-(__rxor__) 324 436.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 368.5 436.67 T
-(21) 488.5 436.67 T
-(__self__) 324 423.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 365.75 423.67 T
-(15) 488.5 423.67 T
-(__setattr__) 324 410.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 376.75 410.67 T
-(16) 471.5 410.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 482.5 410.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(19) 488.5 410.67 T
-(__setitem__) 324 397.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 382.25 397.67 T
-(20) 488.5 397.67 T
-(__setslice__) 324 384.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 382.25 384.67 T
-(21) 488.5 384.67 T
-(__str__) 324 371.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 360.25 371.67 T
-(19) 488.5 371.67 T
-(__sub__) 324 358.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 365.75 358.67 T
-(21) 488.5 358.67 T
-(__xor__) 324 345.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 365.75 345.67 T
-(21) 488.5 345.67 T
-0 12 Q
-(A) 324 324 T
-1 11 Q
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-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 376.75 310.67 T
-(11) 488.5 310.67 T
-(addition) 324 297.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 365.75 297.67 T
-(33) 488.5 297.67 T
-(and) 324 284.67 T
-(bit-wise) 342 271.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 382.25 271.67 T
-(34) 488.5 271.67 T
-(argument) 324 258.67 T
-(default value) 342 245.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 404.25 245.67 T
-(31) 488.5 245.67 T
-(function) 342 232.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 382.25 232.67 T
-(14) 488.5 232.67 T
-(keyword) 342 219.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 385 219.67 T
-(31) 488.5 219.67 T
-(arguments) 324 206.67 T
-(positional) 342 193.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 390.5 193.67 T
-(31) 488.5 193.67 T
-(array of bytes) 324 180.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 387.75 180.67 T
-(13) 488.5 180.67 T
-(ASCII) 324 167.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 357.5 167.67 T
-(6) 454 167.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(\320) 459.5 167.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(7) 465.5 167.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 471 167.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(9) 477 167.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 482.5 167.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(13) 488.5 167.67 T
-(assignment) 324 154.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 376.75 154.67 T
-(13) 471.5 154.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 482.5 154.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(30) 488.5 154.67 T
-(attribute) 342 141.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 382.25 141.67 T
-(40) 488.5 141.67 T
-(class) 360 128.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 385 128.67 T
-(16) 488.5 128.67 T
-(class instance) 360 115.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . .) 423.5 115.67 T
-(16) 488.5 115.67 T
-(attributes) 342 102.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 387.75 102.67 T
-(40) 488.5 102.67 T
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-297 720 297 63 2 L
-0.5 H
-2 Z
-67.5 720 67.5 63 2 L
-1 11 Q
-(target) 112.5 712.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 143 712.67 T
-(40) 241 712.67 T
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-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 129.25 699.67 T
-(41) 241 699.67 T
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-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 154 686.67 T
-(41) 241 686.67 T
-(atom) 76.5 673.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 101.75 673.67 T
-(27) 241 673.67 T
-(attribute) 76.5 660.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 118.25 660.67 T
-(12) 241 660.67 T
-(class) 94.5 647.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 121 647.67 T
-(16) 241 647.67 T
-(class instance) 94.5 634.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 159.5 634.67 T
-(16) 241 634.67 T
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-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 132 621.67 T
-(12) 241 621.67 T
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-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 129.25 608.67 T
-(12) 241 608.67 T
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-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 148.5 595.67 T
-(19) 241 595.67 T
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-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 148.5 582.67 T
-(15) 241 582.67 T
-(AttributeError) 76.5 569.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . .) 143 569.67 T
-(19) 207 569.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 218 569.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(29) 224 569.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 235 569.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(40) 241 569.67 T
-0 12 Q
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-1 11 Q
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-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 134.75 534.67 T
-(19) 224 534.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 235 534.67 T
-1 11 Q
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-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 123.75 521.67 T
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-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 167.75 508.67 T
-(3) 246.5 508.67 T
-(binary arithmetic operations) 76.5 495.67 T
-( . . . . . .) 206.25 495.67 T
-(21) 241 495.67 T
-(binding) 76.5 482.67 T
-(name) 94.5 469.67 T
-( . . . . . . . .) 123.75 469.67 T
-(27) 173 469.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 184 469.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(43) 190 469.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(\320) 201 469.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(44) 207 469.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 218 469.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(50) 224 469.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(\320) 235 469.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(51) 241 469.67 T
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-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 143 456.67 T
-(44) 241 456.67 T
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-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 162.25 443.67 T
-(21) 241 443.67 T
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-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 123.75 430.67 T
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-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 121 404.67 T
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-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 101.75 391.67 T
-(1) 229.5 391.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 235 391.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(27) 241 391.67 T
-(break) 76.5 378.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 104.5 378.67 T
-(43) 207 378.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 218 378.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(48) 224 378.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 235 378.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(50) 241 378.67 T
-(built-in) 76.5 365.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 112.75 365.67 T
-(15) 224 365.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 235 365.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(32) 241 365.67 T
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-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 148.5 352.67 T
-(32) 241 352.67 T
-(byte) 76.5 339.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 99 339.67 T
-(13) 241 339.67 T
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-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 121 326.67 T
-(16) 241 326.67 T
-(byte-compile) 76.5 313.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 140.25 313.67 T
-(16) 241 313.67 T
-0 12 Q
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-1 11 Q
-(C) 76.5 278.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 88 278.67 T
-(7) 195.5 278.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 201 278.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(12) 207 278.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 218 278.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(15) 224 278.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 235 278.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(34) 241 278.67 T
-(call) 76.5 265.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 96.25 265.67 T
-(31) 241 265.67 T
-(built-in function) 94.5 252.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . .) 170.5 252.67 T
-(32) 241 252.67 T
-(built-in method) 94.5 239.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 167.75 239.67 T
-(32) 241 239.67 T
-(class instance) 94.5 226.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 159.5 226.67 T
-(32) 241 226.67 T
-(class object) 94.5 213.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . .) 151.25 213.67 T
-(15) 207 213.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(\320) 218 213.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(16) 224 213.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 235 213.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(32) 241 213.67 T
-(function) 94.5 200.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 134.75 200.67 T
-(32) 241 200.67 T
-(user-defined) 112.5 187.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . .) 170.5 187.67 T
-(32) 241 187.67 T
-(function invocation) 94.5 174.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . .) 184.25 174.67 T
-(14) 241 174.67 T
-(instance) 94.5 161.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 134.75 161.67 T
-(32) 241 161.67 T
-(method) 94.5 148.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 132 148.67 T
-(32) 241 148.67 T
-(procedure) 94.5 135.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 143 135.67 T
-(39) 241 135.67 T
-(callable) 76.5 122.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 115.5 122.67 T
-(14) 224 122.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 235 122.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(31) 241 122.67 T
-(characters) 76.5 109.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 126.5 109.67 T
-(30) 241 109.67 T
-(chr) 76.5 96.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 96.25 96.67 T
-(13) 241 96.67 T
-(circular references) 76.5 83.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 162.25 83.67 T
-(11) 241 83.67 T
-(class) 76.5 70.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 101.75 70.67 T
-(15) 190 70.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(\320) 201 70.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(16) 207 70.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 218 70.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(32) 224 70.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 235 70.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(51) 241 70.67 T
-(class instance) 306 712.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 371.25 712.67 T
-(15) 470.5 712.67 T
-(clause) 306 699.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 338.25 699.67 T
-(47) 470.5 699.67 T
-(close) 306 686.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 332.75 686.67 T
-(11) 470.5 686.67 T
-(code block) 306 673.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 357.5 673.67 T
-(23) 436.5 673.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 447.5 673.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(27) 453.5 673.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 464.5 673.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(44) 470.5 673.67 T
-(code generation phase) 306 660.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . .) 407 660.67 T
-(41) 470.5 660.67 T
-(code object) 306 647.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 360.25 647.67 T
-(16) 470.5 647.67 T
-(co_argcount) 324 634.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 382.25 634.67 T
-(17) 470.5 634.67 T
-(co_code) 324 621.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 365.75 621.67 T
-(17) 470.5 621.67 T
-(co_consts) 324 608.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 371.25 608.67 T
-(17) 470.5 608.67 T
-(co_filename) 324 595.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 382.25 595.67 T
-(17) 470.5 595.67 T
-(co_flags) 324 582.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 365.75 582.67 T
-(17) 470.5 582.67 T
-(co_names) 324 569.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 371.25 569.67 T
-(17) 470.5 569.67 T
-(co_nlocals) 324 556.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 376.75 556.67 T
-(17) 470.5 556.67 T
-(co_varnames) 324 543.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 387.75 543.67 T
-(17) 470.5 543.67 T
-(coercion) 306 530.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 349.25 530.67 T
-(27) 453.5 530.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 464.5 530.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(32) 470.5 530.67 T
-(coercion rules) 306 517.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 371.25 517.67 T
-(22) 470.5 517.67 T
-(colon) 306 504.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 335.5 504.67 T
-(47) 470.5 504.67 T
-(comma) 306 491.67 T
-(trailing) 324 478.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 360.25 478.67 T
-(36) 453.5 478.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 464.5 478.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(42) 470.5 478.67 T
-(comma operator) 306 465.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 382.25 465.67 T
-(28) 470.5 465.67 T
-(command line) 306 452.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 374 452.67 T
-(53) 470.5 452.67 T
-(comment) 306 439.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 352 439.67 T
-(3) 476 439.67 T
-(comparison) 306 426.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 363 426.67 T
-(34) 470.5 426.67 T
-(chaining) 324 413.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 365.75 413.67 T
-(34) 470.5 413.67 T
-(comparison operator) 306 400.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 401.5 400.67 T
-(9) 476 400.67 T
-(compile) 306 387.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 346.5 387.67 T
-(44) 470.5 387.67 T
-(complex literal) 306 374.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 376.75 374.67 T
-(9) 476 374.67 T
-(complex number) 306 361.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . .) 385 361.67 T
-(9) 442 361.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 447.5 361.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(13) 453.5 361.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 464.5 361.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(27) 470.5 361.67 T
-(constant) 306 348.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 346.5 348.67 T
-(6) 476 348.67 T
-(constructor) 306 335.67 T
-(class) 324 322.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 349.25 322.67 T
-(18) 470.5 322.67 T
-(container) 306 309.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 352 309.67 T
-(11) 453.5 309.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 464.5 309.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(16) 470.5 309.67 T
-(continue) 306 296.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 349.25 296.67 T
-(43) 436.5 296.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 447.5 296.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(48) 453.5 296.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 464.5 296.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(50) 470.5 296.67 T
-(conversion) 306 283.67 T
-(arithmetic) 324 270.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 374 270.67 T
-(27) 470.5 270.67 T
-(string) 324 257.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 354.75 257.67 T
-(19) 436.5 257.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 447.5 257.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(29) 453.5 257.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 464.5 257.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(39) 470.5 257.67 T
-(curly brace) 306 244.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 360.25 244.67 T
-(4) 476 244.67 T
-0 12 Q
-(D) 306 223 T
-1 11 Q
-(data) 306 209.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 330 209.67 T
-(11) 470.5 209.67 T
-(datum) 306 196.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 338.25 196.67 T
-(28) 470.5 196.67 T
-(debugger) 306 183.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 352 183.67 T
-(17) 470.5 183.67 T
-(debugging) 306 170.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 357.5 170.67 T
-(11) 470.5 170.67 T
-(decimal literal) 306 157.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 374 157.67 T
-(8) 476 157.67 T
-(DEDENT token) 306 144.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 382.25 144.67 T
-(4) 459 144.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 464.5 144.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(47) 470.5 144.67 T
-(definition) 306 131.67 T
-(class) 324 118.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 349.25 118.67 T
-(42) 453.5 118.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 464.5 118.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(51) 470.5 118.67 T
-(function) 324 105.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 365.75 105.67 T
-(42) 453.5 105.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 464.5 105.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(50) 470.5 105.67 T
-(del) 306 92.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 324.5 92.67 T
-(13) 402.5 92.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 413.5 92.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(18) 419.5 92.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 430.5 92.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(23) 436.5 92.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 447.5 92.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(30) 453.5 92.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 464.5 92.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(41) 470.5 92.67 T
-(delete) 306 79.67 T
-(attribute) 324 66.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 365.75 66.67 T
-(42) 470.5 66.67 T
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-1 10 Q
-(57) 525.5 32.83 T
-315 720 315 63 2 L
-0.5 H
-2 Z
-85.5 720 85.5 63 2 L
-1 11 Q
-(delimiter) 94.5 712.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 137.5 712.67 T
-(9) 264.5 712.67 T
-(dictionary) 94.5 699.67 T
-(. . . . . .) 143 699.67 T
-(14) 174 699.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(\320) 185 699.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(15) 191 699.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 202 699.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(19) 208 699.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 219 699.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(28) 225 699.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(\320) 236 699.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(29) 242 699.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 253 699.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(41) 259 699.67 T
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-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 162.25 673.67 T
-(28) 259 673.67 T
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-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 137.5 660.67 T
-(28) 259 660.67 T
-(division) 94.5 647.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 134.75 647.67 T
-(33) 259 647.67 T
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-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 132 634.67 T
-(33) 259 634.67 T
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-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 173.25 621.67 T
-(12) 259 621.67 T
-0 12 Q
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-1 11 Q
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-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 112.75 586.67 T
-(47) 259 586.67 T
-(Ellipsis) 94.5 573.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 132 573.67 T
-(12) 259 573.67 T
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-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 129.25 560.67 T
-(17) 259 560.67 T
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-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 115.5 547.67 T
-(43) 225 547.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 236 547.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(47) 242 547.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(\320) 253 547.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(49) 259 547.67 T
-(dangling) 112.5 534.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 154 534.67 T
-(47) 259 534.67 T
-(end-of-line character) 94.5 521.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 189.75 521.67 T
-(3) 264.5 521.67 T
-(error) 94.5 508.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 121 508.67 T
-(25) 259 508.67 T
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-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 162.25 495.67 T
-(25) 259 495.67 T
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-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 170.5 482.67 T
-(7) 264.5 482.67 T
-(eval) 94.5 469.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 118.25 469.67 T
-(23) 208 469.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 219 469.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(29) 225 469.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 236 469.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(44) 242 469.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 253 469.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(54) 259 469.67 T
-(except) 94.5 456.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 126.5 456.67 T
-(49) 259 456.67 T
-(except clause) 94.5 443.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 156.75 443.67 T
-(23) 259 443.67 T
-(exception) 94.5 430.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 143 430.67 T
-(25) 242 430.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 253 430.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(42) 259 430.67 T
-(class) 112.5 417.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 137.5 417.67 T
-(49) 259 417.67 T
-(raising) 112.5 404.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 145.75 404.67 T
-(42) 259 404.67 T
-(exception handler) 94.5 391.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . .) 178.75 391.67 T
-(25) 242 391.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 253 391.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(49) 259 391.67 T
-(exec) 94.5 378.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 118.25 378.67 T
-(23) 242 378.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 253 378.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(44) 259 378.67 T
-(execfile) 94.5 365.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 134.75 365.67 T
-(23) 242 365.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 253 365.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(44) 259 365.67 T
-(execution model) 94.5 352.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 173.25 352.67 T
-(23) 259 352.67 T
-(expression) 94.5 339.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 145.75 339.67 T
-(27) 242 339.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 253 339.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(30) 259 339.67 T
-(lambda) 112.5 326.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 148.5 326.67 T
-(35) 259 326.67 T
-(expression input) 94.5 313.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 170.5 313.67 T
-(54) 259 313.67 T
-(expression list) 94.5 300.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 162.25 300.67 T
-(36) 242 300.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 253 300.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(39) 259 300.67 T
-(extended slice notation) 94.5 287.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . .) 200.75 287.67 T
-(21) 259 287.67 T
-(extended slice syntax) 94.5 274.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . .) 192.5 274.67 T
-(17) 259 274.67 T
-0 12 Q
-(F) 94.5 253 T
-1 11 Q
-(fdopen) 94.5 239.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 129.25 239.67 T
-(16) 259 239.67 T
-(file) 94.5 226.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 112.75 226.67 T
-(16) 242 226.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 253 226.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(54) 259 226.67 T
-(finally) 94.5 213.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 126.5 213.67 T
-(11) 225 213.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 236 213.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(42) 242 213.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 253 213.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(50) 259 213.67 T
-(floating point) 94.5 200.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 159.5 200.67 T
-(12) 259 200.67 T
-(floating point literal) 94.5 187.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 187 187.67 T
-(8) 264.5 187.67 T
-(floating point number) 94.5 174.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . .) 195.25 174.67 T
-(27) 259 174.67 T
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-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 121 161.67 T
-(33) 259 161.67 T
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-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 165 148.67 T
-(25) 259 148.67 T
-(for) 94.5 135.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 112.75 135.67 T
-(23) 225 135.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 236 135.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(43) 242 135.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 253 135.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(48) 259 135.67 T
-(form) 94.5 122.67 T
-(lambda) 112.5 109.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 148.5 109.67 T
-(35) 259 109.67 T
-(formfeed character) 94.5 96.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 181.5 96.67 T
-(4) 264.5 96.67 T
-(frame) 94.5 83.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 123.75 83.67 T
-(17) 259 83.67 T
-(execution) 112.5 70.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 159.5 70.67 T
-(23) 242 70.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 253 70.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(51) 259 70.67 T
-(frame object) 324 712.67 T
-(f_back) 342 699.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 376.75 699.67 T
-(17) 488.5 699.67 T
-(f_builtins) 342 686.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 387.75 686.67 T
-(17) 488.5 686.67 T
-(f_code) 342 673.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 376.75 673.67 T
-(17) 488.5 673.67 T
-(f_globals) 342 660.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 387.75 660.67 T
-(17) 488.5 660.67 T
-(f_lasti) 342 647.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 374 647.67 T
-(17) 488.5 647.67 T
-(f_lineno) 342 634.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 382.25 634.67 T
-(17) 488.5 634.67 T
-(f_locals) 342 621.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 382.25 621.67 T
-(17) 488.5 621.67 T
-(f_restricted) 342 608.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 396 608.67 T
-(17) 488.5 608.67 T
-(f_trace) 342 595.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 376.75 595.67 T
-(17) 488.5 595.67 T
-(from) 324 582.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 349.25 582.67 T
-(6) 460 582.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 465.5 582.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(23) 471.5 582.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 482.5 582.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(43) 488.5 582.67 T
-(function) 324 569.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 365.75 569.67 T
-(14) 454.5 569.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 465.5 569.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(32) 471.5 569.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 482.5 569.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(50) 488.5 569.67 T
-(anonymous) 342 556.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 396 556.67 T
-(35) 488.5 556.67 T
-(built-in) 342 543.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 379.5 543.67 T
-(15) 488.5 543.67 T
-(user-defined) 342 530.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . .) 401.5 530.67 T
-(14) 471.5 530.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 482.5 530.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(50) 488.5 530.67 T
-(function object) 324 517.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 396 517.67 T
-(16) 488.5 517.67 T
-(func_code) 342 504.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 393.25 504.67 T
-(14) 488.5 504.67 T
-(func_defaults) 342 491.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 407 491.67 T
-(14) 488.5 491.67 T
-(func_doc) 342 478.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 387.75 478.67 T
-(14) 488.5 478.67 T
-(func_globals) 342 465.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . .) 404.25 465.67 T
-(14) 471.5 465.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(\320) 482.5 465.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(15) 488.5 465.67 T
-(func_name) 342 452.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 396 452.67 T
-(14) 488.5 452.67 T
-0 12 Q
-(G) 324 431 T
-1 11 Q
-(garbage collection) 324 417.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 409.75 417.67 T
-(11) 488.5 417.67 T
-(getlineno) 324 404.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 368.5 404.67 T
-(17) 488.5 404.67 T
-(global) 324 391.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . .) 354.75 391.67 T
-(23) 420.5 391.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 431.5 391.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(27) 437.5 391.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 448.5 391.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(40) 454.5 391.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 465.5 391.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(42) 471.5 391.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 482.5 391.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(44) 488.5 391.67 T
-(globals) 324 378.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 360.25 378.67 T
-(24) 471.5 378.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 482.5 378.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(45) 488.5 378.67 T
-(grammar) 324 365.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 368.5 365.67 T
-(1) 494 365.67 T
-0 12 Q
-(H) 324 344 T
-1 11 Q
-(handle an exception) 324 330.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 415.25 330.67 T
-(25) 488.5 330.67 T
-(handler) 324 317.67 T
-(exception) 342 304.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 390.5 304.67 T
-(17) 488.5 304.67 T
-(hash) 324 291.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 349.25 291.67 T
-(19) 488.5 291.67 T
-(hash character) 324 278.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 390.5 278.67 T
-(3) 494 278.67 T
-(hexadecimal literal) 324 265.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 412.5 265.67 T
-(8) 494 265.67 T
-0 12 Q
-(I) 324 244 T
-1 11 Q
-(id) 324 230.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 338.25 230.67 T
-(11) 488.5 230.67 T
-(Identifier) 324 217.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 368.5 217.67 T
-(5) 494 217.67 T
-(identifier) 324 204.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 368.5 204.67 T
-(27) 488.5 204.67 T
-(special meaning) 342 191.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 418 191.67 T
-(6) 494 191.67 T
-(if) 324 178.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 335.5 178.67 T
-(47) 488.5 178.67 T
-(im_class) 324 165.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 365.75 165.67 T
-(16) 488.5 165.67 T
-(im_self) 324 152.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 360.25 152.67 T
-(15) 488.5 152.67 T
-(imaginary literal) 324 139.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 401.5 139.67 T
-(9) 494 139.67 T
-(immutable) 324 126.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 376.75 126.67 T
-(13) 488.5 126.67 T
-(import) 324 113.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . .) 357.5 113.67 T
-(6) 426 113.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 431.5 113.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(15) 437.5 113.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 448.5 113.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(23) 454.5 113.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 465.5 113.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(43) 471.5 113.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(\320) 482.5 113.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(44) 488.5 113.67 T
-(ImportError) 324 100.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 382.25 100.67 T
-(44) 488.5 100.67 T
-(in) 324 87.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 338.25 87.67 T
-(48) 488.5 87.67 T
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-1 10 Q
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-297 720 297 63 2 L
-0.5 H
-2 Z
-67.5 720 67.5 63 2 L
-1 11 Q
-(Indentation) 76.5 712.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 132 712.67 T
-(4) 246.5 712.67 T
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-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 129.25 699.67 T
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-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 159.5 686.67 T
-(5) 246.5 686.67 T
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-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 148.5 673.67 T
-(13) 241 673.67 T
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-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 129.25 660.67 T
-(41) 241 660.67 T
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-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 129.25 647.67 T
-(51) 241 647.67 T
-(input) 76.5 634.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 104.5 634.67 T
-(54) 241 634.67 T
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-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 118.25 621.67 T
-(15) 207 621.67 T
-1 12 Q
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-1 11 Q
-(16) 224 621.67 T
-1 12 Q
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-1 11 Q
-(32) 241 621.67 T
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-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 115.5 608.67 T
-(20) 241 608.67 T
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-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 112.75 582.67 T
-(8) 212.5 582.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 218 582.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(12) 224 582.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 235 582.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(27) 241 582.67 T
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-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 118.25 569.67 T
-(8) 246.5 569.67 T
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-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 140.25 556.67 T
-(8) 246.5 556.67 T
-(interactive mode) 76.5 543.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 154 543.67 T
-(53) 241 543.67 T
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-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 137.5 530.67 T
-(16) 241 530.67 T
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-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 126.5 517.67 T
-(53) 241 517.67 T
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-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 121 504.67 T
-(32) 241 504.67 T
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-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 88 491.67 T
-(11) 241 491.67 T
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-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 123.75 452.67 T
-(30) 241 452.67 T
-0 12 Q
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-1 11 Q
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-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 96.25 417.67 T
-(28) 241 417.67 T
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-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 148.5 404.67 T
-(28) 241 404.67 T
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-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 118.25 391.67 T
-(6) 246.5 391.67 T
-0 12 Q
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-1 11 Q
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-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 118.25 356.67 T
-(35) 241 356.67 T
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-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 165 343.67 T
-(4) 246.5 343.67 T
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-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 93.5 330.67 T
-(13) 241 330.67 T
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-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 148.5 317.67 T
-(3) 246.5 317.67 T
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-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 151.25 304.67 T
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-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 123.75 278.67 T
-(4) 246.5 278.67 T
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-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 154 265.67 T
-(3) 246.5 265.67 T
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-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 129.25 252.67 T
-(3) 246.5 252.67 T
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-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 165 226.67 T
-(4) 246.5 226.67 T
-(line joining) 76.5 213.67 T
-(implicit) 94.5 200.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 132 200.67 T
-(4) 246.5 200.67 T
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-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 129.25 161.67 T
-(3) 246.5 161.67 T
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-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 134.75 148.67 T
-(3) 246.5 148.67 T
-(list) 76.5 135.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 93.5 135.67 T
-(13) 173 135.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 184 135.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(28) 190 135.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(\320) 201 135.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(30) 207 135.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 218 135.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(41) 224 135.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 235 135.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(48) 241 135.67 T
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-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 126.5 122.67 T
-(28) 241 122.67 T
-(expression) 94.5 109.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . .) 145.75 109.67 T
-(36) 207 109.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 218 109.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(39) 224 109.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(\320) 235 109.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(40) 241 109.67 T
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-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 123.75 96.67 T
-(40) 241 96.67 T
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-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 151.25 83.67 T
-(41) 241 83.67 T
-(Literal) 76.5 70.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 110 70.67 T
-(6) 246.5 70.67 T
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-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 335.5 712.67 T
-(28) 470.5 712.67 T
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-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 335.5 699.67 T
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-1 12 Q
-(,) 464.5 699.67 T
-1 11 Q
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-(logical line) 306 686.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 360.25 686.67 T
-(3) 476 686.67 T
-(long integer) 306 673.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 363 673.67 T
-(12) 453.5 673.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 464.5 673.67 T
-1 11 Q
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-(long integer literal) 306 660.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 390.5 660.67 T
-(8) 476 660.67 T
-(loop) 306 647.67 T
-(over mutable sequence) 324 634.67 T
-(. . . . . . . .) 429 634.67 T
-(48) 470.5 634.67 T
-0 12 Q
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-1 11 Q
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-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 349.25 599.67 T
-(16) 470.5 599.67 T
-(mapping) 306 586.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . .) 349.25 586.67 T
-(13) 419.5 586.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 430.5 586.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(16) 436.5 586.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 447.5 586.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(29) 453.5 586.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 464.5 586.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(41) 470.5 586.67 T
-(method) 306 573.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 343.75 573.67 T
-(32) 470.5 573.67 T
-(bound) 324 560.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 354.75 560.67 T
-(14) 470.5 560.67 T
-(built-in) 324 547.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 360.25 547.67 T
-(15) 470.5 547.67 T
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-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 365.75 534.67 T
-(14) 470.5 534.67 T
-(user-defined) 324 521.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 382.25 521.67 T
-(14) 470.5 521.67 T
-(creation) 342 508.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 382.25 508.67 T
-(14) 470.5 508.67 T
-(method object) 306 495.67 T
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-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 374 482.67 T
-(14) 470.5 482.67 T
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-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 365.75 469.67 T
-(14) 470.5 469.67 T
-(im_func) 324 456.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 365.75 456.67 T
-(14) 470.5 456.67 T
-(im_func.__doc__) 324 443.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . .) 407 443.67 T
-(14) 470.5 443.67 T
-(im_self) 324 430.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 360.25 430.67 T
-(14) 470.5 430.67 T
-(minus) 306 417.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 338.25 417.67 T
-(32) 470.5 417.67 T
-(module) 306 404.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 343.75 404.67 T
-(15) 436.5 404.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 447.5 404.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(29) 453.5 404.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 464.5 404.67 T
-1 11 Q
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-(extension) 324 391.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 371.25 391.67 T
-(12) 470.5 391.67 T
-(importing) 324 378.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 371.25 378.67 T
-(43) 470.5 378.67 T
-(modulo) 306 365.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 343.75 365.67 T
-(33) 470.5 365.67 T
-(multiplication) 306 352.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 371.25 352.67 T
-(33) 470.5 352.67 T
-(mutable) 306 339.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 346.5 339.67 T
-(14) 436.5 339.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 447.5 339.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(40) 453.5 339.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(\320) 464.5 339.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(41) 470.5 339.67 T
-(mutable sequence) 306 326.67 T
-(loop over) 324 313.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 371.25 313.67 T
-(48) 470.5 313.67 T
-0 12 Q
-(N) 306 292 T
-1 11 Q
-(name) 306 278.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 335.5 278.67 T
-(5) 459 278.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 464.5 278.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(27) 470.5 278.67 T
-(binding) 324 265.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 363 265.67 T
-(23) 453.5 265.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 464.5 265.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(40) 470.5 265.67 T
-(class) 324 252.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 349.25 252.67 T
-(51) 470.5 252.67 T
-(function) 324 239.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 365.75 239.67 T
-(50) 470.5 239.67 T
-(global) 324 226.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 354.75 226.67 T
-(27) 470.5 226.67 T
-(mangling) 324 213.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 371.25 213.67 T
-(6) 476 213.67 T
-(rebinding) 324 200.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 371.25 200.67 T
-(23) 453.5 200.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 464.5 200.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(40) 470.5 200.67 T
-(unbinding) 324 187.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 374 187.67 T
-(23) 453.5 187.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 464.5 187.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(42) 470.5 187.67 T
-(name space) 306 174.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 360.25 174.67 T
-(23) 470.5 174.67 T
-(global) 324 161.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 354.75 161.67 T
-(14) 453.5 161.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 464.5 161.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(23) 470.5 161.67 T
-(local) 324 148.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 349.25 148.67 T
-(23) 470.5 148.67 T
-(module) 324 135.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 360.25 135.67 T
-(15) 470.5 135.67 T
-(NameError) 306 122.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 360.25 122.67 T
-(24) 453.5 122.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 464.5 122.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(27) 470.5 122.67 T
-(negation) 306 109.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 349.25 109.67 T
-(32) 470.5 109.67 T
-(NEWLINE token) 306 96.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . .) 387.75 96.67 T
-(3) 447.5 96.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(\320) 453 96.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(4) 459 96.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 464.5 96.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(47) 470.5 96.67 T
-(None) 306 83.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 335.5 83.67 T
-(12) 453.5 83.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 464.5 83.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(39) 470.5 83.67 T
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-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 346.5 70.67 T
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-315 720 315 63 2 L
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-2 Z
-85.5 720 85.5 63 2 L
-1 11 Q
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-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 159.5 712.67 T
-(41) 259 712.67 T
-(number) 94.5 699.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 132 699.67 T
-(8) 230.5 699.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 236 699.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(12) 242 699.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 253 699.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(16) 259 699.67 T
-(numbers) 94.5 686.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 137.5 686.67 T
-(16) 259 686.67 T
-(numeric) 94.5 673.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 134.75 673.67 T
-(12) 259 673.67 T
-(numeric arithmetic) 94.5 660.67 T
-(mixed mode) 112.5 647.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 170.5 647.67 T
-(22) 259 647.67 T
-(numeric literal) 94.5 634.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 162.25 634.67 T
-(8) 264.5 634.67 T
-0 12 Q
-(O) 94.5 613 T
-1 11 Q
-(object) 94.5 599.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 126.5 599.67 T
-(11) 259 599.67 T
-(address in memory) 112.5 586.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . .) 200.75 586.67 T
-(11) 259 586.67 T
-(container) 112.5 573.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 156.75 573.67 T
-(11) 259 573.67 T
-(identity) 112.5 560.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 151.25 560.67 T
-(11) 259 560.67 T
-(immutable) 112.5 547.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 165 547.67 T
-(11) 259 547.67 T
-(mutable) 112.5 534.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 151.25 534.67 T
-(11) 259 534.67 T
-(reference to external resource) 112.5 521.67 T
-(. .) 247.5 521.67 T
-(11) 259 521.67 T
-(type) 112.5 508.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 134.75 508.67 T
-(11) 259 508.67 T
-(unreachable) 112.5 495.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 170.5 495.67 T
-(11) 259 495.67 T
-(value) 112.5 482.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 140.25 482.67 T
-(11) 259 482.67 T
-(object closure) 94.5 469.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 159.5 469.67 T
-(14) 259 469.67 T
-(octal literal) 94.5 456.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 148.5 456.67 T
-(8) 264.5 456.67 T
-(open) 94.5 443.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 121 443.67 T
-(16) 259 443.67 T
-(operation) 94.5 430.67 T
-(arithmetic) 112.5 417.67 T
-(binary) 130.5 404.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 162.25 404.67 T
-(32) 259 404.67 T
-(unary) 130.5 391.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 159.5 391.67 T
-(32) 259 391.67 T
-(bit-wise) 112.5 378.67 T
-(binary) 130.5 365.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 162.25 365.67 T
-(33) 259 365.67 T
-(unary) 130.5 352.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 159.5 352.67 T
-(32) 259 352.67 T
-(boolean) 112.5 339.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 151.25 339.67 T
-(35) 259 339.67 T
-(null) 112.5 326.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 134.75 326.67 T
-(41) 259 326.67 T
-(shifting) 112.5 313.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 151.25 313.67 T
-(33) 259 313.67 T
-(operator) 94.5 300.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 134.75 300.67 T
-(9) 264.5 300.67 T
-(optimization) 94.5 287.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 154 287.67 T
-(15) 259 287.67 T
-(or) 94.5 274.67 T
-(bit-wise) 112.5 261.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 151.25 261.67 T
-(34) 259 261.67 T
-(exclusive) 112.5 248.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 159.5 248.67 T
-(34) 259 248.67 T
-(inclusive) 112.5 235.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 156.75 235.67 T
-(34) 259 235.67 T
-(ord) 94.5 222.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 112.75 222.67 T
-(13) 259 222.67 T
-(output) 94.5 209.67 T
-(standard) 112.5 196.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 154 196.67 T
-(39) 242 196.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 253 196.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(42) 259 196.67 T
-(OverflowError) 94.5 183.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 165 183.67 T
-(12) 259 183.67 T
-0 12 Q
-(P) 94.5 162 T
-1 11 Q
-(parenthesized form) 94.5 148.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 184.25 148.67 T
-(28) 259 148.67 T
-(parser) 94.5 135.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 126.5 135.67 T
-(3) 253 135.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 258.5 135.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(5) 264.5 135.67 T
-(Pascal) 94.5 122.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 126.5 122.67 T
-(48) 259 122.67 T
-(pass) 94.5 109.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 118.25 109.67 T
-(41) 259 109.67 T
-(plain integer) 94.5 96.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 154 96.67 T
-(12) 242 96.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 253 96.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(27) 259 96.67 T
-(plain integer literal) 94.5 83.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 181.5 83.67 T
-(8) 264.5 83.67 T
-(plus) 94.5 70.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 118.25 70.67 T
-(32) 259 70.67 T
-(popen) 324 712.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 354.75 712.67 T
-(16) 488.5 712.67 T
-(pow) 324 699.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 346.5 699.67 T
-(32) 488.5 699.67 T
-(power operator) 324 686.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 396 686.67 T
-(32) 488.5 686.67 T
-(primary) 324 673.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 363 673.67 T
-(29) 488.5 673.67 T
-(print) 324 660.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 349.25 660.67 T
-(19) 471.5 660.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 482.5 660.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(42) 488.5 660.67 T
-(program) 324 647.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 365.75 647.67 T
-(53) 488.5 647.67 T
-0 12 Q
-(Q) 324 626 T
-1 11 Q
-(quotes) 324 612.67 T
-(backward) 342 599.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 390.5 599.67 T
-(19) 471.5 599.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 482.5 599.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(29) 488.5 599.67 T
-(double) 342 586.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 376.75 586.67 T
-(6) 494 586.67 T
-(reverse) 342 573.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 379.5 573.67 T
-(19) 471.5 573.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 482.5 573.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(29) 488.5 573.67 T
-(single) 342 560.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 374 560.67 T
-(6) 494 560.67 T
-0 12 Q
-(R) 324 539 T
-1 11 Q
-(raise) 324 525.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 349.25 525.67 T
-(42) 488.5 525.67 T
-(raised an exception) 324 512.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 412.5 512.67 T
-(25) 488.5 512.67 T
-(range) 324 499.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 352 499.67 T
-(48) 488.5 499.67 T
-(raw_input) 324 486.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 374 486.67 T
-(54) 488.5 486.67 T
-(readline) 324 473.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 363 473.67 T
-(54) 488.5 473.67 T
-(recursive) 324 460.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 368.5 460.67 T
-(29) 488.5 460.67 T
-(reference) 324 447.67 T
-(attribute) 342 434.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 382.25 434.67 T
-(29) 488.5 434.67 T
-(circular) 342 421.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 379.5 421.67 T
-(11) 488.5 421.67 T
-(count) 342 408.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 371.25 408.67 T
-(18) 488.5 408.67 T
-(counting) 342 395.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 385 395.67 T
-(11) 488.5 395.67 T
-(remainder) 324 382.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 374 382.67 T
-(33) 488.5 382.67 T
-(repr) 324 369.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 346.5 369.67 T
-(19) 454.5 369.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 465.5 369.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(29) 471.5 369.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 482.5 369.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(39) 488.5 369.67 T
-(representation) 324 356.67 T
-(integer) 342 343.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 376.75 343.67 T
-(12) 488.5 343.67 T
-(reserved word) 324 330.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 390.5 330.67 T
-(6) 494 330.67 T
-(restricted execution mode) 324 317.67 T
-( . . . . . . . .) 442.75 317.67 T
-(24) 488.5 317.67 T
-(return) 324 304.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 354.75 304.67 T
-(42) 471.5 304.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 482.5 304.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(50) 488.5 304.67 T
-0 12 Q
-(S) 324 283 T
-1 11 Q
-(scope) 324 269.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 354.75 269.67 T
-(24) 488.5 269.67 T
-(script) 324 256.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 352 256.67 T
-(23) 488.5 256.67 T
-(semicolon) 324 243.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 374 243.67 T
-(47) 488.5 243.67 T
-(sequence) 324 230.67 T
-(. . .) 368.5 230.67 T
-(13) 386.5 230.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 397.5 230.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(16) 403.5 230.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 414.5 230.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(29) 420.5 230.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(\320) 431.5 230.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(30) 437.5 230.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 448.5 230.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(35) 454.5 230.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 465.5 230.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(41) 471.5 230.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 482.5 230.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(48) 488.5 230.67 T
-(immutable) 342 217.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 393.25 217.67 T
-(13) 488.5 217.67 T
-(mutable) 342 204.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 382.25 204.67 T
-(13) 488.5 204.67 T
-(sign) 324 191.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 346.5 191.67 T
-(9) 494 191.67 T
-(slice) 324 178.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 349.25 178.67 T
-(20) 454.5 178.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 465.5 178.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(30) 471.5 178.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 482.5 178.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(41) 488.5 178.67 T
-(boundary) 342 165.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 387.75 165.67 T
-(30) 471.5 165.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 482.5 165.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(41) 488.5 165.67 T
-(extended) 342 152.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 385 152.67 T
-(30) 488.5 152.67 T
-(simple) 342 139.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 376.75 139.67 T
-(30) 488.5 139.67 T
-(Slice objects) 324 126.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 385 126.67 T
-(17) 488.5 126.67 T
-(slicing) 324 113.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 357.5 113.67 T
-(13) 471.5 113.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 482.5 113.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(30) 488.5 113.67 T
-(space) 324 100.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 352 100.67 T
-(4) 494 100.67 T
-(space count) 324 87.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 379.5 87.67 T
-(4) 494 87.67 T
-(square bracket) 324 74.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 393.25 74.67 T
-(4) 494 74.67 T
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-0 9.6 Q
-4.8 (NDEX) 278.13 748 S
-1 10 Q
-(60) 76.5 32.83 T
-297 720 297 63 2 L
-0.5 H
-2 Z
-67.5 720 67.5 63 2 L
-1 11 Q
-(stack) 76.5 712.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 104.5 712.67 T
-(4) 246.5 712.67 T
-(execution) 94.5 699.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 143 699.67 T
-(17) 241 699.67 T
-(stack frame) 76.5 686.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 132 686.67 T
-(17) 241 686.67 T
-(standard inpu) 76.5 673.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 140.25 673.67 T
-(53) 241 673.67 T
-(standard output) 76.5 660.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 148.5 660.67 T
-(42) 241 660.67 T
-(statement) 76.5 647.67 T
-(assignment) 94.5 634.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 148.5 634.67 T
-(13) 241 634.67 T
-(compound) 94.5 621.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 145.75 621.67 T
-(47) 241 621.67 T
-(expression) 94.5 608.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 145.75 608.67 T
-(39) 241 608.67 T
-(loop) 94.5 595.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 118.25 595.67 T
-(43) 224 595.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 235 595.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(48) 241 595.67 T
-(simple) 94.5 582.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 129.25 582.67 T
-(39) 241 582.67 T
-(statement grouping) 76.5 569.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 165 569.67 T
-(4) 246.5 569.67 T
-(statements) 76.5 556.67 T
-(assignment) 94.5 543.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 148.5 543.67 T
-(40) 241 543.67 T
-(stderr) 76.5 530.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 107.25 530.67 T
-(16) 241 530.67 T
-(stdin) 76.5 517.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 101.75 517.67 T
-(16) 241 517.67 T
-(stdout) 76.5 504.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 107.25 504.67 T
-(16) 224 504.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 235 504.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(42) 241 504.67 T
-(str) 76.5 491.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 90.75 491.67 T
-(19) 224 491.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 235 491.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(29) 241 491.67 T
-(string) 76.5 478.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 107.25 478.67 T
-(13) 190 478.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 201 478.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(29) 207 478.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(\320) 218 478.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(30) 224 478.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 235 478.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(48) 241 478.67 T
-(triple-quoted) 94.5 465.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 156.75 465.67 T
-(4) 246.5 465.67 T
-(string literal) 76.5 452.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 134.75 452.67 T
-(6) 246.5 452.67 T
-(concatenation) 94.5 439.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 159.5 439.67 T
-(8) 246.5 439.67 T
-(subscription) 76.5 426.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 134.75 426.67 T
-(13) 224 426.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 235 426.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(29) 241 426.67 T
-(subtraction) 76.5 413.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 129.25 413.67 T
-(33) 241 413.67 T
-(suite) 76.5 400.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 101.75 400.67 T
-(47) 241 400.67 T
-(suppression) 76.5 387.67 T
-(newline) 94.5 374.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 134.75 374.67 T
-(42) 241 374.67 T
-(syntax) 76.5 361.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 110 361.67 T
-(1) 229.5 361.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 235 361.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(27) 241 361.67 T
-(sys) 76.5 348.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 96.25 348.67 T
-(42) 224 348.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 235 348.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(53) 241 348.67 T
-(exc_traceback) 94.5 335.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . .) 162.25 335.67 T
-(17) 224 335.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 235 335.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(49) 241 335.67 T
-(exc_type) 94.5 322.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 137.5 322.67 T
-(49) 241 322.67 T
-(exc_value) 94.5 309.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 143 309.67 T
-(49) 241 309.67 T
-(last_traceback) 94.5 296.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 162.25 296.67 T
-(17) 241 296.67 T
-(sys.exc_traceback) 76.5 283.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 159.5 283.67 T
-(18) 241 283.67 T
-(sys.last_traceback) 76.5 270.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 159.5 270.67 T
-(18) 241 270.67 T
-(sys.modules) 76.5 257.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 134.75 257.67 T
-(43) 241 257.67 T
-(sys.stderr) 76.5 244.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 123.75 244.67 T
-(16) 241 244.67 T
-(sys.stdin) 76.5 231.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 118.25 231.67 T
-(16) 241 231.67 T
-(sys.stdout) 76.5 218.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 123.75 218.67 T
-(16) 241 218.67 T
-0 12 Q
-(T) 76.5 197 T
-1 11 Q
-(tab) 76.5 183.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 93.5 183.67 T
-(4) 246.5 183.67 T
-(target) 76.5 170.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 107.25 170.67 T
-(40) 241 170.67 T
-(deletion) 94.5 157.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 134.75 157.67 T
-(41) 241 157.67 T
-(loop control) 94.5 144.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 151.25 144.67 T
-(43) 241 144.67 T
-(test) 76.5 131.67 T
-(identity) 94.5 118.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 132 118.67 T
-(35) 241 118.67 T
-(membership) 94.5 105.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 154 105.67 T
-(35) 241 105.67 T
-(token) 306 712.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 335.5 712.67 T
-(3) 476 712.67 T
-(delimiter) 324 699.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 368.5 699.67 T
-(5) 476 699.67 T
-(identifier) 324 686.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 368.5 686.67 T
-(5) 476 686.67 T
-(keyword) 324 673.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 365.75 673.67 T
-(5) 476 673.67 T
-(literal) 324 660.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 354.75 660.67 T
-(5) 476 660.67 T
-(operator) 324 647.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 365.75 647.67 T
-(5) 476 647.67 T
-(tracback object) 306 634.67 T
-(tb_frame) 324 621.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 368.5 621.67 T
-(17) 470.5 621.67 T
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-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 360.25 608.67 T
-(17) 470.5 608.67 T
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-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 371.25 595.67 T
-(17) 470.5 595.67 T
-(tb_next) 324 582.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 360.25 582.67 T
-(17) 470.5 582.67 T
-(trace) 306 569.67 T
-(stack) 324 556.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 352 556.67 T
-(17) 470.5 556.67 T
-(traceback) 306 543.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 352 543.67 T
-(43) 470.5 543.67 T
-(traceback object) 306 530.67 T
-(exc_traceback) 324 517.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 390.5 517.67 T
-(17) 470.5 517.67 T
-(last_traceback) 324 504.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 390.5 504.67 T
-(17) 470.5 504.67 T
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-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 374 491.67 T
-(15) 470.5 491.67 T
-(try) 306 478.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 321.75 478.67 T
-(11) 419.5 478.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 430.5 478.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(17) 436.5 478.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 447.5 478.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(42) 453.5 478.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 464.5 478.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(49) 470.5 478.67 T
-(finally) 324 465.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 357.5 465.67 T
-(43) 470.5 465.67 T
-(tuple) 306 452.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . .) 332.75 452.67 T
-(13) 402.5 452.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 413.5 452.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(29) 419.5 452.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(\320) 430.5 452.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(30) 436.5 452.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 447.5 452.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(36) 453.5 452.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 464.5 452.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(48) 470.5 452.67 T
-(empty) 324 439.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 354.75 439.67 T
-(13) 436.5 439.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 447.5 439.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(28) 453.5 439.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 464.5 439.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(36) 470.5 439.67 T
-(singleton) 324 426.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 368.5 426.67 T
-(13) 470.5 426.67 T
-(type) 306 413.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 330 413.67 T
-(11) 453.5 413.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(\320) 464.5 413.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(12) 470.5 413.67 T
-(data) 324 400.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 346.5 400.67 T
-(12) 470.5 400.67 T
-(immutable) 342 387.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 393.25 387.67 T
-(28) 470.5 387.67 T
-(hierarchy) 324 374.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 371.25 374.67 T
-(12) 470.5 374.67 T
-(TypeError) 306 361.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . .) 357.5 361.67 T
-(29) 419.5 361.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 430.5 361.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(31) 436.5 361.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(\320) 447.5 361.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(32) 453.5 361.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 464.5 361.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(40) 470.5 361.67 T
-0 12 Q
-(U) 306 340 T
-1 11 Q
-(UNIX) 306 326.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 338.25 326.67 T
-(4) 459 326.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 464.5 326.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(53) 470.5 326.67 T
-(unrecognized escape sequences) 306 313.67 T
-( . . . . .) 448.25 313.67 T
-(7) 476 313.67 T
-(user-defined) 306 300.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 365.75 300.67 T
-(14) 470.5 300.67 T
-(user-defined function) 306 287.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . .) 404.25 287.67 T
-(32) 470.5 287.67 T
-0 12 Q
-(V) 306 266 T
-1 11 Q
-(value) 306 252.67 T
-(parameter) 324 239.67 T
-(default) 342 226.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 376.75 226.67 T
-(50) 470.5 226.67 T
-(writing) 324 213.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 360.25 213.67 T
-(39) 470.5 213.67 T
-(ValueError) 306 200.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 360.25 200.67 T
-(33) 470.5 200.67 T
-(values) 306 187.67 T
-(writing) 324 174.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 360.25 174.67 T
-(42) 470.5 174.67 T
-(Von Neumann) 306 161.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 374 161.67 T
-(11) 470.5 161.67 T
-0 12 Q
-(W) 306 140 T
-1 11 Q
-(while) 306 126.67 T
-(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 335.5 126.67 T
-(43) 453.5 126.67 T
-1 12 Q
-(,) 464.5 126.67 T
-1 11 Q
-(48) 470.5 126.67 T
-(whitespace) 306 113.67 T
-( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) 360.25 113.67 T
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-315 720 315 63 2 L
-0.5 H
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-85.5 720 85.5 63 2 L
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-0 12 Q
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