path: root/Doc
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authorTim Peters <>2004-08-13 03:55:05 (GMT)
committerTim Peters <>2004-08-13 03:55:05 (GMT)
commit41a65ea7fec64be031b79041ebba875bde1155d6 (patch)
treeb44ebe3063263cf2a32ad121d4e008b6bed64692 /Doc
parentf076953eb13caf629c81c3656cc0f178c7a91b1d (diff)
Doctest has new traceback gimmicks in 2.4. While trying to document
them (which they are now), I had to rewrite the code to understand it. This has got to be the most DWIM part of doctest -- but in context is really necessary.
Diffstat (limited to 'Doc')
1 files changed, 80 insertions, 18 deletions
diff --git a/Doc/lib/libdoctest.tex b/Doc/lib/libdoctest.tex
index e5b637a..7558309 100644
--- a/Doc/lib/libdoctest.tex
+++ b/Doc/lib/libdoctest.tex
@@ -108,7 +108,8 @@ Expecting: [1, 1, 2, 6, 24, 120]
Trying: [factorial(long(n)) for n in range(6)]
Expecting: [1, 1, 2, 6, 24, 120]
And so on, eventually ending with:
@@ -129,12 +130,14 @@ $
That's all you need to know to start making productive use of
-\module{doctest}! Jump in.
+\module{doctest}! Jump in. The following sections provide full
+details. Note that there are many examples of doctests in
+the standard Python test suite and libraries.
\subsection{Simple Usage}
-The simplest (not necessarily the best) way to start using doctest is to
-end each module \module{M} with:
+The simplest way to start using doctest (but not necessarily the way
+you'll continue to do it) is to end each module \module{M} with:
def _test():
@@ -146,8 +149,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
\module{doctest} then examines docstrings in the module calling
-\function{testmod()}. If you want to test a different module, you can
-pass that module object to \function{testmod()}.
Running the module as a script causes the examples in the docstrings
to get executed and verified:
@@ -292,35 +294,95 @@ their contained methods and nested classes.
\subsection{What's the Execution Context?}
-By default, each time \function{testmod()} finds a docstring to test, it uses
-a \emph{copy} of \module{M}'s globals, so that running tests on a module
+By default, each time \function{testmod()} finds a docstring to test, it
+uses a \emph{shallow copy} of \module{M}'s globals, so that running tests
doesn't change the module's real globals, and so that one test in
\module{M} can't leave behind crumbs that accidentally allow another test
to work. This means examples can freely use any names defined at top-level
in \module{M}, and names defined earlier in the docstring being run.
+Examples cannot see names defined in other docstrings.
You can force use of your own dict as the execution context by passing
-\code{globs=your_dict} to \function{testmod()} instead. Presumably this
-would be a copy of \code{M.__dict__} merged with the globals from other
-imported modules.
+\code{globs=your_dict} to \function{testmod()} instead.
\subsection{What About Exceptions?}
-No problem, as long as the only output generated by the example is the
-traceback itself. For example:
+No problem: just paste in the expected traceback. Since
+tracebacks contain details that are likely to change
+rapidly (for example, exact file paths and line numbers), this is one
+case where doctest works hard to be flexible in what it accepts.
+This makes the full story involved, but you really don't have
+to remember much. Simple example:
>>> [1, 2, 3].remove(42)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list
-Note that only the exception type and value are compared (specifically,
-only the last line in the traceback). The various ``File'' lines in
-between can be left out (unless they add significantly to the documentation
-value of the example).
+That doctest succeeds if, and only if, \exception{ValueError} is raised,
+with the \samp{list.remove(x): x not in list} detail as shown.
+The expected output for an exception is divided into four parts.
+First, an example may produce some normal output before an exception
+is raised, although that's unusual. The "normal output" is taken to
+be everything until the first "Traceback" line, and is usually an
+empty string. Next, the traceback line must be one of these two, and
+indented the same as the first line in the example:
+Traceback (most recent call last):
+Traceback (innermost last):
+The most interesting part is the last part: the line(s) starting with the
+exception type and detail. This is usually the last line of a traceback,
+but can extend across any number of lines. After the "Traceback" line,
+doctest simply ignores everything until the first line indented the same as
+the first line of the example, \emph{and} starting with an alphanumeric
+character. This example illustrates the complexities that are possible:
+>>> print 1, 2; raise ValueError('printed 1\nand 2\n but not 3')
+1 2
+Traceback (most recent call last):
+... indented the same, but doesn't start with an alphanumeric
+ not indented the same, so ignored too
+ File "/Python23/lib/", line 442, in _run_examples_inner
+ compileflags, 1) in globs
+ File "<string>", line 1, in ? # and all these are ignored
+ValueError: printed 1
+and 2
+ but not 3
+The first (\samp{1 2}) and last three (starting with
+\exception{ValueError}) lines are compared, and the rest are ignored.
+Best practice is to omit the ``File'' lines, unless they add
+significant documentation value to the example. So the example above
+is probably better as:
+>>> print 1, 2; raise ValueError('printed 1\nand 2\n but not 3')
+1 2
+Traceback (most recent call last):
+ ...
+ValueError: printed 1
+and 2
+ but not 3
+Note the tracebacks are treated very specially. In particular, in the
+rewritten example, the use of \samp{...} is independent of doctest's
+\constant{ELLIPSIS} option. The ellipsis in that example could
+be left out, or could just as well be three (or three hundred) commas.
+\versionchanged[The abilities to check both normal output and an
+ exception in a single example, and to have a multi-line
+ exception detail, were added]{2.4}
\subsection{Option Flags and Directive Names\label{doctest-options}}