path: root/Doc
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authorJason R. Coombs <>2021-03-15 02:20:49 (GMT)
committerGitHub <>2021-03-15 02:20:49 (GMT)
commit35d5068928ab5485e5f28b60b1e33062bc2c46cc (patch)
treef62e620916b4890d61603cfda7497a7a30bb3025 /Doc
parent5e29021a5eb10baa9147fd977cab82fa3f652bf0 (diff)
bpo-43428: Improve documentation for importlib.metadata changes. (GH-24858)
* bpo-43428: Sync with importlib_metadata 3.7.3 (16ac3a95) * Add 'versionadded' for importlib.metadata.packages_distributions * Add section in what's new for Python 3.10 highlighting most salient changes and relevant backport.
Diffstat (limited to 'Doc')
2 files changed, 55 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/Doc/library/importlib.metadata.rst b/Doc/library/importlib.metadata.rst
index ffce1ba..fee5e67 100644
--- a/Doc/library/importlib.metadata.rst
+++ b/Doc/library/importlib.metadata.rst
@@ -79,15 +79,43 @@ Entry points are represented by ``EntryPoint`` instances;
each ``EntryPoint`` has a ``.name``, ``.group``, and ``.value`` attributes and
a ``.load()`` method to resolve the value. There are also ``.module``,
``.attr``, and ``.extras`` attributes for getting the components of the
-``.value`` attribute::
+``.value`` attribute.
+Query all entry points::
>>> eps = entry_points() # doctest: +SKIP
+The ``entry_points()`` function returns an ``EntryPoints`` object,
+a sequence of all ``EntryPoint`` objects with ``names`` and ``groups``
+attributes for convenience::
>>> sorted(eps.groups) # doctest: +SKIP
['console_scripts', 'distutils.commands', 'distutils.setup_keywords', 'egg_info.writers', 'setuptools.installation']
+``EntryPoints`` has a ``select`` method to select entry points
+matching specific properties. Select entry points in the
+``console_scripts`` group::
>>> scripts ='console_scripts') # doctest: +SKIP
+Equivalently, since ``entry_points`` passes keyword arguments
+through to select::
+ >>> scripts = entry_points(group='console_scripts') # doctest: +SKIP
+Pick out a specific script named "wheel" (found in the wheel project)::
>>> 'wheel' in scripts.names # doctest: +SKIP
>>> wheel = scripts['wheel'] # doctest: +SKIP
+Equivalently, query for that entry point during selection::
+ >>> (wheel,) = entry_points(group='console_scripts', name='wheel') # doctest: +SKIP
+ >>> (wheel,) = entry_points().select(group='console_scripts', name='wheel') # doctest: +SKIP
+Inspect the resolved entry point::
>>> wheel # doctest: +SKIP
EntryPoint(name='wheel', value='wheel.cli:main', group='console_scripts')
>>> wheel.module # doctest: +SKIP
@@ -106,6 +134,17 @@ group. Read `the setuptools docs
for more information on entry points, their definition, and usage.
+*Compatibility Note*
+The "selectable" entry points were introduced in ``importlib_metadata``
+3.6 and Python 3.10. Prior to those changes, ``entry_points`` accepted
+no parameters and always returned a dictionary of entry points, keyed
+by group. For compatibility, if no parameters are passed to entry_points,
+a ``SelectableGroups`` object is returned, implementing that dict
+interface. In the future, calling ``entry_points`` with no parameters
+will return an ``EntryPoints`` object. Users should rely on the selection
+interface to retrieve entry points by group.
.. _metadata:
@@ -199,6 +238,8 @@ Python packages or modules::
>>> packages_distributions()
{'importlib_metadata': ['importlib-metadata'], 'yaml': ['PyYAML'], 'jaraco': ['jaraco.classes', 'jaraco.functools'], ...}
+.. versionadded:: 3.10
diff --git a/Doc/whatsnew/3.10.rst b/Doc/whatsnew/3.10.rst
index db36f69..c4c282e 100644
--- a/Doc/whatsnew/3.10.rst
+++ b/Doc/whatsnew/3.10.rst
@@ -690,6 +690,19 @@ Added the *root_dir* and *dir_fd* parameters in :func:`~glob.glob` and
:func:`~glob.iglob` which allow to specify the root directory for searching.
(Contributed by Serhiy Storchaka in :issue:`38144`.)
+Feature parity with ``importlib_metadata`` 3.7.
+:func:`importlib.metadata.entry_points` now provides a nicer experience
+for selecting entry points by group and name through a new
+:class:`importlib.metadata.EntryPoints` class.
+Added :func:`importlib.metadata.packages_distributions` for resolving
+top-level Python modules and packages to their