path: root/Lib/idlelib/
diff options
authorTerry Jan Reedy <>2016-06-11 06:05:52 (GMT)
committerTerry Jan Reedy <>2016-06-11 06:05:52 (GMT)
commitc39e33099339ecff5bc99914a02cc6a4b4960e9c (patch)
tree4e1b01b5fc2e6580f7305cd8415fb41c36a769df /Lib/idlelib/
parent01e35754fb8a7bcaf88a473db1eb30a14378a49e (diff)
Issue #5124: Temporary pyshell rename to avoid case-folding collision in merge.
Diffstat (limited to 'Lib/idlelib/')
1 files changed, 1618 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Lib/idlelib/ b/Lib/idlelib/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..38c12cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lib/idlelib/
@@ -0,0 +1,1618 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python3
+ from tkinter import *
+except ImportError:
+ print("** IDLE can't import Tkinter.\n"
+ "Your Python may not be configured for Tk. **", file=sys.__stderr__)
+ sys.exit(1)
+import tkinter.messagebox as tkMessageBox
+if TkVersion < 8.5:
+ root = Tk() # otherwise create root in main
+ root.withdraw()
+ tkMessageBox.showerror("Idle Cannot Start",
+ "Idle requires tcl/tk 8.5+, not $s." % TkVersion,
+ parent=root)
+ sys.exit(1)
+import getopt
+import os
+import os.path
+import re
+import socket
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import threading
+import time
+import tokenize
+import io
+import linecache
+from code import InteractiveInterpreter
+from platform import python_version, system
+from idlelib.editor import EditorWindow, fixwordbreaks
+from idlelib.filelist import FileList
+from idlelib.colorizer import ColorDelegator
+from idlelib.undo import UndoDelegator
+from idlelib.outwin import OutputWindow
+from idlelib.config import idleConf
+from idlelib import rpc
+from idlelib import debugger
+from idlelib import debugger_r
+from idlelib import macosx
+HOST = '' # python execution server on localhost loopback
+PORT = 0 # someday pass in host, port for remote debug capability
+# Override warnings module to write to warning_stream. Initialize to send IDLE
+# internal warnings to the console. ScriptBinding.check_syntax() will
+# temporarily redirect the stream to the shell window to display warnings when
+# checking user's code.
+warning_stream = sys.__stderr__ # None, at least on Windows, if no console.
+import warnings
+def idle_formatwarning(message, category, filename, lineno, line=None):
+ """Format warnings the IDLE way."""
+ s = "\nWarning (from warnings module):\n"
+ s += ' File \"%s\", line %s\n' % (filename, lineno)
+ if line is None:
+ line = linecache.getline(filename, lineno)
+ line = line.strip()
+ if line:
+ s += " %s\n" % line
+ s += "%s: %s\n" % (category.__name__, message)
+ return s
+def idle_showwarning(
+ message, category, filename, lineno, file=None, line=None):
+ """Show Idle-format warning (after replacing warnings.showwarning).
+ The differences are the formatter called, the file=None replacement,
+ which can be None, the capture of the consequence AttributeError,
+ and the output of a hard-coded prompt.
+ """
+ if file is None:
+ file = warning_stream
+ try:
+ file.write(idle_formatwarning(
+ message, category, filename, lineno, line=line))
+ file.write(">>> ")
+ except (AttributeError, OSError):
+ pass # if file (probably __stderr__) is invalid, skip warning.
+_warnings_showwarning = None
+def capture_warnings(capture):
+ "Replace warning.showwarning with idle_showwarning, or reverse."
+ global _warnings_showwarning
+ if capture:
+ if _warnings_showwarning is None:
+ _warnings_showwarning = warnings.showwarning
+ warnings.showwarning = idle_showwarning
+ else:
+ if _warnings_showwarning is not None:
+ warnings.showwarning = _warnings_showwarning
+ _warnings_showwarning = None
+def extended_linecache_checkcache(filename=None,
+ orig_checkcache=linecache.checkcache):
+ """Extend linecache.checkcache to preserve the <pyshell#...> entries
+ Rather than repeating the linecache code, patch it to save the
+ <pyshell#...> entries, call the original linecache.checkcache()
+ (skipping them), and then restore the saved entries.
+ orig_checkcache is bound at definition time to the original
+ method, allowing it to be patched.
+ """
+ cache = linecache.cache
+ save = {}
+ for key in list(cache):
+ if key[:1] + key[-1:] == '<>':
+ save[key] = cache.pop(key)
+ orig_checkcache(filename)
+ cache.update(save)
+# Patch linecache.checkcache():
+linecache.checkcache = extended_linecache_checkcache
+class PyShellEditorWindow(EditorWindow):
+ "Regular text edit window in IDLE, supports breakpoints"
+ def __init__(self, *args):
+ self.breakpoints = []
+ EditorWindow.__init__(self, *args)
+ self.text.bind("<<set-breakpoint-here>>", self.set_breakpoint_here)
+ self.text.bind("<<clear-breakpoint-here>>", self.clear_breakpoint_here)
+ self.text.bind("<<open-python-shell>>", self.flist.open_shell)
+ self.breakpointPath = os.path.join(idleConf.GetUserCfgDir(),
+ 'breakpoints.lst')
+ # whenever a file is changed, restore breakpoints
+ def filename_changed_hook(,
+ self=self):
+ self.restore_file_breaks()
+ old_hook()
+ if
+ self.restore_file_breaks()
+ self.color_breakpoint_text()
+ rmenu_specs = [
+ ("Cut", "<<cut>>", "rmenu_check_cut"),
+ ("Copy", "<<copy>>", "rmenu_check_copy"),
+ ("Paste", "<<paste>>", "rmenu_check_paste"),
+ (None, None, None),
+ ("Set Breakpoint", "<<set-breakpoint-here>>", None),
+ ("Clear Breakpoint", "<<clear-breakpoint-here>>", None)
+ ]
+ def color_breakpoint_text(self, color=True):
+ "Turn colorizing of breakpoint text on or off"
+ if is None:
+ # possible due to update in restore_file_breaks
+ return
+ if color:
+ theme = idleConf.CurrentTheme()
+ cfg = idleConf.GetHighlight(theme, "break")
+ else:
+ cfg = {'foreground': '', 'background': ''}
+ self.text.tag_config('BREAK', cfg)
+ def set_breakpoint(self, lineno):
+ text = self.text
+ filename =
+ text.tag_add("BREAK", "%d.0" % lineno, "%d.0" % (lineno+1))
+ try:
+ self.breakpoints.index(lineno)
+ except ValueError: # only add if missing, i.e. do once
+ self.breakpoints.append(lineno)
+ try: # update the subprocess debugger
+ debug = self.flist.pyshell.interp.debugger
+ debug.set_breakpoint_here(filename, lineno)
+ except: # but debugger may not be active right now....
+ pass
+ def set_breakpoint_here(self, event=None):
+ text = self.text
+ filename =
+ if not filename:
+ text.bell()
+ return
+ lineno = int(float(text.index("insert")))
+ self.set_breakpoint(lineno)
+ def clear_breakpoint_here(self, event=None):
+ text = self.text
+ filename =
+ if not filename:
+ text.bell()
+ return
+ lineno = int(float(text.index("insert")))
+ try:
+ self.breakpoints.remove(lineno)
+ except:
+ pass
+ text.tag_remove("BREAK", "insert linestart",\
+ "insert lineend +1char")
+ try:
+ debug = self.flist.pyshell.interp.debugger
+ debug.clear_breakpoint_here(filename, lineno)
+ except:
+ pass
+ def clear_file_breaks(self):
+ if self.breakpoints:
+ text = self.text
+ filename =
+ if not filename:
+ text.bell()
+ return
+ self.breakpoints = []
+ text.tag_remove("BREAK", "1.0", END)
+ try:
+ debug = self.flist.pyshell.interp.debugger
+ debug.clear_file_breaks(filename)
+ except:
+ pass
+ def store_file_breaks(self):
+ "Save breakpoints when file is saved"
+ # XXX 13 Dec 2002 KBK Currently the file must be saved before it can
+ # be run. The breaks are saved at that time. If we introduce
+ # a temporary file save feature the save breaks functionality
+ # needs to be re-verified, since the breaks at the time the
+ # temp file is created may differ from the breaks at the last
+ # permanent save of the file. Currently, a break introduced
+ # after a save will be effective, but not persistent.
+ # This is necessary to keep the saved breaks synched with the
+ # saved file.
+ #
+ # Breakpoints are set as tagged ranges in the text.
+ # Since a modified file has to be saved before it is
+ # run, and since self.breakpoints (from which the subprocess
+ # debugger is loaded) is updated during the save, the visible
+ # breaks stay synched with the subprocess even if one of these
+ # unexpected breakpoint deletions occurs.
+ breaks = self.breakpoints
+ filename =
+ try:
+ with open(self.breakpointPath, "r") as fp:
+ lines = fp.readlines()
+ except OSError:
+ lines = []
+ try:
+ with open(self.breakpointPath, "w") as new_file:
+ for line in lines:
+ if not line.startswith(filename + '='):
+ new_file.write(line)
+ self.update_breakpoints()
+ breaks = self.breakpoints
+ if breaks:
+ new_file.write(filename + '=' + str(breaks) + '\n')
+ except OSError as err:
+ if not getattr(self.root, "breakpoint_error_displayed", False):
+ self.root.breakpoint_error_displayed = True
+ tkMessageBox.showerror(title='IDLE Error',
+ message='Unable to update breakpoint list:\n%s'
+ % str(err),
+ parent=self.text)
+ def restore_file_breaks(self):
+ self.text.update() # this enables setting "BREAK" tags to be visible
+ if is None:
+ # can happen if IDLE closes due to the .update() call
+ return
+ filename =
+ if filename is None:
+ return
+ if os.path.isfile(self.breakpointPath):
+ with open(self.breakpointPath, "r") as fp:
+ lines = fp.readlines()
+ for line in lines:
+ if line.startswith(filename + '='):
+ breakpoint_linenumbers = eval(line[len(filename)+1:])
+ for breakpoint_linenumber in breakpoint_linenumbers:
+ self.set_breakpoint(breakpoint_linenumber)
+ def update_breakpoints(self):
+ "Retrieves all the breakpoints in the current window"
+ text = self.text
+ ranges = text.tag_ranges("BREAK")
+ linenumber_list = self.ranges_to_linenumbers(ranges)
+ self.breakpoints = linenumber_list
+ def ranges_to_linenumbers(self, ranges):
+ lines = []
+ for index in range(0, len(ranges), 2):
+ lineno = int(float(ranges[index].string))
+ end = int(float(ranges[index+1].string))
+ while lineno < end:
+ lines.append(lineno)
+ lineno += 1
+ return lines
+# XXX 13 Dec 2002 KBK Not used currently
+# def saved_change_hook(self):
+# "Extend base method - clear breaks if module is modified"
+# if not self.get_saved():
+# self.clear_file_breaks()
+# EditorWindow.saved_change_hook(self)
+ def _close(self):
+ "Extend base method - clear breaks when module is closed"
+ self.clear_file_breaks()
+ EditorWindow._close(self)
+class PyShellFileList(FileList):
+ "Extend base class: IDLE supports a shell and breakpoints"
+ # override FileList's class variable, instances return PyShellEditorWindow
+ # instead of EditorWindow when new edit windows are created.
+ EditorWindow = PyShellEditorWindow
+ pyshell = None
+ def open_shell(self, event=None):
+ if self.pyshell:
+ else:
+ self.pyshell = PyShell(self)
+ if self.pyshell:
+ if not self.pyshell.begin():
+ return None
+ return self.pyshell
+class ModifiedColorDelegator(ColorDelegator):
+ "Extend base class: colorizer for the shell window itself"
+ def __init__(self):
+ ColorDelegator.__init__(self)
+ self.LoadTagDefs()
+ def recolorize_main(self):
+ self.tag_remove("TODO", "1.0", "iomark")
+ self.tag_add("SYNC", "1.0", "iomark")
+ ColorDelegator.recolorize_main(self)
+ def LoadTagDefs(self):
+ ColorDelegator.LoadTagDefs(self)
+ theme = idleConf.CurrentTheme()
+ self.tagdefs.update({
+ "stdin": {'background':None,'foreground':None},
+ "stdout": idleConf.GetHighlight(theme, "stdout"),
+ "stderr": idleConf.GetHighlight(theme, "stderr"),
+ "console": idleConf.GetHighlight(theme, "console"),
+ })
+ def removecolors(self):
+ # Don't remove shell color tags before "iomark"
+ for tag in self.tagdefs:
+ self.tag_remove(tag, "iomark", "end")
+class ModifiedUndoDelegator(UndoDelegator):
+ "Extend base class: forbid insert/delete before the I/O mark"
+ def insert(self, index, chars, tags=None):
+ try:
+ if, "<", "iomark"):
+ self.delegate.bell()
+ return
+ except TclError:
+ pass
+ UndoDelegator.insert(self, index, chars, tags)
+ def delete(self, index1, index2=None):
+ try:
+ if, "<", "iomark"):
+ self.delegate.bell()
+ return
+ except TclError:
+ pass
+ UndoDelegator.delete(self, index1, index2)
+class MyRPCClient(rpc.RPCClient):
+ def handle_EOF(self):
+ "Override the base class - just re-raise EOFError"
+ raise EOFError
+class ModifiedInterpreter(InteractiveInterpreter):
+ def __init__(self, tkconsole):
+ self.tkconsole = tkconsole
+ locals = sys.modules['__main__'].__dict__
+ InteractiveInterpreter.__init__(self, locals=locals)
+ self.save_warnings_filters = None
+ self.restarting = False
+ self.subprocess_arglist = None
+ self.port = PORT
+ self.original_compiler_flags = self.compile.compiler.flags
+ _afterid = None
+ rpcclt = None
+ rpcsubproc = None
+ def spawn_subprocess(self):
+ if self.subprocess_arglist is None:
+ self.subprocess_arglist = self.build_subprocess_arglist()
+ self.rpcsubproc = subprocess.Popen(self.subprocess_arglist)
+ def build_subprocess_arglist(self):
+ assert (self.port!=0), (
+ "Socket should have been assigned a port number.")
+ w = ['-W' + s for s in sys.warnoptions]
+ # Maybe IDLE is installed and is being accessed via sys.path,
+ # or maybe it's not installed and the script is being
+ # run from the IDLE source directory.
+ del_exitf = idleConf.GetOption('main', 'General', 'delete-exitfunc',
+ default=False, type='bool')
+ if __name__ == 'idlelib.pyshell':
+ command = "__import__('').run.main(%r)" % (del_exitf,)
+ else:
+ command = "__import__('run').main(%r)" % (del_exitf,)
+ return [sys.executable] + w + ["-c", command, str(self.port)]
+ def start_subprocess(self):
+ addr = (HOST, self.port)
+ # GUI makes several attempts to acquire socket, listens for connection
+ for i in range(3):
+ time.sleep(i)
+ try:
+ self.rpcclt = MyRPCClient(addr)
+ break
+ except OSError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ self.display_port_binding_error()
+ return None
+ # if PORT was 0, system will assign an 'ephemeral' port. Find it out:
+ self.port = self.rpcclt.listening_sock.getsockname()[1]
+ # if PORT was not 0, probably working with a remote execution server
+ if PORT != 0:
+ # To allow reconnection within the 2MSL wait (cf. Stevens TCP
+ # V1, 18.6), set SO_REUSEADDR. Note that this can be problematic
+ # on Windows since the implementation allows two active sockets on
+ # the same address!
+ self.rpcclt.listening_sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET,
+ socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
+ self.spawn_subprocess()
+ #time.sleep(20) # test to simulate GUI not accepting connection
+ # Accept the connection from the Python execution server
+ self.rpcclt.listening_sock.settimeout(10)
+ try:
+ self.rpcclt.accept()
+ except socket.timeout:
+ self.display_no_subprocess_error()
+ return None
+ self.rpcclt.register("console", self.tkconsole)
+ self.rpcclt.register("stdin", self.tkconsole.stdin)
+ self.rpcclt.register("stdout", self.tkconsole.stdout)
+ self.rpcclt.register("stderr", self.tkconsole.stderr)
+ self.rpcclt.register("flist", self.tkconsole.flist)
+ self.rpcclt.register("linecache", linecache)
+ self.rpcclt.register("interp", self)
+ self.transfer_path(with_cwd=True)
+ self.poll_subprocess()
+ return self.rpcclt
+ def restart_subprocess(self, with_cwd=False, filename=''):
+ if self.restarting:
+ return self.rpcclt
+ self.restarting = True
+ # close only the subprocess debugger
+ debug = self.getdebugger()
+ if debug:
+ try:
+ # Only close subprocess debugger, don't unregister gui_adap!
+ debugger_r.close_subprocess_debugger(self.rpcclt)
+ except:
+ pass
+ # Kill subprocess, spawn a new one, accept connection.
+ self.rpcclt.close()
+ self.terminate_subprocess()
+ console = self.tkconsole
+ was_executing = console.executing
+ console.executing = False
+ self.spawn_subprocess()
+ try:
+ self.rpcclt.accept()
+ except socket.timeout:
+ self.display_no_subprocess_error()
+ return None
+ self.transfer_path(with_cwd=with_cwd)
+ console.stop_readline()
+ # annotate restart in shell window and mark it
+ console.text.delete("iomark", "end-1c")
+ tag = 'RESTART: ' + (filename if filename else 'Shell')
+ halfbar = ((int(console.width) -len(tag) - 4) // 2) * '='
+ console.write("\n{0} {1} {0}".format(halfbar, tag))
+ console.text.mark_set("restart", "end-1c")
+ console.text.mark_gravity("restart", "left")
+ if not filename:
+ console.showprompt()
+ # restart subprocess debugger
+ if debug:
+ # Restarted debugger connects to current instance of debug GUI
+ debugger_r.restart_subprocess_debugger(self.rpcclt)
+ # reload remote debugger breakpoints for all PyShellEditWindows
+ debug.load_breakpoints()
+ self.compile.compiler.flags = self.original_compiler_flags
+ self.restarting = False
+ return self.rpcclt
+ def __request_interrupt(self):
+ self.rpcclt.remotecall("exec", "interrupt_the_server", (), {})
+ def interrupt_subprocess(self):
+ threading.Thread(target=self.__request_interrupt).start()
+ def kill_subprocess(self):
+ if self._afterid is not None:
+ self.tkconsole.text.after_cancel(self._afterid)
+ try:
+ self.rpcclt.listening_sock.close()
+ except AttributeError: # no socket
+ pass
+ try:
+ self.rpcclt.close()
+ except AttributeError: # no socket
+ pass
+ self.terminate_subprocess()
+ self.tkconsole.executing = False
+ self.rpcclt = None
+ def terminate_subprocess(self):
+ "Make sure subprocess is terminated"
+ try:
+ self.rpcsubproc.kill()
+ except OSError:
+ # process already terminated
+ return
+ else:
+ try:
+ self.rpcsubproc.wait()
+ except OSError:
+ return
+ def transfer_path(self, with_cwd=False):
+ if with_cwd: # Issue 13506
+ path = [''] # include Current Working Directory
+ path.extend(sys.path)
+ else:
+ path = sys.path
+ self.runcommand("""if 1:
+ import sys as _sys
+ _sys.path = %r
+ del _sys
+ \n""" % (path,))
+ active_seq = None
+ def poll_subprocess(self):
+ clt = self.rpcclt
+ if clt is None:
+ return
+ try:
+ response = clt.pollresponse(self.active_seq, wait=0.05)
+ except (EOFError, OSError, KeyboardInterrupt):
+ # lost connection or subprocess terminated itself, restart
+ # [the KBI is from rpc.SocketIO.handle_EOF()]
+ if self.tkconsole.closing:
+ return
+ response = None
+ self.restart_subprocess()
+ if response:
+ self.tkconsole.resetoutput()
+ self.active_seq = None
+ how, what = response
+ console = self.tkconsole.console
+ if how == "OK":
+ if what is not None:
+ print(repr(what), file=console)
+ elif how == "EXCEPTION":
+ if self.tkconsole.getvar("<<toggle-jit-stack-viewer>>"):
+ self.remote_stack_viewer()
+ elif how == "ERROR":
+ errmsg = "pyshell.ModifiedInterpreter: Subprocess ERROR:\n"
+ print(errmsg, what, file=sys.__stderr__)
+ print(errmsg, what, file=console)
+ # we received a response to the currently active seq number:
+ try:
+ self.tkconsole.endexecuting()
+ except AttributeError: # shell may have closed
+ pass
+ # Reschedule myself
+ if not self.tkconsole.closing:
+ self._afterid = self.tkconsole.text.after(
+ self.tkconsole.pollinterval, self.poll_subprocess)
+ debugger = None
+ def setdebugger(self, debugger):
+ self.debugger = debugger
+ def getdebugger(self):
+ return self.debugger
+ def open_remote_stack_viewer(self):
+ """Initiate the remote stack viewer from a separate thread.
+ This method is called from the subprocess, and by returning from this
+ method we allow the subprocess to unblock. After a bit the shell
+ requests the subprocess to open the remote stack viewer which returns a
+ static object looking at the last exception. It is queried through
+ the RPC mechanism.
+ """
+ self.tkconsole.text.after(300, self.remote_stack_viewer)
+ return
+ def remote_stack_viewer(self):
+ from idlelib import debugobj_r
+ oid = self.rpcclt.remotequeue("exec", "stackviewer", ("flist",), {})
+ if oid is None:
+ self.tkconsole.root.bell()
+ return
+ item = debugobj_r.StubObjectTreeItem(self.rpcclt, oid)
+ from idlelib.tree import ScrolledCanvas, TreeNode
+ top = Toplevel(self.tkconsole.root)
+ theme = idleConf.CurrentTheme()
+ background = idleConf.GetHighlight(theme, 'normal')['background']
+ sc = ScrolledCanvas(top, bg=background, highlightthickness=0)
+ sc.frame.pack(expand=1, fill="both")
+ node = TreeNode(sc.canvas, None, item)
+ node.expand()
+ # XXX Should GC the remote tree when closing the window
+ gid = 0
+ def execsource(self, source):
+ "Like runsource() but assumes complete exec source"
+ filename = self.stuffsource(source)
+ self.execfile(filename, source)
+ def execfile(self, filename, source=None):
+ "Execute an existing file"
+ if source is None:
+ with as fp:
+ source =
+ try:
+ code = compile(source, filename, "exec")
+ except (OverflowError, SyntaxError):
+ self.tkconsole.resetoutput()
+ print('*** Error in script or command!\n'
+ 'Traceback (most recent call last):',
+ file=self.tkconsole.stderr)
+ InteractiveInterpreter.showsyntaxerror(self, filename)
+ self.tkconsole.showprompt()
+ else:
+ self.runcode(code)
+ def runsource(self, source):
+ "Extend base class method: Stuff the source in the line cache first"
+ filename = self.stuffsource(source)
+ self.more = 0
+ self.save_warnings_filters = warnings.filters[:]
+ warnings.filterwarnings(action="error", category=SyntaxWarning)
+ # at the moment, InteractiveInterpreter expects str
+ assert isinstance(source, str)
+ #if isinstance(source, str):
+ # from idlelib import iomenu
+ # try:
+ # source = source.encode(iomenu.encoding)
+ # except UnicodeError:
+ # self.tkconsole.resetoutput()
+ # self.write("Unsupported characters in input\n")
+ # return
+ try:
+ # InteractiveInterpreter.runsource() calls its runcode() method,
+ # which is overridden (see below)
+ return InteractiveInterpreter.runsource(self, source, filename)
+ finally:
+ if self.save_warnings_filters is not None:
+ warnings.filters[:] = self.save_warnings_filters
+ self.save_warnings_filters = None
+ def stuffsource(self, source):
+ "Stuff source in the filename cache"
+ filename = "<pyshell#%d>" % self.gid
+ self.gid = self.gid + 1
+ lines = source.split("\n")
+ linecache.cache[filename] = len(source)+1, 0, lines, filename
+ return filename
+ def prepend_syspath(self, filename):
+ "Prepend sys.path with file's directory if not already included"
+ self.runcommand("""if 1:
+ _filename = %r
+ import sys as _sys
+ from os.path import dirname as _dirname
+ _dir = _dirname(_filename)
+ if not _dir in _sys.path:
+ _sys.path.insert(0, _dir)
+ del _filename, _sys, _dirname, _dir
+ \n""" % (filename,))
+ def showsyntaxerror(self, filename=None):
+ """Override Interactive Interpreter method: Use Colorizing
+ Color the offending position instead of printing it and pointing at it
+ with a caret.
+ """
+ tkconsole = self.tkconsole
+ text = tkconsole.text
+ text.tag_remove("ERROR", "1.0", "end")
+ type, value, tb = sys.exc_info()
+ msg = getattr(value, 'msg', '') or value or "<no detail available>"
+ lineno = getattr(value, 'lineno', '') or 1
+ offset = getattr(value, 'offset', '') or 0
+ if offset == 0:
+ lineno += 1 #mark end of offending line
+ if lineno == 1:
+ pos = "iomark + %d chars" % (offset-1)
+ else:
+ pos = "iomark linestart + %d lines + %d chars" % \
+ (lineno-1, offset-1)
+ tkconsole.colorize_syntax_error(text, pos)
+ tkconsole.resetoutput()
+ self.write("SyntaxError: %s\n" % msg)
+ tkconsole.showprompt()
+ def showtraceback(self):
+ "Extend base class method to reset output properly"
+ self.tkconsole.resetoutput()
+ self.checklinecache()
+ InteractiveInterpreter.showtraceback(self)
+ if self.tkconsole.getvar("<<toggle-jit-stack-viewer>>"):
+ self.tkconsole.open_stack_viewer()
+ def checklinecache(self):
+ c = linecache.cache
+ for key in list(c.keys()):
+ if key[:1] + key[-1:] != "<>":
+ del c[key]
+ def runcommand(self, code):
+ "Run the code without invoking the debugger"
+ # The code better not raise an exception!
+ if self.tkconsole.executing:
+ self.display_executing_dialog()
+ return 0
+ if self.rpcclt:
+ self.rpcclt.remotequeue("exec", "runcode", (code,), {})
+ else:
+ exec(code, self.locals)
+ return 1
+ def runcode(self, code):
+ "Override base class method"
+ if self.tkconsole.executing:
+ self.interp.restart_subprocess()
+ self.checklinecache()
+ if self.save_warnings_filters is not None:
+ warnings.filters[:] = self.save_warnings_filters
+ self.save_warnings_filters = None
+ debugger = self.debugger
+ try:
+ self.tkconsole.beginexecuting()
+ if not debugger and self.rpcclt is not None:
+ self.active_seq = self.rpcclt.asyncqueue("exec", "runcode",
+ (code,), {})
+ elif debugger:
+, self.locals)
+ else:
+ exec(code, self.locals)
+ except SystemExit:
+ if not self.tkconsole.closing:
+ if tkMessageBox.askyesno(
+ "Exit?",
+ "Do you want to exit altogether?",
+ default="yes",
+ parent=self.tkconsole.text):
+ raise
+ else:
+ self.showtraceback()
+ else:
+ raise
+ except:
+ if use_subprocess:
+ print("IDLE internal error in runcode()",
+ file=self.tkconsole.stderr)
+ self.showtraceback()
+ self.tkconsole.endexecuting()
+ else:
+ if self.tkconsole.canceled:
+ self.tkconsole.canceled = False
+ print("KeyboardInterrupt", file=self.tkconsole.stderr)
+ else:
+ self.showtraceback()
+ finally:
+ if not use_subprocess:
+ try:
+ self.tkconsole.endexecuting()
+ except AttributeError: # shell may have closed
+ pass
+ def write(self, s):
+ "Override base class method"
+ return self.tkconsole.stderr.write(s)
+ def display_port_binding_error(self):
+ tkMessageBox.showerror(
+ "Port Binding Error",
+ "IDLE can't bind to a TCP/IP port, which is necessary to "
+ "communicate with its Python execution server. This might be "
+ "because no networking is installed on this computer. "
+ "Run IDLE with the -n command line switch to start without a "
+ "subprocess and refer to Help/IDLE Help 'Running without a "
+ "subprocess' for further details.",
+ parent=self.tkconsole.text)
+ def display_no_subprocess_error(self):
+ tkMessageBox.showerror(
+ "Subprocess Startup Error",
+ "IDLE's subprocess didn't make connection. Either IDLE can't "
+ "start a subprocess or personal firewall software is blocking "
+ "the connection.",
+ parent=self.tkconsole.text)
+ def display_executing_dialog(self):
+ tkMessageBox.showerror(
+ "Already executing",
+ "The Python Shell window is already executing a command; "
+ "please wait until it is finished.",
+ parent=self.tkconsole.text)
+class PyShell(OutputWindow):
+ shell_title = "Python " + python_version() + " Shell"
+ # Override classes
+ ColorDelegator = ModifiedColorDelegator
+ UndoDelegator = ModifiedUndoDelegator
+ # Override menus
+ menu_specs = [
+ ("file", "_File"),
+ ("edit", "_Edit"),
+ ("debug", "_Debug"),
+ ("options", "_Options"),
+ ("windows", "_Window"),
+ ("help", "_Help"),
+ ]
+ # New classes
+ from idlelib.history import History
+ def __init__(self, flist=None):
+ if use_subprocess:
+ ms = self.menu_specs
+ if ms[2][0] != "shell":
+ ms.insert(2, ("shell", "She_ll"))
+ self.interp = ModifiedInterpreter(self)
+ if flist is None:
+ root = Tk()
+ fixwordbreaks(root)
+ root.withdraw()
+ flist = PyShellFileList(root)
+ #
+ OutputWindow.__init__(self, flist, None, None)
+ #
+## self.config(usetabs=1, indentwidth=8, context_use_ps1=1)
+ self.usetabs = True
+ # indentwidth must be 8 when using tabs. See note in EditorWindow:
+ self.indentwidth = 8
+ self.context_use_ps1 = True
+ #
+ text = self.text
+ text.configure(wrap="char")
+ text.bind("<<newline-and-indent>>", self.enter_callback)
+ text.bind("<<plain-newline-and-indent>>", self.linefeed_callback)
+ text.bind("<<interrupt-execution>>", self.cancel_callback)
+ text.bind("<<end-of-file>>", self.eof_callback)
+ text.bind("<<open-stack-viewer>>", self.open_stack_viewer)
+ text.bind("<<toggle-debugger>>", self.toggle_debugger)
+ text.bind("<<toggle-jit-stack-viewer>>", self.toggle_jit_stack_viewer)
+ if use_subprocess:
+ text.bind("<<view-restart>>", self.view_restart_mark)
+ text.bind("<<restart-shell>>", self.restart_shell)
+ #
+ self.save_stdout = sys.stdout
+ self.save_stderr = sys.stderr
+ self.save_stdin = sys.stdin
+ from idlelib import iomenu
+ self.stdin = PseudoInputFile(self, "stdin", iomenu.encoding)
+ self.stdout = PseudoOutputFile(self, "stdout", iomenu.encoding)
+ self.stderr = PseudoOutputFile(self, "stderr", iomenu.encoding)
+ self.console = PseudoOutputFile(self, "console", iomenu.encoding)
+ if not use_subprocess:
+ sys.stdout = self.stdout
+ sys.stderr = self.stderr
+ sys.stdin = self.stdin
+ try:
+ # page help() text to shell.
+ import pydoc # import must be done here to capture i/o rebinding.
+ # XXX KBK 27Dec07 use TextViewer someday, but must work w/o subproc
+ pydoc.pager = pydoc.plainpager
+ except:
+ sys.stderr = sys.__stderr__
+ raise
+ #
+ self.history = self.History(self.text)
+ #
+ self.pollinterval = 50 # millisec
+ def get_standard_extension_names(self):
+ return idleConf.GetExtensions(shell_only=True)
+ reading = False
+ executing = False
+ canceled = False
+ endoffile = False
+ closing = False
+ _stop_readline_flag = False
+ def set_warning_stream(self, stream):
+ global warning_stream
+ warning_stream = stream
+ def get_warning_stream(self):
+ return warning_stream
+ def toggle_debugger(self, event=None):
+ if self.executing:
+ tkMessageBox.showerror("Don't debug now",
+ "You can only toggle the debugger when idle",
+ parent=self.text)
+ self.set_debugger_indicator()
+ return "break"
+ else:
+ db = self.interp.getdebugger()
+ if db:
+ self.close_debugger()
+ else:
+ self.open_debugger()
+ def set_debugger_indicator(self):
+ db = self.interp.getdebugger()
+ self.setvar("<<toggle-debugger>>", not not db)
+ def toggle_jit_stack_viewer(self, event=None):
+ pass # All we need is the variable
+ def close_debugger(self):
+ db = self.interp.getdebugger()
+ if db:
+ self.interp.setdebugger(None)
+ db.close()
+ if self.interp.rpcclt:
+ debugger_r.close_remote_debugger(self.interp.rpcclt)
+ self.resetoutput()
+ self.console.write("[DEBUG OFF]\n")
+ sys.ps1 = ">>> "
+ self.showprompt()
+ self.set_debugger_indicator()
+ def open_debugger(self):
+ if self.interp.rpcclt:
+ dbg_gui = debugger_r.start_remote_debugger(self.interp.rpcclt,
+ self)
+ else:
+ dbg_gui = debugger.Debugger(self)
+ self.interp.setdebugger(dbg_gui)
+ dbg_gui.load_breakpoints()
+ sys.ps1 = "[DEBUG ON]\n>>> "
+ self.showprompt()
+ self.set_debugger_indicator()
+ def beginexecuting(self):
+ "Helper for ModifiedInterpreter"
+ self.resetoutput()
+ self.executing = 1
+ def endexecuting(self):
+ "Helper for ModifiedInterpreter"
+ self.executing = 0
+ self.canceled = 0
+ self.showprompt()
+ def close(self):
+ "Extend EditorWindow.close()"
+ if self.executing:
+ response = tkMessageBox.askokcancel(
+ "Kill?",
+ "Your program is still running!\n Do you want to kill it?",
+ default="ok",
+ parent=self.text)
+ if response is False:
+ return "cancel"
+ self.stop_readline()
+ self.canceled = True
+ self.closing = True
+ return EditorWindow.close(self)
+ def _close(self):
+ "Extend EditorWindow._close(), shut down debugger and execution server"
+ self.close_debugger()
+ if use_subprocess:
+ self.interp.kill_subprocess()
+ # Restore std streams
+ sys.stdout = self.save_stdout
+ sys.stderr = self.save_stderr
+ sys.stdin = self.save_stdin
+ # Break cycles
+ self.interp = None
+ self.console = None
+ self.flist.pyshell = None
+ self.history = None
+ EditorWindow._close(self)
+ def ispythonsource(self, filename):
+ "Override EditorWindow method: never remove the colorizer"
+ return True
+ def short_title(self):
+ return self.shell_title
+ 'Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information.'
+ def begin(self):
+ self.text.mark_set("iomark", "insert")
+ self.resetoutput()
+ if use_subprocess:
+ nosub = ''
+ client = self.interp.start_subprocess()
+ if not client:
+ self.close()
+ return False
+ else:
+ nosub = ("==== No Subprocess ====\n\n" +
+ "WARNING: Running IDLE without a Subprocess is deprecated\n" +
+ "and will be removed in a later version. See Help/IDLE Help\n" +
+ "for details.\n\n")
+ sys.displayhook = rpc.displayhook
+ self.write("Python %s on %s\n%s\n%s" %
+ (sys.version, sys.platform, self.COPYRIGHT, nosub))
+ self.text.focus_force()
+ self.showprompt()
+ import tkinter
+ tkinter._default_root = None # 03Jan04 KBK What's this?
+ return True
+ def stop_readline(self):
+ if not self.reading: # no nested mainloop to exit.
+ return
+ self._stop_readline_flag = True
+ def readline(self):
+ save = self.reading
+ try:
+ self.reading = 1
+ # nested mainloop()
+ finally:
+ self.reading = save
+ if self._stop_readline_flag:
+ self._stop_readline_flag = False
+ return ""
+ line = self.text.get("iomark", "end-1c")
+ if len(line) == 0: # may be EOF if we quit our mainloop with Ctrl-C
+ line = "\n"
+ self.resetoutput()
+ if self.canceled:
+ self.canceled = 0
+ if not use_subprocess:
+ raise KeyboardInterrupt
+ if self.endoffile:
+ self.endoffile = 0
+ line = ""
+ return line
+ def isatty(self):
+ return True
+ def cancel_callback(self, event=None):
+ try:
+ if"sel.first", "!=", "sel.last"):
+ return # Active selection -- always use default binding
+ except:
+ pass
+ if not (self.executing or self.reading):
+ self.resetoutput()
+ self.interp.write("KeyboardInterrupt\n")
+ self.showprompt()
+ return "break"
+ self.endoffile = 0
+ self.canceled = 1
+ if (self.executing and self.interp.rpcclt):
+ if self.interp.getdebugger():
+ self.interp.restart_subprocess()
+ else:
+ self.interp.interrupt_subprocess()
+ if self.reading:
+ # exit the nested mainloop() in readline()
+ return "break"
+ def eof_callback(self, event):
+ if self.executing and not self.reading:
+ return # Let the default binding (delete next char) take over
+ if not ("iomark", "==", "insert") and
+"insert", "==", "end-1c")):
+ return # Let the default binding (delete next char) take over
+ if not self.executing:
+ self.resetoutput()
+ self.close()
+ else:
+ self.canceled = 0
+ self.endoffile = 1
+ return "break"
+ def linefeed_callback(self, event):
+ # Insert a linefeed without entering anything (still autoindented)
+ if self.reading:
+ self.text.insert("insert", "\n")
+ self.text.see("insert")
+ else:
+ self.newline_and_indent_event(event)
+ return "break"
+ def enter_callback(self, event):
+ if self.executing and not self.reading:
+ return # Let the default binding (insert '\n') take over
+ # If some text is selected, recall the selection
+ # (but only if this before the I/O mark)
+ try:
+ sel = self.text.get("sel.first", "sel.last")
+ if sel:
+ if"sel.last", "<=", "iomark"):
+ self.recall(sel, event)
+ return "break"
+ except:
+ pass
+ # If we're strictly before the line containing iomark, recall
+ # the current line, less a leading prompt, less leading or
+ # trailing whitespace
+ if"insert", "<", "iomark linestart"):
+ # Check if there's a relevant stdin range -- if so, use it
+ prev = self.text.tag_prevrange("stdin", "insert")
+ if prev and"insert", "<", prev[1]):
+ self.recall(self.text.get(prev[0], prev[1]), event)
+ return "break"
+ next = self.text.tag_nextrange("stdin", "insert")
+ if next and"insert lineend", ">=", next[0]):
+ self.recall(self.text.get(next[0], next[1]), event)
+ return "break"
+ # No stdin mark -- just get the current line, less any prompt
+ indices = self.text.tag_nextrange("console", "insert linestart")
+ if indices and \
+[0], "<=", "insert linestart"):
+ self.recall(self.text.get(indices[1], "insert lineend"), event)
+ else:
+ self.recall(self.text.get("insert linestart", "insert lineend"), event)
+ return "break"
+ # If we're between the beginning of the line and the iomark, i.e.
+ # in the prompt area, move to the end of the prompt
+ if"insert", "<", "iomark"):
+ self.text.mark_set("insert", "iomark")
+ # If we're in the current input and there's only whitespace
+ # beyond the cursor, erase that whitespace first
+ s = self.text.get("insert", "end-1c")
+ if s and not s.strip():
+ self.text.delete("insert", "end-1c")
+ # If we're in the current input before its last line,
+ # insert a newline right at the insert point
+ if"insert", "<", "end-1c linestart"):
+ self.newline_and_indent_event(event)
+ return "break"
+ # We're in the last line; append a newline and submit it
+ self.text.mark_set("insert", "end-1c")
+ if self.reading:
+ self.text.insert("insert", "\n")
+ self.text.see("insert")
+ else:
+ self.newline_and_indent_event(event)
+ self.text.tag_add("stdin", "iomark", "end-1c")
+ self.text.update_idletasks()
+ if self.reading:
+ # Break out of recursive mainloop()
+ else:
+ self.runit()
+ return "break"
+ def recall(self, s, event):
+ # remove leading and trailing empty or whitespace lines
+ s = re.sub(r'^\s*\n', '' , s)
+ s = re.sub(r'\n\s*$', '', s)
+ lines = s.split('\n')
+ self.text.undo_block_start()
+ try:
+ self.text.tag_remove("sel", "1.0", "end")
+ self.text.mark_set("insert", "end-1c")
+ prefix = self.text.get("insert linestart", "insert")
+ if prefix.rstrip().endswith(':'):
+ self.newline_and_indent_event(event)
+ prefix = self.text.get("insert linestart", "insert")
+ self.text.insert("insert", lines[0].strip())
+ if len(lines) > 1:
+ orig_base_indent ='^([ \t]*)', lines[0]).group(0)
+ new_base_indent ='^([ \t]*)', prefix).group(0)
+ for line in lines[1:]:
+ if line.startswith(orig_base_indent):
+ # replace orig base indentation with new indentation
+ line = new_base_indent + line[len(orig_base_indent):]
+ self.text.insert('insert', '\n'+line.rstrip())
+ finally:
+ self.text.see("insert")
+ self.text.undo_block_stop()
+ def runit(self):
+ line = self.text.get("iomark", "end-1c")
+ # Strip off last newline and surrounding whitespace.
+ # (To allow you to hit return twice to end a statement.)
+ i = len(line)
+ while i > 0 and line[i-1] in " \t":
+ i = i-1
+ if i > 0 and line[i-1] == "\n":
+ i = i-1
+ while i > 0 and line[i-1] in " \t":
+ i = i-1
+ line = line[:i]
+ self.interp.runsource(line)
+ def open_stack_viewer(self, event=None):
+ if self.interp.rpcclt:
+ return self.interp.remote_stack_viewer()
+ try:
+ sys.last_traceback
+ except:
+ tkMessageBox.showerror("No stack trace",
+ "There is no stack trace yet.\n"
+ "(sys.last_traceback is not defined)",
+ parent=self.text)
+ return
+ from idlelib.stackviewer import StackBrowser
+ StackBrowser(self.root, self.flist)
+ def view_restart_mark(self, event=None):
+ self.text.see("iomark")
+ self.text.see("restart")
+ def restart_shell(self, event=None):
+ "Callback for Run/Restart Shell Cntl-F6"
+ self.interp.restart_subprocess(with_cwd=True)
+ def showprompt(self):
+ self.resetoutput()
+ try:
+ s = str(sys.ps1)
+ except:
+ s = ""
+ self.console.write(s)
+ self.text.mark_set("insert", "end-1c")
+ self.set_line_and_column()
+ def resetoutput(self):
+ source = self.text.get("iomark", "end-1c")
+ if self.history:
+ if self.text.get("end-2c") != "\n":
+ self.text.insert("end-1c", "\n")
+ self.text.mark_set("iomark", "end-1c")
+ self.set_line_and_column()
+ def write(self, s, tags=()):
+ if isinstance(s, str) and len(s) and max(s) > '\uffff':
+ # Tk doesn't support outputting non-BMP characters
+ # Let's assume what printed string is not very long,
+ # find first non-BMP character and construct informative
+ # UnicodeEncodeError exception.
+ for start, char in enumerate(s):
+ if char > '\uffff':
+ break
+ raise UnicodeEncodeError("UCS-2", char, start, start+1,
+ 'Non-BMP character not supported in Tk')
+ try:
+ self.text.mark_gravity("iomark", "right")
+ count = OutputWindow.write(self, s, tags, "iomark")
+ self.text.mark_gravity("iomark", "left")
+ except:
+ raise ###pass # ### 11Aug07 KBK if we are expecting exceptions
+ # let's find out what they are and be specific.
+ if self.canceled:
+ self.canceled = 0
+ if not use_subprocess:
+ raise KeyboardInterrupt
+ return count
+ def rmenu_check_cut(self):
+ try:
+ if'sel.first', '<', 'iomark'):
+ return 'disabled'
+ except TclError: # no selection, so the index 'sel.first' doesn't exist
+ return 'disabled'
+ return super().rmenu_check_cut()
+ def rmenu_check_paste(self):
+ if'insert','<','iomark'):
+ return 'disabled'
+ return super().rmenu_check_paste()
+class PseudoFile(io.TextIOBase):
+ def __init__(self, shell, tags, encoding=None):
+ = shell
+ self.tags = tags
+ self._encoding = encoding
+ @property
+ def encoding(self):
+ return self._encoding
+ @property
+ def name(self):
+ return '<%s>' % self.tags
+ def isatty(self):
+ return True
+class PseudoOutputFile(PseudoFile):
+ def writable(self):
+ return True
+ def write(self, s):
+ if self.closed:
+ raise ValueError("write to closed file")
+ if type(s) is not str:
+ if not isinstance(s, str):
+ raise TypeError('must be str, not ' + type(s).__name__)
+ # See issue #19481
+ s = str.__str__(s)
+ return, self.tags)
+class PseudoInputFile(PseudoFile):
+ def __init__(self, shell, tags, encoding=None):
+ PseudoFile.__init__(self, shell, tags, encoding)
+ self._line_buffer = ''
+ def readable(self):
+ return True
+ def read(self, size=-1):
+ if self.closed:
+ raise ValueError("read from closed file")
+ if size is None:
+ size = -1
+ elif not isinstance(size, int):
+ raise TypeError('must be int, not ' + type(size).__name__)
+ result = self._line_buffer
+ self._line_buffer = ''
+ if size < 0:
+ while True:
+ line =
+ if not line: break
+ result += line
+ else:
+ while len(result) < size:
+ line =
+ if not line: break
+ result += line
+ self._line_buffer = result[size:]
+ result = result[:size]
+ return result
+ def readline(self, size=-1):
+ if self.closed:
+ raise ValueError("read from closed file")
+ if size is None:
+ size = -1
+ elif not isinstance(size, int):
+ raise TypeError('must be int, not ' + type(size).__name__)
+ line = self._line_buffer or
+ if size < 0:
+ size = len(line)
+ eol = line.find('\n', 0, size)
+ if eol >= 0:
+ size = eol + 1
+ self._line_buffer = line[size:]
+ return line[:size]
+ def close(self):
+usage_msg = """\
+USAGE: idle [-deins] [-t title] [file]*
+ idle [-dns] [-t title] (-c cmd | -r file) [arg]*
+ idle [-dns] [-t title] - [arg]*
+ -h print this help message and exit
+ -n run IDLE without a subprocess (DEPRECATED,
+ see Help/IDLE Help for details)
+The following options will override the IDLE 'settings' configuration:
+ -e open an edit window
+ -i open a shell window
+The following options imply -i and will open a shell:
+ -c cmd run the command in a shell, or
+ -r file run script from file
+ -d enable the debugger
+ -s run $IDLESTARTUP or $PYTHONSTARTUP before anything else
+ -t title set title of shell window
+A default edit window will be bypassed when -c, -r, or - are used.
+[arg]* are passed to the command (-c) or script (-r) in sys.argv[1:].
+ Open an edit window or shell depending on IDLE's configuration.
+ Edit the files, also open a shell if configured to start with shell.
+idle -est "Baz"
+ Run $IDLESTARTUP or $PYTHONSTARTUP, edit, and open a shell
+ window with the title "Baz".
+idle -c "import sys; print(sys.argv)" "foo"
+ Open a shell window and run the command, passing "-c" in sys.argv[0]
+ and "foo" in sys.argv[1].
+idle -d -s -r "Hello World"
+ Open a shell window, run a startup script, enable the debugger, and
+ run, passing "" in sys.argv[0] and "Hello World" in
+ sys.argv[1].
+echo "import sys; print(sys.argv)" | idle - "foobar"
+ Open a shell window, run the script piped in, passing '' in sys.argv[0]
+ and "foobar" in sys.argv[1].
+def main():
+ global flist, root, use_subprocess
+ capture_warnings(True)
+ use_subprocess = True
+ enable_shell = False
+ enable_edit = False
+ debug = False
+ cmd = None
+ script = None
+ startup = False
+ try:
+ opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "c:deihnr:st:")
+ except getopt.error as msg:
+ print("Error: %s\n%s" % (msg, usage_msg), file=sys.stderr)
+ sys.exit(2)
+ for o, a in opts:
+ if o == '-c':
+ cmd = a
+ enable_shell = True
+ if o == '-d':
+ debug = True
+ enable_shell = True
+ if o == '-e':
+ enable_edit = True
+ if o == '-h':
+ sys.stdout.write(usage_msg)
+ sys.exit()
+ if o == '-i':
+ enable_shell = True
+ if o == '-n':
+ print(" Warning: running IDLE without a subprocess is deprecated.",
+ file=sys.stderr)
+ use_subprocess = False
+ if o == '-r':
+ script = a
+ if os.path.isfile(script):
+ pass
+ else:
+ print("No script file: ", script)
+ sys.exit()
+ enable_shell = True
+ if o == '-s':
+ startup = True
+ enable_shell = True
+ if o == '-t':
+ PyShell.shell_title = a
+ enable_shell = True
+ if args and args[0] == '-':
+ cmd =
+ enable_shell = True
+ # process sys.argv and sys.path:
+ for i in range(len(sys.path)):
+ sys.path[i] = os.path.abspath(sys.path[i])
+ if args and args[0] == '-':
+ sys.argv = [''] + args[1:]
+ elif cmd:
+ sys.argv = ['-c'] + args
+ elif script:
+ sys.argv = [script] + args
+ elif args:
+ enable_edit = True
+ pathx = []
+ for filename in args:
+ pathx.append(os.path.dirname(filename))
+ for dir in pathx:
+ dir = os.path.abspath(dir)
+ if not dir in sys.path:
+ sys.path.insert(0, dir)
+ else:
+ dir = os.getcwd()
+ if dir not in sys.path:
+ sys.path.insert(0, dir)
+ # check the IDLE settings configuration (but command line overrides)
+ edit_start = idleConf.GetOption('main', 'General',
+ 'editor-on-startup', type='bool')
+ enable_edit = enable_edit or edit_start
+ enable_shell = enable_shell or not enable_edit
+ # start editor and/or shell windows:
+ root = Tk(className="Idle")
+ # set application icon
+ icondir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'Icons')
+ if system() == 'Windows':
+ iconfile = os.path.join(icondir, 'idle.ico')
+ root.wm_iconbitmap(default=iconfile)
+ else:
+ ext = '.png' if TkVersion >= 8.6 else '.gif'
+ iconfiles = [os.path.join(icondir, 'idle_%d%s' % (size, ext))
+ for size in (16, 32, 48)]
+ icons = [PhotoImage(file=iconfile) for iconfile in iconfiles]
+ root.wm_iconphoto(True, *icons)
+ fixwordbreaks(root)
+ root.withdraw()
+ flist = PyShellFileList(root)
+ macosx.setupApp(root, flist)
+ if enable_edit:
+ if not (cmd or script):
+ for filename in args[:]:
+ if is None:
+ # filename is a directory actually, disconsider it
+ args.remove(filename)
+ if not args:
+ if enable_shell:
+ shell = flist.open_shell()
+ if not shell:
+ return # couldn't open shell
+ if macosx.isAquaTk() and flist.dict:
+ # On OSX: when the user has double-clicked on a file that causes
+ # IDLE to be launched the shell window will open just in front of
+ # the file she wants to see. Lower the interpreter window when
+ # there are open files.
+ else:
+ shell = flist.pyshell
+ # Handle remaining options. If any of these are set, enable_shell
+ # was set also, so shell must be true to reach here.
+ if debug:
+ shell.open_debugger()
+ if startup:
+ filename = os.environ.get("IDLESTARTUP") or \
+ os.environ.get("PYTHONSTARTUP")
+ if filename and os.path.isfile(filename):
+ shell.interp.execfile(filename)
+ if cmd or script:
+ shell.interp.runcommand("""if 1:
+ import sys as _sys
+ _sys.argv = %r
+ del _sys
+ \n""" % (sys.argv,))
+ if cmd:
+ shell.interp.execsource(cmd)
+ elif script:
+ shell.interp.prepend_syspath(script)
+ shell.interp.execfile(script)
+ elif shell:
+ # If there is a shell window and no cmd or script in progress,
+ # check for problematic OS X Tk versions and print a warning
+ # message in the IDLE shell window; this is less intrusive
+ # than always opening a separate window.
+ tkversionwarning = macosx.tkVersionWarning(root)
+ if tkversionwarning:
+ shell.interp.runcommand("print('%s')" % tkversionwarning)
+ while flist.inversedict: # keep IDLE running while files are open.
+ root.mainloop()
+ root.destroy()
+ capture_warnings(False)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ sys.modules['pyshell'] = sys.modules['__main__']
+ main()
+capture_warnings(False) # Make sure turned off; see issue 18081