path: root/Lib/idlelib/
diff options
authorCheryl Sabella <>2017-08-15 01:21:43 (GMT)
committerTerry Jan Reedy <>2017-08-15 01:21:43 (GMT)
commit2f8964634918bdf09107c49a2d5ca62460091e54 (patch)
tree05f1dc4b94335a893143195b8f29ce0d7fc5c3f6 /Lib/idlelib/
parentf978405b3f092e4005b92ba1dbaab15f609b3bb0 (diff)
bpo-31002: IDLE: Add tests for configdialog keys tab (#2996)
Patch by Cheryl Sabella.
Diffstat (limited to 'Lib/idlelib/')
1 files changed, 225 insertions, 183 deletions
diff --git a/Lib/idlelib/ b/Lib/idlelib/
index 6317237..66219f1 100644
--- a/Lib/idlelib/
+++ b/Lib/idlelib/
@@ -251,25 +251,24 @@ class ConfigDialog(Toplevel):
delete_custom_theme: Ativate default [button_delete_custom_theme].
save_new_theme: Save to userCfg['theme'] (is function).
- Widget Structure: (*) widgets bound to self
- frame
- frame_custom: LabelFrame
- (*)highlight_sample: Text
- (*)frame_color_set: Frame
- button_set_color: Button
- (*)opt_menu_highlight_target: DynOptionMenu - highlight_target
- frame_fg_bg_toggle: Frame
- (*)radio_fg: Radiobutton - fg_bg_toggle
- (*)radio_bg: Radiobutton - fg_bg_toggle
- button_save_custom_theme: Button
- frame_theme: LabelFrame
- theme_type_title: Label
- (*)radio_theme_builtin: Radiobutton - is_builtin_theme
- (*)radio_theme_custom: Radiobutton - is_builtin_theme
- (*)opt_menu_theme_builtin: DynOptionMenu - builtin_theme
- (*)opt_menu_theme_custom: DynOptionMenu - custom_theme
- (*)button_delete_custom_theme: Button
- (*)new_custom_theme: Label
+ Widgets of highlights page frame: (*) widgets bound to self
+ frame_custom: LabelFrame
+ (*)highlight_sample: Text
+ (*)frame_color_set: Frame
+ button_set_color: Button
+ (*)opt_menu_highlight_target: DynOptionMenu - highlight_target
+ frame_fg_bg_toggle: Frame
+ (*)radio_fg: Radiobutton - fg_bg_toggle
+ (*)radio_bg: Radiobutton - fg_bg_toggle
+ button_save_custom_theme: Button
+ frame_theme: LabelFrame
+ theme_type_title: Label
+ (*)radio_theme_builtin: Radiobutton - is_builtin_theme
+ (*)radio_theme_custom: Radiobutton - is_builtin_theme
+ (*)opt_menu_theme_builtin: DynOptionMenu - builtin_theme
+ (*)opt_menu_theme_custom: DynOptionMenu - custom_theme
+ (*)button_delete_custom_theme: Button
+ (*)new_custom_theme: Label
'Normal Text': ('normal', '00'),
@@ -796,52 +795,92 @@ class ConfigDialog(Toplevel):
def create_page_keys(self):
"""Return frame of widgets for Keys tab.
+ Enable users to provisionally change both individual and sets of
+ keybindings (shortcut keys). Except for features implemented as
+ extensions, keybindings are stored in complete sets called
+ keysets. Built-in keysets in idlelib/config-keys.def are fixed
+ as far as the dialog is concerned. Any keyset can be used as the
+ base for a new custom keyset, stored in .idlerc/config-keys.cfg.
+ Function load_key_cfg() initializes tk variables and keyset
+ lists and calls load_keys_list for the current keyset.
+ Radiobuttons builtin_keyset_on and custom_keyset_on toggle var
+ keyset_source, which controls if the current set of keybindings
+ are from a builtin or custom keyset. DynOptionMenus builtinlist
+ and customlist contain lists of the builtin and custom keysets,
+ respectively, and the current item from each list is stored in
+ vars builtin_name and custom_name.
+ Button delete_custom_keys invokes delete_custom_keys() to delete
+ a custom keyset from idleConf.userCfg['keys'] and changes. Button
+ save_custom_keys invokes save_as_new_key_set() which calls
+ get_new_keys_name() and create_new_key_set() to save a custom keyset
+ and its keybindings to idleConf.userCfg['keys'].
+ Listbox bindingslist contains all of the keybindings for the
+ selected keyset. The keybindings are loaded in load_keys_list()
+ and are pairs of (event, [keys]) where keys can be a list
+ of one or more key combinations to bind to the same event.
+ Mouse button 1 click invokes on_bindingslist_select(), which
+ allows button_new_keys to be clicked.
+ So, an item is selected in listbindings, which activates
+ button_new_keys, and clicking button_new_keys calls function
+ get_new_keys(). Function get_new_keys() gets the key mappings from the
+ current keyset for the binding event item that was selected. The
+ function then displays another dialog, GetKeysDialog, with the
+ selected binding event and current keys and always new key sequences
+ to be entered for that binding event. If the keys aren't
+ changed, nothing happens. If the keys are changed and the keyset
+ is a builtin, function get_new_keys_name() will be called
+ for input of a custom keyset name. If no name is given, then the
+ change to the keybinding will abort and no updates will be made. If
+ a custom name is entered in the prompt or if the current keyset was
+ already custom (and thus didn't require a prompt), then
+ idleConf.userCfg['keys'] is updated in function create_new_key_set()
+ with the change to the event binding. The item listing in bindingslist
+ is updated with the new keys. Var keybinding is also set which invokes
+ the callback function, var_changed_keybinding, to add the change to
+ the 'keys' or 'extensions' changes tracker based on the binding type.
Tk Variables:
- builtin_keys: Menu variable for built-in keybindings.
- custom_keys: Menu variable for custom keybindings.
- are_keys_builtin: Selector for built-in or custom keybindings.
keybinding: Action/key bindings.
- load_key_config: Set table.
load_keys_list: Reload active set.
- keybinding_selected: Bound to list_bindings button release.
- get_new_keys: Command for button_new_keys.
- get_new_keys_name: Call popup.
create_new_key_set: Combine active keyset and changes.
- set_keys_type: Command for are_keys_builtin.
- delete_custom_keys: Command for button_delete_custom_keys.
- save_as_new_key_set: Command for button_save_custom_keys.
+ set_keys_type: Command for keyset_source.
save_new_key_set: Save to idleConf.userCfg['keys'] (is function).
deactivate_current_config: Remove keys bindings in editors.
- Widget Structure: (*) widgets bound to self
- frame
- frame_custom: LabelFrame
- frame_target: Frame
- target_title: Label
- scroll_target_y: Scrollbar
- scroll_target_x: Scrollbar
- (*)list_bindings: ListBox
- (*)button_new_keys: Button
- frame_key_sets: LabelFrame
- frames[0]: Frame
- (*)radio_keys_builtin: Radiobutton - are_keys_builtin
- (*)radio_keys_custom: Radiobutton - are_keys_builtin
- (*)opt_menu_keys_builtin: DynOptionMenu - builtin_keys
- (*)opt_menu_keys_custom: DynOptionMenu - custom_keys
- (*)new_custom_keys: Label
- frames[1]: Frame
- (*)button_delete_custom_keys: Button
- button_save_custom_keys: Button
+ Widgets for keys page frame: (*) widgets bound to self
+ frame_key_sets: LabelFrame
+ frames[0]: Frame
+ (*)builtin_keyset_on: Radiobutton - var keyset_source
+ (*)custom_keyset_on: Radiobutton - var keyset_source
+ (*)builtinlist: DynOptionMenu - var builtin_name,
+ func keybinding_selected
+ (*)customlist: DynOptionMenu - var custom_name,
+ func keybinding_selected
+ (*)keys_message: Label
+ frames[1]: Frame
+ (*)button_delete_custom_keys: Button - delete_custom_keys
+ (*)button_save_custom_keys: Button - save_as_new_key_set
+ frame_custom: LabelFrame
+ frame_target: Frame
+ target_title: Label
+ scroll_target_y: Scrollbar
+ scroll_target_x: Scrollbar
+ (*)bindingslist: ListBox - on_bindingslist_select
+ (*)button_new_keys: Button - get_new_keys & ..._name
parent = self.parent
- self.builtin_keys = tracers.add(
- StringVar(parent), self.var_changed_builtin_keys)
- self.custom_keys = tracers.add(
- StringVar(parent), self.var_changed_custom_keys)
- self.are_keys_builtin = tracers.add(
- BooleanVar(parent), self.var_changed_are_keys_builtin)
+ self.builtin_name = tracers.add(
+ StringVar(parent), self.var_changed_builtin_name)
+ self.custom_name = tracers.add(
+ StringVar(parent), self.var_changed_custom_name)
+ self.keyset_source = tracers.add(
+ BooleanVar(parent), self.var_changed_keyset_source)
self.keybinding = tracers.add(
StringVar(parent), self.var_changed_keybinding)
@@ -858,36 +897,37 @@ class ConfigDialog(Toplevel):
target_title = Label(frame_target, text='Action - Key(s)')
scroll_target_y = Scrollbar(frame_target)
scroll_target_x = Scrollbar(frame_target, orient=HORIZONTAL)
- self.list_bindings = Listbox(
+ self.bindingslist = Listbox(
frame_target, takefocus=FALSE, exportselection=FALSE)
- self.list_bindings.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', self.keybinding_selected)
- scroll_target_y.config(command=self.list_bindings.yview)
- scroll_target_x.config(command=self.list_bindings.xview)
- self.list_bindings.config(yscrollcommand=scroll_target_y.set)
- self.list_bindings.config(xscrollcommand=scroll_target_x.set)
+ self.bindingslist.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>',
+ self.on_bindingslist_select)
+ scroll_target_y['command'] = self.bindingslist.yview
+ scroll_target_x['command'] = self.bindingslist.xview
+ self.bindingslist['yscrollcommand'] = scroll_target_y.set
+ self.bindingslist['xscrollcommand'] = scroll_target_x.set
self.button_new_keys = Button(
frame_custom, text='Get New Keys for Selection',
command=self.get_new_keys, state=DISABLED)
frames = [Frame(frame_key_sets, padx=2, pady=2, borderwidth=0)
for i in range(2)]
- self.radio_keys_builtin = Radiobutton(
- frames[0], variable=self.are_keys_builtin, value=1,
+ self.builtin_keyset_on = Radiobutton(
+ frames[0], variable=self.keyset_source, value=1,
command=self.set_keys_type, text='Use a Built-in Key Set')
- self.radio_keys_custom = Radiobutton(
- frames[0], variable=self.are_keys_builtin, value=0,
+ self.custom_keyset_on = Radiobutton(
+ frames[0], variable=self.keyset_source, value=0,
command=self.set_keys_type, text='Use a Custom Key Set')
- self.opt_menu_keys_builtin = DynOptionMenu(
- frames[0], self.builtin_keys, None, command=None)
- self.opt_menu_keys_custom = DynOptionMenu(
- frames[0], self.custom_keys, None, command=None)
+ self.builtinlist = DynOptionMenu(
+ frames[0], self.builtin_name, None, command=None)
+ self.customlist = DynOptionMenu(
+ frames[0], self.custom_name, None, command=None)
self.button_delete_custom_keys = Button(
frames[1], text='Delete Custom Key Set',
- button_save_custom_keys = Button(
+ self.button_save_custom_keys = Button(
frames[1], text='Save as New Custom Key Set',
- self.new_custom_keys = Label(frames[0], bd=2)
+ self.keys_message = Label(frames[0], bd=2)
##widget packing
@@ -900,17 +940,17 @@ class ConfigDialog(Toplevel):
frame_target.columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
frame_target.rowconfigure(1, weight=1)
target_title.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=W)
- self.list_bindings.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=NSEW)
+ self.bindingslist.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=NSEW)
scroll_target_y.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky=NS)
scroll_target_x.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky=EW)
- self.radio_keys_builtin.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=W+NS)
- self.radio_keys_custom.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=W+NS)
- self.opt_menu_keys_builtin.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=NSEW)
- self.opt_menu_keys_custom.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky=NSEW)
- self.new_custom_keys.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky=NSEW, padx=5, pady=5)
+ self.builtin_keyset_on.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=W+NS)
+ self.custom_keyset_on.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=W+NS)
+ self.builtinlist.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=NSEW)
+ self.customlist.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky=NSEW)
+ self.keys_message.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky=NSEW, padx=5, pady=5)
self.button_delete_custom_keys.pack(side=LEFT, fill=X, expand=True, padx=2)
- button_save_custom_keys.pack(side=LEFT, fill=X, expand=True, padx=2)
+ self.button_save_custom_keys.pack(side=LEFT, fill=X, expand=True, padx=2)
frames[0].pack(side=TOP, fill=BOTH, expand=True)
frames[1].pack(side=TOP, fill=X, expand=True, pady=2)
return frame
@@ -918,35 +958,35 @@ class ConfigDialog(Toplevel):
def load_key_cfg(self):
"Load current configuration settings for the keybinding options."
# Set current keys type radiobutton.
- self.are_keys_builtin.set(idleConf.GetOption(
+ self.keyset_source.set(idleConf.GetOption(
'main', 'Keys', 'default', type='bool', default=1))
# Set current keys.
current_option = idleConf.CurrentKeys()
# Load available keyset option menus.
- if self.are_keys_builtin.get(): # Default theme selected.
+ if self.keyset_source.get(): # Default theme selected.
item_list = idleConf.GetSectionList('default', 'keys')
- self.opt_menu_keys_builtin.SetMenu(item_list, current_option)
+ self.builtinlist.SetMenu(item_list, current_option)
item_list = idleConf.GetSectionList('user', 'keys')
if not item_list:
- self.radio_keys_custom['state'] = DISABLED
- self.custom_keys.set('- no custom keys -')
+ self.custom_keyset_on['state'] = DISABLED
+ self.custom_name.set('- no custom keys -')
- self.opt_menu_keys_custom.SetMenu(item_list, item_list[0])
+ self.customlist.SetMenu(item_list, item_list[0])
else: # User key set selected.
item_list = idleConf.GetSectionList('user', 'keys')
- self.opt_menu_keys_custom.SetMenu(item_list, current_option)
+ self.customlist.SetMenu(item_list, current_option)
item_list = idleConf.GetSectionList('default', 'keys')
- self.opt_menu_keys_builtin.SetMenu(item_list, idleConf.default_keys())
+ self.builtinlist.SetMenu(item_list, idleConf.default_keys())
# Load keyset element list.
keyset_name = idleConf.CurrentKeys()
- def var_changed_builtin_keys(self, *params):
+ def var_changed_builtin_name(self, *params):
"Process selection of builtin key set."
old_keys = (
'IDLE Classic Windows',
@@ -954,40 +994,41 @@ class ConfigDialog(Toplevel):
'IDLE Classic Mac',
'IDLE Classic OSX',
- value = self.builtin_keys.get()
+ value = self.builtin_name.get()
if value not in old_keys:
if idleConf.GetOption('main', 'Keys', 'name') not in old_keys:
changes.add_option('main', 'Keys', 'name', old_keys[0])
changes.add_option('main', 'Keys', 'name2', value)
- self.new_custom_keys.config(text='New key set, see Help',
- fg='#500000')
+ self.keys_message['text'] = 'New key set, see Help'
+ self.keys_message['fg'] = '#500000'
changes.add_option('main', 'Keys', 'name', value)
changes.add_option('main', 'Keys', 'name2', '')
- self.new_custom_keys.config(text='', fg='black')
+ self.keys_message['text'] = ''
+ self.keys_message['fg'] = 'black'
- def var_changed_custom_keys(self, *params):
+ def var_changed_custom_name(self, *params):
"Process selection of custom key set."
- value = self.custom_keys.get()
+ value = self.custom_name.get()
if value != '- no custom keys -':
changes.add_option('main', 'Keys', 'name', value)
- def var_changed_are_keys_builtin(self, *params):
+ def var_changed_keyset_source(self, *params):
"Process toggle between builtin key set and custom key set."
- value = self.are_keys_builtin.get()
+ value = self.keyset_source.get()
changes.add_option('main', 'Keys', 'default', value)
if value:
- self.var_changed_builtin_keys()
+ self.var_changed_builtin_name()
- self.var_changed_custom_keys()
+ self.var_changed_custom_name()
def var_changed_keybinding(self, *params):
"Store change to a keybinding."
value = self.keybinding.get()
- key_set = self.custom_keys.get()
- event = self.list_bindings.get(ANCHOR).split()[0]
+ key_set = self.custom_name.get()
+ event = self.bindingslist.get(ANCHOR).split()[0]
if idleConf.IsCoreBinding(event):
changes.add_option('keys', key_set, event, value)
else: # Event is an extension binding.
@@ -997,14 +1038,14 @@ class ConfigDialog(Toplevel):
def set_keys_type(self):
"Set available screen options based on builtin or custom key set."
- if self.are_keys_builtin.get():
- self.opt_menu_keys_builtin['state'] = NORMAL
- self.opt_menu_keys_custom['state'] = DISABLED
+ if self.keyset_source.get():
+ self.builtinlist['state'] = NORMAL
+ self.customlist['state'] = DISABLED
self.button_delete_custom_keys['state'] = DISABLED
- self.opt_menu_keys_builtin['state'] = DISABLED
- self.radio_keys_custom['state'] = NORMAL
- self.opt_menu_keys_custom['state'] = NORMAL
+ self.builtinlist['state'] = DISABLED
+ self.custom_keyset_on['state'] = NORMAL
+ self.customlist['state'] = NORMAL
self.button_delete_custom_keys['state'] = NORMAL
def get_new_keys(self):
@@ -1016,13 +1057,13 @@ class ConfigDialog(Toplevel):
changed, then a name for a custom key set needs to be
entered for the change to be applied.
- list_index = self.list_bindings.index(ANCHOR)
- binding = self.list_bindings.get(list_index)
+ list_index = self.bindingslist.index(ANCHOR)
+ binding = self.bindingslist.get(list_index)
bind_name = binding.split()[0]
- if self.are_keys_builtin.get():
- current_key_set_name = self.builtin_keys.get()
+ if self.keyset_source.get():
+ current_key_set_name = self.builtin_name.get()
- current_key_set_name = self.custom_keys.get()
+ current_key_set_name = self.custom_name.get()
current_bindings = idleConf.GetCurrentKeySet()
if current_key_set_name in changes['keys']: # unsaved changes
key_set_changes = changes['keys'][current_key_set_name]
@@ -1032,24 +1073,24 @@ class ConfigDialog(Toplevel):
new_keys = GetKeysDialog(self, 'Get New Keys', bind_name,
if new_keys:
- if self.are_keys_builtin.get(): # Current key set is a built-in.
+ if self.keyset_source.get(): # Current key set is a built-in.
message = ('Your changes will be saved as a new Custom Key Set.'
' Enter a name for your new Custom Key Set below.')
new_keyset = self.get_new_keys_name(message)
if not new_keyset: # User cancelled custom key set creation.
- self.list_bindings.select_set(list_index)
- self.list_bindings.select_anchor(list_index)
+ self.bindingslist.select_set(list_index)
+ self.bindingslist.select_anchor(list_index)
else: # Create new custom key set based on previously active key set.
- self.list_bindings.delete(list_index)
- self.list_bindings.insert(list_index, bind_name+' - '+new_keys)
- self.list_bindings.select_set(list_index)
- self.list_bindings.select_anchor(list_index)
+ self.bindingslist.delete(list_index)
+ self.bindingslist.insert(list_index, bind_name+' - '+new_keys)
+ self.bindingslist.select_set(list_index)
+ self.bindingslist.select_anchor(list_index)
- self.list_bindings.select_set(list_index)
- self.list_bindings.select_anchor(list_index)
+ self.bindingslist.select_set(list_index)
+ self.bindingslist.select_anchor(list_index)
def get_new_keys_name(self, message):
"Return new key set name from query popup."
@@ -1065,21 +1106,20 @@ class ConfigDialog(Toplevel):
if new_keys_name:
- def keybinding_selected(self, event):
+ def on_bindingslist_select(self, event):
"Activate button to assign new keys to selected action."
self.button_new_keys['state'] = NORMAL
def create_new_key_set(self, new_key_set_name):
"""Create a new custom key set with the given name.
- Create the new key set based on the previously active set
- with the current changes applied. Once it is saved, then
- activate the new key set.
+ Copy the bindings/keys from the previously active keyset
+ to the new keyset and activate the new custom keyset.
- if self.are_keys_builtin.get():
- prev_key_set_name = self.builtin_keys.get()
+ if self.keyset_source.get():
+ prev_key_set_name = self.builtin_name.get()
- prev_key_set_name = self.custom_keys.get()
+ prev_key_set_name = self.custom_name.get()
prev_keys = idleConf.GetCoreKeys(prev_key_set_name)
new_keys = {}
for event in prev_keys: # Add key set to changed items.
@@ -1096,8 +1136,8 @@ class ConfigDialog(Toplevel):
# Change GUI over to the new key set.
custom_key_list = idleConf.GetSectionList('user', 'keys')
- self.opt_menu_keys_custom.SetMenu(custom_key_list, new_key_set_name)
- self.are_keys_builtin.set(0)
+ self.customlist.SetMenu(custom_key_list, new_key_set_name)
+ self.keyset_source.set(0)
def load_keys_list(self, keyset_name):
@@ -1105,14 +1145,14 @@ class ConfigDialog(Toplevel):
An action/key binding can be selected to change the key binding.
- reselect = 0
- if self.list_bindings.curselection():
- reselect = 1
- list_index = self.list_bindings.index(ANCHOR)
+ reselect = False
+ if self.bindingslist.curselection():
+ reselect = True
+ list_index = self.bindingslist.index(ANCHOR)
keyset = idleConf.GetKeySet(keyset_name)
bind_names = list(keyset.keys())
- self.list_bindings.delete(0, END)
+ self.bindingslist.delete(0, END)
for bind_name in bind_names:
key = ' '.join(keyset[bind_name])
bind_name = bind_name[2:-2] # Trim off the angle brackets.
@@ -1120,17 +1160,21 @@ class ConfigDialog(Toplevel):
# Handle any unsaved changes to this key set.
if bind_name in changes['keys'][keyset_name]:
key = changes['keys'][keyset_name][bind_name]
- self.list_bindings.insert(END, bind_name+' - '+key)
+ self.bindingslist.insert(END, bind_name+' - '+key)
if reselect:
- self.list_bindings.see(list_index)
- self.list_bindings.select_set(list_index)
- self.list_bindings.select_anchor(list_index)
+ self.bindingslist.see(list_index)
+ self.bindingslist.select_set(list_index)
+ self.bindingslist.select_anchor(list_index)
def save_new_key_set(self, keyset_name, keyset):
"""Save a newly created core key set.
+ Add keyset to idleConf.userCfg['keys'], not to disk.
+ If the keyset doesn't exist, it is created. The
+ binding/keys are taken from the keyset argument.
keyset_name - string, the name of the new key set
- keyset - dictionary containing the new key set
+ keyset - dictionary containing the new keybindings
if not idleConf.userCfg['keys'].has_section(keyset_name):
@@ -1145,7 +1189,7 @@ class ConfigDialog(Toplevel):
reverts to the default. The custom key set is permanently
deleted from the config file.
- keyset_name=self.custom_keys.get()
+ keyset_name=self.custom_name.get()
delmsg = 'Are you sure you wish to delete the key set %r ?'
if not tkMessageBox.askyesno(
'Delete Key Set', delmsg % keyset_name, parent=self):
@@ -1157,14 +1201,14 @@ class ConfigDialog(Toplevel):
item_list = idleConf.GetSectionList('user', 'keys')
if not item_list:
- self.radio_keys_custom['state'] = DISABLED
- self.opt_menu_keys_custom.SetMenu(item_list, '- no custom keys -')
+ self.custom_keyset_on['state'] = DISABLED
+ self.customlist.SetMenu(item_list, '- no custom keys -')
- self.opt_menu_keys_custom.SetMenu(item_list, item_list[0])
+ self.customlist.SetMenu(item_list, item_list[0])
# Revert to default key set.
- self.are_keys_builtin.set(idleConf.defaultCfg['main']
+ self.keyset_source.set(idleConf.defaultCfg['main']
.Get('Keys', 'default'))
- self.builtin_keys.set(idleConf.defaultCfg['main'].Get('Keys', 'name')
+ self.builtin_name.set(idleConf.defaultCfg['main'].Get('Keys', 'name')
or idleConf.default_keys())
# User can't back out of these changes, they must be applied now.
@@ -1438,22 +1482,21 @@ class FontPage(Frame):
which invokes the default callback to add an entry to
changes. Load_tab_cfg initializes space_num to default.
- Widget Structure: (*) widgets bound to self
- frame (of tab_pages)
- frame_font: LabelFrame
- frame_font_name: Frame
- font_name_title: Label
- (*)fontlist: ListBox - font_name
- scroll_font: Scrollbar
- frame_font_param: Frame
- font_size_title: Label
- (*)sizelist: DynOptionMenu - font_size
- (*)bold_toggle: Checkbutton - font_bold
- frame_font_sample: Frame
- (*)font_sample: Label
- frame_indent: LabelFrame
- indent_title: Label
- (*)indent_scale: Scale - space_num
+ Widgets for FontPage(Frame): (*) widgets bound to self
+ frame_font: LabelFrame
+ frame_font_name: Frame
+ font_name_title: Label
+ (*)fontlist: ListBox - font_name
+ scroll_font: Scrollbar
+ frame_font_param: Frame
+ font_size_title: Label
+ (*)sizelist: DynOptionMenu - font_size
+ (*)bold_toggle: Checkbutton - font_bold
+ frame_font_sample: Frame
+ (*)font_sample: Label
+ frame_indent: LabelFrame
+ indent_title: Label
+ (*)indent_scale: Scale - space_num
self.font_name = tracers.add(StringVar(self), self.var_changed_font)
self.font_size = tracers.add(StringVar(self), self.var_changed_font)
@@ -1633,30 +1676,29 @@ class GenPage(Frame):
set_add_delete_state. All but load call update_help_changes to
rewrite changes['main']['HelpFiles'].
- Widget Structure: (*) widgets bound to self
- frame
- frame_run: LabelFrame
- startup_title: Label
- (*)startup_editor_on: Radiobutton - startup_edit
- (*)startup_shell_on: Radiobutton - startup_edit
- frame_save: LabelFrame
- run_save_title: Label
- (*)save_ask_on: Radiobutton - autosave
- (*)save_auto_on: Radiobutton - autosave
- frame_win_size: LabelFrame
- win_size_title: Label
- win_width_title: Label
- (*)win_width_int: Entry - win_width
- win_height_title: Label
- (*)win_height_int: Entry - win_height
- frame_help: LabelFrame
- frame_helplist: Frame
- frame_helplist_buttons: Frame
- (*)button_helplist_edit
- (*)button_helplist_add
- (*)button_helplist_remove
- (*)helplist: ListBox
- scroll_helplist: Scrollbar
+ Widgets for GenPage(Frame): (*) widgets bound to self
+ frame_run: LabelFrame
+ startup_title: Label
+ (*)startup_editor_on: Radiobutton - startup_edit
+ (*)startup_shell_on: Radiobutton - startup_edit
+ frame_save: LabelFrame
+ run_save_title: Label
+ (*)save_ask_on: Radiobutton - autosave
+ (*)save_auto_on: Radiobutton - autosave
+ frame_win_size: LabelFrame
+ win_size_title: Label
+ win_width_title: Label
+ (*)win_width_int: Entry - win_width
+ win_height_title: Label
+ (*)win_height_int: Entry - win_height
+ frame_help: LabelFrame
+ frame_helplist: Frame
+ frame_helplist_buttons: Frame
+ (*)button_helplist_edit
+ (*)button_helplist_add
+ (*)button_helplist_remove
+ (*)helplist: ListBox
+ scroll_helplist: Scrollbar
self.startup_edit = tracers.add(
IntVar(self), ('main', 'General', 'editor-on-startup'))