path: root/Lib/idlelib/idle_test
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authorCheryl Sabella <>2017-08-18 00:39:00 (GMT)
committerTerry Jan Reedy <>2017-08-18 00:39:00 (GMT)
commit82aff62462e65077a6614b466c986f93a601c33d (patch)
tree438138943141b04ada25a2eec859f54fbdd5e43c /Lib/idlelib/idle_test
parentf6ebd838f00b4c211c72d85ee49749e910cd3afe (diff)
bpo-31001: IDLE: Add tests for configdialog highlight tab (#3123)
Diffstat (limited to 'Lib/idlelib/idle_test')
1 files changed, 449 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/Lib/idlelib/idle_test/ b/Lib/idlelib/idle_test/
index 9647845..966a72b 100644
--- a/Lib/idlelib/idle_test/
+++ b/Lib/idlelib/idle_test/
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ class FontPageTest(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertIn(d.font_name.get(), font1.lower())
def test_sizelist(self):
- # Click on number shouod select that number
+ # Click on number should select that number
d =
self.assertEqual(d.font_size.get(), '40')
@@ -227,9 +227,457 @@ class IndentTest(unittest.TestCase):
class HighlightTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Test that highlight tab widgets enable users to make changes.
+ Test that widget actions set vars, that var changes add
+ options to changes and that themes work correctly.
+ """
+ @classmethod
+ def setUpClass(cls):
+ d = dialog
+ d.set_theme_type = Func()
+ d.paint_theme_sample = Func()
+ d.set_highlight_target = Func()
+ d.set_color_sample = Func()
+ @classmethod
+ def tearDownClass(cls):
+ d = dialog
+ del d.set_theme_type, d.paint_theme_sample
+ del d.set_highlight_target, d.set_color_sample
def setUp(self):
+ d = dialog
+ # The following is needed for test_load_key_cfg, _delete_custom_keys.
+ # This may indicate a defect in some test or function.
+ for section in idleConf.GetSectionList('user', 'highlight'):
+ idleConf.userCfg['highlight'].remove_section(section)
+ d.set_theme_type.called = 0
+ d.paint_theme_sample.called = 0
+ d.set_highlight_target.called = 0
+ d.set_color_sample.called = 0
+ def test_load_theme_cfg(self):
+ tracers.detach()
+ d = dialog
+ eq = self.assertEqual
+ # Use builtin theme with no user themes created.
+ idleConf.CurrentTheme = mock.Mock(return_value='IDLE Classic')
+ d.load_theme_cfg()
+ self.assertTrue(d.theme_source.get())
+ # builtinlist sets variable builtin_name to the CurrentTheme default.
+ eq(d.builtin_name.get(), 'IDLE Classic')
+ eq(d.custom_name.get(), '- no custom themes -')
+ eq(d.custom_theme_on['state'], DISABLED)
+ eq(d.set_theme_type.called, 1)
+ eq(d.paint_theme_sample.called, 1)
+ eq(d.set_highlight_target.called, 1)
+ # Builtin theme with non-empty user theme list.
+ idleConf.SetOption('highlight', 'test1', 'option', 'value')
+ idleConf.SetOption('highlight', 'test2', 'option2', 'value2')
+ d.load_theme_cfg()
+ eq(d.builtin_name.get(), 'IDLE Classic')
+ eq(d.custom_name.get(), 'test1')
+ eq(d.set_theme_type.called, 2)
+ eq(d.paint_theme_sample.called, 2)
+ eq(d.set_highlight_target.called, 2)
+ # Use custom theme.
+ idleConf.CurrentTheme = mock.Mock(return_value='test2')
+ idleConf.SetOption('main', 'Theme', 'default', '0')
+ d.load_theme_cfg()
+ self.assertFalse(d.theme_source.get())
+ eq(d.builtin_name.get(), 'IDLE Classic')
+ eq(d.custom_name.get(), 'test2')
+ eq(d.set_theme_type.called, 3)
+ eq(d.paint_theme_sample.called, 3)
+ eq(d.set_highlight_target.called, 3)
+ del idleConf.CurrentTheme
+ tracers.attach()
+ def test_theme_source(self):
+ eq = self.assertEqual
+ d = dialog
+ # Test these separately.
+ d.var_changed_builtin_name = Func()
+ d.var_changed_custom_name = Func()
+ # Builtin selected.
+ d.builtin_theme_on.invoke()
+ eq(mainpage, {'Theme': {'default': 'True'}})
+ eq(d.var_changed_builtin_name.called, 1)
+ eq(d.var_changed_custom_name.called, 0)
+ changes.clear()
+ # Custom selected.
+ d.custom_theme_on['state'] = NORMAL
+ d.custom_theme_on.invoke()
+ self.assertEqual(mainpage, {'Theme': {'default': 'False'}})
+ eq(d.var_changed_builtin_name.called, 1)
+ eq(d.var_changed_custom_name.called, 1)
+ del d.var_changed_builtin_name, d.var_changed_custom_name
+ def test_builtin_name(self):
+ eq = self.assertEqual
+ d = dialog
+ item_list = ['IDLE Classic', 'IDLE Dark', 'IDLE New']
+ # Not in old_themes, defaults name to first item.
+ idleConf.SetOption('main', 'Theme', 'name', 'spam')
+ d.builtinlist.SetMenu(item_list, 'IDLE Dark')
+ eq(mainpage, {'Theme': {'name': 'IDLE Classic',
+ 'name2': 'IDLE Dark'}})
+ eq(d.theme_message['text'], 'New theme, see Help')
+ eq(d.paint_theme_sample.called, 1)
+ # Not in old themes - uses name2.
+ changes.clear()
+ idleConf.SetOption('main', 'Theme', 'name', 'IDLE New')
+ d.builtinlist.SetMenu(item_list, 'IDLE Dark')
+ eq(mainpage, {'Theme': {'name2': 'IDLE Dark'}})
+ eq(d.theme_message['text'], 'New theme, see Help')
+ eq(d.paint_theme_sample.called, 2)
+ # Builtin name in old_themes.
+ changes.clear()
+ d.builtinlist.SetMenu(item_list, 'IDLE Classic')
+ eq(mainpage, {'Theme': {'name': 'IDLE Classic', 'name2': ''}})
+ eq(d.theme_message['text'], '')
+ eq(d.paint_theme_sample.called, 3)
+ def test_custom_name(self):
+ d = dialog
+ # If no selections, doesn't get added.
+ d.customlist.SetMenu([], '- no custom themes -')
+ self.assertNotIn('Theme', mainpage)
+ self.assertEqual(d.paint_theme_sample.called, 0)
+ # Custom name selected.
+ changes.clear()
+ d.customlist.SetMenu(['a', 'b', 'c'], 'c')
+ self.assertEqual(mainpage, {'Theme': {'name': 'c'}})
+ self.assertEqual(d.paint_theme_sample.called, 1)
+ def test_color(self):
+ d = dialog
+ d.on_new_color_set = Func()
+ # self.color is only set in get_color through ColorChooser.
+ d.color.set('green')
+ self.assertEqual(d.on_new_color_set.called, 1)
+ del d.on_new_color_set
+ def test_highlight_target_list_mouse(self):
+ # Set highlight_target through targetlist.
+ eq = self.assertEqual
+ d = dialog
+ d.targetlist.SetMenu(['a', 'b', 'c'], 'c')
+ eq(d.highlight_target.get(), 'c')
+ eq(d.set_highlight_target.called, 1)
+ def test_highlight_target_text_mouse(self):
+ # Set highlight_target through clicking highlight_sample.
+ eq = self.assertEqual
+ d = dialog
+ elem = {}
+ count = 0
+ hs = d.highlight_sample
+ hs.focus_force()
+ hs.see(1.0)
+ hs.update_idletasks()
+ def tag_to_element(elem):
+ for element, tag in d.theme_elements.items():
+ elem[tag[0]] = element
+ def click_it(start):
+ x, y, dx, dy = hs.bbox(start)
+ x += dx // 2
+ y += dy // 2
+ hs.event_generate('<Enter>', x=0, y=0)
+ hs.event_generate('<Motion>', x=x, y=y)
+ hs.event_generate('<ButtonPress-1>', x=x, y=y)
+ hs.event_generate('<ButtonRelease-1>', x=x, y=y)
+ # Flip theme_elements to make the tag the key.
+ tag_to_element(elem)
+ # If highlight_sample has a tag that isn't in theme_elements, there
+ # will be a KeyError in the test run.
+ for tag in hs.tag_names():
+ for start_index in hs.tag_ranges(tag)[0::2]:
+ count += 1
+ click_it(start_index)
+ eq(d.highlight_target.get(), elem[tag])
+ eq(d.set_highlight_target.called, count)
+ def test_set_theme_type(self):
+ eq = self.assertEqual
+ d = dialog
+ del d.set_theme_type
+ # Builtin theme selected.
+ d.theme_source.set(True)
+ d.set_theme_type()
+ eq(d.builtinlist['state'], NORMAL)
+ eq(d.customlist['state'], DISABLED)
+ eq(d.button_delete_custom['state'], DISABLED)
+ # Custom theme selected.
+ d.theme_source.set(False)
+ d.set_theme_type()
+ eq(d.builtinlist['state'], DISABLED)
+ eq(d.custom_theme_on['state'], NORMAL)
+ eq(d.customlist['state'], NORMAL)
+ eq(d.button_delete_custom['state'], NORMAL)
+ d.set_theme_type = Func()
+ def test_get_color(self):
+ eq = self.assertEqual
+ d = dialog
+ orig_chooser = configdialog.tkColorChooser.askcolor
+ chooser = configdialog.tkColorChooser.askcolor = Func()
+ gntn = d.get_new_theme_name = Func()
+ d.highlight_target.set('Editor Breakpoint')
+ d.color.set('#ffffff')
+ # Nothing selected.
+ chooser.result = (None, None)
+ d.button_set_color.invoke()
+ eq(d.color.get(), '#ffffff')
+ # Selection same as previous color.
+ chooser.result = ('', d.frame_color_set.cget('bg'))
+ d.button_set_color.invoke()
+ eq(d.color.get(), '#ffffff')
+ # Select different color.
+ chooser.result = ((222.8671875, 0.0, 0.0), '#de0000')
+ # Default theme.
+ d.color.set('#ffffff')
+ d.theme_source.set(True)
+ # No theme name selected therefore color not saved.
+ gntn.result = ''
+ d.button_set_color.invoke()
+ eq(gntn.called, 1)
+ eq(d.color.get(), '#ffffff')
+ # Theme name selected.
+ gntn.result = 'My New Theme'
+ d.button_set_color.invoke()
+ eq(d.custom_name.get(), gntn.result)
+ eq(d.color.get(), '#de0000')
+ # Custom theme.
+ d.color.set('#ffffff')
+ d.theme_source.set(False)
+ d.button_set_color.invoke()
+ eq(d.color.get(), '#de0000')
+ del d.get_new_theme_name
+ configdialog.tkColorChooser.askcolor = orig_chooser
+ def test_on_new_color_set(self):
+ d = dialog
+ color = '#3f7cae'
+ d.custom_name.set('Python')
+ d.highlight_target.set('Selected Text')
+ d.fg_bg_toggle.set(True)
+ d.color.set(color)
+ self.assertEqual(d.frame_color_set.cget('bg'), color)
+ self.assertEqual(d.highlight_sample.tag_cget('hilite', 'foreground'), color)
+ self.assertEqual(highpage,
+ {'Python': {'hilite-foreground': color}})
+ def test_get_new_theme_name(self):
+ orig_sectionname = configdialog.SectionName
+ sn = configdialog.SectionName = Func(return_self=True)
+ d = dialog
+ sn.result = 'New Theme'
+ self.assertEqual(d.get_new_theme_name(''), 'New Theme')
+ configdialog.SectionName = orig_sectionname
+ def test_save_as_new_theme(self):
+ d = dialog
+ gntn = d.get_new_theme_name = Func()
+ d.theme_source.set(True)
+ # No name entered.
+ gntn.result = ''
+ d.button_save_custom.invoke()
+ self.assertNotIn(gntn.result, idleConf.userCfg['highlight'])
+ # Name entered.
+ gntn.result = 'my new theme'
+ gntn.called = 0
+ self.assertNotIn(gntn.result, idleConf.userCfg['highlight'])
+ d.button_save_custom.invoke()
+ self.assertIn(gntn.result, idleConf.userCfg['highlight'])
+ del d.get_new_theme_name
+ def test_create_new_and_save_new(self):
+ eq = self.assertEqual
+ d = dialog
+ # Use default as previously active theme.
+ d.theme_source.set(True)
+ d.builtin_name.set('IDLE Classic')
+ first_new = 'my new custom theme'
+ second_new = 'my second custom theme'
+ # No changes, so themes are an exact copy.
+ self.assertNotIn(first_new, idleConf.userCfg)
+ d.create_new(first_new)
+ eq(idleConf.GetSectionList('user', 'highlight'), [first_new])
+ eq(idleConf.GetThemeDict('default', 'IDLE Classic'),
+ idleConf.GetThemeDict('user', first_new))
+ eq(d.custom_name.get(), first_new)
+ self.assertFalse(d.theme_source.get()) # Use custom set.
+ eq(d.set_theme_type.called, 1)
+ # Test that changed targets are in new theme.
+ changes.add_option('highlight', first_new, 'hit-background', 'yellow')
+ self.assertNotIn(second_new, idleConf.userCfg)
+ d.create_new(second_new)
+ eq(idleConf.GetSectionList('user', 'highlight'), [first_new, second_new])
+ self.assertNotEqual(idleConf.GetThemeDict('user', first_new),
+ idleConf.GetThemeDict('user', second_new))
+ # Check that difference in themes was in `hit-background` from `changes`.
+ idleConf.SetOption('highlight', first_new, 'hit-background', 'yellow')
+ eq(idleConf.GetThemeDict('user', first_new),
+ idleConf.GetThemeDict('user', second_new))
+ def test_set_highlight_target(self):
+ eq = self.assertEqual
+ d = dialog
+ del d.set_highlight_target
+ # Target is cursor.
+ d.highlight_target.set('Cursor')
+ eq(d.fg_on['state'], DISABLED)
+ eq(d.bg_on['state'], DISABLED)
+ self.assertTrue(d.fg_bg_toggle)
+ eq(d.set_color_sample.called, 1)
+ # Target is not cursor.
+ d.highlight_target.set('Comment')
+ eq(d.fg_on['state'], NORMAL)
+ eq(d.bg_on['state'], NORMAL)
+ self.assertTrue(d.fg_bg_toggle)
+ eq(d.set_color_sample.called, 2)
+ d.set_highlight_target = Func()
+ def test_set_color_sample_binding(self):
+ d = dialog
+ scs = d.set_color_sample
+ d.fg_on.invoke()
+ self.assertEqual(scs.called, 1)
+ d.bg_on.invoke()
+ self.assertEqual(scs.called, 2)
+ def test_set_color_sample(self):
+ d = dialog
+ del d.set_color_sample
+ d.highlight_target.set('Selected Text')
+ d.fg_bg_toggle.set(True)
+ d.set_color_sample()
+ self.assertEqual(d.frame_color_set.cget('bg'),
+ d.highlight_sample.tag_cget('hilite', 'foreground'))
+ d.set_color_sample = Func()
+ def test_paint_theme_sample(self):
+ eq = self.assertEqual
+ d = dialog
+ del d.paint_theme_sample
+ hs_tag = d.highlight_sample.tag_cget
+ gh = idleConf.GetHighlight
+ fg = 'foreground'
+ bg = 'background'
+ # Create custom theme based on IDLE Dark.
+ d.theme_source.set(True)
+ d.builtin_name.set('IDLE Dark')
+ theme = 'IDLE Test'
+ d.create_new(theme)
+ d.set_color_sample.called = 0
+ # Base theme with nothing in `changes`.
+ d.paint_theme_sample()
+ eq(hs_tag('break', fg), gh(theme, 'break', fgBg='fg'))
+ eq(hs_tag('cursor', bg), gh(theme, 'normal', fgBg='bg'))
+ self.assertNotEqual(hs_tag('console', fg), 'blue')
+ self.assertNotEqual(hs_tag('console', bg), 'yellow')
+ eq(d.set_color_sample.called, 1)
+ # Apply changes.
+ changes.add_option('highlight', theme, 'console-foreground', 'blue')
+ changes.add_option('highlight', theme, 'console-background', 'yellow')
+ d.paint_theme_sample()
+ eq(hs_tag('break', fg), gh(theme, 'break', fgBg='fg'))
+ eq(hs_tag('cursor', bg), gh(theme, 'normal', fgBg='bg'))
+ eq(hs_tag('console', fg), 'blue')
+ eq(hs_tag('console', bg), 'yellow')
+ eq(d.set_color_sample.called, 2)
+ d.paint_theme_sample = Func()
+ def test_delete_custom(self):
+ eq = self.assertEqual
+ d = dialog
+ d.button_delete_custom['state'] = NORMAL
+ yesno = configdialog.tkMessageBox.askyesno = Func()
+ dialog.deactivate_current_config = Func()
+ dialog.activate_config_changes = Func()
+ theme_name = 'spam theme'
+ idleConf.userCfg['highlight'].SetOption(theme_name, 'name', 'value')
+ highpage[theme_name] = {'option': 'True'}
+ # Force custom theme.
+ d.theme_source.set(False)
+ d.custom_name.set(theme_name)
+ # Cancel deletion.
+ yesno.result = False
+ d.button_delete_custom.invoke()
+ eq(yesno.called, 1)
+ eq(highpage[theme_name], {'option': 'True'})
+ eq(idleConf.GetSectionList('user', 'highlight'), ['spam theme'])
+ eq(dialog.deactivate_current_config.called, 0)
+ eq(dialog.activate_config_changes.called, 0)
+ eq(d.set_theme_type.called, 0)
+ # Confirm deletion.
+ yesno.result = True
+ d.button_delete_custom.invoke()
+ eq(yesno.called, 2)
+ self.assertNotIn(theme_name, highpage)
+ eq(idleConf.GetSectionList('user', 'highlight'), [])
+ eq(d.custom_theme_on['state'], DISABLED)
+ eq(d.custom_name.get(), '- no custom themes -')
+ eq(dialog.deactivate_current_config.called, 1)
+ eq(dialog.activate_config_changes.called, 1)
+ eq(d.set_theme_type.called, 1)
+ del dialog.activate_config_changes, dialog.deactivate_current_config
+ del configdialog.tkMessageBox.askyesno
class KeysPageTest(unittest.TestCase):