path: root/Lib/idlelib
diff options
authorKurt B. Kaiser <>2007-12-11 19:35:12 (GMT)
committerKurt B. Kaiser <>2007-12-11 19:35:12 (GMT)
commit7a634e60272abf547d6a0c78f7a054e27773859f (patch)
tree47dd80a3bed0a0c0526e83d47c9ba04b42cd2424 /Lib/idlelib
parent2382832bf336371d6d5b0c32675c74aeb0271f3e (diff)
IDLE_tabbedpages.071101.patch Tal Einat
Cosmetic changes, one bug. Remove, replaced by
Diffstat (limited to 'Lib/idlelib')
2 files changed, 47 insertions, 148 deletions
diff --git a/Lib/idlelib/ b/Lib/idlelib/
index 98f6a27..8d7113d 100644
--- a/Lib/idlelib/
+++ b/Lib/idlelib/
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Originally developed for use in IDLE. Based on
Classes exported:
TabbedPageSet -- A Tkinter implementation of a tabbed-page widget.
-TabBarSet -- A widget containing tabs (buttons) in one or more rows.
+TabSet -- A widget containing tabs (buttons) in one or more rows.
from Tkinter import *
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ class InvalidNameError(Exception): pass
class AlreadyExistsError(Exception): pass
-class TabBarSet(Frame):
+class TabSet(Frame):
"""A widget containing tabs (buttons) in one or more rows.
Only one tab may be selected at a time.
@@ -30,11 +30,11 @@ class TabBarSet(Frame):
tabs -- A list of strings, the names of the tabs. Should be specified in
the desired tab order. The first tab will be the default and first
- active tab. If tabs is None or empty, the TabBarSet will be initialized
+ active tab. If tabs is None or empty, the TabSet will be initialized
n_rows -- Number of rows of tabs to be shown. If n_rows <= 0 or is
- None, then the number of rows will be decided by TabBarSet. See
+ None, then the number of rows will be decided by TabSet. See
_arrange_tabs() for details.
max_tabs_per_row -- Used for deciding how many rows of tabs are needed,
@@ -76,15 +76,15 @@ class TabBarSet(Frame):
def remove_tab(self, tab_name):
- """Remove the tab with the name given in tab_name."""
+ """Remove the tab named <tab_name>"""
if not tab_name in self._tab_names:
raise KeyError("No such Tab: '%s" % page_name)
- def select_tab(self, tab_name):
- """Select the tab with the name given in tab_name."""
+ def set_selected_tab(self, tab_name):
+ """Show the tab named <tab_name> as the selected one"""
if tab_name == self._selected_tab:
if tab_name is not None and tab_name not in self._tabs:
@@ -111,14 +111,11 @@ class TabBarSet(Frame):
tab_row = Frame(self)
tab_row.pack(side=TOP, fill=X, expand=0)
- tab_row.tab_set = self
for tab_name in tab_names:
- def tab_command(select_command=self.select_command,
- tab_name=tab_name):
- return select_command(tab_name)
- tab = TabBarSet.TabButton(tab_row, tab_name, tab_command)
+ tab = TabSet.TabButton(tab_name, self.select_command,
+ tab_row, self)
if expand_tabs:
tab.pack(side=LEFT, fill=X, expand=True)
@@ -126,6 +123,7 @@ class TabBarSet(Frame):
self._tabs[tab_name] = tab
self._tab2row[tab] = tab_row
+ # tab is the last one created in the above loop
tab.is_last_in_row = True
def _reset_tab_rows(self):
@@ -158,8 +156,9 @@ class TabBarSet(Frame):
# calculate the required number of rows
n_rows = (len(self._tab_names) - 1) // self.max_tabs_per_row + 1
- i = 0
+ # not expanding the tabs with more than one row is very ugly
expand_tabs = self.expand_tabs or n_rows > 1
+ i = 0 # index in self._tab_names
for row_index in xrange(n_rows):
# calculate required number of tabs in this row
n_tabs = (len(self._tab_names) - i - 1) // (n_rows - row_index) + 1
@@ -169,47 +168,60 @@ class TabBarSet(Frame):
# re-select selected tab so it is properly displayed
selected = self._selected_tab
- self.select_tab(None)
+ self.set_selected_tab(None)
if selected in self._tab_names:
- self.select_tab(selected)
+ self.set_selected_tab(selected)
class TabButton(Frame):
"""A simple tab-like widget."""
bw = 2 # borderwidth
- def __init__(self, tab_row, name, command):
+ def __init__(self, name, select_command, tab_row, tab_set):
"""Constructor arguments:
name -- The tab's name, which will appear in its button.
- command -- The command to be called upon selection of the tab. It
- is called with the tab's name as an argument.
+ select_command -- The command to be called upon selection of the
+ tab. It is called with the tab's name as an argument.
- Frame.__init__(self, tab_row,
- self.button = Radiobutton(self, text=name, command=command,
+ Frame.__init__(self, tab_row,, relief=RAISED)
+ = name
+ self.select_command = select_command
+ self.tab_set = tab_set
+ self.is_last_in_row = False
+ self.button = Radiobutton(
+ self, text=name, command=self._select_event,
padx=5, pady=1, takefocus=FALSE, indicatoron=FALSE,
highlightthickness=0, selectcolor='', borderwidth=0)
self.button.pack(side=LEFT, fill=X, expand=True)
- self.tab_set = tab_row.tab_set
- self.is_last_in_row = False
+ def _select_event(self, *args):
+ """Event handler for tab selection.
+ With TabbedPageSet, this calls TabbedPageSet.change_page, so that
+ selecting a tab changes the page.
+ Note that this does -not- call set_selected -- it will be called by
+ TabSet.set_selected_tab, which should be called when whatever the
+ tabs are related to changes.
+ """
+ self.select_command(
+ return
def set_selected(self):
"""Assume selected look"""
- for widget in self,,
- widget.config(relief=RAISED)
def set_normal(self):
"""Assume normal look"""
- for widget in self,,
- widget.config(relief=RAISED)
def _init_masks(self):
@@ -351,8 +363,8 @@ class TabbedPageSet(Frame):
and first active page. If page_names is None or empty, the
TabbedPageSet will be initialized empty.
- n_rows, max_tabs_per_row -- Parameters for the TabBarSet which will
- manage the tabs. See TabBarSet's docs for details.
+ n_rows, max_tabs_per_row -- Parameters for the TabSet which will
+ manage the tabs. See TabSet's docs for details.
page_class -- Pages can be shown/hidden using three mechanisms:
@@ -372,7 +384,7 @@ class TabbedPageSet(Frame):
TabbedPageSet to resize when the page is changed.
- Frame.__init__(self, parent, kw)
+ Frame.__init__(self, parent, **kw)
self.page_class = page_class
self.pages = {}
@@ -390,9 +402,9 @@ class TabbedPageSet(Frame):
self.pages_frame.rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
# the order of the following commands is important
- self._tab_set = TabBarSet(self, self.change_page, n_rows=n_rows,
- max_tabs_per_row=max_tabs_per_row,
- expand_tabs=expand_tabs)
+ self._tab_set = TabSet(self, self.change_page, n_rows=n_rows,
+ max_tabs_per_row=max_tabs_per_row,
+ expand_tabs=expand_tabs)
if page_names:
for name in page_names:
@@ -453,7 +465,7 @@ class TabbedPageSet(Frame):
self._current_page = page_name
- self._tab_set.select_tab(page_name)
+ self._tab_set.set_selected_tab(page_name)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# test dialog
diff --git a/Lib/idlelib/ b/Lib/idlelib/
deleted file mode 100644
index 12f8929..0000000
--- a/Lib/idlelib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-a couple of classes for implementing partial tabbed-page like behaviour
-from Tkinter import *
-class InvalidTabPage(Exception): pass
-class AlreadyExists(Exception): pass
-class PageTab(Frame):
- """
- a 'page tab' like framed button
- """
- def __init__(self,parent):
- Frame.__init__(self, parent,borderwidth=2,relief=RIDGE)
- self.button=Radiobutton(self,padx=5,pady=5,takefocus=FALSE,
- indicatoron=FALSE,highlightthickness=0,
- borderwidth=0,selectcolor=self.cget('bg'))
- self.button.pack()
-class TabPageSet(Frame):
- """
- a set of 'pages' with TabButtons for controlling their display
- """
- def __init__(self,parent,pageNames=[],**kw):
- """
- pageNames - a list of strings, each string will be the dictionary key
- to a page's data, and the name displayed on the page's tab. Should be
- specified in desired page order. The first page will be the default
- and first active page.
- """
- Frame.__init__(self, parent, kw)
- self.grid_location(0,0)
- self.columnconfigure(0,weight=1)
- self.rowconfigure(1,weight=1)
- self.tabBar=Frame(self)
- self.tabBar.grid(row=0,column=0,sticky=EW)
- self.activePage=StringVar(self)
- self.defaultPage=''
- self.pages={}
- for name in pageNames:
- self.AddPage(name)
- def ChangePage(self,pageName=None):
- if pageName:
- if pageName in self.pages.keys():
- self.activePage.set(pageName)
- else:
- raise InvalidTabPage, 'Invalid TabPage Name'
- ## pop up the active 'tab' only
- for page in self.pages.keys():
- self.pages[page]['tab'].config(relief=RIDGE)
- self.pages[self.GetActivePage()]['tab'].config(relief=RAISED)
- ## switch page
- self.pages[self.GetActivePage()]['page'].lift()
- def GetActivePage(self):
- return self.activePage.get()
- def AddPage(self,pageName):
- if pageName in self.pages.keys():
- raise AlreadyExists, 'TabPage Name Already Exists'
- self.pages[pageName]={'tab':PageTab(self.tabBar),
- 'page':Frame(self,borderwidth=2,relief=RAISED)}
- self.pages[pageName]['tab'].button.config(text=pageName,
- command=self.ChangePage,variable=self.activePage,
- value=pageName)
- self.pages[pageName]['tab'].pack(side=LEFT)
- self.pages[pageName]['page'].grid(row=1,column=0,sticky=NSEW)
- if len(self.pages)==1: # adding first page
- self.defaultPage=pageName
- self.activePage.set(self.defaultPage)
- self.ChangePage()
- def RemovePage(self,pageName):
- if not pageName in self.pages.keys():
- raise InvalidTabPage, 'Invalid TabPage Name'
- self.pages[pageName]['tab'].pack_forget()
- self.pages[pageName]['page'].grid_forget()
- self.pages[pageName]['tab'].destroy()
- self.pages[pageName]['page'].destroy()
- del(self.pages[pageName])
- # handle removing last remaining, or default, or active page
- if not self.pages: # removed last remaining page
- self.defaultPage=''
- return
- if pageName==self.defaultPage: # set a new default page
- self.defaultPage=\
- self.tabBar.winfo_children()[0].button.cget('text')
- if pageName==self.GetActivePage(): # set a new active page
- self.activePage.set(self.defaultPage)
- self.ChangePage()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- #test dialog
- root=Tk()
- tabPage=TabPageSet(root,pageNames=['Foobar','Baz'])
- tabPage.pack(expand=TRUE,fill=BOTH)
- Label(tabPage.pages['Foobar']['page'],text='Foo',pady=20).pack()
- Label(tabPage.pages['Foobar']['page'],text='Bar',pady=20).pack()
- Label(tabPage.pages['Baz']['page'],text='Baz').pack()
- entryPgName=Entry(root)
- buttonAdd=Button(root,text='Add Page',
- command=lambda:tabPage.AddPage(entryPgName.get()))
- buttonRemove=Button(root,text='Remove Page',
- command=lambda:tabPage.RemovePage(entryPgName.get()))
- labelPgName=Label(root,text='name of page to add/remove:')
- buttonAdd.pack(padx=5,pady=5)
- buttonRemove.pack(padx=5,pady=5)
- labelPgName.pack(padx=5)
- entryPgName.pack(padx=5)
- tabPage.ChangePage()
- root.mainloop()