path: root/Lib/plat-mac/
diff options
authorJack Jansen <>2003-03-29 23:04:01 (GMT)
committerJack Jansen <>2003-03-29 23:04:01 (GMT)
commita942b9931c9ef13f7baf82c12e4ee312e6906f1c (patch)
tree75b77291530ea9bd65ff3249cab6b5e25f00f79f /Lib/plat-mac/
parent1269be5f4a0975748409eee3ac6ce3e01620523b (diff)
Moved gensuitemodule from Mac/scripts to Lib/plat-mac. Documentation
remains to be done.
Diffstat (limited to 'Lib/plat-mac/')
1 files changed, 1132 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Lib/plat-mac/ b/Lib/plat-mac/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e599c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lib/plat-mac/
@@ -0,0 +1,1132 @@
+gensuitemodule - Generate an AE suite module from an aete/aeut resource
+Based on
+Reading and understanding this code is left as an exercise to the reader.
+import MacOS
+import EasyDialogs
+import os
+import string
+import sys
+import types
+import StringIO
+import keyword
+import macresource
+import aetools
+import distutils.sysconfig
+import OSATerminology
+from Carbon.Res import *
+import Carbon.Folder
+import MacOS
+import getopt
+import plistlib
+DEFAULT_STANDARD_PACKAGEFOLDER=os.path.join(_MAC_LIB_FOLDER, 'lib-scriptpackages')
+def usage():
+ sys.stderr.write("Usage: %s [opts] application-or-resource-file\n" % sys.argv[0])
+ sys.stderr.write("""Options:
+--output pkgdir Pathname of the output package (short: -o)
+--resource Parse resource file in stead of launching application (-r)
+--base package Use another base package in stead of default StdSuites (-b)
+--edit old=new Edit suite names, use empty new to skip a suite (-e)
+--creator code Set creator code for package (-c)
+ sys.exit(1)
+def main():
+ if len(sys.argv) > 1:
+ SHORTOPTS = "rb:o:e:c:"
+ LONGOPTS = ("resource", "base=", "output=", "edit=", "creator=")
+ try:
+ opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], SHORTOPTS, LONGOPTS)
+ except getopt.GetoptError:
+ usage()
+ process_func = processfile
+ basepkgname = 'StdSuites'
+ output = None
+ edit_modnames = []
+ creatorsignature = None
+ for o, a in opts:
+ if o in ('-r', '--resource'):
+ process_func = processfile_fromresource
+ if o in ('-b', '--base'):
+ basepkgname = a
+ if o in ('-o', '--output'):
+ output = a
+ if o in ('-e', '--edit'):
+ split = a.split('=')
+ if len(split) != 2:
+ usage()
+ edit_modnames.append(split)
+ if o in ('-c', '--creator'):
+ if len(a) != 4:
+ sys.stderr.write("creator must be 4-char string\n")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ creatorsignature = a
+ if output and len(args) > 1:
+ sys.stderr.write("%s: cannot specify --output with multiple inputs\n" % sys.argv[0])
+ sys.exit(1)
+ for filename in args:
+ process_func(filename, output=output, basepkgname=basepkgname,
+ edit_modnames=edit_modnames, creatorsignature=creatorsignature)
+ else:
+ main_interactive()
+def main_interactive(interact=0, basepkgname='StdSuites'):
+ if interact:
+ # Ask for save-filename for each module
+ edit_modnames = None
+ else:
+ # Use default filenames for each module
+ edit_modnames = []
+ appsfolder = Carbon.Folder.FSFindFolder(-32765, 'apps', 0)
+ filename = EasyDialogs.AskFileForOpen(
+ message='Select scriptable application',
+ dialogOptionFlags=0x1056, # allow selection of .app bundles
+ defaultLocation=appsfolder)
+ if not filename:
+ return
+ if not is_scriptable(filename):
+ if EasyDialogs.AskYesNoCancel(
+ "Warning: application does not seem scriptable",
+ yes="Continue", default=2, no="") <= 0:
+ return
+ try:
+ processfile(filename, edit_modnames=edit_modnames, basepkgname=basepkgname)
+ except MacOS.Error, arg:
+ print "Error getting terminology:", arg
+ print "Retry, manually parsing resources"
+ processfile_fromresource(filename, edit_modnames=edit_modnames,
+ basepkgname=basepkgname)
+def is_scriptable(application):
+ """Return true if the application is scriptable"""
+ if os.path.isdir(application):
+ plistfile = os.path.join(application, 'Contents', 'Info.plist')
+ if not os.path.exists(plistfile):
+ return False
+ plist = plistlib.Plist.fromFile(plistfile)
+ return plist.get('NSAppleScriptEnabled', False)
+ # If it is a file test for an aete/aeut resource.
+ currf = CurResFile()
+ try:
+ refno = macresource.open_pathname(application)
+ except MacOS.Error:
+ return False
+ UseResFile(refno)
+ n_terminology = Count1Resources('aete') + Count1Resources('aeut') + \
+ Count1Resources('scsz') + Count1Resources('osiz')
+ CloseResFile(refno)
+ UseResFile(currf)
+ return n_terminology > 0
+def processfile_fromresource(fullname, output=None, basepkgname=None,
+ edit_modnames=None, creatorsignature=None):
+ """Process all resources in a single file"""
+ if not is_scriptable(fullname):
+ print "Warning: app does not seem scriptable: %s" % fullname
+ cur = CurResFile()
+ print "Processing", fullname
+ rf = macresource.open_pathname(fullname)
+ try:
+ UseResFile(rf)
+ resources = []
+ for i in range(Count1Resources('aete')):
+ res = Get1IndResource('aete', 1+i)
+ resources.append(res)
+ for i in range(Count1Resources('aeut')):
+ res = Get1IndResource('aeut', 1+i)
+ resources.append(res)
+ print "\nLISTING aete+aeut RESOURCES IN", `fullname`
+ aetelist = []
+ for res in resources:
+ print "decoding", res.GetResInfo(), "..."
+ data =
+ aete = decode(data)
+ aetelist.append((aete, res.GetResInfo()))
+ finally:
+ if rf <> cur:
+ CloseResFile(rf)
+ UseResFile(cur)
+ # switch back (needed for dialogs in Python)
+ UseResFile(cur)
+ compileaetelist(aetelist, fullname, output=output,
+ basepkgname=basepkgname, edit_modnames=edit_modnames,
+ creatorsignature=creatorsignature)
+def processfile(fullname, output=None, basepkgname=None,
+ edit_modnames=None, creatorsignature=None):
+ """Ask an application for its terminology and process that"""
+ if not is_scriptable(fullname):
+ print "Warning: app does not seem scriptable: %s" % fullname
+ print "\nASKING FOR aete DICTIONARY IN", `fullname`
+ try:
+ aedescobj, launched = OSATerminology.GetAppTerminology(fullname)
+ except MacOS.Error, arg:
+ if arg[0] in (-1701, -192): # errAEDescNotFound, resNotFound
+ print "GetAppTerminology failed with errAEDescNotFound/resNotFound, trying manually"
+ aedata, sig = getappterminology(fullname)
+ if not creatorsignature:
+ creatorsignature = sig
+ else:
+ raise
+ else:
+ if launched:
+ print "Launched", fullname
+ raw = aetools.unpack(aedescobj)
+ if not raw:
+ print 'Unpack returned empty value:', raw
+ return
+ if not raw[0].data:
+ print 'Unpack returned value without data:', raw
+ return
+ aedata = raw[0]
+ aete = decode(
+ compileaete(aete, None, fullname, output=output, basepkgname=basepkgname,
+ creatorsignature=creatorsignature, edit_modnames=edit_modnames)
+def getappterminology(fullname):
+ """Get application terminology by sending an AppleEvent"""
+ # First check that we actually can send AppleEvents
+ if not MacOS.WMAvailable():
+ raise RuntimeError, "Cannot send AppleEvents, no access to window manager"
+ # Next, a workaround for a bug in MacOS 10.2: sending events will hang unless
+ # you have created an event loop first.
+ import Carbon.Evt
+ Carbon.Evt.WaitNextEvent(0,0)
+ if os.path.isdir(fullname):
+ # Now get the signature of the application, hoping it is a bundle
+ pkginfo = os.path.join(fullname, 'Contents', 'PkgInfo')
+ if not os.path.exists(pkginfo):
+ raise RuntimeError, "No PkgInfo file found"
+ tp_cr = open(pkginfo, 'rb').read()
+ cr = tp_cr[4:8]
+ else:
+ # Assume it is a file
+ cr, tp = MacOS.GetCreatorAndType(fullname)
+ # Let's talk to it and ask for its AETE
+ talker = aetools.TalkTo(cr)
+ try:
+ talker._start()
+ except (MacOS.Error, aetools.Error), arg:
+ print 'Warning: start() failed, continuing anyway:', arg
+ reply = talker.send("ascr", "gdte")
+ #reply2 = talker.send("ascr", "gdut")
+ # Now pick the bits out of the return that we need.
+ return reply[1]['----'], cr
+def compileaetelist(aetelist, fullname, output=None, basepkgname=None,
+ edit_modnames=None, creatorsignature=None):
+ for aete, resinfo in aetelist:
+ compileaete(aete, resinfo, fullname, output=output,
+ basepkgname=basepkgname, edit_modnames=edit_modnames,
+ creatorsignature=creatorsignature)
+def decode(data):
+ """Decode a resource into a python data structure"""
+ f = StringIO.StringIO(data)
+ aete = generic(getaete, f)
+ aete = simplify(aete)
+ processed = f.tell()
+ unprocessed = len(
+ total = f.tell()
+ if unprocessed:
+ sys.stderr.write("%d processed + %d unprocessed = %d total\n" %
+ (processed, unprocessed, total))
+ return aete
+def simplify(item):
+ """Recursively replace singleton tuples by their constituent item"""
+ if type(item) is types.ListType:
+ return map(simplify, item)
+ elif type(item) == types.TupleType and len(item) == 2:
+ return simplify(item[1])
+ else:
+ return item
+# Here follows the aete resource decoder.
+# It is presented bottom-up instead of top-down because there are direct
+# references to the lower-level part-decoders from the high-level part-decoders.
+def getbyte(f, *args):
+ c =
+ if not c:
+ raise EOFError, 'in getbyte' + str(args)
+ return ord(c)
+def getword(f, *args):
+ getalign(f)
+ s =
+ if len(s) < 2:
+ raise EOFError, 'in getword' + str(args)
+ return (ord(s[0])<<8) | ord(s[1])
+def getlong(f, *args):
+ getalign(f)
+ s =
+ if len(s) < 4:
+ raise EOFError, 'in getlong' + str(args)
+ return (ord(s[0])<<24) | (ord(s[1])<<16) | (ord(s[2])<<8) | ord(s[3])
+def getostype(f, *args):
+ getalign(f)
+ s =
+ if len(s) < 4:
+ raise EOFError, 'in getostype' + str(args)
+ return s
+def getpstr(f, *args):
+ c =
+ if len(c) < 1:
+ raise EOFError, 'in getpstr[1]' + str(args)
+ nbytes = ord(c)
+ if nbytes == 0: return ''
+ s =
+ if len(s) < nbytes:
+ raise EOFError, 'in getpstr[2]' + str(args)
+ return s
+def getalign(f):
+ if f.tell() & 1:
+ c =
+ ##if c <> '\0':
+ ## print 'align:', `c`
+def getlist(f, description, getitem):
+ count = getword(f)
+ list = []
+ for i in range(count):
+ list.append(generic(getitem, f))
+ getalign(f)
+ return list
+def alt_generic(what, f, *args):
+ print "generic", `what`, args
+ res = vageneric(what, f, args)
+ print '->', `res`
+ return res
+def generic(what, f, *args):
+ if type(what) == types.FunctionType:
+ return apply(what, (f,) + args)
+ if type(what) == types.ListType:
+ record = []
+ for thing in what:
+ item = apply(generic, thing[:1] + (f,) + thing[1:])
+ record.append((thing[1], item))
+ return record
+ return "BAD GENERIC ARGS: %s" % `what`
+getdata = [
+ (getostype, "type"),
+ (getpstr, "description"),
+ (getword, "flags")
+ ]
+getargument = [
+ (getpstr, "name"),
+ (getostype, "keyword"),
+ (getdata, "what")
+ ]
+getevent = [
+ (getpstr, "name"),
+ (getpstr, "description"),
+ (getostype, "suite code"),
+ (getostype, "event code"),
+ (getdata, "returns"),
+ (getdata, "accepts"),
+ (getlist, "optional arguments", getargument)
+ ]
+getproperty = [
+ (getpstr, "name"),
+ (getostype, "code"),
+ (getdata, "what")
+ ]
+getelement = [
+ (getostype, "type"),
+ (getlist, "keyform", getostype)
+ ]
+getclass = [
+ (getpstr, "name"),
+ (getostype, "class code"),
+ (getpstr, "description"),
+ (getlist, "properties", getproperty),
+ (getlist, "elements", getelement)
+ ]
+getcomparison = [
+ (getpstr, "operator name"),
+ (getostype, "operator ID"),
+ (getpstr, "operator comment"),
+ ]
+getenumerator = [
+ (getpstr, "enumerator name"),
+ (getostype, "enumerator ID"),
+ (getpstr, "enumerator comment")
+ ]
+getenumeration = [
+ (getostype, "enumeration ID"),
+ (getlist, "enumerator", getenumerator)
+ ]
+getsuite = [
+ (getpstr, "suite name"),
+ (getpstr, "suite description"),
+ (getostype, "suite ID"),
+ (getword, "suite level"),
+ (getword, "suite version"),
+ (getlist, "events", getevent),
+ (getlist, "classes", getclass),
+ (getlist, "comparisons", getcomparison),
+ (getlist, "enumerations", getenumeration)
+ ]
+getaete = [
+ (getword, "major/minor version in BCD"),
+ (getword, "language code"),
+ (getword, "script code"),
+ (getlist, "suites", getsuite)
+ ]
+def compileaete(aete, resinfo, fname, output=None, basepkgname=None,
+ edit_modnames=None, creatorsignature=None):
+ """Generate code for a full aete resource. fname passed for doc purposes"""
+ [version, language, script, suites] = aete
+ major, minor = divmod(version, 256)
+ if not creatorsignature:
+ creatorsignature, dummy = MacOS.GetCreatorAndType(fname)
+ packagename = identify(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fname))[0])
+ if language:
+ packagename = packagename+'_lang%d'%language
+ if script:
+ packagename = packagename+'_script%d'%script
+ if len(packagename) > 27:
+ packagename = packagename[:27]
+ if output:
+ # XXXX Put this in site-packages if it isn't a full pathname?
+ if not os.path.exists(output):
+ os.mkdir(output)
+ pathname = output
+ else:
+ pathname = EasyDialogs.AskFolder(message='Create and select package folder for %s'%packagename,
+ output = pathname
+ if not pathname:
+ return
+ packagename = os.path.split(os.path.normpath(pathname))[1]
+ if not basepkgname:
+ basepkgname = EasyDialogs.AskFolder(message='Package folder for base suite (usually StdSuites)',
+ if basepkgname:
+ dirname, basepkgname = os.path.split(os.path.normpath(basepkgname))
+ if dirname and not dirname in sys.path:
+ sys.path.insert(0, dirname)
+ basepackage = __import__(basepkgname)
+ else:
+ basepackage = None
+ suitelist = []
+ allprecompinfo = []
+ allsuites = []
+ for suite in suites:
+ code, suite, pathname, modname, precompinfo = precompilesuite(suite, basepackage,
+ output=output, edit_modnames=edit_modnames)
+ if not code:
+ continue
+ allprecompinfo = allprecompinfo + precompinfo
+ suiteinfo = suite, pathname, modname
+ suitelist.append((code, modname))
+ allsuites.append(suiteinfo)
+ for suiteinfo in allsuites:
+ compilesuite(suiteinfo, major, minor, language, script, fname, basepackage,
+ allprecompinfo, interact=(edit_modnames is None))
+ initfilename = os.path.join(output, '')
+ fp = open(initfilename, 'w')
+ MacOS.SetCreatorAndType(initfilename, 'Pyth', 'TEXT')
+ fp.write('"""\n')
+ fp.write("Package generated from %s\n"%ascii(fname))
+ if resinfo:
+ fp.write("Resource %s resid %d %s\n"%(ascii(resinfo[1]), resinfo[0], ascii(resinfo[2])))
+ fp.write('"""\n')
+ fp.write('import aetools\n')
+ fp.write('Error = aetools.Error\n')
+ suitelist.sort()
+ for code, modname in suitelist:
+ fp.write("import %s\n" % modname)
+ fp.write("\n\n_code_to_module = {\n")
+ for code, modname in suitelist:
+ fp.write("\t'%s' : %s,\n"%(ascii(code), modname))
+ fp.write("}\n\n")
+ fp.write("\n\n_code_to_fullname = {\n")
+ for code, modname in suitelist:
+ fp.write("\t'%s' : ('%s.%s', '%s'),\n"%(ascii(code), packagename, modname, modname))
+ fp.write("}\n\n")
+ for code, modname in suitelist:
+ fp.write("from %s import *\n"%modname)
+ # Generate property dicts and element dicts for all types declared in this module
+ fp.write("\ndef getbaseclasses(v):\n")
+ fp.write("\tif not getattr(v, '_propdict', None):\n")
+ fp.write("\t\tv._propdict = {}\n")
+ fp.write("\t\tv._elemdict = {}\n")
+ fp.write("\t\tfor superclassname in getattr(v, '_superclassnames', []):\n")
+ fp.write("\t\t\tsuperclass = eval(superclassname)\n")
+ fp.write("\t\t\tgetbaseclasses(superclass)\n")
+ fp.write("\t\t\tv._propdict.update(getattr(superclass, '_propdict', {}))\n")
+ fp.write("\t\t\tv._elemdict.update(getattr(superclass, '_elemdict', {}))\n")
+ fp.write("\t\tv._propdict.update(getattr(v, '_privpropdict', {}))\n")
+ fp.write("\t\tv._elemdict.update(getattr(v, '_privelemdict', {}))\n")
+ fp.write("\n")
+ fp.write("import StdSuites\n")
+ allprecompinfo.sort()
+ if allprecompinfo:
+ fp.write("\n#\n# Set property and element dictionaries now that all classes have been defined\n#\n")
+ for codenamemapper in allprecompinfo:
+ for k, v in codenamemapper.getall('class'):
+ fp.write("getbaseclasses(%s)\n" % v)
+ # Generate a code-to-name mapper for all of the types (classes) declared in this module
+ if allprecompinfo:
+ fp.write("\n#\n# Indices of types declared in this module\n#\n")
+ fp.write("_classdeclarations = {\n")
+ for codenamemapper in allprecompinfo:
+ for k, v in codenamemapper.getall('class'):
+ fp.write("\t%s : %s,\n" % (`k`, v))
+ fp.write("}\n")
+ if suitelist:
+ fp.write("\n\nclass %s(%s_Events"%(packagename, suitelist[0][1]))
+ for code, modname in suitelist[1:]:
+ fp.write(",\n\t\t%s_Events"%modname)
+ fp.write(",\n\t\taetools.TalkTo):\n")
+ fp.write("\t_signature = %s\n\n"%`creatorsignature`)
+ fp.write("\t_moduleName = '%s'\n\n"%packagename)
+ fp.close()
+def precompilesuite(suite, basepackage=None, edit_modnames=None, output=None):
+ """Parse a single suite without generating the output. This step is needed
+ so we can resolve recursive references by suites to enums/comps/etc declared
+ in other suites"""
+ [name, desc, code, level, version, events, classes, comps, enums] = suite
+ modname = identify(name)
+ if len(modname) > 28:
+ modname = modname[:27]
+ if edit_modnames is None:
+ pathname = EasyDialogs.AskFileForSave(message='Python output file',
+ savedFileName=modname+'.py')
+ else:
+ for old, new in edit_modnames:
+ if old == modname:
+ modname = new
+ if modname:
+ pathname = os.path.join(output, modname + '.py')
+ else:
+ pathname = None
+ if not pathname:
+ return None, None, None, None, None
+ modname = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(pathname)[1])[0]
+ if basepackage and basepackage._code_to_module.has_key(code):
+ # We are an extension of a baseclass (usually an application extending
+ # Standard_Suite or so). Import everything from our base module
+ basemodule = basepackage._code_to_module[code]
+ else:
+ # We are not an extension.
+ basemodule = None
+ enumsneeded = {}
+ for event in events:
+ findenumsinevent(event, enumsneeded)
+ objc = ObjectCompiler(None, basemodule, interact=(edit_modnames is None))
+ for cls in classes:
+ objc.compileclass(cls)
+ for cls in classes:
+ objc.fillclasspropsandelems(cls)
+ for comp in comps:
+ objc.compilecomparison(comp)
+ for enum in enums:
+ objc.compileenumeration(enum)
+ for enum in enumsneeded.keys():
+ objc.checkforenum(enum)
+ objc.dumpindex()
+ precompinfo = objc.getprecompinfo(modname)
+ return code, suite, pathname, modname, precompinfo
+def compilesuite((suite, pathname, modname), major, minor, language, script,
+ fname, basepackage, precompinfo, interact=1):
+ """Generate code for a single suite"""
+ [name, desc, code, level, version, events, classes, comps, enums] = suite
+ # Sort various lists, so re-generated source is easier compared
+ events.sort()
+ classes.sort()
+ comps.sort()
+ enums.sort()
+ fp = open(pathname, 'w')
+ MacOS.SetCreatorAndType(pathname, 'Pyth', 'TEXT')
+ fp.write('"""Suite %s: %s\n' % (ascii(name), ascii(desc)))
+ fp.write("Level %d, version %d\n\n" % (level, version))
+ fp.write("Generated from %s\n"%ascii(fname))
+ fp.write("AETE/AEUT resource version %d/%d, language %d, script %d\n" % \
+ (major, minor, language, script))
+ fp.write('"""\n\n')
+ fp.write('import aetools\n')
+ fp.write('import MacOS\n\n')
+ fp.write("_code = %s\n\n"% `code`)
+ if basepackage and basepackage._code_to_module.has_key(code):
+ # We are an extension of a baseclass (usually an application extending
+ # Standard_Suite or so). Import everything from our base module
+ fp.write('from %s import *\n'%basepackage._code_to_fullname[code][0])
+ basemodule = basepackage._code_to_module[code]
+ elif basepackage and basepackage._code_to_module.has_key(code.lower()):
+ # This is needed by CodeWarrior and some others.
+ fp.write('from %s import *\n'%basepackage._code_to_fullname[code.lower()][0])
+ basemodule = basepackage._code_to_module[code.lower()]
+ else:
+ # We are not an extension.
+ basemodule = None
+ compileclassheader(fp, modname, basemodule)
+ enumsneeded = {}
+ if events:
+ for event in events:
+ compileevent(fp, event, enumsneeded)
+ else:
+ fp.write("\tpass\n\n")
+ objc = ObjectCompiler(fp, basemodule, precompinfo, interact=interact)
+ for cls in classes:
+ objc.compileclass(cls)
+ for cls in classes:
+ objc.fillclasspropsandelems(cls)
+ for comp in comps:
+ objc.compilecomparison(comp)
+ for enum in enums:
+ objc.compileenumeration(enum)
+ for enum in enumsneeded.keys():
+ objc.checkforenum(enum)
+ objc.dumpindex()
+ return code, modname
+def compileclassheader(fp, name, module=None):
+ """Generate class boilerplate"""
+ classname = '%s_Events'%name
+ if module:
+ modshortname = string.split(module.__name__, '.')[-1]
+ baseclassname = '%s_Events'%modshortname
+ fp.write("class %s(%s):\n\n"%(classname, baseclassname))
+ else:
+ fp.write("class %s:\n\n"%classname)
+def compileevent(fp, event, enumsneeded):
+ """Generate code for a single event"""
+ [name, desc, code, subcode, returns, accepts, arguments] = event
+ funcname = identify(name)
+ #
+ # generate name->keyword map
+ #
+ if arguments:
+ fp.write("\t_argmap_%s = {\n"%funcname)
+ for a in arguments:
+ fp.write("\t\t%s : %s,\n"%(`identify(a[0])`, `a[1]`))
+ fp.write("\t}\n\n")
+ #
+ # Generate function header
+ #
+ has_arg = (not is_null(accepts))
+ opt_arg = (has_arg and is_optional(accepts))
+ fp.write("\tdef %s(self, "%funcname)
+ if has_arg:
+ if not opt_arg:
+ fp.write("_object, ") # Include direct object, if it has one
+ else:
+ fp.write("_object=None, ") # Also include if it is optional
+ else:
+ fp.write("_no_object=None, ") # For argument checking
+ fp.write("_attributes={}, **_arguments):\n") # include attribute dict and args
+ #
+ # Generate doc string (important, since it may be the only
+ # available documentation, due to our name-remaping)
+ #
+ fp.write('\t\t"""%s: %s\n'%(ascii(name), ascii(desc)))
+ if has_arg:
+ fp.write("\t\tRequired argument: %s\n"%getdatadoc(accepts))
+ elif opt_arg:
+ fp.write("\t\tOptional argument: %s\n"%getdatadoc(accepts))
+ for arg in arguments:
+ fp.write("\t\tKeyword argument %s: %s\n"%(identify(arg[0]),
+ getdatadoc(arg[2])))
+ fp.write("\t\tKeyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary\n")
+ if not is_null(returns):
+ fp.write("\t\tReturns: %s\n"%getdatadoc(returns))
+ fp.write('\t\t"""\n')
+ #
+ # Fiddle the args so everything ends up in 'arguments' dictionary
+ #
+ fp.write("\t\t_code = %s\n"% `code`)
+ fp.write("\t\t_subcode = %s\n\n"% `subcode`)
+ #
+ # Do keyword name substitution
+ #
+ if arguments:
+ fp.write("\t\taetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_%s)\n"%funcname)
+ else:
+ fp.write("\t\tif _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected'\n")
+ #
+ # Stuff required arg (if there is one) into arguments
+ #
+ if has_arg:
+ fp.write("\t\t_arguments['----'] = _object\n")
+ elif opt_arg:
+ fp.write("\t\tif _object:\n")
+ fp.write("\t\t\t_arguments['----'] = _object\n")
+ else:
+ fp.write("\t\tif _no_object != None: raise TypeError, 'No direct arg expected'\n")
+ fp.write("\n")
+ #
+ # Do enum-name substitution
+ #
+ for a in arguments:
+ if is_enum(a[2]):
+ kname = a[1]
+ ename = a[2][0]
+ if ename <> '****':
+ fp.write("\t\taetools.enumsubst(_arguments, %s, _Enum_%s)\n" %
+ (`kname`, identify(ename)))
+ enumsneeded[ename] = 1
+ fp.write("\n")
+ #
+ # Do the transaction
+ #
+ fp.write("\t\t_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,\n")
+ fp.write("\t\t\t\t_arguments, _attributes)\n")
+ #
+ # Error handling
+ #
+ fp.write("\t\tif _arguments.get('errn', 0):\n")
+ fp.write("\t\t\traise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)\n")
+ fp.write("\t\t# XXXX Optionally decode result\n")
+ #
+ # Decode result
+ #
+ fp.write("\t\tif _arguments.has_key('----'):\n")
+ if is_enum(returns):
+ fp.write("\t\t\t# XXXX Should do enum remapping here...\n")
+ fp.write("\t\t\treturn _arguments['----']\n")
+ fp.write("\n")
+# print "\n# Command %s -- %s (%s, %s)" % (`name`, `desc`, `code`, `subcode`)
+# print "# returns", compiledata(returns)
+# print "# accepts", compiledata(accepts)
+# for arg in arguments:
+# compileargument(arg)
+def compileargument(arg):
+ [name, keyword, what] = arg
+ print "# %s (%s)" % (name, `keyword`), compiledata(what)
+def findenumsinevent(event, enumsneeded):
+ """Find all enums for a single event"""
+ [name, desc, code, subcode, returns, accepts, arguments] = event
+ for a in arguments:
+ if is_enum(a[2]):
+ ename = a[2][0]
+ if ename <> '****':
+ enumsneeded[ename] = 1
+# This class stores the code<->name translations for a single module. It is used
+# to keep the information while we're compiling the module, but we also keep these objects
+# around so if one suite refers to, say, an enum in another suite we know where to
+# find it. Finally, if we really can't find a code, the user can add modules by
+# hand.
+class CodeNameMapper:
+ def __init__(self, interact=1):
+ self.code2name = {
+ "property" : {},
+ "class" : {},
+ "enum" : {},
+ "comparison" : {},
+ }
+ self.name2code = {
+ "property" : {},
+ "class" : {},
+ "enum" : {},
+ "comparison" : {},
+ }
+ self.modulename = None
+ self.star_imported = 0
+ self.can_interact = interact
+ def addnamecode(self, type, name, code):
+ self.name2code[type][name] = code
+ if not self.code2name[type].has_key(code):
+ self.code2name[type][code] = name
+ def hasname(self, type, name):
+ return self.name2code[type].has_key(name)
+ def hascode(self, type, code):
+ return self.code2name[type].has_key(code)
+ def findcodename(self, type, code):
+ if not self.hascode(type, code):
+ return None, None, None
+ name = self.code2name[type][code]
+ if self.modulename and not self.star_imported:
+ qualname = '%s.%s'%(self.modulename, name)
+ else:
+ qualname = name
+ return name, qualname, self.modulename
+ def getall(self, type):
+ return self.code2name[type].items()
+ def addmodule(self, module, name, star_imported):
+ self.modulename = name
+ self.star_imported = star_imported
+ for code, name in module._propdeclarations.items():
+ self.addnamecode('property', name, code)
+ for code, name in module._classdeclarations.items():
+ self.addnamecode('class', name, code)
+ for code in module._enumdeclarations.keys():
+ self.addnamecode('enum', '_Enum_'+identify(code), code)
+ for code, name in module._compdeclarations.items():
+ self.addnamecode('comparison', name, code)
+ def prepareforexport(self, name=None):
+ if not self.modulename:
+ self.modulename = name
+ return self
+class ObjectCompiler:
+ def __init__(self, fp, basesuite=None, othernamemappers=None, interact=1):
+ self.fp = fp
+ self.basesuite = basesuite
+ self.can_interact = interact
+ self.namemappers = [CodeNameMapper(self.can_interact)]
+ if othernamemappers:
+ self.othernamemappers = othernamemappers[:]
+ else:
+ self.othernamemappers = []
+ if basesuite:
+ basemapper = CodeNameMapper(self.can_interact)
+ basemapper.addmodule(basesuite, '', 1)
+ self.namemappers.append(basemapper)
+ def getprecompinfo(self, modname):
+ list = []
+ for mapper in self.namemappers:
+ emapper = mapper.prepareforexport(modname)
+ if emapper:
+ list.append(emapper)
+ return list
+ def findcodename(self, type, code):
+ while 1:
+ # First try: check whether we already know about this code.
+ for mapper in self.namemappers:
+ if mapper.hascode(type, code):
+ return mapper.findcodename(type, code)
+ # Second try: maybe one of the other modules knows about it.
+ for mapper in self.othernamemappers:
+ if mapper.hascode(type, code):
+ self.othernamemappers.remove(mapper)
+ self.namemappers.append(mapper)
+ if self.fp:
+ self.fp.write("import %s\n"%mapper.modulename)
+ break
+ else:
+ # If all this has failed we ask the user for a guess on where it could
+ # be and retry.
+ if self.fp:
+ m = self.askdefinitionmodule(type, code)
+ else:
+ m = None
+ if not m: return None, None, None
+ mapper = CodeNameMapper(self.can_interact)
+ mapper.addmodule(m, m.__name__, 0)
+ self.namemappers.append(mapper)
+ def askdefinitionmodule(self, type, code):
+ if not self.can_interact:
+ print "** No definition for %s '%s' found" % (type, code)
+ return None
+ path = EasyDialogs.AskFileForSave(message='Where is %s %s declared?'%(type, code))
+ if not path: return
+ path, file = os.path.split(path)
+ modname = os.path.splitext(file)[0]
+ if not path in sys.path:
+ sys.path.insert(0, path)
+ m = __import__(modname)
+ self.fp.write("import %s\n"%modname)
+ return m
+ def compileclass(self, cls):
+ [name, code, desc, properties, elements] = cls
+ pname = identify(name)
+ if self.namemappers[0].hascode('class', code):
+ # plural forms and such
+ othername, dummy, dummy = self.namemappers[0].findcodename('class', code)
+ if self.fp:
+ self.fp.write("\n%s = %s\n"%(pname, othername))
+ else:
+ if self.fp:
+ self.fp.write('\nclass %s(aetools.ComponentItem):\n' % pname)
+ self.fp.write('\t"""%s - %s """\n' % (ascii(name), ascii(desc)))
+ self.fp.write('\twant = %s\n' % `code`)
+ self.namemappers[0].addnamecode('class', pname, code)
+ properties.sort()
+ for prop in properties:
+ self.compileproperty(prop)
+ elements.sort()
+ for elem in elements:
+ self.compileelement(elem)
+ def compileproperty(self, prop):
+ [name, code, what] = prop
+ if code == 'c@#!':
+ # Something silly with plurals. Skip it.
+ return
+ pname = identify(name)
+ if self.namemappers[0].hascode('property', code):
+ # plural forms and such
+ othername, dummy, dummy = self.namemappers[0].findcodename('property', code)
+ if pname == othername:
+ return
+ if self.fp:
+ self.fp.write("\n%s = %s\n"%(pname, othername))
+ else:
+ if self.fp:
+ self.fp.write("class %s(aetools.NProperty):\n" % pname)
+ self.fp.write('\t"""%s - %s """\n' % (ascii(name), ascii(what[1])))
+ self.fp.write("\twhich = %s\n" % `code`)
+ self.fp.write("\twant = %s\n" % `what[0]`)
+ self.namemappers[0].addnamecode('property', pname, code)
+ def compileelement(self, elem):
+ [code, keyform] = elem
+ if self.fp:
+ self.fp.write("# element %s as %s\n" % (`code`, keyform))
+ def fillclasspropsandelems(self, cls):
+ [name, code, desc, properties, elements] = cls
+ cname = identify(name)
+ if self.namemappers[0].hascode('class', code) and \
+ self.namemappers[0].findcodename('class', code)[0] != cname:
+ # This is an other name (plural or so) for something else. Skip.
+ return
+ plist = []
+ elist = []
+ superclasses = []
+ for prop in properties:
+ [pname, pcode, what] = prop
+ if pcode == "c@#^":
+ superclasses.append(what)
+ if pcode == 'c@#!':
+ continue
+ pname = identify(pname)
+ plist.append(pname)
+ superclassnames = []
+ for superclass in superclasses:
+ superId, superDesc, dummy = superclass
+ superclassname, fullyqualifiedname, module = self.findcodename("class", superId)
+ # I don't think this is correct:
+ if superclassname == cname:
+ pass # superclassnames.append(fullyqualifiedname)
+ else:
+ superclassnames.append(superclassname)
+ if self.fp:
+ self.fp.write("%s._superclassnames = %s\n"%(cname, `superclassnames`))
+ for elem in elements:
+ [ecode, keyform] = elem
+ if ecode == 'c@#!':
+ continue
+ name, ename, module = self.findcodename('class', ecode)
+ if not name:
+ if self.fp:
+ self.fp.write("# XXXX %s element %s not found!!\n"%(cname, `ecode`))
+ else:
+ elist.append((name, ename))
+ plist.sort()
+ elist.sort()
+ if self.fp:
+ self.fp.write("%s._privpropdict = {\n"%cname)
+ for n in plist:
+ self.fp.write("\t'%s' : %s,\n"%(n, n))
+ self.fp.write("}\n")
+ self.fp.write("%s._privelemdict = {\n"%cname)
+ for n, fulln in elist:
+ self.fp.write("\t'%s' : %s,\n"%(n, fulln))
+ self.fp.write("}\n")
+ def compilecomparison(self, comp):
+ [name, code, comment] = comp
+ iname = identify(name)
+ self.namemappers[0].addnamecode('comparison', iname, code)
+ if self.fp:
+ self.fp.write("class %s(aetools.NComparison):\n" % iname)
+ self.fp.write('\t"""%s - %s """\n' % (ascii(name), ascii(comment)))
+ def compileenumeration(self, enum):
+ [code, items] = enum
+ name = "_Enum_%s" % identify(code)
+ if self.fp:
+ self.fp.write("%s = {\n" % name)
+ for item in items:
+ self.compileenumerator(item)
+ self.fp.write("}\n\n")
+ self.namemappers[0].addnamecode('enum', name, code)
+ return code
+ def compileenumerator(self, item):
+ [name, code, desc] = item
+ self.fp.write("\t%s : %s,\t# %s\n" % (`identify(name)`, `code`, ascii(desc)))
+ def checkforenum(self, enum):
+ """This enum code is used by an event. Make sure it's available"""
+ name, fullname, module = self.findcodename('enum', enum)
+ if not name:
+ if self.fp:
+ self.fp.write("_Enum_%s = None # XXXX enum %s not found!!\n"%(identify(enum), ascii(enum)))
+ return
+ if module:
+ if self.fp:
+ self.fp.write("from %s import %s\n"%(module, name))
+ def dumpindex(self):
+ if not self.fp:
+ return
+ self.fp.write("\n#\n# Indices of types declared in this module\n#\n")
+ self.fp.write("_classdeclarations = {\n")
+ classlist = self.namemappers[0].getall('class')
+ classlist.sort()
+ for k, v in classlist:
+ self.fp.write("\t%s : %s,\n" % (`k`, v))
+ self.fp.write("}\n")
+ self.fp.write("\n_propdeclarations = {\n")
+ proplist = self.namemappers[0].getall('property')
+ proplist.sort()
+ for k, v in proplist:
+ self.fp.write("\t%s : %s,\n" % (`k`, v))
+ self.fp.write("}\n")
+ self.fp.write("\n_compdeclarations = {\n")
+ complist = self.namemappers[0].getall('comparison')
+ complist.sort()
+ for k, v in complist:
+ self.fp.write("\t%s : %s,\n" % (`k`, v))
+ self.fp.write("}\n")
+ self.fp.write("\n_enumdeclarations = {\n")
+ enumlist = self.namemappers[0].getall('enum')
+ enumlist.sort()
+ for k, v in enumlist:
+ self.fp.write("\t%s : %s,\n" % (`k`, v))
+ self.fp.write("}\n")
+def compiledata(data):
+ [type, description, flags] = data
+ return "%s -- %s %s" % (`type`, `description`, compiledataflags(flags))
+def is_null(data):
+ return data[0] == 'null'
+def is_optional(data):
+ return (data[2] & 0x8000)
+def is_enum(data):
+ return (data[2] & 0x2000)
+def getdatadoc(data):
+ [type, descr, flags] = data
+ if descr:
+ return ascii(descr)
+ if type == '****':
+ return 'anything'
+ if type == 'obj ':
+ return 'an AE object reference'
+ return "undocumented, typecode %s"%`type`
+dataflagdict = {15: "optional", 14: "list", 13: "enum", 12: "mutable"}
+def compiledataflags(flags):
+ bits = []
+ for i in range(16):
+ if flags & (1<<i):
+ if i in dataflagdict.keys():
+ bits.append(dataflagdict[i])
+ else:
+ bits.append(`i`)
+ return '[%s]' % string.join(bits)
+def ascii(str):
+ """Return a string with all non-ascii characters hex-encoded"""
+ if type(str) != type(''):
+ return map(ascii, str)
+ rv = ''
+ for c in str:
+ if c in ('\t', '\n', '\r') or ' ' <= c < chr(0x7f):
+ rv = rv + c
+ else:
+ rv = rv + '\\' + 'x%02.2x' % ord(c)
+ return rv
+def identify(str):
+ """Turn any string into an identifier:
+ - replace space by _
+ - replace other illegal chars by _xx_ (hex code)
+ - prepend _ if the result is a python keyword
+ """
+ if not str:
+ return "empty_ae_name_"
+ rv = ''
+ ok = string.ascii_letters + '_'
+ ok2 = ok + string.digits
+ for c in str:
+ if c in ok:
+ rv = rv + c
+ elif c == ' ':
+ rv = rv + '_'
+ else:
+ rv = rv + '_%02.2x_'%ord(c)
+ ok = ok2
+ if keyword.iskeyword(rv):
+ rv = rv + '_'
+ return rv
+# Call the main program
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
+ sys.exit(1)