path: root/Lib/plat-mac/lib-scriptpackages/Finder/
diff options
authorJack Jansen <>2003-03-29 00:13:17 (GMT)
committerJack Jansen <>2003-03-29 00:13:17 (GMT)
commit694570efcfce29878b5984a1861772791a1a3602 (patch)
treedf80eab44ef579465d10a85c6bcc26cf08378528 /Lib/plat-mac/lib-scriptpackages/Finder/
parent0fc192a9cde0482ed5f56ea37ecda218740fe41f (diff)
Regenerated with the new way to get terminology (through AppleEvents),
which sometimes seems to result in different terminology. It does seem to be mostly compatible, though.
Diffstat (limited to 'Lib/plat-mac/lib-scriptpackages/Finder/')
1 files changed, 223 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Lib/plat-mac/lib-scriptpackages/Finder/ b/Lib/plat-mac/lib-scriptpackages/Finder/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cfbb650
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lib/plat-mac/lib-scriptpackages/Finder/
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+"""Suite Legacy suite: Operations formerly handled by the Finder, but now automatically delegated to other applications
+Level 1, version 1
+Generated from /System/Library/CoreServices/
+AETE/AEUT resource version 0/144, language 0, script 0
+import aetools
+import MacOS
+_code = 'fleg'
+class Legacy_suite_Events:
+ def restart(self, _no_object=None, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
+ """restart: Restart the computer
+ Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
+ """
+ _code = 'fndr'
+ _subcode = 'rest'
+ if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected'
+ if _no_object != None: raise TypeError, 'No direct arg expected'
+ _reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
+ _arguments, _attributes)
+ if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
+ raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
+ # XXXX Optionally decode result
+ if _arguments.has_key('----'):
+ return _arguments['----']
+ def shut_down(self, _no_object=None, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
+ """shut down: Shut Down the computer
+ Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
+ """
+ _code = 'fndr'
+ _subcode = 'shut'
+ if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected'
+ if _no_object != None: raise TypeError, 'No direct arg expected'
+ _reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
+ _arguments, _attributes)
+ if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
+ raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
+ # XXXX Optionally decode result
+ if _arguments.has_key('----'):
+ return _arguments['----']
+ def sleep(self, _no_object=None, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
+ """sleep: Put the computer to sleep
+ Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
+ """
+ _code = 'fndr'
+ _subcode = 'slep'
+ if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected'
+ if _no_object != None: raise TypeError, 'No direct arg expected'
+ _reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
+ _arguments, _attributes)
+ if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
+ raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
+ # XXXX Optionally decode result
+ if _arguments.has_key('----'):
+ return _arguments['----']
+class application(aetools.ComponentItem):
+ """application - The Finder """
+ want = 'capp'
+class desktop_picture(aetools.NProperty):
+ """desktop picture - the desktop picture of the main monitor """
+ which = 'dpic'
+ want = 'file'
+class application_process(aetools.ComponentItem):
+ """application process - A process launched from an application file """
+ want = 'pcap'
+class _3c_Inheritance_3e_(aetools.NProperty):
+ """<Inheritance> - inherits some of its properties from the process class """
+ which = 'c@#^'
+ want = 'prcs'
+class application_file(aetools.NProperty):
+ """application file - the application file from which this process was launched """
+ which = 'appf'
+ want = 'appf'
+application_processes = application_process
+class desk_accessory_process(aetools.ComponentItem):
+ """desk accessory process - A process launched from a desk accessory file """
+ want = 'pcda'
+class desk_accessory_file(aetools.NProperty):
+ """desk accessory file - the desk accessory file from which this process was launched """
+ which = 'dafi'
+ want = 'obj '
+desk_accessory_processes = desk_accessory_process
+class process(aetools.ComponentItem):
+ """process - A process running on this computer """
+ want = 'prcs'
+class accepts_high_level_events(aetools.NProperty):
+ """accepts high level events - Is the process high-level event aware (accepts open application, open document, print document, and quit)? """
+ which = 'isab'
+ want = 'bool'
+class accepts_remote_events(aetools.NProperty):
+ """accepts remote events - Does the process accept remote events? """
+ which = 'revt'
+ want = 'bool'
+class creator_type(aetools.NProperty):
+ """creator type - the OSType of the creator of the process (the signature) """
+ which = 'fcrt'
+ want = 'type'
+class file(aetools.NProperty):
+ """file - the file from which the process was launched """
+ which = 'file'
+ want = 'obj '
+class file_type(aetools.NProperty):
+ """file type - the OSType of the file type of the process """
+ which = 'asty'
+ want = 'type'
+class frontmost(aetools.NProperty):
+ """frontmost - Is the process the frontmost process? """
+ which = 'pisf'
+ want = 'bool'
+class has_scripting_terminology(aetools.NProperty):
+ """has scripting terminology - Does the process have a scripting terminology, i.e., can it be scripted? """
+ which = 'hscr'
+ want = 'bool'
+class name(aetools.NProperty):
+ """name - the name of the process """
+ which = 'pnam'
+ want = 'itxt'
+class partition_space_used(aetools.NProperty):
+ """partition space used - the number of bytes currently used in the process' partition """
+ which = 'pusd'
+ want = 'long'
+class total_partition_size(aetools.NProperty):
+ """total partition size - the size of the partition with which the process was launched """
+ which = 'appt'
+ want = 'long'
+class visible(aetools.NProperty):
+ """visible - Is the process' layer visible? """
+ which = 'pvis'
+ want = 'bool'
+processes = process
+application._superclassnames = []
+application._privpropdict = {
+ 'desktop_picture' : desktop_picture,
+application._privelemdict = {
+application_process._superclassnames = ['process']
+application_process._privpropdict = {
+ '_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
+ 'application_file' : application_file,
+application_process._privelemdict = {
+desk_accessory_process._superclassnames = ['process']
+desk_accessory_process._privpropdict = {
+ '_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
+ 'desk_accessory_file' : desk_accessory_file,
+desk_accessory_process._privelemdict = {
+process._superclassnames = []
+process._privpropdict = {
+ 'accepts_high_level_events' : accepts_high_level_events,
+ 'accepts_remote_events' : accepts_remote_events,
+ 'creator_type' : creator_type,
+ 'file' : file,
+ 'file_type' : file_type,
+ 'frontmost' : frontmost,
+ 'has_scripting_terminology' : has_scripting_terminology,
+ 'name' : name,
+ 'partition_space_used' : partition_space_used,
+ 'total_partition_size' : total_partition_size,
+ 'visible' : visible,
+process._privelemdict = {
+# Indices of types declared in this module
+_classdeclarations = {
+ 'capp' : application,
+ 'pcap' : application_process,
+ 'pcda' : desk_accessory_process,
+ 'prcs' : process,
+_propdeclarations = {
+ 'appf' : application_file,
+ 'appt' : total_partition_size,
+ 'asty' : file_type,
+ 'c@#^' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
+ 'dafi' : desk_accessory_file,
+ 'dpic' : desktop_picture,
+ 'fcrt' : creator_type,
+ 'file' : file,
+ 'hscr' : has_scripting_terminology,
+ 'isab' : accepts_high_level_events,
+ 'pisf' : frontmost,
+ 'pnam' : name,
+ 'pusd' : partition_space_used,
+ 'pvis' : visible,
+ 'revt' : accepts_remote_events,
+_compdeclarations = {
+_enumdeclarations = {