path: root/Lib/plat-mac/lib-scriptpackages/Finder/
diff options
authorBenjamin Peterson <>2008-05-12 22:25:16 (GMT)
committerBenjamin Peterson <>2008-05-12 22:25:16 (GMT)
commit69a07fbd9b2c1e2d203532d4babbc6d874d389ee (patch)
tree822d06c6602339d309b30584ca0bfd05f5b56edc /Lib/plat-mac/lib-scriptpackages/Finder/
parenta005b34f14fd4548c84886244b68d2c34e75edbd (diff)
Remove the Mac modules
Diffstat (limited to 'Lib/plat-mac/lib-scriptpackages/Finder/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 224 deletions
diff --git a/Lib/plat-mac/lib-scriptpackages/Finder/ b/Lib/plat-mac/lib-scriptpackages/Finder/
deleted file mode 100644
index fc9da2e..0000000
--- a/Lib/plat-mac/lib-scriptpackages/Finder/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
-"""Suite Legacy suite: Operations formerly handled by the Finder, but now automatically delegated to other applications
-Level 1, version 1
-Generated from /System/Library/CoreServices/
-AETE/AEUT resource version 0/144, language 0, script 0
-import aetools
-import MacOS
-_code = 'fleg'
-class Legacy_suite_Events:
- def restart(self, _no_object=None, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
- """restart: Restart the computer
- Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
- """
- _code = 'fndr'
- _subcode = 'rest'
- if _arguments: raise TypeError('No optional args expected')
- if _no_object is not None: raise TypeError('No direct arg expected')
- _reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
- _arguments, _attributes)
- if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
- raise aetools.Error(aetools.decodeerror(_arguments))
- # XXXX Optionally decode result
- if _arguments.has_key('----'):
- return _arguments['----']
- def shut_down(self, _no_object=None, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
- """shut down: Shut Down the computer
- Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
- """
- _code = 'fndr'
- _subcode = 'shut'
- if _arguments: raise TypeError('No optional args expected')
- if _no_object is not None: raise TypeError('No direct arg expected')
- _reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
- _arguments, _attributes)
- if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
- raise aetools.Error(aetools.decodeerror(_arguments))
- # XXXX Optionally decode result
- if _arguments.has_key('----'):
- return _arguments['----']
- def sleep(self, _no_object=None, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
- """sleep: Put the computer to sleep
- Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
- """
- _code = 'fndr'
- _subcode = 'slep'
- if _arguments: raise TypeError('No optional args expected')
- if _no_object is not None: raise TypeError('No direct arg expected')
- _reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
- _arguments, _attributes)
- if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
- raise aetools.Error(aetools.decodeerror(_arguments))
- # XXXX Optionally decode result
- if _arguments.has_key('----'):
- return _arguments['----']
-class application(aetools.ComponentItem):
- """application - The Finder """
- want = 'capp'
-class _Prop_desktop_picture(aetools.NProperty):
- """desktop picture - the desktop picture of the main monitor """
- which = 'dpic'
- want = 'file'
-desktop_picture = _Prop_desktop_picture()
-class application_process(aetools.ComponentItem):
- """application process - A process launched from an application file """
- want = 'pcap'
-class _Prop__3c_Inheritance_3e_(aetools.NProperty):
- """<Inheritance> - inherits some of its properties from the process class """
- which = 'c@#^'
- want = 'prcs'
-class _Prop_application_file(aetools.NProperty):
- """application file - the application file from which this process was launched """
- which = 'appf'
- want = 'appf'
-application_processes = application_process
-class desk_accessory_process(aetools.ComponentItem):
- """desk accessory process - A process launched from a desk accessory file """
- want = 'pcda'
-class _Prop_desk_accessory_file(aetools.NProperty):
- """desk accessory file - the desk accessory file from which this process was launched """
- which = 'dafi'
- want = 'obj '
-desk_accessory_processes = desk_accessory_process
-class process(aetools.ComponentItem):
- """process - A process running on this computer """
- want = 'prcs'
-class _Prop_accepts_high_level_events(aetools.NProperty):
- """accepts high level events - Is the process high-level event aware (accepts open application, open document, print document, and quit)? """
- which = 'isab'
- want = 'bool'
-class _Prop_accepts_remote_events(aetools.NProperty):
- """accepts remote events - Does the process accept remote events? """
- which = 'revt'
- want = 'bool'
-class _Prop_creator_type(aetools.NProperty):
- """creator type - the OSType of the creator of the process (the signature) """
- which = 'fcrt'
- want = 'type'
-class _Prop_file(aetools.NProperty):
- """file - the file from which the process was launched """
- which = 'file'
- want = 'obj '
-class _Prop_file_type(aetools.NProperty):
- """file type - the OSType of the file type of the process """
- which = 'asty'
- want = 'type'
-class _Prop_frontmost(aetools.NProperty):
- """frontmost - Is the process the frontmost process? """
- which = 'pisf'
- want = 'bool'
-class _Prop_has_scripting_terminology(aetools.NProperty):
- """has scripting terminology - Does the process have a scripting terminology, i.e., can it be scripted? """
- which = 'hscr'
- want = 'bool'
-class _Prop_name(aetools.NProperty):
- """name - the name of the process """
- which = 'pnam'
- want = 'itxt'
-class _Prop_partition_space_used(aetools.NProperty):
- """partition space used - the number of bytes currently used in the process' partition """
- which = 'pusd'
- want = 'long'
-class _Prop_total_partition_size(aetools.NProperty):
- """total partition size - the size of the partition with which the process was launched """
- which = 'appt'
- want = 'long'
-class _Prop_visible(aetools.NProperty):
- """visible - Is the process' layer visible? """
- which = 'pvis'
- want = 'bool'
-processes = process
-application._superclassnames = []
-application._privpropdict = {
- 'desktop_picture' : _Prop_desktop_picture,
-application._privelemdict = {
-application_process._superclassnames = ['process']
-application_process._privpropdict = {
- '_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _Prop__3c_Inheritance_3e_,
- 'application_file' : _Prop_application_file,
-application_process._privelemdict = {
-desk_accessory_process._superclassnames = ['process']
-desk_accessory_process._privpropdict = {
- '_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _Prop__3c_Inheritance_3e_,
- 'desk_accessory_file' : _Prop_desk_accessory_file,
-desk_accessory_process._privelemdict = {
-process._superclassnames = []
-process._privpropdict = {
- 'accepts_high_level_events' : _Prop_accepts_high_level_events,
- 'accepts_remote_events' : _Prop_accepts_remote_events,
- 'creator_type' : _Prop_creator_type,
- 'file' : _Prop_file,
- 'file_type' : _Prop_file_type,
- 'frontmost' : _Prop_frontmost,
- 'has_scripting_terminology' : _Prop_has_scripting_terminology,
- 'name' : _Prop_name,
- 'partition_space_used' : _Prop_partition_space_used,
- 'total_partition_size' : _Prop_total_partition_size,
- 'visible' : _Prop_visible,
-process._privelemdict = {
-# Indices of types declared in this module
-_classdeclarations = {
- 'capp' : application,
- 'pcap' : application_process,
- 'pcda' : desk_accessory_process,
- 'prcs' : process,
-_propdeclarations = {
- 'appf' : _Prop_application_file,
- 'appt' : _Prop_total_partition_size,
- 'asty' : _Prop_file_type,
- 'c@#^' : _Prop__3c_Inheritance_3e_,
- 'dafi' : _Prop_desk_accessory_file,
- 'dpic' : _Prop_desktop_picture,
- 'fcrt' : _Prop_creator_type,
- 'file' : _Prop_file,
- 'hscr' : _Prop_has_scripting_terminology,
- 'isab' : _Prop_accepts_high_level_events,
- 'pisf' : _Prop_frontmost,
- 'pnam' : _Prop_name,
- 'pusd' : _Prop_partition_space_used,
- 'pvis' : _Prop_visible,
- 'revt' : _Prop_accepts_remote_events,
-_compdeclarations = {
-_enumdeclarations = {