path: root/Lib/test/support
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authorNick Coghlan <>2013-07-28 11:06:50 (GMT)
committerNick Coghlan <>2013-07-28 11:06:50 (GMT)
commit69e3bda310f55816403e4c7fda42ab96d81c31be (patch)
tree8de978e382d156c8a5089e107944169b8dfa0b6b /Lib/test/support
parent725d9dd1a7ae29d2e592aa8f74f899d27bc941d4 (diff)
Issue #15494: is now a package rather than a module
Also including this change in 3.3 to help avoid spurious conflicts between the two most active branches. (Initial patch by Indra Talip)
Diffstat (limited to 'Lib/test/support')
1 files changed, 1990 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Lib/test/support/ b/Lib/test/support/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ebc49d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lib/test/support/
@@ -0,0 +1,1990 @@
+"""Supporting definitions for the Python regression tests."""
+if __name__ != '':
+ raise ImportError('support must be imported from the test package')
+import contextlib
+import errno
+import functools
+import gc
+import socket
+import sys
+import os
+import platform
+import shutil
+import warnings
+import unittest
+import importlib
+import re
+import subprocess
+import imp
+import time
+import sysconfig
+import fnmatch
+import logging.handlers
+import struct
+import tempfile
+import _testcapi
+ import _thread, threading
+except ImportError:
+ _thread = None
+ threading = None
+ import multiprocessing.process
+except ImportError:
+ multiprocessing = None
+ import zlib
+except ImportError:
+ zlib = None
+ import gzip
+except ImportError:
+ gzip = None
+ import bz2
+except ImportError:
+ bz2 = None
+ import lzma
+except ImportError:
+ lzma = None
+__all__ = [
+ "Error", "TestFailed", "ResourceDenied", "import_module", "verbose",
+ "use_resources", "max_memuse", "record_original_stdout",
+ "get_original_stdout", "unload", "unlink", "rmtree", "forget",
+ "is_resource_enabled", "requires", "requires_freebsd_version",
+ "requires_linux_version", "requires_mac_ver", "find_unused_port",
+ "bind_port", "IPV6_ENABLED", "is_jython", "TESTFN", "HOST", "SAVEDCWD",
+ "temp_cwd", "findfile", "create_empty_file", "sortdict",
+ "check_syntax_error", "open_urlresource", "check_warnings", "CleanImport",
+ "EnvironmentVarGuard", "TransientResource", "captured_stdout",
+ "captured_stdin", "captured_stderr", "time_out", "socket_peer_reset",
+ "ioerror_peer_reset", "run_with_locale", 'temp_umask',
+ "transient_internet", "set_memlimit", "bigmemtest", "bigaddrspacetest",
+ "BasicTestRunner", "run_unittest", "run_doctest", "threading_setup",
+ "threading_cleanup", "reap_children", "cpython_only", "check_impl_detail",
+ "get_attribute", "swap_item", "swap_attr", "requires_IEEE_754",
+ "TestHandler", "Matcher", "can_symlink", "skip_unless_symlink",
+ "skip_unless_xattr", "import_fresh_module", "requires_zlib",
+ "PIPE_MAX_SIZE", "failfast", "anticipate_failure", "run_with_tz",
+ "requires_gzip", "requires_bz2", "requires_lzma", "suppress_crash_popup",
+ ]
+class Error(Exception):
+ """Base class for regression test exceptions."""
+class TestFailed(Error):
+ """Test failed."""
+class ResourceDenied(unittest.SkipTest):
+ """Test skipped because it requested a disallowed resource.
+ This is raised when a test calls requires() for a resource that
+ has not be enabled. It is used to distinguish between expected
+ and unexpected skips.
+ """
+def _ignore_deprecated_imports(ignore=True):
+ """Context manager to suppress package and module deprecation
+ warnings when importing them.
+ If ignore is False, this context manager has no effect."""
+ if ignore:
+ with warnings.catch_warnings():
+ warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", ".+ (module|package)",
+ DeprecationWarning)
+ yield
+ else:
+ yield
+def import_module(name, deprecated=False):
+ """Import and return the module to be tested, raising SkipTest if
+ it is not available.
+ If deprecated is True, any module or package deprecation messages
+ will be suppressed."""
+ with _ignore_deprecated_imports(deprecated):
+ try:
+ return importlib.import_module(name)
+ except ImportError as msg:
+ raise unittest.SkipTest(str(msg))
+def _save_and_remove_module(name, orig_modules):
+ """Helper function to save and remove a module from sys.modules
+ Raise ImportError if the module can't be imported."""
+ # try to import the module and raise an error if it can't be imported
+ if name not in sys.modules:
+ __import__(name)
+ del sys.modules[name]
+ for modname in list(sys.modules):
+ if modname == name or modname.startswith(name + '.'):
+ orig_modules[modname] = sys.modules[modname]
+ del sys.modules[modname]
+def _save_and_block_module(name, orig_modules):
+ """Helper function to save and block a module in sys.modules
+ Return True if the module was in sys.modules, False otherwise."""
+ saved = True
+ try:
+ orig_modules[name] = sys.modules[name]
+ except KeyError:
+ saved = False
+ sys.modules[name] = None
+ return saved
+def anticipate_failure(condition):
+ """Decorator to mark a test that is known to be broken in some cases
+ Any use of this decorator should have a comment identifying the
+ associated tracker issue.
+ """
+ if condition:
+ return unittest.expectedFailure
+ return lambda f: f
+def import_fresh_module(name, fresh=(), blocked=(), deprecated=False):
+ """Imports and returns a module, deliberately bypassing the sys.modules cache
+ and importing a fresh copy of the module. Once the import is complete,
+ the sys.modules cache is restored to its original state.
+ Modules named in fresh are also imported anew if needed by the import.
+ If one of these modules can't be imported, None is returned.
+ Importing of modules named in blocked is prevented while the fresh import
+ takes place.
+ If deprecated is True, any module or package deprecation messages
+ will be suppressed."""
+ # NOTE: test_heapq, test_json and test_warnings include extra sanity checks
+ # to make sure that this utility function is working as expected
+ with _ignore_deprecated_imports(deprecated):
+ # Keep track of modules saved for later restoration as well
+ # as those which just need a blocking entry removed
+ orig_modules = {}
+ names_to_remove = []
+ _save_and_remove_module(name, orig_modules)
+ try:
+ for fresh_name in fresh:
+ _save_and_remove_module(fresh_name, orig_modules)
+ for blocked_name in blocked:
+ if not _save_and_block_module(blocked_name, orig_modules):
+ names_to_remove.append(blocked_name)
+ fresh_module = importlib.import_module(name)
+ except ImportError:
+ fresh_module = None
+ finally:
+ for orig_name, module in orig_modules.items():
+ sys.modules[orig_name] = module
+ for name_to_remove in names_to_remove:
+ del sys.modules[name_to_remove]
+ return fresh_module
+def get_attribute(obj, name):
+ """Get an attribute, raising SkipTest if AttributeError is raised."""
+ try:
+ attribute = getattr(obj, name)
+ except AttributeError:
+ raise unittest.SkipTest("object %r has no attribute %r" % (obj, name))
+ else:
+ return attribute
+verbose = 1 # Flag set to 0 by
+use_resources = None # Flag set to [] by
+max_memuse = 0 # Disable bigmem tests (they will still be run with
+ # small sizes, to make sure they work.)
+real_max_memuse = 0
+failfast = False
+match_tests = None
+# _original_stdout is meant to hold stdout at the time regrtest began.
+# This may be "the real" stdout, or IDLE's emulation of stdout, or whatever.
+# The point is to have some flavor of stdout the user can actually see.
+_original_stdout = None
+def record_original_stdout(stdout):
+ global _original_stdout
+ _original_stdout = stdout
+def get_original_stdout():
+ return _original_stdout or sys.stdout
+def unload(name):
+ try:
+ del sys.modules[name]
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+if sys.platform.startswith("win"):
+ def _waitfor(func, pathname, waitall=False):
+ # Peform the operation
+ func(pathname)
+ # Now setup the wait loop
+ if waitall:
+ dirname = pathname
+ else:
+ dirname, name = os.path.split(pathname)
+ dirname = dirname or '.'
+ # Check for `pathname` to be removed from the filesystem.
+ # The exponential backoff of the timeout amounts to a total
+ # of ~1 second after which the deletion is probably an error
+ # anyway.
+ # Testing on a i7@4.3GHz shows that usually only 1 iteration is
+ # required when contention occurs.
+ timeout = 0.001
+ while timeout < 1.0:
+ # Note we are only testing for the existance of the file(s) in
+ # the contents of the directory regardless of any security or
+ # access rights. If we have made it this far, we have sufficient
+ # permissions to do that much using Python's equivalent of the
+ # Windows API FindFirstFile.
+ # Other Windows APIs can fail or give incorrect results when
+ # dealing with files that are pending deletion.
+ L = os.listdir(dirname)
+ if not (L if waitall else name in L):
+ return
+ # Increase the timeout and try again
+ time.sleep(timeout)
+ timeout *= 2
+ warnings.warn('tests may fail, delete still pending for ' + pathname,
+ RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=4)
+ def _unlink(filename):
+ _waitfor(os.unlink, filename)
+ def _rmdir(dirname):
+ _waitfor(os.rmdir, dirname)
+ def _rmtree(path):
+ def _rmtree_inner(path):
+ for name in os.listdir(path):
+ fullname = os.path.join(path, name)
+ if os.path.isdir(fullname):
+ _waitfor(_rmtree_inner, fullname, waitall=True)
+ os.rmdir(fullname)
+ else:
+ os.unlink(fullname)
+ _waitfor(_rmtree_inner, path, waitall=True)
+ _waitfor(os.rmdir, path)
+ _unlink = os.unlink
+ _rmdir = os.rmdir
+ _rmtree = shutil.rmtree
+def unlink(filename):
+ try:
+ _unlink(filename)
+ except OSError as error:
+ # The filename need not exist.
+ if error.errno not in (errno.ENOENT, errno.ENOTDIR):
+ raise
+def rmdir(dirname):
+ try:
+ _rmdir(dirname)
+ except OSError as error:
+ # The directory need not exist.
+ if error.errno != errno.ENOENT:
+ raise
+def rmtree(path):
+ try:
+ _rmtree(path)
+ except OSError as error:
+ if error.errno != errno.ENOENT:
+ raise
+def make_legacy_pyc(source):
+ """Move a PEP 3147 pyc/pyo file to its legacy pyc/pyo location.
+ The choice of .pyc or .pyo extension is done based on the __debug__ flag
+ value.
+ :param source: The file system path to the source file. The source file
+ does not need to exist, however the PEP 3147 pyc file must exist.
+ :return: The file system path to the legacy pyc file.
+ """
+ pyc_file = imp.cache_from_source(source)
+ up_one = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(source))
+ legacy_pyc = os.path.join(up_one, source + ('c' if __debug__ else 'o'))
+ os.rename(pyc_file, legacy_pyc)
+ return legacy_pyc
+def forget(modname):
+ """'Forget' a module was ever imported.
+ This removes the module from sys.modules and deletes any PEP 3147 or
+ legacy .pyc and .pyo files.
+ """
+ unload(modname)
+ for dirname in sys.path:
+ source = os.path.join(dirname, modname + '.py')
+ # It doesn't matter if they exist or not, unlink all possible
+ # combinations of PEP 3147 and legacy pyc and pyo files.
+ unlink(source + 'c')
+ unlink(source + 'o')
+ unlink(imp.cache_from_source(source, debug_override=True))
+ unlink(imp.cache_from_source(source, debug_override=False))
+# On some platforms, should not run gui test even if it is allowed
+# in `use_resources'.
+if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
+ import ctypes
+ import ctypes.wintypes
+ def _is_gui_available():
+ WSF_VISIBLE = 0x0001
+ class USEROBJECTFLAGS(ctypes.Structure):
+ _fields_ = [("fInherit", ctypes.wintypes.BOOL),
+ ("fReserved", ctypes.wintypes.BOOL),
+ ("dwFlags", ctypes.wintypes.DWORD)]
+ dll = ctypes.windll.user32
+ h = dll.GetProcessWindowStation()
+ if not h:
+ raise ctypes.WinError()
+ needed = ctypes.wintypes.DWORD()
+ res = dll.GetUserObjectInformationW(h,
+ ctypes.byref(uof),
+ ctypes.sizeof(uof),
+ ctypes.byref(needed))
+ if not res:
+ raise ctypes.WinError()
+ return bool(uof.dwFlags & WSF_VISIBLE)
+ def _is_gui_available():
+ return True
+def is_resource_enabled(resource):
+ """Test whether a resource is enabled. Known resources are set by
+ return use_resources is not None and resource in use_resources
+def requires(resource, msg=None):
+ """Raise ResourceDenied if the specified resource is not available.
+ If the caller's module is __main__ then automatically return True. The
+ possibility of False being returned occurs when is
+ executing.
+ """
+ if resource == 'gui' and not _is_gui_available():
+ raise unittest.SkipTest("Cannot use the 'gui' resource")
+ # see if the caller's module is __main__ - if so, treat as if
+ # the resource was set
+ if sys._getframe(1).f_globals.get("__name__") == "__main__":
+ return
+ if not is_resource_enabled(resource):
+ if msg is None:
+ msg = "Use of the %r resource not enabled" % resource
+ raise ResourceDenied(msg)
+def _requires_unix_version(sysname, min_version):
+ """Decorator raising SkipTest if the OS is `sysname` and the version is less
+ than `min_version`.
+ For example, @_requires_unix_version('FreeBSD', (7, 2)) raises SkipTest if
+ the FreeBSD version is less than 7.2.
+ """
+ def decorator(func):
+ @functools.wraps(func)
+ def wrapper(*args, **kw):
+ if platform.system() == sysname:
+ version_txt = platform.release().split('-', 1)[0]
+ try:
+ version = tuple(map(int, version_txt.split('.')))
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ if version < min_version:
+ min_version_txt = '.'.join(map(str, min_version))
+ raise unittest.SkipTest(
+ "%s version %s or higher required, not %s"
+ % (sysname, min_version_txt, version_txt))
+ return wrapper
+ return decorator
+def requires_freebsd_version(*min_version):
+ """Decorator raising SkipTest if the OS is FreeBSD and the FreeBSD version is
+ less than `min_version`.
+ For example, @requires_freebsd_version(7, 2) raises SkipTest if the FreeBSD
+ version is less than 7.2.
+ """
+ return _requires_unix_version('FreeBSD', min_version)
+def requires_linux_version(*min_version):
+ """Decorator raising SkipTest if the OS is Linux and the Linux version is
+ less than `min_version`.
+ For example, @requires_linux_version(2, 6, 32) raises SkipTest if the Linux
+ version is less than 2.6.32.
+ """
+ return _requires_unix_version('Linux', min_version)
+def requires_mac_ver(*min_version):
+ """Decorator raising SkipTest if the OS is Mac OS X and the OS X
+ version if less than min_version.
+ For example, @requires_mac_ver(10, 5) raises SkipTest if the OS X version
+ is lesser than 10.5.
+ """
+ def decorator(func):
+ @functools.wraps(func)
+ def wrapper(*args, **kw):
+ if sys.platform == 'darwin':
+ version_txt = platform.mac_ver()[0]
+ try:
+ version = tuple(map(int, version_txt.split('.')))
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ if version < min_version:
+ min_version_txt = '.'.join(map(str, min_version))
+ raise unittest.SkipTest(
+ "Mac OS X %s or higher required, not %s"
+ % (min_version_txt, version_txt))
+ return func(*args, **kw)
+ wrapper.min_version = min_version
+ return wrapper
+ return decorator
+HOST = 'localhost'
+def find_unused_port(family=socket.AF_INET, socktype=socket.SOCK_STREAM):
+ """Returns an unused port that should be suitable for binding. This is
+ achieved by creating a temporary socket with the same family and type as
+ the 'sock' parameter (default is AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM), and binding it to
+ the specified host address (defaults to with the port set to 0,
+ eliciting an unused ephemeral port from the OS. The temporary socket is
+ then closed and deleted, and the ephemeral port is returned.
+ Either this method or bind_port() should be used for any tests where a
+ server socket needs to be bound to a particular port for the duration of
+ the test. Which one to use depends on whether the calling code is creating
+ a python socket, or if an unused port needs to be provided in a constructor
+ or passed to an external program (i.e. the -accept argument to openssl's
+ s_server mode). Always prefer bind_port() over find_unused_port() where
+ possible. Hard coded ports should *NEVER* be used. As soon as a server
+ socket is bound to a hard coded port, the ability to run multiple instances
+ of the test simultaneously on the same host is compromised, which makes the
+ test a ticking time bomb in a buildbot environment. On Unix buildbots, this
+ may simply manifest as a failed test, which can be recovered from without
+ intervention in most cases, but on Windows, the entire python process can
+ completely and utterly wedge, requiring someone to log in to the buildbot
+ and manually kill the affected process.
+ (This is easy to reproduce on Windows, unfortunately, and can be traced to
+ the SO_REUSEADDR socket option having different semantics on Windows versus
+ Unix/Linux. On Unix, you can't have two AF_INET SOCK_STREAM sockets bind,
+ listen and then accept connections on identical host/ports. An EADDRINUSE
+ socket.error will be raised at some point (depending on the platform and
+ the order bind and listen were called on each socket).
+ However, on Windows, if SO_REUSEADDR is set on the sockets, no EADDRINUSE
+ will ever be raised when attempting to bind two identical host/ports. When
+ accept() is called on each socket, the second caller's process will steal
+ the port from the first caller, leaving them both in an awkwardly wedged
+ state where they'll no longer respond to any signals or graceful kills, and
+ must be forcibly killed via OpenProcess()/TerminateProcess().
+ The solution on Windows is to use the SO_EXCLUSIVEADDRUSE socket option
+ instead of SO_REUSEADDR, which effectively affords the same semantics as
+ SO_REUSEADDR on Unix. Given the propensity of Unix developers in the Open
+ Source world compared to Windows ones, this is a common mistake. A quick
+ look over OpenSSL's 0.9.8g source shows that they use SO_REUSEADDR when
+ openssl.exe is called with the 's_server' option, for example. See
+ for more info. The following site also
+ has a very thorough description about the implications of both REUSEADDR
+ and EXCLUSIVEADDRUSE on Windows:
+ XXX: although this approach is a vast improvement on previous attempts to
+ elicit unused ports, it rests heavily on the assumption that the ephemeral
+ port returned to us by the OS won't immediately be dished back out to some
+ other process when we close and delete our temporary socket but before our
+ calling code has a chance to bind the returned port. We can deal with this
+ issue if/when we come across it.
+ """
+ tempsock = socket.socket(family, socktype)
+ port = bind_port(tempsock)
+ tempsock.close()
+ del tempsock
+ return port
+def bind_port(sock, host=HOST):
+ """Bind the socket to a free port and return the port number. Relies on
+ ephemeral ports in order to ensure we are using an unbound port. This is
+ important as many tests may be running simultaneously, especially in a
+ buildbot environment. This method raises an exception if the
+ is AF_INET and sock.type is SOCK_STREAM, *and* the socket has SO_REUSEADDR
+ or SO_REUSEPORT set on it. Tests should *never* set these socket options
+ for TCP/IP sockets. The only case for setting these options is testing
+ multicasting via multiple UDP sockets.
+ Additionally, if the SO_EXCLUSIVEADDRUSE socket option is available (i.e.
+ on Windows), it will be set on the socket. This will prevent anyone else
+ from bind()'ing to our host/port for the duration of the test.
+ """
+ if == socket.AF_INET and sock.type == socket.SOCK_STREAM:
+ if hasattr(socket, 'SO_REUSEADDR'):
+ if sock.getsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR) == 1:
+ raise TestFailed("tests should never set the SO_REUSEADDR " \
+ "socket option on TCP/IP sockets!")
+ if hasattr(socket, 'SO_REUSEPORT'):
+ if sock.getsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEPORT) == 1:
+ raise TestFailed("tests should never set the SO_REUSEPORT " \
+ "socket option on TCP/IP sockets!")
+ if hasattr(socket, 'SO_EXCLUSIVEADDRUSE'):
+ sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_EXCLUSIVEADDRUSE, 1)
+ sock.bind((host, 0))
+ port = sock.getsockname()[1]
+ return port
+def _is_ipv6_enabled():
+ """Check whether IPv6 is enabled on this host."""
+ if socket.has_ipv6:
+ sock = None
+ try:
+ sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+ sock.bind(('::1', 0))
+ return True
+ except (socket.error, socket.gaierror):
+ pass
+ finally:
+ if sock:
+ sock.close()
+ return False
+IPV6_ENABLED = _is_ipv6_enabled()
+# A constant likely larger than the underlying OS pipe buffer size, to
+# make writes blocking.
+# Windows limit seems to be around 512 B, and many Unix kernels have a
+# 64 KiB pipe buffer size or 16 * PAGE_SIZE: take a few megs to be sure.
+# (see issue #17835 for a discussion of this number).
+PIPE_MAX_SIZE = 4 *1024 * 1024 + 1
+# decorator for skipping tests on non-IEEE 754 platforms
+requires_IEEE_754 = unittest.skipUnless(
+ float.__getformat__("double").startswith("IEEE"),
+ "test requires IEEE 754 doubles")
+requires_zlib = unittest.skipUnless(zlib, 'requires zlib')
+requires_gzip = unittest.skipUnless(gzip, 'requires gzip')
+requires_bz2 = unittest.skipUnless(bz2, 'requires bz2')
+requires_lzma = unittest.skipUnless(lzma, 'requires lzma')
+is_jython = sys.platform.startswith('java')
+# Filename used for testing
+if == 'java':
+ # Jython disallows @ in module names
+ TESTFN = '$test'
+ TESTFN = '@test'
+# Disambiguate TESTFN for parallel testing, while letting it remain a valid
+# module name.
+TESTFN = "{}_{}_tmp".format(TESTFN, os.getpid())
+# FS_NONASCII: non-ASCII character encodable by os.fsencode(),
+# or None if there is no such character.
+for character in (
+ # First try printable and common characters to have a readable filename.
+ # For each character, the encoding list are just example of encodings able
+ # to encode the character (the list is not exhaustive).
+ # U+00E6 (Latin Small Letter Ae): cp1252, iso-8859-1
+ '\u00E6',
+ # U+0130 (Latin Capital Letter I With Dot Above): cp1254, iso8859_3
+ '\u0130',
+ # U+0141 (Latin Capital Letter L With Stroke): cp1250, cp1257
+ '\u0141',
+ # U+03C6 (Greek Small Letter Phi): cp1253
+ '\u03C6',
+ # U+041A (Cyrillic Capital Letter Ka): cp1251
+ '\u041A',
+ # U+05D0 (Hebrew Letter Alef): Encodable to cp424
+ '\u05D0',
+ # U+060C (Arabic Comma): cp864, cp1006, iso8859_6, mac_arabic
+ '\u060C',
+ # U+062A (Arabic Letter Teh): cp720
+ '\u062A',
+ # U+0E01 (Thai Character Ko Kai): cp874
+ '\u0E01',
+ # Then try more "special" characters. "special" because they may be
+ # interpreted or displayed differently depending on the exact locale
+ # encoding and the font.
+ # U+00A0 (No-Break Space)
+ '\u00A0',
+ # U+20AC (Euro Sign)
+ '\u20AC',
+ try:
+ os.fsdecode(os.fsencode(character))
+ except UnicodeError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ FS_NONASCII = character
+ break
+# TESTFN_UNICODE is a non-ascii filename
+TESTFN_UNICODE = TESTFN + "-\xe0\xf2\u0258\u0141\u011f"
+if sys.platform == 'darwin':
+ # In Mac OS X's VFS API file names are, by definition, canonically
+ # decomposed Unicode, encoded using UTF-8. See QA1173:
+ #
+ import unicodedata
+ TESTFN_UNICODE = unicodedata.normalize('NFD', TESTFN_UNICODE)
+TESTFN_ENCODING = sys.getfilesystemencoding()
+# TESTFN_UNENCODABLE is a filename (str type) that should *not* be able to be
+# encoded by the filesystem encoding (in strict mode). It can be None if we
+# cannot generate such filename.
+if in ('nt', 'ce'):
+ # skip win32s (0) or Windows 9x/ME (1)
+ if sys.getwindowsversion().platform >= 2:
+ # Different kinds of characters from various languages to minimize the
+ # probability that the whole name is encodable to MBCS (issue #9819)
+ TESTFN_UNENCODABLE = TESTFN + "-\u5171\u0141\u2661\u0363\uDC80"
+ try:
+ except UnicodeEncodeError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ print('WARNING: The filename %r CAN be encoded by the filesystem encoding (%s). '
+ 'Unicode filename tests may not be effective'
+# Mac OS X denies unencodable filenames (invalid utf-8)
+elif sys.platform != 'darwin':
+ try:
+ # ascii and utf-8 cannot encode the byte 0xff
+ b'\xff'.decode(TESTFN_ENCODING)
+ except UnicodeDecodeError:
+ # 0xff will be encoded using the surrogate character u+DCFF
+ + b'-\xff'.decode(TESTFN_ENCODING, 'surrogateescape')
+ else:
+ # File system encoding (eg. ISO-8859-* encodings) can encode
+ # the byte 0xff. Skip some unicode filename tests.
+ pass
+# TESTFN_UNDECODABLE is a filename (bytes type) that should *not* be able to be
+# decoded from the filesystem encoding (in strict mode). It can be None if we
+# cannot generate such filename (ex: the latin1 encoding can decode any byte
+# sequence). On UNIX, TESTFN_UNDECODABLE can be decoded by os.fsdecode() thanks
+# to the surrogateescape error handler (PEP 383), but not from the filesystem
+# encoding in strict mode.
+for name in (
+ # b'\xff' is not decodable by os.fsdecode() with code page 932. Windows
+ # accepts it to create a file or a directory, or don't accept to enter to
+ # such directory (when the bytes name is used). So test b'\xe7' first: it is
+ # not decodable from cp932.
+ b'\xe7w\xf0',
+ # undecodable from ASCII, UTF-8
+ b'\xff',
+ # undecodable from iso8859-3, iso8859-6, iso8859-7, cp424, iso8859-8, cp856
+ # and cp857
+ b'\xae\xd5'
+ # undecodable from UTF-8 (UNIX and Mac OS X)
+ b'\xed\xb2\x80', b'\xed\xb4\x80',
+ # undecodable from shift_jis, cp869, cp874, cp932, cp1250, cp1251, cp1252,
+ # cp1253, cp1254, cp1255, cp1257, cp1258
+ b'\x81\x98',
+ try:
+ name.decode(TESTFN_ENCODING)
+ except UnicodeDecodeError:
+ TESTFN_UNDECODABLE = os.fsencode(TESTFN) + name
+ break
+# Save the initial cwd
+SAVEDCWD = os.getcwd()
+def temp_cwd(name='tempcwd', quiet=False, path=None):
+ """
+ Context manager that temporarily changes the CWD.
+ An existing path may be provided as *path*, in which case this
+ function makes no changes to the file system.
+ Otherwise, the new CWD is created in the current directory and it's
+ named *name*. If *quiet* is False (default) and it's not possible to
+ create or change the CWD, an error is raised. If it's True, only a
+ warning is raised and the original CWD is used.
+ """
+ saved_dir = os.getcwd()
+ is_temporary = False
+ if path is None:
+ path = name
+ try:
+ os.mkdir(name)
+ is_temporary = True
+ except OSError:
+ if not quiet:
+ raise
+ warnings.warn('tests may fail, unable to create temp CWD ' + name,
+ RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=3)
+ try:
+ os.chdir(path)
+ except OSError:
+ if not quiet:
+ raise
+ warnings.warn('tests may fail, unable to change the CWD to ' + path,
+ RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=3)
+ try:
+ yield os.getcwd()
+ finally:
+ os.chdir(saved_dir)
+ if is_temporary:
+ rmtree(name)
+if hasattr(os, "umask"):
+ @contextlib.contextmanager
+ def temp_umask(umask):
+ """Context manager that temporarily sets the process umask."""
+ oldmask = os.umask(umask)
+ try:
+ yield
+ finally:
+ os.umask(oldmask)
+# TEST_HOME refers to the top level directory of the "test" package
+# that contains Python's regression test suite
+TEST_HOME = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
+def findfile(file, here=TEST_HOME, subdir=None):
+ """Try to find a file on sys.path or in the test directory. If it is not
+ found the argument passed to the function is returned (this does not
+ necessarily signal failure; could still be the legitimate path)."""
+ if os.path.isabs(file):
+ return file
+ if subdir is not None:
+ file = os.path.join(subdir, file)
+ path = sys.path
+ path = [os.path.dirname(here)] + path
+ for dn in path:
+ fn = os.path.join(dn, file)
+ if os.path.exists(fn): return fn
+ return file
+def create_empty_file(filename):
+ """Create an empty file. If the file already exists, truncate it."""
+ fd =, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT | os.O_TRUNC)
+ os.close(fd)
+def sortdict(dict):
+ "Like repr(dict), but in sorted order."
+ items = sorted(dict.items())
+ reprpairs = ["%r: %r" % pair for pair in items]
+ withcommas = ", ".join(reprpairs)
+ return "{%s}" % withcommas
+def make_bad_fd():
+ """
+ Create an invalid file descriptor by opening and closing a file and return
+ its fd.
+ """
+ file = open(TESTFN, "wb")
+ try:
+ return file.fileno()
+ finally:
+ file.close()
+ unlink(TESTFN)
+def check_syntax_error(testcase, statement):
+ testcase.assertRaises(SyntaxError, compile, statement,
+ '<test string>', 'exec')
+def open_urlresource(url, *args, **kw):
+ import urllib.request, urllib.parse
+ check = kw.pop('check', None)
+ filename = urllib.parse.urlparse(url)[2].split('/')[-1] # '/': it's URL!
+ fn = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", filename)
+ def check_valid_file(fn):
+ f = open(fn, *args, **kw)
+ if check is None:
+ return f
+ elif check(f):
+ return f
+ f.close()
+ if os.path.exists(fn):
+ f = check_valid_file(fn)
+ if f is not None:
+ return f
+ unlink(fn)
+ # Verify the requirement before downloading the file
+ requires('urlfetch')
+ print('\tfetching %s ...' % url, file=get_original_stdout())
+ f = urllib.request.urlopen(url, timeout=15)
+ try:
+ with open(fn, "wb") as out:
+ s =
+ while s:
+ out.write(s)
+ s =
+ finally:
+ f.close()
+ f = check_valid_file(fn)
+ if f is not None:
+ return f
+ raise TestFailed('invalid resource %r' % fn)
+class WarningsRecorder(object):
+ """Convenience wrapper for the warnings list returned on
+ entry to the warnings.catch_warnings() context manager.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, warnings_list):
+ self._warnings = warnings_list
+ self._last = 0
+ def __getattr__(self, attr):
+ if len(self._warnings) > self._last:
+ return getattr(self._warnings[-1], attr)
+ elif attr in warnings.WarningMessage._WARNING_DETAILS:
+ return None
+ raise AttributeError("%r has no attribute %r" % (self, attr))
+ @property
+ def warnings(self):
+ return self._warnings[self._last:]
+ def reset(self):
+ self._last = len(self._warnings)
+def _filterwarnings(filters, quiet=False):
+ """Catch the warnings, then check if all the expected
+ warnings have been raised and re-raise unexpected warnings.
+ If 'quiet' is True, only re-raise the unexpected warnings.
+ """
+ # Clear the warning registry of the calling module
+ # in order to re-raise the warnings.
+ frame = sys._getframe(2)
+ registry = frame.f_globals.get('__warningregistry__')
+ if registry:
+ registry.clear()
+ with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
+ # Set filter "always" to record all warnings. Because
+ # test_warnings swap the module, we need to look up in
+ # the sys.modules dictionary.
+ sys.modules['warnings'].simplefilter("always")
+ yield WarningsRecorder(w)
+ # Filter the recorded warnings
+ reraise = list(w)
+ missing = []
+ for msg, cat in filters:
+ seen = False
+ for w in reraise[:]:
+ warning = w.message
+ # Filter out the matching messages
+ if (re.match(msg, str(warning), re.I) and
+ issubclass(warning.__class__, cat)):
+ seen = True
+ reraise.remove(w)
+ if not seen and not quiet:
+ # This filter caught nothing
+ missing.append((msg, cat.__name__))
+ if reraise:
+ raise AssertionError("unhandled warning %s" % reraise[0])
+ if missing:
+ raise AssertionError("filter (%r, %s) did not catch any warning" %
+ missing[0])
+def check_warnings(*filters, **kwargs):
+ """Context manager to silence warnings.
+ Accept 2-tuples as positional arguments:
+ ("message regexp", WarningCategory)
+ Optional argument:
+ - if 'quiet' is True, it does not fail if a filter catches nothing
+ (default True without argument,
+ default False if some filters are defined)
+ Without argument, it defaults to:
+ check_warnings(("", Warning), quiet=True)
+ """
+ quiet = kwargs.get('quiet')
+ if not filters:
+ filters = (("", Warning),)
+ # Preserve backward compatibility
+ if quiet is None:
+ quiet = True
+ return _filterwarnings(filters, quiet)
+class CleanImport(object):
+ """Context manager to force import to return a new module reference.
+ This is useful for testing module-level behaviours, such as
+ the emission of a DeprecationWarning on import.
+ Use like this:
+ with CleanImport("foo"):
+ importlib.import_module("foo") # new reference
+ """
+ def __init__(self, *module_names):
+ self.original_modules = sys.modules.copy()
+ for module_name in module_names:
+ if module_name in sys.modules:
+ module = sys.modules[module_name]
+ # It is possible that module_name is just an alias for
+ # another module (e.g. stub for modules renamed in 3.x).
+ # In that case, we also need delete the real module to clear
+ # the import cache.
+ if module.__name__ != module_name:
+ del sys.modules[module.__name__]
+ del sys.modules[module_name]
+ def __enter__(self):
+ return self
+ def __exit__(self, *ignore_exc):
+ sys.modules.update(self.original_modules)
+class EnvironmentVarGuard(
+ """Class to help protect the environment variable properly. Can be used as
+ a context manager."""
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._environ = os.environ
+ self._changed = {}
+ def __getitem__(self, envvar):
+ return self._environ[envvar]
+ def __setitem__(self, envvar, value):
+ # Remember the initial value on the first access
+ if envvar not in self._changed:
+ self._changed[envvar] = self._environ.get(envvar)
+ self._environ[envvar] = value
+ def __delitem__(self, envvar):
+ # Remember the initial value on the first access
+ if envvar not in self._changed:
+ self._changed[envvar] = self._environ.get(envvar)
+ if envvar in self._environ:
+ del self._environ[envvar]
+ def keys(self):
+ return self._environ.keys()
+ def __iter__(self):
+ return iter(self._environ)
+ def __len__(self):
+ return len(self._environ)
+ def set(self, envvar, value):
+ self[envvar] = value
+ def unset(self, envvar):
+ del self[envvar]
+ def __enter__(self):
+ return self
+ def __exit__(self, *ignore_exc):
+ for (k, v) in self._changed.items():
+ if v is None:
+ if k in self._environ:
+ del self._environ[k]
+ else:
+ self._environ[k] = v
+ os.environ = self._environ
+class DirsOnSysPath(object):
+ """Context manager to temporarily add directories to sys.path.
+ This makes a copy of sys.path, appends any directories given
+ as positional arguments, then reverts sys.path to the copied
+ settings when the context ends.
+ Note that *all* sys.path modifications in the body of the
+ context manager, including replacement of the object,
+ will be reverted at the end of the block.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, *paths):
+ self.original_value = sys.path[:]
+ self.original_object = sys.path
+ sys.path.extend(paths)
+ def __enter__(self):
+ return self
+ def __exit__(self, *ignore_exc):
+ sys.path = self.original_object
+ sys.path[:] = self.original_value
+class TransientResource(object):
+ """Raise ResourceDenied if an exception is raised while the context manager
+ is in effect that matches the specified exception and attributes."""
+ def __init__(self, exc, **kwargs):
+ self.exc = exc
+ self.attrs = kwargs
+ def __enter__(self):
+ return self
+ def __exit__(self, type_=None, value=None, traceback=None):
+ """If type_ is a subclass of self.exc and value has attributes matching
+ self.attrs, raise ResourceDenied. Otherwise let the exception
+ propagate (if any)."""
+ if type_ is not None and issubclass(self.exc, type_):
+ for attr, attr_value in self.attrs.items():
+ if not hasattr(value, attr):
+ break
+ if getattr(value, attr) != attr_value:
+ break
+ else:
+ raise ResourceDenied("an optional resource is not available")
+# Context managers that raise ResourceDenied when various issues
+# with the Internet connection manifest themselves as exceptions.
+# XXX deprecate these and use transient_internet() instead
+time_out = TransientResource(IOError, errno=errno.ETIMEDOUT)
+socket_peer_reset = TransientResource(socket.error, errno=errno.ECONNRESET)
+ioerror_peer_reset = TransientResource(IOError, errno=errno.ECONNRESET)
+def transient_internet(resource_name, *, timeout=30.0, errnos=()):
+ """Return a context manager that raises ResourceDenied when various issues
+ with the Internet connection manifest themselves as exceptions."""
+ default_errnos = [
+ ('ECONNREFUSED', 111),
+ ('ECONNRESET', 104),
+ ('EHOSTUNREACH', 113),
+ ('ENETUNREACH', 101),
+ ('ETIMEDOUT', 110),
+ ]
+ default_gai_errnos = [
+ ('EAI_AGAIN', -3),
+ ('EAI_FAIL', -4),
+ ('EAI_NONAME', -2),
+ ('EAI_NODATA', -5),
+ # Encountered when trying to resolve IPv6-only hostnames
+ ('WSANO_DATA', 11004),
+ ]
+ denied = ResourceDenied("Resource %r is not available" % resource_name)
+ captured_errnos = errnos
+ gai_errnos = []
+ if not captured_errnos:
+ captured_errnos = [getattr(errno, name, num)
+ for (name, num) in default_errnos]
+ gai_errnos = [getattr(socket, name, num)
+ for (name, num) in default_gai_errnos]
+ def filter_error(err):
+ n = getattr(err, 'errno', None)
+ if (isinstance(err, socket.timeout) or
+ (isinstance(err, socket.gaierror) and n in gai_errnos) or
+ n in captured_errnos):
+ if not verbose:
+ sys.stderr.write(denied.args[0] + "\n")
+ raise denied from err
+ old_timeout = socket.getdefaulttimeout()
+ try:
+ if timeout is not None:
+ socket.setdefaulttimeout(timeout)
+ yield
+ except IOError as err:
+ # urllib can wrap original socket errors multiple times (!), we must
+ # unwrap to get at the original error.
+ while True:
+ a = err.args
+ if len(a) >= 1 and isinstance(a[0], IOError):
+ err = a[0]
+ # The error can also be wrapped as args[1]:
+ # except socket.error as msg:
+ # raise IOError('socket error', msg).with_traceback(sys.exc_info()[2])
+ elif len(a) >= 2 and isinstance(a[1], IOError):
+ err = a[1]
+ else:
+ break
+ filter_error(err)
+ raise
+ # XXX should we catch generic exceptions and look for their
+ # __cause__ or __context__?
+ finally:
+ socket.setdefaulttimeout(old_timeout)
+def captured_output(stream_name):
+ """Return a context manager used by captured_stdout/stdin/stderr
+ that temporarily replaces the sys stream *stream_name* with a StringIO."""
+ import io
+ orig_stdout = getattr(sys, stream_name)
+ setattr(sys, stream_name, io.StringIO())
+ try:
+ yield getattr(sys, stream_name)
+ finally:
+ setattr(sys, stream_name, orig_stdout)
+def captured_stdout():
+ """Capture the output of sys.stdout:
+ with captured_stdout() as stdout:
+ print("hello")
+ self.assertEqual(stdout.getvalue(), "hello\n")
+ """
+ return captured_output("stdout")
+def captured_stderr():
+ """Capture the output of sys.stderr:
+ with captured_stderr() as stderr:
+ print("hello", file=sys.stderr)
+ self.assertEqual(stderr.getvalue(), "hello\n")
+ """
+ return captured_output("stderr")
+def captured_stdin():
+ """Capture the input to sys.stdin:
+ with captured_stdin() as stdin:
+ stdin.write('hello\n')
+ # call test code that consumes from sys.stdin
+ captured = input()
+ self.assertEqual(captured, "hello")
+ """
+ return captured_output("stdin")
+def gc_collect():
+ """Force as many objects as possible to be collected.
+ In non-CPython implementations of Python, this is needed because timely
+ deallocation is not guaranteed by the garbage collector. (Even in CPython
+ this can be the case in case of reference cycles.) This means that __del__
+ methods may be called later than expected and weakrefs may remain alive for
+ longer than expected. This function tries its best to force all garbage
+ objects to disappear.
+ """
+ gc.collect()
+ if is_jython:
+ time.sleep(0.1)
+ gc.collect()
+ gc.collect()
+def disable_gc():
+ have_gc = gc.isenabled()
+ gc.disable()
+ try:
+ yield
+ finally:
+ if have_gc:
+ gc.enable()
+def python_is_optimized():
+ """Find if Python was built with optimizations."""
+ cflags = sysconfig.get_config_var('PY_CFLAGS') or ''
+ final_opt = ""
+ for opt in cflags.split():
+ if opt.startswith('-O'):
+ final_opt = opt
+ return final_opt != '' and final_opt != '-O0'
+_header = 'nP'
+_align = '0n'
+if hasattr(sys, "gettotalrefcount"):
+ _header = '2P' + _header
+ _align = '0P'
+_vheader = _header + 'n'
+def calcobjsize(fmt):
+ return struct.calcsize(_header + fmt + _align)
+def calcvobjsize(fmt):
+ return struct.calcsize(_vheader + fmt + _align)
+def check_sizeof(test, o, size):
+ result = sys.getsizeof(o)
+ # add GC header size
+ if ((type(o) == type) and (o.__flags__ & _TPFLAGS_HEAPTYPE) or\
+ ((type(o) != type) and (type(o).__flags__ & _TPFLAGS_HAVE_GC))):
+ size += _testcapi.SIZEOF_PYGC_HEAD
+ msg = 'wrong size for %s: got %d, expected %d' \
+ % (type(o), result, size)
+ test.assertEqual(result, size, msg)
+# Decorator for running a function in a different locale, correctly resetting
+# it afterwards.
+def run_with_locale(catstr, *locales):
+ def decorator(func):
+ def inner(*args, **kwds):
+ try:
+ import locale
+ category = getattr(locale, catstr)
+ orig_locale = locale.setlocale(category)
+ except AttributeError:
+ # if the test author gives us an invalid category string
+ raise
+ except:
+ # cannot retrieve original locale, so do nothing
+ locale = orig_locale = None
+ else:
+ for loc in locales:
+ try:
+ locale.setlocale(category, loc)
+ break
+ except:
+ pass
+ # now run the function, resetting the locale on exceptions
+ try:
+ return func(*args, **kwds)
+ finally:
+ if locale and orig_locale:
+ locale.setlocale(category, orig_locale)
+ inner.__name__ = func.__name__
+ inner.__doc__ = func.__doc__
+ return inner
+ return decorator
+# Decorator for running a function in a specific timezone, correctly
+# resetting it afterwards.
+def run_with_tz(tz):
+ def decorator(func):
+ def inner(*args, **kwds):
+ try:
+ tzset = time.tzset
+ except AttributeError:
+ raise unittest.SkipTest("tzset required")
+ if 'TZ' in os.environ:
+ orig_tz = os.environ['TZ']
+ else:
+ orig_tz = None
+ os.environ['TZ'] = tz
+ tzset()
+ # now run the function, resetting the tz on exceptions
+ try:
+ return func(*args, **kwds)
+ finally:
+ if orig_tz is None:
+ del os.environ['TZ']
+ else:
+ os.environ['TZ'] = orig_tz
+ time.tzset()
+ inner.__name__ = func.__name__
+ inner.__doc__ = func.__doc__
+ return inner
+ return decorator
+# Big-memory-test support. Separate from 'resources' because memory use
+# should be configurable.
+# Some handy shorthands. Note that these are used for byte-limits as well
+# as size-limits, in the various bigmem tests
+_1M = 1024*1024
+_1G = 1024 * _1M
+_2G = 2 * _1G
+_4G = 4 * _1G
+MAX_Py_ssize_t = sys.maxsize
+def set_memlimit(limit):
+ global max_memuse
+ global real_max_memuse
+ sizes = {
+ 'k': 1024,
+ 'm': _1M,
+ 'g': _1G,
+ 't': 1024*_1G,
+ }
+ m = re.match(r'(\d+(\.\d+)?) (K|M|G|T)b?$', limit,
+ if m is None:
+ raise ValueError('Invalid memory limit %r' % (limit,))
+ memlimit = int(float( * sizes[])
+ real_max_memuse = memlimit
+ if memlimit > MAX_Py_ssize_t:
+ memlimit = MAX_Py_ssize_t
+ if memlimit < _2G - 1:
+ raise ValueError('Memory limit %r too low to be useful' % (limit,))
+ max_memuse = memlimit
+class _MemoryWatchdog:
+ """An object which periodically watches the process' memory consumption
+ and prints it out.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.procfile = '/proc/{pid}/statm'.format(pid=os.getpid())
+ self.started = False
+ def start(self):
+ try:
+ f = open(self.procfile, 'r')
+ except OSError as e:
+ warnings.warn('/proc not available for stats: {}'.format(e),
+ RuntimeWarning)
+ sys.stderr.flush()
+ return
+ watchdog_script = findfile("")
+ self.mem_watchdog = subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, watchdog_script],
+ stdin=f, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL)
+ f.close()
+ self.started = True
+ def stop(self):
+ if self.started:
+ self.mem_watchdog.terminate()
+ self.mem_watchdog.wait()
+def bigmemtest(size, memuse, dry_run=True):
+ """Decorator for bigmem tests.
+ 'minsize' is the minimum useful size for the test (in arbitrary,
+ test-interpreted units.) 'memuse' is the number of 'bytes per size' for
+ the test, or a good estimate of it.
+ if 'dry_run' is False, it means the test doesn't support dummy runs
+ when -M is not specified.
+ """
+ def decorator(f):
+ def wrapper(self):
+ size = wrapper.size
+ memuse = wrapper.memuse
+ if not real_max_memuse:
+ maxsize = 5147
+ else:
+ maxsize = size
+ if ((real_max_memuse or not dry_run)
+ and real_max_memuse < maxsize * memuse):
+ raise unittest.SkipTest(
+ "not enough memory: %.1fG minimum needed"
+ % (size * memuse / (1024 ** 3)))
+ if real_max_memuse and verbose:
+ print()
+ print(" ... expected peak memory use: {peak:.1f}G"
+ .format(peak=size * memuse / (1024 ** 3)))
+ watchdog = _MemoryWatchdog()
+ watchdog.start()
+ else:
+ watchdog = None
+ try:
+ return f(self, maxsize)
+ finally:
+ if watchdog:
+ watchdog.stop()
+ wrapper.size = size
+ wrapper.memuse = memuse
+ return wrapper
+ return decorator
+def bigaddrspacetest(f):
+ """Decorator for tests that fill the address space."""
+ def wrapper(self):
+ if max_memuse < MAX_Py_ssize_t:
+ if MAX_Py_ssize_t >= 2**63 - 1 and max_memuse >= 2**31:
+ raise unittest.SkipTest(
+ "not enough memory: try a 32-bit build instead")
+ else:
+ raise unittest.SkipTest(
+ "not enough memory: %.1fG minimum needed"
+ % (MAX_Py_ssize_t / (1024 ** 3)))
+ else:
+ return f(self)
+ return wrapper
+# unittest integration.
+class BasicTestRunner:
+ def run(self, test):
+ result = unittest.TestResult()
+ test(result)
+ return result
+def _id(obj):
+ return obj
+def requires_resource(resource):
+ if resource == 'gui' and not _is_gui_available():
+ return unittest.skip("resource 'gui' is not available")
+ if is_resource_enabled(resource):
+ return _id
+ else:
+ return unittest.skip("resource {0!r} is not enabled".format(resource))
+def cpython_only(test):
+ """
+ Decorator for tests only applicable on CPython.
+ """
+ return impl_detail(cpython=True)(test)
+def impl_detail(msg=None, **guards):
+ if check_impl_detail(**guards):
+ return _id
+ if msg is None:
+ guardnames, default = _parse_guards(guards)
+ if default:
+ msg = "implementation detail not available on {0}"
+ else:
+ msg = "implementation detail specific to {0}"
+ guardnames = sorted(guardnames.keys())
+ msg = msg.format(' or '.join(guardnames))
+ return unittest.skip(msg)
+def _parse_guards(guards):
+ # Returns a tuple ({platform_name: run_me}, default_value)
+ if not guards:
+ return ({'cpython': True}, False)
+ is_true = list(guards.values())[0]
+ assert list(guards.values()) == [is_true] * len(guards) # all True or all False
+ return (guards, not is_true)
+# Use the following check to guard CPython's implementation-specific tests --
+# or to run them only on the implementation(s) guarded by the arguments.
+def check_impl_detail(**guards):
+ """This function returns True or False depending on the host platform.
+ Examples:
+ if check_impl_detail(): # only on CPython (default)
+ if check_impl_detail(jython=True): # only on Jython
+ if check_impl_detail(cpython=False): # everywhere except on CPython
+ """
+ guards, default = _parse_guards(guards)
+ return guards.get(platform.python_implementation().lower(), default)
+def no_tracing(func):
+ """Decorator to temporarily turn off tracing for the duration of a test."""
+ if not hasattr(sys, 'gettrace'):
+ return func
+ else:
+ @functools.wraps(func)
+ def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
+ original_trace = sys.gettrace()
+ try:
+ sys.settrace(None)
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ finally:
+ sys.settrace(original_trace)
+ return wrapper
+def refcount_test(test):
+ """Decorator for tests which involve reference counting.
+ To start, the decorator does not run the test if is not run by CPython.
+ After that, any trace function is unset during the test to prevent
+ unexpected refcounts caused by the trace function.
+ """
+ return no_tracing(cpython_only(test))
+def _filter_suite(suite, pred):
+ """Recursively filter test cases in a suite based on a predicate."""
+ newtests = []
+ for test in suite._tests:
+ if isinstance(test, unittest.TestSuite):
+ _filter_suite(test, pred)
+ newtests.append(test)
+ else:
+ if pred(test):
+ newtests.append(test)
+ suite._tests = newtests
+def _run_suite(suite):
+ """Run tests from a unittest.TestSuite-derived class."""
+ if verbose:
+ runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(sys.stdout, verbosity=2,
+ failfast=failfast)
+ else:
+ runner = BasicTestRunner()
+ result =
+ if not result.wasSuccessful():
+ if len(result.errors) == 1 and not result.failures:
+ err = result.errors[0][1]
+ elif len(result.failures) == 1 and not result.errors:
+ err = result.failures[0][1]
+ else:
+ err = "multiple errors occurred"
+ if not verbose: err += "; run in verbose mode for details"
+ raise TestFailed(err)
+def run_unittest(*classes):
+ """Run tests from unittest.TestCase-derived classes."""
+ valid_types = (unittest.TestSuite, unittest.TestCase)
+ suite = unittest.TestSuite()
+ for cls in classes:
+ if isinstance(cls, str):
+ if cls in sys.modules:
+ suite.addTest(unittest.findTestCases(sys.modules[cls]))
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("str arguments must be keys in sys.modules")
+ elif isinstance(cls, valid_types):
+ suite.addTest(cls)
+ else:
+ suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(cls))
+ def case_pred(test):
+ if match_tests is None:
+ return True
+ for name in"."):
+ if fnmatch.fnmatchcase(name, match_tests):
+ return True
+ return False
+ _filter_suite(suite, case_pred)
+ _run_suite(suite)
+# Check for the presence of docstrings.
+HAVE_DOCSTRINGS = (check_impl_detail(cpython=False) or
+ sys.platform == 'win32' or
+ sysconfig.get_config_var('WITH_DOC_STRINGS'))
+requires_docstrings = unittest.skipUnless(HAVE_DOCSTRINGS,
+ "test requires docstrings")
+# doctest driver.
+def run_doctest(module, verbosity=None, optionflags=0):
+ """Run doctest on the given module. Return (#failures, #tests).
+ If optional argument verbosity is not specified (or is None), pass
+ support's belief about verbosity on to doctest. Else doctest's
+ usual behavior is used (it searches sys.argv for -v).
+ """
+ import doctest
+ if verbosity is None:
+ verbosity = verbose
+ else:
+ verbosity = None
+ f, t = doctest.testmod(module, verbose=verbosity, optionflags=optionflags)
+ if f:
+ raise TestFailed("%d of %d doctests failed" % (f, t))
+ if verbose:
+ print('doctest (%s) ... %d tests with zero failures' %
+ (module.__name__, t))
+ return f, t
+# Support for saving and restoring the imported modules.
+def modules_setup():
+ return sys.modules.copy(),
+def modules_cleanup(oldmodules):
+ # Encoders/decoders are registered permanently within the internal
+ # codec cache. If we destroy the corresponding modules their
+ # globals will be set to None which will trip up the cached functions.
+ encodings = [(k, v) for k, v in sys.modules.items()
+ if k.startswith('encodings.')]
+ sys.modules.clear()
+ sys.modules.update(encodings)
+ # XXX: This kind of problem can affect more than just encodings. In particular
+ # extension modules (such as _ssl) don't cope with reloading properly.
+ # Really, test modules should be cleaning out the test specific modules they
+ # know they added (ala test_runpy) rather than relying on this function (as
+ # test_importhooks and test_pkg do currently).
+ # Implicitly imported *real* modules should be left alone (see issue 10556).
+ sys.modules.update(oldmodules)
+# Threading support to prevent reporting refleaks when running -R
+# NOTE: we use thread._count() rather than threading.enumerate() (or the
+# moral equivalent thereof) because a threading.Thread object is still alive
+# until its __bootstrap() method has returned, even after it has been
+# unregistered from the threading module.
+# thread._count(), on the other hand, only gets decremented *after* the
+# __bootstrap() method has returned, which gives us reliable reference counts
+# at the end of a test run.
+def threading_setup():
+ if _thread:
+ return _thread._count(), threading._dangling.copy()
+ else:
+ return 1, ()
+def threading_cleanup(*original_values):
+ if not _thread:
+ return
+ _MAX_COUNT = 10
+ for count in range(_MAX_COUNT):
+ values = _thread._count(), threading._dangling
+ if values == original_values:
+ break
+ time.sleep(0.1)
+ gc_collect()
+ # XXX print a warning in case of failure?
+def reap_threads(func):
+ """Use this function when threads are being used. This will
+ ensure that the threads are cleaned up even when the test fails.
+ If threading is unavailable this function does nothing.
+ """
+ if not _thread:
+ return func
+ @functools.wraps(func)
+ def decorator(*args):
+ key = threading_setup()
+ try:
+ return func(*args)
+ finally:
+ threading_cleanup(*key)
+ return decorator
+def reap_children():
+ """Use this function at the end of test_main() whenever sub-processes
+ are started. This will help ensure that no extra children (zombies)
+ stick around to hog resources and create problems when looking
+ for refleaks.
+ """
+ # Reap all our dead child processes so we don't leave zombies around.
+ # These hog resources and might be causing some of the buildbots to die.
+ if hasattr(os, 'waitpid'):
+ any_process = -1
+ while True:
+ try:
+ # This will raise an exception on Windows. That's ok.
+ pid, status = os.waitpid(any_process, os.WNOHANG)
+ if pid == 0:
+ break
+ except:
+ break
+def swap_attr(obj, attr, new_val):
+ """Temporary swap out an attribute with a new object.
+ Usage:
+ with swap_attr(obj, "attr", 5):
+ ...
+ This will set obj.attr to 5 for the duration of the with: block,
+ restoring the old value at the end of the block. If `attr` doesn't
+ exist on `obj`, it will be created and then deleted at the end of the
+ block.
+ """
+ if hasattr(obj, attr):
+ real_val = getattr(obj, attr)
+ setattr(obj, attr, new_val)
+ try:
+ yield
+ finally:
+ setattr(obj, attr, real_val)
+ else:
+ setattr(obj, attr, new_val)
+ try:
+ yield
+ finally:
+ delattr(obj, attr)
+def swap_item(obj, item, new_val):
+ """Temporary swap out an item with a new object.
+ Usage:
+ with swap_item(obj, "item", 5):
+ ...
+ This will set obj["item"] to 5 for the duration of the with: block,
+ restoring the old value at the end of the block. If `item` doesn't
+ exist on `obj`, it will be created and then deleted at the end of the
+ block.
+ """
+ if item in obj:
+ real_val = obj[item]
+ obj[item] = new_val
+ try:
+ yield
+ finally:
+ obj[item] = real_val
+ else:
+ obj[item] = new_val
+ try:
+ yield
+ finally:
+ del obj[item]
+def strip_python_stderr(stderr):
+ """Strip the stderr of a Python process from potential debug output
+ emitted by the interpreter.
+ This will typically be run on the result of the communicate() method
+ of a subprocess.Popen object.
+ """
+ stderr = re.sub(br"\[\d+ refs\]\r?\n?", b"", stderr).strip()
+ return stderr
+def args_from_interpreter_flags():
+ """Return a list of command-line arguments reproducing the current
+ settings in sys.flags and sys.warnoptions."""
+ return subprocess._args_from_interpreter_flags()
+# Support for assertions about logging.
+class TestHandler(logging.handlers.BufferingHandler):
+ def __init__(self, matcher):
+ # BufferingHandler takes a "capacity" argument
+ # so as to know when to flush. As we're overriding
+ # shouldFlush anyway, we can set a capacity of zero.
+ # You can call flush() manually to clear out the
+ # buffer.
+ logging.handlers.BufferingHandler.__init__(self, 0)
+ self.matcher = matcher
+ def shouldFlush(self):
+ return False
+ def emit(self, record):
+ self.format(record)
+ self.buffer.append(record.__dict__)
+ def matches(self, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Look for a saved dict whose keys/values match the supplied arguments.
+ """
+ result = False
+ for d in self.buffer:
+ if self.matcher.matches(d, **kwargs):
+ result = True
+ break
+ return result
+class Matcher(object):
+ _partial_matches = ('msg', 'message')
+ def matches(self, d, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Try to match a single dict with the supplied arguments.
+ Keys whose values are strings and which are in self._partial_matches
+ will be checked for partial (i.e. substring) matches. You can extend
+ this scheme to (for example) do regular expression matching, etc.
+ """
+ result = True
+ for k in kwargs:
+ v = kwargs[k]
+ dv = d.get(k)
+ if not self.match_value(k, dv, v):
+ result = False
+ break
+ return result
+ def match_value(self, k, dv, v):
+ """
+ Try to match a single stored value (dv) with a supplied value (v).
+ """
+ if type(v) != type(dv):
+ result = False
+ elif type(dv) is not str or k not in self._partial_matches:
+ result = (v == dv)
+ else:
+ result = dv.find(v) >= 0
+ return result
+_can_symlink = None
+def can_symlink():
+ global _can_symlink
+ if _can_symlink is not None:
+ return _can_symlink
+ symlink_path = TESTFN + "can_symlink"
+ try:
+ os.symlink(TESTFN, symlink_path)
+ can = True
+ except (OSError, NotImplementedError, AttributeError):
+ can = False
+ else:
+ os.remove(symlink_path)
+ _can_symlink = can
+ return can
+def skip_unless_symlink(test):
+ """Skip decorator for tests that require functional symlink"""
+ ok = can_symlink()
+ msg = "Requires functional symlink implementation"
+ return test if ok else unittest.skip(msg)(test)
+_can_xattr = None
+def can_xattr():
+ global _can_xattr
+ if _can_xattr is not None:
+ return _can_xattr
+ if not hasattr(os, "setxattr"):
+ can = False
+ else:
+ tmp_fp, tmp_name = tempfile.mkstemp()
+ try:
+ with open(TESTFN, "wb") as fp:
+ try:
+ # TESTFN & tempfile may use different file systems with
+ # different capabilities
+ os.setxattr(tmp_fp, b"user.test", b"")
+ os.setxattr(fp.fileno(), b"user.test", b"")
+ # Kernels < 2.6.39 don't respect setxattr flags.
+ kernel_version = platform.release()
+ m = re.match("2.6.(\d{1,2})", kernel_version)
+ can = m is None or int( >= 39
+ except OSError:
+ can = False
+ finally:
+ unlink(TESTFN)
+ unlink(tmp_name)
+ _can_xattr = can
+ return can
+def skip_unless_xattr(test):
+ """Skip decorator for tests that require functional extended attributes"""
+ ok = can_xattr()
+ msg = "no non-broken extended attribute support"
+ return test if ok else unittest.skip(msg)(test)
+if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
+ @contextlib.contextmanager
+ def suppress_crash_popup():
+ """Disable Windows Error Reporting dialogs using SetErrorMode."""
+ # see
+ # GetErrorMode is not available on Windows XP and Windows Server 2003,
+ # but SetErrorMode returns the previous value, so we can use that
+ import ctypes
+ k32 = ctypes.windll.kernel32
+ old_error_mode = k32.SetErrorMode(SEM_NOGPFAULTERRORBOX)
+ k32.SetErrorMode(old_error_mode | SEM_NOGPFAULTERRORBOX)
+ try:
+ yield
+ finally:
+ k32.SetErrorMode(old_error_mode)
+ # this is a no-op for other platforms
+ @contextlib.contextmanager
+ def suppress_crash_popup():
+ yield
+def patch(test_instance, object_to_patch, attr_name, new_value):
+ """Override 'object_to_patch'.'attr_name' with 'new_value'.
+ Also, add a cleanup procedure to 'test_instance' to restore
+ 'object_to_patch' value for 'attr_name'.
+ The 'attr_name' should be a valid attribute for 'object_to_patch'.
+ """
+ # check that 'attr_name' is a real attribute for 'object_to_patch'
+ # will raise AttributeError if it does not exist
+ getattr(object_to_patch, attr_name)
+ # keep a copy of the old value
+ attr_is_local = False
+ try:
+ old_value = object_to_patch.__dict__[attr_name]
+ except (AttributeError, KeyError):
+ old_value = getattr(object_to_patch, attr_name, None)
+ else:
+ attr_is_local = True
+ # restore the value when the test is done
+ def cleanup():
+ if attr_is_local:
+ setattr(object_to_patch, attr_name, old_value)
+ else:
+ delattr(object_to_patch, attr_name)
+ test_instance.addCleanup(cleanup)
+ # actually override the attribute
+ setattr(object_to_patch, attr_name, new_value)