path: root/Lib/test/
diff options
authorVictor Stinner <>2016-01-25 23:40:57 (GMT)
committerVictor Stinner <>2016-01-25 23:40:57 (GMT)
commitf2c1aa1661edb3e14ff8b7b9995f93e303c8acbb (patch)
tree2b05f347dd55b86059d70197ce3d21210a668f91 /Lib/test/
parent0dceb918668399bdcbe27d1c59d01c4c9228c1a6 (diff)
Add ast.Constant
Issue #26146: Add a new kind of AST node: ast.Constant. It can be used by external AST optimizers, but the compiler does not emit directly such node. An optimizer can replace the following AST nodes with ast.Constant: * ast.NameConstant: None, False, True * ast.Num: int, float, complex * ast.Str: str * ast.Bytes: bytes * ast.Tuple if items are constants too: tuple * frozenset Update code to accept ast.Constant instead of ast.Num and/or ast.Str: * compiler * docstrings * ast.literal_eval() * Tools/parser/
Diffstat (limited to 'Lib/test/')
1 files changed, 119 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/Lib/test/ b/Lib/test/
index d3e6d35..6d6c9bd 100644
--- a/Lib/test/
+++ b/Lib/test/
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
+import ast
+import dis
import os
import sys
import unittest
-import ast
import weakref
from test import support
@@ -933,6 +934,123 @@ class ASTValidatorTests(unittest.TestCase):
compile(mod, fn, "exec")
+class ConstantTests(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Tests on the ast.Constant node type."""
+ def compile_constant(self, value):
+ tree = ast.parse("x = 123")
+ node = tree.body[0].value
+ new_node = ast.Constant(value=value)
+ ast.copy_location(new_node, node)
+ tree.body[0].value = new_node
+ code = compile(tree, "<string>", "exec")
+ ns = {}
+ exec(code, ns)
+ return ns['x']
+ def test_singletons(self):
+ for const in (None, False, True, Ellipsis, b'', frozenset()):
+ with self.subTest(const=const):
+ value = self.compile_constant(const)
+ self.assertIs(value, const)
+ def test_values(self):
+ nested_tuple = (1,)
+ nested_frozenset = frozenset({1})
+ for level in range(3):
+ nested_tuple = (nested_tuple, 2)
+ nested_frozenset = frozenset({nested_frozenset, 2})
+ values = (123, 123.0, 123j,
+ "unicode", b'bytes',
+ tuple("tuple"), frozenset("frozenset"),
+ nested_tuple, nested_frozenset)
+ for value in values:
+ with self.subTest(value=value):
+ result = self.compile_constant(value)
+ self.assertEqual(result, value)
+ def test_assign_to_constant(self):
+ tree = ast.parse("x = 1")
+ target = tree.body[0].targets[0]
+ new_target = ast.Constant(value=1)
+ ast.copy_location(new_target, target)
+ tree.body[0].targets[0] = new_target
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as cm:
+ compile(tree, "string", "exec")
+ self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception),
+ "expression which can't be assigned "
+ "to in Store context")
+ def test_get_docstring(self):
+ tree = ast.parse("'docstring'\nx = 1")
+ self.assertEqual(ast.get_docstring(tree), 'docstring')
+ tree.body[0].value = ast.Constant(value='constant docstring')
+ self.assertEqual(ast.get_docstring(tree), 'constant docstring')
+ def get_load_const(self, tree):
+ # Compile to bytecode, disassemble and get parameter of LOAD_CONST
+ # instructions
+ co = compile(tree, '<string>', 'exec')
+ consts = []
+ for instr in dis.get_instructions(co):
+ if instr.opname == 'LOAD_CONST':
+ consts.append(instr.argval)
+ return consts
+ @support.cpython_only
+ def test_load_const(self):
+ consts = [None,
+ True, False,
+ 124,
+ 2.0,
+ 3j,
+ "unicode",
+ b'bytes',
+ (1, 2, 3)]
+ code = '\n'.join(map(repr, consts))
+ code += '\n...'
+ code_consts = [const for const in consts
+ if (not isinstance(const, (str, int, float, complex))
+ or isinstance(const, bool))]
+ code_consts.append(Ellipsis)
+ # the compiler adds a final "LOAD_CONST None"
+ code_consts.append(None)
+ tree = ast.parse(code)
+ self.assertEqual(self.get_load_const(tree), code_consts)
+ # Replace expression nodes with constants
+ for expr_node, const in zip(tree.body, consts):
+ assert isinstance(expr_node, ast.Expr)
+ new_node = ast.Constant(value=const)
+ ast.copy_location(new_node, expr_node.value)
+ expr_node.value = new_node
+ self.assertEqual(self.get_load_const(tree), code_consts)
+ def test_literal_eval(self):
+ tree = ast.parse("1 + 2")
+ binop = tree.body[0].value
+ new_left = ast.Constant(value=10)
+ ast.copy_location(new_left, binop.left)
+ binop.left = new_left
+ new_right = ast.Constant(value=20)
+ ast.copy_location(new_right, binop.right)
+ binop.right = new_right
+ self.assertEqual(ast.literal_eval(binop), 30)
def main():
if __name__ != '__main__':