path: root/Lib/test/
diff options
authorVictor Stinner <>2024-04-04 09:09:40 (GMT)
committerGitHub <>2024-04-04 09:09:40 (GMT)
commitdc5471404489da53e6d591b52ba8886897ed3743 (patch)
treeca0c9f0ed142a07d7c6bda24c8572bbf673e4778 /Lib/test/
parent85843348c5f0b8c2f973e8bc586475e69af19cd2 (diff)
gh-113317: Finish splitting Argument Clinic into sub-files (#117513)
Add libclinic.parser module and move the following classes and functions there: * Parser * PythonParser * create_parser_namespace() Add libclinic.dsl_parser module and move the following classes, functions and variables there: * ConverterArgs * DSLParser * FunctionNames * IndentStack * ParamState * StateKeeper * eval_ast_expr() * unsupported_special_methods Add module and move the Clinic class there. Add libclinic.cli module and move the following functions there: * create_cli() * main() * parse_file() * run_clinic()
Diffstat (limited to 'Lib/test/')
1 files changed, 56 insertions, 48 deletions
diff --git a/Lib/test/ b/Lib/test/
index df8b3d2..9788ac0 100644
--- a/Lib/test/
+++ b/Lib/test/
@@ -17,18 +17,26 @@ import unittest
with test_tools.imports_under_tool('clinic'):
import libclinic
- from libclinic.converters import int_converter, str_converter
+ from libclinic import ClinicError, unspecified, NULL, fail
+ from libclinic.converters import int_converter, str_converter, self_converter
from libclinic.function import (
+ Module, Class, Function, FunctionKind, Parameter,
permute_optional_groups, permute_right_option_groups,
import clinic
- from clinic import DSLParser
+ from libclinic.clanguage import CLanguage
+ from libclinic.converter import converters, legacy_converters
+ from libclinic.return_converters import return_converters, int_return_converter
+ from libclinic.block_parser import Block, BlockParser
+ from libclinic.codegen import BlockPrinter, Destination
+ from libclinic.dsl_parser import DSLParser
+ from libclinic.cli import parse_file, Clinic
def _make_clinic(*, filename='clinic_tests', limited_capi=False):
- clang = clinic.CLanguage(filename)
- c = clinic.Clinic(clang, filename=filename, limited_capi=limited_capi)
- c.block_parser = clinic.BlockParser('', clang)
+ clang = CLanguage(filename)
+ c = Clinic(clang, filename=filename, limited_capi=limited_capi)
+ c.block_parser = BlockParser('', clang)
return c
@@ -47,7 +55,7 @@ def _expect_failure(tc, parser, code, errmsg, *, filename=None, lineno=None,
if strip:
code = code.strip()
errmsg = re.escape(errmsg)
- with tc.assertRaisesRegex(clinic.ClinicError, errmsg) as cm:
+ with tc.assertRaisesRegex(ClinicError, errmsg) as cm:
if filename is not None:
tc.assertEqual(cm.exception.filename, filename)
@@ -62,12 +70,12 @@ def restore_dict(converters, old_converters):
def save_restore_converters(testcase):
- testcase.addCleanup(restore_dict, clinic.converters,
- clinic.converters.copy())
- testcase.addCleanup(restore_dict, clinic.legacy_converters,
- clinic.legacy_converters.copy())
- testcase.addCleanup(restore_dict, clinic.return_converters,
- clinic.return_converters.copy())
+ testcase.addCleanup(restore_dict, converters,
+ converters.copy())
+ testcase.addCleanup(restore_dict, legacy_converters,
+ legacy_converters.copy())
+ testcase.addCleanup(restore_dict, return_converters,
+ return_converters.copy())
class ClinicWholeFileTest(TestCase):
@@ -140,11 +148,11 @@ class ClinicWholeFileTest(TestCase):
self.expect_failure(raw, err, filename="test.c", lineno=2)
def test_parse_with_body_prefix(self):
- clang = clinic.CLanguage(None)
+ clang = CLanguage(None)
clang.body_prefix = "//"
clang.start_line = "//[{dsl_name} start]"
clang.stop_line = "//[{dsl_name} stop]"
- cl = clinic.Clinic(clang, filename="test.c", limited_capi=False)
+ cl = Clinic(clang, filename="test.c", limited_capi=False)
raw = dedent("""
//[clinic start]
//module test
@@ -660,8 +668,8 @@ class ParseFileUnitTest(TestCase):
self, *, filename, expected_error, verify=True, output=None
errmsg = re.escape(dedent(expected_error).strip())
- with self.assertRaisesRegex(clinic.ClinicError, errmsg):
- clinic.parse_file(filename, limited_capi=False)
+ with self.assertRaisesRegex(ClinicError, errmsg):
+ parse_file(filename, limited_capi=False)
def test_parse_file_no_extension(self) -> None:
@@ -782,13 +790,13 @@ class ClinicLinearFormatTest(TestCase):
def test_text_before_block_marker(self):
regex = re.escape("found before '{marker}'")
- with self.assertRaisesRegex(clinic.ClinicError, regex):
+ with self.assertRaisesRegex(ClinicError, regex):
libclinic.linear_format("no text before marker for you! {marker}",
marker="not allowed!")
def test_text_after_block_marker(self):
regex = re.escape("found after '{marker}'")
- with self.assertRaisesRegex(clinic.ClinicError, regex):
+ with self.assertRaisesRegex(ClinicError, regex):
libclinic.linear_format("{marker} no text after marker for you!",
marker="not allowed!")
@@ -810,10 +818,10 @@ class CopyParser:
class ClinicBlockParserTest(TestCase):
def _test(self, input, output):
- language = clinic.CLanguage(None)
+ language = CLanguage(None)
- blocks = list(clinic.BlockParser(input, language))
- writer = clinic.BlockPrinter(language)
+ blocks = list(BlockParser(input, language))
+ writer = BlockPrinter(language)
c = _make_clinic()
for block in blocks:
writer.print_block(block, limited_capi=c.limited_capi, header_includes=c.includes)
@@ -841,8 +849,8 @@ xyz
def _test_clinic(self, input, output):
- language = clinic.CLanguage(None)
- c = clinic.Clinic(language, filename="file", limited_capi=False)
+ language = CLanguage(None)
+ c = Clinic(language, filename="file", limited_capi=False)
c.parsers['inert'] = InertParser(c)
c.parsers['copy'] = CopyParser(c)
computed = c.parse(input)
@@ -875,7 +883,7 @@ class ClinicParserTest(TestCase):
def parse(self, text):
c = _make_clinic()
parser = DSLParser(c)
- block = clinic.Block(text)
+ block = Block(text)
return block
@@ -883,8 +891,8 @@ class ClinicParserTest(TestCase):
block = self.parse(text)
s = block.signatures
self.assertEqual(len(s), signatures_in_block)
- assert isinstance(s[0], clinic.Module)
- assert isinstance(s[function_index], clinic.Function)
+ assert isinstance(s[0], Module)
+ assert isinstance(s[function_index], Function)
return s[function_index]
def expect_failure(self, block, err, *,
@@ -899,7 +907,7 @@ class ClinicParserTest(TestCase):
def test_trivial(self):
parser = DSLParser(_make_clinic())
- block = clinic.Block("""
+ block = Block("""
module os
@@ -1188,7 +1196,7 @@ class ClinicParserTest(TestCase):
Function 'stat' has an invalid parameter declaration:
\s+'invalid syntax: int = 42'
- with self.assertRaisesRegex(clinic.ClinicError, err):
+ with self.assertRaisesRegex(ClinicError, err):
def test_param_default_invalid_syntax(self):
@@ -1220,7 +1228,7 @@ class ClinicParserTest(TestCase):
module os
os.stat -> int
- self.assertIsInstance(function.return_converter, clinic.int_return_converter)
+ self.assertIsInstance(function.return_converter, int_return_converter)
def test_return_converter_invalid_syntax(self):
block = """
@@ -2036,7 +2044,7 @@ class ClinicParserTest(TestCase):
parser = DSLParser(_make_clinic())
parser.flag = False
parser.directives['setflag'] = lambda : setattr(parser, 'flag', True)
- block = clinic.Block("setflag")
+ block = Block("setflag")
@@ -2301,14 +2309,14 @@ class ClinicParserTest(TestCase):
def test_scaffolding(self):
# test repr on special values
- self.assertEqual(repr(clinic.unspecified), '<Unspecified>')
- self.assertEqual(repr(clinic.NULL), '<Null>')
+ self.assertEqual(repr(unspecified), '<Unspecified>')
+ self.assertEqual(repr(NULL), '<Null>')
# test that fail fails
with support.captured_stdout() as stdout:
errmsg = 'The igloos are melting'
- with self.assertRaisesRegex(clinic.ClinicError, errmsg) as cm:
-, filename='clown.txt', line_number=69)
+ with self.assertRaisesRegex(ClinicError, errmsg) as cm:
+ fail(errmsg, filename='clown.txt', line_number=69)
exc = cm.exception
self.assertEqual(exc.filename, 'clown.txt')
self.assertEqual(exc.lineno, 69)
@@ -3998,15 +4006,15 @@ class FormatHelperTests(unittest.TestCase):
class ClinicReprTests(unittest.TestCase):
def test_Block_repr(self):
- block = clinic.Block("foo")
+ block = Block("foo")
expected_repr = "<clinic.Block 'text' input='foo' output=None>"
self.assertEqual(repr(block), expected_repr)
- block2 = clinic.Block("bar", "baz", [], "eggs", "spam")
+ block2 = Block("bar", "baz", [], "eggs", "spam")
expected_repr_2 = "<clinic.Block 'baz' input='bar' output='eggs'>"
self.assertEqual(repr(block2), expected_repr_2)
- block3 = clinic.Block(
+ block3 = Block(
input="longboi_" * 100,
@@ -4021,47 +4029,47 @@ class ClinicReprTests(unittest.TestCase):
def test_Destination_repr(self):
c = _make_clinic()
- destination = clinic.Destination(
+ destination = Destination(
"foo", type="file", clinic=c, args=("eggs",)
repr(destination), "<clinic.Destination 'foo' type='file' file='eggs'>"
- destination2 = clinic.Destination("bar", type="buffer", clinic=c)
+ destination2 = Destination("bar", type="buffer", clinic=c)
self.assertEqual(repr(destination2), "<clinic.Destination 'bar' type='buffer'>")
def test_Module_repr(self):
- module = clinic.Module("foo", _make_clinic())
+ module = Module("foo", _make_clinic())
self.assertRegex(repr(module), r"<clinic.Module 'foo' at \d+>")
def test_Class_repr(self):
- cls = clinic.Class("foo", _make_clinic(), None, 'some_typedef', 'some_type_object')
+ cls = Class("foo", _make_clinic(), None, 'some_typedef', 'some_type_object')
self.assertRegex(repr(cls), r"<clinic.Class 'foo' at \d+>")
def test_FunctionKind_repr(self):
- repr(clinic.FunctionKind.INVALID), "<clinic.FunctionKind.INVALID>"
+ repr(FunctionKind.INVALID), "<clinic.FunctionKind.INVALID>"
- repr(clinic.FunctionKind.CLASS_METHOD), "<clinic.FunctionKind.CLASS_METHOD>"
+ repr(FunctionKind.CLASS_METHOD), "<clinic.FunctionKind.CLASS_METHOD>"
def test_Function_and_Parameter_reprs(self):
- function = clinic.Function(
+ function = Function(
- return_converter=clinic.int_return_converter(),
- kind=clinic.FunctionKind.METHOD_INIT,
+ return_converter=int_return_converter(),
+ kind=FunctionKind.METHOD_INIT,
self.assertEqual(repr(function), "<clinic.Function 'foo'>")
- converter = clinic.self_converter('bar', 'bar', function)
- parameter = clinic.Parameter(
+ converter = self_converter('bar', 'bar', function)
+ parameter = Parameter(